13 littsluttgt Gafitt, t;ITY AND SUBM;BAN gatiscrlbers changing their residence's or pieces or business will Consult their convenience and our own by leaving word for the - carriers at our counting room, oornor of Sixth pi venuo and Smith field etroet. Titusville la to have a hotel - supplied . kith Chinese Walter.. - Alle‘hetty Gouortit will not meet 'nail the second Thursday of April. Many of the Ago In the city were at half malt yesterday In reepoct to the memory of Geo. Thomas. Careen Rea l er. Birmingham, la in- a terrible condition. The street cleaners should be put to work upon It. Yesterday was a balmy, bright. boantl , Int, - day. The streets were filled wlthJoyona promenaders. The Art Exhibition will be a grand affair. Some of ibb finest paintings In theeonetxy will be In the collection. Mayor Callow yesterday sont Frank Rules and Michael Ryan to the work• hows) for sixty days each for drunken. nets and general worthlessness. ' General Peones Chairman Of the Buildisig Commit!.;a of the. Boidlen Aronuiiiental Association, is prepared to receive proposals for emoting the mono, meet. rermsay—Ray..Win. Bunter, D: D., wbolor fifteen years past low occnpled Bid disk of Biblical Insteadlon in Alio . tuaCollege,. at bleadeille, has re - Last evening Capt. Kennedy at the Allegheny 1061 c up had for company two men with the delirium tremens, an - lawns woman and the tumid number of vegrantdruake. Dm. iteditenk.. the Insane • Woman 'picked up In the streets of Pittsburgh a few evenings slime, has been removed to the Allegheny lockup, for what reason we do not know. Thompson Rowe, residing on Rebecca street, Allegheny, while repairing a spout yesterday, fell from the top of the kitchen attached to the house sod wee severely Injured. _ The following officers have been sleeted by the Ormsby borough Council: Clerk of - Council, A. 8. Wallace; Con. stable, Thomas Keenan; Street Commis- Wooer, Christopher hillionyer. Disorderly Noose,—James Porter made Information • before Alderman Tay lor 'yesterday against Jarboe Mo• Retina led Margaret McWilliams for keeping a disorderly bawdy house on Mulberry alley, Ninth ward. Warrant Issued. - The correspondent of the Waihingtop .-l.fleporter, writing from Harrisburg, etatos that the mammas for a sucoessor to Governor Geary hse already begun, and .that Hon. James L. Graham of this •-county, is mentioned in connection with the gubernatorial position. Shot Gee In inspute.—Willinin Farrell Yesterday caused Alderman Taylor to issue a warrant for the arrest of William Adams, for larceny as bailee, the de . fondant being charged with keeping and refusing to return a shot gun valued at 11240, which was loaned to him. Yesterday morning a lady coming down Wylie street suddenly fell in a Hs near the corner of Fulton street. In falling ;the struck her - head against tho sidewalk, Inflicting aeovere gash. Medi cal attention was summoned and in a abort time she was enabled to go home. Yesterday afternoon a horse attached to a light wagon succeeded in creating a sensation in the. Flrat word, Allegheny, by running away. Me route wee along School street and a portion of. Rebecca. Several tree boxes and hitching poets were torn down and the wagon allghtly damaged, but nobody hurt.. Agrarated smelt—Josephine Camp. bell made information before Alderman- Mediators yesterday against Frank McGraw for pggracatod assault. Tho eon of the deponent, it Is alleged, was attacked by young McGraw and hit on the heed with a . stone which inflicted a severe wound,' The parties - reside on Forbes street. Warrant issued. • The Stock of men and boys' clothing and fontlehing goods at titling, Fo bee Oo's, No. 121 Wood street, corner of Fifth avenue, 19 particularly Inviting, being large, full, cl.•esp and emulate. We advise our friends to Day this eateb. Sehroant a purchasing visit, an they will no whore else secure greater advantages or more considerate and oourteousi treat ment. -The Vlngerliewlng Machine Company Make and sell nearly double as nanny machines u any other company. The Singer Machines have become as much of* staple as wheat or corn, and do not rteulre lobe hawked around by banyan. cre In order to sell them. Call and see them In operation at Straw & Morton's. No. 20 Sixth etreet (late St. Clair.) Local Stns.—Yesterday the bill eon. olidst I ng and reducing the Allegheny 'City charter and supplement passed the House at Harrisburg; the act In relation to streets In Allegheny also went through. Both bills are now ready for the ...Htersruot's signature, when they will becontelaws. The ast.jmair porating the-Ormsby and Soho Ferry Company was indefinitely Postponed. Diechargcd,—Pat who was arirated ny ofiloor Drearier, Tuesday evening, on a charge of attempting to pick or:lan's paeket, alter a lively chars of fifteen or twenty minute., wax called up for a hearing before Deputy klaydr Butler yesterday morning, and there being no evidence against him he wit discharged. Daring the chase, racer Dressler apralned Ms ankle severely, and wasnot able to be out of the boon yesterday. Trainees Elected—At the annual meet ing of the rind Reformed Presbyterian Charch„ held on Monday evening. last the following gentlemen wero elected trustier: Harvey Chem. Sam. net Barckley, Newton Via bb and and Thome Blggerataff. The member.' of the old board whose time beano< expired are: John Megrim, R. C. Miller, Joelab florenuon, Henry McCracken end Hugh Young. The meeting was very largo-, One of the . largest ever held—which Mama the aria: interest the oortgrega• ttorttake in the affairs of the church. Lawyers at ILsw.—Yeaterday afternoon Thornltm A. Hilton. made Information before Alderman idelidaetene agniont FAIAPM2IO mother foMareeny is bailee. The parties are engaged In the legal pro. fession. They were lately members of one firm , but a short time slum the partnership was dissolved, and herein lies thediMeuity. Shinn alleges Lowlier retained possemion or the (IniC/3 furniture and books, refudog to dlvido them as should have been dons, Involving a loss to him (Shinn) of over twenty aye dol. lore, The amused lie arrested and gave ball for a hearing.. We direct attention to tho numerously signed reqnthition made by many of our leading and most prominent citizens on Jacob U. Wahorn, tem., requesting that be permit his name to be u4ed before the neat Republican nbipinating convention as • candidate for re-election to the ethos of Prothonotary. Mr. Walters gram• folly ecknowledgoe tho honor thus ma imed, and a:snooper* that he will take the field. fie bas made an excellent shear, and daring his several terms has dlectierged his dude* with marked fidel ity and ability, and hie past record la a gueniefee that should be ho • re-,lotted ler will MIR)r6 lee frilled measure of satisteelksi; IME=EI *roe Itte , -,a, 'tete enperior wedge of iron ore hie been (cried tat.lacetit to the oily of earnirteirant ; Affair lrony notonty, Maryland, end Got/anon on that Cherea , peaks And °kW falfild. end the fleittroote and Ohio Railroad, therartlelv op l hole deposits of ore are in, the lender of aft, Jewett M. Jones. In new of the Mtge rolling Intll now In the pones. or wee. Mos by the Baltimore and 01116 Rllllrenta perepeny, the superiority of the oake made from the Cumberland coal end the great abundance of wood, there area are Well worthy the attention or iron 1111.4 tom - letters of 'wintry requestlon ■n further lutbitnrtion on the eutject will rowdy° duo attention if addroreed to ism/ M itttlfia, req., Cumberland, Nissylitod. 110 a Evening _ IMO Pitiebargh Gymnastic, Asmcdatien will glee one of lii txpnlar exhibitions at the Academy of Music. We hope the altandenee will be large le witeello ibe neriarkable progress that (be young en of the association bays made rttritititiol branch orpbysleal culture. *sup of their. Nati Aro eery remarkable did well worthy of do u btber ps• Menge wills width wc not their erode this evening will la rewarded. • THE 00067 H. Ignited date• Ilia ttttt twat—Judge ilcUandless. WOONIVIDAY, DI PrCII 31.—The CARO Of the (lolled Slate. TO Janus Alden, ligule lionenberg and Penmen Fleisher, pro vlonaly repoited, wag rospuged, and in still on trial. District il ia rt—J gt■ Hampton and ktr icli. WNO/li2IDAY, arch 30.—Tne sae of the Rector, Chu h wardens, dlc .of Rt. Andrews' Chore , Pittsburgh, ye. James Hag, was takes up before Judge Hamp ton. This was lan action to recover • balance on subtcription made by ' defen dant to the church for the purpose of aid log in the erection of the new church eat. fla.i His subscription was tive hundred dollars, alghty of which was paid. and this suit wan Lrought to recover the bal ance. The author' otion was to be paid when the sum of 104),(1:0 -had been sub , scribed. Defeedard alleges that his cab scriptlon wai Jamie nu the condition named above, and further, on the condi tlou that Rev. Naively should be retained as Rector of the church, both lof which conditions • he-alleges wore violated, or in other words not compiled With. On trial. Before Judge Kirkpatrick, the mos of Caldwell 2t. Bro., vs James garnishee et Chas. Goehrleg,lprevlously reported, was resumed and' 'concluded. The jury And for the plaintiffs In the sum of $1,476 02, and also found that the Garnishee has in ills bands.Thable to at. tachment and attached in this case, the above sum, In the filet case, and in the second cue they And tor the plaintiff In the sum of $l,lBl 71, and that the said sum is In the hands of the Garnishee, liable to attachment and attached in this case. TRIAL LIST von TatmanAy, . 23 Harrison vs. Bmreton it Wilitina. 1.58 Broiling et us. vs. Barter et al. ILO Citizen, 011. Relining Company vs l Dilworth.' 112 Jacoby vs. Schoen et al. 178 Brown, use, ve. S. B. ' , Reindeer." 180 S. IL "Grey Pox" mi. Millinger, McClay .1 Co. 190 Bonner Ta. Johnson 01 al. 191 Parchment vs. McKee. 192 Richey ea. Shaeffer. 194 Brown va. 831 forth. Common Pleas—Judge Coiner. WEDICEBOAT, March '9o—The CIAO of Rankin'a ex vs. J tams O'Neal, previously reported, was resumed and occupied 160 sttentlon of the Court up to the time of adjournment. - TRIAL. LUST PVIt WEDEMBDAT. 66. Drum vs. Dlee. 52. P. rt C. G. Coal Co. Bailey. 53. Elaine vs. Hartman. 64. Same vs, Henderson. 65. Snodgrata use ca. Snodgrass, et al. 68. Contain vs. Hutton et al. 59. Sumner 113. vs. Updegnsft et az. 62. Burnet vs Sterling. 65. Central P. K W. dt Co. vs. Oakland Railway Co. Quarter Sm..lons—Judge Merrett. WISDNIZIDAT. Moron 30.—The ellaell of the Commonwealth tn. Frank Morgan, reported yesterday, were resumed and concluded. The Jury found the defendant nuilty of cleaning a cesspool without obtaining a permit, and not guilty la the other case, The next cane taken up wan that of the t.`oinnionwealth vv. Frank Link, indicted for soiling liquor on Sunday, Thomas L Dowling prosecutor. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. The case at the Commonwealth ea Wm. Taylor. indicted for lonnfe el was next taken upl The defendant was charged with the above offence by Hiles both Brush. The prosecutrix was a young girl about seventeen yearn of age, ' end resided at blaitcheeter. In June or July last, when the offence wee commit ted, the proseentrix raided at Wilkins burg, where the defendant we. working. The jury returned a verdict . of guilty, and the defendant was sentenced to pay the costs of prasocution, a fine of PO to the Guardians of the Poor of Allegheny city, the nem of =So to the prosecntrix, and the farther sum of six dollar. per week for the period of live years. The next case taken up waathst of the Commonwealth. vs. Fred. Dolman, in- ! dieted for misdemeanor under the Act of Assembly creating a Board of Health. The defendant is by occupation a night wilier, and it is alleged by the prosecutor, J. D. DieFaden, assistant health °Meier, that the defendant did, contrary to law iu such cane, remove the filth front a privy vault without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Health, end also that he deposited such filth Ina place or places not designated by the Board of Health. - The Jury returned a verdict of guilty in the manner and form as Indi cated. • The next case was Gist of theiCom. monwealth vs. Jamas Schmidt charged with the 'sine offenses as in the above case. The defendant plead not guilty. A. jury was called, but before being sworn the plea of not guilty was with drew and a plea of guilty entered. Wet. Scandret filed his bend as War den of the county jail and the oath of of fice wee administered to him by Judge Sterrett. - - William Smith. Deputy Warden, pre sented hts bonds, and tho oath of office was also administered to him. The case of the Commonwealth ya John Besm, indicted for a misdemeanor ender tho law creating the Board or Health, was next taken up, and the defendantplead guilty. There being no further be gnaws for the day, Court adjourned. • TRIAL 1.1131' FOR TIIUBADAY 184 Coin. v& Peter Crider. 195 •' Eateries Inner et al. 200 Stephen 222 William BArney and John Black. 220 W: J. Keighley. 257 John Heimfiler. 239 Com. Va. Hugh Burns. 260 .• Peter Wilbert. 258 Micheal hlctiuire 227 ' •• James Raymond, 3 cases 230 Frank Elder, et al. Ml=Ms==l EiM!i3llMl 193 Wm. Nicholaon 220 " Jamos Wanton 'and Wen Bill, 2 cases. TRIAL LILT FOR FRIDAY. 255 Com. vs. Johh W. Renoulf. 254 4 . Joseph He:lnter, ct al. 262 .. 4 . J. C. Moon. XTESSI YE tiTICALIMIS. Larceny or Railroad Iron—lirrest or an Accused Party —Detecilma at Work. One of the most profitable branches of the thieving trade is 'that of stealing railroad Iron. Annually the raihnads lose large amounts to this way, notwith standing tho moat vigilant watchfulness. Taken in small quantities, at the time It is not observable, but the results are very perceptible. A favorite place with the thieves IN the outer depot of the Fort Wayne Railroad. Within the past few months they have been especially active In thin locality, and it la estimated that several thousand dollars' worth of pro psrly hes been taken. The detectives base been on the watch, but .did not 'weed In getting any clue to the dep• fadeless until yesterday, II hen facts were obtained which lad the Superintendent, Mr: W. P. 8e.., to make Informs tion before Alderman Irwin against Thomas Dlesett for larceny. A march warrant was Issued, and the premises of Dissett, on Mayne Street, Sixth ward, examined. when a small lot, about fifty dollars' worth, was found In an mashed. The Iron bore the sunrise of the P. it C. P. W. it Alter berry Valley Rsilroado. Meant asserted that he purchased it or some unknown parties, but could give no clue to them, which rather went. against his story. lie was held for a bearing, and In the meantime the deice 'elves are at work. /leveret persons have E , se who a re ri t eo t iv , w , IN P cul lea d t. I to probable thear rfurthert Merchant T a i loring—an 0.4 Merchant .in • Pew Plate. Mr. simnel Gray, BO long known and as distinguished among our nrst el ue merchant tailors, has fitted up his build. Ing, No. tin Fifth avenue, In modern and elegant style, and in Ibis attractive %tore le opening an entirely fresh stock of alt kinds of materials for the boon and latest styles of gentlemen's wear. Mr. Gray's forrnor pstrons, and we doubt not many new ones, will ayall theinselvea of ids milliestedleste and large experience in adorning the outward man. We predict and feivatik for Ibis new entorpriseof an old Mend the full measure of enemas thin we are cure he will deserve. •tipenove John Halley, a belligerent youth, who wee tweak.] Tuesday evening for dlsor. derly conduct end confined In the look. up. was required to pay a tine of 015 and meta for his fun. it •hprane that John wan slightly drunk, and a friend canto to leave a deposit- for his appearance. Chief Hague. who was in the once, went In and unlocked iho door of the cell In which young Bailey was confined, when the litter made ma attack upon him, striking him and tearing him clothes. Hs was. agalmpleoed In durance vile and yesterday morning paid the penalty or rashness wlthabout f 19.40—dse and costa. LEGISLATIVE. N _%Y 11111 s Strett Improvements— =2E2 Milo In relation to tho following local latter' hare been pronented in the Leg. lature: IMI , MTANT TO MORTOAOR 11OLDKIL4. An art relative to overdue and Mum- Wiled Mortgage:l, provide. “that when ever any mortgage upon real estate within this Ckiinlnonwealth shall have been duo, either In whole or se to any instalment, for a period exceeding six years, without any demand having been made either for the principal thereof of any instalment of the principle which may have come due, or for any interest upon the said mortgage or upon any In. stalment of the same It shall be lawful for any party holding or' having any interest in lands charged with the Ilene( such mortgage to apply by petition to the court of Common Pleas of the county In which such land Is situated, Setting forth the has, whereupon the said court shall appoint a day for the hearing of such petition, and shall direct service of a copy of such petition, with notice of the time and • plane of he aring, to be made upon the mortgagee or his represent*. Live, or the assignee of such mortgage or tits represeptatives, and if It shall appear to the satisfaction of said court on the hearing of "said petition, that ten jean have elapsed ulnae the last instalment thereot was duo, and• no payment been made or demanded of the said mortgage or any instalment of the same which may hive come due or of any interest thereon, then said court shall, by a prone- order or decree, require the Recorder of deeds of said county to ether satisfaction record upon said mortgage, and thereat. for the same shall be deemed and taken to be 'fully paid, satisfied and exttn. gulshed." . q rr STAMM imrsommitria. supplement to the act concerning streets and sewers in the city of Pitts• burgh provides, that Councils may pro. vide by ordinance for the payment of the oast of street Improvements, In whole or In part as the work progreseag section second, authorise* Councils to create a "Street Improvement' Fund" and to change the appropriCione for 1870 so as to add thereto an appropriation for this fund; section three provides that. all moneys from IMOSSUIMILII shall be paid Into this fund and paid out as Councils may direct, provided that none of It is applied to any purpose than street Im- provements, section fourth grknts Councils power' to borrow any. sum of money not exceeding ,100,000 to pay the expense of these Improvements shenld they become - due before the amassment* are collected, or onougti money in Treas. my to settle; 90.3d0111 filth, provides fOr the collection of the managements, as Is new the law. 11M.r fiANKING uwarrronoms. An act to incorporate the- 4 .Duqueene Greys Savings Bank" names the follow lug corporatore: David Oarobsll, Brady Wilkins, Wm. B. Beeper, James T. Brady, John Cowley. W m K. Nimick, Jamas B. Moore, George F. Morgan, Win. R. Resat, Arthur Balton, Jr., Wm. fi Bower, John lc. Schroeder. S. L. Iciallwood, T. W. Baker and John H. M'Masters.. An act to incorporate the "Germania Savings Bank of Pittsburgh" names the following eorporators: H. P. Moller, Adam ftelneman, A. S. Bell, James L. Graham, G. fichleiter, Philip Merle, Joseph Abel, C. Moyran, William C. Schmertz, John - •F. Hareeott, Chris, N. Schwan z. Allegheny River Items. The Titusville Herald says: Owing to recent rains the Allegheny river IS now navigable for light crafts, and the rivermen are nowavalling them. selves of this opportunity to ran up from Pittsburgh with barges of coal and take back the oil which has accumulated at difierent points for transportation. On Monday the 'Oil Valley," Mlipsey," and several other tow boats passed Parker'a bound up with bargee, and the General Larimer down with three barges of 'MI In tow. Oil City will not ship much ofd to Pittsburgh by the present rise, but at Tidionte, °teapot's, White Oas, there Is coaidersble that will be moved, while at various points upon the river below Oil City, stlMlLVlalflities are awaiting shipment. The plan for the proposed suspension bridge over the Allegheny at Bor _lngram, hen been placed on exhibition at the Gregory House at that poi*. tie dimin alone, style, and general artistic design, it rivals the Niagara Suspension Fridge. The cost is estimated a&130,000, $20,000 of which has already been subscribed, and the citizens of that Irony. as well as the farming country ying back of the river, and in Butler co ty, will be much benefited thereby. The city was alive laist night with the news of a three 'hundred barrel well on the Chicago tract. The superintendent, Judge Guthrie, informs us that the well in quintion is on LWIWO 13 on said tract that it was doiug about 24 barrels a day, but was torpedoed by Roberts and start ed up yeaterdty„ Hoeing at the rate of 250 or 300 barrels a day, but how long it will hold out, he cannot tell, The Chicago and Pittsburgh tract lies mid: way between Rod Hot and Bliamburg. Well No. 13 on the Chicago tract near Bbamlitirg, which has produced oil for some time at therein 40 barrels per day, was torpedoed on Monday, after which preparations were made to resume pumping, when It oommeneed flowing, and has 'Moe flowed at the rate of nearly 400 barrels every twenty-four hours. The Mating is all in the well, and all the tubing, with the exception of one length. I It la known as the Poggitui welt, Corontt'■ !agent Coroner Clawson held an inpnest yes terday on the body of Wm. C. Craig, who died soddenly in the lock-pp on Monday evening, an account 101 which we published yesterday. Dr. Regan was sworn, and testified that be was called to examine 'deceased, and from an external examination was satiefied he died of congestion of the brain. Mrs.ilonora Rally testified that sbe eaw deowned at abouthalf-past one o'clock yesterday anerticion,at the cor ner of Wood street and Fourth avenue. Saw him subsequently near Patterson's livery stable. He wee stagnating and fell there. The police officers took him into the Mayor's office. Mrs. Catharine Dermott testified that she never saw deceased drunk, though she bad seen him occasionally take a glass of ale. She was his slater-in-law. This closed the teatimouy. A verdict of death from congestion of the brain was rendered. Deceased was about thirty years of age. He was born In Ireland. Had been here about nine years. = There lea house on First Street, All", ghany, which seems destined to beconie famous In litigation annals. It. is men. pled jointly oy the , Heldentelter and Marker families. The relations between them seem to be anything but pleasant. In times past thry baio had numerous Nolte and private quarrel' which did not come beiZre the monist ` st' atm . Just now j the point of dillereu In regard to two certain doors in the h cue. There are common entrances f both families. One desire.; to have. them krpt open con tinually; the other as strenuously Insists upon having them shut. Already two or three suits have been instituted to settle the metier, but It seems as far off an am. foible adjustment as ever. Yesterday the latest of the suits wiut entered. John Ileldenfelter appears as- prosecutor against Charles Merker, charging him with disorderly conduct—all about the doors. The accused was arrested, and after a hearing, hold (or trial. So the mooted question la at hest to bo settled in the mons. The ease came up before Mayor Callow. Caught a Tartar. Mary Shur made information before Justice Ammon yesterday charging bar bustuind, Conrad filbert, with sauna and battery. Conrad, it would appear, Is eh her an 111 tempered wretch or else he Is a victim of circumstances. Ile has had two wives In the space of • few years, both of whom have been ebusod by him. ills first wife pat up with his Inmost ul. ties as long as it eras poulble to bear thom, aud then, rather than go to law to have her • rouge redressed, separated from her husband. About Pour months since Conrad was Joined In matrimony with hia present spouse, who it appears ha Inert endowed with a little more spirit than hoe predecessor, and when Conrad. a she alleges, made an assault , upon her and but her over the head with a beer Owe and chair she appeals to the strong arm Of the law for protection. Conrad was held to b t u i n t h e p. m of Fop for his appearance at court, and in default was committed to Jul. A Waver net ytt that Mr. James Hall and his wife Houdin residing in Patton township, are M. pa . rents of ten /00C—no daughters—end the cry le still they come. The neighbors contemplate, when ' the number reaches a baker's dozen, petitioning Congress for a township of the public lands on which to colonize the family or nameable gad Stalwart boys. The neighbor - Who la Our Informant sae the boys have all been taught the Republican creeds av they ars contained In the Pittsburgh Oszsrrn. PITI'BIIIIAGH 'Limy GAZETTE: THURSDAY MO,RNING, MARCH 31, 1870 N. E. ANNUAL CONFERENCE =1 JoIINSTOWN, March 26, Ib7o Tho Chitral Extol:Won Society held Its anniversary last. evening. It was very largely attended. Rev. Thorn presided. The survives were opened with prayer by Rey. W. A. Davidson, alter which dresses ware delivered by Revs. C. A. Holmes and A. S. Kriett, the Bocretary of the Society. A collection of one hun dred dollar wee lifted. The singing, conducted by Rev. Burt, wee grand.. The Conference met this morning at eight o'clock. A report on temperance was presented and adopted. It la strong, favoring legal prohibition and pledging the Con- ference to act prudent efforts to secure this. The vote on lay-delegation was lake"' yeas 14;, nays 65. The following places were put in nom. (nation for , the seat of the next Confer. once: Cambridge, kleUounellsville and Steubenville. The last place was select ed by a very large vote. At o'clock the memorial services In the case of Bishop Thomson ware held. Rev. R. Hopkins conducted the open• ing Beryline. The 10alat hymn was offe sting, atter which a solemn prayer was red. Bishop dines then addresaied tbe Con. ferenoe. His opening paragraph wee the following "The fatal archer Mishit • shining mark. A good, useful, noble chrlstlan minister hue Mem' , In a similar strain ! the Bishop proceeded to give an outline of Bishop Thomson's character and life, closing with reading a few passages from a letter written by Dr. Logan, of Wheel. le& who wee present when the Bishop died. The hymn beginning. . I would not ll,e always,' wusung, with most subduing effect, - to the tune of Il me, i.e t home Dr. Co : give au account of the early life o f the Bishop. Be said that they had spent- their boyhood together to Wooster, Ohio. The Doctor said he was present at the baptism of young Thom. eon; he was bemired by lenmersion, in deference to his parents Who were de. voted members of the Baptist church. Dr. Lb: pale a fitting touching tribute to the memory of the friend of his early days. The venerable Father Boyd, made • few very appropriate remarks. Ile closed by saying: am now old and I am hippy in the thought of memo meet ing loved ones In the better land." "The Home of the Soul" wee sung, during Which the audience was melted to team. Rev. T. M. Hudson 'poke most touch• levy and feelingly. after which Dr..E. Pershing made some remarks, followed by Dr. Harris, the Assistant Secretary of the Missionary Society,. who said that he had for many years been Intimately acquainted with the Bishop. The whole of those service. were peculiarly impressive mid solemn. At one o'clock we Marked—GTO" mountains Tor AI at --- o had finis claim care in w hich to ride, and the nom. parry was delightful, conststing of pregame, their wlveg, and other per son. who went by special invitation. Tho whole number was perhaps two hundred. - An boar and a half woe spent at Altoona insight-teeing. The day was not very favorable ' as a t ria dark and chilly.. Althea lathe growth of twenty years only, yet It claims now a popula tion of fourteen or fifteen thousand souls It seems to be a place of activity and thrift. The showed' the Railroad give tothetown much of its importance. On returning, when we reached Cresson It was snowing; down at Conemaugh It wax raining. All over the mountains the winter's snow is still lying. When we reached Johnstown, which we did about six o'clock, we all felt like giving the Pennsylvania Railroad and its gen tlemanly duperintendent,tdr.R. Pitmfrn, hearty vote of thanks. AMICUS. I =1 The following deeds were filed of rec- ord Cl the ofilceofThoe. H. Hunter, EN., Recorder of Allegheny county, on Wed needey, March 80, 1870: Wm. Roos and Isabella Rogan, Feet 101 l No Gln Regimens Reel (Nempisay's plan. Wit klas to gastmeatelebelemen . Clemer. Sept.., lot to by 1 - 2. lo Malcbley born $lO Mao to it oda Clem Wt. I, I Ma; let SO by PM V. In lame Isonntrb - aloa. Reality to deo.ll. Ross, 010 IR Isto; acres It Yaw. tp Fee elms. S. Bate. t./ Jobs Hateletbald, March M. 17:0; lot on Ravine 51 ward. rut e. JrJettslots.... et ex. of Yarsarret,t . bn Mclite. U taw by al'. on Ogees 0t... Ail gloomy Las. limit to 401.0 roam, April TA IStof Grano In /0va....... M. ... Anon W. Exile* , to BLiolito 1. M. Camolloll. Allortisll. OW: 40 per...lles Ixi Morainp of elle. uxi . . 11773 wage rtrebes of land It kineu Oa% Ws. Groot to Hiram fubo., Dec. al, MC saws alaDort al %11 rater rettr , lber to It A, J. Val. Oct S. 1511: lot 1,0 or GO ft.. Centro at., Gil war:, rats . al Ka tlotloln ►lrt Yrrto Jacob pallltr. Nov. H. H.: 1141.1 h IU 11-...llnarnalp M A7Ant:=o.l4=ll,J=7:t leglnar $3.108 RH. 1111wnnoln Is J V. tnietn. H. nalint Mtn 1111 IL no Marloa Gat ward. rAtUD. it It • ==2 °MIA, Housa.—The audience M the Opera 'louse.. last evening, although comparatively large, was not tench an one as the character of ,the. entertainment warranted in this city where histrionic talent is appreciated. Mr. Divenport. appeared In the "Stranger," • piece about which there Is a strangeness wholly.pacullar to itself, and one which the fewest number of actors have atm ceeded In rendering event possibly enter taining to the patrons of the drama, and among that number is Mr. Davenport. Ells rendition of It last evening was equal, and, in some particulate superior to that of Booth. The support was excellent throughout. "The Honeymoon",which formed the after pleog was exce edingly entertaining. Mr. DavenpOrt'a reading is superior to moat actors, and Is not too conceited of his abilities to read the lines is given by the author. To-night "A New Way to Pay Old Debts" will be presented. Bat Boys. The Elwood ward In Allegheny is very unfortunate In the posseselon of some members of Itei event le community, who bring disgrace ape; the general chem. km of the fraternity. Some of these precocious yoUthe have been annoyibir • grocer on Federal street, by stealing apples, potatoes, oysters and other articles and groceries, which he has been accustomed to exhibit In - front or his establishment during business hours. Wearied out at last.he has determined to rid himself .of the annoyance, and yesterday mad*. information before Al derman Bowden against several of the depredators. Warrants were issued, and when arrested it Is proposed to make examples of them. The quiet ',amity. -It Is a rather unpleasant' family re. relatiou to have a eon-in-law who la easily Irritated and thinks nothing of floariehing a gun and - threatening to Malmo of himself and all his wife's relations. • 13130121 Is said to be the peen. Ilarity of John buoy, son-in-law of William Miller, of Allegheny ; at least an Information to that effect was made before Alderman Irwin yesterday, in which John was charged with disorderly conduct: , lie waaarrested. At the oflloe a family consultaUon was held, which resulted In a withdrawal of the salt, John paying the costs. Coln=Wed. Julius Sigworth made Information be nne 'JOBB*" i , mmon yesterday, charg. log Jacob Spiker with disorchulioon duct. The pnisecritor is the proprietor of a saloon In Hut Birmingham, and he alleged that Spikes came Into his ninon and drew a loaded rirrolyar, which be used In a threatening manner, fight• log persons in the house of the dopo• nent. Spikes wee arrested and a fine of twenty-live dollars and costs Imposed on him, In default of which be was coin. milted to jail for thirty days. The spring Stock el Beery (r. Male, Merchant Taller, at comer of Penn avenue and Sixth streer t la now large and complete. Monsieur Sonpaine cos. Unties to preside at the cutting. tf The Oregon Breerery has long been noted for Its excellent brewltuts, but never did It torn out such excellent cream ale as Pier, Dermala W ON are now producing. • ' • nusimEss NOTIVES The Leeks' Sonde Ultib, of New York. rroently changed that. ' amnions from So liar , prrearetione and Ylotpla Banishers. Thal deslarl tb" when oaten had not aaelowed theta with beauty. It was their rhtht—yea. Mier duly—W look It where they could. No they all voted that Okp atolls haler overcame 11111.1101•10•114 Itogh 1111. ••• nlestaarks, and gave to the coed:della. • moat d4etu a u . tooruttato sod =able dike ar. W•sts•aou(daagaroat to wee. mit daabtliSod test L.yow.• X•thILIF011 'Mr bolt Gr ow Bab. ~,,, pr„..wd at arum tamales gray. It the proprietors Or lima* Widen QM Pot send the stater. an Invoice they Ara sot man. == C°"e•Pohdenee to the Plttshereh Et asette•l . . . ltdinnLerowsr, Vt, March 21, UM. To one wearied of the prosaic sight of metropolitan piles of brick 'and mortar. It la a pleasant relief to seek rest and recreation in rural scenes, even during the rather chilly days of early spring. We have around us here, In varied at tractiveness, valleys, bills, mountain heights, streams and woods enough to Interest the most lukewarm -admirer of nature. Beautiful oven In winter's dress of ice and snow, bow much more so must this country appear when clothed in the living green of summer. Spring, with its welcome smiles, has not yet begun In earnest to dispel the traces of the hoary king, and the deep incrustation of snow will no doubt receive a goodly number of additional dcposPe before the melting period arrives. still, the days of sun shine and clear skies bring a most acceptable respite from the snowion= with wLich we have been abun dantly visited for SOLO time past, and wis ball them as appreciable harbingers of win. ter's approaching exit. In the mean time, phllosopher-like, one must make the beat of circumstances, and derive as much comfort and pleasure is possible from wintry surroundings. To be able to extract-from nature's scones an Intel lectual and artistic treat, as well u a moral lesson; to feel as though every object viewed was endowed with a per. senility, not, indeed, that every stream and grove and hill and mountain has • presiding deity, but rather that all things have a voice, like that Which this Psalm ist ascribed to the heavens when he says, "They declare the glory of God," is to be able to appreciate nature In the Green Mountains at any season of the year, and to feel that time is not ill spent in study. lug It, even now when shorn of vernal luxuriance. Contemplated with facili ties thus enlightened, Nature becomes a glowing treatise on the wisdom and good ness of Its Divine Author; and then, too, such.meditative reading of lilehandiwork calls forth the better feelings of human nature, and touches the chords o I the heart with gratitude and evokes songs of praise which join chorus with the inanimate voices around. There Is much to interest and Instruct as well as amuse among the Green Mountains. The leading phenom ena attic polar world are presented to us on a small scale within the circumscribed area of any of these snow-covered moan tain summits. Tho same specific rocks along which Perry and Ross and other Arctic navigators coasted in the unknown sins of the north, here crop above the sur face, and yield by their disintegration the same kindof vegetation. • Although none of these peaks reach the altitude of per petual snow,yet large snowy muses, smoothed an d hardened Into the come. tence of glacier-ice, not unfrequently re• main in the shady hollows far into sum meronidiemilid one of frozen hills, in --rialeilature, of Spit zbergen and Greenland. In the horns circles and social re•unions of the hospitable people .we study the habits and characteristics of a country to which we are comparatively strangers, and it is difficult to realize -that with such quiet, order loving citizens originate those "great moral ideas" and agitations which we are so reedy to ascribe to them. Apart from the attractiveness of its ear. rounding', this little mountaln.encircled village ha other aid more practically, advantageous claims to notoriety. It hu of late years becomes fashionable water ing resort. Here are located the tele bested Middletown Springs; and bent annually assemble multitudes of fashion's votaries and health banters. The springs, -perhaps a dozen in number, are near the little river that winds through the vil lage. They consist of three groups, all lying within a range of half a mile. The chemical components of the waters differ very materially in the different springs, although the medicinal virtues of nearly all hare been substantiated in their &dui. ability-to many of the Ills with which offering humanity is visited. The latest evidence of their increasing popularity is manifested iatheerectlon of a magideceat hotel, •upon which some Arty or more workmen are now employed to hurry It forward to completion for the coming summer. Oar brief sojourn among the Green Mountains and Witlithe good people of Vermont has beedcharacterized by much that wilt be pleasing to remember, as well as an experience with snow storms and Armagh:au weather that only make us more contented with a home in lees frigid latitudes, at least until the heated days of . I summer have arrived. Currort.. —At Chicago, loot Tuesday night, an old man, over eighty years of age, was. arrested for attempting to ?Olson his daughter and two grand-children. He had purchased a box of nut vortical. and aroma after midnight and was about to empty the poison In a dish of potatoes prepared for breakfast when his grandson who had followed prevented him. • —E. A. Alexander, iondo•law of Mr. Vanderpeyden, the wealthy farmer, murdered neer Troy, N. Y.. last week, has committed imickle, after °Palming he committed the deed, which he had meditated fora , year. Additional Snorkels by Telegraißi. New Ont.:writ, March 30.—Ootion nominal, with middling at 21.3‘022e; sales of 2,800 bales; receipts 1769 balm; exports 8,494; stock 19082. Flour at 5 1 , 26 , 6, 75 €41. QOrn firmer with sales white at 95c@fl. Oats 601362 c. Bran 51,20. flay mutter at 827.50.- Pork dull .1121:1,25@23,50. Bacon 15%@18%c. Hama 17,4(it180. Lard dull: tierce 14X Wax keg 15%@)17e. sugar quiet t prime 10% ®lie. Molasses quiet: prime not fer menting 85e. Whiskey and Coffee are unchanged. Sterling 121%. Et:ITAL.:), March 30.-Cattle receipts for put 3 days 1.848; shipments of 81 can over Erie -road and 23 over Central. Market firm but quiet males 600 head In cluding 78 extra at 58, 859 good this. at 87%06%, and 547 fair at 17@iN- Hoge: light supply and a ahade firmer without quotable change. =EI PIII—On Wednesday morn.na. between IS nd I Wbl elocks.e. JULI. SEWER, On, In the 18d jeer of Ma age t take place from Pk late residence. Ale 338 Llorey Meet. at A r. ta.. March 31st. Priem& of the family am far, ctfa!ly Invited to attend. UNDAIRTAKERS JOSEPH !NEWER b. sON, orcomwrlkisEat" Nu. al rants nail= Carriages for rainerala Varairbed al: • UOIVINCI •all 'Funeral rnral.bmtst ai 4d Mag. JOHN fiL,MOPEB, a CO. Bell tilt Brass Founders, BIHM, MICONOVIIR a< !MIMI ELI BRASSES Made Promptiy to Order. 13ABBIT'8 METAL Made, Ind Kept on Hand ovimmo and Jianufactaten et J. )L Cooper's Improved Balanes Wheel STEAM PUMP. 018e°, 882 PENN STREET. reasdrh Ver. Viand &Ulnae Stretti, =MOM pnorossus FOR SOLDIERS' lONURENT. rropeesle (or the erectlon of the All Colgate Soldiers• Monument (to be erected on 9 ondenr7 Hill, All 4 gheey.l will be iscelnd at the °Mee of the iudireldned. No. 64 000 " 'teed. (where the plane, opecllle dices son sm. linen of stone am be meal ap to drag' 1624 INTO. The contract to be aerated to the lowest end tent elide?, A. L. PLAIISOOL m►m: O►olrman or Boildlog Coons Moe, U. J. 4.0a8! ITEE2=I FULTON MUNN; L.B.Acrricsx.. PIALINCESMIIB cum AND STEAM ierrraas. MA A . Near Ilill etrisA. - • PIIIIOII7IANN. PA. Leal Pipe, Om Nom GM 'res c.ll, Il•th tabs ale W ee eases. l Oe P1P.... Mame Me eat Beer pamp ter a sae I* awe Gaels slam De bend. Peale end Pavan 8... 11 .1.0 MX.% 0. $3 iikELTQ - 331163, kiln of We!glitz ud $0.5 P,URTH AMP., Pittsburg whims C' at ECM& SOO bolts Gosh. r Wiese: NEW ADVEIITISMEE NTS FTII LIST, 1,470. Apraje 4, TIONs to sell l Poora. Cod In tin Clerk's Pittsburgh. Going Free, tavern, let ward Owen Hughes. tavern. lit ward. Patrick meta...ugh, tavern, in ward, atrlek Kenny, tavern. tat ward. . . liottlesboilary. rovers, lot ward. Chas. P. Mule, cyan, lit ward. • *sm. Pollock. tarirn,lst ward. Oath. Jones. tavern. Id ward. B. Remark, tavern 14 ward. Jos. Bender, in 000000 war d ant. , Jo.. Burk, tavern 24 . 11. Arab. layers. 3d war.: le. Gruber, 000000 3d ward. Kobt. Lyons, other good., 34 ward. Han. Mahan. tavern, 40. ward. Joan We boner, tovern, 4111 ward. Zell McCatlioa, tavern. Sib ward. Rohl. Camptmli tavern 4t/s ward, S. 11. Waldo. 8 . C.., Parer.. 411 ward. Rd. McGarr. tavern. Doh ward. Pen Drlenoll, tavern, Ito ward. Ann Miller other good., Bth ward. g., 111 ward, John *Uses tavern, Wit ward. Malanall Jobssloa, other goods, 111 ward. Jame. Wien..., Wen. 4th ward. Ondolob s r 7.1, tavern. 9111 ward. Frith Menlo. saver., 91,1. • ard. Wm Reid, tavern, 9.l ward. ru. 01.1. ward. gAse j ilt?l ° ,llll.% " . ;1. ward. .. Coo. Ewing, tavern, 9b ward. F. Weber. intern. 1011. ward. Join MeCamerldge, tavern, tote ward. Maud. Ile Retry, Jr . other ttoods, lOtts wart. Pastel Mcßride, tavern, llr b ward. Toot Ga'lasiber, tavern. 110. ward. Ikna.aontrek, eating Snag, 110. ward. Jun Counrll7. rawer., Mk ward. Allah. loholta, tavern, 13111. ward. Ann Bulltrao, Caren. 11 1 th ward. 4.1 Phelan, tavern. 111tb ward. • Ann Beissett, tavern, 16th ward Jonllonsuct. tavern. 141.1. ward. tumble, 14th ward. Mich. Berger, tavern. 1811. ward. P. J. LAnts. nth wArd. • Anthony Happy. ta rrrr r 180, ward. lintel Reardon. thy.7o. 11111 ward. Anthoni Kugel, eating hours. 181 k ward. James ey, tavern, 18111 ward. Peter McWairtor. tavern, 11110 ward. - Chas. Werf, near.. 1711. ward. IS ...CI Lcrty, 17tla ward. . Bunt tltelfel, . 1 tk ward. Mica. Leech, tavern 19th ward Pater Hamm, tavern, Aid ward. • , Allotkosy. John Canoe, tavern. let ward. Joon Irloteksr, eating house, let ward. John ILdrion., tatloghoure, lit ward. Oro. Lamy, raven., Warrant. • John WWI, tavern, SO ward. Clam C. Bolt y. tavern. ad ward. Leonard liar., tavern, talreu. 31 ward. Jon. J. Worker, tavern, 7d ward. Chas. Hybris, , 34 ward. John IS, 'or, tavern. 3d ward. M. Oeler, . 3d ward. Jaajlehioner. tavern. 3d well. John Schott's, tavern. aaward. M. llaptavern. 3d ward. Chat. ela a, irser, laver., 3d ward. •nder un Wily., tavero: 31 ward. I lariat. (lent. tavern, 31 ward. Jaredguy. •. Jos. lahloser, raven,, 34 'ward. 3.1 ward. H. Bort. eating house, 3d ward. li. Herat, eating loose. 3d ward. Jac Rosencraws, gd,411 31s1 ward. Wm. Weasel. tavern, 4th ward. Ellen It.fer, tavern,4th ward. Jain Wyker, tavern, 411 s ward. • Caret tobnosubach. , 41. ward. Than. Berg,. tavern. 4. 11 ward. Jam IL Buettner. tar..., 4th ward.' tinsenschYsit, tavern, 4th ward.' Adam Ulmer. tour.. 4tb re• 41. Wes. Heldman, tour., 4.4 ward. J swab Rag, 1,, other good.. 131. ward. Photo Wagner, talent. ward. Hama. 1..1.1, tavern, 11l ward. Ch.lo. Jar... tavern, 711 ward. Jacob Bus, raver.. 7th ward. Peter Nisch... tavern, 7th ward. Job. J. th Incr. tavern. 7th ward. Boromiglan. John Acke ta•en,Birmingbast• Jacobtavern. rolnelngton. Won'. Mark. tavern, Binolngham. Jacob Rail. tater., Birml.gbaso. has Debor.fa. Blown:ham. Bich toe. •r, Oyes.. Bloningbam. Wm. Davis, tavern„Binalsgbarn. V. Maude, I II•ri•InglIon• • Mary Price. cone bone. Biraningbarn. C. t Braddock. John Cale.B otdock. II Leery neon., Kat r t Birmingham. too's. Eel., taven., Last Binningbant. • John Zoller, tavern. Rant Oirmisgbum• M. bcheidemastel. tavern. Last ltinstegba9. F. S. iwort. tavern. Last Ilinologham.- J:ti.mmos7 rrrrrr tail dlrmi..hays• •ag. Baker, layer., lasi Blamhorbon. Adam Jac, tavern. East Krtniagbasn. Ern.. Hamar, eating flown, S. Blon•vgbarn. 11. Wilhelm. *Attu hosoe, La. Blonthenm. P ed. tied.tob, tavern, glitabeth. Christ Baker. tavern. McKeesport. Cub. Kell, tavern. McKeesport. Jan. McAlister, tar.. a, McLo croft. breastSeu tavern, Mellport. Ilsi eat'g 11.0, IgelCumert. I. D. Lnosay, other tar yds. MoKeuport. If • 1 1 .norr. r rr r /I.lnbe. John wearing, tavern. coon Pitl•burgh. Pour Misters, tar ca. tlearrialnarg. Penn's Healer. tavern, elkarpaberz. (Au D. Biota. laver.. sthrOP.. Jo.. Prod....h. talon., Slurp...re. Michael Bauman. T , Ithypsburg T. J. .I.tlardsow. 0. sr emperanceville. A. IL Illnudoo, taven,Unten. Jame. Wep IL tavern. Unto.. Jobe Mattes, taunt. Union. Adam W • lovers. West Pittsburgh. W. B. Luis, eating honor, West, illuinth. Towstahlp• • vim. Franey. tavern. Baldwin. , And- ew Miller, tavern. Indiaas. • • H. Shope... I . Indlana. Yates... Mt. tavern, Ellibuck. Jests Proms, raver., Lower Br. cm, Jacob Ott, tare.. Lower Rt. Clair. Lehr. Hoffman, terms, Lower *t. Cher. . Barba.. Alyosyy. tavern. MIMI.. • • - H. Outdoors.. raves.. II SOL Jame. Vanes, tavern. Mat:lure. J.h. Hoene., tavern, McCietre. Charles Kin.. . Leon. clan. Oortsey. thvern. - Boes. James Herd, laver., Start o.illueriets, Bro. s Ca_ tavern. wadi,. lien W. Boyd. Invern. CRUM. Clair. . Pled. 8.5.. 1 Vervain.. The Lleenw &Ord will bear the above mull. uthras ors PLIWAT, the Ilk day of April. /874. at 9 e'clork A. o. butlers BROW Mk- nerd' PLANING L KEN AND OTHERS TAK . NOTICE The ruder-alga 4 aka letters patent of the Unita( Stair• fo the Improved constructlon of weather-Os . ..ran , Isolde Ilona gad of warns- Cell ex ter ton . The weather-boarding. all. patent tenor ...oral, being mon eartlealy. ly latesoled for 'vrylcal use, eat comblethg esnatdurat Ility and beulty of appegruce; and It te so constructed as to entirely ..veld the ue of Joint *trio., tad to prevent water inon enter. Ng the Jolnt., or the gaping r the allowing of eke 'Huts by Retro. Of the weather et Omits her. Inside lining and wainscoting by 0110 new method are go scuts...led as to hum perfect panel. as cheaply as by the ordlaar7 Rooth, iyardh alone; thereby ricer... Hug the &bowleg of the Jolts froY_any unite. and leaving no uns for hug.. . a has also raroebased tkepatent right of whit I. commonly know.. the ".110.140g Weather. bearding. , ' • He lee dloyoed of tae following territorial sad Blourigki• In Allegheny county. BY heti pat ent., to To IL A. M.nderlf, the right of the PlUlthry 0•01.1 e •f the rPro•tasnid unary. TolgolJoewan • Douala... the right for be Pint ward of rittalnrga. To Moire IDuel... shop 000 BY their settl, Stuoentb warn. Pittsbarrobs. To Hill, Palserson Ca, shop rights fee their 1.147. w A 1 1,17; 1 iTa To Parker . * Put. for THY, Seco. r, LION and Avalon ward.. 0,17 01 A1N.11.7. - To /Yee Brothers,suo r , alt at tbelsrlmill 8. ward, ell 7of Allegheny. • To Dua.am, Sant I Co. for Me boughs of Shausbure sold Lisa; •110 th e tewnshlpe of sealer and Indium All person. are war./.1 &taut Infringliag upon either of said patents. and Mare wl.bing to pow ban will please calL or agar... me, ai Ho. 711 Smitharld strut, Pltlshargh. Pa. J. C. ARDIIIIBOII. PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WOKS, SCOOONNMER it SON, • PROPRIETORS, ll►oahetuKn of WIIITE LfisD, YID LEAD, SLUT. LEAD, LINCS, LITHAIIUN. PUTTY uol all colors OILY AND IN OIL. OFFICE! AND FACTORY. 4N, lif,lil, 466 tuid 08, Man itrett, El 2== Wa call atalattost to WO guarantee palled on oar Strlctly Pure WWI. Lead, and when we say a ••purer carbonate of Icad." warm.. ••charal early pare.• that to, Ikea nom Acetate wad Orate, Old therrthrt Is whiter zad thank., both In color and earrrthe property. UtrArthIITSISD to be • parer Carbonate of Lead and whiter than any In the market, and oft forfeit the mica of Ugh package It coital.. log Oro lout adialtentko. • CHOICE AND RARE CONFECTIONS, FOR' PRESENTS, AT GEO. HEAVEN'S, 112 Federal Street, alleglkasie .e1:.711 PUBLIC AIOTICE. Basing bran appended OAS and GAB NNTNN LISSIMOTOIt Dr Allegheny Coast), settee la hereby given that nista the seeessary ogles lad IleehsaicafTeatlag Mseki..7 can be prvetded, I will be teand at the orris or TIM 'NA TIONAL TOUNDOT AND MY% wows . TwentiPthlrd street, sear leaf, Pillabenah. R. MUM. ===n= I=l 3E121g.00TT.41.r.... GRAY & LOGA.N Have motored des di lIIXTII 1111111111 S, .er - 89 Fifth Lyeaue e paid improve:meals as old stead we ample. unt. JOHN T. GRAY House and /Him Pad War, CaitAirmat situ GILAZgag t No. till NI fellrlit (I+l4 Bead stnist..llrUtabwitty, Tarniik RUBBER " L BELTLIIII, KOBE LID STEM Plank/ of Ho Saba Salting COooaalas Auk% A foil mow of all alga. The gado sopplled a/ masa lsoto/sto paloo J.•B. PHILLIP% mar/1 Agoals 'or this ofvf. NOTtaga—..lb7Le4" "Pbr Cbt Ir, ..Lose,"..Wunts,""Pmq.d," olloording; ,, not exceeding FOUR LINES, st di be inserted in these oottanna once . fin TWENTY-FIVE VENTS; each addl. tinned Line FIVE CENTS. WANTS. WAPTED.—Two Girls to sort Ron. Apply at. 111.8./Nle.T•ti Basket Tastery, 143 Pre.m3nt street, Pleaaant Valley, •Ilesbeny. Basket. of All kinds wholesale and re tail. Cheap for mob. WANTED.—A young man that • vodel•stsod• thrtdcolog and earn of llortet. ALA TWO (11111.8 to do /network In town or count , y tt plates. Enquire at 63 FEDERAL 6TkelfET wa , Alit-Cony City, recand Noon If/ IXTANTED.-30 LADR.• • v REM to workon r Actiatlont. Warns ttr n sc . r , ;l , l7 , .. Also, 10 C Alll'B. A p ply at 163 J )1.6 MANIA ANTED.—Two or Three BOONS sellablefor Hotckeeplog. Address Boa 1.. UP. odic,. a-Z. , WANTED.Fifty Coal and the Miner, no odic+ fee to pa. and fare paid to tbe mines. Pavers' Gala are w an ted (or elty and country. Apply at Empforment Oftlet, No.l SUM s tr eet. ➢Prat door loom atm:tension B.tdge. WANTED. - MORTGAGES. - v. . . 00.000 to Loan In large or small amounts. t a fair rate of Interest. THOMAS E. PETTY. SW, Bond sad Beal Estate Broker, No. 179 thalthleld street. LOST OST.--Osa Friday. March 25, LI between Port Perry and Metteespoit on We Week or the Connelsville Hallrond. a rocK HOUK. eoelainlon shoot ..O In NloNt7 and a pored wry Note on hannown Myers tor PO. Any one tout said rocket Book will be liner. rewarded by_ writing to Co., XL EVAN', Irwin Mallon, Westen° an d Co., is 3-n TO-LET riTit . .7l;7l,F.u,.r.rt,s,g.""cigs TO LET —A new HOUSE of room: and V{ a^ree or ground at Fleming btatlen. 7 tulles om Pittsburgh. on the I'. I , • W. &C. It. 11.. and r•nt low. Inquire at MI Federal It . Allrgbeny. d9oroli • 0-LET.-1 ret-class 'STORE ROOM, N. 43 Mk; street- Allegheny, a r. west . f the lNarn nd; also 4 ROOMS over odd More room. Wlll b • rented separate or , t.• gether, If .1 tired. One of the ben boldness catloni la the city. Rent moderate. Inquire of W. CARSON, 140 , 460 Ohlo street. rllO-LET.—ROOMS—Fernished 1 or UN YURNIPHEN. with Ont.elaaa bused £l.o.t f e w 7 DAY DX STKEET,Alerhenl. a DAY BOARDEILI accommodated. I nqulru on the perm's.. . 473 FOR RENT.—The Three Story BRICK WARKIIOI.B2 In Church alley, rear of No. 110 Wood street, formerly trtcupled Ny Wm. Illundorf A Co. aa a Broom rnctory. Ingot/2ot W LANki (2. Z 4 No 172 and 174 Wood St. 0 LET.—One good Store room fromWV..lNti, No. 48 Ohloatreet. 3 r a . tt ‘ ralrlantond and next dour to Ift.allet lacings Bank. One of the tort locations In the ety. nent moderate. Also, 2 200118 in the rear of sald store room. Ingot. of marl.l2o W. CA ItBoN. 46 Ohio street. rmLET.—A Suit or Rooms omprirlog TWO Large, wed lighted Pont aon Wed - floor. Ulan large, well lighted Croat Room po arta goor. Om large Hall ltb two antmroonts on aka &car. One BLOM Roam, ant Door, Ng. IRE In .Rogalsb's mar Minding, Fourth avenue. For terms Maguire of A. Id. 11.NULIAli & (iO.. No. WI Fourth avenue. LE'r—A .Tavern Stand, No. P 3 Third wrenoe. Vomit Dwellings on 'filth avenue, Fine Residence on ML Waahlog . ton, Third animism Ball, Rooms and Ulises on Market street, Buetneot Nu. 77 nod 79 Third avenue, ' (JAZZ AM Co., Attorney. at Law, WS VIM avenue rrto-LET 2Sloryßrick Done I. Sitcoms, Attic,W ash Hinase,Oas end Woe, situate Nn. 111 v street. one Square from Clean.. Valley Soc. Can. Wait low. ' TO LET—llvelt Meuse of 6 Rooms No 140 sst y, near lialiormsn s' net, 34 staid. Oat, 919 per month. TU-L.ST-11 they Beck NooSe of 8 Rooms, 6th Gas , Watee, ac.. No. 149 aaaaa Meet, Rent low. 6th Ward, only one square from street cars. • • /or further 121 onamion.lPßlY 52 W. P. PRIM m 177 lUlamosd. Alleihm22 To LET. • -DWELLING . HOUSE. • Ma of tae ALM t balms lathe city. containing all MODERN UCPUOVENUINTS, Water mid Uas throughout. Thin house will be noted . rern low to a good pant. *VA, at. tiAZSITE COUNTING ROOM,. SIS NUM:Aye:me, got bartleolare. FOR BALE. FOR SHOW CASES Maguire al No. St/SMITHFIELD ST. 3-M1 II SALE—Allegheny County r ee WORIC HOUSE BONDS. $30,401.1 to on of 41.000 tech, rename th to els ree heals, with I eeeeee t at I per cent. Free lreat Slate sad county taxes. Apple to set OEO. ALEREE. Treeele: • • -)FOD BALE.—DWELLING. _ That three store BRICK DWKI•LING. utrabtr loestell. Nu. eel Ittree avenue. A t ralt i ol ' e L e r litTe:l:llll ' llera r ertwield Is all the room range In kitchen. Belari,sua seed on comer of liners alley. Is lemell I hted Yd ventilated. rot union Aprtl Lt. . JOHN D. BAILE A HBO.. No. 11 Y' 0 NeurlN avenue. VOIR SALE.—Eleptut BRIER HOBBS, containing 9 rotas, modern Mash. wlth Clas, Sanas. imd COW Water. Lot 20 by LIT.' situate on 44t0 streets This is a Flllt opportunity for loose destrior a handsome real dram T. It. nILL & noN. mournLLow BRICK HOUnit. rooms finish. emote on 4410 street. roue.- elms glean lot of Aprll. . . T. U. Slits SON. FOR !ALE. —New PRAISE HOUSE, 8 rooms. sttnam nor 3915 street. on !mailman street. Prieel9l,Boo. Esay.terses. • T. IL SILL A BON. Corner Pens Slid 331 street. • R SAUL-13101LICILVU LOTS IN ALLSAIRENY CITY.—I offer for sale host defied tut building iota. Moat. In the Second ward, Allegheny. on DeDltrthe Mak Wand and Obeeteatory avenue, adjoining tie Obserralory grounds. These Lots. arc part ot WiW , hblf MS/ acres. • plan or these Lads can be neon at n.y .tore. Do. 03 WOOD erlifttriT. The plan has also to en to:edged. Inch Lot hi a front lot, fronting on renysellie by road or Obseatorysloe. WS het wde 131derp. Tu e tots eget:ode lb. residence [ of .hlogion sod Waiter McClintock. Som. are A 4 th ITS •feet. Mott of the loh ue suld. flee dwellings h.e been erected sheath. Ver a.. Orebro. to leave the low 'rounds • and. swag edges can here god an opportunity. The locality Is one of the finest In the two cities. and but h. :nineties , walk frost the head of Heave. street; a board walk leads to the phAlieL The Arat% be v auty of wrenery and surrauddlogs are de, Tome et. 7: Prices low. Enquire of USU. I. DIITIC No it3Woodstriect, Plttabursh. or No. WED. e Avenue, Allegheny OW. VALUABLE FARB AND MILL PKIIENTI TUB BAT.E.—SIt Cantatas lim I” Station. Paahand.• Ballroao. lOO am*, is of welter, 001 Cleared; all under good fence; acre* of Coal. Toe Improvements an • 3 star/ flouring Hal with SI too of ram, to IMO order. MIII oar a large • oven.; In Rol op. owlet. Cottage flou so, 0 rootoa.Teaaal Honor sad large Barn. oo off Urr-OarO. Parties wishing to go tato a the ral Mug and coal basloors.tho abate pfesealf ran opOOrtuulty. Yelee low. Bal. mots rail. Apply to B.IIIcLAIN & CO.. man . 104 Vow* annual. VORICILE..—Eugines and Roil- A. ISM New and &coed Hand, of all hod. constantly on hand. Orders from all parts of the countrr promptly executed. -.UMW HILL t CO.. (Termer Marlon ATeantrand 1. W. •C. LW.. allenhenyVa. DERSONAL.--All persona seek. a. INO HOMES, or Meestusents In Seal Ka tale. •111 Bare time, trouble and motley by pr i 24 . 14. copy of the ••PITTYIBUBOH IS UKOISTER.” • Ma Mi. away altntlf oPra wil be root y/ M ll il sreat z loamy rega n th ti n ta g r 11 U ma a o m. a (OTT PH u LLPP, e • rob. Miran and Spat SHWA Agent.. No. 139 Youth Osamu. Viii:tiZP:MV:rIWDI pissinutiorr NOTICE.—No- Iog is bextby elven Manta Arm & LAINN was - dissolved by mutual ..eat &MD Ttb. 1810. • uxU. 11. LAINU. CO.E . AMEVIRVEWEII4S:S . : The utderii(ned bate 'lbis day formed _a Co.. Pim ab!P f the PaTese of enedwea g ices enB PRUuUO3 AND. 'COMM BBION Io NlBB. wader the arm same of LAING .1 Me- SALLIE". at No. 358 Pena Street. ' Late l gf i t a ab LA g & G 4 1 . 1.1. • 1.. & Late or U. K.& 00. Leeobberr. lta.scu TM. 1570. . ret82:144 HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA TED moult. b. CAIMIL mot JAMIZI BINGHAM for rile proe of traumealos a tIENERA I. PRODUCE A ND COMMISSION BURIN cos. under the name and otyle of DINO VAS. t/AIMIL A CO. Being thankful for pUt the am 1 *Gold respe ctf THOS. H. co SUMM AR ully aok • o lane nee of th sante. • . =Oa. D. 111.211/1m..15. WSW.. J. X. BINCIEWL BINGHAM, CASSEL It Produce Chnomilselos Merchant*, AND WHOLE:IUD DYAIDDS ID • Flour, Grain, Feed, Hay, Seeds, Salt, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY. Hydraulic Cement, Anthracite CALL 1105.161,166, :68 and 170 PEON rt., Lticti T. 1870. Prrrg"ll3%!l pe EMOYAL FREDERICK AMIIGHIIO3DIeIf, Maslow'Tailor Sod Dea'er lo Gestleikeres Iferobllos Goods; also (knee l= {Dd . Boys , mooing on hood sad mule to Wu at the' shortest obsloe. by removed from Ids lois Mood. No. OS Fourth , to Mo. WOOD STREET, corner of Tblrd avenue. mtas:•7o STONS COMMON, . Machine Stone Woeits, Pettairsat obnabg 01 Wart Coombs, Allebbeby. maws Arv&Tila & ach tlereo*Nad o,pbebbni as abort ut.es hearth Lab Map 51,01....T1ab, Par Bidswats, Viewer" ?Wm, ar. Head ukti Tomb Mom, 7blers braMPUT Iluatiest Trice. raw* WA*. VINEGAR, THE PITTSBUH6III VINEGAR • WORKS. . luau -& DANS, • 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now premed to IornistIVINEUAR CAM -LOWEnT MARKET DATA . /W.W.I. ear. "'manly Wk.] to our E4TIL9 WINE VINEGAR. :one FINANCIAL. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood SL, cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. 1311ADt.T.Y. President. W. ,VA N KUCK. Vice Presidcn4 oe9 d&P CYRIM CLAIM'S. Ju.. Cashier. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS DANE Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and LaeOck Streets. R. H. HARMAN, Pips Neat. Z. P. Yoolll6, Cadsler. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. Stockholders InvWoolly Liable. IITEBE3T ALLOWED 01 TINS DEPOBIIII TEE SAFE DEPOSIT CD. OP Z'I2`TE433U.ILQH. 123ZE1 Safe Keeping of Valuables, Under guarantee. and the renting of Uinta ltt Fire and Burglar-Proof No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. Priaideat—WlLLlAllt rnicilems„ Vice Preoldent-118111/gT LLOYD. DMII.C*CI/0: • • - • WILLIAM ['HILMAR, HYIL ON N. PAINTER. HENRY LLOYD, JOE. S. moresisoN. LI.LIA It REA. (MORON BLACK. WILLIAM M. 1.1(0N. CUILTLi U. /SUROZT. JAR. I. 11ZRINIVIT. UWTonao—ll. P. ON BOANORST. Open daily num 9 o'clutl. A. H o 4 oclock CITY 8.41/li. 112FilThATenue,Pittaburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 6100.000, ITOC6HOLD6III lIIDIVIDOILLY LIABLE. INTERENT PAID ON DEPOSIT. TUREION EXCHANHE Bought thd nolo, and when desired remitted I. Europe. Collection* made on all In. • rinntfdd Points of the United State- and Can 'O. Dottortca Innints, Crealdor L. JAW,. /Sheens, Viol PICSit.,,, W. N. Hondas. Cashier. DOIACTOttn. H. Ihmeen, J.eet Thomas Ronnie, Heel, Krattnn, Patrlth Kane, TerereeCampt, , j. Mae. It. Barr. • James Phelan, • Ch. Mut:in. H. A. Prerrole, a. J. Grath, Itionthaßarner. 1:16 N. Stuns. .1 JOS. M. ttAZZAV. Solleltor. N. HOLMES & SONS, Barr:S, 57 MARKET STREET. • FITTSIOTROII, P& GneeOova mane on NuT,M r .'"' Dw "in" of Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD UN 00111111 ZION. salonticular attention bald to the maim mot of tilalted States Securities. HART, CAUGHEY & co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, .1 Corner Fourth and Wood StreeU, rrrrantracia. PAS., USUOCIVICOrt TO HANNA, HART la,/ psasarna Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention to the rumba. COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. WALL PAPERS. NEW WALL . PAPER, .. 11)11 - SPRING SALES, 0 , AT N 0.107 Market St., near sth Avenue. We now offer to the public a stock or PAPER lIA N OllttlS unsurpassed to the West (or variety and beauty of styles, embraelag all the Novelties la /RASCAL MOSAIC, PERSIAN nod BEEMAN D i Dhalls, to plate and bright rotor,. for m/ts, D g Rooms, de. Also. WaOD and MARBLE COSATIONS, TINTS ) and DILE PARLOR PERS, with an almost endless variety of RAP SATIN rirms. WHITE and BROWN NHS for Lhawbcra, le. -All of w blob we pose to sell as low no the loweslia the market Call and see, at N 0.107 Market St., near sth Avenue. JOS. B. =OHM & IMO.. :11 wht2 ad ' ' 'WALL PAPERS. • SPRING, 1870. PRICES REDUCED. 40 INcn 6n whit hula at lac. Per roll. ILT—a great variety at Dec. p., roll. ittAZlatl—alliands at Sao per KLIEG laraT French .d American raper 11s.11 lamrtos not atm., auperlur to any a•- •ocol. In the country. For sale at W. P. ZIARSELAM.II New • Wholesale and Retail Store, 191 Liberty Street. nh" PITTBSUBOYI. DIIIRCHANT TAILORS SPRING AND SUMMER STILES! 1870. J. C. aCrmatsow. C. L. 3110111.1.1(13111141. MiPHERSON & MUHLANBRING, Merchantlora, No 10 SIXTH ISTRIEIf, well electedlr.) We time moatnce sod well Mock of tne beat and hallow. able Broods In oar Ilse. a `rent temuon of whiCal are oar own imponailo a. Peeling comment o aaaaa bilily to gin Derinet satlailialon. ream:Ml*lly solicit fr. m an early examlnaUon of our 0001 of Phu Cloths, "."...rep=t r IifUNIANIMIII44. male No. 1001010 West. NEW SPRING GOODS.. • • splendid lien stock Sol • CLOT'', 04.8811110EREB;S0N Put reditrad by MLIZY 111.1&T Eno sat Kandukan Tanis. TS 6m1111•14 sired& KEYSTONE POTTERY. B. M. KIER & 00., eueenswa Illaaufacturen dr - re. Brawl Ware, de. °Moe asal Warehouse 361 airoui orders proenei , • es. W.rillirr F • • IM, FISH. • 'resit Lake Beetles; •• We° Flab; N. 11. A and 3 Nockertl—all • SU Dalf• Lamas, oranial; Naekerel:' . fl • WATT. LAINI • 130.95, so.ll9laad Wood St NEW • flintLill:TJP. • , A [hake a mh rticle, pakvpl4 o2e Jam Ma n reelved aad tor j etr i p . - AIdIISEINIIWTS OPERA HO WE. THURSDAY ZVININU, Raven SI. last Ulg I but two of the ctletwate4 American. AIL E. k DAVENPORT, Fr width occaelou he ilt sewer to kis y Utica.tharatheethaticu o f SIH OILII3 OVERREACH. In Manthger's reef/weed Cesedy of A NEW WAS TO CAT OLD DIET& To conclude with the Comedy of Friday—Bene et of Mr. Davenport-1i UILX r. Dareoport Matinee on natureay. Box Sheet opene Tif is WORN IRO for sett- Seats for the ..aeon of PAREPA BM& LODI OPP RA. arrOURTH .W.AHD SCHOOL. MALL, Pgarn.tbrsza7.—teltAND OTM. MASTIC and MUSICAL lINTLILTAINMMMT. embracing 6allethenice, Gymaastles, *Mc ••t1 Millar) Drills and Tab'eang. 7 nets. Sue Performance commence at 54 to S 7. N. NgartAY and .THURSDAY • na4.7o:vig arGRAND EISUIBITION EISIM Pittaborgh GymnasticAssociatioff I= ACADEMY' OF MV IC. THEW 13 , 13111116 Mirth list, IVO A rare Programme will Da pretended. Dom, open al7, to commence at M. 1 Ingle, 60c, to De had at the Mode and Book 131orem nousr. (Dodo. and triumphant mean to PlDelis re it froin the most mccessfal Opera tour on record ul the PAREPA ROSA Grand English Opera Compan CARL ROSL. (Directress) C. D. Ursa O. de Vivo amities@ Z. Peseta Steam 'lasagne. Lett alitimarai to ofMme. Kirk ROSA. I l an for Ly Europa la Joao;ric •rthit of the age, prior to her des its POBITIVELY ONLY HI T.NIGHTS Cammenctrig MoNDAT UVENINII. Aplll 4' h. The Sr pertl clusalst bf 140.1 W . TROVATOR , MARC ,Sloa• eV. Ylnattr-Vriv,. (Prat time) MAILItIMIS Or rloa SO. trigs.... itschzelt) ROWS Or CAS) ILL.!, and Von We era Grand Opisra, (drat tame Is Iselish) F tretii4rds esta ta Tardnette. $11; DraraCir. ale, OA and $1 30, so:indium to 'mallet; Farah, Circle Cue , The, sale of grain Octets commeaces on Tn VESUAT, at 90'0'.00 a. n at •he lax Once of tee Opera Houma The ale (or slrgle sesta ea TIUDAY. • usbn:ao LIVERY & SAM! STABLES. ROBiRT H. PITTICSON & CO., coßzza 0, Seventh Avenue and Liberty St.. PITTBBOIIOII, PL Will on Every Saturday Ho:41 AN AUCTION_ SALE • • or SUSSES, .CARRIAGES, • BUGGIES, wAthaNt-i. , ar oat deVEtl=rjr=lears their notr wA r k e r l A u ri r %IL I / fore Tpan a y . da T nt [cation and Aolf car; :111 te g iven all Moor 13% . " [o m it, JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. J0ur67 . 11 rd . ll; . .",arai l l i ra) 1111 LW - Van - V. MKT-A:ire weer, COXIMSION STABLE 6 NIL BBVENTII MINE t bIBEITI ET, PIT rsistrucm, PA. iramn:n. 'LASS. CHIN.a._ QIITLXIir 100 WOOD STREET. wirEidiESWARE, Fine French CRINA AND GLASS. Sliver Plated Goods. DINNER AND TEA SETS. Tea Trays and-Cutlery. The best Importer( ,WHITS MUNN WANE ass COMMON GOODS al low prices. Ins E.' BREED & CO. Ma;,.4a,a2MLaUl,3 CHINA. GLASS - QUEENSWARE. A Page auortanato(new WU , and alum; Jost received. Alto naiad and Brlttanla Warr, Pans and rattan Warn. now opening .ad got Ws at very low prices at H. EaGint & CO'S., la= 189 LIBERTY STREET. LEGAL, TN THE MATTER OF THE p . pliestlon of Um MINX! WASTKIN MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN AEBOCIA• TION, of Piltdogh, for a I:barter of. Isoorpo• 041004 And now, to-wl.: this Arilb day of lebreary. A. 13.11370, tb: Within petition and Inclement of writing basin been presented in, Peruerd and examined by the Court, and the °by zeta. at - Melee and condition therein eet forth oedema talsed appearing to be Intel and not Inhirloe-. It is ordered and directed that mid licetrumeni of writing be riled In the oMe.'of the Prothono tary of the Court. of Common Plena, and that n sticeofsslel appliestion be Inserted la the Plitt burgh Daily Morning Gar arm for at least twee weeks. setting forth that ao applicatton ban been made le the COMIC!' Common Menet the Omni,' of Allegheny, to grant the said ”The Great Wee era Mutual !gilding and Loan Association, f Pittsburgh" i charter of lecorpornilon, nd that mild charter will be granted at the neat term et sa'd Court, noon exception be Wed lo proper time.. • BY TED COURT. S. A. BARB., Solicitor, EMI= a===M WESTEILN DISTRICT OF PINNBYLVANI A.' At Pttlehorgb, Ur , Al/th day .ef telt. A. D. INTO. . 26. enders Jibed hereby Alyce b.f.'. that or. .11.011.> order of C•ort, a seems Sl ..... I Wert ing Ma Credtters of ISUGH B. MURPHY. sa Bankrupt. ertll net held villas- oda • of .101111 IYOUVIANBIt. Beg.. Begirt.' In Beekreptcy. No. 818 Feder.' Meet, I. the Otty of Allrobsser. toe 1118 DAY' Or APRIL. A. 11..1570,es on HI A se.. for the peep ere basses/1a she SIM section of the Beetroot Art or Marsh A. 1507. ALBIN H. RAMEY. Assignee. mhXl , Attorney-At-Law. BD Brant Bt. pETTEII9 TESTANIEIPTABT. —AU penile* leterest ed will take nodes that It. ters testaaestary to the estate et P./BLn deeeased, have beau ',muted to Ite. andenlened Iteeeators. pereoa• haling elatteseatest the estate will tee.. Pre.. t them wi t hout detay. sae pers., k solvtaa the.- trivet Indebted wll. ;dew mats payment le the eadenagned eaecetors lamM &tete. • amk:a JAt33O 00V0DX. .7xeoators. at 510.301.00.. Pa. ' W. A. lAMB. Atharairr, at Pro. 03 pitaa.m2 ttrtat. Pittabarsb. Pa. ArktlN.Te Am.E'rTEREI ADMININTRA- TION oa the estate of If AMR WRIU- A. Lite Of . Alliltak•ny My. re. siestess bees srat.ted to , the tied e Wens& all Sl:i • nigra b l k . :a TlllO Lathe roltillettlatt West he O.O.O.liiPstisest them precuts se. l uWwt LU"k4 for "Mgra to IPIWIrar" a taba No. St,. Third /knew. s N th. se. lIIBURANOR C iABn INSURANCE COMPANY. esraudirs rrolunwa, MU' Avenue. Masud. raw. rrrraausea. ra. Capital Ali raid Jan Fora ItoLsla=t man TI am t Villa ell.. ""'". j". jr. to r ria "''‘ • a .r. 10 4 0 . I.I6ILICIZ.' I ficil Lamm im Lama Terms Agee. awl Mariam Mafia. ail Dire aolmm • • • WAGNER'S .1111 CH COLORING, Tie Bay Bat in the • MAXIIVACrOIitiD ST' WilEaasig WAGNER., 981 Xerth Scram; Strut, raudwziai6.. Lelemees-111 loadlag bss. la IllstM, deaplus. - • jotncpir 8. FINCH a. CO. Iss, um. um. us. us sus net rimer mar. rrritustrielf.= telgot DWlilea ihme• WasWe OlAIWas. Ilestats,sha INIZZION IMMO call Hors. .• . PEARL ALBS .- l 6 casks for sale by J. Jr. OAMITILD.