The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 04, 1870, Image 1

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tar. iitlh treone and Imilhfield Aral.
B ymW, per jean
Deli, reed try metiers, per leiet
tits littdragir Eirta*ts,
NMI A. 311101 is off buffalo 'boot.
Juramaa, bookkeeping--cbarging
Mit= bdra—bablea' born that month.
Panama' Ind Docile too old—not too
• -
Hui brushing by steam has reached
A WOMAN In New York is dying of a
ad bite.
Bocrra's Macbeth aurpristd oven hie
Nrustue and Pere Hyscinthe lite Mar
ring in ?aria.
Rao= lat.aND haaaholished Imprison
ment far debt. _ ' •
BOCTI CAZOLTAA farmers are busy
/ smarm. swimmer is giving exhibi
tions in Brooklym. '
Cinema WWI OA airs beanie 7,000 of
Its chhiens eat opium.
-• lowa sehool-analanii are expelled for
kissing the big boya._
Pauli belles wear airings of- luta
onto around their nada.
• A irinllONTlll:bouta of killing forts , -
throe foxes the put winter:
firliatura's congratulatory letter to his
SUCCICNOT - Wllll a Pleasant, on.' "
THIRTY Council Bluffs young ladies
want to run with the machine.
Alf Indiana Anew is moundrig his
lather, whom be shot the other day.
ROIIIRT E. Lea ta going to spend
a month in Savannah for his health.
Puss *Sired of "Robert le Diable."
It has enough deviltry without that.
Am.usnro to a man's poverty cost a
Philadelphian his life the other night.
A HA111•11111 aa*ath_mpitt . ha/ Illstin.
guished blunielfm the Dick Tarpirt
AN obstreperotis 'boat. Is rendering
a Maine Itambroun'a camp ludshattlt,
A CANADIAN paper uregreta" Captain
Eyre's "error" in &owninig.tle Onelda's
Hnxicans In Texan bola each °Merin
&adenines witticrat eliciting ninth con-,
Lonnotr lit getting ready loran eptdemic
of burlesques. Breen new ones ars pre
Aroor Rem in a Georgian town "ben
a ripple athwart the sea of general stag
L BILIFTILD man hu been eating
measly pork for thirty years and it agrees
with him.
A Cruces° Inebriate has been fined for
kicking a wooden Indian in front of a
cigar anon.
A CMOS? la MiMOH WOlllll4 blue over
coat to • keep the wind from blowing
tbough him. _
Camellia Dictums; Ja., hu
gnbhed himself u an amateur actor at
Richmond, Eng.
A. HARTMAN bey reproving anolher
for chewing tobacco, got his aye knocked,
out with a bottle. -
Haw Tone east alders are begging to
be preserved from .7 new preserved
wooden pavement.
Mu. O'Dormvas Rosie' has been
reading a poem at Cork written by .her
husband from his
A awe in Georgia was broken to
pieces*" if by a . shell, by the caving of
adu bank upon him. •
A. warirraa in liardints,.oldo; refused
to christen a baby.."Vallindighsna." -
. loyal "Sardine," that.
A VZIMIOAT town has shipped two
million feet of lumber end half s'million
shingles the past winter. •
A PATIORNAL school beard in Ohio pro
hibits teachers and pupiletront attending
public or private • parties.
"Branecurion ,DAy" was what an
Batters paper callfid Friday. It shOuld
not have been thus enounced.
• Taniate blondesof a New York theatre
now appear with hair dyed black and
faces bronzed to as olive tinge.,
Tax Georgia wheat crop is backward,
but uniformly good. Ploughing for cot
' bah has been delayed by the rains. "
SAR Fuitasco is excited over a crab,
brought from Japan, which spreads thir•
teen feet and weighs forty pounds.
A Sr. LOOTS lady impaired her • future
usefulness by falling down 'stairs and
breaking her back, while drank last week.
A MAN is marital at New Orleans for
shooting another. They, ars getting
foolishly particular about such - Withal 'in
New _Orleans.
An Indianapolis grocer has been. mar
ried three times and divorced twice with
In a year, and now hu the same wife be
started with.
Dome Purr thinks trying to convince
some Comtism= , "Is about as ' enter
taining and profitable as calling hogs in
a high wind.".
Tar. Prince and Princes of Wales
came near being killed lately by a col
Boron cif their train with .another which
na GO the track.
finaona. Ovinno, the bride of the New
York diamond wedding, "once so famous
for her beauty, is withered, shrunk and
prematurely - old." , •
Brumer Ica the affections of a dark belle
inspired the moderate' pitcher in a Phil.
. Adolph!' amendment's hand to crush the
skull of his competitor.
Bus= B. Rtresazz, the well known
lha stock dealer accidentally shot and
- killed himself while out hunting, near
Belleue. Ohio, on the BOth ult.
Ten explosion of her boiler was the
bassedlats cause of the City of Boston's
loss, As detailed by a liew York spiritual.
ist in a very eircumetentlal vision. •
Tax Bt. Louis polloemen going on
- beat "Might are served with strychzdned •
beef sandwiches flie poisoning dogs. A
green man ate his the other night.
Tax Liverpool races this year caused
two deaths—a gentleman.jockev who was
thrown and killed, sad a betting man
-- who atoned his losses by shooting himself.
A corms sniffier earths Golden City
shipwreck Imes the company for $lO,OOO
damages for mental anguish, bodily pain
and ell that son of thing you know, you
A Serf Pasactsco &ewe party was
broken up by some Gay
. Fawkes explod
fatten pounds ofpowder under the floor.
No one was hart, but they all lost their
A VaRMONT echoed committee men hu
entered on the records his opinion that
one laetitutioa is "a very good Ghoul r
swell Bahamas think that the chalears
hav leer mt and I like the Ghoul wary
Tam Yifteenth Amendment has so long
hien regarded as an accomplished fact
that its final •COniterataatlol created no
excitement whatever In Congress.. The
,reading of the President's proclamsUon
In the House incited a dozen or two of
the members to clap their hands, buteven
this was ever before the Speaker had
time to rap them to order, ud evert it
was hardly mentioned or Its effects spiKu•
Wed upon.
Tax Darien ship canal treaty tru laid
before the Senate. It is a very long doe.
Gillen% had all the essential points have
Vii.been given in letters from
Psalm& It is not likely that there will be
any action on it at present. Ratification
may take plsoe at any time within eigh
teen months. The President says the
Ban Doralego and Darien trepan are
parts of one policy, and we cannot get
the ftill benefit of •the ship we,
we take San Dominlgo. • .
ErMattait has been before the House
committee showing that the territory of
New Mexico has at the present time a
population oi about one hundred and
tweet thousand people, twenty
thottiatid of them being voters, and that
berate doped reason Why the territory
~?3 ~~.
1 4 - lit .'
. , .
701311 H SING,
S 5 . 00
should not be admitted as a State. A
majority of the members of the Committee
on Territories aqua to favor the passage
of an enabling ad, so that the constitution
already framed h the territorial legipla
tare may be submitted to the people for
DEstocltarle special says; There
was quite a gathering in the anteroom of I
the White Hose, when the' message and
proclamation wire signed, half the num
ber, however, being newspapermen. An
attache of a Weshington newspaper beg
ged the President for the pen with which,
the documents were signed, and it was
handed him. A. venerable old gentleman
who was in the crowd cried out whenthe
announcement was made that the negroes
could now vote everywhere. "Well,',,
gentlemeti, you'll all be d—d sorry .for
this." Tha speaker was Mr. Dent, Sen.,
the father-in-law of the President.
Ton Hon: John Cahlwell, of Ohio, ex. - ,
Minister of the United States to Bolivia,
and In Commission of Bolivia to the
United States arrived at Washington.
There teems. to be some doubt if - be
will be received by our Government. It
is said that s Alec of precisely similar
character recently occurred, and that
when the Miniater applied for recount
tion, he was informed by Secretary Fish
that the United States Government could
not reeelyeane of its- own citizens as a
milliliter' from foreign-government. Mr.
Fish Informed the Minister that the case
of Baritngame., front which the latter
cited, was not - analagous, as Burlingame_
was a. special envoy to ill the treaty.ruk
leg powers, and not subject to recogni
tion by the United States.
RS acapits I paid up of Gale Jolla Stock
Fire Insurance Companies Is $4,887,782;
capital unpaid $2,5 6 5,033; aggregate cap
ital $7,4Q816; aggregate assets, includ
ing stock notes, January 1,1870,59,322,
543; aggregate assets:- exclusive of stock
notes, ;5,774,509; aggregate liabilities,
Including reinsurance, Januaiy 1, 1870,
81,282,306; cash income from Ore pre
vine dmiog year 3,077,434; cash in.
come from inland, ike., premiums $476,-
487; aggregate receipts _during 1869,
$2,552922; same during previous year
8,384,789; aggregate cash income from
all sources for past year $2,763,270;unte
for previous year $3,844,902; paid for
losses during year 81,247,559; for preen
ens year $2,123,680; dividend credited on
stock notes during year $88,740; cash
dividends paid $246,813; aggregate cash
expenditures $2,853,699; net amount of
Ore risks written during the year $160,-
0.37,986; net amount an inland flake $33,-
473,539; aggregate risks during the year
$193,511,526; amount of risks January 1,
1870, $156,819,812.
The cub incomes of the Ohio Mutual
Fire Insurance Companies, during the
past year, from premiums amounted to
$556,724; notes taken for premiums liable
to assessment, $1,059,819, losses paid
'during the year,
$180,869; net risks
written during the year, $37.439,074;
amountof risk Jan. 1,1870, $114,510,494.
The amount of risks taken in Ohio by
companies of other States and foreign
insurance companies during the year 1869
is $160,414,055; 'amount of premiums re.
eived on same ' $1,881,363; amount of
losses incurred, s7oo,:gOrrisks written
during the previous year, ;127,622,000;
premium receiptaiirevious year, $1,653,-
225; losses, p19i,135.
.The Auditor! of State expresses the
opinion that the insurance companies of
the Stet s are'stronger than at any other
He recommends that small companies
unite or consolidate, as there Is leas pros
pect for weak companiese now than ever
Gavin citlea in Germany have Uncoil
earns& punishment Is about to be
abollaned In the Grand Duchy of Bean.
Tut German Parliament is henceforth
- to bare :106 members, Instead of 203, as
'Foos men, three of whom were army
officers, were killed in Germany during
the month of February
. LA Blarormix, the great secret society
n Prance, is said to number over five
hundred thousand members.
; Tull Gates . Ajar hat been published at
Leipzig In a German translation, but has
had only a very limited sale.
Ons hundred and seventeen persona
committed suicide in France in January
and eighty-four in February.
I t e
HOCIIKFORT has enact° ed. in the pa
pers that he is at work in prison upon a
hirtoiy of the Second Em .', . .
Glirman text, died ai Weimer_in the - flral
days of March, at the aee oraeventy6ve
Hon, the German malt extract man,
spends every year for advertising upward
of two hundred thousand Prusshus
Talc Berlin papers pay for their cable
'dispatches only seyenty.flve dollars per
month. Bat then the dispatches are
meagre. - -
Tan Paris Gaulois pays so well that
the stockholders drew on the 10th of
March ti quarterly dividend of tWenty.
.five per cent.,
• Tux Viceroy of Egypt has. invited
Louisa Muhibach to spend , six months on
the banks of the Nile in order to write a
book about the lands of the Pyramids.
Tear say in Florence that-Eing Victor
Emmanuel, at the last great royal boar
bunt, severely wounded a member of his
suite, a young Adjutant by the name of
Belief ore.
A Purtapuxrau correspondent of the
Berlin Post says that "Lippincott'sktaire
xine" nu now nearly u large a circula
tion u the "Atlantic," and paystbe pub
lishers very handsome profits.
Lours► MUITLIIACH is highly Incensed
at the rapid decline of her popularity as
a novelist in the United States. In her
so/on she always speaks of the reading
public in America in disparaging terms.
Tax Empress Eugenie Is constantly •
prey to great terror on account of anony
mous letters which she receives la regard
to a plot said to exist for the purpose of
poisoning her non, the Prince Imperial.
RASPAIL, the leader of the French
Radicals, whose death was erroneously
iag health so nd resume li
some t i m e
i srapidl
yr :s seat v er
In the Chamber in the course of a few
Tim so called Russian American Com
pony demands from the Russian Minister
of Finance over three -millions roubles
for the laws which It - claims to have
sustained by cession of Alma to the
United States.
Tun skeleton of the beheaded murderer
Troppmsn is said to have been sold to the
proprietor of a London_ museum of 'curi
osities by a - French resurrectionist, who i
idols the corpse a few days after the exc.
cation had taken place.
PRINCE Pussies NAPOLEON. it said.
repeatedly assured his most intimate
friends that, in the event of his acquittal,
which be never doubted for a moment, he
would leave France forever, and reside
for the rest of his life In Corsica.-
IN order to raise money foi Rochefort,
his fellow publishers of the Marasulaiss'
issued the other day, an 'extra edition of
their paper, which was sold at fifty cen
times a copy, and on which they reaps d
a net profit of seven thousand francs.
A murmur., who had murdered
private soldier under his command, was
sentenced to death by a court martial, at
Nimes. in Southern France, sad shot in
the presence of a large crowd, twenty
four hours afterward. He himself cam.
mended "Firer
lam Empress - of the French received a
great many disgusting New Year's pres
ents Among them wero two miniature
yrutilotinis, with inrcrlptions indicathig
that the senders desired that Eugenia
should end her life in the same tragic
manner as Marie Antoinette.
Fang ARRAN, the Belgian Prime
Ministerand leader of the Liberal party
In that kingdom, is said to be s greater
orator than either Thiers or Jules Fevre,
and, nest to John. Bright, to be the belt
speaker in Ecrone. Flo gley.eight
years old, bat looks considerably younger.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Reporis from Committees—Oil
Creek and Pithole Branch Ball
- road—Warm Words —Divorce
Case—Pittsburgh and Ormsby
Passenger Railroad—City Leg
islation—Auditor General's Re
port on Railroads.
(Opts al Dlmpata to the Pltubirgb Gazette.)
. HAERISBUTIA.i. April 2, 1870.
'A urge number of reports were re.
calved ,fropt committee; among them
the Senate bill enlarging the Jurisdiction
of the Court of Common Pleas in •the
county of Dauphin, in Commonwealth
cite., eta.
Mr. WHEELER reported an act leis.
dye to taxing railroad., coal companies,
and real and personal property_ In the
county of Mercer, except the Eie sod
Pittsburgh Railroad Comrany, for school
purposes. Passed.
An act relative to the Beaver and
Mercer State Road in Beaver county.
. Paved.
To incorporate the Rvansburg and
Susquehanna Turnpike Road Company.
Supplement to an act ragulatlegialN
road companies; 'approved, Yebniary 19,
ISO, making it lawful for anv two rail
ro■da,. incorporated under a law of this
Commonwealth. to Jointly endorse or
guarantee the band' of any Other railroad
company, dc.
' To incorporate the Brush Run, Buffalo
Creek and Bethany railroad company.
To Incorporate Rio Montour railroad
company. Passed.
Mr. SMITH reported, with amendment,
an act to incorporate the Emporium and
State Line railroad ceaupany.
On motion of Mr. ARMSTRONG (Mc.
Keen,) the bill wart considered and
Mr. DAILY reported, ea originating in
Committee, an act giving the voting
power to railroad corporations to bond
An act authorising the Olt Creek and
Pith°le Branch Railroad of the Clarion
land aud Improvement company to Is.
sue Maimed stock was reported by Mr.
JOHNSON, (Crawford) who asked to
have It pot upon Its passage.
Mr. McJUNKIN objected to the pan.
sage of the bill, saying . It effected the
Interests of the people of his county
very materially. The matter- hadbeen
called to his attention for the first dine.
The road was In au Insolvent Conditloe,
was entirely in Veusogo county, wasin
the hands of creditors and a sequestrator
I had been appointed to elide its affairs
I lie hoped the House. in Justice to the
people he represented, would vote . the
bill down.
Mr. JOHNSON advocated the bill.
saying the road was somewhat involved,
and the object of the bill was to relieve
the road by authorit!ng the home of
preferred stock. He believed there was
nothing objectionable In the hill.
A debate of considerable warmth en.
sued, Mr. Johnson sung he was aware
that the road was entirely in-Venango
county, but that evelybody in the Corn
mouweisth deuce does not Ilia there. As
the law now islands there was little hope
or-theareditors - getting their pay. By
peeing this MR and permitting the road
to Mane preferred stook, both debtor and
creditor might be saved. It gave parties
the option to receive preferred, stock In
consideration of the Indebtedness of the
road. The road was situated' in a vain.
able producing . territory of the oil re
glans, from Pithole to the Allegheny
river, a distance of seven miles.
Mr. llicJUNlClN.thought If the matter
was right, as the gentleman from Craw
ford represented,• that the bill should
have been introduced before. Why had
no person Interested In the matter sub.
milted It to him for his consideration.
The session was nearly at its alone, and it
„was impouttlie for him to correspond
with the people that he represented. If
this bill was passed to day It would in.
terfere very materially with the rights of
the people he represented. He boped
the House would vote it down and be
done with IL
Mr. JOHNSON (Crawford) asked for
the reading of the bill, which wes,resil
by the Clerk.
Mr. hi`JUNRIN said that the creditors
of the road lived In Vetoing° county,
and were really the only interested par
ties in then:unbar. The organization was
a myth; it might have a legal existence,
but the officers of the mad were not in
termed In the matter. He believed the
bill had been introduced in a very un
gentlemanly, and he the
House wouldtreat s nr
the matter as it de
served, by voting the bill down.
Mr. -JOHNSON replied that It was
'something new to the House that a bill
could not be introduced without being
addressed in nziparllametitary language.
The bill was sent to him by one of his
constituents. - He was at Ices to under
stand why such language had been need,
and why it was permitted. Standing In
his place here and representing- his con.
aliments, because he presented a bill
here, It vres, forsooth, ungentlemanly-,
becalms- certain creditors of that road
wanted to have It placed In a situation
that It might live, and have some pros
poet of making payment, it was, there,
' fore, ungentlemanly andimproper. •
The Speaker regretted that any snob
language bad keen used.
• Mr. asked the pardon of
I. the House. Hite had In the excitement of
the debate trasegressed any rule. It °e
-1 curred in a moment of excitement, and I
he thought he bad geed reasons for that
Mutual explanations ensued, to the
satisfaction of both 'pollution, and it
was shown that the whole matter oriel.
noted In a misunderstanding se to fads
connected with the Introduction of the
Incorporating the Pittsburgh brewing
and malting company. Passed.
Incorporating the Summer Retreat
Association of Kittanning. Passed.
Ittra3TEPHENSrenortod,as originating
in Committee, an WI to alma the mar
riage contract between Adlay Calhoun
And Buntline Calhoun.
Mr. MILLAR, of Allegheny, gave
history of the marriage of the parties,
'stating that it took place clandestinely;
that the husband was entirely incorope.
tent to 'import himself and wife and
Incapacitated mentally and physically,
beiddes bein a The cue was
beyond the g
juri ender edictit g m e. of - the courts,
and he beeped the House would pus the
bi IL After soma diesusalon thebifl was
'pained by a viva room vote.
VO MALTITZ, an eminen
An act to incorporate the Pittsburgh
and Ormsby Passenger railway Com.
puny was reported by Mr. Mooney, who
urged he recommitment to the Q=13111,-
100 on flatheads
Mr. HIIMPLIHEYS stated that the bill
Murmured the Senate, and had come
'into th esad .
Haase with a large number of
other bills. It had been regularly cent=
tied to by the Clerk of hits Senate—the
original bill could not befoundi but the
one before the House was copied. The
bill had twain tampered with by someone
from the eastern part of the State. It was
one that the whole Allegheny delegation
was Interested in. and deslr Re ohmage.
He protested against the high-handed
vandalism which had been committed of
tampering with bills.
Mr.•ADAIRE said the original bill was
not lost, but was referred to the /button•
tee on Railroads insteadof the Celliotill"
tee on Pas.eoger Railways. The =RS
btre of the Relieved Comndttselostructed
it to 1,0 reported to the House who the
reeotntnendition that It be referred to
the Committee ou Passenger Railways,
and the bill was now in the House.
Mr. DAVIS moved that the committee
Who bad the original bill be :dim:barged,
and the bill be reported to the Moose.
• Mr. JOSEPHS moved that the bill now
before tho Ikaso be substituted. Agreed
smin urrhohrotro.
A number of bills were mad la place
some of which were referred Co their
• :1 • : , MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1870.
appropriate committees, and others were
=fi d Arneps the latter wore the fol.
An sot to establish a public ferry over
the .Youghlegheny river near M'Keee.
port. . •
An act supplementary to an act incor
porating the city of Pittsburgh.
Authorizing school director', of Wash
ington echool district, in the city of Pitts.
burgh, to levy a tax:
Mr. CRAIG offered the following
Resolved. (the Senate concurring,)
that the Speakeni of- the Senate and
Hones of Representative'', shall have
power, either during the DEERIOI2 of the
Legislature or after Re adjournment, to
supply by appointment any vacancy
occurring in the Committee authorized
by the Legislature, for the examination
of the Revised Civil Code, and report by
Commissioners hereafter appointed by
the Governor. Passed.
Mr. DAVIS offered the following:
_Resolved, That 3,000 copies o(. the
Auditor General's report On railroads be
printed for the useof She House 'to be
bound to correspond with the former
reports, and said report shall be amt to
the members during the recess; the
charges on the same shall be paid by the
State Treasurer. Pawed.
Mr. * DAVIS also introduced an act to
provide for payment of furnishing the
Governor'i mansion: Passed._
Adjourned till Monday afternoon at
three o'clock.
ROUSE: Cleveland Luke and NI
agars River TEIIIIIOIS - Some
Progress with the Tariff Bill.
(f.r 'el. g, ant, to Ma phtabegb dasat La • I I
WAISIIINOTON, April 2, 1670.
Among the bills paused wore the fol,
lowing :
Giving cmasent of Congress to the city
of Cleveland for coustructing and main.
taming a crib on Lake Erie for a tunnel
to supply the city with pure water, and
continuing to Harriet C. Parker the
rights of her deceased husband. W. H.
Parker, as di•coverer cf two Islands in
the Pacific Ocean.
The bill to authorize the city of Buffalo
to construct and maintain &tunnel under
the Niagara river and to erect and Main
tain an inlet pier therefrom we. also
Bilis were Introduced and referred as
For the redemption in sums of twenty.
Ova dollanrof bronze and nickel Coin,
rol a the collection of debts due the
Unit States from certain Southern
railroad corporations. •
The Senate Joint re.olutioh providing
that the law of January zhet, 1870, pro.
hiblting thO assignment of retired army
officers to duty shall not apply to officere
selected for duty at the Soldiers' Home
le the District of Columhts, wee named.
The House went into Commttted on tbo
Tariff Bill.
The clause:A.ll4 the duty on tea at
twenty cent. per pound wee discussed
by Meagre. Wood, Beek,, Ingersoll, Ant
sop, Hari, Schenck, Marshall and Clerk.
Amendments looking to • a reduction
offered by Meters. Wood, Ingersoll and
Lougbridge were rejected and tax re •
mains as reported In the bill, viz : twenty
Daring the discuselon Mr. SCFIENCK,
in reply to a question, said the Internal
Revenue bill be reported rsdraced the
total amount at least 120.04'0. 000 . lie
declined to go Into particulars.
Mr. SUELDON (Le..) moved to strike
out the ' line taxing coffee four cents per
pound, and proposing that be put on the
• Discussed by Meagre. Loogbridge,
Stevenson, Schenck, Kerr. Cox, Dawes
and kieNeelsv.,and withdrawn.
Mr. STEVENSON moved to make the
tax three cents Instead of !Our. /18-
. lected.
No othei amendments wero ottereJ,
and the tax on colfae remains as pro.
Tided In tho bill, at lour canto per
Some few other clauses of the bill worn
read, but nonmendmenta made.
The question of sugar below reached,
the Committee rose and -the. House ad
M Take Prate Friday at Troy—Older
From Ctn. eherman.
ins Triterave to tee Plustistsu
• Ecgo, W, T.
Sherman, Washlogion.—Strs. Thomas
preferred a onlet funeral, but ca you
were p 3 be there, desired to leave all the
arrangements to you end (Links Friday'
will be the bettor day, If it Is agreeable
to you. P. Wzw.ele.D.
Brevet Lieut. Col. -
Saw FaArimaco, April 2.—Gen. W. T.
Sherman: Your diepotch Just received.
I regret I cannot yield to the desire of
having the burial at West Point. As
Troy will bimy future borne. I feel the*
I must bury General Thomas in my
family lot at-the cemetery there. I will
'leave to you the arrangements for the
military funeral at Troy. On the arrival
of the remains they will be deposited
temporarily in the receiving vault. Col.
Wllliard knows. my wisher.. Private
services have already been hold hero.
Sincere thanks for sour attention
[Signed] - Fltelltpse L. Tnouae --
Headqrtartera of the Artily, Adjutant
General's • Office, Waahlogton, April 3,
1870;--Gemnal Order" No. 37.—The body
of Major General George H. Thomas will
,be burled at Troy, New York, on Friday,
April .Bth, at 12 o'clock noon, and the
ceremonies will be conducted in military
order. under the supervision of Major
General George G. Meade '
the Military Division of the Atlantic.
The escort will be a battalion of eight
companion, and General Meade Is author
ized to uss three of the companies of the
engineer battalion Point, two
:companies of general recruits from Our.
'armor's Island and the band from West
Alt officers of the army who can be
spared from duty. all civil rdlicerls of the
General and State gOvermente, all [netn
ews of the volunteer armies, civic lode
ties and eitimme generally are invited to
be present to manifest their respect to
the met:eery of him who holds a sacred
place in the heart of every Amdrloan.
By command of Gan. Thomas.
E. D. Townsixo, Ailjt. Gen. -
Ortzrawns, W. T., April 3.—The re
mains of Gen. Thomaa passed east this
afternoon. The military paid appropri
ate honors. Heavy rain prevailing.
Unsafe Condition 'or tee New. Court
Bouso—Timeiy Warning.
(Br Telegraph Witte Plitabarah Oman)
Cameo°, April 2.—The Tribune to.
morrow morning will contain a letter
from Mr. Baumann, a well known amid.
teat or thin city, in which he 'notifies the
committee of the Board of t3upervisors
of the alarming changes In the condition
of the east wing of the new Court Nonce.
Ten days ago Mr. Baumann, as one of
the committee of experts appointed to
examine the building, gave his opinion
that certain portions of Its supporta might
give way, but that there was no Mimed!.
ate - danger., He now reports that 01103
time there has been considerable
change In the building; that the deflection
of the oOlumus has Increased, producing
new famines, and'he hastens to with.
draw his report that "there is no Imme
diate danger" of the fall of the _whole
Interior of the structure. He advisee
that large timbers be at once Introduced
to sustain the weight and prevent e
calamity. The work of dlsaolution is
going on, and he nye that It is not often
that it gives such .palpable warnings se
In this case. Tao often the change is
imperceptibleand at last the building
falls. fluch,was the mae with the roof,
but now the progress of destruction is
Visible and mayille marked from day
to day.
Upper Utters
(ey ?stifle .1111 Atlaatle Teleimarh.)
OIL CITY, Pa., April B.—River hihfQ
with test, 8 inches water. Weather
alear. -- Thermometer 48 degree. at 6
P. 14.. F.
'l3Bowir6M '
LB, Ps April 3.—Ativer
wiatebeet ten feet water the
channel. Weather clear. Thermometer
42 dogma at 7 r. x. C..
roan O'CLOCK, a. X.
Minister 'Washburn Complained
Or—March Treasury Disburse
ments—lmportant Cotton Case
—Meeting In Respect to Gen.
Thomas—No Cable Monopoly in
France—Rejoicings Over "the
Fifteenth Amendment.
tay "* to the l'lttsttOtlitaelte.)
WAsnirterr eri o c l, April 2, 1872
General. !lament, tik a-letter to the
Senate Committee cn Pacific Railroads,
in rotation *lithe hienapials, El Paso and
Pacific Railroad. sayal,hilnlater Wash
borne was using his omolal petition and
weight of the °overnight:it for the grati
fication of personal liektility to break
down American enteriklae with the
preach Government. tr. Washburn('
not eucceaqul with e Government,
but his tfforla against tOcompany have
had a bad affect en the tweet, causing
it much embarrawimenk:l. , •
The payments of the Tre - usury Depart
ment durlog Itarch,weri:
For Civil and mlacellanabtut....s 4,018,831
War ...- a. 4,151,43 t
Navy,.... 1,870,030
Interior Dapartmen -- y....—;.-... 6,508,878
. $16.656,170
Thls amount does not Inalode pay
caents on account of einen and mind .
pal of the public debt.
The National Executive Vommittne at
colored men have Issued a proclamation
announcing the- ratilherlion of the
Fifteenth amendment, and u today
the anniversary of the fall of Richmond,
as they any "the death ,knell or fins
rebellion," a natlonalodutrila to be fired.
El= =
tinvernor Santer,of Tennessee. will
roach Washington boat Week on bolt
ness before the Committee on Recon
struction,. to rooly to charges against
that State, and to oppoFe reconstroo
lion. •
The »minim of Internal revenue 10
day amounted to ;1,025,000.
Wasessoros, April 3, 1870.
A case Is under argument he the Court
of Claims Involvlnglbequeetion whether
the Presider Vs prcsalamatiou of commer
cial Interne-arm removing commercial
re strictions to certain portions of the
south, took a Rea June 24. 14e5, the date
of signature, or June 27, the date of pub
lication. The ownership of a consider
able amount of cotton is Involved; and
the case is likely to the Supreme
OfMIMI information la port .received
here that the French . GoVeiroment has
arranged with the French AMble Com
pany to cancel its executive, Concession
for lauding cables from the United Staten
on French mil. The United -States Gov
ernment or any elllasn Of -our country
ran lhoreforn now land cables flout tnel
Unilted Slates on Fronob soil.
The expected meeting hf the efdcera
and soldiers Who serval:ludic_ Sensual
Thiihnia Will he held hi the ball of-the
House of Representatives on Tuesday
evening. tinder a Joint resolution adop
Led by the two Houses of Congress the
President, Judges, f Supreme Lionel and
members of the Cabinet areinvited.
A religious Jubilee In honor of the
rstiticstlon the 15th amendment was
.held to day in Israel Church, capitol hill.
111 F,
Ulm us el Wymnieg Murdered and
'tartlet) , Mutilated A stage Party
• Mieing—Parganizimg Threatened. •
ter T.ieeraph to the P.Hsleough o”ette.)
SOUTH Pass CITY, Ws., April 2 —On
the morning of the 2let ult. a son of Dr.
James Irwin, of Atlantic City, was at.
I tacked by about twonty-tive Indiana in
the outskirts of Atlantic City. Be was
struck with a bullet and three arrows
and expired from the direct of the
wounds on the evening of the tat The
attack was • surprise to our citizens,
as it was supposed that the Indians
around were peaceable, they Lav
ing boon sent. to this vicinity by
I Gen. Augur. After the attack mentioned
a party of citizens from Atlantic City
set out to look for them and prospecting
parties wore scattered over the adjacent
country. They returned yesterday. The
1 bodies of J. McGuire, A. Kellogg, E.
Faaborry, W. C. Bennington and Jas. H.
Otheck erre found to different places
horribly mutilated. Four more of our
citizens are still missing, and there is no
doubt that two of them have been killed,
as they were near the traitor the Indian,.
The stage due hero yesterday at three
o'clock P. ue has not yet - arrived, and It
Is now believed that it has been captured
• by Indians, as a party of at least seventy
live td one hundred were aeon on the
first going towards the stage route; and as
the weather is fine and the route well
equipped, any ordinary accident that
could happen the stage would have been
remedied by now. The stage left Big
Sandy station, forty-Bye miles west of
here, yesterday morning all right. On
board the stage were Paymaster (*enema
Alvard, Major Ritual' and four guards
of the U. B. army, Fred. Hummel, a pas.
stinger, Wm Birtiam, one of the pro :1-
stun of the route, and W. A. Kelley
A party or mounted horsemen have
left here to endeavor to learn the fate of
this party. There are but stew Infantry
troops In the Wind River Valley to
guild that Important settlement, • and
none in this vicinity of any kind. Oar
people are calling loudly for Sheridan
or Baker, and if troops are not soon sent
to protect us our citizens will soon
do a little Pieganiring on their own so.
An Earthquake. Shock—lntense Excite
ment Bute() Damage Done.
(By Telegraph to the Plum:ugh U mite.)
B AR F Ra arelsoo, April 2.—At 11:60 A.
Y. today a sharp, wicked shock of earth
quake was experienced. The duration
was six seconds, direction southeast to
'northwest, and motion vortical. There
was no damage to life, limb or property.
Intense excitement prevailed for a flew
minutes. Animals were terribly fright
ened and numerous runaways reunited.
City Hall, where the clouds were in sea
aloo, Merchants Exchange, Mercantile
Library, Cuitom House cud other large
buildings wore Instantly vacated, and a
panic created In the hotels. The unmet.
were swarming with people Ina moment.
It was raining at the time. Prior to the
shock the barometer was observed to fall
Tho latter, news from the Santiago
mines Is very encouraging, and creates
the belief of permanent disooverjoa.
The Mayoraltytitt Squabble Acting.-410th Mayors
tor Telescapti to tile rilluriti ti•sette.)
Romuoito, ,April 2.—sbThe day r Paned
quietly with the pollee of both Mayors
en the unreels.. To night the United
States Marshal Waived a writ on Ellison
to give up porsession of City Hall and
other property. Ellison refused, and the
Maraud then applied to the military for
aid. The Marshal wet
atter' the
tary, but up to tilne o'clock . they did
not appear, and Ellison was in posses
sion of City Hell.
Mauston% April still holds
City Hall,' and Senora Canby has hot
yet sent the military to aid the United
Natal Marshal in ejecting hint. It is ati ,-
deretood, however, the military will be
eant tomorrow, when Ellison will !tabs
to other quarter. and continue to ant as
Mayor. .
The Irish Force Bill Through
Parliament — Political Crisis In
- Fiance—Spanish Colonial Af.
• fairs—Active Campaign Against
Cuban Insurgents Commenced.
By Telegraph to the Plttstmrsitgl.cttgt)
LONDON, April D:. Pricy
publishes • communication In the Record
arguing against the revision of the recog
nisoci version of the Bible.
. .
LONDON. April 3 —The Irish force bill
has paned both Houses of Parliament.
The Lords met on Saturday to receive
the expeoted menage from tee Queen
approving the bill, bat it was not sent
According to the Bread Arrow noire
paper. the expedition to the Rod River
district will be composed of three hund
red regulars and a force of C;ansdian
militia, and will be under command of
Col. Woleeley. •
The betting on the University boat
race Is six to four la favor of the Oxford,
PARIS, April 2 —The disorders at LI
Creuxot are increasing. Additional
troops have been sent there. The Jour-.
nal, this evening publish telegraMs from
La Creasot al:firming that. the troubles
there are kept alive by contributions of
money from other countries.
La Liberte announces tc-day that
M. Dare has abandoned his bleep( send
s special en3bassldor to Remo. The
Maranis Of Bonneville, French Mlr,-
icier to that city, who is at present In
Paris, will therefore return to his post
Immediately. The reason for this Is
found in the failure of his
recent negotiations et Vienna, Madrid
and Florence for a plan looking to con
' carted action.
Pants, April 3 —A parliamentary crisis
is at baud. The Emperor deilroa to
submit the new order of things to a vote
of the people and the Ministers are not
willing to permit' discussion of the
Renato; contultust by the Corps Lees's.
tif. Nothing definite on these points is
known now, but declarations from the;
Cabinet are expected at toe opening 'of
the Obambeis te,morrow. It s reported
Oilivier will ask for a vote of confidence,
and If this is refused will resign.
Prince Pierre Bonaparte instill in P.irie.
It is said he will go to Belgium,
HAVANA, April 2.—Gon. Paella has
arrived bare;
A smell party of eoldlers who were
foraglog on the - fine of, the Nouvltas
BAllroad-streCently were attacked and
'killed by Inenraerbs.
Gen..Arango has lasued,a manifesto to
the Cubaba that tho recent manifesto of
- Q.uesada was a falsehood. and Were to
the Oubani now In the field to corrobor ,
ate his statement.
HAVANA. April B.—A general move
went of Spnoish troops against the
rebels In the central department tee
commenced. • Separate oolttmne loft
Puerto' Principe on the morning of April.
let. Another has marched from Puerto
del Padre to attack the innurgente
In the rear, and Count Valmaneda
has advanced to Canto. Gan. Goyenecbe
is In the mountalna behind Sitianian. He
reports three hundred. rebels surren
dered there, and he dincovered and cap.
tared a depot of artillery, which I. sup.
posed to be the only one the insurgents
possessed, and a number of malt arms.
Ilia prisoners report the insurgent forces
in a state of dissolution. •
Two powerful torpedoes were recently
baken from under toe rails of tbe Nue
vita. anti Puerto Principe . Rallrosd,
where they had been placed for the pur
pose of blowing up panning trains.
• Party insurgent* nave been killed In
the Holguin jurisdiction since the opon
leg of the carign.
A ew:nor arrived to-ley from
Cadiz with troop'. _
Id•DRID, April 2—There is an angry
feeling Manifested here In regard to tee
now conscription bill and trouble Is ap •
1 ..
prehended at the demoniac ation to mor
row by the opponents of th measure. • .
Senor Morel, now Miele'. r for the col.
rules, declared to the Cortes today that
the question of liberty In the Antilles
was a very Important one. He said ho
would &ampule° into the condition-of
Cuba and report to the Cortex.
MADRID. April S —ln the Cortes yea.
terday Senor Monet, the new Colonial
Minister, in reply to a question from a
Unionist Deputy, said his policy in re
Bard to Coionial reforms would he the
same as that of his predecessor.• He ex
pressed his disbelief In the remora of
disastrous events In Cuba and diecrodlted
the report that there was any diplomatic
arrangement between the United States
and Great Britain on the Cuban question.
A motion to postpone the consideration
of the new conatitution for Porto Rico
was defeated—MS to IS. The Unionist
Deputies left the Chamber before the vote
was taken.
Roux. April 2.—The Civitla Cultolica
to day publishes o long article In view of
the approaching discussion on the prop.
osition for Papal infallibility. tending to
snow that the Popo has no particular
need of unanimity ha the Conseil, but
that a simple nodality la su ff icient to
establish the dogma.
QuaaNirrows, April 3.—Tho steamer
Nebraska, from New York, has arrived.
Lon DON. April 2—Evening—Consols for
money, 9334 c amount 1454. 5.20 s '620,.
91q. 651, Mt 675, 89%. 10 40s 87!;.'
Erie 21; 1. C. 114 t;,*; A. & O. W. NI. • •
/FRANKFORT, April 2—Bonds dot and'
Pants, April 2—Bonne dull at 63f 67c.
Liviertebot.,April 2—Cotton market
steady. middling uplands logd, Orleans
11Nd; sales 12,000 bales 8,000 speculation,
and entre coll. White wheat 91 2•1199 d 3d,
red Western No. 87s 11d®8 1.. winter
9dogBs 10d. Western flour 1919 d. Corn
No. 3 mixed 21s. Oats 2a 6d. Barley 6s.
Pases.l7,l 6d. Pork firm at C he es e 70 .
1041 6d. Lard Sat 665. Cheese 70. Bacon
86s. Prolate unchanged.
Laterals, March 2—livening—Tallow
45a. Petroleum dull. Turpentine firm
er at 303 Linseed quiet and
steady. Linseed oil; listener 26 lbe at ss.
ANTWIMP, April 2—Petroleum list and
HAvax, April 2—Cotton active and
firm, spot 130.
Friatotrowr, April 2 Five-Twenties
closed fiat 95%.
AIITWORP. April 2—Evewino —.Petro •
leum closed declining to 63gf.
LOODON. April 2 —Evening—Tallow
closed firmer at 44a 6d(g44s 9d.
HAVER, April 2 Evening— Cotton
closed quiet and steady.
The Connecticut Election.
Br T.lama to the Pittsburgh °shear.)
rfilationD, April 3.—The State sloe.
you Mites place- tomorrow. Should the
north.east rain storm continue through
to•morrow It will affect the total vote.
Among the hills of Litchfield county,
and the northwestern part of Hartfor •
county, there is considerable snow an
traveling bad, which, besides lessenln•
the vote, may delay the returns from
some towns.
The - Election To-Day In Cincinnati—
The Colored Vote.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Osiette.l
Ciricatavi. April 3.—The intermit in
the election hoe reached Ito climax. The
colored people held two large and
enthualastic meetings to day on the Bible
oneetion. They developed the fact that
the colored votes will be out almost
unanimously II:alert:1r or retaining the
Bible in the public school".
—A Port-an-Prince letter says Mr.
Winer. the American Consul recently
arrested by Jacquet, the chief of the
Hayden insurgents, is still held as •
hostage at Die Abrictua. The Fngliah,
French and American Consuls at Port
au•Prince have taken the matter in
band. and a fleet consisting of one Eng
lish and two Hayden men.of-war have
been went to liberate Mr. Winer.
—The city Connell" of Clochmitl. by
• unsalted= vote, granted dloan of fifty
thousand doll en to tbe trustees of the
Southern Railroad, to be used in making
preliminary IMAM •
Masa Meeting at Chleago—Resoluttatio
and lapeecata Against ProteeUve
Tay dm.
By Ttlegraott to Ilto Ittsbunth Goselt,..]
. -
Cnicaceo, April 3.—ln response to a
call, signed by several hundred mer
chants, bankers and. business men
generally, a mass meeting assembled at
Farwell Hall last (opening to consider
the subJecte of national taxation and
revenue reform. The meeting was fair
in point of numners, intelligent and
enthusiastic. lion. W. F. Coalbaugh was
Presidents. assisted by fifty Vice Presi
dents, made up principally of the lead.
lag merchants. Mr. Coalbaugh, on
taking the Chair, addressed the meet.
lug. He called attention to the fact that
from the close of the war, in the year
1866, the people of the United States have
paid into the National Treasury, in the
shape of customs and direct tax, the sum
of nineteen hundred millions of dollars,
which sum exceeds beyond a doubt that
over raised by any other nation on the
earth in the way of taxes in the same
period of time. In the Came period,
notwithstanding the extraordinary ox.
newton growing oat of the war, the pub
lic debt has been diminished more'
than three hundred millions. It
has. been estimated by the Commie-
Monier of Internal Revenue, that under
the existing rate of taxation and import
dunce, including the surplus during the
present fiscal year, it will exceed the ex
penditures over e 120,000,000. For one
believing In the sacred obligation we are
under to pay every dollar of the National
debt, principal and interest, he did not
believe it was wise or sound policy, look;
- bag at the present condition of the
country and the depression .of bush:wile
which so widely prevails, to require of
the people the necessary sacrifices
to extinguish it am rapidly es
we have been doing. A reduction
lof 450,000,000 per annum seemed
to him was as much as prudence
required and the country could bear.
This would enable us to reduce the tax
On tea, coffee, sugar and eatt so that those
articles of common use' ould be within
every body's reach at moderate ..prices
It would enable us to lessen the coal of
almost every article of prime no.
county- need in tilling the soil or
carrying its products to market.
'He would also abolish taxes on Wee
of merchandise, and 'damp taxes, except
those on conveyances of real estate and
on trust deeds of mammoth railroad
and other corporations. If the reduction
proposed should be too ,great, he would
make up the deficiency by Increasing
the present tax on whisky and tobacco.
The taxes on these two articles amount
ed during the last year to over eighty
millions of dollars. He 'Allayed that
without detriment to the public interests
the tax on whisky 'alone might be made
to yield one hundred millions per an
Hon. Thos. Horne presented the follow
log resolutions:
WHEREAS, The Special - Comeniselondi
of Revenue in his teat &mama report has
shown that there will bee surplus In the
'public treasury at the end of the present
decal year of one hundred and twenty
four millions of dollars;
AND WHEREAS, We believe that the
payment of the public debt at the rate of
fifty millions per annum,' in addition to
the large expense of the National Gov
ernment, le all that can bo reasonably
asked of the tax prayers of the country at
the present time, therefore,
Resolved, That we call upon Congress
to take Immediate steps for the reduction
of at least 150,00,0001 n the rate of nation
al taxation.
That in the abatement of taxes those .
-which are the most oppressive and bur
densome in proportion to the amount of
revenue which they yield to the Govern
ment ehould be abolished first.
That the taxes should be levied solely
for the support of the Government and
maintenance of its credit, and that the
imposition of taxes having for their
of the transfer of tamtal loom - Pus
class, section or Individual to another.
without the consent of the owners,- Is
Indust, delusive, Impolitic and opposed
to all principles of Republican govern
That COLllinerte, trade and industry
are founded upon the mutual 'exchange
of services among men, and that what
operates to cripple or abstract such
exchange can only no productive of loss
to the whole community.
That the present tariff has destroyed
Ihe 'shipbuilding industry and almost
annihilated the foreign commerce and
marine of the seaboard States.
That It has prohibited the construction
on our lakes and rivers of iron vessels
with Increased carrying capacity, in pro
' portion to tontine and draft of water,
with greater durability and diminished
outlay fur repaii a and Insurance, all of.
which tend to materially to cnespon the
tranaportation of products.
That while tots tariff is unnecessarily
increasing the profits of the iron
producer, it le cri ppilvg the ship building
and ship owning interests of -the great
lakes and rivers, 'so that as respects
competition with our Canadian rivals
these Interests are placed by the General
Government at great disadvantage, and
this in the face of the most abundant
resources for ship building and naviga
That to the same unwise policy is
.chargeable Id a large degree the heavy
coat of railroad transportation, the cost
of such transportation being always in
proportion to the coat of iron, and that
it Is idle for the western farmer, not
withstanding his superior advantages of
soil and climate, to expect to compete
with agriculturieut in other parts of
the world, when his products are con
veyed to market over rails which cost
seventy per mat. more than they Oust
That the people attic, United States
aro under obligations to lion. David A.
Wells for his terse, comprehensive and
invaluable reports upon the resources of
the country and principles of taxation,
land that the inability of his assalliete to
moot his facts and . arguments Is made
apparent by their unjustifiable and an.
sustained charges against his private
character. We respectfully request our
members in Congress to use their influ
ence to continue the office of Special
Commissioner of Revenue until the re.
forms. which Mr. Wells hag so ably
presented shalibave been curried into
I That our system of taxation should be
I readjusted and simplified with a view to
' raising the necessary amount of revenue
from the smallest number of articles, to
the end that the Oust of collection may
be reduced and is fruitful sourest of cor
ruption removed.
That the Income tax places an unjust
and unequal burden upon the honest
portion or the community, and operates
as a discouragement to thrift as well as
* -premium to dishonesty, and should
not be reenacted by Congress.
That the tax on gram 'receipts which
enables corporations to charge their cue
teasers &asthma as much as they them- I
selves pay to the Government, should be
be eatarety abolished.
That the existing tax on sales, which
produces scarcely nooo.opp now, is an
unnecessary burden, canal* loss to fez
F s ity
r e ee nt e lr e lr by eate t r iz t e han
Go th re e r am nm ° e a nl i M biell .
from. and should be suolishod. ,
That the reduction of taxes generally
will tinsel* the Government so to reduce
very materially exoensen of the Rave.
ime.Department,which reduction will
Met many taxes so abated...
That in the present 'depressed 'state of
all kinds of basinen! it is unwise and
unjust to continue paying the principal
of the public debt, at • rate of seven
millions per month.
That the debt was crested for the ben
efit of posterity as well as the present
g*nitration, and that the burden. of it
shoold not be imposed wholly. upon the
present gsneratton, and that we can see
no economy in continuing to pay Ia
tereat on that portion of the debt which
has already bean extinguished; that the
true method of reducing the interest on
I the debt Is toeo improve our credit that
capitalists will seek to lend money at
lower rates of Interest than we must con
, Uncle to pay so long as repudiation or
confiscation, open - or covert, is threatened
or suspected.
• The resolutions were' unanimously
. Ron. Thomas Rayne followed In a
speech against protection to American
industry. which meant taxes to increase
the prices of all products to the great 1
mass of fhb people while the profits of a '
few were to be increased.
CoL.J. W. Poster followed Mr. HaYne
and showed how the Government could
.so reduce the tariff on iron, coal, salt and.
lumber as to reflexive° people qf at least
fifty millions of taxation. whit° . the Moir.
ornment itself would be the loser only
about ten millions of dollars. He -Too
-1 wanted some instances where the entire
NO. 80.
- -
=d w u B e rm e might bebe n b:n r e d ftfte t e h . " w
The closing speech was made by T. A.
Storm He argued against tho princb
ple of protection by the government,
showing the evil effects of the interfer
ence of the government in religious
matters and declaring that the object of
the revolt of the American colonies
was to resist the unjust pretentluns
of• England to fetter their tra. e, An ,
the late war was In prindple to
establish the doctrine of freedom_ In la
bor. He argued that ail unproductive
labor is wasted Capital. and taxas that
went to prop np one Indnetry were just
so meth unjustly rimed from thone
Industries that were self-sustalning. All
Industries that could not' stand by them
selves qught to fall.
—Snow squalls and rain at Boston yes
—The strike of the Schnyikill coal
miners commenced ou Saturday.
—At the school election at Wilmington,
Del., on Saturday, negroea voted for tho
first time in that State.
—ln two wards of Wilmim
at the school Meal.—
ware, at the school election on
colored votes were refused.
—The anniversary of Thomas Jeffer
eon's birth day wee celebrated at . New
Rochelle, Saturday night. •
—The Penney Ivanis Equal 'Right.
'League of Philadelphia will observe the
2810 Met. sea day of - thenkealvlng for the
fifteenth amendment.
—ln Cincinnati Saturday was a day of
great activity in local politics. A great
effort is making to influence the colored
vote in doubtful wards.
—The extensive wo:ke of the Wood
*Distillingroinpany, at Black Rock. Con
necticut, were burned. Friday night last.
Lots 1100000; no insurance. •
—A special from Austin,. Texan, says
Coiernor Davis has issued a prociams
motion, calling a mutton of the Legisla
ture to meet at Austin on the 26th inst.
—A Committee of the MassaChtteette
Legislature on" Saturday inspected the
forks of Hartford and Erie Railroad at
Fiehkill and' the situ of proposed depot
at Newby
—The cashier of an extensive woolen lm•
porting house on Broadway. New York,'
it is reported has absconded with a large
amount of money obtained by the altera
tion of cheeks. Names not given.
colored men voted at Perth
Amboy, New Jersey, on the adoption of
a new charter last Thursday, the date of
tho proclamation, -the first vote 'tinder
the amendment in tho United States.
- —Gov. Bowie, of Maryland, has vetoed
the act Incorporating Chestertown, Kent
county, Md., because the citizens entitled
to vote tinder" the provisions or the bill
are described az "white male citizens."
—George S. Porter was killed at Utica.
Y,N. on Saturday. In a heave on Hotel
street, during a game Of cards.. Aiwa
B. Stafford and Gag!" Mellon are under
arrest, charged with being the murder
--Capt. Smith R. Line, of B3llbort
Long Island, who sailed from Baltimore
on the 10th of February for New York in
■ email Coop with a cargo of oyatera, has
not aline been hoard et and it la feared
he has been lost with bin wile-child and
one man.
—A. di■aetroue fire occurred at tho 'Judi
ana State prison Sunday afternoon. The
.cells of the prison were entirely destroy-
ed and one convict, a colored boy, Buffo
rated. The shape and factories were not
injured. The State or Indiana suffers
the entire boas.
—The Grand Army of the Republic
will assemble this evening at the Aca
demy of Music, Philadelphia, to pay sr
tribute to the memory of Gen. Thomas.
Bishop Simpson makes the prineipel
address. Generals Grant and Sherman
will be present.
—The Herald cable says Mr.
—The cable says Mr. 1.. ...Ora,
otherwiee Forbes, irelutstely associated
with the proposed purchase of Ortbs by - 1
tho United Statce r zsbe arrested at
Queenatown,• charged with • alleged
embezzlement from the treasury deparb
went in Now York and remanded to
—An excursion arranged under the
auspices of the State Board of Agricnl•
lure of Indiana to the mineral and coal
.regions of Clay county, will take place
tomorrow. A large number of promi
nent manufacturers and capitalists from
all parts of the United States have been
Invited and will be present.
—The St. Louis Womens Suffrage
Association held their annual election
Saturday afternoon. President,
Francis Minen; Vice President, Mrs.
Beverly •Allen; Recording Secretary,
Mrs. Geo. U. Hall; Corresponding Sec
retary, Mrs. Wm.'T. Has ;rd. A Vice
President was elected from each ron
gressional district In the State. Dale.
gates were appointed to attend- both. the
National and American Suffrage Associ
ation Conventions soon to be held in New
t;zrrnis ETERING,
No. 41 S. Third Street
moral IP!t for kilo eof Peon syl
Shawls and Cloths.
Sweestora to LUTES .ce BELL,
v ERTY POlt PALL-100 feet Mat On
Cbtlit. street by 111/3 feet deep, Rest Colima
Honor, of portico, wide hall. lame parlor. mar
ble mantle. dialog nom. kitchen, large cellar.
'arm chambers, tiros title rooms, perch, eta.,
Ms tern sad hydrant water. Ind t salt aide trees,
canoed grace aloes.. la desirable location, toe
El , llEitea wilt irons the bustle., and !an of
amass hr Conaellavllle BaUrcai.
ape • ae Slob •yense.
Truk Hotter. Rely Rote rotalcee,
tresb Zee, reach Blow do.,
Dried Ital . . Beattie do
white Foam. ewe.t elder. •
Green ayniw.. elder Vloexar.
Son hum 11Ik .sses, Brooms,
. Apple Ratter, • ()Moe., dm.,
Receiving daily and for .a 'e by •
wR. 0. •eIdSTItONG;
ape 116 Markel street.
BONr s. V. it V: NATIONAL MARX. • •
AWAY NNZNINO, April bib. al 7XI
o•elcm, will be alder! to Romer list or stock. to
be sold oa second A nor or the Commercial Bak.
.0000rea. lOßeteltbteld.tren
sli area A l . a. A. Nailooal book,
I3oou Aileneor Valley It. R. 7 3 10 trend.
.pfn• 11:1LWAIL110 : 00100etr.
Commercial and Family Newapacer
meebsulii ? or morclust, sboila be
PlUgh, satrolbers
Clubs of
Clubs of
A oopy ts famished to the al :I+l
UP of Club of Pea. Post:outer , ere ream eVel
to set se manta. Addivee.
FillrlfOTlOES—nro,rm." 61, , '
64 Trant4. 41.13Gardini
de., not acoeediv FOUR LINER t 11
be inserted in them ooluntna OriCit
Nona! tine FIVE CENTS.
ernes, the cite by ASTEAIt ENGIN?. t iti
with perfectly eatisfectory t ,stletoolitts as to ti.•
perleuee„ . l caustry. kilt sod sobriety. A •-
4 x hse CP63KR R. No. 3311 scroe stret, t
hgeny. or reer is,JO3IAL KlNtif at COL t-
sins office.
zu G ar en toll nbleen f r_.
Co r Inn rest tliVisnoil.r.4,4r.
WANTED.—Fitti Coal a . 1.1
Orelsere. so ogle- fee to P.I. =at 's
Paid to the rat fiats are wado:or
No.sbe vountre. •pnly at reemployment 001,
No. SOW. street, first goer from asopesa - de
$30.000 to Loan In large or small
at • fair rate or Interest. !
OW, !toad and Hest Estate 13roket,
No. 110 stalthaeld are.,
ov, Dela
J OST.—Pollicy No. 10,389 in
o rOtrollphio. on life of W. P. VITO.* LL•
morco is Iteraby glre4 that: 0p,11e.61.1ms 114)1.e.N .
ad. ilopint,PAi.
' No. 31 Vin t% avenue. Pittsbor•lt.
LOST.—On Friddy. Marai 23,
between Port Parryy, ano MeHt.epoitau toe
track of the Coonellrollle Nonfood. a PUCK
Moto*, aontiOnlat stoat 00 10 =OOl and a
l Spry Note on rentnean ()hirers for SRO. _-
A ram one ilnelirit esti: oitat Boot will to 11.0.-•
ally rewarded by writing to D. 1.01111. !WANK ,
Irwin Miatlon, Woetatote and , C 0..?.. . 3-S
TO -1=4,-A Houset con
. lathing 6 rooms, No.'ll Mal... mutat. Al
ley soy rlty.tOsrmezly lisolebsterl. Beat 3. od
erste Aphis to 0. P. ILOSS. St. Charles 1:10, , ,
• •
T 0 LET.—AL neiv 110178E.0f 4
rdlois owl Ilg urei of ic eland at 71.‘e lag
a. too, It:WI...Com Plttaboritt. on 11.• P. F..
W 4 & C. U. H.,
relit tow.. Inqutra it 151)
Pe .-rad IC , Atltibeol. ' • --
firsi•clais liTe ILE
$ ODOM, N the Islo sures. 3
.Is , west •I' iem 0.1; Mrs 4 ROOMS.:er
mi more room. WIN be rented stv aaaaa or to.
ge r. If d•rlreo. - One of the best b miner• to
cations to the city. Heat motteram bolsi. of.
-130 , 4634.1010 Mem t.
FOR RENT.—The Three Moir,
or No. 180 Wood street. formerly 0.V..11
biiV:lieMorG'rf Co.
114 q No. 111.4114 Weodot.
...., .
rLIST One good Store room
ad I) ViriLLINI/, No. 415 Ohio tercet, a
oars hum lllasnand and oath door to Prausliza
LL)Savings Bata. tlee of Also st locations In the.
dent motkrate.; ta•ltticlLS the
re. of said Ware room. Ineolra of
marlldeat W. CARSON. 46 ohlo OTC...
, .
TO LET.—A Suit of Rooms , :.'
f .l l comprising Two L•rgF, wail lighted foot I
mon . And floor., One lame. welt lighten . i
front itooin on 3r,t goer. One•lvee Hall a ILO
two onto-mom• on 4th door. One !Store Room.
lint Own, N 0.92, In Eng,Lth•a ntw bizildiag,
ru . nh 5e .... F or (Aram inquire of A. El. •
ISOM:Ill , L CO.. No. 98 ironnti arcane._ _
rpo LET.—A Tavern Stolid, No.
-A- 53 Third avente, Pmell limn ling. on
ilith avenue, Vine lieddenen on Mt. Washtdit—
ion, Third avenue Hall, Itorto. and .00oe. oia,
&Watt [reel, Basement Nos. TT and 79 Taira
avenue, HANNAH d Co.,
f Attorneys at Law...
616 • • 96 /Mb &wenn,. .
Ty3o- LET.-2 Story Brick House
JLII Room. A ttle.Wash ktouse.oa. and Water.
nuusto Ns IS Autry tonna cota wawa Iran
'Pleasant Valley Sweet Can . Rent low.
TU LET -Brek House of 6 Room. 1/4149
Middle at..y. near SLOOP. 96 V.Taa. 9d wa-d.
Vir- a hVI P -11 . " ral l y .. Brink tM of s Ho my
Hall. Water. Lc.. No. 149 Mmket 800 t.
6th Ward , only one square from stmet ears.
Rent low.
For further laloinantlon. lIPV:tg . PRICE.
. 81 Dlomoad. AllealmaY.
COUNTRY St AT.—e mod r 44414
a.d aboat TWU AND .A. 115.1:4" "Allan .or
E roan... 41t”44 al. Belleitd • Uatotial I •ad taw a
-4n11,) intkarand on eeeeee • Tar Uramn.•
Inquire 63 Vollitrm AVENUE.
4 4 1.3.4.•0 JoNZEI or a. a. CAEHIEI4.
M I OSEAL Allegheny County
•E to
nda '4 o . ?lf. 01111 4 L 6 10. B Aggrita t i orviT
0. p
T a pe/ y et: n it. Fret Iron
a at tit°. A P IAHEE. Treaa'r.
F O E R us P i tt- 4 Enlin u eLsr or d .l ll l 0 k, 1 . 1 d :
Orders Dam ill parts of, Lae eoootrf PmalPllY
J B.S HMV • CO..
Corner Marion Avenue sad P., 1.W.& C. 4.W..
Allnrhewr. P.. 1 't
HOUSC. elotatels 9 roams. modern lintsb,
1.00 ass, Ranee. Hot and Cold Water. Lot 30
by 107. Weak. on 44910treeta Ibis Is a ram
opoortunlty. for MP" Salemt a handsome tal
VOll SAUL—Neer BRICK TIOU.S. rooms
modern lobe, sltaate on street. Possal•
aim siren Lt of
YOU BALE.—Neer 70•11 11033., roma..
situate tear 39te street. ea 'smalltime street.
Yrlce {.OOO. .Reny tame.
T. IL SILT. & Sow.
Corner Penn 'me 33d street;
13 •LI.VGLIENT CITY. I offer for. gale.
the moat &Mantel litoltd In tote situated In the
&coati weed. Allegheny. on Penwynille 'Pleat
FA. anti Obsetvatory avenue. adjoining the
Observatory grounds. ornese Lots are pan or
Iv. and one-half MN) non. A rad or Ow..
Legs ran tat ran at my store. No. 113 WOOD;
ATELEY. Toe plan ha, alto henweord.d.
Kant Lot le a front lot. fronting on Perrywllue;
rand or Obterratory avenue; sloe. lAA feet ioilde
84 114117.51/141:4°Lvr.:" retldeote of
ter 1 1 5 feet. Most of the I ott art .414.
Flee daeWnga hare been erected aired,. Eel ,
eons degrees To leave the low grounds told .
amok) 0,1/1. of
bete god an OPPort IIIII W. / 0 . 1
locality la one of the hunt In the twO elites. and
bet (01171111nOte •• wart Sawa the bead Of Delliree
Wen; a Lotted walk leads to the premien. TOO
S beauty of scenery and surroandinge are 11••
arm easy; mins ltw. ternire►
No 53 Wood anat. Inttaborib, or No. 81.111.1twg'
Avenue. Allegheny oily.
Ar• •
10/3DAT AlftElll7oo.ti, April 1016. at 9
airlock. I snail agar fir Crsate a. tar. Commercial
Cairo Itooms. 105 nosltlineid street. thafoilowlus
real warp inmate 1I• ktobinaoa township. on
Campbell , Ran. sal Din • ml.e of Martsgeld Bt.-.
Ito., on the Filubargh. Cincinnati and coleus. os'
Hall roa^, about sit mile. from 1110;11014h:
7. •taiot 360 aorta of coal In • acrid body,
koala a as the Hen Coal nook.
9. • farm of &boat 66 amt. flrat.elaaa land.
'with tw• mon frame dwelling house, laws barn.
• door 0 acres choice trait known as the Joo • '
Obi Enos farm.
3. k place of Woodland. near *be above, on
on Campbell's Ban, soomlnlng 10 acres.
4. • Farm of about 15 acres, with two story
if*g holm, a find clan barn sad orrhara
0, 10 00.1. tool troll, known as the Josiah
Itesa Sam.
5. A Farm of *boot 75 arr... With brick cot
tage toner. • good barn. an d
good erchaid ,
naowo as tee ram s Rose Varna.
frame farm of &trust 105 as • two story
bribre, wand barn and good orebard.knuat
as the bfallillan Jarvis.
, . .
A more favorable opfOrtntitY is seldom offered
re permits wishing to love.t either le coal or In
ramming lanes, a. to. above progeny la taronstdir
1010105. I. I. goad coalition, sod will probably
be mid a; very low Ilium.
For mom particular dearripUon. or %or farther
loformallon, s pply to H BUM:SWIM. Kan. No.
143 loon% amaze. The tones will be made
known et um of sale.
BROPRRS7 PUB SALB.—llltuated at Ban
hut Station. Panhandle Railroad. Contains 700
sere. 76 of Willa ate eitond; all under good
ranee: 60 acres of Coal. The Improvement.; an.
• 3 Story Flooring Rills. +ILO A rot of bum. la
illard Order. Itlll - baa larae .alurentla fun on.
erolon. Cottage House. 6 roolgiTenmst House
and large Barn. Orebard. Parties Pliblog
to go totottle mlLLlna aodeoal twatoote,the above
present. a rare opportunity. Priers low. ray
-0000 eur• Apply to B. lICLALN • Co..
mbyg 106 fourth avenue.
pateEEISONAL.—AII persons seek..
INU NOUNS, or Investments In.lasal Xi. •
. Trill sere time, trouble and moneybum
eating a copy of the "PITTISBUittiII
12TATZ Itis men asestrOnaria
or will be sent by mall PRIM to sal Mom Ong It.
li st fall to get salted out of the tarns
list it contains. (IBL)7T rob.
When and Heal gnats Agents. No. 1210 Posttli
Brackets, Pendants,
For Gas or Oil.' 7 ,
We are now reenlvlsahar !WISING &TOOK OP
PIXTURSA of. khe Latast and Plaest peens:
Mow 1 w Ma Llahu, embraelaa over UFO Dlier•
ent MV k.. which we are s shag as kiXDOCALD.
P/11028, Wholesale sad 6etatl. - - • •
'1 plumbers and gin
147 WOOD DIREST, war Pia Arum:
Mr Arden for Ptoriblog, di, and Strut Yet:"
tlni remptly attended Sr, , raak.
-41 S:,