Q littslaurgt Gaidtt, airy- AND SUBURTI sR -The Citizens Of thin. phca_gan - beAo eolamodeted 'With -thri latest reeding met4llir on ei !Saving orders 01 iirernelman do Stevenson, notion and '.helot dealers. They are agents for the bAILT OA.ZETTII, which IN delivered by Warriors at fifieen-testa per week. All Orders promptly intended to. wore hen been ticancooneed on the Allegheny Perk. “Tbe Bible In tho •Schoola” question attracting soma attention in this local ity at. present. The Board of Hollitti for the second thaefalled to meet yesterday afternoon, for wan: of a quorum. WHIM' .—Attachnienta will be leaned Oar all witnesses In the 'gambling eases w ho hays been subpoenad and fall -to pit In an appearance at halt past nine o'clock Mb morning. A sew well waa struck on FrldaY at West Hickory 'which la known as the Humbly well , is doing about lolly barrels per day. Developments are Improving in that vicinity. Mamie Dudley called Alderman But lers attention yesterday to the fact that James Broderick bad threatened. to do her "severe bodily harm." James will be arrested lithe police can find hint It la sate that the Oil Creek and Alio. gheny River Railroad aro about coin. ;.• mincing work on the now track to be lard woo the river at Route:mills to 011 Olty. Tub la to avoid the heavy grade,. Padden Drath.Coroner Clawson was 1 , - ealled upon yeaterday to hold an inquest - 1 - on the body of Rachel Morgan, a colored woman who .died suddenly at her . . residence, No. 100 Monterey street, 1 Allegheny, Monday evening. The jury l-- ,fond that she died of heart disease. t - ;• ---..---- . Fifteenth Amend at ent.—By reference to AEI adiortlsement on the Oral page of to j • day's paper, it will bo seen our colored citizens have their arrangements corn plated for their grand procession on the 26tb instant. We have no doubt It will be one or the grandest Aurnouta ever wit nered by our citizens. • A Gate.—Sarah Epps and Mrs. Lines are neighbors, residing on Union alloy. The former: is colored. and the tatter white. They have had a disagreement abOut a gate, valued at two dollars, W Miss Eppa charges. Mrs... Lines with demolishing. Alderman Thomas has Lensea. ed • warrant. for Um arrest of Mrs. Lin , The Several committees of arrange. manta appointed by the people of Alle gheny county to get up ,the XVth Amendment Jubilee, together with the Mate Executive Committee, are notified to meet in the hell of the Colored Public 'School Room, oa Miller • street, this • (Wednesday) evening, at seven o'clock. Hudnall of impartance will be tranzated. Jour; Pace, Chairman, My,: tem. 8. A. NEALE, Secretary. , The Burglar.—Mr. Robert Bruce made :Information before-the Mayor yesterday, charging James Kelly with larceny. Mr. B. Identified some of the goods recovered as abort of those stolen from his house some time slime. Mr. Saint, of Sharpe. burg, who was the owner of the overcoat stolen from the Merchants' Hotel and Imbed to Kelly. identified the coat 'and made Information, charging Kelly with the larceny of It. Holly ils still In Jail N. waning a bearing. Iron Orea —There have been found adjacent to the city of Cumberland,. Al legheny county, Md., and bordering on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal and Balti more and Ohio railroad, large and rich &peak.' of Iraq ore on the lands of Mr. James M. Jones. In view of the fact that a large rolling mill Is now being erected In Cumberland by the B. &O. Railroad ComPuly, and of the superiority of the coke made from the coal and the abund *haat wood. the ore are well worthy the attention of our iron masters. Personal.—We are glad to learn that otfr esteemed yoting friend, Charles M. Clearing, Esq., formerly of this city, has been admitted into the old established and reliable real estate and auction lirm of Meagre. Chambers, Cannon & Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. Gearing has a whole army of friends in these parts wko will be pleSed to learn of his *lm mo In his new western hems, and pos sessing shrewd business abilities and be. ing honorable in all dealings, be must prove a valuable acquisition to the firm Into_ whose partnership be haebeen ad. milted. Deatistiy.—For goOd and cheap dentle• try, go to Dr. Gillespie, 248 Penn street. He Is. a skillful dentist, courteous and obliging to his patrons, possesses all the, 'improvements pertaining to his profan ation; makes a llDrily of extracting teeth by the me of his improved laugh ing gas, which h arrant. succmaful and perfectly safe In every else where he decides tovtdmioistor it. His &treat ex perience In Its use Is a safe guarantee to all who may wish - to avoid the pain of teeth extracting. No charge for extract ing when teeth are ordered. His office la at 246 Penn street. The Oldest - inhabitant.—Yesterday morning some excitement was created In Sharpsburgh by the finding of the skeleton ore medium sized - man. Some workmen in the employ of Mr. Nicholu Altmeysr. while digging a road up Scarp Hill, unearthed the curiosity.- A knife blade, live inches In length, made Of deer horn r was found sticking In the skull behind one ear. Dr. W. t.X . Oster lob took charge of the skeleton, and after examination pronounced It that of a white man. The theory Is that the no Ibrtunate deressedrtame to his death at the hands of Indians. That must have been many years ago, a■ they were fur nished with steel knives almost a hun dred years back. Major Montzhemier has the knife on exhibit ion. Yovlhlul Depravity Our rising generation is not a model clam, Jadglng from several represents tires who appeared before Maypr Callow yestirday: They were four boys rang ing Id MOO from eight to fourteen years. Two of them-had been ted on West street; Third ward, for throwing atones, anisaltlng window glees and gas lamps, and playing smash generally. The other two were brought up for stealing eggs. 'thickens and other Utica", In the First ward, their last offence' being the rob. Wag of a hen roost on the premises of Mr. Ferguson. The four youthful crim• -- -Zak were looted up and will doubtless - .thavethArnornlng. frittspeeted and twenty , a total of 'ha ving-a total Ilse of the ateam ,srirtee..--110e have issued liftmen to entrelraingineers and aixty-stx pilots , have 'suspended the Hennes of one engineer for Mx months for negligehex, while on watch as second engineer. Four balers have been condemned aa being unsafe, and we have also condemned twenty•five sheets In boilers and ordered them to be replaced with new ones, which was dons. We have ordered repairs to be wade In one boiler head, and one flue, -ch.on examination, were found to be ditfactive, and also condemned three ' steam pipes, which were deemed to be rum& on account of cracks In the copper and flanging We have refused licenses to two applicants as second engineers, because of Incompetency. The report then refers to the explosion of one of the hollers of the steamer Mag • Ile Hays, in the chute of Island sixty- Mx. near Helena, Arkansas.. After stat ing that the boat was Inspected at this port on the 19th of January last. the pectore gave a somewhat detailed account of the clrmunataneee attending the digester. In concluding , they nay. ..When the boat left this port her boilers were sound and In good condition, and wire le the earns condition when abe reached New Orleans. If otherwise the ofloera would not have started up the river without having everything all right. -The boilers were burned a etc . munstanoe that often happen. , will, the beat of engineers and the beat of hollers,) after leaving New Orleans on the return trip, and if tho return of the first engineer had been awaited we feel allured we would not now have the deplorable accident to record." / 4. The steamboat business from and to klds city has been up to the capacity of the tonnage, and the result Is generally sailidsotory; act much ao. Indeed, that our boat builders have new orders, and some seven or eight boats are already in the stoclow - The coal btudnesa has been unasuallyhrlak during the winter. There port was signed by = fe l H. Atkinso neo n n and Samuel Walker, risliento ,tICATIONAL nor -ef Controller. of the Allegheny enstrtet—Re.getar Monthly Meeting. A regular monthly meeting of the Board of CentroSere of the Allegheny Public Schools was held yesterday, Toesday evening, April 6, 1870, at half past seven o'clock, in the-Common Conn ell chamber, Rev. Joseph Ring, in the choir. Member" present ?desert. Barker. Brown, Borland. Batmen Chadwick, Claney. Dunlap. Dennison, Eaton, Fran cis, Haney, Hallock, Miller. Messier. Marthens,,DfcConnell, Nesbit, Patterson, Parke; Riggs, Torrence. Trimble, White and President Ring- The meeting wai opened with Prayer by Rev.. B. H. Nesbit, after which the minutes of the preceding lusedoir were road and approved.i• • The reports of tho Visiting Committees of the several wards warn then presented and read. Mr. Eaton, In making report of the Second ward. reboots, said that the schools ware in a flourishing condition but that . they had lost two of their most experienced teachers, who had been induced to go to Pittsburgh, where they had received higher salaries;and they would in it probability lose two more for the same cause. The committee of the Third ward re ported the election of Miss S. Sample to MI a vacancy occasioned by resignation. .The appointment was confirmed. . . In the Fourth ward Miss L Lyon was appointed to fill a vacancy oecsaioned by the resignation of Mtsa fdatehett. • The anpointment was confirmed. . it the iiisth ward the resignation of Mies Boland was reported, end the oleo. tion of Miss Orr to fill the vacancy ap• proved. Nothing of importanOe was reported from the Seventh and Eighth wards. Mr. Eaton from the Ltommittee on Colored Seboole,: reported the echoola In rood working condition. The Commit ter also reported rye resignation of Miss A.. Packer and the nomination of Mine Miry M. Ware to fill the vacancy. The Amin atiop wee confirmed. A. number of small bills were pre. seated anilliapproved. '! • The Bee%Cary reported the amount of salaries paid in the several *lards during the month of March as follows: Vint Want, ',rand r 'Third Ward. fourth W.rd MnM ==l ..lan,h Ward .. Calone , &boot MitinMa Tota • 161.691 60 - The report of the enrollment and at. tendance was then presented by the Sec. retary: 4 - 49.14. larollmtAt. At. ACend. In 592 6= 24 1 1.164 1.60 3.1 1010 , 1,117 41b-Ist precilict.s...• 600 413 4111-34 precinct........ , 666 409 560 6C 417 auk 7C ' C 1 7th—Nol 10 79 710-1 1 10 2 101 bil 719-119 a te 8.1. 197 149 Col4red ectiool • 177 19 Total IL= LSO Tile report was accepted. TUB BIBLE rN THE SCHOOLS. Mr. Trimble said that there wag a re. port that the Bible Was not read In the school. in the Seventh ward. Mr. Haney said that the Bible never had been read in that school and he would further state that there were a number of Catholic children in that school who would not attend if the Bible was read in the school. The President read an extract from the State Supwintendent's report stating that the arable was considered a text took and should not be omitted from the list. Mrc Haney "said that he thought there was nothing of that character In the law. Dr. Riggs asked what the law was on the sal*ect..- Mr. kremlin thought it was not policy to agitate the question any further, that it would probably come up soon enough. Mr. Marthane submitted the following: Witgases. The common salmokts the only rational method of rearing a 'Demo genoue people, where all - classes may learn and grow up together, and thereby become fitted both to rule and to obey. which is the glory of our republic: now, therefore, be it Resoteed, That the Board of Controllers of Allegheny city view the public:act:col system as the great means under Heaven of joining Into one harmonious people the heberogenons multitudes that flock to scar shame and the: tits them for the great responsibilities, both as citizens sod rulers, which thereby devolve upon them. Resolved, That whoever attempts to break down our school system by claim. log a share of its funds that ho may draw off from our public nurseries a portion of the pupils to give 'them a sectarian and ascii:Lave education is an enemy to our country's peace and good government, Resolved,. That the Secretary transmit a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions, to the President of the Cen tral-Board-of Education of the city of Pittablirgh so that he may lay them be fore his Board, with a view of bringing out a spirit of determined adherence to our nobler policy of universal education, and no exclusiveness. -- The paper was accepted. Mr. Francis moved the adoption of the • first resolution. The first resolution was adopted. Mr. Marthena now arose and read a manuscript as follows: Until quite lately' it was undreamed by us that there should or could be any opposition to the continuance of Com mon Schools, by intelligent people, or by any people except tho moat illiterate: for'we had been under the delusion that each individual citizen had a stake in the gotd government of our country, which . would impel hint to unite with all the rest for .its preservation. But recently our eyes have been partially opened by movements m New York, eincinnatti and St. Louie, to the fact that there is a met among us, of great 'and increasing strength, which has its religions and civil doctrines so compactly united, that they cannot be sundered; and that these doctrines are, unforuao .tely, Incompati ble with free dom of education. The system anon which the . Roman church Is built is autocratic, and allows no right of private judgment inns vota ries. Its Pontiff Wog ago decreed that freedom of education was contrary to the ' icily of the church; there is consequently in no land where his rule acknowledg ed at this day any inch thing as . educe ' lion apart from priestly Instruction; nor will there be any here if once they get the power. And even now they are look ing forward to the time when this will happen, and think it not very remote. Patriotism then demands of us that we , prepare for the combat; for If a sect once succeed in securing to Itself a part of our educational funds...upon any pre. I time. the lethal system dies. And If It dies from such a cause, then anarchy' and religious war will soon take the place of our now peacefol condition. The question of Bible reading la the ephools is suppered by many good citi zens to be the great and only one u n which a conflict with the Papal eh will be required. But they are atly mistaken. That question Lae been raised merely as • thin entering wedge, to be succeeded by the greater one of a divis ion of the exibiOol fund, and it will split and shatter our school- system to pieces if not at once arrested. Romanist/ say that they cannot consistently send their children to schools wherein their own 'version of the Scriptures is not need; but this is a mere pretends, for no sooner do they fled some board aufficlenly comph . ant to order a discontinuance of Bible readings, than they exclaim that they cannot consistently send their children I to an Atheistical school! Some of the more outspoken have Indeed already die. %badly and authoritatively informed us that the entire exclusion of the Bible will In no degree reconcile their sect to• our owl:tools; that nothing short of direct Romanist teaching will suffice. The wellteing,. nay, the very exist. saes of our Gervernment, demands Mid the children of the land shall be brought up in habits of entire equality—am much like the children of one vast family uf potable.. The Roman church la our great hindrance In lids good work, be cause it says, °I am holler than thbil;" and while Its devotees flow in upon us In vast numbers, to grasp the pecuniary and honorable prizes that are equally open to all, they odematiously build their own orphan asylums, their own hospitals, and provide their own cents. tildes for. their own dead exclu sively—proving that, whether living or dead, they - are thoroughly inflated with • the notion of their own superior sanctity! While we cannot help being offended ly these things, we say nothing. When, howeyer, our pct. lineal life is touched we demand that all shall stand on one and the same plat form. Let us then pledge ourselves to guard the school syetem with increased vigilance against the &snuffs of the foe, and indignantly frown down every at tempt to subtract from that fund, which, in its entirety, will continue to scatter blessings over the lend, but which, If divided, will Mamma a root of bitterness, I whose fruit will be to us and our pros. party the source of unnumbered woes. Mr. Nesbit moved the adoption of the second resolution. Mr. Fronde desired to know If there had been auy attack-made the r e hid aye tern ha this State, or If there hid been anY to divide the School Fund In this city. He thought this res. °lntim' was premature, and appeared to be an attempt to force a con fl ict which would doubtless come soon enough. Hr. Bauble said that he would give the resolutions his kisirty support. HP . Tot em:ling thong t the Importance of the subject Was • erloOked in a great missive. The question wee not whether an at tempt had boon made to divide the fund In this State or In this city. The attempt had been made in other States and other cities, and It was only a question of time as to when it woold be made here. He thought It prudent so guard against It. A number of other memt ire made brief speech.s on the question, after which the resointion Fr an adopted. On motion of Mr. 'Nesbit, the entire piper was adopted as a whole. Mr.Chtneyeffered a resolution instruct log the Secretary to Inquire if some of the wards had not more teachers than they were entitled to. After a considerable amount of talk and numerous amendments, the resolu tion, as originally offered, wan adopted. Mr. Francis, a resolution instructing the Committee on Teachers and Salaries to report a basis of average attendance upon which wards shall be entitled to teachers for the. coming year, based on the attendance for the year. Adopted. Mr. Dennison stated that he had beard there had been some legislation during the present seniors; giving power to this board to levy additional school tax this Year. • ! If such was not 'the case, there shotild be some such legislation, as It was necessary If the city was de sirous of keeping good teachers to in crease their eateries. . While the matter was under discussion the Board adjourned. IRE EDUCATORS' WORK Steond Day at the Inatltute—Dlieuailona ■nd Essays-Music and Lectures— Clara Drilla and Oher Ezerelsea The Institute was opened at nine o'clock by the singing ,of the "Corons tion,' hymn, followed. with prayer by Rev. J.. Bittinger, D. D., of Sewickley. Prof. Brubaoker lead the audience hi another Fong. Dr. Bittinger was then introduced, and delivered the opening Motu e on Geogra phy. He divided Ms subject into three parts. ist,Hiatory. 3d Science.. nd 3d, How to teach it. He dwelt particularly upon the fleet di% talon, .History," tee" lug It from the earliest times, and illus trating by numerous citations, the theory of teaching geography by connecting it with historical facto. .• 7200 . 1.1.9 . 1.2150 C 1.1'5 CO . 14.7 60 General discussion next ensued upon the subject "Should ohildien be allowed to use the text book In reciting. oral alit:melte." The dlsoosslon was-partic ipated In by Measrs. Still and Brubaoker. It wax followed by a recess of Live Wu. nisi. ....~ ~.. :19 W .... IW W 710 00 Prof. Bailey next took the stand and discussed "elocution,.. dweinng particu larly upon emphasis and illustrating by pertinent illustrations the diffarence between sound and ersse. Prof. Townsend resumed his lecture on "Civil' - Government," presenting tbo subject in topical form on the black board. The Professor is an experienced educatur and lecturer, and never fails to make his ' , tails" entertaining and profitable. ATTZMIOON EINSSION. Opened with musical exercises, 'Prof. Brubacker pranging at the organ. As the first performance, bilis Bethel McGinn() read a very finely written and practical essay on "The Teacher's Werk," which seemed to be highly ap preciated by, her Macneill. The essay exhibited thought, an observant mind, and a trenchant style of communicating the resultant mental effort, In the highest degree creditable. Prof. James Thompson now delivered i lectdre on ..Language," Language should be taught in connection with spelling: he would give the child • word and have him nee it in connection with others, and make a complete sentence. After a reeves of live minutes, Prof. Benjamin Jones give a class drill on arithmetic. The teacher had a close of twenty-six pupils from his school .in Birmingham and taught them priori pally on "Frlctions." Re accompanied the drill with an explanation of his theory of teaching arithmetic. Prof. Brnbacker sung " How I love my Mountair. Home," when Prof. Bailey continued his remarks on "Elocution." Several amusing anecdotes and recite - Sons infused life into this performance. The Institute adjourned until seven o'clock. 11IPICING BISSIOrf The evening session opened up with the singing of the song "Sweet live and Bye," after which the Rev. E. Y. Oar slate was Introduced and delivered • lee wire on ',"The Teachers of our Public Schools." He thought the teacher occu pied one of the most responsible positions in the world. The teacher had the form lug and directing of the minds of the children. The influence of the teacher would live forever either for the weal or woe of the , pupil. There were certain characteristics which teachers should poseurs. First, They should be intent gent; they should be mentally lit fur the position. The teacher should have heart power—that is be in full sympathy with the Work. All their energies and ear nestness and enthusiasm should be en gaged. This was why sea general rule women were better than men. They were intensely in earnest generally In anything in which they were engaged. Dews In the Desert." as teeny by Miss Saline Ackley, was the next per, fwmanoe. The lady evinced ununual excellence of composition; the thought was original, and the language simple and clear. At the class she wearewarded with applause. Mr. Malerung a pathetic ballad which was well received. A recess of Ave min ute@ followed. The Rev. George P. Hays next follow. ed with a lectors on ' , Fashionable Edu cation." At the close of thin lecture the President announced that Pref. Mark 'Bailey, of - Yale College, would give an elocutionary entertainment, to-morrow (Thursday) evening, at the ball. Prof. Charles Townsend, of New York, will also deliver one of his characleriatle Mow on "the Signs we Hang Out." The Allegheny Quartette Club will be In attendance and intersperse the exerci ses with music_The doors will be open at 7 o'clock—fre to all who purchase a ticket for 50 cents. The evening session of the Institute then closed with a song by Prof. Brut. backer. PLyABilkT 00Cl810Y. Hew Pittsburgh Teachers Sensibly En joy Themseives—`Spec eh, Sentiment, Supper, song and Enjoyment. The second annual ra•nnlon of the teachers of the Pittsburgh Public Schools was held last evening at the Ralston school house, (old !Fifth ward,) and a more pleasant or more enjoyable ricer r Mon was never afforded Hie Mende of popular efincation. There assembled several hundred couples of ladles and gentlemen, teachers and Invited goats, which went to make up an audience oonspicctorus for Intel- Bronco, beauty and brilliancy. The meeting organised by electing Prof. Andrew Bunt, chairman, - a gentleman who showed In his high toned and exact executive order. a capacity for the posi tion which few others amid claim. The exercises opened with. charming vocal. !anon by the Allegheny Quartette club. Messrs. W. H., and W. B. Black. W. Dar ling and Harry Horner, entitled “L'ive. Friendship and Truth." After this slas. Ing offering,. Prof. A. Burtt made. happy and pleasing speech, in which heexplain ed the object of the occasion—that of in, enlacing a friendly feeling and relation *ship between the teachers of the city and those Interested In their great work. The gentleman spoke tersely and to the point, and received not only the earnest attention of the audience but likewise the heiutleat of applause. • . Next sentimental taste followed In the subjoined order: , I—Our country, the lade,. which eked. th nations of the earth to a higher deelley. Appropriately responded to by Prof; IL A. Moen= of the High BohooL 2—"ateltigenee, the I:re-blood of Liberty wet Responded to by Mr. A. W. Folder . 3—The Civil Law.tba hahrark whirl. unbar. rtmed for Um gototection uf human rights. Eloquently responded to by W. O. Moreland, Esq., who dealt with the cub. Jed in an able manner, eliciting the heartiest and most enthusiastic applatuie. +—To provide far the edoeettea of the people Is the prime deity of the Istate. Appropriately responded to by S. Murphy, Esq , Superintendent of Cont. mon fiebooLs, Armstrong county. mot smeiltetou toltb. t.-vrse olautloa develop" Prof:apliea. aural Sensibly responded 10 Pbllotus A. Dean of the High School. e-Odde sad .10. or school e p. r sate. _ Respondott to in brief and matter of fact style by Prof. Fulton. The various toasts were Interspersed with fine vocal Offerings by the Alleghe ny Quartette Club. At the conclusion of the 'marches' the entire party adjourned to the dining - ball. where an seemliest supper was I n - welting. After refresh- ment the party Indulged in tripping the "light fantastic toe," which was kept up till after midnight. The oecssion was decidedly pleasant and reflected much credit to all concerned. -We are Prenu of onr teachers and proud to know that they am enjoy themselves In a sensible - manner. Wanted—Everybody to know that Mrgraw's No. 45 Hand street, le the beet place In Sheehy , to get tobacco, snuff.... gate, ever7thlng of the beat character and warranted. Itegraw has a large stock on hand. Itls full, and mouds:a all the latest moraines in the It o. of Peached. m ersc hannas, PiPee• and other atiloles needed by the smoker. PITTSBURG - H DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNE S DAY ISE COURTS. District Court--Judge litaini4on TUFADAY, April h.—The case of the Cltinma i Oil Refining company vs. James Bonney, Jr.. and Joseph Dilworth, provloualy roport..l, was resumed and was on trial when Court adjourned. TRIAL LLST POR WSDNb'9DAT. 112 Jacoby vs Selman & Laurent. 176 Brown for use vs owners of steam. boat "Reindeer." 180 Owners of steamboat "Gray Fox" vs Milllngar, McCoy & Co. 194 Brown vs Sel forth. 208 Sells vs Brown. 209 Same vs same. 134 (0. L.) Waring d: King v■ Miller & Co. 101 (0. L.) Napier vs Darlington. " 91 (0. L) McMannua vs A.V. R. R. Co. 92 (0. L.) Trax vs same. Common Plena—lunge Stow,. TUESDLY, April s.—The ease of Sued. grass for use vs. Snodgrass, previously reported, was resumed and submitted to the jury. Verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of 11147.53. The next cue taken up was that of Sumner & Co. vs. Updegraff et ux. Ac tion' In replevin for..a sowing machine. The plaintiffs, it irklleged, Maud to Mrs. Updegraff in July. 1888, a Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine at five dollars per month, with the privilege to purchase. it at the regular retail price of eighty-live dollars, the amount of rent paid to be deducted from the purchase money. They allege that she . paid about thirty /lee dollars on the machine and then refused to pay any more and also de clined to return the machine. A writ of replevin was issued and executed and the machine given into pouession of the plaintiffs. and this action is to determine to whom It belongs.. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR WSDNERDAY 61. Murphy vs. bnro of Monongahela. 62. Botinert vs. Stirling. 67. Clark vs. Mclntyre. • 70. Stevenson et al. vs. Prescott et al. 72. Cuthbert & Bro. ve. Read. 78. Jambe. va. Hanna, Hart t CO 77. Simpson vs. Carothers. 78. 130thime vs. Wet. 79. Kyle re. Lynch Bi),. Sellers ye. Baughman. • 81), Danmark et ux. ve. Gilmore, Straub & Quarter ilesidens—Judge Sterrett. TONJDAY, April s.—The Unit case taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. AbrahaM Taman, Indicted for larceny, J. Dehappens prosecutor. The defend. ant, who Is a colored boy, It is alleged, entered a confectionery kept by the prosecutor and took, from the money drawer the sum of ten dollars. The Jury, owing tonere° extenuating circum stances In the case, returned a verdict of not guilty. The Court ordered that the defendant be remanded to pal, and he will probably be sent to the house of refuge. The next case taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. W. F. Hadgrass, In. dieted for a misdemeanor lu fraudulently entering a deed, Mrs. Ellen Archibald prosecutrix. The defendant, it was al leged, had In his poaseasiun a deed for • place of property in Missouri, which wee deeded Jointly to himself and brother, Remy Hodgman, who was the first hue band of the proliecritrix. The defendant plumed that the property was his ex clusively, having been purchased by him and paid for with his money, and that he_ had inserted his brother's name in the deed on condition that he (the brother) would go to Missouri and settle on the land. After the brother's death, the defendant erased his name' from the deed, thereby working injury, It to alleged to the defendant. The Jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and county to pay the recta. Martin Dunachlsen, against , whom there was an Information - for surety of the p o ace, Stewart Robinson prosecutor. The parties have lu.d considerable trouble about a piece of property in Penn township. which they both claim to have a title to. The defendant was ordered to pay the costs of prosecution, and give balrin the hum of pop to keep the peace. John Black, Indicted Jointly. with William Barney for entering a dwelltcg• house with intent to commit a felony, was placed on trial. alone,. Barney not having been arrested. It was alleged by William Mlle, the prosecutor, that the 'earthed had toreably entered his dwel- ling-house. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, without leaving the box, and the defendant was discharged by proclamation., Jellerson Douglas, indicted frirburg lacy on oath Of J. D. Thompson. The variety store kept by the prosecutor on Liberty Street 'was entered some two months since and a number of articles stolen away, among which were Igor revolvers- Jacob Barnes was armftiA and plead guilty to the chsrge, and was sentenced to the work bonne- While there be implicated Douglass In tho burglary. On the testimony of ttarnea, who wall brought from Um work lonroo an a witness In the case and testified that Douglass and 'he went to the back en- trance of the store and Douglass entered by climbing nvor Lisa fence, and ho watched outside until Douglass returned with the stolen goods, the. Jury returned a sordiet of guilty. Sentence deferred. Vpt.si. LIST PUB WKDNESDAT, 270 Com ; vs. Elijah Hall, 272 311 C, C. Patch et at Caroline Schubert. E=Citrl El=2 311 Henry W. Taylor et RI 308 Fred Dallmen. 309 A. Dallmen-2 ewe. 306 J. Smith. . David Strain. 303 tiarimel Rend 304 " David Morgan. 302 " Cas. ?darker. 301 W. B. Koonizman 299 " Lyman Plummer. 300 I 8 ~ Ludwig Rayon Niter Crider. LIST FOR TRU/LYDA Y. 255 Coro. vs. JOE. W.:Bonoof. 330 Frankailder et DI 208 " W. B. Newell. Neat laapectont Report for March. IStO The number of above -visited during month was seventy two, out of which number I have flossed twenty-one as being number one, forty-five an being number two, and six an being number three. I have condemned seven calve. belong ing to farmers, on account of being too young for market, tho oliendere being IgOdrant of the city code in relation therhto, and living some diatoms from the city, were permitted' to take them home. The cow that died In Michael Barret's stable, and dressed by Andrew Bother and Frederick Frankenbach, butchers, an account of which was published lu the daily paper, is still under investiga tion. The parties charged with this con. temptable act are still skulking around to evade the vigilance of the police, to escape that Just punishment that the law prescribes, and which they know they richly deserve, It matters not what die. positien wee made of dila meat, whether they worked it up Into Bologna sausage or cast it into the river. - II publish their names to the world that the public m■y know whom to tryst (or wholesome moat. No botcher of good repute, who had any tuiltrespect, woulk risk hie rep utation by engaging ill so villainous ■ traffic. In my next monthly report I hope to give • final report of the above case. :You will see by the above account that I have . incroased class No. 1 to twenty t one, No. 2 to forty.fivo and No. 3 he been reduced to six, which : speaks wel end shows a disposition on their part o re. form. • Tdomita W. LINDSAY, Meet Inspector. Pittsburgh, March 31, 1870. = The following deeds were filed of rra ord In the ofilre of Thos. F. Hunter, Ego., Recorder 'of Allegheny. county, on Tuesday, April 5, 1870. •'m. Pattnn to Audit L. Hart. March IL 1070 =t==a Richard 'faddy to John beliald. Marsh W, .10 . 01 lot Pi by at It: Co Dimness alley. II It want Pltteestigh Sri Ileac) HOPS, to ettaarriSeil W Illls . Worth lots Nos. land In eat... raom's pl.nof tom• Mite, Ie h ward, Ylltsbars b.... 61 100 hwarl lel to John Bald ado.. Jr.. Mob IL 1E0; tats lot 50 by 111 ft. on NC50.1,113 Si bos on Braddo.oto Cleo. Lytle et al. to Adam Holt, entot. a, IWI7: acres nod K. perches of Mod to 11111111 u 11.•.11712 Joh. M. Kennedy and f.tiot G. hltttonntll, algae... to /enacts A. Otlinre, March 30, .1170; II Jots tn BrownstOwn . Lower ht. (.11s. r tp.. Ito Sister's o) imsrs Thor p r avi. to Jos. Bendy. Moan! , Wit. 10701 .• . . • . lot 30 by I'9 ft. c riJualita M., Allegheny 1.11. v. • IIiSSO deo. W. Unbolt. to Job n H. Hy, January 2. 1217. 6100 by • 0 ft. on Alexander Is., bore of Tem. SMAne• vllle 11,011 Josn'Kelly to Thos. F. flembberger, April Im. IWO: same Daemon to P abov• Trace!. liblp eehmer. •prIIICU; 4.1 serer In Versalhes to. ......... ... J. H. Tomllnson et al. err Thos. P. Hershberger, March 1010. IVO; Im 00 by IM ft. on Male at. rro of Temperancorllle MI Bob!. °Myer to Wm. trlllver, Sept. 21. MC; In- ' tercet In 141 germ In Mlolln Meier, MOM Teter Haberman to PI et Meyer, March 11GO; lot 26 ty HP In born of Monougahr 1..11,000 Mont. M. Xill loll.nry J. Wargbt. March 20. IMO; lot 22 oy PHA., boro of Obsensburg.....llslo 70. manse to K. F. Wal lot 24 by IM It. on Sutler at . Plltaborgh..6l.l6o Wse. ebaffer t al. to Z. F. February 3 0 ; IM6; lot 24 by 121 It on Batter Denn y , sti, raktabarab • -a! Geo. K•oserelPer to 1 atnarlite Blsenll6. March IKT; lom ot. mpl M In Kellar's pram 17111 . ............. Aprll rm. 107•01 rot al I a by .. ..AS ft. Ow Yltvenits it ,Out. of Strullergham .. .. ... •••••••-14.0.0 Carpets and Household Goods at &no tion, Wednesday, April Bth, at 10 et it. and 2 - r. H. Be. advertisement of - Port on et blank auctioneers. _ A SCANDAL. . A Sensafianat Item—A lacasenabie Query. Several days 'ago we were pliced in I)""si alleged breach of promise case, ill which the ..te es at O f r•a t h e ehflay r espected 'United Presbyterian preacher, of our alder city, and a very estentable and virtuous young lady of the same locality, figured conspicuously. We refrained from pub lishing the sensational item, although the notes were In possession of our re porters several day, anterior to those of our et:temporaries. Inasmuch as publi cation has been given to the circumstan ces of the case by two or three of our daily papers, we desire to explain why we took the liberty of depriving our readers of the morsel of intelligence, which, for the moment, might have tickled the fancy of readers and have added a tri fling sum to our counter-sale of papers, because, forsooth, the name Ofa Minister of God was dragged down into the caul dron Of police business, and that of • pure maiden, of high social standing, was brought into unseemly notoriety. In order the better to understand the case 1 we reprint with slight obliterations the account Of a.cOntemporary, as subjoined: 11l Rumors have been current for some weeks past affecting the reputation of Rev; J. B. Clark, D. D., pastor of the Second U. P. congregation of Allegheny, one of the largest In that domination. The Doctor, who has sustained an are- I proachable character, Is a wide r, his wife havind died some three y since. Among the members of his cong ation was a young lady, daughter of • dow formerly residing in the Third ward, Allegheny. The young lady he the 4t position of teacher in the Third ward . schools, and, was well educated. While pursuing .the stridy'of the hu - guagea her mind became affected, and IL was found necessary to send her to an, asylum In the east for treatment. After I remaining there for some time, She re turned to her borne, bat • relapse occur= red, and she was again placed under 'treatment Finally abeVras pronounced entirely cured, and returned home. ' The young lady was of prepossessing appear ance sad pleasing address, and with the pastor, as well as with the members of the congregation, a great emeriti). It is alleged that the plater became a suitor for her heart and hand, and was finally accepted, and that the young lady has in her poseession numerous letters from the pastor, showing the, peculiar re latlons existing. One, it 'le said, re ferred to the promise of marriage, and agreeing upon June, 11170, as the time for tue wedding. It le further alleged by the young lady that the Doctor.hu recently expressed his determination not to merry her, giving as a reason her. mental weak ness. The friends of the young lady, as sert that, she is as rational as any person;. that mentally and physically she is as healthy as ever she was, and • that the rut cause of the failure on the part of the Doctor to fulfill the contract Is that he is engaged to a young lady In Wil. mingtou, Delaware:" We have not listened to either side of the story. We de not believe that the lady or the reverend gentleman ever donated a publication of the . public scan dal. It was a matter in the province of a Presbytery of the Assembly to decide. Instead of referring It to • court of • frail Publie Opinion, it should have been submitted to an Ecclesiastical Court to have been decided, as to the depth of the minister's offending against the laws of Plaice and humanity. The high social position of both parties, and the lila- Platy of either to misconstrue the actions of the other, were enough barders thrown op against mak ing the matter public property until It should have assumed shape In a c curt of Justice or a - religious ooancil. We propound, In conclusion, without reflecting the least •on our contempora ries, whether it is not better to patiently. await the development. in such cases be fore publishing the damaging, true or false particulars, which attend all such senutional items? It 'requires years of diligence, of, energy, of cor rect deportment, of• ~ morality and of good example to establish the reputation, stacidieg and position -of • monistir of any religions denomination; it requires but • single breath of sus picion to tear down the elevated peat, on which he sits, and the sinful world looks laughingly on the wreck brought about. Is care and charity, not to be exercised where so much Is at stake? Who answers.? 818. IN UHAS .00176 The Borough VIOSOCOS—PCUUDEI Hoods Apprpvcc.s....c. A. regular monthly meeting of the Connell of the borough of Birmingham was held yosterday, Tneedity evening, April Ltb, 1870, In the Council Chamber on Fourteenth street. - - - Member. prevent—Mesas. V.ualey, Redman, Oliver, Duncan. Schwerin, Schneider and Bargees Anghlnbangb, who pr.ided. The minute. of the last . meeting wore read and approved. Mr. Redman, chairman of the special committee appointed at the last meeting to examine tho proposed route through the borough of the Pittsburgh, Virginia . aud ' Charleston Railroad, reported prograsi. Oa motion the Committee wee con tinued. • The reports of the old oorongh officera, for last month were read sod approved. ,The bonds of the following named biirough officers were presented: Mr. Conway, Wrlghtmulter, 1500; Mr. Pfeil. Clerk of Maakets, 14,000: Mr. Beech, 'fro:surer, $20,000; Mr. Wank.; tax col. lector, MAC M. Elchley, High Con. ■cable, '3OO, Thu bonds were, on motion appromd. • Mr. M'Clean Board Measurer, presented his bond of MOO, which was approved, arid the oath of 'office administered. • ... Bills against the borough amounting to 1778 37 were read and warrants order• ed for the Tarlotui amount. • • Warrants were also ordered to be drawn for otlicers' salaries. - Nine citizens residing on Miteenth street petitioned for IL sewer on said street. • It was said that the cellars along the street were constantly filled with water; it wee proposed to construct a sewer at ti, cost of the property holders. The BurgreCstated that there was . • 4'l:Nation as to whether the Connell had the power to construct a sewer, as pro. posed, without an Act of Assembly. There should be an set of title kind passed, but it was too late now to procure legislation at the present passion. On =MOM the petition was laid over till the next, meeting, and In the mean. time the Solicitor Is requeeted to 'scar. lain what power, If any, the Council has In the premises. A petition from citizens ma Frederick street, between Eleventh and streets, for, the grading and paving of said street, 'was presented. Referred to the Street Committee. A. peUtion for the appointment of John Noble as night watchman, mut referred to the Pollee Committee. Petition of Hosea Huatead, asking to be continued In the position of night watchman. Referred to Polio. Commit. tee. 'H. B. ?doCurry is 'leo an applicant fin the position of night watchman. His petition wee similarly referred. The Barger said the condition tf the borough finances should be looked after without delay. He therefore recom mended that the samessmenla be made at an early day. • Mr. Oliver Inquired as to what divest- Lion the Council proposed to make of the office under the council chamber, now occupied by Justice Eat !Asbury. Action In the matter was deferred till the next meeting. • On motion It was resolved that when Council adjourns Ct adjourns till Thurs day evening, when the matter of &seem manta will be considered. • On motion the repairing of the borough clock was placed In the bands of the /3chool Directors, the borough to contrib. uto its share of the expenses. Constable Elohley Informed tbe Coun cil that the borough lock-up was in • filthy condition, and needed repairs. He asked for Information as to whether be would go on and clean the place and make neoeasary repairs, or If it WWI the business of the'Police Committee. It was decided that It was the duty of the Pollee Committee to attend to the repairs, end the matter was acoordingly referred to that Committee. . On motion, Adjourned. =DV titoct Bale. The following etooks were soli last evening on the second floor of the Com mercial Raise Rooms, 106 Smithfield Street, by A. Mollwaine, auctioneer: Iron City National Bank.— 90.23 Exchange a .. 37 Mechanioa . 4 . 4 Bank of Pittsburgh . Allegheny National-Bank, Second Third M. mid M.: do L.. a a Pittsburgh Inenranoe CO. Monongahela . 4 . .. Western .44 Pennsylvania . 4 Peoples Allegheny as Allenianin .. " - 39 ~ Enterprise a 30 ' Allegheny Valley R. R. - 20 ' 25 A. V. R. U. 73.10 Bondi MK Per et. =MI "it filesseth Blm Tint Tate;" II Shalmpure said when quilling • goblet of Pier, Dupuis & Co.'e cream lie. ORNING, APRIL 6, 1870 The Patrons of Col. J; D.Eras should remember that be has removed his establishment to Smithfield street, next door to the Methodist Denoaitory building. With the change in location, however, the Colonel will make no change in hie method of doing business —that la, selling off Standard Worke in all branches of literature at haltprica. If you want anything In the book line give him a call. Fashionable Clothing.—The new spring styles have Just been umlaut at the merchant tailoring house of Hespenheide & Co., No. SO Sixth (St. Cfair) street. The-firm have on hand expreuly for spring and antnmer wear, • new and choice stock of material, to which they Invite the attention of young gentlemen and others who take • pride in wearing neat fitting, wall made and atyilah cloth ing. made of the beat material in the market. We can recommend the hurt of Hespenheide .t Co. to public patronage. One of the chief charaoteristics of "moving day," which makes It memory. blo to the housewife, is the disastrous effect which results to the crockery and Queensware: Formerly this was an Item of considerable importance,'but since the advent of the Keystone *are, and cor respondingcheap prices with tine goods, the annoyance has not been so seriously felt. The warehouse .of the Keystone, hlesars:Kler dr Co., proprietor', is at No. WS Liberty street. Loot In at the new fashions for ladles at Moorhead'a, No. 81 Market streot.l Every lady is sureto bays the latest out by purchasing at Moorhead. The stook at this bowie is always kept up to the times in price, quality, quantity and freshness. Dices and trimmings and velvets and cuffs and collars and ribbons and sashes, and everything in the line of ladles PubloSable goods can be had at No. 81 Market street. There is one place In the city where at any hour of the day a lady or gentleman may obtain a clean, palatable and appe tising lunch. — _Youngson and Co., the ponniar.confectioners, corner Smithfield street and Diamond alley, make this branch of their business • specialty. Those who desire to test their success should call at their establishment and get a lunch. Lathe., Tools and Patterns at Auction. —The large sale of Machinery at Mr. Tomllnson'a Works,' Duquesne Way, comes off positively to morrow (Thurs day) afternoon at two o'clock. This attractive sale deserves the special atten tion- of machinists, engine builders and rolling millers. Bee advertisement by A. Loggate, Auctioneer. . The Spring silica et Henri C. Hale. Merchant Taller, at corner of • Pend* avenue and Sixth street, Is now largo and complete. Moneleur Sonpalne con• tlnues to preelde at the cutting. tf After the trouble and fatigue of "mov ing der," call In at Holtzbeimer Conti nental, Fifth avenue below the Postadice, and refresh the loner man with a rich, dainty and rionrialdnr: repeat. • tioltaheimer , s Continental, below the Peen:Mee, Firth avenue, w ill be found Just the place for business men dining down town. Tempting and appetizing viands at the Continental, Fifth avenue, below. the Pentanes. —Bettina from the primary election in the Fourth Indiana District show that Jallan has been defeated by Judge .Wll• son by a majority of afew votes, Additional Markets by Telegraph. CAltillimax, April b.—Reef Natio— ns:septa 332 head. and prices 5(05.34.; higher; extra 112.7.5@13,23. brat quality 1124012,60, second quality f 111515050, third quality $9®10.60. Sheep and Lamba—Mcelpta 1733 head and market not buoyant; miss in lots at 113@4,60 and 351:43.50. PHILADILPHIA, April 6 -Flour, super fine ;4.37%4.50. .).?Wheat: red $424® Rye bald at Corn better, yellow at $1,0501,06, Oats In fair datnarrat SO@ 820. Ideas Pork WA, Lard .14,;(4 15340. Whisky higher and holders are asking glmgl,o7. Naw Clai,grats; 4pril s.—Cotten firms .20 middling 3.(c; sales 1.700 bales; resell:4a 4,444 balm; exports 2,713 bales; stoat 137,105 bales. MARRIED SHE►N — YDWARDS—Ou the Seth of lebru. Are. 1170. by the Rev. Wm. Owen.. at the real. Ideate of the hrlie•s matbtr, We. ROBERT SHEEN lad Mt.. MART EDWARD% both of Plttsbereh. .NES EDWARDS—op the :14th of 7eOrn -11170. by the ReT. Wllll. Deeps, Mr. 11164 HY W. J 024 AO nod Mn. ANN R. V.D W ABMs. boa. of Eettsbareh. • ECM • minutes Monday ROBERTrII at minutes mut 4 o'clock, RAN LIN, In the lath 'ear of ale are. • Funeral terdee at Mt. Paul'. Chard, Lady- VIII.. at Lir-put 1 o'clock OP THCA-51, %T. the 7th Ind. ?Arida of the family are remedially Invited to attend the falters'. • 61,11.1. LAG Timed Amil Sk A RI ; damiliter Dominick ate:and ry ki allae. nice • IL months. Funeral from the realdeam or her mints. No . , 199 Wetter armee. on TutlatlDAT. •t P. , /..• tal Pro Med to It. Marla etenetery. /elands or tie fatally are remmethilly Invited to attend. 11•TIIBIS—On Yoadav,lnrll 4th. 1810, at 11 85'clock A. 0. 11, J•MIZtI MeTURIL. n .the ths year of taa age. Funeral from Ws late reeldenee. No. 130 SU teenth etzeet. Birmingham. in WZDMIISDAY drrnanoorr at. o•eioek. The friend. of the family are Invited tot teed. HUGHltel—On Monday. Aprll tot e r 010. at 1 o'cick A. it. - LIDA VAUD. ca of IL H. 1 . 4 ".. 011, ..h.fb.% LLM 11.ontbs nineral (root parents' reuldente, So. Va . Federal &Haat. Pltubtrik, at 10 o'clock Wolk: ananan sconataro. Friends and Walloon*: tbe 4 inolly are laniard to attead. UNDERTAKERS JOSEPH NEVER & SON, N0.'41811 PILAF BTELIT Cardamom Zoe Tumoralls Pair*tubed. 0017119 n • ion all Funeral Furnlakteent at rt lined rates. 1.137 ivsizateril THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLO!, & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Me now petard to nada Milian at Um LOWIAT MAIM= BAT. Attatan n Du , nalstly anted to oar rou WINE VINEGAR. OFFICIAL. pROPOILIII.B WILL BE IRE CILIVID al the Orrict or m.e WATMI 1 . 112.,./ 7 , a r z u lfzk h el. House. • z : Lotr, CLZA 11410 LIAN PABtrLuPPAoT (Atail-tt.butuararbr tizl,Trlato',_%l4; thrush not team teas • bs loch meets sad nu over • slut meter. of hot leas thae ft of CU Inch. JUMPII /BENCH, nnpenn•t JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, MINN, LOCONOTITE h LOLLING NIL' BILASSEs Jlade Prosseptty to Order RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Propriston lad NIRROCAIII4.IIoI J. M. Cooper's Isprovedßalanee Wheel STEAM PUMP. Mee, 882 PENN STREET.- roondri, Ow. De awl Railroad fitrooldas eremantim. p • 9275 -10825 60.25 . 68.60 .. 69.50 .. 88.75 J OSEPHII. FINCH is CO., 01mea80.11117.1014 an. Isa..d M. Mgr MM. rrrreatmea, 20.60 Corpse Distilled Furs Hie wido w . Alan &alma la 11 , 0111191 a W 1145 and LL WHIRL HOPS. 116 1•121...11 PEAUL Afill.-115 casks reef ale bY J. X. CAXILSLD. rarrioTlOBB—"2b-Let," ati lS w a w" "Pound," "Boarding,. &a, not exceeding FOUR LINES, sell ba inaerted iii them &damn/ once /or TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; epee addi tional tine FIVE CENTS WANTS. WNlir,. ATED-A PARTNER wrll estgallsbed .d good paring balb gess. good taaner for a E. est . rt with a raw hundred dollars. Apply 1,1543 rena WANTED—TRIPLOYNIENT in • • or neeP the city by &STK AM ENGINEER, with perfectly satlefactoryifstinton Isis 23 to his experience, isatistry, skill and sobriety. Ad. dress Rh GINEX It. No. 33 H-nterer street. Al legheny. or refer to JOSIAH KING, et the GA- Pgris ofilee. . WANTED.—A TOILING MAN 11,6 Moen to tight...en ) , sra or 37. 6 16.116 a re•tanrant. Ah4lr at 176 :+mt thfield atom eINNT 2,1 o ,rroorletor. WANTED.—Fifty Coal and Ore Miners. no ulne.• fee to wine fart Raid to the mines. .4.,eral Girls are for No.. and country Annly dourploymen Oftlc, No, 1 edr.th Street, ant trout caapenalon End .. WANTED. - MORTGAGE& • • 1130.000 to Loan In Large or small mounts. ►t a fair rate of Interest. 111031111 K. PETTY. BM, Uond and neat Estate Broker, • No. 171i1Stelthael4 street. LOST Friday. March 23, .tween Port Perry and aragAraport th e: %reek Orlbe Connellsvllle.Nallroad, a PUC K AT Bourt,obntainln• about $5O In money and • proud Nor? Note on eamtwun entre], for VW. Any one finding laid Pocket Nook will be liter. ally rewarded by writing to DANINI. VA NS, Irwin dertlon, Weatmore`and Co.. Pa. 3-9 TO LET TIP:PLET. IRPOMS.— Parlor, ining no.] •nd Kitchen. with range. bur an water, gaa, Ac. All In good order. For oarticniare tequirii at C. ItLeillAid °wiry enact. earner of Fourth Arena° nod Libe , ty StryaL XoLET. ROOM, Fri rn ished or ovforahheil..ultable fora tleman'e ing room. Mt Pull ILTII AVE.. 4.6 rje-LET St ory Brick LINN HOPSP. No. la Ackley (late Caron) street, g.tondwan!. All. enemy. Contains nee TO MT, aisle SOO WOOD MOM. Ulf and water. Heat low. Apply to ' PRICE, • ape Al Lm Allegheny. frO-LET.—Brick House of S L Halms, Hall, Was, Water, No. 140 Market &reel, 6th Ward, Allegheny. • TH - LlT—Brek House of 6 Rooms. No. 140 Middle ...ay.near elarnpson rt...., 241 wa d. Allegheny. The above Houses will be reuttd low end pocesslon given Immealstey i.it roly to aps Al Diamond. Alleaber:T. -. mo n LET.—A new HOUSE of 4 tttloW. C. 1t.A1 1..a1 ml lea s roat luriulru tt 11511 Federal !chewy. • 10 -LET.--1 Orst•class STORE ROOM, No. 45 Uhlo sir et . Allegheny, 3 " west if the Diaz ad; also 4 ItUUSIS over meld store room. Wilt be rented et °erste er to. gather. If d sired. One of the beet business ice tattoos to the city. Rent moderate. Inquire Of W. CANCUN, 1 - 3 0400 Ohlo Street. • FRENT.—The Three' story .A: BRICK WARICHOWYE to Church alley . , b) rear of No. 1130 Waal street, formerly o-cupled Wm. Cu.as sirr A .? 4 ,6-Itzu. No. lnind IT* Woml.gt. rLET.—One good Store room ad it iVELLIZt Li, No: 45 Onto street. 3 teas from Dlanr.od and nem. door to Ift &natio Saying. Bank. One or the Mai !mations In the oil;. dentmoderate. Alec, la 144/115 In Um mar of tald More room. • tottoll l_or meri,9e W. CARSON. 44 Onto street. r , LET.—A Tavern stood, No. fifth avenue. Vine &evidence on Mt. Wulllne. lon, Third uvula" Mall. Upon" and omen. on illerket street. 8111./eMeni Nos. FT nod TO Third avenue, I.IAZZ /Of & Co.. - Attorneys at Lass. OA PIM avenue. FOR SALE •• Olt PALE.-One pair No. 10 PLATFORM MCAT. orn In good order, D. at No.* Hand de . Plasburgb. VOll, SA LE.—STOCM, LEASE .12 and YiN.l LIKES of I to.o fo 21 Dia mon I, .Allcalomy. Dow ocmalr 1 as a dorr and fn. d mom. Tar mon lomthm In am Dia mond. 0 , 11 to erg. ,qe In can. r Mamma Enquire on Dap premise, 1 case ..ren years to FOQ SALE.—AN ELEGANT COUNTRY Sf AT.— • Eloarrn Lyle USE a... 1 &Loot TWU I) A HALT ACE.s DI rrial ' itrrr ( y . l' s ti ' n "" I " or IL " Mooke at 03 ' , CUM AVE:R.7 . em . l IsA AC .1 'NES or S. O. CARRIER. rfILIE A—A Ilegheny County WORK 000 HOUSE lio:11/$. 130,13011 In 'Author el each, muting three to nix Yeats, alit mitres.. at 1 per cent. Free Iron State .3 chanty taxes. ape]. it 331 1110. ALIIREE. Teens', von PALE.—Engines and Boil- A: [LILY, flew nntl &nand Hand, kat .1l tin& co... Lap un bund. Maill=l .MKS HILL At CO.. Corner Marlon Avenue and P., F. W. & C. LW .11IerthroV. Po. FOR k ILE —Elegant. BRICK Housx:.. 10;11 9ro Inn. modern eolith. with Oss, Ranae. t liot ' a K nd Odd Water. Lou 30 by 197. situate on 44thstn. This Is a nor opportunity fur th ose &shun, a handsome rest dt nee T. R. MLA. & run !SALL—Yew. MUCK 110000. 7 room: mobs rn finisb, sli nate on 41un swett. Possow stun alverk Ist of April. T. IL SILL &SON. YOR BALE .— N TRAIIIC HoUE, 6 MOM. alitotte ...sr 39th nrett. street race $4.9119. icup terms. R. EL Corner T. Pen, a nd 334 meet» OR SA LE.—BUILDIN G LOTS moIIN ALLXCIIIENT CITY.—I offcr fo laale t delighifol bolldleg tots eltuated the gvcond ward. Alleitheny, on Perry,ville Pleat Immo and Observatory avenue , sulluining tter Obaervatory ground.. Them Lots are part ol five and oneelialf tfiti) rev. A plan of there lots can b, re. n ac my store, No. 03 WOOD nTlitgllT. The plan has alto e o rtcorritd. Euh Lot le a trent lot, fronting on Perrysvil e road or Obserfhtory avenue; sim, 34 feet wide 34 be 173 feet. Most of the lots arc srld. Flee d•clituge have been erected sir, ad,. Per sons desirous to leave the low ground. and smoky miles can here And in oeihtdlrr The locality la one of the finest in the two and but four minums• wale from the head of Deuces gtreet: • hooted walk lead* to the prelate.. Tile reat beauty of socciel7 and iprnendinn are tier h e ttoP "'"n7; price. kw. V N `1,0. 0. f 1 )11111. re No 93 Wood stet, Pittsburgh, or lave r Avenue. Allegheny cfly. FOR ES EL NAM MILL. The moat et tenth.. and sobstant'al Saw Ilia In Allegheny county situated. In the bunt. net.iportion of the . cty, at the (oat of Beth meet, Plitscura h. with mega Yard. and good WaPr. Barge *ad Poet Yard. i The Improvements are on leased ground on err, valuable tarfie. The lot lire 355 feet along •Ileabes• Valley Itallroad. ane agen , • from Spruce wley io River boot 550 feet. with 800 feet Ricer landing. VkLUABLE SWAM: MILL, Separate Won: Save .1111- Plr..class five, litid Boat Sned, Black=lth Stop, liana., .0. Poo tees on Ilya. any time. Thl. 1. a t rare upper n atty fur 1111 eat pedia& tat.om.. In *large and end:Sable Lumber oat Mashies., re. nutria. bat a sen•il eon Our particulate, enquire at the 11111. 14 2 : , 46 root of T W n tycCLenNaPO t PE, ITALUdi OLE OAK LAND P OP XEITY .111/9 RAL.-100 fuel front on 0v. 1 4 . 1f; portion, 90 3 fr ee : 111, large parlor, lair ble mantle, dialled room, *Melon, large 'cellar, three chamber., three 01110 rooms, porch, rte., cistern and hydrant water. Molt sea elmde ..... Concord grates eke.. In desirable lociatlon. ere Minutes wale from the Station, and emy of aCcen by lotincliptille Flaliroat S. OUTIIR SAT & &)R, 39 eir,b avenue. VALVABI E FARM AND MILL PROPERTI Tun SALE.—ollosted at Han. tan Otntinn, Panhandle Itallsosa. Cowman:loo sere., TO of sittleit ate imor.d; all under good fence: Allaeres of Coal, The Improvement. are • 3 story flooring Mill. with 51 inn of twin. lo 110.4 Order. Mill uss large. own*: In fell op. era lon. Cottage Hon..,.roome.Tenant House and large young Orchard. Pant. wishin to Rotoloßare, the milling audios' liminest. e the above g PO/Maio a raid opportunity. Price low. PVT. r. muiy. Apply to R. 11141.41 N A 1.34. 3115711 104 Poorth &mu.. EERSONAL.—AII persons seek. INU HONKS, or Investments In Real Ns ,VIII save time. trouble and money byline. 241514 flimagt: l ;l7:a u .Nry.R.VM or will be sent by mall Tun loony executing It. Persons cannot all to get salted net of the large Ilst It contains. OIWYT 8 PHILLIPC, rob. Milers and Heal taste Agents, No. egg Mount 411.1101. LEGAL NIVS;ATERN DISTRICT OF At Plitormiz N b BY tti V 9l/1:;I:y r of Much. A. D. OYU. - 1 h. under. tithed hereby glees a.. , ttee that mom t order of Court, • terond &terra' Meet. lug of the Creditors of 111.11. in 11 MURPHY. • B•skrupt. will to held at tiwtoth • of JOHN N. PUHVIANCII, Esq., Realties It Bankruptcy, at No. 110 Federal itrret. lu theetty of Allettheny. an toe 010 DAY OF •Plills A. U. 1010. at IC for het peft ssa named is the 311th BCOLIOU Of the Hankroput Act of Starch 2; 1851. JOHN HAILICI. Assigoee. 2010 . Attorneysatstatw. SD (Irma ht. A DNINISTBATOII8 9 NOTICE. AO&—Lett erg of admit latraUom having been tills nay'rime led to toe au deralintd. on the tome of JANE E. DONNELL, hue of favra tettnthip. Al Won, mainly, Pa , dee'd, all person are, hereby notleed to mat et unteedre haynient, and thelonavloo claims .111 pre . e them. nroteele a.theolleated, tor lettlettent. WU. V. EVANS., JACOB DONNE LL, Admlelst attys. IMO lgOTlCE.—Whereas, Letters of Alottelstnalyn noon the t o AS A. HOTCHKISS. de, Jae of trLt.h ward. Alleg havoc been granted to the ander. slaw hall peewee Indebted atrald VIM! wilt Ma, Imonedlate payment and all persons n n eigg nygyno against the tame 1,111 present them properly allthentleated for hettlement- ALROG Y. HOTCHKISS. Adat'a. mltH.w Wll. Y. TIUMBLIC, Adw'r. . THROUGH IN FORTY DAYS. We ...Jost In receipt of • small Invoke *oleo . Japan Teo, Dut up In baudsosso try cbole Japan Tea. v.. .., teepered ten pCnind addle.; also by Ilia posod; r.i711 vla Sao Inltteitao: for Sala t 7 JOHN A. ILLNBRAW. vaINO Honer Merl!' sad Math straits EicENDERSON Lit BROTHERS Bee tabui_y sued, De.4es• la Dna. sad Mat airrllalsas. mar 'FILIAL, PITTSBURGH: Alt ORDINANCE creating the •Dear., ftisnteto . of Mlle, and ReLulaUOi the dale Or Milk do, I. Be It ordained and Muteted by the CM) of Pittsburgh', In reject and Common COUncllS and tt is hereby ordained and enacted autiurltrmf lb: name, That It shall be un -1.1'4 need r 071`10F17teh".ififofor axle [talus the 070..,71;5'ri'; a tut ~`li`qurranT::l! i :ins: i ri.cil str utsobn moo:nolo u sual] be are r uts. and If. a'Zi..s.l'ilVthe "ay" " . "d sue th e Mayor shall ad /re io entity, he stall impose a ne not extending the sum of tarty dui Mrs and " rVerrarsVe 'r g 1?.! .Id i ni burgh and ' ea s eed Of Or the InspOet.r of Milk. See. M. It stall be the duty of the Councils In .1 , 11111 session annual ly 10 Orel a sellable person as — lnapector of 1111 k,•• whose duty It shall he enforce the provlslone of t.ls enli. nanceito arrest wl ntrenorrs and make c,mrislut against th. m before the Mayor; to sole all Ills sold. reposed or offered for tale contrery to Ibi s ornance.anddispom of the accordance ivlth the Judgment given by theela n ))r upon the hearing of each case, and he shall ker p sn_ pucount of all sorb sales and dinto sit lons and re n the game quarterly to the I,linclis. Sec.limp, tor of Milk strait have the right to ter In and upon all places where milk Null be isnot. ex payed or °dere i for as and In ppee a sTs i ors:te i r elii! . .l M n ' t i ritnTy r' an n r male alike Ina•ectlou and examluatlon of Snit which may have en sld, r epored. off. red or delivered to be sold, when.•er the same may be found within sand rlty.•ed report Me same to the Mayor, In ease any violation of this ordinance abed appear o have born committed, Provided, however. 'hat •ny eltiarn requlrlog such Instit•• lion shall drat pay to the Inwstor Me sum of for thn one of the elle. - C. 4. Alt moot TS made by sales of forfeited milt, and received for In.iretthns made, shall be_ athognte for and patti quarterly ands tlltr TreeAirrer for Or use of the eiru, all tines eolleettd by the Mayor absit be seconnted for and paid to the city as In other cases. The salary of said thvßector shit I it: the sum of t— Per WI• num. pays Ile as to th • lite eases. Stn. 6. Betore entering noon his Maier. the Inspector of Mill avail tate and suldcrille before the Mayor an Oath o d r affirmation that he with faithfully perform the utiesof his oencei and sire bond In the sum of 4—, with two sureties._ In tho manner pr.. " of Meats._ ior:YEeTri - spre nog. The Pollee, under the direction of the Mayor, shall Mil the Inspector of 1111 a In toe ca. foretment of this Ord I. aces, nod so) 1 3 who 00.11 hinder. Interrupt or Teals, the inspector In the p Tromso. beforem unties. stall vict.. thereof the Mayor. be adjudged to pay • doe not exceed lux dr. y dollars. Read twine and ordered :o be printed and Ie the pipers au•hor . sed to-do the city prlntlost. ANAN ORDINANCE authorizing the (leadlna. Paula!, and turning or Tue. street., 110,0 tierces to Heady street: !sacrum 1. Re f, Ordattted and enacted by the City e Pittsburgh, in Beleet and Common Clouse ells ageranbled and ft le hereby ordained and enaetot by the authority; 41 tits mete. That the city ne and' h.e nereby eatharleed and•dlreeted to advertise tor prc_posill for the P(racing. paving and earning or Tustin Weal. eon neaten street to hi: street. andto let the C omely the max err direct d he an ordlnaneecon- Corning .tree tt. paw An net 31st, 1331; al., an set wacernlng etreenk approved Jan. eth, 1864 rte. 2. Thst anyordinance or part or ord Dance conflicting milli the pmeage of this ord mince at th e present time, be and the same bore repealed On tar MA tlie name affect. 0020 dlne. Ordained and enacted Into • lase this the Atillh day of March, A. it. 11128. . .1 ssalli.`l McAULF.Y. President of belect Connell. Attest: Z. B. Winnow. • Clerk of :select Council. W. A. TOMLISSON. President of Common Connell. Attest: 11. Mc Mks .% Clerk of Common Council. an/ AN ORDINANCE authorizing the opening of Tocht strect, from Seneca street to Arad, street. • . •. • . . Br Crusted. Be 11 ordained and enactor by the My of PM,burgh. in Select and Common Conn eft, ratterited, and it is hereby ordained and snarled Ms authority of Me Rama. That the Cl'y Anton •r he Ansi ne I. hereby authorised AIM din tied to surrey and open Tustin ' , Meet. t from Vent . stmet to Brady • read s and to ap praise dam es and &mem benefits mused there. by, Jacob Iller , B. C. Sawyer and John Flynn are hereby npoented in accordance wi th an Act cone-rnms irceta, approved Jan . filth. .1191214. ann. I. 1. lit any ordinance or part or ontl nance con I lettng with the p ..... e of this cord!. nen e at the present time, he an the same Ls hereby repealed, so tar an the same affects this srdlnance. . ',lathed and enacted Into& law thLa Seth day of March, A.. li. WSW. . . . Pr sl JAMES MeAULEY Attest.: F.. S. li/okkOw '" r Sae" "u"I Clerk of keleet . Courtell. Tre . TOSII.INSON Attest: H. Mektkair W. A C'un4 =:g1=1! AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Grading raving and liotlilng of Mad ison street, f cm ram ay. one to Toetlo street. riscriatt I, Be ft ordainedand moot tv the Cap of Pittetiorgh, to &Bid ooei mow (Antoci/. GI W. Intel o f ortfatned nod euaet Enginee r authority p e rt snow. I hat the City be and i s 1.," authorised atol directed to mtvertlso for proposals tor the Ctraidnit, Pacing and Curb ing of •Ilatlison street., from Filth Srenne to Tuttle sir et, aud to let the same In the manner dlrrettd by au nrelnanne eoneernlun streets. passed Aviscurt Mist, 1837: also so Act coneerving stratts.appr Veil .I.l:leery Otti,IES.I. hoc. 4. that any ordinance or Of nance conflicting with the atlas part sege of tal ordi e ordi nance at the present time. be aud the tame Is herelty repetied so far al the same a ff ects this or dinance. Unl .b... 1 a.) enacted Into a law In Coned! this Willi day of Mare. A. D. 11170. JAMES bIeAIILICIL • President of talent Connell, s.nnow. tic t i ir tof Se wet Conorll. - A. TOMLINSON, ' • President of_Connuon Comoll. Attest: 11. .IfollAwftn, Citric of t mow. Cornell. as 4 AN ORDINANCE .authorizisig the tlialing, loving aril curbing of tilo. street. front Filth avenue to Bluff stri et. Yat'. 1, lie It rdalned n P(llsuurpA, In 0.1.4 ..":7417r(drotTnr"Ta.n6Yitedi'h:=CeZt. i n,r oy ' Om atitiawity (he ram, That the !,10 , ' Zitilt c i r'o h r ' ire 7 se domed cur. lag edit at net, from Filth arcane to Bluff street... awl to let the tale In the manner. directed by an oldinance • eoneerning accents, putted Augoit 31n, 1857; alone Act concern ing streels. approved January 6th. 1861. Sac. It. a lint any ordina ors, part O Myer eon dieting pith thencep.m sathit null. canoe at the prevent Unte.he and the ela here hy relented to far us the ;ale affect. tide Ordi• nance. ordained soil eracied Intoa law . In Connell , ,thlv WWI day or a: rcb. A. I). 1810. Presittnftl A taTlCil. Atteati E.S. BlOnnOw. L lerk of Select Conn, 11. _ W. A. TOAILIBBON, evident or Common Council. At" i ' :lYrit ' c i a l itgi T tiftl Connell. (47eeN- ORDINANCE authorizing to the onenlng of Homewood avenue sixty E; an l kstown line t la Width. from Greensburg p ( Ike d rtieMon 1. ye U ordained and eneetted•by lb. Oast of 14114,04 inSelert and Comma* M.- cite ...bled, and ft it hereby ordained sad amulet! by the autkorify W fita .soms. That the ellty Engtoe. r rO. and bet, in byam hortred and dirt Ctea to surreyan 1 tonto Homewood ave. one to sin/ (60, feet In width, from. Greens. burg Pile to Yrankstown Road; and to appraise damagesan sed asss lenebta caused theretry, T. Unction. 'Coley Torn nee an 4 11. H. Toner. are h reed nopomted 1p necordonce with an Art eon. evening ntreets. approlred January elk. 1464 Kr.: , . a. That any oultnnuee or part of ordi nance eonhletiog with the pateagcof this ordi• tuner at tbe present time, be and the came Is hereby repealed so far as the same affect, this or dinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils this 10th dry of Horeb, 4. D. 1870. JAM MeAULEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monson, Clerk or Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Connell. Alter?, F. MCHAterso, Clerk of CoMmort Council. apt AN ORDINANCE authorizing the treading or Castat street from asdfo.a net to Arch st. eet. IMCTIOII 1. Br a ordained and awortsd by tka Can N PrUsiorrya, fa Select mut • Cornrow Cob. at, .remb led. and ate Acneti, ordains& and marred autb VD& rams. That the City furthest be an begs hereby authorised and di ' reeted to ad vsr Ilse for proporals for tha rang of C aaaaa Street, from -. Hydrant West t'r Are street, and to let tbk same In .he manner directed bySA Old Itt•rwe torero/ler streets, parted Ay rust 31st, 1051: also ah not window,' streets, approved January 6th. 1064. Sec. Thatanv onStranee or partof ordinance roadiettng tim e .he passage of tars OrdibllUM the presrotbe sod the name la hereby re psaled so far aa the um. &frets this ordinance, Ordained andenacted Into a law la Conraslis, this [lBth day of March. A. D. 1850. JAlllb5 aIeAULI.T. Prcsioent of licloot Council. jat lieYlt gi lf trreCT S jOunoll. W. A. TOMLINS, • President of COmmou Co O rnell. Attest, 11. MClforrcu, Clerk of Common Connell. .64 AN ORDINANCE changing the name or-Wettmlustar avenue to Ifrasks 10.11ovenue.. blur. I. Be It Ordained and enacted by the City of Pittaboreh, In beteet and Common Connell. assembler, and tile bert hy ordsdned and et:Meted by the authority of lila me. 1 hat the name of avenue. estmlne.er overrun be Changed to Frankstown elec. 2. That .y pastor ordinance eon al cling with th ey,sage of this ordinanco at the present time, be d the ...Is hereby re pealed so Par as the same affec thi oinance. Ordained and enacted into awn la iCamelia, this Ninth day of iffareb. A. 0. lin% JAM?. MeALILIY, Presol.t of Helsel Comet) Attest; E. O. llosnovr, Clerk of &leer Connell.. . W. A. TOMLINSON. Attest: ideMAnenn. President of Common Cooncli. Clers of Common Council.. apt A N 011DINANCE authorizing .rxor. W. Anderson to erect str e e t clad addl. Uon to his milieu Waseinston bacon:. I. Be it ordained and inutedulag i 44 UUy of PitrOnsrylt, fig Baled and Oseginon tans. els mumbled. osid fe Meshy mdsisted and es. titled Ow tAs anditority CO. mom, hat pee. den talon be and to hereby minted to W. W. no- e to erect so iron clad addition. twenty by 101 , h e t. O ne atm blab. to Ms mill on Wash* Melon street. bic. SI That any °Minna. or pa rt of MO nanrn nano condoling Me bagasse of this owl. •t the present time. be MUT w eal me is hereby ri pealed mo far an the same this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into • law In o..nneas, this Sigth day or March. A. O. /IWO. PreeldJAM t E , eMICcACLnIT% Attrat: IL it eonaow , _ rii7k — on - 0 - .; . n;ou PtWd:nt of Common Coune]l. A.A.: H. MOM 0001.& Clort of io.moo Council. MN - - - AN ORDINANCE authorizing the construction of a Public Sewer on gt. +Sclos Misr. from Miltenberger street toOtst street. CU escriole 1. & # ordatudenadeddedby Lis f PUUtogrok fa &Led and Lionogoo Ono. essonbled, U Amery, ordained ad darted by Go antherils et to saw. Tut Me City Engineer be and he is hereby authorised and directed to adult-Ise for propouls for the soutenchos ef a Puhlto Beret, on et. a . alrick • la alley, from Illitenbermr street to Gist meet. and to uses. the coat of the um-. Jamee Pub. James chambers, and Jacob Miter are o.mby ppointed In aecordanCe with eh Let or Amiably approved Janury 6th. IR6 i„ Thu any ordmanoe oh of of ordl , nonce coodicting with the odes* or this ordi• nerd at the present time, be and the doe Is Meanest. her "T al so lbz as the more afoot. OM es- .j r ; ed and enacted In t o C'thdth. ".O lb der of ktareo. A. tr.llo " JAststs Atte . : s. s. , mo Pt u e , e4ent of detest Coaxal. • Clerk of &lees Cirestell. A. Attest: - 11. f li P "cllslrk e t W°.f "1".1158°' C0"41. Clerk often:mon Cooktdl. OrriCz CITY IxOtadagi IIrD atTarlYo3l, a ',rue:mpg. )(arab 30, 1310. VOTICE.—The assessments tor ASV Grading ard llarddlemblag LAYMILKII aTelltle.. from !Mottos ouselgpriag mrdes„... DOW ready for ...inseams ud ma be seta id WOOuntil WIMP ISDAY April 9,1110 WOO • B. J . MOUILE, Cup idgtgaer„ II AMUSEMENTS INEW OPERA 11014 E.-- ! Ore/147s A sri-ntt PAREPA 120,9ArTuni" Grand English Opein Compaiq. CARL ‘ , USA, (I)l•eetorm C. 1). Item• Co. D . . S d • Vito Rusk, Mn.ger. Eeguin ONLY FOUR NIIIIIIS 11 2 tiV . E IL" . 4". TED'S (Wedneet ch d a agl ing E OperEßa, M NU. AV ha. murm MARTHA. MA KM Ne MAMTRA., Mae. FA RICA CUL In Ny r g • eat and anus Proacheble role of /11•RTH A, watt Me. M OWN, CAnTLI, CAMPRZLI., HALL. Conductor, Mr. CARL Mika. Seaso n MOWTh Ureat Musk Mann eee the , Will betas production of.. Yaw. terwork. THE MARRIAGE of rtu•%o, (guy, the Mme. Pampa Rom and earl 7 all the member, of the C weeny In the Cut. FRIDAY—ROBS OF CAsTILLIf. SATURDAY—GU sgenerali menuth-MARE, TANA Mislead ef TRILISCEICTZ, for width •• ais msy be exchanged. ISATUUDA .111) GALA. MATIE/C . F.— ROHR ASIAN Gilt! .. Sheet now ones. KierMASONile 'CPUs. • TOUR IND/NTS, ONLY. Sin iX7 o ° a V, ZDNISIDAY MVOS LAS, l pril 'ALLEN & PETIENGILL'S SENSATION MINSTRELS. JOUNNY ALUM and eiIARLIR PETTENW LL. AND Tann .GREAT STAB COMPANY. Loot °rs' SO rlnt aew NUMSRIL I SO a. 1 Admissloa. 33a •ots; Rasaresd Remo, 30 mats SILTINZE ON SATURDAY Arra RNOON. LllStgY7lll.4=tl- Witr I SVN Y O, H /gr 3S i t " Pea Posters lad Programmes tar sartlonlars. Tickets far stale at Indentaartre Root 3103 .p 3.43 ' AUCTIONSALES. BY PORTSER & MAINS. • FURNITITRE, CARPETS -AND HOUSEHOLD 00 0.118 • AT AUCTION. Wednesday, April :6th, at 10 A. V., AllOB /Mb avenue Salesroom, two doors below Cathedral, will be sold one Family Beroncha. let Oroeerlen, new and otiono hand raralters. Hair, Hoek and Cotton linemen., Feather ,Bede. Bolster. ant Pilows, Oak and Wallet .Extenuon Tables. Ilinlng Chair.. one elem.& ten foot French Pints If nor, right oft Medina sloe; two self-winding !flat Brunets for show windows, Ire watts wiorted yeeensware, three hundred sets iron, Bone and Coeon handle Knives and floras. lotol Port and stun" Wine In bottles. At I Weloct will be sold new and second hand Brussels sod le idals Carpets. pertlee wishing to Purchase Carpets will do will do well to attend this tale. • PORTSER do MAINS, • • •-• AUCTIONEER 1!!3. apanrsi MACHINERY. LAMP, POSITIVE. SALE Machines,ToOls,Patterna,&a. AT TOMLINSON'S MACHINE WORKS. Ott THURSDAY, April 7th, at A o'aleek, will be sold withoat reams (hoeing Salt Marna... at Tomlinson's into Machine Works, corset of Duquesne Way and Cavils alley, the following property: Largo planer. with eatenaion and tools; largo lathe, with Istarea; Kanto., wood torOlog, and other lathes; small planer, slop drill press, yard and 'terra' drill, prone, Wl* strew salter, taps and'dles. band or mall Dowsr screw cotter, lboadry Crane, shop mom *halo radizss holster, wheel] ores., hand poach, mor ticing machine, vises, band screws, lathe cheek. .sand tape, dies and screw. shop scales, seals, beam, guano s blackandln forge and tool., 11,000 Moods bar Iron, car doon,engine and passages. railway pattern., peen patterns fa copper works, car wheels, lathe, locomotive and tow Patterns, pit ar blocks and hinges, and • largo salseellaneods eollectear of machine tools Or value to machinists. The topeelal attention o Insekrattsts is directed this Important nod Tory attractive p.remptory sale. ' apt A. I,ECIUS.Tr, Az:Mk:neer. MEROFIAtiT TAILOBB. Pt. M 11 9 1 ICO GRAY & LOGAN Have removed from co YUPTEL AVIINII 47 Sixth Street. SAMUEL GRAY, Merchant Tailor, lining resume!! busliseas. le now reeelirl . 14 No. B 9 FIFTH A.Vilifttl. &stocked' eutlri NEW AND FRESH GOODS, for Genie year, emulating of Cloths. Cesstmgrei and Vetting', and all the esew.et styles of beotels and inglish Cost nos, whleh he Is piepased to make up to order In the most hthlouable Gentlemen desiring she!? Clothier TOWN to order ean rely on having them mode to their tents sat isfaction, both as regards style too SAMUEL GRAY, 89 7I►7H AVENTIL 1=2721 SPRING AND SUNDER STILISI 18 1 10. J. C. WeiMeng. C. L. larilLannilge. 'MTHERSON &MUHLANBRING, Merehait Tailor,. N la ItIETII STALL!, bC. Oak.) Ws • bare received • large and well mimed Owe of Um best portiont fashio able 43.4.10 our Ilea. • great of rebid' are our own Importatioirr Peelle,/ EODll.llt of taracillly to Idea perinea sallefact.on. we rerpeetfolly fr. m 'Poo an early ega:alortios of oor iliock of Nee Clot intr ° ""WfritiliPik riffmnamintru. .510 No.lo Biota stmt. NE.. SPRING GOODS. - • 01'241(111M stook a! GLOM % o.isslaufficEs, aci„, Jut meired REMIT naval, • na: Nerehaat Tailor. miltbsem aroma Li ;)'A a1:1:11 NEW WALL PAri: YOB SPRING SALES, AT No. 167 Market St., near sth Anne. We now offer to tbe pabllo a Met at PAPIlit N DlNOSunsuMlAmod In thew, Mr vartatse aud beauty of stmt. ambrselog all Ma Noveltlao la FRESCO. MOSAIC, PERSIAN and OBROTAN DYALUNS In plain mid bright Colon. for Elalls, Duane Somas. Se. Alto. WOOD and HAZELS DEEDS/MONS. METZ" and GILT PARLOR PAPERS, with an almost eadlasa rubbly EDNA' . SATIN PAM'S. WHIT= and Damn, BLANES for Chamber; de. All of width we Droneue to soil as low astbe lowest la the smetust Cell sad sea, at No. 107 Market St., near 6th Avenge. .TOS. B. 111116111123 t BRO. mbll ell I WALL PAPER.. BPlitoG. 1870. PRIDES .11EDUCEIDP- 40 INCIIPoI -*ldr flats at The. uer Pun. U I LT—lt 'rest variety at Mk. per roll. (*LAZED-415dr at file per roil. ICt.irti Aar T ocu .4 American Itsperlhas. store. superior to any so.. enamel in thee try. For sale at W. P. MAILIMALLIII New Wholesale and Retail Store, 191 Liberty Street. isbl PITTSBURGH. *LABEL OHINA. OUTLNRY 100 WOOD .OTII . . , .. grEEINOWAIS vino French 1• , lg CHINA AND GLARE. Sliver plated Goods. • . unman AND TEA saes. Tea Trayß iuul Cutlery. Ilti be timpani* WIIIIII !minis WAKE am, colcuoix (mops ap. . - u si loWprialia. Be E. RatED ag CO. . - 4.. ~ C:~i.l':~J ~1 -e ~'t ~ H MEI