roilt Sai OFFIOLAL PAP* Of Pittobargh, • Alleiteny City - and Allegheny Counts. mirtar,rorNZl. Car. sixth bean/ sod Shut. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1870. Boa e at Frankfort 95/( WI Psnliotsi t3oiuclwxtln~iewYorkonyet TECIRI ere 'lrately psolfeet ••lollies goo's of the effect of the legol-tendir taloa upote the gold•premiunt. EhlUtinoinina 14 tho IlibreantAe bury. at Philadelphia, t have bean 'tilting on the question whether the litnnilnhall bi agile& • Or closed On Bands's. Tta9, voting closes to-day • " , . - ~,Tpt..cEcomenloal .WWI Use noi let itmatiwsi Tot& upon .0 dogma - of 6P.91 ithalibufty... 'The. • otrottobioat •:. irise,"s - few Joistlias st em Whse It bad then adopted tam 1 the ..$47/ksoit as "Fide. 7 the' declaration - of ,fiAlb. which wo •• t tit . =Other column. I ,birTith.Dium... vote by which the 'Pious • 'or "the •oy& ceenion through the Senate .! meal% the Deametaith than cannot denqunce - the .I:manure without joining direct' lonia withi the ''-ftlaTmlitn i ner- e , 4F th t t e ete U t:fra, wlth i theßepubll; party. . PCNISYLV ARIA publicly declared ber subtabudon . ka, be lekal•tenderi de- Makin of the finpre e COart. Its terms Immo be respected in ell the Almada] tranasitlons of the • .mmonweelth.toy. Elot/man. of NeW ha .Invite his own .I.eglalature ; t i take the same lbisl and honorable don. There* lir no longer doubt that Ws - recommendallon will beadopted. Ws print a communication of engbiry• u to Hie. candidates, from the XXIIIrd Congresaional District. It expreuca the general public drain) that Hon. Jamie is Gasausa should 'ander his name to, be iv ? presented to the taken mutes. Ala Senatorial term ' MB next winta; If elected to Hon his official datles!will commence with th ' next winter aNr. The enquiry Is Uttered to hie autho4ed friends, for a rept*. Ws copy, from the Philadelphia Lc lrv, - rremarkable article' 'upon the Northern l'acßic Railroad billwhlcbtenJuit,p4sed the Senate by a vo4 .of 40 to ii. tWe Upmit no tipiniott upon the merits of that bilL Elenatar Cameron declares pat the - franchises -thereby conferred i are Muoaably worth . seventy milllonli of l u . dollars.. The concurrence -of the H use :is be haprobable,—as it Air id . certainly be impolitic., if the facts are correctly stated in the article from the isaill'... , r .- -- . Are interesting feature in the Derau f ib Milk .P n+ ;WO Imre : since u presented by the one or more wagon 1 . •of bbecardng girls, who sat under ban era etmidit o Inscribed Alalso• na whiter he or song" A democratic fairest to W • Ington county has been palata ll y aft by the disregard' of this totaling ep stinted In tne recent marriage, at o nongsbela City, of a "bandeome yoting white girl, of sixteen sumnuenr,". to a groom, "black as the ace of sped‘." As the girl's father wu a Democrat It would -seem that the appeal was hot with i out jastifleellem. .----....--o-0.-------- Wa understand that the Increased Isl. nese of the Connellerille Railw ay de "greater depot feeittllca of Indle ' ble `necessity, and that the company 'Will mate application, at the next mein of Councils, for permiasion to extendt¢eir depot, structures over , a portion of i llttyh ee levee space intervening', between the , present, building and the bridge idßilth. , Amid street. The new buildings, if efr erection be pamittel,are to be scipil e sd as to adroit the free passage of gen public traffic under them, not °tern - g the emu to the wharf. With snitiole ' yotoviidonito i•ratectlhe interists of citi zens and of !minks at 'large, 'we tent ihak,A /TM SO' P ° 7• Te i iw n sbla t t b ' efibi a , itht11.4344 1 :••. 1 44 1 . 1ca n. many points, of view, the interesi of raMW*9 comPeaT tire " and Pittahnrgh "re fu the impporr of the rit• • • .4;44 alWils l n~,fand.,aald an Well-litrannedjminiilltE • Pennaylvards, list week. Otu cote .. • :sty' 'a statement, 4id an In3aiticki Mtwirap,..which -dl4 not and .1 ( .4104 itepperi that measure. -Nor-Ad . ! -Beastore; tali of Wlioni were acti and •detidedlycatnet It. 'Nor, dl Wont delebition to the "Hook, two of whom concurred spina It than It, mad only_, the tubing two Waffled themselves la favor. Nor did tho people of Alls:stk.:oy toasty support ft. Nor did, nor will, • one Republican masers extend to ft lisintest shadow of their approval; on -''% t ontrary; the indications are not to be' mistaken, that thaf" - wltt ' Improve Ira officiMopportunity to . record r unqttalhled disapprobation of any sind 'all attempti divest that fund Of !Ha constitutional protection, and to abandon it to 'designing speculators. When the Republicanism of this county speaks. it give • no uncertain wand, standing Wally as aver ; by ,t 11 44 win k F ur Cattail and the Cornalortionlorthotin.' MOnirelati . L, Oar oetetwill be willing te . eactrit that its present itti potation was neljtist to es. Tic New York .B'ilening Pest bag dSscceitedendwkwied 41113eulty, out:, of *blob Weems "bnt One simple and ellaY- Zt Zeal 1111911oliii,respects the •. < untirWltyof the court, bat desires to ilea .. it bolstered np, by an act 'of bongrOis repealing 'Anil ,:lisialblated &gas. tbst,l4 : so much-of the original Ant 'u spplies, or, m ay . boIIUNXIIrdZiO * * poly, 'to debts contracted „before its Palwager." 113 . 1 k1a way, the Post iroild , nese • difficulty which is ststed, In its ovivilingdigs r‘s follows: • ; ly alb debt* between vilest* chi. 'owe an enforced by Lilo thaw onside; sesd ie denieloso of the Bnpresas Colin meths Oohed Maus do not Immo' these coiuta; but fad in them eanarsiy on the E st stabority of lbs eapreins. , bonen, sod oo . toe. fano of timi resontinn by witisti they ass sostshnsad rig gobs pordble th at s inane wart nisyreffino oedortelhodengefon• requiring% the pey., -,titans saidn a ot &obi* osststoisti before Is Offt. d, se incase their doubt thia , 4•404V3 s rt=t, Num' by the likasmi iribtlimi In the laid. Me Lew Of tbo subject i s iott in maw exttakm.' ;.4111.1).0C coMPOP tio - Dirndl soiritaco Ansa vellum vox Pit ding , se Am mint &dike . Tb• ouirod ties of fie 1U:4,84660 of She /Worst 090 : 449/B n 346 4fir 4- 04 0 0 west oft itJ ranee Is few or apay, side* under the laws of the United Staten" The second, section of the sixth article declares the Conatiiution and the laws =debt pursuance thereof, to be the en prone law of Ow hind, '41 .11 4. the judges a m Eitsfoglotil be bound . thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any Statoto tho contrary notwitbstand tug." The law of legal-tender is what that Coact has declared it to be. Its de • eisloce upon Federal law on as conclu sive ppon,alk the State courts as any pre cedents ciabief-and no court, of what lacclegresor-locallty, ,will-venture-to dirautturi 1, them... The Post's embarrais lnent l i ihnply annuing I Et•IC 448 AND SUCCESSFUL 1317 R.: . • "14 biriasl wa. bars Dltod I stow ire.•• We were made. acqaainted yesterday with a remarkable nee of blindness from birth, curedby surgery. John : Wilson. aged 18 years, whose parents reside it Omilterstille, 'Butler county, was born with cataract on both eyes and totally. blind..- This young wen had newer men the beauties of nature or 'beheld Ma human face Divine until one day, lut;week,, when Doctor Dteinerr. tof delicate 'and ikillful operation, re. moved the obstructions to sight. The patient feat - present stopping at None . Congressatreet, and although; of course, grpilly: delighted -with his' first Tense & sight, has yet to learn by practice, correct ideas of form, color and distance: i The nature of the operation, its entire success and the precious results to the happy patient, speak loudly in praise of Doctor firsaurrr, the accomplished Physician and Burgeonodready well known in this city, _ CE2l2= The - 04014U World contains an article on Church Music, protesting against the admisidon 'of females Into church eholm The writer evidently sympathizes with the absolute rule ot the Provincial Synod of Holland, which declares that, the same reuon that women do not share in the sdribitnr of Mie liturgy, 'they should be excluded frOm participating in the "!d4pilty. of. ttoclesisatitail -murk," aid flirther that "everything igiesinitif ought to be excluded from 'church music; and hence the pre mono[ womenin n Ude identical choir is opposed to the very sense of the talthfnL" Sack views do : not accord with tke inivUeed sentiments of the age awarded te. women: The - Adeenes referring to the article pertinently en quires that If "everything effinifialsought to be excluded from church singing, what, then, should be done with the Pope's Swine Chapel (where such crowds flock to hear them sing the lliterero) in witich ‘ the prominent parts are carried by eunuchs." If the "effeminate" are to be "excluded," what is to be said of the "eimusulataw The Nebraska Conference of the Meth. odist Episcopal Church, at its late ces sion, adopted a resbintion that no man is St for- any official position in that Church who refuses to subeetibe • for and diligently rend the Church papers. At the eloee of the Church Extension anniversary in New York, tut week, a Chick of three hundred dollars was placed . In t'e hands' off' Cha plain McCabe, of Libbi Prison fame, now the epode] agent of the Methodist Episcopal Churcit Er teruiion. organization, accompanied with tt . .itote stails&thearectunt was-notaild a church in the far . „west, from one who started in life hi selling candles from , a board iu the public markets - of Bei York The Churchman relies the Point, and very Justly too, that no other than Church communicants Jthould be called upon to take s 'bare in the counells of the Church, either parochial, diocesan or general. Being baptized la childhood and thus becoming members of the Church, It argues, is not suffident; they should re new their tows in confirmation, and in the Holp Communion. liror.the -- reason that the Church is a spiriteal body, eating ands:ribs immediate gtddsnoe of the Holy Her rulers and legislators, there fore-; Ought always to be amen from among-the members--furiber they should not .be nominal members, but active, faithful end &voted ones. . ROT. Reuse firowa,- one of the od e- Reformers sad formulers of the Methodist Protestaal Church, well known to rasay of our older Chinos, has been spOdhygsome days in this city among his friends. He was pastor of Rey:Alei. clack', thumb, .Filth avenue, forty years ago, al :RS ofitenhation. We leant from theßodirai that he has Jost completed the biography of-Mrs. - Hannah Reeres, , Wife of the Rev. Willlma Reaves, D. D., ores PittitairgivOrnterence, - who was benwlf a preacher of some celebritila Rut body oUChriglatia.. , 4 . •.., : r Taro of the Ifiodeialcos 'of the Presby. neap General Assets*, 'previons to the division. anntircL4ter.. sN. B. Ihtmaa. Moderator lalBBl, and the Bev. Day.Davld Mari, D. 'D., ModeratOr In 1937. Both favored the, reanion of the tartittodies, and Dr. Elliott, of the west: ern Theological Bettiltury, Allele:ley, is eleiited a normbirr - of the next and first re. united General Assembly. t Ti tong mea's Christian Aniocia• Lion, -At Dayton, Ohio,. is a working Organization, and a rich fruitage Is the result. The Tslsiceps of that city Jaya delikatei or members'mike freinent visits to neglected localities, and bold 'special services. iJacler their labors an extensive revival has occured at the Tillage of,llaralmanurvilic, a few ndiu Triarilbtittia. ,Brarly fifty persons have professed faith In Oti3st at that place.) 4•The , ieventaeath annual Reunion of the Anlenelln OoniPcsational Unkm will be' Leld : iii thAr`BFooklyn Academy of Music, Thursday, Kay 12th. The Rev. Henry Ward botcher Is expected to pre. aide. 4. ~conple named Condon, Catholics, werimirried doling Lent in New Haven, Ct. .they were Eiotlfted publicly by the printing union they appeared sad ex pressed their penitence before the andi• snow bit .shotild etc onitnindeate; therm When Condon was coilmanded to come forwent, he walked ont of. the church. • writer in the Wilton speaking • of Florida, the land of "limiting dowers,awe theie are manj , Wherein and seletn...llathersschurches, but no, Lath' can Minister. The trinnlieence of the Baptists of Philadelphia la worthy of Imitetkru by all denominations, in leading cithi daily, la giving one hundred thousand' dollars WW2; found!lot • "Home for ()nits akintensting work of grace lux taken place In Lee 'Avenue Reformed (Dutch) Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fifty hare recetatly Amen d to t*ftoo•nosk., . lon. The religions Interest seems to per vade ill ages and classes in the conmega Tneetej week the reoinid eaelvereary of tbeorianizetten of the Meeslea tether aisfeStu34' 1/4 W. Stnekesburg pastor, leu 5e1t44,7, obeerr• fs, tab) ?Li. s aired Into the church st the airrietiheldras tbst day. -` 7bo(lriaise Radial, of haS,,tleeally bees relaforeed Widiare IL Clark, for Wail pecisti with Otirisehad pay fx dip Ipf as. Kt • Writes of mob merit sad sloes business man, which doubtless will add greatly to the prosperity of this lire paper. Mr. Shindies., the editor, is singularly gifted u a writer and thinker, and Mr. Sam'l A. Long, his associate, adds much strength to the editorial department of the payer. It has been ascertained from carefully gathered statistics that the fifty-eight hundred Presbyterian churches in the United States, several years ago, only had six hundred parsonages—permanent homes for their pastors. - The BaptlstilosnaMission.Eirchdy.eol• leeted forty-Ave thonaand dollars more tha n lut idir, t lhe entire income for the year being one hundred and ninety theis ts:2ld : z Bev. Thomas f3.ofootun, late of Phila. delphis, has been called to the rectorship of Christ Episcopal' church, 'Cincinnati, u the successor of". Bnively, formerly of Pittsburgh. • The Baptista of South Carolina, at a late convention , repudiated all Campbel., lite and Pecio•Biptist immersion as =- scriptural find invalid, and that the mire' tenance of this view is vital to • the Baptist denomination. . PUBLIC IIIsTRUCTIoN IN THE UNITED STATES. Idxeasa -EDITORS : A member of the - University of Prance, M. O. Hippeau, was requested by Mr. Dory, Minister of Public Instruction in France, to make a profound study of the methods of psi. mary, seconds 4 and superior Instruction In the United States. He resumed his observations in a quite voluminona work, headed by the above title. The author exposes the common prejudices in France, with regard to the necessity of central. ization, and does perfect justice to the spirit which directs the organization of Instruction in the American - Republic. Let us cite some of his words: I was present at one of the familiar exercises in the schools of America, where, from the first year, one thinks It useful to have the thoughts and ideas freely expressed, where the teacher announces, counsels and directs, but believes sot in the right to impose his - own-ideas and sentiments. This leads necessarily. to speak of the education of -women, In - the United States. Let us cite Mr. Hippeau : In the meantime that England, France and tome other States of Europe agitate the question how far the education of women should co, while they revoke doubtiblly the right of - women to' an education superior to that they receive now-a. dam while they go. - so far as to refuse them an intelligence sufficient for high scientific studies . them .is a nation which has solved ' the queition long ago. The United States, accustomed to mate experience the barbs of theories, did not begin by asking what might be the consequences of a great extension given to the education of women. They opened the schools for them; they did not want them to remain, strangers to any branch of scientific and literary in. 'Unctions; they were able to judge after. wards by facts, whether they did wrong or right to admit the right of wo men to an instruction, • founded on equality of intelligence or aptitude. The admirable results' they obtained are the moat victorious answer one can- give to the objections which rise everywhere, where the Intellectual emancipation of women has not yet been solved by prac tice, nor left the realm of discussion. After speaking of the glorious results of different colleges far women In the United States, he goes on stating as the most important remark made by him, that the young ladies are in no instances Inferior to the young men of the sane age, whatever may be the "genre de'tncle"-;-they apply themselves This le the conclusion I bad come being - frequently present at all the • always finding the pupils _prepared to seer all the questions., Item, then is ne of the paradoxes the ' Most , jm- • y qu a z a ed t f a ul a me nd u od th etrsru, n W e n intellectually equal to man." = Enrrons Illszr . rra: - As the time preaches for holding our primary meet logs, to appoint delegates to our County Convention, to nominate candidates, the system of nominating is being talked of and discussed, some advocating oar pmts. cat delegate system, whilst others— . they strong and Influential strongly in favor of adopting who is commonly known as the "Crawford county aystem"—that is, CO vote directly ' for the candidates at our primary meet ings, instead °remitting &legatee to room tent us at the Convention. Now, as both these system. would seem to have their, advantages and,disadvantages, I beg Isle through th columns of your paper attention to this subject, in view of the acknowledged anisgonims to the present method .of nominating, and If there are detects in it have them removed. On-the other hand, it, after a full and free I interchange of opinions, the "firawfofil system" is considered preferable; adopt, It. For my: own,-part,,,lndividually, confess toe preference for the plan of the people voting directly for ther,candidates, (and by too,) In preference to the delegate system. We have hut complaints, and much aissetidectlon expressed az. the Atwitter de which our nominations have - - been made, as is but too-welllhnown to many of us, and It is with a hope of calling . I public Attention to this matter that I ask I of you the favor that you will give this brief onomnaleatioa I mace In your untre, and that you will ' , recommend stuns plan tharwill meet the expressed' wishes of Iliebiropie,.• and that we may have in the fieldrandidates who will get • wholehearted - support .from not only . every Republiems In the county, but also even from many of the better eh= of Democrats, who will be conitraineck to vote (or the visa irrespective of mere party considerations; and this wlll.he the cue if we will bringforword our eat men. wish to see the utmost. harmony ex !sting among the members of the great Republic= - .party, _and it ii in the hope or seeing simaraiethod devised for, nom. lusting candidates which - idit accomplish this end, that I call your attention • to the sutiLect at this time. -Let to see to it that bring forward our eery but uses at our ; primarywettings, and support, THE 111ORTE4111:1E tomOtesistAmi' AIM:OMM CITT, Aril 22. 1870 Massa. 'Derraaa Cimddenble in: term Is being manifested *bout can& data In the Twenty.third District for the next Congress It seems to be conceded that a change,will be made In the Repro sensitive, and eut the largest pintlen of the District Is coinpo of Allegheny county, reference being had to population and material interests,. a citizen of our county should be selected to succeed Mr. Phelps. Several names have been men tioned in this oonnection bat none so favorably as Mat of the lion. James 1.. Graham. Mr. Graham has represented us In by firnatefor severalyean, and bas e by the manly, inteWthui r ldigxdlied man ner In which ha, . tds dude& as Senator, honored hi rand the =natl. WWlthat he represents, he consent to be out candidate f An early answer Is desired Of , gene Antarttagerota..=- dint filuirkeit hat 'written it letter In M, and ourt.:ll4=dintudo,ltt same ijy the Natiostat•Beika• In speaking of the errogrosoe of Ow Nadknial ;Banks, GOD. Brenner say, a toter tidily dot rte. Ide notice where a .11olird of Bank' Dir e ctor. Awed totalities*, and seat al Copy' to the Neither of Cottrell - from the distriet In which their bank is located, inatfneand nim to vote against the Pending osiL In regard to a teatimption of specie pep. ments, Gen. ,Eirdmier . thinks that the: Government 'could say lime arrange matters so as to be Okla resume specie reiyments In SO' days, were if lot .for its fedottenient of the Ifetignal Bank totes; bet the lank, 'are not premed,. they manifest no dleposithin .to prepare them. sem' for an honeskteeimiption of see" *menu, end they his tot Ontll famed adoption hence:his desire for the e o f fthe pendltg Pending e ter onto' tity, t 7 COW . BiummaugelMamows..4mutttmeataauu west called upon Secretary Soutwell Tiousday and remonstrated , .. with Ulm , rUm removal orate Income • tat ed ttawn ISM belateuded to do all be could for Its coathmance... t Nat k la a PITTSBURGH D AILI GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 23, 1870. The Capons of the tqlehentade Fide." The degsburgh Gazette, whose publi cations concerning. the CEcumenkal Council haucaused much excitement at . Rome, publishes u the text of the CUIOIIII of the Schema de Pi& Catholic°, a docu ment of which we make the following translation : I-0013, THE CREATOR OP ALL THINGS. 1: If any one denies that there Is one only and tore God, the creator of all things visible and invisible, let him be. accursed:'' ; 2: If any one 'blushes -not to deblare that. accursed. thers.X.nollthrg_eicepLauttter, let be 3_ If any one says that the substance or e 111411013 dt GA and of all things is the sante;let Wm be ientheeth 4. If tiny one does itot confess that the world and all it contains have been pro. ducsd by Odd, from nothing, in all their substance; or IC be says that Clod did not create by the effect of his free will , and elemptikom all necessity, but that he also created necessarily, and that ho loved himself nethasarlly;.or. if he denies that the world was created - for the glory of God, let him bo AR:alma. We wish, moreover, to put every one on his guard minimum. decipthins et those who, to tnask, the,riuntietY of their ,tioetett!esi misuse the Meat holY Game of the Trinity, of the Incarnation, of the 'Resumption of theltion Mara, to divert lath th e Most perve rse meanings of pan theism the venerable mysteries of the Christian = , 1. If any one denies that the only tree God our Creator' and' our lord, • is, through his works, certainly known to man through the natural light of reason, let him be accursed. 2. If any. onevtays ,that he cannot, or that It la not useful, that man be instructed by divine revelation - concerning God and the worship due. to Him, 'let him be au. 3. If any, one says that man cannot be divinely elevated to that knowledge which 'ermines natural knowledge, but that he can and ought to arrive, by him self, at the possession of everything true and good, let him be accursed. 4. jf any one refuses to accept u sa cred and canonical' the book. of Holy Scriptere, In their complete Integrity, as verified by the Council of Treat, or if he denim that they are divinely Inspired, let him bo accursed. 1. If any one says that, human reason is so Independent that God cannot enjoin on It faith, let him be acconed. 2. If any one says that divine faith is not different from natural knowledge hav ing for its object moral ' and :religions truth, and that, consequently, it Is not necessary, - for the latter, to believe In truth revealed by divine authority, let him be accursed. 3. If any ono gays that divine revela tion cannothe made credible by external signs, and that, therefore, men can only be brought to faith by the internal ex perience of each Individual, let bum be 4. If any ono says that there can be 11D miracles, and that, therefore, all . that Is told of them, even In the Holy Scrip. tares, mast be classed as fables or myths, or that miracles can never be acknow ledged with certainty, and that they do not safflemtly prove tke Christian rang: ion, let him be aocarsixl. ' , 5. If any one says that the Wth by which Christlans give their assent to Evan gelical preaching Is only a conviction derived from proofs dawn frOITI human knowledge, or that the grace of God Is only necessary for that living faith which acts from charity, let him-be accutsed. 6. If any one Bays shat the condition of believers, and that of persons - not yet arrived at the tree faith, is the same, so that believing Catholics may legitimately doubt the faith they have already sweep. ted, under the authority of the Church, by impending their assent until they ob. lain a acieutific proof of the credibility and truth of their faith; let him be sic canted. Tv. bp TUTU AND 11ZAJION 1. If any ono says that divine revels. lion can contain no • mystery, truly and properly so called, but that all the dog mas of filth can be comprehended and demonstrated by roma exercised accord ing to natural principles, let hlm be Lc 2. If any one aaye that humiui knowl edge must be treated without reference to supernatural revelation, or that the am. elusions of such knowledge, although re pugnard to Catholic doctrine, cannot be prescribed by the Church, let him be ac cursed. a If any one says that it Is permitted to entertain or tench opinions con demned by the Church, provided they are not condemned as heretical, let him be accursed. , 4. If any ono says that at times tnaan-• ing may be gitren'to the dogmas of the Church, . according 10 the progress of knowledge, different from that which the Church has understood and still under stands, let him be amused. A View BellsAnr Peet Great . ..religions .eseitemant eilats in Msoopin, twelve utiles hum Paterson, .N. J. IL new religious society tilled "Jeho vah's Band,"-has been warned, supplant ing tannins station arum Methodist church. = The Methodista sent their best prescheri to combat the heresy, but they ate repudiated. - Each in turn is fbrced to . The peculiar' forma' wership deielopes itself in Planet.. blowing, whistling, shooting, lumping, wrestling, falling to the floor, and rolling over and kicking. Both women and men engage in the ex orcises, Baptism by immersion in the vii. l a ge millpond, In the dead hour of toe night. - On Sunday they hold continuous genic", and take a recess for meals only, refusing to read a newspaper, or even to receive a letter =that day. Every Thunday evening they held their meetings In the school house, until difficulty about the candles used,' led them to leave it, and now they meet at any house In the neighborhood Where the stall manifests Itself. . 'John Ithinesmitia, &wealthy and well: todo farmer of the neighborhood, is the chief man of the band, and recently had his house rebuilt especially to accommo date the brethren, one room resting on strong bean& it stands - the jumping; but about s month ago,lin ardent member In a paroxyem of Mnatiolim; declared that when filled with the Poly Ghost he felt as light as air, and even though the, jumped tirain a looking glen they would notao much as braise it with a scratch; whereupon he berm to leap upon the stove hearth, and broke It off, and then leaping on the . top broke In the frail coven, and finally smashed a big rocking chair, before he subsided. . Recently Bidet:smith 'intntized Mr. Gilbert M. Speaker, a man cif Willi and convert to the new filth. The baptism took place In Ithlnesmlth's mill pond, before the members of the band and amid shouts and ales,. the Whole gang at, one time shouting "fire," to the alarm of others in the neighborhood, it being then alter midnight. • One of the-band told a reporter that. as he was at - work in ids barn, be got the spirit and that he ran one mile over ditches and fences before the spirit left him, and all Bus time. he watt ao elated that ho thought he was flying. When jumping in entacy of the Holy Ghost, I t!i c z say their spirits. rise far , above their . They penult no person, , excepting those belonging to the band, to join with them in singing or jumping, or any other of their exercises, although no objection. ts Made to the attendance of . ontaiders at the meetings of the band, 6. - doxan will hare the door at once, - pounding and 'ticking, and the whole crowd seems wotked nptti a _restful state of excite ment—some jumping until they. fall; the women ahriaddng in: thowildest manner, endothsrapraying, whistling or priding, as for a men They permit no levity on the part of the yopeg folks duringeir pitmealinge. Kr. Cobb, Ono of the dils thought to be greasing Insane tut , thaexcltentent of this religious phrmuty. There Is no doubt that the members of the band are slime ;enthusiasts. N The, .13ociety now numbers over Live _hundred members., Tun Stroadebarg , Afersordon • • has beard of a 'lady, - a Getman, *oldies at Tobyhanna NUIN °Atha D. L W. ft. It. who - was 'ori TimadarAellrerC4l four children at a birth.'.,Thrle of the yonsg• eters dled soon ail& bl4h, and the fourr th Tired till 4 o'clock WAD aiternoen: whoa It died. The mother Is doing as well as could be expeetedander the same dream. Tun Commissioners selected to Sleei. ataln the amount ordamages to seenri the right of gray ofezutriding the Pan Handle ROW to Wellsburgh, instandaWardod tlfteen thousand dollars. WHERE SHALL THE BABVS DIU. Ztrli t/•er:he needle the mother amt. Softly annuls( a slather song; . And'theint Were the simple worda'abe sung All lamming lead:— "Chia twain. or knuckle or knee. Wharealall the bony. dimple be? Where shall the angers dear rest „ When he tomes down to the bah) 's nut; Where shall the wagers' Lanett remain. Whenhe awakens my babe eget. , " ' Still ag the bent and mini ih low, - A mermarlato her musk %mite; And the eased to hear, for Ike could but know The hdb,d. nada epos.— . Cheek - or e3lfi , it knuckle or knee. • — Wheasehalababitors duple . Where shall any anger fall and 'rest Whenl ammo down teal Utter...Mt Wail* {tansy Mine. touch remain When I awake your babe agator" Blind the mallet sat and derelt Late. the sweet delay of calm: • And then by her baby , . lade she knelt, pleuant rolca:— "NotohthehmA 0 angel deer dor this 'bairns with its youth will dleappaim Not alba cheek IhW the dards be. • .ihr the herberia am le will fade and den; Hut Soak then.... imams deep, And my baby the seal shail.keep. ,, , —Dr. ileitna. in Score or MOSIth. Ton AltCana Soft (Dem.) °a y e ' When H. S. Swope, Esq., was appointed H.. S. Dietrict Attorney we took °mai= 'to speak in terms of commendation of the fitness of the seleotion. At this some of our political friends expressed . atirldsei and didn't healtsteto sharply wrap mover the knuckkstherefor. Oar remarks were } prompted by pasonal regard, alter long atirciate acquaintance with the man. °Utica had nothing at all to do with it. bINCE THE DEOLINIE IN GOLD YOU WILL FIND ALL KINDS OP IILPOSTED Soapa. Col Mate. Perfumes. Mar, Tooth and Sall Broebea, toesettes. Saunders , Pate Powder, Turkish le wets. Msdlaerranesn 15peroge, Me SatAlate, Samoa and Toilet Spondee or every tied, sold at We very lowed WM.. at JA.BEFEDI a 151711.1119 oH C0../13 0100 LTOSIC, Carnet Peas wad lisla Strafe. (old Its. Ulcer.) Whore you wall aomplete seenrtment of 11l kinds or Sara Drags, Casealcals and Patent Neu totem fresh and unadulterated; also. • complete sus* or Cow to Water ' Zoalleh and Ponca Alm Donna Porter and Brews bits% told at very low prim. INEFCTION IN TUE AIR. inperimestal chendete ban repeatedly ans. • lyseo she alr at oahcalthe BrowWW.l. the hone of detection the Invisible sloes which products epl deal@ disease. They have not yet diseoverid 11, and warmly any two of then ea... 10 tare- Tide to or little monsquenoe. It le seal. dent to know that the poisonous pd./elide en. Ism, and that • eefognard enalut Its losidtims Milano@ has been provided. In the siding and early scams, when fever and anon, remitiont Veer, and other pesind'eal discerner that class ars - prevaleot. It Is oat?) necessary to fortify toe erste= with a coarse of HoGleItell• Iliemaeb oeeep, if t he has been' Vsleeted. which It oaths to be le any di. t liable to mob slats/lons. sod If the woo masa malaria. fever h”eactoailleondeencol the e m of y t s ha iv t pow be fu h ewaete ld ad b o okn o pftyr . •. mire. clutsdn. vas onee considered the only lie nit, admitted sor ohms and haV:l:Arl d wzre h er ,i dasgerons medicine, tad that Its secondary OP feet. are more Le be drooled tote My tone of letennittmat fever. It le; simply a lrateeelloue netzbereat. It does set- Ulla the disordered Moe. or rodulate the bowel. or la any way Ira r<7,l: r7,,Artgrtgllg.nlr,N,°;;;" & n og, - to beteg a better end Barer o n than any prep. *ration of poletne. bas a balurnie effect arms the whale system. DIU aperient and sati•billoris as moll as directly Indoors/In& and parlers ...mime az welt la rejelOiree the Weerollre organs. etimuletes the aopellte. morantlicas the woresch. soothes the ally.. promote. nealthfel perspiration and Induces stet Weep. As • atelaseble It has no rival. Cases of India**. Clot - that no other toe's seems Capable of alkyl • nuns are eared le &Mr winks! by Its resider me. L i w , ,,w, 1 ,",ut ..1 j c. d FABER & VAN DOREN, 367 Liberty Street, _ PFETSIIIINGIEN. Pa. STEAM ENGINES, Iron and. Wood Working MM RINERY. STEAM PUMPS. Engineers' and Machinists Tools. STEM FIRE ENGINES. BELTING. WoolenNachlnery,NachineCards. Sirillasulbetariont awl 1111101 sop- Pilo.. • *seal ant supply ma llama awl to 1110111114 se short imam. ORDERS SOLICITED. STONE Wetter Pipes, 01EIZIMINT TOPS, Hot Air and Chimney Fines, ke. J. LAII6III ♦ID rtILL Assortment Constantly .on Hand. SEAMY H. COLLIS& lii SECOND ANZWMIL. DIISSOLLTION • Tic% L forma tam the Pulse...LlP haietotove exiStidir between ♦i.IZLNDZI MUMS sad AllettllikLD /Werth% limier the file mune of A.DIILS is near sad ..Teed, at control nth sad P so meet•, was this day dissolved by a■dal eon. meet. The heaths will be settled by A. L. 411. wbo wlll tbebeidasa,reedvesiali dela, slid psi a ail debt' of sale ilyie• ALIIXANDSH syl2mlo ARCHIBALD ADISTIN. ososa r ---- . LAMM & 00 11/.IIIIYACTPRJRIOP CONNELLSVILLE COKE, DILILZMI IN You,kbilogiumy ald Anthracite Coal, PITIVISUBAff, PA. Office: 10011 Ile. 0, Gisetta laildili Art! rdfus roma/Mr aolielt.l. AIM 14 JOHN GILLESPIE. 41:1111MEETS SWEPT. ill order. left at Poet °Mee Box tl5 t or at N. 14 stesmberry sag. UM eft Liberty Imd Bmlttldeid Bu.. promptly attended 5p16:194 b-T.LAWIZEN - OE HOTEL. ED..BARREII, Proprietor, Cor. Ns N. aid 110, formerly old Caul. pnorossui.-- Proposals for ika 9 r i cht.76`fallk T ß li dtLf.firG rreand nth BATIIIID.. Vinitie7aptll b. ritYllttgra r B etniM b ! ". m A lV:Mtats wd Meelleattan. " Pe iweb. 7. ''The r 1 P 1 w vtavommitifsltrard. ap14041 tTOTIOR CAPTIIIACTOBS .-- Feee_roposale wlli be received' at the "It , th• W. allot.. up to thelo.h of Msg. Ibr the stone work on the founded. of the math wall round the whorl buildings at Claremont; also for th e brine laying ea said wale she UM cells In the . wing In accordance , •01. thaplans la liar, • lleeery oath. '• • ' • THE-QVALLIFIVD VOTER OF rret 01 Fa: r4l TLALD. el PlUalmrib,•lll &lemons, tab 11.11tVrar Atittllegi b tfilf to..trzwlttets.rsitsobt to OIL toe nzierzpireti E D Dada Yell,cl. Whet CoanaLlsgmh maimed.' • • , • - Jilt= it mecum •-• rirresoinu. April 121. 11110. F LIITIXO 11141(311INEN. - . . bud sad alumna& Ylatlig 111iollioo tf tea martat.,. Price 40.00 uoll moues. Call awl me them at • JAIIIIIIIOI/1/NM, 1421 LW Wood Her. at. pINCITIN . a IRONS: bate Jog reetlerd sn wartatest orPlseh thulrue,'uartist*. hied very meth to the out by the ladies for cis/Hag their hair: , Or male by =El= UM BUTCHERS TAKE NOTICE! 1.t... tag Lass assortaroll'of Virestr 14 " 0 1 1 BMus,. selth alssassah mid .munined trouts, wow, J. swan plat sad ""mated. fur rale. J/115 SOWN, I Wood area. CANWPOLICS: • • We I 11,Os, oworoosil of Code rows loft arir /VIM iut tsar, thish I oduld • Mir low 00.0. rartlao shoot* ardor eddy, se as So hawse tints °min boos IMod• , - JOWLS DOWN, Ilif Wood WHS. I=l NEW ADVIIRTISIMICENT3 WM. SEMPLE, 180 and 182 Federal Street, = s Offering to his Numerous Patrons XTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS Price, Quality and Styles RASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, nuts and Bonnets, RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. Lelee Handkerchiefs, Ifiabroldcred Nandielhiefe, Lists Cellars, Liu Co lars, Paper Colliri,laper toffs, lillk Neckerchiefs, Valley News HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ladies andillisus Fancy nom Ladies aad,lisses Colton Hose. lei and Boys' Cotton amdlWoolen Socks. Black and Colored Kid iloves, at very low price', Wholesale, and Retail, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Noa.lBo and 182 Federal Street, 13= TIIE BEST BARGAINS OFFERED • "Main 181049.05021... AT AO VENT& Ladies' bevy British Cotton Stockings. - AT N 5 CENTN, Ladles' Henry British Cotton Stockings AN EXTRA BAROAIN. AT 3 PAINE TOR 11.00, Ladles' Paper British Cotton Stockings. AT 5.10 CANTS. MINI !HITT BRITISH COTTON MB. _ - AT 513 CEI/ KKR'S \HT 1100011 COTTON ?TON BOW. LADIES , AND 11'B MERINO GAUZE Uri ERWEAR LT VENT LOW P IDES. 1110811.3, ROTS AND ell i t.V.N.3 COTTON STO KINGS AT OBEATLY REDUCIDIPRICT23 AT NORGANSTERN & Co's, 11000 X-1,0101 T WRITE, GLYD & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 M ket Street. .14S HORNE & CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloves ! BITRIISITE IND CHOICE 11118011711EMI Prices Unknown Since 1861! •!..IXANDII.II,I YID 1.11.01 i.. A hal usortrvent at 41.75, COOBVIoNSINIPS KILN At, ILIA. LONG TOP KIDS. else;lee studs& At 12.00. • RICKMAN MADE BRITISII - ElthiE, Heavy, Mesa, • PLAIN AND RIM= COTTON HOPI • • 10 cents sad n. .1 DONIATIO COTTON 1101111111 Y, By Cass or Oast/ SUPIR ATOOT HA Lir HONK, • 110 duita. uzires.. arras ma nits HONE. RI Also, splendid assortments • ' ISMOILdi • SASH AND" OWN 11111TioNS. . LAOIIII. TANCT NOAH. LARGE ADDITIONS TO STOCE Jost fart ing. to trlttch wo lairds the ottontloo of Wholhtila 0.4 Retail (huh home. TT* 19 11IJRZET STREET fold! ON .A. WITH GOLD. WE NOW UPPRIA OUR NEW Sa I t:OCT:2E DRY NODS AND NOTIONS. AT EASTERN PRICES. HUMS ARE INVITED TO Examine Oar Goods and Prim. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. 115 Woodi Street. 11.11613P1 R. 311 MUTUAL LIVE- INSURANCE 'CO, • Of Newyork. 138 BROADWAY, New York. PRINCIPAL IMATIMES: rriV e gfatMit " o r i g a r irt annul Pr.:adorn. . . Owls! Insurance. NON - TONTWITABLY altar two animal Tommesta. AU ooll , Pa INCONTIoT ABIA for n a MLlza: , o l o:. and A BSOLEIT6 t.P I N. All re ste rr i Uons Sport two tirIISPIITIMA 00.0.014, asd on permite_pqedred. NO ?CCU. MUI.ATION OP /NTicAp nt Loans or De tarred Premiss., and NU I Nelligaalt or anoval ridl i ttnNir s f i ntolrigg; Dleldends ANTSZ INTZMIAT olam_ . NO N Inlevutti .171.0 1. AN sod there Is NO AUCUIIIII.AI'P ur I.rhtsir alartrlVlT " Za I ;Pa n idia t teen ynn. 004 llteresner my. to Om Polley Polder. Life. tens sad estdoWnst us mti assalues. Wiled; also, grarastesist, ..... roll. ales s d ad NdosSer of Pollutes limed, 3.340; Crwering Huss, 5t.013,051.1.00; Premiums 5350.. 040.01; • searores 11,100.000 00. sales Agents wasted ereProbesd to Wastera Pcsanlnr.l4. m is _ w 17711. 907.1:1[11. •oesee. se IroVll:irt ANPAtilie,7l=ll:!' 74' 0471 y, , corner Penn: and SI th Streets, tr0gi.3.,1, Et. 0 Ur.) Pflelll3lMo , PA. iseit ealiplaLe Rubies. Collate In ,the .OPILN DAY AND Itadeats e•ins mob Indr N. B.—Clrgalarsoow main', tun pariloelar. nn %Mulling lita rftriPal. .woleawaT TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! uut reerivol, • lade ad lee antriment or 24 1.211V14117280° , .waildnN. leaven are Invited to WI mad exam o ineu the Mt* ae quality and {Mull/Übe for Um totems 6t Atc,,=rre7iarge aad axcellint afierlment. of *home °recut**. for salter '• • . anaigurion, apro Noe. Ailaad 30 Diamond !Moue. NEW ADITERTISEPECENTS NEW DRY GOODS Very Low Prices, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, =2 CIUSTVERFS & TWEEDS, Jeans and Cottanades. BLACK & COL'D ALPACA POPLINS. IBM Poplins, Cor.cliss Black and Cord Dress Silks. SPRING DELAINES VERY CHEAP, At 82.00, GROS GRAIN BLACK SILKS, A (great ltariraln At 12 1-2 Cents, Light and Dark Delaines GOOD STYLES SPRING SHAWLS, PANNIER SHAWLS. Wholesale and Retail AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos, 180 and 182 Federal Street, =I CITY ETIIIINTRIVII UTTICT. CITY or ALLTGIIIINT. AVII 20. 1870.1 TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. rise Sewer Commtssion of the City of Alias itheny a,c imposed W receive proposals for the following' Pew with their apportenelwee, Islets, Manholes,e es, , etc CONTIIACIT 110.1 Comprising abom 1,150 Aet o• 7 fort Chard. Beea bower, on North arena., from Palo Alto etre t to Pasture Liner CONTRACT NO . 2 Comprising about 050 &et of 15 inch eirentar Sint Sewer on Push alien. from trOltoo Street to connect sytth the eedgwiek stunt sewer- CONTRACT NO. 3, Comp Isiah shoot 650 feet or is boob Ihreothr Pipe Sower on Frs.oler olley, trop 751105 .treat. to connect with the Sea/prick SUSCL OCINTRAOT NO. 4 Slomyrlalag sLoot 5911 feet of le limb mat about 4110 fan IS barb Circular , •Ipc raiser on libel , meld airatt, from Fulton to Vraalcr i alms Fra zier to OW aveaue. Ilona Mao aven6e to b e dig. wick Wert caviar. obtain ed , tan be seen tad 101 l information obtained. at itilooMee . . . -Md. must be endorsed Sewer Proposals, Con• trart No. 1 (or 9. Ike • 50 the ease maybe), sod Ortiverados or before 3 P. M. April 29th, 1870. Form. of, on which fortes alone lad wail be received, will be tarnished at Lets ales The Comm non do not bind ihenistives 10 ■ Copt the I.awest of soy bid. kly order of at Commission. DAVIS, = Genuine Preparations. From tie Celebrated House or PETER SQUIRE, London' Granular Effervescent Vi- Carb, P tante Bromide Patna. sa, lodi d e Pcaassa. Citrate Iron and Quinine. Bromide Ammo nium, Carly, Lithia,VichySalt. Rissingen Salt, Cit. Magnesia, Selling Powders, Sm.—To pro tect Physicians and the Public from Spurious articles of this character, purporting to •be "direct tmportations”—all bot tles of the genuine will in future bear a strap libel over the cork, with the address and fac ensile signature of the man ufacturer, P. SQUIRE; and on the side his trade mark, and also address of the Importer and Sole Agent. • SIMON 30IINSTON, Cor. Smithfield St. and 4th Ave. • P. B—We have received our usual Spring supply of 1111 - E WATERS, Saratoga, Sim Congress, Iliesingen, Skis Also, another supply of Astrin gent 6um Lozenges, and Minriate of Ammoniate Lozen ges, which have proved such a great success •in England rind this country in eases of !telex ed- Sofe Throat, Bronchitis, etc. PLANING MILL MEN AND OTHERS TAKE IsiOTIOEI The 'undersigned has letters patent of •tht Clotted State. Ibr the Improved construction of weether-boudinr. ',nide lining and of wain. ootitur for houses. The weatber-boardlng, by this patent inntrovi meat, being more perticular ly Intend." for vertical use. and conihislun great darability and twenty of appetiser's:and this so conatructod ai to 'entlreiy avoid the on of Joint etrine, aed to prevent water from enter ing the Mum, or thenaping or tee alumina .r lheber Joints by action the weather on the the. • Inside lining and wainscoting by Ibis • new method are so emastractedas to form txriact panel. as cheaply $0 by the ordinary tooting board!! alone %limb) oreyentior the *howl., of the 30131 .Irotti any ello.lN LOU £31,131 DO 'referee for DOM Re It., also oarchased the patimt tight or what I. commonly known as the ••Afoulded Weather. she.t.t. to wit: To U. A. Waldorf, tha right of the territory south of the riven In mild county. TolleQum,* Douglaa, the right for the irtrat ward t of Paul:torah. . t thot c la g . I rets=. lB . h t lb • -ToT Hill, Patterson 0.. atop rights for their , lath ward, Puistatrgh.- To Alex. AlcOthrtl tor toe borough of Mo. K g:V:46r A - Pau1..h . .4 71ret, fecraikThlrd' and Fourth wards, ththat A.Prghsay. Toßeed Brothers, loop rittit at their mill ma Sewell ward, thy of Allegheny. • To Dunbar,. liana • Co., for the boron!. of Bbaraiburg and Etna; alto the towuthips abater sad ledlans.' • • - All Ninon. art warned airslnt lefrlnsiag 1111011 Itticr of said patents, .and those wishing to pun hese will pleas* call, or address ate, at No. tl6 limlthatld iueot. Pit:Anßik P'n• ''J. C. AN /I gIISON.. T. •T. - T. TREGO'S TEABERRY TOO AWASH. • It the moat pleasant, cheapest bed best Dealt frt. rota.. • Warranted free from Inlarlo. In utedients. fit preserves and white. Me nimbi ',rigor.. nod moth. toe Unmet P.n.s••nit pertain. the breath! Nn rent. accumulation of Tart arl Cleans and Cimino A rtlnalal Teeth! ' ' Is .ne Mar alitele far children; egb la. Per sale by all Dreiggligib rrrnil pnopossmi FOIL . • ---SOLDIERS' 'MONUMENT. Pmposa fbr the Clettlolll of the Alfootway Count! Soldier. , Monameet tleilbet erected on Betfloarl AM. Alltitheef.) will be rhoelved at ie. °MCe of tbe. nedarrtlfhedr N0.. 6 * Brant Itreett (whet the plans. IPCcUIe Moan and epee ., been of Wee tan be' 'cep) he to. HAT let, IRIS. The contreet to be awarded to the toned and but bidder.' At, 1., eICA.RBON. - ape: Chairman of Sandbag Committee. PIT BLIC ''NOTICf„ Plating been appointed OA El and GAZYJITAIL tpfermyron tee Aliegheay County, aortae le hereby giVtti tbatintil tte neeeseary once and igeehaniesl ?MUD( Neetillial7 MI be provided, I will be found at the 011ICP OP TIM NA• TIONAL. FOUNDRY' AND PIPS wonas. Teneh•talrd street, near Pear, Pittsburgh; . • . IL B. BM WS : L • ' Gas end Om Neter inenretar: RDIREMOVAL. r— FIitEDERICIL iSCOGIEIB. Merelumt Tallor sad Des'er la Gesilimeo.s lOssioldsur Goods; We aunt, men sad .Iloyil Clothing on hurl and asaMets; order at ' Shortest McGee, Us imaoterf hoc SU 4ta sumd. No. IGIf Yount 11 , 1111t0.14 *0 No. RI WOOD , ;WR I ,IST, comer or Third _ mO3lllO- HEW ADVNEETISELMENTS FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers GOVERNMENT SONIITIES. No. 5 Nassau Street, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY Irak, 1870 The remarkable nacresß which has attended our regotlatlon of the Lome Of the CZYTtint. PACIFIC RAILROAD PORTANT and Ina Warman PACIFIC RAILROAD CostrArer. and the replier. fry and credit which them Loans have maintain• ed In the markets, both to this Donate? and Re rope, RAYe str.wa that the 71rst Mortgage Honda of wisely-loomed and honorablr•maay ad Mel. roads are readily *sten as the moat satiable, safe. and advantages faun of Ineortment. yieldhig a more liberal Income than can hereafter he derived from GOTAFRIDIDIL Ponds. 'sad .611. ble to take thtlr ➢rise• • Aseered thet:La the seleetJon end Aeeellation of eaperlor Railroad Lana. we ate nieetialf • great habit, want. and rendering • Saleable ser vice to the holders of Capital and to Moser.* 'Ration) works of internal Improvement whose Intents let:merit and substantial chancier enatie them to the use Of Capital and the conidenee of loveators—we now offer with synod maidenee and satmlisction the FIRST NOBTOAGE BONDS OF THE CHISAPERI AND OHIO H, H CO, TEX CH ISHAPICAILE AND OHIO HAIL/WAD, eanneeting the Mixer e emit end the .0(011. cent harbors of the Chesapeake Bay witi. the Ohio Ater at ► taint of reliable navisatlea, fled thee, with the entire lialtroad trete= el-the vent Welt and Sonthweet. 1 . 0111(5 THILAD DITIONAVEAST AND It EiT THUNIC LINE, so Imperatively demanded for the scoommods• Hon of the Imn tone and apldl7•growing Dane perinatal, between tea AUanlle:eebo►rd snit 'Europe on the one band, and the µsa pro. deicing regions of the Ohlo &ad YW Wlppt Val leys on the other. • THE IMPORTANCE OP THIS ROAD AS A NEW OUTLET THOM • THE WEST TO THE SEA panda. It Into one of national eons.- quanta, and Insures to It an extensive threourb traffle ivvro the day of Or oomplation; while, In the development of the extensive agileniteral and mineral neon.. of Virginia and Wes Virginia, It Possesses. along Its own line, the Moments of a large and progtable local business. has the great Interests, both general and local, which' dimand the emspletion of the . CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD to the Ohio Bluer, afford the serest gnaraates of Ds enoeeu and value, tad RENDER IT THE MOST IMPORTANT' AND SUBSTANTIAL RAIL ROAD ENTERPRISE NOW IN tROORISS IN THIS COUNTRY. Its superiority as an East aid West route, and the promise of an Immense and Profitable Mule awaiting Ile completion, horn drawn to It Ito attention and cooperntlon of prominent 0.01. talista and Itslirold men of Ulla City of sOnad ludgusent and Icnorira Integrity yam* manna ilos with togkther with Dist of eminent eltlzenn and boldness wen of Virginia: and West Virginia. INBUlttil AN lINZEGIITIC, HONORABLE AND SUCG7.SB/1/I. YLNAUY. AGENT. Ilia Road I completed sad In operation tram Itichstond to the celebrated White Peiping, Spriass of West Vlrrinta, 887 sellei, sad there remain bat 1100nalice (note partially =lamina) to be completed, to wry it to be proposed ter- =1 of the Bid Bandy 'leer, 100 =heathen Chien. natl. and 700 tette@ beton , Plttabarah. LI oe• are now wale cue or to prove. through Onto and Kentucky to this 1 000. meet the CIINNAPFAICE AND 01110 WITH THE ENTIRE RAILROAD SYSTEMS Of THE WENT AND BOUTHWYST, AND WITH TH PACITIC RAILROAD. . ^ • Ils valuable franchises Ind snowier odvantages will place the C 11121.411111 .1,1 0010 Un ivac,' COneAKT 1102001 the richest and root powered and tanatwoolly ennaoraalonn 100 aattnnit AND TURES Znind 1. PRESENT VALOR, IN CORPLRTXD ROAD AND rikui DONE, EQUAL TO TIE RIM= •AYOONI OP THE RORTGAOR. • Tbe detail a( tee Loan hive %Ilk& arrasoi sa!,111 rateraiFato tee wants of r;!•Lissti of Investara, ao4 combine 4.1 vuloas features or tonveatartew, satiety, sad protection lodger fraud. The Boade mix deaostlastior or • - - $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO They will be Weed ea VOCIPON BONDS. iaY Arta TO Ilsaath, and may be held la that ttorpe . . The eeoqoas saw be detached eed cameo, led the Bend toads • reemostirre -Ilsotenrato Dago. tratudrahli ony o• the hoot! or the Coahser, aid me lei usde payablapely Io he registered owner or hts The' three elasses will be kociii-respeoltireig . W. "COUPON . MINIM PAYADUC . TO BraMMIL" Ad. •`IIZGISTBILD BONDS WITH COO , PUNS ATTAORZU.. , 3d. “RIGISTEHYD BONDS writ( dm, PUNS ATTA CHB D." and sbould be so designa ted b CorreWoodsols to .pwrs lair thi e6im .11 They hare THIRTY YEARS to rah/rem Jas. warp 15, INTO. 'velar Interest at ark per rat per arise from November 1. Igen. nom. PAL AND INYMOIST PATAPLIt La GOLD IN TIM CITY Or hille TOPS. The Inures% le Unable la RAY and llitormoza QM It Mar tab. *einem of that of Um Wallet nen ei ilve-Taeratles, sad melt the mama cheroot our rand' who already hold Central and Whiten. Puha Dosids, with lumen pall hle la Jainlaap sad Aar, aailehimity dutx, he soak ,Ist additioaal taTerAkMata, to LT, naelA war est rearleahle at different swam of W ylini Tle Loan 1 Neared by a mortgarelipml the =tin Ltae of Road , from Rlehmoull to the Ohio Wm, With the efal meat and all other prAp• carp and aphartelsaame annieted thereon!. A. SINKING Fowl Or 6100,000 PIR AR NUM 1B PROVIDED TOR TUX -REDEMPTION OP TItIL RONDO. TO T AIR 21117. CT ONI YEAR ATTICS TER COMPLITION OP 'nit ROAD. ' • • The mortgage la 'for 1115, 000.000, of w bleb 14.000.000 will be reserved and bald to trust for be redemption of outstanding Bonds of the Virginia Central lisdiroad Company, low merged to 11l CUIDANZAiI AND 011.0. • Of the iniaandaf 111LC00,000, • anfident amount will b .014 to tionoteie the roan to ilia Ohio river, perfect Ban tatarovi the portion coil la enferatloo, and thoronably erodp tha "nu,* for • hair. aadietivittane:' . The rawest prim bpo &la F,tatiad 'alarm. • • • Lola aolutolyiecued, so earefaarturded: and so certain human la acanuand a peenalanat paw Ones's ths.herorfte aseafttles la Om nay. tote, bath lie ita iannto pip *Brim will at onee aphreataleaoin qatehly . rzt3K & . Bankers. P. 3.—We eery pawpaw* imatahuis tun painlcelars. stattaleal &UM. Wipe. sit.. erblelk will be Welshed spas apple:Vies. tir we ,bug and MS Gomm mast Bonds, and receive Ake an. counts of Baal* Rankers, Cor porations, and Wier* inadoe4 to cheek at oiyht,, i aad allow_ Wergild on daily, &italics& S. 1111'CLCAN. a - co.. ' • • No. 75 'birth Avian, litgaiiirgi, pa. irw:•or CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &o CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium, AND CI_CP..:3EF.. At - gla IST CARPETS. Our Steak is tjte largest we ha ever offered to the Trade. BOYAR') ROSE ct CO ., I 21 FIFTH AVENUE te I APRIL 1,1870. Specie Payment Resumed. FROM THIS DATE. Surer Ciamtire WU/ be Meese TO ALL CASH CUSTOMRRS, AT & COLLINS' CARPET STORE, 71 and 78 Fifth Avenue. RY/a+Drlwf us the LOWIAT La Ibis auk.' i CARPETS. New Reoms I . New Goods! New Prices! We Iztopalintgad the °health or our NOV • Btwtu PINIST DISPLAY OP C, Ja. NMI 01/ZBBD IN THIS lIAUKKT. LOWEST-PRICES SINCE 1861. .OLIVER 111LINTOCK, & C O ., . 23 Fifth Avenue. • ao6 NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices ru 00HRHSPOND WITH WHOLESALE . RATES. &CALLUM BROS., 51 FIFTH AVENUE , &Boys WOOD - Awaits?. • • DOS lIPHOLISTEBEIKS. limbslevers of SPRING. RAIR MAWR& PEP, Feather Hooters sad Plllows. Church Outdoes, Cornice licaldlegs sad all Ittrals of AlpbuLsterff work. ?k1.9, d_ ,u:: WlRdorrlibadus,Buf,43telniarta Wrkfla nal du. Cophr,Tusucls.. 1 Particular atteutlau to ULM. up, clean o. ing gad brushlug, olt.uthe pug Wart m o de pets. oar oof cleaning eeryet Is the °ailing la hich yea eau feel assayed that the eNcre are w preserrud sae the geed. *honestly need frees an dust sad restate. TIA prles. for elesalag has. bees greatly reguate. pr exert. will On fes age deliver all goads arse eV chars. • MEWS, RICIOLION t vicamma. • llplaolstateri and Peeprtatore Gt..' Steam Carpet Beating latabilakiear, No 127 WOOD STRZWI, seer add :Near Fifth /Lychee, PRIMA*); Pa. REMOVALS. REIMIOVAL. - pasiert wens ismisly _ . -Ik. reinbied kb *Bee, from : center orWebstar &Taal:64lld Wasbligtow• , siseet. to 'I IST TITTH - Rlei!lOvALL - . • the Piltbburgh Beak fir gulags au reneiSa Qomko. ei to6%roontd iAvo 11111, to the" Mts. baits int 4 Staxxfselithiii Esals • the Ytiaongal