II FINANCIAL, MERMAN BANK, !co. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, FIT3'3I3IIIMEL INE!=::1 OAHU CAPITAI Stockholders Individually Liable. - 7 DANK OP IDRODUKT AND OP APODIT. JURN o YI.P adn YP t. W. 'Lw w. % , ya rro maw-row. Inp.a. M. Marshall. •Ingn M. IJannad. V. re. T.lShannon. I AreblWll Walla.. inzess W. Arrott. Jam. P. Jelly. U. Lusgtga-c-b. Ws. Floyd. • Cl, The Yank Is now reaz, orgParga and PPP."' llesog.Sgencral Banging iglglnlslls tReCOI.4I), ',,iLvER AND COUPONS, nought at Highest Prices. VT. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St and sth Ammo JAMES T. Bey & CO Co., e.JON=. CU.. • corner 'fourth Avenue and Wood St., • " Fey and sell all ande of tiOVERNRENT SECURITIES,' MAD, SILVER AND COUPONS, • tt2f 3101 , r ILVUSABLE TIMM. Or Interco,. Allowed on Depoelta. ei•Money loaned OIL 00•CALSOMIL rinsid. ••• ',el Market rates. Order, exersated for the Purchase •e.l Nate of IeTOCKIe, BONDS tams BOLD. JAI4RS_T. BRADY & CO, slnregil GaiettE. - MAN A.ND TRADE. . - Orgies r Prrnnesen GazsrrSA War, April 7, 1870: . Gold ope ed strong this morning at ' . 118, advanced liominalfy to U2X, but dooUued.ht i tbe dose td 111 X. The tin'- derime ln [gold is remarkably firm and • sharp rally would inevitably follow if it -wan Wpt fo the largo payments of gold in May, or a ro bable anticipation of,the May lid t.. The funding ' bill Is re ario Sardonl.•24 having very little influence -on wild alit the tilfeat has already been disc3neted, and- a contraction of the currency is longer thought - Cl. The main siren hof the gold market is. de rived from e large lmr arta which cob Untie unusually heavy. • • Eioveminents bonds were strong at the that board, but declined again at the moon session and cloned strong with every indication for a sharp rise. The demand, however, is only speculative. ..; --Stooks stronger and higher; with • a general advance all through. Reading advanced today to SW. Pacific Mall, 'which was strong at 37X, declined again to 98X, and closed at 47. Express shares are strong. Our banks and banking in - a:Rations report an increased demand ' for money by outside parties, and , higher rates. ' • . Bucher remains dull , aid transact lions very limited. - •• Quotations as received by Ph. R. Martz: Gold, 112. Sliver, 109; Eighty. one's, 114; Five Twenties, 1802, 11055; do,. 111114.. 100 X; do. 1865, Mk do. 1865. Consols. 108 X; do. 1867, 1025`; do. 1868. 108 3 ii Ten Forties, 1.08 X; Adams Ex press COMPatIYo 61; Marabouts Union Eipreus Company. 8; Amalgam Ex, pans lbmparty, 88; Western Union Talograph, 32Ne. New York Central. 91.1‘; Reading, 98%; Pittsburgh , Fort Wayne & Chicage, 93. X; Ohio .t. Mb eisoolppl, 29X; idlchlgici Southern, 87X; Cleveland dr Piit i argh; 10 0 9; Chicago. Rook Island a P fic, 16X; Chicago A North Western ,, K; Chicago - .2. North Western Preferred. 84%; Erie, 25. axerramm. Large Small. London, por . 56 Atria, per Trams..... !,‘ 21% 21 Berlin, tbaler 81 83 Frankfort, florins 47% 49 —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dt , Co. Gold: 1124 United Mate, Siren, 1881, 114; FiTo-Twentlea, 116%; do. 1864,1093; do. IBA 109;4; Ten-Form* 106%; FiveTwentlea, Janu. try sad July, 1866, 10830 do: do. 1867, 109 , 41 do. - do. 1868.10954; Union Pacific liauroad, 67}4; Central do, do, 90)4: CT. Pottle, 111%; Lake Superior —. ply Telegraph to the Pttlebargh Gwnt.) . New Yoe', April 7, . 1870. , . . Money easy at 506 on call, with the hulk of trim actions at a higher rate. 4 Sterling Brio and quiet at 8%@,8%. ...lUtild dell and opened at 112, touched 1 :. W 'and closed at 111%. Carrying rates ,i k OA Clearances 137,000,000. vernmenta steady on gold. Ronda heavy, and lower on currency sizes: Coupons of .'.Bl, 114 ®114%; do. '62, 110% 5a116%; ' , do. '64, ,106%®109%; do. '65, 109%(411.10%; do. new, 108%0108%; do. '67, 10144®109%; do. '6B, /01)%1A109%; 10.40 e, 106%68106%; currency 6s, 111%@ 111%. The Government bought 11,006,, 000 at 106 48 100®10712100. State bonds dull; Idissonrie 92%, old Tenuous 58%, new do 52%, old Vb.. es glid 69%, old North Carol inas 46%, • ' nosi-do Z.. • • Thesral lway marker was strung And higher on Lake Shore, New Jersey Cen tral, Reading and Northwestern. The . balance of the list was dull, and in some cases weak. The Bt. Paul directors were In Bandon to-day, arranging details for the purchase -Id` the Hastings ,t Dakota end - Western Union roads. lalacelle netrna - stooks were dull and Inn. Ex. press 'stocks were quiet, and United _ etudes deolioad. It appears that -the Governor of Pentasylvaa hu not signed the bill tbr Inquiry Int* thernneolldallon of the Lake . Shore and lialiclo anti Erie And ilia millkelit y betonle slaw. -The repoirt Ofthe defeat - of the NeWYork Central fare bill at Albanyls denied. Canton; 64%; Cumberland, 37; Western Union.rsidantPlie 3 2 M Ptelokeillar, Psi; Martpds46; preferred, 12%; Adams Ex press, 61; Wells, 19%; American, 38%; United States, 43; Patella Mall, 34%; New York Central, 92%; tioriot, fox; Erie, 24%;' , Harlem, 142%, Reading, 96%; Michigan Central, 119%; Lake Shbre,6734; Illinois Central, 13931; Pittsburgh, Ito; North Western, 73%; do preferred, 84%; Rhode Island, 11634 ; New Jersey (Neutral, 104 %; Rt. Paul, 66; do preferred 7134; Wabash, 46%; de preferred, 74; Fort Wayne, 93%. Terre .ll.aute, . 40; do pre ferred, 643{; Mileage and Alton, Ill; do preferred, 112; Ohio and Mississippi, 29%. liub-efroatritry balance: gold, 11179,705, BM; ettrrehey, 88,607,100; general bal. 6 1 1 0 %.483, 6 26,14 6 - ' ' PITTSBURGH MARKETS Orris OF PVITSEVEOH Gezerre, TUURnDLY, Apfll 7, 1870. 'Trade le mere active 'and our mar• chants, generally, appear to be doing a good humus, though they complain pf having to work on very .clone margins,. In same cues nono al all, as they have to stand the shrinkage,rhich hu taken place ire , articlaiS within the kat ripely daps. There la an active demand: far grain, and with limited arrivals and very Ned supplies, prices are Arm and well sustained. —.Provisions steady with 'n good demand and regular sales at quo. unions--dealers seem to be impressed with the belief that the bottom has been tombs& and, consequently, the market la gaining more strength. , • APPLE BUTTER—SaIes at 65(4700. AtiliEd—Gtulet and unchanged: t3om mon _hods. Ash, 4o; refined do 4 , 4; Pearls SC Pots 7ji. • . APPLES—quiet and unchanged— supply folly up to the demand; regular allo• 5ti1&f ,, 403.50 per bbl. BITZTER—PriIbe to cholod- roll le in steady demand at 374410, wbUo common and interior butter is as dull as ever. ' BEANS—We can report sake at Vat , @3,m per bushel; the outalde figure far choler. BUOK.WRRAT FLOUR—Nominal, 24. CHEESE Dull but • unchanged. Bales of Western ReserVe at hio Ram• burgs at lelics Ohio tionhen, 17)ig New . Torn Goshen, 1843D1830, ORANBERRIES—HaIIe of Beckett's' Belle Berries at 12A per bbl. CARBON OIL There le some Inquiry on western account, and sales are be ing made at 23, for ZOO barrel lots, and 231033% Ins 'mall way. _ WM/ARAL—Ls quoted, In store, at ve(dpel per bushel, as to quality. bltllai FRUlT—Continues very slug. glib and the market is completely tglut ted;nesrly every produce house being tall: ' yre continue to quote Apples 433,41340, Peaches 7x4aBmo for quer. 342100 for halves, and 18632 De for pared. Blackberries at 134314 c and pitted cherries at EGOS The arrivals but dealers, generally, seem to think that prices will he higher, as they are asking 23 when 22 is regarded as the ruling quo:ation. • FLotja—Market quiet but ateady, with affair local demand. We Continue to quote weitorn flours, In store, at 004 53 for opting; and 5,4@534 for winter, and 17@)7,4 for fancy brands. Rye nom% • t 5. GRAlN—Wheat to scarce and in the abionce of sales, may be quoted nomi nally unchanged at paegtas, for fair to prima Rod. Oats scarce and firm with 49c and titio bid, on wharf cir track—may be quoted at 59(463 for small lots In more. .Corn, also, la scarce and higher; we now quote prime oar .at 80e, and i libelled at lit ®9sc—dealers otfuriug 78 and 80c, an furnish minks. Rye la scarce but he demand_ns not very urgent; we dow quoin at bias, buying and 958 I, MA litig. Barley, 85(V0 for am' iv g and 90%95c for fall.'- LUX—Baled la being ;told on wharf and track, at $15620, though it taken prime timothy to bring the outaidu quotation. HOMINY—iB4 oi per bbl. RUSKS-2%@130... LARD OlL—le firmer but unchanged; $1,26(1,28, for Extra No. 1 and 8%90 for No. 2. LlME—Eastern white, 11,75; Cleyo land, 12,25. _ MAPLE SYRUP—SaIes at E 1,5 1,76 for gallon jnlca, as to quality. ONIONS— i2,50@2,15 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Firm with a good job. blifedemand, and prices are well MIS Seined. ,Shouldors, 12 for Plain and 1314 for Sugar Cured; Sides, 1.5 V for Embed, end 17 fa. Clear; Plain Hams, 164 i, and Sugar Cured me, @IPA. Lard, 16 In [tercet.. and 17 In kegs. Mesa Pork, M. Dried Beef, 1644-®l6O. POTATONS—SaIes of pritno Poach Blown, In store, at 45@)50 per bushel. PEANUTS—Prime Tennessee quoted • at 9@1144. PBAHL BARLEY—No. 4,6; No. 3, 644% Oatmeal, *10,50 per bushel, 15,60 per half bbl. • . PEAS—Saloa at Vd2,25 par bualial. SEEDS- Bolan salon of Clover seed a $9,41®10, and Timothy seed at fe®6!.,'. Flaxseed, a2,la bid, and none In market. SALT—Unchanged-11,80®1,85 en car oad lota, and the usual advance In store. I= O! , Flux Or YrSTEiBURGII tiA TuURIL4O&T, April 7. IS7O. The oil market la quint but steady, and while there Scenic to ho more die position to do besinnes, the sales, never theless, continue light.; Crude is re. markably stiff in the oil ;regions, which is eagle: mainly to the redaction in freights, cud as producers, have added the reduction In-freight on to the price of shippers and dealera are but little, If any better off now than lx‘fere. From Oil City to Cleveland, the rateMss boeu re. dosed to Mb per hi.l, which la the lowest rate, we believe. that the Clevelanders have ever had; while from Oil City to New York and Philadelphia, there has been a reduction of P.lie per bid. A 8 we noted yesterday, a still further roduc Lion in the rate from Pittsburgh .to the seaboard would be of groat advantage to the trade here, as It would enaolo our manufacturera to more ..anecessfully compote A Oh other rivet Points. Market strong, la sympathy with the &dykes front above, and an. Wort Is be. tog made to establish a Kill further-ad.. vance. No can report a sale ut one barge at 11%, and another at 11%; though buyers were very scarce at, the mitalde quotation. Seller to July„ MN; buyer all year, 14@1.1%. El 2 Strong In the early part of the day, but subsequently reacted and closed a little weak. May ,to December, at, or 20% fur May, and au advance of . 34 a cent for 'each subsequent' month; April to Tune, 26k; June, 27; May and June, 27; buyer all year, 20 bid—none offering at this quotation. Bale 2,000 May, at 213)4. OP PRUDE OIL ST i. T. R. R. Balaton dt Warlng . 4s6, on amount NV P K 41: Callan OIL. Works 310, on no Count L W Young; CBI i. 912 Oil Works 3A/, on account K 14 Long; Eacle NM Works 643, on ac't B B Duncan; J Wilkins 16.1, on'account F W Martin: Jav Wilkins 320; on account, Phil's and Batton Pet Co: J tiallagloorp6o, on account U Palau; D Bly A Co 52.,.0n account J Kunkle; A B hullis 69, ou account W Ittrtio. Total • b 16,4 . , . Citizens 011. Work. 535 bids refloat! to Tack Bro. t Co.; Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan, S. A Co, 200 tibia re lined to Logan, Bro. A Co.. Phil'a. J. - A. McKoo 260 Ws relined to. W. P. Logan Bro. A Co., Philadelphia. A. H. Bell A Col to bble parafine, to A H. Bell 4 Co., Phil's. H. Koehler A SO bbla relined to W.rinlC.M. A Co., Phll'a. Total 1,099 tthls. SIIII•MMNTs EAST AT I t!,os,:ssE DEPOT. MaCIIIII.OIIOII Refining; Co., K.. 3 big. ref. oil to A. it. McHenry, Phila. Hutchinson Oil Co., 115 bids benzine to A. IT...McHenry, PITTSBURGH CATTLE 11A10:1,1T, PICNIVA CICIfTRAL BTOCIC YARDS, TILUBSDAY, April 7, 1K70.t OATTLE. Tha offerings wore again light thi week, and as there were qulto a number of buyers In attendance, a much larger number of cattle could have been mold If they had only been here. The sales thus far this week only reached eleven car Wade, nine of which wore for New York, one for Philadelphia, mid one for some other point not mentioned. It le proba ble that fifty car bade could have been sold instead of eleven, and that, too, at good prices, but as already intimated the stock was not here, and at noon to. day there wore but two car loads in the pens unsold. The great proportion of the Mock that formerly came here from the west, la now being shipped from the west to the east by another route. There is scarcely enough doing to eatablish quotations, though prices ruled high, and all kinds of cattle broughk big figures.' Or:dicer load very fine smooth steers, weighing 20,040 Hey brought 8;45, and a drove of 84 head of fairish cattle, averaging about I.= lbs, sold at 7%. Stock cattle may be quoted at 15 @ 0 , sx to quality and condition. FRIDAY, April I.—Orr Williams for Canteen 14, wgt. 16,450, at 7,62%; Holmes, L. A Co. for L. B. Thud 10, wgt. 8.100, at 5,25; same for Knick 19, wgt. 19,000, at 8,50. WXDRREIDAY. April 6.-11 , L. A Co. for C. Pfeiffer 84, wgt. 104,800, at 7,6254; same for Johnston dr. Price Mk wgt. 21,- 750. at 7,50; same for same 5, wgt, 6,13 e, at 8,8214: Thos Kerr to Jaa 'Martin 15, wgt. 20,040, at 8,45; Jas. Maudlin to Win. Kelly 2 extra enure, wgt. 4,090, at 9,00; Jas. McCauly to. same 1 do cow, gt. t,500 at I ir,o. Tuunsuar. April 7.--Wilton rk 1 art to Jae. McCauly 2. wgt. 2,790; nom to came 4, wgt. 4,050; El., L. A Co. to K lly 01 averaging 1,225, at 7%. HOOll. Market steady with a—demand ut equal to the annply, and prices, cam. pared with last week. have undergone ncrquotable change. York Bogs quoted at 8%9c, and Philadelphia 'Hoge at 9% @lOO. BIM The receipts havoboen larger this week than usual, but with n continued good demand, prices are firmly main :Gained. One drove of extra, averaging 140 pounds, brought tic, and 2 car load,. of very lice. averaglog)loB lbs, cold nt 834'. Ciomi 90 to lOU lb stamp. may be quoted at 7(48 Some O'er JU ear loade of clipped sheep chatigli hands at bO as to quality. - • MARKET'S BY TELEGRAPH - - New Yonn, April7:—Cotton firm, with sales of 1500 bales at :..n!la fur middling uplands. Flour—rocemts 8371 bblw— h2vy, with salea of 3400 bbla at 14,3550 4A for superlino State and western, 54,6505,30 for extra State, $4,60f95,45 foe' extra western, $5,154 - 0,10 for white wheat extra, $4,80(46 for round hoop Ohio, 1550 6 for extra St. Louie, 10,10508 for good to 'choice do. Rye flour quiet, with sale's , of 200 bble at 14454,50. Cornmeal quiet. Whiskey unsettled, with salon of 30e bids western at 11,05(11,06 for free, chiefly $1,05, and 500 bbiti, seller May, at $1,06!4. Wheat—rocir s 43080 bush—steady with a good demand; sales of. 69000 hush at $1,10501,13 for No. 2 Milwaukee, $l,lO for No. 1 do., $1,11134(01,30 foreounnon white Michigan, 11,51 for No. 3 spring. Rye quiet. Barley nu:lady. Corn—reoelpto 1000 bush—ism abade Armor, with sales 30000 hash at f I,oB4l,CBPfor new mixed western, $1,117€)1,08 for old do. In store, $1,1034501,11 for new yelloW Jersey and Southern. Receipts oath, 3244 bush—oate active and decidedly 1 firmer, with sales of 78,000 bush at .5850 590 for we tern in atom, 61340 for do afloat and 63®670 for Ohio • anu State. Rice dull. • Coffee quiet. Sager firm, with sales of 800 hints Cuba at 0509340 and 76 boots: Havana at 9c. Mohamed' dull. Petroleum firm at 1434@149;0 for crude and 06,8‘50270 for railcard. Reps (pilot Linseed oil dull. Turpentine quiet at 1463450470. Pork quiet and steady, with oaten of 470 bbls at $275027,12 for more, $19.25021 for prime, and 120,505020,75 for prime mass; also 2759 bbl, new mesa seller April, May and Juno at 128; also 250 blots seller April at 126,95. Beef quiet; sales 380 bbis at 10®15c for new meas. 114 5)17,50 for new extra mess. 'Berm beef arm; salsa 70 tea at .$25(.428 for prime mess; and 628(g,30 for India mom. Beef hams steady; eaten 350 bbl, at $2BOO for new. Cut meats steady, with more doing; suttee 000 !Aga at 10,4 6 '41.20 for shoolders,l4%Ql6c for hams. Middles quiet; n deg zzo boxes at 12544 - 012 Xe for Cumberland cut, 14c for abort ribbed. Lard arm; sales 500 tea at 14341:4160 for eteam, 16@b6'‘c kettle rendered; also, 1000 COt steam. eellar May, at 15":®153:o. Butter lower at 140320 c for Ohio. I.:heese brut ut 14@i10e. Freights to Liverpool quiet end• unchanged. Exports for the week—flour 4935 bids, wheat 231,550 bet, oorn 1140 by, oats 1000 W.I. pork 1911 bbls, beef 805 Ws, 20% tee, cut meats 411,551 11.., turd 090,052 Latest —Flour closed dultand without =acrid change in the price. Wheat quiet cud unchanged, with ealee No 2 spring at 11,a)@1,12%; Winter red and amber western at .$1,23@1,*. Rye m on. Oats firm at 59®61!i0 fur western In atom and afloat. Corn rather quiet at 11,08Q1,05% mew' mixed western. Pork very quiet at $ 20 . 9 54 27 for Ines.. Beef steady with a rie.r.tientand. Cut Mesta firm with a lair inquiry. Bacon quiet. Lard quiet at 15N® i6c calih,ls%c ;or April, 15;,i'c for May, and 15/o seller throe months. E,girti steady at 20c. Chicane, April 7.—Flour dull and on changed. Wheat lees active at 88c for No. 1 and 75%@76,5ic for No. 2. closing_ quiet at 76%c; this afternoon market was unsettled at 75q,746e, cash. and seller April, awl 72n0 seller May. Corn quiet at 78%®70c for No. 2. 78@)79.3 tar new, and 700 for no gradei; this afternoon market firm at 7834079 c cash, and 81t.;c seller May. Oats di@l)fc higher, closing at 39,1-‘4O cents for No. 2. Rye qniet, closing at 690071 cents for No. 2. Barley noninal at 45(g:56' for No. 2ln store. nigh Wines weaker at 1M,03 for wood, $1,03,,t6€11,04 for Iron bound. Moon Pork firm at 826,25; lard 16t‘c; dry nailed shoulders , loose at 10®10t‘c; rough sides 130. . Receipts for-past 24 hours: 1,901•13bla flour. 5,600 bush wheat, 21,476 bush oats, 11,200 bush rye, 2,376 bush barley, 4,951 hogs. Shipments: 4.310 bbls flour, -30,498 bush wheat, 11,029 bush corn, 5,_416 bush ords.l-5 000 bush barlby and 2,151 hoot CIECINNATI, April 7.—Flour steady; family $5,15@5,40, extra $4,76. Wheat brisk at 51,08(41,11. Corn 051 lii7e. Osis steady at 50(0)56:. Rye ad var.oed to 90@ 950. Cotton drooping; middling uplands Tobacco—calm of hhda at 14,40318, and 20 boxes of Ohio seed leaf at $41,80047,70. Whisky quiet but steady at 11. Mow cork in demand at $27. Bulk meats sold at 10;0, 1434 c and 150. Bacon very firm; shoulders aides lb,ite, clear rib Me. and augar - cured hams 17® 18e. Butter firm at 31@.47e. liggs 111 e. Cllsvvie stony at 15@lac. Petroleum: refined 20(4128c. Sugar steady; prime Note Orleans 120012i1e. Coffee very firm at 18542230 fur Rio. Cloverseed firm at 16@16;.c. Timothy In light supply Ind tirm at $6,511. Flaxseed in demand for seeding, and advanced to 111,90, ST. LOUIS, April 7.-Cotton firm -at la We:No. Ileum quiet and unchanged. Flour, fall aupertibe, $4, 'choice extra, 14,50, and double extra at $1,60@1.75. Wheat, No. 2 red fall 11,07, choice $1,2/34 ®430. Corn Is very dim for mixed; 90@92c for white. Oats higher at 54(451c. Ityo; salon or good to prima at 73(D75e. Whisky llrtn at *1,02. Porkt miles earl v. at 127427125, and held at the clono at ftt7,59625. Dry malt meat held Ighor, with inTaaltri. -Bacon [lnn, Kith only aalos,of clear aldkar at 16'c, and hold at tho clone at Iltio for ahoulderv, 15%@L6c fur Boar rib, and 16 . 3.0 for clear • , • T.—Finer Sfeady and unchanged. Nye anur• dull at Fl 75 qis 50.• Wheak—no sedan arid nominally unchanged. Corn very firin and 2e bet ter: new No 2 held at pee. rejected d o 35igitidc, old No 1 nominal at 95(.596c. Oata quiet and unchanged. llyn quiet and unchanged. Barley pretty firm At a range of ler_Ntate and Camila. - Petroleum—nothing done fu retinal!, hat hold at 23C1,2334c on spot; crude a 'Lade timer and held at 15 2.5 spot; ;tales 1000 hbla, seller September, at 15 15. ritutAnNheirlA, April 7.1. - /our is ad calnied 2.5 e; sales of super at 114,50045. Wheat higher and reeglylit light; Pen n aylvinia red 111,30@1,23T white $1,35® 1,45. Aye hold at 111,05. Corn active and advanced; aides of yellow at 111,0b43 I,;Q. Bate In fair demand and un- Chinned. - Potrolcum firm& ; hollers ask 25,Sic fur relined and Me for crude . Provisions advancing. Itteln Pork held nt I'7. Whlnky . sl,os@l,oB. . Louitormt.n. April 7.—Cotton firm, with sales 01 iniddlingi. at 21 , Z0. Flour 15 COM 93c. - Wheat 11,1041,2% BY. 0.10.. tins 03c. Sugar 120. M0145e91 1 .7::c. Provisions w apcculative denoted In an ticipation of an advanco. Pork 12.4. Bacon and 1114 u.. 'Bulk meats 1.13 end 155,1 c. Batumi 1211 i. Whls. keY SI. Tobacco; sales 250 Meta at_ 11,00 @7 for Crush to Imps and 17, 5 0061,(h.) for low to fancy leaf. Itaurtmotta, April 7.—Flour firm and active with WeAlorri superfine at 14,03% (45,00. Wheat steady at 11,3001,45 Corn active wi? whito AL 11,07 and yet low at 11,03. 'tata active, at Mr- Me m. Pork at I.l7,so@its,oo.Bacon firm with rib sides at 1514 c, Clear aides 104% shoulder. 12,4 c and 19(i120c for LAM,. Lard firm at 10,,. Whisky firm at 1401. 1.11311m15, April 7.--C,ottini.qulet and firmer at Y2Ne: reoriptallS7 tialea:eiports 1,434. Flour 11,5030,50. Corn 930011. Hay /270928. Bran /28(.2..1. Lard 10N gine. Pork 137.501428. Bacon; shoul ders 110,./coddes 15(11/614c. Bulk moats: ithoulders 10c, aides 11(115e. • • ..- .14ssitvit.L11 ; April 7.—Colton firm: low tuldthing 21e, good ordivary 1113.1 c; stock 5370 1,5100. Becon—clear shire lec, shoulders hams lesl, low Igo. Flour at $4030 for auper to fancy. Corn 'at 11 delivered. • TOLEDO, April 7—Wheat dull, amber Michigan $1.05, No 1 red held at i 1,1234. No 2do $1,0534. Corn: No 187 c, No Sold 89c. Clover need 25c hotter at IS. • Mibwaugeg, April 7.—Flouraominal. Wheat unsettled, 8334 c for No.l, 7634 - c fur No 2. Ciatc Mtn at 430 for No 2. Corn, rye and barley nominal. CEICAOO, April 7.•—lloge active at Is® 012 fur common to good even lots. Cattle active and firm at s'u(@Bso for common crows to fancy chipping steers. Ditynorr, April 7—Whcal: No 1 white $1,15E0106. oats 510 - ys3c. Barley $1,55 .per rental. Clover seed; salts at mu® 8,90. ST. Lows, 7.—Cattle steady and in good demand at eiR7,5O. logs in fair demand at 7,41:49349. Dry Goods Mar►ct NEw Yong, Anril 'l.—nothngs a Intl° - mare animated, yet the market woo far from active, and prtee.,teady. We have only to Italica a reduction of. Great Fells, and Lyman H. Brown dull from lb to 163..je. • IMPORTS BY RAILROAD Craivehmili Ann Ila sextuftaN RAIL. Road, Aprit 7.--8 cars lake sup ors, Shoeuberger, B - h Co; 4do do, Jones & L; 3 do do, Brady's Bend Iron Cu; 1-do do, W Clark A Co; I do do, Bryan A Csughey: 6 lAN paper, F Wools; 8 bide biffif, Watt, I, A Co; 8,000 ft lumber, It A Clarke; 1 ear potatoes, Vangorder h hi; 30 hf ibis tish. J I_l Lippincott; 1 cask one, Park A Co: 1 bbl o tobacco, F 0 Baker; 1 bx tio,AV R McMullin: b cases paper, F Woods: 10 bbls 1 beer, J Reealer; 33 eke rags, McCullough, S & Co; 10 tubs butter, W II tired; 3 cake cheese. Ladrach; 4 bbis eggs, Robt Post; 3 eke beano, 4 do dry apples, M W Rankin; 3 lib's eggs, 2 ban butter, 1 bx corn, 2 tubs do, Volga, Mahood A Co; 109 Jugs syrup, Bruggerinen & 0'13; 40 do do, 0 W Mo. Cluro; 5 oils potash, Day A Co; 8 do eggs, H Rea Jr; 1 do ;10, Volgt, M & co; .4 bids app:os, 1 do onion setts, 7 do eggs, 3do onions. Raudol ph A 8; 3 tubs eggs, 13 bids apples, W ii Graff dr. Co; 7 bids apples, Bruggerman A O'B; 20 do do, L IPanchard; 3 Wit eggs, Volgt, M A Co; 2 ears lumber, Hugh Denning; 108 eke I corn. Mciiipie A. A. PITTSBURGH PORT WATNS AND OBt cane, RAILROAD. April 7.-0 cars metal, N hoick A Co; I do do, Bryan & Oeughey; 2 do do, Superior Mills; 1 do do, (foie. man, R h llo; 1 dodo, Zug A Co; 1 do do, I Totten A Co; 100 bbls flour, Laing & Me- Kslllp; 44 'An rage, Roht Christy; 2 bbla eggs, 3do onions, WoOdworth D; 1 bbl eggs, P Duff & ROD; 16 bide flour, El S I Marvin; 3 dos broncos , 150 brill, flour, 72 bgs barley, Houck, Jamison' A Co; 20 cases matches, 2 Utile grease, Hartle & Ewing; it bids potatoes, 3 do onlous, Day A Co; 165 Nig oati4 -- Bricker & Co; I' bbl eggs, .1 J Pettit; I do do, 12 bgs potatoes, Paul A - Gibson; 124 bag f Jars, Atlantic, (;base Co; 11 aks kgs, Davis, Chambers A Co; 10 bills g hides, N Holfstottf 11 bills onions, Means dr.Oodln; 4 mks 'rags, , 1 bbln eggs, 1 be butter, H Riddle; 1 elk ;I apples. 60 Liza cheerio, H Dilworth A Co; 12 eke rags, tiodfroy & Clark; .2 cars l 'meet:One, 13raff. Bennett A Co; 25 bee starch, 25 hf bids flab, 10 qr do do, Ha worth& I); 18 age barley, 200 bids flour, Culp & Shepard; 100 do do, &homelier L; 6 bee soap, F W 0 - Feld; 40 .bxs soap, Watt, Lang & lko; 10 bbl, dour, Shepard & Davis; 100 bids floury r 1.7 Jenkins h Dro; 10 aka feathers, F Craighead; 10 Ws whisky, Adler, Rosenberg A Co; 26 sowing machines, W Sumner & Co; 20 bf hbla ash, 10 qr do do, 8 Evert & Co! 20 bbli sizing, J A. Me- Kee; 10 - do do, 3 Woodwell & 00; 6 bbls gin, Little A 10; 23 bbls peas, Brugge' , man &O'B; 26 tee hams, j S Dilworth A Co: 30 ice shoulders, J P Hanna A Co. • • • CINCINNATI AND ST. LOD% RAILIIOAD, April ear htt good., Dr W Sarver; 1/ bble apples, 8 do eggs, 17 e bble, Dilworth, it II; 81 do do, Spencer k M; 1 keg mdse. J BtaKay; 1 Id! beg., Campbell dt C; 100 bole Hour, F. Bearietoni bze candles, W Or. Co; 10 bble whisky, .1 , Rochendorfer; 4 bag medicine, W Paulin; 2 obis whiskey, J Kennedy; 4 tea asucage, B'f/oilers; 2 do do, Dalzell A T; 1 box mdsa •.1 Halpin: belle bide ., C Wettach &bon; Edo do, roPik Bit Co; 6 pkgs paper, J Lublin; 5 PITTSBURCEI DAILY GAZEITE bble Whiskey, H W 'Beaumont, 25 do do,' R A &Tarlton; I do do, W Darn 15 dodo, I Stern; 4 do Iron, Lloyd A 13; 10 doz hemes. J Herdmen; 5 bbls cullett, Bryce W & Co; 5 bdle stands, Lemon A W; 7 bales, tow, G H Denier; 1 bbl b fluid, J Kosher, 9 ball tobacco, Means AC; 10 dos hams, Loughery A 1 box butts, Logan A 0; 50 bge barley, 7 bdle bags, Gilmore • &S; 23 bge corn, W Hagan; 1 bbl eggs. Meanor & ff 1 bbl potatoes, G W Snyder; 6 bge do, A P Thompson; 6 kg. butter,l bbl onions, M. W Rankin: lot h • h goods, Andemon A 0; 100 bble flour, Seghmyer A V; 10 do whisker, R Woods A Co; 11 do eggs, s_do apple., 1 do !seed, W H Graff; 11 do egg', J A Graff; 6 do do, 1 keg butter, 1 bag meal, J J Pettit!; 6 bble g apples . ; 3 do onion., dead A M. A LLHHOIiNT VA I.l.fili RAI LROA D April 7.-68 care coal, Kier, F A K; 54 do do, Armstrong, D A Co; 18 do do, Cole man, It A Co; 30 eke_ oats Adam. AA; 7 bbls eggs. 2 skis rage, J . Hickerman; 5 calves, J Hoffman, 3 bble eggs, 1 PM/ • butter' J Shot; 1 car hay, Long A M; .33 eke c seed, .1 Craig; 2 bbl. eggs. W Kirkpatrick A Lb; 6 tills trem. J R A A Murdock; 1 car wheat, W McKee A 1 do lime, D L 'Reynold., 4 do metal, McKnight A Co; 2 do I stone, 18110enber• car, 11 & Co; 2 bells it molts, I sk hair; W Flaccne& Son; 45 blthi whiskey, Llttell A Mechling; P!TT96OROII A CON NELLAVI LLB RAIL. ROAD. April - 6.-10 bble whisky, W Welsh A eml do do, C Oble; I do do, .1 Able; 1 do do D Haworth; I do do, A. Torrence.l do do, J (*senor; 3 do do, W Leech; 20 bat' dhooped feed. C 'AMUR: car metal, Pittsburgh Bolt Co; 1 car metal, Dunbar Iron Oa; 35 bble cement, WII Kit kpatrlck A Co; 1 car grain, McHenry H; 1 MU leather, li H Anderson; 150 Wile paper, Smith & T; 300 bdle sheet Iron, W T Armstrong. ALLEontsolz STATION, April 7.-20 Id bbl' w Osh, J Craig; 10 'blots, 40 aka flour, CI McConnell; 3 bblKertge, G Meyer; tot bacon, J Robes; 1 Oar metal, Rogers A B; 184 eke flazaeed, M B Suy dam, 50 lers barley, Smith & Co; 14 nide. A Holtaine; 2 oar. Metal, Lewle, B & IMPORTS DV RIVER CINCINNATI PER JUNIATA, April 7.- 115 hides, 8 Harbaugh d Co; O bga [oath: era, F Craighead; lank' feathers, Allen Kirkpatrick dt Cu; 10 do do, Jon Craig; 9 do do, S Ewart d Col 12 hales tow, Fol. ton A Hopper; 12 do do, T B Twang; in bbl, whisky, if W Beaumont d Co; lk hales button, Boise.,Bell A Co; 6 ice bacon, H Childs Co ,12 bales hemp, ll Gorwfg ' d Co; 608 bdlo cooperage, Phil- Bps d kit 30 tone metal, LOOMIS d Col lard; 12 bids eggs, 54 bales hay, 47 bble potatoes, 15 bbis apples, P Dud& Son; 8 pkgs butter, 4 do eggs, Voigi• H & Co; 2 do do, 2 dry fruit, illies.lr; 118 mks pots. toes, .1' W Fairley; 2.000 hoop Poles, J Collins; 5 picks eggs, Meanor A Harper; 5 pkgs cigar,, T W Baker; 2 bola eggs, J Woodwoll; 62 eke potatoes, 1 0 Graham; 3 bbl. cage, J A tlratf; 15 bble do, 2 do onion setts. W C Armstrong; 5 do do; - Vaugorder A 8; 13 bbla ogre, owner.; 339 eke corn, Bose ~,.Ewing; lot Barnitrire, Berger; do do, Denier A. Bon; do do, wain, & Loftier; do db. Meyer A Son. Pirremmon, Bnownsytt.tx Ann Hu- NIVIA Patmsr, April 7.-10 bbl. flour; W H Greif; 122 eke barley, Gilmore, S A. Co; 39 hogs, John Hero; tasks catkins, W Fintany 1 bbl eggs, a do onions, M W nankin; 10 bbl. crackers, Kramer A hobo: 50 eke oats, A Carlisle; 8 hoed cattle, J Collin; 56 bble ipotesi D Gannon 14 do do, Bigger J< Lowly. 75 bss w glass, V. Schmertz-0i bbls eggs, 2Ws t cent, D Lash; 0 bbislegge, 2 like onions, Sant Mc-Lakn bbla egg. Bdo onions, P Purr A Son; 6 . pkgs eggs, Johnston A Colvin. - NOTICES IaritUARTEHLY DIVIDEND. }last I.•itoic•a; DANK. rtiraitraun‘r,., to Vitt:Demi% 'I rust twintiaut.t I The Directors of tes t Data Dave Ott. ilty • eared • divi.lead of TllB DX PICK lIPIN T.: ore the Capital Mock oat ut the preeta of the bay three months. paysible forthwith, free of Mat ••• tioeeeopeet tat. J. It. Atett.4. Ins. Casale, • ',VA. SP 3•CUa..- rCONSIMPTION. DR. MID ISNDA•II CULIIDNIU tSYM.Hr !or lb care of (pa tie. vow. end Consumption. SKAWY KU ItrNl.: fur le I. of llystuipata and all the Ili Co Comp tlo tr nt ot Ottawa:h. jut:•.,..kSii.'sl • ala):ll , ll.a 1'11.1.13, fo Di•es-tr of toe Liver or to acS as a actin, ear. Ai , of Mae throb ided.t.es are often redintr,l In ,jog Con,ontnntlon, though thr ruing.* Tllc r l pratt . n< tbc dtotha ln n r.2. iathl a Myer, a , a r , help. &ht. Wand. The.. 11, 11,Iner ar,c..ao,truLtana , s n• lb. na the. onty .•fv, ,main and rriaz.t, thaw l'oarnon•ry O'cnen n, nth... and fur Ali timape Morbid cundlll.ns of Ina, nod) which Ir. tm that (Mal allense. Idtr eun_p:s St and itra are•orten forrrnent 11 or Cononitl , 4l. and la ICA Mary inanlntat tlaconantirea ther m /..”. the t. pronoplato.l4 ... . • The 1.1.1. nun ic le 8.f.) id • nstAtelne which hao had ...Inn vouhatloo. borer< the pahlle. . . . . yen..oo, proved by tho thoosan.l cur. It ba throbeh torind of more than thlyty..ll. In later which time It menistioa pas in [reefed. and tho most obel'emio stepthetene c 9 : 19115.r slonLit. that 11 Is s ne.undf Which In• settee.. coull.lettes In all mot. Is bleb sass f If the ysflent 0 , 111 perseveringly. lonnw the dl resnions which socoutpany each bugle. be, .111 certainly Ince:yd s If his les,. srt sot •wo leveled to make • care pouted.. Even In tufe tueensed to be Incurable. erten friends and tate eleiaos have despaired, the use of thls litedtchst hassaved the Ilfe of the patient and restored Mtn to perfect Of &lib. Dr. Schenck does not say that all cates of Puo mynas" f.fansysnptiou are ieftlitn the ere eh of ne akin.. but be ensphatlenlty asserts that often when paticn hate Mil meat alarsat.2ll,7mvtom. seen as • vbilmt eel,. envision chills •rtht .reau. general C . evf it to snob as sir Mat they are °Wised l de In bed, cad whelk they are .11.• • In: in Inert physlelan fhty shay still bsenewiestionterlicel Treatment tat Create new longs, but when the hints are very sadly diseased tad to some extent destroyed, a. OM' 1.7 en ef t eeted belts. ttehen Jr. medicines. Alto. in nerofolosa Inseases. WO. midterm" ase equally_ ea< eat. In. eschew le tins 'photo graphs of a number of persons who have bees nearly covered with to aorta alld now cii bested Up. This shows Its P•orrinK hrtrwitle‘s which moot be able to heal ea. I ins In the lungs. In toe tre , tenent of ennsmaption It is el tha Utmost Importance to Coe obo ago areuthy tone to tne smtem. Ilene° It I I ...snare to a'gc..lbvii the .atamita at the nab...luta WI• prove the illgenton• rtOrret nourlohment le re De together with nog mean. aa will most the good gully dlomtlble. The Reticle, most milloble foe the diet of (loam. sloe pane. 0 art deshenatid let ht., Schenck's Almeaa.. which are dlourlanteg arataltonely In general, thy moat highly article. are to bc pre. ferred.but the decent. orguisto be Iti en gth• toed In order to make Other load or medicine . . . . serviceable , . Thus toyelrement la tort by the decanted T0nic....1 for this Dumont It it. der ewe d s Ilse ellneatire p wen are put In good order. the fnotihus It. prowl. effects the eines. of Use patient la Invinoratid and al e lenge be. In to e aerate their fonetione to a normal and • eallky manner. Then the healing Towel of relstionle niyn!p will eff.et the earn Cahoon-. yr lwrosureptb.ll Ls almost always corny Islicatedi Wilt Dyepepass • Pill" Complaint. Stbenellei Mandr.• rills are In retied to re. heamore Wrack°. from the Liver and restore ° healthy neskro. They have WI the r Ilear7 . whkh le ascribe to calomel or ••blue mug..' and are warranted not to eaglets • parkiele of any colas oral woken. That Pills cure the meat obstleete eoellsencec, klek headache. pile.. bilious sews itli. other dikasees whmh Oilte noon • torpid or obstructed condltloo of the Liver. One box of there pills will prows the Orkney of the medicine. • In ckneumpt on the Pea Weed Tonle and M.: drake Pill. Ore Invaluable auxiliary medicines Tiny roller, the angering. of the patient and Thle{ thr Pultoonk syrnp In electing a cum. ey hive been found okfut In advanced stares, of CoaiamoUon. where the thugs are almost en lirely destroy.' and all sYmptones according tn. the yo I. of tbe yslelS• I , leste ot • spe.4T death. Th e I Wet of patients who were actually In• d,tn• indltlon hare been preserved for months by the ore of aabatmliVa three great rexo" knee. • lir, Lichenek'e Alutarotemintatros a fall trestle.: OP • tjur •arons forme of disease. hi. mode of treatment. aan general sUrrellons how to WC lila hiesliclne. eau be had truths, or seut by No r th addrorting his Principal (Mee. No. 16 eleth Welk. Philadelphia. Plll. Pike cd the Pulmontellyrup and Meows:est Toe• IC !settsl,sll per bottle, or 61,110 • half dozen. ht.erakePlll,llll tent. • box. Inc stale by all 'entagtsts stel7sdkr. arDocrou W lIITTIER CONw TIN LIES TO Tiit.AT ALL NIUTATZ DINNAIINS. That mmerosselass of cams result log from scifesbusa. pre. acing onmatillness. nervous debility, Orrtablllly, emotions, Msinal eadealons, an 4 finally imostcncy permanently cored. Nervous aSinted with delicate. Intricate pad long standing constitutional mmllial no r olitely lmllmi to call fur consoltatton, which costs nothing.lC:Pretence, the belt of Learners, has ee hm to perfect remedies at ones ert clout, sore, permaumt. and which la most cater 'Cnbe urtel without hindrance to business. MM. low prepared In the ertabilahment, Or me. ° Mee, reerpilon and waning rooms( also boarding Mid Mottling apartments for loatlrst requiring deny personal attention, awl vapor Ind chemical bathhjAna concentrating the famed I d pining,. So matter who have faile d, state your fa VV. Wadwhat he nays in his pam phlet of fifty pages. Pent to my adders! , for two stamps in waled envelope. Thousands of eae n. tee Med mmally, at erten and all or, tbo try. Consultation free, pertonally or Office No. Wylie atreet, (near Cou rt llonm) Nittslmerb. r.. Hours IP to If P.S. Pun days IS st. Sr. x. Pamphlet sent to any Me sto dress fur led RUMP,. - W.DATCHELOWS ISAURDIE. —This splendid 11Ws bri Is the best In the - world. Hanalei., reliable. doe., nut COntale le•41, nor any effasfe potion to petentce paralyele or (meth. Avoid the 'Merited and PreparaUuna losoLlue Urine . s , thei ralT t liTt& had Stryttrolf:rtl . trntr:elZa n. thin to uphold Its Integrity an the only Correct Halt 0, 1 ,-8 / B ah or Afro.. field by all Um" , 'IAA polled at IA Bowl Horst. N. Y. fa IarJUST OUT. CLUTOBat. 1011 COLDS. COINIMA SONIC THROAT AND BRONCHITIS. Norte ...A. None so plealleDt• Nat"J'artkne O. 10 /War Ne d lore. Use go wn oof those sarrlble Mete nears Ina "Bro C oomet. things." .Is2l REMOVALS D R. EIPBECHEE, MEDIOAL ELECTRICIAN, Ilse removed to iatiT PENN MTRXICT. N. 1.1.-Ibe floor tillable to hie for treatuarit arc received at the oaten betweex9 sod 9 X for ameliorate treat. ut. REMOVAL. DR. I. U. mamma, 11.. removed biaotbee and nektonic* to the tee ner of 01110 end BIAYIR SIJITSTS. •I'S . DU. Z. C. 01,00101101 f. Has removed hls amt► and realdence to VIR GINIA ITREET, Mt. Washington. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1870. RIVER NEWS. The river ountinuee to reoede steadily with IN foot In tho channel last evening. Weather mild and pleasant—thermome ter in the afternoon, 60. . The Juniata, with an excellent trip arrived on Wednesday night and de parted again last evening. She was be hind time In getting. In having been delayed by a heavy way business. • The Camelia departed for Nashville, with a fair trip, and engagements below. Capc.,.f. T. Stockdale has contracted with Porter, at Shonstown, for a hull for a mammoth aide wheel freight eleamer. The ditneusionn are as follow.: Length on deck, 300 fee; 15 feet beam; 9 feet depth of hold; capacity, 2,500 to 2,800 tons. She will be completed by next fall, and will be placed In the St. Louis and Cairo and New Orleans trade. W. IL Brown, - the _well-known - coal man, has disposed of the towboat Collier, to Messrs. Mathew", 3. O. Pollock and M. O. Fish—price ;10,000. The Glendale, Capt. Hare, will posi tively depart for St. Lords on Saturday, and passengers and Wpm* should bear this in mind. , She Is a brat class boat. The Messenger, Capt. JO5BO Dean, will depart for Missouri River tomorrow.. Here is an excellent opportunity for families emigrating to the west. Mr. J. C. Fisher still retains charge of the oilier,. W. H. Brown, and N. J. Bigley, have each contracted for new towboats. The . S. Diary's. from Cincinnati, la duoto marrow. She will load here for St. Louis. The new and rosily elegant Jake Su. perior, Capt. Warden, In announced to depart for the Upper Mlsalaalppi on Tuesday next. She will be followed on Saturday, the 16th, by the Rod Wing. also a bran new boat. The Reserve is en route from St. Louie to Pittsburgh. The Petrol's mashed In her pilot home yesterday, while attempting to pass under the Monongahela bridge... —Capt. T. E. Dfalre]; fir many a year commander and owner of ateatuboate, Bled the 69th of last month in Clinton, Mo., at the ago of a yearn. Capt. Oral fon commenced ateamboating in 1652 as second clerk of Lho steamer Kate Swim- My: he continued ou the river until after the war In. varioun capaosties, sett was the well known builder of aeyeral famous Missouri river packets. among which can be named the Live Oak, David Tatum, Meteor and sever others. • =;•A dispatCh from Milwaukee, WIS., dated tho4th, says: Thk freshet in 5111- .waukoo river continues. The water has 'reached a lughor tango than for a num ber of years. All nolnte along the river are flooded. The ensue that were looked In the harbor escaped yesterday. dome are suffering for food and fuel, but no serious results. The Keokuk Gate City, of gutidny says: Lynch, tha notorious ruffian - 1110 figured so conspicuously In the atenruor Dub:wino riot last sommer, passed op on the Minneapalts, yosterday, en route for Rock 'shod.' We understand he has - confessed lila aunt and will waive °rand. nation. Ho was firmly encored in Irons. —The ateainer Richmond ran . into the Lank opposite Ituahlowu Bend, twenty fiko miles bolow St. Louis, et half pent ten o'clock Vieduesday night, and Capt. tiroori was.tlu'owlug fccight overboard at hod accounts to keep hor frotu Tho Iliowark went to her wen, —T4o Cincinnati Commercial says: Since the death of Capt. Stubblefield. the ateituer Ida Rena has been placed in chaigu of.ludge 7no. T. Smith, who will noon :last her for Galvoston. Tho par don who killed Capt. Stubblefield lead not beemarrested at hat aetrollata. —The Cincinnati, Big •Sandy and Portsmouth Packet Co. kayo purchased three eights of Copt. Kerr', now Porta mouth and. Pittaburgh peeket. During low water alio will act as n aubetituto fur one of their adenters: —Capt. A. McDaniels, late of ;the steamer • Emporer, recently purchased the small steamer Seattle Gilbert, at the United States Marshall's sale, at . Bar. kerahurg, for t 1.825. The bust Is en tirely new and cost 6,000. —4lipt. J. H. Dunlap, forerner_lY onEn wander orthe Cincinnati and New Or leans steamer J.4l.oroesbeck, has been appointed to the cominand of the St. Patti pokes Sucker State. a dealer in bar stores. Mom• phis, has made' a bid of 'fi," for the I,foprivilegies of the bar on the new boat now building here by Cap: Jelin Ad am. for the W hlte rl v,r trade. —ln an an ray bt Now Prinaoa, Mn day night, John. Vondorgrlf, a nt.0111111)0 man, obot and k Mod Bob. 111 (the steamer Pauline Carroll. No pa tertian. —The ehierof die Maysville police u old tivor man, who !oat "ens when *math. battle of the Nile." HO hi none to less atilvo, boweVer. • • —The Kato Putnam and St. Marys were advertnaid to leave einchnnati for Pittsburgh on Wediosaloe. —The new packet Idlowlid, for the Eraneellhr trade, will be ready next Monday. RIVER PACKETS II:= FOR CA I R 4). 19 LOUIS, LIe.SINOTON. R. ANL m at , CITY. MCA% a. MWoRT/I CITY. ATt•Ill. mi.N. NY. L XVII. WHITE. Cb 1,111). YILLP: NKIIII•ali A. CITY. PLATT: MOUTH, COUNCIL st.urrn and. OblAtlA...—the fiat annotauttal pasavoyer steamil 11EYSINUNIt JaSsa OMAN. Hasler. Vert P.M.. Fitter, tvl l l leave fo• the stove sad Intertmemlase primsa•an Tilt! DAY. Aprll at • Y. • rvy ite lett or oisoye. arPII on Iniaril or to ?LACK A 1201.1.1NOWOOLL agsl Or A CO.. •gi att. • CAIRO AND, R. mulls. FOR CAIRO AND ST.mar n e 1.4 , 01±.-Ttm oplenad 'kr stemet (ILENDALE Capt IIAIiR VIII lea, for the above andinternedlate ports Title DAY. April Ilth. at 4 r. ?or In ixio. or p.ruo spiny on Ward or to apt FLACK CULLINUWOOD. I/ ?FEU 111111.041e151P171 NOIIIIIERN LINE Addrie STEAMERS,_ For St. Louis, ffavonport, Pu • buque and. SL rant, - TRAUtTellt WlTUOUTltteltile. STEAMER LARE•SUPERIOR; Captahr J: ORICN2f6LL, Alert Will tear., at above ou FMCS DAY. April 19th wry/input RED WISRL' F.1.11011T. eapt..t . /I.ANNIDAN, Clara Wlll lour on UATUIWAT, Aprll Tue.. .9w and ananntnerna steamer, are undo charge or careful and eaberlenced ulna n. mot pare struturpaag.d aetrotottrodapoua, offering IM IOrM/ACllattliAlad Clam:Peru_ For particular.. apply' to OILAY 94Water stmt, or to tabil FI.AOLL t ...tintLIDiIiWUOD. gloat.. CINCINNATI ITTSBUIIGII AND CINCINN PACKET LIU. ThO now sod spleA4l4 oldr-ITlKel si ggr o g• JUNIATA. Col. C. To Bnnv AAA. will lcAcr rittrourgh for Cincinnati 'EVENT TIIMITMMAY at 12 o'clock snsMlr. Miura las% yr:lllo>re elndsnall EVERY SUNDAY at 12 M. Nor freight or ostsment stilmy 00 0 00rt t or to VLAUR A C1.....11.10 mE7 ' JAMES islll.l,lllS, AO. me I'ENDOIt a !wail,. No. 3 Wood otrejt. ra.slenger Age l'ITTSIIEJR(111 AND GINCIN EAUKET LINE. Vie new awl alilew heel a dr int Steamer. ARIANUTUN. DANIRL W.OUK. Nester. A. i. 16," initainirgh for Cincinnati every .TULNDAY at 111. it. ProutPily. Yetiwning, VavinCineinnaU for ritieburgh. at ISA M. every YNIDA Y. Yor !might. Pm ate, n other tufunnatlon, sp. ply on bo .r 4 or so Mrs 4101,1.9:8, RI Au.lC A COLLISUNvoiII). Agents, I . F.MIIRIt )VANS. . No. 3 Wood street, Paaseoder Agent, STEAMSHIPS iivEnrouL AND A M QUEENSTOWN:. • THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Nu.brriol, sixteen urn-rinse Tunis, mune them the celebretol • CITY:OI , VMM , , ' CITY OV A NTWVIIV, CITY tlif LICIOTON, 011 CITY CT LIALTIIIIMX, Ctn. LCII , II/00. • Belli:tie /Mein B . ATINIDAi, ' from XI, 45 North W er. Neew tork. rot peageor further Information apply Yo rr WILLIAM BINGHAII, EMOPAL FREDEfiliai tivimito ec It, Merchant Tailor awl /twee r (I,,Aksnonts Furnishing Vitals; also tiest3o men and 80710 - Clothlon on hand and tondo to order nt the shortest notice. ilia removed front his tato stand, No. UM bour.lt avenue, to No. 51 Wm(11 11) NTUENT, COllll. of Third avenue, nshVl:v7o 1 St RUBBEIt BELTL'I% HOSE AID Only piat iNG ,of Potion rf Writ s'ornr.to4 sat. A ful go ~O:y •/1 club, ioc focicoCcOPcico - J. 111. PHILLIP& soslll ~ nns lot' elt , EYST9N.E OTTRay, ANI. ti IER & Marour.etri, r Queensware. Bristol Ware, ,Ite $ ei1..t.3153 :41161 , y arwlt order. promPu • "..4.4 FINANCIAL TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cor. Setond Avenue. INPEOEST PAID ON DEPOSITS• Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks DOUG= AND SOLD A. ItI{AI)LKY, Vy'eldcut. W. VANICIRK. Vice rresl4lent, =EiXaSig=l=M THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO.' En 'a. CIES Safe Keeping of Valuables, - Under ...tee, .4 the renting of Oaf. In 11. Fire and Burglar• Proof 'milli. No. 83 FO UST ATEN UR. Pre.ident—WlLLlALD PHILLIPS Vice President-11E21E1Y LLOYD. 11. I ItteTOlt. MIN H. PAINTEII, HENRY I,Loi), }JON. K. MOIL/MON. WILLIAM ItEA, WILLIAM M. I.VONtURTIS U. 111.1nnEY. 4k13. I. IIk NNE. Stn'T daily A 413 F. OM ninuitionsT. Open trod 9 o'clock , U. 0 4 oclock ROPLE'S SAVINGS BANK O f Allegheny For. Federal 'and tassel Streets. EMEE2I==! Y.' P. YO 112V41,Cashlor, BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. gluckholders loridnally INTEREST ALLOWED 01 TINE DEPOSITS CITY BANK. 2 Fifth A venue, Pi ttsbn rgh, Ps, veriiAL, 1100,000, TOCKITOLDERS INDIVIDUALIA MARIE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOsITN. FOltfflUN EXCEIANUE Illonght and sold, anol.whon dogtrot re.,ollcBl /Snoop , ColloetIon• Tonne on all In • ,r.nz.al on( the Unlled Elan: And I;Aneo,l•- flormlcKlns , ll, Prorl,f, • , JAhllOt MCI W. N. -Clonnt.n, Guido, • lan Ccl . o/0,.. olrrnbr, , Hue, /it guilt, ~a lu 1 11, 11. A. Orryongh, illoninn /tarn.. N. 5111 m. .31)3.111. iIAZZAV. SollnltnT. Thomas Itonrke ratriCk Kane, . . 11. . V. 1. IMUR J. race, UAL T, CIAVIIMET & CO.,' BANKNRS AND B'ROKERS, Corner Fourth 4 . 10,141 Wood Mroote prrTssuaus. =I Exchange, Coin, Coupons, An•l pertlcolor •llentlon paid to the pu•ch. rod ulcer GOVERNMENT BONDS. ftifftl . Dral4 on London N. HOLRIEb & MINK, 13A:NIKI4111P4, -n7 MARKET STREET PiTTSBURaK(.. PA (,o , ;crlIoTto ',lade on Al the nci pal polot3 of tho Un!tt d Sustom ono! Con‘fl‘a. Stecks,Bonda and oilier Securities EINIIMEr2=II!EI arti , olor ottcottan oo.d to tar porchaoe of Lin it et Stat e N Scour it ies REPORT or TUE Farmers Deposit National Bank At the . atom of business March flit. 1570. 10C34/tIROEM. 1.111. awl Diseammata....... 11.107,11511 43 MR. tionds tosecmre ettcputtioh 300.000 00 .oma from Redeeming and Me. • same - hoe front other Nat'l Dna from otter Rant. and Bantam ........... P 14,059 IP Ranking Rouse 15.000 00 cr r.n l % ll .......... 5 3 .i1g 4 ' ll Premiums 3,550 Cash Items Including st.rni , %ICI Mt Reeßgeo'for Clearing 33.75.5 60 /11111 of other hattonal licinka... 7.553 00 Ittils of clime Ha ........ 113 00 Yraetlonal Currency. linClmilug threte.Col d n egal Tcner Nadas.- 3 her cent. Certificate, "W 0 4.389 is eanquiPtndli paid tn. ...... 300.000 00 clorplua ►mia Prollt.d ei NMI.. Dank drculallon out- *Sanding slOs nos onpaln Indlridost &Posits U 1.2. :V Due to Nat'l Hulks 1e1.1116 711 On to other Banks nod 11 • .04: V/ 16 rItNS r; °8.289 ETA7Z Or OP.NLLYLVANIA'I:. COMITT .OI•NT, . • 1, I% L. STE P ' IGNSON.Cestiler of the ranstrre National Bank of Pittabutah, Pa.. do.lemnly swea that Ilse Mono statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and better. Y. 1.. nTIItIIIIENSON. Citable, *OOl5l to - sad sobscrltaol befole me this 3lst day of March, 1810. .r. . Notary rubllc. loryeel.—Attests • t WALKI CHAO. AILKIN•KI.W., 3 Directors. MAKaIIALL. OILS 11130 - COMMISSION MERCHANTS =I Pntroleum knd Hs Productn. tercet ,f Ungot,ee 41:1•Nfilig:Intl:gle. 1". : h[ • Commiss!os Merchants and lrr.t at Petroleum sud its Products, DWELL'S BLOOK, DUQUESNE WAY =I WANING, KING at 109 WALNUT STREET .pto ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY lIKUBEWF W. C. TIIRDDI.S • • MAN U VAUTU Hilt Ur ' L abrlcatlic , & Molt Test Burning Oils. Retinae Railroad Axle Oil. Mande great' heat. without. C . M.ltct limpid at lomat temprtaatoM tipestal oil for tropical climates or hot weather. . Locomotive. Weenie, illiachine !Mop, Raw Rill sad P lanlog MID Oils, Adapted ror high meed.. • • • Rolekle till. Wool,llead.ll.llllt Oil. 0111,Tanners'RtatP,Reasole, . log led FielphiamAlasoline. 011.11airamas011. Itharattioe. . . ARMQU VititNlßM, to Ica "44" 1t0 Work and Machincry fromPßost. • . . . Thrse. products are Ynanufaetared under Or. Twaddle's patent by Siwhested Steam In V..- ens. Thu Lnbrlcatlnk Oils an: almost alorleas, perfee ly Imre uniform, and mostly light - ored, stand • h!tts temperature unchanged. And rentals limpid urlns extreme cold. The !tall. road 011 s are no sailed, and are In constant up• on many or tholinnalind thallms.ll4 Nalqtrteema be examined and orders left at '174 WWII ISTRDLET.. Works M. bharpsbuK Bridge. ARCHITECTS. T. v. EVANS ? Ancrurr.oc•r. No. 42 Fifth Avenue. Plana nod apeclficattoneprepared with care ter all Mode er bolldlo es. nAt lift & nOsicu, IIVY riZttry 31 , .A.ME Ho. 12 up.: 7 L'itl.A.rglt. 171. Cal . uttrr.t , ov Klan tr.it..!rtK PC etityr, T*T.l BTONJ iguvwx , coracrox 7 , 7 • . • Al r echitik) Stona. tr:orkA. 3, , rtlzwerAu.i.rctli.t.Comsabb, /Lai, May, ATVAirlint CU. • }Cm .bßad br p ,. reir‘ro abort ....liberal 1.1,0,1•2 ; I rtnir .11)111. IRON . AND STEEL, DUQUESNE WORKS. COLMAN. RAII3I & CO., =M IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. DUQUYAINE, L Z AND .11172111ATA. FLAT HMI, ROUND AND SQUARE. IRON, NAND. IWO I.ItZET AND TANK IRON. IRDI,ER PLATE: , AN D HEA HUARD IRON, DRAG and mum rr.R. BARN, TI.AND KR, CUTTER PARS. CY LINDER. IKON. .^lAllrr' AT ICAL , for Coal Road, CNOWIIAN.A. ViEDI4 AllA KNOW TEETH. sritnia.rcow AND CULTIVATDE ISTEEI. WINGS AND I.IOULDS eta to p•Dern. STEEL TULLIS,' etT/S/D. AISAFTINti. A. D. AT EEI. C0AC . 11,110111.11 - utd W SOON SPNINUS sad AXLICA. CUT NADA AND SPIKEA. All Goods First Chum and Warrantod. OFFICES AND WOltlid: Sixteenth Street and Allegheny Weer end TY Water 'Street, Pittsburgh. =he MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. . fIU 4I1;lI!t# Jj±k 11 AU W EO. W. B M. 11F.TCATM PAHKIN.I, 1111.1.PCR. . I:=1 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR Az 'PARKIN. OFIIICL No. HO Liberty Aired, PITTSBUI1011; rA. • fv14. , 1 la prpriutaton STEEL WrICS 646TA11LIBEIXD 1x 111140. ANDERSON & WOODS, fINUPACTUUUA Or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL DC,every description. best Refined Gorman Plow aid spring Ike, UIKILN It It ilthid AND riturr AVM?' UM Slit, burro. • !..1!4.4! DUQUESNE FORGE WITTJAVI MILLER. (Sumner to JOS. HAND Jr. W., • rlxe fee les eo-ex ten Moe with the IrWInR For. get In the e ltaat, shit Is prepare 4 to promptly end eallefaeidrily nil only. for OTEAMIIMAT AFFN, C MAN Kei. 1.1.1T0N 110D13,. PUN AN 4 ANN. W ItinTtl lIAILitUAUAXLIto, I. O OONOTIVet FRANI:eI, together with emery description or/MAI% WORM. •Otive and Forgo Corner of Duquesne Way and First Strret. pITTSSEIEGJEK !NOVEL Y Found A. D. 1133. ZOO ADAMS & CO PrJlrlllrALCrrif PODS Or [w]@ XTn.° xr. STAN DA ild.. t )F Altai n Z) PLATFOXX kw (X)UTITXL: • SOA.,LES. . . . la.ul rued l'atent Poor 1.11,1 Patut and CIA., Mills, At. 00IIIRS OP MST AVENUE noo At. .. en. Pvkas, • SHEFFIELD STEEL.: WHIM& SINGER, MIA & ITTTSBURGIU, PA.. act . nrers of every description of CAST AND UIIU.dx STEEL. 4 1 1 1. 1 1:gr a ble i'LATIVICK arRINor. • • AISLES; Wri.ILL 7111 E; Warehouse. 85Waler and 10(1 Pint S. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. P.AB,R, BROTHER & CO., Maanfacturen of all dowrlption. of -osmislll We and Warebonoe. TIIIIIIIETIL, 7:MUTT VIILIT and RAILROAD BTKEETS. FOUNDERS, MtoCEI/NISTS KNAP FORT PIN 51.0114 'EU 10,021 U 3 OUNDRY CORBY cirriovi AND 1:170720/1,- TWELFTH{ STREET 964 40 06.401 00 13,1100 00 100 .400 00 PITTSBURGH, P.A. • . . TRAI6tla ettinery, Nail Blachines,. Re torts. and Castings generally. 11014100 00 006 00 NATIONAL NOUNDUN 730//1 AND PIPE WORKS. Mr 'asset] siol Masan man filreelis ININTII Wt 116.1 Prr'r€13.11711.41a1.1,. WILLIAM SMITH I 33311=1 OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOX OAS An) WATER, WORK& Ily Clw are all wt luvart.bly to VIA. I. dry smut sud lA feet en[t9.• A l . O, Ofireaterat . . Castings for Gas & Water Works., attootton of Bolsi,lntend to at onto or BETOBIIt. 1 mold Om [AN of lbw Wor ME= MONONGI ICI FOUNDRY, W. 3. ANDERSON & CO., Idscura,clopmrs of lIION ROMS FIVINTB, WINDOW LINTEL'S awl EILLo, sad Castings of all DescrlpUons. 01.117,,VINUtl,rultLT,4 1 :9- I . l ,`Viiir; Ulm Rome. Orries Ann FormEnT—No. 16U WATER STREET, ElUsburElt, ROBINSON, ILEA & CO., elleM 6 / 1 011143 RUBINSON. MI/11134 MILLIII . B. WASH :MOTOR WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NAONINISTS, PITTSBUR6II, g li kkina illUpledir in elli vu o l yostg i t u d S m ta ta ti p oF ll. ryl r ear raa r, wet Sta., ltoller watt Sheet Iron ;vont. wake, leo. 19, cornet Tint and thalthtleld ttro ll3 ites ter fee. lar for eiIFrAItD , IS rATINT IN.IXOTOB ,all- Tnomes CARLIN & CO" Vona Ward foundry and 11111e..0.11 Works, hi aiNDUMN summer/IR:my, r alatinfactorers of litattonarta d Tortable Steam xsooes, Proms, • Pulleys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Wort, Sontag and Machine Outing., Drat,e Ban, Weights. Wagon Dozes an, Dula SO order and have on band Engines of all Ales. nryttot pngratinix ROLL FOUNDRY, Cot. LIBERTY and RIITH STREETS. BOLLMAN & BACALEY, llioufoxiarers of Supeftor Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls & Pinion& COTTON MILLS liolm.mt , . ' .; Rum & % Qnn ANcin..te V;01-1044 MILLS .."1'1".1:7;3111:71141 . Fit otartnrate OF:131.41 11111CDIMI. tle AXCIIOX SAD MAGROLIII. 2.4IIt.XTINISS IeArTIVIG ENG INES, BOILERS , 143 iliDItT PITT BOILER. STILL AND TAN' Wa~R~S. CARROLL AND SNYDER. I air r. l%./III IN VI , H 1 1,1 1 :11; , •Y;hy „. 1111 ,, 711111,AR E BOIL ERS, (111 STILLS ANTI !CALI:AN ES, CHIMNEYS , BNELI 'HINM AND Aml CANS, BETTLINU CANS, .Al: CANs ,11,11 CON /ENXII HS, STEAM I'lCL'y,, HAsOMETEMS ANL. IRON 11R •• • , eIIISOM DORM AN") CLAI,DUTEs.. Ud!lee and .Warsholase,oooooo Sac wad. Third. Short and Liberty o Prrrsnonas, ra o.lr(lrdcrs scot to the above addrese yrlll promptly at tended to, mh7:ttlo HRH N. BOLE & CO„ Car. Pot at Alley and Bagatelle Bin, =I Engine Builder's, Founder. and _Machinists. Mantif.c.nro STEASOUTAT ENGINES 'and STATIONARY ANOINEd, of ill el,:eb. ATir Ma."47;t1:11!;011NI°11.1113TIRESTS: Rol LER, of IS horse power. CASTIMIS. o C every hind made to order alone F lNVS " lortnall ' er HANO/tlttl,_ 1.4 ToBACCO tAItEIVS add IRON Toll meet/ PILESIES, On Sind ind made to order, as the INDUSTRIAL 'WORKS, rearming on the Allegheny River, unix the Met. I= fgraLl orders oronr.d.ly TaT DIEIICK. '11140., ' A * * rum & 6UROL4R-1.1t06, SAFES AND vitus, =1 ENGINES AND MACIIINERY, KANT. Cur: 17th . aind PlieStil. e rlttaburgh, ra O'HARA BOILER • WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. I=l .11TY.AM Maiden.Vil. T ANK:±. 1311L1.11% , A. ITAI, IRS,nit SALT I' n II ASI ICT -1 .110. 1,1 1 , 2 ,4 1iXti 1i 1,04”. & ISEDS. /1c 1.811.0N DOttkrAs. CH/Mr , • Cur. of Sciand Avenue mid Liberty EL E=! It:pairing tlupb promptly•. o, L" , .. .so.ot to tbo al.ve a. 1.1,1 4, will be promptly atwa.a . “ 10.!!' Itt:1•11AN, fornttrlv trtawsr:t. CAltlttlid, B YRP A `•• .1,71.10 Itltl,li RYSIONI, ISIEUH JAlVEDm.natal:4ll t 4. SON, • • . IIANUFACTISKISII.S 07 Steam Boilers, WI Stills, Tanks SHEET LEON WORK, 003; 61 Pews Hlreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS. Sze. OMB...STOVES. • • GET THE BEST. BISSELL .4k CO'S TRIUMPH. FOB BITUMINOUS COAL, WukfluttedtoiCOok,Bake or Roast el. won ad apt other stove In the Colon.. BISSELL & CO., No. !...; Liberty' Street. 'Also, on hand .rot for sale, • rAlOl,Olt WrOVEn, UKATINI/ STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, UDfla r. /3 . , ' OO CKINO CANS GRAFF, 11 .IJOU &CO., • • Ann iliACs;sninn of xenon FAlf crT Or • srrciov - rgs., • • , BOSTON COOKING . ."THE FIERY FURNACE,". Von WARNING THC NEW ANTI-OUST COOKING WrOVIL II ILIWUL.A.TOIC,'I COLUMBIA COOK 4 111 VF., COMMP,tAINi`O! wl2 - 11M,Mti 1111%tWatt.V.1:1'WIZT."" 2.08. and 208 Liberty Street, sr:LS:TV • PITTNBURNH. I= A. BRADLEY & CO., 80 WOOD STAMM lianafecturers of too Uroatest Vartmot Cook, Parlor and Heating Stovm, I= PA....0t will les :nand all the LATIM ITERNc AND 111PROVICMENTIL and . the [evil/Dian of our !Doves la even that any one In whitof • good article should purchase none but ...4.11.d up us. as they will be found the oust dorable As well . economl.l. Would pulleulat attention tootle new VOLCANO dDIV [or eburehos. h.":torts. Over Le I all to thre, wont,. 0.,11.1 , .. In with or wan,. .cadin,. a unad bon, ro douto suoereer .7 Ostler-11dg. Lae... or. centl Inc estalovtit to lAst. tin! • L";. ll ..iii.f • in ° re N re 1 15 1 army IRON C, Oat ri" 017.111 e. Bgri'alkfioalre. 21 . 4:1t_ i. et,tuf ttr; &alleles or "Rullaers. Hardware Moray. on bond. tlalee and Work.. nes; Outer Depot. Allegheny City. Cortothou aildteso, Luck liox burgh, Pro 1.313.15 ; BRASS FOUNDERS. WRY plait autritven no.scrr. HENRY. BIER & CO., nUCCIS6OIO3 to Zorim sr. coormn & co„ Bell and Brass Founders. 11111.A13S C..41,W1113161% mAns PROMPTLY TO OBOE , . linkable and 13403 , Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, MITI AND CHECK LIMES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. 114..C01NT COCKS, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and Oil. If Alf Ilret(PrUnilltn or J. M. COOPYIt Improved Balume - Wbcrl Steam Pump. Agents u. Dreyfus' J'atent Ott ers, the beet in the Market. Office and Wolfs, cfniner Thirteenth snit Plae &reels. eon MMI ATWOOD & MICA FERET, Comm Liberty lame% and Tbl.l. Aveziee Ei=== BUBB FIND DEES AND IRON PIPE FISTED . and AiiNNTS On A. 14. CASIFJION A CO'S arswa PUDIIt AND IDA.WM:r.. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. AMII mcits.au DAVIS WORKMAN & DAVIS, BUCCRISSORS O ' Workman Moore & Co., • anataecarere and Heaters In CARRIA II GES, BUG GEES, spring' and Huck wagons, Nos. 42, 44, 46 sad'4B ham Bt., A litg hen!. a Promptly executed. Or. dirtcrifergrenotte et op to hoed sit le and w werited to glrersatlshiehon In oven , PerDio nu, sr:Cowen rdyles of work mutant's on hand. auf.R MIENTd for the New Ileven.Whee_l flortn• z 07'1 make of ea RYES'S PATYNT Wi t k subd hanp , s Patent (pick Uhler and Antl.Dattfer for Shahs. • ' Ii; RICHARD DAVIS Lhavlen purchased the Interest of Ala s and and Ww. D. NOWI7I.ItI the bate ICK travel WCNA.N. MOttllZ L CO., the brat nes. will hereafter be continued as the old stand, ender the name and • Usk of WORRYAN DAVIS. Orders aolleHed JOlfftla, WORKMAN.' 11. RICHARD DAVIN, Laleenth Mutts. National Ranh, Illtshitrigh. ARAN BETTER: 13 bozo Truk/Jon Button 10 half oitrels do.: Tor solo by J. B. 0/114)1EL un D, 161 /rot Amot 1111 e~ALROADB. i. • , .•1 . --; ;L; 13 til(1. , I:19 W, iltly . ' 11473.."..:1:110 sin!i,outhieCl'':'.SC tinnt ..... 1 - 43 an.' •Ii" 20 e, 11c ni,lor ens Wa/lis No. 1.-5110 Ike c• 0.1.. tril/4‘l"/G.C..?..7.°.1.115451)1:iTit1r..j eTi 0 • lo ok s Ac No r C t 1;00 en, Wall's No. 1.. linl ‘rin I . ll.l.sh`g• 1:30 pie ,Johnotewn Ar. 11,06 na l l 1:60 per.!lirail.s An No . /1:4:11e ,fn Wall.s PM; t ' V r t?': 11: 5 511 2. m:osj,P4 u:l:lopullitie.-1 !Ann ...• e f . :Venn W.f . y resster 10 0,10 pee IV ell's nese loans male close Conn at iisl no. recifts ITedi• 3.nitonc, rO nun Sty a 0:00 e. iced:lnt rlttenur: . lit1:011 a. in. Re in reln.l. ". And nee , a, ‘llois Eton,. at Ali • " C 4'loll, to. sot dole. t wl Call, exc. pl Pi Curtner In forenetion iippv - r liN , •ki'V. 1111. At. Tie rennsflveslelnelao...l net as. ! acme any risk 1. l.r ene csce.elc.,ll that amount s. In lent et il.c 11,1 of the 000. Ile leten , conies Roll Ventral neperinz,et, c T 11711:R. ; 1 44 214 N NOYVVIINI airillgAlt 7;--( 4 . . itlAll.—n red after NOY. 1.. thot 7a• PremeO/Ml 4 mth, I, the ta Poo nt• ' 11414r0a41 scrlve at 840 .1,4,1 :non ma landcr.lutr,,t iletvt . A(044(0.4 y 14Ity.al 144 . 4 , '4•4, Sten. Sintsore No 15:14 ..... :CI , Irooport No. 1 6. 4 . 1 •or rr.opott No. Zitot, ha , :ttpre. - 0 4 10.4 • ott-tort4 4 .••• II:00 a sh.spi,h 4 a. No.11:510 4 4 44114 . . 4 z 4 44,4 ) 1 1 40,4 pat Vreeport No. 2 4:05 lo p0pr04 4 .1 4 1. No I i1:1 4 4 Du ' Malt 4440 410:i (00p0r:N....16:514. 4 orr. [14(1o041T Not Olift m!.11.r100.1 4 0 No 04.11 t (10 on MO 41.ntly Cahoot 211.040. y. : The ()torch , 1:144 104v.t• A11:01m45 4 • t!oe trot . ) Ourolny at 1:00 o. re: 4 0'41.1412 4 - 0 144 4 •4 on; ~4 City at 445 0 a. M. Motorola;. 04444,4 A/ 11 '5 4 4M 0117 O. I :NO 4, I, 0..1: 11 p. Who tram: lenvlng A 4 44 - 40 1, 4 14 CIO ( to. mate all nTyort W.Vol. 4, tot •s of 81514,0 feriNtleramt 4, ~ Through t!cletig may he putohn.4.4 at Oho ( ' - rr'e. No. 121t.Clalr 411041.4earthetitoyonsI , IM 1 . 1 0 4 . Ell Iola:0 4 0, and It Ito Itepot, 4.110 ON, i I Sur tort.tar talOnattloo 4 4,10 , 4 OtaTt ,I4Ohoota p 0 . 41. • 4 op. Dot *moat any Ott Pot for vreo . appapel. altd Omit 1t..., 4 11 y II 44.1ted I 10114.:,, ceeola. 1,14.1,1'44c.t WI ir Lt ,nr.LI. • 4015 tOmerai Imo., • ot 4 : .•• ',I A. ': o vr•En NQV. .1'4•N;•, and arrive at 1.1 . .11.1:, - .1) , t, , ..• • L .., '''. 1 , 7.- r.• ct:lcaso ". Vaal. lAnu. -•• . V:5 . 7 I , 1;1 .Wl'l4 4: tM o Eth:'l 1, C: is Devstir.,p, Allev% ,rl•l•3 , 1 . •• ,v 4 t. " i.car 'll •Jr•l‘.. st, • N., e5.,..3 •as Ent. • • 110 "E 5 Zo , Vn:,K •• • •. V at, ,-, 'l , lr 111:A 0, esm ,r.t. cul• . .1 , ) • per, , . . !no..t,11!•!•• a/1: .• •• 11,D3 - 11 rn Epo A./t n e/Up • 4 :AH11:4!" p • ACt•5:l3 /kW rlfatts • tt: 1 81. n, .!•11N;:ts e/RV 110 Chu1a , ./ 1511:111, 1, ••3, t : , 1;nnl. F. Mrl o, /t, 'Ss Vle el Mt A tia (.4 11 c.W i alaLlegg TIM/C. • ALLRGV.II.7.:Ir az THY. ONLY' 111"'”W• 1,01:TE .. TiLr, MEMain I nH W e ONSITIPHIT .!!!!.!•70F; 4 T, V' CAH: • r MON OAS. Ncv. :OW. TWO TH.HOI.7UH Tn. INO 1,11,1* t.t Oen,' red rlttr , u4S. Dernt, rt.rner lb red Mc ettnetr,n.r.rrnatlin,(ll:olty Itcl ntle, .4 *Urgent; tn the Olt Learn rtswitnuaoll. I A s lerAy . , 0.11.11.. w..:. !, Jay Mr...—. .1:13 nt.!..ny W:.-W wleitt 0,110 pm: Nicht 15 , ..... 710'/A let OHIO lit . O:'J5 .;:r Ild lint:wu...l I:10a :la 0;.110... ni 5:115 pic1:1•1 ith linlenn.3o/0 pm. ith 7,ler, o.: Wn.rport Ac.Wer;:. 7:55 nac '3,laWurts.. 0:311 A.. 0;%. nen•lrta ne .1,15 It At: t:losrch 1:00 1 n, Shown Ennrrsc trelnh stn. .:Its etrw ,, P ,4 trenmmnem tot fret,. urn". at elf Heti a. W. are now runnlnr •.111err Palace nlerpire Cars , . on MI? Msorrae trains. benh ultr• Hem rittaburgh t Corn. I.AMI: It Nor, ...n” THOMAS M. MINA. Assn. btir Er.rsuer.l4.4o; CHNCIENATI" A WlWw•wriMiNit 12,11.1. W A re e.tl'i NhYl!!.`[:.. _ Cl*.: . . GRANO?: Or — rlar. -trx aftcr '3112 , 1;.AY Soy. 14th, 11130, Malnn Iran: anal sa-Mr• , 03.tnnlInn , M. Mlttaburgi., •a r..3eora V : rate har,gll. um. • Peextr. : +m knit 3 ' 1 ' . 1 1 ' 11 .. ... rt. F. : 1 : Herthern Rap :art ......... YAM ' , .n. 31.re.1 5,13 in:. ,•.m Mniloastst'n Ann 11:200. 1..11:32a. a, - .. - tm..:na;.1..c.r..a "'rata.. 12:00 n. 9:50a. m. . a*" Ir 90 r. Y. kanrana miMM , ra . 4 330. Z16:73 r. rt. Mall "MD arro 400. • 3. F. 1aC1.0.L.. 1.10003 •Ilahrt Agant, COlurnlnts, 0 Tr. rc. a'atrer.. Pamaklans, 0910— nolf. ITTSMIRGA Wert CONNISLJA Ir, L Nail! Uri, ma. after StINI/AY. February 21.1 th, 1810,trfltu nl.ll rrrivr r.r.tglorgarkagraat a:arm, rrgrrer .‘“1 kg, !dry,. S, AS follcgrkg : . e===l EIMMIR CATE • . aulleeerwl.derovtl.'a 11:00 A, 4:05 v. f t •_6:11.5 V. I.G . 7 SOP. Nicht)", I..)Mati•nrt /0:30 ft.• 0:45 A. 01 ellareb Tr, i.tO omit. ma • W..,11.14.•-• , t..... 1;1111 of. 111:00 4.14 HARDWARE & CUTLERY, RIVER FALLS CUTLERY. ca, No. 70 Wood Street, ==! MANUFAUTILIICEM C•F THEIR NSW Solid Cast Handle TA ISLE KAU FE., U. I 1-m '.o;ritilnli n c l oageon:ie g ' fi.T.7:;,',4 1 :1; I . i cost drenTr In ilie blade, rteurtnlC the e , .. 4 4 , m , , , :1r:: , , , , , „1n cooatiuellou rriihout ad. P 4 blacken,wft , ',l:tlll. 3 `o ; h:r ::"'!'" I .r pink.' r b a r r i l i r l r. rare , ware. lo Color. 0.1 I It Is similar to port idly,. e au ,1 Malt, en above described. covalitote au i reriglac.W.lTlMiTuartal.l7l.l".." All. a; The euverb Civic and tireat /Strength of i this article enables the ninonfacturcri to ! recommend it hi . sprelallie adapted for tiro PR I ? ail l i t c l ' ZilV:t r iti=r;4l . 4lMa r it r g e s: BEATER FALLS CUTLERY CO., No. 70 Wood St., HlV...burgh, MU 07 TABLE CUTLERY & POCKET KNIVES. mh i i ttedity Guaranteed.; ›RvvAttElo:l:* *vim t:BAll LOGAN, GREGG & CO., =I HARDWARE, 52 Wood Street, Your door* above MI. Charles liolel,) = Country Blerrhente are Invited I. Call and examine our stock Whyri the City. • Animals for Anderson Moors Meet and Northwestern. Morse Shoo liMI tlontrany. A follslit of Machinists, Bloch. smiths and ' rpenteen Toni.. cer's riles, Leather Melting . , Leather, die., always on haw). .I•3lstZ COiLL AND eIIBLES Toughlogjnny and Connellsville Coal, BLdCHdI JDEBULPHURIZIIDGO6E. 0111 CZ '..4.241,1 YARD, edrner Butler and Wortou street. Liberty and Clymer streuts. Sloth want: also tiveond street, -pghth word, mid at Med of Was street, r. 1./• lt. DM.dt. hceond ward. Ordori left at either of the above oSleos, or ad. dress to me through Ylttsburgh Q., will re. calve prompt attention. Jeerer to whom am ion HarAe7. Won. dridth. Union Iron grills, B. &Vow. ler B Cr tdephensox 8 Co., Bissell • Co., Grail& Hager, Alex Bradley, Park, Bro. & Co., Fork .VleCtinly & Co. Reese. limit& Dull. Wm. M. Taber & Co., J. B. Lyon Co., Jamm Mershall Co., Allen. Mei., & Co., Union Lt. pot Hotel, Coottellsellle lt. 11.. l'ennsylesale It. IL. Allegheny JftlitYll. 1. ' 11 .;li FAN , .q.b - VIA 11T f:.;).. Itseiz , !eff, F.Cf7 LUIER Y 7111.E.FI!!, = 4 Ir. VOUTv:. ag.,[lll( .1;U411 . NUT (A)),.. O Z . . i It*, emakat v(160. AU ori.k.no left at Utt.lt 'ot klattSee4 to Mena Ihruutk tips tnUI, cll . . 1; attAtidil4 I* SU. FISH. Yresb Lake B. . •• •• - ' Welt. ab; ) No. I. A and. 3 Mackerel all a re, pk gr Labrador Mackerel; - . Wandlierrlne; Cod Tlabt a a, t WATT LANG con. lee , wn. 1491 and 174W0c0l 11l mum