The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 05, 1870, Image 4

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Itilittsburg4 GaitttE,
The citizens of this place can be acr•
Mnrated with the latest • reeding
met Fby calling on or leering orders
with Creelman .t Stevenson, notion and
news dollen. They are agents for the
DAILY GAZETTN, whichlll deliVered by
carriers at fifteen cents per weck. A
orders Promptly sttended to.
Kew Usaidtin eras committed to jell
yesterday by Alderman Tbernia on •
charge of larceny, preferred by Margaret
The Teachers' lastltute, /now In see
slop, Is the reenter of sttrsetton for the
sepresetitettvos of the "Birch and spell
ing book." .
The foundatton for a new Catholic
church, corner of Webeter and Ohio
etreetaAeoond ward, Allegheny, will be
lald during the coming season.
.. _...--...-----
The.government of schools without
callorad. punishment wouta De a_ -Very
PraletlMd subject for considerauon ny the
teachers in attendance at their annual
Institute. ~
._,... ......,.....—.
Out Agahe madden change In the
weathersSaud*, night was accounted for
by som on the hypothesis that. the
ground hog had been out on Sittirday
and seen h e shadow.
P1:11011101.—Ills numerous friends will
be *one to learn that Rev. J. R.. Kerr,
Pastor of the-Third-1. 1,- P ,- ehurc h T
ghen3'. sl ing quite at his residence
In Mea township.
In Town.- 4 3en. James A. Elan, of the
Quartermaster's- Dstoutment, has been
In town for a few days. The General ls
an hie way tolinstln, Texas. whither he
'OM under a general army order.
Dtseracrly.—George M. eelsa ar
rested at the 'union Depot yesterday by
officer Wilson for disorderly conduct,
and taken before the Mayor, ;who com
mitted him to jail for live days In default
of • floe of fix. dollars.
- The barn of Mr. Moped Rodgers. at
Turtle Creek. wee damned by are yes
terday morning, the result of a Park
from s passing locomotive. The active
exertions of the neighbor. prevented
the destr, ction of the building.
The Spring Goole, embracing all the
latest styles and novelties In the way of
men and boys' olothine, just opened at
tiding, Follansbee at Co.'s, corner of
Firth avenue and Wood street, ehonid
attract the attention of all buyers. •
The Row, 163 Wood street, near
Sixth avenue, one of the most desirable
bustnese stands In the city, with newly
fitted np front and. As tute% ran be
secured at A berasin.. A dwelling of
-lour splendid rooms and kitchen
We ask pardon for the blunder coal.
milted in announcing that the City
Councils would hold a special meeting
yesterday afternoon. A resolution was
peWsed in the Common branch ordering
such meeting, but was not concurred in
by the Select.; and not cognizant of the
latter fact. we Made - the blunder.
Stestrela—To-morrow evening the
ellebrated Allen & Penanglll's Minstrels
will commence an engagement at Ms.
eonlo Hall, and as they have on al rot
ons occasion catered to one fun ving
: o a t ' I e n n o el w es be ag o g: .
They will doubtless have tall houses.
.Committed.--.lamee Mcelarren, who
was &fleeted on Sunday night while
loitering round Park. McCurdy dr. Co.'s
steel works, where he had formerly been
employed, on a charge of disorderly
conduct, tie having threatened tne life
of the private watchman, wucOmmltted
to Jail for twenty days In default of a
flue of ten dollars.
Cumberland Presbyterial..—.The .Pres.
bytery of Pennsylvania belonging to this
body of Chriellans will bold its regular
annual ,
(Re s
v. pring siesion In the First C. P.
Church E. K. SQUIOr, pastor,) of
this city, Stith avenue, commencing on
Friday evening next. Opening sermon
at 734 o'clock r. it. -Presbyterial com
munion on Sabbath morning.
' •
bate of Government Property.—That
portiono of the Marine Hospitil property
' . . adverti for sale by the U. S. Govern
ment, wee disposed of yesterday under
li • the direction of Thomas Steel, Esq., to
r .
It wee _ M b
o r ! .ri Jos e phg
knocked down to Mr. Davis at the pre•
lions sale at 55,600, but the government
rejected the bid. There Is about two
4,, and one half acres to the piece disposed
"Evils of Life Insurance.”—tieorge
Albree. Esc., Life
handed to small
pamphlet with the above title, which
will be found advertised In another
column. It ts a well executed little
work, and will no doubt elicit much
criticism through the columns of the
newspapers. 'There are plenty of gentle
men in our cities who can write very
Intelligently on the subject, and will
rely satisfactorily to the objections of
Mr p . Albree, who ta well known an an
able and Hama writer. •
Whisky wu the cause of a disgraoeful .
row on Saturday night. between a man
.;.. and wife reaidlng In the 'Twelfth ward.
The parties occupy respectable
position In society. but bacasionally the
masculine head f the house Imbibes too
freely , and a disoturbance 'ensues. Ells
conduct on Saturday night was such that
the assistance of Alderman O'Donnell
was secured to quiet him. lila wife
made Information against him fur die.
ordorly conduct, but yesterday morning
• relented and withdrew the suit.
Kate tdcelnley did reside on Virgin
alley. She changed her quarters yes
terday. Ed., Ward happened' along at
the time and ..boddered" her. She was
rather free in the nee of her tongue.
That wasn't her fault—all women hays •
falling of that kind. It's nature. It was
unfortunate ler her though. Ed. was
exasperated, and In that respect ho
like other moo; all men get extutpereted
when • woman remonatrates with them.
In this case' Et. attempted to slop the
annoyance by striking the annoyer to
month. She - bad her revenge by causing
Alderman Mohan to Issue a warrant
for the ungallant Ed.'s arrest, for as.
malt and battery. He has not been
caught yet.
A New lathe Vault
. .
And Restaurint has been opened at No.
173 Smithfield street, corner of . Straw
berry alley, by Mr. Prothk Brenner, a
gentleman who has a Nosh of friends and
acquaintances. He proposes to keep
wines of the purest quality of his own
direct Importation from foreign and
American wine disuictat - so that those
who may call • can feel confident
that no adultorated article will be set
lxdbre them. Mr. Bremner also proposes
keeping a first-Maas restaurant, serving
meets and lunches In the but and clean.
eat manner and style. Altogether, the
new and modal realaurant Is well worthy
a vtalt and patronage,
The murderous knife was again
Drought Into requisition In Birmingham
yesterday. Horace Vsetreywr, a saloon
keeper and William Smith a somewhat
notorious character got luta a difficulty
yesterday, when If Is alleged Smith drew
• knife and made an assault upon his
opponent who fled, Smith pursued him
and struck him several times with the
knife cutting hie clothing in a number
of places and inflicting a slight wound In
Ids back. Information was made before
the Mayor by Vangeyser, charging
Smith with felonious assault and battery,
and • warrant was belied for Ma arrest.
`Tired of Life.
Jawfia Wetak wee strongly Impressed
with the Idea yesterday that thhewas not
•free country. Haying become weary
of his missrable existence he resolved to
stake up arms against a siege of troubles
and by opposing end them." After a
careal consideration of the subject be
concluded that it would be better to In
form 1110610 one of his intentions pi that
bWM elle might be brought to trouble
his rub act, end meeting odivir Mul
vaney at the Corner Of Ninth and Liberty
streets,' he informed him of his Intended
trip to "that bourne from whence no
traveller returns," and exhibited
a lorded revolver, with which he
said be , intended t o - do the deed. The
ofdoer did not s the matter in the nine
light In which It was viewed by Welsh
and so informed him. Wendt replied
• that this was • "free country," and be
Would @boot blmself Who wanted to. To
convince him of his error, the officer ar.
reined him and conveyed blm to the
limp, where a 'confinement of • few
hours r
w oss,
hada tendency to dispell Ms evil
hM and
he was h him to Ids senses e ,
Miedischarged by th
, -
' ::t
i• 1
. T HE coUKTS.
United State. District Court —Judge
Idoienay, April 4.—The marshal made
return of the panel of Jurors for the
present term. . .
At the inetance of District Attorney
g wo ope, the fallowing cues were con
tinued to the May term:
United States as. G. W. Jonas, John
South, William Britton, William Leon
ard and William Mobley.
United States vs. William Britton, S.
W. Jones and John 'South. • I
United States vs. John`South *rid G•o.
W. Jones.
United States vs. Michael Doughe vsrty.
In the case of the United stets. .
Abraham Uhlman, deremlsnt's recogn
trances. were .forfeited sod • process!
awarded, returnable. forthwith.
District Court—Joage illeinplon. '
- Monoav, April 4.—The drat case taken
op wan that or Riddell va. Duff. Action
on a contract. After the eleCtlen of Mr.
Duff to the office of District'Attorney,'Llu
I NA he entered into a contract with Mr.
Riddell. who was appointed an assistant,
at a eatery of 11000. After dr. Riddell
had nerved in thst capaelty for two terms
of court, or the one-half of the year, Mr.
Duff informed hint that the business
would not Justify the keeping of an
instant and that he would have to do
the work himself. Re gave Mr. Riddell
a check for 6500. Mr. ft.. accepted the
check, but replied to Mr. D. that he had
entered Into a contract for the year and
that he would hold Mr. Duff to It. The
Jury found for the plaintiff in the mm of
$3OO, it having appeared from the teed.
mony that the plaintiff, u nder
whn services
belonged ta the defendant' under the
contract for the year, had made 52 00 ,
which BUM was deducted from his claim.
Citizen's Oil Relining Co. vs. James
Denney. Jr., and Joseph Dilworth. Ac.
don to recover rent due for the use of an
oil tank. On trial.
• TRIAL LIST Tint TI:11 11 Y.
112 Jacoby TS. Schoen & Laurent. i
176 Brown for use vs. Owners of steam.
boat "Reindeer."
180 Ors of steamboat °Gray Fox" ve.l
hi wne llibigar, McCoy & Co.
- 194 Brown vs. Seiforth. • •
208 Sells vs. Brown. ,
21.9 Same ye. Same.
CM (o t) Waring & King vs. Miller (I.
cit (o. 1.) Nspier ca. Dirllngton.
91 (0. 1. ) Dienannua vs. A. V. R.11.:C0.
92 (o. ) Tram vs. Same.
quaker Sastons—Judge Sterrett.
- MoNDAY, April 4.—The first case taken
up. was -that-of the .Cornmonwealth vs.
8 C. Moon. Indicted for keeping a fere.
clone dog, Mrs. Elias 'pullets pressen.
trix. The partien reside in Shaler town
ship. It appears that two little boys. one
the eon of the prosecutrix and the other
the son of the defendant were playing
towregiermeroll.heyrs. Eirglth'trdiotnhewir.dgfis.
ten on the hand, as he states, by Moon's
dog. Moon states that it was English',
own dog that bit tte child, and that tney
nave alms killed him; that his dog was
nothing but a pup six months old when
the boy was bitten. The Jury returned a
verdict of guilty. Bentham deferred..
The next case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth vs. Wsystley Sill, indict
ed for the larceny ef ten silver watches,
and 32501 n gold and silver. The defend
ant and John 'Pardon were Indicted
Jointly for the larceny, and on Saturday
Scanlon entered a plea of guilty. The
prosecutor John Padden, resides at the
'corner of Fourth avenue and 11111 street,
and-young Scanlon was hie adopted son.
It appears that Sill and Scanlon worked
at the same place, and It Is alleged that
Sill induced Scanlon to steal the watch
and money and give them to him. The
watches were pawned It is alleged by
Sill, at a pawn brokers shop at the cor
ner of Fifth avenue and Rosa streets •
where they were afterwards recovered.
The Jury found • verdict of not guilty of
the lceny and guilty of receiving stolen
goods as charged in the second indict
ment and recommended the prisoners to'
the mercy of the court.
The cases of the Commonwealth vs.
William Rafferty and •Ilenry Verbalise,
indicted for keeping gambling houses,
were called up and the defendants not
ens:raring, their recognizances were for
425 COM. vs. Henry A. Hadgraea.
ISt . Abraham A. Tilnaan.
222 . . Wm. Barney and J. Black.
270 . E. Hall and WM. Rafferty.
271 - t. Henry Vierheller.
272 . Wm. Rafferty, at el.
1,254 s' John Meyer, et al.
123 . George Mockler.
68 . . Caroline Schubert.
198 . James McKee,
240 . Robert Ramsay.
246 ." Bernadine Decker.
250 . George Greenwood.
147 . Charles Simmons.
259. -.. John Hollingahead and A.
Weaver, et al.
Common Pleas—Judge Stowe.
MONDAY, April the ease of the
Pittsburgh and Connelsville Gas Coal
and Coke Company vs James 11. Batley,
previously reported. a juror was with
drawn and the ease continued.
'lt. is. Snodgrass for use of George A.
Kelly vs. William J. Snodgrass
un and Julia
C. Mahler, action' on book accot._ On
41. Hill vs. Frothy et al.
69. Sumner et Co. vs 13pdegraff et al. $
61. Murphy TS. Monongahela Borough.
62. Bon n vs. Sterllng.
65. Central Passenger Railway Company
vs. Oakland Railway Company.
67. Clark vs. Mclntyre.
70. Stevenson vs. Prescott et al.
72. Cuthbert vs. Reed.
73. Sumdhe vs. Lehman.
74. Same vs. Lame.
75: Same vs. same.
_ _L-
An Old 011-eater CanglatStofen Goods
. .--- --- - -
Samuel Kelley a profeadonalthiet from
Baltimore who it appears haabeen oper
ating in this city for about three mouths,
is now In jail awaiting a hearing on •
charge of larceny. Information was re
ceived by the Chief of Policithat Kelley,
and an accomplice, were the parties who
some ten mouths since entered Mr.
Bruce's house at East - Liberty while the
family were at church Sunday morning,
and that Kelley was in town. Steps
were then taken to ascertain his wholes
' bouts end Sunday -afternoon, officers
Long and Moon succeeded In finding hint
at hie boarding haute on &mailman
street, when they arrested him and took
him to the lock-up. On the way down
Penn street ho broke loom from officer
Long, who had nim In charge, and a
lively race ensued, welch terminated by
the prisoner taking refuge In a house,
ran up stairs and hid under a bed. - . The
officer followed In hot pursuit and recap.
cured his man who then quietly submit
ted and was conducted to the tombs. A
, comrade of Keller's was also the .
!as there was nothing to convict him wttb
any of the robberies recently committed
he was discharged. Kelley after a little
Persuasion in a manner admitted his cot
neetion with the Bruce' robbery and in
formed the officers where they could
procure a portion of the goods.
A ring and a pair dr sleeve buttons, on
watch Mr. Bruce's name was engraved,
were found In a board yard near where
Kelley boarded, and It has. been ewer.
talned that a music box and an ear ring
are In the pcsuondon of a rims lady at
East Liberty, to whom they were given
by Kelley. He had also disposed of
$14.60 worth of old gold and IM worth of
alive?, a part of Mr. Bruce's property, to
a jeweller on Smithfield street. and $4
of old silver to a jeweller In Alla
' ebony. Ili was also ascertained that he
wan the thief who some weeks since atoll
an overcoat from the Merchant's Hotel,
the property-of OoL Roes. The coat wee
recovered: He also stole a coat in • Alla.
ebony city, which was pawned at Galla
her's pawnbroker shop, but It had not
Be was leapt in the lock up
yet been recovered.
and until about three o'clock yesterday
afternoon; when be wasover night
jell to await a hearing • g to the
He was not idle
while In the lockup, as the appearance
of the cell clearly indicated after his
=lest. • He had cut the mortar out of the
wall and removed the centre brick lotk i ,
arch over the cell door, and had he been
allowed a few hours' Bine, would have
doubtless worked himself out,
EMI =3
Borne Veers as a elate are generally In
trouble. Ike act of borrowing seems to
imply that the actor is In trouble, and cer
tainly We trouble don't end there, for it
Is about as much trouble to pay the losn.
what ever It may be. Andrew Hassel.
bury Hi to sorrow from thls cause. He
is employed as pastry cook at one of our
principal . hotels. He .wanted • little
money and, It is
ohn l said J , applied to
hlm, his
friend John Hadley.loaned
be say% seventeen dollars upon the re.
preeentatten that the proprietors owed
Mm t h e of money which would be
laid irst day of April, and d ot of,
will& be would return the 'amount
borrowed. These statements Ridley
alleges he has since ascertained to be
untrue, consequently he makes Informa
tion before Alder Men kinktaaters against
Caymanian , her false pretence. Warrant
County Teachers' Institute -Tenth An
nual • Seuton-Permanent officersle.ssays. tteadings. MUSIC, Lecture.-
Interesting Exercises.
Yesterday afternoon the tenth annual
sesalon of the Allegheny County Teach
ers' Imultute wen commenced In the
hall of the Fourth Ward Public School
Penn street. At the morning
hour th ere were Mont a hundred teach
eta in attendance, together'whb visitors.
who tilled the room and manifested the
liveliest interest in the proceedings.
The Institute was called to order at
half put ten o'clock by County Superin
tendent Danthett, President, who made
• short address, in which ho compared
the Institute which mot just ten years
ago with that of the present, and fella.
tatod his hearers, so
te friends of
education. upon t . he grea improvemeint
which had been made since that time.
He hoped that the Institute would be
as productive of good Milts predecessors,
and that every teacher might go sway s
with higher purposes, new incentives
and more determination to discharge
faithfully and truly the duties of the
responsible position to which he or she
had been called.
On motion, a committee egualiting of
Profs. Logan, Newell and Clamber, was
now appointed to nominate permanent':
officers for the Institution. While the
committee were deliberating Professor
Tayier was called upon and delivered an
address upon "Means necessary to make
study pleasing and profitable."
The committee now repo tea the fol.
lowing nominations, which ere unani
mously approved:
President-A. T. Douthett. '
Vice Presidents-J. F. Meelymonds,
Benj. Jones and Robert Miller.
• Seeretaries-O. F. McCord, F. M. John.
sloe and J. J. Snodgrass.
Treasurer-E. H. Still.
H. •
Auditing Committee-J. N. Caldwell,
H Bailey and Ellen McCatcheon.
Committee on Resolutions-Will John
ston, Miss L. E. Wilson, Miss Sue B.
Nichol, Mlu Helen Renwick, Mr. E. M.
Still and Mr. Majurkin.
Prof. C. TOW/1461d. of New York, 11115
now introduced and opened a series of
lectnres open "CivilOovenunent." The
lecture contained muot. practical infor
mation, and tieing illustrated by topical
outlines on the blackboard. WOO very
interesting and instructive.
•The morning session then adjourned.
',Frans:ooze assmori.
- .
Called to order at two o'clock and,
opened with music by Prof. Brnbacker,
who sang In excellent style, "Beautiful
A Committee of Three on Finance was
then appointed.
Prof. Cl. W. Burns lectured on the sub
ject of "Elementary Reading."
Following tale a discussion ensued on
the question, "Should the Committee on
Permanent Certificates examine all ap.
plicanta," In which Prof B. F. Clamber
argued in the affirm
ve. ative and Prof. Cald
weli In the negati In the general die
cession City Superintendent Luckey
sustained the negative, together with
Mr. Kelley. Mr. J. Morrow favored the
offirmative, with Messrs. Joie° and Still.
The discussion was closed by Mr. Fiera
elon in the negative.
A incase of live migintes followed, after
which Profs. Caldwell, Morrow and Snod
grass were appointed the Committee on
Mies Lizzie Sacalgram read an essay on
"The Scholar's Fkopo."
Profs. Brubacker and Cargo sang "The
Sweet Bye and Bye."
Prof. W. V. Davis then opened a series
of lectures on Grammar, considering
pduci pally "the Article."
The Institute adjourned until pavan
At a quarter past seven o'clock St.par
intendent Douthett took the platform end
called the meeting to order.
The exercises 'were opened by the
singing of the "Coronation" hymn. .;
The chairman, stated theta change in
the programme was necessary, owing to
the absence of the Rev. B. P. Lion, who
had been anhouncid to lecture. As a
Rabat Bute for this gentleman Prof. Town
send was introduced and delivered au
interesting "talk" on "School house flog
gings," or to draw it mild as the speaker
said, -.School Discipline." Hassid there
was not in all nature such a thing as din
e e . created. The mind commanded, and
the body acted. It was the mind of the
mechanic which adjusted' and perfected
the mechanism, and made it effective for
the purpose designed. It was the mind
of tied bathe storm and in the sunshine,
in the dancing cascade and the roaring
cataract. His mind controlled everything
and governed and directed all
things. This then substantiated the
proposition that any government to be
successful must be of the mind. It was
the power which one mind exercised
over another which made it powerful to
control. The teacher should always bear
this in view. No ferule l or ratan, or
bludgeon could gover. I t might for the
time check but mold 'not control. The
teacher then should always study the
characteristics of the pupils, all their
faculties. and what were their capacities.
then endeavor to arociae the hest facul
ties of the mind of the pupil. It was a
fact that wharf one faculty was thorough.
ly aroused it overwhelmed all the rest.
Oat a men angry and you might as well
talk to Niagara. or the storm, to a mad
man, toe shooting star, as to attempt to
reason with him. Bo then the teacher
aroushag the oppoaltion and worst feel
ings of the pupil might as well give up
all attempt. at governing a school.
Then, again, mind discharged ItseW
into mind. One powerful mind would
control many others. The teach
er by remembering these principles
wOuld have but little • difficulty in con
trolling the pupils. They could not be
governed by whipping. He bad done
more whipping in his first term as a
teacher than Mall Ms school-time there.
after. By flogging, a pupil might he
I brought down for the time; but he could '
not be conquered In that way. No boy
of any energy or spirit could bo con
quered in that way. It was only a roes.
tion of physical force. The teacher sub
dued for a moment, but the boy would
turn the tables If be could. The boy
was aronaed. He resolved that so soor
as he was able he would whip that man.
He thus learns to hate his teacher, hi r e
school, his brothers and deters, his pa,
exits, and everybody. Now every time
the boy passed through such an ordeal
he got. worse. The speaker developed
these Ideas at length, in a practical, and
at times very- eloquent and . humorous
manner. • Illustrations very beautiful
and appropriate from his own experience
were drawn out to enforce the thought
whiCh rendered the lecture of great in
terest and attractiveness. .
A recess of live minutes followed.
Prof. Mark Bailey, or Yale College, was
then introduced, and delivered a lecture
on "Reading," dwelling on the idea that
the pupil should first be instructed to
think, without which no good reader could
ever be trained. .
The 1118BU:dowse now entertained with
a song by Prof. Brubseker, after which
Prof. Bailey, by request, read a selection
entitled "Charlie Meanie" which chard
the cession.
The Institute will redenemble this
morning at 534 o'clock.
' --
A Female Prisoner Lodged Irk, Dixockni
Mrs. Phl'poen& Shugart, the Batter
county murderess, who poisoned her
hind with arsenic put In a bowl of
soap and carried him by his little daugh
ter to the farm where he was harvesting,
a crime• for which she is: '.under .death
sentence. having been prOnohnced In;
sane, was brought to the city and con.
fined In Dixmont yesterday. Dr. Reed
refined to give any positive opinion SA to
her mental condition but will- in all
probability discover whether she Is
really Insane or not before many days
elapse. The wretched woman was much
fatigued during her journey from the
Butler jell to the city. Long and close
confinement and the remorse of con
science( has left here poor, feeble, broken
down woman, whom death will In all
probability claim pre many moons pass
away. She Is the mother of a large
famlly of children, many of whom are
married. If she recovers her mental
powers, or he proven to be sane, the - law
may yet demand her life in expiation of
her grievous offense.
A Borrower./ Trouble
art Giant Opera mg
Lau N e ur
susses i -
Te second appeirance this season of
the celebrated interpreters of the 'ele
vated English opera—the grand Parana.
Roaa combination, drove together at the
Opera House last night a large and bkl
liant assemblage. This waste have It
expected, inumuchwe the lovers of tr. a
art bad boon afforded late previous op
portunity of plaiting judgment on the
merits of the company, and impatiently
awaited a second eiitasion to pay homage
at' the shrine of worth and ability. The
"Bohemian Girl" wise put upon the stage
in admirable manner, the scenery and
general appointments being very line
and well chosen. adding material
ly to the successful rendition of
the pretty and soul -thrilling opera.
Miss Rose hiersee, a spirited prima
donna, who has won 'her way into high
professional place, sustained the part of
”Arline, the Count's' Daughter," with
grace, flue end brllilancy. liar exquisite
vocalizations fairly enraptured tin audi
ence, and politeness was forgotten In
enthunlaans, as was evidenoed by the
hearty outbursts of applause and peke.
meet encores which flashed out in keen
acknowledgment of the pretty gems of
song gushingly sent forth, Mr. Campbell
ai"Count Arnheim" was no leas warmly
received, and he fully sustained the high
reutation he enjoys hit all parte of the ,
land. Mr. Seguin made an excellent and
characteristic ',Devilahoof," while Mr.
De Solis succeeded in portraying the
character of the effeminate I'Floreatine"
in Ms own peculiar and fun-provoking
manner. Miss Geraldine Warden, as
(Rimy Queen, made a successful debut,
and the remainder of the caste discharged
their parts with credit and distinction.
The accompanying orchestration was
frilly up to the standard of opera excel
To-night 1.81,1110 Opera I'D Travatore"
will be presented with Parepa Rosa in
the out; Wednesday " p i ne"Marth be
produced with Parepa Roes, In of
her most finished parts; Thursday the'
groat Musical event of the Season, will
be the lint production. In Pittatiurgb, of
Mourns master work, the "Marriage of
Figaro," (Flgaro'a Dochzeit'.) an Opera
seldom performed, requiring for it. pro.
auction almost an entire company,- and
which has cated the greatest sensation
wherever it re has been perfor med, with
homes invariably crowded. Mine. Par
spa Rua and almost all the members of
the company to the cut; ou Friday, the
Castilla," with Miss Rose Har
sco and a great cast; on Saturday. Von
Weber'a grand Opera, for the first time
In English "Der Prelachutz," with the
Great-Incantation Scene—Mme. Parepa
Rosa and an unapproachable cast. Very
deadrable seats for each evening may be
secured on application at the box-oflice.
/Bound for Erin—Mopped - on the Way.
A case of alleged attempt to defraud
was developed at the office of Alderman
McMaster yesterday. .The parties In•
tereated are_glasa blowers residing in
Birmingham'. - The defendant, Thomas
Edgar, mide a' statement to the effect
that aometinte ago he loaned Samuel
Bell One 6sindred and fifty dollen,
taking his note for the amount. At the
time Ball was the owner of some pro
perty which made the note or value.
k e c e otly. it Is alleged. ho (thorned
of the real estate and made pinnate.
Mons to return to his native land,
Erin. He went so far as to purchase
a tbrotigh ticket. In the meantime
according to Edgar's statement he nep
tented to make any settlement In regard
to the note. Hence the bolder thought
It time to look after the matter, which
he did in an information ,Charging Bell
with disposing of his property with in.
tent to defraud his creditors. The Alder.
man issued a warrant, which will likely
lUterfere with the intended Journey of
the accused.
Table of Total Collections for the Tear
Ending April tat, 1870. and Compara
tive etatoment A 4160. preceding 11 ear.
showing an Increase of Over Half a
Million 'ltalians.
United States- Collector of Internal
Revenue, T. W. - bavis, 1.1.91 , makes the
following very healthy exhibit of the
' affairs of hie oMee, which shows that un
der his managoinent the Interests of the
Government have been caretaly guard
ed, and that collections have been rigidly
and faithluily made from all classes of
the community. While the announcet
meat that the revenues collected in
1869-70 to let. lenient exceed over a half
million dollars tho h
se of te previ ous
year, to highly creditable to the ern
ment officials, it also developes • hearty
andas vosperity in all lines of trade
an manufactures.
Here are the figures of collections
made during March in this district:
Tcotsleoll.fltos 61 . 6 L STVIta 41 11.601 St
9 649
•6 Aloneeel OS.— 6'710,04
Beaks! haulers.. 1 4.14 11
Irersa . .l Llttssr.... 7 634 IS
15•1,19 5 75
'Bl L!re !"'d
teeaelr snit
~„u .
tta• .... . .
The following table shows the total
collections from all sources made from
April let, 11169, to April let, 1870, and
Is placed In oomparison with the col
lections of the previous corresponding
term of 18611-9.
try "
Julay 111.03
July •Y7.3:Y1 l 3
Allyutt .31 7 3 48
typtember .... 79.84 331
73 na ii
.)yeyer ber ..... 93.931 so
144 a 44
111-4 4 1 1
Match ..•
Narrow Frespe from Matti Man
Thrown From 'a hone and Stverety
• I tgured.
"Yesterday afternoon Mr. Harry'Brad
ley, of Allegheny, met with a very nar
row escape from a horrible death: He
was riding on horseback along the Per
rysville Plank' Road, about three miles
from the clty, when the animal suddenly
became frightened and rau sway. The
rider was thrown to the ground, but in
falling his foot- caught In the. stirrup.
Hanging in this Manner he was dragged
along for about fifty yards when he
became looas - from the animal, which
was caught aeon aft b er. Some work•
men in a held near by ran at aura to hie
assistance. They found him uncommon.'
and bleeding from the . bead.. He was
carried Into Jacob Ritron' Hotel near by
and a physician coiled. file wouns
were examined and- found to be ver d y
severe, although not necessarily' fatal.
After receiving medical attendance he
revived somewhat, but could not us re.
moved to hie home last evening.. Mr.
mßradley is a butcher and drover and
aiden in the Third ward. Allegheny.
iHis escape fm deat seems a arvel.
g As it is he wi r ll o requre h
care and at tention
f to be brought around. maim
Real Estate Ma
• The following deeds. were %knitted of
record In the office of Mos. 11. limiter,
Recorder for Allegheny county, hlondny
April 1. 1670:
Dela. Moll to Jas. MeNlouel. Nov. 9. IN3llnts
Nos. II swill!, in nett . . plan MI ward, Plt , a.
hurelsJan sl7a
W. W. .thompsu In Jos. Mcglots.y. .. 4.
ICO lot Vitt, o
I. (1. on Poona St . 6 I. ward,
l'ltt n
Edwi to 11. C. Ml , M. 7111 30. IMO;
' 10,1107Mlles
SO ft. 00 ebestuntol233lo th..
Allegheny Cite
C l 6 •t Mankedict to Jotith 11101 awe. 77 Op I,
16W; % part of 2 moot ul land In 110slee 41 1
ling .
be rtoo Creek. , the, eneenenv
Wilkins. d Mott 1 . 1000. It. P 93 50
Wilkins Linhar. 1..4 John &Pad, Oct I, Imo;
la. NO4. 45. and .17 0 1.10007‘ . .. plan. 00 Mt.
WaslistaLon esi.
Witaloa Lit :0 ts 000. '11.70. March 7. INV:.
J4:4lnomicY4aNi;74Ntlkstl. Laubart. 100. W. 1:50 . ;
Suet. 1111 to Parbata Convoy, Idstost Itt. IMO:
lot 20 100 ft. on Washington St.. bofooeh of
Ntrml ban
r ivipi t zi - er :00t1:,-.N...r.q.,Ailtiltst:i i Ph:
I.Mily Ido•Illo to
to Jaw'. Lerch, Apt, I. Win
06 scot. e ast 10 patches of laud In 11.1.1010 tn.
SMb , T. . to Jai. Detulstort, .rpt.
71 p . 181,9: W, s ere r of Mad In %Yttrium
Morley r..umbert to H. H. Cuthbert, Aprt.l. 1570:
lut MO by 100 1100 Kirkpatrick 01.. boro , of alt.
.4 AMIGO. 111 Ale
Wm. ant Ha, to Me J
1C0: lot 44 b y 11010. 1
00 11411. Walker
04 NearPranklin ro•
leabray cltY ---•
Euu About a Stable
There is a -- stable located on Liberty
street near the old Fifth ward Market
House, which has been the source of
considerable trouble to several parties.
Oustavas Bash la ath
ehm e claims
ownership of it. rater a ndS Frank
Fisher represerit another claim. They
as positively assert that the property wll9
leased to them far a term which has not
yet .' Here's the The
' partiesespir hav ed e come in conflict several
times. The last affair occurred Satur
day, which laded an Information before
Alderman Taylor by Bash against Selina
and Fisher for surely of the peace. The
defendants, It Is alleged, threatened to
tear the stable down and went so far as
to commence the work of demolition.
Warrants were Issued. •
• A Good Appointment. _
kir John MeHain bat been appointed
chief book-keepor of the AMOTIaill Rink,
on Fourth avenue, vice Mr. W. C. Ida.
cram, who resignad to take a higher
position in another Institution. Mr.
kicKain was formerly connected with
the dry goods house of Arbuthnot,
Shannon et Co., Wood street. Be is a
first rate accountant, and all excellent
penman. The American Bank hen pros.
pared so well under the Presidency and
managemont of our most worthy frlend,
John Floyd, F..q,, that additional clerks
are required already to transact its large
and increasing busies's, although It is
scarcely a year since It went into opera.
floe. . .
h ro strd E r , essed
hluled after the tent bio a
fortable shave. a luxurlowt bath or •
little skillful cupping and leeching. att7
or all, go to Willlaratun's popular saloon,
No. UV Federal street, Allegheny. T
PnitAnamultaltaa exported 9,696,96 9
pelmet of petroleum oil mum the let of
Dunne the past week 205,u93 gallons
of petroleum ware shipped to foreign
port.. Blnoe the drat or January 5,626:
249 gallons have been exported.
Tnit Perry and Parsons well on North
Bear creek, between the bridge and the
river, we are told by those whom we can
rely on, la now pumping twentv•rour
barrel' per day. '
Tas lidloute Journal gays the Clapp
well, on the lientiterson farm, Is pumping
75 bblas and many new rige are going
Considerable property Is changing
hands In‘his desirable locality.
Os the N. Y. t Dennis Run tract, Mr.
McCord hay a rig-going ap. Waits
Strong, rig going up; Smith t Co. drill
ing,-B. well pumping 5 bbla, No. 3-6,
DI well—l, No. 26-6, No. 43 —4, and No.
82-8 bblt.
ON the N. Y. .t Allegheny tract Par
shall N 0.2 testing after torpedo, VO.
Pumping fifteen barrels. No. 4 pumping
one,hundred and fifty barrels, No. 6
pumping fifteen barrels, No. 6 testing,
Stevens & Fisher testing.
Tug Shaffer Run territory is still
libuni par in the market, and the wells
now going down are represented ea
making a tine show, but es yet they
have produced no oil. What will be the
final result remains to be seen.
OS the 'Pullouts and Warren tract the
Fisher .& Cushing wells are as follows:
No. 11n third sand, No. 2 drilling, Ne. 3
pumping 30 bble,.No. 4 pumping 60ibble,
No. 5 spearing around tools, No. 3 has
been torpedoed and li pumping 76 bble. -
jr is surprising to see "the number of
old wells on 011 Creek, long since' aban
doned, that are again being resuscitated.
Thiele also the cane throughout the ell
regiona, and many of them have already
amply renumerated their owners for the
No mum than twenty leases➢have been
taken - On the Dairen ?arm, and most of
the parties have already commenced
putting down walla. It is very evident
from te number of wells going down,
that if h oil le found; it will not take long
to run the fountain dry.
Tits now well on the bluff of the W.
8. McCrory farm Mill' holds steady at
twenty barrels daily. A number of now
leases have been taxon on this tract,
and work lu some instances has been
commenced. There seems to be no such
thing as fail on this territory.
Tuft R. L. Shaw farm. near Reuseville,
le now producing a large j smount of on.
Several new Irene recently struck, are
producing above the average, and lease
owner. are looking forward to a largely
d production. There aro wells
on this trt producing sa high as forty
barrels daily.
Ws kayo - been shown • specimen of oil
from toe farm of IsaisM Morrison, near
Klemm. Warren county, the result of e
cc-operative company's action in testing
that region. A well was reeently struck
there - merely as an experiment, and Is
now producing five 'barrels of good,
quality oil per day. . •
Tara Tillleshaa A. Kearns, is a - new
st uck o the east ade o W t e h l e l
Allegheny Parker's i Lint
on the land of Crawford, Fuller 'and
others, owned by Tilllnghas, Kearns and
IL has been pumping for some
dike, and Is represented as producing
thirty-barrels. per day. j ~
A WELL at Sewers' Run ie down two
hundred feet with twenty-feur. feet of
good sand rock. Well at JamlitOn Run,
Sutly farm, down over six hUndred
feet, in blue slate, with good show Moil.
Dr. Winner's well, on Little Hickory,
has further incressed its yield -to ten
barrels a day, with fair prospect
. of
tinued increase. -
Tag work Cr develo pment in oil terri.
tory throughout the oil region - bids fair
to be carried on very briskly during the
coming summer The business et oil
producing in Venango and; adjoining
1 counties is not, se many have supposed.
1 on the wane.. It is still attracting An
attention and enlisting the capital of a
large number of the meat enterprising
men in the country.
' . Toe new Fox well.. on the Central
Petroleum Coixtpany's laud, Petroleum
' Centre, which we noticed two weeks
since as going down, is new finished and
pumping eighteen barrels of oil per day.
to p ut owned by Edward Fox, of. Petroleum
Centre. are yielding forty barrels daily,
Theaud two
w preparations el
I down a third 012111. - \
I Tax Llnn,linblcuson farm, on the Alla-
IlbeheoneYpurml vpeirn,glefoar,
acme arse
e well
days. which
n h rs
now producing forty or forty five barrels.
This well is owned by Dr. Finlay, of
Kittanning ; Cot. John. M. ThOMVKIII,
Charism McCandless, W. Drali - im, Flags.,
Dr. C0W41013, of Butler county. and
others. Thia well w pu Allem Wilsot -down by J.
W. Christy and Capastain n,
1 of Sunbury, end Ilse other wells mink
by them, is a .1100.6..
WELL N 0.13,00 the Chicago tract near
Sharnburg, which has produced oil dor
some time at the rate of about 40 barrels
per day, was torpedoed on Monday last,
after which preparations were made to
resume pumpleg, when It - commenced
flowing, and Rowed at the-rate of 250
barrel. every twenty-four hours.- The,
casing Is all in thewell, and the tubing,
with the exception of one length.. It le
known as the Fogging well. The Chl
.cago tract Is located between Shamburg
and Red Hot. The well Meow pur: l Fg,
we understand, at the rate of 50 ale
per day.
Wiwr ntcaonrtrace.
This now and important oil field Is
being rapldly.developed. The good pro.
dueing territory is now fully one. tulle
The following is the .prOdnotion of the
wells In this vicinity: Beatty Farm—this
farm Is owned by Beatty, Neybart and
°there—Thompson & Co.'s well, produ.
nisi 5 barrels; Beatty No. 1, 12 barrels;
Beatty No. 2, 7 barrels; Beatty No. 3,
25 barrels; Olmstead, 5 barrels; Fisher
7;o. 1, 10 barrels; Goodrlch, 12 barrels!
Total, 76 barrels. Number of wells drill.
lug, 9.
ON THE Royal R. Scott
farm br owned by Been, Graudi Fisher.
Tho Dewey & Laney well is producing 7
barrels. Number of wane producing, 2
ON the R. C. Scott lower . farm. Thorn•
berg well producing 6 bbls, Goodrich
well producing 35 bbls, klarmoliy
well, (new) 46 bbls. Number of wells
drilling; 2. •
Tun EL Wilkins farm, adjoining these,
is being leased rapidly and promises to
be as good as any. This was
the Snedlker farm, bill now belo
Mr. 11. Wilkins, of Cleveland, 0.
Mir= FAnas —This faint is owned by
the Warren & Veriango Oil Co , of Pitts
burgh. The welts are swing the oldest
in this district, and have fallen off con.
"adorably within the last silty days. The
frequent use of torpedoes has heretofore
kept up the production. but of late they
do not seem to help the production ma
terially; Coe, Smuts & Co , 2 wells, pro.
dicing 27 tibia, Collins Bro.. 2 wells,
Producing 10 bbls., Irvington Oil Co., 2
wells, producing 10 bbls., Arminia well,
producing 2 bbls., Wideawake - well, pro
ducing 4 bble:, Roffman well. produging
bbls. Total, 60 barrels. Number of
wells drilling, 3. '
A Boss Holler llteappears—Strange t—
ffelluitteis—W here Its. he Hone, .I.llw
couduct Before Starting en ilisTra.
A resident of Lawrenceville bee tigono
where the woodbine twineth," or some
other loality equally as mysterieue.
He started Saturday afternoon. Be was I
employed as bossroller In the Eagle I
Rolling Mills. The hands were paid off
on "Seturday. Ho bad his °wit wages
sad those of his employees, several boy e
under 'his control. He forgot tp' Pay
them; kept all the money. In Ms eb.
sentmlndedness he forgot toacqualnt his
family--a wife and-several children—of
his intended journey, He just diasp.
peered without bidding friend or foe
adieu. The last sun of him was Slant ,
day. He was In a saloon on Diamond'
anal', with . a carpet bag In one
hand and arrrayed in a new salt of
clothing he had every appearance of a
traveler. -Be traveled that night, but
whither—no one knows. It is thought
his lice was set Philadelphlawards, but
this !genie a supposition. As he was a
man of middle age and cossessed of con.
*Minable knowledge of the city, the
supposition that he became lost around
town somewhere is without foundation.
His wife and-children would like to see
him again; ser'would his creditors, the
small boys whose wages disappeared
with him. Altogether he had several
hundred dollars in Ma powiession. He
may turn .up . yet. The police are en
deavoring to help him.- He Is still away
though and the probabitillesi are against
his voluntary return.
A Rowdy,
George W. Teel, a red haired youth,
was at the Union Depot yesterday aft"'
noon, in a condition which unmistakably
evidenced his aversion to the temperance
cause. He raised a row and was put out.
Shortly afterward he returned and re.
quested permission. to buy a. ticket for
Steubenville. He didn't buy the ticket
though the privilege was granted, but
raised another row. .He was then esoort
ed to the Mayor's of and In default of
fine was furnished with • ticketdye
day'slodging with Warden Scandrett.'
Warn the Health Repenter, April Ii)
Other Diseasre.
There are many disease,. which have
fallen under our notice that are equally
worthy ofl attention, such as heart
disease, Uthois, . eryelpelae, tatter,
nchites, piles, utcers,weakneues, itc.,
&., which we would like to have men
tilmied at greater length, but which want
of space rebid!.
We havetreated many of them with the
most astonishing success, and will Just
cay that it matters not what charadter
ou r lingering diseau may assume, with
our chemical 'apparatus and magenta,
miCroscope, .nrinometor and ear-tubes,
the moat minute traces of any abnormal
substance may bei , discovered in the
urine, even to the millionth part of a
grain in a drop of wafer.
The wonderlul powers et the mlcrosooPe
have en turned to more practically val.
made be amount Milieu 'kind of Insult
'shores, than all other sefendtbs pursuits
besides. In fact, much ef4ur scientific
knowledge of life itself d panda upon
1 ,
t his i nstrument; and hew much mere
'ratable are these, minute ' xaminations
when -disease is "the, laid pen to plain
and viible Inspeeticia. .• .
Ther are still many oodier disease"
that ye
notice nor will they meet
with any In this work; disease
which will meet at our hands only the at
tention neceaury to a speedy and perma
nent cure. This we will give .in all Enna
donee ; beleiving it be the duty of the
physician to do all iii his power for the
alleviation of every case of humansuffer
ing whatever may be the disease.
nand to us by express, and have the
neceasary medicines forwarded you the
gime conveyance.
The difficulty of well understanding
pe t
he nature. and treatment, of chronic
di aaes, and the time required to th eater
the study, make it a matter of no easy
mpllahment to. hose busily engaged
In an extensive gneral practics, and
hence their apparent aversion to, and
want of success In, these complaints; and
hence also the willingness on the part of
BO many to send to us their most difficult
and critical cases. ^
And these are the kin is d, In turn that
wei especially solicit, our system of
diagnosis, when conducted upon 'cica
dae principles, give much more certainty
than the usual pulse and ton
uentlgue examin
ations aloha, and consequently much bet
ter proepeats of "accent and so in all
chronic add complicated cues.
L. OLDEIFUE, Id, D., 133 Grant street.
Public Rale er. Machinery at TOO2IID.
eon's Worts.—The entire stock of ma
chines, machinery, tool', and patents at
M. Tom!Jason's Work., Daquaano Way,
will be sold on Thursday, 7th lost:, at
two o'clock. Machiritsti will rind it
Meltable to attend. See detailed adver
tisement by A. Linn', auctioneer.
Uccker's Farina forms a very agree.
able light nutritive food, a superior arti
cle for puddings and Jellies, and Is highly
recommended pysi,ivalide
and children. Bo ld by all grooors.
Tne Spring 'Stec" of Henry G. Ilalei
Merchant Tatter, at corner or Penn
avenue and Sixth street, is now large
and complete. Montour Sonpalne con
thmea to prealdo at the cutting.
The Cregon Brewery ban long been
noted for its excellent brewlnge, but
never dui it turn out 'such excellent
cream ale u Pier, Dann*la dr. Co. ate
now producing.
—E. N. Thayer, aveteran actor, died
at Philadelphia on Monday, aged seventy
—A bad break baa occerred In the Erie
Canal feeder bank Just south of Hoch
eater, N. Y. '
—The trial of McFarland for tke mur-
der of Rlchardeon began at New York
on Monday.
—The revenue of the Canadian Domin
ion for March was 111,313.710; 'expendi
tures 1469,53.
—The Democrats of Cleveland• gained
two members of Council in the election
held yesterday.
—The President mien to Troy tit-mor
row, and will attend the funeral of Oen.
Thomas on Friday.
—A colored man was 'shot and killed
during a row at the election polls In Day
ton, Ohio, yesterday. .
• —The British Indian cable has been
completed throughout and the eignals
aro reported excellent.
—A meeting will be held soon at To.
ronto, Canada. to expresa Indignation at
the murder of Thos. Scott at Fort Garry.
1 —The first vessel of the season from
'ar.ada arrived at Oawego, N. V.. Pude ,
day, laden with wheat, barley, peas and
—Tbe funeral of the celebrated invert
or and horticulturist, Seth Boyden, tcok
lace on Hannay at Now York and was
largely attended.
—The motion for a stay of execution
having boon dented, Reynolds, tho men
dorer, will..undoubtedly be hanged on
Friday, at New York.
L T )
—An elLirt la eking to Induce Presi
dent Grant to upon° recommending
general au:mast to late rebele. The
number now diafranahised to put down
at 250,000.
—Saturday night a train from New
Orleans ran throiagh the trestle twenty
tire miles above Canton, and the &spry=
and baggage cars, together with the
greater part of the mall, were burned.
-Twenty-five piutsonkors were leJ tired,
two of them fatally, b* - an accident to
the train west an the Marimba! and St.
Joseph Railroader' Saturday night last.
It occurred twenty-fear miles from
Krause and wife were arrested
at Baltimore, yesterday. In the act of
making counterfeit fifty cent postal cur
rency. All the dies, plate'. dm, used by
the parties — . and
. about sixty dollars in
counterfeitnotes were seized.
—The Now Jersey Attorney General,
In reply to an Inquiry from the Mayor of
Princeton, replied that the Fifteenth
Amendment made void Jut much of the
State Constitution tut genies the right of
any eitiaen of the United States to vote
on account of color.
—A. young man . nimed Sanford E.
Cooms has arrested at Bangor, Me
for placing obstructions ou the track of
the European and Northwestern Ameri.
can Railroad. lie conferred the crime.
and gives WI a reason that tile Company
failed to pay him fully for his services..
—John.Warren, arrested and tried In
England as • Fent au c "aspirator, has had
presented to Compliant Ms petition fur
half a million dollars damages. He
Maims to be a naturalized American clri.
non, and alleges that the charges against
him were based mainly upon words
spoken andante committed in America.
—Thoelectiort at Evansville, Indiana,
yesterday, resulted In 'the choice of the
Republican nominees for marshal, treas.
urer. clerk mild assessors by majorities
ranging from -. to four hundred, 'and
the Damocra lc nominees for surveyor
and collector, by smell majorities. The
Damocratsulect seven out of nine mem.
bora of city council, which is a Demo.
credo "gain. The tickets were badly
mixed politically. About two hundred
colored votes were cast—almoet unani
mously for the Republican ticket.
The Mayoralty Trouble—Evacuation
ref T.-comps to the ['Mahwah ()suite I
RIOSISIOND. April s.—Gerieral Canby
has not yet furnished troops for ejecting
Ellison from the City Hall, and -the H.
S. Marshal Is novr-automoning a large
civil poste to demand hl surrender. If
the posse should fail to obtain pusession
It le understood the General commanding
will furrdah troops.
The colored people to-day celebrated
Evacuation Day.
The Rice .thvorce Bull for fraud In
age, le !Seeou great excite mint In Boehm. It
• 02 14 vp.ll, young m. aiot tt merry II butt.
Mee to Ma bli bride 37. Re swears that the
male blot beet se she was tot his own age. by
uelog blegaolla Balm epee her free, Deck sea
h ia ge, peer youth. Be I robably found her
elbows weren't quite en Boit and pre.ty. Veght
agars tobe Indicted? We now orate, rind.
ler cams. ,his Bo to tires a meet wonderful
pearly nod paters' magpie Mon. to which we
don't ollect. We Like pretty women. To leash
toe picture, they should use Lyon's Nathann
upon the heir. With p nrly chin. rely' cheeks
and eery le coriaitt tremen s they brooms lm.
sistible. . -
PRANICLIN--On Newts, afternoon. April Ch.
et 1 ruinous past 4W/dock. itt/BILET a HANK
LIN. In the 11th tear of hie see.
loueral service at It. Paul•. Clutch. Lacer•
villa, at Isinf-pat lo'cloek on Triune:to', the
/net. /deadest the family ate respectfully
InvEed to attend the fulcra%
oa.risasS pill 'Mows t !armlike&
COITIRS and all Twang Paraistuaant at ra
aced ImUm.
...,----.. ,
(Additional Markets by Telegraph. • \
A t
BAIET. April 4.—The advance in the
prl 'of [reeve s noted on Saturday wee
toot t o-day, and there have been censer-
sio of ;All's; highest prlces.9.c, and
from that price ranged down to
with short supply. Sheep market firm;
sales of thin to fair 514 ®6 We: [sir to geed
61;4873,4c; good to extra 7341g1.93.4c, and a
few extras at 9% c. Hog Market tame.
' Now OULNANs, April 4.—Cotton In fair
demand; middling 22.1;c; sales of 5,300
balsa; receipts 4,915 bales; exports 5,697
Delos; stock 186,374 bales.
has Frterlelsco, April 4.-11 our quiet
at 114,56(845,50. Wheat—choice $1,60(2)
1,65. Legal tenders 90,.'c.
It P; DIP f Itll T or I•PNI:SYLVANI A.
- IlUtill It. 411:11F1IY. of All-therly City. •
Wkarsosl.= the fo . t or
. .!orke t leg cf March
all hls debts. ai r
otfttleriel'atim: o'rUvatrl:Orr'..Venr
said Act. lo order el the court. eutlee Is hereby
teen, tn b ill
_l:roliters Co o hale proved their
2 ?It. / . :1 1 1 gls';1071IVIV.o. 'l',l:llrdat.l7l7X:rt
t.;,t,..f . :NrAgic;!;.! * 4l..;:;c"l't.,` , .':tili • Ftlg i
One', Allepecuy CIO , . to avow • Goa,. if any
thee ba:r j 15rig:41 . 1 5 sh I rise should hut be preo,ed
‘,"::::::0 T - , :u. IIeOANDL, P 3 , C erk.
Now Roomsl
New cioodsl
Nev‘ Prices
We here thaegutated the opohleg of our N.w with the
AL 30
.23'Fitth Avenue.
Bell and Brass Founders,
itrau Promptly to Order•
Made and Kept on Hand
Frontlaton and Mannfittnren of
11. Coopefs Impr ova Balane,e Whee
Foundry, Cor.l3th and Railroad Streets,
No. 91 Fedual St., Allegheny,
tieing detertnlned not to carry over Ily
Uooos. will nowtlvelv sell, below cost.
next 30 Asps,
Y I AilarAM s.
•FR ,
"WV .
en t i L l l7 ' N KY LACE ED01L.45
idattsr.'HA SWITCH
N '"Nr t nitiarnitirs ; ,., a
Z:IVEttaTI:0 1 1 ,1 :
ANL/ VON hUNIEILI.—We are now reef:l , -
41.'42 I`NrTlLlTTAlrliihttltl
WHEAT, porch/wed In Gibson. ral:ka. tireen
and Morgan col:settee, Ind... Ihls lot 01
Wheat Is the very best to rft. fohotl a arol cahoot
WA' ,11,V In
t:::l7n,`; . vsq,. i?mt detf
T . same orrad ‘ ea of hour.
R. T. K.143181LD & BRO..
- rose) Means M ill, Auegetra.
bnntrmhrr 13. 1060.
• ISONMS. 11. Hiatt/pri3l .SL Batik:.
L5l/AY A
rches, will be added to former lief of stocks to.
be pod on seeond 11/or of the Coniatelaisl Sales
Roam.. 100 Saottine Id wrest •
30 shoes 11. ► 11. National Bank. .
13000 Ideal Gni Valley E. IL 7 3 10 Moods.
• 10 shares •Ilion•nlalnsarause Co.;
5 attar.. knairprise do. do.
apt •.11..1i.WALNE. dab/neer.
No 1'• Market St., near sth Avenue
We now offer to the public • stout of PAPER
RANOIN tlSnnsugasami'Kees for variety
and beauty of styles, embracing Al the Novelties
DISSIUNS in plalo and bright Color , . for
Ul nlng Room, al, Ai.. W,,Onaid RABBLE
PAPERS, wilt an almost Coates. variety of
BLANKS for (Lambe.. Lc. Alt ef which we
propene to sell as low es the lowest In the market.
Call and see, at
No. 107 Market St., near sth Avenue
SPRING. 1870.
- .. _
AN ORDINANCE creating t
ore,. m
loseto.Lot sod
the Ail. of Ylit.
sce. t. Ile It ordained and enscled hi the CUT I
.1...L.1U-shoran. in :elect and I on anon Council*
by e the
amt It is hereby or olned and enacted
by the outho -It? tits same. loot It .ball i.e ult.
fel to Boil, rota.° or oder ,for sale the'
Cite et l'lttsburgh ar minis,. a 18d:crated or
un'itholesunie IWO, or any adults tura thereof,
coot Lining water or other foreign lloolds or sub.
so i l Person so onendlo , shall toe or •
re.trBl Re brought he fore the Ilys or of sold
If!. and If, coda hooraig. the 'Mayor atoll ad
judge such nrrson to he guilts. lie shall hotline •
due o ld Co set
ribs exceeding the sum of fifty dot ion and
toC Po
'gjottr'r to
-rit,..b.rgh and Co On sold r otherwiao disposed
of bv the Inspector of Wit.
SIS.C. IL It shad bd tie tfutT t
of the Councilrson
is htersstonttnnn,llt.'
whose n fu[y It shall be
s In
to strictly for
entsree the OrOTO.i.olo of I, 0 ,,
nonce:to arreat offenocra and ma seisern taint
anginal thine before the Mains; to all onlio
sold. exposed offered for sale contest, to Oa.
orditionce,auddisperSe of the same In "lionacrdance
with the Judgment elven bv the Mayor the
riezeltur of sorb case. •nd he sisall test, an vis
count of all such sales and 4:110 s'l r iono and re
"j;•.Lh 3..'ll.7l;ll'n'aftee.rtliTrtooA.lll-it""til shall * have the
Vf2gZ;;AT'l',;',!:!Prrnolle'rtrl'ru7 17:t t t ' e e rd" lit
speed and ...tine ady milt' there found. an 4
shalt, also. when .11-1 upon by one cilleEn,
make 1110 Insaectido eiomlnation 8.1 milt
mly have been 0811. :nosed. Off-red-or
ed to be sob!, when ver the same may be
, tinin sant rity.odd report tlievame to the
0160 Oil v,olotion Bif ;hid ordinaues
haveareen c. rotnitttd , rotidal,
foutwl w
awl sp.
Low i.s. r. tl
lion all d
toe the tmc of the eltv.
co. •. Ali mon-vsmade Ity rates of forfeited
h. and received fomitt,p ctn. , . made. shall be
note fur null 'ma quarterly' to the City
Punter for tae dm of the ciMeand e ar nacs
bated by the alsaor shall he seconnted f and
Id to the Oily as in other rases. The salary of
stall Intpector aim bt the sum, of $--- ter an.
nom, payable as In th :lite cases.
Sac. 6. Retort entering noon till tinter, the
lagpiftor of Milt or
tog aldtanhictlbe befom
falltif:grpneurret be :Ines t one:1OP:: w and
ame bona In the sum of O—. with two sureties.
la th• manner preacrlbcd Tor tbe . lnsiterc or of
.C. The Poll,. ender tbe :direction of the
Mayor, shall aid the Inspector Of Milk In the en
forcement nn his °ono a,ce, and any p :mon who
shall hinder, interrupt or sestet the t USW etor In
the p rformance nil mtge. upon eon
vlctlon thereof bolero the Mayor. hc ackladosd to
pm' • One nut exceeding OftY 'MAW ,
Read twirl. and ordered be
Drinild ones 1a
the papers ill for zed to ma thc Oily prlntins., Ph
401NOINKS teldt t late et4se. per
1111.1—e 'tree& rent ty et 50e. per roll.
LAZsD—Alkitott at 25e otr
EGLI; A etl• French and Pepertlaux
tale. net awe deo Wore. - topettor to soy ••-
sortment in the country. For tale at "1'
New Wholesale and Retail Store,
191 Liberty ;Street.
Seventh Avenue and Liberty St.
Will on Every Saturday Hold
ng oppertalning to the Horse.
artl"Tartistring to sell will SW's.e leave tha
notice of consignment. on or beford Thursday
each week In order for advertising.
tentlon and good care will be glee° B tocYtl
mraaJOHN H. STEWART. Auctioneer.
Joux u. u.rwrrgasosi.
ISAIOEI a 7431
oommassion STABLES
CUL IBVEillt AMU 4 111141167 T I
PIT V 513111102, PL.
puorossue BILL BE TlE
:tug= "canrur2l44ea,
- - -
VOPOSAIIi ‘r"--- a - 1 . BE DE
ECEIVED st the 01/I Off Tif t W . Ajleft
uu RAE& 71Iffefrresee: 51i0„.7.
emOtT,Bilut.e ra 1 MItaCtIART/t.BLY:
Clf*"... ft bete Upper and (Art rll , lEo o cole
ar from the loth oef ot .; nolo, tbe
le'rerthed tom/0 Dot less tease 1, thee Berets
atm me over elect screen of not less theo Mof
"gr,j . ;7s Jost? If TRENCH, Eeperte . f..
See Liberty _girt, Dealt. Is Dna
.-. nAIL
U 4ll - Itt• " Co
I"dthg n".
rov pL
ORDINANCE authorizing
Athe °recline, Paving and t utbing of Ter
treet, drew Set.vra to drany street.
PeCnort al Be et oraten•A and enacted bp ihe
Nip cif Piterd/urgh, en &leer and (Annueen Been
earassenelf. and ffis hereby ordained and
mutby authol ar
of the taw. That tee
City Beg r be and tin I, hereby autnorlaed
end directed to advertise for propose!• for the
stealer[, paving and curbing of Tustin strt
from ranee. garret to Brad, street, nod to le
same to the meaner dirt eted be an ordinance con.
earning streets. passed August 3lst, 11157; Mao,
an set-sencerntng avec.. approved Jan. etti,
esc. 9. Thst any ordtnance or put sod
once COOnICLIOg with tbe be of Ulla ord
Ince at the present tim. be and the same
mreby Cu:mated so far as the sarae affects tam o
t? . ,. 71 4 to a late tills the 28 th
President ofbelect i couvell.
ttest: F.. et. , Sloonovr.
'Saari: H. kfo r t . frtga t "
Clerk of Common Goofed. 4
AN ORDINANCE authorizing
the opening or Tusin strait, front acne -a
street to Brady street.
lircrtom 1. Its it
and enacted by the
CUP Of Pittsburgh, 10 Select and Common Omen
Ms aslembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted Si , the authority of the sante. That the
l ' l s il d'l:?i'elirtrtohosul'4' "aenrolgirtern elgh.fri:e'l!
Lam reacts atm es to r Braes a reef, and ta ati
tryn:7'eininiltl'e;oLlil.egivel:.!;fia'n.dcaJnignd t h e rm
are hereby aropanted to accordance with an Act
eoncernlng Streets, approved dau• 6th. 1644.
ties. 4. That auy ordinance or part oi prin
this. mil
fi u :r: ;r:1: " , pr esent w b
time. l l,:"Xii o f
thetam I
hereby repeale d. so (sr al the tame adects /hi
.d enacted Into • taw thU 28th daT
M... A. L. ILIVIO.
Went or &lent. Loon qt.
I.tekt: E. S. 31onnow,
or °°'°°.t Connell
• Peesltlent or Common C...unell.
A"""•ll.Ft.?rtroT ro . mmon Connell. ant
NORDINANCE aushoriziog
the Facing and (Mining of Mad
ison street. fin Fifth ay. nye to Tustin street.
ext. - mon 1.• ifs it ordained and enacted by
flu (iffy of Pittsburgh is. Salmi and Ow.
Connate assembled, and it l e 'treed/
ordained and enacted by the authority of tits
1 hat the Enr Engineer he' and is tele
by authorised and direct./ lo atreertlee for
DrOhosate for the Orntiog. Paring end Curb-
Ing of Madison street. from Fifth avenue to
et, and to let the mine la the
manner directed by an orcinance concerning
streets. mused Atiguft 31st, 1557: also en Act
concerelogstretts,appr• red Januar.. 0tb.1[134.
anc.M.lhat any ordinance or part of ordi
nance Conflicting with the passage of this ordi
nance at the plesent , thee. be) nd the same is
hereby relielied so farts the suns affects tide or-
dli.Tard and inaeled Into a law In Connell,
this 718th day of Alston,
President of Select Coucctl,
Atteet: E. S. Monnow.
6°.oo ki f ' ' A,T6MLINSoN.
raldent . of Common Councils
Attest: 1 1 . He
of c common Ceuncll. •;.1
A --- --
N ORDINANCE authorizing
the titibilag, Pavia. a , 41 Curt:dna of
street. from rota avenue to Ithiff striet.
rit a' ti ' e ' Vt g::..4,l'=ot'ayg
u l h
nesrmsied. no.i it Cs hereby oeihttnsts nottisndtet
ea r,
to c the era !Init.
cur, tag gist sin et, from rittlt avenue to illuff
street, snd to it the lame to the mariner
directed by an_ ottliostre . cc...roe:ruing a n t:recta :
F.°.lllV'.!:.".zt,gt,?. l l. s ',L.l4ltt.l;l6l. ncern
Ste. 511. 'that any ordinance or part . f ordir
nal ce confliction nab the pomace of this ordi
nance at the present timetbe and the same is here.
by repealed so far an the sante affects t his ordie
9,1310. •
and enacted Into a law In. Conn•
Bib day of Mara, A. D. INTO.
Preshlrot of rwlectlkwoe
A ""tS* err:lrrkOlScCOuncl.
Presldent of Coma:out:oone
-Attest: ItMcMAsTan.
Clerk of Colanson Connell.
N ORDINANCE authorizing
I h.onomne of 11..ine wood arenae to stall
f ei. linkt In width, from Greensburg Fat to
hccrtoNl. Be ft ordelned and enacted by tro.
Otte of Peindatrek, in Baer:and Cowman Conn.
efts ussenthlnl, and it it hereby ordained and
endOed by the authorde of filar same. That the
city and he le ben hy holloC.l and
directed to survey au open Repine.° .11 are
berg Pik e aittY 11101 feet In white, teem Greens
burg Pike to:Y renkstown Road; and to arPralne
damages sine a.s i beurats csroini thereuy. T.
Davison. Finley T se orr. nee and 11. It. Tomer. are
e po
telly •inted In ace e an Art con
ee nieg ntreets. approved January Ott. 11304
500. 2. That any ordin•nee or part of ordi.
ee. °tingles lug with the Pas Sage or this ordi.
nance at the present I Ind, be and the tame Is
hereby rep altd so tar as the same eketa this or
Ordained and enacted Into • law to Connell
Oils It dy of Starch, A. D. MO.
Prealdent of Select Council.
Attest: X. S. Idonnow. •
• Cho k or '
W Set Council OS .
W .
Prraldent of Common Connell.
Attest: U. MeSlaaren,
Clerk or Commun Council. no 4
AN ORDINANCE authozizing
the Urad V Casa at street from liadfu.d
s it et to Arch
Samoan 12 Be tt ordetrutt and mutat Ow as
City N Pfttrbures, In Baled and Common (rouw..
eit• at selnbted. imd it it h,rtliti ow/dined amid
enacted by. authority or the sante. That the City
Engineer be sad he Is hereby saihortscal and di
tented to &dirt rtite far propo•als for the [railing(
of Casa' stir:4. from Milford titre, t t. Arch
Street, and to let the strop le .tie manner directed
by an le,. nee °non tiling Street, P 31,164
suat 3151, 1857; titan a. act concernwg street..
j Trarar r 7y n o ' r i thlt B nce Or part Of ordinaries
conalctina with the they
of this ordinance at
the patient time.• be and tre sante le hereby re
fir Med so tar a. the sun. nth c.s tots ordinance.
Ordained and enacted lido a law la Connell.,
thia 818t0 day of Ilar.h. A. D. 1870.
JAMES mea.11.11.7.Y.
President of Select Connell.
A"" tiefi b of ' g , "Z.l ' Z ' A.
Prealttent of Common tolls.Cll.
Attest:. •
Clerk of Common Connell. . apt
AN ORDINANCE changing the
name of Westminster aroma to /ranks.
town avenue.
Nw. 1. lie It Oyisined and enattol by the Clty
Of Pittsburgh, In nelem and Common Councils
aseendalm, and It Is hereby ordained and enacts d
by the anthotity or eh/ same. A hat the name of no. 00e he changed 11.0iMkIl0111 1
NEC. A. Thatanorltnanceor partorotellmmei
with the) aasake of Mtn bt
the present time , be and the salmis hereby re
pealed 40 ray as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a taw In Councils,
this Sikh day of March. /. A. E.,74ffl i t al
President of Select 0000011
Attest: E. S. HOW
Clerk of lielect
President of Common Council.
Attest: H. McMartin..
Clem of Cotonou Conceit. st. 4
AN ORDINANCE authorizing
W. W. ander , en to erret an Iron clad ado..
lion to his millet Wasbinston stn et.
1111CTION 1. BO ft ordained end_enardlip rut
glirouftileNratidlt fel=y . a rtFlei OA% stre::
noted ry neltsuall of Ms tutu. Thu pee.
ro Won be uld Is hereby *tatted to W. W. AU
dertoo to erect an Iron Clad addltior. twenty by
thirty feet. one story ugh, to hit mitt on w e b..
too. Street. rsait any onlinano: or part Of ordi
nate rae Immure of this ordt•
noto, at the present time. lie and this sone ls
tetchy npetleo so far u the clue adult ails
ordinance ,
Sal n ts du of March. ed awl enacted
A. Into
I). 1 14 a la7o w la Ccuoo:ls,
President of t eteet CoutelL
Attila: IL IL Monnow,
tletk of Common 'Unroll.
Pretident of Common COOOOLI.
Attetti. N. Mebluto.u.
Clem ot omen Council. *O4
Nhe ORDINANCEtion author
t construc uf • itublic ron
It/all'• al/07. froutilliitenb ccccc stile/ to Uist
dicarou 1. Be U °Manua and swatted by Oa
City tJPUltbarph, in Select and Commas COI.
arrontited. and hereby ordatnal rend
*waded by Cie authority of S. samo.'nesa 1.21
City Engineer be and he is berebY
and directed to advel Use too reoP.a.
for rte
consuncUa' or a Cottle Newt, au at. aw.cia
frontllittenberg. r street ta OUt sum ,
and to assess the cost of tree sant, James Park,
James Chamber, aial Jamb Killer are Ca sk,
alligol rated in accordance with s Act of Assernmy
approved Jasmar, 6th. 1116 5. _ •
Sac. S. That any ordinance or part..ol ulna .
name conflicting with the passage If . t.g.M.
oance et the present time. b a- alld .g e as this or.
hereby repealed mihr ad the same .
Ordained and
emwsagebleginitogir...l.lllla COT7ella.
Prfsident of delmt Council.
Attest: E. 8. MotaitOre.. n _
Clerk of beimt v l r nri
A. 4. 31 . 1.T . N . 021
AU*"' F . I,,e:tVcuion Council. no 4
, residentof Common Council.
Untcc ran ec au Vater3 b o " , I= l ' I
NOTICE . -,lll. B .sgeriten t. for
Ave.. 141 m 1511obt:Vatttl, nm trelol2
Glorious and tztampftorit return of
Grand 'English Opera l'ompatty.
CAUL Itor (lOrteto:O C. 1 4 . Ile.. • Co.
U. de V k•o Rash:elm Ilanagar.
E. Soodo • Siege
Lut'appearat ere of lime. rAnsrr. Roar.. tea
great Le lie ar.let of tee age. prior to Aar depao
"" far
4 l llt " LV7 " 44 4 Erle - 1011111 YORE.
'Nils Oro rad ivy EVENI a 0. All 115 t h,Veret's
ewer popular Over*,
11 Erovat•sco 11 Trovators,
Mine. rAtezrA 11051 In has (rest and 6031-
. 'l.ld d role of Leonora: Kr.. Z. SEGUIN. CAS
Todmarrow—RAJLTer e,Itme.FAREPARI EL.
Tburaday-Itneart4e blaster-wort. Caret that.)
11•ItRIARE or FIGARO. trnaree Ileebzett.)
rridev—ROSE OF CAR 411.1. r.
t.ettode•—rest Web. Vs
Ites-recd reata—Farqueue. $1: Dre•• Mode s
and It 50. &ern:dine to loPlloo; Family Ctr.
eta 51)e.
heats ned at the Opera Bente.
gr'ILIA89 1 211111; II ILL. •
I •onatnen enn(• Si ED N TBDAT KV I U
6:12, 11110,
Look out for their new •Misoo Fly" en 1 • •Bod
Dickey." "Jars. Finks is Pittsburgh."
Admission. 33a . ate': It nerved Nest!. 30 east.
TIM) will T U E SDAY
at usury HALL. East
Llberty..on TUESDAY 11Y61113W. Mneil DO.
Vs e Posters and NYVIIIMMIeII (Or particulars.
Tickets for sale at 131.4spfeaters Book at
Fifth nesse. np3mlll
167, 168, 169 and 170
Are now pronro4 w OlovisttVlNE
UcaWA) ailed to our -
upiik WINE
243 Liberty Street,
(Opposite bead ol Weal ■treat.)
Pittsburgh. Pa.
A. 1 T. 6ORMLY, 1812.
11. - E - FORIELY,
No. 271 Liberty Street,
O. Luna 1101%10
Y. 41 . 1 C. L 6 J A. STEELS.
*Commission Merchants'
FLOIIIi.6RI.IN. F£ED.'g o.
No. 95 01110 STREET. ■ew lasi Common,
Commission Merchants.
• al
Coulleament. WileAtka
to Fetsar L Armstrong.l
No. 25 Market Street
Wholesale and Retail Grocer,
No. 3196 PENN lITOUT.
Wholesale °rooms; Combelea Merchants
sici to
Deslers Prodoce. Pions Bacon, Cheese,
uarbou and Lard Ott. Iron. Nall., 0/1“.
Cotton Yarns and all Pl.lsbureh Manorseter ea
generally. 112 and 114 tICCOND BTRL&T.
roan r. uoyea..low. uouss....war. e. nom'
OHN I.IIOUSE 414. BROS., .fluc
cr • mason to JOHN I. HOIJUIt & CO., Whole.
sale (tracers a n Cot:D=ll4lw Merchant., Canter
of enoltheeul sod Water streets. Pittsburgh.
Jolla BIIIPTON A: if AL ca..
No. 0 HUTH STUMM Plltsbiarytt. uLP
ULT. remand Mm tIY VIPTH AVIDME, la
Merchant Tailor,
Urdu mated Intlnett. le aft....altlair at
No. 89711521 AV11.24131. attack of entire .
for Meals wear, eondstlug of Cloths, Ceuta:ions
end Vestluga, and all ins new, ai signs of Snatch
and Suglish Cost 054 *WO P".1 4. " 4 t 0 a
mete up to order In the most fethlonahle stylran
gentlemen d<atrlin nen Clothing made to Order
GBI3 Vey Op ttavieg Lbeask mode to their entire , out
fannies, bath as regards style end
c. a•raavox. • c. L. imn.Lliunt€ll..
Merchant Tailors, No 10 sixts Braniff
OM, S. Clair.) We Lim receMed mo s t
well selected Meet of Inc nest tad most fasblinse
able Good. to our Hue • great portiOn of widen
are our ono Importailo et.
Vetting COIIII.OI of tar &Maly lo :maws
..n•iaront on- we respeetMar solicit it is eon an
emir examination of our Moos of Ms Clotas,
thisstmer es. Ve.twits, no.
MerUZIMON 111.itt1i.13.11 .111.
..,0 ~
olcaitd mew Idea 0t
Jon neelved IMMILY MIETIgat.
W: - ite . rnuat Talton 11 Bmlttilald steed.
e. SS MIS Avenue.- Saes& PAW,
• capital ALllP'esil€ll7D:
muscroTs. I
A. J. VW. • 1.101. Floyd,
Man s lisrisass. A.. Chsalwas.
Jake MU, kl•Olsekaa. Jss. talllis
Those= seuth, Jao.s.
111,1111.15 T H. KINU.
JNV.9. JOUINthi.
Oast. J. 811101 L.
Meares on Liberal Ter ,
prl Marino
N►Nng bean appointed DAllabh GANN:trim
DinPROTON Dm An. cmair. imam 1$
st.u.a that allot tt • beeeesary elks and
lleebauleal 'restive themeless state prodded.
em b twat at the °mos or THE NA.
Twantr.tbird etnsai. btu F. Pittsburgh.
Ow and Gag Me Le4•lasiestar
II E 4
6.13, at u•
:1101> IS o.r-
M. suuss.