THE DAILY GAZETTE: PENNIMAN. REEL) & CO., Cot. Mith iosono led Smithfield Attn. P. B. PIMIDELI. Josum ma, 11. P. HEED, T. P. HOUSTON, - MMUS AND raorairrons. Tmrs Or TIM DAILY I By mall, per yeat Delivered by carriers, per week ratsiragt Ortaptts, EITROP!IN GOSSIP. Tnzna are five American dentists al Berlin, and two at-Dresden. THE new penal code of the North Ger man Confederation oontalna no fewer than thirteen penalties. ' Truer say in Paris that. Rochefort re• clues every day at the St. Pelagic upward of two hundred letters. • Tar Empress Eugenie has at an d one d her project topasethe moult s of May and June at the Island of Mt;: ier j a . • Tazononz Warlazzz, the greatest of German fano.'is, is now starring it in Glas gow% 're"., - ere he receives g 125 for each Perfinmance. Ortolan BAND will probably be elected member of the FrenclLAcademy. Nearly one•balf of the members are saldito have promised to vote for her. Tna quarrel between Marshal Mc. ' Mahon and his wife. has been amitably nettled. The suit for separation from bed and board has been withdraws. Emma Om:mem the French, ;Prime Minister, who Is known to be a very good yiolinist, Du one or the best collections of valuable Cremona° violins in France. Trisonoas liionmiece and Clam Pearl, - 'both talented young German actresses, are coming to the Milted States. The former, I daughter of: Louisa Muhibeth„ will appear oa the English stage. ? 71.Dazammy, the successor of Lever der, as director of the imperial Observa tory in Parts, was for Years the most bit. ter enemy of his distinguished predeces ea had among the servants of the French - capital - OLD Moschelcs, the pianist and com poser, tutor or Mendelosohn, Thalbetg, and so many other eminent. pianists, and Director of the Leipzig Conservatory, died. tecentii in that city at the age of amity-six. - °mime= gave a dinner in Parts the other day to his *Mani and actresses in costume. They all looked upon the wine when it was red, and other things, and . Offenbach insisted upon making a speech in German which nobody understood. THEY say in Paris that old General Changarnier, one of the most determined adversaries of Louis Napoleon -at the thus of the coup ergot, has now decided o support the Empire, and Mkt, in con-, sequence, an important military com mend will be conferred upon him. Tux French Prince Imperial is said to display positive ability only in one thing, "and that Is, in performing. juvenile roles at the parlor theatricals In the Tuileries. The Empress has entirely withdrawn from the amateur stage, on which, by the way, she always cut a very sorry figure. E - - - IT is believed In the military circler. of Fran= that the Emperor millet length bestow a Marshal's baton on General Mon tauban, Count de name. The General' is one of the oldest and best officers in the French army, and but for his bad per sonal, character would long sinus have been appointed to that grade. TM( Fite Brigade of St. Petersburg, Includes a Chief, 18 Nedra do Pompes, 15 under them, 51 non•commissioned officers, 940 firemen, a ferrier, with two assistants, an engineer, and 878 horses; in addition to these, there is the Fire Bri gade attached to the Imperlal Palace, comprising two officers, six non commis sioned officers and 100 mentotal, 1,158 men and 878 horses. ' Petraass VIARDOT GAUL, the cele brate eantatrice, who withdrew from the operatic stage about Meshy years, has made her appearance again in her old flororite rasa.Her voice, although not quite as strong at it was during her youth, is said 49481 possess osgUigrniftlafT shames and" sweetness. Her new debut took place at Weimar. as Orpheus in Gluck'a opera of that name. IT is rehled of the late Prince Henri de Bourbon that het summer, while he was at the Hotel Bsailewaskl, ox Queen Labelle said to her eon, "Ask your uncle alwitys to be your friend and protector." The Prince thereupon took the boy one, his knee and gave him a lecture on the good qualities which he ought to cultivate. When be had finished the ex Queen burst Walsers, and cried out "Isomer words, try to be all that your mother is not." Henstaserin, the founder of the Home opathic school, war one day consulted by wealthy English Lord. The doctor listened patiently to him. He then took. a small vial, opened it and held it under the Lord's nose.. "Smell l Well, you are mine I" The Lord asked In mr- Prise, "How much do-I come you ?" "Thousand francs," was the reply. The Lord immediately pulled out a bank note and held it under e doctor's nose. "Smell I Well, you are th paid l" BIOMES King Louis the Second, of Bever* consented to accept the resigna tion of his Prime Minister, Prince henlohe Sehilllngsfuesst, be conferred on him die ighest grade o St. Hubert's ' order. As h this &inaction. f the highest in the gift of the King of Bavaria, gives Prince Hohenloks the right to sit at the royal table, n to the Princes of the royal house, who hate the ex• Prime Min ister intensely, they are much exasperated at their royal brother, cousin and nephew. NOTsrso shows better the revolution which has taken place in France than the complexllM of the three extra Com missions sitting by Ministerial appoint ment. Some of the most inveterate ad versities of Baron lisomaino Ind the Imperial system are on the a Municipal Commission. Odilon Burnt is President of that on Decentralization, and old Guizot presides in that on Superior Edo. ration. Guillaume Guizot,! Leonor Lavergne, Prevost Paradol;Lefevre Pon. Remusat, Lsboulaye 'and Bt. Marc Girardin, all of them noted aisti•lmperial istgi' aro 6153 members or these com mittees. 31 ME ~~.; EN ■ BE MI MI Tag Duke de Nemours, the eldest son or Sint Louis Phillippe, and now a gray haired old gentleman, has gone to Vienna for the purpose of. meeting there the Comte de Chambord, the Legitimist pretender to the throne of Prance, and trying to bring about a reconciliation be tween him and the house of Orleans. It Is said that the Orleans Princes are very anxious to return to Prance, and that they have respired to IMPI7 to the Em peror Napoleon the Third for permission to go back to Parts, If the Count de Sham bord will join them In inch an applies. lion. Another, object of the Duke's jour• ney to Vienna Is reported to be his de eire to find a suitable husband for his thughter, the Princess Marguerite, who now In her twenty fifth year, and who accompanies him on his trip to the Ans. trim' capital. • Funs the first of January, 1860,1111 the Drat of January, 1865, the following cliPl tal sentences were passed in the States of ' the North German Confederation: In Pre:esti:4Bl, of. , which 26 were carried IMO execution; in Hanover 80 eliminate were sentenced to death, and 6of them were executed; in the kingdom of Saxony, 15 sentences of death and 2 executions; to the Grand Duchy of Hesse, 2 sen tences and no executions; in the Grand- Duchy of Mecklenburg•Schwerin, 5 fen. tences s 9 executions; in the Grand. Duchy of Sue, 4 se.ntenees and 2 execu tions; In Brunswick, 1 sentence and no execution; in. Saxe Meiningen 8 sea wenn and 1 execution- In Saie.Alten burg, 1 sentence and ' 1 execution; in s ue .ocberc, 2 sentences and no execu tion; Schwarsburipdondelhansen, 1 sen. fence and 1 execution; /lama, 1 sentence and 1 execution; Hamburg, 2 sentences and. 9 executions. Total, 2% sent ence , and 44 executions. -Tax following is the treatment to which fallen women are submitted at the female prison of St. Lsznre, near Pads: They are at first, after arritholp. at -the prison, washed and bathed, and have to exchange their filthy clothes for the rather repulsive looking prison uniform, which conceals even the beauty of very hand some women. They are then numbered and taken to a cell in the lowest tier of the prison; in that cell they are left alone for eight days, and they receive no "visit- * r . I ez=& i t , I) . .0411 - 1 - IIL x Ll 4 ave s) i ztv 4 -- '-. P . i t xxx EEI:3 - - -. ors except that of" . .he matron, who brings them their food, d the prison almoner, who exhorts them every day for hall art hour, and, if they arc able to read, leaves them a few trade to peruse. Durirtg these eight daya they receive little P;od—in . the morning a cup 61' milk ana a slice of bread; at noonhean ot,up and a slice of bread, and for dur";,er the same food as Tor breakfast. this treatment brinks moat of thr, girls; and, at the expiration of the days, they are, 'with few ex. c'er''...fons, so penitent that they will gladly uo anything the prison authorities ask them to do. The truly penitent ones are then brought into the second-class cells, where they receive better food food than below—coffee in the morn lug, at noon a slice of meat to their soup, and soup and bread la the evening. For ten hours they have to work with the other second class prisoners in-the Saila des Trayauz, under the surveillance of matrons. Conversation is strictly prohibited, bitt the matrons read to them from moral and instructive books. Twice a day they BSc marched down to the court yard, where they promenade In the military step—a very curious specta cle indeed. At the slightest infraction of tha prison discipline they are sent down again to the lower cells, or, in cases of gross disobedience, put for hours into revolving cages. Those who behave re markably well are sent to No. 1 cells, but are allowed ail day the freedom_ of the prison, and they have only to perform light house work. It Is said very few of the, prisoners remain for a long time in the third class cells, end that fully ono half of them, after being released from Bt. Legere, do not return to their former vicious life, but become useful and re spectable members of society. GENERAL - NEWS Tag Chilli= .3ohn Smith Is Ah Gee. BinunsircoN, Vt., is sendinglumber to New kmhied. Houccorarnic cure for hydrophobia— Bark.—Panchinei/0.. A ILESIbRICT of Kentucky is 115 yearn old. He Is an orphan. "Jarttentsu rabbit" is a an Francisco dainty. It is tated rat. . CINCINNATI and St. Louis are getting up buffalo parties for summer sport. A CINCINNATI incendiary barricaded the doors of a dwelling house before be set fire to it. GEORGIC BAND, not content saint be coming an editress, aspires to become an Academician. TnE :Rhode Island Legislature has postponed the Prohibitory Liquor law to the nextsession. A VIE/IEOIST dog chairs tobacco. He is probably .One of the breed formerly known u turnspits. Comsxwax balms returns next month. .He his senta study of his "Maud Muller" to the French Exhibition. CALrFonitth is to have w centennial in June. Father Juniper° Serra settled there Just one hundred years ago. WHAT costume ought to remind a lady of - her washerwoman? Why, her lawn dress, to the sure.—Com. A rnisomin in Dubuque spoiled a $3 necktie in hanging himself, when there was plenty of rope In his bedstead. Tns Chinese officials at Formosa offer #2OO reward for the head of an English camphor merchant. Cheap enough. Ara English estate that has been in chatmery ninetyeight years has at length been awarded to a lucky type•setter. Tatum la a gas company in a New England town which declares a "Beret. annual dividend" once in seven years. AlllnUCAng visitors at the Tuileries Chapel complain of the boisterous manner in which the Emperor blows his nose. Tna plan of establishing a- Restate I university in Siberia is main considered. Enough students have already been sent to stock one. • A 158PBENT of Chief Justice Marshall is said to be legging in the streets of Ma con, Ga. It only remains to be added that he begs well. -A num) woman in Virginia made her. self a vndow by killing her husband with a flatiron as he lay peacefully sleeping on Monday morning. SEVERAI: officers of the Royal Artillery and also of other British regiments now in Canada, were proceeding to England in the City of Boston. A POnTIAND paper reports that a gen tleman is soon to become a member of a -Massachusetts family .thrOugh the con sanguinity cif marriage." "Wixo's got the measles?" was the in sulting remark howled at the Prince of Wales from the gallery of the Dlobe Theatre the other night. Arnoros of Dana's suit against the Chicago Ropublicon, the Times of that city Is reminded of the saying—" Sue a beggar and catch a—parasite." A PUILADSLPHIA paper speaks of the Border Raid bill as a slimy dragon, and rejolixis that the monster was slain in the Pennsylvania House on Wednesday. Ters.mother of a colored family in Georgia locked up her baby and went to school. The house and the Infant burned Op while she was reciting her primer. Ferry THREE brutal men have, during he put twelve months, learned that the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was not organized in Tab.. A BOSTON paper publishes a columnon Leigh Hurit. It does not mention Gen. Grant, although be once turned his col umns on a Lee bunt r.wl broueht down the game. Taw Senate Finance Committee's bill to re.enaet the income tax is likely to re ceive a very warm reception when it comes up for debate, with chances about even on It. • - "Ewer it, my good fellow, was what the Prince of Wales said to a railway porter who told him he had left his watch on the seat of. the carriage. Be thought it was April 1. °purr a raw_ recruit who his never learned to use a pen be ordered to "right face" by his superior officer before the sergeant has taught him to "form kiiner —Oem. Bulletin. Ms Batton stopped a Broadway stage the other day because one of its horses was. afflicted with acute laminitis and navicular thitie. But the horse was worth only five dollars. Tnn-loronto Leader can't see that Eyre committed at wrong at all. He waited, it says,' "for over five minutes" ter signals of distress from the Oneida, but saw and heard none. FATHER HYACINTHE stuck the posters advertising Lis own paper on the. pillars of the various chapels in Paris, a privilege accorded only to the Emperor's speeches and the Bishops pastorale. A Gunnel= husband went to Indiana to secure a divorce from his trusting wife, but the chills and fevers shook him into his right mind, and he went back repentant to ask forgiveness. -- A wonornrox exhibition at a Ver mont lair was a frying pan that came over in the ntyllower. That Is nothing le what wo shall have here in a few days—May flowers themselves. A CINCINNATI lady created an excite ment the other morning, by claiming to have been robbed of tO,OOO by two men who came up into her room in a balloon. She proved to be slightly balloonatio. Ax English - resident of Philadelphia suggests that the British . people and Englishmen in this country raise a fund for the relief of the widows and orphans of the men lot by the sinking of the Oneida. • Ax octogenarian of Chicago tried to poison 'his dau ti ghter g and two grand children by putn deadly nightshade Into the potatoes. They call this' a "dreadful attempt at notoriety," In Chicago.• Oxx day last week the Prince of Wales hunted with the Earl of. Macclesfield's hotildai' dined with Lord Sydney, and welt to a dance at the Duke of Maribor. ongh's In the evening. Hard work; but Lent Is a season of penance.-- Tomahawk. FIRST EDITIOL mribirrenr: HARRISBURG.- Pennsylvania Leghlature SENATE: Appropriation Millie. toed—Minority Reports in Con -1 ested Election Cases—Revision of .1 udi ci arYiSs stony —Epi ting Executive Session7Col. McFar land Rejected as Soldiers' Or phans Superintendent Tem perance Option Bill Squelched —Thanks to Minister Curtin - Mr. White Nominated as Speaker by the Republicans, HOUSE: Treasury Bill Passed as Amend ed -Police Bill Postponed—Ap. Propriation Bill Anteuded and St nt Back to the Governor. rill Dispsich to the Pittsburgh tisattte HARRISBURG, April 8, 1870. A VPRO ritiArtorr BILL PASSIM AND . • vwromo. Tho oppropriation bill, as agreed to by both holism, went to the GoVenter this morning and was returnatto the House about half-past twelve &cid*, with hie objections, to the ellect that the bill did not protride for vouchers from notions embraced In the bill.' Mr. DAVIS, In the Houle, immediately Mtroduced the old bill de nove,.wlth an amendment meeting the Governor's ob. jection, which passed finally and RIO sent to the Senate. SENATE. 'MINORITY REPORTS.'- Mr. RANDALL, on the part of the minority of the Diamond-Watt Commit tee, submitted a lengthy report against Mr: Watt.. Mr. BROOKE submitted a minority report In the mote of Findlay vs. Scull, alleging that the ruling of the majority was wrong. • . TILE JUDICIARY EMMEN.. Mr. WRITE, trona the .Tucllclasy torn• mine°, reported a reeolution directing the committee to inquire Into the pro. prlety of revising the judiciary system of the State, to report at the next session Of the Legtelature. ENSepTIVi Mr. WOTAN 'introduced i resolation ti;:o Into executive session on nomina. tines of the Governor. Agreed to. The nominations : of Henry (Inhere% William .W. Rutherford and George Berliner an Trustees of the PefilleYlVaide 'lnsane Asylum were unanimously ain. firmed. • • • \ --. When Mr. Bergner's notainatiot was road, Mr. Lowry said ho would give toe reasons some time in a public letter why ha refined to vote on the nominatim. The nominations of the following es anannisrioners of the /Lard of Public Charities were confirmed: 'Thograa L. Kane, for live years, G. Dawson Cole. man, four years, George I, Harrison, three years, Charlie A. Wood, twoyears, Relater Clymer, one year. The nomination of Colonel E. L Osborn as Major General of the Ninth Division of Yenuttylvhnia Militia was unanimously conftrated. The lumina- Alen of. Alfred L. • Pearson so Major General of the Eighteenth Division of ' Pennsylvania Militia was unanimously confirmed. The nomination of Geo. F McFarland, State Superintendent of Soldiers' Or phew., was rejected. . Yeria—Mesers. Allen, Duncan, Findlay, Kerr, Linderman Loarry, Mclntire, Mumma, Osterhord, Robinson and Watt Nays—Mtn/int. Beak, Brchke, Brod head, Brown, Bunkelew, Connell, Davie, Graham, Lieurair, Howard, Nagle, Olm rand, Randall, Ratan, 'turner, Wallace, Warfel, White, and Stinson.. Speaker -19. Sunsetlucidly, Mr.' GRA.IIIOI. moved a recousidemilon of the action of the Senate in rejecting the nomination of Col. McFarland. Mr. LOWRY asked why this motion was made. Ho hoped it was not done to disgrace the gallant soldier who had loot one leg at Gettysburg, • and perhaps should have lost tile other. Enough in justice had already been done him, Mr. GRAHAM bald his motion was ap. Parent. It was for the purpose of having another vote by which the matter might be settled. Since this gentle Man's nom. (nation had been rejected by the Senate other influence. had boon • brought to work upon the floor of the Senate against action of the Senate in thts matter, and It was time that this Phonic! be bu t down upon. Mr. LOWRY replied that as to info. once, if there was -no Influence at work here In favor of Col. McFarland, there ought to be. At this stage , there was considerable excitement. After further discussion Mr. GRAHAM called the previous question, which WAS agreed to. Yeaa—liosare. Beck, . Brooke. Brod head, Brown, Connell, Davis, Graham, Henazey, lloward, Nagle, Rindall, Ro om. Wallace and Stinson, Speaker—Gl: Nuys—Moser. Allen. Duncan, Find. lay, Kerr, Linderman, Lawry, Mclntire, Momma, Glinted, 'Osterhourt and White -11.• i Ma'am LOWry and Mumma attempts. frequently to speak for Cll. McFarland but wero ruled out of order.. . The questton wan then put on the m. tlon to recnnalder, wriloh wad not agreed • to. yeas—Mossrs. Atlon. Dalll3lo.Riudia Kerr, Llndernsau, Lowry, Mclntire', Mumma, 0 sterbout, Robison, White—li. Nays—Messrs , Beck, ,Brooke, Brod. head, Brown. Bnckalew, Connell, Davis, Graham, Ho:160y, Howard, Nagle, Ran. dell, Ratan,Wallace and Stinson, Speaker -15. This clinched the opposition to Col. McFarland, and precluded. any •reeon• side:atteo of the action of the Senate rejecting the Governor'n nomination. --Mr. LOWRY—I rusk leave to make a statement now. I think the prcceedieg we have just gone through aro the moat unfortunate I have over witnessed in all my experience In the Sen ate.. Sen a tor Graham rises In his place, and chargena brave soldier, who left one leg at Gaups. burg, and bad better have left the other, with using improper influences upon this floor. Mr. ORAHAM eald he bad mad t ha t such charge. He urged, however, Improper lufluences were at work to pro duce a raison against the expressed with of the Senate. Ho explained that It wee common to seek to reveres and just as common to move a reconsideration to prevent each reversal. Mr. LOWRY contended there .xmid be nothing wrong In seeking to change the decision of the Senate on this question. The Senator from Allegheny had mae an elaborate report exonorating Col. d Me. Farland, and now be:came in'hore to dis grace a soldier who his coon. try faithfully', and hewould gag Mr all discussion. 1 repeat, in all my yeant in the State Senate, no injustice has been perpetrated equal to that perpetrated in the Senate to-day. 0:01: McFarland, a good and faithful soldier, has been im. properly and wrongfully disgraced lathe Senate. Mr. GRAHAM. replied that the purpose was to prevent further action on &begun , . Son decided by the Senate, which had by a clear majority expressed their wish that Col McFarland should not be con tinued se Superintendent of the Soldiers! 0: phew.; Mr. MUMMA rising to epoak, there ware calls for the order of the day, and the Speaker adjourned the Semite. LIQUOR Bhi.LL In thin afternoon Mr. WHITE Intro-, duoed a bill leaving to a vote of the zens of ..leffereon county the liquor license nueetion. Passed. • , Mr. ALLEN attempted to get up the House Local Option Tepperlincki bill, seconded 1:0 . Mr. Kerr, but three at-, tempts failed; and. the bill was rubes. quently APPROPRIATION DUX. The Appropriation bill as amended by PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, 1 APRIL 7, 1870 he Rouse was passed and went Utak to he Governor. ALLEGHENY ?IRE MARSHAL The Allegheny county Fire Marshal bill passed In the evening. =1 Mr. BILLINOFELT introduced a rob' olutton complimentary to ex-governor Curtin, Minister to RUSSi3. Bussed unanimously. !SPE NOYINATAD. The Itepllicana in tho Senate unant utensil, no • hinted Senator White lei the next Speaker. , NOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. T it 6 TRZASURY BILL. • The Treasury Mil from the Senate was passed. POLICE HILL POSTPONED. The newi Philadelphia Pollee bill was ndeasitely postponed. I PASIIED. ThSCurtin resolution was pissed Inman piously. 1 . ' °ATV-FIRST CONGRASS. (HEWN D SE6SION.) (pi Tel:a aph t, tha Pittsburgh ElaZatta.) .1- Waiminotoß, April 6, 1870.1 SENATE. Mr. HOWARD reported favorably Um bill annulling 'Umtata iota of tboi Wyom lag Legislature relatives to the Pacific Mr. SUMNER repttatad a ettbstitute for the bill relating , to appeals from consular courts. The deficiency bill was considered