la aittsbutit Gaptts. A Cll El LIT! AND SUBURBAN But Our Left . We have but one more room to let In the "GAzierra Building." It Is a very desirable room on the second floor, front ing on Smithfield street. Terms very low for the location. gall at the . Count ing Boom, Arai floor. - Mater Callow had Jest four eases beton hlet yesterday morning. Horse cleaning and the spring fashions are the principal Ideas which agitate the kraals mind Just now. • Every lean and woman In Pittahnrah who can appreciate the true and beautiful abould",latt tho Art Gallery. The May number of Petemou'a “Ladles Net.onat Megashre," profusely Wus• traced, la for sale by W. A. Gliaeutarmy, No, 45, Fifth avenue. he Allegheny Park cossinheloners should haiq a. croulog place on North avenue at the entrance to the Park, he tweets Federal and Sandusky streets. OlDelal 11 4eirtec.—The Market Corn will meet this afternoon at two _o'olock, at tbe (knaculttee Roomy. Baal them. kbarr-wf- le;r.rt.wice will come before Alderman HonMert ban removed him °Mee r taw doors farther up on Fourth .urns, opposite the M. & M. Bank building. He Mut • model establishment In that /the now. A IN appeared dressed as a page at the Opera_Houee hterguerade on Tuesday evening. One hundred dotter, changed hands between two gen•lemen who bet on kda sex alter the meek wiz removed. at. James Chitral, Plttaburgh—The It:Mowing is the vestry elected for Si. Jamas Manx& : P.R. — Smoot, William Kyle, W. J. Hammond, Thomm Boss we% Jr., JameshicHay, Wm. Scott and • W. G. Gibson. Comlealoned.—John Of thlacity, received yesterday a golden stamped document from Nevada making him for the term of four yeas • Com. misaloner for the acknowledgement of deeds for that yokes State. Disorder Yost made infor mation, before Justice Amnion, of East Birmingham, yeaterday„ charging John Daniels with disorderly conduct. John was arrested and after • hearing required to ply a floe of 110 and meta. fAsarderly Home._John Fisher made Warms/lon beefore Alderman Rapala TowardsY against John and Mary fawn lbr keeping a disorderly house on Rail road street, Twelfth ward. The &awned were arrested and held for a hearing. Free Lecture.Tbla evening a very in. terming tree lecture will be 'riven In the Masonic .Hall- by the H 8. Fidler, Comm'intoner of Puente. Subject, ° lnvention and Inventors:" Certainly to better 'object could be selected for tlll cdly. • •Alderman Yoemg was caned Tuesday evening by, aome of wa rd. tic friends in the Twelfth TiTim pro. lientatlon oaremonlea were conducted by iiichotu Asti on bald& of the donors, and the wasion warp one of pleasure to all. A Dramatic Ezturnsinwent was given LIM evening In St. Artgustine Hall. Pros. pea street, by the St. George's Literary EU:linty. The exhibition was for the ben eat of the 'St. Augustine School, and netted • handsome amount for the very worthy object. • &loon Mow-- Five young men were before Mayor Callow yesterday morning charged with creating a row in Charles Miser's saloon, Chestnut street, Third ward. the evening previous. They were dried ten dollars each and noon payment were dis Charged. !Parlay of the Periee.—Wilibun Weal lough, so:lording to the atatemant of Bridget, his wife, L a dangerotni man. He ttenixt to etdit Bridget'. head open with. hatchet, lin which threat a warrant was lammed requiring him to appear before Jastleei' Ammon. Dischargml.—William West, who was irreateti :ogle days 511106 an a charge of stealing a Watch from Mr. Schnhe's gun shop, wiz biter a hearing before the Mayor yesterday, discharged, the RM. denoe being insufficient to warrant the Mayor In holding him for trial. eltanted Amusement.—A. young . man who wished for amusement yesterday afternoon nought a mash boy's stock of red balloons, on Market street, and let them off-one by one. He stood gazing upon hls Investment with much apparent pleasure until each was loot In the dl.. lance. Money plenty. .._ 14.8herer.—John W. Hill was &gore United States Onemlestoner hicCand• yesterday on a charge of passing twenty dollar counterfeh note on D. W. Hlll. of 011 City. ,The alleged counter ten was on the Pint National Bank of Portland. Connecticut. He was held to ball Ibr his appearance at the May terra' of the Oulted States Court. Lucy MeSamara made information be. fore Alderman ,hfordsamebt, yesterday. against John T.AffortV for assault and battery. John shook his Out under her nate and made all manber of evil Umtata against her, she said. Hs was arrested, had a hearing, and the ease - was die missed, the Aldarn2an &Adios that John was as much atoned agalnit as sinning. „ . rue la Alirgbeny.—testerday morn ing about eight o'clock ' s & lire broke out among a lot of ootton batting In the eel lar of the mill on 101000. k street, Ails shone. slow it originated cannot be told: The are department wan called out by an alarm from box 24, and the Lamer were extinguished without touch damage: Wor .The mill la a part of the Anchor Cotton ks.' • • 11 111ratecL—Oar ou thesefnd Mr. Alexander Irwin has y le ft "state of mingle blessedness" and very aenalbly taken untohlmeelf • wire to share hie sorrown.and his Joys. Alba Alexander, of Allegheny Lilly, le the happy bride. We oongratulate you Alex, and hope that Tour voyage through life'a stormy sea may always be pleasant and tenni - nlttens happy an you begun It. DWill ^ e „Patrick .Maley intended going to Franklin yesterday, but be didn't --go. Patrick Kennedy interfered With . kils traveling by a charge agautst a i m him bete Alderman O'Donnell for ler esay. ey la charged with Keeling - eighteen d lbws front one of the servant girls'in ned boardin hoe, wears he -ado his y , h om ee while g in Fla ffP w burgh. H. will have a hearing. Geed 8 t 1 fer Hotweke Copeentlne. sp.33:claT MRS. S. C. ROB - B; No. 91 Fede 1 St., Allegheny, Raw( determined n t to carry oote any Winter Ocquir. 1•111 o.l{lttl tell. below mom, tor the GEM Vi;lWlkll.4. RINIMNS, YIATHERS, VitAilEn, ND SEC', LA t A (Snit 'llk LINZN DOLLAIVI AND VIT/PIL PAPNRAka AND CUPFII. LLD UWCE3 . - COMM'S nosa. • LIIILIuar.N.B HOS& CLUNICY LAC EDGINOS • • LADLES. UNDERWEAR, LeDltel. APHONe. • New style MuHATS SWITCHES 0111..N0N8 Arra, So.. 14, Se AU PtNom whaling. p ... Pyrenerrbang at No. 9111. Xll7B 111AV.i„Ar,a JOHN M. COOPER &. CO, Bell i and Brass Pounders, mon, - melanin k FOLUB Sq BRASSES. mode /Promptly to Order BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand Irrnaletorn aaff Mannitetarera of J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Mee, 882 PENN STREET. foundry. Cot. 17th rind BaUriaad Stregis, ==== 333 Ma CO 49. S. P. S4RIVER, & CO. Nave removed from their old 'st►od, Nos. AT god 119 SMITHPIXLD, to their Warebouso NOEL 259 'and 2 61'Ltheity Street, • ABOVZ TEM 1.16 AD Or WOOD dTRENT. When they win be 0/eased` hi ete all their old Mends sad