The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 08, 1870, Image 1

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t•Ttlltlt and Emithfitld ►trtet.
JOSIAH 1.1110,
xprrous AND rnorniztom
By malt, pet year
Delivered by mitient, per weak
littsirdvgij GaiEtts,
EII66IIBURG hu aood sleighing.
A CALF was killed In Centre county
recently which weighed 1096 pounds.
Six men have died in Oil City in the
last six weeks from excessive drinking.
A nor uno mu-Licit' be built at Wheat
land, Mercer county, during the present
amass( DoessiTom bas established a
cheese factory on the old Jewell farm
near Sharon.
Fuorxral potions united with the Vrst
Presbyterian Church of Mercer on last
Babbath a week. --
Tax construction trains of the James.
tosin j end Franklin R. R. are now run-
nlngWfor as Reno. ,
Tux Cambria county pipets are still I
engaged in a fierce war of words about
the county seat question.
liernar KooNTZ, of Bedford county,
caught nearly five hundred wild pigeons
In a net on Tuesday week;
EILEIIOI7IIO gains three. votes and
Quads county about thirty by the pas
sage of the Fifteenth Amendment.
'Fax libel snit brought against the
editor of the New Ceitle Courant by.
Representative, Craig, has been voluntari
ly withdrawn.
'l`nx Brie and Pittsburgh .Rallroad
Company intend to build a new station
house' at Weal Middlesex' during the
present sesion.p,
NICZOLAIS DORSZT, 15 years Old,' of
Pine township, Indiana county, cut his
footowith an ake, severing the carotid
artery. Be died.
YODIM township, Cambria County, has
• horse stealingdetective company. It
talons rata old, and since its organiza
tion not one horse haa been lost in the
Bayou: flansts, of Bristol, had .1
brother in t d he tattle of Gettysburg who
was - reporte killed. He found snd bmied
the body. few weeks ago he was very
• much surprised by hisbrother walking in
alive and well.
AT the donation party given in Sharon
on Tuesday evening of last west, for the
benefit of Rev. Wm. H. Mosamen, pastor
of the M. E. Church of that place, Dome
thing like , four hundred . - dollars' were
realized, meetly in money.
Dann B. Sorra, Esq., of Independ
ence township, bad one of hie legs am.
Plttalred.on the 28th-ult. He had been
suffering for a'comiderable time past with
some affection of the knee joint, and the
loan of the limb at last became necessary.
He is doing very well.
Ir appears that historians have been at
fault in dating the opening of the An
thracite coal trade in 1820. Col. Hen
dricks B. Wright, of Wilkeebarre, - fur
nishes conclusive evidence of theinterest•
ingfact that the trade is several years
older, shipments having been made from
Plymoutly Pennlvania? to New York
as early as the sum sy mer of 1812.
Teta proceedings of the Legislature for
the session of 1870 will make a volume
• oPportentious size, as a very large -num
ber of bills have been Introduced and
have been acted upon. Probably not
much less than 2,000 bills which origi
nated in the House. and in the neighbor
h 1,500 in the -Senate, will be in
ted into the statutes of the Com
monwealth. . ,
Tim folloWing example was recently
given to one hundred teachers at. 'Mercer
county Institute, and, out of seventy-five
mongers handed in, only threavone found
.to be correct. A =thin agent was em
ployed by a town to take charge of a
liquor oMee. Receevedom taking charge
of the office, 252.17 comb; received; at the
' ,same time, $57.54 in liquor; sold liquor
"'during the year, 2102 97; paid for liquor
during the year, 09.91; received as sale
- ry, 225; returned in liquor on` laving
office, 231.57. Does the. town owe the
. agent or the agent owe the town t and
Jaw much?
—Blue Mountain, Alfred D. Burley, vice
H. Kempfer, resigned; Dina:note, Wash
ington county, John M. Smith, vice .1.
Dinsmore,' tangoed;Colebrook, S. R.
Robinson, vice William Boyd; Sacra
mento, G. W. Miller, vice J. W. Tobias,
rengned; Good Went, Washington
County, Isaac B. Blair, vide C. Blaney,
roved; Harleyvville, Daniel P. Moyer,
TIM S. P. Moyer resigned; Eqiesville,
William P. Ellis,vio e 'W. R. Rittenhouse,
resigned; Bridge Valley, Christ. Elharlay,
vice W. lil. Harvey resigned; Piercetille,
James Stephens, vice Thema Curry, re
signed,• California, Washington county,
D. H. Law:ester, vice L. W. Morgan,
resigned; Hanlin's Station., Wandnistah
county, Chants Hanlon vice R. C.
Osburn, removed; Potteinville, Butler
county, -Reuben Shaper, vice A. 11.
Aiken, reinoved. , .
Tan Pthenaburg Alleghenian says: As
we announced last week, a young boy
named Mundsy, who resided in Jackson
township, died on -Saturday, flab ult.
Monday following was fixed upon as the
day for the funeral, bat when that time
arrived, It was found that the body pre
routed apparent signs of life. The akin
was warm and moist,,the flesh yielded
- readily to the touch, and no vestige of
. mortification could be seen. The funeral
worpcithosol, and an eminent medical
man of this place was sent for, who, after
a critical examination, prononaced. the
boy dead. The body was kept, however,
till Sunday last—a period of nine-days—
when It was lamed. During ail this
" time, it presented none of the rigidity pe
culiar to corpses, but on the contrary
remained comparatively warm and placid,
k il
Along!' some signs of mortificnion, such
as the sinking of the eyes into their sec -
eta and the receding of the gums from th
teeth, were perceptible. It was certainly
a - singular cue, and that might with
profit have been made the subject of in
veattgation by the best median experts of
the country. It is said, with what truth
we do not know, that the boy was thrown
' into a comatose conditionk from which he
. never recovered, by the adminison to
•- him of some potion or powder b r ay man
•I who occaskinally deals In mediciaes in
-that locality; "
01110 ITM3
Tun city 'of Dayton will pay 8800,000
Income tax Tor 1869.
C. D. Vararramorxx has sold his Be.
tercels tk4 Dayton .Ledger.
IreAnsi li to have • firemen's
tom:Minesn the ith or July. •
TRIMI,6OO applications for 230
census talc ln the. Bouthern Ohio Dis
Tall - new :depot at Candela is now
ready to aocommodate the traveling
A. PAWL Of two year old ACM belonging
to B. A. Brown, of Howie:id, weigh 2,682
At.Ohlilloothe last Thursday, s little
deaf and dumb boy was killed, being run
over by a loaded dirt cart. , • •
Tan Tolograph of Dayton, report
within two weeks 1,950 • conversions
among the Baited Brethren. -
As Teas a man Io 11 SSW iritll wsa
caught and carried in a large "wheel,
crushing him to death against kpost.
PAM IR Saxvol of the Oanton //Apia. 7
arid RepeeiZry, last week, core- ,
Uteneed hie 661 k anniversary of editorial
life. •
Two business houses suspended last
week In Yountetown. The
of G. B. Converse & Co. anork — r. 1 37 1 ;
matt. -
Tits veteransth the Soldiers' Home In
Dayton fired minute guns on Wednes•
day, In honor of the memory of General
Thomas. .
Tax Athens Journal says Mrs. X.
Bell, of that place, has just finished a•
guilt contsliting 10,000 pieces. She calls
it the Paragon.
Kr. Geo. Porn, who died in Boardman,
Habonlog county, onthe 12th bust. would
j4 ' ar/
( 1 441 -
Nike% A
have been 100 years old had he lived until
the 12th of May.
'MIES SALLIE Ronan, of Sandusky, re.
(=ay • sang; In Baltimore at a Hayden
Concert, and was highly praised by the
press in that city.
AT Lima, Monday, two persons in dif
ferent parts of :he town suddenly com
plained of Beyer° headache and died before
medical aid arrived. - -
TOLEDO Mason have been victimized
by a Masonic swindler. The same fellow
went directly to Detroit and "gulled" the
fraternity in that city.
Ton Lake Shore Railroad for the year
just ended earned over 10 per cent. net
on the capital stock, after deducting
working expenses and debt charges.
IN the penitentiary Henry McThey is
a prisoner, 54 years of age, who has
served 17 in that institution, having been
seven times sentenced, or recommitted.
Ton next game of billiards for the
championship of Ohio will be played in
Cincinnati, the contestants being Joseph
Caspar, of Norwalk, and Harty Choate,
of Springfield. The data of the game has
not men definitely fixed.
Mu. C. H.CAMPEN, General Western
Emigrant Agent, reports that during the
past week 073 emigrants passed through
Columbus for the west and northwest.
Since January Ist, 1870, 5,883 emigrants
have passed through the city-1,093 in
finnery, 1,250 in February, and 3,522 in
THE bill to authorize the Board of Ed
ucation cif Columbus to issue bonds to
the amount of $50,000 to build a school
house on State stfeet, and additions to
_other buildings, Teased the Rouse on
Saturday afternoon, under the vigorous
pushing of Mr. Baber, who gave the mat.
tar his attention..
Tun committee of the State Board
of Agriculture met at Springfield Tues
day to perfect arrangements for the com
ing State Fair in that city. The grounds
arab) be enlarged by the addition of forty
acres, making the whole tract eighty
seven acres in extent. The Little Miami
and C. C. C. S 3. railway companies are .
to unload freights within one square of
the grounds.
- Tun official test of the Day l atu Holly
.Water Works was • made on Thursday
afternoon last, and was witnessed by
thousands of people who crowded the
streets of that city for more than three
hours, despite &persistent rain. The teat
was made according to the programme,
and much to the satisfaction of the nu
merous spectators. With forty pounds
of steam two streams were thrown through
one thousand feet of hose to a height of
one hundred and thirty feet, and sus
tained there an hour. Then three, six
and a - dczen streams were sent up at dif
ferent times, some ono hundred and
twenty to ofbhundred and thirty feet,
and continued there a couple of hours,
, thoroughl demonstrating the capacity of
the machinery and. the supply well for tire
each stream being more than
equal tote steam fire engine.:
LONG BRANCH IS to 11690 i thCHWO.
. No go—Domingo.— [Y. N. Leader.
Ton Tnuun is just now an antipode.
BADGN Is to abolish the death penalty.
BURGLIinti !WIC a church bell at Pitt's
Point, Ky.
IiNicrOIST will contain dames Fisk,
this season.
Duxes, Ells, is pamphleteering fur wo
maa's rights.
- -
-Mavens:es skeleton has gone across
tbn Channel. - . . . ,
BAN P,nanasco is contented with the
Portrait of Patti. - -
PERT chloroform hydrophobic patients
to death sarr w
ENT O T ldo o .
rented at Newport.
Tarim is a religious revival within
forty miles of Chicago.
PAuLpE Hannan has young New
York at her feet again. . •
WAGNER Si to conduct the Bonn festival
on Beethoven's centennial.
Duxes is to mike a comic opera out of
his " Madam de Chamblay."
Latina DE FORCE GOaDeM is the Susan
Anthony of the Pacific coast.
Tie Astor House will be turned into
stores when the lease expires..,
bark BATEMAN is. Under engagement
for a year in English theatres.
PRINCE AIYUED has made s lucky min
ing speculation in New. Zealand.
Bent DUCE is thought the right
duke for chief of police In Louisville.
Mass Anynonv Las been demolishing
a male anti-suffraedst before the Peorians.
Tale Ban Diego mines are said to be the
richest quirt% country ever struck in Cal
'fonds. . .
Fiurmx (Maass, the Belgian Premier, Is
called the beet orator in Europe, next to
John Bright.
Mss Woonautd. announces herself as
candidate for the Presidency. Is she, '
then, over 45 ?
Nueva sings every night In the week,
and at two matinees, and doesn't grow
thin over it either.
7 .
Lannori sauage-eaters are nauseated at ',
the report that glandered horses am made
earful in that form.
Tee. Khedive has invited Lentils Muhl-'
bath to come and write a historical novel
about the Pyramids. . 1
As' affectionate Nevada man calls his
wile his "sage hen," and she calls him
her "tearing grizzly." ~
M. GRomor was called the richest tiler- ,
chant in Rupia. Ile died the other day,
and cut up $10,000,000. 1
A. rELLOW sues a New York company I
for ;15,000 damages in fishing him out of
the dock instead of letting him drown,
' when he walked off the ferry bridge.
Wroxsat D. Pone was successful in
;'poisoning four of his wives before be was
detected. lie will spend the rest of his
life in the Wisconsin penitentiary, Is,
Insisting the single failure of an indus
trious life.
A DoREIBLIL suspicion comes from the
oil regions, that the nitro glycerine tor
pedoes used to start the wells do not
always explode hut mix with the petty-
rim In quantities sufficient to blow most i
of US up gently. 1
LSWMINCII DOYLE, who has been in
the Maine State Prison -since May, 1864, I
under soden - co of death for the murder 1
of a little girl, tinder pecniarly horrible 1
circumstances', died on Friday last. To
the last he stoutly maintained his entire I
innocence of the crime.-
, I
Tim Postmaster General has concluded I
a treaty with the North German Union,
Including all German States and Austria,
reducing the rate of letter postage by
direct steamer to seven cents; via Eng
land, ten cents. No arrangement has yet
been made 'with Prance.
A PruLanzumts. man, crazy ail aloon,
has applied to the Mayor to pay him
$1,000,000, alleged to* be now due, for
mutual adjustment and satisfaction be
tween lalm, the said Philadelphia man.
the Government of the United Sham, the
Boman Catholic Church, the Greek
Church and the Jewish Church.
AnOTllin assessment has been levied
upon the Philadelphia pollee force. This i
time the sum extorted from these ill
starred officials is thirty-five dollars—just
one-half a month's salary. It is about
time that the object for which these pert.
offical assessments are levied_was made
known. It would make an interesting
chapter In the history of the local Democ
EvEnt effort is to be made to pus the
Tariff bill. The Ways and Means Com-1
milted agreed to some modifications which I
will materially assist the passage of the j
bill in the House. The Pennsylvanians
ere understood to be willing to acquiesce I
in some changes In the duties on Iron, if 1
these on steel are allowed to remain as in
the bill already. They have gone so far
as to agree, in order to secure the South
ern vote, to admit cotton machinery free
of duty. The steel interest is represented.
here in force, twisting on 'lterates in the
Pennsylvania Legislature
Failure to Prolong the Session
The Treasury Inquest Report
Adjournment Without a Day
(spectot Itlopatch to Um rltttlsoroh mottle.]
itniMinito, April 7,1870.
A message wan received from the Gov.
minor vetoing the new raippad bill.
The reading of It created considerable
Mr. WALLACE moved ita considera
tion be postponed. Agreed to.
Mr. RANDALL offered a resolution
that the 'joint resolution • prOviding 'for
final adjournment to day be rescinded
and that both Houses adjourn on Thurs-
day 14th of April. Disagreed to.
Yens—Mears Beck, Connell. Findlay,
Fienszsey, Linderman. Lowry. Mumma,
Nagle, Oltneted, Randall, Wallace and
.Says Messrs. Allen, Billlngfelt,
Beooke. Brodhead; - Brown, 13uckalew,
Davie, Graham, Howard, Kerr. Mclntire,
Osterhout, Robinson, Buten, Turner,
Warfel. White and speaker Stinson-18.
• Mr. LOWRY then moved that theses
soon be continued until Saturday. It
was impassible to get through with the
business of. the Legislature to-day, even
not taking Into consideration the veto
jest read. Disagreed to..
Yeas—Measns. Beck, Connell, Findlay,
ilenssey, Linderman, Lowry, Mclntire,
Miller. Nagle, Olmsted, Randall, Robi
son. Wallace, Watt-14. •
Nays— BMWS. Allen, ",
Brooke, Brodnead, Brown,,l Buckalow,
Graham, Howard: Kerr, Munima, Rohm,
Turner, Warfel, White, Stinson, Speaker
Mr. GRAHAM then moved the Senate
proceed to the election of Speaker.
The candidstce nominated were White
(Rep.) and Wallace (Dem.)
Mr. White was elected - by the Republt.
can vote.
Mr. STINSON, retiring Speaker, then
sold a few complimentary words in faro.
Mr. WHITR followed in a lengthy
speech, urging UlOlOlllll5ll of reform in
special legislation, and the propriety of
holding a Canatttutional Convention,
and the publication of soma accurate,
legislative record..- '
TII6 TILEAIII76r l'1141;102 ASPO/ST
• Mr. BILLINGFELT maid the report of
the Senate Finance Committee - on . the
Treasury investigation was in hie hands,
but - the Committee should °mutat before
banding ilia Ile moved the Committee
he allowed to put the report la the halide
of the Clerk some time this afternoon.
Mr. BUCKALEW moved to amend by
providing that the Clerk should be em.
powered to print a eufficlent number of
copies of the report. Agreed to and
motion adopted.
. _
At 12,o'cloek the Speaker adjourned
ho'Senite sine die. -
No presents were made In the Senate.
Use enentero.
Mi. SMITH moved that the use of the
hall be granted to the colored citizens of
Harrleburg to celebrate. the. Fifteenth
Amendment. Iluanimouly agreed to,.
several Democrats urging its passage.
Mr. REINDBEIL introduced 'burlesque
resolutions of thanks to Mr. Bergner..
MUTUAL ADMlRATlON—rneenrrrs.
The usual resolutions of thanks were
Preeentatlont were made sta
Mr. DAVIS, on behalf of all the mem
ber!, to the Speaker—gold watch and
'Mr. SCIHATTERLY, on behalf of Chief
Clerk Selfridge, to the Speaker—gold
Mr. NILIS. on behalf of transcribing
clepks, to chief clerk Selfridge—silver
Mr. CRAIG, on behalf of officers of the
House, to Mr. Davie—gold beaded cane.
Mr. DAVIS, on behalf of - pages,' to
chief clerk Selfridge—gold pencil find
Mr. STRONG made a feeling farewell
speech, regretting the veto of the new
Railroad bill.
Adjourned sine die.
roam eel xcn.
Among those moat prominently named
in,conneetion with the next speakerenip
of the House are Metiers. J. D. !W./ unkin,
of Vfflunage. Itehthoel and Watt, the first
named gentleman having apparently the
boat feeling in his favor, the western
membership being desirous, of securing
the next presiding officer.
The Ooverner.haa approved the appro-
priation bill as amended. -
Itatitleatt n Celebration by the Gl:aorta
People—A Suiting Ilemonatration. •
I B; Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 aeetlO )
CHICAGO. April 7.—The colored people
of Chicago celebrated to-day the ratifies.
lion of the Fifteenth Amendment by il
procession and other exercises. At ten ,
o'clock the procession was formed and
when under way proved to be one of the
best ^displays of the kind ever gotten.ttp
In this city, either by whites or colored.
Military, Kuighte Templar, Masons, Odd.
Follows, Good Templar' and many other
orgavizatlons were w ell represent.
ed. Everything was done decently
and In order. The procession
'wall more than a mile In length
and most have contained from font to
five thousand people. The sldewalks all
along the line of the procession were well
lined with people, who witnessed the
movements of the newly enfranchised
citizens with respectfut interest. Four
excellent braes bands supplied the
mimic. 4mong the features of the pro.
cession as a large car drawn by six
horses, u u Which were arranged young
colored 111, dressed In white, repre
senting t e various States of the Union. ,
After t procession was dismissed a
large number of colored people gathered
in Farwell
exercises, engaged in brief 1
devotional led by one of their
gntnber. In tho evening a la
athered In Far Well Hall, whenad
dressee were delivered by both colored
and white orators. Included in the latter
were Gov .. Brown and Postmaster
Arrload of the Denudes of Gen. Thomas
--leuneral To-Def.
tar Tees, ape to tee rittsearsti orartw.) •
'racy, April 7.—The remains of Gen.
Thomas arrived this morning. . The
funeral train was met at Schenectady by
a Committee appointed by the (Minns of
i Troy. .On arrival here the remains were
laid instate at St. 'Paula Church. Gene.
McDowell, Sheridan, Sherman, Meade.
Hooker,Hazen, Newton,Maley, Gran
ger an other distinguleed Maws are
In the city. The funeral exercises will
take place at noon to.triorrow.. The WAY;
• will be Interred in Oakwood OeMetery.
President Grant le expected to.rnorrow
SENATE: Mississippi River Le
vees—lncome Tai[ Bill Passed
—BsWoad Land Grants Dis
cussed. HOUSE: Further Pro
gress With Tariff Bill—Per
soual Between— Br. Butler
(Mass.) and Mr. Schenck.
(Bi Telegraph tothe YttioltOritO G &sotto.)
WASunicrioN, April 7, 1870.
Mr. KELLOGG introduced a bill to so•
cure a uniform and more perfect system
of levee for the reclamation and protec
tion of alluvial lands In the Mississippi
vley'from overflow. it provides fur a
guest of publics lauds of six Beaton* per
mile of levee construged to the atlas's
sippi Valley levee couTpany, on condition
that the States of Miesiseippl. Tennessee,
Arkansas and Miewenii, or either of them,
shall contract with said company for the
cOustruotionff 107008. ' ;-
The bill extending the time for the
completion of the first section of twenty
miles ebble Cairo aid ro ;on Railroad
The concurrent resolution direatln j
Inquiry into the effect of the tifteenah
amendment upon Indians was adoptk,
Mr. DRAKE Introduced a bill to confer
Jurisdiction upon the Court of Waling to
hear and detect:anti tholiult of the city
of Carondelet vs, United Stater. •
Mr. cajiNpLFR, from Committee
:commerce, repiirted favorably on the bill
declaring the oonaent of Congress to the
ereetionef a oelb. In Like Erie by the
city of Cleveland for the protection
an Inlet:for water works about to be coat
The joint resolution authorizing the
Northern Pacific •Rallroad Company (o'
Issue construction bonds, securing the
sanieby mortgage, with amendments or
84r.ililf neon fixing the prise of additional
lends at f 2 60 per acre, and restricting
them to actualsettlers, next came up.
Mr. HOWELL argued against the rail
roads , monopolizing lands and _Mr.
S [SWART defended the railroads and
'laud grants as conducing to the prosper
ity of the country. -
Without dlspodng of the hill,
The bill declaratory of the meaning or
intention of existing.,lawe relating, to
income tex arse taken up, on mo tion of
Mr. SkiERMAN..- ' . - ' • •
As amended by the Finance Commit
tee, the bid simply continues' for We
preeent year the tax on salaries and
dividends - and omits all reference. to ,
Income tax. It refers only to taxies
dividends, salaries and Interest paid by
corporations. .
fitr. SCOTT offered mi amendment to
obviate co llec t termed the injustice Of
the tax led through banks off dial
dends to portions having less income
than one thousand dealers; which Mr.
SHERMAN opposed as likely to creete
confusion in the execution' of present
laws, sad was rejected-18 against 20.. ,
Mr. SUMNER spoke against the re..
estabilahment of Income tax. ~..
Mr. SHERMAN corucidored it the mast
just of our taxes.
Attar further remarks by Mr. -DAMS
In favor • of • poll tax, a carefully adjusted
property tax end a revision of the aye.
tern of taxation upon whiskey end to
ham, the hill was amended and praised
in a shape to construe • that the. Luanne
tax to to be °enacted fur and during the
year 1870 In the manner now or
to be.provided by law.
The bill authorizing the Northern Pe.
tide Railroad Company
to issue its Weds
in the construction oh its road was then
Preceeded and by ssrs.
H withARLAN and HOWARD,diacussed
the hatter
asserting that the cry against subsidising
railroad companies cams not from honest
al:Miens but from land epecutacore.
Mr. HARLAN delivered a lengthy
argument In support of the viewa of his
colleague (Mr. Howell] upon the ?aeons.
city of a modification of the policy of
railroad land grants, so as to ware the
rlit ir its .
It . d if o ag i al sa.tlera.
LL ..)g.
would to-morrow more to l ' ake up Oaf
Legislative, Executive and J dic ier sp.
propriation bill.
Mr. RAMSEY said ,he would feudal
upon the next special order, which was
tbe•Franklng Privilege bill.
Adjourned , •
Mr. RECK, from the Committee on
Appropriations, reported a resolution in,
reference to coupon books used in inter.
rustrotenne serviCe.COOctirring whale's
Vomentesioner of Internal Revenue . In
his opinion as to form and alze, dc., of a
book relented to the buelnese of the peg.
plMr. c Adopted.
MUNCHEN offered a resolution,
direoting an investigation by the Sacra.
tary of the Treasury-into the condition
and management of Marine hoard tale:
Referred. to Committeelan Commerce..,
Mr. POLAND, from Committee on Re.
vision of Law% reported back the follow.
log .
To extend time In which certain
offences may be pnisecuted. Passed.
It allows prosecutions for forgery, per
jury, Ac., in the matter of. claims for
pensions and bounty to be instituted
within four years. •
• Authorising the Secretary .. of Abe
,Tressury to appoint ape al agents, swot
exceeding fifty-three in number, for the 1
purpose of making examinations of
booke, papers and connote of Collectors
and other officers of customs.. Referred
to Committee on Retrenchment.
Mr. FERRIS reported a bill to perpet-''
este testimony' in United Staten Courts.' l
Passed. •
Mr. JENKS reported a bill to regulate.'
the exercise of admiralty jurisdiction In
United States Courts. Parsed.
At the conclusion of the morning hour,
a point of order was raised by Memos.
PAINE and CULLOM as td the correct,'
nees of the prevailing practice under rule I
i.e to the morning hour, which, after:an
explanation. from the Speaker and - woo
aiderable discussion, went over for fur
ther consideration.
Mr. DAWES, from the Committee on
ApPropriations, reported a bill approprt
"thg 1100,375 to supply deficiencies for.
salaries of United States ministers abroad ,
for the :timid year.anading June 80th,
1870. IleezPlained the cause of the de.
ficioncy and the bill passed.
The Houle then went Into Committee
on the tariff bill, the clause under con.,
sideration being that taxing cigars and ,
ciarettes 12,50 per lb, as agreed to yes.
te g rday. and 25 persent ad valorem, t he ,
pending amendment being that o ff ered:
by Mr.- Strong to Increase It -to fifty' ter
cent ad valorem.
Mr. SCHENCK, acting on the Indian,.
Dona of the Committee of Ways and
Mean', moved to strike out of the bill
all relating to clops and leave the law as
it Is at present:
After - *mashie/able dleeuesion Mr.
SCHENCK' withdrew the motion. and
Mr. MYERS renewed it, and the whole
paragraph - was istrnek out,. leaving - the
duly on cigars - asunder the existing law.
Mr. BROOKS, of New York. moved to
amend the subsequeut clause, relating to
cotton manufactures, no em to read:
On all manufactures of cotton, and on.
all other articles manufactured of cotton,
the set of March 2,1881, Is 'hereby re"
"Alter a discussion by Messrs. Brooke,.
Kelley, O'Neil. Dawes, Marshall,
Schenck. Brooke, (Maas.,) Maynard,
Cox and
Finkeinburg, the amendment
was rejected.
Mx. MARSHALL moved to antaditnte
thirty per cent. ad valorem for the taxes
provided in the paragraph. Rejected.
Mr. WINANS offered as a substitute
for thii clause ono on the same subject
contained In the act of March 2, 1881.1
Mr. ALLISON moved to amend by I
striking out the words "and in addition I
thereto tellpercent. lrel valorem' " I
Mr. BUTLER opposed any change of
the present law and Mr. SCHENCK de
fended the action of the Ways and !deans
During the discussion Mr. BUTLER
said it was due the Chairman of the
COOlolltteo of Was and Means as
'as to himself, to m a ke &remark. ,
by way
of personal explanation. In the com.
inencement of this Congress he had in '
the heat of debate stated substantially'
that ho intended to inveatigatetheoourse
of the Chairmen of the Committee of I
Ways and Means. At that time he had
many stories broached to him, which had
forced themselves on his mind. He bad
&nee investigated them and found them
in every ., instance to be of that clam of
Mendoza which every public man ant
fared. In the same place where he bad
made the assertion, ho felt it due to that
gentleman (Mr. Schenck) as well as him
self to make, as far as he could, repara
tion. •
Mr. SCH ENCIC'• said he accepted the
reparation in the same awl; in which
he believdd it Waseffered. He hod felt
perfectly'confident w hen he challenged
Investigation long ago as to what the
result of anyinvestigatlon Into anything
Impeaching hie integrity would be, and
he ass glad that to the name place, and
by the same gentleman by whom the.
intimation against him had been thrown
out, there wee now ench - relraltion tales
ee would go to thoworld.
Mr. BLITLRP. moved 'to strike out the
deuce. Rejected.
No further amendment was offered,
and the paragraph' an to cotton mantillal.
remains in the - bill aa reported.
The next paragraph was as to common
spool cotton.
Mr. SCHENCK moved to end by
changing twelve cents to six ants and
two hundred yards - to ORO hundred
yarde, co as to toad, "One I thread
of cotton, six cents per do ; spools
'containing on each spool ncir more than •
one hundred yards oL thread, and for
every additional one hundred yards or
fractional part thereof In excess of one
hundred yards on each spool, six Conte
per dozen spools ,end thirty per cent. ad
valorem In additibn to the above rate.'
Mr. ALLISONmoved to make It live
cents per dozen spools and said the
present rates were from sixty-five to
seventy per cent. on the value of the
article. His amendment would reduce
It to front filly to sixty per cent., which
ho thought quite high enough.
Mr. 8R00K.% N. Y., moved to reduce
the rate to (Our saute oar dozen spools.
This was rejects&
Without disposing of the other amend.
'Monts tlie Committee roan and the Howse
adjourned, , •
Close of the Prosecution In, the
IcFarland-Richirdson Case—
Methodist Conference, &e., dm,
ley Ttivaratia to toe ['Roberta ll went.)
Nirwrook - , April 7, 1870.
Tait atcFaitLaND TAUT.
The real work of the . McFarland trial
commenced 'this morning, and It wan
evident from the deep attention with
which the auSienoe Ilatimed to the pro
ceedingtithat the fact was duly apprecla.
led. The prisoner, however, preserved
seine cal m .. . .
the seine calm and •Cotiiixiaure that hin
marked" his demeanor since the begin
ning of the trial. An noon as the jury
• Dir'
toll way calle d, le. l c i Attorney, Garvin
proceeded to open the cane on the part
of the people, and charged the jury that
unless the prisoner can show that he was
justitied,in hia set, he was guilty of mar-
der in the that degree, mid such should i
be the verdict. At the siegottilin of the
defense, the Dintrtet AttorukS , ordered
all the Whinnied for the prosecution to.
retire, except the first one to be called.
The lint witness, Geo. M. King, was I
called for the prosecution. and the exam- i
II:tattoo begun by the District Attorney.l
The witness, King, wu etuployed in
the Tribune counting room; knew Rich.
ardeon and McFarland; his testimony
recounted substantially the facet relating .
to the shooting of Richardson as
frequently inert given to the public;
Mr. Graham conducted the. crossexami
iustion. A Wagon:not the Trent/la oubll,
cation office was exhibited to witness;
and he IndiCuted the position occupied
napectively by himnelf, deceased and
the prisoner at the time the shooting oe
currod; could Ina renumber Laving Want
lidchardson make any motion that-Lodi
cited an intention to use a wanton; saw
Riche:F/I'a pistol., after wards at the
Astor maim - .eCver heard Richardson
busthts skill with a pistol.
The next witness, Daniel- Frohroan,
recounted the circuses:emcee of the shoot
ing sabatantially as known; knew that
Richardeon wee armed; saw a revolver
at the Astor Houaselfter, which Richard
son had on his person; did sot see a
pistolin Richardson's hand at the time
of the 'hooting.
Edwin J. Corner wan the third witness
for the prosecution. lie was one of tbei
Tribune mail clerka,..and his evidence
In the main was corroborative of that of
the two previous witnesses. A. recess
was then taken.
upon. reassembling, Daniel Watson,
mail clerk at the Tribune office, testified
to hearing a pistol shot and seelng_two
men leave the office; did uot ZOO Bach.
'artisan or McFarland. •
Captain Altana teatifled to arresting the
prisoner, and to Itlchardson's Identifies.
tion'of him es tin man who shot hint.
Dr. Swan gave evidence an to the Char
acter of the woldid;ltif treatment, ai d to
the death Of:Richardson.' - . •
Thu question 'being asked by e ` i . .,16-
tense if the witness was prese at the
marriage ceremony, objection was - Made
by the prootecution. .
Mr. Graham, for defense, claimed he
had a right to show what:excitements de.
mend was subjected to that accelerated
his death, and with which hie client had
nothing to do. He would show they
celled a blaaphemous ceremonto their
aid, not for a marriage, bu t
that they
might-moire the property of the dying
man. That desecrating proceeding was
but a culmination of a conspiracy organ
load by an Anti - mous gang, who tint
sowed the painful seeds that resulted
Ito such a.. fearf4 occurrence. They
could show that Beecher had In hie pos
session a copy of an intercepted letter.
1 agai ehonld acting have
the put him au hieguard
again part he did. The
prcseoutlen must prove that Richardson
wag sent before hie biaker by the act of
McFarland alone. if the Doctors, Beech- .
er and Frothiegierin .had done their
ditty, that blasphemous marriage eerie.
many would never have taken place.,
Richardson was unable to determine
1 about taking that ; woman for his wife
I and they took advantage of his weeklies%
1 The question was excluded.
Mr. Graham then showed tho photo.
graph ot Mrs. Richardson to witness and
naked to have it ehown to the jury.
, Objection sustained.
Mr. Graham then asked a number of
questions relative te Mts. Richardson,
which were ruled out as not pertinent,
counsel fur defense excepting.
Dr. Payne was called by toe premien-
Gan, but not being in Court the District . ,
Attorney wild Mashie rested their cane.
Mr. Graham argued the prosecution
had' failed to show that the death of .
Richardson was lately caused by the
wound which he received at the hands'
of the prisoner, end inked that the Court
inetruot the jury that if the prosecution
failed to erstablish the averments in '
the Indictment, they had failed In an
important branch of the case, and that .
therefore his client was . entitred to . be:
a l i f i l l e it gco . ;der stated ' that In hie opinlo ' n .
there was enotigh to go to the . jury.;
Mr. Spencer said he did not anticipate
the prunecution would close their Mao
so abruptly, and had not prepared for
°punt= the case forthe defense. - .
The Court granted hire 'until to mor.
row to prepare thole care.. -
Adjourned Ain io-morrw. '
~ . . _
''Joseph Dspelater Ogden died today,
aged eighty. .
Toe Methodist. Conference Reef hat
appointed' Contmisedaners to prepare
resolutions condemning the divorce laws
of Connecticut, and against all efforts to
give a sectarian blue to the managetnent
of nubile schools , . • .
' The ado owners are siguireeetition
to (Amorists against the bill p riding for
aubaldles to certain lines of American
vessels, as iniurione to general ehipplug
During March 11,790 emigrants arnved
here, including 5,989 Clermont.. - •
A wallet contag coin noteeand val
uable pspers, Tallied a 175,000, wee found
in the attic of an-old building corner
of Third avenue cod One Hundred and
Thirtieth street. It Is supposed to have
lain there for years, and that it was the
proceeds of a robbery. •
Prosident • O rant and Cabinet, Senators
Fenton and Cameron, and Represents.
dyes Troy.
, Bankeand Garfield arrived to-night
f ut Washington en reale to Ty.
The Union League Club to-night cola.
tiated the ratification of the Fifteenth
mendroent, and adopted resolutions
e pressive .ofeorrow at the death of
General Thema& - ' -
The colored &Iselin of Newark, N. J.,
to day celebrated the ratification of the
Fifteenth atneudeiont.
—Tho :rosier , . of the Probody,estste In
E haVe critotetteirrAtA with the ,
most of tha or. Ices of Quebec as'
to thin svirleabtflty of fountlltta a village
In I:Aver Csosila, buildirg forte-hones,
a dlui ob. wart-Items°, dm., for emigrants
liereafmr to be sent.
- •
FOUR O'CLOCK, .11..1111.
Addition to 'I aryl Bill—Rich
mond Municipal Case—Navy
Mat4rs—Conulittee Business.
Telegraph to the rltt !burgh llarette.j
WAsairciTroN, Aprtl 7, 1870.
The Oommittee on Ways and Means
to-day agreed to tecommend the follow
ing additional section to the Tarif bill:
That the act imposing a tonnage duty on
ships, vessels or steamers [Mall hereafter
be construed to apply to any ship, vested
or ateamer belonging to a citizen or citi
zens of tho United States trading and
arriving from ports of the United States,
or trading froin one point or port within
the United States to another point or
port:within the. United States.
...costxrrrzi Boairizes.
.. • •
The - Ootomlttee .of Ways and - Meant"
will to-morrow consider the ~Funding
bill. -
Dr. Hayes appeared before the Senate
Coriimittee on Foreign Rebalms. to-day
and. - mat interrogated. concerning the
practicability of reaching the North Pole
and the probable advantage to science
and aommerce of the expedition for that
The Honae Committee one CominerCe
agreed to report favorably, the bill
authorizing the establishment of water
gauges:end of daily observations at the
principal points on the' Mississippi river
and its six principal tiibutarfM.
Gen. C. M. Lee, cif Wyoming territory,
mods ati
to-day boforo the
House tenoni ng Commit rit In favor
of • resolution endorsi the Big Horn
Mining Expedition. Charges hare been
died here against the . oilialsi integrity of
Church Howe, Marshal for Wyoming
territory. •
Hon. James Nelson and Judge John
Meredith, in hehalf of Ellison end
3overnorsWise and Wells, in be
half of Cahoon. have arrived hare and
will argue the Richmond municipal calla
before Chief Jaglce 'Chase in cham
bers. Theoneetion turns on te juris
diction of Judge , Underwood h the
premises. and affects relatively. other
parts of Virginia. '
The Elitists Na lsi val l On " Zitte a his agreed
out to sot on any petitions for restoration
of naval officers from retired list Eh active
servioe, unless on recommendation of
the Secretary of the Navy.
Before leaving Washington this morn
ing the Prealdent signed the Joint resolu
tion directing the Secretary of the Navy
to investigate the Oneida disaster.
The ports of the National banks In
resi re se to the recent pallor Comptroller
Hubbard, come In slower than usual,
owing to the attune in . the day of the
'week upon which they were required to
be made, which Is Thursday - Instead of
Hattuday as heretofore.
• Irowrai
The new postal treaty with the North
Ilerman Union haebeen slgnedand takes
effect. July let. Ti e rces single rate
prepaid letters 'England to seven
cents. Itourepald lettere - double
ratea.. rues are un changed
but must be prepaid.
etruM - Itte own appitestlon Brevet Brig.
Glen. Sidney Burbank, Colonel ftr. 8.
Army, unassigned, having nerved over
forty CLinsecutidei years, to by dimetion of
the Preside t n retired from aetiveservtee,
/0 lase effect May Ist. .
Walden km Celelpration by the Colored
(By T.g. mi ,,,,
ph to the Pittsburgh (16.t18.1
Dar 'iv, April 7.—The ratificadon of
the Fl enth Amendment_ was cola
touted tc-day on. -
a grand scale by the
. .
mimed people of this 'city and vicinity.
A. lengthy, processioo, headed by a de
tarstiment of pollee and accompanied by
bands of mindeo• banners, &C., marched
through the 'principal 'streets. - Among
the distinguished gentlemen who occu.
I Med carriages in 'the procreation were,
1 tiov. Baldwin, Col. Henry Barns, Hon.
1 Boss Wilkins, Hon. M. W. Brooks, Net.
[ ameba Swift, and Republican members
id the city government. The pm:melon
I reached the Opera Renee at,o,olook,
is , wherelho exercises commenced, -
I William Lambert (colored), of this city,
I presiding The crowd was addreiteea n d '
Baldwin, who spoke briefly
' congratulated his hearers ontheir
I newly gained privileges, urging
[ upon- them the importance of • fitting
I themselves for the' proper discharge 1
lof accompanying duties. J. Madison.
I Bell, colored, of Toledo. recited an orig
1 lual poem, which was received with
1 great enthuslaani. John D. Richards, of
this city, them delivered the oration of
the day and occepied about half an hour,.
In which he warmly, defended his race,
and asked that harsh Judgment be not
passed upon there until they bad ()prem•
trinity to develop their powers. Speeches
were also made btl' Hon. W. A. Howard„
Grand .Rapids, Wm. JOIMIBOD and D. B.
Duffield, of this city.' This evening they
are having a grand jollilication meeting •
at Merrill Hall, with speeches by promi
nent men of both races. The day was
betiful. everything pawed off sundae.
torlly and the .utmost good feeling pre.
Upper lUyere.
thy A. a P. Telegr•Ph.)
OIL tiny, April T.—Elver falling, with
tire feet ten Inches water blithe channel.
Weather clear. Thermometer 63 at 7
P. X.
April7.—River falling,
with Biz feet yrater In tho channel.
Weather clear., Thermometer 66 at 7
P.'7.C. A.
• EIBBINISIIOII6,' April 7.—River haling .
/lowly. with four feet water In the chan
nel. Weather clear. Thermonhiter 67
at6P.M. •
fdoaoserrows. April 7.—River station
ery, with three feet water in the channel.
Weather cloudy; Thermometer 65 at 6
- - The Ohio l e rgbleture.
thy graph to Um Cittationch neuter.)
Oormunee, April 7.—The Senate spent
the day on the bill to preventrallroad
companies from running ears over their
traces when they have not been fenced.
The bill failed to pass.
The goose to day passed the bill re
pealing the visible admixture law of last
—Twe bundred soil fifty men left At.
bindle, .Wyomlng Territory, Wednesday,
welt Mounted and armed, to pursue the
Indiana ho oetrunitted recent murders
near the place. - .
....Go v. : . • man, of New York. in view
of mas, the pr- ... co - of President Grant M
Tro at neral of Gen. T
teed;red the
elm f t he hospitalities of ho
Esscutive residence passed
through Albany. The President replied,
thanking Mat for the courtesy, - hued°.
Mining it, as his stay would be brief.
having arranged to attend.she Army of
the Potomac reunion at Philadelphia
—At St. Louis last evening nothing
further had been heard of the steamer
Richmond, which met with a mishap
below that city. A wrecking boat was
sent to her relief, and the probabilities
were that she would be saved without
mach damage. The boat is valued at
*120,000, and Ls insured in Pittsburgh
and Louisville oiliest. She had about
1,800 tons of freight, valued at nearly
-The Red River .(Winnepeg) question
Game up In the Dominion Parliament on
It was announ by kik
John ednesd A. M cDonald It- had be ce en d
upon that that country would be retained .
sea portion of Her Majesty's dominion,
and law and order asserted there; but u.
to the tine of conduct resolved upon, that
would not be made known Cl present.-
—Attachments for amounts aggreap.
tin $1,104,000 have been caned sash:it'
the Boston, Hartford and - Erie Railroad
to satisfy claims, the last one, for
PAWN being Issued yesterday.
Changes in English Ministry—
Consideration of Irish Land
Bill—Conscription Disturban
ces in Spain—Constitutional
Reform in France—The Revo
lution iu Cuba About Crushed.
lay Telegraph to the .I . lttaborgh llasetla„)
LONDON, April I.—The Prince and the
Prinetsi Their dined with Minister Motley
last night.' There NSIIN a brilliant armour.
blago present.
The paper makers in North Engle led
at a meeting tn. Manchester yesterday,
agreed to advance the price on all kinds
of paper ten per cent., owing to the dear
ness of rage.
Tho bullion in the Bank of England
decreased 393 pounds sterling during the
past week.
The Times In an editorial on the boat
race Bays : Pluck and perseverance gave
Cambridge the victory. This is gratify
ing to a patine weary of Oxonian enemas,
which had become monotonous by repe
tition. •
Tee Telegraph says the victory Is im
mensely popular, satisfaction genuine
and unbounded.•
It is hinted today that Sir Stafford'
Northoote'a mutemplated visit Quassia'
has some relation to the lied liver MM..
salty: •
The Globe intimates that the ear re-
tirement of the Speaker of the Hom ly e
Commons may be expected, and that the
Right Ron.' Edward Cardwell; present
Secretary of Ware will probably. lie Oleo-
ted hie successor.
The Glebe also announces that chauges
are ooliternOlkted'in thelehtstry, among.
which are the following: Lord Nortek'
brook, to ronlace Mr. Cordelell as Slow.
Lary of War; A. S.. Ayrton", now Cord-
miesioner of Public Works, to be Presi
dent of the Board of Trade, ahould John
Bright withdraw In consequence . of ill
health, and Sir Rountlell Palmer to
suoceed Lord • Hathigley as Lord Chan
In the Rouge of Lords to-day the
elestien of Lord Laneabary as represen
tative peexfor Ireland was announced.
In the OOmmons, Mr. Childers, first
Lord of Admiralty, said' Ordain Lem.
bees, of the-man-of-war Daphne, now
cruising in the Pacific, had been directed
to nee the utmost vigilance to arrest the
deportatiOn of South Sealdanders.
Mr; hionsell, Under Colonial SectretarY;
in reply to an inquiry, informed the
House that nothing had been done about
the Red River difficulty since the'W.d of
March, when the Government sent fall
inetructions to the Canadian authorities:.
The Howse rammed the consideration
of the Irish land bill in committee. Mr.
Syrian, member for .Llmerick county,
moved an amendment providing that an
be entitled' to damages
equal te ' ten years' rent, , but not to ex.
coed ten pounds. Mr. 'Gladstone op
posed this, though he mad he was Willing
to provide for a free contract, after the
provishms of the bill bad been observed .
for a given number of • years, dis
cretion thereon to bo left to the
courts. Mr. Gladstone proceeded to
disease and defend other clauses of the
bill. Mr. Gathorne Hardy admitted the
moat objectionable features d el ls nill
had been removed. Sir Rou Pal
mer was averse to further changes. Mr.
Gorey. thought the bill an adroit echeme
for extorting long lease. from reluctant
landlords. Messrs. Hunt and Hogan
favored seven yearn as the term of lease
bir. Synau's amendment and several
others were withdrawn or negatived.
Gladstone, after referri to the
canceaelons already mule, with ng
ance 'said time dental of all compensation
to outgoing tenant, the denial of freedom
of oontract and limitation of damages to I
illy pounds. which were proposed in an I
amendment offered by Mr. Fowler, were
equally arbitrary.. and ininet. He
appealed solemnly to the Committee
to accept the coneosalons made by the
Government already, so extreme as to
alienate many Irish supporters. The
House divided on Me. Fowler's amend
ment with the following result: For the 1
amendment 215, against 250 —mejcirlty for
Chnernment 32. P'rogreas was reported
and the House adjourned. ' -
The drat instance of the onfrrreement of
the Irish coercion bill occurred to-day at
Dundalk. ;where the magistrates ordered
a printer to suppress the edition of a
Farmer's AIM: use containing , seditious
languaQge. . .
The ueen declined to inaugurate Hie]
Albert memorial at Belfast.
I QUEENSTOWN, April 7.—A. mason
werkiug on the new cathedral here was
arrested by the police as a 'Fenian. He
had a revolver concealed on his person,
which, becoming known to the police,
led to his arrest on auspicion. His nanie
is withhold.
. .
Duman, April 'l.—Threatening letters
and midnight Visits of armed men con
tinue In the counties of Heath, Chun,
Langfordand Mayo. .
Mauer% April 6-2 P. x.—The Spanish
Cortes have passed a bill providing' for
the levy of forty thousand men, to till
up the army. The conscription in Bar.
oolong Is progressing. The artillery
opened tire at Garcia. Since then no
news has been received from the diem ,
nod - districts, the telegraph lines having
been cut.
APRIL 7-1 r. x.—Popordar opposition
to the operations of the militar con
scription act has not Abated. Yest y
a number of men entered Seville from
the neighboring village' of Cameo and
Sandi:Qom with banners Hying shouting
°Viva Republic. and down with the con
scription." They were sent out to teat
the disposition or the people for rising.
The riothrs werepromptly arrested by
the authoritlee. Groupsof people formed
around the guard, and fora time it was
thought efforts would be made to rescue
the prisoners. They wore safely lodged
in Jail altar some difficulty and the
crowd dispersed end the oft) , soon became
r. x.—News from Barcelona is high
ly important.. Advices just received
state the troubles have broken out there
with renewed violence. The rioters have
congregated a short distance oat of the
city and have thrown up barricades.
The Il.uptitin General. has 'notified the
Government he is not strong enough to
attack - them and is awaiting reinforce
ments. Gen. Prim has sent Gen. Bald
rich to the scene to take command of
the national troops.
In the Cortes to -day, a dispatch from
the Captain General of Cuba was read,.
announcing the flight of Jordan, the in
surgent Connander-in-Chief, the sur
render" of many of the beels, and the
execution of others, dclg that
the rebellion Is at an' end.. The Cortes
adopted a vote of thanks to the Captain
General and army, navy and volunteers
lILVAI4A. April 7.-oMcial dispatches
he been re...rived Captain arel
D av e Roder' at Puertofrom
Principe District fl in
favor of the Spaniards. .
Ten columns of Snapp& trlx , pe left
Puerto 'Principe with instructions to
divide, into small parties, each column
under sealed orders from the. Qiptaln
Tire _rebel General Agramonte lately
bung a man to a tree on the road leading
into Puerto Pesci pe, with the inscription
pinned to him, ..Exectited for trying to I
imrrender." -
The towns of Carracoai Sibanles and
GUZIMSTS are strongly fortified by Span.
lab troops. Companies of volunteers are
being organised in thosetownscomposed
entirely of Cubans, and as soon as
e quipped they will proceed to the Held.
Two hundred Spaniards from the-gar
rison of Puerto - Principe marched into
the town of Santa Cruz, where they cap-
lured and executed three rebel colonels I
named Root% Cenci.* and Shiclirua
t e . that .du thinemofalenighbr
bun. y of
Spanish dispatches report that the
rebel General Jordan has certainly fled
thheecminsuurtrygen a
dred m an, is comman ded by General
Agramonte. These dispatches also state
the Congress nas been dissolved. '
The Cuban families who surrendered
to the Spaniel' authorities at Arenas state
that President Castrates has abandoned
the region of Los Tunas and retired,
with about a dozen followers, to Cams.
grimy region.
Spanish • convoys of provisions now
reach the town of Los Tunas without
molestation by insurgents.
A duel was lately fought between the
rebel Cola.' Ryan and Suguilix. Result
Peale, April 7.—The specie In the Bank
NO. 84
. _
of France increased 8,000,000 franca dur
ing the past week.
' It is reported Dial the Opposition party
will issue a proclamation concerning the
plebiscitum. . •
It is rumored that Count Darn, Minis
ter of Foreign Affairs, and M.'Buffet;
Minister of Finances, have tendered
their• resignations. It la also. reported
the Emperor was hurt to-day while
mounting a bone. These rumors have
had an effect upon the bourse and de
pressed the routes. which at this hour
are quoted et 73f. 15c.
Emile 011ivier ems Jules Janin have
heen elected members of the Academy
of France. 011ivier takes the seat made
vacant by the death of. Lamartine.
The medical students to day signed a
protest against the closing of the F.cole
de Medicine.
The piebiseilum will be submitted to
the nation after the Senate has voted on
&mans Conauftww, probablit about the
15th of May. It is generally understood
the Government wilt allow both Cham
bers to discuss the pfebiseilton befure it
Is voted on ay the people.
The Aimless accuse , 'Muller of en
couraging the strike of workmen at Ls
Penis, Ap
firms exeitcs. out recoveret
ire now quoted at 73 72.
r 117.— U r.-x.—Bourso.oon
- V lENNA, A prll7.—The Upper Chamber
passed n resolution favoring the, sp•
pointment of a liberal ministry and op.
posing istrong central powers. The
'bower Chamber adopted an address to the
Euiperor protesting against experimental
changes in tho Constitution.
Lowlier:l; April 7.—Evening,—Conisola
for money 93%; account 933 i. Atnerlean
securities _quiet: Tee-forties 87; '62r,
91541 '6sa ; 90 35 ; '67s, 89%. Er ie 21; 11111.
noes Central 114%; Great Western 2834.
Stocks quiet. -
Mysore/oz. April 7.—Cotton quiet and
steady; axles middling uplands at 11.%d;
Orleans 11%d; 'sales 12,000 bales. Can
ton:as white Wheat 9s 2sl@9s 8d; red
western, N 0.2, 75 4d ®Ss; wilder 8i 7dep
8s Bd. Western Flour 1919 d. Corn; No.
2 mixed; .4111. Oata 4irs. Die 6d.
Mom Beef 106 s. Fork
Lard 675. Cheese 705
-Bacon ;Ms for Cumberland cut.
Spirits Petroleum la 3d la 7d.
Lostns, April 7.—Tallow 44e
Sperm 011 Ole. Sugar quiet. Linseed
Cake £9O 7s®.C9o Bs. Linseed' quiet.
Turpentine quiet and steady. ..
PARIS, April 7.—Bourso quiet; rel4oo
73 90..
FRANKFORT, April 7.—Bonds quiet 'at '
99% ® 95 1‘... '
PAnis, April 7.—Builion in the Bank
of Franca has increased 8,000.000 fanci
during the woes.
HAVRE, A pril7.—Cotton opened dulled
137 on spot and 483 afloat.
ANTWERP, April 7.—Petroleum closed
- -
Additional Markets by Teligrape;
BUFFALO, Anal{ I.—Receipts of ;rattle,
1775 head; market steady and unehauged,
with, cu b e of 435 head at 84c for extra
1800 lbe State and Illinois, 6,4a6,:gc for
fair to medium fancy Canada, 107.q0 for
lair do and s;;;'@o3ic for. stockers. Hogs
firm at 81;®111c. Sheep—light stappiy
and good demand, with sales- at 6y a®7o
for fair to good. Ohio.
24 EW ORLFAES, April7.--Cotton steady
and in fair demand; sales middling at
ItsBi 14c; mies were 2,550 bailie, • recelpta
bolos, experts 2,127 bales, burned
125 babe, stock on hand 178,105 hales,
—Gee. Butler's resolution, which beat-
tempted to otter in the Rouse the other
der, gives the consent of Congress to the
Dominican Republic becoming part of
the united Suites, with the consent of
a majority of the people et that island.
Re will again present the resolution,
and have e t a referred to the Foreign Af
~,,,,,, - - • •
PerTenernOn, April S. 4570.
NOTICE. -The Street Commute-
SInNER of-the ' , bird Dlstect no be Stood
as Waal,. So. 35THISTY-811.4tITH STREET:
woo r 'street, from 9 to ID o•cloct A.
and from A to 3 o'ctank
Street Ootneckholoaer.
%Monongahela Insurance Company
Has Tempe . "' tram No. BS 'Water sireet to N. E
owner at Wood sues*and berth avenue (sec
and fluor). entrance on Swarth avenue.
.petrel JOHN CLANEt. liectetarv.
Ladies' and Chititan's Bazar,
Haring arrived pow the Nast with the latter.
rarletan Pa' tProir sad Orrice test imported. 1'
a be ready 111')NtlAY NEXT, 11th of April.'
for all order. I nnnnn ted to MT care, peon:1121ot to,
hare, them promptly and aatifactortly attended to.:
B. me One Bulls ready made on band. •
N 0.31 Fpurth Ave., Pittsbnigh.
For Sale or Hire,
66 Fifth Aveque
Late Spring an d Goods
WILL 111111.1C!,DT
• APRIL 15th.
SIMIAN BRILCES.-entltely naw &sign
FngSett frata vtalta and Jonquil Inds.
Nan , etyles ISTMMER SILK and GAIISE
A 'vat varlet of new styli, LONDON
“BICAU IDE aL. 6 C /I.lllTowlth and without
Nook Nandi. I his la tat cell lawn Re it Mk
ma4o up Naar, and la harluit It largo sale In Lon
cAlArrletA AxsorAxnellt of ILADIDITIVII
KID itiLOVENI. in alniant Nprialf
ambrolder.d and pliTt bank.
a pg 5N WHIT,: 01:Err, N. Y.
Five Valuable Building Lots
ON SATUUDAT. April 0341. 1610,
At 3 oclock r. . Mal be uld an
corner or Josentane and Meadow streets Katt
Dinninshant, or order of It. O. NI OLKT, Teny
tee, that Valuable Oleas rantory It not n as • `Tli E
KEYOTONE GLANS WORKS." onseprlalng the
cutlet Pael,T Notating , and a Lease or Its ell!
to An nit tat nest, et an an noel rent of 6250,
' n ' a rrre c tl4,V67)Vi ' o7trrgs e tVseTZOlra * o n u fei
11 least, down and 113.2&I In
Eye 77777 Wan Interest payable sermeaanually
Toe Uthunds b.ths 108 et front on .loseplaL6
and no feet t odepth aloes *endow
"rat,o.rosPerinat.r use five Valuable AdJothe
les Lou. too t 20 feet (rut on .thasphthe street,
aral.A2o lilt deep ho a 211 foot wale Alley.
ALSO ail the Moues, Tool, Material. Stout
In trade. dc. soraprtalog eiot o r maufactlmed
This Is a eery dealrable opportunity for toots
wlstang to usage In the Oaths Manufnetn•les
Sulu., the loeatlan being one or the east In
the neighborhood of PAthbarsti rot maned/ate.
Ong play...
P r the Real Estate one•thlrd Cub, one-third
In One year. sod remainder in two asorlth .ne
0 rest on deferred paytunts Ony sh l e•nsually.
to be teenred by Bond sod Mortgage, with ape.
cad clauses for proutptpeLmelita•
The other prope Trno Cut, or approved
endorsed paper at Si n d 60 day..
MicILWAINE, Auctioneer
Brackets, Pendants,
. .
For Gas or Oil.
Wears now reeetving one SPRING STOCK OF,
1 , 11.1116111 i a the:Latest and / Inest - DeOires,.
from 1 to ts Ll•twts, embreets It 00 . 1100 0100 ,
ent Myles. wlttch•re are • Inns at 1111M10111.
Whotemtle and MUM.
Plumberm oa Gas ritiars,
147 14000 87111111, aru' Fifth avenue:,
ers for n u tog ,
Use and SIAM.
promptly amened to. mbnl
IS THE BEST AND cuyiausr
Commercial and Family Newspaper
No farmer, Intrchavl. 010 AM t.ll
Slsule ann. Itter
Clubs of lITC
Clubs of tan.....
♦ copy le fnrnistie.l gratuitously to the n , tier
op of &Club of ten. PClttll3l.lltCl,l are req. elect
to net a. intents. AddrntA' ' • I
. : ruorsirrous.
110NOTIO10—"To-Let." "Por &I ii,'
"L o g," ”Tr an t,, ,, "Ecorotitig,"
not escooding pOUR
be smarted in Ouse_ once for
TWENTY-FIVE vEN Ts; each ea u '
tionat sine FIVE CENTS.
Wa i. en E si
or near Cho city 14 • STELIit h:NOVNIFYIL
: with pe;rfe'tllyestiorctoy tor thennlelt i gse t, .ens
767r1111ValtoTAl t nl e;r!ei.
lerrheny. or!. refer to JUhIA.I.I KING. at
ZY.T . rx MIN !
WANTED.—Fins Coal all d
the Miner, nooflee(cotoPS'.n nttare
raid to the mines. rat litrts aro Wantot.for
etty d country. Apnly P rnployment. Ottlee,
N. 1 51.nlik atrect, Itria door trout cuapeLalon
1130. 0 00 to Lena to Isrdc or molt rdoori to, i
It. • rAlr rate of Intrrert. '
• Bill. llor.d and heel lletate BINACr.
N 0.119 :91-..:40,1 , 1 str.-
710411111 N (4.—Two Pleasant
1.1 ROOMS. furnish. d orordurolrbed. tb
urn class, board at 37 ANDISKIUN tilltl• KT,
Alleghtai. Dar Daudet. accoatzactlated. ,r 7
- -
• .
TO-LET.A two story BRICK 1
DWXLIANU et:Wattling 151 room.. Maw :
large Lot with two story Brick Aahlw. Situ .le
fronting on the Atte he.. rero. No 1041 N urth
avenue. Appig at No. 141 01110 nTItEILT.4 7
abitat , . • __ ... •
LET.-L ROOMS.— Parlor,
Vllning Room and Karbala. wi th range, boa' I ,
an cold water. gas, Ac. All In Cool nada ,
ilasa inning , an C. *alig . 6 faro. ry
corner o 1..
r Fourth AVOUUO sad flinty
10-LET. —llOO,l, Furnished
onfornirbod. suttable for scrutletoon'S
plug room. 154 FOURTH AVE. 4.5
TO—Nt Story Brick 'Envoi..
A_ LINN HullelX, 1% Kate/ Cato Carroll)
want, greondward, Alb rheny. Coniston Are
ro ma, attic and ..21, room, gas and water.
:w. r.
si Plan:wed. Alleghettr.
rirlOalrEara—liriCk Bougie Of n
L . Dooms, Hall, ee.. Water, NO. / 49 H.. kol
Street, OtA.Warrl, Allegheny.
TO•LET--/Irek ileum of 6 lloorna. No. 140
..111dd1ev0ee1znekt liamplon wriet,sld tva d.
Allegheny. The above Homes will be rent d
Icor and gromenlon given Imatertp
Diamond. Allmhvbf,.
T •
0 LET. —A new HOUSE of
rooms and SU urea or mound at vioodog
*toVon, ir mile. from Plttsourgh. on the P. Ft•
. .2 0.8 .11.. • awl
to t n low. Inquire at 169
'Federal llethen7. •
FOR RENT.—The Three Story
rt ar of No.lllo Wood elae.4. formerly occupied )
W d
alandort & Co. as a droorkTaelotr7.
noire of W aleT, ',ANN &
No. Vl* and 114 Wood 111.
rrLET.—One good Store room
thl DWKLLIN CI, o. 40 Onto etreet. 3
°ors from Diamond sodnext door to I% antlln
Savings Bank. One of the best locations in 500
city. dent moderate. Also A ROOMS In the
roar of meld store room. Inalra of • .
meraltto W. OARSO . 40 ohlo elleet.
TrOs3LF.l.l7„:4—,e.r.n Stand, No.
Floe Beeldenee on Mt. Washing -
'tune Hall, itoome end offices on
BaeomentNos.ll sod 19 Third
GAZZiell a Co.
Filth oven.
too, Third
Market itr •
Fox -sew.
12 add VIN:II3RES stoto No. 21 Diamond,
- Allegheny - . pow oestoeled se • dour and teed
steer. 'foe most neetrahte location to the
woad. Outing out to eggale , In other bus aaaaa .
Maguire on the pretutses. Lease etven years to
12 COUNTRY MlrAT.—+ modern ft7IV HOME
nod about TWO , AND A HAW , ACRES et
groom , . Moo. AL Nair 04 , d,11at0 1 / 1 0 I -344 town•
stdo.4lth ward. on fifth avenue. Yor tom..
lonolre ar 03 YOURTH AVENUE.
rd.lltgALE—Allegheny County
HODIR BONUS. $50,000 In
ands of 61,000 each, runing three ale
Team. with Interetn at 7 percent. Free teem
"igliOfiee.lllrEF ,r
7 Handsome Brink House. on Penn sure..
neer alletti [treat.
Hetet Houses on Boring alley.
1 Brick Moose on 4014 street.
I. Brick Armee on 434 street. •
1 Cottage HOll9O on lisle street. •
Yranialloase an 431 k street.
tol 44 by ISt) reckon nmallmin street.
A Let on 44th street.
•. *Lola on 43d street.
AOO cheap Lets near Bloomfield.' . ' •
Their, Houses and Lots arlll be sold on accuse
anediering Pricer. 1 . 1102: It. mt. a sea,
.sa • Cor. s can and 33d streets.
4N ALLFAIHENY CITY.—I offer fur sale
the most delta to
betiding lots. situated in the
Second Warn, •liestiany, on rerryrvilie Plant
Hood and Observatory avenue. adjoining the
Observatory grimed.. These Lots are peek of.,
bee and one-half WOO aems. A plan ot theee
Lots -am be seen at store. No. 03 WOOD
eTItENT. The plan boo alto h eseorded.
Seel.Loc It • trent lot. fronting on Perrysvlte
road or Observatory avenue: Age: 44 feet wide
be 131 deep. The tots opposite the residence of
Waehlogpin and Walter McClintock. Esq.., are
54 lin 115 feet. Most of the lots aro mid.
give dnellings hays been erected already. Ver.
sons Ldrairoua to leave the low grounds niel
smoky miles coo here nod ate opporumity. '1 he
locality le one of the cant In the two allies, •iel
but four adenine walk from the head of Beaver
street; a board walk leads to the Prem.... The
grmt beanty of scenery and p.m aaeln ga are It.
Terms easit prices low.. ..giv.egre of
GEO. Y. I 0111 M.
• -
No 83 wool street, rituburgO:or 881 M,,
300000, Alice...o3GL)% •
Themost extensive and mgr.:ant:al Haw 1,1111
la Alleghenycounty. slinatol In the busi
nem portion of the city, at the Reit of talth
street. Plltsuurtlin with large Ye/d/ and good
Water. Elate wad rent Yard.
Tea improvements an lea. rot ground on
vary •alitable term.. th e lot lies 355 feet along
Aileen.. Valley Railroad. nob • Iteild• from
Spruce alley 10 Elver bank MO feet, with HOU
feet Elver landlng•
Separate bout Paw 818. If irst•class Ra%c and
Boat 'Yard, Blacksmith shop. %Abdo, Cc. Pone
ne o siren any time. This It a r: re oppor a.
ally ter sp. enterprising party to engag• to &large
so u pl Lumber anu Boat business, n•
gulling tont • s Mall ClW.lni.
/or particulars, enquire at tbe 51111.
e 0 111.
... !but of Twenty.seyenth street,.
PROPERTY PUB 551.11.-6ttuated at Han•
lan litatlnn. Pentland:o Railroad. Contains lOU
scrag, 76 of watch are mesrtd; all under good
fence; 50 acres of Cosh The IroproVrmentill ass
• 3 story Flouring Mills. with II tun of baits. In
good order. Mill has a 'acne . ovum; to foil O¢
era lee. Coulon Sloes, 0 roinoc.Trnset Hon..
and large Baru, young Orchard. Parties wishing •
to go Into the Willow and coal b 4 si ....the .lore
present• 1. rare oPPortneity. Pelee low. rap
mtA way. Apply to IL ISPLALN k Co..
men . - : 104•70rull avenue.
ERTY FOR MAI.E.-100 feet front on
• Charles erect by 203 feet deep, burst Outface
.11005 e. of portico. wide hall, large parlor. su r•
hie 13101111.. dining mons, altehen. large e else.
three chambers. three sills Mau., I.IT. tie..
cistern and hydrant water, troll awl shsde trees.
Concord grape aloes. In deeLrable lotaldon. ene.
tte• wain Irmo :be bUttlen, and easy Or
os br Connellsyllie ItalToa I
0. Cl/TH{lEla b. 6014.
39 tlx..b svcstue._
iIZERSONAL.—AII persons seek-
ING HOMES, or Investments In Ilea! Mr
la WWI time, trouble and money tay_pftv ,
curing • co_py of Me "PITTSBUBUIi ALAI.
'or nfillto It
by utallTaai to anY rtmnsltina n.
Persons eatmot fall to get suited out of Me taiga
Ilst It contsins. CROFT PHILLIPS., Pub.
dollen, and Boil Estate Alma,. EN UM nO OOO5
. 112 U.
A 1 -II " •idekfee Danko '
Algae Tboa . 1 Ileybare Cleo E; 0
U Barna Daniel ~ l), V e II IC
there limey ;Haab. li i:J•Neil lira X •
Black John .11111 joyph 1. it w
par Jam
Irwin li II tart
C. 1.1 4 ,.. Ftionea J j sepb 1 4. Z r
Cochran Rletea i L . tlebleelal C_
Chien% Joe Jr t taatalagThstry,aprinimeJ:L..
Campbell Joint ILMs Wulle ii 8 8P1...a
Caable M e n ta n
u ttosegabi,ieliatei nam z„.. oo
D illerlibt wlt , 'elf
Davis John ildontr - aa e !Miler J 7, 1 ,3. .
theta MT. n ,sfa•r7nretamlw.. ,6- A,
Mettle Pal(l.l7,3laalon Jahn tigliffl,.,.
0 I X.r / ... MI" 1 1;41w... 110
CI olltam James: f !l i .. , i w,,, 'ea U m
Uoiata.ipa J YJNaa rmLur goNNX. n• •
sne -----77-.
BANK FOR skirtkas.
exteurzars. IX WA.
agriaraggt O . : X: OM tniT
maw Ist, In= Wear-L..6 Dam No..
mow .to Narlst. 6to creock.
i orligthi:fe ti V ATAVATlZlg
fraLsaVoalu. BookB of Ily.usirs,
rap/ TWIT. Prealds64
t .: ;Mgi t:=.11474te Pgrd.estuz
Ntoilek,"Cti 6.l.ll=k.ANinrci
elaaina ußboata.Jso.tloott.lito b s .v./C6MOU,
U.l 771. &B eB,W 71.
•1 50
. 1 15