FINANOL(L. iffiERICAN BANK, NO, BO NOURTEI AVENUE, f . trTZBURGB • a9Ol. 0 /11 • ITAIL . 15200.1100 &WUORM Individually mania or DISCOUNT ANDEposr.r. Jolilt =k m. 7 WIC. PLOYD I4: . • . D 11.10143611.. d. Th., 1 ,1= 4 , James W. AMU. J. D. ald Belli. C. • CU; B. Leach. W. Fla Ya. thtßankt, aolr la do • gown! Banking ortaalud and prepared boalneee. GOLD, - SILVER AND COUPONS, /10.,he-al Ilitheat Prim!. Pll. IL HERTZ, Banker, cot. wood St. and sth Avenue r , AIM T. BRADY & Co., alsootasion to O. SUNK. & (n).. corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., .IEI44.INTEUEIRS, and w.ll all kinds of tIOVERNIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILTED AND comm. ON WRIT FAVORABLE TERM. Or lateral Allowed Do Deposits. rir Money banned on eertSISIOCIII Bend. at worest t.006t rain.' Orders executed for the Porches* ••• nate •r rprocuir. GOLD. JAMICS T. BRADT A CO, filqrslittsixtreditrtaietit, FINANCE AND TRADE. ISYIfIOII 07 PITTBIDI SAZRTTS, SATURDAY, prll 2, 1270. - The bank statement f the past,week being decidedly unfavorable, the mar kets •In gold,, bonds and statkelost their bouyant tune; and gold even looks vittaki although there Is nothing to point to any cause that might influeuoi a de cline. The fluctuatlons were only per cent all day, although our Imports have materially incraase4 tinder diminished exports and the treaters , has absorbed abouttwo and one-half millions for du ties. In governments a very bearish feeling I.t exhibited on the presumption that the funding bill will finally pima. At present there le no investment: demand cud sellers predominate. Stooks are weak on- higher . rates for call loans: - The hull movement luaugu sated at the beginning of the peat week had sot much farce. Lake Shore ad. warmed but one and one-half per cent andthe helms) of the lilt was subject only to the "usual fluctuations, except Pacific Mall which had reached Its bights point at 3834. from which It de. ci nestro WK. Express shares are firm. In our -local market the demand far home securities Is very limited and only emall.amounta of any kind, of bonds could be sold at present quotations. Money more In demand, with the still pending stagnation in general business. Quotations u received by Ph. P. Mertz: Sold, 11134; Silver, 109; Eighty. ono's, 11II3: Five Twenties. 1882, 110; do. 1881. Iteg; do. 1865, 109. do. Ism. Consols, 101% ; do. 1887, 10834; do. 1848. 10814; Ten Fortier, 106; Adam. Ex press Company. 81; Merchants Union Express Company. 8; American Ex press Company. 3834; Wostern Union Telegraph, 3134: ' New York Central, 92: Reading, 97%; Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne dt Chicago, 9334; Ohio A. Mis absippl, 5.934; Michigan Southern, 8734: Cleveland dr. Pittsburgh. 99; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, 1934; Chicago & North Western, 7234; Chicago & North Western Preferred. 88; Erie. fif.. Large Small. .45,46 115,68- .. 21% "23 - 81 83 Landon, per ....... ........ Parte, per Berlin, thaler---.. ....... Frankfort, 47 49 ;--4.llceing quotations received by James T. Brady * Co. Gold: 111%: United States Sizes, 1661, 118%; 81vo-Twentlo4. 1862, 110: do. 1854, 105%; do. 1865, 109. Ten-P'ortleii, 111; Flvc-Twentlee, Jann ary and July, 1865, 107,4; do. do. 1857 10834;.d0r de. ISM 108 X: Union Pacific Railroad, KA; Uentrardo, do, 9054: Cy. Pacific, 112; Lake Superior tor "'eternal, vitae rttusareh oasette.) Nsw Yeas. April 2, 1870. .- Money market active at 507 on call The Bank statement Is unfavorable, showing a Ices of 16,000,0001 n legal re serve. hpeclo shows a heavy loss owing to the heavy payments from customs Into the Treasury. The 110. In legal ten. dare la attributed to artificial meanr„ Leann, 127,175,687; Increase: 1049.103 Specie. - 11Z1,887,188: decrease, 12,384,00 Circulation. $33 8 7 0 . 554 : Increase, 12,170. Deposits, 1208,412,450; decrease, 12,498,- 283. Legal tenders, $50,011,793; decrease, $2,673,270. - • The cottod movement for the week shows .a large falling off, the receipts for the Week being 4,858 bales. And to date w 2.48,348 baler. The expotti for the week e o re 74525 bales and to date 1,541,409 bales. - The present flow of specie from Europe is said to be accounted for by the fact that a Southern railroad some time since 110. gotlated Its bonds to the extent of 1 4 ,- CKIO,OOO In Europe exchange, drawn when the market was at the lowest points and hanker drawing them order gold from Europe. The general trade of the - city during the present week was dull. The Imports, including specie, were 17,262,712 and ex ports $1,788,510. SatoTreseury receipts 'wets 12,8113 1 220; gBTd for Customs and disbursed. 1/204, 042 . • S. scheme for running the price of mouey up to oolu interest is mild to have been defeated by a prominent stock house, who lent about $2,000,000 at six percent.. - The Week Exchange came to no deol. 'lon to day on the subject of the new building. The estimated coat is 11.800,• 000, of which property owners propose to contribute POO,OOO. , • Sterling dull at 841,8 M. Gold dull and opened at 111%, touched litytand closed at 111. M. Carrying rates 4%5 ,per cent. Clearances. -142,000,000 • Exports for the week, 1208,452. Governments dull but steady; Coupons . of '5l. 118%€0114; do. '62, 1100110 g; do. 'B4 0934€11190%; d0.. 1 135, 102%®109%; do. new, 107•4(01011; do. 'B7, 10830)109; do. 169141109 g; 10.401. 108%0108M: cur ' rainy Vs. unoing. Centre& Pacific . bonds, 92e02g. _ St dull; Missouri, 92%; Old Tennessee 68; new do bh Virginia. 69; Old North Carolina 48%; new do 225 g. Stocks doll and weak. Lake Shore de clined to 88%. owing to the unexpected return of a heavy amount of borrowed `aback. Northwestern oommonsnd Rock Island was the strongest among western shares, Northwestern selling as high as yug, but closed at 72%. Rock Island clamed at 1171‘.. Ex dividend, mLcella neon. and express shares dull and with. out features. • Canton, 64 Cumberland, )12; West ern Briton T elegraph, 31%; Quicksilver, 11: Alertness, 8; preferred, 1234; Hanford • and Erie, Adams Exams, Olt Welly" • 10,x(,:' American'Exprest, Efo4; United States Express, 45%; Pacific Mall, AGM; New Yen k Central, VIM; do. scrip, Mg; 112111 S. 24%; do. pr'd. 47; 142; Readintu OM; Michigan Central, 119 V.Lekit Shore. 87%; Lintels Canted, 141 h Pitteburwti, 99 ; Northwestern, 72m; do. preferred, 83%; Rook Island, 11731; New, jersey max M. Paul, e 0 I des preferred, 73g; Wabash, 45; do.. preferred. 74; Port Wayne, 93%; Terre Saute, 89; do. preferred, 44%; clamed.* Alton, 1111 M; Ohio 8 Ml p• - pi, 20g; MC, dt 0,14. Boson Purest Copper Falls, 8., Frank lin, 41; Hada; 80; QuincY, 17. Imports for the week: Dry Goode, $2.. 098,16-General Merchandise, 15,1172,2 12 - Sob Tress balance, gold, 178,751,530; currency.. 1 0 ,177:328; general balance, . $82,874,228• Cancelled gold Certificates; sent to Wi ' uthlngton, 11,0H,000, Dry GOOdll Ilartet. ligyr Yank, 2.—The dry goods clauses is vety I f quet but whicho most of torthe abrlat, appear airawl7 /ow 00 "__#!_•zdtet hatter suedes of blascbed musnm. which are high, such wrifew York millet,. which .sell at 2 to, and Wanuutta ammo. white Forest. d m e a re winced to 15e. 8.- B. IL:kitten don - offere d 100 Amen of. a choice, article to day at 16Mo, which IS eqQat to any hi market at 20e, end they also , offer me bales '4.1 doe brown goods at IlSiollMe, and 750 balm. standard weight, brown sheeting's at ISEelaMo, and a eholoe line of Marl Poplins at. tee /ow Floe of 13me, net AU Mamma of dry goods offered a: pretty low prlews.. -;: Pll - 11.1BUKG11 .71ARKET9 (lyrics or Pirriounoir (3Azirl - rz, &Arum AT. April 2, 1370. The markets, generally, close a little stronger tide week than during any pre. ceding Week fos.aome time pant; and, as might ho expected, with a stiffening in prices, there is au improved demand. The grain trade has been unusually firm this week, in consequence of a scarcity, though temporary it may be, and, cam.; pared with last week, prices are higher. Several car loads of oats and cooa have been sold to go east, and some of our dealers have been ehipping oats to Cin cinnati; this is something new, as we are not aware of any salsa of grain having been made on eastern account for. come time before. Sugars, 'which have been very panicky and unsettled for come time, with a steady downward tendency are reported stronger in the east to-day, and it begin,. to look now .s If the bet• tom had been touched. The provisions market has been stronger for ten ilsya peat, with en ImProved demand. In fact, there le a better demand for all of the leading article i t, and with some good weather, to dry u the country roads, there la no doubt but what hominess will Improve, and Una,hajust what is wanted. APPLES--Sloil with a supply fully up to the demand, while prices are un changed. 112,5u@p3 , 60 per bbl. APPLE hlirfElßSalea at 65< 70a ASIIES—Quiet and unchanged; Com mon soda Ash, 4c; relined do 414; Pearls 9@9SitPintf.734- BU rrEß—Thorn la a good deinand for the hotter gratice,l with sales at 37(4i4u, while common and interior la very dull BEANS—May be quoted. at 111,754425, the outside figurei tor choice navy—hut taw sales above li. ' ISU&;i Wit EAT FLCiUR-I , :ornlnak2c. CREME . — Duff but unchanged. Sales of Wi.stern Reserve at Me; Ram. purge at 1634 c; Ohio tioshen, 17Sc; New York floahou, 111@)1814e. CRANBERRIEA—SaIes of Sackett's italic Berries at 12.0 per bbl. CARBON OlL—la quiet and nu changed; 23(42334c In jobbing lots, and 115026 c in a retail way. CORNMEAL—Ie quoted, In store, at 90@t1 per busnel, as to quality. DRIIID FRUIT—DuII and unchanged. We continue to - quote Apptes at 654@7X0. Peaches 714(48.t4c for guar tern, li(e)lfic for halves, and le®Ale. for Pared. Blackberries at 13@lie and pitted cherries at 2.5@2.3c. EBtid—lts good supply and doll with Bale. repotted at 21(gi2't. ILCUR —Market steady with a fair local demand wit prices aro unchanged. We continue to quote Western flours, inetore; at 15@5 ' 25 for Spring; 15,60®5.75 for winter. and 117®13 for fancy4franda. Rye flour. P. ORALN—There is a good .milling de-. mend for Wheat and little or none offer. Into we continue to quota, in the absence of sales,-at $41061,14, for fair to prime Red. Oats In deutend,,arrivals light and market almost bare; we quote, nowt. wally at 44@40, buying and 47@50e, sai ling. Corn, also, maroo road in demand and higher. Hither oar or shelled would probably have brought 78®80 cts to-day —there-were some sales of priori, yellow abetted, to go Gnat, during the week, at 800. awl we aro cognizant of a dealer having paid 75 eta for 1,000 bush to ar rive, ho furnishing sacks. Ryo also scarce - and wanted with sales of several car loads, at, 85®88. Barley firmer and higher; sales of prime to choice .taring MEORI!MM and track, at Iff@l9, aa" to quality. HUSKS-2.14®3c. HOMINY—SS,7S®6 per bbl. LARD OIL—Is firmer but unchanged; $1,2641,28, for Extra No. 1 and 8.2(§90 for No:2. - LlME—Eastern white, $1,74 .Cleve. land, $2,25. • MAPLE SYRUP—SaIea at $1,53G11,75 for galloa jams, so to quality. ONIONS—In fair demand with regu lar allies at 12,50(43 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Market steady with a fair jabbing demand, while prima are unchanged. ShOuldera, 12 for Plain and .t 3,4, for Sugar Cured; Side.. It'% for -Ribbed, and 16% far Clear; Plain lianas, 16, and Sugar Cured 17@17%. Lard, 16 @US% In iterate. and 18 In kegs. Dried Beef, 12(4,19%. Ness Pork, 627%. POTATOES—SaIes of prime Poach Blows, In store. at 45(g,52 per bushel. PEANUTS—Prtme Tennessee quoted at 9(410c. PEARL BARLEY—No. 4,6; No. 3, 6,4'; Oatmeal, $10,50 per bushel, ;5,64) per half bbl. PEAS—Sales at 1:02.25 per bushel. SEEDS—Clover Seed ni Drew:der and higher and diflicult, to quote cnrrectly. We are togninant of sales al f8,50(E99; bga sold by one house - to another at f8,60,11cd ether dealers quoted from 214 clear up to 110. Mouthy aced ia scarce and firm, with small este. at IS. Flax . Mi3KainiMi SALT—Unehanged-A11,804g1,85 to car load lots, and the usual advance In store. = • JCYLCIE OY FirrsErman 13Aracerz, BEIEIIOEI4 April 2. 1110. REVIEW FOE TELE WEEN.. • The oil market has been inactive, and At the mime time untiottiod this week, the sales In the aggregate being light;will le ririces have been irregular, though the fluctuation have not been very import ant. Veveral events have transpired during the week, of Petrie Imnortanco to the trade, the meet prominent of which was the failure of several large opera atom, and as might be expected, title for a time, had a tendency to demoralise tne market. Then, again, the freight ques tion was agitated lannewhat, having been brought before a special meeting of the Petroleum Association yesterday, and it looks now as though it was 16 a fair way for being settled. Airoady the Penoryl 'yenta Railroad Company has. reduced' tho rate' from 1.115 to 1,35, a reduction of 30 eta per bbl. Notwithstanding this Is a very material reduction, negotiations are still pending with the officer. of the Baltimore & Ohio Company, and It is be lieved that shipments can be made by this route considerably below the re duce(' rate of the Central Company, and bealden, It Is thought to be good ,policy to have route• to the aria-board, eo that the trade bore can have the adyantage of a little competition. Corporations are like Individuals they will take ,advec• Cages whenever the occasion otters, and the only remedy for this Is competlt on. There Is another Millar to which we have been requested to call attention, and it le an important one as upon It bloats to some extent our western and sonthern trade. Our manutadturers complain that the government inspector, whose duty It Is to teat all refined oil that is shipped by river to sacertian whether or not it will stand the proper tire test. is not qualified (or the position. It is Main:it'd . that oil which instead of standing 110 stood 120 and over bee beau rejected by this °Metal, causing great annoyance add expense to our re finers, and that It has been and is still done so frequently, that It has restricted and crippled our western and southern trade. It Wright and proper to reject oil that does not-come up to. the proper teat, but If, as Is alleged, rejedion■ have been nude when the oil was con siderably above - the required test, It Is all wrong. Receipts Crude -this week, 8,947; lest week, 12,092; January let i to date, 198; 440; same time last year, 149,878. Ex ports refined this weak, 7. 3 2 es last week, 9,143; January' Ist tO date '47.880; same time last year, 74,740. Sales this week, 18,600 bble crude; 4,000 raided; last week, 11,100 crude, 14000 refined. ostrna Market, notwithstanding It is',report ed strong above, is unchanged hre, and even at present quotations, the demand Is only moderate; indeed, there are but raw buyers snide from the ~ s hnrts" parties who sold some time ago and are DOW covering. Sale 2,000 bbla seller April, at Ill:. and 600 .•Parker" at 10%, Seller all year,. nominal at 143.(0114135. EZZC2 Market quiet and unchanged, though somewhat stronger than. on Thursday. Bale 1,000 April, at 2.6,L61 600 do, aL 51146; and a "line," May to Angus', at WV.. Buyer all year quoted, at 00. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH New TORY, April 2.—Ceitton 'market dull, with silos 25 bales at 223 o for mid dling onlantle. Flour: receipts 8,230 bales; tour dull and drooP4og, with sales 6,800. bbla at 84, 85 @ 4 . 66 for euPerfloo State end western, 11,65@5,30 for extra State, 14,60@5,45 for extra western, 85,15 e„8,115 for white wheat extra, 14,80@10 for round hoop Ohio, 115(g6 for extra St. LOP.* and $6.1038 (or. good choice do, Melte:ling 1,600 bbla low grades extra for extra. Rye Flour: sales 200 bbla at. 1.1 . 2,0(45. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky: lodes 600 bids western at 11,01(41,03, closing firm at 11,03 Wimp% receipts 21,180 bush; wheat dull and declining, with sales .20,000 boob, chiefly Met even. log, at 11,05 for Nos. 7.1 ,and 3 spring waged, 11,20 . for No. 1 Milwaukee de. livered, 11,4261,50 for white State. Rye quiet. Barley Mall quiet. Corn; re.' °Diets 6,900 bash; corn search, lc better, and in demand, chic fly speculative, with sales 47,000 bean at 81,031 4,M4 o lfdodno w mixed western, 0,6601, store, and 81,07(,8 1,08 for new yellow Jersey. Oita: recointe 11,167 hush; oats firmer, with sales 19,000 bush at 56Q/57 %c "for western, and 111;iigtHa for Ohio and State. Rico dull. 0t.,11e0 quiet.- Sugar doll, with eaten SOO hbds Cubs at warexo . and 60 boxes Havana at 9,He. Molasses dull. Hops quiet at 160250 for 41.cial• can. Petroleum dull at 14%14!i0 for crude and 7.0%21:4'c for refined. Wool quiet and drooping, with sales 150,000 pounds at 4834%523.4c for domestic fierce and 42%450 for pulled. Leather: hem lock sole drooping at 23.54%30e for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande. Coal quiet. Linseed Oil dull at 85%69c in casks. Turpentine firmer at 4754473.0 Sheathing copper steady at 310 for in mt: Cop per steady at 191.0 for Balti more. Pig Iran rather better and in demand at $33%37 far Scotch and Il 31 0) 34 for American. Bar Iron dull a: 176 for refined English and American. Sheet Iron quiet -at. 11%12c, gold, for Builds. Nails dull at 4,4.A5;4e for cut; 53,;(00 for clinch; 23% 200 for horao shoe. Pork steady; galas of 550 bbls,.at 126,50 for mess, 119,25%20,50 for prime-and 122%22,70 for prime men; lso, miles of 1750 bbls mess, seller April, ay and June, at $26.50. Beef quiet; slew of 125 bbis at 510%15 for new plain nese and $14017,50 for new extra mesa. Tierce Beer firm; soles of 200 tierces at $25%23 for prime mama and $2?%30 for India mttri. Beet llama steady; Isaias of 4001MIs at f28®30 for now. Cut Meats steads; sales of 145 pkg. at 1034%120 for shoulders and 147 , 1®101 far hauls. Mid- , dies quiet; seer of 119 boxes of short ribbed at 133 c. Lard quiet and steady; mica of 380 tierces at 14@14Nr: for strain and 15%15 , 40 for kettle rendered; also, salon of 760 tierces Mean, seller April. May and June, at 1.4M6411.110. Rutter quiet. at 17(634c fur Ohio soil 23(010c for State. • Cheeso quiet and steady at 15(0) 15Mc. 'l, , ,fest—Froighls -to Liverpool on• changed. Flour Closed quiet without change. Wheat heavy and nominal at 01,08®1,11 fir No. 2 apring 'and j 1,220 1,20 for wintor red and amber western. Oats firm and quiet at fi60057 . 14c for western and 01.3i@,640 for. Ohio. Corn quiet at #1,03@1,07 for new mixed west ern afloat and 11,0601,07 for old Mature. Pork quiet at F 2.6,60 for metro. Beef firm and moderately active. Cut Moats nom inally unchanged Bunn unchanged. Lard quiet at 14341®1454a for ateam. Eggs steady at 2701250. CiNuINNATI, April 2—Flour firm and In good demand; family 15 lOW 15. Wheat firm and scarce at 11 10 ®1 .12. Corn scarce and advanced to 85®89c and thallium buying freely. Oats unchan ged at 51®516. Rye„and Baxley steady and In fair demand.' Cotton in fair de. mend and prices higher; middling 2154 e. Tobacoo steady at full rates. Whisky vary firm at Psc made by old process, but little such offering. Mess perk quiet at 127, but not much done. Bulk shoulders hold firmly at 10c for aides, 131.413i1434c for rib, clear rib and clear. Bacon firm but quiet; shoulders tic, sides 15c and 1534 ts for clear rib and clear. Lard dull; steam 1434 c, kettle 15c. Butter unchan ged and firm at 31@37c, and supply light. Chasm in fair demand at 15®160. latter rate for factory. lAnseed oil at 91®953. Lard oil jl 25 and dull. Petroleum at 26 (§ 29c for refined. Sugar firm at 10® 12%c. Molasses 75®80c. Coffee held . more firmly under the advice' from New York, but no advance. (told 11154 buy ing. Exchange at `par buying, 1-10 pre mium selling. Money market easy at B®lo par cent. • BT. Loom, A pill 2.—Tobacco active and strong. Cotton quiet at 210 for middling. hemp unchanged at 11,20.® 1.52 for prime to choice undressed. Flour dull at $3,65®4,10 for imperfine, 14,25®4,50 for extra and 115,75131,50 for choice family to fancy. Wheat dull and nothing done in spring; small sales red fall at 11.05; No. 1 do. 11,15 and 1,25 for choice white. Corn Bigger with aalesin bulk at 75®77c and sacked at 65(487c Oats in demand and highar at 496150 c in bulk and 51®54c sacked. Barley very quiet at 950 , for Minnesota spring. Rye dull at 80c. Provisions unchanged. Mess Pork 126,50®7.7.00. Dry salt about dem 9,0 ®10c; clear aide. 1454®14 , 4e- Bacon shoulders Do, clear rib sloes 1650, clear aldea 15yc, plain hams 15c and can vassed 1534 c. Lard nominal at 1-I@l-1,4c for tierce mid 1634(4d6c for keg. 'Whis ky higher and' held firm at dic. , Grocer. lea quiet and unchanged. Cattle in request at 4(47c. Hugs quiet at 7yget49e Receipts-2,200 bbis flour. 1,100 bush wheat, 7.000 bush corn, 1,500 bush oats and 310 bash barbs 3 . Cincliggb - Aprll a—Exchange un changed. Flour easier arid unchanged Wheal: No lqulet at 90c; No 2 76M@ 79M'c for regular and fresh receipts. Molt ing at 7dc fur regular: this afternoon the market was Irregular at - 77(4)7734;0 cash and seller April. Corn firm, closing at 78,i@072e fur No. 2; this afternoon Um market was steady, at 794 c cash and Slc !miler May for No. 2 and 751:3178c for no grade. Oats more active, closing at 3814 t'•35,,•;c. • Rydnulot and lc higher, clog log at 750 for No. 2. Barley nominal at 4Sfjldc. iturnwlnea firm at 99c iron bound. Provision s quiet and firmer. clueing at 527,25 for mesa pork; 14%c for lard; 1244 c for dry Rah houl dere; 12.14 c for rough sides; 133, abort- rib middles loose. Recelpte p 4 24 hours: 2700 bbl. flour. 7700 bush wheat, 11439 corn, 7776 oats; 110 rye, 297 barley, 2219 hogs. nhipmenun 4812 .bbis flour, 49769 bush wheat, 13924 corn, 4322 costa, 270 rye, 760 barley, 2158110g5. Lonisvmmt, April 2.—cotton firm and uut.kwith middling at 21c. Flour. In modorate demand with extra family •at 15. Corn active at 95c. Wheat 11,1(10 1,20. Otte - 63e. Rio 90c. Sugar active with New Orleans at 11340. Molasses 75c. Tobacco; aalw SID tea at 65,50(0; loaf 118(a.23. Provisions firm. Mesa Pork 627,50. Biome 111.4(411534©16!4c roe shoulders, alma rib and clear sides Bulk Meats 1034®1434®150 for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides. Lard: prime tierce 153;e. Sugar cared hams packed 10140. Whisky 81,42. New ORLEANS, April 2.—Flour quiet -at 84 25(45 75. Corn—white sl©l 05 Gate advaneedt . eialta at 64@65c. Bran 81 25. Hay— pr ime ss7. York firm at 828 2547.8 50. Baceon dull at 11g416.Xc; barna 1714(41834c. hard—tierce /60815%c; keg 171 173.0. Sugar—prime 11@d1W,c. Molasses—rebelled 6'2465.1. Coffee firm; fair 16(0)1.65(e; prime 17.f...41751c. Whisky 90495 c. xchange New York night exchange N; per cent. premium. Gold 111 y. Conon in fair demand aud firm; middling 21,4422 e; sales 3800, re ceipta 1618, stock 100,150 balea. CLEVELAND, April 2.—Rye flour dull at 84,75.45,00 per tptil. - Buckwheat flour quiet and held at 85,0040,00 per bbl. Wheat quiet and nominally unchanged. Cora firm at 840185 c for No. 2,00 c for rejected do. Oats firmer and held at 52c. Rye nominal at 84485 c. Barley nominal. Soot ell la dull and refined nominal -at 48c; , males of 1,04.0 bbla of atandaid• white buyer"' September at 2530; . crude quiet and unchanged; spot held at 85,75 sales of 1,000 bbla to buyera all the year at 15.00. BALTIMOSE, April 2.—Flour firm and an improved demand for western super at 14,62@5, do extra 25,12Q5.60. family 113@,6,75. Wheat horn for red at 11,25, Maryland 21,85011,45. receipts small; fair demand for white at $1,93c0p.0f., yellow 21,01®21,02. Oats steady at 56(0 58c... Rye dull at Provisions firm at yesterday's figures. Whisky 98 @ll. PHILADRLPHIA, April 2.—Plour no changed. Wheat very quiet: red 11,23 @1,26. Rye{i. Corn In good demand, and prices were well maintained, yellow I 1,0& Oat. better, Pennsylvania and western at 60(4,81c. Provisions dull. Barley, previous quotations maintained. Mess pork {A2E4126.50. Lord un. dunned. Whisky, prime 11@1,02. BUFFALO, April 2.—Flour—no sales; wheat—sales 1600.1:lush Chicago spring on private terms. Corn-2 ear lots new Toledo at 950 on trackt6oobtush old west ern at 98c in railroad elevators. Rye and Barley • neglected. Seeds—Clover gd; Timothy 15 AO. Pork Ms4B 50 for heavy mesa. Lord 1543.15 Ne. Righwines neg. (toted. MUM PHI% April 2.—Cotton quiet and Arm at 22c; receipts 003 baler.; exports 4i7 bales. Pour nominal. Corn 968?,98c. Oats 60(.620. Ray 1128@27. 'Bran 120. Pork 127@27,511. Lard 15@bii. • Bacon quiet; ahoulders quiet; aids. IBa. Bulk Mesta: shoulders /9c: alder 14 @Mc. CHICAGO, April 2..-Cattle steady 15 .2605,76 for fair to choice stockers an? 16,2508,50 for fair to choice id:tipple steers. Bogs very dull at $450®8,60 for common, $8,75@8 for fair to medium and 19,05@9,25 for good shipping. • I Nasavrtax, April 2.—Cottow• bow middling 203.03; gcod ordinary 20c. Racout shies 15go; -shoulders 11Mo. Hams 15%c; canvassed 18019 a. Lard lac. Flour, J4,50(46,50 for superfine to' fancy. Corn , 1l in depot. Dirruo - er, April 2.—Wheat dull; sales or No lat 111,160111,17. limn scarce and rates mostly nominal; sales at 8514880. Oats Arm at 50x. . Barley dull at trifle per cantaL CloverseedllB,7s. bfix.wspirks, April-2.—Flour Is nu. changed. Wheat steady, at sago for No. 1, and 803'.0 for No. 2. Oats ' nominal at 410 for No. 20. Corn, Rye and Barley are nominally unchanged. inronTs BY RAILROAD. P/ITSBIIRCI, CINCINNATI: AND Hr. Louis RAILROAD, April 2.-1 bbl beater, 3do eggs, a - do apples, 8 Smith; 20 tits barley, S Hood; 41 bbla eggs, 2 tirsonions, Volgt, Mahood ,t Co; 1 bol seed 1 do on. lone, M W Rankin & Bro; 7 M , a onion., Meanor dt Harper; 16 pm furniture, 51 McGregor; 2 tea sausage, 648 pm hams, H Myers b. Co; 2 tea beef. 5 bra candies, J A RoOSORIC 6 bbla whisky. A Kimeordllnger; 16 mutes tobacco,T .1 Blackmore; 534 bra candles, W D tooper & Bret 12 do do, W W Gormley; 5 tea d beof, W B Hays t Bon; 10,1azs candle., J Kahan; 7 do do, J Lockb 5 do do, 6do sotto ' Beck Sold & Id; Edo do, J A Scott; sdo do, .1" Grubbs; Slit bra can. dlos, .1' 8 Dilworth , Co; sdo do, .25 bra Hearelton; 35 do dcc Scbwartz & Hazlett; 6 bra candles, 6 do soap, Gao a McClure; 3 bra candles, sbf do soap, J • • PITTSBURGH, DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1870 Porterfield; 5 bxe soap, 1 do candles, E Meßowan; 2S ties candles, John Colvin Co; 26 do do, M H Baird; 60 do cheese, Broggennan S O'B; 4 bads tobacco, Hough. Meyer ik Go; 10 Itt butte do, 20 caddies do, R W Tenklngot': 30 bxs do, W L Jones; 20 bf butts do, Carter, Mc- Grew t Co.- • CLIVELAND AND rtriNDONOIF RAI re ROAD, April 2.-8 cars I ore, 2 do wit)°, Shoenbarger, A Co; 1 do • a ere, Bryan AC;S do 1 e ore, Jones A L; 2 cases F Wood; 1 case gum, Shepard A D: 1 do do, Enable A P; 8,600 feet lumber, 14 A MOMIOrf; 2 bre butler, 11 Jugs tno ilsseB, Broggermau & 0; 63 aka potatoes, 66 do oats, 30 do rye, Babb A El: 66 do oats, Mraham A 31; 34 bbl eggs, 9 9 Mar vin; 4do do, Atwell &L. 2 du do, F. 14 Craighead; Ido do, d Duff it Son; I do po. Paul AG; 18 aka oat., Day dt 0o; 1 keg a butter, 4 bbls tipples, Woodworth D; 11 do apples, 4 do d peaches, P Doff dr Son; 6 do eggs, Brugorman A 0; 1 do do, 0 Barnet; 4 do, nninne, 8 do d Peaches, odo apples, .1 J Pettit A. Co; 450 do lob oil, Wesley._N AON 20 bile up plea, Vangordor 8; 11 do potatocia, \'olgt, 81 A Co; 18 jugs molaelles, P 1700 it Son; 12 do do, 114 do syrup, F 0 Craig- I bead; 60 do do, .1 Porterfield. PiTTMIIIIICIII FOOT WATNN AND CM -0000 RATI.DoAD, April 2-15 bale. • broom corn, B Taylor:. 10 bales p amok, Markle A Son: 1 ear II Iron, T Ma loney; 210 pigs load, Illthridgott Son; 100 bbls flour, S B Floyd A Co; 100 do do, Dan Wallace; 165 pkgs rags, Pgh Paper Manf; Cd; 9 WAR dry fruit; I do eggs, J H Kidui; 1,000 bills r paper, E Taro dr.UO; MLR-butter, 17 sky potatoes, 'olgl, Ma hood A Co; 10 eksclover seed, 3 bras eggs, Woodworth tb Davison; 18 sirs °ate, Mellor A linens, 2 rolls loather, W Flac ons A Son; 15 ' J Ilitchunt 5 bbla °Morin, Idr, eggs, Haworth A D;2B hides, Hays A Stewart; 6 bbls potatoes, H Tomer; 7 rolls loather, 10 bble eggs , lc do butter, Houck, Jamison dr, Co; I S bids. vinegar, Arbuck leak Co; 10 bbls whisky, A G Ai w; 180 lags barley, (.4aniCielch &R. Ali PITTRINOI4II A CoNNELLHVICLE RAth. HOLD, April', 3'-2 cars -metal, Duobar Iron Cu; 18 tigN seal, Volgt. Si A Co; 82 bbls whisky, D Wallace; 75 do cement, D EEckerr;,2 bills leathery - J T Mc- Laughlin; L car 'nand, 'Melling AE; 5 bbls eggr,.McCracken dr 0; 48 aka corn, Scot? &0; 3 bales rag., lot p paper, Markle & Co; 2 bga Backs, W' J Stool & Bro. ALLEOHEINT STA.TION, April 2.-306 gallons ■ were, E & C Megan; 233 do do, Backfield &Nlehonae; 46 eke bran, Rose & Ewlog; 40 eke, 5 bbls-flour, Ltodeay; 16 Jugs maple syrup, .1 Frazier; 16 do do, W 8 Nlmica; 10 do do, A 141mick; 10 do do, J Cuthbert; 4 cars aro, Pgh Iron & Forge Co; 1 oar moral, Llndaay & Mc. entchcon; 91 aka oats, 51 Bcbmtdt. Et= • Pimanurtow, BROWNSVILLit AND lla NEVA . PACKE.T. April 2.-9 bbls apples, McCracken G; 3do onions,l do eggs, P Cope; 3 do eggs, B Floy dr Co, 199 do apples. hi Watson; 8 pkge eggs, 8 do butter, Al Ron kin; 2WSdo 9 do eggs, E Anlson; 30 eke wool, Clark Jr Co; 5 do sibleky, E Bechtold; 13 do apples, .1 s Dilworth at Lb; 145 bon w glass, King; 13 do do. 11 (I,,Schmerto. Bs. Lome PER ULICNILIAL, iprtl, 2. '1,043 Iron blooms, 300 tone metal, Nina. ick dt Co; 92 bbl, clay, T 250 g I hides, t 1 Harbaugh Jr. Co; 2 , .0 aka chip stuff; JS W Fairley; 12 bake ham, H (larwig h Co; 20 bble clay, J Rapport; 150 bge .hlpstoll, 8 13 Floyd ,t Co; 66 bide Wow., Seward d E; 100 bbla flour, J Porterfield:4 hhd tobacco. H Dalueyer; lot h h gouda, Mrs. Mary Fox. NEW 081.1.:65‘a pan Apall 2.-36 hhds auger, John McDevitt; 10 bas tobacco, Johoaton&. Colvin; 34 pkge. furnlturit, 11 Hamer; 5 do do, Oltein & Co;2 do do, T B Young & • Co; 6 do do, Hammer & Son; 6 do do, Olckno, NEW ORLEANIi PLR ULAS3OW, Aprll, 2.-63 bales cotton,Kennedy, 0 & Co; 16 bhda sugar, W !Car t Co; 53 do do. RObb rt. Collard; 81 tea hbma, E Lt Myers &.Co; 43 aka pOtatoce, W C Armstrong. RIVER PACHETS. CAIRO AND Sr, LOUIS FOR CAIIIO AN ID EIT. Az I.ol3M—The tptcu .Id pa .12. g e ateatner • GLENDALE rata. llanx. Will leave fur the alt. , u and interwedlAte oar WEDNE,DAY. •prll Mb, at 4 r. Ear Dv leht or pateavt . 001"' on t`"o.-`, api ELAV'E & Agents. 1=132E2 FOR EVANdVILI E awl NASH. Sas pAstoser He.unts CAMIELIA • Cot It C. Mao, W 111 leave for the above and Intermediate pot oo Wir.DNKnI,AI, Shill Otb. Vor treleht or passage apply on board or to ate VI.*CK COLLIS:IiIt (KW. •rvotv. El= IJEIIN LINE. STEAMERS, For St. Louis, Davenport, tu bowie and Kt. Paid, rnßovuli WITEICIUT STEAMER LAKE SUPERIOR Captain .1. (IRKS ?MM.. Clerk, Will leave as above° eT It AY, A prt. 141.1. STEAMER RED WING, WM. P. HIGHT, Capt..l. 7T.ANNIO AN, Cleo* Will leave I n SATO IMA Y, A prll WM. Ttem new and meeml Arent It. Amer, are umler shame of cermet .ed crane, .1 ofttrors. time unsurpase..l 5e..100 medal o, s. uarrlue rem Inducements to rss.eua.mand Chipper:, a it to K, C. _GRAY. 94 W•ter sleet. Cr to melt /LACK. al COLLlNtill'Ool. AgeLls. I= PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. --. The new and splendid sid, , t It a 1 _.el(. JUNIATA, Capt. C. L. UnitagAvt, will leave l'ittsloargh for Cincinnati EVKILY Till/ItnIVA A al 1$ o'clott Leo:aptly. Neturn. lot wiNlesve Clotinuati SUNDAY at 111 NU' nn ardor to F., mut.' 0vaia.1117',T,?.?,;4 L) 217 41.11F2 COI.I.INA,As. nu. /AMOY it A KVAN'. No. 3 Wocd street. Passenger Agents. AND CINCINNATI' PACK Er - LINE. Those., and splendid aidenheei si gr i t Steamer, AIILINEITON. DAHILL . MUUHE. littler, A. S. nicer.san. Ultra, leaves Pittsburgh for tnnelnasidavery TUAYItAY at 111 N. promptly. I:attuning. Pitons Cinelnnati . for I'd: slough, at 111111. every 12:11)A1. Tor Irelyht. Ms age, or other. Infurmallon, ap• ply on board or to _ JJJtEA COttLiN6. • fel PLAUK CULLINUWOOD, Agents. PRNDKR A EVANS, No. 3 Wood street, Passenger Agent,. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TUE INMAN MAIL STEADISIIII.II, gamnartog Malaga arst-clue yowls, among them Um ealabrated CITY OF PARIS._ CITY OR FTWERP A CITY OP SLItITON, CITIa ALTLYORn, EViii.PBACIJIMAY, * from Pier 43 North River, New Reek. for 1111.1111 Apt or Amber InfonomlonaPPlT to WILLIAM BINWIIAM, Jr., OILS TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS - -AND DILILLIMB TN Petroleum and Its Products. e ggwe ttg o.ft & -l ir l y Lar il .z . Egg : T . It), DitdAlphlnOttlee-121 WALNUT ST. WAtuNG-& =I Petreleti4uf-:!NW, Itte ProduetP, DALZELVS BLOOK, DUQUESNE WAY PLIILADLLCIIIA. ADII)IIEW. WARING, KING & CO., 108 WALNUT: STREET *9lO ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. REMO= W.V. 'fIVEDDLE, MANVTACTUUNROV Lubricating VEgh Test Burning Oils, Xel Ono Rat'read axle Oil. Stande goat beat without mange; reMslnl ilmnid at lowest lempets.nms. Speclel oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Kerne., Mackiee chop. o rlleaSeurews. . • • and Planing Mill Adaptedellish speed. Spinel* Oil. Wool, Head-tight on. Dm and F nd Iniakiiielinisline.• Oil. Unreal* Oil. Parsnip. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Might Imo Work and Kaallnerr Irons Um. These product. aravelanufactureel I n Dr. Twedd Way . alons by Superheated Mem In Tee d". T.. , towleating (Ms are' almost °dollen, Pole. .7 pet!, =Dor., and mostly light col ored... Owl • Ingh [commit= unchanged, and remallribnpld during extreme cold. The =ll - arssmenualled, and are In constant ape CM wing ortuerpmeelpalhiliroads. sampleman tre etalnlnal and order. leftat ITel WOOD WYDILIST. Wens onasoinds RIVER NEWS The river wee tailing yesterday aftei , noon, vith IS foot In the channel by the marks. Weather. clear and ple...iact, and for the time being • rain Form is over. The .lenniiger, from Now Orleans, Cann.,litt, troo. St. Louie, and Ballo from Wheeling, arriVed during Saturday nigh t. Neill„ lingers. Pittsburgh to Bt. Vll at Eyalusville on Friday, and the P-ei.ervc, St. Louis to •rittsburgh, we. a: CAI, the same day. • The Slirtiwn Horner in docunding the fall, at Loutevillo with a tow cd coal, knocked ono of her chimneys down and demolished the other by coming in con- tact with tne bridge. Cant. Wash Kerr expects to h.,e his new Pmtamouth packet finished inside of a month. r Geo., W. Ilmiry, who San been . In the employ of Harry Rose R. Co., and other steamboat agents nt Cincinnati, an re ceiving clerk lad night Watchman of freight for some time, stole a check from Mr. Rasn'n drnk, for $71,E0, on Wednes. day, forged Mr. Rose's name to It, nod after eavorni attempts succeeded In get ting It cashed. It le Auppoged that ho left thorelbr Pittsburgh. Tho Great Republic, St. Louis to Now Orleans. was at Cairo on Friday. whore ~ho addeid SOO tone. A totegram. from Capt. Anewalt, of the Wild Uuek, dated at Stoubonville, on Saturday, elated that ate• of hut barge., the Preamtt, Iraq taking water, but that ha had hopes of saving It. This barge watt heavily loaded for the Upper MlR aiaalppt, malnly.witti iron and nada. Au effort wea being niacin to get a barge here to send to thtt relief of Capt. Ana. wait. The now end aplendld Northern Line steamer, Like Superldr, commence re. relying freight on tititatday and ill leave Ml , l advVrtined on 'tlatUrday Ilex for the Upper hi issnislppl.. She will' he fel. lowcd cy the Red Wibg, belongingto the came company, alas bran new, I -W -ing here on Saturday Week: The Glendale arrived from Bt. nis, with a gsod trip..Aa will be teen by rd Ike la announced for a' return rip, leaving On - "Vi'edneaday. The Glendale le to all Twerp', ono of the &teat boats In the trade. The Arlington is due here from Cin cinnati this morning and wilt return as usual to.morrow at noon. The Camelia, Cipteln n: C. Mason, is announced far Nosh and passengers and shippliro c..n rely on her going clear through. , The St. Charles departed for Quoin nett on Saturday evening. —Katie P. Kountr. is the name se lected by Capt. NV. J. Mounts; for his mammoth new stern wheeler, now en. der contract, and it lo expected that she will be completed in October next. The Ballo P. Mourns will have a 2a) feet knot, 237 - feet lonah of dock, beam 00 feet, and bold 03 feet,' Her Regina will be low.preesure —the Hartupee Moderator. Sire will be provided with four hollers in two batteries. The bolt. era have not been contracted for. • She Is to ue exclusively a freight boat, and will carry .1,100 Dow, end lan.ot to draw more than 33 inches light. She Is being einatructed of heavy materials, and will be divided Into tblrtesn water tight einntiertraeots, so its to be perfectly se. aura even if the hull should be broken ii)(ynteir Kou or any w other no rolistruti guards, o The two chimneys, although .only one war. originally intended: • —The Cairo correspondent of the On clonati Cosfinercist, referring. to the City of Evansville, says. Carla. Dexter says Mae is improving in speed since her ma chinery has settled to its *wrings and become smooth, and is entirely satisfied with her, notwithstanding she was not built et Loullivilly. Her fuel bill last week footed up exactlylll6B. Daring that time she run 800 miles, doing a regular packet business, which made the COIVIUmptiDn of fool equal to what it would have been had she kept away from the bane and run 1,200 miles. Ulla its good showing in favor of the Moder ation style of machinery., —The Bermuda was purchased by Capt. Sam. Jsmea, ou Tbuisday, Iron] Messrs. Willianii, Balton and Cochran of Sladison Indiana. Cara. /twee will will place ?he Bermuda In the Einoln: nit' nod Evansville trade, and will cum. mind her. The price paid was 110,000. —The Evanavllle Journal, of Wadi:ire, day, says: The It. E. Lee and St. Marys were slmoat entirely light. The Lee rexhipped her (:bight and people on the St. Mary.. There la a great nearelty of coal below, and the Viritlnlit3tobeq 1: 1.0. and St Mary., coaled here. —Jno. Atkinenr, ¢0 year. or age, • planner utrotard en the Moamar* plying on the Sacramento River between San Prancleas - and Steratnento. since 180, died In the latter city on Monday week. —Several suits have been commenced at Memphis against the Llterty, Com mercial, ltillatln andoll City, by parties to whom they are Indebted. . • —The R. E. Lee made the run from Evandvli . le to lienderann, on - day, 12 miles, In 38 minutes, including one landing. —The towboat Bengal Titter is owned by parties in the Upper Mississippi. acd not by W. II Brown, as retorted yester day. —Arkannas river MPS falling at Little Itock or Wodheeday. with only 15 Inchesewater above that port. —The Belleyernon. same ant! Mollie Ellett arrived st New Orleans on Thurs day. —The Far West. Pittsburgh 'to For Benton, left Cincinnati on Thurndiy. —The Mary Miller ban laid up a hlvanevilloi and la for sato M=EMI 111111EMIEN'S NATIONAL BANK . , Mod St., cot. Second Avenue. itifintlar CAW ON DEpONIII4. Bold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks • SODOM AND. SOLD. A. URAL/Lit Y. isreaWegt, W. VAN KIHX... - -Ittel: rreetWin, CVILLRI Cf.A KKK. J. 4. Castle, THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF I'l 'l' 411 JIS(i11 EMEED Safe Keeping of Valuables, Under VOA rant., end the renting of Dohs hi ttf Fire and Borglar-Proof Vitalta. No. 83 FOURTH ..4VRN UK Prooddent—WlLlLlMlll Vice Prole!dent—HENßY LLOYD. . . .. WII Ll'Akl PIIILLIA 5, BYRON H. PAIMITIL lIKNIa I.LorD. J013:5. MORRlit .W i I.LI All MICA. GKOR lIIAL rig f• WILLIAM 11. I.l'olt. OMILTLS G. AU . Jo& I. 110.NNZTT, Sari' A - Taus-16 W. iin itommoasT. oyes daily from 9 o'clock A. N. o 4 o'clock HOKE'S SAVINGS BANK - Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and - fauvek Street& a. O. HAIIPM AN, Presides'. P. TOWl44ll.""sdeler, BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. atosibelders levideilly INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSIT" • ! CITY BANIK.. 112FifthAvenge,PittsbnrO f Pa. 1 , ioixiTAL. • < ...._ • STOCKIIOI,I3IIB INDITIDUILLY . LIABLE. i INTEREST PAID ON •DEPORII.TS. ItatICION ILICUAMIr. Banhbt hntl .In. slut when daelreAl rnmlited to Serape. CoHeal°. made oh All In ememal Valeta of the United mate end ex, ~„., Doimslcge:thlecreabler i.. PPTgoil l oArr C . Onahler. ''' "... 1 I i t r n a n r Dlr . *: i -, R RI ezh a .. P m i g c'. C we i 4 t i l , , , , v. ' 1 inle. B. Barr. J31:10.111n1P1A11. Chal. Illaelun, 11. A. ryrv, , It. J. Orue, N. stu 1 hatosA Bartle, , .100. N. WAZZAV. Rnlklbr. OM wow, CAUGUET & co., BANKERS AND BROKKRB, Corner '