El DAILY GAZETTE: THE I= ENNIMAN. REED & CO., 1. high luting rid Imittificht Art& F. E. PEMIII3I. T. P. HOUSTON, JOSIAH iDiO, N. P. SEED, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. TIMIS OF TIM DAILY 3 By mail. per 1.4, 'Delivered by canker. per wra littsburgivStayttf , GENEBLL NEWS. birurx skates eharniingli, Scums is going to be married. Jos Jarrgnsolt Is going to England. Tns shad season at Savannah Is over. Boorn's theatre Is to, be used for opera. • AUSTRALIA is astonished at Tom Thumb. BRIGHAM YOUNG is making a tour ol his domain. NAIRN poulterers sta chickens' crop with musket balls. Tarr arrest people for singing Shoo Fly in Philadelphia. LA GAZE/. LAURA is voted slow and antiquated at Naples. Mx Magnolia races render life In Mo bile desirable just now. Panic, Amain has had his pocket picked of £l,OOO la India. ' " Duty:Death and the Datil" is a WeiroEns lecturer's theme. 'rya men who should be the first to cut 'iows•pticee—the hack mss. Onicaeo's champion drunkard is sp• goopriately named Drunkbna. mowers of dollars in the New ork lamp banks unclaimed! Tao first English edition of Dickens' new novel will be 40,000 copies. Ninny the Blacksmith is under arrest for being engaged in a dog fight. Tung talk of; _iron pavemedta in New York. - There is geld in the job. A Naw Toni • paper suggests that Bailey hubsea.mirdered for bishonesty. ►Mrsaugaz ghost brandishes a pick axe in a way to alarm belated wayfarers. A Mew Onutasts man cared a cancer by Puppis*. from a, three-story window. Wa bays a second treaty with Co. lambi*, about the Darren Canal; will this stick 'Comtism eq c. Tor card tables, an I backs., A - motins in Louis Ile has three little baby lions, which are q le the Pons of the _city. INFREQUENCY of the mails nice com plaint in Utah. The, females are plenty enough. COL. Mums, the rifle inventor, has been looking through the Springfield Armory.- ws use their pappooses oily poker on their Taw Prince of Wales has been doing Rimbolton castle. The ladies were all protected.; Barrer:coax lighted lamp fillers are getting killed oQ rapidly by:the remade exploaloria. A ouu of beer was ► sufficient wager to induce an lingUshmen to eat a glass tumbler lately. A LAME from Germany, jut received • at Washington, was only twentymae ran on the way. Lotrisumur. has no pest house, and allows families smk with 'small pox to starve unattended. A DUSKY patriot of Oberlin, 0., has ghee to the grave from drinking a pint of •naine on a wager. UNHarrr pilgrim" in Albany complain of the ungentlemanly conduct of highway A robbers in that city. Nkroosos: Is becoming religions. "When the devil was sick, the devil a' • monk would be," etc. TEI new supezthimudent of New York streets "Waah. McLean." That's what the streets need. .. A Cut.'"Acio Police Justice make* loafers • "dust out" of his court by dusting the .1 stove ',Oh - cayenne pepper. A. &gramma between two women. at 4 , Ban Francisco, resulted in the fatal stab. bing of ono of the husbands. 10, Boma striking glass blowers in Brook• lyn nearly murdered four brothers, the other day, for going to work. • \ . t_2. PROP. ATKISSON has been speaking . too distinctly on' religious subjects to plum the Institute otTechnology. Two negroes in Alabama, arrested for arson were found drowned the next morning, with their arms pinioned. AN Indianian has sued Mr. Best and wife for-breach of promise. The lady bad been engaged to him, but liked Brat best. Tun New York barbers are preparing to strike for less hours of labor. This is a barefaced attempt to shave their em ployers. A DISAORMERRT about their business led a Bari Francieran to shoot hi" brother, after theother had tried to brain him with a screw piste. '• A urrim Philadelphia girl has died from accidentally swallowing a toy bal. loon. We are now ready to hear of one choking on a cookstove. Num witnesses In Georgia insist upon the judge trying the case early, if he wants their testimony, as they must be at collegaby nine o'clock. • . Tna orchestra in the Chinese theatre at 'Frisco sounds "like fifty thousand wub-boilers failing off a five atory build. lag on a brick sidewalk." AT the recent Ban Donta art sale in Paris, 'Hiram Power.' "Greek Blare," one of four from the sculptor's own hand! , wu *old for 53,000 f. The ageregatt proceeds of the sale were 458,395 f. Coucrizona robbins a sentimental In dianapolis cannibal says: "it strikes us as-something akin to sacrilege to kill this bird, and as for eating one, we would as soon think of a slice of Parepa on toast." Ire the Quaker town of Nantucket there used to be a military company called the Nantucket Guards, the first article in the constitution of which wut "In case of war this company shall immediately dis band." 1 I Tax bust of Dr. Valentine Mott at the Micruseopical Society's rooms at Bow Tork i i has been. defisixid by Painting the face red and the eye*. blue. The "artist's" hoe should be colored , black and bine. Tan NeW York Eunissi Post says "his reckless expenditure In the prosecu tion of crime, with money which ho had no right to use," was what got Bailey into trouble. That's a delicate way of putting it. • Tax first number of "The Mystery of Edwin Brood" appears In London on the 31st of March, and the story is to be corn' pleted in twelve monthly numbers, uni• soon with the original editions of "Pick wick"-and "David Copperfield." TEE following advertisement appeared in an English paper: "To-day, about one o'clock in the afternoon, my dear wife Catherine, born st Elbe rding, wu happily confined of two girls and a boy. Barely tea months ago she had twins, making dye children In °railcar." Bows of the correspondents of t h e independent who have been finding fault with what they call "laxity of doctrine" • Is that nrnid and also In the sermons of Mr. Beeche r, asked for an expression of its religions views. In reply the edi tor reprinted the "Bennon on the Mount." 1 1 A y Lramsynars German ,. suer eleven • of widded life, was presented by hfi wile, the other day, with the first of a • ,posterity. The father was so happy En his new honors that he spent the follow ing night In shouting the glad tidings all over the city, and drinking much "peers" until his hilarity took him to the lock-up. Tan Postmaster General has made the fo ll ow ing changes in Pennsylvania:— Merletown, Nicholas Long, vice Marcus Long, resigned; ilartheftig. Mercer coun ty, Oscar N. Baran. vice W. R. Byers, resigned • Lineville, . Owe s , y, Joseph W. Eahis TIM A . W re signed; Cobpertown, Venango county, • Robert R. Vanattan, vine W. .1. B ri di oy . removed. On the heels of the passage of Mr. Cul lom's Polygamy . Sill comes this an- Dora:moment from_ Utah: "Married, in Balt Lake City, Utah, on the lgtlr inst., in the presence of the tisints„ - Elder Brig ham Tdung to Mrs. J. R. Martin, Mies L. M. Pendergast, Mrs. R. IL Jenickson, NE ii • ,) r , (IJI 41! 1/4? 1I ; t 7, 1 - _ VOL. L ' . XV .....O Min Susie P. Cleveland and Miss Emily I'. Martin, all of, the equally of clerks, England." SEVUTOII Titcutium.'i friends say he is a good deal annoyed a Mr. Sherman's success in getting the tiMiate to lay aside getting .Iqy gla bill, and take up the dna ad• tb4 the 'atter b the Geer. mining texas: and Mai the matter is likely to cause a severanie of the hitherto friendly personal relaOna • existing be them. • • THE novel Example 'of. tee Chinese Government in appointing an American citizen as its Porelgn Minister, has been followed by Bolivia. The President of that Republic-has designated as Deist, r Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordin ary the Hoe..lohn W. Caldwell, a cl!z• tr of the United States. . Junta Btuonrwas dining with a cotton king, of Manchester, a few days ago, when his host, who is a great admirer of America, said, "I should like to come back fifty years after my death to see what a fine country Ameiica bad he. come "Alt," said Bright, "I think you' r ivould he glad of any exeutc to conic back!" Miss Jews Tion.en, of Huntington, Massachusetts, lately decessid, lett by will $O,OOO for foreign missions, $2,000 for home missions, and $2,000 for the Second Congregational Society of that place. After making several smaller be quests to relatives and friends, she be queathed the remainder of her property to the Bible and tract societies. Tun New York Sorosis bt . lirs on its roll the names or thirty-eight newspaper and magazine writers, six editors, twelve poets, six musiciel artists,.twenty-five authors, two physicians, ft - 10r professors, two artists in painting, nine workers in art, nine ltuchers, ten lecturers one his torian, one compiler of scientific works, and three well known philanthropists. Own. LOGAN made quite a sensation speech in the House in reply to Gen. Sherman's letter on the House army hill. Some of his points were quite effective, .but his rhetoric was overdone. The 'feeling In the Rouse is strongly against Sherman, and if the Senate changes the bill materially to suit Shrrman'aideas, it will probably fall. When Gem Logan concluded, the galleries cheered him loudly. Arr anecdote reaches the New York Times illustrative of the exalted catima• tion in which President Lincoln held the heroism and skill of Gen. Thomas. A meddlesome private correspondent of the President, dating from New York, pro pounded bytelegraph in September, 1663, after Chickamauga, the Inquiry how long the Government was to be at the mercy of Southern-tarn Generala like Thomas. The President weht in person to the Military telegraph at Washington, with his reply in his hand, to the purport that modern history recorded no such achieve -went in war as the successful conduct of Thomas in retrieving the disaster at Chickamauga. The Censor of the mill. tary telegraph suggested to the President not to give so, much importance to an obscure,lf not wholly anonymous, cur. responent BA to reply to hisimpertinence. And, on reflection, he concluded to take this. advice. But the autograph dispatch was left in the telegraph office, and was subsequently. after the death of Lincoln, handed to Gen. Thomas, and Is now probably In the possession of his family. Tax Superior Court of Buffalo has re-' cently made a decision in regard to usury, which, if generally sustained, will be of great importance to banks. It holds that national banks arc not rubject to the laws of States as to the rate of interest on dis- Counts, insomuch as they derive their ex istence from the General Government's It having been established that Congress has the constitutional power to na tional banks, the Court holds it to follow necessarily, that Congress can also estab lish the rate at which they may discount paper, as well is the penalty for exceed tog that ratc:l In the case before the Buffalo Court, - there was no question as to the usury under the State law, but the Court refused to let the queition go to the jury, and directed a verdict for the amount loaned, with interest at seven per cent. The point involved is not a new one among lawyers, but we believe this is the I first decision by a respectable tribunal upon the precise point Involved as be tween the State and national laws. It will readily be seen that if this decision be sustained it will give a material ad vantage to national banks over those or ganized under the State law, by securing the former from loss of the entire amount loaned in cases where the plea of usury Is interposed. . ...__ _ A strange Story One of the Paris journals announces the death, at Versailles, of a Russian lady who .appeared at the drawing rooms in Paris In 1418 and 1849, and was nick named the "Dam - c ala Clef." She died, aged forty-five, in the most complete sol itude. •It is said her husband, who was much older than ahe, clime to see her for wcek or two every six months, and went away again no one knew whither. All was mysterious About this Lady of the Key. Last month the husband did not return as usual, but a letter came an• 'flouncing his death, The widow survived I him a few days only, and it is supposed Ishe allowed herself to die of hunger. Whether true or not, this was the story that was whispered about her when she appeared in Paris, young and beautiful, more than twenty years ago. It Is said that her husband surprised her in a little country house which he possessed near Moscow at the moment she was hastily shutting somebody up in a wardrobe. A servant bad betrayed her. The Musco• vile Othello turned the key twice in the wardrobe, took it out, and then told Ida I wife to follow him. A traveling britzka stood a few paces from the villa.. Morel dead than alive, the unhappy. woman obeyed. . , When the husband bad placed Ler In the carriage, and given an order In'a low voice to the coachman, "Keep this key," he said to his wife: "I have forgotten something and will return." and then went back to the house. Ile returned according to his promise, but as the car riage destended the hill the peer woman saw the flames issuing from the windows of the country house and taking full pos. session of it. She fainted away, and on regaining her senses perceived that a gold chain was riveted round her neck to which the little key of the wardrobe was attached. She wished to kill herself, but her husband threatened her that If she committed suicide he would reveal her misconduct and cover her end her family with dishonor. She was therefore con demned to live, and her strange neck lace excited much curiosity in Paris. At last her tyrant allowed her to' retire Into a quiet retreat on the express stipulation that she would not attempt to destroy herself during his life time. Ills death released her hem this condition; but she bad languished for more than twenty years, bedsit the witness of her guilt always before her eyes. It is a curious story; we wonder whether it is true? London B I Fights, A London letter cObinini Ude "Londoners have been recently fur nished with a new amusement. The theatres have about run their course, and music halls are beginning to be voted slow. Not long ago people were running mad over a group of ,performing mon keys; but they, too, have had their day. Tke new excitement is a bull fight, which takes place nightly at the Agricultural The entertainments are reproduced after the fashion of bull fights in Spain, in every essential particular, so far as the mere representations go. That is, the animals are really alive, and the perform ers are genuine Spaniards.; All the para phernalia of the Spanish bull ring are faithfully exhibited. But here the par allel ends. The bulls are not ferocious, and even have their horns tipped so that they can do no mischief. In fact, it is quite Lmpoesible to coax or goad them into anything like a becoming fury, and, in stead of being finally slain by the trium phant matador, the animal stands stock still to have a gaudy rosette fixed on the spot in his neck where the dagger would be stuck if the affair were real. This is the sort of amusement that now attracts crowds to the Agricultural Hall. The Prins of Wales la a frequent visitor." FIRST DITIOI. JWID*IGur. THE CAPITAL. Legal Tender Case Reopened Public Debt Reduced $5,i 6(,•. 349.43 During March—The Last of the Military -Districtu Abol ished--Tariff Amend ment —Ap pointn3ents —Serenade to the President, to 'which he Re sponds in a Speech. (By Telegraph t the Blttabargh Batelle.) April PUBLIC DEBT STATIthIENT. The following IS the public debt state. meet for Idarcb: Debt bearing cote tetanal 1 2 0 37 3 lie tU I nterwt. • • 14'.31 . 1.361 Debt Scaring eurrerin internat... fli.Sigelag laterest • 431.659 L tell: oh *bleb Intert It has et •.ed 3,814 331 64 Interest • 612,691 64 Debt bearing no Interest 434 CS :311 61 Total ebt.... Total Inter.. $2.M1.71,M . .910 I= .~ lOS.4trv4, :.0 .J Cotn Currency • Ponds add accrued Internat....—. ips,ur:,,ec 03 aprelsl fund: bends and Keened 110,0.15 t 73 . 131 d 63 se M3161E I=2 Debt le , s ausonat In Tressi`ry —1...477.56/.127 74 Drerease dnllnit be Moult 5 Ten DC In Decrease ante Aura Ist, 1440.... '•11.075,59/ OU MONDIII6BC Sll I•lEtrit Amount outilandieb...— 111 64 437. t•3l CO bite, e t neerned and nut 100,41: st) Interest paid by U. S • 1.151.661 Int ttttt unlit by transpurta !smut • malls Z.C3O 201 (3 halo nee of Interest pald by U. 3.. 4.8a7 un trY. SERENADE TO THE PRLSIDE:iT The President was serenaded to.nlghl by the Republican Association, in honOr of his message to Congress announcing the ratification of the Fifteenth Amend• went, and responded to some remarks from Colonel Forney, as follows: I .can assure those present that no consummation since the close of the war affords me so much pleasure as the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution by three-fourths of the States of the Union. I have felt the greatest anxiety ever since I was called to this house to know that this wan to- be secured. It looked like the realisation of the Declaration of Independence. (Applause.) I cannot nay never so much on this subject as I would like to, not being accustomed to speaking, Lint I thank you for' ydur presence this evening. When the the applause subsided Vice President Colfax was called for and made a short address, assuring tboee present that his heart was with them In gratitude for the proclamation, which bas declared to the people of the Republic and world the ratillcatiOn of the Fifteenth amend ment. Leaving the Executive Mansion the party proceeded to Senator Suinnerie • restrleocc. That gentleman was enclfar ouly cheered sud made a spec ch. I=l By order of the President the Fifth Military District has ceased to exist, Texas is created a separate department, Oenend Reynolds eammandlog. • The department of Louisiana le broken up, and Lsublana added to the Departmens of Texas, while Arkansaala added to the Department of Missouri, the new Depart ment of Texas to form part of the Milita ry Division or the South. AVIIXED TO AMEND. The Committee of Ways and Mascot has agreed to amend the tariff bill on sugars, so it will read t vn all raw or Muscovado sugar. an d pn all other' augers not above No. 12, Dutch atandard, In color. two cents per pound. Also to admit free of duty machinery exclo• sively for mpinning "cotton yarn. enough for ten thousand spindles in any one manufactory. • 129:1=222 The following nominations were sent in to day : M. T. Patrick, United i3tatoe Marshal of Utah Territory ; Jun. O. George. Postmaster at Lebanon. Pa.• F. W. Oakley, Postmaster at Beloit, Wia. cousin: Mary J. Frey, Postmistress at Coluinbia, Pa. PRESENT FELON Tlly. SULTAN. The Turkish Minister to-day - an nounced to the President that the Sultan, as a token of sympathy, is having man ufactured a large carpet of one piece for the East room of the White House. I= • The argument on the motion to dismiss the writ of error in the case& the Florida Lieut. Governorabig for want of jurtadie tioll WBB :Concluded to-day ~in the hula eme Court. LE(I.(L TENDER DEMON Ei OPENED. The Supreme Court has deolded to re open the argument on the Legal Tender roe on the eecond Monday to April. CHICAGO. Arraugements for the Funeral et Geo. Thomas. ter Televapik to the rittsoorso (mint.) Crnosoo, April I.—Another Meeting of the Committee of twelve to make ar rangements for the reception of- the re Enable of General Thomas was held yea terday afternoon. Gen t Sherldan said he had received a dimpatch from Colonel Willard, who has charge of the remains of General Thomas, saying that he should reach Chicago next Tuesday !afternoon over the Chicago and Burlington route. They will probably leave for Troy the same evening over the. Michigan South ern and New York Central road.. lien. Sheridan has also received a dia. patch from Gen. She•man, directing him to send an officer over the- Pacific road to meet the remalni at Fort Bridgei, and ascertain all the particulars in relation to the funeral. . The body of the tieomeed will be taken to Troy, but it is not yet known whether they would be buried there or at Wait Point. Gen. Sheridan today received the fol lowing dispatch from Gen. Sherman: WASIIINUTON D. C., April 1, 1870. To Gen P. E. Sheridan, Ounrnandingliii Gory //Mimeo of liiisrouri : I have tele graphed re in charge of lien. 'room's'maing,lo consult with him. Thomas, and to determine as to some of the detail" of the funeral. The funeral party should reach Troy, New York. by Thursday of next week, and if burial la to be there, then Friday will be the proper day. As you -must be at Phila delphia on Saturday, and the President also, if the body is properly prepared it could be taken from Troy to West. Point on Monday, April 11,• and the funeral take place en Tuesday, 12th. Please have some one well out on the road at Ft. Bridger or Fort Sanders to see Col. Wil lard and get an answer to these points, that I may announce the day and care. mottles to the general public. • (Signed.) W. T. BSIZIMAN,GIoneraI. A committee of Any of our leading eltizete, headed by- General J. D. Web .ter,Mayor Mann and others, was ap pointed to act with General Sheridan and staff. Suspicious Fenian Movements. t ar Telegraph to the fettrearathforstie.) ST. Armaris, April I.—For several weeks put an unusual supply of money orders and drafts, from Philadelphia and New York, have been received at Bur. Minton, payable to men who are well known as Fenian. Lately there have been mysterious inovernenta of loaded trains from this point to Underhill and notionWestfor some seventeen miles aset, and the railroad. A week ago last Sunday night several double teams, freighted with boxes and casks, passed northwardly through thevlilsge of Fair field, some ten miles east of St. Albans, and the mime thing was repeated. Last Sunday night, In Fairfax, which Sea between Westford and Fairfield, eta of the teams were seen, ail bound no‘th. Fairfield is largely Inhabited by ULM men, moat of whom are Feulans, and -it Is only ten miles from 'the Canada Line. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY; APRIL 2; 1870. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION.) SENATE : Enforcement of Fif teenth Amendment—Gen. Ames Sworn in. as Senator from Mis sissippi. ''HOUSE: The Tariff Garfield Warns Pro - teclionists of Impending ban ger—The Bill Considered for Amendment. tar Tries wee to.ins rittabure) ) WASH.IboTON, April 1, 1870. SNATIg. The petition of 0. B. Hart, of Florida, claiming the. election of Senator Gilbert illegal, representing that he, Hart, was subsequently, chosen, end asking for a seat, was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. POMEROY made a personal ox. planation, to the effect that the 25,000 appropriated under Mr. Lincoln% ad Mtn. handier' for colonliation purposes under his superintendence had been accounted for with the Secretary of the Interior and never sent to the Treasury Department. Hence arose the misapprehension of the Secretary of the Treasury that the ac count was not settled. Mr. MORTON introduced the-follow ing as a substitute for a former bill: Jk ie enacted, &a., That if any person Bloat prevent, hinder, control or intimidate any person from exercising or in Vier eising the right of suffrage to.whom the ' right of anffrage is secured or guaran teed by the Fifteenth Ameudatent to the Constitution of the United States, by. means of bribery or threats of depr;v big such person Of employment or -occu pation, or of electing snob person from .a rented house, lands or other property, or by threats of refusing to renew a lease or oontraet for labor, or by threats of violence to himself orlamily. such per sonae offending shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction diereof shall be imprisoned not less than •IXty days nor more than six months, ana fined in atiy sum not lees than live hundred dollars nor more than ono t bonsai:id. Sao. 2 That if any person shall hinder, delay, prevent or obstruct, or atternotto binder, delay, prevent or obstruct any person from.voting - at any Presidential, Oongreselopal. State, county, town or municipal election in any State, territory or district, on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude, or shall, acting in the capacity of ikState, county, township, municipal, territorial or die trict offbeat, fall, refuse or neglect to perform any official act, with Intent to prevent, hinder or delay ,any persons as aforesaidfrom voting at any election as aforesaid, such person shall be deemed I guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof shall be Imprisoned not less than sixty days : nor snore than Nix months, and fined any slim not less than live hundred nor more than one thou sand dollars. 800. 3. That the Circuit and District Courts of the United litotes shall have jurisdiction over offenspa created by this set. Mr. THAYER introduced a bill au thorizing the Secretary of the Interior to change and re - washtub the boundaries of land districts whenever in his opinion the public Interests will be aubeerved thereby. Mr. MORTON gave notice that on Mon. day he would move to take from the table the resolution in regard to the 'Oneida catastrophe. Al 1:10 the regular order, the came or Gemerat Ames, was proceeded with and the discussion continued by Meters. Bayard, Edmunds and Trumbull against and Mr. Sherman In favor of the 'dude don of General Ames to a seat. Mr. Sherman during the debate disclaimed being governed by partisan considers =En atone. The dismnalort was continued by Mtwara. Sumner, Carpenter, Davis, F.dmunds and Coultliug. Finally Mr. SUMS ER moved to amend the teport of the Jndicary. Commit tee by striking out the word .not,"ao an ,make read that ..Adelbert Ames 14 ellgildlllo a seat in the Senate, to which be has been appointed." The motion was agreed to—yeas 40, navy 12, as follows: Yeas—Menus. Abbot, Brownlow,Cam eron. Cattail. Chandler, Cole, Corbett, Crania, Drake, Fenton,, Flartagin, till. bert,Harailton, (of Texas) Hamlin, Har- M . or Horell, ward. HowM orslll,. e, Howell, McDonald, (Me.) (Ve.) Nye, Osborn, Patterson, Pomeroy. Pool, Ram sey. Revels, Rio% Ross, Scott, Sherman, Spencer, Stewart. Sumner, Titayer, Tipton, Warren, Williams, and Wilson. Nays —Messrs. Bayard, Carpenter, Casserly," tkinkling, Davin, Edmunds, Motlreery, Norton, Pratt, Saws, Trum bull and Indira The report of the Committee as thus amended was then adopted. Mr. Ames presented himself and took the usual oath of offloe.. Mr. DRAKE submitted a resolution, which was adopted, dating the ocimpen. lotion of the`Missisaippl and Texas Sone. tors from the date of the approval-of the acts of Coogreas declaring thoise States entitled to representation. After • brief ExeCtltiVe session the Seuale, at 5:16, adjourned until Monday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE?. Mr. BENNETT introduced a Joint rew lutlen directing Inquiry by the Secretary of the Treasury Into the subject of more advantageous commercial relations with the British provinces of North America. Referred to Committee on Commerce. Several Private bills were disposed or. House then went intolConinittee on the Tariff bill, and an hour being al LD. lowed for general debate,hir. GARFIE after eulogizing the system of Interest Itev onus taxation. said there were now four hundred and forty-live Iron furnaces in blast in the United States, of which nine teen were in his District. This bill pro. posed to reduce the duty on pig iron two . d w l o a an d Bo n e-ha lf equivalent t o twlfe-n tty House thought that ought to be done, be would net resist, although his constitn. ants were opposed to it. He thought it. however, rather Inconsistent on the part of the Ways and Means • Committee to provide that castings in ironn, such as water pipes, the cheapest kind of iron casting, not meting over one-third more than pig iron, should pay a duty of one 'and three fourth cents per pound, equal t 01122,20 in gold per ton. And he wee firm ly of the opinion that the wisest thing which the protectionists of the Houeo could do, was to units Ins reasonable reduction oLgenetal rates of duties on Imported articles. Ho was the wiseet man who saw the current of public opinion and tried ' to protect industry against sudden collapse and sudden change. If he did not mis understand the temper of the AlMes.^, protectionists would be compelled, they did not do It of their own volition, to submit to a violent_ reduction, one which would without much dlecrimina . tion sweep soma industry in a vigorous way. He warned them there would be a reaction which would break down the protective system. and be believed that the wisest thing lie friends would do was to stand by and see that the reduction was steadily and prudently and carefully made. He warned them there were seventy Democrats on the floor who were nearly all avowedly free trader. Mr. WOOD—I do not know • single free trader on this side of the house.. Mr. Cox rase. Mr. OARFIELD (Indicating him)— There is one. Mr. COX—Yea, Mr. MUNDEN—Here is another. Mr. WOOD—I am in- favor of a Ladd for revenue, but I am not for abolishing free trade, and I believe that to be the general opinion on this side of the house. Mr. OARFIRLD—In addition to that, force over yonder. let me say that If you draw a line by the west side of Ohio and by the north side of Arkansas, you will I dud nine States, every one of them Be- I publican, some of them overwhelmingly . Republican; yet if I have correctly taken the °ensue of the States In the House, ' 1 out of MY-seven 'voted which these States east on this floor, there are fifty one who probably will vote for a redo°• don of the tariff In some shape, and if they he not gratified by some substantial reduction, they are likely_ to go good deal farther towards our Homemade friends than they might otherwise go. This is a mere view of the situation, but I call the attention of the country to It as one of the forces in the case. With these forces before us, rind without Inculpating anybody, with out saying no name have that Importer.. are utterly hostile to American interests, or without characterizing manufacturers as greedy corporanta, curbing the life blood of the nation, we should look to the Treasury and to 'the eosetbllitlea of the case, andlike wise men adjust our- Retros to the situation and' agree to come down to a sufiable polio . ) , which shall not accept either of the eitreme doc trines urged on this floor. , The douse then proceeded te (madder the bill by sections for amendment. On motion of Mr i3CIIENCB:. after dial. eUßaiOn, 010 blaniOn fiord *action, axing the time when theibill shallgO Into effect was tilled with the first of October, 1870. The following clause having been reached: . . On teas of all kinds twenty cents per paned. Mr. LOUGUBIDGE mOved to amend by adding a proviso to admit free of duty toe when imported fit American vessels or foreign vessela'i i entitled by reciprocal treatise to . eiet ption from discriminating duties. ‘ The amendment was discunsed by Messrs. Cox, Schenck, logetroll, Steven. son, Boyd, Axtell, Wood, Menge. ....f others, but without action the Committee rose sod the House again took up the private calendar and passed a bill allow: Mg sixty thousand dollars to contractors for building the dome or the Capital, in full satisfaction for altsclaicas on - the Government. ' The business on ihe;l3peakera table was next considered. •i,' . ' Senate bill authoriziejr the Librarian ' of Congress to return toithe executor of MOMS. Jefferson his private papers, wee - 5 passed. t Senate bill giving th consent of the United States to the er lon of a bridge across the Delaware ter at Phliadel . , passed. , ~ii Senate bill granting I s for a fancied to Astoria and McMinn* e, Oregon, was discussed, Without :Kilda, till 4t30, when the House took recess,' the evening saw sion to be for general debate on the Pres. ident'e annual message. Evening &sal:ono—FM members were present, Mr. • Wilson r (Minn.) in the chair. Mr. LAWIVOCO spoke on the question of the Mr. Bennett, of New York, en the subject of makied, the lirie Canal a free hignway. . ; . Adjourned. ..„, —........./.------- . BRIEF TELEGRAMS. _ —Tture is no truth In the report that Peabody's grave has been robbed. —The \immigration to Kansas in itn• inenis% eitimated at one thousand per day. l• —Cincinnati merchant% have arranged for the importation Ml.:as direct via Han Francisco. —Gen. Lee la In Georgia. At his earn• eat solicitation no public demonstration has been made. •••• • • - - —The trial of the Holly Water Worke, at Daytiin, Ohio, on Thursday, was pro- nounced a success. —John Dorian'e whisky distillery, at Philadelphils, was burned on Thursday. night. Lose ;HOW. in the general belief that the Su preme Court will reopen the legal tender case and reverse ita former decision. —Governor Geary has vetoed. the bill forbidding the erection of public build• lugs on Independence Square, Philadel phia. —Frank Denison, of Springfield. won the billiard chamionship of Manasseh°. math Thursday nightk by defeating It. E. Wllmarth. —The. Buckeye Club of Cincinnati have adopted the now racing code recently framed by the National Turf Congress at New York. —The colored citis.on of Torro flour .liana. tired - one hundred guns last ght, In cetubration of ills Fifteenth Amendment. —A young wan or genteel appearance name unknown, jumped from the terry boat at. St. Louts Thursday night and was drowned. —Bee!• U Warren,„ well known In thmucisi circles throughout the South, died at Augusts, Gs., on Thursday, aged ementy-sic years. —The adoption. of the Fifteenth Amendment will be celebrated at Melton on the 14th of April, the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination. . .______ —The lease of the little Miami" and Columbus'and • Xenia Railroads to the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Columbus, went Into effect on Thursday. —The number of employee at the ' Brooklyn navy yard has been reduced to ~.. four n te . an sc hu ar n s d e r!d_, ,, f . o v t t ir ed h n undred y. . having discharged n . a ° —The Directors of the Academy or Music. Philadelphia, refuse to lease that building to the Star Lecture Committee for an address by Senator Revels. •--Several men were knocked down, and one had a leg broken, during a row at the Democratic primary election in Jersey City on Thursday evening. —~ carriage wee demolished by a loon. motive at the crossing in Wooneockett, it 1., yesterday. Km Samuel H. Glas• kill was killed and her husband bruised. —Twenty Harvard students were .ar rade.' Thursday night in Cambridgeport for raising a disturbance In the streets. They were reprimanded and dlschargen. —Daniel Kennedy. died on Thursday r apoplexy . fifteen minutes after oom. Big out of the air chamber of the eastern vier of the bridge now building at St. Mule. - - • - • - —The political contest in Cincinnati . waxing warm. Though. no Mayor to be elected, seldom if ever has there been so much interest manifested , in a city election. —J lin Cusick, a notorious Character, was arrested at New York on Thursday for charging with a revolver upon the in. mates ;of a Broadway saloon,- putting them to rout. —Susan B. .Anthony and, Prof. E. C. Hewitt discussed at Cairo lin Thursday the question whether IL la host that wo man should vote, the latter taking tho negative side. —Terrence Miller, aged twenty, on Wednesday-wee pushed Into themasher of the Fair Grove paper mills, at Hamil ton, Ohio, by two boys with whom he was quarreling, and instantly killed. - —Mary Hoppe, of Fremont, Mass.. is under arrest, charged with poisoning her husband in September - last. A recent, chemical analysis of deceased's -stomach revealed the presence of arsenic. • —The Avondale Mine will be worked on Monday for the first time since the die. aster i n September hut. Thorough Cr. l i rangements for ventilation and to secure safety to miners have bean made. —lrregularities In the revenue business have been developed In Kansas. Seizures of goods of , tobacco dealers at Leaven worth have been made, and a distiller of North Topeka has been held for tilel for noncompliance with the law. —What Is known as the bridge party in the Pacific Railroad Directory, filed a motion In the Circuit Court at St. Louis yesterday, for a quarter of a million dollars damages on the bond of the Gar rison Party in the late injunction men. —Two men named Ryland Randolph and Smith engaged In a shooting affray at Tuscaloosa; Alabama, yesterday. Both were Wounded, not dangerously, but a bystander was killed. • The people were greatly excited over the affair and the parties were arrested. —An attempt was made Thursday evening to throw.. au excursion train on I the European and North American Rail. read, I n M a ine, off the track, by placing thereon a atone weighing three hundred pounds. Tile angles was thrown from the track, but no other damage done. —A yo bb espells, Minn., the rock upon which the coffer dam of St. Anthony water power 17 .b. .. was Malt to shut In the t o net hole- int . fall, is re. ported to have tik. and there are sat o= apprehenalena that the n prim rise will make all w thilabor ess expended to save the water po —Dr. wer usel. schen; a Canadian, who has Wen nt the head of the opposition to Melt at Winnepeg, and upon whose head is met a price, arrived at at: Paul on Thursday via Duluth, having reached there by an overland journey on snow shoes, enduring much hardship. The Winterces, a tribe of half breed buffalo hunts ., have, It is hundred. reported, joined Riell. They number several --The St. Lords Clearing House Aseo • elation at a recent meeting discussed memorial similar to that of the Chicago -bankers: and finally laid it on the table, all the National banks voting against it. A gentleman now in Washington Is said to be m i s representing the St. Thula banks, and telegrams were sent stating that the majority favor the passage of the Binding bill as sent by the Renate to the Rouse. . 'IEOI S9lOlll Et MEM Iroun O'CLO 11/11tRIS BIM P onsylvania variety 11 r i E a i lrAj l e o t e n i til Changingßill Election, burgh paring for Fina Legislature ills Passed— , leetion CaSe— im of Pitts s *etoed=Pre -1 Adjournment. to the Vlttetnirett 011,11 , 1 ,Itlttepl.' no, April 1,1870. SENATE. PAR9I:O. IA peel al Illepatri , lin The following Houxo bills wore p Lased: Authorizing the - construction of n bridge imam the arm of the Allegheny `river to }Oren [viand. . Incorporating the 15th and Fisk street Inclined plane Company of Pittsburgh. Inoorporating,the City Insurance COM patty, of Pittsburgh. • Authorizing the Allegheny county Commissioners to provide and furnish a convenient room or rooms 11 , 1 an Wilco for the mune submit euperititeudent. Relative to the creation or a police (Ramat in Robinson township. Supplement for Peoples Passenger It allway. Incorporating the .Corineaut Police Company,-Craw ford county. Incorporating. Printers' Mani Savings Institution, Pittehurgb. Incorporating the Pittsburgh Opera Howie Company. Authorizing Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston Railroad Company to apply any moneys facilities for lo the Treas con y .etruotur to improve. amine and ion of the road. • Supplement for Pittsburgh and Con. nellaville Railroad. Supplement to. Mining bill. SENATE BILLS PASSED The tollovringltenate Mlle palsied Authorizing and Inatructlng the At torney General to institute proceedings againat corporations alleged to have Violated the duties imposed upon them by law. on complaint of an individual Injured thereby. Providing that a loan to a corporation shall not make the individual loaning a corporator or a participant in the profit& Adjourned till Monday afternoon. WAIT DIAMOND CAbt. The Watt. Diamond contested election case closes Mouday night. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. • DILI. VALSEU.. The bill for improviim Pennsylvania avenue, Pittsburgh, passed. ' BILLB A message wee received from the (My ernur vetoing - the following bills : Pro hibitin the erection or.nblic buildings on Inde g pendence equare. p Philadelphia. Changing Pittsburgh city election to Derom ber. Authorising a large number . of addl. tional Notaries Public for Allegheny county. HOUSE 111 LLY LASHED • - The followius Howie bills posed: lu• cresslng the salary of Clerk of County COILM11•1111.11101., AilAlg Peoples l'aoeinter Railway supple• went. um.l WI to-morrow. •irnL Awbut.magrx, Both hooves are working hard to complete bunlnese for Mull adjournment Thursday noon. • NEW YORK CITY. ay Teleglaph to we linsuerghßalet. , / New l'ojtic, April 1, 1670 In the Association of tee Army of the Cumberland, Opn. Rosecrans, President, Gen. Hooker, 'flee President; resolutions of sorrow were adopted, and the Associ ation agreed to Attend the funeral of Gen. Thome. in a Dody. - The Republican ticket for the Judicial election coming, It is said, will be Win. M. Everts. as Chief Justice, and Wm. Mason. James Emett, Charles _Andrews, Noah Davis, Jr., and Henry Hogeboom for Associate Justices of the Court of Appeal:. The Central Board'has resolved to laz the toll on Iron for 1870 at one mile per 1,000 the, per mile, subject to the appro val of the Legislature. The • General Committee of German 13Temocratic communities, olaiming to represent 30,000 votes, have sdopted resolutions in favor of Tweed, or the old Democracy. A negro named - James Warner, one of a party who sacked a bar room and boat the barkeeper terribly to-day, besides as saulting a policeman who endeavored to arrest him, was shot and seriously , wounded, by an °Meer who only succeed ed in arresting him after knocking him senseless with the butt end of a pistol. Col. Daniel E. Delavan, formerly Grand Sachem of • Tammany, died at Danbury, COM] ectleut, Wednesday, aged siztv.two. Wm: Boellman, charged with embez clement from the Fourth Nationarßank, hu been acquitted In consequence 01 a , defect in the indictment. A swell freight train arrived this morning in twelve and a half days from Ban Francisoolwith the Cargo of tea of the bark Benefactress. • A young woman named Kate Bushelm, from Toledo, seduced and abandoned by a man professing the name of James Stewart, who made her acquaintance' through the "matrimonial agency," has been sant home.. Col. M. C. Murphy, member of the State Legislature from this city, is so cued of bigamy. The case of Wolf, May and Moses, al leged smugglers. has been sent before, the Grand Jury. Reynold's counsel to-morrow moves for a. stay of his ezacution for which Friday next is the appointed! day. The steamers Bremen and Dalian, from Europe, arrived to day. The former brought 100,0001ratice specie. BICHROND, VA. An Quiet—Both Mayors Acting. ( tly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh MmHg.) RICHMOND, April I.—The city is quiet to-day. Both Mayors exercised - tuna- Bowl without interference from the Fed eral authorities. Two sets' of police are on the street today. Ellison's men mlitaking instructions, gave up the second house. This morningL.4hoon made two Ineffectual demands for the possession of City Hall. Judge Weilford, of the Bette Court, has at the Instance of Ellison this evening granted a mandamus and lamed an in. Ijunction' restraining Cahoon from the exercise of th duties of Mayor. Rath luid Lean Gees ante Meet. trig Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ascetic.) Ol actitrueri, April. I.—The formal transfer of the Little Miami Railroad to the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis 'Railroad Company, to conformity with the lease • ratified by the stockholders at the last general meet. lag, was consummated to-day. Under the reorganisation John Durant becomes General Superintendent of the Plus. burgh and Cincinnati division; D. W. Caldwell, General Superintendent of the Indianspoile and Chicago division, A. J. McDowell, Comptroller; G. D. Whit comb, purchasing agent; W. L. O'Brien, general passenger and ticket. agent; J. C.. W. Smith, general height agent; Hon. It. Swan,Bolicitor. The Ohio Legislature. . (By Telegraph to Um rine:numb Gasette•l c o rmienu.., April 1.--Tbe House bill to Permit townships., counties and citlesi to assist the building of railroads wee postponed in the Senate to-day till next January. The bill to anew municipal corpora tions to Issue hoods bearing eight per cent interest passed the House and is a The House - adopted . • resolution re. questing Congreas to do away with pea ion, agencies and to pay penidoners by means of postofnes orders. The House refused to pass the appro. prlation bill this seating. NEWS BY CABLE English Parliament Proceedings —Passage Of the Force Bill— Discontent in Ireland Increas ing—Unprecedented Irish Emi-: grution—Remarkable Scene in the Council at Rothe—The Con sptracy Investigation at Paris. — . Pierre Bonaparte Coining to Americanore Editors Pun ished—Sharp:' Discussion in Spanish Cortes. (By Telezraph to lie Pittsburp.!lttinzette.] GREAT Lennon, April I.—A Committee has been formed, of which Lord Churchill is Chairman, to organirx au *Outlaw:a, of English clergy at th6.l"roteataut Confer. once in Now York next fall. 'rho polio° at Dublin Noliott a large number of ruyrolvera and a quantity of ammunition on tioard a stottiner from' Liverpool. Popular discontent In Ireland seems to be increasing. The evening papers of this city publish a long list of outrages recently- committed there. Yesterday the Protestant church at Buttevant, Cork county, 'was entered by evil disposed pereons, the wails and furniture defaced and the building itself nearly destroyed. A Dublin correspondent of the F:eceing Post rays emigration from Ireland to the United States hes increased to n re. markable extent within the past few days, and states it la altogether owing to thoprobable passage through Parliament of the obnoxious bill for the preservation of life and property In Ireland. It is reported at Remo that all attempts to conciliate the oppositioo in the Coun• cil of Ministers have been abandoned. Cialdint insists on the resignation of the Cabinet. The University boat crews aro out two or three times a day on the Thames. The practice of the Oxford melt is still better, but the Cambridge crow are fad' improving. . The House of Common; today, in committee, considered the Irish force bill an returned from the House of Lords, with amendments, and . engaged in a protracted debate, mainly on. the tech , Meal and legal featur orßale coer- Clan clauses. Mew ee s. the l and Disraeli accused Mr. Gladetone of introducing amendments which altered the principle on whloh the bill was bated. Mr. Gladstone. warmly resented the charge andargued the entire coherency of the - modifications he had suggested. Mr. Gladstone moved that all the amend• manta made by the birds, save one, be agreed to, and the motion carried. The consideration of the Irish Land bill was resumed. The Solleltor General fur Ireland and Mr. Ball dieCUISSed the teCheiCalithn of the bill. Mr: Fawcett moved a reactive that the House, approving of the plan of melee tarien and deneminatioual teachers in Ireland, in in favor of remodelling Trio. Ity College so as to remove religious with cogent and supported his resolve with cogent argument. Mr. olleg P e, l uu fo k lelotw as t hae n m g e rimlyb re o p f r o Tr a i t n i i n ty C 'erferin ence with that Institutton. kie predicted the adoption of this roaolve would prattlee recoils effect'', not that college steno but ail! the e glottal eittabliehments in Ireland. Mr. Glatidone reminded the gentle• man that the abolition ..of pniv °ratty tests was one of the propotted measures of the session, and in the present diecus• I.ion that .fact must be kopt4 -in view. He referred to the tuipittation of the Ultramontane tendencies in the Ministry, and pronounced it nb. surd. He deplored the necessity of introducing a measure tending to convulse the country, but denied emphatically that the trust confided bye the people to the Whig party would be abandoned. His duty was unmistakable. If assured that the government was in the wrong course, lie would acknowledge It, but feeling that he was right he must stand where he ~trod. Mr. Bereaford Hope urged Mr. Fawcett to Withdraw his resolve. Mr. Ball spoke in support of the resolve. Without ac tion the House adjourned. In the House of horde this evening the Irish force bill wee again received from the House of Comimons with all the Lords' amendments concurred in save one. Without action on the bill the House adjourned. The E.ramtner nude in the disconnected and contradictory dissensions on Irish affairs in the Commons, proof. of the wisdoin of the American system, which leaves local affairs to local legislation. The Atlantic Cable . Company, after considering the preposed bill for the con. solidation ofAngidAmerican• with the French TritteAtlautio Cable Corn pany, have given it their approval. The visit of Sir Stafford Nothoote to Hudson Bay territory has been poet- I potted. ' Steps have been taken to send a dele• gatiortof the English Church to the World's Conference of the Evangelical Alliance at New York this year. The pollee of Dublin seized a large number of revolvers end a quantity of ammunition on the Liverpool steamer yesterday. The Galliclan Deputies have withdrawn from the Austrian parliament in cone- queues of the defeat of a motion to grant the provinces the right of direct representation or self government. Advisee from Rome report a remark able scene at the reoent sitting of the Council. Cardinal Schwartzenburg and Bishop Strassineyer endeavored to urge a policy of coucillation, and while speaging In favorable terms of Protes tants and objecting to anathemas direct ed against them as arrogant and profane. they were silenced by the angry uproar of the assembly. FRANCE Pants; April 11.—The Gazette flea Tribune Aux announces that at least six weeks will be required-for proper ex amination Into the affairs of the conspir. soy, although the magistrates are dill. gently it work. The QaeUe adds every day something new and important transpires in regard to the matter. Dispatches from Madrid state that preparations are being made for a great demonstration in that city on Sunday next against military conscription. • The Ministerial journals defend the Senates Comm/rum, while other papers pronounce it in lneutllcieut. • The Prom newspaper announces that Prince Pierre Bonaparte • has - gone to America and his family has been sent to Switzerland. Other journals say the Trine° has not left-France, but soon will. Another manifestation was Made to day by the students of Emote de Medicine against Dr. Tardien. They refneed to allow the Professor to proceed with his lecture. There wax much disorder but the police did not interfere. Charles lingo, of the editorial staff of the Rapper., has been condemned to six woniha Imprisonment and a tine of 3000 francs, and the managing editor of the same paper sentenced to three months Imprisonment and a tine of 2000 francs, for violation of the press law. = MADRID, April L—Bocerra, Minister of 'Colonies. toss resigned. Senor Morel will probably be appointed his successor. A sharp discussion . occurred in the Constituent (Nines yesterday 'afternoon between Salmi...Robledo, one of the Depu ties from Porto Rloo, and Senor M. Swam Minister for Colonies, wherein the honor of the Brat named gentleman was called in newt ion. An tanning scene ensued, which was followed by the with drawal of Senor Bocerra from the Cabinet. MADRID. April 1-Senor Memel, who replaces Socotra in the Ministry of the colonies, lean intimate friend of Admiral Towle. It is uodendood the new Min later favors the proposed Constitution for Porto Rico and will carry It through the Cortes. " MARINE 'NEWS PLYMOUTH, April I.—The steamship Cambria, from New York, has arrived. gmaarcwrown, April I.—The steamship &marls, having completed repairs, smiled to-day for New York with the balance of her passengers. • ITALY. Reim, Aprill,4l is asserted the Papal Court has rejected the °failures made by Ali Pasha in favor of the Armenians. 0 NO. 79. =I !I=EIB 111=1M9 iri , Tqt..[Mat to tnv t . ltc,bu WI (i fart, ) IMATos, April I.—The American Anti. Slavery S]ciety, cg which Wendell Phillips is Presidenti has resolved to hold (lie last meeting, a V3l.llnieniOration Jubilee, in .Apollo lull', New York, April i.h. The society will be diasolved on the opining of that date. Represen tative bolitionists from all parte of the countr are expected lobe present. The servicee3Will loot all day. llomirlde by n Coufitable (II T.l.gr soh t s the Pittsburgh ti I Ect'e.). Fttt E,ADELI , lA. A 1,01 I.—Constable Whltesides Was masted by a crowd In an attempt to serve a wcrraut on a color ed num last night, and wea• struck by a brick. Using a revolver the contents took etTeCl. in Henry Truman, colored. causing instant death. The constable escaped from tho fury of the crowd, but woo substquently arrested. Buller Es'.lo.loll—Two Persons 'kilted. ( Ttlograph to tha l'lttsburtat tlatettt.) Now ii,tVJ t, April 1 —A. terrific boiler oxploslon occurred at the factory of 'the New ilevon Folding Chair Company to day. Tao peraons wero killed and sovorsi.wouudeil. Part of the building. was torn down and the boiler thrown over thirty feet. The bodWii were all got out oft ho ruins. • —A bill woo Plod 'at Chicago on Thum dsy by Auguattan Van Buren agatuat thu Groat Western Telegraph Co., alleging that the company have boon guilty of varlona fradulent acts; that among other things the company had made a contract with Silas Reeve to build two thousand miles of lino, glvinu . him the entire Mock, three millions, 'on which the stock 'holders are assessed forty par cent. He assorts that the work can be done tor one third of this amount, and asked that the contract with Reeve may be set aside, on ground of fraud; that an injunction be Issued against the company and a receiver appointed. —A I.trgo and enthusiastic meeting of colored moon woe held at Cincinnati last. night and a number of speeches made. The tone of the 'speakers generally favor ed supporting the Republican city ticket, though unwilling to pledge themselves. Tile general sentiment was In favor of independence in ward °dicers and in favor of the bible In schools. A number of speakers) declared against', high tariff, and were applauded. Resolutions of respect to the turnnury of Gem Thomas were passed. - —The if extern Watchman, the organ of the Catholics of St. Louie. in an. article on the election to be held tboro next week for Directors of the Public School lisard, very atrongly urges the Catholics to vote for no man who will not pledge himself to a distribution of the school fund, and calla on the priesta to speak from Melt altars and tell their hocks to do their duty in the coming uncture. Add atonal Markets by Telegrap I.ormort, April 1, Eveninc.—Coneels 9314. American securities, 62's,' 911.1 65's, 9..1r ' 67'8, 8934: 10 40's, 81!‘; Ertel., 21;4;Illinois Central, 11414. . stocks tamely. FirAstrruivr, April I.—Bonda list at 115.14. PARIS, April I.—Bourse dull at 73t 905. LONDON, April I.—Tallow quiet and aleady. Suva dull. Turpentine 30a 6d. Be used petroleum heavy at, is 814d0 is 514 d. Linseed oil dull at 3255 d. ANTWERP, Petroleum declining at S,,:f. Haven, April I.—Cotton quiet at 1361 on qn.rt, end 1291 utlost. Livnitroim, April I.—Cotton: sales for the week were 61,000 bales; export., 17,000 bales; :inoculation, 6,000 bales; stock 162,000 bales; American,-,256,000 balm; reeeipte for the week were 136,000 bales; American, 103,000 balea; quantity afloat. 348,001 hales; American, 227,000 bales; to day the market Was arm; sales 12,000 halos uplands at 10,79 d; Orleans 11,4® Illi'd. Manchester market nigher. Be. ceipts of Wheat for the past three days: 10,000 quarters, 7,500 quarter 9 of which wore American; California white Wheat es Xd@lis 341; rod western. No. 2, is lid @8: winter So lid ®Bs 10d. Western Flour 19s 9d. Corn 2tia. Clets2.sd. Park 92s Od. Beef 104.1 Gd. Lard 665. Cheese 1 Arm at 70a 04. Bacon 565, and quet. I Common Itemin 6.4 fid QS. 9d. Petroleum Is 3:1; relined Is Bid. Linseed, 011 335. 8ut , P.0.0 April I.—Cattle; receits 6 9 0, market active and 3,;@leie higher; sales of 1,430 nt 8(8.'13.‘a for extra, 73.9 Q 78:c for good, 69:i'®7l9c, for medium to fair. Hogs; receipt. of 930, prices ;I'ac better: sales at 89‘@)9qc for common te. fair, 9%@9,t0 for prime. Sheep; receipts light, .449g6,990 . f0r wooled, 934® 5 / a for sheared. Now UrtLEANs, April I—Cotton In fair demand and higher, middling 22c; sales 7,500 bales; receipts 3,863; exports 4,507; stock 192,438; sales for the week were 90,080. receipts 27,240; exports 38,214 bales. COIIILESPOiDENT of the New York Times in predicting a second term for Grant, gives the following fair summary of the present administration: "Grant has tried to du what is right. He has kept the peace; he has paid the debt; he has controlled the revenge; he lies shunned. alluring quarrels; be has not angered the country by distracting disser tations on the Constitution; he has been rich in saving common sense; and although be has disappointed aldermen and ward politicians, and the shoofly' 'statesmen who would own him—the people who plow and weave and dig, and who have no interest beyond their crops and. yarn believe .In Grant. It is a great thing to know we have amen who means to do what is right, and once we have him we arc going to sustain him." NEW AI3V.;-IR.TISEICEN T 8 afrEIT.. MARK'S CHURCH, corner of INth etti atrliet. fxrsotrut of Baptism •b• attaithlsteted is the MOIININH, Ito to the EVENING, at o'clock, the anima etc of Conti mattock. rgrn ET. G EO. P. HAIR, P • Ton, will preach' In the CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, comer Lasock sad Andkreon Mletheny, TO•KURROW. at ta. mud IS P. • THE FIRST METHODIST (itltlnCil, (Railroad :greet, °ear Depot.) NnW nnioirrna.CitllWT ll7 . 7 .Pa ctor. imitating Evince tiAsnarn, at 11)X, Y. =0 T. It. Pointe cordially Invited. 'WHEY. JOUN D. McBRIDE, leahay. Load leder,. I releete..lll preset; Is the ttKettel I) U. V. CH MIMI. Dr. J. H. It'll'ert!t...:lV.7ll/Igtt)l,e::l'eT4ird "'d IV - PUBLIC ' LECTURE AT the NEW JERUSAI.Shf CHURCH. eor uer of Wood . orol eleth wattc. O. tlufilLOT KNlttilhai, Match 717th. Subject—Cut bOOO 7 r I.WI at OeCt i• there of 1 UM icVelallOo of LI o y.he Ttuth Y" ligirtHE - ANNUAL SERMON for the LADIILIP BIBLE 'O4IIETY ef /I"leeway. the 6 • preach.' by. the Ser. P. 'liar", In the P.• v. Dr CL CIURCH, OrartgalVlaitil:3",lWe l Mock outts.V7l4 rPclack. -CIIRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ALLEtiIIENT. The Rev. BENJ. F. 1310./OKIS. Rector, will oniclate at &- vine service In this Church or TO.IeURILI/W at helr-past ten o'clock A. R.. nod Falf,ast says. o'clock F. rirrinsT CHRIEITIAN CROUCH OY PITTSBOROI,I W. 4, TlT.r..Z'`L i TYTarrhTrltt:. IYervices even Lord , . Day at IO A A. conolay d,bool at r. • The public are cordially (onto& arrIBST EHR.ISTIAN CiluSOii, corner Heaver alreet an 4 Montgomery avenue, Alleif t beny City, JOSEI'II K re Vatter. Paching •1101190 W (Lord., D.11. 1 . 10 M , M. awl 7 C. ■ +eats entirely fete and • cordial Ineltallon to all. Cilnday belicol at 9A. 311. 1211 - PLI MOUTII CONGREGA TIONAL CtIUKCII. lan. Z. Y. GAR- ItIITTE. rotor. Pinching morning and even. g e at len sod a half Welsch and seven Sad half xcelsior Hall, corner of Lemock sod Fed end etnete. Allegheny. • Seats are free end•.rdialmainme IarDIASONIC U ILL. 'JUR NIEIII7II-ONLY Commene , ng Ai EDNEISDAY lEVI.O I 0, Ipd 016, 1010, , ALLEN & PETTENGILL'S SENSATION MINSTRELS =I CHARLIE rcrrEnuiLL, AND THEIR (MEAT STAR COMPANY 20 Int NIIMBRR. IRO Look out fai Mar new "'Shoo Ply" end ' Dlctey." "Mt.. Jlote to Paw:maga." Ad.otmla.., Won; Itasure ad Stilt, 50 esais , MATINEE ON CULXIIBILLY AOTOUNOON. ; 'They on( app... at Lißrn HALL. •EaAn Liberty, on TUESDAY OVENINek, April 5n..- tea roam and Vroraanats for Parinalara. arityts, THE WEEKLY GAZETTE Lim BERT AID oararrar Commercial and Family newspaper PUBLISHED IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. No farmer. lorettonle, or merchint, Ito lid ho without It. slum. -...111 50 Mauls subscribe Clubs of Ar 0.... Clubs of tea.... • • copy IS furnisbed uratuttonsly to the 'ismer POI a Club of ten. Postmsster, are mum sled o act as 111(111Itt. J, PENNIMAN, REED & CO., r,iorxisat ' NEW ADVF,RTI:_ EMENTS, --„„. , itErowr OF TEI I ; rooIOTION Or T4IL anuets Drposit National Bank, At th- dor. of Lusts" ok March:lllth IS7 O. ' .......... tit Ing and , • • U.s. h oods t Ulm from $ Due Dun, other Nat•l Due from other Itault4 ao.l • aßnakniltne;sl ............ 2 . a 4 63: 0 ,1,0 1:1 1 0 1 , n r. Current Ex ........... Taxes manl ..44.,y . . NJ Caeb hems. loaludlut .4 trot Exehauges for Clear,hlr house.. 7Y.7D5 60 BIIU of other 14 ationul 8auk , .... 7.5 , 00 M DI of State Sauk. Frwellonal Currency. tincludtukc 1434 Utt Nickels.) N ' r ' ctnt. Ccrliflcatts • $1.1.014,3e19.1 LIABILITIES. Stock 3104 In. 3 300,0001)0 O%CW/to 5101,353 el • * - 261'..„ on auts oo Ino'Mattel denotas put to Nat'lßttelte Doe to other Hauls and &M/: 92 Bookers 51,108,3100 14 BTATY. liV I'itNN4YI.VA.II, Q;s::I. ihe 5 arn4 la Sattonal hank of Pittelnzrsh, n....onnunty n+car that the *hove stmt.... Is true to ago bosh of otr l'"°P.l.g."!Nllll4l:g.4l74.f.,ashjer. 4worn to and Pabiertbed.bcfoto inn .151 a alot day of 114:cb, 1510. 5.. CASSI It liotnt7 rttblle. "r gr ° ll7VAtiii Altlll. plrectora. 1/1.5. DIAIt3HALL , • STATEMENT OF TILE CONDI*IOti 011 P 11L BANK OF PIT TSBURGH, FRIDAY MORN tria, 1 lan id. 1870. 1,2Z12 099 164 97 uau ‘ U.x. Ketch Pie11.r"'"'.i....1!.100.04/0 00 Sea Ketch: I 51:659 US Stocks cud Ulscellaoler ..... 12. 544 92 .320 71 Due try other Banks 614 Legal Tender t art Checks. ; 91.632 34 Specie : 104.999 47 42,134,153 DR =UM! Csplial Stock Profit., snd Earnings Unpa d Dividends sod ins Write Account b ) , o ix. e to tt o . lticr 8an15........ . .... SA 134 153 am • the AbOV¢ blatemeet Il Forrett.l.o the best of khowlalee and Lefler. j • w. RU Li Csw,ler. Sworn to and lobscrlbed this Ist day of Aiwa. 1810. twroro me. B. Notary Po bile. 31.A.0 II I NIOJR:11C. LAMP, POSITIVE SALE i __ Ma chines,Tools, Patterns, & c. 1 , AT i , TOMLINSON'S MACHINE WORKS. • 1 Oa THUR. iDAY. April 71k, at 3 o'clock, wilt Id without m I on'. late klallin Works. core er of e Way and Cecile Illy. the following Larne honer, w "h extension and i 'go lathe. with bi t res: !crayon, wood turning, and other lathes: otnall planer, drill pre.. Tara and turret arlll. pee., large ew cutter, coo and titre. rend or emelt power rew entteT, foundry crane Once en lt , o, chain end*. holster, wheel' ores', Ihand punch, mor ticing machine, elies,*and odrews , lathe chock, hand tape, dire and Screw 1 . chop reVrrs; scale betel, auv its, blactoinith forge and tools. 0,000 pounds bar iron. car dooro,enclue and rummer railway pettillar, greet patterns fir copper work.. car wheels, lathe, locomotive and crane patterns, pil'ar blocks and hieges, and a large miocellaneouo collect'. of le:whine tools of Woe to machinists.- , The especial attention o nactialotOls directodlo this Important and very atractlvc or remptorY sale. - 'A. LElltl hilt, Ano'ionrer. , got o Derr{ MRS. S.P. ROBB, No. 914'edetal St., Allegheny, Ado[ ll.ermlurd not to carry over Any Wintrr flaws. wilt nor.tWer re% Irr,low cont., fur ton pelt op dale• TA lig US: I W AVHE.S. YIIitYIVAMERCTS I INEN OOLLAIti:AND COVIRS. CeI.I.MIZ AND CUFFJ. KID WAIVE!. LIMISETN. LADD , 23 . HOSE. 9lttelgly'l.lTl`eknoiNu3 LADLI.SL ,UmNpfpgaß. New 0410 MOH Pi 111 13 . W ITU ei EN ."4U" ' gin EITS, Le. P.l person. 1.1.1i10g bregaln... COMPlifthaiitlg at' No. 910 EL ELIA L. OTILZO.T. fentrrnin D ELIERS, ts, Pendants, Brack XTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For', Gas or Oil. • We .r:. now reaetalna on , SP BIND STOCK 4 , P FIXIUREn of the Lawn and ITls i t o tAa4l .l .firtiTcPwVlttlia'al:_nt"rw; Unitlufal) extolls, Wholewde and Retail. WELDON & KELLY, Plombf r ars and this Filters, WOOD STREET, war Pit th innai //i/rr. Order. for Plomblog, Vas log promptly attondmi t c•ELat SAW MILL. She most egtendee and subStant'el haw Mill la Allegheny' comely. eltneted In the nem portion or the eV), at 131. root of 117th &meet, Plltshnesti. with lime Yards and good Wider, Barge lad ~ Ist Vero. The Improvements see en leased ground on y valuable' term.. Ihe lot lies 3 , 15 feet sinew Alleehen• Valley Italleoeil. en • etenos from Spence siley:io River bank IMO kelt With OAR feet River loading. • • VALUABLE SHINGLE BILL; • • Keparate front Raw Mill. rim elm Barg t and • Neat Yard. Mankarultb bison. 'l, &bane. ae. dm an given any time. This 1. a Tara opPor U . ' , tit' for an nnWrPrialug party tongue In•largo sun unAlable Lumber . arty Boat bealset, re quiring but s small eau tal. - /or particularS, usgalre at the xIII. W. bleql.lN TOl% Toot or Twenty-Wroth st r ut. VEMit HANDSOME, ILAN) KNIT WOOLEN KICQUE9 /OR LEVAL:TB. • rzwirriruc HAND-EMT WOOLEN ii/ora /OR INIANTN• ' HOSIERY or svicur ursciurrioN *MEAT VARIETY• JAMES PHELAN'S Old St,and Stocking Store, ': 24 - 11 . 42 , 741. AVENVE. SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, be., 1= WATTLES • SEMAITIR'S Pcraock, jacking to houacket pica woo d do wall to call and ' . cc o¢i !Ice BTOCK-0 BiLYZIC /LA F3= AI.o, • 'liege assortment of AMERICAN CLOCKS, ill selllm pitOPOSAI.J3 FOIL SOLDIERS' lONURENT. Proposabi for toe erection of tbejilt - 40007 Soliirida, Monument (to . tor,arectod.ou tlentloary . 11111, Allegheny.) will b+, (Wl:Wed St (0. oncia Ot (tor Undersigned, No. 'WV err* .rr e ot., (where trii plans. soreldettioas loco or atom, cad be *too) 00 to Apittr.A Ina. The cOstract to be awarded totluilbwr a a and b(st (Adria. L Y. • A. L. riallSON_ , abl*: putlriaon of Belles( 09.101"``' 11 3E0130 79 110,USI 03 400 40 09,401 00 70,4004 0 lOU 100 U 43 EXEIEI 1.1f17.1150 CO $131,1137 OS 9 7 1 °6 2% 1 216: 1!!!!ffll