N FINANCIAL AZIREAN BANK, N,I). 80 FOURTH AVENUE, ITIVNISIIROEL aims carrrAL 6200,004 Stockholder' Individually Liable. HANK OP D 1110013214 AND DEPOSIT. JOHN TLOTIS WY. FLOYD. Fruldent• Cashier. l'hot. Y. W. T. Shauuen. Jumir. Amu, Chu, . Leta. • Jobs loyd, This Stith now fully Jobe X. Ynnl.nd, Archibald Wallace J.. D. Kelly, Wm. lloyd. 0nr.11.4 and prepared barinum Eg:i1;1=;1 SILVER AND COUPONS, nought . at Highest Prices. PII. 11. MERTZ, Banker, t 1 ,0T.,,W,00d St. and sth Avenue !, AMES T. BRADY & Co., • a - sevens.. to E. JONU • CO.. Coiner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., ES,4*...NIECIM:{ i r Rzy =NAAR NI URA of SOTERIMENT SECURITIES, 609. - EDITED AND COMM.. ON MOM PANORAMA TERM. Fr Wowed Allowed onDepoelta._ allraloaay' loaned . ea Bovesameat ilaads at .+•• CO, mutes rates. Order., oxecolod (or ten Purchase mod Rule of IIfrOVKII, 1101VDN .bd MOLD. • P,€,LOIS T. BRADT ak. CO -,- {,fig litt%tratl4 Gajtta FINANCE. AND TRADE Orims or FITTIZMIIES GAzirrra, - - MONDAY, - April 4, MO. The money market open& dull and hairy early this mooning with an unwise' by dull badness, but after the noon board gold advanced from 11135 to my., and closed at 1113 with a firmer feeling. -, Government bonds felt the advance in _gold and suddenly Jumped from .X to % per cent,,the later !slues being partici'. larly strong: There are, however, anch large amount; of bonds offered on the 'market and no disposition to buy for so upward tura Ishown anywhere. that the advance ca only be tesapotary. M t i, asks are trona and higher and closed with • eolded bullish feeling. There is every indication of • further ,riee in the market, which la plelnly shown In Saturday's bank state. -meat pointing to an Increase In loans. The legal markets are devoid of any new I...stares. -Business dull. Quotation. 'as receivod by Ph. R Marti: Geld, 111 M: Sliver, 109; Eighty one'a, 113%; Five Twenties, 1362, 1105{; do. 1E64, telo; do- 1665, lt9M; do. 116% Gooniole, 10a; do. 1607, 109. M; do. 1868, 109; • Tan Fortier, 1041 M; Adams Ea mon—Company, 61; Merchants Unto. Emmet Company. 10; American Ex- Pm= CouiPaley. 33; Western Union TelegraToh. ,111 M: ,New York Central, 91M; Reading, 9714; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne At Chicago, —• Ohio k Mum el ppl, 29; Michigan ' Southern, 8714. Cleveland t Pittsburgh, 9934; Chicago, Rock bloat t Pacific, 1734: Chicago North 'Rasters, 70%; Chicago at North Wormier. Preferred. 61; Erie, 25 M- Lama Small. Louden, per II 16,47 1 5 . 5 5 Parts. par franc - 2IM 93 , M Berlin, [YaluBl 6334 Frankfort, florins 41, 50 —Olceing quotation,' renamed by James T. Brady A Co. Gold: - 1113: United Stair Biala, UM, U 3%; Five-Twenties, Tno FOr6tMs; , d e lO . 6M18;6 4 F i l v o e 9 -T ; dwoe.n 6, JanM; ary sad July, UM, 105; do. do. 187, 1595:; do. 16191. 109; Union Pacific :R.iiroad, WM; Central do, do, 6054; CT PAWL'. 11* Lake Superior 16r Telegraph to tae Pittsburgh bisSattra IttrW YOIIX. April 4. 1870. • Money was lustive at 607 on call until after 2. r. m.., when the demand abated and offerings were more liberal. One hank negotiated nearly. 11,000,000 at 7. The closing operations were at 5 on Gov ornaments and 0 on stocks. I Sterling firmer at 834@8% -and the demand natter. Geld quiet; opened at 11%, touched 11% nod closed at 11%. tarrying rates 4(06 per cont. and Cat. Clearances $21,004,000. Oevernmente more active and higher. Coupons Of e3l, 114%114%; do. '62, 116%(4. 11034; do. '64, 169%00169y; do '65, 1011.34 g, 100,1,1: do. new, 10@dd%; do. '67, 1194 109%; do. '69, 16D1i',1093.0 1040 s, 10630 e 100%; Currency 6's, 112(0112%. Statebonde dull and steady: Miseouris. 92; Old Tennessee, 55; new do 5134; old Virginia: 70; new do.. 69%; ' . 01,1 North Carolina 46; new d o 2.1%. Stooks dull but steady, with 830:10 hn prcreement and activity in• Lake Shore, Northwestern, St. raul.and Vanderhilts. CaMcm,6ll%; Cumberland. 33; Yillmt ern Union Telegraph, 32%0 Quicksilver, 9: Mariposa 5; preferred, 1.2.!4; Adams Elects., 6%; Wells, 19%; American Express. 15% United States Er Press, 4.6%; Vanilla Mall, 30%; New • Icor k Central, 92%; do. scrip. 90%; Erie, 25%; do. preferred, 49%; scri p . 9 0 %; Headiug, 97%; Michigan Central, 119%; Lake Shore. 8734; Illinois Central, 143; Fittebursh, 99%; Northwestern, 72E; do. preferred, 8434; Rock Island; 11754; New Jersey Central. Hay,: St. Paul, ; do. preferred, 7434; Wabash, 45%; do. preferred, 74; Fort Wayne, 93%; Torre Haute, 59; do. preferred, 54%; 4.,bicago rt. Allot', 112%; do. preferred, 11254; Ohio sir Miesisalprd, 29%; O. C. it 1.1., 24; Hartford a Ede; 434. Oaten prices; Copper Falls, EU; Frank • Lln, 6; Hecht, 80; Qulney, 17. • Suit Treasury balance, gold, 179,347,117 . eurreney„ $2,6111,451; general . balance $62.160,201. IMAIM.er t•rizion or Pirrestrodu GAZETTS, MOSDAT, April 4. IWO. The oil market was very quiet today, not a thegleriale of either crude or re• fined reported. Crude was reported emalderably firmer above. which is at tributed mainly to the reduction of She • Per bid In freight, from. that point to . Philadelphia and New York by the Em bblp Line. This redaction of 2Se per be freight to the east is equivalent to adding libe per bbl on' oil coming to ittsburgh. -As II enablea emboli buyers to pay that much additional for the 011. and. of course, Pittsburgh buyers are obliged to pay as much as the eastern without any reduction in freight to this point. In other works, the reduction is all right for elatrerf buyers and all wicesir, for Pittsburgh buyers. ' The eastern men appear to have but little difliculty i getting a reduction when they least I t, and ask for it. out not so wit m h Panits huasr gm de l t e very u h e a h d e s omnt rra Copy dilation recently, 800 per bbl, but our. snasufactarers say that the rate Is still too high, and that there is plenty of room for a still farth UMl er reduction. OS Market, as already intimated, was con siderably firmer to.day in consequence Of an advance above, but there were no - sales, at least thorn were none reported.. Spot or seller this mouth may be quoted at 1.13-3UX bid, and 1134 asked - Buyer at; year, nominal at 14 Mfglit,M. Seller alt year, nominal at 11M0p1134. WEVINED. -14 e maw market firmer -though prices era tankard quotable changes April q toted at M; May. 26; June at 26,4; July to Septe K mber, 27M; May to Novem ber, 2S, bia; buyer all year 80 bid, with some sales tinselly at that figure. asontrvn or MUDS OIL ST A c o u nt s r• A. B. Mills BO bbla, On ac W. Bartle. OtL IMPrED DT WEST PION. n. S. Fairview 011 Works, 104 bble ref. oil to various conalgnees, Chicago. Dry Q•stla MarKet. Nor Toga, April ` 4.—The Inclement Weather adds eneral dullneu of trade, yid as part icular cliange in staple textiles irrupt a ruination of In Pacific Mills prints and unwell, which aid at CLZVSL&ND, 4 April 4.—Flour steady; red SS oountrZ brands of white XX XX 75%6 25, $50.5 25; amber XX 1)5(15 6c4 "prang XX 04 2505 25. Rye flour dull a t% 75@;k5 50. Rye 80(65c. Petroleum very quiet and unchanged; spot oil of. Wed at 230 ha round iota, crude on spot Efi IS; mins 1000 bbla buyer all tbeyear, at 18;.1000 bbls same option eq. IS 60. I=2 OFYICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MOSJIAT, A pril 4, 1870. The general markets aro more active and many articles, in consequence of scarcity, are stronger and higher. All kinds of grain, Is scarceand wanted, and prices are strong end tending upn'ard. The receipts for some time past hare been very light, which bowing mainly to the bad condition of the country roads, preventing farmers from getting it to market. Provisions—steady wits a fair jobbing demand, and groceries, ae .noted In our last repert, are stronger. and augers are reported as tending up• 'ward lu the east. Indee&the demand Tor almost everything Is better, and with reduced Flocks, prices generally trot:inner. The demand for almost any . thing always improves,' whenever price. begin to harden; but' so long as price. keep tending downward, people buy very sparingly ea they, do not wenn° mock up until:the very lowest point has been reached, and by pursuing this Policy, they very often miss it, an the golden opportunity: very fragnontly comes and gots, while they aro holding back, waiting for tri bottom to be touched. APPLES—SIow, wi It a supply fully up to the . dernand, brie. prices are un• changed. 12,5uQ3,60 per bbl. • APPLE BUT f E11.4-Sales at 65®70c. ASHES—Quiet and unchanged: Cont. mon eods Ash, 4e; refined do 4q; I;earls P®iN; rots 73.4. BUTTER—Prime to choice Roll la be ing sold at &Mc, and fsucy at 40c. Common and inferior abundant, and very dull BEANS—May be quoted at $1,7...@2,22, the outeldo figure for choice navy—but few sales above $2. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Nominal, 2c. CHEESE— Dull but unchanged. Bales of Western Reserve at ific; Ham• Burge at 1634 e: Ohio Goshen, 17}4c; New Tor Goshen, 1841844 c. CRANBERRIES—SaIes of Sackett's Belle Berries at $2O per bbl. `CARBON OlL—la quiet and un. changed, 231 2334 c in jobbing lots, and 2.545126 c In a retail way. CORNMEAL—Le quoted, In store, at 00(01 per bughel, as to quality. DRIED FRIIIT—Quiet and dull with a supply largelyein cadets of the present demand. It In expected, however, that the demand will improve very noon. We continue to quote Acmes at 634®714c. Piaches 73e14534c for quar ters, 91a10c for halve., and 115®20c for pared. Blackberries at 13@14c and pitted cherries at 25(d128e. - EGGS—Market a shade Linnet though prices are not quotably higher. the bulk of the wales reported being at 22e—some holders quoting at -23. - FLOUR—The market la quiet and de void of anything new or Important, noth ing at least worthy of special notice. We continue to quote Western flour.. In store, at 15@5,1.6 for 5pri0g45,50®5.75 for winter, and 6766 for fancy human. Rye flour, 55. GRAIN—The eff•rings of wheat con tinue very light. nod while the market is firmer, price. are uncsar g d: 11,10 g 1,14 for fair to prime red. Oalo coerce and firm and prices higher; we now quote at 45, buying, and 48®50, selling —sale 1 car reported at 46. Corn, .130, Is scarce and firm but unchanged; may be quoted at 73475, buying, and 788811. selling. Rye ls In light supply and firm; wo now quote at 83(485, buying, and 88590, selling. In Barley there ma not much doing and prices aro nomin ally unchanged; 85665 for spring, and 9J(4,95 for tab. BAY—Baled is boleti eclat on wharf and track, at 117ga9, as to quality. - HUSKS-234®3c. HOMINY-45,75®9 par bbl. • LARD OIL—Is firmer but unchanged; 11,16W,28, for Extra No. 1 and 880011 for No. 2. LlME—Eastern white, 51,75; Cleve• land, 52,25. MAPLE SYRUP—SaIsa at 51,5164,75 ler gallon Juge, aa to quality. ONIONS—Iu fair demand with regu lar 'Well at 52,50@3 par bbl. PROVISIONS—Lard is firm and higher, otherwise the market Is un changed. oulders, 12 for Plain and l 3!:, for se.Dured; Sides, Il3' for Riebed, KIIU 1634 fir Clear; Plain Items, 16, and Sugar Cured 17®17%. Lard, 15 @islg iu tierce.. and 16 in kegs. Dried Beef, 19@,11 1 1. ldus Pork, 17117%. PO:ATOES—SaIes of prime Peach Blows, in store. at 45@50 per bushel. PEANUTS—Prime Tennessee quoted at 9( - 0110e. • PEARL BARLtY—NO. 4,6; No. 3, ill:: Oatmeal, 510,50 per bushel, 35,50 per half bbl. PEAS—Sales at 52@:2,25 per hushal. SEEDS—Clover coed is qut t at 1 5 (.4 10, and Timothy at El, and of the letter the market is almost bare. Flaxsocd, - i 2,15, and the offerings continue very light. SA.LT-111ncbsriged—'61,80Qc1,83 trt car lute, itud the usual advane in storo. itI.I.I:C;IIENY CATTLE MAIIIiVIT OFF CE OF CI.7. , TTA MONDAY, April 4, 1b7,.. EMIE3 Fallowing allows the number of care on Nabs, the point at which they were shipped, and the names of the shim ars: Ntarks di Bra., Chicago • 3 cars Zeigler dt Bolhohtldx, Chicago 2 care S. LOWer.IISDC. Chicago-- ......... 2 care S KIIIIUIIIIII.. aluicago 1 ear Kraus, Chicago. 1 car Peter ilartman,Chicago - 2 Core K Katz. Chicago 1 car J S. Needy, Chicago 1 car Greenwald d Kahn, Chicago...... 2 care K.% sic Kraus, Chicago. 2 care M. Varner, Chicago 3 cars Trauntau st Lohman. Chicago 4 rare t... 3 J. Sbamberg. Chicago - 2 cars Sol. Shamberg, Chicago 1 car Traumas , .3. Lohman, Forest 2 care Greenwald ,t Kahn, Loudenvilie 2 cars G. B. Baird, Culuusbians 1 car E. Newton, Columbiana 1 car J. dt. S. Needy, Newark ......... 1 car Prepaid 4 cars Total The number of cattle ou sale to day was larger than it has been for several weeks, reaching about seven hundred head, and 'while the market was report ed unsatisfactory by both drovers and butchers, prime wero stronger and ruled higher, If - anything, than last week. Drovers almged that the cattle coat More than Musa on sale last week, and that notwithstanding they obtained big prices, they . made no money. The butchers say that tbey,ean not advance the price of meet, while the offal does not begin to bring NV hat it did a year ago. Tallow Is only worth 5 cents, and hides 8%,. so that the butcher who pays 7or 60 for cattle loses money at -present prices (Jr offal. The great trouble in the stunk busi ness la that prices are entirely too Sigh, and It does seem strange that while flour grain, dry goods, groceries and almost ecer3thing have depreciated In ratio with gold, stock la fully as high now an it was when gold waa up to 200 and above. Cattle must ne scam., otherwim the extreme prices would bring them to market, and theta is not much prospect of a decline until gram cattle commence to be thrown upon the market, about the , raiddlo of June. Compared with last week, pews arc without muoli change. Prime to extra fat steers mid at from Bto 8%4; medium ' to good 7a7%, and stockers at f.ei. B. LOwenstelne had 39; sold fat cattle at 6344714; stockers at 534. 14 Rothchild , . & Esigler 36, fair to rx. tra fat steer at WON. - Haas & Knolls 36 head of good Chicago cattle at 7@6%. - Peter . Hartman 34 Beira Chicago, at 7,65 D. Werner ' 66; sold fat cattle at 6@B; I 'W I k erb Needy m 531( 30 ". head from Ohio and Lit Is, at 7%@.834. Keefer & Lobmen mid 39 from Chl• cage, at 7@B. E. Katz 17 head from Chicago, sold at 7 f i1r . ..1. Bhamburg 33 bead of mixed Chicago stock, at 6(45J8,65. Greenwald ee Kahn sold 85 bead of mixed stock, from Ohio and Illinois, at 6 )4% 3 34. S. Marks Az Bro. 63 head of fat cattle, from Chicago, at 7%G,834. . Sol. Traurman 76 Mao, all from Cbi cage; fat cattle at 734834; atockers at 6 cents. Halms, Lafferty & Co. wholesaled 14 beast Of scalawags to John Kerwin, at 53; retailed 15 head at 7(67,70. Ilezlewood & , Blackatock GO head of Ohio cattle, at 634(3,8%. B. Kauffman 111 head good to prime, from Chlcaito, et 7gB. , ,- - S. Shamberg 18 head of iftlme steers, from Chicago, at 73,y48, . . Mem 1 There, was a very email number .Lof sheep on male to day, warmly enough to two hundred and mete is market, seventy-eight bead. Thii, of course, did not begin to supply the demand, not. withstanding the butchers do want very many - at present prices. Sheep are rela tively higher to the butcher than rattle es there to more , wsuite In theft and It would appear that the leas mutton the butcher sells the better he Is off. Very common sheep aro being sold at 6 cm, and good to prime 100 averages may b e quoted at 7t38 ctn. Scalawags are bring ing 1460®11,60 per bead. - tetakely . Bro. 40 head of very fine aver aging 100 lbs and upwards, expected to average 8 ots per lb. J. S. McMillan., retailed 106 head of mixed sheep, from Allegheny t)o., at *4 'per head to 7 eta per pound. James Kerr retailed 80 had of small Washlngtom Co. sheep averaging 92 lbs at 6®7 eta per pound. Emerick at Co. wholesaled 52 head to Teah at IM,. 8008. Market reported stronger, and prices are a shado)higher, though hogs are still relatively cheaper than- either/cattle or sheep. We now quote, in a (stall way, at 11934010%, for fair to prime heavy aver ages. Jacob Needy wholesaled 1 car losd to Emerick Co. averaging 240 ibs, fat and Smooth, at 10;-also another car load to same, averaging about 200 Itie, at 9%. MARKETS 13T TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, April 4.—Eotr market firm; sales 2,300 bales at 230 f i mtddling uplands, closing quiet . Flo : receipts 9,393 bbls: market nackang .; Bales 6 ,- 100 Ws at 14.3544,55 fer supertine Stare and western; 14,66@5,311, extra State; 14.60®5,45, extra western; $5,1506,10, white wheat extra; $4,10g8,1:0, round hoop Ohio; /5118, extra St: Lsitia; 16,10 gi.00,-pond choice do. Rye Floor dull at 14.25115,00. Cornmeal to fair demand. Wnlaky firmer; gales 600 lib's western at 11,03®1,05 for free. Wheat : receipts 8,210 lush; market opened heavy but rather more active, olosieg dull and declining; gales of 53,000 bush nt 11,02 for No 3 spring, 11,11q@)1.12); for No 2 Milwaukee delivered, 11,40 for white State and Ohio, Rye quiet. Barley in moderato request; sales of 2.000 bush at 70c fur common two rowed State, about $1,0301,115 for Canada West. Barley malt dull. Corn; recelptadt 1,200 bush; scarce and Ic hotter: asies of 40,000 bush at 11,05101,07N' for new mixed western, 11,06% WM34 for old do in store nest delivered, /1,16@i1,1h for new yellow western Jersey sad Penpuyiva- Ma. Oats; rootlets of 1,756 hush; a shade firms salsa of 24,000 bush at 36@i580 for western, 625643.0 for Ohie and State. Stock of grain - In warehouse: wheat 1.039,625 bush, corn 361,411 bush, oats 0.7,015 bush, rye 33;447 bushel,. barley 100,137 bushels; malt P 8,530 bushel. peas 3,907 bushels. Rice dull. Coffee4ull. Sugar firm, with salsa of 550 tibia at 91‘c for Cuba, 9,4111103i.0 for Porto Ricci; also 220 bones Havana at 80. Molasses dull. Hops quiet, at 15@25c for Amsricha. Petroleum fish, at 14%0 • • - fur crud., fur reaued. Linseed rill dull, at 874119 e in casks. Tarpoutina quiet at 4634®47e. Puck la a shad. [inner, with sales of inn, boleWe at V 26,75 for moss. 419,2520,50 for prime, and $22®22,75 for prises men; ales 7500 bills mess, nailer April, May aad June, at $26,74(426,76. Beef quiet and steady, with salon of 350 Ws at 110w5 for new plain mesa and $1.4®17,50 for new extra MOM Tierce Beef Bran; sales of 100 tea, at 42.561.8 for sBinie men and $28430 for India mini. Bad Hams steady; sales of 145 pkgs, at $10.2541)12,011 for shoulders au, $14,511®10,410 foe hams. laldlles quiet; satin of 100 Maxon, at for Cumberland cut and 13 . y,c fur abort ribbed. Lard a deals firmer; sales of 375 tierces,' at 145315 c for steam and 16® 153ic for kettle rendered; alto, sales of 1000 tierces of steam, seller May, at 18e. Butter quiet at 14gata for Olin Chlise steady at 136)15c. Prolghts to Liverpool lull and heavy; shipments per steamer of 15,000 bush wheat at 5.1. Latest—Flour doled steady with. • moderate demand for expert for medium to low grades and extra. Wheat nomi nally lower; No. 2 spring $1:67®1,11; winter rad and amber western $1,22 (9'1,26. Ityn quiet and unchanged. Oats quiet at 56gA,Sc for western in store and attiat, and 62(394c for Ohio. Corn rather quiet at $1,05®1,07. for new mixed western. rtirk quiet and unchanged. Beef firm and in fair demand. Bacon nominal. Lord firm and quiet. Eggs Mostly at 27 ®Mc. Cimino°, April 4.—Flour very dull at 1437;4(;4,75 for spring extras. wheat yids, Urm and l‘illnc higher; sales No. 1 at 69@950: No. 2 at. 77®79c. closing at 77®77R,c; this afternoon market is ir rrgtilitr. doling dull at 77 4077.,;0. Core , I.;®%c higher, closing at 74:;®79i4c for No. 2. Oats quiet and !;•®34c higher, closing at 39ye for No. 2. Rye dull and easier at 740, for regular and 70c fer fresh receipts 140. 2. Barley - dull and nominal: males et 50®600 for No. 2. Highwines firm at $l,OO fur wooden peel:mos. Provisions limier. Mess Pork 126.25®26,50; prime Mess $2l. Lard at 14Na. Dry salted shouldernP,lc; short rio tuiddlea 13,-iic loose. Receipts for past forty-eight boors . -113Ur 3.468 bble, wheat 2,800, corn 10,266, oats 3,932, rye 350, bar ley 3,733 bush. hogs 1,61 U. Shipments —flour 3,883 bbls, wheat 50,580, earn 13,- 781, oat..! 666, rye 105, barley 2,678 bushi gs lops. Sr. L. cm, April 4.—Tobacco leas active and an langad- Cotton nominal at 216_11 21%c. amp riniet at *125@l 50 for good to :hoice. Flour: lomgraties rather weaker fall imparting sold at ill 37 4® '450, tri 'le exira ss®s 50, family $5 80® 6 50. % eat firm No.. 2 red fell $1 05® 107, No. Ido $1 121401 / 5 . Corn 8 .30 65 c for mixed and yellow, and 6801100 for cholca to fancy whlth. Oats 1.3©51c. Barley dull at 11 15 - for Canada. Ity• easter at 70©7254e- Sugar dull at 9;.5 ©ll3O for common to choice Louisiana. Corlso firm at 19022c' for common to choice Rio. Siolavaas dull at 74,600 for palntuthom. York 1128 75427. Bacon: Ilc for shoulders, 'for clear rib, and 161 for clear sides; dry silt ',boulders, I ese,94‘c; packed clear attire 14;413114%c. Lardrootoinal at 1-414 W. priuctru:raTl, April 4.—Cotton firm and twirling upward, with calm of middling at 211.ig2iNs. Whiskey unsealed at 97®063, and Boma ask It. Tobacco do changed. Mess Pork quiet and firm at )7. Bulk meats bald at ltic, 14©1434c, but holdera are vary Ilrtn. heron la in nioderate dealand. with alioulders at 17c and sides of 15@15,0 for clear rib, and clear are held !.0 lughar. Lori dull at 143.;©15c. Cboose, lf©l6. Petroleum dull at 24g . 28, Cone Ili firmrs at In® 2210. Sugar ;Vainly and unchanged. Clover snot' firm, at *4,6,50. Timothy, $6,5big.7 and scarce with but little In .oarkat. PIIILADIMPIVIAI•ApriI 4.—F.our very dull, with Bales of Hui erline at j 4,2 5( ( 4,50. Wheat unchanged. Ryo unchanged at li. Corn In good demand and scarce, with sales of yellow at 21,03(01,05. Oats drat at litigate. Petroleum very quiet: zruds 18,14 and refined 25c.. Whiskey; holders asking $1,0431,05. TOLEDO, March 4.—Flour quiet. Wheat quiet and nominally unchanged, No 1 white Michigan 51.1:3, MUNIr do 51,05, No 1 red U,ll. No 2 :fie , 51.0.5. Cern a i , shade better, No 1 of l SliNc, No 1 new 8&. Ora 1421 belle , No 1 05@560. nominally 66e. Clove amid 118,70(p,75 Lonisvlmm. April (4 —Cotton fi rm at 21Ne. .Orain firm; cor. 95@971,e. Gro• cedes in fair demand; anger 1 INc. To iisceo 549 e, leaf 74Gil6c. Provisions: pork 517,50; bacon 11N, 15; and 16qm' bulk meats 1014, 1434 and 16.4 lard 15;c; hccris lile, Whiskey 96e. hi 115121119, Aprll 4.—Cotton quiet and firm at lau reeelpte 1116 bales; exports KM; Mode 16,669. Flour nominal. Corn 943(697e. Oats . 62Q63e. Nay 126@28. Bran 546W27. Lord 15(2117e. Pork 525, lisccn: shoulders 1110; aides ifig,,lBe. NASUYILLD, April 4.—Collon steady; low middlings 20Ne; good ordinary 19Ne. Corn 51 delivered. Flour 54e6 60 Tor super to family. Bacon—clear el desl6Ne, shoulders 11/c; hams 15Nc. I= NEW Yonu, April 4.—Market light with a total of 9960 cattle for the week and 2975 tc-day. The. market was very strong and action at half a cant advance. OMo-day's stock 81 care were at One hundredth street, 54 cars at Webawken and 37 cereal Commutipaw. Everything Najd off early, quite thin cattle going below 150, with good at 10416!‘41634e and, prime at 170. There were ho extras on sale and few .really good' cattle. Thera were ,several droves of Indiana sold. There were no gam tuck! and only 59 Ohio steers. Moat of the cattle were from Illinois and Mls eouri, lowa and Caeads fallowing. Texas gave TO and Now York 80 head. The marketaveraged strong at 15340, a drove of 130 Illinois cattle 70i cwt @ell. log at 15417 c; sixty Missouri 7 cwt at 1534416 cents; 120 still fed Canada 73i met at 15416 e; 100 Missouri thin 634 cwt at 14c, and a car of Minnie bulls at the lowest price or 130. dhaep : a few sheared lots of western begin to arrive Ins chilled condition. there being a snow sterna raging ; 'total for the week 13,300, with 4,..00 to-day; the market quick at 340 advance or 6j40 'for @calla. wags 65 The; 7344080 for fair 8) and 45 lbw western sheep, and Do for choice with' car of extra 032 lbs Canada,' at. over Hoc; ono car 90 the- Ohio clipped brought ee. The total number of hogs were 9640, with 24 cars to-day all for @laughter. Dressed closed at 124‘41234c, with few offering, and those generally losing money, - - - --•- PUILADELPIrIA, April 4.—Beef cattlo In fair demand at an advance; Bales of 1,800; extra 11811€t103443, fair to good B@.9c. common 64:37)W Sheep In fair demand at au adrance:;llalea of 6,000 at 7144 0 14 n Flos higher: sales of 2.6410 at 112 50g13 for a mp fed and 118,50a 4 14 far corn fed. elljeA(10, April 4 —llklip quiet at 18,25 ® 1 common to good Idle. Cattle quiet t6@.8,25 tor - good butchers; 16,50g44 for good steers; 7,123407, 5 0 for good smooth Chipping Steam ST. LOUL'i, April 4.—Cattle active at lull prices. ranging from. 834 to 7c. Hogs dull at 11741,43 37. IMPORTS ny ecAszicpu) CLAVDLARD AND PITTREDDint RAM . ROAD. April 4.—T CITA I ore, Shoenner ger, 1 a ore; Jones do, Brady's Bond Iron Co; 23 cases to. bare°, W NIIUr & Co; 25 do do. Atwell & I.oe; 20 do do, Watt, L & Co; 10 do do, Dilworth, H & Co; 10 ay do, LJ Blan- PITTSBURGH DAILY 'GAZETTE: TUESDAY ,MORNING, APRIL 5, 1870. chard; 8 chests tea, Jones. S A Co; 1 car potatooth Vangorder & 3; 336' bushels do, Bruggorman ,t 0; 1 car do, Wood worth A D; lush 11 goods, D W, Young; lot do de, •S B Fendenburs; hale knobs; Adams A NI; 6 do do, JO es. ' A Co; 10 jugs nyurp. .1 Portertie ; 32 do ,inolaases, Voigt, NI A Co; 2 btils eggs, Day & Co: 11 do apples, 3 do eggs S 11. Floyd A Co; 6 doe meal, Houck, J di Co; 3do eggs, Head A M; 108 skit Mru, Mc- Bane A. A; 200 oil bbls, C A Worincas:le; 84 eke rags, McCullough. S & Co; 3 bole Mire, Measor & II; 3 do do, 1 box butter, Rose &.E; 15 do.b dust, Seward A E. PITTSEURON FONT WAYNE AND CHI CAOO RAILROAD. • April 4.-75 g blase, Hays & Stewart; 26 bp flaxseed, W W Knox; 76 bge timothy seed, Allen Kirk patrick & Co; 100 bbls flour, Bingham, C it Co; 24 btila forks, Logan, Grigg 5 Co; 4 do do, Park & Dean; 7 do do, J Woodoldie & Co; 10 do do, 16 do hoes, Whitmore, if D.& Co; 60 eke glue scraps, 10 zke scraps. 7 bile scrape, B Pfau= 20 ban sosp,'W Brugg,ennalE 42 to do. K Heazieton; 116 bga wheat, J S LiEgott it Co; 100 bble dour. Soho:maser A L; ICO bike flour. T C Jenkine'h, Bro: 25 do do, L J Blanchard; 1 car rags, Pgdi Paper Mfg Co; 1,000 rolls r paper. Edwin Lore A Co; 6 bile butter, Voigt, M ACo; 10 eke c seed. 3 bbls eggs, Woodwoh A D; 5 .bbla onion., 1 do eggs, Haworth & D; 119 lige barley, GarigwichA K; 16 care Instal, Musick. A Co; 6 do do, Brian & C; Bdo do, Totten A Co; 3do do, Hail mon AH;2 do do, Coleman, It A Co. • .. PITINBUitoII, CINCINNATI AND Sl. PON RAILROAD, April 4.-50 bbls h Wine., Shinto:l & W; 1 car staves, F Kober; 2 do do, Hastings A D; 3 ibis oil, I .1 C Iteddlck• 2 do onions 3 do potatoes, Ido butter, do eggs, E Smith; 30 Mrs.. barley, Sion Hood; 8 Mils eggs, 1 keg butter, Bea , & M; S bbl eggs, 4 do onions,. W 1110:01; 14 do d apples, Houck AJ;2 do eggs, Day A Cop-42 do apples, Voigt, M A Co; 2 do .d apples,2 do d peaches, 1 do eggs, M W 11nkfti; 20 drums tobacco. J Fullerton; 10 Ice hams, Watt, L A Co; 10 bble oil, Fleming Bro: 7 casks @boulders, W It Hays; 6 tube but ter, H Res Jr; 2 bgo oats, S Meyer; 1 box brushes, W M Gorudly; 10 hhda tobacco,' 1 box samples, Weyman Bro; 44 bales b corn; J A Graff. ALLEHO ' RNY VALLEY RAILROAD, April 4.-1 bbl'egge, W H Kirkpatrick A Co; 44 cars coal, Armstrong, D A Co; 8 pkg. marketing, J Slat Crosson; 7 bars iron, Knox & Orr; 1 bbl eggs, Itl Kelly; 4 bile eggs, 3 do onions, Broggermin & 0' B; 3 care Bruceton°, Sh.euberger ,t B; 85 bolls fruit trees,, Elliott Bros & Bur gess; 8 d• de..l It-ar A Murdock; 2 pg., eggs A butter, 0 Wanhok 2 bre butter, 3 Obis illuE, I BE onions, 3 do dried fruit, 1 do beans, 11. Freese. - Am... Mums STATION, April .I.—l car metal, Lindsay A hi; 1 car shoulders, 100 bble flour. Vooghtly &1K; 50 do do, SO ski de, S C 'Meltioatere; 33' bxs sup, Moon Bro; 65 mks rage, .1 13,Jones; 1 car grain, Woodworth di D; 1 cEr middlings, 'Mack AS; 2 cars stave, Rs l' s A It; 2do wheat, Kennedy Bro; 121 slut barley. Smith A Co; 12 jugs nimplo c rolaues, J P Day; 1 car f seed, M B Soy am. 131 PORTS BY RI 'ER. *HEEI::NO l it ISELLF., April .1.-0 pkge spring bottoms, H S F Brown; 15 bids apples, Bruggernian O'Brien; 3 douggs, Melino & A; 310 lidin paper, Godfry & Clark; 8 bblm apples, 13 sks potatoes, John Herbert; 8 pkge cigars, J 10 Bickel & CO; 5 ski corn, 9 do oats, A E JOllOll & Eton; 53 bell■ papar, Pitts burgh Paper Mac& Co; 108 bales straw. 33 do hay, Rose &E; 1 bbl ego, .1 do 0 apples, H Rea Jr; 2 pkga myare, Jae Zimmerrosa. PITTSICIROLI, BROWNSVILLS AND RE sEvA ?Amax . , April' 1.-2 pkg. angar. A K Carlisle; 2 bble ego, Toigt, Maho A CO; S bola auxar, E Ileazleton; 6 pkg., Atwell A Lee; 2 pkle eggs, Watt, Lang A Co; 2 aka flaxseed, I idei tallow, I t.ox fruit, McCracken k ti; 9 pkga, McElroy. Dickson A Co: SS l‘xs, window glass, 11 C Scinnertx. ILII71;R PACILE776 mt.sotini FOIL CAIRO. BT. m i elyil i t LOUIS. I.F.SINU %,,N. KAN ,AS LEA, r Vsv"ItTII CITY. ATCIII S.•Zi,:+r. JO Kl'lll. WIIITs1111.111:11.111tOWNt NEIBIt.,%♦ CITY, VI.A,A . N.HoIITiI COUNCIL MAW., •11.1 011A1A.—T111 , fir • Suuelasalal passeuger steam,. MILISENUNK JRIIPC Ills,. Master. Clerk J. S. FLOW. NW; lea,. (0 - lhe above au. Istrmealate pone. oik TIIUItiIPAY. A, tit 7th V" ''''l to Nl ' . r Arft " r an ' Ts?,7 rxiir Or HUMS I' A CO., Ag.nts. CAIUO AND ST. LOUIS g r .te AMIE r GLENDALE W 11 Ira.. for tat r01.11,..tr. vor WF.DNESDAY.'•,G: 6.11. at 4 r. Yor DOB. or , Pq or 344 FLACK ,1J1.L .0 0 INWOOD. Axeuls =E= FOR ICYANSVILI. ritoi N V Ll...E.—The On, I+Lurniirr C•11111.1A Varit It. 0. li&soir. Will les,s for the shone and Intl.rmt.llittrpoits on WFDA le veil OM. For treirlit or spiny on inixrd nr to sit FLICK & &pm, UPP4►t NOM UERN LINE STEAMERS, For St. Louis, Davenport, ru boion; and SCPaul, TtiltOttill WIT/1011r CIILNU F. *MELMEE 1.C.Z8 ;II ?Ertl f:a. Capten J. 11701:1) . E.V.....4. (MENNEIa, Clert, Wlllleave as abo‘eo sTUEA.:At. t. pelt Mk STEALCSEr. 11;. D r. WWI al..lst, Nat A N, Clerti. Wlltleave eakTltltt/1Y , . / Anlit /GM. Tlteeeand znaenlVest eteatnere ere under neve charee earewl r nal r Ur:lc:1,410111C. rs..n.! t .o...manned 1.'00.111 , 4a , e. oltering rare inducements IA Petnengt re and ',thieve.. toe pat tient era. apply to 7411. (:Ifni . 114 Water ittr•ot, or 10 10031 FLAIIIIIA A COI.I.INGWOUI 3 , Ageute. CINCUNNAT4. PITTSBUIGII AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The he weed aplvadli JUNIATA, Capt. C. L. tleassah, Irate Clttaburgh for, Cleclanatt EVF.IST Tlialltalt/ci at 13 oleloth Immate. Itetarte too, will Icoro.,Cloloo o tt F.VIIIIY SUNDAY a 1211. - Forfrrlchtornai~rFr S']7on hoard or to mt 7 COLLINS. 00. too. • VENl , tit !MAN •, N 0.3 WoAltlelt. l'as6cofur Itoo11• BURGH AM) C&INNAT PACKEr LINE. The new sod eolerolid rideohrel Messner, AILLIN GTON. DANIELL idtg k1011n.8..14.1er, A. 3. limr.rioth, ClOrs..leares Virtoburgh for Clorionall •ery TUr.tlL/AY, at 1.2 It. promptly. ):d o lt nine. haves Cincinnati for rlt•nborth. at. 13$ M. • VCrY V: WAY. Po , frolyta. pas zgo, or other I oforroot:on. ap ply on bo.rd or to (Cl PI.A.CK COLLISCI WOOD. Agent.. CC N1 , R17. A 'EVANS. No - 3 Wood tlr,t. Agmt.. DELOTIIERS, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS = Petroleum and its Products. rittstorgb OfIIco—DALSSELL,B 11..11.1/ISO • ruler or liuqueede Way sod Irwin street. Phila4clr.hlsol2le . e -131 WALNUT ST atpl:wll3 TARING & RING, Camadrs.lon Ilafth!nl.4 an I Br A , ra la Petroleum and HO Productp DALZELL'S BiOOK, DUQUESNE WAY =I IVARING, JUNO & CO 109 WALD UT STREET 1,00 ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDIA MANUFACTURER Cr Lubricating ar,Higb Test Burning 16.CIIPSO Railroad Axle Oil. - Mande great heat without visor; limpid at lowertempera An.s. briecial 01l Int tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Empae, Machine Shop. Wllleat totem.. remaint L I Maw KM and Planing Rill 0110, /Wanted for high speed. laiglinirls 011. Woel,MlC•bael4Mbi Oil, 1 / 1 1.Tnemenollattylf. , Reasole, a triT . 11 " = " 011 " . . **1 0174. eliMua VARNISH,. to PremfT"fttg. ht Work and Machinery from Must. ' • • These' products are icannfaCtured . Under TU 7d t::=C t arrirSll: " :it ' ll rangl pert. ly bore uniform, and mostly light col, ore& nand a hilt tem peratury. unchanged. MI limpid uring outcom re old. The nab road MIN are unequalled, and are In constant ro ot many of the prlncipti Railroad& bansidera. be egalairied and orders left at 174 WWI) "TWAT. Workiat lirtarprannybridge, RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily ith 11 leet 6 inches in Um chatir:el. TIJO Arlington arrived from Cincinnati lest ccrnins ;, -having beenAtilaved by the struog current and a heavy way bu sineee. She returns aaaln-to day, leav ing at 12 o'ciock, and paver:mere add shippers abould near this Ihinind. Capt. Dan Moore, with Messrs. Sheppard and Bunting, ae,cciated together in the office: We are glad to learn that the barge PrCsro.t, itt tow of the Wild Duck, did not sink expected, the leak having been slopped without serious. conse quences. • The towboat Oil Valley With a tow of empty Barges, enroute Doll 'Pittsburgh to 011 City, come in Contact s with the bridge at Emlonton, yeeteriley, about 12 o'clock, and was CO kindly damaged that the sunk. almost instantly. It enema that when she get under the bridge, her stern caught . and her bow swung around, striking the' pier broadsides, and as the 'current Wall very strong she mint hare struck it with considerable fore& The . catek, fletirs Gibson and his. eon, (colored,) of tine min a / a ro drowned, The Oil Valley erne 'Mint le 1865, was owned by the Jsckson brothers, and was not insured. Tula is the first steam boat occident of any importance In the Allegheny river ta some time. - The Messenger Cap:: Jesse Dean. la announced for Mlnsouii:•ltlver, going clear up to Utilaha. • The eilendale, Capt. Hare, with the veteran Mellon in the effice, in tilling up steadily for St. Lents and will proba bly get on' 10-morrow. She in, in all re. apectS, one of the beat boats In the trade. The Camelia' R. C. Mason, ls up for Nashville, and pancengers and shippers can rely on her ping clear through. Hare is au excellent opportunity for nunlike emigrating to Ten nesaeo. . The new and. elegant Northern Line packet Lake Superior, Capt. Warden, to now loading for the Upper ilieenieippi, and will leave no advertieed. Shot Rlil be followed by the new etbainer,l Red Wing, Capt. High:. It in - rumored that Cap:, Jacob Poe has lame idea of buying au interest In the Wheeling packet, Hello. • -The New °tisane Times of Wednes day say.: Trio Carrie V. Kourds, or. rlted front Dardanelle, "ith 2,076 bales 'of cotton. Sineloaves again for Arkan sae River with 300 tons nail ro.l Iron, for Little Rock, and will go to: t. I. mik from the Arkaesee River, for a trap to Fort Benton. —The priers paid for laborers on the Missouri end Upper Miwilniippi. river hosts aro about net Deck hands, 155 per mouth; re:Web:lms, 160 per month: for lower rivers, 145 and• 00 per mouth; end yet it is dillicalt, at these ex travagant prices, :for limns to .secure crews. —The null of the boat being btii it at Concord, to take the place of the Victor No. 3 in the Ironton end Galli polls trade, was run into at Concord, Wednesday night, and eariouely damaged. The Dame of the boat that did the idain t age i s not known. —A dispatch from Nov Albany, The tow boat Dick Fulton, jam landed on the opposite Mae of the river, Was ona chimney down, apparently smashed through the roof. P. is: thong 't her chinineye struck thO bridge. ' —The Milwaukee and Key City have Wen completely overhauled at Ma eon, Indiana, and both of them will leave that port for St. Paul catty to April —Daniel Kennedy died. Thursday, M apoplexy, In &moo trithutes after corn ing out of the air chamber of the eastern pier of4,ba brioga at St. Lluia. —The Salim let% New .Orleana on Sat urday for Louie, at which paint she will load for Fort Banton. Thom barrage receipts at Portsmouth during the year ending March Seat, amounted to 13,327 211- NAM:LT.II4.Ih April -I!—River falling rapidly with ton feet on Harpeth shuttle. Weather fair and windy. BPECIALL NOTWEB •co'scurrloa. lilt. 1•1;:rur fn of Congl,-, t'oloo and comet:not:en. M rule t. Pill luAtt'Alrl , Tolin I for • cum hf Ityspepels bud all the it, enlisted li•Pli I Of ib 1 2,u P >ch. ISt, lIP.NI/11a.11F. fe 111 - ware) of the 'lda, or loan . tient le eel'. gtoOlve. S.:l or there three tiedidl;ei a.,often reqn , red In curler Consumption. though the Pe:mottle r_yrolp stone Its cured Italy sm rato can,. I he eeawee.l Tonle and Ststeltkte 1 . 111, et s.,t in ',misting the Otrensch sod r. atio Mop the " ta foe Voin, hz, C0mte...4,10, mol.Pu. all those or condi:Pm, or hula tdlillql It ad ,:hit fatal elidetne... Liver s;Antoalitt and Ilk intola are often feermnie 31 of Copentontiedt, Lad we ea they mantic. there' they ropliro U t prompt Iteno.ntt. The Vela:mite tit rat: in a mot:nine rehlrh has Os., a long protet•mn le:fore Ihe be 1,11, tt•vdloo " e '" tears. In acidr hien Ito ' reptitalion ' lnt n i: era tee .t eye t e.t e ti, ra j au r dont.: that It Is • remedy which mar itsed w Ilk co... Mien. In ail CLEW* erbleb admit , a cure. If toe patient vrlll - perPOTertnely fallow the di ! twin. which Le... 1 kr ,1.1% t tine. he will eerminly to cored. If Ills mous rre tat tIPIP much waged to mate a .rule punt to. Preto In 1 . 2.1 IP , br ineur, e. • lan MIS and ;ink .c.s have de: Ire', the hie of this Medlelat hissaved tea life of.the patient aud restore.: lit lie , feet slob. tichenel I rnYy ont 4 ar . e .os t i u o o n y anrye that allnll t f haso 3rtof p ti• In, akin., bu s he ertthatcalle..M e lest u . tter .:hen pancitts have tor meat ilar,ing so mptoms. sacs elelent cooen, cpeeide night Iv hal e an: when 1 • S. e top , tty r obeir ita l.hyt , ielja•they.r.tsy std. tt ailyl chew b t;• some eitrot eestroy...l.,a cure m sue ay ot teeted lir.Seinn,k• Alto. In 1i1110i1.100.1 Lut atr, t:e-e mintilabit 1 ore loos. , ty eeu on, ltr seherailt Las Photo. , greolla of a obmtor of p.m/. 'Nilo have been nearly covered slat tontine Boos unw all h0a1...1 Sr. This Moo., Its purifying propertlott. welch mutt be able •0 beaten ides In the lunge. in the tee intent of Contutoption It a she Warm. Imoortacce to etrc vino: anti a um. thy tone ta the system. pure It is epees. trY to s'rennthen tbe appetite of tie, paolent Unit Im. Prove the digestion. Ironer noor.shment Is re , gntnt,t together with such means.a will mate the "Ally ditteetible• The articles most i itable for th• diet of f'oneutrotioe tam nts art su In Ili. ern, nci. , e Alittautcs, 111(1, are die:l:noted aratellonolv, so' Fan' raj, the most hiebly nutritious article. are ta Inc pre. yeepol,but the tListeslove titans met be et , cnytth• ened Inorder to mete either scot or medicine oerrieer. , tio. This itottirement.ls m by the ovawced Tonle, and for (613.0t:r0e. It et was des- Iguated M_sn the digektite ii wetsale put It toed or.ter, (Meth. 11l proper effect; the system of Me }motto. Is invigorated and d e mugs he • ein to , their fistiction• in normal and healthy manner. 'I hen the healing powers pi Pulmonic eyrup et Cer cum- • • PlPratmd n w ry h oysu rn e p s o a n a Inta da l L m i o v t e t r CwoMysd coa.. B•lenck's liandr.• rillsre In emted ,tore m ove obstructions froe. r and restore its healthy action. They hare all the w bleb is ancriltrili:o csla , ..el or •hlue maga •, and art warranted - hot to °not Ilia particle of illy min eral polsou. These I'd] , mire the rmotdltsticala costiverest. stak-headache, piles, ante. one, and all other -diseases watch ^rise from ntorpid teeattle tot condition. (the Liver Übe os or e phis will Provo the etlicley o r thy medicine. In Constnnot on the :lea Weed Taste and Man drake Pills are Invaluable auxiliary miollelers They rolleve the suft.rlnes of the Patient and They Oho rillinOule , Syrup in °heeling • cure. They here heel found useful ‘IIVADCeA stages of Consumption, where the lenge are almost en• arely destroyed and all symptoms according to ter` dm of the physic!. In lusted aspeody 'each. The lives of patients who were actually a dying e edltlon have been preserVed fat sibs by the use of ethentiOd three great retro Dr. dellenk•s Almanac contains a tali Meatier the various forma of diara e. Ma mode of treah.or. and senate. d1r.:M1.3 how to n.ltle mrdieltly, caa Do had smalls. or entity mall by addreastna his Frterlpal lance, No. 13, North eillth l'hlladelplos, o , the riliMUtlit bray and Seaweed TOR. to,. 41,60 per tadae, Or 17.10 a halt dor.. Mandrake Ihlly 118 °ant. tooz. For role by al , rdalt sta RriDOCTO3IIIVOIITTRE2.I CONw TINUES TO TREAT PRIVATE DISE -ZS. That numeroess lass of cares results Ins frommelf- abuse, proeueins nmuilinea. nervous debility, irritability, eruptions, seminal emission., and Allan; impotency Peoria. MIT enrol. Persons aglicted with chilies., Intricate and long standing mdistitutlonsi torin.l•l. to are politely trotted to call too eactustation, w high costs nothing Ex nerience, the bell of tcactiera. enabled him to perfect remedies at ones eCl rival, isle, permanent.and which in most eases can be 0114,11 without hindrance to basins.. Med icines prepared In the establishment, which etn , -Mee, °face, reteption and waiting mints; also boaPilnst sad *McVey jp:r t tit eats for patients r al . ls n r i leVilgaftTatirs,ttrils ton .4 atti o sil ' isf7l. ' g l ., ;."Vi r pip,srgt springs. matter who have failed, pt, pour rose. Read what be miss In his pam hlet of Atte pages, sent to any address for two tamps in sealed envelope. Thousands of coo tot 1.4 AnZ.lll t i4t . liti r o r T: e ,,, x , ti . dtl . l ii o y se o r r tb b e co ti?.. t jkpp L g o ' . Wylie strict, Melo Court TiTit a g Pittalsorgli. Pa. floursA. U. toP. Pun daps L. to Ar. Pamphlet sent to any ad doss rot sirs slasara. OILS •W-HATCINELOWS 11.1iR DYE. ~-Tel. Ilse la the Lost In tan world. ' Ilatatle•F. Inetantat now, d not ecintaln cad, nor any polled to paralyila or nealla. Avoid the vaunted and deln.lve preparatlon• bna.tlnavirtues they u net troasaca. The genuine NV. Vatehelor'. Rt Dyp has had JO years nntarnlalled roan's tlitn to uphold ha Inter*lty a 3 trio only p er f ec t Halo jyye—Blact. tu . Urevro. toIA uy all mug. met, Applied at 10 Bond lime'. N. V. . ftl la -JUST OUT. •THRIttIY ['ROTOR/J. TRUCIDId." VOR COMM. Ltatt o lA i ritar : THROAT AND None so sood• None so No. bre SN 111 ck. IDADITON A DO 10 Dr House. New lo . Dee no tatt asrrlble tasted nan ea. "WO. w To- LIVERPOOL ANDan . • • QUEENSTOWN. TUE VIOLIN MAIL STIMAISEOP9, NurmrTma. N.,73 among CITY UP ,111111, 311115Atra., EvEa 1;11110,' ' from rier - 41 North Myer, Nue r ock. For Barrage or further Information apply , to WILLIAM BINGHAM - I es NEEPEU, FAMIlit ANL?FLUFYICW USTICI 01 OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE,. sandal attention given to conveyancing Sal collections. Ikeda. Bonds and blortnaglis drays, up, and all legal lineluesis attended to prontritt and accurately. FINANCIAL TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANE, Wood St, ea. Second Avenue INTERLST PAID O DEPOBITz. Gold, Coupons, Bends and Stooks DOUGUT AND SOLD, , LE 1'r.:v.1,w.. r. Vlusi Sfxa. Vier Vreatdent, nr0.11.% CTFIEN Caahler THE SAFE - DEPOSIT CO. =1 Safe . Keeping of Valuables, Under gu.rantec. ' and /be muting of threr.l. 11. Firc and Burglar-Proof Vaults. , No. 33 FOURTH 4VENU jk . PresMeot—W/LLIAD Pl 2 lELirs Yloo Pre.lidont—llEßlßY LLOYD. lkinctrroctß: T MAU 91111.L119,111Y1t0N H..rkINTEV. H HIKOHLIE BLACK. 'II.I.IAM H. I.V I IN.IeUIIII.IO. PIeSZY.Y. J.N. I. 11/cNNETT. brx , y TIMAS—S F. VON SONI4IIIOII9T. on ,, n 4•1Iy from U o'clock •..1. o wei.k. P. IC PEOPLE'S ' SIINGS BANK 0 f Alle hen y. Cor. Fedefal and ,ae,oek Streets. 13=13321=11 I==! Blqa . OF DEPOSI AND DISCOUNT .tock hiders lug CITY 12 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, CAPITA • 0,000. TRIMMERS ;ALLY LIABLE. INTEREST REMIT& VOILEI dought and Gold. • eGlro I r.- edited to Europe. Collto,lo, lad to -.lot. of the-Unite , lkoKlNlcx l'resl:lG. -JANES 31c(hnx. Viet Pm. / W. N. 5101toG.N. DtAIiGTOH, Hoeft rerc , Casor , o... rtstlno, K. 4 homy 8ir0... ma i Ttoirias Rourke Patrick Kan, Mae. It. Harr. W.W.I, It. J. (Irate. HART, cAuGny.ie a, co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, cornet:Fourth anti Wood Streets PMTSIIIIAGEI, PA., 3E= Exchange, Coin, Coupons !arid ' particular ititx i l : z , p ,; :pi to, the Pt.,ci. COVERNMENT BONDS Sight r)ralti , on London. 140 • HOLMES /S. SOILS, -LI • A_Pi )7 MARKET STREET Ni• 1.1 titocka,Bondfilmd other Securi HOUCIIIT :. , 41:13 UN COSIMI:L'iIOS ki,utar au, otton w"•i W United States Seenritic REPORT OF TILE Farmers Drposit National Bank At th, rlo,‘ or Ln•lnes ilf arclk 24th, 11870. ItiESOIT 0F".!1!..' ans and Ittroout,...• ••..••••0 1 . 107 . 259 13 to•eeert etre Outten. 300 000 00 ue (rout Itedeesnlng 1 .1 Ite.. nerve Ageott It (rem other Nat'l 11, ' ue trent other Bata Ited nuking 1t . ..1 urrentlemur. axes Pahl. i•tenthuos 1 . 400.. Licata, .t xchange.. furU.l.e hllla of other Nato,ool lifu Ls. 1110 s of 10.0 e honk, Fraellonal Currelley. tlocludithi 06 0 4 4 • 1:0 le.U 1,10) olo - U e 511.9111 1.0- t gal 'lt3 I,lor :tia , tev 75,000 00 100 100 00 per nt. 001110,0. s • 1.1411111.1 TIM CepHal Stock pll.l In. .... ...... 8 30. 000 00 rqtrplus trutul 01..000 1.0 Profit mud Lose 201.333 01 5100111 kept circulet ton out- : etuutnne '201.600 OD 1/1v1.1e12.1s nut... 1 606 00 Individual druostrs tit b.w OU Due to Nat'l ',auks (.6,:146 IV INC to totter Beaks awl Bankers • 1)1.14111 • 1509,389 IP STATE OE - F I ENESTi•VA I, IA l a . * * , • COUNT, Or I • • • I. F. I..rrr.rtt ICNSUS.s ashler of the Warm, Is aational Bank nf Pa., do solemnly wear tint the above statement Is true tu th e 00.1 of my knowledge and belief. Y. 1.. bIE.I . IIASS'Irt. Cashier. Sworn to alit ennierlbed befote me tnls Jilt Clay uflitatch, IYTO.' • L. T. rAdbili v. • Corrket , —A Won t Notary Part!. WM. WALK/ It. cp we. A Mstrt , HUE. t 111recture. IdAttslIALL, an?. VIE ECU TOWS SALE —V 4 LEA ALA NIA , . nasit, .1 , 41) IN {MANCE (NAP % ti.r.TA MN AM It. I!. AV ;EMS: E. NALL A ~HFAI•VIL AND SIOW TLIASIJAY EVEN i NU. APNI o'.locll. . . . . .. . will Im told ny order Siol • tasecalora, cc ritaand Vim, a f Commercial :Mira Itcams, 150 .Soilt.h. Keil:arra a, Dm 1 lowing .valn Dile Stock., eon "..!iirdll.;." la 'reilirl.=7ln..7t list' B au k i i t " 5 •• Me banks 30 •• AI echeny ' :: t 20 •• Si ond 8 •• re min'. - 45 •` 7 Sarah SO •• Ph Sarah )Inauranco Company. 5 .`• SI ongabella •• 5 • • IV Der c K ••i • Pe UDlranlai • ' " 38 •• 11 tuiens = `• " 5 •• P. p•e`s ' 10 " Al .itheny •• •• nil •• 11 miare.h Orals Elevator. 111 •• Al ealleny Vallee b allroad 38 •• E. fl ail. Cu. Reaper and Rower „ t „ A. castles Co. or Canton. U. apt A. eIIAVAINE. Ammioneer. TN THE ISTIRICT7COtRT OF THE 17NITED STATES. FOR TIIK WEST /Pi DISTRICJOT Ole PE N N SYLVANIA. HN altankruol. under the Art of Congress of March 111, ) 1167. having applied Cro a dineharge front ail his debts, and other claire. provable stutter satil Act, by order or the Court notice Is hereby de to all credltors who have proved their debtsh and other person. Interested. to appear on the /Alb day of A PIM. 11410. at 10 o•cluwk M., betters o f MIA'. ItrElt, Itegitter In Ilankruptey, at his untee, ho. Itiatnotpl street, Pithbnrah. to show noose, etty they have , why a discharge should not be grttete.l to the said banimpt. ivn. V. BIgiJANDI.V.33. Clerk. WESTERN DISTRICT' OF PENNSYLVANIA. R - : At POOL:ech, tti • '29lh thy of March, A. IL 1910. 1 to order hereby glees u , Yee that t or. suant td order of (hurt. a gerotid tleneral Meet- Um of the Creditor...or 119U11 B. 111110 . 11 Y. a Bank•V pt. will oe held at the odd e of JOIIN N. I'C9 lAN CY. Ited., KIRIAter Ia liankropley. at No. 110 Federal Orrot. In the (Illy of Allegheny, tte 11.0 DAY OF APNIL. IL 1970. at. 10 A aro for the purr, sea named In Ihe Stith ""I"°' th' .l ll .lllrif. ` i!1i m .ar.e.; 4 .1._ 1 7 1. mh3. D 11111ilitICAl'ORIP NOTICE. —Lettere of adeulelatrmlon paving beau this • Vie n NT , w the township Areptirny eetio:ll. deed, permra are hereb noed to make imicedl tie payment, null (Imo having olalma piment them, properly authentleated, for regiment. WM. V. EVANS • N......._ OTlillE.,Whereas, Letters of Aimlniet 111 Hsu - noon the t atato or CHAS. A. 130TCHSIT deco?, Isle of Cloth ward. Another.. hay eg been granted to the under alined. all pers sa Indebted 1.3 raid estate sell mine lumedlat• payment snd all person baying claims •galnet the same will proen them properly authenticated for wettlement• A.I.ICK V. HOTCHKISS, Admix. mbil.3.lr .WK. 1. T111111414E, Adm., STEAMSHIPS MUM DUQUESNE WORKS. -I - COLEMAN. RAMA. & LR6N, NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. DUQUESNE, L Z AND,IIUNIA7IL. • FLAT BAL.,. 111/11.X1) AND SQUARE IRON, BAND. HOOP MIELT AND TANK IRON. • BOLLER PLATES AND HEADS, OUARD IRON, DR41.1 and DIWPFER FLANUEIL CUTTER BARS. CELINE% IRON. TAND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. CROWBARS W EDO Es I 11 '.BROW TEETH. spiel ND. D I.II.TIVILTURS.rEEL. sT tsus AND MOULDS co, to pattern. BT REL TIRES, 14TEEL ISHAYTIKO, A. IL ItT EEL. COACI% BUGGY and SOON SPRINGS and AXLES. cur NAILS AND SPIELS. All Goods First 'Glass and Warranted. • I elfilt..ES AN,) WORRY: 'Sixteenth street.anti, AltegMmay River amd 17.Wator'Strimt, Pittaburati. mh9 EZEZETI MILLER, BIRR & CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR PARKIN, OPPICE, No. HO Liberty Strut, prt - Ts nu ut; n _ _ lidually Liable OI TIMEDEPOZITII REST REFINED CAST STEEL N. Stoll._ JOS. N. IiAZZAI PITTSIIMGEL re mane on nn the nrloclnnl 15010 Sut.:l and Cann.... .TflnbpDX.4a4liS 51 000 70 10,1151 03 21 0%0 IR 16.000 00 .1.000 05 ANT 05 3 . 4.755 GO 7.5/3 00 143 00 El= =I LEGAL i2==t 13=1 STONE WEST C 0111121051 .. • - Machine Stone Workz. Porthwest of West Commou, /Ile; boo,. ATVATAIR & 00. Unto b hood or prepare 01100001.1.....C4hUirt1 sod the bloom, - Flags for Bldemolks, - Bromem vostlu, grad and Tomb ftoecs, 1.11•••• •oen T•stl • •T••••s•, ,•irt••,oksig .• able. Ikilig•110 BARR i. MOSE% A suciirr-mc-re. rem Housz Le-OCIATIOR BUILDINGS. Not. • tsit • St. 01.tIr Street, Dlttsbargh. Spacial attestiss Rhea to .I.te damultis and tuaduit 131 DOUBT HODSIS sad DUBUC B ILDINGS ( IRON AND STEEL I= REURY.N. CRAB. I•ARKIN. ItATCALP O. W. BAHR, =3 PITT3III3III.IH, PA f,14:d43 E.STARLISFIED IN 1841. ANDERSON & WOODS, 1= Of every dekeriptlon. Alto, but Refined German Plow and Spring Glee CORNER ROES AND FIE ET ACENVE. Cltt bezel. re. a015:.41 DI.TQUESNF. FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER. (Successor to JOE. itAlOll & CO., lite (Willies co-extensive with the leading For. ees In thr,East, mid le prepareg topromptly end astihfsettfrily ell nil orders f r STEASILOS , arra, tittANKCI, trY: RODS, LAVF.II.S. PITYIANJA 100. W ItlttTS, ItAlLlPJA.tiriXfign. LOI I OtIOTIVW. Fits hitch. together with every description of OIi&FZ WOILIS. Chace and Forge Corner at Daquesae Way nod First Street. sply:h4o CDITTSBURGII 4 WO V ELT Founded • A. 14; 114113. MOORREAB,ABAMS & CO I.:.x.frorao . rutiono§ or "TM 'ill 4 rl.llf-IV!TAT,I4I , I`II4 I " fiCALEZ. ta:chea ICALSEE Fla ST & A. PTV. Plittehsamix. _ . SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NIIECK & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., anata:torera of every de.erlotlon of CAST AND (MILLIS STEEL. RAILWAY HPl2ivl3 `J ELLIILTIA SI.EII, C SU WrILI4. T 0 P IXE. LATYI:3I tiIRINOB, Witt ehrotme 4 - 83 Water antlloo First-St-a. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. BROTIVEIt & CO 'Manufacturers of •il descriptions of W•EN'••7MZ.a.. anol Warehouse, THIRTIETH, TH I YlRex' anal RAILROAD IiTILF.E.TR. I=l2 FOUND,ERSOYEACHINISTS KNAP FORT PIN OUNDRY COMPANY orrica AND amain? TWELFTH STREET PITTSBURG'S, VA Engines.Rollizig Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts. and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND' PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll sad !Mailman Streets. prrrsuriniam. PA. SMITH I=l CAST IRON BOWL . PIPE I=l My ripe. nre l eng ths . variably In ZIIn. In , M 7 .and and DI feet AI.. nnn 3 ltmnfa • f genernl Castings for Gas 8z Water Works. • I would al Wort.he attention . of driver!uteud uts or Oa. to my roolo Araerrre• .11. A. FUENVIPOLF, =I ONONGIIIII4 FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Maauflieturors of IRON 1101.ThE FRONTS. yins Dow I.INTELS ood 81614, sad Castings or . all DEReeptIOUS • • trPIM V; u e P How..N g. slur °Friel AND FOUNDRY — No. 150 WATER. STREET, riusburch, em, OIIIMON BEL& CO., • Suecessois to ROoiNSOir. ](sloe t ttILLIWIL. WASHINGTON WORKS' FOUNDERS AND 111,01111STS. PITTSBURGH g M r,,, °6°. ..% " 1 .. f . . " p 0f f!1 80 rr Mill ‘. noasonT,ll deitrdal: il Tan ad Stills. Boller a nd Sheet Iron o bit lw ' omen, No. 14. corner First d trolthaald " rgia for OfFTAND , I3 PATENT IN7NCTI/13. Ilfolgrdlna Noria,_ TIROMAS C_Altl.lN mirth Ward Foundry and Nadine Work', ss.N DUSKY ST., A.LLEOMCNT CITY, Pa. blusullteturers of Statlonary and Portable Mteurn al i,•,,:ntx..llllTll7;aish:intr=rtig thytipp, orate Hart , Weights , Wagon Holes Ad, built to order and hart 00 band Eno:lnes or all risen. 1ay14:415 pIII4IENLI ROLL FOUNDRY,' Car: LIBERTY' and A trzi STILE6rd. LMAN & BA Vszlehetnrtra or Sopertdr. C l hilTßalls, Sand Rolls & P 111101115 .• COTTON MILLS !TomArs, Brxx. & CO., • \ -ANCHOR COTTON MILLS I==Et:Eill ILlitotaatarers WHYA:9I InDlll* andl 11.1114M016 ARID •JR A %MOIL.) A lIIIIMTIXOI AND IILATTIXO.; ENGINES, BOILERS, &c F ORT PITT BOILER. STILL AND TANK w.ortizs. CARROLL AND SNYDER. I= TUTUILA Pr., 1 ,, U1 , 1A-I , LUED TUBULAR 11RE-NUS'. AND CY LINDXII. NTEABI 14014 Clto, OIL 0711.1,3 AND OIL TANE.O, CF11111K111".1. ittlz.E. , •lllNO AND Ae rANsc SZTTLINU PANS, r , ALT I'ANS AMP CON DMIPIT.I".II;P.O, tiASOMETERS AND 11:ON .11R11111F2 -1 . P1L1202 ,1 DOORS AND COAL nrILITF-1. Wiled add Warehour.. earner S•cosd, Third, Shart and Liberty **** PITT:MORON, Pd. Minter sera to the Soove lottlttos promptly attt.toted to. OH IL BOLE & CO., Cnr. Point Alley andlntinesaa =1 Engine Builder,'. Fountieri and Machinists 31snufsetura SrEAmßofta ENGINES and STATIONARY t.\o INAS, of &Hallet. Spacial attention LrI,IO 1 Loon. At, STATION ARY OIL W EI.L ENGINE. ANII roirrnanac BOILER, ofls horse power. CASTINGS, of ever, Slot, made to order :Word . Foundry. on THIRD STRE trolo Market. RIGS for Oil Well., SHAFTING, FULLIIII3, HANS:RS. and TORACCO NCRF.S lOt'S TORACCO ERESSES. on basil and matte to order. at Um INDUSTRIAL WORKS,, Fronting on the Allogneny River, near the Yontn. G=Zl Fir Al l orderSprcaptly filled. Tar us RIENICEi tt. HBO, MX BLIIIGLAWPROUr SAFES AND VAULTS. NO ULM?, NO MOULD ENGINES AND MACIILVEBY, , NONTN&MINTASTM Par. 17th and PikeSts.,Plttstrunch. Pa. 1.15:qt. O'HARA BOILER VMS. F. REP HAN & CO.. illu¢tecturers of STEAM EMLEES, Oil. TAN ES STILT., All ITATORS, SA LT PANs., G Aso , ,'FT TLING PA Nt, L'ltlsoN ll.lUlts. CIIIMN EYs BnICHEN rn:F. BEDS. etc.. Car. of Second Avenue and Liberty St PITTSSIO BOIL. PA.. IN paring done promptly. Orders rens to the shoes address sal' be promptly sthended to. Y. ltS.Pith N. formerly sSsusser of CetltlillLis SS YONSC'd. tsultapvl J 18.3 It. 1111113...•. sitstuhrs It. CM/Stet JARED BRUSII&MON. =I Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. • SIIEET IRON WORK, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. STOVE,. CApTINGS. ite COOK STOVES. CET.THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street Also, =hand and for sal, • l'AICLott. OTOV ES, HEATING OTOVIr.n. ORATE ENOSTN. VEN . lIERS. COOKING HANIVoIN an. GBAFF, IMUS 8 CO, aIANIII , ALTORMIS or VII? VAlllrrir 1)7 5g9r400 - V - lES, Ens Tax COOKING RANGE "THE FIERY FURNACE." =1 Tri F. NEW ANTI•DIIAT COMUNO STOVE, 4 •10:4JU ATOR, CotAUSHIA COOK SToVit VAI,s Cincinnati Pattern) I•ortTA Bt. KA NCI E, CAST I MANTLES. WE LM AN • ItEYI. ECTI , E, (i KATES, free front dbl. and dust! GRATE niuNT, PENDEES..te. 200 and 2014 Liberty Street, ,7,:v 17 PITTMITTRII rh A. BRADLEY & CO., NO. 80 WOOD llannb.tbrere of tee Greatent Varlet Tot Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, =1 In ours:no:T.llcent will ba found all the LATEST PATTKIINh AND IMPROVE XENTS, and the rep nation of out dices? Is such lilac any one In tt of a 'owl article should purchase pone but hose manufactured ny us. as they will be found the est durable a, well as ecocomical. Would call particulal attention to our now VOLCANO 31:0Yor churches. asst.. hod stores. Iles r 1 1 I .t n threc • ur.lll•Ar to 0111101 ye.ololl cettug. Att woo . ,c,l once fro wt JUL, 50,. 1 buDer.or tu.:atv cheap er. reno tor i.:ataineue std :nee I Ate • tele LIVINGSTON dr. CO. lisnaiatturers of LIMIT 431115 Y IRON 11- ElI rr3E Pa GSA, Ugh% work oor specialty. I.oofe Joint cllta. lisle hhotter sod sle Moses.SAO , I oCors , s.dothso artiol.s of llollers' Hardware alwxya on hand; Office and Worka, pest fluter Depot. Allegheny City. CostoMoo atidrefs. Lock Hoz Zitrtuaa, Nu". tnugh. Ps. ,tl5 BRASS FOUNDERS . 00. AVE 11/40LI. LITSIa nista HENRY BIER & CO., SUCCEB3O/i3 to MIN M. COOPETI & CO., Bell and Bras Founders. 11111ASSI CA.MTIN GS WADE DEOIIPTLY TO ORDER Maleable . and. Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING. RIntOTTLS, SiFiTYAND CHU VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. - MON Brass Work oflevery description for- Steam, yater and Oil. MANUTACTURZEIS OF J. a. coorma a eu.s Improved Bataan-Wheel Steam Pimp, kgenta of Dreyfus' Patent Ott ers. the beat in the Market. Mice and Works . corner Thirteenth . 24 Sine Street.. sh 33 A TWOOD & RICCA rienve;• LA- Coro I.lbeit7 etreet and Tfilr4 AV.% =I BRANS FOUNDERS AND IRON PI PE,FITTER Lod AOZNTS for A. 0.. CANKROII • CO'S irrltAli ruw ra AND BLOW AM. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. &o = VORKMAN k DAVIS, IMEO=2II Workman, Moore & Co., I!=1 • Spring and Buck,Wagons, Nos. 41,.44, 46 and 18 Beaver NA., Allegheny. Repairing neatly mid promptly stil e Or ders for i.e. Work gotten up In rood end warranted to glee satisraguun In every Prrti iirNewe at states of work emattintly on Ilamt. nuf.Z.AtIENTS for tb• New fleece Wheel ComoLuVa mate of eARV6h!t4 PATeNT W lilt BILLatS. *ad r ßapp'. Patent flockflock Mallet and inta.tler fo Wadi.. • 11. RICHARD DAVIS having purchased the Intereat of Alex. and Wlr. D. Moore, hope late Arm of W( . IIIiMAN, MC IM?. I CO., the bust new Will hereafter he continued a‘ the old stand, under the name an/ 1011, of 'WORKMAN DAVIS. Orderkeoltelted•. . JOHN Q. WORKMAN. -IL II.1011•61) DAVIS, We with Clllient. National Sank. l'ltt.slaush. la.V.:ata BUTTER. 15.., Fresh Soil Sutter; I 0 halt barrel. do.; For .►leh7 J. It.-CAND`IIILD 141 FlrstAyeesa ~...r.:7;..'i.',.t%.,..,":1."'ii.17.'`,1.-""!:"'''' • Jr - s' -.--• .' -* ``. ' . - 4ralliieW.,.' ;' '-..1.,' , •i , :` , .....1,,hf Z,:rfs,: 1t.11,.._,,,"' IL,II Tran3....1:150 .. m ,..,,,,..,,,,,,,,. a,. ..,, wait Lime I - ST 5cj.1..,;,,,, x a .:.:,j, s ..: zt.i,.. - -zAtihnTlolll',,lt:l'.ltrai:.• I. ' V Wall'.3 No. 2- 8:60 WM lisiaton Ac r,. ...111; ate (.I.r.class.Ll X.R.9:40 ay:inn:Ss/1a :tot 5 hu Jotrutown AG 10:50 am C i tc.cri4 Ita. isk D T ` t.. '3 a a. , i i k t W , C 2 A ' L a . ['o9 Ili F l l l I V e r4 j t; l iS u l t lit ~,:.' i :T.3 1 411 • . 13 ra• Ls Aotio 2 911; pm wait' .110. a.. ; Wall'a No. 4. 01 5 , 0 Pm i vr.11•I Nos C.... kr/kip.lc NOI: 10 PM/I. i Veril a . .. )-- 0... P- . a- 1 itmis . . • / bese testae make close [ounce on* '' ile i ll ' onteTrala leaves Walls tßatloa arm, 11ij ac 9:00 .. se.. 'essalstai rtlis b t7t h :i 10.V5 a. a.. Re taralog, leaves Tit _. „ a . , k.z.ets c. m. awl serlves at Walls 3.a..m ...Ili) P. rs. , r. r a . 1 .,, .. ' e c t u y . R ,. ., , 5!!i.:111 " ,, C1t u d 4 Ort::o . r 15! , o dais!. tz Hold.?. 3J1 8; 789 31, . Tor 'a:that Ittior o fia . i.l , l?aiNZ T . H. 1,,,T. '1 ni t , trauta , :l .. .rov:Co..p. , Y will ...,' i. ' ltt !' ,ii ' ll ' Xil . qt '-' , , ,tii: '''' f .' Ntii ' ltViollro ' V: .lic.l 1 , ..0i1a55i.......4.: ° %.?1 illailga , 1112001114”111. V.,1. 1,,(27‘ In valve , rlil t-a at thc risk of tt • ak,ar. cat.i.ta tatta ht soscho co,ract. • - , 201 h IP 5.31.• ii. W1LL1.3.14% null. ii.ers.l au,. ela.a.Lty, A 'Uln. . th azd VET CS 'S T Mit 1111 PEN la ' . 2trl).-02 and altar • Fsratazer Trains en rte' Waslern L'eunslltaw • at will arrtve a depart tram Wear tl Street Depot. Allegheny City.. follow rrive. /Moors. .I . i:rind:Pa No 10:40 to:11.11.----- lc Frooport 140.111:510 a a!Preoport No. al: daproct 19:411 aor nitarptrd NO1111•9 aln 'h. . nb.4 i E'Vr'' S • e Ns ?AV 7 Prt upon P _ , ...... 5.12 p la; Pr ifort No 14 . 20 dprtuud , o No 26:04 sal drrlnfore No 0:3111 ru anore tra!na ran daily excep. Sunday. rho Church i rate lateen Allegheny . ..Tenet:v. Overt 400.0:7 1:441 a. In..reaot:inft Aoeirhent Cle, a: 0:+0 re. • Csturaing. lava. Allesber: Clt) .1 1:40 p. tn. and MITI!. illiegheup Jun , • tltn .11:40 r. The trains leavion Allegben_p City ai 1:02 5. ra. alto direct cooneclion at Fretport olthWw • Sees or Stades for 2utier and Ltannahstown. Thloaub tlckete mat be purchased at the Mew, •No. 291.0151 r street, acarthe 9r:spew:loolo4ga . 71:tahurab. and at the Depot. allath011• I Or farther faloirooloniaol;rinz, • Federal Street Depot. Tel Woolens PownsylVanla galiromal will not as.= any risk for Nadgage, excetU. for wearing anparel. and Waft their re:10.10111W to Oa Hundred DONS. 111 - CsAir. All AAVINIP. j‘- , 3 , lC.Attig 111 S to silos Wlllbe at LAO HAS ^I 1.1.1 1251u.ativair y. VrTilt.fr& note Crealtrabudrintendent. Altoona. . 1 ,k 3 24- - - - - in . C l‘ 1!& 1 1 . 3. t) tIVIII3II.4if I :fw t !real NOV. lArth, 1389, trals,,ll.lvree_ :12Q arrive Mlle Ila t er DOM.. nor-halal , . &W. bp,-gb o=B. a• •011. arro , Xx....13:00 • laitthlAgo , 1.:111 • 1:1 : Volt l.liC. 0:0800 atzt„:.;.174,4 Clevelvd , tht. 3 3 o , it ;: Erie.L fro,. Aro% oiNtrqns•• • ars.' r 1,03.8414•3: • 0. A .:.74. 3 0 oti &et WI :: 1 1 VI 3 9 .• r u Yell . , •;itiOrn :4:14 BeA't Palls " 0 1)::. 0:1300 L•at•d•I• " 4 3 P.r. at 7:33 t :4!" Tale . Oaks amm , day Chuacb. 9133 KM " Yzpreaf "WS Int. fiepl. liarafer. r, hener •• no, 1• • Yr Oe $o rl•7 , hurrow .:1111 , 91 12r Si.nti rc...isa4 44-114:0d3 tn. Chic, isls• 1.17;k: • .1. ru I Let Agg O V ill A N V E 71.str eiLLAlGiri , , , a7. VALLI!! SitAirt Ills ONLY DIEEOT T" sk.• RANILIIib Wl'7llol7l' OHANGY. On ILIA after 1101IDAY. Nov. (exceptl), TFIBITUCtIi TILAINS DAI LY Banday) levee Pittsburgh Depot, borne, of Elev. th and rite %tree ts s fOr Frantlln,o 111Nt3.715 • ". tato, and all points In the 011Sesslon. Lilii nitantotans nutuy• Il PI pH Day Y 5...... 7:15 a m Day 6530 Nirht Ex.—. 8:00 pm NlGht Ex—. 7:00 ans Lit Hamm, 6t40 am Ist Halton.. 0:25 s. N• 6.1 Hu1t0n...11:60 m 9:00 3d Halton... 11:00 pm 34 Helton—, 91:10 P ns 4th Plalton..11:1.10 p m *Gs Hutton. 7:15 seu Freeport Se. 0130 ato Posta Works. 7!6 aut ;ads - Warns.. 6:30 pm Freeport be G:lb p ; Brasly's B SAG p Brady. It At 10:05 tlhefel. 1;00 p m Chord, 10/10 a us t Fspreso trains stoo onlyat prlnespal vow.% •eantseoslstlox Oates stop at sti statlonsu Ws. are now towline •uiltoer Palace !brew. Cars" on our otent Express Mtn.. both ways. loon Pittsburgh I. Cores' • I , ° e nv. no st Ass' t. Ants p galtaFrEalingllME cby ILe.9JLE ;AIM CrilMOZ TTME.--Du and after 61:1FULT• Nov. , GM, 1869. trains nelilltra7s and arrive nt Mnpoi, Inttaldtripiitottfgglcr 4.1... rIPIPPIN • .east ...........»......... %TNT INC Lf lonlnem is.prm 2:2 5 P. It. fast ........ :axed ACeri actlou=ld's Acc•u•No.l erentduvllle df1,9310d. 3:43p. m. NO• 6:52t a: ?4, .. 6 . 4 nula' Church Train.. 13:601 p. m• • • 1111r 4 9 AMP. 9. Repress will :Lave daily. :11 :la T. H a tt arr ive . d p a . tlk tn.L. fiefieral Ttutct Age n t. Columbia, 0 ;VI W. C 15.0. dep . t.. DoslsMoti• Chin. • 1 • 6611- - rstni mu aL_ari A tnNEILI4 I LI. K..Aalffik. , . . Os end eller SUNDAY, Fehreary 20th. 1870, c orne r as as awl depart mat . e uenot corner 01 Orat and , Water streets. 'as •ItAllto ueiroxt 0n1511.., T _ town :00 A. U. 6:00 r. Y. UsKettnortACCol:o4tVa I1:60 A. u. 9:65 r. 9. Vo•;t° , 4T4'‘f,r,rl=P , i IV, pi 1'; 1 1',11 Umuldoct's Acenswlt'zi. 6:13 1.50 Ntztit r. U. 6:45 A. to 'llllrll.ot.M Nevnola 1:00 00 • RICHARD It .zuwrun. Aitent. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. BEAYERTALLS 'CUTLERY CO., No.. 70 Wood Street, t>i 1 re I W MANUFACTURERS CF THEIR. NEW .Z.I I Solid Cast Handle 0 TALIBLE KNIFE. 14 itr';";!glt;.',B:011;.-.LVir concave 1.-4 east arm,, Tx the 14.4 a. treating tile nt. ~,,, tai nil...nein In coast action witnont x 4. - .I I dllloaxi weiXt. RA It m o de;l.l,o:,7,l",ret.' 111:1::••::: p 4 i w t• 1V'.1e2,..w.arte.., „ - ..".1 . ?:.•.:andur,11:V.,1 eii.lic.T: V L'lrAT l Villgla:`. ° Etillt ° , 4", P' ' ''''''''''''''' Ttr,l' 1 2,?1111 1 .1t . it,enitt",r --xt UMs article enknles tee tatuafactorne , ts F4g, irarg?e l l t s,. " 4l ° ,l.7l2 , ! °, lllVJgAr, "..., . rubn.litslltuuons and Crteata Fnansillos. BEATER FALLS ;CUTLERY CO., No. 70 Wood St., Fittsburgh, TABLE mi l itiiii c e,P ß EKEl KNIVES. Gui.atanteed. ESTABLISHED 1831. n N. n LO N. AN, BRING la, HARDWARE, 52 Wood Street;_ - • Foovldoors above Mt. Mantes Hotel,) Country Werihanfivare Invited 10 mil and examine one Meek when 10 the City. Agents for Anderson dt Wood's blest and Northwestern Moms Oboe NaU C0113%.11y. , • A fall elects of ghtehltalsts. smiths and Carpenter's Toole, Olsten. eer's • Files. Leather setting. 'wee Leather, !toe., always on hand. jaal:Ls3 COAL AND CONY., GILIRLBS 11. EMSTRONG, nt Youghiogheny, and Connellsville Coal, And Ilsnufwthrer or COAL, SLACK AND DESULPIIIIBIZED COKE. 0711 LS ANIS TAR% termer Better and Morton street. :Liberty t.n.l. Clymer street!. Ninth ward; sl. necond street, Xighth ward, and at foot of Koss street. P. • U. No B. Depot. Second ward. . Orders ten at either of the above onus, or ad dress to ma through Pittsburgh P. 0., will to. ruler prompt attention. •Refer to whom lam snarly/MC , Mnseurs Wail & Co, Wm. !Smi th . Union Iron Mills. IL s. Vow. ler & Co.. Mitchell, ntepbemson & Co., Ilissell • co., oral C mugs., Alec BradleY. Park 7; & ICo, Mk, ItcCordy & Co. Neer. lilrfe• IL Wm.. M. Faber • Co.. J. I t. Lyon la ... asses Marshall & Co., Allen. McKee • Co. ir on llso toot lintel. Consellsvllle IL It., Pensisylvantalt. IL. Allegheny ti .Cr It. R. . MM==l COAL! OAI,II COAL!!! . DICKSON, STKV/Idrra CO., 'limn ttolotO4 that OSto to .NO. 667 LIBERTY . STRE2gr, tu....17(im7 sumr m unlatiOND WPM 1 .1--47 ;tar, t-r.tairarasri l s a l; Morn moat: price. &II oruen law; ear allot. of tOdramal I. aecri tbronsk too - =U. trill be WWI to • _ • "VP itt"%31,..19"11._.11 ~ I tigel WP u. Lab n rsa d Cod rum; wA,IT II II - 110 I=3 E=l2 EMEIBICE3 =E=IM = ME