ES Ett littoburgt( Gap*. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Plt i lli=leg r ing . CIO z - F.:l-rE istrriamrecs. Car. Sixth Anne aid liniikfleld Stud. THURSDAY, APRIL SI, 1870 Beans at Frankfort 9,51@a51 iit . llll3llN 50It Gota 'dosed In Seer York on yesterday at 11144C4119. Tms Kittanning ihmeartioss says that if their Senator, Kerr, - `•has s panicle of manhood left, he will , This Is no doubt the metal sentiment in that district. Tau Louisville Orissurvili Is vivarium In esity youth. Scarcely threemontis old, It. hu been ealuged ,to double Its former slsis Bumps for Its suilismieci. tlon notions, PerilL 3 l" 0, might I ,Te *Ad ded 'natio °Mu . m . ran -people _ of trieatronicOmplaiM that Mode Senator, Mr. Korr,:utioald zee la summate any Of the bald from That county, that the Senator of netahhoring county wis placed in e of all the lmiliesi ielatiaito ,that connty."7 , , • Wm learn aßea ver pa if that, ex-RepiteentatlTe Bidliegbetilleitdd bea candidate for re-election, It`would be awn his favorite ex pectation of Democratic rapport. Pps. cleft so, and not 'otherwise ! it erili be safe to reckon wit that- part of the ring being fbittined out by the Totes of a Be._ publican people. Tilt yr* "OptooTtisennetit of meinberiof Congas' witlgtve, under ;Adis of , the - Home twenty tie* mom - /t is auppiaed,that r elf 'l r otkwill pin two, New Jeray and PennajlTania mob one, Idloontland 'Jaskola eneh two, one oath lowa, Kansas, Nebraska and Ittnneauta, and ttut other thirteen to the Bouthera Boatel. - . . Tun only tariff bill Ilkelrto peaks% the , present Session will be some. complier meson*. of twelltfi6' - tveniy lines, In-' eluding but a few items of internal taxes and customs, which will abate some . fifty millions of revenue, and be put . tbiough both Rouses In a week. That Is thepro.. gramme for gait Zane, - naleu • our . Representative upsets all calculations with an earlier. Adumph lgaisist the hoomarar.. Tan planocrry Of pallfoinis ruSu4 alnalots:allei ell. Iffe Printed lately the flamln& exhortation :which. fifty or more members of ttestegislitine,-brthat Perky, addressed to the Bimrsmento county clerk. encouraging him to rejem coloroi Totes from the •,'zigletry. After that letter ranched the Clerk, he thought better of the nullification question ' gad moiled theruirie of every "colored applicant In the voting Mat. - , r Tag list Pennsylezads -Leglalature pared less, then, half a dozen general laws, an over' fourteen hundred local ptirate end corporates yeas. Tairtsia . Ohio Legiabdere went/ thiee. gettersllaws, orty-threeaMal lassist MY six icArlTsioprieuto ~o?ick prohibit' special legtestmr noon aby muter width can be covered by a general enactment, whit, pp 0 7 11 43 4 14 PC7ol,Aq.)Fdt'il tore to Make nab - honest livlne r bi th e opposite potter •zo • "Row shall Jeri nominate' is the Cern nianies 'Mondani. beading_ to Whatip. pews u a communication in HI columns. The uses" lasupposs to intenditßepOb. llciuslgalflcationl Cookineeeil 'glow shall lei Dering.tie :War, there were bustiwuking on the flanks of both armies. who were at ail hoar' equally ready to pillages henroost, rob qua scut trtltle:lo. oritiose I Ctrummets" sijing no, when dlscusaing the plans of-the campaigns 1 Wn tope lif.ssiside Hall crowded to-night, selth.alasodienambich. ilk Cat fain to Aa. ladaddect: and, mail led ley a. TorY baortdatillsodporadubsetras, from Patent Hommistiones glanart, upon "In-, tent= and' %hate Inventions." 'Adm.'s' lion itee to all. Tbe topic isiio beau of peeldiar interest to our "naiad people, while tberespeaker honors, his high dead position by his thorongb acquaint:ewe' . with mechanical wimp's, his demotion to his dam, and Mi . aebolarly . ability. If stab a lectuier upon inch iteddect should fail to fill the largest. ball In_ Pittaborkbr It - would •deeldi the publle.' spirited chinas who hate . . theedblly as• wool the needibl expense's.. , W noncom that Representative , Itscquir proprockthe Abolition of the blooms tax. This tax extinimished takes off $35,000,000 Nun air annual receipts. lie doubt, - our Represtentative will be elm lly cordial, if not so prompt. ady!:vc eating the entire abatement of the tatM now Imposed upon indite?* irtides of prime necessity to 'all classes of ,tho people. take from us about 1W.,00 0 , 00 9 dlitretotal at least 457,000 r ow. - How about the other taxes wbl special Interests demand to be relieved frail t Row ranch mom can tlu ..Trem tiry comfortably sparkfrom its MMUS, I l!leeL . 91!1 Inmost and reduce the elpid of our _obi and if; theca dity flee or sixty sulfilons be the c ue,. figure of the proposed redaction, why not consolidate the two propositions and put them through at once and together? This would says time and per. haps dispense with any farther discus piess, :wit bout point and .withwat upon' the tariff. Nest this Upon income of 4;4141 go dm, beaus it lip really ti t s moat obnoxious to 'MS n?esell o' the people? Perhaps oar Represents. the will allow the_people to hem from him, on the tea gralcoffen.quatian, next week! • • • lilmirrou Kerr, of the Butler &Mice, finds a volunteer defender ,in the BEIM, Areas, winch contends that he should lb acquitted of mbar% Mairdciaiii, because the vote in bin Ormanittee on the Watt- Dbutond coetcrit, Stood, with him, Ltd` to two for Wan, and a chaise of his vote ibuld sad have left it bur to three, in favor of Watt. , Let us enllghtel the: .dsgas. - Two of. the five so voting were Kerr add DirisyY." "Both - of these Senators hairpribiorridy been brows to be friends of the, DebicutOo petitioner. Bea changed over to the Watt,eide,, aft*. three weeks before the cloielof the Sa gan, tali. suddenly itiaafellraltd bp% teciodaly. Dirt thatialietafT larat , Pulp is busy about..',ltia Other man, Dray, voted" for. Dbikridd every time In lks Comailftse. He so irCritsd..act,tha test sate, the :light hriforil.piDortuiti: presented ill iepaii glitaneit mb ihtng, patehinithithow, aerie igni.1001401: and not being„ atilstd persuade Nt Wag• fel to go with him In declaring the 'sad' vacant, and that his wheelie was wholly &flare, the fellow had the cheek to sign , 4 ~~'~~~ the report in Wsit's &TOL Thue, the dryer will pneeive that Kerr's vote en.. at of the case. veloped the turning.poi Thst Jourzug may ref on theta , facts ' sad verify them, if it wishes, upon proper enquiry. UNDER TEN HP.ADS, the New York Tribune states the Georgia case. Its first specification is as follows: _ I. The Babel eldineld to that State Is primarily responsible for her present am dition.—lt was hilly representedin her Legislature; no testcsith has been Im posed to Its reit:dim in snort. all wso moving on toward her speedy rwmra. lion to bet proper place in the Onion. when the nereronstructed saw fit to 01,81 the colored members from t,th Houma. It was an ungenerous, unworthy, disloy al,auleldal act—moch like thing on a flag of trues. Is errs s first step in that revolution backward which Freak Blair proclaimed, and in tart ice of which he was nominated Mr Vice needs:lL -It was Me signal gun for a new rebellion in reoccur to the nomination of Seymour fbr President. Nobody can think - Worse of that outrage than we do. —The other nine heads of Its uvievr" merely elaborate as many illogical pleas, fins a•way all the practical force of hat lids been first so conclusively gated. lle head of its article ate up. the rest, Illicit we do not care to print. It is the revolution backward with which Con quells dealing—and we hope to sea the_ orirlord with gloves and costs oil. HOWARD 1 A.BOttristaing Protestant congregation at Washington bmame unhappily divided riot many. yesua .sluee. The schism in volved on one side the especial friends of le pastors , TTI ZOTOZI. and on the other, ere Ben. ttowertii, of the Freedmen's Bureau, and a majority' of the parish. The ornitrcventj became a quarter, then of feud, and at last a regular Conic= vendetta on the part of the Boynton fan. - it, who unhappily perceive that while tke Hows4l wing thrives, has sound pteaching d a rapidly-swelling parish, the people show no sympathy for the l's" Boynton ticket, that beech r the church having dwindled down rdnily to &cypher. This makes things. =pleasant. Hence Ms understood that the 4anainur 'charges just Made' againit gen.'Howard, and now under Congres sional intrestigation, have been put into the mouth of that excellent example of Christian consistency, Fernando Wood, the Boynton party. The Issue or the investlgation is not at all a matter for dpnbt; Gen. 0. 0. Howard will be ac• 'bitted of even the shedder of any official or personal iesproprlety. . Takeonebribit sample of all : he is charged with' Having profited corruptly by certain in .4ldiclotut contracts for the worthless -tirioks of which the Howard University was bait; that these brims were made by s!, patented process of which he Is or was e part owner ist the time t h e "Contracts Were made. The Philadelphia Butieqa slates, 'upon this point: Ic has been sent inroad that General Howled and his brother have grown rich dut of the contracts for brick lurniabed for the Howard University. It la a feet. fbr which we have a, better authority than any that hen been adduced to the contrary, that General Howard hr.+ bad Interact in the American . Bitilding Block Company alone it first supplied guitarist for the Howard University. Ha withdrew his interest from it before the ' drat contract was made. His brother, oho is a stockholder in the Company, thus Waal a ialll Of ntont two thousand dollars in the operation. We feel very confident ;bat the other charges against General Howard will prase as false is this one. GEORGLA REMANDED. For the present, the Berate bu divot qd of the Georgia question. When It kill bei once sent back, as It will be, feom the Bosse, let us hope that we may In spared any repetition of the wearisome Alsccusion of the lost month. The bill is 4:lunged in Important particabus, making its provisions more severely stringent Man before. The Sinxham amendment 1 wu lint dropped, and then the entire substitettiag simply a Idecluation thermovisicend character or the ealst. i leg Stale governmeitt, loviiiing for a new . legislative' election next November. and , ip the meantime `remanding Me State under military control, until released by her mad:Mission to the Federal rsitakraa. The writ of .Aconas corpus I. ded, municipslitint are made re. eponsible irribunages to persona Mimed by mob violator, and the President Is etnpowered to organlee the local ratillia. wry, Dunnage: mestsiaal Ou rennatition to rmaand aularst. to Sl aputaiT antra, for which inconsistency the— Republican - • =gradations were &ered to therm The opposition then Anted to escape . Democratic odium for teli blowier by refusing to rote at silos e passage of the bill. This dual rote Wise 27 to 84, as follows: Yana—Maassa. AMEIII. Anthony, Buck anollarpenter Cole. coitus, Ora togtu sin. Edmunds. Ferry, Un.we, Kellam Morrill (Me.), Morrill (it.), Patterson, Pomeroy, Poole. Pratt. Sou cSawyer, Schurz, Boon, Sherman, Upton, , l'rumbnlkWamet. Willey. - • • - Now—Means. Hammitt, Chandler, Drake, Fenton. Flanagan. Fowler, Ham. ti..ori (Texas), Harris. Howard, Howell, McDonald, Morton, Nye, Osborn, Rim. soy, Reran, Rice. Spencer, Stewart. Sum. ma Thayer, W 1111•0111. Wilson, Yates. iiPeshould regard the approval of this bill by the House as a wise incept:ince of the real situation. Georgian perversity needato be dealt with as the Bente deal}, Yet we - scereedy dare hope Mat the House. rtill Concur. Fortunately, whatever Is to be done will be done speedily. If effect naly al s o,. so much the better not only for Georgia, but for the oilier laiely o recon. sinned States, whose popnlatioin would dens understand that there are limits to' Ithe National forbearance. 1 ' —The yea and naircitir es above Stlll bear an examination for which we bare 'not space to-day. The yeas represent the moderate ; wing of Republicanism, bat vbeir majority n assured by the ea, of more than one — extreme Radical, who . would have Voted nay except Gar the Sul. lock's element in the Issue. • OUR WEST VIRGINIA RAILWAY Readers of yesterday's issue of this journal shared In our gratification in' noting the favorable promiss for the early completion of a railway through the Monongahela Valley: W$ are informed, Upon the most reliable authority, that the resources to cover the proposed expendl tare are staple, It the public, confidence. small so apply that, and,this confidence le as cordial is it Is genral _Lithe most deeply Interested quarters. 6 wealthy and welliarcircied member of the Dlrec tory volunteers a v 0216411 marlret his faith in the present andfuture credit of JJ t h e work, by an offer to double his in- vestment in ita stock and bonds. 84 in. iltation to other gentlemen of the .ffoard to do Shamuses Is .a_ganerons challenge : which we not think they . can ignore. It is to us, In common witha large majority of - our fellow-chime, especially gratify.: tag to learn that the &noun of this pro. jut dose ;tot depend upon- ktaremziost the , inotalar aid which fumed to be prodbrol , by the lately propovd Sinktneand lour: . Thesdactal ginpikallons of yertardaVonli acne for theatill clearer establishrrunt of (befit:LAW the Pittsburgh end Charles tonißalltosy thin , be Wt. and thut'inidi; • _ vory has always been pra pined to be built, with only the levAtimato e aldr= local capital, supported bythe InonstaG, i Undid- • expedient.; of • ry, Esztigage • boob- ' 1,204 bundled and' nnbovlttl - reposition; lately vetoed by the Governor, to divert the guests of the State Slnking•lund to NEEI .., the gm of our seaway . comPanY, were never thought of by the Directory as • required element in the success of their favorite estairisa,..onntil It was first mentioned" to one of the Board, also a member of the Legislature "by other par. ties during the last few weeks of the' session." This testimony is the more valuable, because Its authority cannot be disputed. It telly supports our nrevions advice/ that the second section of the vetoed bill, Siring -$8.400,000 of State aid to this and otker projected roads, was thrown in by the!ingineerejoillut main appropriation of V 1,000,000 elsewhere, Purely es n. -101140 fling sop, a' bribe, to mncillate the support of, members who might. be otherwise Wellned to vote down the "vut 7 `Miens' 4 gratuity— to the Pennsylvania Railroad. Ora:arse, it ii patent to the reader that, since the Pittsburgh and Charleston project' had Mien theretofore irepported sa entirely practicable without Stroh aid, Its solid in ' terentlearincit Invierwiferid into* respect by the • most commendable defeat of a , mischievously bad aupplementary bribe.• [ On the cot . itrari., this Journal has recently shown.that these solid interests have been in eked, protentednid promoted by that ...ta defeat.. The road again stands, as it did before t'other pestles" flashed their jack o•-lantern allurements before its friends, Upon thesolld buds of a needed and pose. ticable project. n - , ' - One cannot reed, the repeated prelim& legs of the Pnitielint _Convention with out' a comfortable conviction that the road can and will be 'ioinplited with Out .unreasonable delay. 'The two and a half illione already subseribed for the work ii a sum itself ample, with , the aid yet to come in; to lona this railwaj. ;It leaves no doubt that the interebted communities are able end. willing to help themselves to any needful extent. • To complete Quito. F ry, it only remains for all to emulate the handsome offer of public-spirited Direc tor, and prove their faith by their indi vidual works. Certainly, we are not too sanguine in , the, belief that this will be done, and that the-Pittsburgh and Charles ton Railway is bound to be a mccesi. _ ___ COMPULSORY SpIICATION It appeal to us, ibat. If the piesent agitation concern lag the use of the Bible o oar common aohoobt wonOd give _way. 'to another, haring for Its object theeom• puLtory ettendince at cdt 'children at those Inetltutiotte,:great benefit for the - . commonwealth and _the- human rice would be derived from its' successful discussion. 'lt Is difficult to see why this subject doom not engage the most earnest attention of the people. The excuse that such coimmlllon Is antagonistic to the spirit of our Institutions to at besa,an error with Nome and a sibterftige with others. If It dOel not Cleah with repub lican, tosUtnUona to build prisons and shut up In them the perpe:ratore -of crime, It can certainty not club with. •.hem to institute measures that tend towards preventing crime. The commu nity has a right to protect itself and Its institutions. and It appears that school compulsion Is not only dealrable but ab• eolutely riwatertari ibr that purpose. Without desiring to dwell on the truth of the =SIM that one "once of prenna don Is better than a pound of cure," we would simply direct the attention of our readers to a few points connected with this question of school' attendance; It is a conceded fact, that premature and ovarilueapplleatronkiiphyslcallabor is injurious to the proper development of the human mend and bray . : . TOW° end hundreds and thonsambiof children ply eri or driven to tblirpernielons pru , nes! W.a go. DCI_UIAWYTIII.I4O.teiIbe childum of the pcibr, who hmve,to toll in the fac tory, the mill, the mine; but stmt.° those of well-to-do parents, who are taken from the schoolroom at s tender age and placed In the store, the °Moe and the count- Ingmom—fbr what? For the sake of • few paltry dollars, for the purpose of an early Initiation into business;" In other' words, for the purees e of directing the Juvenile mind to the parson of the al mighty dollar, which. baa become the bane of this country. The minds . M such hive must become unevenly bet- Moe& When grown up, they will be 'goon* of all the elements of learning: they lack the ballast. nemomary to steady fbr them the abip of MS. in con! aasnence of this, they: will be prevented I from the real enjoyment of their wealth and from the proper nee of it - They will ellhei waste tt • for ifier greatest:ion of muistridned paaaionor hood lt vip fa Was and nulls, and. becoming Wears. Seedrelbeli own wheal and the con tempt of thelr . But bid ea. much a practice la, a total abstinence from labor, as well as study, - is still worms Nothing II more tolnri one to the . Juvenile mind.than Idleness If knowledge and morale are Oct laal cated, vice sod depravity are pretty nue . to scatter their 'seeds freely with' the prospect of yieldinei rich harvest. The vagabonds of our: MUT. and commons, the inmates . of our bonne of ill-fame, the lashes of our street corners, draw their supplements from such children, who have neglected to go to school and to store their minds with mishit know'. edge, theta lmfiering the blank space to be Oiled with depravity, as the Idle, nn worked lend Is filled with weeds and thiallea: • . - -- But besides giving knowledge, the. fre. quantal:lon ofltehools subjects the child tb a wholesome discipline. It learus tout intil—to ant Mdlnite Its own whims and wishes to the minimal good —lt loam's to obey,. This art of obeying Is as ladle. ponsablip element to a country where everybody la a sovereign lord. Without ii. anarchy find confusion would soon reign supreme.. Da not Object • that the child receive" this discipline at home. Of Octane" In many homes it deem but them homes are generally thaw -whose inmates' will send their children to echciol without'oompulsion. It is not for the purpcsui of ;sacking those that we. envocate the measure. There, are thousands of families In this land where theiehlidren do not receive any restraint whktever. They.. grow up without knowledge, *Mont moral Influences, like the whelps a the woif, the oats of the tiger, and can one wonder If, like the tiger and the wolf, they torn upon so-! elegy and prey upon Its vital interests? They say the safeguard of this actuary li Its own Constitution; but we say the safeguard of this country Is the sullght• onecickindition of lin citizen& Knowledge - andmentlity go generally band in band. A cultivated mind rarely feels a die. position to resist or to trent:oils iiton the Lairs. But lot our citisemi sink hitt; ignorarcer4arld Inns hielliadesel —depravity end' imperstitkno--and the conictitutionJs merely a piece of parch. meno-.4 dead letter.. The people doweU, therefore, to time time by the forelock, and, by an Early attention to this lmpoe tant subject, iiheolicinde tliriptoit dart. limns evils of the Clay: • ' Tow father of thp Posh:lent his IRMO the following letter e • i