Rittzbutd xZE El OFFICIAL, PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. Cot. Sixth Avernue sod Smithfield Stem EN I= BONDB at Frankfort, 951C4951 Firrsca.sum at Antwerp, 52it Nom closed in New Yoik on , yeater . day at 112 - Ay gn all, the Legielstare failed to mate that entig s2,oooroftleeof Commie sinner of Penelone. - Tax ReMtblicans of New York will bold the State Convention at Rochester, on the 28th inst., to nominate Supreme Judges - 17 Justice Bradicy shall decline to sit, in the new argument of the legal-tender question, the old decision will Bland tat; reversed SENATOR LO WRY voted for Diamond a tio'clock A. Y., In Committee, and befo noon the s a me day, aigned the report In favor of Watt I . A Swazi Committee will favor the appropriation of $lOO,OOO for Arctic ex plorations under Capt. Hall, but it is not likely to be approved in both Hoarse. Tux appropriation- bill , -was vetoed, becanac It permitted the appropriations to be expended without accounting to the Auditor General. The hill was accord ingly modified. Twit new tariff•bill gains strength under discussion lei the louse, and the free. trader/ are-krowing sadly discouraged. They will bear watching, much better than their own dogmas will stand venti lation. THE Funding-bill may not be reached In the Rouse - Tor a month. The Corn. Mites have;. not yet. decided upon a single feature of their Report. Outside opinions hare been listened to, but not one Tote has yet been had upon any part of the bill as it stands. 1111 IF General BUTLER shall undertake to distinguish himself by springing Ban Dominican annexation upon Cungresa by joint resolution, the result will not fall to Bottle rip, that enterprising leader. We doubt II the Rouse could even consent to the requisite appropriations, and we do not hesitate to predict that not even a ma. Jority Senators could be persuaded to agree to Um invasion, in this way, of their exclusive participation In the treaty. making prerogatlie MI Mil Tnn Republican majority In the Toledo district, for Congressman, Is over 2,000 sh apparent gain of full 3,000 votes. Rhode Island gives 4,000 majority for our ticket, with barely enough of the opposi tion in the Legislature to offer a respects.. ble minority. The Democratic majority In Connecticut is 835, .with the Legiala tura Republican in bOth branches.'.-The total vote one year ago was 90,575. this year it is 87,430-a falling off of 3,145, of which the opposition loses 952 and we 2,173. That was tho matter I _.:., .: ; _ Tax Louisville Journal complains that "not a man or, woman south of the Poto. mac was invited" to attend the National Convention which was recently held in this city to mein securing the express recognition of the Supreme Being u the author of National existence, in the Fed eral Constitution. The complaint is per haps supported by the fact. The call was addressed to Christian people in all quar ters of the Union. The Journal knows better than we, whether these terms could possibly include any of its Southern com patriots. y r- We congrattlitie the owners of the Academy of Music upon their wise deter minallort to add, to the unquestionable attractions of the auditorium, Bra im- proved facilities for the egress of crowd. ad audiences as will leave to the public no longer any cause foranriety. In every OMIT respect-the building is known to be entirely safe, and now that the public may quiet its nerves as to any bed results from the rush of an escaping crowd; we shad be able once more to enjoy conceits and lectures in that snug and artistically arranged room. ECM II I Tip Senate approves, by aAlceicled Vot4 the continuance of the income.tax for this year, in the manner now provid ed by law. The * sense of the majority was comprehended in the remark of lir. .Shernami that this is 'the most just of our taxes." Au order from the Bureau of.Bevenna prohibits any future publics 800 of the lists. The Commissioner rays: It has heretofore been the practice of aseceaors to publiim the annual list of as. sessmaats made on the Income return, of the - - tax.payerr. Believing that thin pricticelcout for the best interests of the GoVernment, but that It In many resppeecctt, objectionable and offensive, I desire that In future It be discontinued. This, however, will . not prevent the public from inspecting lists, as hereto fore. under the provisions of section sot July 13, 1833. TEE reammlnation of the Supezlnten dent or the Soldiers' Orphan Department wu rejected by the Senate on the leant cal, bet quite sufficient, ground that the incumbent had taken it upon . himself to procure from the Dome a reversal of the decision of the Senate, that the appropria tions for the ensuing year should he disbursed through the office of the Auditor. Genera- When the appropriation bill `went back to the Dope, amended by the Senate to this effect, bat amendment was i stricken. out by the !forts of a most ex. empty" , trio of memt r e , Messrs. iosephs, Davis and Amt.,. I was then too late -for th e Senate to insis uporfits own view, and so It proven itselfequal to the situation by ihed*ig the officious Superintendent. • Tax Legislature of Pennsylvania has adjourned without day. The Wanton wealth will breathe more Ireely, when It shall come to realize the precise measure of all the evil that has been done by the most corrup and shameless body of me* who have ye t -defiled the Ciplb:ol. Until the worst shall be knoWn. honest people are everywhere tilled with alarm, for they, know not let forms and 'degrees ,of ,pnblie - mid private robbery and dishonor were perpetrated by their own Senators and Representatives. Enough is known of what has been done to make every one (earths worst. Our county of Allegheny has reason to be gratehil that her two Senators and al: Representatives come home to their constituents with clean hands, and garments not smirched by any of the dirty corruptions of the Qapiktl,. We may not, all of no, be able to uphold :all of the votes which these xentlemet 'have given, differing, as we have a right to diger. In our views' of public , ,but all of to may at least unite In this jndgment, that ourieglalatoin' hare com ported themselves as honorable men, and honest public servants, t according \to the ilighti before them; .that they have main- T 1 ... taiped the hoisor of Allegheny county; gni high repute of their Republican con• ati.kuents and the dignity and fair fame of the Commonwealth, In aeasonand out of season, accordinglo their ability and cpportunities. Whatever may be said of others, It is conceded, all over Pennsyl- VIDIS, that the Allegheny delegation goes 'home clean from the general girt of the Legislative halls. That is a good deal In these Umks; ono could not well think of a higher pram. TREASURY REFORM 1 IThe Democratic party, aided uy a few 'honest" men of We Kerr and Lowry pattern in either House, have "reformed" the Treasury at last. They have turned Oa{ a capable and faithful officer, and repliced him with an Illiterate incapable, who dares not testify on oath to his own edicts] conduct when once before in the same — .`suttice. They have expelled an honest man, and put in another, who, If he was honest in his anklet dealings, declines to hold up his hands and swear to the fact, They drove out one guardian by whom the. Commonwealth has lost never a, dollar, and gave his place to an other, of whom it has been charged, without refutation or even contradiction, that he had locked up a portion of the public funds, in the bonds, Mortgages and promissory notes of his personal friends, not all of which haire, perhaps, yet been paid. They defeated a bill which would have pot an end to the- chronic abuses of the Treasurer's office, and enacted another which opens the door wider for still grosser abuses' of that official trust. They have muzzled hon esty, and offered ttyremlum for thievery, official and sembofficial, in every direct and Indirect way. They have smoothed the road for new and more flagrant forms of official misconduct, and they have set in the middle of it a citizen, whose record in the same office was already one that he declines to explain, and does not even undertake to defend. He is now to en dint:tier greater temptations than ever— and, a year from this time, may be still leas inclined to confess all he i shali. then know. —And this is the Treasury reform which we were promised 1 This is the way the "unexpended balance" Is to be guarded from perversion and abuse 1 Such Is the entertainment to which cer tain recreant 'Senators and Represents. lives, elected as Republicans, have in vited their confiding constituents, and the honest people of Pennsylvania! Will not the Governor consider it well before he gives lo It his approval ? THE STATE SENATE-. We cannot forbear to express our grat ification in the election of Senator WRITE as the Speaker of that body. This faith fill Republican has made an enviable record throughout. the late eventful ees. sion, as well as in all his previous legisla tive career. The honor which he now reives from his associates will be endorsed by his constituents, and by every sincere Republican in the Common wealth..' The people have discovered that they may always rely upon ibis Senator fo do his public duty, In all emergencies, and in the face of any opposition, with ability and integrity, while his Republican friends have always known that they could find him at the front and true to his colors. Apart from the, 'Pleasure with which we recognize this merited compliment to that Senator, it la comfortable to feel that the Republican control of the Senate has been thus vindicated at last. in the , face of an unscrupulous opposition and of secret treachery. , The game of the Coa lition has been twice foiled, and initial.) , defeated, within the past week. That game was to give the seat of Kr. Watt to his Democratic competitor, and then the 16 Democratic Senators were sure of at least of one vote from the - three of their allies, to elect one of their own number to the flpeakerthip, and thus control the organization of the body at its next meeting. That vote, Mr. Lowry was ready to give them, but he had lost his ownership. of the Senator from Butler, and Mr. Itillingtelt, of Lancaster, had not the nerve to face the music with only Mr. Lowry to back hint. So the Coalition fell to pieces. For Mr. Kerr's vole with us on the Speakership, the Republicans owe him no thanks, nor does be perhaps expect-any; it Is not for his Interest, nor does it putt our present purpose, to write the history of his transactions, during this session, from its beginning to Its close. He knows—and others know—how little credit is to be s( given to hl for his tardy desertion from the comp cabal with which ho had previously c oxen his place. lie will do well to claim the least possible merit for his eleventh hour fidelity, either in the Watt case or the Speakership. One of his co-laborers goes now into perpetual retirement; We honest Republi. eta pooplo of Crawford and Erie have no farther trusts for Mr. Lowry to be tray. The other has been marked, and in due time will be branded and turned out by the constituency of Lancaster. Mr. Kerr may profitably ruminate upon the same inevitable end to his political career. Next winter, we expect to have a thoroughly Republican majority in the Senate, - independent of any Kerrs or Mil lingfelts. THE FINEING.VIIIIO 9tVEO The Governor's veto has 'been inter posed to protect the State Treasury, the fleanctal credit and the public honor of Pennsylvania froni a blow which would have robbed the State of Its propert , prostrated its credit, and disgraced all I Its good name that was left to the Co nionwealth. We shall place the text of the veto message before our readers, In siother part of this Issue, if it reaches us When,Ad. the opening of the session, we first becarrie aware of the intentions of a clique oftisreputable, broken.down politicians to prosecute, a gigantic raid upon the sleking fund under the pretense of constructing a ship papa) hem Lake Erie to the Ohio river below this City, we Instantly sounded an alarm. Almost alone of the city press, opposed, with but • few exceptions, by the journals of west. ern and northwestern Pennsylvania—a district which le thorciugbly ftepubll ern in Its politics and which has aver recognized In the GAZIT.TrIC a sincere friend of all its material Interests _ we illogihred from that day a ceaseless warfare against this details% schenie. This journal has been always the first in any end every practicable plan for Im prOingiheieramtualiration between the River and The Lake, but we saw that this project was simply a contrived swindle in the intermits of the amid porrupt and .audacious jobbery of the period, and that there could be no possible plea of legality In that invasion of the sinking-thud, even If its advocates had been honest In their Purposes. We refused either to be a party to robbing the most sacred trust in this Commonwealth, even for an object which might have promised vast local advadtage, or to keep silence while a thievish crowd should sick the State Treasury and escape with their booty. We placed our opposition upon the high est grouild of public' duty, insisting that the Sinking-fund should be preserved In Its Conatitudeerkintegrity, against no matter what specious assaults. That Precious scheme was ultimately defeated --and defeated upon the prceise grounds which oar objectibus had taken. • . Next came this omnibus rail Way proj4t whichnOw receives Its quietesfrom GOY. GEA!IT. This, too, was aimed at the Sinking-fund assets,und the audacity of its purpose was stilt more startling. The Canal ring had asked for but six millions; the railway crowd laid their hands upon th e en tire fund, sweeping out all of its' nearly ten million clean. The tactics of plunder were splendidly contrived. Never, in the history of the Slate, has been seen a raid of such magnitude, se thoroughly organized, and put through each branch of our Legislature with such vigor, such celerity, or backed up wi such large majorities, purchased for th moat part at an enormous,. expenditti e of promises and_ no doubt of actdal cash. The people stood aghast, looking upen a transaction which defied every preCedent of lelislatlve decorum, every rule 'of public decency, every . ; consideration' of public faith, 'to our own Coo *Mutton and to the creditors' of Penn sylvania, and which, elevating the boat. ness of- public plunder Into an exact science of gigantic reach and ginsp, trampled upon the public sense, 'tieid spoiled us contemptuously before our very eyes. By unprecedented majorities, peek branch of the Legislature Made indecent haste to sanction the military of our Med. hors, and the violation of the plain fetter of the constitution, so that, within Party. eight hours from the first whisPer eit put proposed bill, it wasenacted by the Sen. ate and house of Representatives .and sent to the Governor for an approval which seemed to be counted on with equal confidence by its engineati. The GazarrE took the boldest ground against this Infamous bill. The .l'ort gave us a very moderate and cautious support. L , Tho other city journals were unanimous', In favor of the great swindle. Consider the excuses which they offered In its de fense I RemeMber the downright mis representations of its purport behind which they attempbad to dodge the fatal Objections to the bill I Wo might hero recapitulate the arguments, menaces and entreaties with which we were plied, by friends of the Monongahela road, to dis suade us from the protests which, day alter day, the GAZETTE reiterated against this most ill advised and illusory measure. We Intend always to do our duty as journalists, and we feel that we have done It in this case, and'. most faithfully. We take no credit to ourselves for that. Every independent journal in Pennsyl vania, regardless of politics, stood with us. We stud' not say that the advocates of this high-handed outrage upon public rights and the fandamental law were subsidized, but we will say that louse of them, at least,. ought to have been well paid for going. back, as they did, upon their own precious records. When the bill was sent to the Gov ernor, It was teen that the only hope of the State rested in him. fie has justified that hope courageoutly, mien. swerably. Els veto of this iniquitous measure' will be regarded, hereafter as well as now, the crowning honor of hie Executive career. heretofore, we have differed widely from the Governor, in views of public duty.. We were not free from apprehensions in this ease. We knew well what temptations were offered him to purchase his official sanction. 'The highest honors of the Commonwealth 'hereafter were dished before his eyes.. We feared the remit. The Governor has vindicated himself, honored hla high piece, pre. served the Commonwealth, and won the ever grateful remembrance of his people. For this act of noble fidelity, he might well be pardoned every trivial error In official duty. .'ln the name of the people of Pen tisylvittlivre thank him. The pub. lic obligations to him can never be forgot. ten or denied. The veto message is simply unanswer able. Neither Its facts nor Its arguments can be withstood for a moment. Their scope Is absolute and crushing. Let every citizen read this exposition of the most Iniquitous measure in the enlists of the Commonwealth. and he will realize from how much of public loss and shame, our Governor his saved Pennsylvania. As a Statepaper, this message will be a pre cedent, a landmark, for more than our coming generation. Enal= Bishop Thomson, whose death Ia so widely lamented, at the . session of : the West Virginia Conference, the last body over which he presided a few , daysbefore he crossed 'over the river of death," ad: :dressed the clerical candidates for adede aloe to the Conference, in's tender Viand Impressive manner. 'Be avid : Are yon going on to perfection? Where will yon go,if not ea to perfection? You gel back If you •do not go on. It you go on, It must be to perreotioni you must advance or recede. Nothing law than moral per. fection is set before you'. Be not Ali couraged in the attempt to seek it. The promises are broad and deco.' Do not discount them. Believe them to the ut most extent. The justified and regen erated discover in themselves the remains of the carnal mind. If you accept the theory that you are sanctified when you are justified, If 'yon find theremains of ain after you experience regeneration, you will be led to a melancholy conclu akm. The opposite view, that we cannot he made pure In this llfe, is equally per nlcions, and is based on the old ides that sin depends on matter. It does not. It depends on mind. Walt not for death, to be para. .Death Is not your Savior. Christ is your Savior. The American Churchman announces that the Rev. R. C. Casewell, formeily of the Diocese of Salisbury, England, and recently Incumbent of the Cathedral of St. John's New Foundland, was receiv ed not long since as a Presbyter of the Diociee of Pittsburgh,: according to the provisions of the Canon governing such cases. From the stung source we learn that Bishop iterfoot of this Diocese will officiate at Trinity church tatmorrow *ming and at SC Peter's in the evening; both in this city; Monday, Emmanuel church, Allegheny 'City; Wednesday, Grace 'chinch, Mt. Washington; Thursday evening, Bt. Peter's church, Pittsburgh, Holy Communion; and Good Friday,.St. Paul's ehuicb, Pittsburgh. - The Lonisigniataptist represents that au incendiary bitely set fire to a Baptist church in that State, but first removed the Bible and hymn-book, putting them on a log out of reach of the fire. During the month of March the Rev.- W. J. Reid, Treasurer of the United Presbyterian Home Mission Society, re celled fifteen hundred and fifty-sir dol. lam. • - The General Bynod of the Reformed (Dutch) Church of America, will meet In the city of Newark, N. J., the drat Mon. dayin June, 1870. At the last General Assembly of the SoutheruPresbyterylan Church the Prm bytidaisa were enjoined to see that every %shoring minister" In the Church receive a sslary of at least seven hundred and fifty dollars. • • The Mononsrahein Presbytery . of the Cumberland Proabyterlan Church, ,nutt in the church on Sixth avenue, in this city, yesterday. The Presbyterian Banner denounces appropriations to denominational Manta- PITTSBURGH DAIL'S._ GAZETTE: Sa7URDAY MORNING, .. .APRIL 9, 1870, tiona, and calls Senator Graham of ibis county to an account for hi:7. efforts to se mire such a disposition of State funds. It thinks if Mr. Graham is of a different opinion, It is well for the people to know Wend to Make a no nose of it, and says, i t . his object was to secure the favor of the two denominations, as reported, which it was sought to benefit, the device will be found to have been au unfortunate • one. The Advance represents a young con gregation minister has: recentiy &Mined a Professorship . of Ecclesiastical Hiatory in the Chicago Theological Seminary be. cause of his Biabilitito give an unquill- Bed assent to its declaration of faith. Bishop Ooze's 'letter to Pius IX, has been translated into Czech, the Slavonic dialect of Bohemia. It has been trana lated and circulated jai English, German, Italian and French, and now makes its appearance In Solavonle, for Russia, Po land and Bohemia. Lliicrieral — John . Pattonr of Clearfield county, gave rehently live thou?d dol. ea r s to the Loan Fund of the Ch rch Mx 'tension Society ' of the Methodist Eolsco- Pal Church. The General Ike franker, Anil formerly wee a member of Congress. Fte is very active in promoting the educe. tlonal and benevolent operations of that Cliurch. . . movement la on foot to hold a State 4 thedist Convent' on; similar to the one be d at Syracuse, , New York. rt - wlll be no posed of clerical and ley delegates From Central Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, , WYoming, Pittsburgh and Erie Confer '. haus. As It will represent ono hundred end thirty thousand Methodists in the 'state of Penusylvauia. it will be a grand ',flair. .... Quite an extraordinary religious awak. - ening Las occurred at Dayton, , Ohio, among the Evangelical churches. . The Presbyterians have received, by letter and profession, over three hundred, _Methodists four hundred, Lutherians two hundred, Baptists nearly two hundred, and United Brethren about one hundred and fifty. The Seventh-Day Advents have Just held their annual meeting at Battle Creek, Michigan. Representatives were present In the .General Conference froM Mitten States and from Switzerland. Re ports show that there are nearly two hun dred organized churches. Twenty thou. sand dollars were pledged for missionary work for the year. Each member pledges two cents per week on each one hundred dollars or Ids property, which would amount to about one-tenth of the average income from property invested. The Presbyterian Banner, in an edi torial on "Synodical and Preabytehal Representation," thinks that as the . num ber of members of the Presbyterian General Assembly is not as large as. the Methodist General Conference and other bodies, that there is no cause for making' suet ado about its bulk or unwieldiness. 1.: says at the last meeting of the Genf rat Assembly of the Church of Ire had, six hundred and eighty members Ye:Std. The tratepetident, referring to the o+- sure of Rev. Charles K Cheny, of Chicago, by Bishop Whitehouse, eaya.that when he assumed the rectorship of Christ church It had property valued at twe:va hundred dollars. It now has one hundred thousand dollars. The forty pupils and teachers of MO are now one hundred teachers and eleven hundred scholars, and the seven communicants Lave Increased to three hundred and.thirty. i -, - Tnirty years ago the Baptists and Methodist Churches in Philadelphia were about equal in number. Now there are forty Baptist Churches, sixty Methodist, sixty-five Presbyterian, and seventy Episcopalian. A correspondent of the Faatniner and Chronicle thinks the reason why the Methodists exceed the Baptists is because they , i show greater. tact in keeping themselv ,fi before the public. as Illustrated by-the fact that last year the forty ministers married four hundreiLand eighty couples, while the sixty Methodists married fifteen hundred. A New York religious weekly asserts that Father Malone, an Irish Roman Catholic of Williamsburg, ,L. L, on Bt. Patrick 4 night, attended the Jewish- Purim Ball, and made a - complimentary speech: :Trig report of the lest day's legislative proceedings says: The Treasury bill was the special order, and upon It Mr. White, of Allegheny, the originator or the HOLMn bill, who stated that the bill as amended contained only two sections of the House bill, and for the re,usinder 'had been substituted two other bills as arnondmente—one by Mr. Billingfelt and the other by Mr. Wallace—which are entirely Moonalateni with each ether, and' contradictory In their • provisions. Senator Howard bad added another section (drawn up by Mr: White himself, ) which would be tho only check upon the Treasurer; and In the hope that It would be at least some Improvement, he moved to concur. Carried, 34 to 14. ZAHMILLE, OHIO lEonetnoodooce to ['Mot:rich Gatette Zattgavzmn, April 6, 1870. GAZETTE: The election recently held In thin city resulted in a Might gain for the Republican party. Four of the el: Coun cilmen elected arc Republicans, also the B:rcet'. Commissioner, one' of two con- Moblea, two of the three members of the Board of Education, four of the Mx .aesca sore. • At a meeting of tho colored people of the city after the issue of the President's proclamation they resolved not to vote at this spring election; but, notwithstanding their lute-warm position in regard to their recently acquired privilege, the leaders of the Democracy in this city were alarmed and tried to gt up a demonstra tion., On Saturday night they. printed bids; and on Sunday morning the city was placard with a bill 'calculated to arouse and Inflame those those old prejudices some of them had brought with them from old Virginia. In order that ybur readers may know the standing of the leaders of the old fogy Democrats on the negro citizen, I copy the bill : ...An Appeal to the liople—The Fifteenth Amendment—A Proclamation— Ueur. potion—A Write dfon's Party. "Unscrupulous Radicals have urged the hasty- Issuing of a Prociaiumion with a viow to carrying our City and Township elections—to vote down the People with Negro Ballots. The amendment has not been ratified. The Prordatuatiou is a fraud and an usurpation. The Constitu tion lo belatdelled and overridden. We call upon the People to vote down this Radical Revolution. Negro suffrage is tieing forced upon the pimple against, their will, by fraud, military coercion and falsehood. We appeal to the People to rebuke these wrongs end restore the trovernment. All other considerations should sink before this vital question. The Republic is too young to the. The Constitution ie too good to be deihroyed. Liberty is too American to be aurren dared. Acquiescence la surrender: Aid by your votes to rescue your Country, and your Common Schools, on Monday next, from venal corruption, base usu. potion and traitorous revolution. "By order of the Democratic City Ex. °autism Committee." The Republic is too young to, die. A disinterested republican statesman, look ing upon the history of the Republic, would rather conclude thatit had only just begun to live—to live op to the high standard of republican principles which were announced in the Declaration and the Constitution. In my opinion nothing will amitosis the wrath of these Demo. 1 crate. They will never be satisfied with the Government until every Democrat can put his heel upon the neck of some downtrodden negro. The appeal on behalf of the common schools is rich indeed. large majority of thus mine partizans would any day vote down the common schools, and scarcely a colored man would, although the burden. of their support. is about as heavy upon them u upon -the majority of the Democratic partisans. • But it was expected that Democracy Would die hard, and the feeling which Re dying agonies inspires is akin to pity-4 P its ' a cising from this ignorance of its members of all patriotism , and manly virtues.: • • . . There was mud' rain last week and the river has been flood high, but It has receded, andshe last few days of sunshine. From dry roads and a resump tion of spring business and work, It Is expected that improvement will com mence. .. - i i A' onsiderable amou t of moving and changing about was do e among the bu sioess men of Main s t, most of them neeki l iglWider and too extensive ACCOM mods ons for their bo loess. Every store on Main street is o opted, and more could hence have erected. Altogether there is a good feeling among business men; most of them are bbpeful oftsprosperous season. . Yours, Graimenn. AMERICA FREE! _ Br OXOBO• W. •LLIOTT. Oh, Llbcrill whose hallowed name The (toward world has mocked to Whose smothered raga and erlm;on shame Bore Canes, to thy e• oel wroniti Behold! where late a oho• tel stood, With multi loot and weary hands, And balk all scored with sears and blood. A brood enfranchised somatic, Honda— Woe , . heavy lash and galling chain Henceforth shall hiss and clink In vain! H. Sweet spirit of the olden time. • . . .• •• . . Whtre hotter, wcali h and be ttic-idade, With a devotion all sublime, Against oppreazlon's curse were weighed. titre welcome to the maiab of Truth. With laurels o'er her path . .. 7 Can! The prize thetwsnred the onion's youth. Securely in her hands at last! Ike heralds shoutlnz to toe morn. 'All man uu free end equal bornl' , iii. America! the Stripe. and Stem No more Anil bold thy eta • Omni— dad etreaks of gore the fOly ham, • The Ear. thr.hight of sullied time Rut eaered fight. . Will..oenaere a umbel be of Wrong'. great overthrow t , r .110/cht The heauteouebrneer of the (C. r. Whir, tly,e will rrore. ae nun. furled, A bearer Wight for all the world!. POLITICAL Leer year the Co - nnecticut State. Senate consisted of 13 Republicans and 8 Demo crats; the Rouse of Representatives of 114 Itenublicarm and 103 Democrats; Repub lican majority on Joint ballot, 86, A TEXAN urges his favorite newspaper to continue to pour red hot thunderbolts right into thadeeth of the leeches and sharks who trample on the Constitution and grind the facet of the people. Tna Maryland Legislature, haying solemnly considered the question, have decided, While passing a bill for the " , prevention of carrying deadly Weapons," that an oyster knife is not to be included In the category, since it is not "deadly." Warts. the School Commissioners of several of the coantica of Maryland, says the Baltimore American, have resolved to close the public schools for lack of Money to pay the teachers emplOyed, the colored people of Denton have contribu tcd • sum sufficient to make tho school for colored children In that town free for one year. The present rate of taxation lathe State is necessitating the closing of schools In - many counties.l • Tux world moves, or father the New Yolk World la making a move to the tune of the 15th . Amendment, Hear what it says: `•The Democmtio party, which has more experience, and which has always had greater seems., than Its opponents In Managing the votes of ignorant classes, may easily, by some escriar.o Of prejn. dice, frustrate the design of the - Republi. cane in conferring universal suffrage upon the *Ames. A little electioneering ac tivity and adroitness on our aide will show the Republicans that they have beaten the hush for us to catch the bird." FOR IMPORTED 'maim CASTILE . SOAP, For Imoorted White Catlin Soap. • ' ror thwarted Waite Cattle Soap. • For Intieornd White Cattle gap( ' For Mottled Cattle Soap. For Mottled Cattle Soap, Tor Mottled (:tattle game tor Mottled Cattle heap, old be the boo. single tar orb/ Um pound and In small eat., at the very lowest prices. a 74*.A1M1Ogi isu - nrce Ict>..es === . • I , ..ortiar Peas and litalA Stmts. told it. Viofr.) Where you will And a o dafdrto of sortitent of Medlidnef oe r ,l)rugf.f all londf Chemical . :. rerflonerlea and thelcut . . . KaglSsh sad tteeteh Ales by the cask • tltztql. at the Inv,. prices. THE It EXPONSHM.ITIES OF THE IMIII2 Toe /ire r oaf a • cry Important part to perthrm to the animal economy. Ito fosction to two-Yule The geld 0110 it seffetes tempers tbe blood and regulates the bowel.. and rpm the quantity and tool ty the secretion depend., le • greet do ree. the adaptattoe or the blood to the require menu of the t yotem and the dee removal of the refu.c matter which remains In the Intestines after the work of digeotlea. h. been 'serum. eli.bed. oneuf i be princiontootof Hosictier'silloraseit glitters le to tune andcontrol thie somewhat nn. rely organ. The antl.biltone jiropertles or the preparation are scarcely Meander! !OM l a as • otomackle lit operation epee the limey la not Violent like that of memary, bet gradual and rentle• inste ad f cresting • ouddent•Mnlt In the, censtee gland, It regulate. Its Wallow by de. omen.Banos. 111. a*V !caked) for bilious dio orden, while mery, being a tremendous ex. client. Is not. T oemore naturally and quietly* Almeated orsan ens be ...Mewed tells normal eon. dltlon the hotter. std It is the peculiar properly of this harmless 'vegetable alterative to releforce and regulate without etteltiager tenvelsing. Toe access lentob has attended um 0•016. edy for Ono/lone of the neer to proverbla/. Per. f a tillious balut who take It habitually as • protection agisinn the attacks to which they are constitutionally liable. pronounce It the beet liver teen thA eilfteno. The eymptome Of en aortrosebit g rat of bilionomeo ens hardly he mi.- taken. A pain In the right side Or eider the bungler blades, a saffron tinge le the whites of the eyes. tick tat adllet., a footing of droweleess, low spirit . , lon of appetite. constipation and resent debility are noon the banal indiestiote they mhorbeidgnue W ! o t no r s h o e uilvbe nodal no oto In order to WWl] off more sell Ono caninlineneffe. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FUER & VAN DOREN, 367 Liberty Street, PIITSBIIIKIN, PA. STEAM: ENOIXES, Iron and Wood. Working MC A. STEAM PUMPS. - Engineers' and Machinists Tools. STEM FIRE- ENGINES. BELTING: iVoolenitachinery,MachineCarda , sis ai - . 3l ..ispaegegrors and Mills nap nit.eacaal .... supply am baud Mid fur. sea am abort . • .• • 7 • =M!rM MRS. S. C. ROBB; No. 91 Federal St., Allegheny, firing determined oot b can 7 over "Y Wl 'L n2 00011, oosnlveir eel' below tor Rent .11:1dais. BONURTS, HATS, . ' YLowign.y. . . Y$ L A - LACK COLLANS. • LACK HAND/EMMA:PM NEU a t rettlek 113 "1 2 taYlOlll% UL6VIC. 00 za 11 ni R81* I.. es. ROSE, • C l / 1 1.1thicN.e. HODS. tILILINLY LACE EDO MOM LA " LV .I I6II46 R 'DI 1" icy itile kIOnAIS BWITCLIRS' , and OLIN NON!, LIAls !ACTT& • te., ic __A9 perms wlsblpg btriains-00.nirar "ArAV:AU o. 01.1/XULYOb • EILLWAUCIUT.W; 4 el Ladies' and Childien's Bazar, No. 31 FOURTH AVENUE. • Earle* irtirea from the lost wlth the Wert Tension Pa - tems end Styles put Imported. I wall be reedy 8327D . AY 141.5(t. nth of Apr 1. for all orders Wrested to my este, prontarm bevel/KM promptly andsatthetortlysitended to. O. me tine Salts ready Wide ohi bead. ALTCE • ItE 0 WRY, No :_4l Fourth Ave ., Pittsbuigh. • NEW ADVERTIf3PIKENiB ICORD &CU Wholesale Dealers in HITS, CAPS AND STRAW CND 131 Wood Street, I We have in our SPRING goods bought for Cash, and at GREAT RE DUCTION INPRICES. MERCHANTS are cordially invited to examine our Stock; which is very large, embracing all the Late Styles in ITU RATS, WOOL WATS, PALM EATS LADIES' HATS, DIMES FLATS, MIN 811411D138. ETC CAPS in every variety, and a gen eral stock of all kinds of STRAW GOODS for Men, Boys and Children. We are daily receiving' GOODS from the Manufacturers, which the great decline is gold makes our goods as cheap as before the war. IicCORD tt CO Mkllo ..96 1 T HOT4NE & CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloves ! EITENBIII AND CHOICE ►dNOgT/SAT! • Prices Unknown SincelB6l! •LYZANDKY•e LID GLOV/La. • MI utortment at 01.76, oi3mtrunt9isaqs LION, .• •t LONG TOP KID!, thole* shads; •t WOO. NIAIULLIL WADY lINITO3II HOWL, Hem. 96 dia.A. PL•IN •ND ItIBIIED COTTON HOLM . 10 Gotta and OD. DOMIUTIC COTTON 110d11111T. By Can or Dom.. OUPZII STOUT HAL/ 11015 V, •A 6 teat. avers , Burrs .TINE HALT Rune. CZ= Also, splendid usortments BASH /ND BOW 21111 BUNS. LADIRB• TINCT soWn. LARGE ADDITIONS TO STOCK Jost arrtvlag, to ',bleb 'se leans the atlantic% of Wholesale 004 ltettal Cash before. 1rb1279 AMRKE'T STREET m TILE BEST BARGAINS OFFERED Tills Ole etscix4 AT AO CENTS. Ladies' leary British Cotten Makings. AT IS CENTS. tidies' Heavy British Callas Stockings AN EXTRA BARGAIN. AT 3 PAIRS ROE moo. Wee taper British Cotten Stockings. AT SU CRAM 'Erg HEAVY BRITISH COTTON SOW. AT IS CENTS. HEEDS IhIST FitINCH COTTON SOUL LADIES , AND MEWS MERINO GAUZE U.SitIERIVEAR AT VERY LOW Platol[3. HISSES. BOYS AND CHILDREN'S COTTON STOCKINGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT MORGANSTERN Co's, SUCCItROILB SACRUM, GLIDE & CO., Nw. 78 ud 80 Market Street. lobn 1870., 1870 SPRING. C. /1111111NO4. J. G. MPIENION. N. T. 1111111101, ARBUTHNOT SHANNON NCO:, No. 115 Wood Street, ETICT6EILLRGI3. WHOLE9II.6 DRY GOODS NOTIONS, JASTERN PRICES: CO-PARTNERSHIP. ItOBEST Y. cosi has Ms day Um admitted a. • imeigibtr of oat Ina. ' Arida 1, 1010. U. many CO. ..VAITAJBLIIEIMEIIIII3.26I. ai99r zuclar...u.saa: 11•919r...".?Fr. y. cm. RIGBY, OUST B. : Co., No. 189 LIBERTY ST.. Alabama. and natal/ Deataia Jobtora In IiaNILQV A VV . WAILF., oLAsse mad 111W/1111. :beat aal**. of all moulds, gondola 11,0 tboae Crestod to our Stock. imported dtrectly the ppm Europese markets and me are arm :ma a huh &ad destrable . l6l Um above aoods apl vta Corner Penn and Sixth Streets, (formerly St. JAW.) rtritentraan, PA. The fast cawabsta Nubs win CaLieja to the vow nue* - omit DAT AID' rvicinero. reawlaatf,_ warm tsCOININ.Y waNuallfr kttaugb. V 15331 tl[Sl=l Na n 1 , aa P Ia MA CJMIEL, Mat, halm, and Ms. MOEN° SALMON, fO 111AULT/La lititillNGS, baxat,..l4o and rIctICLZD SALMON, E oLLAND Etrirok wolt i ltrUSH. la hid ttILVA ' NZ " BLumwmg, NIS. and 34 lb. eatta. Tot tab at law Mat by ZDWAIILD EINAZLIVION. obiLwiNsai SO and SO 1)12 92011td Zgatre. PAYING, Svc. MCNSIIQIIEB & CO., • No. 271 Sandusky St., Allegheny 0014TRAOTORS FOR • stone and Brick Paving, Cub Moue htral:had and set. Gradlag and Odor mum,. All orders proAlatip aitoitoe4 to. Oldoa bow. from ISM. to 51 P. K. Porto& An whiten. Allaahm aft/. Pa. addarralwrx E VA L. FEEDEHIEK ataßosezie, Ifwohaat hUorsad Dower la CDatlenach's ParalaWAl Goad.; also Sudo. own . and Bora'CdoOttas ea haad aad cads to °afar at Ow ILOReat aolloodkaa reitoved from DU late Maud. No. 11111 fourth avenue, to No. 11 WOOD=67, emus of Shed ammo. m • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SATURDAY; MI APRIL, WILLIAM SE]UPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal ~tree I=l At 22 Cents, DOUBLE WIDTH COLORED POPLIN Groat .13Eirgra1n, At 25 Oen s, Double Warp Poplin Alpacas, 3EXTIT.Jk NVIEtr. It 6 Ws., Good Dark Prints. At Bc, Fait - Colored Prints. At lot., bight and Durk Prints, Win good. At 1.2 1-2 Cents, GREY .KENTUCKY LINS, A. Decided Bargain It tr., Linen Handkerchiefs. It 27 1-te,, good 6:1 ?able Liam, It 11l We.; Yard Wide linen Crash. 11 18 2.lg.,Damask Towels, a bargain Lam and amask Curtains, heeling and Shirting Nasties t &e., WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, I=lM Genuine Preparations Prom the Celebrated House of PETER SQUIRE, London Granular Effervescent Bi- Carb, Potassa, Bromide Potat. sa, lodide Potassa. Citrate Iron and Quinine, Bromide Ammo nium, Carb, Maria, Vichy Salt, ffigriagen Salt. Cit. Magnesia, SeidLitz Powders, fr.c..—To pro tect Physicians and the Public from spurious articles of this character, purporting to be "direct importations"—all bot tles of the genuine will in future bear a strap label over the cork, with the address and An simile:signature of the man ufacturer, P. SQUIRE; and' on the side his trade mark, and also address of the Importer and Sole Agent, • smost JOUNSTON, INinSmithfield St. and 4th Ave. P. 8 —We have received our usual Spring supply cf EILIL WATLRB, saratoga, Slat, Congress, R iasingen, lac &c. Also, another supply of Astrin gent Red Guns Lozenges, and Sluriate of Ammoniate Lozen ges, which have prOvedt such a great success in England and this country in cases of Relax ed Bore Throat, Bronchitis, etc. mere:" PLANING MILL MEN AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE! The undersigned' bag letters patent 'of the Wilted nat. for the Improved construction or weatbereboarding, Inside lining and of maim ...elf for bou:es. Thu wraiherebtardlng, by this patent humor wet, being wore partfcalar iy intended for vertical use, and combining ere..durability anti brayty of. appease.. and al. no constructed to - entirely avoid the nee of joint strip, moil to prevent ontor romenter tog the joint., or (i.e gaping r tic sfiowleg of the 10Ints by action of the weather on the um ber. Inside. lining and waingeotlng by- this new method are so fonstructed a. to form perfect panels as cheaply an by the ordlcary fiwsriug boards atone: thereby 'oreventthe the showing of the joists troth say cause, min tearing no re titres for bags.: He has also ao c a o r m di m ng o . nly kpnuorwchna aset dt t h h e e paotdedWoawhhrble at has disposed of the following terrltorint and shop rights In AllegitanY ...MT, (or both Por sins to wl : th rII A. d the right of the territory sou nn o * t f tbe in mild county. Toilet/germ. Douglaa, the right for the Pleat ward of Pittsburgh. Tt McKee A Mogi.. ahop right for their mill, bleseenth ward. Pittsburgh. • o Hot , PAtter.s in Co.. shop debts for their mel., lath ward. Pitsburgh. To Alex. Meet.: 1 ice as.. borough 'Of Mr- KeesporL - To Parker A Paul, for First, FgonS, Third and Fourth wards, oty of Allegheny; . ' To Steed Kromer, of r.ght at their mill's Seventh ward, el y of Allttbehr. To Dannam. taint a Co., for the boroughs of Shargtharg and Ittna:• alio the townships of ehaler and Indiana. : • . • • ' 'AIL persons are warred inealtaa Jutting/10.g upon either of laid 'patent., and thore metal:dug to Masbate will Mama rail, or addyws. me, at NoyFfihraildifield street.. Pltaattirgb. TREGO'S lEABERRY TOOTRIVASII, • the moat leasant, cheapest ands. best Menu. Cleo ext.'. Warranted from inintions Inmedlenta. It prese es and ',Miens the Teeth! • tnylgor ea and tooth.. an Gomm Parings sad pgtlemes the breath! Pn rents aecumulatton of T I Cluna ant Fa riga Artificial Terthll I. a sopa rlor Article for Chhilant • Prt d P r. ° 231. 1 1, 7 int.. For gala by i.O. NATTERS. Pltlebnegh. 'IL SNODURA MI. Allegheny. WHEELER'S, PATENT STAMP CANCELERS. EDWIN STEVENS, No. 41 S. Third Street, PLIILA.D LPHIA.; knelt! Agent for the Staffs of Penntylvula. Te.LltOE SIIIIPINENTS OF AU. kinds of fresh Mike Ish are reestre4 •• Psteress , _pconlar fish nand, ?to. .5 Diamond Markel, pllwbursb, awl It Use T wia tat,. Allegheny City, career of gators/ and Ohiostreets. Cu, loos carman...l la Ute Intahsess enables ns to alerapre on bands first Mess arti c le. and can nil_ t o rtsh,Salasens., gelling. Black UAW and W /Wen all at res 7 L ' reit ' Ariggni 4 1111:2 ST.LAWREBICE HOTEL ED. BABRER, Proprietor, Cot. Pen St: had 11th, formerly old Canal. 138 °DUCE. Treat natter. Emir Rare TolatrAs, ft.e zits% re.ei mow do., Dried /end , , Deckers do. White Beans, Sweet Cider. Green Apple.. Cider Vineter. ' &rearm Moissata. Givderr. •PDIO Heuer, Onions. Ake, Deceiving daily and for rale be WM. C. Aincrrsoice. • apt - PO Market street. 40. . - 334216,171.1VM5, Staler of. Weinkti and Ileums, 0111ICK: No. 5 F.. 'OATH AVE., Pittsburg ■MO:.c . • CARE POLES. I Dpia arm assortment of Cane Poles left over from lad year. which 1, offer at a eery tow Price. Partici wanting should orderearly. so as to limas* their orders balog ailed. JAMPS BOWL apt 33 6 Wood Street. Tie AZOBS, 6C10601143. And all kinds of CutlellVound $t $5l 136 Wood Root FIBBING TACKLE. • bs. Jett rimelved a complete azsOrtment of tho obeys goods, =Matfett a greet smile%) of all toe Imam Pm& In We marast. The follow ers of Law Walton Intl do well to call and Untie tq amortment dodo/Ws. DOWN, 'abi• • 136 - CM2411 BAMBOO. POLES. , bay?. a hal alaarlatent of Bamboo roles. erne, at without Plats. also eerysett basun aad lagetbar mILOAL tad UnteJtot7,.. lama, smolt. awes of the &NMI area • sety parlor article. For sal. at JANES BOWN, apl 136 Wood attest. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -ELT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. ISO and 182 Federal Street, AI. I. K(111 KN k CITY DRESS GOODS In all Fashionable Colors and Fabrics VERY LOW PRICES. SPRING SHAWLS, Light Striped Shawls, OPEN CENTRE SHAWLS NEW SPRING SKIRTS CASSIMERES & KENTUCKY JEANS Rain Umbrellas, Sna Umbrellas, 811 k Parasols Grey end Whitt French Corsets, yeti cheep Heir Switches end Chignons, Lau Handkerchiefs, Shirt Fronts, • Hosiery, Cloves and Notions, Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos, 180 and 182 Federal Street, =1 CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &it, CARP - ETS. New RoomS! • New Goods! New Prices I We have tuloauf ate.] the opeolog of oar Nuir Room, with the FINEST DISPLAY OP AL . M El EVER OFFERED IN THIS MAREET • LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861. OLIVER MTUNTOCK & CO., 23 Fifth Avenue APRIL - 1, 1870. Specie Payment Resumed. FROM THIS DATE. Sifter iChblice Well be Given ALL CASH CU3TOMERS, & COLLINS' CARPET STORE, 71 and - 73 Avenue. allireur ark., are the WW:ST la elite market &pi CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium, AND CP BIC WE 4CO CARPETS. ..7,•urdt-kzrzzarg-i—h,, BOVARD, ROSE it CO. 117111 AVENUE. NEW:CARPET& . . • • Reflection in - Prices • TO 001111.13P0 OD.IIVITII • • . . WHOLESALE RATES. . . • • — .-NoOAIIIIII BROS • •' •, 51 •1F1 . F.2T H AVENUE •y £lllO9B WOOD ITDDET; • 131‘1111 • lANIKEREBIL. • Damemerturers or IMMO. HAM and HUM DIATTRE - tS/CB, Feather Boomers sad &Wows, Ohatth Cashtona, Cantles Masldlats sad all Slade Upholotery at.. dealers la Vilsdorrtihadea,Buff,_Greenthe Nituts HoU Oa; to usrea„Taasels.'ae. Particular attention la alms taltlar op, cleaning and brsuedar, atteeirldth [Antos dsrpela. ' • , 04r move st stealth.. carpet Is Of OalTiraith ath . .eh you can feel smeared that tne eaters are Wolervitd and the•gooda thorogesly treed ham II dust ”d vermin. The pries far edasatha, boa .ofiela greatly retia. Ours: areas ...Mesa far and deliver all goods Inse Of ehvge. • ei RODENTS, NICHOLSON - k THOMPSON.' rlpholatarera sad Proprletarsof Steam Carpet Beating Establishment, • No 127 WOOD STAZILT, oth7ralll Near innh Avenue. Pittsburgh. Ps. DR. •: I yto I • (NON - TOMES TO TREAT ALL N.. 1 Prima.. disease.. gyohllls !Miasma. al. urinary dlums mad the enacts of m complately 0 0 Spenamonbea Weaknms 124 IMpotency, rennin front selltabase or other ensues, most o a ten Nyasa@ some ot um following effects, as blotch.., bodily weakness. Indlgestlon. Consumption, aversion So society; unnardlital. dr•ad of foram Meats. Ima or anamory. Indolomethloneturnal ma so prastr. render mordants unallifs, 00 rtt,o2 4VM ' lasprtident, sae permanently eared. rem= au Motod with them or any othm delicate. In s Wo car Imo itradlagoonsUtatlonal eomplatat • gtrethe Doctor • trial: he new alla m attrianoiSlervert so ail Yuma* me - 21210 U, Letioorram or Whits.. yelling DOM.' :nation or 17leer.stion of th e Womb, k arats. Mara AMenormoca. Wenorrhagla , mese n r zt u ar ad hprillty or Iburmaam, ars tre.O. It Is mlf-orlden: this a ifighielsa etallasa himself exclusively to the Bendy of • certain ahow Mg... aud Mesta thousands of 1118.= skill la Mot _Th Doctor publishes • mencel peaMM O IS of Friar 22.. ,O F 0I 0 , Of ' ail for artigss'pe, h. ta misled smlorprO. atoaea /Mary SCIIUMCd mottahm trtstmonim to the If. Cleto•, and mobil; them to detain= Da• CIAO 11/1.320 Of Ultlf 220110.261 , 1. • Tim establlshamt. oimPmdd** fmoo,. La cntral. When rt norcemaraMV rlett toe city, Ms Doctor's °MMus can Wool try gismo • writhe ststomeni or th• eam, and suedloines tea bc forwarded. snull or og.. rpln atone Mmma. however. • penonas tuatton 1.1 almointely nemosary, whim b. o era SMUypemonsl asteationl 1e raatlrad, sag for the accommodstlonC i fpg el s t . l:rlthan I=l,74l—mmursite Mat Is Csamar e bt ponnOts roeorea. Moirand• .rdl oadMl,MlPOt nuns. all preecrlptlms an prepared Min Doctor.. .rant laboratory. agidnillmroom 4"1"*i01'411 1.41141Dj . / 10 1=1171.="47?:. Ht=%):410,/M %MAIMS, Omar Coast liOnsa.) Plttatorzi.7.' 4 " . ag'! sk, OFFICE OF FISK & HATCH, Bankers and. Dealers GOVERNMBNT SINEINIES, No. & Ni'matr,Street, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY MAL, 1870. Tay - marskable meets& which bow atltaded our regotlstlon of the Loans of. ibe ournua. PACIFIC RAILROAD COMtAXT PACIFIC RAILROAD corrAxr, and nuiP*l.l. , try and eredlt.whklo Mau Lamle hare toal ttatt• ed 1n the markets. both I MC a eosMsy .ad ter rine. have eh•.vn that the Pint Mortgage gelede of wisely-located and Itonorablpetaealed reads an readily takes as the moat gettable, fiefs, and adveategoone form of Isavestuesk *fangs more liberal Ingot. than can hereafter be derived from Gower:onset Planta. sad swine hie to take their tame. Reiland that, la the teleetloti •nd or/zonation of rotpetlior . Railroad Loaasore are niettlag a' great Dul4to 1r511,'154 randillo It •tlaableaer-, idea to the holdars orCapltal and to Roza drat National trorks.of latoraal laprornoest warm hurl= What& anti attleltabUal alarm ler NUM* then Oa ma of Carina] sad the eoadderieri or Irjestote—o• MR offer *llk mama ocialtileabe BiBBT ZOBEGIOE BONDS • . oreraz CIIF,SiiPEIXE AND 01110 IL . IL CO, TAR CHEISAPIAIL AND OHIURAILZOLD, commodes the /alma . ° roan zed the meant'• meta harbors.of the Chesapeake Bay with the Ohio river at a pointer awrigation, led thee, with the entire Railroad [TWOS of lb. great West sad Southwest, TURNS THE AD DITIONAL EAST AND le LOT TRUNK LINE, I. Imperatrrely demeaned (or the meohissada• Moe of limiest. aid rapidlyAroviae trans portation batmees the Atlantic seaboard and Limps oa the one hied, and the mot pit dada( reeloaa of the Ohlo lad iftealselpid Tao lays on the mbar. . • THE. IMPORTANCE O 1 THIS ROAD AS • NEW OUTLZT TROY THIL , WZRT TO TIM SEA massillei. It into one. of Rational Gout , seetioe. and lames to It est cattiest:re *mak mane Item the day of Its mile Hos; valle,lo the development of Dm. extitestris agrlealterM hod Mineral Sedeelfress of Vlrtlele: Mid Wee - impels., It posseseeM alone Rs .false, the eiemente of . 4•laree cod kmal !oakum. tki /Neat iiiarlos, Nati genera •Yd toed, Whieli dailand ty eotepletlos of Is. gEHUILIMA.ILI AND OHIO a•ILNOLD to the Ohlo.lttva.afrord the outset go...mt. of It. memo sof yolee, tad RANDS)/ IT THE MOW! IMPORTANT AND SUBsTANTIAL RAIL - ' ROAD ENTRIAPRIBN. NOW IN dßoliaLia IN Tins OIINTRY. , Ita eupeetertty as au Zeit rod West mats, aad the promise of an 'Makings, sad prratalde Isida awaiting Its complellos, his drawn to It. the atteatloa and moperaßoa .oe,rmatistast. 64. Wilts aad. ERLread , Mat of MR 0117 onsoaak laddmeat aad Mama tatairtty. idlers coassiP . alas 0115 .1, 106515.1 with that Of trauma • catlll4■l 'sad . limbless sm'ot' Virstata sad trinksrirsiaa'.lNßUßlN' AN , LNIRAIRTIO. NUNONABLZ AND succrasernr.-xlimiz imer. I TM. Paid ls'easpletcd sad th earatton has atelaoad to the eelehrated White Selpeer iprlas. of West Iflretels. AST miler, nod tame pant bet 1100rattes(aw pantally coasurtoted) to be Completed, to eary it to the steepled ter.. aloes ea the Ohio slyer at, or near; the mouth of the Rig Beady slyer. 140 ml . shore hada esti, and 340 tales below Pittsburgh. ' Lars arm eels oil:dieted or to proper throogls Ohio sad lorataekir to as aotat.,,;ralch tr 11l Noss :sat the 0111t8ArleAKZ 0510 WITS Tll3 ZXTLILS StAILSOADIMITEIIs OF TIM WW3I .:. 1 / 4 2r11 soirrewasT, AND WITS TX FACErie WMLBOAD.' " 1U 'shut& tnivelthiasandavertoradvaategea win place 11,,ClaxiAriAX; , AND OEIO .suni. • . ROAD CoXtAat . ssal/ ; Mimi sad ino“,- . 93werfal .D4l .tapAtvr , DlßY DoRR.DIDoss - Dt . c.iantry; AHD THERE =DM'. ViLul . ; I n C?l , l*Lrillip 1010 AID Wag' 0011. nQtri4. AlfotriT Or THEMOIATGIUZ. y. , • T. details of.tlie L.sa luve ben urpaggd *la Sll•tf•kreforsoce 4:v.putyrsati.# . oilaapipm , ot. awl Cambia.' th 4 W 10.1; or sellvdl6lol4ll. , OlvUitiet• btretnt Tee 86.161 d. t. dOweatisatiiMiZl SI,PW-$490 , and .$lOO., Thii will lbelstiti4 cotrioit "BOND& . , , Asia itn4TiiS, Ybe ?!tid „ Thaelteu TM! F 0 .4;41 1 may be de tubed sad osseeneei 111. Mot Jaw*, a .IPLIIIIMNIEST, Attemelmeise lecion, trabeferable *drab the: babes a. ill e'?".ibaerf.. geed betereiet weebeeigyabbfester to see rejeisu#4,ovneet or bymtteesey. thrimi taeri reßeet!tily i.e. "COUPON BONDS PAYAlli* ..210 Bind/EL'. " • Ad. •Atigteftlutlit3o9loY4 MrllX COU - 'POND A . :MA(IBEIV , """ l'P°*WiiWi' oo; ,'! 47 l ! - Tk li tl* d O4l ; +f .tibl Try CorimpoodeaM la spreffilbe sift asaest, . , X** W. 4. ii 6 9 1 .. 1 4* , 11 , 1rir 274 itil•ownm, i t sf teen mt. az mut mm 6 per wasp from November 1,-1149. PiLMND heixambiriexerls is MOLD welts atii• ay . Wrei • The latereet resettle taiiiistitt NHOSltriett . thit tite4 takethiiteei or atres' nit the eitiseiti-, eiss et eat; id, gde si)to ektedvhstaceatrst 084 Witless YaeilaYwy. lallaaalMAMM payabie :a Seamus Mad Jain lad 'Ma may dieresis mat lag etteitteeal Insrilisetts to have that . titer est normal. MAXlMentaalMetti:Ol the per. Shit; Leis N seerseelbrii'mertgae• epos she entiii Lljsel NOMIYIVICi . .. 431M a d to the Ms' mew, lets!, the stet palest stt otleti• prop err eiceviiitseieikeee Aftig;No , IUND 9i atdo,,ooty*.sAir sum i!rpßovivw rclovrkg.,wkArnox ; or VIZ BONDS. ,TY.2 .XTZACT TZAJZ .4.1117,14 TRIt . COlePLltilo)l4q. . . *ssissas is for its,oocotto; et rile% r .asek • .111 4e ftHrrea *it UN far tlii .311rtimatac 2 .2 6 °flbe 'Wrests Central &amid Cosepir';'?.7emaired As btritt rrrrr r rrrrr Oiro. - • . . _ teateudog 111,1.60000•.,? kedlehtat alsortat erl,l be rUld t 0 cruaidear tieUirA the Ohio neer: herded. VW 11111W014 Neadetlw ardir to egoaratios. and thoelrealdT '4WD 'the Thole Iter slime sad aethre Odle. - The anent price Is WO sad accrued totareere A /AAA....P I Y . " - 7 4 . cArsAMY Irearded, sad la erertfAu haw , " " c 0 . 3 ,'.4 114 Pruadamat door aaour rtus the reee eacurateu la tha oar keuh both to tote welly sad zaroheorat atone caltrectra end 4.151117 absorbed. SISIL & RAT* • 13ankikre; - P. brie hived pamphlets eastellibit fell perikelere. statistical detalle, ab. 1 9 1 4 2 *4 ',bleb will be [masked lIIPOU applkallos. • ri - we iur and sag Gomm nu**. Bcads , and recO4v 6 °J ! 4l ._ ac r• !mange.. of .Zkiiike, Bankeeee•Wer ;mooncalf,' and Whet* lnibjeol ,lb check at eight. and allow inieroei on daily halarseeil; • a. M'CLEAN , it: CO; £OEITIi • No. 76 Fourth Avenue, litisbargi.