Q littsliurgt &apttE, LITY --ALND SUBURBAN Subscribers changing their realdences Oc plaoee of business will commit, their dlinvnidence our own by leaving word' for tho ca tent at our cong,ting room, corner of Sixth avenue and Smith field street. Work has commenced for the new Opera Rouse by the tearing down of small building on Dlamood alley. Deputy Draw Csrtwriabt yesterday committed Michael Daily to Jell for AVG days on a °Margo of disorderly conduct. City Coarertic—a. epeeist meeting of -Cannella' will be held thin afternoon at two o'clock, to oonalder the Paid Fire Departlnentrlnenlion. • Mayor eallOw's morning levee yester day wasettended by seven unfortunates who Lad unedaelptsken an . overdose the evealdg pitiveknuo.,. The office was quiet the remainder of the day. - Teachers , Itaummt.—We acknowledge an Inittatton to be present at the mama annual-banquet of the Ralston swami teachers, to morrow evening, arrange mental have been made on a liberal scale and a pleasant, and enjoyable dam may be antleipa!ed by all who attend. Snriptureattatery.—The exhibitions of Milos' Tableaux, after ..the celebrated drawings of Gustavus Dore still, continue in Turner's Hall. Tne repreentaddhs of incidents, narrated In. the New Twin mant; will commence this evening, and will undbubtediy draw full houses, like all foranerathibidona. Mayor CalloW on Saturday night ism. ed a warrant for7ehe arrant of John Car rady, of the First Wardiwho was charged with dhiorderly conduct on oath of.-his wife Mary. It seems John whiles away his !ahem hours in whipping his sponge. It may be fun for him but she decidedly objeOls, which leanly natural.- ..„ slight Fire.—About -half past nine p'elook Saturday night s' alight tire occurred in - the engine shop of the Artiaan Worim of Kloger, Jones & Co., Penn street. An alarm was sounded ' from box 2, corner of P6llll and Second streets, which was responded to promptly by the firemen of the First District. The interior and roof of the building were considerably damaged before the flames were extinguished. ;line Funds.—Ueorge Deleon made Information, Saturday, before Alderman Arent, of Allegheny, against Tobias Del tech for larceny es bailee. George states ha entrusted Tobias with the sale of a gorse,. for which he was to have are dol. tars commission. -He sold the horse, Ills alleged, and retained all the funds, so George allege% which le the Weill liPee which he charges him with the larceny as bailee.. The accused-was arrested and gsve ball for a hearing. Before Alderman Llacleay.—Two Infor mationa were made before Alderman Llndsay on Saturday.. One by Fannie Maxleton charging Miry Miller with the larceny of a shawl. The de .fendant alleged she bad only bor rowed the ellawfl and intended to return It. The snide will probably be settled lay the particle. Tho other Infor mation was for anault and battery on the parson of Kate Wallaker by Anna Diadem. Warrant issnod. I=MI Alderman Joseph A.. Butler, in the absence otCoronor Clawson, held an in. quest yesterday morning on the body of Margaret Coyle, wife of Bernard Coyle, who died suddenly at her residence on Crawford street, Saturday. It appears that she had been subject to fda for some time. Her-husband left home Saturday' morning to go to Ma work, leaving his wits well as usual, and when ho returned In'the evening found her lying with her head on the windoW sill dead. deathjury found that she came to her death from heart dtattase. Ilibe was thirty-throe years an° and a tabus of Ireland. Housettobleils Trouble people who own houses sometimes • have trouble with their possessions. Mr. William Ash, owner of apiece of real estate on Penn street. has within a few days past experienced a little of this trouble. From his statement made to - Alderman Taylor, Saturday afternoon, it appears that he rented the house on this property to Michael Smith. Michael, he alleges, kept it one year, sodas the term Of hitt lease began to close expressed a desire to leave. The landlord alleges be aocordingly rented the hone.) to another party. Moving day came, but Michael had changed his mind and refused to move.' Here was a mix. The landlord is attempting to get out of it, and for this purpose made information - against Michael for forcible detainer, upon which a warrant was issued. It, kilning Pocketbook — A pocketbook disappeared Very mys teriously from a trunk in a boarding house on Penn street, 12th ward, a few nights ago. It belonged to Daniel Akier and contained about lite. Daniel didn't care about losing the money, and having no faith in spiritualism didn't believe IL wne taken out of, his trunk .through the Influence of sup rid pernatnal medium. In considering the matter be reflected that his fellow roommate, .Wro. Lewis, had left the house about the same time. To ascertain if his suspicions were correct in the matter, he subsequently made an Information before Alderman Allen agalma Lewis for larceny. When that individual Is arrested he will have an opportunity of clewing bloiself from the suspicion now resting upon him. Interesting . °eau7lon The * Miguel* Greys Again in the Presentation kW*. them . . On Saturday evening at Hollehelnier's dining 19011111 on Fifth avenue, a large party of Duquesne Grays and Invited guests ateembled to do bonor to Lieut. - John Cowley in the way of a presents don. The girt was au elegant sword, a belt, sash and pair of •roulettes gotten np by Mears. Signs & Hoyle the well known Jewelers. The meeting organized by,calllng Capt. David Campbell to the chalr, who, In a neat and well worded sweat highly oomplimentay to the re. rAplent. presented the articles In behalf of the Duquesne Greys. • Lieut. Cowley happily responded. After an excellent supper was disposed of wine was Intro dnoadind speech, song and sentiment ruled. Addresses appropriate to the oanllon were made by a number of gen tlemen present and general good cheer prevailed. lAstit..CowLey has. been one cf the ova anion:Kul laborers in thy work of reorganising the gallant (keys and 'the high compliment paid him could have fallen on none more wortey. Soldiers , ' Monument ) It le the titivation of those having the matter to charge to have the corner stone of the Soldier.' Monument laid on Ithe 00th of May, or "Decoration Day."l aad the work for the foundation will. be' commenced Immediately, We are In. formed by General Pearson that it le intended to make the corner atone core. iIMOS grand and linPosing. and that nvitettens are to he extended to all the Mary and civic organisations' in the untry, including ell one military upin:doe, firemen, Odd Fellows, Ma a, Knights of Pythlea; Roe M ao , s o ,. of Testperstioe, Good Tempters, and all other open end secret astoolationa, to participate In the procession on the eareslon, and that - President Grant, Generals Sherman, Sheridan and other, have been Invited to participate In the ceremonies. Proposals are invited =for the erection of the monument, to be left at General Poerson'n • office, 64 Grant streetabefore the 14th Inst. Already • number have been received. It to the intention of the Building ibmmittee, if enchain be effected, to have the monu ment completed and dedicated on the 30th of May, 1871, Jost ono year from the : laying of the corner atone. • Personal Xeiderdaf morning the Rev. James R. Mills, recently appointed pastor of the North avenue M. R. Church, Allegheny, oocupled his pulpit for the first time. Eta opening discourse, on 'The Dignity and -Duties of the Christian Ministry," wiz happily timed and appropriate, and Made a very favorable Impression upon the congregation. In the development of his theme the reverend speaker die- Iplayed an unusual methodical arrange -twat of thought, fine power of analysis, pleasing oratory and a devotional, ter. vor which commended it very forelbly to the attention of the bearers. Th roe out It evidenced an educated reflective mind of a ' high order, vigorously trained and cultivated, and in earnest sympathy with the great work to which he km given his likt. The Rev. Mr. Mills, ea e minister, It lb not invidious to say, - Occupies a podtion among the best con. _Dacted with the Pittsburgh Conference— •reputation which his efforts of yester day fully sustained. The charge, to which he has bean called, has been ex ceedingly happy in the choice. Under his administration from present align. riesethe ensuing &inference year, can bat bM be pleasant and profitable, alike Igager and people. THE COURTS. United Mateo Di.trict Lourt—Judge litceandiess. A case of more* than usual interest was decided in the United States District txmit, Saturday. We refer to the case of Julian Adler, Louie Rosenberg and Penrose Irieisber, indicted first for carry ing on the bruinedui of rectifying tilled spirit. without giving the capacity of their establishment; 2d, for giving fates notice or capacity; 3d, for making fraudulent entries in their return book; and fourth, for changing packaged' after they had been ganged, inameted and stamped by the revenue officer. The case was conducted by United States District Attorney H. Bucher Swope for the government, and Ex-Dietrict Attorney Carnahan And J Lwow. for defendants. The defendants Here r COO° doing business on Liberty sires , where it was onaneFten. alleged they were carryi sive establishment, so notice r ec tifyi n g whisky without first s ßol to th e collector of luteroa re , .aa they were required to do by la the capacity of their establishment. an further. that when ne h e a , upon by the officer It Is alleged UAL l hey gave a f notice of enpweg y, • It was also Ileged that the firm had received six rreht of Ken /tatty whisky, the proof which was changed after passing through the hands of the revenue officer, and - farther, that they golds barrel of whisky.in Baltimore, bearing the brand or W tb. McKim ‘t Ca. and purporting to be McKim's originally dleHtted iffirits, which; on being eherul. tally analysed, was found to be rectified spirit; of a very inferior quality. and to contain a large quantity. of acid. The tile commenced on..Frlday, the 24th nit., and was not concluded until Saturday, - the 2d Instant. The Cmirt House was crowded during the conduit- Coco of the trial, liquor dealer' and man ufacturers of the city, county and sur rounding counties, being present and manifesting a deep Interest in thepro-. ceedlogs. The testimony closed Thurs day and the cue was argued and sub mitted to the Jury Friday. Mr. Carna han opened the argument on the part of the dereadente, and it is said, by many 'who beard him, made his beat effort, occupying about two hours and a half. He was followed by District Attorney Swope, who closed for the United Stater_ with a moat forcible, Ingenious and con. vinoing argument, occupying about an hour and a' half. During the course or his argument he proved to the astiafacticm of We Jury the presence of sulphuric acid in the whisky shipped to Baltilhore, by a chemical test described by Prof. St uth, who had made the analysis, using the litmus paper, which - being of a pure white when immersed in sulphuric acid tune a blood red. It was evident from the manner In' which the csie woonducted that it was made a lest cue as to the 'ability and capacity of Mr. Swope, and he cams out victorious. Be did not prim for a,con viction on the Oral two counts, but the force of his argument was on the third and fourth. He held that the defendable were not only defrauding the Goyim:t alent but they were Imposing upon McKim et Co. and also upon their °CEO- mere. The Judge charged the jury fairly and impartially as- is characteristic of him, and they left the box Friday evening. after watch court adjourned. They had been out but a short tiipe before - a vim diet wee agreed upon which was sealed and delivered on the opening of court Saturday morning. Thejury found that (he defendants were guilty on .the first third and fourth counts of the indict. mein and not guilty on the second count. Mr. Carnahan, moved for a new trial. • The maximum nuelehent on the in dictment is four years imprisonment and an aggregate fine of about 115,000. We learn that a paper wee presented to a number of the jurymen and signed by some of them, orating forth the fact that they were not arra* that the de fondants ooald be Imprisoned when they toads up the verdict, otherwise It would have been different. For what purpose the paper Le intended we am not Inform ed unless it be urged al one of the mu sons far • new trial, wheoh have not yet been filed, and If for that purpose, we think it would have but little weight with the Court as the Jury have nothing to do with the punishment in the aiie. It Is fixed by law and It is the duty of the Jury only to dad the facts. under the law. The ow was fairly tried and ably conducted on both slam, and It is hardly probable tkat a new trial will be granted. In the case of the trotted States Ts. the distillery of Edward Lyon, a rule was granted en Collector (Airway to show cause why U. Einstein shOnid not be de. Oared first Informer. The petit jurors who have been In at. tendasoe for. the pall three weeks, were dually dlaohargred with the thanks of. the Court. A new panel will be present this week. District Court—Flat Bench SATURDAY, April 2—ln the core of Krelling va. Becker et al, previously re ported. Verdict for defendant. TRIAL Liar TOR MONDAY. 75 Riddell Tx. Duff. 10 Citizen's 011 Refining Company vs. Dilworth & Bonney. 12 Jaooby vs. Schoen & Laurent. 76 Brown for use vs.. Owners of...steam. boat "Reindeer." 180 Owners of steamboat" Gray Fox" vs. Millingsr, McCoy & Co. 194 Brown vs: Belfarth. 208 Boltz vs. Brown. 209 Same U. Sam. 134 (o. c )Warlng & King va. MUler & 01 (O.L .) Napier vs Darlington Common. Pleas—Jades Stowe and 13402:2 SATURDAY, April 2.—Tbe usual Etat. urday business, consisting of disporting of motions and hearing arguments, Was transacted in this Court, none of -which was of special importance. TRIAL LIST POE. MONDAY. • 41 Hill vs. Frothy et al. 63 F, & C. Gas, Coal & Coke CO. vs. Hart- HIM 54 Same vs. Henderson . _ . 65 Soodgress use vs. Snodgrass et'aL • 69 Sumner dr Co. vs. Updegreff et oz. 61 Murphy vi. Borough of Monongahela. 62 Barmen vu. Sterling. 65 tNultral Pram R. CO. W. Co. ve. Oakland W. 67 %srlen. Mclntyre. • 69 Snodgrass vu. Bull. Ti) Stephenson vu. Presoot et al. SetslArks—Judge bterrett. SATIIHDLT ' April 2.—Wm. Helgley, convicted of assault 'and battery, was sentenced to pay a tino of twenty dollars and the coats of prosecution. John Henmiller, found guilty on an Mdictment for selling_ liquor on Sunday, was sentenced to pay the coals of prose. Cotton, pay a fine of thirty dollen and undergo an immisonment of ton days In the county Jail.. Frank Link, convicted on an indict meet for milling liquor on Sunday, was sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars and 'undergo an Imprisonment In the county Jell ter a pefrod of ten days. i Charles Ritter and Conrad Wagner, who entered a plea of 'tone contendere to an indictment for misdemeanor, under the act of Assembly governing the Board of Health, were each sentenced to pay • doe of twenty dollars, the cc:Meet prose °Mien and. stand 'committed until the sentence is complied with, or for a term not exceeding thirty days. Rivera Drake, who plead guilty to en indictment for larceny of clothing from the Merchants' Hotel, -was called up for sentence. He stated that he was a resi dent of Yellow Sprinp, Ohio, and that he wagon his way to Philadelphia. The articled were stolen while halt's' under the influence of liquor. He was sun tapped to pay the coats of prosecution and undergo en imprisonment in the County Work House for a period of six months. The cue of the Commonwealth vs. Andrew Sturgeon, charged with deser • bon on oath of Ma wife, Elizabeth Stur geon. was taken up. The Court sentenood the defendant to pay the costs of prose cution and the sum of PA per month to his wife until further order of the Conn. The nest case taken up wee that of the Commonwealth se. W. B. Sterrett, cherged with desertion on oath of hie wife, - Mary Sterrett. The prosecutris alleged that bar husband left- her in August 1602 , and had refused to con. tribute to her support. The parties were married about fifteen years since and have five children. At the time stated above Mr. Sterrett, on &peanut of scone familydi the oatmeal which did not transpire In the evidence, left Ma wife, but, it appears, made prostates' for her support by Jeering • money In the hand of Alderman McMaster" with In. etructlona to pay her the sum of ten dol lars per Week. TRIAL MET FOB MONDAY. 1512 COM. vs. J. C. Moon. 425 " Henry A. Haden's". 131 - e Abraham A. Taman. 2.0 " James Scanlon and West SIII, two cues, 222 e Wm. Barney and John Black. 270 Elijah Hall and Wm.. Raf ferty. 271. " Henry Vierheller. 272 Wm. Rafferty, et id. 254 " John Meyer, et al. - 122 George Muckier. bit " Caroline Schubert. 198 " James McKee. 240 e Robert Ramsey. 246 " Bernadine Decker.' 250 e George Greenwood. . - - TELL LILT POE VUEBDAX. 147 Corn. ye. Charles Simmons. gee • JohM ,Holllngshead and A. Weaver, et al. BOARD OF GUARDIANS. Regular Monthly Meeting—Officers' Re port—The Western Penlaylvauta Hoe pltal—Connltton of the Home. Saturday afternoon a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held at their office on Fourth avenue. Hays, Anderson. Douglas, Hays, Bartley, Kincaid, Fitzsimmons, McKee, Shavedd Torrence. Minutes reand approved. THAT HOSPITAL. Mr. Shaw, chairman of the special com mittee on Western Pennsylvania Hoe pitalepresented the following report: ttartri.Emaar, Your committee ap. pointed to meet with the managers of the Western Penrurylvania Hospital In conjunction with oommttteee of the Di rectors of • the Poor, of both Allegheny City and Allegheny county for the pur. potato( having the hospital located in the Tw ward made available as a gener al baiWal in acooktiance with Ile charter. report that a meeting was held in Janu ary last at the Bank of Pittsburgh at the request of John - liarper. Esq., with_a nuoiber of the managers of the Hospital. at which time toe matter was discussed and approved by all the members pre. sent. Since that time your committee have heard nothing officially from the Hos pital managers, nor have they received recognition Be committees repro. tins their respective boards. e therefore ask to be discharged, ling satisfied that we are regarded as rfering in a matter with which' we • e no business. The report was accepted (wad the corn mittee discharged. =1 A. communication was received from B F. Jones, Ezq , Prealdent of the Pitts. burgh. Virginia and Charleston Railroad Company setting forth that the Company had been authorized toconatruct a track from Pittsburgh to Reis' Landing, that the route laid out paused throngh.a por tion of the City Farm,ln file town ship, and that the Company therefore asked for the right of way, sixty feet in width, through the "Farm" upon ouch terms and conditions as,might be agreed upon. The communication was accepted and referred to the Monthly Committee for . April. consieting of hissers. McKee, Hartley and Moorhead, who, will report to the next regular meeting of the Board. EXPORTS 07 0/1110ERS Dr. Rex physician, reported 73 visits and 12 °Moe visits. during March.. Superintendent W. D. Patterson of the City Farm, reported that eighteen per sons had been admitted during the month, fifteen males and throe females; during the same time thire were twenty. three discharged—fifteen male and eight femalea, Showing a nett decrease In the month of five. The Home ,on the first day of April oontained one hhndred ■od sixty-five inmates-62 males 83 fe males; during the month there wan one birth and two deaths; the deceased were James Hughes. aged- about eighty-four years, and Catharine Stronetneyor aged about twenty-five years. The reports were received and filed. . Bills to the amount of *3,165.14 were presented and warrants ordered. mutogu-sivEoutt. The President was authorized. to "bind ont" Henry Craig, aged eight years, to Jacob Tanner, a resident of Ecopomy township, Beaver a:panty. Mr. Fitzsimmons offered the following: Resolved, that the physician of the City wAlms Rome" be instructed to make a monthly report of the sanitary condition of the institution._ also the number of births, sink, and cause of death, and such suggestions as he-may deem proper for the health of thelnstitu. Lion. Adopted. During the let and Srd days of thepre. sent month $2.39 was expended in out door relief by the Secretary; assistance was thus rendered to 121 persons. Adjourned. - NEW UOODS. Preparation for the Spring Season by an Old and (WOW° House Merchants visiting the city or melting out their orders In anticipation of the spring trade, are especially requested to read the advertisement In. another Column of Meseta.. hie:lord d Co., ISI Wood street, one of the oldest. staunch.' eat led most reliable. firma of the city. This house, in view of tho bright pros• pacts of the times. hap , Lid In an Immense and . Judiciously assorted stock of bats, espy and straw goods; which to view of the recent decline in gold, le offered at most • reasonable figures to retail as well as wholesale purchasers. We have had the pleasure of looking through theautortment, snit without any hesitation pronounce it the finest and moat complete ever opened in this city, - while we are continent] that the prices are mush lower than those which prevailed anterior to the war. The stock le so comprehensive that we fear Aci,. enumerate! any-of the numerous articles which go 'to make It I up, for one la bewildered in the pro fusion of fur, wool and palm hats fur men and boys, ladles' hats of all con ceivable 'kap= and descriptions, misses' hats sun shades, and all kinds of straw goods. The stock, which in entirely fresh, was selected with much care end presents very decided advantages to purchasers. We commend Messrs. McCord d Co. to our readers, and hope that they will succeed this 'anon in In creasing the large share of public patron age hitherto directed towards them. . Walt. Pewit and Where to Purchase. Spring is upon us, moving day is over and people and things are gener ally settling down Into the ordinary and common place. But the housekeeper seldom at this season enjoys remove, for she must make things shine out to the hest advantage while the balmy spring weather lasts. Tne papering of baits, walla and ceilings is no Inconsiderable Item In renovation, and certainly Nothing adds so much to the cheer and comfort of the house as the cleanly laid and heartsome wall paper. Proper selection la generally a troubleitome matter, ei cept in such cases where the purchasing visitor makes selection at an establish. merit so large, complete and well stocked as that of Messrs. Toe. R. Hughes itro., No. 107 Market street, near Fifth avenue. There the visitor will hod a moat endless profusion of mere of all the latest styles and • fashions, from the humble kitchen bolts to the elaborate I drawing-room velvets . old and panel. Tire sto c k Ls not only age gad complete, but has been judiciously selected with the especial view of suiting the Pitts burgh market. We invite nor readers to pay a visit to this establishment before purchasing elsewhere, • and lo look through the stock and inquire the prices. The firm are fair dealing and honorable business gentlemen, with whom It la a plow:ire to have btWnms transactiocur. Is Laughing Cu Ws I A question which is flaked by 'many who are interested in Its use—..and why Is it better than Ctdorofbrm or Ether?" The reason Is obvious. In the use of Chloroform and Ether the blood is de prived albs usual amount of oxygen, or life principle, thus reducing the vital fermate a low scale where life balance. In a very uncerininty—and as this lon can only be supplied by Imbibing oxygen from the air we • breathe, Is explained why linguor follows their use, and so long a time Is required to regain the former strength. In the use of the: gas, 'there le no reduction In - the vital forces, by depriving the blood or - oxygen, but the gas pmieg a superabundance of oxgen, as soon as its 'effect. as an snow thou° pass off, the Individual is as vigor ous as before taking it. Thug you see a feeble nervous organ. lam instead of being Injured by pure nitrous oxide gas, Is really benedtted In case of its use, each systems needing a stimulant which It really is. But as there aro scientific principles Involved In Its manufacture and Use, none but per. . eons thoroughly competent should use It, and so snob we confidently recomend Dr. Gillespie, whose officer is at 'No. 246 Penn street,as a scientific man. fully com petent to perform all the duties of his profession with ability and skill. Chandeliers and Cu Maim. Mesas. Weldon tr. Kelly, thee:tangly° dealers in general gas, Weter and steam linings, announce the receipt of a very large stock of new chandeliers,' umbrae. tee all tha latest styles and novelUes The assortment is very fine and from the stock Judicious selections can he readily made for Panora, belie, dining and draw• log rooms. bed chambers,office% lez rooms,rooms,public halls and churches. The recent purchases Ware made on the downward tendency of the gold market and hence thep.. ri ces redo very low fn c omparison -with three of last year. !dears. Weldon dr Kelly att end promptly snd in the very beat style or workmanship to allorders for gee, steam and water fixings, and guarantee satlafse. lien lo all cases. Repairing Is likewise made a leading speciality, and comps. tent workmen are emit promptly to any place ordered. We earnestly mom mend this firm to the patronage °Pour reader., knowing from practical • experi ence that they fairly and faithfully - charge all work entrusted to them. PITI:SBURGII DAILY GAZETTE! hIONDAY MORNING,.APRIL 4, 1870' FAMILY JARS eatouny, 'Separation, Kidnapping—A Habeas Carpus Case and a thargeet Adandonment. A case of more than usual Interest to scandle-mongers came up in the Court of Quarter Sessions on Saturday, in which was involved the separation of a husband and wife, and the alleged kid napping of the children by the firmer, at the result of jealousy aroused by a meddlesome, tattling woman. _The case first came into Court on the information of Mrs. Mary Sterrett, charging her husband, Win. R. Sterrett, with aban donment, the facts of which will be found In our Court proceedings. While this case was pending a scene was encci ed which brought the parties into court. It appears; that after the husband and wife separated,i the - children were left with the wile, and the husband contrib uted the sum of ten dollars per week for the support of the wife and five children. They remained in her custody until about two weeks niece when, It is alleged by Mrs. Sterrett, they were kidnapped or stolen by Mr. Sterrett and placed in tho charge of the managers of the "Home for the Friendless." About a week since El mer Sterrett, one of the children referred Ip above, was stolen from the "Rome," anti an information was made before Alderman McMastors charging William G. Deer.wtth stealing . her. Door was committed for trial, and in the meantime Mrs. Sterrett presented nWI Lion in Lkiurt setting forth that three of her children, viz: John Sterrett, aged twelve years; Mary Sterrett, aged nine years; and Anne Sterrett, aged three years, were unlawfully and unjustly held by Mrs. Levi Wade, Mrs. Nell, Mre. Robert Jones, and other ladles, di rectors of the "Home for the Friendlesa." at the Instance of. William B. Sterrett, notwithstanding that she, the petitioner, bad made application that they should be delivered Into her hands, she claiming to be their rightful custodian. Therefore she asked that a writ be issued comrel ling the respondents to bring the a6ore jnulor.members of her family Into Court, that proper disponition might b • made of them. As the facts in both cases were similar the Court decided to hear (hem loth at once. From the testimony it appears that the parties were married fifteen years mince and lived together until the summer of 1661, and had a family of five children. Sometime In August, '67, Mrs, Sterrett was informed by a lady acquaintance that her husband was very attentive to a Mrs. Miller, which had oa tendency to arouse the wife's jealousy, and from that time forward peace was a stranger In the household. ' A few months afterward Mr. Sterrett left home making provision as abovestated for thei support of his family. He denied the charge of Infidelity made against him, and allertesthat he hutnade several attempts to stient a reconciliation. Several witnesses were examined and the Court took. the papera sad will cep; der a decision in a few days. PETROLEUM How 'ft Is Bought, Sold, Gauged and Tistedth-fiverpooi. A spicy correspondefit of tho Titus. Lille Reread writes the following inter esting notes about petroleum, from Liverpool: "Notwithstanding the great demand for our American nil, even bringing sev eral pence more per gallon than that of the home manufacture here on account a its superior burning qualities, there is considerable fault found on the auto. jet% of the Lest. There are two different modes of testing the oil, which also make the results different. In America the teas to by ignition; here the flashing teat is need. .In America, also, the time occupied is often as much as thin* minutes. Here the Inspectors do it in ten, so that oil which with yo will teat 120 degteos, on this side wil pp often come up to lens than 100 deg. Th:2 Act of Parliament which [I t.end_ you with this,- and which] very curiously Bays nothing about the limo to be em ployed, and alai: atilt more curiously designates under the name of "petro. lanai—eh coal oil which gives on:in flammable vapor under 100 deg., while all which fulfilled tho conditions over 100 deg., IC not petroleum, no matter by what name called, watt first introduced In 1883 by• member la the Interest of the Scotch and Welsh oil', in order' to get tap &Prejudice against the American oils. It was revised In 1168, and tut year one of the leading wholesalers cf American in this city spent over three months in London endeavoring to have the act modified w as to change this name "petro leum" to "coal oil" generally. lie was only partially succesalui, hut thinks that another . seintion will carry through still further concessions. Still the teat should be higher, should be equal invariably to 100 degrees English test, and a little more in order to make aura. An ever' dealer in the article Is obliged to barn a license, and is at any time to be pounced on by inspectors, and If the, ten minutes flashing test duoa not prove sitt• h&c:tory, he in tined in addition to the confiscation of the oil, It Is worth the trouble. Dealers here would willingly pay five per cent. more for oil that they could thoroughly rely upon in reference to thia thing. There is one In-reference point, of Interest in regard to the ganging. In all the Continental and British markets, London, however, excepted, oil is sold by weight, that Is, no much per gallon of eight pounds. The Ito. porters here think the American gaug ing in very unsatisfactory and would De very glad if the importations were invoiced by weight. And yet, , epite of ' these drawbacks, the demand is largely I in excess of the supply, which is 'Nathan 1,000 barrels In Liverpool at present. The price last vear was one shilling and four pence per gallon :or Mare oil -against one shilling end nine pence for ,our American oil t Just now our oil Igloo one and eleven - pence against one and three pence half penny for the shale oil of home manufacture. It was hinted to me that Liverpool was rather having the go-by in the regards of tho American ex potters, who were bestowing larger shares of their,amilse on Bremen and Havre. But of course those at the lona tain head are notsuppesed to be roman alble for the acts of the American ex. porters in that respect. Rest. Etude Transfers Tho foltowthg deeds were flied of ino ord In the ogles of Thos. F. Hunter, Eng:, Recorder • of Allegheny county, on Saturdny, April 2, 1870, lot Lowe) to '61.11,1% 113300 J to -Jail. bleellotiate. waren 51. 1170: lot. No.. 300.1 4lu Jas. V, alVit plan, ti borough ve ro 7 ellids et al. to Cs rist.bluacher,awpt. DEC 100 40 0470 fit on Vcw3htig Pt., Alice :en' ca Jaco tT b Multi. to Jotio Whisinr, 41.100 Jan. 31, 1370; =s perches of land In Nesarve towalehlp gi go B. A. IlcUinly to Ttiotna• Devine. March 19 1770; burgh lot 25 by y 3t. on Vine 13 , s 1110 rttok. John ilarehenrosthsr to A sidiwurZeigier,Jan 1370; 1 sees and 100 pet ehes at isod la Netsas township .... 33 so Jolin lArluier at us. to Nu, Mellows. Malan 3070. SlascresAnd 123 Dere.* 011.0 0 a North Ter allies townthip - $1.300 Thomas Me glisters to Jo. IS. e o Apill I, 1070; about 1711 00 101. ft. In the Villagf Turtle (lack on the tire, abate sh.d Pit .burgh ` Sri niad • .... .. Jab. Payne: trUslte, to 7000 Payne. gpili 1.1370: 121 acres .0.1 a 7 terahrs of lupl .D 3 Jr gsrson tuwonlitp git 134 Cloaca. iltalltpaeher Bornetot Y. lticUtari, Match 23, 1370; lot on of Tonna et. •no P. nusgivauln atenue •ds.an 0. 11r13ht to r mu!. T. Lusk, 1•14 1470: Int to by UM tt. oa Coattail+ , eh., ll.h ward Pittatiu•gli $3.006 Tne. Mastodou. The skeleton of one of those gigantic animals, the mastodon, discovered in Now Jersey last August, _is being mann. ted in the museum of Rutgers College. The skeleton is that of a full grown ani mal, and has, the teeth complete, only wanting the tuske. Thd bones of the head, both the skull and lower jaw, aro In excellent preservation. The head, when first - uncovered, weighed eight hundred pounds. .Whou placed On the ground and the upper 'jaw upon It, It to four feet high. It is three feet nine Inch on across the neck, where the muscles were attached; two feet six inches across the cheek bongs, and three feet nine Inches In length. A single tooth meas• ores six and a quarter by rcitir inches. This was a huge animal, bat we have seen greater trunks in excellent preser vation at Liebler's popular establish ment, No. 104 Wood street. There, at' very moderato prices, will be found trunks of all descriptions and styles. from the huge -mastadon down to the, tiny toy trunk, ,Liebler makes the best trunks and valises In the market and sale cheaper than the cheapest. • In a New none Oar enterprising and go abeadative * German contemporary, the 11,11.:ablatt, has Jost taken possession of Renew home No. 163 SOfithtield street.. whore It is surrounded with all the necessary con veniences for editing and publication. 'rhe building, three stories high, has been artistically-pot In excellent order, and while the exterior promote a fine ap pearance the Interior is arranged with genii and Is admirably interned to eiaawt to exertions b p e u t o r Tm m a make Mr. Charles F. Boner, the gifted and en. ed ergetla editor and proprietor, on ids change of busineas base, and trust that h7 a :ge m a ah n 7arePeorf mpuZ:nnatitrnounea:ekehlathpepaitwlrtoThhl: d h l o rr e uxt to towards the w r h o e iks fut blat: r cd t e l m ua La bl y i a :con. done in the put. • te and ngratulato STILL ANOTHER. —....--- . A Little confidence How B .( Was Rewarded —A Victim's Experience Among "Nice Mem" _. • They are not all dead yet; a few of them eurvive; one of them wee in the city Friday night Init. He learned a little wisdom while he was here, but it was through a hard school. That class of People, however,. will not learn in any other. It happened in this wise: •He was Walling at the Union Depot for the two o'clock train for Philadelphia, Satur day morning. While loitering around, a genteel, clever looking gentleman stopped up I and entered into con versation. fir course the stranger was going to Philadelphia. In fact. his wife was waiting for him at one of the hotels on Smithfield htreet. In • few minutes the stonfier a !masted that me new found friend m ight ccompany him tothe hotel for his wife'd baggage. They started accordingly. L the corner of Smithfield and Liberty a reels anew man was en countered. e was introduced as the Superintends t of Baggage of the rail-. road. The Ei pertntondout said to the rii other party tt his wife and baggage had been to on to the depot, and that • the mat need only go down to the hotel a d pay his bill. Just then 1 , the stranger 'r collected that he had no I loose money, nothing but a $5OO check. The Superintendent bed none. The depot acquaintance bed $l5O, which in the confidence of hie Lean he freely allowed to, be exchanged for the check. He was then directed to go, back to the depot, see the mati's wife and baggage 0a large white trunk in the front of the ticket office"—and wait there until the other. two came back from the hotel. He never saw them again; neither did his vision rest upon the wife; nor upon the "large white trunk.!' He mentioned the affair to the . officer at thei depot, when - the swindle was revealed to him. Be refaced away at hearing the news. bat recovered alter a time, and with only eighteen dollars was enabled to proceed on his way to Philadelphia. Fortunately he had purchased his ticket before, he became • a victim. He didn't give his name, but said he melded near Wheeling and transacted business In Philadelphia. Poor re— , man. Sharp swindlers? : , hEIT 'BRICiIITOS. PA. The Moving Season and Sanary Items. (Correspoeieuce Pl:tiburgh liaseUe.) NEW BILICIIITON, April 2, 1870 The annual moving season is about past ontio more; and many weary ones, no doubt, are glad of It. A. great many of the families of this community changed ba4e Some moved out of town, others moved in. Several families on the P., F. W. ‘4. C. R. R. were obliged to move to Enon, as the repair shops are Wag ra4oved to that place. Rev. J. E. Mills, for the last two years e pastor of the hi. E. church of this place, liss removed to. Allegheny City, and taken charge of North avenue M. E. church. We are sorry to hive him leave, but we must submit. Her. Henderson takes his place here. Though be is- a stranger to some of no, we extend our welcome. Much to; the Inconvenience of all movers It [rained all day, completely -touting nearly everything in the line of clutlilliff.! bedding, carpet; ,to. There were some. practical jokes and funny trick. played by those who did not have to move, but movers. we conclude. were rather sedate, and not in a mood for play. I - Tins Temperance- League met In the - evening. The sttendanee was small, on 'account of the rain.' o. • Congressional. The following local petitions were pre sented lest week by General Negley In Congress aid referred to the proper com mittees: A petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, (or an amendment le the Constitution of the United l States, namely, humbly ac knowledging Almighty Gott as the source of all authOritio and power In civil gov ernment, the I,lrd Jesus Christ es the Ruler among the nations, and His reveal. ed will SR of supreme authority in order to constitute a Christian Government., Also, a .petition of merchants, mann. lecturer', and citizens, numbering 1,270, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, Penn sylvania, that whatt is known as the 'ln come tax'• he permitted to expire by its own limitation, namely, A. D. 1870, tribe again revived only by the exigencies that called*, forth. Titey auk for no re. d ULU n or modification: hat for Its entire abrogatiorq being convinced from the experienceW the past three years that the tendency of this enactment la to asp the foundation of public morals and to weaken t he respect of the people for the necetury and salutary provisions of the revenue eyntarn. Its unequal, adloua and Inqulaaortal features are repugnant to the Instincts of th• people, and can be tolerated only as re wort time of war, 'and not to be thought of In profound peace.' Let the tax bo laid in any other way. • Grand Open lDk Today will be marked by the opening, on the European plan, of a first elsw and respectable restaurant and wine rooms at No. /73 Smithfield street, corner of Strawberry alley; by the genial and pop. ular Frank Bressler. The restaurant • will be managed with great ability, and the hungry will be afforded the luxury of good victuals, well and cleanly prepared. Mr. Bressler proposes to keep no other liquor than wines, and in order to secure the best for his patrons makes hie own importations direct from the leading wino marts of Europe. To-day there will be set out to all callers a free lunch, and wo anticipate • large attend ance. .We ktiow Mr.- Bressler to be a polite, courteous and attentive gentleman, and commend him to the regard of our friends, bespeaking for the new house a large share of the public patronage. • = The Philadelphia delegation of Coun cilmen, left thin city on their homeward trip, at seven o'clock Saturday night. The day was spent principally in an In, , apection of the Work House, with which the ilsiton were highly pleased. They Made • thorough examination of • the place, and seemed greatly interceded. They propose • to report to their Council recommending the adoption of the general plan of the building at Claremont. the only difference being that their work house will-built on a acaTe tjbout twice as large as ours. Daring their May in the city they were very hospitably entertained , and left with the k 'utast recollections of Pittsburgh gen e oalty. , =I At an early hour' Saturday morning an attempt was made by burglars to enteiriglab residence of Hon. Joseph .Wal ton; 'Western avenue, Allegheny, below Bidwell street ..The 'burglars procured a ladder and by this means ascended to the roof of the plans► at the rear of the house.• They were ■boot entering One of the bed more windows when the driver, who sleeps In his hones near by, heard the noise, and came out. He fired two shots at them, unfortunately mining his mark, but frightening the intruders away. Mr. and Mrs. Walton are absent: in Harris burg and the house le In charge of the children and servants, a fact which was doubtless known' to the villains. 13===1 Grew, Horan.—The season of Grand English Opera commences at the Opera House this evening, when the "Bohemi an Girl" will he .produced, with Ulu Roee Horses as prima done.Thenoaspany IN ono of the beet ever organised, and lovers of the opera me) , rely on being ,highly entertained. • - MINSTRIBUI —Wednesday evening the celebrated' llen A Pettingill Bentetton Minstrels MLR commence a brief engage• went at alumni° Hail. Remember lb% yo lovers of fun. Every one totes Pier,Denman Lk C 0... cream ale , and why hould -they not? Nothing else of the kind made In thin country can compare With O. SPECIAL NOTICES farDOCTOR WHITTIER CON TIMES TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That mussel,. elms of GUM malt leg from eelf-abusm, producing unatanlineiw nervotie debility. Irritability. eruptions, seminal 1 emission. end Inally impotency Pertemientli cued. Person. aleleted with delicate. intricate Yd long mending constitutional complat te are Monte r Wetted to call for consultation. which ha nothing Experience. the belt of teathiers. has enabled Auto perfect remedits at once eO. dent, safe. permanent and which le most cams u be used without hindrance to ballithei. Med ian. prepared in the utablithenen4 which em braces ofece reception Yd malting b'"d".4 447 d ePertmenta flor rent' .r.,Vr e t=la i r . c i onal attention. an savor thin concentratiel the timed mbiernl thringt. =SW who have felled; mat. your case. Seed what he says in his put _ phlet of nfty . rare, thet, to mer address for two t7r al e: ef eC l l 7 : l4i . 7 . l, 7.n. "t ree ' e Z l"..r ( a n b' eak l7""loj C v t boreT hlr ""' ej Pittennriti. . Hours s. .to r. at. Sun days 19 K. to N. Pamphlet Mal 10 any ad dreu thr Smo stamps. , 11;FBATCHELOIVEI HAIRDYE. —This spieodrd Hare D,e M the best In the world. Harmless sellable Instal:laneOn, does not mann lead. no r any ' endirs tm ooo pronme psralyns or deat h. Avoid the vaunted and denstn preortratton bossing virtues tbsY do not Donets. The snob. W. A. Batebelor's Han Dye has had 30 years nataralsbed reran- Hon to uphold Its Intesrlty as the only Perfect Hale Un—Hlarh or Hrown. Poll by all Diy gine. APPIIOI at 10 Bond !West. N. Y. NEW YORK CITY. Female Presidential Candidate Homicide and other Crimina Cases—lrish Indiguation—P4 Mica Excitement i — Anothe l . Disabled Steamer 1 -Polygam Question— Trade Strike, &c. By Telegraph co the Plnet:ink enette.) NEW YORK, April 2, 1270. A FEMALE OANDIPATII. Mrs. Victoria C. Woodhull, fomal broker, announces herself as a candidat for the Presidency. She denounces Cl' present administration and pronoun In favor of recogniung Cuban Indepe deuce. IRMEI INDIONATION. A Dublin dispatch states an immense Indignation meeting wee held hut night at Rotunda. The hall as well maths street was crowded with people. Speech.* were made and resolutions adopted re pudiating -the peace preservatiop bill, now under consideration In Parliament, as threatening to destroy the remnant of liberty yet remaining to the Irish people. A. committee was appointed to waft upon Mr. Gladstone and represent to him that the policy of the Government In this reepect was caneured by all classes and earnestly urge him to modify the bill. Resolutions ware also adopted urging the repeal of the union existing between England and Ireland as the intereats of both countries are antagonts -tie to its perpetuation. . CHIIII:NAL er.vrrsza. - Judge Ingraham to-day denied the ap-. pilcation for May of Judgme* in the CARO of the .notorious emigrantalindier McDonald and sentenced him to the . . . State prMon. Wm. C. Brandon, a diamond broker, .was held for trial on a charge of having bad In his possession Nos. 39 to 40 and 63 bonds of the city of Covington, and gB,OOO bonds, all being • portion Of of the 160,000 worthy( bonds and Recur!. ties stolen In January, 1809, from Lite office of Blerworth and Ranchell. James I. Aspinwall, druggist, has been arrested on a charge of knowingly purchasing smuggled Bay oil in large quantities. The duty on the oil is twer ty-six dollars in gold per bottle. NOMICIDN CLIMB. An application was made to Judge Ingraham for *writ of error and stay of proceedings in tho case of Reynolds, the murderer. Decision reserved unfit Monday. The trial of Buckhout, the Sleepy Hollow murderer, resulted In the inabil ity of the Jury to agree, standing eight fur conviction and four for acquittal go the ground of Insanity. Another trial will be had In June. itononr TO BLAND. The Coroner's jury on the Fortyoix h street casualty of last Sunday, by whioh the Donnelly family wag killed,re turned • verdict that no one was to blunts. . . . . . . . . . COLONEL FISK, JR. James Fisk, Jr. wail *hutted Colonel of the Ninth Regiment and Col. Brainer has resumed. the Lieutenant Cnlonelcy. NEMO TO BAIL. Caldwell. - the alleged principal in the drawback frauds, -was to day held In $25,000 bail to appear for trial. ELEcreroi FOS PACMIII.B. The Tammany Society meets nest Mon day night. It will Issas a call for In election Of Sachems. NEw YORK, Aprll 8, 187 CITY CIARTER XODITICATION The Cabin Leanne Club held a m: t. leg last sight and adopted a resoltal n that a committee be bent to Albany It o urge the necessity of &modification In t ie present city charter. They demand abolition of the board of supervisorsand the limitation of the powers of the Mayor and Controller. ra3.I.ITIOAL ISXCITEMLIIT. The Citizens /alienistlon last evening adopted a memorial calling upon the Legislature to pass the new charter as c t came from the Assembly, and specifyi ng =ay of fu features as the beet Minn) .. Anent. which Its members bad for years recommended as necessary to our Ent* eipel government. lii coast quinine o a meeting between Horace Greeley d John Morrissey, In which it .Is alleged Greeley agreed to 'op . the new charter in consideration oil' ro pmise of the nomination for Goiern r. ship by the young Democrany, e Republican Executive LN:immittee, at a special meeting this - afternoon nosh'. monsly adopted resolutions recommend. Mg the adoption of the now.charter. The Idea now influencing the Republiesne of this city is that If they oppose the charter a bargain will be Inroad betweenthe young and old Democracy, by which„,k,he more satisfactory. and desirable , cla uses will be struck out of the pending chatter and the objectionable Board of Alder men retained ln office. ANOTPLISIt DISABLKD 1111CLYIR. The steamer Idaho reports that on Agell Ist at eight a. el.. In latitude 41-16 longitude 60. she 'poke 'the Inman steamer City of arum* from New York for Liverpool. Cliptaln- Kennedy reported she had lost her propellor and a full set of gall; hit needed no asslst- Ince. She proceeded under full sail close hauled heading S. E. The Idaho took lettera.from Captain Kennedy and his passengers to friends In the United States. POLYGAMY QUMMTION Rev. O. B. Brothlngb sm. ins discourse, took ground -against the action ar Con gresaln relation to Utah. The. State be held had no more right to interfere with polygamy than it ben to prescribe the limits of Protestantism or Interfere with Catholicism. TREES EMS SUFFOCATED A fire occurred this evening at 14 Bast street, occupied by John Honey as a lodging and. dining saloon. - Damage 1115,000; fully insured. Three men, Brown, Montgomery and Smith, on the fourth floor, were suffocated. = - At a meeting of upholsterers held this evening, It was announced that the em ployes of two of the largest .establish menu. In the oily will go on a 'strike to• morrow on account of an attempt at red notion of Mtge.. ' BursaLo, Apra_ 2.—Litre stock— receipts for the week 4210 beeves, 6184 hogs, 8936 sheep, 260 homes. The market Moses arm at yesterday's quotations. ' tINDIIRTAKERS JOSEPH METER & SON, cawiarwrikumns. 484 PZIRt 11; =WY . oa.lageo Air Iniaeral it PlUlLtalieli• 007713111 niad yarnialguseai st lad rates. sof JOHN M, COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, LOCOIOTIVE t BILLING ILL BRASSES Mad* Promptly to Order RABBIT'S METAL; Made and Kept on Hand. rnopristorn and llanantetarane of L M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee STEAM PIIMP. office, 882 PENN STREET. roaadry, Cor.l2tit and Railroad Strut% l==l2l WILLIAM EMI A CIL Nos. 111 aid Liberty street . Comer of Irldp, now offer the trails at low lig• - Aura, strictly . Prim New en, New Orleans Bazar awl &lane& Porto lllea, Ma and tea .4 Wine angst ee yora, rigladalpala and bannsars , n . Golden Delp., Loverlags, Gran itnagton gt.4,;=,, l MPoa and ai r rerisland Valium Young fignon.Poo. tilkspowdel , d Oolong Tess. Carolina and lissigOin bud Ithst.Mkel.. 2.0.", - urd CHI. Glau, 30144 o o tto. yam, aa, eustutly es bud. ALSO. iIIPORTZES 07 E l i e Brandies, Wines and Segius. ofHi eenkel slse,it Co.. I Roselles bottles sad be . erlltei Hoek Wise baptdrog_Woor.UeLeettarabert sad Jobias tiorinelaer nornody, de. Bradenton' • 1•4•••• nom Ott. On. •do do • ID•oreta,__lmpor sod id bau d , d o do Whits wlaor. to Wen W. Work Poor. eovkllas Ostroba. Tide Old Marry, 11erLaarl Pon Wises hos OW lloarrodabels .„anido o . ddro . do Val soporwr Ma motel ito to. • ALSO. flolo&faSIOr Yost fauisilon's GlasS Ins Vesen ' Sy sad Sellay ..11Samosess, Moodie, of oat crwi /111.10410.1 sad warrostad juodil OFFICIAL 1'11.`11113 Lrit G AN ORDINANCE creatint the office ul Inspector of Milt, tad Regulating Um dale of Milk. etc. I.Be It ordained and enact b the cte of Pittsburgh, In detect and Comm ed on y Comae' i la memblett. and itila hereby ordalued and enacted tor the auttority of toe Fame. hat c h lO2ll be ne rd' to tell. expose or offer for sal within the city et Pittsburgh an) Im unwholmorne auk. or any admixture thereof, containing water or other foreign liquids ortnb stances, and any person so officodin• shall bear • rested at d brought before the Mayor of aatil It)) and If, upon hearing. the Mayor shalt ad- Ridge such person to he entity. he mall itermse • line not exceeding the cure of Arty dui lam sod adjudge the property or tliteit no told. expowd or offered for mle. to b • fottnted to the city °I 'Pitubvegh and to be told Cr other-wile ilispoaed of Mr the impeepir of Milk. jsees M. It abail he the duty of the Councils In oint heublun enneetly to el.ct • suitable penult ••Inspectur nf Xillt,'• vilo.n duty itshall he to sirtchly enforce the provt•lnt,. of tki.oral nance;to arre.t olientlerl and mate coin • Inlnt against m before be Maio,: 10 seise all mite *old. exposed or offered f•le onle contr•ry to till. Ottllnance,and.ltspo, of the mule In accordance With the Judgment then by the Steyr,' mime the hearing of each and he .hall keep an Inr- Matit of ail mull Isles sun and re port. the game goartcrq to the i.ouncllet. ChM 3. The nepe•tor of Milk shall have tlie tiglit to nur In and upon all plfres inhere milt sh ppeset all Dense a'' N ino.ll o : r m° tiigmenl for.le anal ennr:- i go,=.:V. , , t t ere d; o :4 ' make • Me Inseectlou and u examl y ation 6. which may hare been aehl, exposed, off-red or delivered to be sold, where. ver the mire may be found within Bahl eity,and report the same to the mayor, in easeany violation of this °Midst. had appear to have keen cihtinitted, r2OVldefl, .h.v,erer. I bat any citizen requiring suchlaspie• Lion shall tent par to-the Imp. Mee the rem of —.or the tun o the dad. f 4. AU mountmade by sales of forfeited milk. mid received for in•piirtions made, *hall be aciounte, for the paid quarterly to the City Treasurer for the me of the clu, and all gm. Collected by the 51.3 or shall he accounted fui and paid to the city an other raws. he salary of aald Impectot sha Ihi the a s ofll—iter ea num. pnyable es in th • lite cases. O. Before entering upon his &Wee, the Impector of Milt stall take rad on ukte before the Mayor an oath or affirmati that he will perfotert the Mitt. of his °Meet and atm bond In the auto mfg --. with two euretiee. in th! manner preteribed for. Me Inapechr of Meat. nth. The Pollee ender the dlreellon of the Mayor, shall aid the limpilet. Of Milt In the en forcement of Ms ordlesuice, and any p.m. who nail binder, Interrupt or ;WM the inaoretor In the p.rformance of Si, mules. upon eon victlon thereof before the Mayor. h4m3udged to pair a nne not exceeding fifty dollars. Read twice and ordered to he printed once in the pap, rs au' par red to du the city bristlier. &N ORDINANCE authorizing the Gradlitr. Paving and i..urbing of Tus- Mr t, nom Pet era to truly street. becnrior 1. Zs O ordnirsot and enacted by flu ofP,in Merge. In Helen and Common Moms ails/ assembled neer O Cr heraiy ordained and earisitot by the autliorag of CM tier City Engineer be and hr timely Morlred •nd dirteted to advertise for proposals ler th e grading. paving and curbing of Tustin street, ream .treet to Bride street. and to let the mania the m treated Or an ordinance con. earning sues t. pus. d £OlO.l 31.1, 10071.1.0, an ae[ cowman{ etre.... spurner(' /an. Mb, 1884. tic. A. Th•t any ordinance or part or ordl aaneenonflletlng with the passate of this otdl and at the present . thne, be sad the same I ffgg . epraled so far WI the same streets toss or bnialond and enacted Into • law this the Stith day of March, A. D. 1070. . . -JAMES MeADLET. • President of *elev. Counell Attest: Z. S. lineitow. •=attE=s!O W. A. To/MIN:3ON, Preet.:ent of Common Couucll Attest: H. Mc.llestlin. ' Clerk Of Common Connell. ant AN ORDINANCE authorizing the opening or Tna.la Brett, from senesa street to briny street. Sr of ordained aud tw tlft Oily of PatsburoA, tot Select and Cameron than ethr assembled, and It to hereby ordained and waded by the authority of the came. That the Ciry Engineer be and lir Whereby authorised and di n ins te serve! and ope n Testis street. lost scares Street to Brady s.rest. and to ap praise damages and assess benefits caused there. ny. Jacob Biller, B. C. Sawyer and Joha Flynn are hereby appointed In accordance with an Act concerning Biretta. approved Jan. Oth. 1884. Sr,. Is. That soy ordinance or partor ordh. IN lug wgh lie presage of Ude ordh armee at the present time, he and the same Is hereby repealed, to (Sr as 'the same affects tole ordinance. . . ydaload and ertartedluto a law Vas 98th day a( March, A. P. 1870.. _ . . JAMES Me AULEY, Pr, siglent of &lent Connell Attest: R. B. Monnow.. . . Clerk of Went Connell. . fr.OMLI. President of C o mmon Connell Attest: MoMnaknn. Clerk Or Common Connell. will AN ORDINANCE auth o rizing the lindlins. Par:no and Coining of Mad ison .tree!, fr to Fitch toe Vs Snatin . . , the ;ea/allure and enacted 'by the City of Pittsburgh, In' &led and Coo. mon aounette S led, and U hereby ordainsd wad esactod by the authority of tho gams, That the City Engineer be and Is here by authorised and directed Parin gnt, OroPosals tor the Orating, g and re in`Cur of Madison street. from Filth Ailhemie to Tueltu street. and to let the eaue la the manner directed by an orelnanee concerning streets. paned August 31st, 1101; also en Act concerning etectts.apprtred Janumn 6tb.1064. Bac. U. That any ordinance or part of ordi nance confflctlng with the haulage of this anti herebt the present time, bead the tame le yrepea'ed solar as the same affects Ws or dinance. Ord,lne d and enacted Into a law In Council alas SSW day of *lamb. A. U. 11,70. JAMPti eIcAULEY President of /Select. Council Attest: E. li. Ifonnovr. Clcrt uiSe:eciCounell . . . •.• . . W. A. i`OnfLlNl3olf,_ Preeldent of Common Connen. Mama: U. McMASTEA, Clerk of Loom:Lon Cconell. ap4 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the tivadlon. Parton. a- d. Curtner of Ulot meat. from Filth avenue to Slut stet et. . • . • gm. 1. Ifs ft ordained and sandal by (AS City 41 , telaticTa. Select and common Councils seted. and U is lereby Ordained and enact d by the aufivirdy of fat same. That the City lioniseer be and h her, by a... Canted and di rect... to eater.. e for the •raning. eattne and earg tog Otet •treet, from Filth •veelle ID Elan eteet. sod to Art the mote to the matt:ter 411.1. '' 3; . ;t. ' 3V1 . 53 4 ; Ins wls, ainuoecil Jauuary atli, IVY*. • 9. hat ally Ortllltatlee or pan f Ord. Ilabee conflicting atilt the pains, of Ibis oldie nal:meat the present Um e.be and the same la bore. by scinialed so far as the Kuno affects this ordi• indica • .. Ordained and erected Into a taw In Counelle, this Ifilth day of Morel:. A. D. Dell. JAM IiteAULIT. • Attest: X. S. Mcrallo ` d ent e of Weet Council. , Lierk of ileitct Connel l. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Commou Connell. AtsC le L k l of Common Council. ape N ORDINANCE authorizing the ontmlne of Homewood avenue tout:M. f (ra A. feet in whltn, from tireensborg Eike to Rood. . . lincnort I. Be it ordaruset and nustlea y [l b Do y la me ells f a.dd ure nd n U fa d i a e Cm a m af aW - estaded by fads authority of Ino tonic That the Pity Engineer be and be Is leerebrauittorized sod directed to survey and once Ilornewour are bue aiaty (60, feet In width. from Greet.. rg like to Fran brown Road; and to appraise damages and ass Dements soused &barony, T. Davison. Pallor Tern . nee and U. R. Tomer. are It tatty appointed in accordance vrtto an net eon• canting Ist ttttt . approved January Otlr 1864. Bag. 9. That any ordinance or part biotin nation mantel Ins with the passage of this Grill. onace at the present time, he and the same is twisty repraled so far an the same affects this or dinance. Ordained and enacted Into • law In Connell this 10th d y of Marne, a,. D. 11170. J Alllll McAULEr. President of Select COll.ll. Idonaose, Clerk. or Solent council. . . . W. A. TUAILINSON, Pont.lent of Common Council Mica: IL Itiontorrnn.' Clerk ol*Common Connell. op AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Heading refuse , street from Bedfo..: s stet to Arch anent. • • Bannon In et ordained and mobbed by Me gy, 1t pumburph, In &bed mut Common Coun cils tbsterabled. and U hereby ordained and enacted by autaority of Um eame, That the City Entlerer Senna be Is hereby autboriefd and di rected to !Lariat's° for propowds to the grading or ruins street. from firdfsre street to Arch street. and to let the inure to the manner directed DT ILAordlo•ore c 311MIntag attett9, patted Ar. g et ISS1: al net concerning stmts. approved Denary 6th, 1164. sec. S. Teas any onllnance orpotnof ordinance eonnictlng with the passage of tele ordinance at the present time. be and the same Is hereby re. p,.aled so far as the same affect. ants rdinance. ordained and enacted loto a law in Councils, this 81110 day of March. A. D. 1176.• • JANIS Mee MOM. President of Belect.Contiril. Attest. E. S. Monnow. Cleft of Select Connell • W. A. TOMLINSON, Prealdent of Common Cons6ll. Attest: IL McMASTRa. Clerk of Common Oodnell. • . ape. A NORDINANCE chaining the tame of Westallosttr arcane to /rooks to•sk 800. 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the Oily of rlttsborob, In belect and Common Connell, Imembleo. and Illy nertby ordilned and ensettd by the authority of tbo same. bat the boom of Wombat...or 000ntio be changed to Yrookstown avenue. • . Sae. Z. That utgordinanteor partof onfloance conflicting with the passage of tills ordinance at the present time, be and the mane Is hereby re pealed so far as the sante in to thin ordinance. Ordained sad enretati into a law la ficancile, this AM day of Karen, A. D. IV PU. JAM Inn hicAtILIY, si Predent bf Select Council Attest: Z. B. Mcnthow, Clark of Select Pinned. . • • W. A.:TOMLINBON, Altam4 H. Melklmrr Prestdeut of Common CownelL alt. Clerz of common Council. sot • N ORDINANCE authorizing A his Andertoo 'sorest an Iron. clad addi ct co his unit Wasalouton sfreet. Shams 20 ordained andhastostot ay Via Cap of PittsOursalt, Pant sad Cosmos tbstu• sursonatad, and it ta hereby ordained and on aetad by the authority of the gains, That per i asionle and Is hereby mated to W. W. An derson to erect storyn clad addition, tttttt by thirty feet, one high, to his on Wash. button street. has 2 labs and . a rdin aim or tart of ordi aaa of this old!. i aat any aiue ~a~_euoa 0...__ tea pU S, 1•0;36 tie — Rnient time..... 'and tn. saute Is ecretry rt pealed ao far as the name ancels this ordlnonoc. Ordained and enacted into i law la Caineas. thY AMA day of Mann. A. D. 1810. • JAMEi MCAULEY President of celeot Council. Atteatf E. 8. MonnoW. clerk of. Common Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON. President or Common Cklnclf. AUcat: H. MCllAnina. , Alert of Coawon Connell. MR ORDINANCE the conetrecUon U • aultltiboertrz og attleVa alley. from h o enberger strtat toUlst street. Swims, 1. de U ordateaf sad swami en as Cap N Intf•frorgh, Pt /Wed and Common Coos odic asomblot. and tt Is Web, ordained and sneered OF 010 authority of toe Immo That the Chty Lea near. be aed,be. le bathe Oetherlard and directed to &drafting , far proposal. for the .natruethia or a Peelle hearer. bt. Patrick's alley. we s talltenbervr the to Ulstltteet.,_ and tothe COIL of the saw. James Psalm James Chambers. and /aeon Miller are h.rrby appointed In awed... with sancta Assembly approved /sonar) 6th. IF6 I. tiere. St. That any ` ti or part of mai. nwe conflicting with he outage of this ordl• mance at the preseut time. be and the wise is hereby repealed so farasthe woe affect. Olt or dinance. Urdained and enacted tato a law In Cannella. Uda $lBlO day of March. A. D. 1810. JAldlte IackIYLEY. • President. of detect • Attest: L Z. lionnoW. Clerk of Beiect Commit. W. A. TOMLINSON, •- President of Common (bone! } . B. 3101AstrA.' Cleric of Common Connell. end Orlncl. cm Isotruss AXD PIJAVITOR. ITruntraoa, Mara 30. 11110. NOTICFp.,Th e assessments foe Gradlng se9 Itlesdamlstag ee., Croak &al. street ie Spram street, are sow ready ter tx•ml.aUes sot an be sees st 0 o o mth H. ZD . MAM DA E Y e Avs E v 9 th Mg.rO VINEGAR. THE eITTSBUIWII • VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOII 8t ADAMS 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND' AVENUE, Are non prepared to Inrcith YINKOAIt atthe LOWKIST MARKET RATER. Attention MM. tlenlaritiulle4 a on, EXTRA WINE -VINEGAR. MERCHANT TAILOF B. .I=l. M ALE CD "V.A. . GRAY & -LOGAN • Have remoyed from 89 FIFTH •YLNUE. to 47 sixth Street. SAMUEL GRAY, Merchant Tailor, 7 F.r" ft.,'" resumed bottom, le now respiring at No. 09 FllO2ll Avmarr, astook Of entire • . NEW AND FRESH GOOOS I for Ilenls wear, consisting of Cloths, Casitmeres end Wailers, and all the new st styles of Seaton and English Coat age, which he is prepared to make up to order in the most fa ,IdOnable style. Gentlemen desiring their Clothing mad* to order ae rely on having them made to theft...entire eat. la:action, both es regards style and quality. SAMUEL GRAY,' mbsirro7 . . 89 isIOTFI.AVILNUIE. SPRING AND -SURER STILES , . 1870. . J. C. It i rtliTtFON. C. L. Iflllll./.7olittnill. •. M'PHERSON &MUHLANBRING, Merchant Tailors,' No MI 81XT II STREET, ilatv tit. - tlair.) We have received a larva anal well nelected 01001 of the t eat and most fasblon able (foods In our line • great portion of whinti ode our own Importatios. Yeelhor GOPIIIIePt Or Cur 0 , 111: lo give perfect liatisfaxt on. , are respectfully solicit Jr m von ma early examination of our .1000 of line Confine , ex. V., tine., he. • McPIIERZO.N MUHLANBILINO. 10110 No. 10 diata street. NEW SPRING GOODS. Splqindld l ew stoct of ' OLOTAB, GAISSIMEREA SCos Jan focelvedti , lIiI T ULTIMA., = • WALL PAPERS NEW 'WILL PAPER, YOU SPRING SALES, AT • N0.1f , 7 Market St., near sth Avenue. We now. offer to the public a I Melt of PAPER a A NOIN IIS unsurpassed lo the West for satiety and beauty of Olaf, eschew:god all the Novelties Is FRESCO. MOSAIC, PERSIAN and.GRECIA2i LESIONS In plain and bright color,. for Balla, Dining Rooms. de. Also. MAID and MARBLE DECORATIONS, TINTED nod cilia PARLOR PAPERS, with an almost endless rarlatj. of CHEAP SATIN PAPE hit s WHITE and BROWN BLANES for C hambers, &a. All of whteh we propose to sellaslow as the 10 Weat la the market. Call and see. it • No. 107 Market St., near sth Avenue. . JOS. R. RI:QM it BRO. 1ab12,35 WALL PAPERS. SPRING. 1870. PRICES REDUCED. 40 INCHES wide MU at 750. ner roll. GILT—n great variety at 50e. per roll. GLAZED—eII kinds at *Setter roil. SLAG T Frenc stoic .ICAO rr Bang Inge, not epee.ll.aperlor to any ao. ■ortment In the canary. For tale at W. P. INf A ItAIR A TM,S New Wholesale and Retail btore, 191 Liberty &real. mbe PITTSBURGH. WINES, LIQUORS, &O. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING The Very But in the United Stales. MANUFACTURLD BY WILLIAM WAGNER, BSI -Worth Seventh Street, G=ol References—All t➢e leadllth Excess i¢ Sdle delptas. Jath:stheTe/111 SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, 13:=I1133 WINES, . BRANIIINS, GIN, IA WHOILKSALII 01/IJLEBIS ll PURE RYE WRLSKIEL4, 4011 FERN STREEt Have B.enroved to NOIL SSA AND SV6VEIIIIII, Car. litleventb St.. (tom arty Canal.) joszen S. FINCH Kos. 11115; 1/17.11119. 101, 191 and 020. ITBVT STOZZT, PT11138U2013, Pepper Milled Pure Bye Whisk* /1.0. &alas Is .POREIGN WINXIS LI. Q: Mks. HUl'. fn. - ~. ROBERT" 11, PATTERSON & CO. COMM& Or Seventh Avenue and Ltherty St., Gil, PA. Witt on Z . Cvery Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE lORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES • . WAGONS. WirtrwiliV:a i i.s.. Maar lol3of Muudiument on or berm Thursday el pat wok la order for advertising. Prompt at. Vie . sad rod ears mdll Da alma all Stork left JOHN H. STEWART. knelionter.. 1 1T013 T n 541 ri ; I; ..aia R a. I z 4 L 3l (' 11171ruliat. lIALD *rip COWEISS/ON STABLES COL iBTEM ITEIIIIII a MEET' It ae ba PIT ZINISIIRGII. m . OFFICIAL ROPOSA LB WILL BE BE. yrV-CKIVICL) at tbe Water Committee B^^s. t. era 1101eltar ea eau be reels. satiotiritit. 4itat to furnish IFERRUIL.Itti far... ye.. .abla .10811t.H /Batten. Separtaindent. VeBOPOSAI S WILL BE BE CZIVICD at taw OPTICS HT THE WATS% rtlf cl. ttaro awryof the Market H... op 1111 ALIYHIL 416. HMO. to fond. • "pp UMW. ULE►H jaHECtUtIer•BLZ NUT COAL. at botb Upper .d Lower W‘llt.i,fOr oaa year from tee lOta day of April. to7U. to be •clr..dtbledigli mot too toss • I% Mel amino sod ran over salute...a of not le. Utaa 96 Of an Web. alma. JOIIEPH iltfaZOFT. a•Perliet.; PEARL ASH.-15 casks fori ale J• M. CANS/ILD. MYMBEZdENTS igiriEW . OPERA WRAF. Glorious and tlanpnant "I l ium of PAREPA ROSA Grand English Opera /Company. CAISL wric (Directors) C. 11. Hem Co. 0. 4.• Irset. Nat um blamager. Z. mom. Puce Manager. haat. appears, es •f Mme. VARV.P.• th. ;;;;; Lyric • ram of the age, prior to per &Maga tore far tare •• le Jana. gOOITIVELY ONLY hll NUMMI' Commottelag lioeftlaY •• V MeING. Ozgli ch. TISK 1114,1111:11111•211 Mtge boat /I allot 5/eralelpe Wardens, thee 10 0 allmoJaage. l . Norebleta. Campbell, 1), Net, Sao other.. ;Condoner, Jo. A. V 1 ease eg —T*Cflf ATOM V.ll Ita.PA RIf.PA WAWMA& ,t .al me-PABST* rt lea eueeig V e Phetiet , a Maelohorm 11 a.Ol. taa,) P`1 , 41110).111.1. M0r..0.11.) • , W 4,r DEi e. t rim:8011t?l. - ga , euetot. Vat Dean Clltge, i9 ` ai OV, to location; rcss 7 d,LI "L cel te.. ogota House. ape far PI All 41,t • . ruuu MORTIS ONLY, Comm.owni NBDNIISDAY ;ICVENI April 0:13. MO, • ALLEN & PETTENGILL'S SENSATION MINSTREL!. I= CH ARLITeIrETTENOI LL, LSD TRIIR GREAT STAR 0011 PANT. • . • 90119 311111133. 120 Look out for their boor lilyi• sal ••Bad Dlekt2, •• Jitika to rittaborgb.. , LA1111431..330 - ittst llnaratil brat i s 50 com LTIN SLTUR DAY] AP YKITNOOII. 7bey •n appea- at LIBEHLY ITA East Liberty. en YU EtOAY ItVEN/liti. • WI Bta• tee Porten and Pecgratomei for pectic:Pars. at 2,01, WHOLESALE GROCER/3. &C. DILWORTII,IIIIIPER &CO., 243 Liberty Street, • Wad:delta head of Wood Stmt,) WHOLESALE GEO,RHS,. Actsi Pittsburgh, Pa. E STADJLISHED A. t 1". 60R1114, 1812. IV, ftL BOHM, ' WHOLESALE GROCER Na 271 Liberty Street, (e.azonx OAP. Ulna HO : rxx..) PITTISBUUOR. PA._ K. STEAM& A. A. STIAILWIA trrEELE & SON, • *Commtarrion Merchants Slool7lt , (TRAIN, vmasri,ao. No. YI OHIO STREET, sea fast Comma, r=MM=I MHAIH/11 & HARPER, FLOUR, ORLIN ♦ ND PRODUOI Commission Merchants, LEBEiTT mum Conftnuments mAlalLed W. C. ARMSTRONG, . 03..2am to /Os. • Asmstmtg.) PRODUCE COMM= lEKDOEANTs Pio. 25 Mnrkot Street. ern L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, fm.iind , ost'sr4 , oo .lIITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON; Wholesale Groers, Commission Merchants so Dealers la Produce. Ploor. Boma, Cheussa , nth, larbon sad Lard Olt. Iron. Nalls h a i iiht“.. cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Wane roe generallyu zgh, ~ and 114 4600 ND wr T. Pltisb JOfl I. IlOrli..llDw. Nauss—Am L. Noma JOHN 1. HOUSE BROW, Sue t" CCll•Or• to JOHN". HOUSE &CO., WWI. 0211Cer• ilierall42,l4 Com, of •od Water 21 PlUllbUrgb. JOHN ISHITTON A. WALLACI. §7IIPTON &WAIJILMUE.WhoIe- SAL& CROCERS AND PRODOCE. DIAL° No. 6 SIXTH STIOANT. Pittsbutob. INSURANCE. 0 3211 INSURANCE COMPANY.. ruzzaurs mamma, lIIs. HUM Avowal.. *nom. ile•sh ITITI3BUROH. 1.14 Capital AM. PlA4ld , DIRZOTOHIL • • M. J. I:: John ?Jaya. 11210.11. Man album HartmaA. A. Chambers. Jake H 15.11.0Dartsa. Jas. HMIs/. 11"*". n.on i titiV r Al k". , PrAdHillet. Thu. C. MOS, Via Pradrlnt. S. T. JOHNIIITON,Heerstan. Dt. H. J. HIRAM Aient. Imam! on Liberal Terns w on all, inn end inornie MEHL Ari:Na PMX/PLEIBP IMIVILANCM COQ[. PANT. OMOD, D. X. CORNED WOOD a PUSH !TI. ==l COM= apke L. l!tlioods. W. Rik C :- Soaat. Jo el P. Matra. John E. Parts. Charles Arburte . . Q. H. Love. Jared 11._Bms in. Vox KM. ItgurfltiMoVl """wkiji: - .101117 7 W I A.TY: IncePresident. ' • W. F. SILSDNXII. Secretory. 4 ; 1. LEGME NW ERSITRANCE COMPANY OP PITTESOPMIL _: • CE, No. IT FIFTH =EXIT, EA= ELME. EsENts . Weir.. t ell Maas et PIN .EdMerles MAL JOHN IR W7N. m.. President., • I T. J. lIONICINSON= w i President. C. O. DONNELL, CAPT. WIG DEAN. MenerskAgenG 1 , • 9111101012.11 B. L. Pahnsetaer" c . ." i Yi... 7 , 1 ' 1 ltah . r.,=.: Hervey Celle, Prenele =tiers, Cu ~ Charles Mr s. - osa. a. T.Elteeltdaish rt. Wm. Dees. . T. U. Nevin. SLABS. CHINA. CIITLHHIr. 100 WOOD EiTIIEET. IttrEENSWABE., Fno Sr , oz,nolL CHINA' AND GLABB.I Silver Plated Goods 'Dune= Aura TEA urra.l Tea Trays and Cutlery. The but Import. WERTZ STONZ, W•I1Z and 001111021 GOODS:. at toy piece. a. E. mum) & • coo. I ti CHOICE AND BARE CO.NFECTIONS, FOR PRESENTS. AT GEO. BEANE N'S, 112 /Federal Street dintskelstb wares L. B. MI:MC • O. J. 11111.111. TILTON & Wilda PR/LCTICASAPIA:DIVI OM AND smug rrrnras. Willb.Avem !friar Ille o llirest. rrresso ra. Lead Pit Om U. G. Mums. Saks. lath Ts ail a:lNa ss4.. Ir. Flpssad runs. ...1441.rstaW: laTcp . l•lllJh Va. wiser, =4 num tou& Asosnusks. llntoblal WIMP " turodso ruBLIC • NOTICE. bang appointed Oh Saudi 13.14 YLtil INisPgoTrag far .I.3lgbear Count), bailee IS bmby givea.tbat mita tt e. secretary ogles iad ledialded Tem ties Mutts:ter, uut tit brelida , te aut be forted at the 071/ICI Or pH/. ?ZONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPS WOZIS. Twenty-third street, hear Pena, Pittsburgh.. M. 11111“121. ; _tidvdli dna aid Oga icier - ... `.. ii.lntire iiiiiiiiimrs. OF AIL Hods of fro, Mks ash 'an rooella iositt Met, • ItOna gr i Lti .4 i 1... xr=d ar tze r .,, rl . ! tli, =1 , .. ~ im Imam. eashko ostaliggi Imo E. hyji= dui anale, owl em KU Wklte rile , . Ravioli. Sleek Bus and Whim roma lif i XlT ini i elfahti s li s oiflkair VI.In laNra orootA,M ormotto. . • Cb ' • H - • 200 boner 00001 ebeese; 100 bose• tra *my;bY ' . • .. S. tuft 11l Illnt Airtime C l - 4 1 t m E ja 3 8 • D I a s a dow a. 0 0