13 Witsburgt LIT! AND SUBURBAN; =32721 We have but one more room to let in the •!Clazarva Bonding." It is a very desirable room on the second door, front ing on Budthileld street. Terms very low for the location. Call at the Cotuat. tug Room, Sint floor. Our citizens should lit once order their dieds end fruit trees for spring planting- False Alarm.—The alarm of hre teat evening In Allegheny, from box 6. was false. Mary Joae■ yesterday was committed - to jail for thirty day' by Mayor Callow, for vagrancy. Chief Duncan. of the Allegheny potion force.. Is In Washington attending to some official business. The gods water fountalosare going and druggists are mulling at the patronge Medved from that source. R Will psy to order your dress shirts from Urling, Follansbee d Co., No. 121 -Wood street, comer of Falb avenue, Allagbefly, ma a coonlolgllty. la a stron; exponent of unity. Three of the Principal thornughteree rejoice in the title, Union. Geste Clothing, new styles. new Coods just roe/deed at llrling, Pollens. bee & b0. , e,"270. GU Wood street, corner of AGO amine. A. P. A.—The members of this Order will And an advertisement on our tint page of Interest to them. Their attention a especially directed to it. Ittlekaet Roney was arrested and taken before Justice Beßotary yesterday OD charge of disorderly conduct, and was retested on payment of costa. tbs Standay Mirror will be out to. morrow. Bee the newsboys or get it at the aim 79 Federal street, Allegheny. Also at blingerlyn, Plttabrugh. The butchers give au the reason fin the high prim of meet, the statement that the - pion asked for cattle are snob that they cannot afford to come down.- • Alderman Alien, or the. Fourteenth ward, yesterday committed John Morin to answer at oourt a (merge of wank and battery with intent' to kill, on oath of lames Maria ye b terday was Good Friday.- The ma• laxity of Csr magistrates observed the legal is:llldayhv transacting no btudneas. It wasn't their - fag% They had no [mai-. Yesterday morning belbre daylight, Joseph Wilson, a Oanonsbnni man; was attacked by Our men In front of the Mansion Home. Liberty street, and robbed Ma gold watch and one hundred and thirty dollars. The garroters es caped. Yesterday. about noon, a alight Ilne broke one In Childs t Co.'• woolen mill, irtearth ward, Allegheny, which was ex tlogolabed, however by a few bockats of water. The fire de partment was called OM by an alarm from box 47, but did not g 0 Into service. . Street naintwrlss.—Residents on old Pennsylvania avenue want their houses numbered. The thoroughfare is now sailed Filth avenue, and there ii corm aim; contusion to the numbering of the Old Pilch avenue siva the extension. The inotinvenlenoe should twretnedied. • The United States Watch OomPartre watches are becoming very popular In thla market because of their due run. ning. We are told they are giving setts. faction to every one who has purchased them. W. O. Domain!), jeweler, No. 16 Fifth avenue, la the agent for them in this _city. A Prand.—Whoever receive* a circular saying 160 serve of land bare been Y. idgned him or her as heir of deceased moldier, Lod reqnstitlng that $3O bel for warded to dafray the expenseof sale and tramunlision of the proceeds. will please hold on to the money. The thing Is a chest. The windows 'of our dry goods stores now, • Very attractive appearance put now, se do those of the =Miriam. The pleasant weather hat • tendency to bring_ out large • numbers of our ladles, who mu_ be seen admiring the newest styles of dress goods, hats and bonnets. Arnett aid Battery.—Cbarles Gearing made Information before Justice Sans. bury yesterday, charging the conductor of car Nn..10 on the Birmingham Pas senger Railway with &result and battery. It appears teat the prosecutor was stand ing on the platform, and the conductor, In order to hare him go in the oar. .pnahed hint. A warrant was lamed. That Clgarthebbery.—One of the All*. 'haw police bail been investigating the robbery at Hannon's cigar factory, on East Lane, a few nights ago. He lux discovered that a large number of cigars were shipped to New York a few days ago by the roundabout way of the Ans. gheay • Valley Railroad. He believes this to be a portion of the stolen goods . Trains Delayed.—Yesterday morning the early expreee coming toward the city on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, broke an axle at Parker's Landing, above Kittanning. Fortunately the Inds was going very slow at the time and was ovally checked op before any farther damage resulted. The trains on thorned were delayed several boors by the acci dent. • nemapn—Frank Nichols, Wm. Green. man and Christ Aims wore sating direr. daily In Birmingham yesterday, and when the OMOB2II attempted to arrest them Mara threw s stone at them. The party was arrested and fined is each Sir disorderly conduct, and sti Information was made, charging Alms with twesolt and battery upon which he wan held nu' tritd. At it Again. —The boys hare coat mewed their old practice of bathing in the Allegheny river,' in fail view of pedeWrians on the snipe:Won bridge. Yesterday a crowd of urchins engaged In theeople' sport near the 81,-Clair street toll bones. Thepolioe didn't see them; p dld. 'Me of the= & syeeightalma pesos and downer tit mom other The itim evMeace of the superiority of Mitraw'rt cigars and tobacco Is that all old smokers who patronise him ones do WeiMO. Megraw. sago. 46 Headstrong, has also on hand everything pertaining to a smoker's paraphernalia—the weed. end mestanhaninet ptpae or an 41,10 ='• think fancy articles and everything phde. Pat your money Into goods from Megrim% Terms whosell (Agars should remsm• beg this the law requires that all stamps igt ulcer bases are requited to be MAW, unity destroyed. . This can be done by scraping the stamp oet or destroying the tax. Those who cagiest to do this are subject to a heavy fine and imprisonment. The law is imperative on this noint, and those who deal in cigar would de well to heed this warnl nt Correctlens.—lts our paper of Thursday there appeared an Item under the he Of Landlord and Tenant. wherein we did Westin, to the gent or the house In Splano's Court. Toe Item should 'have read Sweeney's Court. We do Ms to patios to Mr. Cuthbert, the well know. met eahee w ept, 'RIO collects the rants of the Spas.e state, and who never ha. any trouble with Wm tenants. Abe anneal swing house renovations has of coarse developed many dadaist,- cies, which the housewife will at once bast= to supply. Among those not the least will be the want of a andicient as. sortment of 'resumer., to prepare a neat, well arratmed and convenient table. This defect can easily be remedied by calling at No, W 3 Liberty street. the warehouse of the Keystone Pottery, - Mews. Kier R Co proprietors. Seim Caruthers, some days ago, missed his diver watch and chain from his taunt, and at the arse time Was called upon to mourn the sudden dtasppear once of James Johnston. his room-mate. He °moulted Alderman Thomas, who Made out the necessary papers outboti• slug James' arrest for stealing the time keeper. Bat James bad made good time out of the city. The watch and chain were subsequently received at a pawn• brokar'son likalthliald street. The polio* .are atlll Interested in the movements of Jamie. Held the igialtia. Yesterday the office of alderman Mor row W visited Dy John Ockx. who do. sired a warrant to be issued for the arrant of David .Sosimar. David_ held a - welch valued at M 6 and a silk hoodlum. chief valued at one dollar. as Makes an • bet made between a youthful member of the Cox family sad another party. Mr. Ciox Malmsd . the property as his and wished to get possession of it. but Ida demand was refused—hence his' desire for the stakeholder's snot. - His wishes Gaul= wi th and Magner was held for a on Saturday, for travel SIXI 0011Talikaa. THAT mows. The *newer. Received and the l Correct tseintion. ' We have received two hundred and forty-six steward' to the problem pre sented to our readers In Thureday morn. lag's Gazgrrs. The responses came from our very hest book kee l pers, ac countant., teachers and students, and yet bat very few are correct. The ques than wee'- one of settlement between • clerk or agent fora town, operating on s t a s l acaryp. aTI h an o d re w c h i o v i he r c his r s e e c r t v lyol & - I lowe d out the problem to a closing of the accounts hive furnished the right an swer. There were fifty- four who made the agent owe the town 6 5320 end the stock of whisky on' hand; onehmsdred and thirty four who brought hid out $7540 in debt; eighteen who let him I, off with $lB ten wwnd $24 og from his exchequer to ba la n c ethe so oount, three were exorbitant indemand- Mg $10240, two claimed 1111061, and three were willing to settle the account by pa ying him 19 72, thirteen presented as many different settlements, no two agree i, and nine ;acknowledged that lf the 1 cngue balance, 150 23, had Imen handed over. the town would only have lest $8 11 In the transaction. Most of the answers were aooompanled by the figures. Those who furnished MA 23 and tbe whisky on hand as duo the town did not prosecute their Inquiries far enough, but seemed to lose sight of the fact that the agent was an agent for the town, trans. acting burliness forit as would a clerk for firm. The a.tte correct answers are from Messrs. Henry Kirkpatrick, 'George Buchanan, Charles B. Carr, Dougald Munn. A. F. Heating, P. A. Barr, Westernllniversity, W. E.Gillesplo and two from persons giving anonymous names. One corres pondent In giving the correct answer says: wTheenm lost in the p eculation SS 11, which Is none of the ag M'a bust. nem, unless he paid or am ed it, in either event the town owes him Just that amount. If not paid or assumed by the agent the town owes him nothing." . Another furnisheethe following, which Illustrates his method of arriving at the solution: - " - "- . • EDITORS GelseTra: I claim that the net lesson the business conducted by the agent le SAIL ' -- Answer to the question, "Does the ' town Owe him or he owe the town?" Title depends upon the following circum stance.: If the smut never paid over any money to the town, and that he hue to make good any losses th may occur during his administration, o would owe the t0wn .5 58.84. He, ho ever, being only theammt for the town is presumed that any lose incurred i ns In trade would have to - be- borne 7 the town; consequently the town, ng to stand the loss in trade, and Laki n It for granted that this agent did not pay r any cash, he would then owe the to f 12.12. If he paid over the cash th loss to the town is VIAL i Ms is "copy of agents ka: row. ACCOC is biLlaace /AWL: li/ 71 Blau 1......... le 77 C.Ailia ACcOVNT. 1 Dr. Begiastair nIT PitTellAse: ..... ... 011 Wes.— ....... ... DI 97 ra19 . 27 , ,........ is Oa 8it:—......... ea = _ = IS 14 algica.4lll,l. .4eCOL , /T. Llqaor P•rellsoes I' 91 olrstory •0 41 lg 2 rn3llll/10 Lao.. Uft balsas* al IT 13434 11134 A - OCIII . . 01 land Lou... :5 03 AAAAA AC'EOV RS. 10 as TO= 0 amount—. 110 71 II A II 11 = U sm cbazdno 11.-11ta.dLoaa O U IMOVIT ATO LOU ACVOrI.II. • To elyelta • a 9 CO a a Holmes net lon. Yours, EDWIN A. C 0111.14 Bookkeeper W. J. Anderson & 00. Kr. Pinch. the extensive distiller, grows facetious In his answer and point edly mays: EDITORS Or GAZETTZ OeSiteleint: The correct answer of the Problem for Book keepers la that the agent owes the town SSO 'M. providing that the Ameseor and Collector of Internal Revenue did not require h m to pay license as retail and wholeeali liquor dealer, and the per minium on monthly sales, besides the additional expenses of gauging, stamp log, &a., In which 'came the -town would owe the agent considerable, the precise amount of which can only be ascertained by applying to the Government official& Respectfolly. Jos. B. Freon. Pittsburgh, April lb, 10. THE FATAL BIDE. Death as the Rail—A Man's Read See cred from hts Bud! A horrible affair occurred on the Alle gheny VAlley Railroad. near Logansport, Thursday night. The express train was going from the city when the engineer obseried something lying on the track ahead which appeared like a human body. Whistling and ringing the bell failed to attract the attention of the supposed Ind'. vidual. and the train was stopped. It was then dlatiovered that the object was the body of a man—headless. that portion of him being found lying on the track about two hundred yards! away. Ons arm and a part of a leg was also torn off and the body wo mutilated that reeogni. bon wee impossible. Upon examining the body • pawn ticket was found In one pocket numbered 33, and bearing the names Jame. Molflckers and 0. P. Williams. A abort time before a crude oil train had passed Logansport. The conductor says an unknown man got on board some distance from the city and attempted to steal a ride. He was put off awe or twice, but always turned tip again on some other part. From the deserlptlon, it was .evident the victim was this man. It Is supposed he fell off at Logansport between the cars. He told the conductor he had come down to the city on a raft, but had not received any money from his employer, and wanted to ride tack home. No Rather knowledge of him could be ascertained. The body was taken to Kittanning. whore It received • decent burial, alter a jury had been sworn and the inquest adjourned until Monday for want of witnesses. • . Were, Baptist Fair. There will be opened on the evening of next Wednesday, in City Pitlaburgh, an unusually griinir and bridling Fair and Festival for the exclusive benefit of the Mercy Hospital, a noble institution which meets the heartiest encouragement from all classes of the community The management has been entrusted to a large- committee of ladies and gentlemen, aided hy the good Mateo, of Mercy, who have entered into the work with com mendable sea, energy and en terprise. The interior of the ball Present the Ant appearance it has our assumed since first thrown open to the public. There will be a profusion of ar tistically wrought evergreen wreaths, arches and festoons, enchanting caves, rustle retreats, picturesque landscape scenery, grassy. 'walks, flower gardens and many other novel sitraelons to Please the eye and delight the 88,311116. Altogether the arrangements are prince ly end the Pair cannot prove else than a success. - It le to be hoped that ths at tendant* will be commensurate with the attractions. Not strange That a bottoms should increase daily when skilfully conducted by a man well qualified fbr all Its departments, who studies to please and oblige his patrons In ell reasonable demands, and who ed. TWAIN his Ocednepi, through. the daily prima• These remarks apply to mr friend Dr. Glihivele, whose Increasing popularity as a dotted Is becomingapparent to all ob. lemma And as • r nit, his btudncsa la largely biaressing, a d second to none in the city. Hier go manner dispels much of the honey associated with the dentist's office, and encores in extract• lug teeth without pain by the use of his Unproved laughing ism, Isbecoming a proverb. The superiority of the gas he noes over that of: others combos In its soothing effects and lance freedom from pain for a much' greater length of time d ur i ng the operation. In fact, he can 1 extract almost any required number of teeth by taking the gas COWL We eg e t,. , all to try for tbeenablves, and we wawa e I th Hi. em t aloe Is 216 r hat trying flt_ omp au Pving eet. cultilneed. Yesterday mainleng a orating "at tempt wan made InYlrgin alley. An tin. knots Individual wag pwaing through wes e Sodden tacked t near Grant street, when nly attack by a Warder, who threw him down and attempted the choking operation. The victim Sting sled hard and suoateded In releasing himself from the grasp of Ws areallant, who immediately gad to Sixth sienna, and away. The attacked_ party loot nothing but a watch chain. ELL assailant had hold of his pocket beak, but it was taken from him again. The 0011011 were not about at the time. Three of them just then were engaged In the arduous Mk of ince( a pa-lamp on avenue. would have arrested the depredator Lf bad allenred himself to be caught. - PON •VENUE. Following's the sot of Assembly pulsed daring the lost iweelen, relative to the improvement of. Penn avenue, from the junction of Bittler street to Liberty. which - was 'lttibioittotl- to ' oouttelle fOr approval at their meeting Thursday: AN Acr to provide for the Improvement of Penn avenue. and other avenues and etreete In the city of Pittsburgh. Set:Ties 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Howse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of •Penneylvauis in Gen. erg sembly met, and la en- acted As by,the authority oflt hereby the same, that the owners of property abutting on Penn avenue, lu the city of Pittsburgh, be tween St. Mary!' avenue and the eastern line of said etity,ithallhe and aratereby authorised to elect five citizens of Pitts burgh, owners of property abutting as aforesaid, to be known as Comunesionera of Penn Avenue Improvement; whose duty it shall be to control and superin tend the grading, curbing and paving of that part Medd avenue atIOVe mentioned, and who shall serve a ithout salary. SEC. 2. That A. .7. Davis, George ble• Williams and Robert Baxter 'hellhound are hereby appointed and authorized to conduct said election, which shall be held at such time and place as they or a ma. Jority of them shall . appoint, not exceed ing twenty . days after the approval by Councils of this act, of ' which ... . .. .. . election they shall give public • no. ties ten days before said . time by advertisement in three daily newspapers of the city of Pittsburgh and by hand bills posted in Puha* and ooneplcuous places, along the part of said avenne to be improved, and if any of said election *facers shall fall to attend at the time and place appointed, the owners of property present shall select a person or persons to serve in his or their stead. Sao. 3. Said election shall be by ballot, endorsed upon the outside Penn .a.venue COMMIXRIDD KS, and with the navies of the persona voted for written or printed open the Inside thereof. -Emelt owner of property may vote for not marathon ave persona, mad the five persons having the highest numbered the votes cud respect• ively, shall be declared to be elected. The officers conducting said election shall, below opening the polls, ha daly sworn to faithfully perform the dudes; they shall keeps its of persons voting, and shall, within - three days after said election, furnish to the persona elected I ea:o6osta of I belt tileatlon, vellth e notice lof a time and plaoe, where and "when, they shall meet to organise for the par ' poses of their appointment; which elms shall not be more than ten' days after said oleotlon, sod eild election OillOers shall return the list of voters With a cer , Oneida of the result to the Controller of the city of Pinstrargb. Sao 4. The persona so elected shall Meet at the time and piece designated In the notice aforesaid, and shall organize by the election of one of their number who shall set as President and by the election of &Secretary. who shall be one of their number. or not, as said Commis stoners shall determine, and add Secre tary shall receive such compensation as the Commissioners may determine. Sac 5. If any of said Commissioners abaft remove from the city, or cease co be a property owner, se aforesaid; or shall neglect or refuse to attend in sticesedoa four regular meetings of the Board, or , meetings of which he shall have been duly notified, add Commissioner shall be authorized to declare his position vacant. and-if any vacancy shall occur in said Board by death. resignation. or otherwise, the remaining Commissioners shell be authorized to till the vacancy by the election of a suitable person, qualified as bersinbefore provided, and shell Im mediately thereafter notify the Control ler of the city of Pittsburgh of snob change. A majority of said Commis'. donna shall constitute a quorum for tee translation of businem. Sac. 6. Said Commissioners shall_be and are hereby authorized to de %ermine the kind and description of pavement to be used upon the part of said avenue to be improved, and to provide for the improvement of said Avenue from St. Mary'. Avenue to the eastern line of the city, and for said purpose shall make wed enter Into con tracts for furnishing materials for grad ing, curbing and paving of the said Av enue, either for the entire work in one contract, or for parts thereoeln separate and specified sections as to them may seem best, and to superintend and coo trol all work done in pursuance thereof. sod to dispose of any surplus material obtained In amending Unroof: Provided, Teas said improvement shall be uniform throughout the length to be improved, and shall ronform to the grades of said avenue ea now established, or as they may hereafter be established by the Council' of the City of Pittsburgh, Sao. 7. All contracts shall be made by said Conirdsdoesra' In the name of the City of Pittsburgh, and shall be made , with the lowest end best bidder, or bid ders, upon sealed proposals eta public notice for not low than ten days to three daily Paters of the City of Pittsburgh, and in such other papers as said Cons. tateshoners may select, which notice shall contain a description of the kind and amount of work to be done as nearly ac curate as makable. ind the terms of psYment which . sheltie fixed by said Commissioners. Sac 8. Each contractor shill be re. gutted to give bond to the city of Puts burgh with sundae to be approved by said anzunissioners for the faithful performance of .ha contract, and' said Commissioners shall have tower to Inetitute suit In the ranee( the city of Pittsburgh to enforce all contracts made by thorn. Sac. 9. All contracts made by said Commissioners for the payment of money Shall provide for the payment out of the funds hereinafter provided for said Im provement. Sac. 10. It "hail be the duty of the City Eoglneer of Pittaburgh to furnish to. mid Commissioner* the TroOtir, grades end liheir and 'to see that the work is done in accordance with the ordinance and regulations of the city as to - grades and lines. . Sac. 11. As soon as the grading and paving of said avenue or any section thereof shall have been completed to the satisfactien of said Commissioner, they shall notify the Clay Engineer of the feat and said avenues or part thereof shall thereafter be under the control of the proper officers of add city of Pittsburgh. Sao 19. For the purpose of providing for the payment of the costa and expen ses of said Improvement& the said Cbm misaioners shall be authorized, from time to time, as the work progresses, to make requisition upon the Mayor of the city of Pittsburgh for the Issued' bonds of said city In such sums as they may , deem best, and It shell be the duty Of the laid Mayor to make and execute bonds in the name of add city to an amount not ex. analog the amount of the contract price -for maid work and the incidental expenses attending the same said bands shall he known as Penn Avenue Sonde: they shaft beeigued by the Mayor and route. tersigned by the Controller, and sealed with the corporate and of said city: they shall be all of the *me date, and they shall be payable twelve years after date and redeentOle at any liens at the OPtioe , of said city; they 'Mall bear Interest at the rate of Seven per oentuMper annum, payable semi armually from data princi pal and interest payable at the office of the Treasurer of sheeny of Pittsburgh: the said bonds shall be free of taxation. Sao. 15. When said bonds have been signed by the Mayor and sealed with the corporate seal they stall be delivered to the City Controller, who shall register them in a book to be kept for that pur pose; he shall then countersign the same a- d deliver them to the said Commis sinners end take their receipt therefor. Sao. 14- Said Commissioners shall be authorized to negotiate said bonds In such manner cc thby may think beat; and for such prices as may be obtained for the ume. not lea than par, and shall pay all moneys received therefrom to the Treasurer of the city Of Pittsburgh, and report to the Controller the number of bonds sold and the amount received Were lor, and before delivering the same to the purchaser they shall be counter. signed by the said Comudedonere. , Sao. 15. All moneys received by the City Treasurer from the gala of said bonds shall be kept by drain a separate fond, and paid out in requisition of add Commissioners, accompanied with an f. fidavlt of the Secretary or • member of said commission that work has been dose or materials furnished to the amount of said requisition, and that the money is required for payment of the same. All monies received by the City Treasur et shall be sept In the same manner, and subject to all the regulations re garding other money of the City, except that he shall keep ■separates scoot:int of the some. All interest radius' upon the saneelthalt beatedtted.tolhhe fund. Sao. le. When the. Improvement bersin.titeViderd for shall have been com pleted, it shall be the duty of said amt• mia licniees to ascertain the enflame:Lona of the bonds wild by - them, and the in terest thareonto the lint day of October ereedledilig. width shaft ho taken in .he the coot of said Improvement, said coat shall then te' per Irani foot epee ,the pen nan ilr Y ' abutting upon said leaprovem Odd Oxtuateltio a ne t ie n stall moon plot of said avenue to be prepared Wadley the Ileptrate iota of eround and the ofootO, of the. 00 0 tral and shall mazeor cause to be made air schedule of thitherto of all laid owners and the amount assured Agatha each lot or piece of ground; they shall give ten days' public notice, by advertisements in thine daily peas plipesaand by handbills posted in consplencide plane on the line of said annue„of &time and place where, for the period of twenty days thereafter, tea same may beater for UM oirreetlen • PITTSBURGH DAILY • GAZETTE: SAIURDAY MORNING. APRIL 16, 1870. f after having corrected each erroras may be made known to them they ithall.file the came in the office of the Prothonotat y of Allegheny county, and shall deliver • copy or said plot and schedulerfts the Treasurer of the city of .Pittaburgh. tiro- itle.. Bald assessment shall be paya ble at. the office of the City Treasurer in ten equal annual installments. with Interest at seven (7) per centnm upon the unpaid portion thereof, the first of which with interest on the whole amount steeven per cent. abaft be payable' on the Met day of October next, succeeding the time said asseasmentis merle by said Commissioners, and the others annually thereafter until all are paid; and if said inataliments or any of them are not paid at the time they mamma due, It shall be the duty of said Treasurer to certify the same to the City Attorney for collection, and the same shall bear interest at seven per cent. from the time It becomes due and'payable. 850. 19. Said assessments, with the interest aocr;ing thereon, shall be a lien upon' the p perty abutting upon said avenue from the oomenentliiment of the work, and *hall remain a lienditil fully paid; they ,4thall have precedence to all other liens; and-shall not be Mended by any judicial sale; •provided that said lien shalt be limited to -the iota bounding or abutting on said _avenue, and for not exceeding In depth from said avenue one hundred and twenty feet. . SILO. 20. if any =seer/tent or. insist meet thereof shall remain Unpaid for thirty daya after the same becomes due, it shall be the duty of the City Attorney of the city of Pittsburgh to file a claim for the same In the District Court Of the county of Allegheny, in the same man ner as mechanics' liens are filed and writ by mire fades and /court facies may be Issued theieon, as in the cue of Intslitenics' liens, and the Name c oats shall - be' taxed. Judgments shall. be entered thereon for the full amount of the assessment • remaining unpaid, with 103V0 to take out execution for the In stalment and interest thereon 'due, and I far each enteemient • instalment and In -4 Wrest se the same becomes due. • Szo. 21. Any owner of property against which an assessment shall have been media Coe the -.oast of said improvement shill - have the right to pay the same in full, with Interest thereon at Barren per cent. from the Mat .daY oft October preceding, or after having paid one armor° of the ten inatalmente, and 1 , - Inteord,_barmay at any time pay the bal. ante of his assessment remaining Unpaid, with the interest thereon at seven per cent. from the due date of the preceding payment, and such payment In full shall satisfy and discharge the lien upon said property. Any owner of suck property dividing his property, so that the feet trout on this 'improvement are divided into itinerate lots or tracts, may discharge the lien in like manner upon any one or more of such lots by payment of the amount unpaid thereon, calculated by the ratio of he feet front of such lot or iota to the feet front of his whole tract. Upon payment b any property owner of the aaessament, . y or balsam thereof, the City Treasurer shall certify the fact to the Prothonotary of the county of Alle gheny, who shall thereupon record the satisfaction of the Ilan. Sec. 22. All moneys remised from assessments shall be appropriated tin - der direction of the Finance Commit. tee of the Councils of the city of Pitts. burgh to the payment of the Intareet and the redemption of the bonds which may be homed for said improvement: - If shy interest shall become due on said bonds where there is no fund from which to pay the same, the Comers of the city of Pittsburgh abaft be authorised to make • temporary loan for the purpose of pay. lug the same. Bzo. 23. The town owners In geld , act shall be construed to include all corpora tions. public, private and municipal, and whenever any judgment may be obtained against any such corporation or associa tion, the mane shall and may be collected as other judgment' against such oorpo. reclean, are by law collectable. When the owner of a lot le unknown the lien shall be died against unknown owner and.in• dexed accordingly. A wire/arias may lathe thereon in same manner which shall bs published by the Sheriff for four weeks in two daily papers In said city, with a foil description of the lot, the amount assessed thereon and for what purpose it was made, judmnent may thee be entered and the lot sold on /mare ferias to the same effmt, as if the real owner had been named: - Sac. 24.,. Ito mistakes in the description of the propertY,or 'to the • name. Of the owner shall vitiate the lien, but the Court shall have power on motion at any time to correct mistakes, and to add or strikeout-names ea defendannO tweet. Med, however, that any owner whose name shall be added sr • detendant after the filing of the lieu shall be served with a emu facies before Judgment shall be entered againstfitM, and provided far. they, that a sale upon a fermi Iwiasehial convey only the interests of thou who are defendants In the writ, but a judg• ment or sale agalost a reputed owner or one having a limited estate or Interest shall not pre vent a .übsequent lodgment or sale against the true ownar or against one having a limited estate or Interest. Sec. 15. This art shall not take effect until the Councils of the city of Pitts. burgh shalt have spproved thereof. Ban 26. Whenever the owners of a majority In interest of the property abutting upon an other street or avenue or portion thereof in said city shall desire to avail themselves of the: privileges contained in this act, it shall be lawful for the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh to direct the grading and paving of the same, and they may authorize en elec tion- of OanimbWoners. as provided in thki act, and appoint officers to hold the electing, and all the provisions Of this act shall di applied to- said Improvement, changing the provisions so far as to make 4 I them conform to said improvement. Aug. A Wife Whips Her 11 wham', Who Maps Another Womb la Iteturn— Two eases of Mundt. end Battery. Frederick Buhl and wife otxrupy a portion of a hones -In. - J an. other' portion 'of which le occupied by Mrs. Eliza Romper, who, it Is alleged, le one of those "busy-bodlia" who neg lects her own affairs to attend - to those of her neighbors. Mrs. H. informed Mrs. Buhl that her husband was tot, Weald, whereupon Mrs. B. resolved to chsetls• her better-half, and when be canto home .'went for hint" with an Ircst ptokor, and beat him severely.. Mr. H. demand ed the cause of this demonstration on the part of his wife. when he was Informed of what Mn.a EL had said. He, feeling aggrived at the treatment be had receiv ed, resolved to be revenged, and Imme dbuely repelled to that portion :of the house occupied by Mrs. Housner, and gave her a beating. Be then repa ired to to the Office of Justice Helsel and - made information charging his belligerent sponge with assault old battery. and Mrs. H. made information before Justice liallabary, charging Buhl with the same offence. Warrente• weSinned 111-both llayllipt Rqbbery—A Neit.LitUe Opera Mr. Meyer, of the firm or Meyer. Barcroft, saddlers, 181. Federal 'Street. Allegbeny, lan IMO yesterday morning thlawise: Be was engaged with some anatomise* when a young man entered and Introduced himself as the agent of • certain printing home, and requested an order from the arm for cards. He was turned away with a negative answer, but Instead of disappearing Promptly, lingered shout a few momenta and teen left. A few minutes thereafter Mr. Meyer had occasion to use his pocket. book, which bad been In his Men. The garment wes hanging on the wall In the rear of the store. The young man bad' gn n e . th lt e on taaninde d t f h i e t ke lla t• r b s o , b eside. some valuable receipt' and papers. Mr. Meyer would like to see that young men now, as be bee an order, for him. It world introduce him to Warden Segni drett, but quite likely the youn g won't meek the Introduction. • Robber Arrested • Mayor Drub received • • letter vista: day, dated It Altoona. April 12, daned by Dr. W. H. Witmore' stating that be had been robbed In that place by Louis Gallen, who had coma to this city and would be found at No. 1000 Penn rtreet. The letter stated that the thief had taken 1200 to money, a gold locket and it rail. road Onkel, and described a iOO Mil; Officers Rivers and Breeder repaired to the place designated and arrested Oaken, upon whom they found kl 5 85. He was taken to the lecsamp anctfiseedin,a and officer Rivers made a forther'searoh and found in his house the Identical $5O bill described In the letter. Dr. Witroore reslitaisrNo. 928 Filbert street. Philadelphia. He was - tele. graphed to. anfUlatlirisoner will be held unUI anpfficegtallelir to take him to Ailtoonse, Tbat U lw &acl • , James Mason and Thentss ffershotan, who were waited Tharplay night on a . , charge of bariffitryeettneeenot of which we published yeataiday, bad a hearing Yesterday, attar which May were caul mined to jail for anal.. Daring the hearing Berahman made statements btnenestine B. ileGtuntes in the bur. Wary; and subsequently infortaallob was made maims btrianniaa by Mr. rip A warrant was Load acid platted sew hands of the odious, who ar rested Charles McGinnis§ through mis tako. Charles& was afterwards • dia. ALMOST A DISASTER. Church Wall Gina Way Daring Ser vire—taused by Grading Vie Street— Vooluesa or the Hector. Am incident - occurred st St. Paula Epis copal Church, Eleventh ward, (LAO- vile) during the services het Sabbath morning, which for a time created quite an excitement, and but for the presence of mind exercised by thelitector, Rey. Mr. Crompton, might have resulted in . a frightful disaster and caused a fearful loss of life. The church fronts on Roberta street, and having been erected several years since, was built to conform to the origi nal grade of the street. Remedy the grade, if ever there was one established, was changed. said change neceasl: sting a deep cut opposite the .church, nut only teaving the foundation Wall exposed f m the bottom,' but even ening below it v oral ' feet, In tousequenoe of wide the safety of the building twee very mu an t dangered. The congregation coati ued to use It, however, as a place of wo ship, 1 end Sunday morning, a' large num rof persons being in attendance, when the services Were about half through, aloud I cracking noise Wax heard about the front and , top of the building,,and oh look ' tog .10 ' the direction from whence it proceeded 1 the congregation saw daylight streaming through a large opening between the wall and the root, and a crack extending down the wall several feet. The Rector succeeded In allaying the excitement, alter which he quietly but hurriedly dismissed the con gregation, having them pass through the vestry in rear of the building. Had a panto ensued, as is usual in such cues, and a rush teen made for the front door, the entire front wall might have fallen down, and the consequences would . —_. hive been fearful. Within from the vestry of the - church, asking Councils to make some reparation for damages to the building In csonsegnence of the grading, was pre. seated some time since and referred to a special committee, but so far there hu bet& no provision made. The only way _the building can be nude severe now will be by removing and rebuilding the front wall from the bottom to the top, which will necessitate the expenditure of a considerable sum Of money. Since Sunday the church has not been geed, and cannot be with safety until the damages are repaired. Dr. Daniel trauma The announcement la made elsewhere that Dr. Daniel Leasure, late of New Castle, Lawrence county, has located at No. ea Federal street, (Cotoned* Row,) Allegheny City, where he will 001:1“ sue the practice of medicine. A gentleman so well and fagorably known through out Western Pennsylvania requires no special commendation or endorsement In taking up his abode in our midst. Beeldeahis high standing as a phyelelan, he hat another claim upon this pro. vertdally patriotic, liberty-loving and law-shirting community. He stands high on the list of those who rendered meritorious service -throughout the war of the rebellion. He look Into the field the noted ' , Roundhead . ' regiment, and - with it participated as commander in no leo than twenty -one pitched battles during the-war. The nature of the ser vice rendered by this regiment Is Indi cated In the fact that owing to the fre. quent filling- up of ranks depleted by casualties Incident to hard righting, over four thousand names are shown upon its rolls la the records of the proper depart . meat. Time cannot efface, but rather render still more vivid, this recorded proof of the loyalty of the “Roundheads," end we can well pardon the feeling of pride with which their commander re• fere to their varied exploits throughout almost the entire theatre of active war fare, from the second Bull Run to James Island and the siege of Knoxville. In his present location ho will doubtless meet with many of his old comrades, who will receive at - his hands a cordial greeting. Hpflnt Clea. Dina, The annual spring cleaning time has coma again. The merchant Is going through his store and having stock and building thoroughly renovated and brightened up. The housekeeper Mateo considering the matter, and probably in the midst of week, planned epee an ex. .tenove scale, but which, when all's over, is- to render home more beau. Mil and attractive —a— lit temple for the entrance of the genial%lnfltisnos of theepilog. But brimming up and scrubbing and toiling will not always give satisfaction. If the paints in the home or store ere owl and dingy- with age, no amount of labor put upon any other place will atone for this defect. Firs dollars' worth of paint might im prove the place more than any other work. A 'great many appreciate this (act, and are looking about for a linight of the brush and paint pot. Such _Forgoes will find kir. Jobs T. Gray, No. 64 Rend street, just the artfist they are looking after. Mr. Gray is prepared to do everything to the painting line, and In such • manner as cannot fall to give perfect satisfaction. He has had a long experience in the bu siness, has a large force of workmen, among the ;best in the city, under his control, uses nothing but the beat meters als, and does all be contracts to do, expo. ditiously and in a superior workmanlike manner. "Sigh painting; house painting, graining, fancy work; or glazing he la able lode, from hie extensive al the shortest notice. The best`evi. dance of the character of his work la the patronage he enjoys—nit excelled In the city. We advise all oar readers who wish to make home or place of businese attractive, to spend a few dollars In paint and secure the services of Mr. Gray. Promptness, low prism and best of work. manship are the characteristics which have heretofore made him sucoemful, and now recommend him to favor. Who la Despooslble t . Having heard frequent complaints from residentson Franklin and Congress streets of the oondition of those thor• oughlires, we were induced to extend our perigrtnation to that locality yetter. day, and were convinced that said com plaints were not without foundation. The lower end of the streets are positive. ly to a filthy condition, not only from the accumulation of the nrual - stteet but, from the effluvia lasting them from, perhaps numerous deed cats and dead rata,. the presence of which might be deteened by a blind man if he was not troubled with a severe cold in the head, adorn the gutters. Whether it is the duty of the Street Comminioner, or the effieera of the hoard of health to have this evil remedied, we do not pre• tend to qy, but It is evidently the duty of one or the other of them. The matter should be attended to at once. as the warm weather will have a tendency to lneressithe nuisance, and it might en. gender pestilence and disease. Boon 404 Shots Mr. Witt T. Wiley, the popular pro-, prietor of the Diamond Front Boot and Shoe House, No. 83 Fifth avenue, has Nat racily,/ an Immense stork of goods for his spring opening. He has opened some of them and proposes to display an assortment such as has never been ex- celled to Flllaborgh. hfr. Wiley makes a specialty of low prices and good Rid able. His assortment _embraces every variety Of inert, women, minimal, youths and ehlldren's weer, and all are marked dowu to bribes which seem almost in. credible, For instance, a pair of gent's calf bootit can be had for .13, and other irda is ProPertion. He aims to make s establishment the great represenut• live cheap boot and shoo house of the city, and isdetermlned'uot to be excelled In stook or priors. Olve hlm a Fifth avenue. Stop it By - All Metes. The Will side of the Sixth avenue bail become famous or infamous for the numb* and eon of females that make It their nocturnal promenade, and also for the large number of men and boys whom theyaltract to the same locality, and who may in seen either standing In groupser passing to and feg along the avenue. The practice Is grosaleltn, moral-and indecent,. and as 'the Pollee seem to let It stone, we are glad to learn that moms parents of the young men have espied a special detective to take the omens of the maim part of this float+ fag population. . assuring their name* with such accuracy that he may testify to their Identity, with the purpose of eitherarreetlng them or ,Ingbendng their employers or parents, In the hope of thus abatiog the sill end rescuing many from their impending dedniotion. A Complete Saw NUL In Snifter column will* found offer ed for sale on remarkably easy term* one cor the beat end most substantially built saw mills in or about this city. Mr. litradealintook. Sr.. Who, for "'u mbe r of years has owned this mill, hai spared no =penes ar trouble in making it equal to all the demands that enaghtbe made oPollit. • Ilks grounds too are superior se they are so well adapted to boat and hel bald Is well as to the Mocking_ of l l. umber for ing. seasoning.. There is also* good shingle mill. separate from the saw mill. Mr. McClintock, on amount of 11l health offers the entire prolorty at quite a bargain, and would take sawed lumber In return for the greater part. "A queen of Isocietr.r Shirley Dare thin describes Mrs. Sprague: Before us wales. or rather undulates, a slender lady of finest mold, with the most delicious curve of throat and chin poesibl o. It recalls at once that throat of VI tel Newsome Thacker 'ay praised so much. Add to this • youthful cheek, that charming noes, straight In itself, while It relieves the line of the brow,. bright' deerAlke eyes and spirited pose of the small head, smooth white complexion, with a Streak of red in tie cheeks, burning like the flame in an opal, a/ icing shoulders, and a graceful hand. - Such is the present ment-of Mrs. Sprague. I could scarcely believe' her to be eighteen by gas light. I had imagined a of Im, cold beauty, like most of the society belles, and this exquisite creature with upli ft ed head like a deer just- resin from its conch of fern; took one all by blissful surprise. It to so seldom one meet' a woman capable of looking a heroines Most women are to one's Ideal like discolored pearls. Of course you want •to know what she wore. I don't know what ahe had enl She reminded one of Ml= Mule:dee deer-throated heroine in "A life for al Life," and the two have been associated In my mind ever since. You know I'm not given to raving about beauties, but this woman has made aiy delicate Im. personations possible. " This lady is 'a representative American wo man. So are Liable:es trunks rep, resentatives of the perfection to to which that branch of manufacture has I attained. Superbly finished, symmetri. cal in contour,capacious and durable, his''. trunks. llen, Portmanteau' and other articles la that line are models' of bawdy and attractiveness. A visit to his. mammoth establiihmant, No. 104 Wood street, would repay any lover of the, tine arts, whether purchasing or not. The excellence and ertitnio perfection of our manufactures can never be apprecb ated until a call is nude at Lieblees maimmoth establishment. No. 104 Wood street. Ladies call and ate the goods,. Gents call and look at the ateck. Every. body goes to-104 Wood street to buy. Enter Sunday will be celebrated by the Lane of the Sunday Mirror. Children'. Conches, wholesale and re tail, at Jae, Loughridge's, 171 Smithfield. Neerpeeds at 112 ny Ci Feder ty al Street, Allis glie. Warranted to give satiellactlon as to price and quality. - Guava, Red Currant, Quince, Raspberry and Blackberry • Jellies. Scotch and Warms'wise. Frew* and Engßah Arnericen and American English Bums. EMM Mustards. Boston and Philadelphia Spied Paimon. Turkey Prunes. London Leger Rantlnn. Barbers EM Queen, French Olives. Spiced and Oysters. Walnut and Tomato Catsopa. Raspberry, Lemma, Pineapple and Black• berry Mmttroen, SYnilw• Cherry, Raspberry and Strawberry rresma. White Clover Unsurpassed Honey. India Currie, Powder and French Capers. French Peas Mangoes, Stuffed Peppers. Musbreocus Eagle Brand CM! Gelatine, Farina Extracts. Drench Fruit. Oil of Aix. =E!AiMUiii "Brume, and Borden. Bakers Chocolate, Extract of Beef. iitti and Whltmans rieetccated cam. Chocolate. Orders Solicited Gro. Baasle The ...D4ly Mirror! , will be read by everybody to-morrow. Fsr looking glinges and picture from go to Loughnidgeig 171 Eknithtligkl skive Personal. lityard Taylor says the preen don't nom him fairly In at lecturing tour Every body la treated fairly at the Oort nuental. Filth avenue, below the post office. 'toward Glidden says "this Is the age of lean men." They wouldn't be lean very long If they patrionLsOd Holtsheirn er's Continental oftener. Ulan Braddon Is busily engaged upon a now novel,"Fenton's Quest," which has nothing to do with the Oentinental, Fifth avenue. Holtahelmer, at the Continental, will net up a regular Saturday dinner today, all the dellciee of the moon, everything neatand attractive, everything palatable end dlgeatitie. Merchants. Winker, law. years and doctors, men of all grades and professions, white or ordered, all today at Holtsheimer's New Boots. Mountain Patriots The Squire's Danghter...... The Yachlyville Boys .... Omniln Charley Eugene (t0per..._ ._..._..... Baby's OhristrnaGlit....... He That Overoometh....... Temperance Library..........__._ For sale by F. G. Reineman, 118 Third avenue Special induccesenes will-be offered to =purchasing books for Sunday Library. The sonnet rejoicing to-morrow will be marked by the drat tome of the Sunday Mirror. MI severe harming cough. are cured In lees than one-half the tune neceesery to cure them with anything else than by using Dr. Pierces Alters re Extract or Golden Madman. Dliene-oldef Ingredient of which is tratineted from a' modest little plant &tad growing by the road side. It is warranted to CUM and arreat coneumptierf to Its early bottias Bold by druggists, or gal three fOr three and a quarter dolinrr,, free of expiate charges, by enclosing the money to Dr. K. V. Fierce. Buffalo, N.Y. The uewesi tens/Alan will be the .Yeas pay Mirror, tomorrow. ladies or Gentleman who with to pro. cure • good. palatable, antetantlal, appe tising meal at , aity hour of the day er eventeg, should call at Yonogeonbi, 'corner of Smithfield street and Diamond tile,. As . oonfeetionsra and fano) reit tannutita, 'Youngman it Oosupancy have no superior hereabouts—which accounts for the popularity of their establlshment..., ' A Ws japer 1047XXITOW will - 00 the titraday Mirror. Specie Payments Besamed.-rThe eni gma of Braddock* Field Borough will be pleased to know their enterprising mer• chant. Mr. H. Zimmerman, fa now and will continue to par gold and silver in change for all kinds of goods bought st his store. lie has a splendid stook of spring goods which will be sold at specie bap. 6 lre - Meed Sewing Mehl:lc—Any one in want of a sewing machine cannot do better than to buy a "Weed." It ia Plietil data Perfectly reliable, durable sisti-bas the greatest rtiwo of work with but few changes of atment. -- Sold on very oasy terms. Call at Ile Market street and try's "Weed.. ' , The "Sunday etirrotor comes out on Easter Sunday for the Ana time. Scrubbing brushes; the beet sold; war ratted to wear at Jas. Umatillalge. ICertilicater.—Those who are about purchasing a watch, cite they mainly on, would do wall to ass the certificates as 'to the hoe tunnies of the U. S. Watch oo.'s Watches at W. G. Gunsmith's, 66 Fifth avenue. Fine furniture, carpets. carriage, elel b, dm. this day. Toe famishment of Mr. Goe , a reiddenoe, 62 Irwin avenue, Allegheny. gam tbla morning at ten o'clock. This will be the ducat sale ever held in the atty. Bee advertimement by A. Leggate. Auctioneer. , AU the ?lewdAle Will have theft* day Mirror tomorrow. At thls soma • hard 'days work Wives body and flesh, and sinew seem• to disoolre to perspiration. To Wrath and restore the anerronothaarcan equal • OwelFLar,DaanalattCo.'acastun Toe SpriNLetoek ol Henry G. Bab, Karchino TaUar, at on= Penn avenue and Sixth dose; is now ,have and complete. atanalenr Banpals -con tinuo So resift 5$ the MUlUsg. Les armerlboay 'rreat themselverlo she „Sunday Mirror tomorrow. 1 An Attegneny natal. I .:Allegheny has long boon In need of a good hotel, but until recently, that d, ficiency ban never been anpplled. titr ~;.. gore and transient 'donors: who prof ..,„.. d Sopping in Allegheny, were Col7,pelled, for lack of accommodations, to . ~,,,.. , Pittsburgh. This difficulty is . bow, how. ever, avoided. ReoentlY. Mr. G. V. isigiltesP, a well known 'A , M eucceeafol proprietor m other place* took charge of the Grant MUM, oorwer of Federal and Isabella rttreets, and put It upon a proper beats, to supply 0 .6 great want of the city in that !Uri. Tne braise under its new management has been thoroughly renova..ed and freshened up, and 10 all reopen as improved, eo that it will not suffer in comparison with Pittsburgh home s. Mr. Lightcap, the genial and jovial proprietor, knows bow to "keep a hotel," and brings to tale position a reputation • and expedence of years In the. bugloss. He is determined to make It !successful, and from Ida past record need have no fear of the future. The hotel is large and airy, located on the principal thorougn• fare, convenient to Pittsburgh, and pos. seams every accommodation for the comfort and pleasure of the guests. The table arrangements are on the beat scale ; a department in widin this hotel will not be excelled. All who low' a pleasant locdlon, clean house throughout, excel °anent table accommodations, and a first clam hotel generally, should atop at the Grant House and try the new manage • meat. hP slog VlOthlng. Young geratlemen and thoao of ma tore years, •and all who desire to wear one, styllen .and neat fitting garment!, Should rAll at Hespenholde & Co.'s, No. 60 Marti street, look at their stock of new e' ring goods, learn the prices, and then leave their measures. The Invest =Pits will be found among the best th ey ever made. No man can appear PA:emelt with an ill fitting snit of cloth ing.. This to ono secret of success in society, and very often In business. A. word to the wise Is, or should be, sufficient. Removal C01..1. D. Egan has removedhie °stab- Bahment from No. 41 Sixth avenue to Smithfield street, next door to the Meth odist Book Depository, where his friends and -patrons will find a full supply of books, which can be obtained at prices below anything in the city. Standard work, In all branches of literature. Call on the Colonel. Loot out for the new Sunday Paper the Sunday Mirror. *madcap Days like yesterday bring the ladles out, and ribbons, and flounces, and silks, and lanes, and all the fancy articles of the exterior toilet that make the prom enades bright and attractive. Any lady who Is deficient in these tasteful and beautiful ornaments, without which her dressing will be incomplete, can obtain, for a very small sum, all of, them at Moorhead's, No. 81 Market street—the ladles' • fashionable emporium. and English and French and Seedless an 4 Arabian =I and Spanish The Rice Divorce suit fbr fraud In age, 'curtain* great excitement In Boston. It • Quid warn young rum tot to marry in haste. Nice Is but LT. his bride 37. Ile swear. that she made him bell_re she was but his own age, by taint Baroolla Balm upon her face, neck and hands. rosir youth. Be probably found her elbows weren't quite so soft and pretty. Ought Henan to be indicted P We know of many simi lar cams. This Its!to glees a most wonderful Irately and natural complexion. to which we don't object. We like pretty women. To finish tae picture, they should use Lyon's %ethalron upon the tur. With p aril thin , easy uheska and soft. luxurlsitt eeee ma, they become tree• alatlble. Pickled and Stuffed and French Condensed l'Oltli—At the residence or Ws son In-law John Rogers, No. Wats n Meet. on Wedges day evering. hall-past Mita o'clock, Mt WM. TWIN, In the 70111 year of hie etc. /enema from his lets realdencr, cornet Of HI land Avenue. On Geeenetniej Pike. in tart. oar, the 16th Mit, at 1.1 o'cictk r. Cl. Tb friends of the feral S stn reslmetrallY lad led c atnt ed. and assorted and Virgin TINLY-tAt his residence. Slit ward. Pitt/i -amb. at nalf•paat accen o'clock Friday moll lag. April Wok. TIiONIAIS IL. PINEY. atcd 45 Years. isc•rat TIM (°a...MU)) arrinticoos at a r. x. LOUAN--lin Teor.day, A9ll 11th, 1370, at 3 Acting r. ss.. JAMES sAlliati Fanesal will take WAte rise ftaterdayilroax -1110 at 10 O'clock. from his late residence. Car der. will lease ' , airman A Sampler, corner of Se ..... avenue and street., at 9 o'clock A. la, The friends of the:en/37 ere re steethilly Welted to attend. -311611 BAN—At the Mercy Habitat, on Friday morning. between two and tease e•ciock. Mrs BiIIDGET rHESMN, 504 TT year, F 1 will take place coil e , atorda,l NOR:, e• the pl ere, Hospital Friends of the Coolly are respoctMlT Invited to atom& Trttatot.X-0. Trear. je e r r. THlllaata, Ix [health tesr of Masao. The funeral will take place /Yam hie late real ties., SOT Penn Street, on hatthaT, at. ■ P. Y. The Monde of the Oddly are rostra. ful 1 invited to attend. NOTICES PIPADtatIAPTIPS DrqtrZONS Gaits, t Apetl 14th. 1470. larA SPECIAL MEETING OF Um 'Prot. second and 3d eamoantra DU. 130E1PeK1111a.to, 5111 Pe beta at the Armory ma 11..1413.1.1f EVENINtI, 14th last., at TSo'elock. Prompt Intent:Mom to rleslred, a. business of Im plrtooto whit be brought herrn theorgaotaatloa. By order of the commandlos °Meer. an111:•11 .1. J. AL/311132, St altar,. IKERC3EL&NT TAILORS 11E1 PLMIILECPIT.a..T-a ...115 -- 226 .... 5 76 GRAY & LORAN I=l 47 Sixth Street. SAMUEL GRAY, Merchant -Tailor, Retina resumed baslooss. It now molting at no. 89 malt AVS24 Mt. stock of eottre NEW AND FRESH -GOODS for Men , . wear. consisting al:loth.. Camria. and anil all the new. at at el hooch and English Coat tit s which he la prepared to mono op to order In the most fasidenablo gentlemen limiting their Clothing made to order eau soli on having Mom made to their entire sat- Minton, both as regards style and OnuttT. SAMUEL GRAY, EIVICI SPRING AND SUMMER MLR 1. c. w•rnsanon.. - c. L. itraLLinnixe MTHERSON &MUHLANBRING I Merchant Tailors. :ea 10 SIXTH STILEET; lilts at, cwt..) We have received • lams ur well relation Store of ttle best and moss fashion ante Good. lacier line. a great portion of which armour own intinnww , ln , Awung ecumloant of cur Ibillty to Ore perfect . o,l faOtari. lu Wootton, solicit tr , In TOO. au early exaraloatlon of our Cm. of Fine Cloths, Casshaves,Va•tonra, Ae. lierlLllloloN S. 0. 10,14 01110 No. 10 texts street. NEW SPRING 4900118. spira;it 1.011 11,0 Ct Or (MOTES, GABBINLEBES, 40 111 , OrtrIOCI•t4 ti MCA ELY /LEVAN. as: Iferees.et 'ratios. Tll flotheesl4 street. WALL PAPERS MY WILL PAPER FOR SPRING • SALES, N 0.107 Market St., near sth Avenue; We now offer to the pablle a stoes ot PAPZE HARGIS:OS assorpessed to the West ter variety and beauty of styles. ern brad:grail the Nor Itles la slum% Ifon&IC, rEasuar asse ORECIAII DZSIONI3 to plain sad bright colon. for Bala; Dieing Rool[lo.lo. Also. WOOD and MARBLE. DECORATIONS, TINTROied GILT PARLOR pApjlas, with an almost eftelese earthly of CHEAP SATIN PAPENS. WHITE salt BROWN BLANKS for Chambers. &a. All of snarl we propese to sell am low to the lowest to the market. Call and we. at No. 107 Market St.; near 51k Avenue. ' JOIL B. HUGHES & mama WALL PAPERS. SPRING, _lB7O. PRICES REDUCED 40 INCHES unite flats at Vila. Per roil. areas variety tt e lloe. pr roll. fitifig;l l 4,VL"a t oerayr• ism sot speo.tted stove. superior to soy as• sortmeat as country. /or 'sliest • w. Pe MARSHALL'S • New Wholesale and Retail Btore, - leo Liberty &roe& • PEARL ASH.-96 asks for sale or J. B. O►ArIILDq THE • PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 160 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are tow or.oored to Otralsh VlNlttiAlt at Um uptV %ST biAltliNT RATES. Attention to cin ticolorly called to our EXTRA WINE imam r NOTIUBS—"To4.44," "Fbr & le," Loa," "Wanl.," "Fbund," "Boarding,. wrt eirzu tino FOUR LINEA ton insertort in flees ootionns once for TWENTY-FIT - 7a CENT; wet adds. on Jim; - FITZ/ OEN= • TO LET.—One good BtOre room DWELLINI.4. No. 48 (Ndo street 3 oars from Dlartmnd and next door to Pusatlitil basinga Bank. Ono of the bast locations In the city. Kent moderate. Also, $1.11.00K8 In the rear of said store room. Inentra of muslou W. CARMIN. 40 Oltdo slseet. Ttli ref ft-LET.--One BOO,vvith the 1 Intellege of throa, - 111.—W whinaten swo on, All. he or pit,. Itoptns Der, area iguana Dena laalleosti Station, where all trails, atop: coneentent to street ears; rent low. 112 rllO-LET.—A Fine SUMMER 1111.111)1eNfIL 21111 R sums of ground, ern trrulng Orchard. liarden and' Pasture. trod stable and never-fa ling Pomo. Hansa routadus 12 rooms and all In ntatenddr orate, trltola ss of nay and 9-miter from 9 Railroad 1319- roe terms. enquire of E. J. 11110117.8, .TOOKTH ANENIIE. or JOb. BROWNE, of Courts. 443 b•LET. • 106 I C erk T°' • HOUSE. aontalatui 9 room.. 9 99 Ims mid =1 Also. HOUSE Containing O room,, wllL X ll= re, Allegheny. Enquire of A. PATTERSON. pll 87 Peebles street, Allegheny ell). Pa TD-LET.—Desirable DWEL LINO, 17b WFATZEN AVENUE.. 11 taping B rions, 1a•, water and bath room. Enquire at :141 WESTERN AVENUE, or at Grocery. corner o' Irwin Avenue, Allegheny. Rent 1300. i 1.12 T - LET.-2. Story . Brick Dwel- LINO HOUSE. No. lk Ackley (late Ctrroll) ttreet. Second ward, Alltebeny. Vanuana dee to me, title and wash rooza: - It. and water. Rent low. Apply to 1110-LET.—Brick House...of 8 A. Booms, Hall, Gas, Water, No. 140 liarksi Street, Sth Ward. Allegheny. "I'll-LET—Br.ek Home or Booms. No. 140 'iddle saw?. near Sampson el net. Ad we'd. Allegheny. The above Hotutes will be rentzd low and poateselon Alyea Immediately. Apply to W. . Pitto, ape Al Diamond. Allegheny. TO LET.—A new HOUSE of 4 room. and room ero. of &round at Fleming etation, tales Pittsburgh. on the P. If t. W. &C. It. It. end 0,01 tow. Inquire at 159 Federal Bt , Allegheny. F OR BENT.—The Three [story BRICK WARKHOUBB In Chorea alloy, mar of No. 180 Wood wool, formerly occupied by Wm. aloodorf d Co. as a Broom Yaetory. Inquire of WAIT, WOW L CO No. 1711 nod 170 Wood. Bl. QM frail LES—A Tavern Stand, No. 53 Ttord avenue, Small Imailings cm Fifth avenue, Flue Residence on 'Mt. Washing ton, Third avenue Ball, Booms and offices on Martet street, Basement Nov. T 7 and 79 Third avenue. GAZZAM tr. Co.. Attorneys at Law, • 3 , 3 90 Ylfth avenue. P aRALE—One Bag arpet one tut or ; o C ne Ho. E' tre m w eale. Apple at 11S3 PENN nTEILXT. FOR SALE. = No. 4 METH AVENUE api.l SALlE.lGusizaati land Boil -Iv ZIP& "few and Pecond Head, .4•ll,Pluoi constantly an band. Orden twos all parts of the cocain promptly esreoted. _ JAMAS lIILL • CO.. Comex ifulonAvenie . ana P.. Y .W Allesbe.Y. FOR SALE. 13:= 9 Brick Holm* On BPrlnj 1 Brick House on 4 Isl. street. 1 Brink House on 434 street. . 1 Cottage House on Male street. 1 Frame House on 4911 street. NI tots 44 by 1110 each on Smallman street. Lots oa 44th street. Lots on 434 street.' 490 cheap Lets near Bloom fed. . „•, These Houses' and Lots will be sold on 'WWI*. OLCI./ Pnees. THOS. B. SILL • SON. er4 Cor. r ems and 33d-streets. FIIL SALE.-111:31..DI11G LOTS N ALLIONKNT °ter for sale 13 moot delightful building iota eltusted inthe ISecond ward. Allegheny, on Perrysville Plant Bowl awl Observatory e.o.m. edlololing Dart Otwervatory grounds. These Lots are wart 01 are and one - hell (all scree. A plan of these Loh ran be nun at my store. No. 83 WOOD OIMEAT. The plan has also b en recorded. Bach Lot le a front lot, fronting on Perryeellle • road or Observatory avenue; else, 94 feet wide b 131 deep. The lots opooslte the residence 01. Wsweingtou sad Walter McClintock. ale 94 by 173 feet. Most or the lots are gold. Five dwellings have beerferected already. Per ones &woo. to leave the low reminds and smoky mtles can here rind an portuty The lorality D one of the finest in 10 0 two 11 100 0 . l bet four relnisteei walk hos the had of 11 street; a board walk leads to the premises. Ttie htl beauty of scenery and eurreundlngs are Cht kl• Ile Terme 0.71 Inlets low. Ennui. of GEO. I. 0111 M. No 83 Wood street. Pittsbergh, or No. 8011 Iver Avenue. Alleghtor city. - Li FOR te) A.W MILL. 'The most extensive and trobstant!al Saw MW In itilexhettycounty. altuated la the heat hen portion of the city, at the - foot of 9 7th street, Pittaburpb, with luxe Tana and gOod Water Barge sad Moat Tato. - Thelmprovements an on leased Around on errs valuable term, 7he lot hesZehreet along Alkalies, Valle, Railroad, sae stenos , fend Renee idle, to Rent hank 000 feet, with We Piet Mares /eating. • ==l '•VALUABLE SYLINBIM•BELLi„ .. • . , • , Separate Qom Ilair Mill. Ir Daii.lsia Sante Ana Boat Yard. Blacksmith hbop. 'Natalia. /lc Pit action alien say time. This t, a tare aypic ally for au mitts prlaln g party to r n lM• Malaita and vroltablo Lumber and Bost Milh•H.