121 Eta littihut 6zgette. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. CiAZ=ICI.I ItI.II.I , I I NRA. tot. aka Avenue and amillifield Mrttt 14A7VilliAl% APRIL 2. Irlo -Boans at FraUkfort, 95i Parraor.aux at Antwerp, 53j1. GOLD closed In New York on yodel' day at 111 j. Fon contesting Mr. Cd'yode's scat In Congress, Mr. U. D. Foster In to bo al lowed $4,000. . ANOTIMR strike or the operaUsea in the &heythin and Mahonoy regions was predicted fur yesterday. All about the bsalst Tau Board of Supervisors is to be istuilished In Nevi 'York, though some seiudble—supervision Is sorely needed there. Brana of another Fenian movement upon Corinth. Shall we have the pleas. ore of once more reprinting Frank Blalr's famous speech upon a kindred occasion 1 Tel Formosan pirates aro to be'punish ed, for their depredations upon the com merce of Christendom. by an allied naval force to which - the American and four other leading powers contribute. • - Tway talk now, in Confirms. of en lacrosse of the capital Of the national banks. Can It be possible that any more capital can be inveigled Into the "en• profitable" business of banking upon five, or four ands half, or four per cent. bonds? Ora excellent I friend Nicholson gets his new office as Commissioner of Pen. alone for but one year, and with only $2,000 of salary. It there must be such an officer, we know of no better man to, fill it, and trust that the Governor will agree with us, and that everytlung will be as lovely as May all around.- . Tns ADNIINISTRATIN cherishes a sanguine hope of saving San Domingo yet, by securing fire more votes for the treaty, from Texas, Georgia and Mississippi, the new Senators which are to come in.. The time for ratification is to be extended, "a Commissioner" arriving jest when he was wanted, with the anent of our con fiding West Indian. friends. We shall - Tan Gunn', the old and reliable expo nent of Republican sentiment in Eric county, loses Mr. J. R. GILAHAM from its editorial control, which has rested with him for nearly fire years put. There is so much trashy journalism in these days, that when the profession loses an editor of such rare tact and sound integrity LI are his, we cannot but regret it: The loon to Erie county is infinitely greater. QUOTING the udeltbersta misstatement by the Pittsburgh 17/irmacle, of the guaranty prosisioruiof the Omnibus 'Rail road bill, the Erie Gauge corrects it, and adds: • We chalrenge the Caronick or any other paper to print the provision of the bill which can support Its statement. The Chroitkla most either do this or retract, unless it proposes to cram a wholesale falsehood down the' throats of ita readers. A daily paper published In 'Rile copies the Chronic/ea misetatement, And endorses It as correct. A bill that requires such support as this must be ■ rotten affair, and no mistake. Damao to Senators Furman and Wal. lace for copies of their elaborate speeches la favor of the great sinking. fend grab. Shall we admire their elevated patriotism in disregarding the paltry consideration of expense, in printing them speeches In pamphlet form at their own cost? We do not think this exactly the thing, on the part of the wealthy corporations which are the beneficiaries of a_ nearly ten million job, and whichcould - well at. ford to settle all these little printing bills. That would not have added much to the 11140,000 which the job Is said to have already coon hem. (SEPIATOU RUTAN very properly de• mends action upon the question of Tree• wary reform. Bays the report: The resolution was defeated, the Democrats voting nay and the Republicans aye." It this means anything, it means that the Democrats now control the Senate of Pennsylvania. And why not? Have not the Republicans been outvoted by the Osallticm from the first week of this sea. akin? Next let no see who will be chosen Speaker pro teas! It miy bo Hobson's choice, either Billingfclt, or Wallace—a renegade from the Republicans or a Democrat from the start I That would be really no choice at all I Tat'National Banks of St. Louis re• jiudiatedts unauthorized, the claims of e party now In Washington, to represent. them In opposition to the Funding-bill. They have caused it to be understood at the Capitol, that a majority in capital and: boalnesX\ssf the .Bt. Louis banks support the measure as. It was sent down from the Bonus. This statement supports our opinion of yet4eiday that the meddlesome and super-oerilceable delegation of some of these institutions to Waehington was about to turn out a huge mistake. Bat perhaps It was the extra Committee from ,Chin go which has overdone the business, disputed Ccisgrats and alarmed the banks. 'THEM was meat,—much of it, strong and wholesome—in the speech with which Mr. Samuel( closed the general debate on the lariilbill. lie bad noticed thalami min wanted protection for his own inter ests), but free trade for his neighbors. noir, and we could quote the proofs, right here in Pittsburgh I Ilia *indica cation of the bill as the most fa. vorable measure ever proposed for the agricultural interests wu pointed, effective and timely. ills criticisms upon rime= free-trade Ideas, which were too scantily.disguised even to cover over the trade marks of Liege', Birmingham, Marseilles aud the Rhine, were as Just as they were sharp. Ws significant hint that a recommittal of the bill would put tea, sugar.coffee, spices, Lam, on the free ~; ~. Wt, will not bobcat either upon Congress or the country. Whatever becomes of the bill, the trablie will understand that Mr. Echneck has done his whole duty • most capably. 1 AT VIE request of the Cominirß I of the sinking fund— ( wo did not r era n • that there Was a dollar left In that unsal ow e place)—the Senate has passed, with nib. • stantld unanimity, a bill to legalize the loose practice heretofore prevailing, by N lab* the Commissioners have, without doe authority of law, made temporary • • loins from the sinking to the general b • • Shad, ,Better late than never ! The tjt same bill directs the Commissioners to ki conform to the.legal tenderdeddlon of the va • supreme Court, as to the State '&l6 • sate•dating February 1862. This is a tardybut still most becoming repudiation - of the -scandalous adiatieement from, the earn° Commissioners a few weeks. We should have been still better pleased, had the declaration come Ifom our Legisli. tore a Little looser to advance of an antic. fated reversal of that judgment of the Court. ~11ut it answers as it a very good purpose In wiping off one stigma from the honor of our Commonwealth. TILE LEGAL TENDER D CISION. In the two &See_ of De ing and Latham, tefore the Supreme CoUrt, which are understood to Involve tliO constitu dowdily of the Legal Tender Act, .a brief but'strong argument Was presented by the Attorney General, on the 3lst, tor, the re-opening of that decision. .aml the opposing counsel made the most of their case In reply. Tho only really effective objection against the re opening is com prehended In the mesim Stars dfeisis— since a single decision affords not a set tied rule, but only a strong precedent, It may be doubted If the maxim has force enough In the present case to govern its own Judgment. A long line of decisions all pointing in the same direction does become practically irreversible, in the jurisprudence of all civilized peoples. We have now to consider •a very dif- ferent situation. lied the decision in Griswold's cue been pronounced by the majority of a full bench, we grant that it would be an indecency for another majority at the same term- to adjudicate the same points in an opposite way. Bat, while Ilre of the eight judges nominally concurred In that majority opinion, a number which would hare controlled a full bench of nine members, ono of the live bad become eo clearly en• tilted by the infirmities of his 'advanced age for the judicial ditties which he was unable to perform with much credit to himself and honor to that tribuisal, that, even before the decision was promulga ted, he had laid the ermine from his thoulders, and deseendmi into the ranks of 4o people. It is nonsense to talk of counting, the opinion of Judge Grier, in order to reckon up a majority of the 'count, and so support a judgment whidh, when actully rendered, he, him. self. Isould only have heard from before the bar! When that opinion wits de• livered, Robert C.ier wan a private citizen, and could not have intruded him self, more than any other private citizen, upon the bench of the Supreme Court. Shall we be asked to count the voice of,a Judge who wu no judge t llsd we tcen asked, thus listening to the words of the judgment itself In the Griswold case, the the question, "Whose judgment Is this ? Who are the five judges who 6tts control their three dissentient brethren 1" the re ply could only have been, "There sit four of them, on the bench; the fifth is no judge, but stands here among the audi• once, or rests In yonder sick room, merely a citizen' like ourselves." One cannot be blind to the glaring absurdity, or even the' flagrant impropriety of a situation which we thus state in precise accordance with the facts. It was the most convincing proof of the need fora 1 'still earlier retirement of that member of the Court, that ho should have thus die. regarded the highest judicial proprieties, counting himself and being counted by his four associates, in the adjudication of a case which, as for him, was coram non -judice2 We shall speak at length of the diribtful policy which thus led four judges, out of the seven only who were competent to sit, to precipitate a decision of such vast consequence to the Government and the people, when they knew that the two ex isting vacancies in their full number were to be filled without delay. In a court of Less imposing pretensiona, this precipita tion has usually marked only what plain people are in the habit of calling a snap judgment. And such snap judgments neither merit nor - commonly receive the quiet acquiescence of the people. We have no idea that the American people would for a moment feel like questioning the well considered judgment of a majority In a fall Supreme Court, be that judgment whatsoever it might. We have as little Idea that the people will acquiesce in the decision of the Griswold case, accomplished ash was. The Chief Justice and his sasociatee, of the quasi majority, could never in reason have expected that the people would .thus ac quiesce. They were willing to take the chances, and the present motion, by the Attorney General, in deference to public sentiment and in sincere doubtas to what should really be the true view.of the law, cannot surprise them. How the new Judges Will regard the main question Is not yet apeurent. Of course the preen indulges in various con jectures, but no one knows—es no one should know—what is to be judicially their mind, Decisions of our own Su preme Costa, in which Justice Strong concurred, run - exactly with the minority opinion of Justice Miller in the Grissiold case. This affords to us a very weighty indication, since it le judicially a prece dent for the new jugde himself. As for his new associate from New Jer sey, •we are much. more in the dark. A Newark journal, which may be better advised since It her always seemed to reflect his political ideal, an nounces that "now that the majoihty on the bench is changed there will be, with out a doubt, a reversal." This statement can only count for what it is worth. Justice Bradley himself, when•receiving, the other dsy, a complimentary call from his Jersey friends, spoke briefly in ac knowledgment of the courtesy, but we can find nothing of significance in what he said, unless it be in these expressions : I am very much gratified to see the feeling of Stateprlds that exists among you, and to see and hear' that you do not forget our noble State. It is a small State, but when wo take I stnto considera tion her situation, her initutions, and the character of bar people, I think we may be justly proud of her for the con servatism of her principles, and, above , all, for the Integrity of her courts of jug lice and the purity with which , the law is administered. There Is no State in the Union where so much loyalty sod law is displayed as in the State of New Jersey. I Be t a ir respective of party, and say the honor oral! clause, that their love and obedience to taw entitle her to be held up as an example .to her sister state.. Or course I sympathise with you in this feeling of State pride, but I am now Placed in a position whore it Is bay duty • to know no State lines—no locality—but to know only the equal administration of Justice to all; and I come to this post lion with sincere desire to do my duty. and that la my highest qualification for the place. I come without any pledges or any question, sod with a sincere wish to adminieter the laws according to the beet of my ability and understanding. I feel that lam but feebly qualified to discharge the donee of the elevated po sition to which I have been called; but I trust that, with a sincere desire to do so, I may be enabled to discharge them sat isfactorily. —His 'conservation" would suit the Chief Justice quite is much, or perhaps more, than his allusions to "loyalty and law." Bat the new Justice has yet to begin his official record, and speculations upon what that may be,in either direction, are wholly unprofitable. It is enough to hope that the legal-tender judgment will I be re-opened, and to feel quite enured that Its final decision either way_ will be cheerfully and universally submitted to. Nor is It by any means certain that the legal tender principle will be considered in the present cases, which may go off upon a collateral question whether, or not, certain pa rties haying accepted greenbacks from the Treasury, for public contracts, under protest, are not thereby precluded from another reclnination now. THE ONEMA-ADMIRAL ROWAN Tho only American newspaper In Japan lathe Meg° Netts, It will interest a people which mourns for the moat un necessary death of one hundred and fifteen b - aye men, to know what is said, on the spot, by a Journal thoroughly conversant with the facts, of the responsibility of ' Admiral Rowan (or this terrible affair. Shall he not be held to the most rigid accountibility ? Says the Japan journal : All might have been rescued, say the survivors, bad we been in posesslon of our usual complement of boats. Here censure falba upon one whose prestige, gamed during the civil war In America, will scarcely cancel the obloquy which will assuredly attach to his name In eon ,neotion with this lamentable affair. The ,late Commaudar of Mb Oneida Informad Ms casually, when last at this port, that .. had made a requisition upon the American Admiral for boats, to replace those .that had been least in the severe typhoon of August last, but as yet no notice has been taken of hie petition. That the Oneida was ordered to sea tn a disabled condition, and that the destrnc tion of her crew was the consequent re sult, let the record gainsay; an thci howl of condemnation that will aril long re-echo throughout the length and breadth of his own land, front the ylakes 'or the North to the Pacific Ocean l and that will find reverberating' rusPou " in every corner of the eiviiiied world, will ' l,, convince Admiral Rowan of his corn nut ty with the commander of the Bout y. =I The Erie Garotte, writing of the great sinking fund swindle. puts the matter to the Executive thus: ' uTo Governor Geary It now belongs to stand firmly between the treasury of the people of the Commonwealth on the one elde, as against the gigantic atilt:idling scheme concocted by a corporation already too powerful for the general welfare on the other nide. We appeal to the Governor, therefore, to put In his veto on this bill, and save the treasury and the honor of the Commonwealth, and thereby earn for himself a' renown greater than be achieved on this battle field. It Is seldom the opportunity is en clearly afforded to the Governor of a State to weave a halo of glory around an official act as by the veto of the measure in question. The scheme is entirely uncalled for; and. in lie details calculated to ruin the finances of the Coruthonwealth. Weeldee, ....... . . the people are oppoaed to It, and this to enough to warrant the Governor inter posing, and preventing the criminal use of nine and a half millions of dollars that will have to be replaced by the .honeat, hard-working people by the process of grinding taxation. "Governor, we tell you the burden is too grievous to be borne. The people look to you for thla otfctal interferenoe, and will hold you alike. guilty with the members who voted for the bill, if approved. Tint Philatiplphis Ledger says We 'are informed that the Pennsyl vania . ..Railroad Company will offer its creditors payment of their coupons In currency, and will also give to each an agreement, or obligation or some kind, to make each currency payment equal to gold, If, within the year, the recent judgment of the United States Supreme Courtin the Legal-tender case is not re versed. Some other companies having old obligations maturing will act in con cert with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or folio* its example. How humiliating is this spectacle! The judg ment:of the highest Court in the land must be held in abeyance until the debtor party is satisfied with the law. Verily, corporation power is becoming fearfully potent. The Lehigh Navigation Company, the Morris I.lsaal Company, and the Camden and Atlantic 'Railroad Company are of deserving epeeist com mendation for their obedience to the law as pronounced, as we are informed the first Is now doing and the others will do. - Tag Omaha Dofiy Herald gives a per fect gawp of ley over the announcement that the Union Pacific Railroad has gone through the winter without serious em barrassment from snow storms. It says: The experience of a single winter has settled the great question triumphantly for the great road. The late storm, fo - lowing closely upon buena others of singular severity, put It to the final test, and it comes out of It on the closing day of the most violent, long continued and drifting snow storm which this country has ever known, with a clear track from Wuhan) Ogden. In no case has a single tram'been blocked with snow. Borne of them have lost time, but all; trains have been kept moving, and no such thing u a blockade has occurred on any part of this thousand miles of line. IN Teils beef is eo plenty that it is given away to pay for the trouble of killing, the owner only asking for the hide and tallow. DEATH FROM A RUPIUIRE The danger from roflore la ten times greater than la generally tullevcd. and whilst we bare no desire to excite Inordinate fear, we would at be tame time la vlte lbe attention of the omitted o an appropriate remedy. mad that remedy Wets la a properly &dictated and wallah. Tease. tee cost of which Is ary little more than of ean an ordinary last...J:neut. Is matters srperlsla los to health. ad even life itself, noose can he too careful. We have often known &badly 'Wag le truss to allows rapture to batman w end baToad the control of the button no atlllated whtch need never have been the tate tt a lane bad been Mud bione ettlled la the art of .P 9,7 Ins them. . How often bare we seen persona for reagent , lit Led with a litaionomeele or rupture who deg not know what ailed them, and bare allowed it to continue without knowing to whom to apply for Taint'. No one would indulge to inch rare lemmata with regent to any other of the Minks difficulties of life. and if they were swore the Itenttnent danger attendant upon bents woald not In that. There arr. beside., so many other esinditious of an abnormal kind that simulate hers's, that It woold stool. be best far (bows sm(tted to Styely to the most competent sad approved ...r -evs. They often do this. and the public are fast 'diem out that the bat epplttnee la In the sod the cheap st, EU t only In reused to hernia, but also In a I other matters where ea Important a matter se health Is eotcorned. I= disniammeat like that of rupture •nests Is such fearful cite t ea it does now, ought to he mom mil appreciated and ncour•ged. We quently ma as many ar hit a does Warms sp• piled for.ihe retention of hernia wham so heral . existed, sad emiceted whin one oiled to b. Men applied. Is It any wonder thee, th • loelte the attention or those afflicted In that ay to our superior !belittle:and &pollee:lmm for the relief and cure of lo common and dame/roue an ailment TIIIII • and spollancca rotated &placement, Ith competent and exp. , rlenced penons leap- Ply them; at Dr. Kercer•s Brett Medlene Stdr snit Medical OCllee. No. IST Liberty street. Dr. Hal sera aletboar. from 9♦. Y. unit IP. V.. and ham 3 until 6, aad T W 9 at Blain for lbe, treatment of an chronic &sew.. rue RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE • ' LIVER. • The Ilyer has a very Imp•Jrtmst Part to MAW= In the animal economy. Its (sem toe Is twofold. The Auld which It seuetes tempers the blood and regulate. the bowels, and enso the quantity and quid' ty of the morellos depend., In a treat do s me. the sdeptetlon of Ike blood to the oestelre meats of the system and the due removal of the refute matter .blab remittal, In the Intestines after the work of dlgestlon I as bees aek:otn ollstitd. • . . °Deaf I be principal sisetofliosteVeVertriMack eSltters le to tone and control this somewhat on. rely organ. The anti-billoue proper Jes of the prenaratiou are acutely re condary to Its •Lrtur s a. • stomach . ° Its operetion spot the hoer Is not violent eta that of mercury, but gradual and gentle. Instead. of errattng a midden 'emelt I. that send.. gland, It reeulates its action be de. glen. Meese. lies • cop remedy for bilious dlr. rders. whin mercury, Wing • tremendous ex cheat, Is sot. Tee more sa 11 terally and 4•••.7 • 'ill eeeee d organ nn be reetone to it. scrotal cos. dittos the bettor. and It le tee Weeder property of tale manlier. rentable alterative lo niniOrce and me - elate without eselt le it or 'Gavel. ink. Tne . anal. watch Mks attended ils IBM SS li MM. edy foreffectionsot the liri rls proverbial. Per sons of • bilious habit who lake it habitip &111 tte a protection&gala. the attack. to widerthey am ceustlintoonalty liable, pronounce it the beet liver tont° laexistence. The symptom. of so anorowel. gat of tit Itouserse can barely be ale I. pals the tight side or node, the shoulder blades, ln a saffron liner Is the whites Of the eh.. lick h. ad nee. a feeling of drowsinces, low pinta, lone of Ilppitillk tedielopatto. ••• lrikic rki deb,llly are among the until Indicstleles of a morbid coniltion of levity., end an goon.. they appear the Hitters ehould bs Tenet. d to in order to ward or more aortas Miteeneerteee,- amanotio SOAP ANA CARBOLIC SALVE. ALI& AND . RT. KID GiuvecLissran, 6N'ULI4II H►ILL, TOOTH & HALL BILOBBIL& Imported Dross sod coeodeols, Sgelre•s Impeded Foil...mos of non sled sold •t the eery kerose Woes, at J A.31.E . 3 surtris cu .14 - 7 Coro." Pima iced SL Struts, (old at. chair.) wbsre Joe will tad Wlllte,Ca.tUe m o t ut4 Castile 11osp. sold by the cue or axle bar. - lio.riokis • MILAXXLIXSITTNOS Bann. •LtaronnXT. P.. /Wei SIY. 1870. larAN ELECTION FOR SEVEN DIRECTORS to acne lorinr the twill ing year KM be tit Id at the /Santini B 6 h.e. 43 Ohlo street.. on TUESDAY. APRIL Mb. be tween the bean et AI and R r. X. JAS. H. RIDDLE, •••• • Caskla. PITTSBURGII DAILI GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1870. NiM7 ADVNLITISEIBIELNTS tiLL..daUM=.:g BT VIRTUE OF SUNDRY •E3E.- ecutions issued out of the District. fLourt of Allegheny county, Penneylye ills, and to the Sheriff of said county di rected, there wilt be onwased to public .ale, at the Court House, in the city of P i ttsburgh, said county, on MONDAY, the 25th day of April, A, D., 11170, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described real estate, to wit: BRUCE & NEGLEY, Attorneys (Jr rmtnua All the-right, title, Interest and claim of Oliver B. Jonas, Jane Jones end Shell matt Jones, the defendants, of, In and to all that certain lot of ground, No. 3. in n Plan of lots lald.ont by the executors Rev. Robert Bruce, D.D., deceased, a. recorded In the Recorder's Office of 11 . . . legheny county, in Plan Boek Vol. 2, paw) which dald lot la now altuated in the Eighth ward, city of Pittsburgh, count] of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania and is bounded and described as follows viz: Beginning at a point on the south west side of Fulton street, at the eastern corner of lot No. 2 in said plan, and at a distance of forty-one and one-third feet front the corner of Fulton street and • • • . Pasture alley; thence southwarcily along said Fulton street twenty and one-third. feet to the line of lot 140. 4 In aald Plan; thence extending back at right angles with said Fulton etrort, between the said lots Noe. 2 and 4, preserving the came width, a depth of eighty-four feet to an alley slx feet wide, and Is the same lot of groufid which A. Briscoe and wife by deed dated February 23, 1865, as record. ed In Raid office In Deed Book vol. 18.2; page lei, conveyed to tioorge B. .Tones; on which ie erected a two storied brick dwelling. Auto—Those two certain lota or plecee of ground in the tiloventh Ward, (late Seventh) city of Pittsburgh, county and State aforesaid, and numbered two and .... aeventy aix in John C. Shaffsea plan, as recorded In Plan Book, page 56, begin ning mi Centre avenue corner of lot num ber seventy-seven now or lately owned by Samuel Kroeer; thence eouthwardly along line of lot number seventy seven, ninety-four feet to Clerk street; thence westwardly along Clark street forty feet; thence northwardly ninety feet to Centre avenue; thence eastwardly forty feet to thepisca of beginning, being the name property which Oliver B. Jones, by deed dated April 5, 1906, at recorded in re corded In Recorder's °floe ofeald county in Deed Book, Vol. 204, pare 112, granted ' and conveyed to said George fl. Jones, on which Is erected a three storied brick dwelling. ALSO—AII those four certain lots of ground In the Sixth ward, (late Eighth ward) city, county and State aforesaid, numbered Una hundred and fifty-three, one hundred and and fitly-four, one hundred and 'filly-live and Ole hundred and fifty-six in the plan of lots hid out by the executors' of Merlon Pride, ne recorded in Deed Book, vol. 49, page 245. which four lota together are bounded and described as follows, vie.; Beginning on the northwest corner of Ayers street - (now Muir street) and Marion 'treat; thence weetwardly along BlUff :street one hundred and eleven feet and four and one , .sixtbentli Inches to the eastern .line of lot nujnber one hundred and fifty-two In said plan; thence nonhwardly along the same one hundred and seventeen feet and live and throe-fourths Inches to Poach alley; thence along said alley eastwardly one hundred and forty-three ; feet and eight and one-half inches to Marlon street; and thence along Marion street suuthwardly ninety-one feet and ; one and ow-sixteenth inches to the pietas of beginning, being the same property which was conveyed Illy Oliver Black burn to George B. Jones by deed dated November IP, 1055, as recorded In the Recorder's office of Allegheny county In Deed Book, vol. 125, page 245; on which tote are erected a two Mortal brick dwelling house, • ODO storied brick car. riage hones, and two storied brick .table, dtc. The said George B, Jones having deceased his heirs at law h ie widioiw Jane and his children, Oliver 8., Shallman, Annie E. and Charlotte IL, three of whom being defendants In thin case viz.: Jane, Oliver B. and Shellman aforeeald. Also—All that certain "mai property" including about eighteen acres of surface fronting upon the - Youghiogheny river, situate in Elizabeth township, Ails gheny county, Pa., and together bound ed and described as follows, viz: bound ed on the southerly aide or front by said loalotelyrr,ol the easterl y d.Nytcor Ja m es n. 2 John K. Graham; on the northerly side by land and coat or said Graham, and on the westerly aide by said Graham prop erty and lands of the heirs - of Adam Coon; containing as aforesaid about eighteen acres of surface in front of mad river and extending back to a line at or near the out crop of the coal, and all the coal lying under the audios and within the above deeignated bounderies, being originally eckne forty-seven acres of coal upon said laka called surface, fronting along said, river, there erected seven double tenements one and one-half storks high, 'or'fourteen ".e.1.11 diggss' house." and the said Mal being opened with entries and room. for mining. Be. ing the same property which James L. Graham, eheritT of Allegheny county, Pa., by deed roil dated August 'lotd, reglatered in sheriffs' deed book No. 2, page lid, obnveyed to George B. Jones ' Seized and taken into execution as the property of Oliver B. Jones, Jane Jones and Shalimar Jones, at the suit of F. A. Dilworth. ALSO, OAZZ&M .t CO.. Attorneys for Plain All the right , title, interest and claim o Joseph Winkle, of, in and to all those three certain loin or pieces of grormd numbered 280, 281 and' ra, in Joseph ht liaZZain'a sub division plan of building lots in tho Fourteenth ward, Pittsburgh, (formerly Pitt 'lbwnahip.) Allegheny comity, State of Pennsylvania, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny tkluuty, in Plan Boot, Volume 3, Page 110, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ()commencing at a point on Penn. sylvania Avenue, (now Fifth avenue ex tension,) at the Southwest corner of said lot N0. , 210, and running thence East wardly along Northern line of said Av enue about seventy•five feet to the South. west corner of lot No. 282; thence along Eastern line of said lot No. 282 about one hundred end fifty feet to Beaten street; thence Westwardly along Southern line of Barden street about seventy-eight feet to • point at the Northwest corner of said tot No. 280 thence along Western line of said lot No. 220 a distanee of about one hundred and thirty feet to the place of beginning, on which is erected a two story brick building, used sea Pottery, • Vomitory frame building used as • ware. • house in connection with the Pottery, one kiln and kiln house, together with a straw house and pottery shade, three clay prowess, three ghillie mills, two jiggers o r spinning wheels, two double clay tanks, one squeezing box, six whirlers or spin. ning wheels, a lot of plaster of parts moulds, a lot of Beggar, and all the ne cessary ordains connected with • Pot tery, together with • lot of finished and undoished pottery ware. . Seized and taken In execution as the property of Joseph Winkle, at tho suit of Sarah Ann Wright. - /as!, BIORAe. Attorney tor Plaintif f : • Ad the rlght,altle, Inter. st sed chant of Jams 011ie pie with notice to 4. 1). Dithrolge, terra tenant,•of, Is sod to 111 1111 eertata lot or Wee of grout , .heat el la tilffera . it telesslOn,of the oily of Pittsburgo, Allegheny Celletrt MM e or r 22222 marled on the plan thereof bent. bar twenty erne Oi), holed. aoetlawardly by (3 , 11 . 104.1 street. westwardly by lot number 11101 twenty, nottbwardly by co mbar ( 1 ).“ . O.• s7Tri " W .. p . O. *. rty of dames el lespie notice to S. P. ams , ridae. terra tenant. at 'the suit of Phlltive ALSO. IicCOMBP, lturney for Plaintiff. Alt li the tale. Interest and claim of F. Al pert. of, to. and to all thateerta n lot Of poet.' Is the ward, (Siva Allegheny, tiouetY el All. and Mate of• Sennaylvuln. th e and d,terttr d follows. 'lst Situated on the northeast corner of • Adams and Manhattan streets, frosting on Adatris %we:Lip:our tact, Led beet northolirdly presentee the 4.13 e width along Multuiltan latent easter. Iv side •We seem o one hundred aad thirty fist snore or lea. to 11.11.1 n sad bawled erected tee:toe on euetber.y end frostier ou said /Wenn two elOO7 brick tinseled, laving a front of twenty-foe' feet on .Lid Adams ste.ot, nd I tie eding.beek along aid Nannette. street forty•four het, stinted oilittnell7 for • etou feu tort' , Out now I übdividi d and occupied all ateti ling Poems. an lon the bortheriv end thereof having erected two two atot y frame dwelling", recalled stds Grant alley. • Belied hstea Is execution 0/the property of 7. Alpert. at the suit of William MeKlletel• Aux). HOPKINS t LAZ SAN, Atternel• for rmin- wuthe rubs, title, Inter. at and claim of Id. ward Sleben/mob and Margaret bin wife. o . In and toad .11 iltal ee min two. story brick and frame hotel butte leg knows to the "fiehldem Amsted In ishaler townabip. /Magna ny count, e tate of Pane ..... mid buitlA Is about y forty Ere r. (mato. tbe Alleghe ol ny and Sutler pls. k road, sod to about thirty. sin Art deep. with kitchen; the first Mot ? I brick and Um MC01.4 ttory le frame, and Is erected epos a 1.4 of ground e ;Walston ws sere.. boonded routhea.t by the Eennileauls Yee.% bY and of Pa.( ea. by Mods of Mel d. elodeepti sue T. and month by lands of -- epani. • gamed and t ten In tatentlon as the proper ty of Edward Elehaubsub sad Margaret Elena n boob ht. wife. at the suit of Mentos , Unite d fot wa. of Meetiartgualans Bank • b UOE and NZOLET.Attonfays for rl•lntlff. All Ole right, •Itle, intorno, and clatlP Wla. tl• G• tea, of, to sad to all that ecr Mu lot or ground situated in the Twenty Om woad of the Itr of 4te`glft.tate l .f o reran, Tl and eglrarl as follow.. toed" • routlig thirty fad os bldg. 61. real. and exteadlop Meg f same width one hundtcd feet to an alley, C beton Itt No. 441° Thomas Ililion•s plan ef ollin. Part al t•cl aoa ,447. Carded la rim, Boot, "01. 3,p. 1111. wlrn were e-uveytd to a Orson of aid Mel.• low or deed dated SAO 3000001, 1809, aa 10 7 :3 : ,1 to IJaell root. Vol. /140. p. SOO, of /ti the . . record.. op relates. to wt. lee 0 0 . in a ' A. 1 1 ,1 4 :r e: ... 7 : 7 1 ... L . ' , : 2 : h d : e: th s * : I I a t :111 1 1 e; p : 11,1... a. and taken la rat.llas am Om %Merril r panel of Ldlaaa ALMA All the [lett. tile. Wtteau, and Mal f Mullet itgetg, of, to and la all that aerial tr _ NEW ADVERTIaEBIENTS. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Al ph ny enemy, State of renesylrenle. Sod bounded n the ems not tooth I y land, °CAI.. thew Ingrain, on the ne th by lanl s of Mrs. Ann Horn, ewl on the west hy nf fortyele. of John Wthle. drorastd, - containing 140) aces •. and Pulse the earn. premises deseribee In ttt r e t tf rt:r f eZ ::c0 0 ,11,11,; 5 47.T . , n3R ; said mort yr ge b log gluon to et- Vera the bond upon which atts CICC.4iOLI awl berth, thereon er eted one mall 440110 house a nd og tarn ant stable. eels, d !sten e . Mien s• the property of Ilattlet Marti, at the lont of David Ingbetn. ALL s, J. C. .e: 0111 li; Attorney or ritintin. All tne rght, title, Interest and claim of Id. Whitmore, or. In ant to all that certain lot cr niece of Intend satiated In the Seventh Ward, • • m.. t . . Oily frolmetly Kamowashlo) , f te Oof all, annoy. and Costly of Altsguenr. State of Penn .ll=l:b b it= ' ar ' llas o n '. „ c we r s n t :ilo l l a rnr et t . t :; allately wnd by Italnentant therm:running ong mid T en n.umn simpolne and • half deg. tress two hundred and :5-theen Pet and ten thentsto a prim e road •tentple a feel Wide: thence • ong said road torts enmity and half deg.. west sin .y.sla fett to • lu; t he. along Mad now or late of let and, Ilehilog. north alMpulno and • tn.( das. cast two hundred met WM- te n feet nun limb, in the said Rob in:Am Road; thence along 6.1 read south &MM. two my•three min. ,act myeutpip ••n • fset eight lathes to the pl.. of hellinn , tg, being the mune • ace of property told to r eco rded` ire be deed dated llama hth. 1806, recorded • Vol. Mtn. ra t . 530, Into property tieringepeted thereupon on. twostoried frame dwelling home. Seised and taken Inexectglon the proven,' of M. Whitmore, •t the ants of John Havana. IMMMENIES= VII . all the right, tt le, Interest and calm Of Thee. tacCottueughy, of, hi sad to all that. certain lot itf trotted eituated; la ton city of Iraltburelt. Al legheny County, gas haat of Pennsylvania; buundrd nod detalbed as loltotwe, set s ; n o . ginning on the northern side of Purbel street a; the cornet of lot now o, late of hosattnall them,.easterly along-bald area twenty - are feet eight ant three-elghths luChee to the. Use of Ma . .." Pretreat : tbs.ce along laid line north erly one ho need sad twenty tent to Beech al- ley; tactic • along leech alley twatarlygtrenty four feet seven and tbrce•elchtbs Incites to due of ;tad lot of tosanualt Elliott. er.tl thence along Ilia or said lot soutnerly one hundred and twen ty tett to rorbts street, attbn place or begla- Wo. being tor lot an. Vln plan of lout lu theylty District of the aty of Plasburgb; sabl ' plan la recorded In Heed Book. vol. 66. t age nute ia ria llr7a h n i t c o h a 12,V ." r "`""'"'"" :Ailed and taten vcalon as they raperty of &homes Coonanho, at the snit of John An d ears • ALSO, THUMWS IfWINN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Ail the right, Mlle, hitt...stead , balm of William Tat tor. oh, In and to all that ecltoll.lotufaruttud situated in MlL:lure townselp. Allegheny coup y and Mete Or th •Part 01 let No. 11 hoc :ay 'a plan wee rtan hoot. Irel, 3, 0.140'11 and wrundrd and desarlmd as follow.: be. smugat • 110 Int 012 11.1, eeet tic of lecke, ava us, the West corner of lot ho. 10 to said pan; thence "tuning enstwardly Moog the ehut un dart' ti Na. 1 0 one unatletti stort) , .. Nat LO the ".. r chttly even., thrum arsti boat dly along hum/1 Whetl• ttttt ten fest, mere or ter.; thane. west. merely, and parattet and f Aar feet N erth• vesralyl lrom d, l nun , boundary line of lot I. 14 In .aid plan one hundred and thirty• e,ven tem. ha sty event,: end Wenn: norm vexedly along_Lectey avenue nineteen feet to the point 91 usglnning. on which Is erected • small Dante talon house WI 11 001 building.. *elev.* Sad talon In exeru 101 l as tnepropc“y of Nil Ism*. Tir,l rat the null of Citation 4 It, • • ALSO, A. M. ST Vr1.611, Attar., for WIC All the tlght, tAte, interest and claim al Char. Merl:son with notice to John nelfer.h Sun C. sl id ;ismer thr e eohn relit rth 0., of, la, slid to all those eertitha lOW 04 i t .m. ttt• mated in taberta Tontodup, /Lacunae) . tiounty, nate •l• ranarydranta, au I e,,,,, d-and 1.121 Vend 110,111 sad 112, • Is a plan of iota Mit Ln. by Thonta,M.tion a, d r. Nettt•y to tiriu•At:e a.. In \LILIVI . 11;.; rage Weald . El i t ' s ` a:!.l itits ' toftVir r Iron lug see _nteen.one hundredths het en tee reida turin and Urtettsberit Tar- Ulna , and eat , nhfafi barn US. hundred 1111' to rear of 101 l LIP, lied Mil, In setae plan. and are non tled - on the east by a Marty feet 'met, end on the leen 57 .lot of Thomas Duette., KO., Refine the sun, lOTA C Huey. to party of firs: part by sato Exerti.ors hurtle. of toe tecund 1 art, by deed of nven dale hertnitiv. ' belied and tale• In ...cation as the proven, cf Charles Motorola, with nutlet t Joan nal(erth anvil:. Wallet partnersoltu delfer.ll at Co , at the salt al Thomas M e lton and tleolge U. etegley, ltacctltora of Mrs. B. A. Weal.) , AILSO, AIIBURWIIIi, Allocat the mil G t, Utie, Interest and count Yli• tar I. McCormick,wita notlw to Philip s W. Id. terra tenant, of. In aid to nil that tnnis let or piece of land mtuitted In tan uyt,,,,ltn a t Last inlngharti, Al egbeny county. Plate of Penn •ylvaal. honed. and descruit.l as follows: ha statist on the aorta,ro title of Sarah Went, at the distance of an vent) Itiet and acv.nwighth of an Inch w.terly from Caroline attect; then, extending In_front.nr nn ir iota., feet, an. lu . 11 7 ,C0 nortlw.l.T ivuts tat same la , al, of tartly feet .. / moles with e•rah I, one handled and Ittf feet to Carey' alley; told lut tielnalbe etch 10, I• 014•11. be Iter deed el .;lead 13,11106, coakeykd to paid Mellon:Met and taken In execu,luu ea the pronely at Well ` r e Wl.h WAWA! (.2 a. Well, tel . (o A•6l, at then ofJane /tor NO, ALSO. . J. J. MITCHNLL-Attonietfor Plaintiff. All the light, ll•le. interest t idy el•lutof ,Itt. Irwin, Or, to anti to all those fourteen 10110, ground eitust.al in Pitt townablp, AllegSsay county. Mate of reanaylvauts. he.. *4. NO, SO. 27. NI. ME 80, 35, 3 33 34 4 714. mita :26 in Nom invia, Walt allots. tl egrat ' l en womb each erourlo to front on It ran Meer, twen ty-one feet ten Inches, ant extending 11.c1c, Preset ”tr the same AMU,. one houilrfd and tweet -eight feet to • ten feet Ohl, and the I ra t seven al, ore earned oetioniug In front o ...Met treenly.one fret ten lathe.. an act preserving the same width. one Yfird ' el l ti n f h ad twenty-one fmt to a ten fort alley, and being the same which Willem W. Irwin, ions D. Dart. sad James A. Ira le. e • t o ti b lei IV:, tar ' tid by re ttheir deed dated hoot, rot. 11111, liege 900, granted and cony..d to tem said Muse Dula. net.. and taxes the xecution tes the prove rte of Sum trto, tha wit of U. Hasbrouck roe use el gat or rick eavenalgh, SAUSOIS. Atlanta, Me Vlaltivd. • Alt the Ixts Uttet Ligor '". 7.. " lrs. d if; l" r., en 0.2.1 to . all those (Ma tai o ' er &so b tots or o pieces os groond la lan laid oat by C.-Hanson Lore, siteeted h a ute Fayette townehip. Ally heaf uaty.d Ir . :7: , :z ". lo n u a . art a e nd rir'Vhe nest twee of .Irl lot.. 1..1.11. 011. s g lad 100. bring tmett..e.l and d, ••••• . . ra,l s• wit extea; 'alpole; at lot ho.OT de 1. re...ay Malts ape allsa ho. •ee west reve ightnty• er e feet ( to •th lot no 101: thenee n n. orth e our•uti welte sad treetitr• nee feet to A Plow ermi nes theoce ao,th elehil•taue and thee...'ean gle• Cree tut. • •sotl-11To ot /40. In; the o ne.outh Mobs altdOet,ourth degree.. , one hundred and terat) te feet to railway iim't, the p.c. of begtoning. Tea last two lots, to wit, Nos. 1111 and 113, are bounded asd dee- .. arg " h'r:. l l7 l ll.7l;4 ' el g to " :1711% n Ze!it i t n e o l . :h . r and ihregoiussiors degree s, weet nit, lector lets No 114 s then. north eight nod one Eleanor de grees, welt sea bandied sod Sevent, 11l reel to a sac thence tooth May-eight d•lttow. omit eftY I , feet to lot No. 111; thence south eight nod e' es , gran./ deign es, east one b•adred and thirty els Mot to "Maw az nu at the ',lsere( begloni d p. o n f a il e V. b illelf:o7ll2r C d . srl i t: 7' . ll7,ll"3l', 176, COliveratal to laid Adall. Clark. .d ha.. tag tker.o ereett d a two Ito.? frame hotel balldleh. with bseement nad.arath and a from. , .table. tell 4.4 taken let elecetioa as the oropertY of S 111.Clart zed Adeline triart, his wife, at the salt of Santa. N. Lightalsr and Olive P. Lightner, his wife. • • • ALSO, O AY.II AMA CIL, Attorneys for Plaintiff . All the dab. titter. totemst and claim of John Hodgera, of, In and to. all those certain lets or iece. of ground Bleated to Pitt township, Al lerlimey.enty. State el PCIIIISTITanIa, known se iota Nos. 406 and 441 la Joseph M. 0.0. gainip plan of lota In said tiArnehlp. bounded nod dreamland as follow., to wit: Lommegc., at the southwest turner of lit No. 400 of tale plan. and Tu.!. thence along 8010. We.. In •westerly direction to the south.. carter of int No. 407 atheare north ., ly along ties lots N 0.07 the( 11i Mobawk Lane:Mena as.g.ol of Moos. Laa• to the aorthwes crater Or lot No. 4110 t tinned aorta re. along the line of lola No. 4 41) and 400 to Bolen meet. the ...ler b....ff. itclaral and taken lit. v1(.0100113. the property of John Botigers. at Ilse suit oi J. M. U. am.. trust.. D. and E. A. AL . O. AIIANTON, Alter fBM Plaintiff. the right, title, laterest and Halm of An. drew Stewart's heirs of. l• t en la all that .r• tala lot or Wee of ground situated lathe Fifth ward,of the city of Allegtieny.Aileltbel... l 7l Meth If Pelletylealtla, detellbed as Odittoa: -tistiaalna at a, point one hundred and thirty. two feet from the roolneast forest of Chortler* sal Mbrilislst streeim there, eastward. along Metaled sweet ltbsty•elx feet; thence 11011th• ...al) Oita hehlrest and tweny•ur Sel. to %ben. westwaedly s to ol said alley thirty six Mot; theeee oorthwardly one betide. id twenty tone feet to the pl.. of beglaulul. 51,110 thereon erected two Iwo-story frame boast. Seized ad token In ezeculir sas the properly f Andrew Stew eeeee betel at the suit 01 the QOM sone... of P tennis for the use of the Mayor, •l'ermen and citizen. of All city, now for use of Robert 11111. ALSO. A. H. WILIAM. Attorney for Plalatlff. All the right. title,lnterest and claim t ( John A. Strain and Ell Strain, of, In and to all trait rectal, toter piece of atoned Mooted he the Tooth Ward or the 1.:1 of Pittsburgh. Al e (bray county, State of Vonylvala, bo. oder( and described as follow. l 's: leg antes at Sestet oe the West side of Brent etre.. • iloe of louts the tonere of ThOlete J. Flood, dis tant eeeeee I.liSe lad alghl•tveiDhe feet VIS/111 alley; thence stun Sing ;slang Meant street earth...ly .he distance of affisexeen feet lea lee eeeee Let is the tenure oft /aloha. Ille• lormerly the prugerte of ill. 11. d. now Miss litrolt ; thence at right with Brant sweet westwardly one hundred nod tewenty4.l. NI. of Tided Mosby torlas Chose. thence wlth Ors. ...et mothers...llY the dlstaseeof olaeteeo test ton inches La Ilne of Laid In of T 00... J. Flood; totalee also' liner f • same esetwardly one hundred and awn ate het to Mont atrvet at the plies Of beginalog, ing Ina tame Osier alba Walee Tema Stood dhd seized of, baring first mode and pubil.hed la a will old testament, tomtit s de. the Gilt day of Aura., 1060. and dui y proved and.. tetersi In •Ilanheny Cent 1,7.11 1,1.11 Beck Vol. 7. Page Nl4. M1..4 Was Sands die d s t athiriem Flood, and woo by ber deed Doc. 23d. I 1066. and rerorded in the Mourner , (Hine of f AlienbeeT erieety, en D.ed Boot Vol. 909, i'.ge SY, csaveyed the same to Eloti Flood. en Ahudt la erected a three Wry helot dwel l i n g house, with two story h.k betiding. Seised sod takes I. I...cotton se the roper. of J.• A. their sad All. strain. lathe salt of A. H. Miller for use ii! lien. M.goret Die.• At.so, A. R. NI LIMB, /Hornet for Islatediff. All the right. title. intovest .d claim ofThosis• Lindeafeher, of, In and on all those ib-to ter .. iota or Ines of greens' etteated tow borough of LOOM.) wale. In 31. c.o. of Al. leebeny an 91 d Male at Pennsyi. meg sou No. 11. 20 and lin th lvan e plan of building lots said oat bySober& 6.1. adminisuatny of Malcom Leech. deceased, In J nig, 11102, old lots being bounded and described as fel OM •IL: 1.01 No. 11. In wain plan, log bounded by Prow. street, Spring alley.Unton alley and lot No. 111. • Lot. No. 20 and 21 etch having a fro. of meets -four feet on the i I:titter.. end theme. burotsTurnpiks sad exteiedlog Mee 010 hat' deed and ten feet to Opting alley, t o .ine of lot N0.9l dividing It tram lot No. It. tieing but aloght alle y loe {mit. Junction from mild tu r n ley tool. ALM Junction orlib tbe turn. Pine road. The oho. olemribed Or. lota of grouttd beteg.. same whirl bobert Belt, ad mioistrator cum testament° annex° f Malcom 1062de.aeird. tir deed dated Sept.:lose 27. , ono recorde d the Itecoreer , Velem of IgreNVe c y c on ' t.: DTL i fir c d tre k , ...Vim 1 0 0 1 3 ;t1rO the emote which eald David McKee and ht. wife, cotkalr reeel dated Mirth 11l le., n.. re• corm. lo the MSc I aforrseld In herd hook. vol 5103, p. cones yed to Thomas Lindeo• !elate.. whion Is er c.ed a d att. tw wary frame hasten g, occluded as two terse mfr Ls with back o.lldi Belted and takenng s. o execution as the PrOPerIT of Thum.l indenfelser, aa the ,milt of Adam Hooke for as of James MerCT. ALS, r A. ll• CC M NM Attorney for Blatetr ff. All the sight, t tie, hotter. .t awl Helm of MI °M el Beeper. of, In and to. tell that c lain Int O r M. , ...Mind o.loz lot •umbertal three (I) in iha pl. el' iota Mont. the tfreentn ltd of in. city of Vlstauurg ( late tie.ulfe • f Lowreueevillea, Alienate. counry. Mate of Peowslrhani. fold tut by It rbert ' mills ' tr.. of Malcolm Leach. doe:seed. le Jeir• 111611, s Trot:ling on Sutlertwen ty-four foot and s :Striding wok on, hundr.d aod tea feet L street and te Mee lot whleh ',nterdeech Bruns and wife oy boio og oea e datod Aprli NO. 1.6, nod accented In the cone. for' liteerthog Deed.. So In and forAileshenl I e Slaty. lanced 7108, peg. 37 , ..• veyod to Mil a n. nor[ and upon wolchle erected • three .to Dt ick het-e. • Ilelaed midt.sobe execution a. the 11.1.177 Co.co noel /larger, the suit of Ltwis Wald A 0 ALV°. tut vtr Alfcbf kfor,Zia ittlVal foe tut Nat at tell'. tatig. Or, In and to .Itthose two certsin lots of a roe tot annexed In Lower 51. Clatr SOwnaldrb County of Aileen ny L and lisle of rennsltvaule. o unded and d• crawl as follows. to s it:' I LI!. 1 , 1 no.qnl/071114 o ba h L,:d ' i: ' VII ' 4 pin s ea •T• e j. a •110! dlytalt ii of •Ilentown; 10, 000 a.ong Mirth .etroct ca twairdly Ofty tort to a pin to the comer of 1.1. No. 50 and 11.7. 1 And At ten•s plan of lots of AI culewu; theses along the line of said lot .s..ntevrardly one hundred .04 Ally feet to Ch cry Aley. thence along s Mil •Ilay oceetteat l ily flit? Van to a pin corner of lot No. 110; thence •long the line of 004 lot northwatdly one leundiwil and nay feet to North we., lb. place of no. ginning. trine late Nes. 101 •and 104.10 Mc- Lain and lasplee trith-lteleloe of l t0,51A,,. gold plan recorded la Ilan fleet VIII. 3. rage M3ll And being part of a lager nilmtwr of It le ' ord i nedpis of ground which toe het s theo...oh &it'd.. [re dswil bearing d to 141li day t f • o ruttier A. U. 1001. end ri corded tn Di rd Boot Vol. 2211,1 . . g. 460, ike . conyeynd to TheTse P. • Deplrh.anamtl.te ra . ld 'flower S. ri o e l :l !. begl tri . t r l a r g e II Ita l dly h l o IF% , by lrfl l l ' . b' once the shove de•crlbtil lot in - Nnth•nitti V.eP, thig nom gage bele% given, to mecum the balance of tile InUolle•ti ittonel- I ~..,t ttely. id s I taken In execution •• th e protterty of Nathan el Yawns: At the suit 01 11.niantlo McClain. - A LAO. All the rl tit, title. Intertst and lahn of Fred erick gen um. of. In and to all th tnesonsue or lot of g nil eltuate In the BOTOU It of MOO ere t p rt. COt thy Of AM ghtOT end MA set l'enoryl. •arda, In untied and deeMbod as foilowk , viz.; tie Inn' ...• at • poin ton the cast Ids of Market eireet t a the curlier of lot N 0.140 thence by eniti Int w aril ciallivone degrees eseto c hundred and forty fe it to •11 slier: thence by • Id alley north Mee de tree west thirty teat to a poet: Dunce o n • par Ilion line .0111.11e1gbty-ono_degrees w. st one bon red and forty f et to mid Merkel. Street: 0 thehe• tent ar etrett south nine vie en ignite/ thirty to the place of beginning, southern half of let No. 111. accord. •to the original plan of laid llorottill of Mc Meesport. Of il l' re3 :A " I l e In 117111T11:7.,,itnef Pro elf &boom. A w l. PET Attorneys for Plaintiff. All the right. title, Intelsat. nd claim of Jo Ser. son IL Stuart, with netle• to Andrew J. Stuart. In of all 111•tla Stuart, of Wean , . of. In and to all that c ttttt n lot of ground alt• ate [wt,. city of Pitt:burgh. county of L'lesheny. nor - stew a pen:1,71.114 bounded mud dee— crlbed tee fows. •Ixt Lomotencing on the e•sterly slde of Wood tttttt forty two feet 1 1 1 in•hcs northerly from tht corner. f Fourth noe ntlel theobe along Wood 'treat tooth. r:y as, o• tv-thtot fret elk incbesi throes by See Wrath' with rourth avenue elgty two fret, theree Wward Fourth avenue and parallel IS .th Wool •trett tortnte•titret feet six lachec thence t • Pow otraliel with fourth avenue eighty too foot to Wood atrtet. at the place of beginning. on whioll Is erected • three story briek waroLoute. Stirs and taken II ekteettso as the propene of JviTtllSOn IL Stuart. with nol co to Andrew J. ctuart. the st. eof •ne• Marla Stuart. tetra Lenart!. at wit of Wllliam ItaltaleY, for use , of Edon Jane Stuart. AttorneY•the•All the malt. title. lutcreet end claim of lien. lift,endiess.and to all [nal certain ot tof ground eituated In the w •rol of the My •r Pltt•lotreh, county of alltwheny. State of ns Penylvania, being lot Din 103 in • plan of lo Islit nit by an executors of ames Want.: ' doe atedt ealti let mein twente•follo feet in front on Penn street and e te•dinr blot to Lour Ailey one hundred (set, preservinit an 4.1.1 width throughoet; on which I. •rected • two Mr, brick dwelling boson. Set rd and taken in retention •• the Ito overly of tseorg riceaudiese. •1 the Wilt Of William alteantithts 1l slit ft lira% •Morneye for PrOntiff. All the right, le, titterer t and claim of Jai.* Jose, of I and to all that comet rakes or parcel of l os t s:tuats i• the Nluelet nth ward. City of rittibursh. Colmar Or •liegbeay and to or re nuayl• sulfa, (late Collins township) aubdolog laud. of McCombs, W. Mesh y nod comers, containing Mr acres more ur leas. on .sratell are erected 02C frame dweliing Souse, one tars an 1 one one sloe? frame hilia.•• belled and takes In extend. lie the property of James Joyce, at the snit of /Indust n.hu • • AGM) PLAIII.II. I.ltero•y for Elainllff.' All ant right, title. .niereat and claim of Mn. Carr, ales arid to all that certain lot of ground In thecoati ward, site of rittsborgh• Conn. ty of • Lehi:leaf. Mate of PCtlitlYil•o ll , labiate on the moil...weld corker of Wylie street and Taut:said lanai Woollen on maid Wylie strett thenti sallied one-half feet and running back stool Inertly feet to a Met alley, d bsouded and described as follows. TM St int' the uth-west career of Wylie ..C. O and Tannehilleh laze: Mullah on said Wylie street •FrPty•tVeCt feet Ma aml necking beck abuse laid Tannehill lane about limy...) feet to • ten cet alley. beiSed and I ;Oenas lhe nropenv of Mrs Carr. at the colt the oily of cAtii. burgh, ALIO. liLAtif,g; A ttorreY ref PlalnilL Ali Ibe lOW itli, intereet and rialto of Nathu , lel tole, or, in gadall that Certain lit of ground rheas, ill t h e Elirenth ward. OILY of litaborgh, county of •Ileith.ll end Wide of themla. situate en t o l d ist . tuts et A, fronting on ttttt t Afhpooe and aine• twelfth r,rt and rooming back about one hundred and My feet to the Orphan Asyl.n. and bounded and ticieribed at triton. 'no Be Int on the weal ar.e t Arthars err 1, .1c to add between property of Andrew • piton and Ni t irirt.itoba, fronting en sod ••ftn•ra•trett Arty 0.11. edge inertia and renal. hick •rid along and between tile said iota shoat twie bummed and " Ittr arn i lst o l " uto n n A rtre ' fl of Nathaniel Colea the toll of the OILY of hiLt. IILAOLIC. Atter.) for Plaintiff. All the rlaht,. tit e, interest and eialiti of John IleCitien, 1. 7 1, sod to all that on. , lot of tilt Mltty ZittsZ d of Mr At ilt esti,' alto.< on to no alde of DOPC u .tr et. bond. on said t twenty twe feet and 10110100 bath shoed Imedred ead twenty feet to property and brooded and dot teribed.t•tiewa,•is ltelog tot the north side of Dear. et feet tttttt property of Thoutas Mee., la, It editing on old atr.t twenty•twe feet a 5. running back a.. of Mat width one hundred ae twentyfeet to proven, oh— —. it reedand taken to exteation a. the propetty ofJ oho AleCiarte, at the mit of the ell) of nu.- .•rir lAIO, !MAMA, •ttorne A y for rlalutiff.. All the sigh title. Interest and elalot oohn Dlet•ln, of. In and to. all that ce vtohrtain lo t of ure•ad In the usrrath tot d of the elt? of rule. Kato oils too wob.sor stmt. front. I.ltrra7=l sl :l7. sit r ;yr Val Wooded and dr.ellt. Web s ter s i r foiletss. viz: tolls on south One of Webster street; props , . ty r of Jena boon, fronting on said Webs, Lent .t t attUt t e " laTty " fceZ 7 ' l7:Zit:e t :at oelsed and taken in execution as the pr. or John theta., •t the salt lino Otte of burgh. Alv.rneM: o l‘ l •ln Al. the nue. tat...rest and otido. of IR bet dloroo.v., tow Mcodwarolt to.. Wood w•rd &CI Noah egos of, le, no to all .bat aorta n 1.4 of g.ound In the of ward • f the City of Pittsburg..., Conn y of Allegheny. PA. situate •4 the 6.ortis side of Spellman str.et, frontlng on said strvet Nineteen Gat And mutter back shoot feet to hprasotallar, allnated between Smith and Taylor strata. &Coining to`` Mr. Denny, on the ab. sod Mr. gladly on west. Petsed mid talon In narcotism Ins the °peaty Etta sbeth Macau Iwo, Woodward, Wm. Woodward and /lug It !Wm.:nowt at toe colt of tbe Lily of Pittsburgh." • NI.III.ILX, sor rist•tia• •II the elaht. title, ant ttttt and elates of Mm. /Ling. or, In and to all that certain I .tof ground 111 lAO beventeenth ward, clty of rittsbarsh. 004.0.7 of Al cis rny, Cats of Pennsylvania. situate On th e eaol. Buda of St. )(aryls avenue: fronting on sald avenue aweuty.dee Not and sult., h.et ono hundred feat to an alley; bounded by Centre even con the south And lot or Dobahne on the north. Bel nen and totes In eeeee Mem as the orop•rty of Wllllam Ming. at the suit of the city of Pitts burgh. ALSO, Attorst y for natal: If. - All the right. title, 'Mena& nod claim , sf iohe 'roun d of, In; and to Ail that oertalh lot of t he In the elateenth ward. of the (Thy of Pittsburgh. of All slist* on the west sid• of pt. Mary's • . on toP oh 251.1 Astons twenty-foar feet and running ...Or strain one hundred feet to Long alley, s'taelo o ntwa• 114.Ientro and Hatfield streets. bounded on tne north by lot of —McMahon, and on the Johnhby lot of McCain. ized and takeoff, execution as the property of Green, at the Colt or the cur or Mu barak, ALSO. tILABLIt. Atterrey for Plaletlff. All the r Mk, Interest mid claim of A. •n- Jerson, et. In sad to all lei, annals Int of ground edema In the Seventeenth and of Ih elty of Pittsburgh. oonnty of •Ilveleee. Ceres el on the west side of [deg slier fronting on eald they tortl,elebt feet And musing beet about one hundred foot Yfrollefontalne stmt. tt we . .. Eta slier sod t:tatrit street. Wanded on the oortb try lot of Adam Bender and on the south by lot Of Beer/ Itiael. LY111011•12 , 1 taken In •xe.ution as the property of A. Anderson at the colt of the ett7 of PM. burgh. ALSO. Iit..AOLZ. Atka./ tor ratlntiff. Alithe right, title, Ilteraet and elahn of John F. tank y. of:loud to, all that flown lot of ground In the iletenth ward of the city of ritt.lrron. minty of Allegheny. renn.,lvauln. allnane on the aorta ride Oltientro See..rooting on told event* forty fee ...peon[ twat . o .at as hundred and eighteen feet to ISCIOW. Sill Y. the laid lot helps bounded and described at fut. lows. via. Bernuing on the north side of Cen tre avenue at the corner of lot owned ay paid John F. Clu'et: thence • atendlyittoll . &ft Moog pall steno. tale; owned by n".• and running back ne hundred nod olghtoe. f4ti ti A? Beatty's al ley. p 1 51 came fie zed mid taken In execution no the property of John Y. Chile). at tt null of the oily of Flltsbn db. . • ALSO, W. B. RODGER.. AU for Plaintiff• All the runt, title. .o; ant Om of eleorno L.lghtlo helm of to. and wall that certain lot or pirce ot miaow' anointed Id int City of *Man •Y. All.ff 0007 and State of rtnotylvaela. Initiation aline nurtheast tomer of Baboons atm. t and Ittiga el met, outwardly alOng Siege etuet two hundred and forty. Ile feet lucenr tee; thence deathward', one ban ana wa!l. l Y - two tam to /taboo. tunes ;thence We/11.001y aloof Sebetea etrellt two hoadied and •Inety feet to the Flinn of Wen. °Tg. • .... and taken In execethin as the property of (kern Gleh kllrs helm, et the net; of the Meyer, Aldermen and cllll. us of Allegheny. Ai O. W. E. RODGERS, Attorney Mt Ptah - ill'. tie right, title. lettere.% Sod elelee of MN. Fla.., of, I. sod to all thateertala lute , atoned In the IScreuttk ward, elle Of Allegheny. county ,duff Alce hene and d tate or reutur ler le. heltml. I Moos: Inselanleg al • point log, Pea. deed aid thirti.(oor feet from the eorthe , ocn ,cf long lane and Sprite Garden tog ote-twO feet; thaneg :tort rweatwardly one hneared and ten fees to as alley: tines nortn wenceeedjy along eald al ey twenty-tyro rest; thence .outheastwardly one hendred end ten fret to Opting Garden ave... the place of be glnalue• Idarlue themes mooted two one 'Zd and telead ' n •secutlnn as the pronen7 able", Fisher, at the senor Ike Mayor. Alder- Men sad Chinese of Allegheny. HUGH S. FLEMING rittuNrkgrxf...., FISH ! FISH ! ! NI W COUTINII. 2 atm 3 MACKEREL. Is Obit, halm, 'd!rePENG SALMON, BLUATER HERRING& 'a boson, 100 u2l 601 " I,II .I 4 A IMIL H I N la bbl. aad klta. D.H. le bale bbt. sad all.. ra - ittol NEIL %I. aad ! , 4 lb. au& ■or pale at low rate. by • RDWARD HICAZLGTOS. mh33. , 33:Air Simi 70 Dlamosei Munro. I 4 EDO FA L. - FREDERICK BCIIROID TA. Merchant Tailor and Deans. to Geatlemen•• Turntables Moods; also ueoco. mta and Boys' Clothing on bud 1.0 made eider at the aborlest , none& has removed froth eta Into .rand. No. 99 Fourth area.. to No. al Woof. trritSlT; corm of 'Third mane. ath2l:ol9 O. 33 za. - Eawineo Scaltr of Weiglita and &alums, OTTICK: NC, 5 Ft. U 11TH -AVE., 1F ittaburg AENDIERSON La MOTU EMI Ari 6 Liberty Weer, Peelers Line bad Patent Milldam hale NEW ADVERTISFM•NT3 CORD & CO., Vholesale Dialers in S, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, 131 Wood Street, PITTSBIIRGU We have in our SPRING goods bought for Cash, and at GRWAT RE DUCTION 1N PRICES. MERCHANTS are cordially invited to examine cur Stock, which is very large, embracing all the Late Styles in FUR HATS, WOOL HATS, LADIES' HATS, moons neTs, SUN SUEDES. ETC CAPS in every variety, and a gen eral stook of all kinds of STRAW GOODS for Men, Boys and Children. • We are daily receiving FRESH GOODS from the Manufacturers, which the great decline in gold makes our. goods as cheap as before the war. - McCORD & CO . • -- U.l io,a r . o orpr. rour At orl .2m15n0. GOVERNMENT SUE. BY AUTHORYI Y OF :HE HOD. GEO. S. BOUTWELL, Secretor!, of the Trraxury, rrer it Public A neLton, ou M6NDAY. lb 4th dtv of Aprth 1470, a, 13 M., at the CM TOM 1101146 oforesohl, that portion of the MA 11146.1105C1TA1. 1 . 71 lyirg cast or on the 111410 ~d• treble street, •na - sep•r•ted ❑um lb H.paal BulNlng lry rald etrect. This pyilpurty •telo• between two and theee acres, and located clam to the line of Allegheny City. and Is unsurpassed fir manufacturing putPoSegt owing to it/ proximity to tpx chit• of Pittsburgh an 1 *Hesitant , and Ms facilities for moving freight in any d!rection by the ritteburgh, Font Wayne and Chicago Itatirou!,nnd the rittaborgh and Citneland natiread, while the Ohio river II but three or four hundred yards WT. • TERldn, - ne.nlth cash; the butanes In aq ' ma quarterly paymeata.the Drat of which th be made on We 10th of Jun: West, with In from the d,.) of rale until imid tall details ttlii be glean at tbo thee and pl All bids must be made subject to the approval of the Fecretary of the Treasury, the Department re s'rvin the right to reject any or all bids if deemed, to the interest of the Government to do so. - THOS. STEEL, mll9 11U&41)4J £•IDM! THE BEST BARGAINS OFFERED This IS euscm. AT 90 CENTS, allies' gravy British Gorda Stockings =1 edits' litary British Cotton Blorldogo = lETIELISIZE=2 Ladies' Soper British Cotton Stockings AT 20 CENTS, HEN'S HEM BRITISH COTTON SOCE • AT 315r.t.TS, NM iHT CII COTTON SOCKS L ' ADILT AND maivs KERING GAUZE UNDERWEAR =I MUSE% DOTS AND CIIILDREN•A COTTON STOCKINGS AT ORKATLY REDUCED PRICES AT NORG'ANSTERN & Co's, C=l MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., Nos. 78 • and 80 Market Street. 1870. SPRING. ARBUTHNOT. J. B. STEPHENSON, W. T. SHANNON. 1870. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. No. 115 Wood Street _ Prra'SlSUlt43ll4, I= DRY GOODS NOTIONS ZAtiTgitN PRIDES. EMPIRE UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Of New York. 139 BROADWAY, NEW YORK PRINCIPAL fIiATIIRES: Ordinary whole bee Policies ABSOLUTELY giev..giallgllTAßLE from psymnit of 'Oat annual Premium. bbee•al merave. after Me annual payments. All mixt. NCONTICI N ABLL for meal name- and • lit-OLUTELY CONTIGITABLE ale; two annual premium.. XllMOnlellettenyoulßAVFL an d ItEyLiENCE ; ....4 1 nod nw rimlred. N O Ace • - ULATiON OP IN TEwEn I' on I oini or De forted Premium.. and NO INCREASE ..f annual payment. on any rims of polleo s. Deride:Os. • he PEOORXIMIIVEPLAN. alsoupon the ti CAR kfurcz iNTEKIZT plan. NO NOTE Isrequirrd 00 LOAN. southern is nu ACCUMULATION UP lIITILEZ.ST charged upon the mine. Poll- Men ineoms 111.11-ntinTAININI I In aboat six teen_years. sad thereat! er yield an ineoms the Polley holder. 1.1 . e, tom and endowmmt Walden sire Weed; also. guarantee COMM potl elm sad anneltle.. COMMENCEMENT ROY] WENS of tnin Com. Ifis ,: aly s showe In i i ize !ear to , A , prildel,llll l .l.C. amount 4 0 1 . 51; 1 Cia for ' n nt 01 . Pm ! mists. lao.ollll. Geed, melee An..• wanted rnalblinro Sheriff Western Penns. WY. A. PUGLIA. Manager. 711Pohrth AT,. Pittsburgh. PA OrrlCl Or TRZ.U3I.6 Or •I.I.IIOIIrAT Co., / rirrstamou, April Ist, Ihlo. I T POII9VANCE OF TILE 21st 1 1l ol an •et rest ag to Alleitheof V approved the let deg of May, 1861. , the amendment to mid seelon, approve 30th day of March, 18110,1 do hereby give or Mee that the DoplicAtm for the several Wards BOW/ stun mid Townships 'MI he open, and wt be wet and to receive the County, State, Poor,erk House and -Improvement Taxes for 1870, . Of and after the lit day of KAY. 1870. Bald taxes can be rill at this office until theist day of August with a deduction of FIVE PEE CENT. for prompt payment to w I hereon, haying the whole amount of their taxes. There will be no deduction Allowed during the month of August. Vlore will be -4 ?BM PER CENT. ADDED To all time* renuanlng unpaid on the Ist day of eieptemscr. 15 ,0 . I.T. DENIIISToN, .frosanrec of .Allegbeay Co. NEW ADVERTIBEMETP. ATTRACTIVE PRICES WILLIAM SEM PLE'S, Nos. ISO anti IS2 Federal Street, 1=3:1 I=l COLORED POPLIN ALPACAS, AT SEMPLES Double Warp Black Alpacas, AT vim.): i.ow-rictexs AT SERI P.LE'S PALM BATS Resuraut. brn.vi IN NEW SPRING DELAINES VERY CLIFAC AT SEMPLE'S DRESS AN D SHIRTIN (1 PERCALES AT ruign.Au. PRIC63, AT SEMPLE'S. A Lillie and Complete Stock TO SELECT FROM Wholesale and Re' ail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, N 03.180 and 182 Federal Street, =3l THE BONDS ICAO, DANVILLE SIVINCENN RAILROAD COMPANY UPON ESAMINA.TION Will be Found to be the Hes ERAPEST YET OFFERED TOTER PO This will be Borne Ont'by TILE. RICH COUNTRY THE RQAD TRAVEP.SF.S, WITH ITS AGRICUL. TURAL AND MINER/. RESOURCES. THE CASH SUBSC HIED TO THE CAPITAL STOCK. - - THE EXCELLENCE OF THE 55 MILES ALREADY BUILT, AND ITS EQUIPMENT. THE PLANS COMPLETED, AND THE MONEY EXPENDED, FOR NM OROUS FINISHING OP THE LINE IN THE SPRING. THE EXCESSIVE EARNINGS TO ACCRUE FROM THE COMPLETION OF THE WHOLE LINE. THE AMPLE SINKING FUND FOR THE. CERTAIN REDEMPTION OF THE BONDS: THE VERY LI BERAL 'INTEREST RUNNING OVER A TEpd. OF 40 YEARS. THE SECURITY AFFORED BY REGISTRY. - - THE MORTGAGE COVERING THE ENTIRE ROAD, EQUIPMENT, FRAN CRISES, AND ALL PROPERTY PRESENT AND FUTURE-INDEED TIIE SECURITY OF TWICE Tin: AMOUNT OF MIN )S ISSUED. TIIE•. LOW CURRENCY PRICE TREY ARE N), \V OFFERED AT. 411 this is rerificti in detail in the complete Pamphlet, which can be had of as. We .K.rolll , these bonds to be good, and we know the character and capacity of the Company's estimates ca be implicitly relied upon to glee these Ronda the highest stand ard. WV therefore freely and fully recommend them. W. BAILEY LANG & CO., ➢IERCHANTBr No. 54 CLIFF STRUT, New York, Agents for the ale of the Bonds. S. McCLEAN & CO., Bankers, No - . 75 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bottle] Agents for the into of these Bond tatS3I9C.ISTII HORNE & CO'S Hosiery ! Gloves ! SITENSIVE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT Prices Unknown Sincels6 • ALEXANDRE'S RID GLOVES. A felt seuerttnent at 11,73, COUBVIORSIER'S KIDS. At 3143. '. LONI.I TOP KlDS,\e:oles shade,. At BEGUI,AR MADE BRITISH HOSE, licavy, 35 cents. PLAIN AND RIBBED COTTON HOSE 10 cents and 00. • DOttE4TIC COTTON HOSIERY. By brim or Dore.. GENTS' SUPER STOUT HALF HOSE ' .113 erste. CENTS' RULER. FINE HALT HORS: 2 cud.. • Al.o..splendld swortments tl AKIIES, BASH AND BOW RIBBONS. LADIES' FANCY BOWS. LARGE ADDITIONS TO STOLE Jae( arriving. to which we invite the attention of Wholevale and Retail Cal Iniyers. •• 77 bi 79 MARK ET STREET . CO-PARTNERSHIP. ROBERT Y. COST I - as Ms an N , S ISmatlld as • memScr of oar Arm. ma - BT h Aran. I, ISIO. 7E.Fi_ri`A.l33l , l l 3 ll3 ED 1938 ..ay U10111 . ....131MT. lIIGHT.AOI32. r. COST RIGBY, GUST & CO., No. 189 - LIBERTY bT Wanletaln and Waal' Dialers and inbber• In CHINA. QUEKNISWA AY, tibAnS .ad 111 6 , 1101. ri....TY,D WARE., . . • The atteutlim of all mita trine souls. theebina line. it directed to our inock. Imported directly from the best Europe.n martne aver d we are av receiving a froth sod desitabte Lt .an t of the ieuive good. apt vl: ARE POLES. • — t hive a One assortment of Cane Poles over (ruin WM year. Which 1 Ores al a van Wire. Pattie. wanting 'should ord• smarty. r. to insure their °reit. Milne 011 i d.• and of d the RAZORS, end all Mcds of Cutlery groond at FINDING TACKLE . . hive Jost re,ened a °anoint. =son/a nt of the aboie goods. not, a,lal a peat rat letr of nil the la.. klada In ne annul. The loPow. en of lonic Walton will do well so Call Cod es ahntio lay assortment sod rine. Jalllo BORN. a 1 • 16 Wood BAMBOO POLES. heo Pd with l or t Veho n ot h ,grir Vertr U N , together w ith ;roll ILoo of kloltorf. Oda . at laaoa wood. Bone of Um above are Of a very ate. Donor artlele• tote eae lA* l l. , 1,9,5'N.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW DRY GOODS LO WEST PRICES, AT WILLIAM SEMPLVS, \l'i4s. 180 and 18 . 2 Fedoral Skies, OASSIMERES AND SEAN 3 Tickings and Bed Cheeki ABLE LINENS AND TABLE NAPKIN AT:yERS UW . P 141068„ LT • Bleached and Unbleached Shetfings, ALL WIDTHS. AT rIICULAR MIAS, A.T. HATS AND BONNETS, Ribbons and Fitneers, Wholeeale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No 180 and 182 Federal Street, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHES. &c... APRIL 1, 1870:, OF TUE Specie Payment Resumed MEMO Silver Change Will be Given: & COLLINS'; • CARPET STORE, 71 and 73\ !ifth Avenno; re Our prices aritbe LOW LIST to this Matt: •p I SPRING STOCK. a C:0 ME 311 I\7: Our Sack is the largest we ha ever offered to the Trade. BOY iitll; 1104, a, CO.I 21 FIFTH A NUE • whICIIAT ..1 NEW CARPETS{ Reduction in Prices 1. TO CVERESCOND WITH WHOLES ALE RATES: McCALLIIII BROS., 51 FIFTH AVENUE, ABOVE WOOD STAMM 1 AL.9E' .14 SI S 8 BuNVN. W . crod Sirneet. eciewscrits. JA1163 SOWN'S. 1345 Wood !tract. AT ♦LLSNHLNT CITT t 1001) 11.11I(I AIY4 1N AT SEAIPLE'S I= SEMPLE'S SEM PLE'S SZNIPLE'S. = FROM THIS DATE, ALL CASH CUSTOMERS, CARPETS. Fine, Medium, AND • CARPETS. I LIVER IrCLINTOCK & CO. C A LATEST E STYLES T - S. ON EXHIBITION.' 12 AL:veo. lIPUOLIsTESEBAL Mainfseinrers of 81411110. HAM wed BUDS MAITRE Bad, leather Holsters and Vilna.. Churen .Coebions, Cornice Weddings .4 ell kinds of Upholstery ' , wk. Also; dealer, In whoever abed es, anf,o reen and Whitetlollands, de. ribst , calar attention's gli , vn to aides 00.01 , .010E and brushing, wl•erlug nt r. laying carpets. 1101 en0..0 of cleaning carpet le the on', .ray Ii which yen en feel sleeved that the toll are -Pr% sere. ti and th e good. thoroughly freed (men ' t k oe l tleli t 4ely, " reTi l at . e.. T .. h thiVio r rrse d eirdilt; sae deliver ail goecle Ire, or charge. _ ROBERTI, NICHOLSON & THOIPSOI. Upholsterers and Proprietors of 1 Steam Chipet Beating Etablisitinent, - No 127 WOOD STEN.II.7, inbetaill Near irlf.n Anne.. rittabwrgli„ coiner Penn and Sixth Stineta, at. Vlair.) rrrrsatraos, PA. The wed. oomplet• Dulness Collet" In the UNDad INADJ. OPZN DAT AND ILYZNINW Atadna. CNA CO !MG ace at an HOW. 3.—clrvil ars aint , thdam hLL parardiall ea the rtbacipag A COVVIAT, actagai•er Pitt•bargb. eN. AT TEN tio:v, specie rayments Itesiu*Nl: Ed I ,V ER = W. W. KNOX'S Agricultural tit. Seed illotters. 171 I,III4RTi STIMST. N .- 4.'. A *0) 4:%=1 ED. BARBER, Proprietor, Cor. tot SG odd llitiformerly old Cull. spl:NO g II