raCOrtriAl.: linitleili illail;:, - ri t il ‘ .of : ~ i ir ikk ri6 Noi. 80 FO TEC A. - PrrrsAktraaa -- OEM CAPITAL b ."••:• • '.. liglikl,oo.o Stikkholderalittlividually Alable: MARK OP DISCOIIIIII , AIID DEPOSIT. A ., Jlll , 4 „ l= a y: ' - 1 1 711/2WrItO . ,-- Dmosimii: . ::•,:__''_ _.„ , •.': i Thou,. IL , 11.1. Jobs D. ii•Mi.a.g. F lll. TOM . _ 21014 , ..., , 1 . 'lOlO6 Irga„,, L x.r. ,:, . ..!'•, 71.?*. , ''.. A iiii finrir=sea..2llm9.ll 1.3 do a sauna Pottle( mato ,1131 . 01.4.11:,,,, • SILT=AND COIIPONt?,, Boacht at Mir/test Priers. Pit uit Water; Cor. 'wooa St. hM 6th Melte • ' JAKEB-T. BRADT & 10., Ohnousass b 5. JON= • 00.. Corner Fourth AvennetnriVood_St. -13.46.:N133E1Eri3, = 601TEM‘ . 13NT SIXIALITIIa39 NOW. MINIM ABD C(ItIPO: • , ''''' , ollnrorr maximums antis kir Interest Allowed ea Deposita. ea-Money tossed ea ilaraluasni Items al awes' Market tetM. .rilWar e n=la i l i e eina nsi a rnie w JAMBS T. BRADT & CO, RiVittsintrit Gairits, FEKANCE AND TRADE. =I 1 'flaw Teat, Apt:ll2l4BM 'Monty e. and ... steady: ac• IKge ner wit., Javelin' exahatigi: twaist,it . eX.Gad easier, opealng to 112 X, a dvancing to 11834 on rtpcaps ;cora Washingteh that . tranble . with Bjesin Was imminent, and 'clesed'it 118. Oarrying rates 20534. Clearances 11 114‘ 1 1 4:b46 - Treagareiatinotiicii, he , • will pajitie interne, due the first of May on nest . Monday, With rebate. The ateamehip Hermann tr.* $50,(30 imente. • Governmentsquiet. COUP MS ' Bl. 1434 O 14%; do '62, 12 3 5®18; do '64,11@11M; do '66, 11%®1 1 U. new do, 93)(13 , 96%; ao ' 67 . 10 01034; ric"6B, 1034@1055; 10-49's, 6,5034%; currency O's, 11% , (§11.2N. Mate bonds stronger; hi uris, 92X; old Tanneesees, 803‘; new do.. 56ii; old Virginia.,- 69%; new do.. 69; old North Carolinas; 4635; new do. 2:46. Moak" closed stroner with the prin cipal dealings In Northwestern, Lake Bears and Vanderbilt' Express stooks dull at the closing quotations. Clanton, 7010 Cumberland 81. M. West ern Vain Telegraph. agyik have been henrly covered with th imble Wive and no" , all ealed up. Tel. atoms Ite PurtrYtng properties, which must be able to heat...mu in the lnnee. In the treatment of Cortinteption it le In the ntheoet impertanee to 4170 1110 e ape a ...shy tone to the eye Leta. Hanel is to necessary to strengthen the appetite of the patient awl In. prove the dincetton• rTooer noertshment ti re saired together with slab meant LE will make the food molly digestible. The articles moat suitable for the diet of Dominantly, patients are destxuated In Dr. Schenck's Alwatthee. whieh , ere - divwdbeleed gratultoesty. in genel the molt highly nutritlaue &Melee ate to be.pre ferred,butthedlgestlve orgasm menthe et, Chat h• reed Inroer to mate either toad or [Redid. BerriCeebl o e. This requirement Is met by the •.• . . - - . neaweed Tonle, and for Ulla purpose It was dm ignated When the digestMe Dower. are pot In iteCol. order, the foodbas its proper elfeeti the meter* or the patient Is losigorated .4 tile lungs lx- Vn to exercise their functi healing ormal and esithy manner. Then thypowers of rnimonte Oran will efrat tile ewe. Csislistartloll is CMOS% always...tn. phrased with Dyepepsl• nod Liver Complaint. Schenck's Mandrel.. TIM me Wended to re move obetractions [Math. Liter Lod restore Its health calomel Pg e •VnTlaW7 T a:d 4'''' warranted net to contain particle o f any tale end poison. These rws cure the most otmtirate so.sts.nesg, lick headache, piled, bilious gr.. Vow., and all other disown wtdeh 'rim Erma a torpid or obstructed conditiots of the Liver. One boo of these pills wilt Viele the !SASSO' of the medierne. In Consuming on lA. 000 Weed Tonic and Man drake rib. are Invaluable auxiliary medicines They relieve tee stiffartette Of tbe patient mid mist 000 Pnimonle Byrne efloctlng • care. They h..ve been toned astral In advanced stages or Con gy°:.l where g:trme a =rolitr:O the Judgmen tide: he ms Inauted•essettly death. The er pa t ients Weft were LltmOlf monthsg coethtion have been premerred for by the um of eckeneh'e three great rem- DDr. richenekle Almanac contsdne a fltrl treaUse on the verb.. forms of dilate. hie mode of treatment, Ana generaidlrections how to on hi. medicine, can be had math. or lent by 11111 try addressing his Principal WPM. No. 15, North Stith sueet. Philadelphia. Pa. Price of the Pahnonle nympand bowel Ton ic each 111,110 per battle. or 11 . 1,50 a half dozen. temente Pine SO mute a box. P ot satiety all dmaatele da-;der Or - DOCTOR WHITTIER CONe TiNTIAS TO TREAT ALL PHITATE DOSZAS6n. That anaterove clam of cues remit tag from 1f -.bone. producing unmanliness. nervous debility,Orttsblllty. eruptions...sin. embalms* non d ntl Immanency permancnill cured. Persons alAicted with delicate, intricate and loan standing coustltutiouni comnial-ts are politely Invited Co call fOreourgitatlon, veto., costa nothing.~ inDeriencli. the belt of tuarbers, has enabled h im to perfect remedies at an. nee cleat, safe, permanent.sad which In meet rose. can be used without hindrance to business. Med icines prepared In the .tabilellinon, which em braces oak. reception and malting rooms; also boarding and sleeping apartments for palmate. requiring dan t u si rson. attention, and vapor and chemical thus Conevacrating the tamed Mineral gyring. o matter who have felled. elate your ease. bead what be save In his pam phlet of IlAv yoga, t to and address for two stamps In seared envelope. Thousands of eases treated annually. at oMda and all over the cone tlic1.1t (00111 0011140:4,11 C0r.1.113133TY and 514211131110111113,, soLimaN & BACAtEY, gsaanattirers at Blmirlor Chill Bolls, Sand Eolls & Pinions. hag COAL AND COSki co' 40c.A.r_a Youghiogheny Gas Coal : - This Company ars now prepared to furnish tie BATE a Me a . dYar da uannittyb, s-ACTon FAIIR .1/1. Railroad Depot, foot of Try West, Pitts; Orden addreased to either Xmas, Welt Myr iam, ra., or to Yard, will be pßomptty attended N. P. (mega. Neereleary at:11,8:77B • [l. igoiluir Youghiogheny and Oonneguyitie.Coal 1 •04 E , slant BD Heptagon cola. 01n017 AND YARD.:ffSAN B u ll sad Ninth w il oAVio= ortroiN, r th ward. anA at t n►tt t NraN. DO . nahsvi. us tort neither of the abdte h eelh' bt sd• dress to me through Pittsburgh Or,-walls. g ' 0o. "1": W 4' ! "11 ,11 11:14 1Jolot 714 1' UV ' a• a tx.,,VZ - - - - lOW NO.. 567 LIMIT' . .• 9 rraiely Oiiilclii minim.* /MOW L . 4. znii mi,.....d lr apanto j ag= a u El ;,,,,,,a ILYT 1i142. = - 14 . Wes. tiis, . , RAILB.O ENNSYLV NIA eitvrEa.t. MAIL A.D. On and after it etoada• NOV. errlve at s - _,( d.hait from the Union Depot. corner or w A T.W.2 Ind Liberty streets. as . Stall Tralx...-11110 am •Ventitil ~,, 1 7. 5.2 u .. ...c 1.4n0...- 4'45 4= "Paci. 1c L .. ii.lo an Walla So. 1..5 510 nni War .t.iy,..i . .. ,' : 3,.. L1M... A./4d ritS .. r AiTmin . ... sae IMI rt.. 14.- L. „:. 0 " .rintan Ac.. 10:21) am ~.. m Wallis Tio . ..i. a ft6l pm .1 PI BT*"3":" IeL A:147-211:- ... "57 77 .' Y ea r t k rto ' vra f '''a A ' :. s : :: (1 3 PI : pantile =lt% 2 ..., ,, ;) - pm Fir/Oka Ac )10 . 2 ticiti on vr.ll'. so•s•••. a/Opm Phila. Itxprea.3:sUpatt BriOn A.W °l r d lila pm Wall'a NO. S.. aii• apm W.W._ .' Ny -. I• 40 pm Waill'sNo. 4.. M1%011116 W 8 2 .1,.. , 4 ° 1113 f,r, ;f:t.gte..47.lLlZls', -... truna make nifice Cminectinit X./. EMMY. buil fir.. yyyjim.y, : ••• • • T.. Church Trnin IX•Yeaalla Eliatnin eYnry . .1.0 " 4 7 , " = " lte f . yfi it; ‘. lt -' : al ? :.* 4 Rigitfr ' g ' it /411•0 . ni: aral '' arrlic ' s al Trails Matra al 4%10 p., tn. ! . 'Cincinnati taverna, Ira.. 4. 1 / 7 . l;tnti...! , Crrat le, WO eXCart Xeildare n-ii C. , " u . tains dal:. except buniac. cer tcriber intbrie . i..g . ct.,..g .. .Vi mt, m ... l';'l2:%"i"'"r7""U DAgir r e. '"l gilPZ._c : l 4 :•C ' • 74 :iii ":l:: , tin cancan: la taint rli! be az tiei rtt. .' Itt en nen tinietn ~ t er . by apcci! rro•r•' NSNNSYj t VANtA UOA.In wed Mier Y. tw, let.. Panicarer Trains on tem Waterr, aup nE211.01.3 will arrive at and d•part ree• ine rader7l Wince Depot, Aelerlicar itr es Wet e rerien. Verled'ele_ito MINI& nil Pnl O 7, it axe ;7= '. .. a ...101?) iTII ir NOI ' it4 3 wiebig . ... o. 1 leile 4il me lAxperar, ri e. Tr. vewl.iez. 3 No) 6•35. v . above Walla Win daily atoept bendle,• rlea Clnanit leX,res Jue alive ewer , Ferny at 7:414 e. m.,reahhtne Alb...neer inti a 1 9e16 A G Retaining, *see , Alit einn: VAX at /Van p. ere axe , sneer re At/henna, erne elen at le4o p. w. The Mine aWien Aleegurne lir as Thel O. melee direr: connection Freeport erten ae• Werea lessor Mapes tor Wetter and Nem OW OW , . Manage reacts siat be go er et the el Wee. No. 1 iht Clair nireeenrar ‹v:ReaaLsz t • WO. tabaneb, end at the Depot, tre. hp. R.•en.-ln , eormailon erre.: co ffece;l! • - .lT*t• :Zee Western Z,IIITIAT).S.r. . I not Utrllan say Wan for Itherpare. except Icing apparel, and Innic c. reel - en:W.lw • Ilandied e... 1 calor. AU bare ag :Leann vol. alleinnt ln :able wiltillah the .f...1,T,N3 , 11:11&:, 711 , 7 . 11!T,Z1,1 , :. II 016 ktily Z , . tg. - R A. '''"&afiltilte., it, POUT WqWU9LE 1S and CLYLLAirDeI rrrr3Ueliteki Ft, ,rem NOV. 1450. 1869, Wale, will leatr.froo. I hunt entre at tent trainee Dep.:, sow, eels. Fitt, lieugh ea/M., lee It:dimes Lent/0.40,X , X•••• bl lea f•x..e Ole m Cl. Wel'ilVl.s:llB a ree enlawe Mall..6:011 • en VTZTEfitin'll3 t: fe•ocere from Alert now. Falls Ae.8:38 a en Loetedalc 19: le a a. LX.:.2:071m raeldc 1f.x...32:01ip Wheeling Ex 10.4 ha es 1.. Ex 1:15 pm Chrgoßxdl4.l3:ll/1 r ma Cleveland Ex m Yglnlzelo3P it/tImM Ir., lmetsdale Ihes`r Vidle 1i:55 aim tier ex=ile "V . E3 ani Veen 911. we L,vacrdalc ' :Elan . P ! ;Lfg . ' 1:55 DK stir (lake lit:. , .47 Ilharrll. 9:89 ae ' Lej.resi leaves den. Nn . rot. Seer's.... . •• 11:53 ra Aochestor 11:48 pan =ow •. 4:1111 pm Lactsdala ece.a:la pin pa, Leet.a4ale ,43 p 7 , 3 Pair Oak. 3a l i Sit•Tr, fRel5l:O3l, m. , 212,1c. r• B. +l ,. ewnd. a %tel. Ac OA E Oxargligligig TIE. VG.S.LIBTI THE ONLY DIBLOT ROUTE TO TR3 1.03 • FIZGIONSISTYHOUT CNA-NOY OP OAILS. Ou•ad aftAr NONDAY. Nov. NA. 11369, TWO THBOTFON_T• , •INS DAILY foxcept St will hire Ylttsborgi. Drop. ocracr 6:c:- rag: and Eno W 001.% for Ifrank3u,ollettY.ltof: Mo. and all :Wats to Ito Oil P.egloco. SALIM rreranvneu. auto lY przrournag Day 1:15 am Day ro Nettar. - :. 0.1 Ifultrra...ll:so a m 241/{¢ltoo... 0:00a m M- 5... 6:00 put 34 Dalton... Y:lt pt 10A Haltan..ll3lo p 40: Honor:. 1:16 • r Tree”,rs A 6 0131.1 rn Soda Work, 7:00 OodaWarts.. 6:30 pm Frect6rt Act 6:16 •IS Brody's Ac 8:11k p m Brady. BAc 11.1016 • m Church 1;60 pm Cburch... ICAO am Itzpreaa tratur atop cal; at orfor,sl toomernodsTS on trains inop ell gott rao. We are sow running wollver Palace empire Can' , or: our Mast Express krataz, Moth •••Ya. Wm Plate :ore: to Corry. • J..). LAWNENCac Goren lou. THQXAS lOW koan. os, livrssuittin, IZ : .(tI.IaWNN CIN 7 CTVINATI kI4T/w , :. . ' PAN '3.11401LY, ROD'S?. • =AIME OP Til:K.-I.da and alto: 51.1Nr4.4. got. 14th 1369, tralna leave nod at •:ne UnlOn Den. rittabovV i p a nT r ' e .r4:4 i.o. m.ISm tlsnlLlra Erpreu 9:93 p. m. 5:30 r: Past Lino- ..... 9:48 a. 2. T. m. ... 5:43 a. in. 0:57 p.m. ILeDoual.Pa Aven .— ,No.l 11:28 IL ril• 7:33 a. Sienbouvlllekozommod. 3:43 p.m:. 9:45 a.m. XeDoaabra Anen. N0.05:53 D. rt. 3:23 v. r.. land:Lye:2o2h Testa.. 19:58 p. 9:58 a. mi. airs 555. Y. 5.29eva0 a . Ol leave dat.y. • 15:175. K. M. 1.111 snist. d . . rnu tr