ANRIOAN BANK, NO,. 80 FOURTH AVENUE our eArrra&r. • . tiaeo,ooo Stockholders Individually Liable. WINK OF DISOIMINT ANDDIEPOSIN "Mr Mrat. WY. 714.=. DllllOlOl5. NIL Jatus m. Aectilbsld Walses. smes W. meet; jss. D. Zell,. has. B. Leech, • Wm. rle7d. Thttlislts era sew NIT esisalskt and pesPs.d • nrnilfg linlaDON4 GH:1141), SILVER AND COUPONS, rtonike at nightie . Prices. PH. IL MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and-Oth fame !LIES T. BRADY , 00., owooaaopti 5. JON= a co.. (truer Furth Avenue and. Wood-fit., ..1 1 47 il!dielfall Wady of 90TERNINIT NUMMIM lIOLD, SILVER AND COUPON% • On 1107 NAVORLBLZ =SW& Menet Allswed so Deposit'. air Mone y Matted on Saverninent Santis at ow est warm rata. Orders softened fee the Purchase and" Male of STOVES, SWIM sod JAMES T. BRADT & CO, cfre Eittsintt ettaptit FINANCE AND TRADE. • my Tele:mph to tits entatotrea trupe, ) • '`•. litior Tatar, April 17. - Money easy at btu Sterling aaale at 8351Z/9X. Gold lower: . opened at - 1.835 and closed steady at .111,M ellkai. Carry ing tree II per !dent to Hr. Clearances 111 muuo,. Gtmirnments firm. Coupons: 'Bl, Mg 61.435; do '62, 1214312314 do '64, do '66, llgetillyi; do new, flMki; 9%: do -1001110 X; do '6B, 10010;i; /dal, 6M36it. Currency 6s, 1134311.. Skate bonds dull; idirocuis, 62%; old Ter:armee% 69%; pew, 64 %. Stocks firm bilt IL Canton, ,69; Camberland, 219; Western Orden, 82%; Quicksilver, 10; hieriposa, 634; preferred, 1135; Adams Express, 60M: Wells Ex. prey, 1935: American, 88; United Stales, re Prieto Mall, 86%: Now York Central, telyil em u , 14X; 88X: Erie. 24.1‘; pref.. 48,c l'Earlero, 1.34; Raring, 99; M. c., no 4 ;- Lk! Shore, 8835: Climb Central. 18935: PittabuZith, 99: Northwestern MO do prerd, Bock Island, 11.133 i; New Jersey Central. 1.4541 et. Paul, 69,ti; do oref 'd, 73%; Wabasei, 49M; do pref •d, 74; Fart l iValatt, 923‘ . Tarr: Haute, 40: do prOf'd, 8434; Chl ' esgo and cl!tan;_ lll At . do pref NI, 112; Ohio and MirL'otp9 l , • HIM 0 . -0 . dt L C., 7835; Hartford dt 4; St. Joe, 107. Baton priest: Copper Falls, lie Frank lin, 6; Quincy, /7. Sub-Tresaury balance. 1 64 , 808 , 838 . 4 a. eluding $1,663,261 currency. --Clouting quotations roomed by Jamt a T. Brady tit. Co. Gold: 113 X; United States Size% 1881, 1.1.450 Flye-Twentieri, 1862,1123(; d 0.1884, lll; do. 1885, 11134; Ten-Forties, 10133; Plve-Twentles, Lion ary and July, 1885, 101%; do. do. 1887, /10; do. do. 18138. MN Union pacific Railroad. 8734; Centel do, d0,'9034; Cy. Paeltio„ 111%1 Lake Superior —. PITTSBURGH MARICHTS Orrscra or PrTraerrnort GazeTrc, TemanAT, April 19, IWO. The markets generally are moderately • , a ctive, With a fair volume of business In - the aggivegate,thouOtdeveltriif anything specially ewe =lmportant. Notilith _ steadied the =intact strain are increes-,, trig, inn ander the influence of a mutely • 'demand, prima, with the exception of oats, are , well tusudned, Flour also %armor, as - wheat la higher; though It L,, especially In this market, to establish an advance. It Is easy, esp.- dally when there is a spirited competi-' How, to put prices down; bat as Alt soy' Lutimated, udry difficult to make lit ttirn- , ' 'the other way. Consumers here certain • ly have no tight to complain. as , dour is , handled on as small margin here twat • any Other place In the country,. and has I his been thecae durin the. .MaCt • ilf•We are not-ndataken, our . - - indlestill being sold In small • lots aternerginof fruit /2 collie per bbL, emei Ilia :only way to make it pay Is to . Mr,'S'dttod deal Of ft, on tits motto or Urge islet and small profit:at and , there, Zaybeinly no reason to complein In re , serdtel thapriee, as it is about the cheap ', eft tothdain the rearketehesper. role _ • than gold: , The prooislonettede ••.eocUuee' fairly Wire, el. "Knag unchanged , are folly austalbed; ime toprime bare whitened up the de- Maid bee Improved People having be .01101 e imprered with the' belief that litebettrut his been ruched, and' are Dow dimposed:to 'lock up. Grodedei *la the and firmer, particularly artgarsend _oldrees. which are effected ,by the Puma. Adieu inr-gold, and there Is not as much diapositime manifested to "cut'. as there was imps weeks slime. Produce 1, quiet abdunalooded, with s supply in exams of thedemand. APPLE BUTTER-dales at Wane. dlitlldit--Quist and unchanged; Com mon 'Beds Ash, 4c; refined do 4X; "Putrid WPM; Pots 73f. ""- APTIM-In limited supely,•intd the better desmulptiona are selling readily - etWrrices. We continue to quote at ;tn . so per bbl, ibr fair to prime, and y a fiAtil s_ ird Is In good supply, and with sontinned liberal recei prices are barely, maintained. W e ts continue to quote prime to cholas fresh roll at iB® 35. - BRANS-,Dull but unchanged; 1,6c@2 - pea WNW, am to quality. firmer and In rather bet . Ward - ter demand, end prime are tending up 011ANEGIERTRA-Ralse of Bachett's Dale Berries at 120 per Dbl.' CARBON dull. but unheang ed; at in /50or 100 barrel lota, and tt@Zs • • In a =mill way. OORNMEAL-Is quoted, In store, at 1100011.-par bushel. as to quality.. DRIED FRUIT-The demand is • "abade, better, though the market contin . _NW vary dull and are unchanged- Mee of apples at edit. Peaches at ' ha quarters, an iSiug93‘ for halves. Illaekberrlita, 120 Lk. . EGOS-If anything, were a shade ' Mrongor &beach unchanged; we continue to quote at 164317. though some dealer, are holding at 19-they expect an lu provememt moon. FLOUR-Market firmer and more ao• Om_ and the stook in this market is somewhat reduced, though as yet there lino queaele advance. We continue to quote western flours, in acme, Neff@ fan Sprint: *Wet% for winter, and gfapi for fancy brands. Rye doer, fd. a lar.-Wr had Is -wares and in de , mend and higher. with offers to buy Red Winter at 941501,111. for rod to prime. Millers are not Justified in paying an ad vance ea there is, as yet, no advance in . dour,. bat there Is .no help for It; they meat supply their customer; and keep up their trade, even lf, for a time, they burette waren. Oats: quiet and :dull but unchanged; 0048 In drat hangs; bo ;ea wharf and track, and 611056 in store. Corn Is firm and notwittistandlno the arrivals are Incresidag, prime under the Influence of a brisk demand, are well outsized.. We can report sales on Wharf and track at 9121485 for ear, and 133(390 itorelhalledr 011100_ 9(ftrlitss.297; d tiifi eal- - ism re - Ka& l'arcng sacks. l Bales St care prime Ohio Spring Parley at 90. • 4Y-Baled Is being said on wharf at 41514118,111 s to quality. • HOMINY-Market almost bare, and ihealans are not disposed to replenish, for bar ofhavizur to cony It over. small fall. HlDEB—Green Wted, 10011, , ,do buicher ft 700 y; dry Alnt r 224324l,green QlBe. IIiNS—S LARD' GlL—Extra No; 1 is quoted Arm MEL W(01,80. igV'MPß7iliarket etaady and Prim! • well sustained at the late decline. Red MIN 31083; Oak sole, 88:440' ealt (sly) bar. new, 40043; oak 4547; oak . l erbr p 2 .ip , l4l4:rtivG i oat; • whits, 41,74 citsve• be" ' • • - r. 7 ,• - Mtn& EITROP—OonooI be quotod above $1.60, aims Ins roan 10 ‘ 111. 011/0203,441Larxitt pretty wailinttedi, and little or nodemand, • •,, PICOVISIONS-84saity obtdagsaiss 101 l glom Erbouwers, =SE 1240124 for Plain. and leaf for Sugar Cured; Sides, 1634®46% for ft.bbed, and 17®174 for clear; Hama, 1634 for Plain; 17% for Plain Sugar Cured, and 1634 for Canvassed do. Breakfast Bacon, 174. Lard, 16%16117 In tierces, and 174®173g lu kegs and half tibia. Mega Pork VS® 294. Dried Beef, 20. POTATOES—SaIe • of 800 -bash prrme Lake Shore Peach Blown, sacked and de livered, at 47. River Potatoes are being mold - on wharf at 116450. PEANUTS—Prime Tourmaline quoted at 9 100.. PEARL BARLEY—No. 4,6; No. 6, 64: Oatmeal, 110,60 per bushel, 65,60 per half bbl. PEAS—Salsa at $ 1 ,90@2 per bushel. SALT—Sales raw load lots at ;Lan; 1,70. with the usual advance In store; SEEDS—Clover seed is steady and prices well trustalned--sales at IN @RI- Timothy seed is scarce and firm but cm. changed-16(46,60.- Crushers are still Paying 12,16 for Flaxseed. PETROLEUM MARKET Ornon oP Prrremonon Glearrrs, • TITSISDAY, April 19. 1870. The oil market continues weak and very dull, and, as has been the case for some time past, the sales are few and far beta een. As a general thing, the feeling Is decidedly "bearish," and this feeling was stimulated somewhat by the report of a thousand barrel well,'whieh. at last aceounta, had dwindled down to 50 bbls ItiStead of 1.000. Whithin the last year, or two, all reports of big wells have been received here with considerable ante, particularly by those who are dined to be bullish and whose Interests are not In sympathy with an increased production. As will have been noticed by our readers, the reports in regard to the- production, as furnished by the Titusville Herald and Producers Associ ation do no not tally, the former making It considerably larger than the latter. Dealers, generally. are disposed to accept the report of the Herald. though we be. neve, that both are striving fo give as correct a repcirt as they can, notwith standing the discrepancy In their state ments. Tee report of the producers association Is said to be gotten up with great care, also, that their facilities for getting feats and figures, are better than those of the Herald. Be this as it may, the production Is big and holding out remarkrbly well, and there Is not much doubt but what the reports of this month and next will show an increase, as there is nearly always an Increased production in the late 'spring and sum mer months, the weather being mare favorable for development. . . The market oontinnee dull and weak, - with a continued downard tendency, and th2c - to - noine exteettrarrannner• for the very light sales, aa buyeari generally, are holding off in expectotiOn of atilt tower prices.- ~Elaloa of 4 202 ., -- hhilAiat at 11: I,OM do ".(IrreaPeellee..o2- graeltY) 10%; and 250 tibia Parte= Landing at 10,1 i. -Dull and weak 'twit without quotable cbange. May offered at 25%; April, at 25%; June and July at 2854;J ane, 28 bid. FACKIYIS OP canna OLL ay a. V. H. W. C. Twaddle SO, on account B. 0 Hull; J. Gallagher 540, on account L. B. at Co; E. L. Goodwin 160, on account J. B. Barbotirl Jaa. Wilkins 240, on account A. B. Palmer; A.,8. Millit 80, on account. W. 13artle; - Brilliant 011 Works 480, on account Lockhart, Co. .. • ..... BHIPICHNTII OP , OIL BY A. V. R. B. • hiontshatmer K d: Co., 600 [lbis-refined to Waring, King & Co., Phi Pa. Brawl .Wagoer, /51 WA" ref. oil to Waring, Xing &Co., Phila. Fawcett, Ingan & Co, 250 bbla re. tined to Logan. B ro. It Co , Phil's. feasivy.Bro's. 490 tibia refined- to W. P. Lotrattßro. & Co, Philadelphia. National ReArdog & Storing Co., 307 ref. oil to warden. It Co., Phila. "Uzans Oil Works .599 bbla refined to Tack 3:1% St Co.. PhiladulPhia• - 520 bbis. oti nap's') alBll_ez 3 P BB & A . V FM . J. A. McKee 14,468 g..ons refined to Bostwick & Telford; Raw York.•. 1111AliKEIS . 11* TELEGRAPH. New roan; Aplll 19.0ottcoi quiet and steady, with salsa of 1200 biles up lands at 2:330. }?'lour—reoelpts, 1226 bble-s@loc better, with sales of 10Z0 bbls at r.,6502,65 for superfine State and western, 14,71@5,60 for ` extra State, 0,75(415,40 for extra western, 15,20@d3,15 for white wheat extra, 14.85(416,09 for R. H. 0., 15.2506 for extra Bt. Louis, 1848 for good to choice do. Rye dour firmer, with sales of 250 bble at 14.10(4)5,80. Cora meal quiet., Whiskey firmer, with sales of 460 bbbs western at 11,054 431.07 for free, closing at 11,07, and 100 obis buyer to 1601 iliday at 11,0734. -Wheat: receipts of 30,506,buithilc better; eaten of 63,000 broth ata f emaft for rejected it r al,Vt i rltl i n i ter or reg e a:d amber weatern,11.,25491,40 for white Miehigan, 11,65 for choice white State.—Bye enieh dales of 500 bush western at IL Barley in fair request: salmi of 10,000 bushels Oalittirnla at M., which Is above the market. Barley omit cllet. Corn: I receipts of 400 bushels; saves end 1(4)2c, better; sales of 61,000 'bushels at 11.14@1,16 for new mixed western, 111,14,4 (4)1,15 for old do in store. 11,12 far new whitdwrestern, 11,16 neve western yellow and 11,6801.0834' for 'common New :Or leans mixed. Receipts oats; 25/52 bush— oata. Mao better, with . sales of 18.000 bush at 61101624 for western in 'tore, 1340 650 for do afloat_ And 6840700 for Ohio, Bales 7500 bit Canada Peas at 97e In bond. Rice in fair request. Coffee quiet. Hu ger firm; salesl,lso hhds 93‘495i0 for (Alba; 9,t4e, Port Rico;11$0112c, Dame Molasses dull. petr 9 leurn cittiet aL 14c, crude; %c, reflood.' Hops quiet. Hay heavy. Llnieedollipiet at 55487 e. Turpentine dull at 46047 c. Pork quiet and a shade firmer; sales 450 bRa were made at 9 21 ,62327,75, Mess, 120,150021, prime, and 1240324,60 prime mans; also 750 bbl' mess seller April 127,12027,70. Beef steady: 240 bbls at 110(4)15 new loin meal; F 4017,50 new e.V.Ow mesa. Tierce beef steady and _quiet: h 5 tea at 124028 Prime lam; =gm India meas. Beef I hatne quiet: 195 bbls 28®210. Cut meats I steady: 215 . pkge at 10 0120 shoulders; 14yal6c hams. Middies quiets 40 his Cumbahuld ant at . .taxigitor and 25 boxes long clear at 151(c. Lard = quiet and unchanged, with sales or 840 tierces at 150115%0 for ;steam, 16Q)16X0 for kettle rendered: also 1200 tierces steam ' seller April and May, at 153‘01115g. Butter dull and heavy at 14002ti0 for Ohio Cheese quiet and steady at 16431734 c. Freights to Liverpool quiet sod firm. Latest—Flour closed a shade firmer with a fair demand, chiefly for medium and • low gristles. Wheat quiet 'and steady at 1.0801,11 tor No. 2 spring and 11,2201,24$ for winter red and amber western.. ye quiet and steady at 11 for western...osta .132:4165,2 for western In store and--afloat. Corn very 'firm at 11,15(4)1,16 for new mixed western. Pork quiet with smilers mess at 127,75 for all May, with buyers at 121,50(D23,6234 bid, sellers' option June. .. Cowmen'Art, April 19.—Flour dull and drooping, with salmi at 8105,25. Wheat unchanged: sates at 91,1001,12. Corn less firm at 88g880, and supply better. Oats steady at 55(?,80q supply moderate. Rye 90%95c. Barley: prime Cotton steady at 220 for . middlio To bacco firm and all grades Kentucky leaf 2583 c higher: sales 290 hhds; receipts for the week were 1,282 Wide and all sold. Whisky In active demand, with sales of 1,200 bbls at 91, and closing strong at this rate. Provhdons quiet and rather weak, thotigli offering. were light. Pork: mew: held at 128,24628,50, with Wee 800 bbl. at inside rate. Bulk Meats helct at 10X0111X@1S e talillbo for shoulders, rib, clear rib and clear slam. Balton held at / 2 4 15 X(iP 8 3(c, with no sales of Import. ance. lard held at 15X(418 for country and city kettle rendered, with huskies. Sutterdull and 25880 lower , with prime ' to choice at 50@.13e. Cheese scar«) and factory a half cent Meier, now held at 15©15350. Eggs Artier at /70, shipper.' count. Linseed Oil declining at. 115 900. Lard Oil firm at 91,2501,28. Petro dull. at 24%27o1—market overstocked. Clover Seed unchanged and the demand 11 811: at 18.414350. Timothy declined to 95@8; Mit'llttle demand. cuweats; - April 19—Exchange Cr chenged. flour firm, 191,800 , 1.75 Ibr sprlag extras. Wheat firmer and active, IX@lXet higher,' claming at 131X43.8134e cash and 8 1Xia82o seller May for i:;10 21 this afternoon opened active and firm, 111 X 4192).4e cub and seller May, closing dolt. torn les, active 2a92X0 higher, closing at 8 1 1 34688X0 - for No 2; this af ternoon higher, Mic cash and seller /daY. Coate firm, 344)40 . 1higher, cloaingat 47X @47350f0r flo ' Rye and barley more active and unchanged. Provisions quiet. Mess pork - Closed - at 9/7,75(429. bwest pickled hams .14X ®143%. Dry salted shoulders 10X ®lfiXo, rough* aides 1835 018 No. Receipt, for the put 24 hours: 8,98.hb1e flour, 19,542 bush wheat, 29,810 bush corn, 8,000 bush eats, 875 bosh rye, 8,711 bush barley, 2,511 hogs. Ship. manta: 4,587 bbls dour, 124.808 busheht wheat,.ll,oB2 bush eorn, 8,806 Wish crate, 2,280 hush barley, 2,214 hogs. tkr.'Lotas,'April 10.—Tobacoo steads?. cotton nominal at 2510428 a • Hems active and firm at 111,39C01,30. Flour dull with sales super at 33,90(a4,48; wafts at .11,20@14,50i choice and Itusertamlly at 16@7,60. Wheat strong ; No. 1 spring 83c; 'ehelne DlMlnesota klerNo. a red fall 3 g1.03@1,06; eholee fancy' red y e llow 1,3. Corry-lower at 90(4930 for 931398 e for white. Oats slow at 54f#650. - gaglay study at War autos Idinnasona, lire Arm at 730 for prime. - Whisky firm sr qtcrerter delay and unelsont, ••- • ' MIE Provisions quiet and muter. Pork 128,50 gai).. Heavy dry salt meat, quiet at lk for shoulders; lic, clear rite 150. clear: bacon shotihiera 11%41120; clear rill 15% 43 116 HM clear 183041650., Lard easier at 16c. Mellen 170. onolce keg. Cattle steady at 434(i17300. Hogs dull at 730iZt90. CLarauelin, April 19.—Flotu•quiet but a shade lamer for. country brands, with salsa of double extra white at 90.760 0 . 25 ; double eine red at 1585,60; doubleextrs spring at 45,2.5(0,25. Rye dour quiet at 14.76134,60 per barrel. Wheat firmer at 11,12 for No. 1 red winter, and No. 2 do. is held at 11,05, Corn is quiet and held at 139®900 tor old and new mixed, and 91 @We for choioe No. 1 yellow. Oats held ttrnier, 64c being offered for No. 1 State, and 66c asked. Rye held at 90(49.ic. Barley quiet mid nominally unchanged. Petroleum very quiet and the market is nominally unchanged, refined held at 2234@280 for standard white, and crude at 16,16. There is not much doing in futures, the only sale reported being 2,000 barrels crude, seller for August, at 90.66. Pirmanatmlia, April 19. Flour: small bualness, but holders firm. Wheat dull and weak, western $1,24(41,80. Rye unchanged. Corn in good demand. Oats dull at 00082°. Petroleum very quiet; crude 18%c, refined 25 ;o. Provisions doll. Meow pork held at ;28028,60. Lard 16X016,40. Whisky advanced; held at 8 1 ,0801,00. • BALTIMORE, April 19.—Piour very firm and unchanged. Wheat tlrm; Maryland red $ 1,4.5Q11.60: Pennsylvania $1.,820§1,36. Corn active; prime white 11.10; yellow ;1,0961./2; Oats steady at 6.30650. Rye dull at ;1,07. Provisions firm and un changed. Whisky quiet and firm at 111,05 (41,06. • LOUISVILLE, April 19.—Ootton firm; middling 21%c. Flour 116. Wheat 11,06 (31,20. Cern sacked 11,05. Oats 860. Rye 951 Groceries, demand fair. Pork 1129., Baoid llix @164110N0. Bulk Meats 111;1415a15Ao. Lard Asc. Whisk,y 99e GM Tobacco quiet 'and steady and prices smolianged. Maurine, April. 19.—Cotton firm at 2230. Flour quiet, with extra at MO. Wheat scarce at 11,10. Oats at 64@6d0. Hey 12E428,50. Bran 280. Lard 16® 17%C. Pork aotive at IXii. Baoo2l— —12 go, sides 12®12Xa. Bulk shoulders 12tio, sides 1030416%c. TOIXDO.—FIour AiulL Wheat firm and I@l2o better: No. 1 white Michigan 1 I 30, regular ditto it. -13, amber Michigan 1100 y, No. 1 red 1110. Corn firm and 3c better: No. 193 a, No. 2910, and. No. 1 old 950, Oata firm and I@2o batter No. 1 bee, No. 2 Mo. - Dzraorr,"April 194—Wheat .carne and advancing: extra sl2B®t SO; No. 1 $1 19 20. Corn 90e. Chua 63(55e. Barley 5E61 GO per rental. Clover seed quiet fat 110 60. White Bah $7 for halve. CEIrERVAL - Ail 19.—Beef cattle scarce and i d em an d - at 95137,79 for com mon to extra.' • Bheep in light atipplvand Arid at 4 1 060007, per Nodal grata. Hogg ;active a t ,69109,60 per oental groan. WitlDE Cuxo•oo, Anril 18.—Cattle dull and weak, 85.30 tor stockers W prima .ablo ping beeves. 800 quiet and a shade eager, 18,30(49,123in for common to ex tra. If7:PENH° MiLWAITIEB, Atoll 19.—Flour held firmer. but prices unchanged. Wheat weak at 8730 for No. I and 800 for No. 2: Oats higher at 4So for No. 2. Dry. Goods Market. NEW Yong.. Airll 19.—There le a fair business at generally steady rates. The only changes of Importance are the re duction in Dwight cambric@ from 18340 to 17c and Victory .41" glazed cambriee from 8c to 734 c., 1.600 bbli. CLEVILAISII, AND Prrresourat Rau, Roan, April 19.-1 oar pig metal, Linton Iron Milli; 161 bins lime, Adams a Co; 123 eke potatoes, 9 has butter, Brugger. man & 0•13; 8 bdla r d ehalrs, H Berger; &cases sewlog machlhes, Grover & Ba ker; 8,000 ft lumber, McQuowan & 2.000 do do, Oroinlow & Coon; 8,014 do 'do, G A Mundott 1 car oats, W °Miller; 3 bbls potatoes, Watt, Lang & Co; 19 ski rata. Godfrey & Clark; 20 bills Sour, P Duff & Son: 1 bx oranges, lido mustard, !3teel; 1 bbl auger. J 8 Dilworth; 8 bbis eggs, 714 Craigbead; 1 bales hope, .1 White Jr: 18 bdla chairs, 3 do s rock- T B Young & Co: 6,000 ft smutting; J M Selbort &Ora 97 oil bbls, C A Worm- castle; 2 bbla onions, 1 do d apples, 1 bx mdse. H Be. Jr, 10 bbls apple„ Meanor a Harper; 1 Oa d peaches, 1 do apples, 2 bbls eggs, H Rea Jr; 7 his 01110131. Head & 31; 2 Obis whisky, R E Sellers& Cm 6 kgs tobacco, Carter, McGrew & Co; 1 bbl varnish, J M Seibert .2 Oa; 33 aka corn, 1 bbl eggs, Bose & Ewing: 21 bbls apples, Ido eggs, /' Duff a Son; 30 empty. hf Ibis, Head & 3d; 11 bdla hemp, J Greer & CO; 20 oil- bbls 1-1 A Worumaatles 60 bble vinegar, P Duff & Sons. Pirrentmorr, Crecurrtarr AND Sr. Lours RAILUOAD, April 10.-2 care staves, W Hastings; 1 do do, 31 P Adams; it do wheat,-It T Kennedy & Bro; Ide do, Pogh &S; 104 toe grease, I? Sellers & Co; 1 ear w lumber, J D Odell; 100 bbls dour, D Wallace: 100 do la,•l6eghmyer & V; 1 bx tools,/ Allen; I do do, Whit. more, D& Co; 14 bdla riddles, Lindsey, & E; .20 bgs rags, R. Chriaty; 34 Iva g161n,.1 pkg tallow, P Duff , Boo; Ibx rade° J 0001169; 4 emp; bola, W Mac kown: g 0 bgs bats, Mitchell dr.Eh 74 bgs do, S Hood; 17 do potatoes. Bricker &Co; IS pk produce, Heed. et Id; 6 bbl. eggs, 1 do butter, 12 bgs meal. Volgt, Co; 18 4 0 faV, G Christy; 12 do feed, Soho maker & L 2 bdla pelts, J E Dannahr: 2 bait cabs, SG Lauer: 4 bureau; Bold: finger de IC; 1 by. 11 lidcWhlnney; 1 Odle and box. T Rare a Ban 15 bga potatoes, E Smith; 4 bXa tOblioto, C C Batter; 4 dodo, Knox a Born 2 bales rope, 2 bbhi twine, Bard & ri.; 10 Wee tow, Close & El; II hhds Vance°, 1 bad°, 1 do sampled, Weynaan a Bro. Pm:a:mum FORT Waxers Ana Cras rtsoo Ilku.noen. April 19:-74 bkles, Hoiratot; pkgs bum, F Sellers & Co; 119 green bides, M Belangcs 440 sks dour, owner; 9 ears bullunest; B H era & Co; 2 do do, W B Hays a Son; 100 bbl. floor, H ChicOlaris 8 bus butter, W O Armstrong; 1 bbl bacon. H Rea, Jr; 10 bbl. whisky, A G McGrew; 78 bbls flour, II Riddle; 860 bus cheese, owner; 25 do do, Carter, Mc° & Co; 41 PkVI jars. 8 D Strawaturg; sin rags, Fluter a. hi: 1 bbl eggs, Etta:wk. JA Co; 14 sks potatoes, Ido onions, Masnor & 111; bbla potatoes, 1 sk onions, DJ Blanchard. It bbla eggs, Woodwo,th & D; 10 bbls pOtatoes,Volgt, hi & Co; 5 do do, 2 do onions, W 11 Graff & Co; 25 bus soap,B Ewart & Os; 16 ski rage, McCullough, 8 Co; 100 bbl. dour, Owner. AvywErettrry VALLEY AMMAR April 19.—i oar lime, H M Henderson Bro: 9 pkga butter and eggs, .7 C Cuddy; 6 do, J Eillty; 4 do do, D Y.lrutot; 3 do do, F Bruggerman; I ear barley, ;Spencer & McKay; Di eke oats, Jae Close; 15 do corn, Adams & Auttin; 6do do, 46 eke oats, M Went 26 aka barley. B B Cope- land; 19 do potatoes, J B Patterson & Son; Rears metal,lleßnight &Co; 10 bus hardware, Elpratt, rohnaton & Co. 9 oars metal, Graff, Bennett & Co; 13 alm rags, Jos Howell; 4 pkga butter, W Ready. PrTrasomart & Connravravuma Ran, ROAD, April 19.-75 bbls cement, C B Leech; 100 bbls whisky, A. G Mc G rew; 9 'ski rap, 7 bbls onions, Valeta& & Coo 20 bbla whisky, Littell & hi; 69 ski oats, Scott & (9; 10 rolls leather, A E Beason; leaks corn, nos Moklichaels; 289 bra w Mass, Fry & Co; 50 bbls whisky, W A Kiefer. • Amactusrrr -STATiorr, April 19,-0 mks and 6 bbla dour, V Ludwig; 1 oar metal, Lindsay & hieo; 54 hides, dtUok• rath & 00; 24 chla tallow, SI hidea,l3 Llv ingaton; 1 car wheat, W Mcßee @ 00. CINCINNATI PER Aszasaton, 19.—J Herbert ! 30 • bbla apples, 4 do cider; Man A, 187 ski e corn; W & Co, LO b mattresses, 4 a tables, 4 bdls leaves; m et R. 20 tea boot Rose & .832 ski cool J & WPalrley,l9 taUskke, 88 aka a corn; E Edmondson & Sons, 10 do feathers; T B Young & Co, 81 dos &lairs; OCI Hammond & Son; B , do do; Ortledb &Co.l lot furniture: Van Gordo & 13, 10 bales h cornyA. M & 00,11 bales bags; A. 0 France,, 65 do cotton: T d.Blaisicroro, 20 pkgs taboo; Klein - L & 00, 6 bk. picks; P 011141.4 & 31, 9,0 00 e kegs, 176 WO staves; Hervey, 4 bbls and his eggs; P Dorf & Son, JJ4 bbls eggst E H Myers & Co, 2,000 b shoulders, .60 to be= J Meyer & Sou, 8 dos chars; Clarke 6 Co, 24 bbls eacks; Woodvrell & Co, 3 bbls eggs. ' N Whiting & 00, 180 chairs; W H GAIT& CO, 2 tuba eggs, 60 bbls g apples; Flux= & Co, 8 rolls leather, 8 dos pelts; Hauck, -..1 & Co, bbls and 15 baga a meal, 1 bbl ...eggs; Bruggercon & o'l3, 24 do potatoes: A P Brldgeraan, 0,000 ft lumbar; A Nob% 3,000 do do. Plirszusam. Baowasmtm AXD reuva Pacomm Co, April 19.-38 bre oats; 68 do oorn, 60 Mai apples, B Carlisle; 20 Ibis lour, J I House Bro; 10 Obis sp plea, H Rea Jr; 176 bra w glass, R 0 Schmertz;a4 bales _hay, J 0 Sohappe * Co; 78 sks oats, Hail * Ritchart; 200 sheep, Hawkins; 15 bbl. apples, Sharp. neck & B; 88 airs oats, El Brown; 100 bogs, W Gray it Bon; 60 hga corn, Graham Marshall; 60 do do, Campbell &Coulson; 25 bales hay, J B Hollow; 12 eka~ wool, Clarke &04e; 17 to dry apples, Means & coffin; 17 bas 03111, 2 bble onions, Mc- Cracken, d ,t CO: 20 logs wheat. Malan° a Aujer; 20 bbls flour, J B Dilworth & Co; 4do dn, 7do apple, N B H 28 ski ma, D Chem; 16 bales hay', Ber oot g & BAWL , Wssamosta nos nom" Apill obis potatoes, J J P 64114, 20 • sks W Walsh & Ckg 20 ,bhls ramose, Jaw Frei but 6$ bble flour, Arbuckles & Om 29 aka Wheat, HOC & R; 80 do do; 12 do vs, - 110 do' tansy, 80 . baled hitA t J it W Parley; PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. MORNING, APRIL 20, 1870 lIRPORTS UT RAILROAD. imPORTS By' SILVER. RIVER NEWS. The river la again rising under the In fluence of the recent mine, and last evening the • Monongahela mutts indi cated 10 feet 10 inches: .13usineas was rather more active at the landing yesterday, though there In plenty of room, for improvement. The Petrone arrived and deputed for Wheeling, and th e Julia departed for Zuteaville. The Wild Dack and barges left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Monday with 1,200 tons Iron ore. The Lake : Suparlor passed 'over the falls to safety on Saturday. The Mary , Bayne and barges, Capt. Motheral, with Mr. L. J. Hanlon In the °Moe, In announced for St. Louis fortis. with. The Lorena will load for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi after the Believer. non. Capt. James M. Vanderatitt atilt pre 'ldea to the office of the Lorene. The Arlington departed for Cincinnati yesterday afternoon, with a fair hip. The Mollie Ebert arrived from St. Louis on Monday night with a cargo con sisting mainly of metal. She has been absent from this port for over two months, during which' time she made two round trips from St. Louie to New Orleans. She has had some Improve ments made to her engines, which have increased her speed very materially, and she is now classed among the fastest 'tern-wheel boats on the rivet. Captain Ebert proposes to make a trip from here to New Orleans, and will at once com mence to load. The veteran Standieh Pelopard Mill retains, charge of the office. Tee Juniata Is dui here from Linda nett to. day, and will iitturn as usual to morrow at 12 o'clock. The Reserve is loadiug for htllle. • The Bellevernon, Capt. J. J. Darragh, is Vizir steadily for Eh. Louis and the Upper Mississippi. She Is in all respects an excellent boat, and when It comes to speed, Is hard to heat. —There is a misunderstanding among river men about the action of Congress In the appropriation to complete the Louisville canal. The committer ap pointed to renresent different bodies add interests of this city went to Washing.. ton, and asked an Immediate appropria. (lon. to further the great work oom. menced a quarter a century ago. The amount asked was only a quarter million dollars. On Saturday the sub-commit ee (not the committee)_on Commerce Of the House (not both Houses) had agreed to the appropriation asked (not enough to complete the canal, but enough to make a "hole," as Gen. Weittel calls it, for the largest boats-) The appropria tion is incorporated In the regular "River and .Harbor bill," which is a strong assurance that boats more than po feet wide can not peal through the canal Wore the fall of 167L—(Yin. Gc4ettA..:- • • • The New Albany Ledger, of. Flidlkik , save: “Abont the time of putting-Abe - Lonlerville and Arkansas and White I River f'acket Co. into operation Ooze. B. C.' Levi offered $ll.OOll for the Evansville packet Norman. The offer was declined' by her owner, Capt. Kennedy of Melo. natl. He • day or two ago signified his willingness to sell at the price named, out Cora. Levi replied by telegraph that he didn't want the boat. —The twelve cults In which the Mall Line Company one to recover for the loss of the steamer America, on the 4th of December, IMP, were called before Judge Taft, at Cinch:men, Saturday, and • Judg went for 964,164 taken by consent. It la the intention of the puttee to take one of the cases to the Supreme Court as a test MOO, upon the result of which the payment of the Jadgment shall depend. —Capt Matt Houston, Of the Govern ment snag boat, B Thayer, is about to contract for • new Arkensairlver steam er. for other .partles. It Is sot certain yet, whether he will Collision here or at Cincinnati. --The Mary Ellen, bound for Osibllna /huffs, on Red_river, sunk a few days ago at, the landing a bove Gllmsr Slane,' • few miles above Shreveport; boat end cargo reported • total lois. —On Friday morning list, It was be. Raved that a the of two feet more In the htlealarippl would rover the Iron pile Sr —The Olasgmi, Pittsburgh to New Or leans. passed Memphis on Saturday. —Watianlts, hew Orleans to elseln net!, was at Cairo on Sunday. Upper Hewers. =I Beovriervimm, April 19.—The river to rising very slowly, with sixteen Ind C half inches water in the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 47 degrees at 4 r. • hionoltaltToWN, April 19.—The river la 811 / 10 : 1 617,j_wIth ten feet Water In the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermome ter 47 degrees at 4 r M. w. OztiCtTr,lApril 19.—The river la ail ing alowly.i with live feet water in.the chazutal,..Weatber cloudy. Thermome ter 62 degrees at 6 r. gassossabno, April IL—Raver Yelling, with about 'aixteen feet of water In the channel. Weather clear. Thermome ter 50 degrees at 6 V. M. • If. RIVER PAOILETS. , INENI AND NEW ORLEANN. • --- Eon.airEmpuiq AND lia4l=at NEW MILE A PM—me I Ven. , and emorrookloos • . • . - .IIOLLIX XBILH.T. Coot. IL W. 482.3 . 11 ' ii clork. Biro d Lill 13 S. rooar.L will leave sr sr.!! c r rrit ISATURDAT, Aprlril&l. pl cro bo a rd or to • 11%i/ tr ial:Vail 61.2 A wuou, A:but.... • . • upek t est ntssissippi. Foe ST. LOUIS, IMO. KIM MIDST.. PAIII, , T letililk•AIRII113.1111:16, - - • .. r , • . LOKSNA... 2 ..—. .. 11A.1:it. PEIOVATT. C0m11 , ,, Clerk, Capt. Jar"ea M. Vardermff. Will !este la abaft 01l itAnl/SDAIT, Apra 48d. a. 4 r. 34. Ifor trelket or pat satrp Sopa on b.ma6 or to . .. are kiLIBIZST er CO., Agents... CR ST. LOIM,REOra d a d LI7K, GALZNA, DUSILIQU • 131% FALuL.-Tee ..In and co amodlot. JeZLIALVERNON: Capt. J. J. DinACiY; wnt leave For the &bare and tutermedlite aorta WEInetbDAT. April 9O:11. at 4 t. 111. • tteltttt or plumate apply on 1D Ot to ePle 714.08,& COLLINGWOItD. •gents. CAIRO AND, NT. OR CAIRO. BT. 2 4 :V i e FLOOM • hthiiOUHISIVZIL be slew pmeagar neame: , -AoNritiaLtit Jcas 9. Will trams as abore TEI ItbDAT. 91110: 17.10 4 14 h 1 ■ r. tramotar. TOR CAIRO AND ST. 1! • LOITIo .me powerful tuw.erlaglt post MARY DAVAGIG AND BARGED N. - land 9. Commander, B. W.' leOrnalcaL . , Clerk A. J. I:Uttar, leave for the above and Intetme- Mate porta on TIII3 DAT. April 90th, at , 3 t. Y. sjpl2 CINCINNATI PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET , LINE. - The us • and splendid sl.le-whPel .10SUATA. Oapt. 0. L. Bilsissrsocsaiggrillt wW brave Pittsburgh for Chtelousti P.VPJAY PSOESDLIC at li wdoek promptly. . P•stu. • lag. w 1111•••• mu 11.17X1t1 80htpY_Si. IS Sf K._ or aright orimpaspanNy7oo3rijo is tit LVLLINa. 41stentsn--• PITTSBURGH AND:, CINCINNATI' -. PAMET 1 LINE. Tn. zarw-saa ffidendld sidearbeel a fßeanier. ARLINGTON. DANIEL MOORS. Muter, A. L BIIRTAan, Cleft, res . Manuel for Clitelunail every TCLISD at • 1141. tnutantly. Recanting, leave'', Cinelimatt tat Pittsburgh, at lit AL every PRIVAT. ' For Relent. mange, oratherlatinnatioa, 14; ply on tenni. or to • JA111:11 OLLIN-IL_ VLACH £ COLLINGWOOP. AIOItv. STELADISEUPS TO LIVERPOOL AND • QUEENSTOWN-4. Tsui 111111611.1111aL simanisulrs. Nortterthe. ethic= ilret.elees remehrt .0 3 .4 TAT cm or otimwritr . (=Tor _, airy or okurnroix. - • CITE OT 'AMNON.. • , tutu.' VILMA ILLTURDAY, from Pler 46 North Ulm. New Yore.. For mason or Periher latermatton hews to WILLIAffi BINGHAM. sr.: 14 bIfITHIPIELD STAMM ir.'/Af 34.:M: :1 Hey. Met received svery nice arsortheen i r et ILIELVIEC:PLATILD ICE I'ITCHAIid, ICI 011 NA, - TEILVIATE., • C. 4 493:1CTS. • BZUJIT DISH ELL AU the newest patterns ' 'refl'irid'ulerelPterial". WATTLES t siazarswif 101 en= IVllll* - sbOie Wyk: HE QtALIFIED NOTES') Or T .tw sleetiont. oo 1 . 17196 Y, April • 1•611; to KLECT Otti to ditteoluteXpitw tOrmat Do. 616.61 1 / 1 4/Ital. I:l4lec_ JAN.= N. SIMI* Xakte', P111131111211.4•th 16,1110. SPECIAL NOTICES. afrCONSVIIit"TrON. DR. aCIIENCIETI POLIIUSIO BTRIIT for the " i r r ' d * . UV/ Vb eirl; and trl P OTrii to r the eere of Limps t h ese all the Deblittateri untie of th- athwart, DaSORZSCK'S DaNDR•K T. PILLS, for eatth-of the Liter or to act to a tientle Per- AL of these three )(edict/mare often thqntre d In curing Consemptima though the . Puisnottle n r :?e n retl Toe/used 'histrraltd.eTflreastatit . 7 •ErulT o l 9 l 4 p 3 =4"l:o L =tMytibe z t % b e ' blood tem... W . /Mich means • cure la Lanter n/med. These' kiddicluth the conseleationsly offered to the peon., toe only sere, wrath and reliable remeov for Pu lmonary Coosumption • the ft, all thoseorbid conditions of the hotly which lead m to that fatal ohms.. Liver l emmaint and DT. peps= ere often forerunner or Commepclon, mad w-ed they manifest themse lves they require th 4 l ht e Armor/Fe' merichre which pat had • long probation before the pa hlle. Datable has been proved by the, thousand mum It Mu made through • period or more than thirty-aye veers. In elf of which time Ith reputatlon haa In cr./or. and the most obeVnate theptichni eau no longer doubt that It is • remedy which may be need with confidence in all math welch admit of • cure. If the patient will perm/ter/ugly follow the di. ce motions which NecompertY their bottle, e will b e eared, If Ma lungs are ot wo o much washed to make • cure posatole. Yvan In eases supposed to be incurable, when Mends and d g i tr Octane have dethelred , tn. cite of tads me a hat Saved the life of the patient and, rumored him to perfect h. alth. Dr. Schenck does not say that all them of Pal. rayeary sonausepther are within the math of medicine s but he empbetleally muerte Chat often If. I k e rt e ctth e MITIVMU: P rat n e e ' sweats, general debility. even to Seth a . deg fee must they ars'oblieed to lie In bed. and %then they are give u up by their physician they may MIL be eared. Ito etedirtal treatment can create new hall some hen ext e nt lungs arena) amlsy dimmed tar to extent drotroyed, a sere may pe lepted b 7 Ur. &hen medicines • • amo, In iteminiona Diaamee. throe nuerein are smugly eriett. Dr. Beionek rumphoto es graphs of number of perm a who b.,. nearly covered with reenter aores Mut now all b.0.fl up. This *horn its perirmeg w in Ito be able to hea, th %MT= ' meth:omit of CoConsutaDtion Du or the almost Importance to Klee 'woe toee to tt. system. /these It is neeeeenly trengthen, the appetfte of the Patient sea Inv Drove the IlLemtlea• /Toner hounshalent is re marred member wltlt3nen Means aa will make the rood easily digthtib e. The urklee most suitable for the diet of.COMltentleil patients are de/limited In Dr. Chen k's alstousee. which are diathlented gratultonely. sa gement, the most highly nutritious articles ere So be Dm [erred, but the digestive organ. meat be et , cum etted In Order to mate either hued or medicine earetheablu. This requirement It met by the Seaweed Tonle, anti forthls purpose It was dos . - When the digeetive Dowers are put gaol order. the !vodkas It. proper ereet; the syst Of the batten: Is Invigorated and Ue lunge be et. to e remise their function. in a normal end healthy =either. Then the telling Dover. Of immouto rjyrup will erect the mire. palmth•ry Consumption I. almost always ma pllemed with Dmpepsta and Liter Complaint. Mandraite Pills are In ended, to re- mate obstructions from the Liver and restore It. tealW7 eaten. They bate all the efficacy which d to calomel or .. bleu mass," and are warranted not to cont. in a particle of any min- erelyelson. These Pills cure the meet obstinate mouteneas, UN headache, nue., bitt ous Doak and air other diseases which .rye Rome torpid or obetneced coed/U.4=ot %ha Liter. One 'neee Of these 9111.0111 P.m the ellicatT.Of the , needle-Inc. le4==ntst on tho Sea Weed Toile and ma drat e PM. en =saleable auslllary mediae= ?ley rolls= the =furless of the patient and esslaS tbn ,Pahoonle hytup elk.ctb, They hoe be= fused rueful la adr=e= stases of Isionsemottes, where' the longs sae almost =- Wet, destroyed sad ell sytureoure moonrise to itint:ttg.g;t 4 lllV,l= l itg: mg l; Ii o dying e sdit/on hs ' re•bees toresseted for months by the mot ththerel , s three ire= rem. =les. Dr. liebettek.a Ahnanao contain. a full treatise ou the various farms of diseak kis mode of treatment, too general dirretious how tone medicine, abe had gratis, or 01 mall by addressing h i . Principal Oaten, Re. ID, North Stith atreet. Philadelphia. Pa. , le'rice es. the Pun:omit orrep and Seaweed tox each moo pa' Wale, or 17,30 a half Mato. M Mandrake Mir route • box. Tor Aga sale MAL by T all 'ULL. • • IarBOCTOR WEIITTIIIII con. TIEULS TU TRU..? ALL PRIVATZ Inatallte. That aurnerous. lama 'Mews resuW Lad from sel(abure, proenetna munaalbsout nervous &batty, irntabfluy, erupt ona, mass' cisliElona. CNA ftallt braDobteel lueratartently mad. rersoltaatllleted with delleata,lntrteste sad long aloadtas oottatttotloaal oomplal. is are politely tualtaat_to MI for estantitolsory which Costa aotlang. Aspartaate. tba bort of teacher.. bas csabled elm to person reatedlea at ordr. ord elan:, sale, persoutant. mid which la mom paid lAD be ased without Madman. to bustard.. Mod. in Ines prepared hi the eiltabllabraust. arida& eta izedstair,,d r•Neptlint Sad gralallS X00.1.0111.° Ole •aparta ents Or ;aunt. raptures; dall b y . . , - ;"at :11.ttalltIbk.• and vapor and chenWJ thas toncaatrasto a r eap aud saner - al sprtny. o Matter rello bare ralltd, star, your cans. Read orbit Oa says Ida pain. palstdi arty mina, seat to Arty 644 nus for tttro sump. avalrd - eArelope. - Thortands of tames isted aillass11•1, at OM. a and all Oat tea k oath . gonankatlau free, peramaally or b_mall. t- Mdt M'WTHa =tot. i.Car Court Howe) POW:4MM Ps. Hoar, Os. M. to r. Y. da days 1M 0. to II r. ta. Parapbtaisaat to may ad. dross for two stomp,. ' ' .011 arBATCHIELOWS ...Thra splendid Hitr Dy• is the beat In She world. Hamlet*, rallabk• liortantßeona• does not eoatais iera: nor any Ralte pol,o• to pro -use paralysis or Rath. Avoid the Ranted and gleinare preoaraUone boA tine virtues they do not Resew The genuine W. A. batobeJorr Hair Op. hod had AO yearn untaralabed repots- U. to uphold Da In WOOS no tawny r..fret }RD Dye—Black o* Brown. Sold by all Dreg- IDEA *Milled at 10 Baud Street. F. Y. to ALLEGHENY COUNTY REGISTERED BONDS having TRAMS to I , Pitt TSARS to run 1:001 Aprll, itTO, hine,i to ottaidlitt &Wank nouns and Intbrione Os?Iwo Intcrest 91t9551 Pll l CENT., payable oonat - oltonliy, Ce. froonmode and county tar.' F . These feeds lte eonlldeatte recommended se • firet•clese ...dlr. the ofleit whlpb tbe7pre Issued living the burly ltipport of the p FOR SALE AT THE .cjlgns'orrioNwgok.. L,rintan's Florida atery. The .most ce . :.(blatCd aucl • Most delightful. of , all Par fumeS, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Diuggists and Perfumers. FISH - F9ESII. 49.7, 6D niaoluc H L th. halTes, 10.. MRPLlnt l litttkio,, locktea, sad i n cria s t sktmßoitti - ' L o K L HE o RING&I es aII Dbl. sad nu. WHITE FISH. Is Eau 0516. sad AM. SARDINES. g 10. and Sg lb. mu.. ====l : '4-44.4 • EssTA.Diasp2EthlQA.. • IIZABY 1110112..LLIZRT 11 101 1 1%.101 . 1.-X. Atter. HIGBY,'CUIiT & CO. " , No: 189 LIBERTY ST., WhoMiele and Batall Dealers and Jobbin la .0111NLNUEktrdWAAJC. YLATED w.IIIIE. The aurcilosol all raptlrtairgords la the abeam Hue. 1. directed to oar Mock. Importea directly tram tba beat imams 11 .411•1• And Ir• eta near reativlu • troth sad dulzaam lot oir Oa arena rood.. • apt T4l . . fiTOVO FZI7DiRLI, (Wit tt1X113:71402441..a&t 'PEAS AT REDUCED PHICES.. I==l,l7i roffi t"T":4. Including_ the asoion , s Ors& Chop . , of Ustroloratt . ce r s 4%74 ilisingtritirbeillatolgolZl•7l944g. atom Hyman, and /inhibit Mixture Tios:Yytitra, ValF r Alr' glizrrin ". • 50Ittr .egorliraAltr. Corner Liberty sad bilOth !Wens. • • ICIP`A °DUCE. A. • Frerb Butter. sally Hese Potatori; Mgt Att. Vat r ic% rebus Besse. ttr.borSkler. 23:: • . rrliu Groan •*ppjm tilr o r bomb , rolures, Broome. Apollo Batter. Vakurs, he.; . Itebeirtag astir arid tbr rat by 'a • vv." ' ;10 JOIN .GIL-LiESPIE. CEntsirra SWEPT:. An orda., lea at Poet OM* Bob sirs, or at OM between Liberty lad Binitelleld eu.. preznytlyettentiedio. est ball • REYETONE POTTERY. S. M. HIER 801304 Y.nntaotlletj o{ .. Queglyrwariii - Brfirgol, Ware, 4 0 „ °Mee and Warebon.a sLIBL&f TISTMECT Irirad amen proem. ettietoad to . TP/Dik 1117818 ER "IrLTTIG, /ORE lip steak PACXLIIO • -or tb. Itoatonßelflos_Comoaaloo make. A Oill zegg Loh TB! RollosorlilloOOL *Una. • a.4 B. to PHILLTIt . • iOOO fog tot. el . Bu rrEß. . • - 16 boxes Tindal Bon tatter; - Do 1: /0 !talc berristi •gl m . . _ . CEIMENTe—/.00 blibb• TILL/. itydraailsOyar tb• • • 111 emu.- . FLNALNOIM.. `OFFICE-OF FISK & - HATCH, Bankers and Dealers GOVERNMENT SEGIIITIES, No.. 5 Nassau Street, N 6 i YORK', • FEBRUARY 16th, 1870. The remarkable sueeees ertdoh has attended our negotiation ollthe Loans of the CanTRAX. Pactrt C RAILROAD Cdenurrr nod the WarraDer PACIFIC RAILROAD CorrART. and the popalar. 117 sod credit which these Loans have Rutstein ed In the markets. both In this eountry aid Eu rope, have att , mn that the ilea men.c.E. /lend. of wisely-loCated lad hoaorstdpm aaaaa d roads are readily taken no the magi stdtahLr, rafe; ?ired actraatimetas Ibrea of Invesatient, vtaldlig .more liberal lemma thmtean hereafter he der 004 from Go'rentmeat Roods, and evens- Die to c alt, their DUO*. • Alumni that, In the selection and negotiation Of ceperlor Hetimid Loons, we are meeting I lent nubile Inst. lad rendering a caluablaser , /cot° the holdcwif Canna end to thei• gnat Nationativorlis internal improvemelft "Am Iritilliglimult and iliblitYlllll character entitle them to the nee, of ()antral and the contdesco of tureetore—ore now Ater with enamel confidence and saCietectlon the •" . . HEST lORTGAGE BONDS OF THE CEIESAPERI AND 01110 II CO THE CHESAPEAKE AND 01E10 EArcsoul, connecting the At!aive Goan and the anagnid. cent barber. of the I Clesapealte Ea, 'atilt the ()hie flier at a point Ir mailable nartgatioa, and thee, with the cattalo Raliroad system of the great West and Bay wesk /OHMS THE AD. DITIONAL EAST A Dle NOTTIIIINE LINK ao brperattvaly de . ded ten the amtranOti. Hon of the Isenease end rahldl7•Eroettni taloa. venation between the Atlantic uaboaad and . Europe Cu. the one hand, and the treat pro dueled:legions of the Ohio ud Misataalppl Tel. kya on the aim. ,- : TRY IKPORTANCE THIS SOLD AB A NEW OUTLIET ?RON vas wrar TO THE 11ZA. woollies It lato matt.oflliticaol come. monism and Moires to It as extensive thrash Wale (rem the day at Ito ample Ws; Mlle, la the .desolcadithat of the szteaslvit arlooltursi and mammal cosmoses of *halals and.. vres Vlrmalm It nemeusa. Wow Ito amoillas. tits stemonth of a liras' sad 'Whale fecal Intelasts. That the omit townie, 4th Mimi sad local, which deithad ON smalltime of 111 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD to the Ohl, Riser, .toed tha MI/Mat. It Its motets sad thins. Lod ZEN DILEJT THE MOST IMPORTANT AND 11111111TANTIAL RAIL ROAD ryt. rivrruse NOW IX i'ILOORIUSI IS THII COUNTRY ' ID maw Unity as as Nate oat WMt Tat . aod tn. tombs at.s tounaaso aad prottabla trod. Aw Wins Its tomplattoo. fiats drawn . to It Dot attoaDos aad goodOs;naltin oratalatat DEO *alma sad Nalltiod *a °LOD of noon& endoneat Dad 000.1 latertty whir tounkinO tlo • ylth . A..1;014.1.1ner alti that 'or alalliott idtlatna aid Outlaw atm ot _lilralnla and *tot Virgil's. =SDI= AN ZNZIDILTIO. BONDI/AB= AND lIINXIMITIIL YANAUZ . . MINT. - T►o Road Ii completed lad La operstlen Doan Richmond to Use celebrated White Italobar flpring. of West alririale. 997 f ranee. and Users remain bat 900mlies(sow partially eoestraeted) to tie emnaletod, to wry it Id Use dummied Mr =am es. the Ohio Meer ft, or amt, the mestb of the RIO Flandy Iluer,lso atm Yon Man natl. and 300 usltes below I.o.laborgb. L'At s are now To OjtOton or to magmas throngb Onlo and Kettnelry to tbls pant:whinny. the CEINZAPIATS AND OHIO WITH THE =HTIEE RAILROAD STAMM Olt TER WEST AND ihiIITHIVIINT. AN \MUTH PACIFIC , RAILROAD; Ito nalnalne aanehlooianawpa iodisation wIH nun the Chatiniunot AHD OHIO RAlL soap' COYTAX2 11=0 , /j the lithe/It nod Hoot pOwertol and innotworijar L oonantion of the naistryt AND TREE[ *SISTA A PitraltlOT TALON, IN COMPLETED ROAD AND WORK DONR;111;111/.1.:To IRK amain Axiniarl or THE 3104.1 . 6Ain. I• • Tkw details of the LOW Of ex linseed with 4.. h refereed* to the waste of tltolwieee Of:fteeettre, AM, combine the ♦arloea - feetioee of eoweetWoWiee tehwthet. loss or hub • • ' : 1 The Bands min denaitaithlosi if I A sl,ooo i $5OO and $lOO. Tbstr,l.ll be lune!! a. C 0172017 .11019* Asti vo suau. II asy be MA Wass fra Tae 'oonposui =sr be detached sad absorbed the , Bond awls h triamemars Ithhisehalla Sean. Masticatee sale ea the loots the GolitttatT. had the la%Tett blots paywakely Oe the xal.stered owner or WA; attars's!. • The three classes will he ascent restesalble7 Lt. "COUPON BONDS, PATABLII TO 88A8E8. , . * }Bd. • '`SZOISTZRZI) BONDS WIZ ootr ,FoNs.Aimonst.,. • 14. ”III(1121211/D RONDO wtra cou.. POND ATTAONIED,'`.DrI should be ee Dubow. tad by Consepondesta V epeolblag the doe es Seeds dotted. • ' • .• They bop MOTT TKAihs to raDllorat am nary 15, 1110, DIM Moot et Ox per seat. per anautalkos NeveNbar le UDC Perm. rat AND IM MO PATLOL2 LW OOLD LW 1111 pm Illor Tom. • , The lateral la payable la NAT aid Noetolsia that It mey take the plies of that of the Suter seem of 7lte-Tin - ratlea, I. nit the opened epee or ear Mende who Welly hold Omen! and Wolof Pee Ls Nostteorla Merest Dalittee January and July •. ore who stay Doerr, la mak tai addltlanal Investments, to have their Val eat ercetrahle at thderent *emote of tba year. The Lein I. steered Dy a atortgicrapot the eattre Ltu et Bowl hopt itlelusonD to the Ohio typo, DUD, tloteqvt meat rind 41 glair itcl:g city One anerteasaelteeoeastried tboeitelthe.. Dflelitte9 . +l7blll or 000,0:w rzsimu ittritArnoviDitP•roiTazßNPNlUTO N VP TON BOOM TO TaLZ EPPROT but TrAs ArrO, Tam colwriartioir OP TON. loirldsito is for 1111 , 000 . 009 . at *kid' ga.000.000 Ida be reseroaraad Mid la taloa for {he foilimptlos of oalotaaalar . lleado Of Um ' iritallda Coal/al 8 4/i4eOallalk7. Ili. I.:ma to the ostaasitasza airn Pale. • , Of tlo-riasaalag •13,000.00 a. ovillatut amount . 'ail be' sad to eon:data the road to tho . 01110 river. Pula,alli /Mame As sot** a off la operation, sad lacmotadur *gala fa. irapig fart largo azoktattio trig& • • . , Tdd prowit 0044 Is 00 aid searns4 intfit. , L Loan adddsdirsecand, do caretilli Idisroo. sad de eertainkmattsidomemsad adamant:in plans sidods aut . tortatts wanks to the lair- Ws, bcdo•2o tale corna !ad Ilazo rkwili ,o dded atrovemassa Sal quickly, abscom. V 11.7 relpdoedd7. HAMA, Bankers. P. 11..-lah •an Lined pampkieta aoitatalai 1411 yartlcalars. kkaratteal 'data; =Oh vbiel*tu besuitukik uPols IPDUi&Uoa. WWI buy and , adi Gc!veris. Binsdo.iind receive the ae count/ of .11411.141, ;tanker/al:7er:-. potations; and sasem aubjeeitik cheek a eight. and altos& interest ow daisy Indanea‘ • MEMO 9 ' I CIMIN & 00 .1 No.erw 75 iirarli Ammo, Plltesegi. Pa. mar PINANOIAI G commplici IL B INK ING CO., Ire: 92 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 10100.000. Stoat/olden hdlvidually Liable. w. N. NVZNNON. - W. O. MACRON, rszannaT. DuscrOsi: ALILIANDIR BAUM JOHN LINDSAY, A. H. B.GLIBB D• RUMOR w avgAsug JOHN v. rhiudars. cr. O. ButatAirt B. P. WILSON, JAbOD Colleatio or mad• on all acne mini., potato of Os United States sad Oaa Was. INTZEISTIOIowmfon TINE DgPOSITS. Prompt attention given to sEI Matinees of ear. re.ponae.t.. CENTRAL BANK, No. 35 Bank Block, rirrautraoll, PA 133:0333 5100,000 Bask of Discount and Deposit. KOOIEOLDEB3 LABIUM:TALLY LIABLE. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. commun.. med. In ail the principal Mudt tba tatted States and Canadaa. DIRETORS: TROIKAS FAWCETT. MADISON BATLEY. D. W. u. CA.R.RoLL, J. P. DERNISTON. JAMES H. RuPKINS, ' DEIMOS BINGHAM, JuLIIIS ADLER, JARED M. BROSH, SAILIS SOWN. • PAM. H. HACKS. • J. H. WALTER, JAMES LIOACI. THOS. YA.WOWTT, Presldent. JF J. W. DkVITT, .gsbler. HMINIL NON Amin - taxi Oubter. apII.IIO.IO.WP ARTISANS' DEPOSIT - 11AltliC, 46 Wood Street, N. Z. Car... Third a7enno. PrrITIVE". s. r. ITAHH; • MIL H. e=rr s. • C. 1811113.• -". 111.12111,1117 T. Inlerest :Allowed on Tizae DiTosits. DIZZOT0111: t. . Smi. . W. H. Me?... A' ZFF: th i!1!t. Nntcbtaroq Julia 1.110. p. Junes Mallait.n. ao 1 W. H. lit•blum. TRADBUEN'S NATIO% BANG; Wood St., cor. Second Avenue. rwrzennrr PAID ON DErOBll73. Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks sotto= AND 11441:1. A. BEAtiLklr Prealties. W. woman. Vice Precldent, o&4AT OTILIRS CAsater. TIM SAFE DEPOSIT CO OP PlTllirinniGrii. iron Tltr. ' Bah Beeping of Valuables, Cedar geusatee. sad the reatteg of SWUM Ite Fite and Biraltaroot Twits No. sa FOTIATO AFANTIE. pooisooot wz air pouravari. Tuo, Yeeelliosit—DENtlY. LLOYD. 1 7or 7411 1 11.1.7CIATS " 11 1 174 A LLIW Z4 WI LIA RA. CU a ACE W/LLIADI IL LYON. OURTid Cii. ilinselci. gswiNt u a-Zr. sozniTIVAT. caw trout 9 o'a oak A. W.. o e•aloct PHOPLB'S SAVINGS BANK O f Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Laeoek Streets. .irrat a. H. all. Pres Meat. IL p. , 11Ne. Cashier. , BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Itockkolders InT!dually Llati 1.1454U:1_1/lAI4 1:21)3.„,.r0vj CITY ISAR EL. 112 Fifth Ayenne, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 41100.000. ITOCUOLDEU lADITIDDALLT LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSED). ronmem szcHAilus Sdaittrt and gold: and 'Moo Clashed remitted' to isnons, Vothoottosa teada goal monalloal Point. nitna United State Lad Can •.H. o KIM= Tnatallor. : w tf2.22lcerasn : D:rfithen, Jp inns ifeatat..' ?lamas lioartn,;"'' Boob Keating • ' At k i7,.. k I ran. oii7Z Magna. ' tr. S. Preryvotie.„ :,11L, Ana..: • ituttnas Banews. • ntittfiziar,'HOuaitor. 'HART. CAI/GOWN fir C 0. ,• — DANKIRS AND DROKERS; *miner po:sreh and, Wood Streets, prirsamscia, atroorsoos To Emma. HART 0..) lIIMALZU ; Exchange, Coin, Coupons, AAA partlaularatig i tzad th• parahme GOVERNMENT NONDS. 802 t, Dr aft s , on London. UOLIIIEB & SOW 13.A.POKKR,S1, 57 751.ARICET STREET. rrrrestmam. pa. Collections suds oil id tie miaow' whits of tae Cattail Buttes sad °names. fiteeks,Bonds and other Securities SOUGHS AND BOLD 0111 t COICIOSSION. rawe r our aitnttait pi* to the sarcasm sad U . Xted States Securities. OILS Twit nuoTams, , COMMISSION 'RCHANTS Du's= Is Petroleuril and Its 'induct& ig .ii n trM a lleTi r W i Lgl tn succutss, - ft Ocoee-in WALNUT WAREVO & HIND, OomailulanNerftwats W Brakertili Petroleum and its Products, DAIZEWII ELM, DUQUESNE WAY, PHIL/I=MM ADDIMS, WABINO, KING & 109 NVALIIVT STREET. CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. =mar TmaLF, strannwrzimat or • Lubricating &High Test Burl* id Axle OW aunts great leuvirlUmfat auntremains aDecial " t SagraZ__ larids• 82, 0 14 saw lime* niasse sin ou s • wider Dr. Than protrerre m -m,.......z Irmo. 1.4.ranr%&r:211 f " AILI:$ 28 .111 suv =U.?, _order' aka P aCi es to 7 7:7ir, a01.4 • 1 ! 1 " 4.11 ' IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. IMM.•& 00.. lissialtet IRON. NAILS STEEL. AXLES AND SPRINGS. Drqvaaas, L Z AND .717 N Mr*, 'VAT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON, goV I LLHAJMDEE:r o ig a IAttIE mom, 1.4,140 N DYAD..) DRO.SITIMII34% IRON. YPHINO PIA WAND TirxTH: gin I: 411111, F RBA 4' ' 137 " 111 *': cumi, BURNT aza WAGoICerRINOS sad AXLES. OUT NAILS AND SPIRAL . All Goods First Glass and Warranted. OFFICES - AND WOREn: Illxteentlkntreet and Allaghen. and TT Water Iltreet, Plttabargis.• add MILLER, BARII & -- • incrEILAL TA2171.11: EM WM: 81121.% W M. BrBCIIL Puinrza-B Y. KtXL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFIICE. XL HO Likrty Wok PITTEIBUBMH. FA. 15.14:d41 parrseunour ) STEEL - WORKS. zomes.tastneo IN 1141. ANDERSON & WOODS, ILURI7•O7O/1/MS 07 • our 'gains:HD OMIT eras Of eySry deserlitlot. AU°, bat brined Semen Plow and Spring llinel. 1 0011NIE Boos ALND roar Avinfoic. DUQUESNE -FORGE. WILLIAM NUM (Elleoesoce: to Mt. HAIGH C 0.,) Raaggltleaoo-extgagre wlttgals lea For e / Mfmtlextly ' ilrW i lrte r rs .r SAM Jett 'Ms &PIT, 06ANIIV 7 IsTuN ROD& LIAAR.B. Dalltzt r itn.;N ßA. .11 , 4 ,0 kiLICUAIIA=.I2S, daooll:44ast ofd 73JAPF. 011217=21 rorgei Came et Duquesne Way aad Pint Strut .pl 3: as iiFrzwsuiten NOVELTY WORKS. .Pouted A. D. 1/133. 1001110A11, ADAM S. CIL wry sAcru nel4l CIO M ETVPMROI I 2OD AIS AVANt i r SCALES. luau l'amlili:ralakar Lodi. Late ar,„ 'MINER OP P.raf alitru3 6gn Piteli3O•l•V Pon* a. RELEFITELP STEM WOlll NaTOK,4 00,1 k, mrsinneas, - Maaataetazertiot 17aryttaperlrliaa of 1 CAST AND OF4MAN. ZALILWAT SPIILF33S,_ _ All . s DruaT1P9 . 141KKE11237 . 96. Warehouse, 88. Water and 100 Prot BLACK DLLIIIIOND. • STEEL _ co;PARK,' BBAVIITER & n Iffulztfactuell of all dasenlitleal Of • - 639D.MEEELLL. Mee sad Wang:tons*. TH IBM 2111. SHIBTT /MT and RAILROAD MARTS. •' STOV L7e. O.AIsTINGS, &c. COOK' BTOVEB. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS O 0 41,a Warraated to Cook, Date er Beak as wall as ma other Mare in the Maio& No. 285 Liberty !Street: Allaa, an band and nu Wt. - , ears V I • GRAIT,BOUS srricovms,. 110112'0If OOOKi 11.121+8 g urßz /IVRY FIIENAMV • ", au. olvimpor.kwat , wgisteig, 206 and 208 Liberty Street s sai. • PITT9BITR9H P&. A. BRADLEY & CO : , PIO. BO WOOD DMIDtr, Maavietteen , of the Greaten Vizlityot Cook, Parlor and Heating staves, TO BL 11 . 017813. • . : ' f i rTriarnt k UTONMl l fliVt rep tuatara of oat Stens Is melt that any ono LL •mut of mod molds .theald parr-ham mom bat thou 001 try as, as they iirl/1 be Anted the eon deralge as well eeosotnleV i arm puellaidsi idtentlea to our neer dal V for ebulenes. Md.- al.* .tens, • OVer .:edJ sot three 0200141-s. 104 , ..164 10 • Elena Gulag. All wan v, used Menpr o p64ULC, 461M.01 . 10 anlol.llell 100 let cheap cr. .1011/1 lot Cstammo and Mee Amt. lei) :I ;KT*. 1: 4 1 1 P/C I 03)10 I= _ • HENRY BIER - & ISTIO01•60112 to , • some in. 000P102 & 00,, Bell-and Bran Foundera. VIAI,OTINGI S •IlD• PHOIcPTLT TO ORDER • . laleable and Um Iron Fitkings; GAS PIPE AND TUBING; TH , TTLB, SUETY lAD CHM ALL 0L03311' PATTERN.. ON CCIO-E4S. Work of every description for • Steam, Water and OIL •011111238 OP J. Y. 000PXR a oe imp Tel Balaste•Whol . Stem - ramp:: • 01 Dreyfus , Pate,“o the best in the Market. ) asClToria, canto =monk sagas., cor t .10011.6 iIIcIDAFFRET, ComerLittrtysiniet sad Isard •Inoti• .1 FM/IDRIS um nom PIPE Finn . Lerarrs ibr A. O. CAURON • 00 , 3 pIIWPA AND nioilnurs. Eil COTTON MILLS i mam, Emu. g 4 cO,' Now COTTON MILLS. Irwolutx=settarL\ vsx 11b11400 mimes, liWilogTurd* 1/liattlia RAILROADS 1311ENNICYLV 1911.1IOITILAL. • AD. On and otter leak, 186 V. er teen the Union De.. end Llbeete irtmete. es tt= 20911 Train as last as! Watll 'tall No Nol ISO s I Wall's No. 1..9:90 as Olnelsinatl 11.1.9:110.3, Johnstown Ae ICF:SO 4.4111 Bts'ks Ao NoI V.OOl. 118 g: 2. g slo 9 pa BrtatOnAo No MU p pm', WPaasn , t 10190 pal T a7 hese Tel W make elo boss [or Saltlmorn. T5O Moue Train los Orwdsy at 9:09 A In., 10:09 a. a. Ha ParnlA UMW p. a. and ante 11:10 p. a. 9.:lnetnasel La - pre:al ferret daily. Bordner Szpress leaves daily except lioadie. AB olhor Wallas Lally except Bridal. /or Ituthar Inlbnaszon anplyao W. H. EtCrInTH. Agent. I kt PT4tylkalilta.liro.loompany not F. , ,Vgarrigg g P .. p:LTZtif, °l l,ro o ,l l o7, • : red voLr. ' sln vont& " All Emirma arocedlos Mat amount In 70100 .1111 e it the rla of PA . 4I 01,11 ta l on by nodal mlllssett. A. J. 09851.27. aoL6 Patters] Samintanuera- Altoona. Pa. NEST Ell. NiragnilM TEM/SYLVANIA IttlLD.—On and miter IL knee. r?'• PasseMs Turns ea the Western PenesTli ants Rat:l . will arrive at and depart Dna the Pedant Street Depot. Allaaheny • rocowst Anne.. DePart. 'a NO15:40 a 401. la gitt 1% Wag:llaq R: lCiffeOepm Ingd ,,irso Sminre Agra.„, .w.,, every danday E:4O. a. Sa.. aaa aReSt en 7 giti :tat .I,lt=tstr:A:l;r:: Ron at .11:119.s. at . . : • : • - • The vane icairiag e Mall..EnY r ti wi ll: i I= =Ake &reds sou on at epo lea's llama Otagea Ea Ratter 7 Re=sastoirs, 97 . 1 TE Lk" =T a relitTe "4 " end at e Depot. 7" 421° .I=LlrEr, l a ii*L t• The Weetarn Penznlgels e"Li itall= wt a tel assume all risk for NU pee. apparaL and Mutt that . responUnt tY ‘rh Enure Dollars Is value. All to es. needing Ilia =own In value al at the nal of the owner, Wen taken byapeNal contrae i t EDWARD N. WILMA taotblliliteral annesinundent. alumna. a, I PWI3 . 4IG — R., P. W. and CLIC JH irana NOV. 14th, • aao arrive at the Mt= bur sbcl=. sa 11:41• Marto Jel ii .111:011 tr. Acft_ .N Feease 6:58 a la ~ Else. ....:9:1111 am CIL &WAs/LT.11:08 pea Ottlesp. Sala am Aria Jra.4o3 raf ." 1 , 1Z17 . 42:101 Mall a • Reeberair SAM: Etaule, Leets Sea•rT dal al e ls • 44 1. Pale Oaks ea elrbsureb .ctu 1.51:0152 m • B. , ILYZ t: MWms • • kat Ai- (Ti A d. It E, OFMNIERE Wir.47 . THE 01511,1y_DIENCY IL TO T 13.11 SAL iLSOWNswrn s y 011.klatilY .1 , . 0 ana atlar 110 LT, Nay, QM TWO 191201341 m T DA.llsy Suomi and.' .111 Matt Inttabuit petit, wiser of ay. a. Fat stmts. for Frantlia.ol.l Salo. .4 all t.oluto _4l . litcArs. - ' Ara erristvion. • ...11111.1.111 ;g: tau : 1 1 oper7.4 B ...!tittua: 4.lwi cti r.„l. l . . grfraVlll%.- cop. gisopiel=a 141 gEsiSll2 A .fAgtf.:o3l4l B :l'ile: ...174; ,, z e ir i slas . th .4 th ao=t2ll4cl ... gAs, clt , c a r2 Ir.grattgativattge. Sten Plttabityll to Cony, • • • • • tiedl iCeMlntleigb ITTEIBIORGIAAMENE linAVir. • • - rax HABDra , . 0811.51nUTITLZ.-011 =denim IitINDAY, fon. 1111 M. Draw will leave imam:Me as Um MOD dDoI. rinedulp • , Ittaburgb . mall..__ ikers " . AMP. Di. besttlirriAm — := 21:142 p. m. MOO a. m. Vast - t.o 7118 D. m. tig,..*.• P.M. eDo d • a Aochi.l.o./ ; Sumbeavllla Anomomad• m. ANCiAcch un k Nal% lr h r m. EMPies i iinn Pc.tidAl4. Yi B• IP. /15:111i. m. Mad will arrive d • • _ &inure Tiekat Anat. 00 . kusKi. . W. W. CARD. EMo't... Denaboo. °War Z ETT9I 'cps +id ittu • MIND - AL ifitt . ere7.lletta. ano. trait:m . olll arrive as sae apart mu a =enter at Gnat aad Water arm& ae • Dtvart, Art t Salto sad a .ela tre.lo3. 111=6.iertNiaelirs; OO 2, to and tram tiatoa • 34 re r. tr.10:110 A. N. rt Let Newton •AterraVd 480 r. s•as luantrat . toUlr "4" .lll2➢Lilt 6 etVeTeMt um:to w 1100 a. at 10 00 - . •• , -. luoumui B. ' W• 11.• No. 11.. asOlit Wall.. No. 4.. 6,ollenn Pm Line —.1:40p. Wain; No. a.. 2.1:011ton connection at Hurl, •=1 154. oven , leave* PM.= as at Walls Statics at Dritiv4 •9, tral. Isa j i t itua. Depot. zOrth A n a r••1141.t.• • s• ra. cargos d a/num* r c l . xamil le x :f2 gal no I.catadale "Urn Ites`r Yana "XI cr.l twe!,... pa, lalr.T, ii X. rt. ra* **7=r1i:11111 our. * ateereal lame 4111 Y. ta . TLl.iErr: rAiriliki:.rata* PA