The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 14, 1870, Image 1

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    7103 DAY GAZETTE:
Coe. Sixth none mid Smithfield Amt.
F. B. PEffritmi.
SDITONSAxp morarrroas.
ill Ma. 9e year
elivered try earners, par week
Etslittsiragi ay*,
U. B. BONDI closed jet terdai at Frank
fort at 95f.
Onto boats 25 Boredom.
ChM. Pant buck. this dip r.
Tex poor man'. doxy—The Attic.
Tat moll pox is depopulating Adnona.
Tae Queen of Portugal la constaaptive.
Tom Woman QueetionWhat aid She.
Aare on? '
Vrcrox Eawarrali . la credited with
Pamapirintia_ apt?, bt. 'J u d ge
Grlar'a home. • -
pr Z,r fis Zein thn Maryland tariff for
ilaw°P irelli a has had the Metairie
races awl to happy ,
T in - drummers of the ureatry Imre.
[ t lo catty ao,too.
r Moscsartss lee a diary umMciently full
Ar as autobiography.
aerlice.—assn, neWne.
• Taxon ;Liman ships samples of her
&marble In lab - e of batter.
"Once= recreation" Ise New Orleans
• imphentlem for oseklghte.
Two bits a 'Wound is tiss price of straw
berries in Calffornia pod now.
Joint Barra has= residences in Phil
&Width, and !leathers himself.
Smite Karr= la to help the Palle La
boy °ingress deliberate next fill.
Socrrr Brown has delighted Bt.
'Louts by playing Ophalli in Berman.
PAIILII9II NeseoweWhim bundred
dogs to temetattef itoteky New "fork=
TZOT has imarhoppers, but they AM
not plenty yet, Win been retied under
TEL prospects Ibr fruit and vegetable
crops ea Ike Pacillo.slope are very - tlat-
smurros of the Wyoming masiscre
- %a 1783 has just died to Now York State,
aged 97.
A Wnoaxace Bonedled'a new wife
!urns oat to be a boy, and he wants a
4 : l lvotre. .
United Roses of OW John
Brown" is a nowt negro society in
Tax baleen bridge In the world Le to
be owasteaced la a few days ecenee the
FORT! cents on the dollar is all that
the burglars of that Elmira bank ask for
their bonds..
A VaRNIORS town hits the Pfzight kind
of a Board of Bolostmeh—three brothers
of that home.
-Raw lfwak capitallstweantareplate the
erection of & theater, In that city', for
Minas Rosa.
Moirrussi. paper. suggests ;10,000
sot an appropriate* reward for Rtel's
fiend, "dead or attys..'
Clsxsrearres tagland to the realms or
Terthtioa bas cost an Irialiaaldier brand.
*mg aid imprisonment.
Choi. SICILIA WU honored with an
invitation to act as second In the Wont
imager -Bourbon duel. '
Trot husband of the noted lire. Bloomer
was 00tested by J. IL Palmer, for Mayor
of Council Bluffs, lowa.
Mgcousta babies base gone out of
style in New York, and nothing but high,
necked infanta will now pima. -
Mama; N. Y., hes Jest a amnia
tanker for Months who.does a good buil.
nesa, and is satisfied with it.
Bag Fnagasco thinks now would be e
good tine to builds City Hell, 113 eo many
men are sat of employment.
Ex-Concimeassun Jacob 3L. Rankle. of
'Maryland, died in Frederick city, of con
acmption, on Thursday last.
Till maiming place botchars reducing
their tariffs for the coming season, and
Issuing circulars to that effect.
aura xarnazgro Ban Franciscan
pounded aad kicked &young man to death
for asking employment of him.
LOCISIANA owes $14,000,000, Moan.
mud Interest on the bonds •'nominally
nntibuspig" is gated to be $44.000.
CONORWMAN Lawn's tither. Mr.
Valuer Laths, died in Pittsfield, Masa,
on Friday, aged sesentpsesen yams. '
- Tan bare ki occupied by the cadet, in
General S. Kirby Smith's military school
in Kentucky were burned Ism week.
Tax Ilmiston Telegraph complains of
the "Lot', wife politicians" in Tern
They Ire too muck Inclined to look back.
Fwo Kentucky sportsmen lately shot
800 ducks In nine days in Ballard county,
and sold them at Calm, Illinois, for jlBO.
Tam story of tbediscoyery of a number
of "proverbs," set to the mimic of Haydn,
is now pronounced to be i, pure inven
Taw Treasury Department Monday
imued Um million dollars of the new Atty
cent currency, bearing the hkenesi of Mr.
Tux Chicago Post calls for a vigilant
communise to me that the laws are watt.
ted to that city. and asserts that it is a
public necessity. •
Ax English contractor, having an un
paid bill against a workhouse, bas lately
attached the property and put a etheriff's
°Meer tn possession.
A agrrodux of Bergamo solved the
question whether a mu could live - without
blood, by falling Ist* sAeoch pelt. He
found 'Ma he couldn't.
TEL' !Wiliness' crows) Hawk
seeing farther than most other eyes, pre•
dicta that the women of lowa will Tots
for the next President.
Brozoson says: "I have 4,200
members on my church hooka, and If one
of them got tipsy I should know It before
the next walk was out."
Bona 75,000 gallons of water were
pumped out of a Columbus cistern last
w eek, and wasted,
inJOU because a negro
been it.
operators In the interior of
Florida an paid tan dollen a weak and
"dad" thenamlan. Bat they get rich
trading in cattle and hides.
MADAMS Outtniza. It Is said, has
hinted to her friends that she wears high
dresses of an evening, and expects the
ladles who vitt her do the same.
Tam Prince of the detentes is described
by Miss Annie Brewster, as "a delicate
but manly boy of fourteen, very fond of
study, aid with excellent -inners."
Yarns BUD I. announced as luring
lecture on Byron. At this rate we shall
soon have Byren'e memory embalmed In
Btowoadd erestness.—Punshkualo.
-As English papa rys that Sr. Bother,
the actor, "had the honor of ben refer
zed to l the /loose of Commons by Mr.
Caldwell In his 02my estimate speech."
.A.trocran cigar maker of Ban Frazi
deco has gone to the rime srylum
ttuoui tr7l2 to keep th e moot internal
revenueaedWona regardisg dpr stamps.
Nwrit days ago a little girl in 'them.
Y.. Ur Wore she died, exclaimed:
"Pa M take told of my hand and help
me sums." Her father died two months
Tin West novelty in the to:n=4.ton.
l eg Jaunts now neadieed by • wain la
party who pekoe' to tell your font=
the feet. a eared magnetise of ths Noma
()guU?OT, the lareetot of the re
peangou been made en officer of
the Legion of Honor of 7 nPace, 114 is
attacked by the ultra-lama mriugi
A MIL Hoozus, of Peabody,
anzonnoes that he considers htteself tope
the champion •egg eater," and =weave
any maa to compete with him. for batty
damn or upwar&
- Lent Koz,nworra is slid to be "the
first dlnier.giyer in London" and it is
said that at one of her entertainments tow
data were present, and the dinner wu
so good and the dukes were so dull der.
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Commercial and Ikunily Newspaper ._.
lin !snarl.. mechanic , or atorrehailt, .tierce to -.
\ r • • without It.
Steer milincrlbers
Chiba of Ave flb
IS - "A
Inc two courses none of them uttered e
McKean, Erie county, W. Henry Stan
cl,tf. Tice John 0. Dann, resigned. Es•
tablished, Oreeitehi, Erie county, Jas.
G. Mertz, postmaster.
THE salary of M. 011Itier, the Prime
Minister of France, is 100,0 0 0 francs.
He drawn it tn monthly installments.
His own income, !Asides, amounts to
some 30,000 francs more.
Aw Indiana paper reports that a lady In
that State married her sixth hnst7, -- nd
the 4th inst. Divorces tave not aided
her, u his fiat- pre d e „. 3 , 3 „ * k ey
all in a row the cemetery.
- SC ft: of the Toledo friends of Chu
.-,,ressinut.elect Pear, of the Tenth Oslo
District, paid him a congratulatory visit
on Friday evening, and the measure ci
Dr. Pcck's ambition it now doutnixa fhll.
Tax rather singtibtr Statement is made
that "aro..r singing her days over," Mme.
Parena Boss intends to devote herself to
translating into Italian the novels of
Charibtte Broate, and other English
A. linw Onraatae MID. one B. R.
Warner, tem fora divorce from Ida wife
on the ground thiethlte le addicted Utah,
UM of morphine, whit* renders her nun•
less to him as wife, helpmate or com
DURUM tie year.lBBo the Cleveland,
Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis
Railway Company carried five hundred
dyed and Seventy thousand five hundred
and ninety•four passengers, and not a
Lingle passenger was injured.
Orin of the banners borne by the color
td men at their celebration in Louisville
.read; "We will live on hash before we
will vote the Democratic ticket." "God
made us men," was inskribed on &wagon
filled with women.
Ttiß Wan and Means Committee are
in doubt a to whether they can carry the
Senate resolution providing for the col
lection of the Inconhe tat of the present
year The oppoaitien to any extension'
of the late Is very strong.
Quaint Vac-roma for the first time flags
in her devotion to the memorj , of her
dear husband. She has • declined to in
augurate the Albert memorial at Selfast.
This declination must either arise from
falling health or fear of the Fenian.
A Yount asked Count -Monfrond, the
memoir writer, to teach him the art of
of succeeding in society. "Oh. It Is
simple enough," said the Count. "Talk
to the middle aged and young ladies, and
listen when the old ones talk to you."'
Hon. T. A. It. Nelson Is a candidate
for Supreme Court Judge from the East
Division of Tennessee. The election is
to be held on the first Thursday, (the 4%
day) of August, and two Judges from
each of the three divisions of the State are
to be elected. • •
TEE free trade men admit that the tariff
will getthrough the House, but think
It will fall In the Senate. Tariff men say
they will make - a strong' effort to get It
through both Houses, even if Congress
should be compelledsto - remain in session.
until the middle of July.
DISPATCHES, Official and unofficial,
from St. Domingo, of late date, do not
represent sfflirs there favorable to annex
alien to the United States. It appears to
be about as much as our naval fleet can
do to preserve order, and It is not im
probable the Baez government mayibe
Tits Auburn News, having publiehed a
twelve line paragraph complaining that
the county tail was filthy and in a
moist wretchtd condition, the Sheriff,
Sidney illes4. l brought an action for libel
against it. The jury, atter a two days'
trial, tuought in a verdict that thare was
no cause for action. -
'Ws learn from private lettert from
Vienna that thirty Americans are perm.
ing the stndy of medicine at that capital,
and enjoying ita unrivaled hospital facili.
ties.- Among them is Simmons, who
pulled stroke in the Harvard crew against
the Ozford. They are only two Engli.h
medical students in the city.
WHAT is described as a niagnificent
geological map of Canada, with the adjs.
cent portions of the British possessions
and of the United Staten, drawn from
surveys made by the Geological Survey
of Canada, under the direction of Sir
Wm. Logan, during the oast twelve
years, has just been published.
Tam House Judiciary Committee have
agreed to report a bill to carry out and
enforce the Fifteenth Amendment. Its
provisions are very stringent, and it im
poses heavy fines and penalties on all
persons who attempt to deprive or prevent
those votmg who are entitled to the elm-
Me franchise under that amendment
Haw Oats►as papers narrate the woes
of a mature young couple, aged eleven
and thirteen, who eloped from that city
last week, and after passing two blissful
days together in the cabin of a negro
friend, were ruthlessly torn apart, Ana
their brief romance terminated withsound
parental whippings and many tears.
Tux Springfield (Dl.) Journal says
that there will be a convention of too
farmers of the northwest, at Blooming.
ton, 111., on the 28th inst., to organize for
the protection of the interests of the pro
ducing classes against the exorbitant
exactions of transportation companies.
The convention is called by Henry C.
Wheeler, Esq., a prominent and tidal.
gent farmer of Da Page county,
Oros of the London papers evidently
thought that Mr. Dickens' little speech.
on the occasion of his "final farewell
reading" in that city was a trifle theatri•
cal, and says: "'From these garish lights
I vanish now forevermore,' was the well
scanned line with which Mr. Dickens
closed his series of readings on Tuesday
night. Bo old an entertainer would have
been missed none the lees if he had said
nothing about garish lights, and vanish
ing forevermore." -
A Tzzas paper says that when Gen.
Reynolds received the dispatch announc
ing the reconstruction of the State, he
read it and handed It a citizen with the
remark : "Here, take your State and
van it ;" and presently added: "I feel
u If a great weight bad been lifted from
me ; thank God I am through with the
heaviest contract I ever undertook. I
have done the best I could- I have a
clear conscience. I wish the people of
Texas the greatest prosperity."
IT is reported in Paris that the Prince
Imperial of France, who has lately passed
his fourteenth year, is soon to be betrothed
to a "German Princess of high lineage."
As tbo Emperor of Austria has one
daughter, the Archduchess Gisela-Louise--
Hark, who is now in her fourteenth
year, It Is supposed she may be the "party
of the second part." She. was born on
the 12th of July, 1816, while tbe Prince
Imperial was born on the 16th of 'larch,
1856, so that the Austrian Princess iciest
four months younger than the French
Tin fifth session of the Monongahela
Valley District Convention of Good
Templar§ will be held at Greensboro,
Greene county, Pa., on Tuesday and
Wednesday, April 26th and 27th lust.
The Grand Worthy Chief Templar of the
State, Ron. 8. P. Chase, will be present
and delegates from most of the Lodges In
Allegheny, Washington, Westmoreland,
Fayette and Greene counties. Delegates
going by boat will leave Pittsburgh on
the Ave o'clock mail packet Monday even
ing, arriving in Greensboro next morning
at nine o'clock.
Og Jack Reynold's execution in New
York, a reporter says:' "For nearly two
minutes the body hung motionless, but at
28 minutes past 9, the nerves having re
covered from the shock they had received
by - the start of the body, resumed their
functions. The breast of the culprit- be
gan to heave, as if in dreadful agony; the
arms tried toloosen themselves from the
thongs jhat held them, and a feafria rock
ing motion came over the body. Fiye
minutes atter the rope had been cut one of
the medical gentlemen heard the air rush
Into the right lung. At six minute* after
being hung, the pulsations in the left
wrlat eeued, but it lasted from 184- to 14
minutes ere complete strangulation had
ai let t i o e hu lnd the e. m , urderer had paid the for-
(sEcorw ott4sion.)
SENITIE : Resolution on Indian
Affairs Paused—The Florida
Contested Seat—Georgia Bill
Considered Without Attitin.
BOUSF: Contested Eleition
Cases Disposed Of—Progress
with the Tariff Bill.
WAeroaccrrorr, April 13, 1670.
The calendar being taken up, the teed.
Istion for a joint epecihi Committee on
Indian Affairs was itebatet
Mr. UAW:ERIN moved to requirtAik
a majority of the members chosen from
each flows shall be necessary to coned.
tote a majority of the committee. •
Pending discusalon bills were introdu
ced for the better organization of the
medicinal department of the navy, and
for the relief of widois and orphans of.
the calcine ' seamen and amines of the
United Stat en war vessel Oneida.
The resolution on Indian affairs wax
amended as proposed by. Mr. Casserly
and adopted—yens 29, nays 28.
Ur. TRUMBULL, Chairman Judiciary
Committee, submitted a ref let upon the
petition of 0. B. Hart, olatuung a seat in
place of the preeent member, Mr. Gilbert.
The revolution amompanying the report
declares that Abijah Gilbert was duly
elected and entitled to hold the sent.
Mr. THURMAN, minority member of
the Committee, said the rase wee consid
eredin Committee In nie absence._ He
was not conversant With the folds ripen
which the report Was baited and- could
not way whether he approved the report
or not.
At I.:20 the Georgia bill *as taken up.
Mr. WILSON asked that some time to.'
morrow be livid for taking the vote.
'Mr. DRAKE objected, remarking that
the importance of the subject entitled It
to the fullest end the freest dlacuselon.
Mr. WILSON said the country wee
rapidly coming to the opinion that Con
gress was too @low in the transaction of
public business. If the oppurtunity was
given him, he would move for an even
ing session.
Without effecting any tuadennanding
the dtsconallon , was proceeded• with,
Mews. Norton, Williams and Ferry
taking part in it. -
Without action, adjourned.
Mr. ISIcCRARY, from Committee on
Election.. reported a reaolutton that
Francis E. Shober is-entitled to • seat as
Representative from the Stith Markt of
North Carolina, without prejudice to the
rights of Nathaniel Lloyds' to contest It.
The resolution was agreed to and Mr:
Shober tc.)k the oath.
Mr. KELLY, from Committee on Coln.
age, reported a bill in reference to Inter.
=toned unitary coinage, for action at a
later period of the 11011111011. He made
some remarks In favor of th• American
or decimal sj mem of minima and ...nights,
on which the hill was bounded.
Mr. IthiTLER erske brtrfty on the
eeme scoject, and the bill was then re.
Mr..LIEATON, from the Committee on
coinage. reported a bill to aetattilah an
assay orrice at alone, liduzgana..
tad to Committee on Appropriations..
"be Hones then proceeded to vote on
the resolutions in the Louisiana ermteeted
election case of Rohl against Sheldon.
The resolution of the majority wu
adopted by a party vote, the only sleep.
Lion beinglir. Bingham, who voted with
the minority.
.The Howe proceeded to the
of the Pennsylvania moteeted elec
tion case of Taylor against Reading. the
majority report giving the seat to Taylor.
contestant, snd the minority taking op-
Waite grounds.
The prevloosquestion was moved by
M. 13ESSNA. and seconded, and an hour
allowed for tho debate.
Mr. RANDALL spoke lo deforms or
the right of the sitting =ember, M.
Reading, who oho spoke in kW, own
My sera Halo, &lice and Cessna fol.
lowed on the opposite side. whep the
resolution of the majority was adeNed
yeas 112, na a 46, a party vote. •
Mr. Tay:or was thereupon morn In
as • member instead of Mr. Rsadltur. -
Mr. CLARA, RI.. from Committee on
Indian Affairs, rep7rted a telt to nor.
garithe the system of coronae g Indian
tribes, to promote their. civillsition and
fur other purposes. Recommitted.
Mr. BUTLER, Mara asked leave to
Introduce &Joint resolution to annex the
Republic of D3GI3IOICII.
Mr. WOOD objected.
In Cornuattee of the Whole on the
tariff a paragraph wee Inserted cm motion
or Mr. BQ TLER, bye vote of 63 to W. as
On webbing composed of silk and rub
ber, of silk and other materiels, silk be
lug the component material of chief
value, used for the manufacture of shoot.
twenty•flve per cent ad valorem:
The next paragraph was that taxing
sixty per cent. ell manufactures of silk
not otherwise provided for.
Mr. COX moved to redraw the duty to
forty per neut. Rejected.
Mr. HOLMAN moved to lnoreasethe
duty to eighty five per cent. Raj's:4d.
No other amendments were offered to
the paragraph.
The next paragraph was the one tax.
log flex, including flax straw, sad all
flax not packed or dressed, twenty dol
lars per ton, and packed flax forty
dollars per ton.
• •
On motion of Mr. SCHENOS, It ewes
amended so as to read: On flax not
packed or dressed, twenty dollars per
ton, etc., and a new paragraph yia added
mating the duty on flex straw fly dol.
tars per ton.
The next paragraph was -LIM taxing
ho.op =mem:factored forty dollars per
Mr. BANKS moved to rednee It to
twenty-five dollars. because the - tryetY
with Annie required the mane duty to
be levied on Russian as Manilla hemp,
and that was the rate on the latter.
Mr. HOOPtli contended that:Manilla
and Russian hemp were totall3 o dialect
articles. . _ . •
Mr. BECK opposed , the imendment In
the Interests or the hemp rattlers of the
United States.
• Without-disposing of the amendment
the Committee rose,
. .
.Mr. sullENult drat giving native he
would try to get lino eoromlttee 'early
to morrow and would mote to have even.
log aeaalon.
The Home then adjourned.
Meeting of General Freight Agents
Ourvel.stco April 13.—me 'annual
meetiog.of this General BaUwny Freight
Agents' Association was held here to.
day. About thirty were present, repre
senting most of the principal lines in the
country. The following °Mans were
elected for the ensuing year: Prod.
dent. C. W. Smith, Pittsburgh, Clip
cinnall and . St. Louis Railroad ;
Vice. President, H. R. Wocdsworth.
C. 13 &Q. ft. R ; Secretary, H. W. Hitp.
bard, Terre Haute and Indianapollsand
St. Louie, Vendetta - and Terre. Hautet
Executive Committee, . Thomas Hoops,.
Michigan Central, Lucian Hill; 0. 0.
C.& I, L. Devennye 0. H. & D., Id. H.
Smith, Louisville and Nashville, J. C.
Buxton, Cleveland, Sandusky and CM
clot atl.
The following rates on live stock per
one hundred pounds were fixed :
To Buffalo, from Chicago, 40 cents;
from Indianapolis, 373 canon hom
cinnatl, SS cents; from Louisville, 4h
To Pittsburgh from Chicago 40 cants;
from Indianapolis 344 rents ; from fin.
airmail 30 cents; from Loubmilie 37M
The general classitleation of rates was
referred and the commtnittee Instructed
to complete their labors end then ask the -
President to call a joint meeting of the
Association end trans lines at liest_Tork.
Resolved to hold next regular meeting at
Chicago on the second Wednesday In .
—The Werra Oeo. Colt, an engineer,
w h o raYsterlottilly disappeared December
Ist, was found on Tuesday In a water
closet attached to his late residence In
Now York.
• : 1 ' . 4 * • AY, APRIL 14, 1870.
Adjournment of the French Leg
-- The Plebiscltuin
Lopez Killed and the War in
Paraguay Ended—Punishment
rtompensier for Billing
Henri de Bourbon—The Cuban .
ty Adopted by tbe'Councli at
lßr SeleXraph to the rittstaulni a uetst
• .Peaty April dlepatCh from
Bayonne atatea that several more noted
Car!lst leaderaliad just pawed over into
Spain.. •
The authorities- were again notified
that the threatened strike wale to begid
to=day in vatiotia martufadories in this
OILY. . .
ItZeported the Emperor's inanima
tion nig to, the pletnacitnm will be
pa „ dafter to-nterbow.
In the bad
Corps Leglalstif to-day U.
011ivier moved that the Chamber adjourn
nail . the vote .on the PlehlaMtltre•hat
Muth taken.. He said the Government
desired that the deputies should hateity
opportunity of going beibre the people
and instructing them in the reasons for
the measure on whlelt they were to vote,
Jules Fevre .vehemently oppoited'an
adjournment. It-me Inconsistent •with
the duty members owed to their constit
umite, who sent them here to remain at
their posts in an emergency like the
Drlsent. No felt they tied everything to
fair from the Government The quelMon
was then taken and the motion to ad.
journ adopted-195 to 63.
- M. Flury sated the Government whet
progress had been made in the Investi
[ration ; of the conspiracy against the
Emperor and State; M. Olilvier rep:led
theelandnatiOn would soon be ()milts.
In !answer to a question, what mope bad
been taken in the ease of Prince Murat,
who was reported to have struck a mag
istrate to open Court. NI. ;01/Ivier said
that justice would be dope.
La Liberia insists that Connt Darn has
positiAffairs.vely resigoed the Ministry of For
Lutoor, April 18.—Pull particulars of
the der's% of Lopes bare reached here
The Brazilians explored the mother,
tar and children of Lopes, and also his
mixtreea, Mrs. L3rnch.
Lopez refined to surrender and was
shot. General Caballero was also killed.
LONDON. April 13.—The following
highly important intelligence hue been
received from Rio Janeiro via Lisbon:
President Lopez, of Paraguay, Is dead.
He nua surrounded, and refusing to sur
render was killed by • Brazilian lancer.
The mother, aisterand children of Lopes,
together with Madame Lynch, have been
captured; The commander of the Bra.
Chin troops Who. put this finiabing
stroke to the war lisareoelved from the
Emperor the title of Vicount-Pelatos.
HAVANA, April 13.—A telegram (rota
Captain General Ballades, dated Puerto
PfllllblPS Aprll 10th, - was recatved: here
to day. Tbs. column of matinee bad
killed fifty-two Ineurgenta, Tblbdlnq
Manuel Agnate - and Frei:wimp Loess,
leaders of the rebels. Voluntary sur
renders continued; day numbers
•f the enemy cams into the.Spaulah
oamp and claimed the •protectlnn war
ranted by the amnesty prociamatlon.
Too rebel. are everywhere In confusion.
Waimeaed•le at Los Tunis, extending hi.
Ilona toward Porto Principe.
Itiansup, April lA—The trial of"'lMlce
tdontreusier for the murdei of Prince
Henry of Bourbon. was concluded last
evenirg. TIM Duke's prompt confession
of the deed and hie expreution of regret
therefor. were aecepted as extenuating
circumstanoae The Dukewassentenord
to one month's exile from Madrid, and
to pay • Lee of six thousand dollar. M-
I deninlty to the-family of Prince Henry.
Lowoon. April , telegram from
- Peeth amens that the Hungarian pre
tato" to the Ecumenical. Deuced why ,
voted for the dogma of Papa infant bill.
17 will be excluded from the upper
chamber of the Diet.
Lord Llentertion died today In his 71th
Seam, April lk—The steamer Lafay
ette, from New York, bee arrived.
1..0!C DONDIC ASV'. deaiDer
Prussian. from Port ha. arriTsd.
Ea 3321
IL—The Ecumenical
Connell ham voted almost unanimously
la favor of the entire text of the schema
Of the dogma of Papal infallibility.
The Pall Mall Gazette congratulates
Aatibury on toe acioemanoe of Ma chal
lenge by a Beet of American lehnthiers,
Instead of one atone.
Belmar" April 13.--D. Bernet, the
celebrated Belgian rerreluttontat, te dead.
ontiov, Awn 18—Evotilm.-07neolie
for money 96X; account 96X. American
sem:mitt.. quiet: 62'.,88X; '6se, 11734; 61.,
1114 t; 10 40a, 86. Erie, 2u34. IlUnuls I.lett•
trot. 11234 t Atlantle and Greet Western,'
28 Stoma quiet.
Lo, uncut. April 13.--TsUow dull at 44.
0d61 46 '. &War heaVYlepot liie 6d4086.;
afloat 18. 6d. Linseed oil heavy. Refined
Petroleum la ed. Rosin quiet.
Apfil 18.—Bourse closed quiet;
• aiealllt.p..a
IL—Peizoleula Wiled
deenolts at 6 . • 2
• HAPAX,. AprlllB —Oottort opened heavy
at IN? ea spot, 18.334( afloat.
Mumma, April 18.—Petrolenin opened
flat ate %Wen 18 amine.
Ranzoao. Aprlll4—Petrolennt opened
Lrvemvoot.,- , Aprll 18.--Cotton doll:
mindllnivripiauds Orleans 11,(42i
113{d. Wheat: sales-or MON titila-osll-' 1
fonds white at 9a; red western 1j0..2
Te &lefts ikh winter 81 Td. Flour:
western 19a 91. Unit: No. 2 mixed 22.
M. Oats Sd. Barley 6s. Paellas Bd.
Pork 94 and market buoyant. Beer
1001. Lard 68.91. Cheese 72x. Sawa:
Die for illamberland out. There will be
a holiday In cotton and the general Liv
erpool markets from to-morrow until
next Tuesday. Fine Rosin 12@18s.
Spirit, Petroleum la ldt yenned-Is Mr!.
ULM* 44104401 d. :Turpentliti_Me
FILAIMPOILT, April ' 12.—Five.wwenty
bonds closed firm at Ob.
HAvu Aorlll3 -:llltten
Bnsulorr, April.l3.—Petroleum closed
heavy at Bt. 24g.
Ilannono, April L.—Petroleum oloseit.
Another 'Attack on Clusena of Wyomlng
.—govageo lat Iliautll _
itif Tetogrilpa to tin Plibbarah awn s.>
CESTICaIiII, April 111.— Thla afternoon
'kinr of our Milian/ who' went out "five
/Mtn"' west of the city to locate bay
claim; weii attiniked bi Med* mounted
Indiana and &Milk to Fort Rumen.
A telegram from South Paw nays the
dilzana there kilted eleven Indians yea.
-A- divan* , from - 84dney-sap .email
'pardon of Iddltans were Beau lin ship pr•
rounding bluffs to-day.
By I*. T.legragyit I
hformaarrows, April 1/I—liiver eta,
tannery with thirty inches water to the.
channel. Weather clear. Thermometer
Ciaxistesoxo, April 16.—River Ma
tiooltry with about six feet water in , the
easnaeL Weather clear. Thermometer
79 at 6 r.m. y.
Biowmeenam, AprillL-4tiver
with six feat water ;n channel. Weather
clear. Thermometer 68 et 4e. m. V.
OIL CITY, April IL.--Ricer at a stand
with 6 feet 91=hp water In the channel.
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 66 at 7
P. at.
Cider Justice Chase and tne Flleenth
(1y Tee a rftoeto rlttsburth Oatettti / •
Cincintraft, April 13.—The following
letter was aftdresud by Chief Justice
Chutes to thri:Cornmlttee of colored citi
zens, in respohne to an Invitation to
attend the Fifteenth! Amendment cele
bration: s _
Treeing Mei March 30th, 1870.—Accept
thanks for the Invitation tendered me on
-behalf of the eiilored cltiitens of thnoat•
nate, to attend the celebration. My dotted
here will not permit me to be present
except by gold will and wiahea. Almost
-a quarter of amentury has paned since
'aotno of you probably hoard me declare
(May 1845) that all legal distinctions be-
t seen incilvldkisla of the same commit.
nity on any inch circumatencea as color,
Origin, and tte like, are hostile to the
gealue of Ottzlestitutions, and Inoompat•
thin with the true theory of American
1. 1 0.
liberty; that mho Democracy makes
no inqul y &taint the color of the akin
or the pl of nativity, or any other
similar Irctunatanre of condluon, and
that - t nylon of the , colored
people, as a - dy, from the . elective
bench' . le Incompatible with true
'De to elides. I congratulate you
that these principles have been at length
made dint tattle supreme lsw of .the
laud. -Many Me doubt would have been
glad, as f.,would hove been, if the greet
work corieumended by the ratification of
the Fifteenth :Amendment could have
been accomplished by the States through
an amendment;of the Sleet constitution
and through appropriate. State leaden
ties; tut the delays and uncertainties
prejudicial to eery interest inseparable
from that mode of proceeding seemed to
iteoessitate the .icourae actually adopted,
nor 00E41; tbli,SMMliiMeln Impair the
real rights of t ily Stale. It leaves the
whole regale of suffrage to the whole
people of each late, subject only to the
fundamental Mgr that the right of no alt
tuns to vote she' be dented or abridged
on account offtolor, race or previous . 1
condition of sindritude. It is to be hoped
that each Statiewill so conform its cen
stltution and a to this fundamental
law that no slon may be given to
legislationby. ogres!. Bat the best
Indication of wisdom as well as jus
tice of the am meat most be found In
the conduct of t t large elites of citizens
whom you represent. On the occasion to
which I have. referred, I ventured to'
say thst the besseway to. Mauro the
'ful.derelling ivettate of the Mt=
races Is thewrdW reciprocation of bone-
Me,tikol not them Infliction of injuries,
and I cannot vs you .better counsel
than I, o ff ere then. Go forward,
having perfect f thin your own manhood
and In 'Elird's ?evidence, eddies to
your filth virtue, and to virtue
'knowledge, and ito knowledge patience,
to patiza temperance, to temperance
brotherly kindness, and to brotherly
kinde charity. Why not al , :ual.
Iry your rejoicing in the rights secured
under the Fifteenth Amendment by urn.
lag upon Congress the prompt removal of
all political disabilities Imposed tuba
our fo'iow oiliest* by the Fourteenth
Amendment, so that through universal
suffrage. end uniltersal amnesty pesos,
good will, and prosperity may be eatitte
)(abed throughout our country. Every
good man - muat rejoice In the program
which the calmed citizens of the United-
States have made in education, in re
theme culture end In the general
leaprommeat or their. condition. Every
good man must vernerly desire their
- continued-and ateederated progress In
the saute direction. All public and all
private interests will be promoted by It,
and it will maitre, at no denial day a
1 cordial recognition of their rights, oven
from tho.e of thearfollow citieeoa who
have muss: earnestly opposed them. No
man can flow be rend who would restore
eleven , . A few years hence, If the col
ored men are wise, it will be impossible
I to find a man otter ii avow !dwelt In
favizirof denying or abridging their right
to vote. S. P. CEAss.
-191 x cant ralraray fares are belna
clamored for In Cluctoriatt.
—The elect unati Commercial proclaim*
a victory over the *unclog coutpoettoca
by Issuing a triple sheet Yesterday
Paraguayan war la ended. killed. Thus - the Argahttne
Comml at . London ban telegraphed to
—Workmen In the atone quarries at
the Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, have
'truest a coal vela, and there Is much ex
.citemeut in consequence.
—The crude oil tank, of W. H. DO•13,
at Cleveland, wars set on fire by a spark
from a locomotive page. day morning,
and the oil consumed. LOss II40,000;
—Arrangementa for the Sangerfeet at
Cincinnati aro approaching completion.
A:daily Is to be published during and In
connection with the lest, the drat num.
terr to be Issued nest week.
• —The Clnannall, Hamilton and Day.
ton Railroad Company has declared a
diridend of tour per cent. The gross
recOpte for the year were 111,1176,n00 and
the operating expenses within 167 &000,
or under filly per cent.
—A hilt admittlig New Mexico so a
slate will shortly be reported in LXingrees.
Among the fundantental conditions will
be ohs with regard I. educational (wilt.
flee, to be prorl4sd by enactment by the
Legislature of the new State. .
—The President has no intentlin at
present of issuing a general amneety
proclamation. He entertained the Idea
some time ago, but Woo plied with atones
of outrages at the South, laid to be coin.
witted by ex.Oonfederatea, thin be has
concluded It Is too awn
,for general
Attorney General or,„l3•Lifoint•
haa rendered an opinion that until the
lure of the State ate. changed, or D.
green adopts some leglalation-in the mat.
ter, It is the duty of *minty clerk, to
Tonne to register mamas. He urges
them to obey the State laWs pending tea
action of Congress.
—Fernando Wood intends to make the
Investigation Into the conduct of General
Howard a personal matter, and hu en
gaged: counsel. Rile itlavillon has
wmmenced before ' the Gomniittee un
Education and Labor, of which Arnett,
of Tennestime,i try chairman. General
Howard's counsel is not yet , artuennwd.
—By 'testae of theJudgee Of the Dir.
Cult .and Superior Courts, Deputy Sheriff
Bradley and Jailor Felts decline to
respect the dechilon of Judge Stallleter
of the Recorder's Court, declaring Cot ,
onor Cleaves - Sheriff es-officio of Cask
hencouty, Ilituttie,refuse to lee up
!theare °Moe s od Jell to t he Cos,
- -The charter '.eleotlon at Trenton, N.
.L, on Monday; resulted In the choloe of
Orapton, Democrat, for Mayor, by three
hundred majority. The board of Free.
holders and Woman Council are about
equally divided between the Democrats
and Republicans.— One hundred and
eighty flee votes were polled by colored
—lowa bre fixed the salaries of State
offioers and Judiciary Urns: Governor,
$3,000; Judges of Supreme Court, 118004
Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
and Register of Land office, $2,200 each;
deputise of those °Moen IMMO each;
Judges of District Court $2,200: - Judges
of Circuit Court, $l,OOO,
—The Senate Naval thmmittee has re.
calved from' Secretary Robeson a coal
manication strongly recommending that
a bill be reported, giving twelve menthe'
pay ,to the families or helm of the offi
cers and crew of the Oneida who were
drowned lathe collision of that vessel
with the Bombay. The Committee favor
=oh an appropriation and will prepare a
—Mame ore Bald to have left Noir'
York in largo numbers lately. Some
say they have gone to attend that/fib:ago
tkingress, but others own that they are'
ooneentrating otts - the Oanadian frontier
with a view to another raid. The arms
and ammunition adored In the various
Fenian armories are laid to have been
removed, but nobody seems to know
whore they have been taken to.
,At Aiehkoeb, Wisooneln, = a rousing
meeting was held Tuesday night to die.
outs a protective tariff and Ita effects on
Western manufacturers. Resolutions
were adopted in opposition to the reoom.
mendatlone of Couanitadoner Wells, and
in favor of the building up of home man.
afar:tures and tin formation of Smto
destrial meociatlons. Addreesee were
wade by H. P. 'Jacltn, F. B. Norton
and Judge tVasdiburne. A committee
consisting of John Nicks, W. B. Stiakoey
and A. B. Knapp was appointed to draw
no the form of an organlrition tor •
Tariff League•
Nominations—Suffrage Celebra
tion—New Postage Stamps—
Cable to Asia —Postal Telegraph
—Legal Tender Cages, &e., de.
BT Thleimhb to the Guette.)
WAsinrioTolt, D. C., April 13, 1870
Tha Prealdent sent the following nom.
inatiena to the Senate to-day: Poitmas
teni—John H. Smith, Paoli, Kansas: Jam.
W. Mee, Garnett, }Endow; i.e. R. Brown,
Atiathe, Kansas.
The new poetagestamps are now ready
for use. One oent• stamps are profile
bust of Franklin, color blue; two cents.
Jackson profile bust, •xdor brown; throe
cents, Washington profile boat, color
green; elx cents, Lincoln profile bust, col
or cochineal; ten cents, Jeffarson profile
bust, color chocolate; twelve cents, Clay
profile bust, color neutral, tint purple;
fifteen cents, Wehlter profile bust, color
orange; twelve cents, Scott profile bust,
color pure purple; thirty three cents,
Hamilton profile bust,color black; ninety
cents, Commodore 0. H. Ferry profile
boat, color carmine.
A memorial of Cyrus W. Field will be
presented to Congress tomorrow erpras•
sing a deilre to undertake the laying of
a telegraph cable between America and
Asia. E.ght .thoneand dye hundrt
miles of cable will be required for the
purpose The bill which accompanies
the memorial prol mos the Incorp,ration
of with a capital of tan tr a
dman, all to be paid up within a year
from organization. Upon the completion
of the cable within Bee years thereafter.
the company to receive - acres of
public lands In full property, with' right
to select the lands.
The ooJored people of the District of
tbluritbia to day celebrated the ratlike.
thin of the Fifteenth Amendment and
the eighth onniventary of emancipation
In the Detrict. The procession was very
long, comprising colored Fritillary coot.
panda*, civic eocotter, and care tastefully
canopied, containing colored girls dbl.
playing miniature flogs.
The House Select Committee On Postal
Telegraph to-day Instructed the Chair
man, Mr. Washburne, to report hla bill,
heretofore Introduced, connecting the
Telegraph with the Poetat serstoe.
The Supreme Court has decided that
the number of muneel to be heard next
Idonday la the legal tender cues shall
be four, or two for each cue.
The Chief Engineer of the Army, In a
letter to Gen Logos, says the chief ma
terial now being used In the construction
'of fort Iftatious la earth. The amount
thee far sppropriated for the pnrpare,
with that asked for in the estimates of
the present decal year, is n 34,000 otiO.
The hill Introduced by Senate Cragln
allows the widow* and childr aof or
puerds of ofaceninnd men I .on the
Oneida twelve months' extra pa .
The senatii bee coutlrtned At zon B.
long as United States Attor ley of
The Pasterbee Department Is I guidon
IDlQAtto_psactActl,billty at Littera New-
York and New Orleans malls f m the
Lautevi'lle and Knoxville rout to the
Mobile and Ohlo Railroad, or tith route
through the seaboard Stairs to Id eridan
and Jacksba.,
Tbe napected Rentals Rata Doubts
About It—Great Preparatto a—if be
hipe4lllon to Red itlyee—No a Reo-
UV. rrotest AgAlstit.tooleue lion,
illyTelearsob to the. Pitt - .bare; Gazette.)
Mostnnar., April 18.-I.lthough there
seems to oe no doubt an extensive
movement has been going on among the
Fenlane on the eastern frontier, Worms
lion from that quarter lauds to the bells(
it will proceed no further now. in conse
quence of the precautions taken. Tele.
grams from St. Armando say the people
were utterly disbelieve any. raid eeas
contemplated. It is stated here It Is the
Intention of the Government to orgentra
• force from toe present militia argent
ration for the Northwest and that orders
will be lased this week.
MONTREAL, April —Comidentble
activity elieta among the regulars iii.
garrison, and the 4th brigade of Royal
Artillery stationed st Hachelsga are
busy moving their stores and ammuni
tion to • mote convenient place. Two
companies have been ordered to Pigeon
Hill and two to Curd', Corners. Parties
on the Canadian slue in that district are
said to have received letters lately from
Wends on lbe American side inviting
them over for protection, as an Invasion
The countrl about Hun
tington is considerably flooded just now,
winch would suspend military operations
by either side. ThecalitOletellilleelnal to
have been responded to with much
promptness by all frontier volunteer
Wit s
la repotted General O'Niel last Bt.
Ottawa, April •I3.—The Militia De.
partment called out two•
padre at Barrie. Half a battery of
artillery was also sent from London to,
Sarnia. and 'troops of cavalry to Am
herstburg. •
Loa night, in the Senate, Mr. Dickey
asked whether Bishop Laohe had been
accredited by . the Government to Rod
river, and whether he had recognized or
urged the recognition by the. people
there of Gm provisional Government as
the 'established authority in the terri
tory ? Mr. Campbell sale the Bishop had
not been accredited, for there was no
authority at Red river we could recog.
Mae. NO information had been received
from the Bishop alttoe his arrival. . ' "
Late evening . Mr. !Mawr glove
notice,of a resolution declaring the execu
tion of Beat to have been a deliberate
murder, and that to receive Reili'a em
mimetica would compromtee tfie dignity
and shook the sense of the county. Mr.
Campbell'strongly urged that the notice
should be withdrawn, and after discus
sion the matter was allowed to drop..
General Lindsey, representing Guam
portal Government, hail boon here for a.
few days in consultation with Sir Jobe
Young on the subject of the expedition
to Rod River. General Lindsey came
with full powers, and having perfected
hie arrangements with' the Canadian
Government. left today for Montreal,
accompanied by Colonel Wolseley.
General Lindsey will be ohlefof the ex-
Oeditlon and Colonel Wolseley sec.
oad command. A considerable
number of Canadian rifles will
eompose the regular troops. Some
oompsniee of the rifle brigade aro ix.
peeled to be selected likewlee. The lin
'pertal Government, It Is said, will bear
the whole expense of the expedition.
The part which Canada bears wilt be
settled afterwards.' Canadian troops
wall be enlisted for two years. They are
to be selected by Deputy Adjutant Gen.
orals in equal proportions from the
several military districts In Ontario and
Quebec- -
IiALIVAZ April 18.—Mr. Murray , .
resolution, latroduced In the Awiembly,
declares, after reciting the usual list of
confederate grievances, as follows:
Resolved, That under all the foregolog
circumstances, the House, as representa
tives of the people of the province and on
behalf of them, does most solemnly and
firmly protest against the provinoe being
• any longer coerced sad unwillingly held
in the Confederation under British North
America, and further declare that If not
released front such confederation it will
be through the oppreesion of great and
dominant powers against weekend help.
less people, and will be contrary to tree
constitutional principles and national and
civil rights, justice and freedom.
The Government will move an amend.
Laughing at the Scare.
gi Tolerraolt to Ma Pltuburiti ktasetto
Burr•Lo, April IX—Leading Fenian
officials here laugh at - the letuu of the
Canadians over the ralebn Canada. A
movement Will not be attempted until
enemies is beyond doubt. It le evident
no raid hi contemplated by Fenian here
at resent.
The McFarland Trial—lnterest
Intense and Increasing—Erl
deuce for Defense Continued.
Sy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gerette4
Naw Yorr, April 13, 1870.
As the trial of McFarland progresses
the interest in it appears to progresaln
the- same ratio. The entrances to the
CourtroMn this morning were blocked
up with an immense crowd of expectant
Upon the opening of.the Court Mr.
Gerry read a letter from fdra. Calhoun to
Mn.s McFarland, similar In character to
the epistles from the same lady read
The Recorder intimated that the coun
sel would do well to refrain from reading
letters merely relating to Mrs. Calhoun's
personal feelings and not directly bear
ing on the case.
• Judge Davis said
he supposed the pro&
mato° could not object to the reading
of letters which the prisoner bad piun.
dined from the trunk of his wife and
which the defence seemed to think sup.
ported some theory of their's.
Charles W. Eastwood, woolen dealer,
testified the prisoner had been In the
'habit of coming Into witness' place of
business for about two years; during all
that time McFarland was rational enough
Elan talking on other subjects, but
en conversing on his family troubles
became frantic and irrational. 'I he
manner of McFarland In November,
1869;sras more excited than on any pre
vious °cession. Prisoner told him .at
that time he had no; had a good night's
sleep In six week.; sometimes he whihed
he wan dead. -
Sanford R. Wakeman; of New Jersey,
knew prleorier; hed& conversation with
hlin itMit the 'middle of May, '69: Mc,
Farland then went over his trouble.
Prisoner's son "Perry," was with him at
the time. He asked witness to hear
"Percy" declaim. Tho boy then do
Maimed from Shskenoare's Richard the
Third. Subsequently witneas milled at
McFarland'a residence and the latter told
him in excited terms of Richardeon h3v
log stolen his t,y. McFarland wax very
excited and shed tears copiously; witness
was.witb. him many hours on that occa
sion; thcitightLau,. ere was something the
mattof with MbFarland at . that time.
McFarland frequently appealed to hea
ven caving ' , Oh, my 00d !.what shalt I
do!" Said be could not live rtielidotheee
trials. Witness thought McFarland's
manner increased to vehemence during
all the time he knew him.
The testimony of Geo. Welling*, •
waiter in • restaurant, was that tho riris
oner used to breakfast there: was always
excited. On ernes-examination he field
he presented the appearinoe of having
been drinking. Two other wafters dor
rot 3rated Welling*' direct testimony.
John 13,". Ontighton, U. B. - .lnternal
Revenue Assessor, testified to prisoner's
: lark of memory, nervousness and ex
citemeot, and his work misfit) deny as to
need many corrections. Cross-examined
—On one occasion noticed signs of drink
on him.
Michael Falliby testified the prleoner
called at hbi house In November and
talked so etrangely Le coneldered him
halt a
. .
Wm. Menock, U. a Examiner, testified
McFarland perpetually talked of his
domestic trouble. and that he read an
Intercepted letter to him. He bad no
doubt In November prisoner wan insane.
The hioka of records of the Apt:cats
or'. efticwwere produced, showing many
armors. and some blots and OalifibilMS
In entries made by the prisoner.
Oars. fipralght,. of the police, testified .
McFarland.. actions were llamas: that
beaked a Tacantstare and - haggard look in
hie eyea: ' .
Fughogh Ludlow .testified to the
pitreney of McFarland after the receipt
of the Intercepted letter, but.he seemed
to think his wife would return to him if
left to her own Impulses; considered the
prisoner wholly irrational. Crosaex
amlned—Could not remember prisoner
telling him how it was hefted not obtain
ed possession of the youngest child;
never heard from prisoner that he and
his wife had arranged to separate; be
mentioned in connection with a couspi.
racy the names of Mrs. Calhoun, Mrs.,
Sinclair soda sister of Ain. Calhoun.
D. 8. Sadlier, publisher, testified that
McFarland • showed him the intercepted
letter and • told - him of•his family
troubles. His affliction" seemel to have
entire possession of his mind. 'Giese.
examined—Saw him last In the summer
of '69. Did not get the Ides he was fo•
sane, ' bat overwhelmed with misery;
saw In bin eye the peculiar look which
usually belongs to Insane persons; his
language, however, was coherent.
Previous to the Court adjourning,
Judge Davis said the counsel for the
prisoner bad, he presumed, unintention
ally done injustice to a party who was
entirely outside of the case. Yesterday
Mr Gerry, when reading Mrs. Calhoun'.
letter, made what wits Intended to rep
resent the word "you" read ".7. R. Y."
The expression in which the letters occur
reads "Three persona are Much to me In
Mr. Graham said they were cent:Went
the letters were intended for initials, a
dash being after each letter, which would
not be the dwelt they were susceptible
• f the reading suggested by Judge Davis.
Counsel for the prisoner had #Ollll, doubt
about having the letter read In Court in
the presence of ladles, but their determi
nation to do Justice to their client caused
them to forego any consideration of dell.
cacy in relation to the matter.
Mr. (lorry said before taking a copy
of the letter he had sin:alum the letters
with three microscopes. and bed no doubt
their were as he read them.
The Recorder said the matter wee one
to be subjected to the test of common
sense, and not of microscopes. For his
own part, be agreed with Judge Davis.
but would lease the matter for the jury
to decide.
The Court then adjourned.
The letter from Mrs. Calhoun to day
are very long, and devoted to Mrs.
McFarland's Intention of going on the
stage. The following are extracts:
Under date of August 20, 1168, Mn. C.
etre: I hope your desire and purpose
for the stage has not jaded nor been
trampled at by the hard - hoofs of neemat.
ty. Have you had any enoourattorneolf
I ern very neeletts In that way, having
no direct theatrical Influence,. nut rn
cry and obtain tome. Iknow you would
anoosed, and I folly believe into be your
best and noblest work. Nothing so much
as the stage needs good lives and good
beads. Iknow I could help.vou In the
direction of your wardrobe, but I
feel there la not much else I
can do. However,' my dear child, the
sleets will oome. Of comae, I know
the life is by nb means an easy one. I
know theft connect you to discourage.
went and toll and contact with coarse
people and eigifigthut if I had half the
conilderioe In my powers that I have in
your., I should have been on the stage
months ago, and I know that I should
not have felled. I think you have ao
many gifts, your beautiful voloe, your
changing color, your varying..moulfal
face, your earnestness and hrorihness
Of nature, your love for your 'art -and
your love for your children. You have
also the highest Incentive. Dear child,
I wish . l could make your path straight
and smooth to the highest success. But
only that outman la higheat to which wo
make our way with pain and toll. When
you come back we will have long,talke
about this matter and goo If we cannot
Make our eager ambition give place to
excellent doing.
Under date of Ist, without month or
year, Mrs. U. says:
Do you know what Is my panacea for
all my woes? Mr. Richardson! Nobody
Is half so kind or unselfish as he, and
when lam ..stuck," as newsboys say,
'just tell him, and his clear common
sense and kind heart always find a way
into smooth paths again. 71eretore, If
he wore here I should just trust him
with the whole story and send him tone
Stuart, whom he knows very well. Alai
He left for Kansan on Wednesday, and
my right band is wanting. So I must
do the next best thing.
Under date of Thursday, the 27th, Mrs,
O. writer:
Hurrah, my darling. All my wheels
are turning the right way and the world
moves. Mr. Stuart has Just gone. He
did answer your second letter at length.
Booth was with blot when It reached
him and he read it to that
,divine man,
whp feelaintereated in you. I quote the
words of the potentate, and If you will
plak such parts as Queen In Hamlet and
others at drat you can bare an engage.•
ment with the miracle here this winter,
under an sastuued name, or if you don't
want to do that, Mr. Wart will givis you
an engagement in the country. But I
NO. 89.
advise here first, by all means. y
darling, I could not be happier •if
I had discovered a gold mine.
Maybe we have. Think of playing with
Booth I I believe I should die of that
rose In aromatic pain, Beach a privilege
wore mine. My dear, this is such a good
omen. 4 -Youth, hope and beauty," as
poor Mies Flito used to say. But there
is no sad moral in this cape. I hops this
will reach you In Boston; It will comfort
you so much. But If it does not, It will
be only because you will be here, where
I can toil you all the wire pulling I have
done. I am really good for something
I believe, after a'l, and when you succeed.
I shall felicitate myself as none other.
Fifteenth Amendment Celt bratton
. epceen of Gov.
COLUMBUS, 'April 13.—The colored
people of this city miebrated the 'ratifi
cation of the Fifteenth Amendment to
day. A. proms:on, OM) mile In length,
paraded the streets In the afternoon and
made a fine appears:ice. In the evening
the large Opera Home was crowded with
people to witness the tableaus and hear
the speeches.
Governor Hates made the following
speech :
We celebrate to night the first triumph
of a righteous clump, after a loag, avant
ti and memorable struggle. The con.
dist which Mr. Seward pronounced
iesible" at lent Is ended. The
. _
hovel, which was divided against Itself.
and which therefore, according to Mr.
Lincoln, could not-stand as It was, ift
divided no longer,
and we may now
rationally hope tha t under Providence it
:a destined to stand, long to stand, the
home of freedom and refuge of the op
prt seed of every race and, of every clime.
The great leading facts of the contest are
t ranee.. that I need not ettemptto
ount them. They belong to the history
of two famous wars, the war of the neve
Baton and the war of the rebellion, and
are part of the story of almost a hundred
years of civil strife. They began with
Bunker Hill and Yorktown, with the
declaration of independence and the
adoption of the Federal constitution;
they end with Fort Sumpter and the fall
of Richmond, well the emancipation
proclamation and the anti-slavery or
equal rights amendments to the Consti
tution of tat nation. These long and
anxious years were not years of no.
orogen, ceaseless warfare; there were
period. of lull, of truce, of compromise;
but every lull was short lived, every
truce was hollow and every compromise,
however pure the motives of Its authors,
proved deceitful and vain. There could
ue no lasting peace until the great wrong
was destroyed and impartial justice es
tellehed. The history of this period is
adorned with a long list of Illustrious
names, with the names of men who were
Indeed Solomona In council and Samp.
"boas in the field. At its beginning there
'were Washington, Franklin and Jeffer
son and their compeers. and In the last
I great crisis Providence was equal.
ly gracious and gave us such men
as Lincoln and Stanton and George
H. Thomas. All who here their
part in the great oordlict may now with
grateful hearts rejoice that it is forever
ended. The newly made citizens, who
seem to carry off the lion's share of the
fruits of the victory, it is specially fitting
and proper , that they shoutd assemble to
congratulate each other, and to be con
gratulated by all of us, that 'they now
enjoy for the drat time In full measure
the b:esiinge of freedom and manhood.
These also who have opposed many of
the late step. of the greet program, it is
a great eati.faction to know that
so large a number of them gracefully ac
quiesce in tne derision of the nation. The
war of races, which it was soil conlideet.
IV:predicted would follow the enfran
chisement of the colored people. where
was it in the elections In Ohio last weak?
Ins few localities the old prejudice and
fanaticism made, we may hope, their last
appearance. There wee barely enough
angry dissent to remind us of the barba
rism of slavery, which has passed away
forever. Generally throughout the State,
eepecially in the cities of Cincinnati,
Cleveland, Columba', Dayton and To
ledo, where the new element is large,
those who strove to avert the result
over which we rejoice, leaders as well as
followers, were eonspicuousin setting an
example of obedience to the law. Not
the lout among the canaes for congratu
lation td-night is the confidence we have
that the enfranchised people will prove
worthy of Amerfean citizenship. No
true patriot wishes to sea' them exhibit a
blind and unthinking attachment to
mere party, but spaced men wiah to sea
hem culitrate habits of industry and
thrift and to exhibit intellfgenee and
virtue; armlet every election to be earn
estly solicitous to array tbemseivis on the
side of law and order, liberty and pro
gress, education and religion. Let them
do this, and we may confidently expect
that in the judgment of history the 15:h
Amendment will ta k e rank with the
Declaration of Independence and , the
Emancipation Proclamation.
Speeches were ale* made by Ron. S.
Galloway, Rev. James Poindexter. and
several colored orators.
Flood lu the 111lseholippt.
T..legrattb to the Pittsburgh Gasette.J
ST. Lows, April la.—The Mississippi
river is eight miles wide opposite Quincy,
Illinois. West Qaincey is entirely sub
merged, and many people have aban
doned their homes. The water is over
the Hannibal and St. Josephßallroad for
live miles, and should the river rise a
foot higher • the track between Quincy
and Palmyra, Mo , will be submerged,
and necessitate the transfer of passengers
from Quincy to Hannibal by steamer.
The river is still rising.
WANTED.—A Buggy Painter
ad • WOOD W"ItICE I, Dad or Md.. ,
at et. e mi r Him]. Jr,. al. to r. 4-14
• •
WANTED. —A young man tie
do Fardonlng %bort moaner fona the
Attn. OW titRLS for bon. work. En
wake at 65 FEDERAL talliGET.
senoad door. 444
WANTED.—a tewilaariets at
Na 918 hORDU AVENUZ, Atiegb..Y
F l firED.—s GI Lto do igen
abou...w.k... Apply atNa Sailr YLI X
Ground "O' t e mar with few hers,
Weer. Apply at Fel elver avenue, Allegheny.
Wet TED.—A good GIIIL to do
nx-rutiVrArt"'"" '"'""" uk. " 35 °
—Apply to J.. Ellyn. contractor. Penn
sylvanla o 94n Brum . .
IVAN TED.—Nituatlon as Hook
KE6 ER tor 44.14tatm, or to open or Go.*
olsarranged boots. Allorrst J. IC is.. 64 PO'll
street. 4 12
ern clasa . Dounle Enter Book kLeper.
- flood city nrfarenoc. Addetaa .. C6rontels" Of
50 Winer> eau ft ad steady weal.
Twenty boa.ra are ready to mein. Menu Ay.
Ply for direction vita
2mlolloll threat.
ITUANTED.—FiIIy ,Ctial and
• v Oro Miner. no once foe to nay. and ram
Pad to the mines. b-veral Utile are wanted for
aqua!! counter Apoly at Employment Mee,
Zia. L SIVA Meek drat door loom onspenalon
• v sr near the sit, try a tilltAH HNOINEIS
wets perfectly satistectory testimonials as to bis
dsporleorr !tawdry, skill and sobriety. An
ess MS GIN r, Ft. N. 33 SP - nears, meet, Al
iirobeny. or refer to JOSIAH FILM:4 et the GA
/sr= seta.
T. MELLON i 502/1,
14k5 Brainsfield Moot
t 7.0.9150 in In largo or =all moults,
at a !tile rate of interest.
TH0112.13 H. PETTY. ,
1111 i. Soul and Beal Istata Broker.
No. 179 Smltliftelfi street.
Passion of Our Savior,
THIS (Timidly) SWIM, April 14.
.ADlllll3lOlq, SO costa. ' apl4
A Dopy Is furnished graiultoisly to the ratter
Dor a Club of tau. Poatniaaters are *cheated
• act sa amenta. Address.
1870 Is the thirteenth year of the success:fel
Intr-daction of the •` HUN SI)N c ...rr Elf TIIE
MILNGILI3, , • and or the thousand:, we hires
emoted. to rod has failed to protect Me build R.
Thle fact kir aks more In Its favor than all other
commendatioca. We may state. Lower,' M.%
antuerJets Wale, eclentldo eomettke“ have
aided the Manion Rod the ➢reference—lt was
• ever beaten in any contest: It ha. teen corn•
•• ended by many me. of the Whet t standten In
he m Itatlfeworld as the best proteetton aisle:;
Ightninm, ever incepted. It la a cempkte mutt
wherever Introdectd We Dave tee• lest
ommendatory letters from our costome • es.
ending over the past decade, =bro.:inns many
lite. and towns from Omaha to Charleston.
Its aii.ntames are that, owlet to its Pima.*
..•tmtrut tine, electricity Is admitted to the tally
enlace, the. mills:no what heretofore wee a
Late, end Its spiral assn.. which lead the sm
ut by the coarse natural to Itornovemt at; the
••aterial, copper, la the best available .metal. lc
thoduotor. and, taken altogether, Its earwiti
equal to twenty Iron rode; It never rusts and
never gets out, of order.
We employ skilled workmen to att.'s these
rods to buildlogs to thven or country. The price
ekes w. f. up is 30 vests put foot, sad U 00 for
top. No extra charge •of any kind. .
nut :.13,rur
Mutual Benefit
Losses polo* on Ilvos of do.
coaxed mounber• 1,206,618
Dividond• of netnlna'Pre.
mianat aealared
Aeeete Subject to .11111abi1.
aaaaa Jan. 1,1870
Nan:abet etmembe”,4o,ooo
Amount lamed
The usual Diridend paid in 1870,
and Two Ordervd to` be
Paid in 1871.
The above Maw:ma Is •resented tsji tbss Dirge
tors, as the reedit of twentr•flive years , hdel
Cot•Cneted with prn donee. nothtng' hos tonni .
• lion ln•utmentl. ;
Managed with coonoinv, the ups:neve have,
always been email—the Divitiuds always large—
dee lured allnll.llll, and paid when dne.
Neither Li'rectors or 011 temp are allowed eota
m(nlon• on teethe,. or lean', ad none have so
ealrinl wealth la the Cempaare venter.
Wending hervalle , as heretofore, to let as
talthtel Tr►stees fsr the tomb ..reoJee - Dtreetore
offer the basal& of this Mutual Lille iseioelattou
to all of sound health who desire to Insure their
11.01 on the roost favorable terra..
This brief notice Is offers 4 as a sub... Mite for
the more elaborate and attractive advertisements
aornetlmes used to present itteclalcus or a Life
Insurance Company.
SODOM.. and othir Intortnatlwa on • .
subject furnished gratis, at the office 01 the Com-
Patin or any of Its Agencies..
LEWIS C. GROPER. .100 K R. wy,ixs,
A. 4.IINALLING. 'ioNcris A. • HALT.
. .
LEWIS C. GROVER, President
F. DAY, Vice President.
EDWARD A. BTIRONG, neeretax7.
Mini DOPP, Matbematielan.
General Agent,
Cot. Wood Street aud Fourth Avenue,
No. 92 F.qurth Avenue,
Slackl)laera ladlaidaally Liable. •
W. H. 'mini:lllsoN. W. 9. NAOMI*.
Paw/nal'. Canaan.
A. H. .T. , CLIME 1) 8. P(A.MIIIt
JOHN O. rptitqUes.
W. 0. :MART,
Callectione mode on all accessible potata ct ea
trotted States and Cantdos.
Prompt attention (Iran so all bualneim of eat
respondsnt s.
Brackets, Pendants.,
For Gas or
W are now real:alas oar SPRING STOCK Or
YEXTURICI or the Lou as and limed:
sa Deer
'nal b /9 Cashes. ='. Oracle over 100 11 er.
era atvlea..ehleh are are • Illng ILEDU ED
?HICKS, Wholesale and Rctal4 .
. • plumbers rata lam Yltturs,i
117 'WOOD STUB?, mar Filth Lime.
air Orden for Gas and nem ra
ting promptly Mundell, Wag
Have removed from their old 'mute, Not. AT
and X 9 EXITHIPIEL 0, io their WorthooM
Nes. 259 and 261 Liberty Street,
viten they be pleased to see Mt F: i IT 014
Mends awl customs . .. ;
111. P. BILEUITER I& -00.,
259 and 261 Liberty Street •
CUlt.l_oo or NINE . 00. PIT I. BYRICKT.
Wel -eh. will be sold on second toot of Oemmer
clad Bales Room, 106 8•111111sla etreekthat de
sirable property at comer of Duquesne Wayand
fifth (late Pito street. ban/sett or thw OroW
erty rconerly occupied by the rentuayleardsnalt.
Illanulaetur of Co.
The Len la 100 feat front on Dthilleest• Way
awl 1110 ftet to depth alone V' fth atreet. it wu I
be told aa•whois, or In Lots of 40 fait saga on
11U411.4 Way.
Tines -(Panthl rd tub, Wanes In three wind
annual payme.ta. with Inereat. Tuts:lase la.
01110. °yearn:Lair, for can t nellini and ntsaufaen
For particular", enputr" of GEO. 811114A41.
a.. 110.66 Want 44 , 444.
0014 A. McILWAINIf. Aoe6osalsr...
Has namore4 Is
MI W.tetu.
mare and Wools t
- -
o No. /IT
7TH AVILN - .14m11:1
puoPosAr.s..llr T vppos- for
Pli t t r areßOUL eiLD Z lrfie
Vrae k . , d " VistaßergP. E .Y.V._%Tii 'Po!
go. is u room. 4 moos, AllesoooY..borole t . L os
aa a .ro,olealloao bab b• web. 'LA lig td
ral-cssavor all bias in Iv •••IrcilL
n, prat,' of Roars or limbstbni• ; atollbw.
rPI for .111011 P.-112 bales
fed r Twine, to 11niVeOn stoma J o .
l."1"7' maxis
110116ARL ASA -y4bioadcitibiaible.