FIDTA7XCLAI 4 kiERICAN BAK, NO. 80 rotrierm AVENUA PITTSBIIIIINEI -• 111200,000 I= - Stockboblers J,adividnally Liable. MASA OT DISCOUNT AIM DZI*OIIII% JOILN /LOYD 1 WS. FLOYD. President: \ Cashier inanCrOnl. ph"' I. Krnbitils 1 Jobe K. m.nund, James. !Shannon. 1 AreblbTeiValleK i s W. Arrott. 1 J. , D . K. '" Y " ' Ches. B. Lrs. pm. llo7d. irt:Ttilli now KIK! to s t e verteral Kimble/ 12=M1 4:31-401F_AD , i. SILVER .4D COUPONS, potogrhi at LiigAeat Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker, ear. Wood St. and sth liveoe !ALES T. ItRADy & Cs., laueeouanto B, JOISTY.B it C 0... Punier FolutliAvenneantWixid St. Boy .1..11 all klado of NOV ERN RENT SECURITIES, GOLD. SILIPiat AND COMIDDS, j ON MOST FAVORABLE 2111X6 latecest Allowed on Deposits. 4.7 . kforkey' loaned on Government lianas .west racket rata. Order. emaciated foe the Placebo. , •od kale of STOOKS, BONDS sad GOLD. lAllle3 T. ESRADT - .4. CO, sts Vittskuidj GlayttL FINANCE AND TRADE. . Ceylon or Prrramontan Ga.awrrit, FILIDAT, April 8, 1870. The Marketeregarding financial opera• tions ensued strung this morning,. eV , Peciallygold, . which_ has . all the tale . merits of a sluirp'rlsa In the present con dition of the market, sedated by the unomillrminl rumors of Nipoleori's Sick ness. If the stock ell nes had not run up prices pretty well tiring the last few .1 1 days, this would have been a good Cp. portnuityto cease I otters' advance in gold, but they have already as math ae they can safely haul over any gold confln getup. The opening rice•M was 112%, from which It dec p lined to 112, but gradually advanced and closed at 112%. Government bonds did not sympa thies with the advance in gold, and re-. mained dull but firm. Eitooks.rluatnated a great deal; IIL some particular stocks the • market WI stronger and higher, whilst some of the miecallireetwis sharea were weak. Pa rana Midi fluctuated between 38% and 36%; ..Now York Central. 91% 1.4. 0235; Erie, 26 to 25%; Fort Wayne, 93%; Pitts. burgh, 101, and St. Paul, 10 to 69%. Money 'in • better demand-at. higher rates . Shaine:l dull. ' ' Quotations as received - by Ph. R Mortal Gold, 112%; Silver, lle; Eighty. one's. 114%; Five 'Twenties, _ 1862, 110%; do. 1664, 1t9%; do. 1865, 110%; do. 1865, Comas. 10634; do. 1867,119..%` do. 180 k, 100%; Ten Forties, 106%; A dams Ex press CfsurPanY , , 61 ; , !claret:ante -.Colon Exproas Colnpany." ar - American Ex ercise Company,. 38; Western Union Telegraph, 32; New York Central, 92,14 41:leading, 98%; 'Pittsburgh, Fort . Wapner dr Chicago, 93%; Ohto & Mis sissippi, 29y; Michigan Southern, 87%; Cleveland it ‘ Pittsburgh, 10034; Chicago, Rock Island &" Pacific, 16; Chicago ..1 North:Weston), 72%; Chicago & North Western Preferred. 84%; Erie, 26 XXCILLIIO44 Large 6mall: London, per ,C 15,80 15,60 . Parts. per franc 22 24 Berlin, Coder 81% . 84 Frankfort, florins 48 to --(hoeing quotations received by Juncs T. Brady dr Co. Gold: 112%; Gutted States Blues, 1881, 114%; Five-Twenties, MN, 110%; do. 1264,409%; dd. 1885, 110%; Ten-Forties , 106%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1869, 108%; do. do. 1867, 109%; do. do. lient. 199%; .Union Pacific Railroad, 67%; Central do, do, 90%; Cy Pacific, 111%; Lake Superior —. • Gir laderrate t. Ste Plttabunth,O. tt..) - Nita Toni, A.pril 8, 1870: The gold and stook boards adjourned early,Mdlialtunoon through respect to theautlao W`or General Themaa, - and . , . delliestielgned supreme In Wall striSt. Fluctuations were very slight and repro. Dented an unusually small bwfiness in stocks; bends and gold. , Money nay at 5 to 6 per cent. on call. Foreign ex . change quiet and firm it eg to 9 per cent. Gold dull but strong; opened at 112% and closed ,9$ 112%. ,• pit lying • rates 0(.054. Clearances. 126,000,000. ' Gavanaments quiet and steady on golds , 1,...rds heavy and lower on cur. sonny sexes.' , i3c.rinons: 'Bls, 14%4514%; do qEI4, 11011%4 rd0. , 644i..10®1044: do '6151,. 10X01044;. do • new,,•fiN(4 B %; •do , eys„ , 9%0614; doe Why 614(3,9%. , Ten . . - ' wattle* 6%46%. - 'Currency • sizes .I.l@ ii ii . ste, etid,tl firm' but dull; bilasourha 82%; old Tonnew-Z., Oh new do. sM:old Virgtodu, 70, new do., `,.!.. 0 old North Carolinas, 46%; new d0.,22,4 la the stook, niatket. the transuaona nave bead or about average amount: LAMM the day OA, generst.marget. was. , dull, but closed firm. 'llllseedlunetnis end express stocks were bear/. Canton, 64%; Cumberlind, 30%; West,; en: Union Telegraph,; Quicksilver; 19%; Marlptesi F ft s;!..,grtafested, 1234; Ad a ms Eapress, 61; Walls Express, 19%; Arberican.,Eipreaa; Nr; United- Stints Repress, 42%; Pacific Mall, 36%; Neyr 'York Ckatral. Mg: do'. lacrIP: 88 %: Exba. 25; do. preferred; 46%; Harlem, 142: Read. leg, 98%; Michigan Central. 119;' Lake Shore, 87,41 /11Inote Central, 139; Pills., 100341 .Northwestern, 7230- do preferred. 8434; ; Rock - Illand. 11840 New Jersey Central, 11;13%;111t. Plll2l, alit .do prefer. rad, 73%t Wataisb.• 47461 Fort Wayne, FM Terre Rude, 39i Chicago & Alton, 111,41 trued ft , 124.4Xd0. .t. -Zdisalik aim!. 29 ; Hartford Er1e,430 C. Mit C.,14; ;Mugu, 1Ce.31,;, Iron Idotutlatn, 43., • ••, • • •I • • : • ,• • • finbirre bateneer: gold, SBO,IMO 934; currency, 62,462,639; general bal. 1na00,,K744,222. , • . PITTSBUOGIit WWI MARKET prrounniou assarrs, Fniver, April 8, 1610. - S tron'aantet is devoid of anything UM or Wolin: important, nothing at least deserving of notice. Mee demand formetal continues light, at leurit and reported by ths commiesion men, iwilighilenin the volume of4undneas wu again hcant this week., there is no wv manila change to mare In quotations. There le • fair trade In bar Iron and nano. but the card rates are not adhered Several houses are reported as hay tog sot from ax@sg, and 3g, for the former, and 4 per keg for the latter. Lire Stock Market. Figur Toga, April B.—The cattle mar. het remains firm and active at lull prices; there were IGO to-day and sold at 180 far atilt fed bulls, up to 12c for fat Magda steal of 75i owl. Biz extra prise cattle of riilng 12 cwt sold at 1735@18c, and some thin Texans went at 14%0. Sheep are not rites,` t but were sold . at higher as rates thls morainic. with only ten cars In. Five Carl fat Ohlo sheared stomp, 78 pounds. Nought, Net a car poor 60 pound Ne; a ear good wool sheep, 82 pounds. ktiel with 100 selected Massachusetts sheep, 112 Pounds, Si 105 ; (o. Hogs unchanged, with three cats arrived. Catosoo.April 8 —Hogs opened active anti aimed 'lfni and easy; Mica at 118.2 0 09,25 for common to good. Cattle steady sod armor at 18,500740 for good to choir*, 87,7040,90 for extra shipping or. Louts, April B.—Cattle In good demand at Niagiie for good to extra. flogs In fair request at 734(A9c. Dry Goods noricet I, NEW tom, April il.=1:11 Market la renerally, steady and a fair bulginess •a o i n g, yet trade la In no wise active; • although prices of staple &nide" are „ l a m a . partici:LW chance, but buyers On n nevertheless pick up cheap. goods ae all are desirous to realize. Heavy brown sheeting' are firm at .14 , 30)15,tie for best Eastern makes, the latter an ertreme,Atlautic fine 130, Nadine E 170, do $1154 . Nei& L 130. Peppered 81au,,. A.moskesg A bleached rmislins 160, ife ,and Halloo 13%c. Printing Cloths firm at - an advanced erica. There is ism Oppression in printed calicoes and rood mates &reselling at 103i(411}0, the latter"prlce for.Psdfle I- ,:1 PITTSBURGH DLARKETS °emir. or F FITTIMU Apri ßON l 8, GrarrrE, au,,y, .t 1570, The one weather which wo-had for severa l d a ys pantie having a very good effect on business's, and nearly all branch.. of trade give evidence of ho. prove , meat though as oted yesterday, margins generally are lose and unsttle. factory. 'rho feeling ; n grain circles is not sa rampant as been, as dealers anticipate that with on improvement in the condition of the country roads, the advanced prices willi! produce increased arrivals, and the impression Is gaining strength that prices are about as high as; they aro likely to !go, and It should be borne in mind that Vito recent flurry was caused mainly by the very light arrivals, and not to' any very irest improvement In the demand. krovlsione market steady with improved deinasid, and while prices are ;lot quotably higher, they are wall . sustained—the leading western markets are also steady, and the Teeth* all around is much stronger than It -was two of three weeks mince. 'The grocery market la more active, the ' steadiness in' prices causing both city and country buyers to •tako hold more freely, and all the leading houses appear to have about as many orders as they can attend to. In feet, all our city mar• kale present a much more cheerful ap pearance, end while It •is probable that margins are light, there is no doubt but what there is more doing. APPLE, BUTTER—SaIes at 135®70c. ASHES—Quiet and unchanged; Com mon Soda Ash, 4c; retlned. do 4%; Pearls 90954; Pots 7%. APPLES—There is no improvement to note in tiro demand and no change to make In quotations. We continue to I quote at $2.50®3.50 per bbl. BUTTER—Prime to choice roll is in steady demand rat 37®40, while common and inferior butter le In good supply and very dull. BEANS—Wo can report sales at 51,76 ®2,15 per bushelethe outside figure for choice. - - BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Nominal, 2e. CHEESE—Market steadier and de mand rather better. York State Dairy, 17931714; York State Gosheii, 1801 9 0. t:HANBIIItRIES—SaIes' of Sackettls Bello Berries at $2O per bbl. CARBON OlL—There is some Inquiry on western account,' and sales are be ing made at 23. for 100 barrel lota, and 25®25% In a small way. CORNMEAL—Is quoted, in store, at 90®e1 per buehol, as to quality. DRIED FRUlT—Continues very slug gieh and the market is completely glut ted, nearly every produce house being full. We continue to quote Apple's at 6%®07„%c. Peaches 734®8%ci for quer- tors, Miell/c for halves, and 18®243c for pared. Blackberries at 18014 a and pitted cherries at 25®28c. EGGS—Cannot bo quoted above 22 cts, with a supply fully up to the demand. FLOUR—The EAU market continues very quiet and the demand Is mainly local. We continue to quote western dorms, in 'to re , at ss @ sy for spring; 5 . %®5% for Winter, and 17(3754 for fancy brands. Rye, dour. 55. GRAlN—Wheat Is scarce and wanted, but millers say that they can not pay en advance as they can not, advance Churl we continue to quote red winter at $l,lO. @1,16 for fair to prime. There is no change in oats, and hardly .as brisk an Inquiry, eta neither dealers or consumers are disposed to buy very largely at present or i sa l lt s a n ; it ,e ls in e cr xpected that l n hetp• that event a re - a - c - lion is possible and even probable. We continuo to quote at 49® 60 on wharf and track, and 53%55 In store. It la difllcult to quote Corn In the absence of sates; dealers would pay 77®78 -for, ear, and 89®82 - for prime shelled. Bye—daalera offering 88®90, and selllug 'at about 93E - 05.... Barley Is unceanged and quiet; 85(490 for spring and 95 for fall. HAY—Baled is being sold on wharf and track, at $15®481, though it takes prime timothy to• bring the outside quotation: HOMINY-10@6l. per Md. lIUSICS—"S (Pc. LARD OlL—ls firmer but unchanged; $1,25®1,28, for Extra No. 1 and 138(8,99 for No.-2. LIME— astern white, $1,75; Cleve. land. $2,110 MAPLITRUP—SaIts at $1,50(4)1,75 for gallon J gm, as to quality. ONIONS SiL • 50@a75 per bbl. ......... -•-• PROVISIONS—Iino with a good joi bing demand, but prlcea are on changed. Shoulders, 12 for Plain and 1334 for Sugar Cured; Sides, 15ir for Ribbed, and 17 far Clear; Fain kl . aw, 1.6 q, and Sugar Cured 17!,4@17y4. 16 In tierces, and 17 In kegs. Mom P rk, $2ll. Dried Beef. 1934@i21. POTATOES—Demand moderate, and prices unchanged; sales of mime Poseh Blows; in store. at 45%50 per bushel. PEANUTS—Prime Tennessee quoted at 11010 c. PEARL BARLEY—No. 4,6; 80. 3. 6;i: Oatmeal, $10,50 or bushel,' 55,50 per half bbl. PEAS--Salea at $2®2,25 per hula's!. SEEDS—Clover seed Is steady. but un changed; sales In store, at 52%010. Timothy 14 quoted at $6, and blaxseed at $2.15. SAL,T—Unchanged—sl,Bo@ l , Bs in car cad lets, and the usual advance in storm IGTROLEU 51.17 ARYIMI' .3,_102 VP PITTSUUItein Clarairre, -'. FnmaY,'APril 8, 1870. The oil market oontirmea steady, prices being pretty well Sustained, and theilalea, although still light, stein. draesleg in number. Operators - getter• ally aro more diaposed , to push thing", particularly refiners who are auxicMato ipart up their works, and while there are yet nome serious obstacles in the way, hopes are still entertained that we will have at legit a fair spring and sum. mor trade, and it is earnestly desired that these hopes may bo fully rai1117.941. 031111. Sales 1,000 bbla seller April at 1134 1,200 immediate at 11%; 1,000 seller SO days (10@i5 gravity,) at 11X, and 1100 wax pa!tl fur the privilege oC placing I.oeo bbla during the last mix mouths at V., Buyer all year nominal RI 14. AIWITIED. . Market was Ores In the early part of the day, hut in the afternoon, there was a alight reaction. April emoted at 2.5%, May and June, 2030,4)28%; June and July, 27 bid; August to occober.2Bx bid, May to December, 884 bid; bpyer alt Tear, 30X bid. ago:mums OP 031/05 OIL ILY A. V. B. S. Father Bro. 50, on account S. A. Hull; A. 11. Mille 80, on account W. Bartle:J. A.. McKee 888, on account 0.0. & A. 11.1 t. Total 1,118 bbls OHIPMENTS OP olt. VT A. T. U. 11 . J. A. McKee 201 bble relined to. W. P. Logan Bro. & Co., Philadelphia. MI bble refined to W. P. LoganB ro .r ,k Co., Phlladelphia. H. Koehler A. Co., 227 bile refined . to Waring; K.A Co., Phil's. !• . ' .... 289 bola. . • A. V. a , P. P. W. a 0. Yl. IL. CILIZAWL 0:1 Co. 250 bble relined to Irenley &Jenkins, Chicago, HI. • OIL snif•rEn BY wear ElLar. IL B. Union Beta Storing Co.. 800 bbls ref. to W.T. Logan, Bro A Co.. Phila. MARIKETA BY TELEGRAPH New Yoni, - April B.—Cotton firmer and closing heavy; Sales of 2.700 bales at 2334 c for middling uplands. Flour; ro celpts of 0,409; dull and 5@)100 lowers Welt of 5.100 tibia at $4,80(5)4,45 for super State and western, 54,60@5,25 for extra State, $4,55C05,36 for extra western. $5,10 (4/0 for white wheat extra, 54,75@0 ft r round boon Ohio, 11E45,76 for extra St. UMW, sags for good choice do. Rye flour quiet et 114(56. Corn meal quiet. Whisky decidedly lower; sales of 260 bbls western at $1,03C2,1,05 free. Wheat: receipts of 7930 bush; dull and heavy and lo lower; stales of 49000 bush 4 51,10 for No 2 Chicago delivered. 51,12f0r choloe No 2 Minnesota, 51,09C01,12 for No g MllwsukEe, 51,15 for Inferior No t spring. 11,19 for winter red Illinois, at $1,32 .401.2514 for winter red end'mber western.. Rye quiet. 'Batley Mil 6,900 bush two rowed State at 70(g750. Barley Malt :quiet. Corn. scarce and a shade firnior; receipts 8,390, sales 20,000 bush at 111,08€01,00 for new mixed western; 5 1 , 08 (gf 1.10 old do; 21;11 new yellow Pennsyl vania, sod 51,12 new round yellow-Oats guts and firm: receipts 5,512, sales 24.00 0 brish'it 58%0 for western In store; IP@ 68 Ohio and State. Aloe dull. Coffee dull. Sugar qulel:6Bs hhde 940;4040 for Cuba; 10;0311Ne Porto Rico:" Molasses dull; 250 labda of Porto Rico at 481@;65e lots. Petroleum firm at 14X@1W,,0 for crude' 26%@270 for refined: Linseed oil dull at 86(5188.4. Turpentine steady lA, 47 ®473,4c. . Pork firmer; sales 1100 bbleg, 0,411,26 for mesa, 119.0;4321 for prime, and M51'4 2 2, 75 for prime mesa; a 1507641 bb h, m ess, seller Ap ri l and May,st 527,26 ilfo for Beef steady; sales 175 bbls at XlOOl5 for now loin meas 00 ,,.extra mess. Tlerou mesa, u m m`, of 400 to at 52.5®28 for prime mess, allid 42751130 .pr India meas. Beef hems ' a way; sales of 100 blots 51 giiswg :for pO W, , Cut meats are steady. With sales of COO pkies at 10X(p.20 for shoulders and steady, for haw. Mid. port at 149fe. Lard dies quiet and steady, with at 50 bzu long ell , " in firmer. with 64106450 to at 14% @le g , for steam and 16®18,t4 0 for Nettle; also 150 temateam seller May and June and 8121 01 at 15)40 and 500 do seller Juies,..delivers bield Chicago at 15}ic. Rutter Unchanged at 40@alo for Ohio. Memnon - at Ina 16e. Frolehts to Liverpool without de cided change, with ship m ents 5,000 buatt wheat p er sail at Sd. Laterr.—Flour closed dull and 50c lower on medium and common grades. Wheat closed dull, heavy and . declining, at 11,071241,11 for. No. 2 spring, $1,21@)1, 25 for winter red and amber western. Rye closed quiet and nominal. Oats closed steady at 58@58).4c for western in store. Corn closed stead v at 11,07@1,09 fornew mixed wes.tern. Pork c losed quiet, sel ler mesa for Aprii, at p 7,50, buyers at $27, 3 7. Reef clotted quiet and unchanged. Cut moat and bacon closed quiet and steady at 14%c cash and seller April, 153,412415.10 seller May and June, 1614 e seller neat three months. Eggs closed steady and Unchanged. CHICAGO, April. B.—Flour very dull. Wheat doll; No. 1 nominal, No. 2 has declined %c, ranging at 74 %®74%c, dos log at 74,.:/o. Corn 134t:N0 - lower; sales No. 2 at 77@7740 for regular, closing at inside rate. Oats quiet and %@%e. lower, closing with sellers of No. 2at 390. Rye firmer and I@Z.:l higher, cloning quiet a 7101.73 c for No. 2. Ilighwirtes 51 for iron bound, Molting with sellers at 99c. Pro visions firm and steady, closing at 127,75 for Mesa Pork. 15340 for Lard. 10®10%a for dry salted shoulders; 13c, rough aide.: 13%@13%c for short rib middlea, loose. Receipts for the oast twenty-four hours: 2,125 bbls flour, 7,050 bush whey 24,819 bush corn, 8,840 bush oats, 1,17 bush I rye, 3,989 head hogs. Shipment : 2.856 Ws flour, 23,788 bush wheat, 10,9. bush I corn, 15,718 bush oats, 3,047 bush 4rioSt 2,052 head of hogs. • Br. Louis, April B.—Tobacco native, In local demand and unchanged. cotton quiet at Bic for middling. Flour 11.7 6 (4,00 for fall superfine, 51,20(414,40 for extra and 14,9005,40 for double extra. Wheat; No. 2 red fall 11,04@1.07; No. I do $1,16@1,18 and 11,26 for choice. Corn 88(4893 for mixed, 00®91c for yellow and 90(092c for white. Oats 584067 e. Rye firm at 75c. Whisky quiet at 11,02. Pork sold at 121050g25,00. Loose dry, salt shoulders toe; clear rib packed 14 3 / 4 %i clear aides 15 l pecked ahoulders held at 10,4 c; loose bacon shoulders 10,afc; packed do Vigil 4c; clear rib lb,Sfc; loose clear rides 184 packed do /.6%®/6310. CIOINNATI, April B.—Whlaky sold at SI, and in fair demand. why sold at 422 for country, deliveredpacked; no city offering below 127 60. Lard held at 15,4 c, but not to any extent.; 15i‘e was offered for rime country kettle ren dered. Bulk p meats held at 1014(11534a fur shoulders and aides; 100,000 pounds clear rib, Chicago cured, sold at 14!ie; city cured hold at 1434 c, clear sides held at 15yfe. Bacon firm, with Bales shoul der's at 1134 c, clear rib aides at 1514 c, and clear at lee, the latter mostly being held at 16,40. CLEVELAND, April B.—Rye Flour dull at 114,6045,60. Wheat quiet and on. changed. Corn quiet at 100 for new No 2, 941495.0 for uld No l' mixed, and 84c for new rejected. Barley pretty firm at 850381 for State and Canada. Petra leum very quiet and there was nothing of Importance done, though there was a firmer tooling manifested; yenned held at 23c for plaudard white and crude at $5,25 per barrel on spot. Lol3lEo.'l=l4 April B.—Cotton firm; middling 240. Wheat $1,10@1,20. Corn 952. Gate 630. Bye- 900. Groceries quiet. Provisions active. Pork $2B. liacon 113,4e41634c, • bulk meats 103 , 40. 14%0 and 15%. Lard 160. llama 183.40. W labky $l. Tobacco—sales a 211 hhde at $4,95@7,25 for trash to lugs; $7,50@37 for low to medium bright leaf. likatenia.. April 8.-,Cotton quiet and flan at 2234 c; receipts 66i bales; ex ports 236 bales; weicks receipts 4423; ex. parts 4,601; stock 16,536. Own 0,00. Gate 63®650. Hay II:03,00. Bran 280. Lard 16(011o. Pork 280. Bacon should. era 1134 e; aides 16340. Bulk meats: ;Moulders 10340; aides 15%0. .. Nsettvium,'Aprlt B.—Cotton steady, with low middling at 21e and good or. dreary at 200. -Bleep: clear aides 160; shoulders li.„%m Mulls 160. Lard 162. Corn it delivered. , Flour 114(g6.. for super to Lucy. PIIILADELFHIA, April B.—Wheat ad vauctsl, red $1,35. Provision's advancing. Mess pork $27. Lard 16c. Whisky: sales of western Iron bound at 11,07(4 1,08. . . - . SAW FaAncisco, April B.—Flour weak at 24,50@)5R. Wheat dull with common at '1,2641,50, 51,4001,45 for fMr and 11,65 @1,69 for eholco. 3.4igal Teradera ODX. MILWATJESN, ARrIl B.—Flour nominal. i i,:, Wheat qutot at 820 for No. land 74VC for . Data firm a No. 2. Bye and Barley no Inal. . • TOLEDO, April .—Wbeat—tillchlgan 51.0634, No 2 red 1.0414, No 3do 95c. Corn unchanged. .lorer awed 25a better at 43.25. BALTruons, April S.—Whisky SIM@ 1,67. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD VILIVELAND AND P/TTEIBUROE RAIL ROAD, Aprlt 8.-11 earl: Iron oro„Brady's Iron Co; 4 do do, Jonce A Laugblln; 1 do lumber, CI A Mundorl; I do potatoes, Volgt, 51 JE Co; 1 do do, Van (larder & 8; 21 hides, 4 do ■ polta, J Callory: 30 casco tobacco, Johnson at C; 25 dos. sr boards, Arbuckhos & Co: 20 di; do, J Dilworth; 10 do do, P ;Shrive 3 tubs butter. 1 keg do. 1 b: do. W &raison; 1 car pig Iron, Nintlek Or Co; S boa but. ter, N J Braden; 22 tubs butter, W ii Graff & Co; 4 bxs do, Volgt, NI tr. Co; 69 aka barloy, 416 bus do, Van Corder & 8: bbls apples, .1 J Pettit A Co; 4 boa grease, Lippincott A 13: 15 jugs 'syrup, Porterfield A Co; 30 do do, I.G Craig. bead: 103 bgs a corn, P Bon; 25,000 shingle., Idcßane AA; 10 bble d unnlts. J. A Graff; 9do do. 6 40 eggs. 1 firkin buttor. blcanor 13; 5 bbla eggs, 14 Rea Jr; 4do do, Volgt, H Co:3 bates hay, P Banton: 24 tables, It Berger, 37 bales hay, P Dug 6. Bon; S bbls oil, Hart ley,lidelCoo A Co; 5 do Oo.W D Cooper rt Bro. PITTSBURGH PORT .WATNII AND CHI CAGO RAILROAD. :April 8.-250 hides, Boyd. M & Co; 300 bbta flour, owner 160 do dd, Culp &5;62 do do, Footer, Dee & Co; 100 do do, 'owner: 10 do vincigar, 13 EwartCo: 15 do do, W M. Gormley; 25 do do, J . P Franklin; 1 car barley, J M Carson: 1 tub butter, W H Graff & Co; 5 do do, Vole, M & Co; Ido co, Doladller & 1 Obis beans, W D Cooper & Co; 66 ban ?so, W J Meek; 5 bbla seed, W W Knox; 7 pkgs. Meanor & H, 44 bdla bdls shovels. Myers & A; 2 bbls eggs, 1 box butter, B Faired; 6 bbla beans, 2do eggs, Shipton &W; 2 Obis butter, H Bea Jr; 1 bbl eggs, Woodworth & D; I box rel l b a kSel n e l aqto . T, l l} U r , IrOgs e t r OHlT.bit °BLOBS, Kramer B; 10 doz brooms, J A Renshaw; 81 sks grain, D Wallace; 10 doz brooms,T Seibert; 1 bbl whisky, dc 13; 20 doz brooms', McCul• lough, Smith & Co; 10. pkgs onions, Means et,Ootllu; 3 ball soap, 1/ Gregg d Son; pkbar butter, S Devol;l6 do do, W Graff & Co; 45 tura reed. H Conrad. ALLRED:I2NT VALLEY' RAILSOAD, April 8.-2 cars cinder, Coleman, R A Co; Ido do, Union Iron Mills; ' 2 do do, Rees, Graff A Doll; 250 bbla refined 011, Citizens 011 Co; 69 do beozole, H Root,. ler; 2 bbls potatoes L .1 Blanchard; 28 pottuoia;Cialloghor, 31. do do, J Campbell; 40 ski - Raodolph & 8; 28 mks oits,l or hay. Laing A 61 - cßallp; 15 ski grater, Scott & Gisat 8 bhla onions, Scott & Gisal; 40 aka wheat, JB Liggett & Ca; 5 rolls leather, W Fleeces A Son; 8 , bgi feed, Id Connor; 1 car Ilme, L Rey nolds; 7 Ogs flaxseed, 9do o seed, Bnig -german ' & O'Brien; 2 bbls eggs, 1 box butter, J Patterson A Son; 2 cars metal, McKnight & Co; 14 rolls leather,. Oeo Lining; 15 bits rpm 1 bbl eggs, W Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 do do, 8 do onions, Hovel; 2 pkge rage, 3 hides, Shipton et W; 2. bp rage, W MG ormley. ' • rra_pultutt, CRI p 11111421 4WD Sr. Lours 11AILILOAD, April 3.-12 bga meal, 200 bbls dour, Sohomaker 1.4 60 to hams, Buckingham & 61; 89 do do 'F Sellers; I cask 'boulders, Haulage &Om 2 bbls tarnish, Thompson t Al; 5- tem "mane, E H Myers; 5 cases tibacco, 1 hhd do, W Jenkloaon; 13 bbls apples, Woodworth &D; 2bp barley, .1 Tohn. son; 1 bbl eggs, 4 tube butter, 1 bbl Peaches, 1 do apples, 1 do ,chestnuts, Meanor & H; 2 do flint, Dlthridge A Son, 6 rolls loather, D Chestnut; 1 bbl eggs, 2 tuna butter, Vol t, M & Co; 3 bbls eggs, dotl seed. 61 W P.auklo; 3. do eggs, W Cooper;D l ll4 40 • I ) Aid. bg onions, 1 dot 'cod, Bruggerman dr 0; 1 bbl eggs, W H Graff; Ido onions, 1 bx beans, LI ROIL Jr; 13 kis lard, 1 56 feathers, F 0 Craighead; 22 bgs barley. 8 Hood; 1 bbl :noisome. W Vanklrk; 4 bales yarn,.) B Fisher; Ima staves, - 14 P Adams. •pwropstur tallow, April 8.-2 earl Jo hn Jl4 eitiphill;" Ido lumber, John Nang; 1 do no Cal,. Lewis, Halley & D; 10 bbls dour, Mercer A Sc 4 do wheat, Kehnedy Bra; 1 do metal, Spring. C & Co 1 do do, Roger Sit Brirchileld; la bbls whisky, R dc A CillIon; 1 bbl eggs John Herbert; lot cabbage, D Dash/. 13111 . 01tT13 Y RIVER. Weigittirro tign bst4.l4, e t prn bbls eggs. Dead & 34; 58 bbls potatoes, Br a g go ad; & 013; I bx eggs, F 0 . Ursl2llead; Ido do, J F Drawo; 3 , 500 bop poles, Damp: 4 bbls eggs, 0 bbla apples, 4 do dry apples, P Polls OM: ban butter eggs, 1) Eddie; 3 bbla eggs, tub butter; Joe Garrard; 10 bbls elder, 8 bgs'beans, N BIM; S bbls eggs, Morten(' & A; 8 bbls apples. CO sae potatoes, J J Pettit; 4 bbla elder, .7 Raynor;' 90 sks corn, 8 13 Floyd & Co; 1 bbl eggs, Rest• dolph B 8; 127' aka corn. 47 alts 001;53 do potatoes, 0 Stewart:l o bbls apples, 13 mks potatoes, Volgt, 31 & Co; 36 ski bones, Ilooveler & Co; 10 bbls crude di; intinstondt 'Paine; 10 do do, J Ramsoy; 0 Plitgli eggs.' Id Carr. 11178111:111011. Baowissvirpe AND 01. NEVA • PACTitaTi April 8,-8 bbla eggs, 2 do whisky, A 8 Carlisle; 30 sks wheat, Johnston & 0: 8 bbls sugar, EHeasle• ton; S rolls leather, 31 Delange; • 2 bbls eggs, 1 pkg batter, 2 do onions, J J Pettitt; 10 ska barley,. Ideßane tr. A; .42 eke oats, owner; 10 . sekgs eggs, I do but ter, Allison& co; 7 do eggs, Chris - For' hart; P bbls apples, WO, 31 ft tom: I do egg s . Carter. 31 & Co; 9do do, 2do but. ter, F 1111 g. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL •9, RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede elowly at this point with feet in the cbni, nel by the Monongahela Werhe last evening. Weather clear and pleasant and all that could be desired for out door bush:mit The Savanna from St.. Lonfi ;1 , 1 the only transient arrival we have to report. As will be seen by card, aho is loading, for the Upper Mississippi and will de part-on Wednesday next. - The Glendale departed for St.. Louis di a big trip, about 800 tons on teat a d barge, sod all the passengers she accommodate. Pants—Patterson lid Oaes. he Anna and Reserve are en route St. Louis to this port, and nosy be expected here within the next few days. The St. Marys. Is duo from Cincinnati tonight, and will commence loading for St. Louis on Monday. Capt. T. C. Sweeny In command, with Morris Dor sey In the cake.. The new and elegant Northern Line Packet, Lake Superior f o r s filling up rap. Idly, and will lesiva the Upper MIR. Muting on Tuesdaj , next. She will have, as she deserves, a big trip. The Red Wing, also bran new . and belonging to the same company, will leave next Saturday. Tho Ideaacnger, Capt. Tomo Doan, with Mr. John C. Fisher to tho office, will poa !timely depart tor the Missouri Myer to day, and paraengera and shippers should bear this in mind. She Is a staunch and reliable boat, and is admirably adapted for the trip. The steamer Glasgow_ will leave this day at 2 r. ot. precisely. —Concerning the mishap to the steamer Richmond. a St. Louts dispatch of yesterday stets.: The steamer Thompson Dean arrived last night and brought farther particulars about the disaster to the steamer Richmond. It seems that as she entered Rush Tower Bend she was caught In slack water and i took a sheer on her pilot'. Tier bow ran twenty feet on the bank, and with a re. port like a cannon she sagged in the centre, opening her butts the entire length of her hull, and the water Immo. Mandy poured In in great quantities. But after they had thrown overboard be tween two 'and three hundred tone of freight and made • vigorous use of the pumps, she was righted, though .2,.0ne time her guards were six Inches Order Ovate. Her passengers went sa g e and spud the night. All the hagg was saved. Most of the freightill be transferred to the Blemark and sent-to Its destination, while the Richmond will come here to -go on the docke. The Dean left the wrecking boat in charge, and the Richmond Is sow no doubt fully afloat. —The Louisville Courier..fenreal makes the following comments on St. Leads and the stainter Moses J. Wicks: Notwithstanding, the board of under writers at St. Lords have pronounced the M. J. Wicks and. C. 11. -Church as tin. seaworthy, wears glad to learn that par ties in Chicago are negotiating to keep these toasts in the trade between Cairo and Memphis, to run In connection with the Illinois Central railroad. The Wicks and Church were both built at this port, and when completed were thoroughly inspected by the local inspectors here, and pronounced to be perfect steamboats in every respect; yet, strange to say, be fore they had•made a third trip, the in spectors at St. Louis hate men tit to condom them. We have every reason lio believe that the inspectors here are as well qualified and thoroughly posted as to their duties as those of any other port. Yet It may require -better boats to run from St. Louis to Memphis than from Cairo to Memplale or New Orleans. —Captain Gus. Fowler's new Evans ville and Paducah packet, Idiewlld, named after the celebrated Kentucky race horse of that name. is completed. She cost about 1165,000. The dimensions of the Idlewlld are 222 feet Icing over alt, 35 feet beam, depth of held 6 feet in the clear, wheels 2.6,44 feet In diameter, with 12 feet buckets, larger than is ruatomary on boats or this Paz-. Iler 'crylinaleste are 22.1nch. with 6).4 fest stroke. She has four 2 flue boilers 38 Inebse in diameter and 28 feet long. She In also provided with freight holsters, steam esqntan, and alt the other modern Improvettemts for for the boiler deck. Her tonnage is 808 her draught 32 inches at the stern andy feet forward. —A. cutting affray occurred in a house on Seoond street. INuisville, yesterday morning, in which afitqhell McConnell (cdored,) steward on the Green river packet Falls City, was eerionsly, if net fetidly, cut by Mary Roam (colored.) The woman states that McConnell forced himself into her house, when she at tacked him, 'gabbing him six. time,— three in the breast, one 1.1 the arm and two on the head. It ix thought that he can not survive. —A St. Paul dispatch sander date of 4th says: The troUble at the Kt. An thony mill la growljg worse. The rho la the water and the breaking up of the lee hes caused materiel damage to the coffer dam, and the logs and ice aro re• ported to be filling Into the hole eta fu rious rate. The river inelear of lee from here to Lake Pepin, with the exception of several small gorges. —The arrivals of meambessts end: barges stit. Louts durltg March num. I bared 340, representing 88.058 tuna.. The amount of wharfage collected du. ring the same time was i 11,826 Ira, being $5,92825 more than during the same month, 1889. The Democrat attribetes a large - part of the increase to dilligence In collecting. '--A Louisville special to the .Chscin. esti Commercial, under date of Wed• nesdav, says: The Ajax, with 400,000 bushels coal, and the Simpson Horner, with 2841,000 for N, 0., depart to night. The Hornet, 111gly and Keystone, re. turn to Pittsburgh with empty tows. —Robert A. Allen, the pilot who was killed In New Orleans on the 2d by.a Isteamboatmen named-Yandergriftehad hie life Insured for 112.609 in the Crafter.. ' Men's Insurance Co., of New York. —Mr. George L.: Rapport, a . well. known river clerk,has taken charge of the ofille of the Cincinnati and F.vane ville packet Norman. —Captain Taylor, of ...the sunken Salado, le about contracting at. Wheeling for soother for Bond River. —The Bellevernon mid Lorena, from New Orleans, wore ex cted to arrive at Cincinnati on Thursday —The Kate Putnam to have left Cincinnati f Thursday. RIVER PA I=o3 - - . VOIR 13A1110 St. LOUIS ' AND 1115301,1tt lave:R.- -the wags leasal alde.wheel possessor atea*Atf BT. ISASYS ' Capt. T. C. emits sT. Morris Itaisei.'Cktk est , l- ince! Mr the• oboes pontos WSDNASIDAY, April lath. • S O T FS rr 4 c"" P"llAiwr S r,„ QUINCY. ILEO-Zarillb _ OAIJLNA sod DU quE.—The inesmir EILVANA • • leava for tbe above and Intermottlate Don Iv KW. lisrlAY, April 13,1, at 4 Par Old ant or possum *DM on board.orlo ate FLACK L c 041.1 NOW 001). • ova., FOR CAIRO. BT.s s igr a t LOUIS, L'OXINIITON. JEAN. tiro , CITY. LEAN , RN VittltTti (ATT. _NTCHI- NoN, Of. Jct. ICPII, WHITE CIJILID.IIIIIIWRI3 VILLS, Etta SON A. Cl77t 11,noThildt/Ilrat MUNCIE. IrWrd and I,lllXllA.—sito One soostantlat passntser MILAINUttIt ...... anu■n.a+; x•aen (Orr! .I.A. rune, watt learn for'llte oboes and totsrmestato ports on T111..4 DAL Al , li 9th. at 4r, a. r" "IIVAII)1111X1r.traVIVIC to st 4 : U & U.. UPPER MISSISSIPPI Adrit • •• •• • NoR~ u tax LINE. STEAMERS, • For St.. Louis, Davenport, Pa buque and St. Pant, TllltOtAtH WITeUDT cpAvur. lITINIBIBIZ Lain SIIPSIIICat, Captain J. W OiIDEN Clerk. Wlll Icare as abase o niU)SB ;",i AY. Aprlt STEADIER END WING, WM. P. lIIU ter, capt...r FLAN 2110. N. Cleft , Will leave tdePATUIiDAy, April lOtn. Tese naw►.A snazziness t steamers ere under l VAN U7AO ?yawl .07 'Tit/Lit VLW Solid . 674 Handle TABILM'- =I LOON, .GREGG' DEALEICT HARDWARE, . • - 52 Wood Street, • • Four dam above Mt. Cluadio Notel,), Vimmiry . Ilierebinits at* 'lnvited fit tali aim imatittle M. wise& when ta w tie City. Alginate for Anderson .1k Wood's Merl and Northweriena Morse Rhos Roll 7: • 17 Y Aork of Itruelitrts, goasige Repßep Carpentees ha Tads. 11= , ear's Riles. lestber Leather. Are.. alw..ys pp hand. Witt!, 00AL AND COHN CORLBS IIiNSTIONL, Youghiogheny and coinellnOb CO4 CUL, SLUI ABB DBiIILPIIIMIZED • orncz YAZD, Clime tler' and lgorton street. Lrberty cad genets: Moth ward: also geountl meet, Zlghth ward L met at root of noes street. P. O. M. IL Donor.&toad ward. • Orders left at ether of the alarrnadlors, or ad. deem to me through Pltlaburgh P. O.; will re. WWI prompt attentsoa: Refer to whom I am guaDlllnly..:. ttr tt . br.. ° lliltett, leplr ' ensou s "Bittrell no., Oren& Intinsa, Ale• nrOley. lire. • e2.52 . : k,./ fg a z d jot (ts:T.l%l , 7ff a j igh 1-430.,' Muse reo Wen Dee 1, Baud, Ocautellselne .14 Peritigylwata Y. Y.. Allegheny Vattern. EL . G4p cOALIt COAL3II DICKSON, MOAT a CO, ' • Nadu rialand Vier 011ie to NO. 507 LIBERTY BTIDERT, awayasHaar , mu BMX= XlOOll. • =M I6 Mgt throe ith stall. to IS FISH. 1110.1111. 111:k LVc! ylenuiu With* lab; r z ha r i t =kertl-all sin Oil II TS= =I rtrreircractu. r*. =1 j w~ ~r;f.~na~t~l~ivdet, I