The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 30, 1870, Image 1

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Cdoe, 84 and 88 Fifth Avenue.
EDITORS IND rsocurrrons.--
1 1 7 aza4l, per year
Deltvertd try tartlets, per year
CDs littsirarit Gay*,
• A_Cist or piekles—s family jar. •
Ifistnen's census foots up 650,000:
Feat. appeosohing--the 7th of April.
Flumes teacha her 'tailors to sing, but
not "small."
LocierkriA crops never looked more
Clete W. Fula) Is repotted . to be
werth $5,000,000,
Tits colored militia of Charleston hold
midaight parades.
OUR dumb snimils—thosit who believe
in Bailey's honesty.
Ihicariswe favorite Undo Is 'al( and
oldltockand lager.
"Thinzasexasur COLD" weather is
prevailing at New Orleans.
Sem Chinamen in Frisco are buried
alive by their loving relatives.
- Naorso waiter" in Louisville smooths
their wounded honor with duels. •
Tin my of the -Congressmen, or what
ought ta be—My.offence ie frank.
Tu Inmates of the Richmond peulten-
Miry tunnelled ont the other day.
Vinarnu boasts a four year old girl
with • heavy beard and moustache.
Puncurnsm.o pays flee dollars per
Goleta' for prose and ten for poetry.
Ns* °Amalie children shoot each
other In disputes Oyer tops and marbles.
Tut Nebraska plan of exterminating
the Indiana Seto tomb the papooses `•Shoo
IL Lamle quirrat in New York ro
salted in the shooting of. the young
JlALoutrr Induced • New York girl to
bru7.lter scissors in the neck oU. her
Drintywrrao fluid didn't prove a salu
tary substitute for milk to a New York
A mien of Nsaby's bai dedicated to
him her modal composition, "811yer
A BALTIMOUILAN hill encompassed his
death by encompassing 'quart of whisky
NEW York beggars now make change
in silver when their patrons have "noth
ing bat bills." . •
Wu.xss says: 'lnen we next meet
Miami he will have to cross the street.
.Niue terror's." -
A corivryzar. party . in New Jersey ad
journed the other nlgbt by pounding a
member to death.
IDeraturr has retired on a pension.
Poor Mowl he has been hanging about
good many years
PIIriADELPIIIA wants street car fares
reduced from seven cents, now that feed
is so low. So do we.
lineman now rob and beat nnofend•
lag men at noonday in the most frequent.
ed streets of New York: .
Tiny have arrested a young fellow In
Philadelphia Just because he has lots of
names and as many wives.
A VIRMONT justice caught his son and
a neighbor's daughter sitting together;
and married them offhand.
A PELADELPHIA blacksmith struck
while the iron wu hot, and put his an.
lagonlst's family into mourning.
C./amts. Unso made nearly *20,000
!or the library by her Ban Francisco
bikels, and over pox* for herself.
Tax sliding of a bank on a Maine pond
took a max and team to the bottom, the
other - day. The wagon was" saved.
A.brascriux, In reply to the charge
that women can do no fighting in time of
- war, says his wife does nothing else.
Till jll(lidoas wagering of matches in
the straw of a Washington street car
caused its incremstion, the other day.
A Visually lady, finding this a cold
-world, has taken her infant and herself
tosmother, by means of strangulat'on.
A Nsw Cats►ae officer, to intimidate
a thief, Aired Into the air and succeeded
In bringing down an innocent citizen.
Won= sato Witm.rn is the title of a
new Boston periodical- devoted to social
rights, social duties and social progress.
Tax Custom House maoloyes of
Charleston have resolved their regrets at
the suspicions against a cadetship seller.
Pions youths, on their way to Sunday
school in Ban Francisco, think it hard
that the police won't let them stone China-
Pzienstivsieux has resurrected •
keg of butter placed in • well to cool
thirty years ago. It Is cool and sweet
A ucur Baldish critic says Cooper's
novels &hen boys' more than nine.
lerlha of the books expressly written for
A TAXA{ marriage notice closes with
the iratilyingannottnotment thal, the h
dy's first husband was shot for istrbling
stock. . • - 1
A Dona girl has been _wasting hor
!wen power on constructing a hundrrd
and seventy-one words out of Wash
A CINCINNATI publican, treasonably
burlesques Porter's navy by patting lihn•
self and all ills waiters in fall naval
A Dirrzorr markennan finds his world
ly store augmented by several' pocket.
hooka thrown away by *pickpocket when
A Lotosvitis man's reward for row
ing a friend across the river in the night
was drowning, through the friend's
Cansia.z.anna in Ban Fraud/co saloons
• Ifs varied by the participants chopping
'each other up with hatchets and cham
pagne bottles.
A. Waver I= ghost proved to be the
family cow, which had got Into the wood
shed and irrevocably inserted her nerd
Into a floor barrel.
A PRIZAD/CLPHIA clerk left his store
awhile, on a recent evening, and return
• fag found he had two dozen less revol
vers to dust and oil. • •
A. Mentz min has found a hat and a
coat in his house. Their former occupant,
a bander, went out through a window,
when he fired at him. .
Pram river, Indians, Is neatly as fatal
marriage as the divorce laws. Two
couples on the eve of marriage have just
been divorced therein.
Haug travellers rendered hatless in
passing front car to car, supply the dee.
Oulu at the next station by unroofing a
' 4 , ystander as the train passes.
Tau creditors of a Western barber,
who won $750 ln a lawsuit, sought hlin In
,IrAin, for "he had _packed his k it and
turned acrobat, with the city for a spring
Taw Oregonian relates that by the ex
.•-*edon of i bag of gas in the Oro Pine
Theatre, in Portland, recently, the mans
ger hal his right lower limb seserely
Brews merchants, all doing business
on the mine street in Ifs War, were lost
in the steamer City of Boston. They had
vane out to muchsso their spring supply
of kt,.
A Boarou paper remarks that "the
rage for annexation jot now is about
-equal to the desire of young men to be
admitted as
h partners of prosperous busi
ness ouses."
• A PZIZIE hu been founded in the nines.
ton Theological Seminary for the stn.
dent who, dating the coarse, shall sustain
•tha but examination in certain chapters
of the book of Job.
' Tarn Corry Climax Roarer Company
has failed and the sheriff Is fairly burden.
ed with executions against the concern,
amountingAthe aggregate, we tinder.
stand, to SM.OOO.
NEL Wm. and three children, from
wattkeir,wers passengers on the City of
Boston. Yrs. Sills husband was drown
ed last season In England, and she was
going back to her parents.
Tea Liberty Bose Company of. Whit .
. Pine, Nevada, sent an imitation
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President Grant to be present at . their
Wl' on Wadi neon's birthday. • The
President sentibis regrets.
f 3
A. VERYCi to bad his head, one arm,
two or three • egs and several ribs broken
during the t year by as many acci
dents. Be nudes himself that there
isn't much ofilm left to fracture.
A. cotonsirt preacher In Virginia thus
settles the itudiation question: "Er a
man got thsl oney, den he otter pay; .of
be ain't got d e money, den he orient to
pay. Dais de way I looks at it."
Wuzu I.lriownlow was in New York in
1854, under treatment for laryngitis, he
wrote home to his paper at Knoxville that
he was not sure whether he would recover.
or not. His uncertituda continues.
the newspapers—is to a Ithodel Island
literary gentleman. Can it be Senator
Anthony? Anna has a good many -lovers,
sad *or that sort of thing Just !like
other girls.
N. P. Routine, advocating the fleas of
minorities, says: "The majority •is the
most subtle, and, therefore, the most
dangerous form of physical violence; the
ballot is a threat of which the bullet is
the execul ion."
JAMES FISK, Jr , has niado a proposi
tion to the citizens of Brattleboro to cover
the entire burnt district In the village with
an elegant.block, Including an-immense
hotel, and a dozen or more fine stores.
Brattleboro hesitates.
Tue live Senitors who finally voted
against Justice Bradley's confirmation
were Rice, llcDonald, Spencer; ltsvels
and Cameron. All but the latter had
other candidates whom they were in hopes
of getting nominated If be was rejected.
Mr. Cameron was not satisfied that he
was mood upon several ikeints.
Ton Border Reid bill, it is understood,
is done for this erasion. It would take
nearly three millions of dollars out of the
State Treasury. The friends of the bill
elate that Gov, Geary inAhe early part of
the session promised to sign the bill, if
it should pass. Since that time, however,
the Governor has bed occasion to change
his mind, and as there is not a two.thirds
vote in both Houses, in its favor, it will be
Tits Chicago Republican says the past
winter, with all its snows, has been most
favorable to all kinds of crops, and war
rants the belief that the coming harvest
Will be most bountiful. The soil has been
slightly frozen, and there has been no
damage from winter killing. The depart.
lug Snows expose smiling fields, where
the plow was allowed to do its last fall's
work. But the spring season fur plow leg
will be late, and must be hurried. Still,
we think the first of May will exhibit a
breadth of planting equal to any past
year. Stock has wintered well, and comes
out in good condition. Fruit of all kinds
has escaped damage, and the promise of e
crop was never better. .
Tax action of the President in failing
to comply with' Governor Banter's requi
sition toetlroops, is thought at Nashville
to mean something more than was at first
supposed. It has been stated that Gov.
Banter made the requisition in order to
secure from the President a recognition
of the State of Tennetsce and his author
ity as Chief Magistrate of the Common.
wealth, in order to prevent any move
ment looking- to reconstruction by Con
gress. Mr. Seater has been summoned to
appear Serer,: the Reconstruction Com
mittee at. Washington by Gen. Butler,
when he will testify as to the necessity of
sending troopa into*Tennessee by the Ns-
Ronal (internment. Seater seems to mi•
derstandthat the result will be a total re
construction of the St ie.- He will with
draw the . requisition '
and declare that
good order now cal throughout the
State. Gov. Seater 1 ves for Washing
ton to morrow.
The Committee on econstruction still
have before them the Tennessee case.
Secretary of State Fletcher was before
them on Saturday and presented a state
ment showing the reasons why the State
should be swain reconstructed. It is
claimed by those who are anxious and
persistent for such action that Governor
Seater was elected by fraud, the vote at
the election being nlnety.three thousand
more than it was nine months previous.
Certificates of election were given with
Out regard to the holders of them, to ex
treble the elective franchise. The princi.
I argument for reconstruction at the
present time is that the State govern- .
meets is unable or unwilling to protect
the people from the Ku-klux and other
marauders, and that tne action proposed
would be justified under the clause of
the Constitution tint the United Stntrs
'hall guarantee to every State in tbir
Union a repub:!can form of government.
15111 E ITEMS
li i
Gov. °Emir' as signed the bill pro•
hibitlng the car - stone markets along
Second street, P_ Isdelphia.
penntendent of Public Schools, is spoken
of as a candidate for Congress from the
Lancaster district. So say the Lancaster
PRTUOLEI3/1 CENTRE continues to be
the headquarters of the thieves and mar.
•derers of the oil regions. ll..ghway rob
ber), ie almost a nightly occurrence, and
the Record ellis ovrn the authorities to
rid the community of the deeperadots.
tura. beta been Introduced tO -Incor
porate the Penesylimnia and European
Telegraph Company. Its object in the
laying of an ocean cable from some point
on the continent of Europe direct to the
shores of Pennsylvania, the terminal of.
ce, of course, is Philadelphia. Partiesin
London undertake to furnish the chief
part of the capital required, and to. lay
the cable.
Tux Pottsville Journal says : The coal
trade is brick, as the manufacturers and
consumers of Schuylkill coal arc laying
in stocks in anticipation of a suspension
that may take place after Saturday next;
The basis is not yet fixed for 1870. The
W. A. 8. - claims the basis of $3 for 1800,
and the coal operators have almost unani
mously fixvd a different basis at $2 00,
with wages accordingly. They have
given notice that it their basis If not ac
cepted by the W. A. B. by Saturday next,
they vein suspend their collieries until
their basis is accepted. As all the differ
ent interests have shown a disposition to
reduce from last year's prices except the
working men, the current of public opin
ion is setting in strongly against them,
and all other interests seem to be uniting
against the men. The Journal further
states for the information of persons
abroad that if a suspension should take
place, by the men refusing to accept a
lower basis, it will not be to put up the
pricer' of coal, but to reduce the , same.
Coal may be advanced a little if it should
be prolonged, but the price will fall again
as. soon as busineas is resumed.— The
suspension will be confined to the
Schuylkill region only. Supplies cen he
obtained from the other regions on the
seaboard, except at Philadelphia and on
the line, and we learn that the It:tiding
railroad are making arrange
ments, If necessary, to bring coal from the
Wilkesbarre region to supply any dell.
ciency that may occur on the line during
the suspension, to remedy this didleulty."
A Matialactory Wlnanilal Transaction
A. singular tinaucial transaction occur.
red in one of the duck offices at Buffalo a
day or two since. By some means or
other It happened that the office boy oked
one of the clerks three cents, the erk
owed the cashier two cents, and the
cashier owed the office, boy two ti
One . day last week the office boy ev
il-1-g a coat In his pocket, concluded to
diminish his debt, and therefore handed
the nickel over to the clerk, who, in turn,
paid half of his debt by giving the coin
to the csshier. The latter handed the
cent back to the office boy, remarking,
"Now I only owe you one cent." The
office boy again passed the cent back to
the clerk, who passed it to the cashier,
who passed it back to the office boy, and
the latter individual squared all accounts
by paying It to the clerk, thereby discliard
Mg his entire debt. Thus it may be seen
bow great Is the bentlit to be derived
trod a smgle cent, If only expended ju
Pennsylvania iiegi,lature
Progress with General Approprl
tions—Pittsburgh and Ormsby
Passenger Railway —Annexa
tion of McClure Township to
Ilegheuy Variety of Bills
cased—Rebel Raid Bill Passed
First Reading—Militia Major
General for Eighte‘th District .
Appointed House Business
Monday Evening—Correct Tote
on the "Previous Question" in
the senate Last Week.
Opts. al Dispatch to the l'lttabargh UaaCtte.)
HA mosey na, March 28, MO.
By Mr. (MAIO : Authorizing the Su
preme Court, where a writ of error Ilea
from the Court below, with record there
of, in all corporation oases, when a
verdict la manifestly unjust, oppressive,
exorbitant or not warranted by the testi.
morzy, to reverse the Judgment.
By Idr.IIUMPHREYS: RelatlVe to
creation of a pollee district in Robineon
township, A.lleoheoy county. Passed.
Mr. MOONEY presented ■ remora•
science frouiPittsburgh against the re
peal or the act erecting the Third and
Fifth ward■ Into ari independent school
Mr. TAYIA - nt pesented a bill rela
ting to an Inclined Plane Company
from F.lteentb street-up to Flak. Passed.
, 01 - 11101 RILLS.
Supplement to State roads from Ter
°Mum to Butler.
'-- Mr. KERI supplement to charter of
Peoples Passenger Railway, repealing
part of act allowing thorn to stn• over
Friendship and Liberty avenues sod
authorizing them to choose soy other
streets. Laid on table,
Repealing Poll School Tax lu borough
of Sewlekly. Pasnod.
Aothorlzing Firo. 'Marshal to appoint
deputies. .
liAnuurinsta,:MFell Eq. ISTO
SENATE.. - -
The Appropriation bin was consid
Mr. URAIIAII moved to amend by
appropriating 19,000 to St. Paul's Orphan
Amylum, 115,000 to PastayanCe Hospital,
15,000 to Pitteburgh and Allegheny Or
phan Asylum, 119,000 to ' for Friend
leas In Alleittouy, j5,000:to (aunty Berne,
15,000 to Morey Hospital, ;L.090 to News
Boys' Ilome, and $3,000 to Pittsburgh
Church Gun* all of wince were de
feated. .
Mr. WHITE moved an amendment
glslag two thousand to Jobnstow■
Uotpital. Let.
Mr. LOWRY mend en amendment
giving Marine Hospital at. Erie tiny
thousand and making it a State insane
asylum. Carried.
Mr. URAUAM moved len thousand for
• chapel for Western Penitentiary.
Tits soldiers• orphans• section puard
with the provialons for the removal of
children struck out.
Mr. 110 WARD called. up the. Pitta
burgh and t l rmaby Parseugar Railway
bill, and snot striking out Second at •aus
and leaving the route to Councils, bad It
passed finally.
The bill annexing part of McClure
township, south of the Pittaburgh, Fert
Wayne and Chicago Railway, to Alle
gheny City, has panned both Hansen and
Is signod by the Governor.
In the evening the following Senate
bills pealed:
Establishing public scales - for weighing
hay, straw, coal, lime, etc., In Swap*.
Incorporating the Duquesne Sayings
1 ucorporatlog the Germania Savings
Bank, Pittsburgh.
Authuriziog the school board of ugh.
111,011 and Lincoln sub-school districts to
settle the ludebtedness of the indepen
dent school district of Collins township,
and burrow money.
The following Boum, btlli pawl:
Changing the Pittahurgh city election
to the brat Tuesday to Doceaktrot.
Edgewater borough
Inoorporating tha City insurance tom•
puny Of Pitusburgb.
du ppiemant Pi publlo park act of Abe
gberly city. I
I 132==
The fallowing Sonata bills panned :
Relating to West Elizabeth borunah
rrohibiting minors from iumping atm
riding on railway cue in tue Common
The bill incorporating the Herald
Printing Company of Pittsburgh was
called up and passed. The Senate bill. by
■ misunderstanding or mliropresenta•
lien, was negatived to the House Com
mittee on Corporations. To-day It wee
milled up by - Hr. WA.LTON.and after
remarks by him and Hr.'lVANtli la favor,
It mused by an 411110111 C nn■ vote.
Thedtebel Raid bill, taking two-mil.
Bons from tho Treasury, passed first
reading without a vote, it being under
stood that debato should occur on tho
second reading.
The following Hones, bills were passed.
'Establishing a 'ferry over the All..
ghenv river at tlhouatown.
Authorizing the Citizen• Passesger
Railway Company of Pittsburgh to use
steam sex motive power sad to extend
its powers.
Inoorporatlng Federal Insurance Wm
piny of Allegheny County.
The Governor to-day appointed Alfred
L. Pearson, of Allegheny, to be Major
General of the Eighteenth Division of
the uniformed militia, omaposed of Alla.
'bony, Armstrong, Indiana and Jefferson
Last sight, too late M telegraph, Mr.
Walton introduced In the moue a sop
plement for the Allegheny Valley Rail
road, fixing the number of °Moen and
changing the time of election to the first
TUNK/13 , In May, which was passed.
Also, a bill authorising the Pittsburgh,
Virginia and Uharloston Railroad Co. to
apply any moneys in the treasury to
facilitate the oonetraction of the road.
Passed. .
Also, inoorporating the Printer.' Dime
Saving InstlmUon of Pittsburgh.
Mr. Elliott moved a reconsidera.
non of tho act, passed early the same
evening, Incorporating the Emporium
and State line railroad, which he said
allowed a broad gauge from one end of
the State to the other. Agreed to, and
the bill was reountnitted.
a 00111tX01102(
A lietuf yeas and nays inserted In the
Pittsburgh Glazirrvs, copied from a Her
risbargh paper, wee a typographical
blunder ow the part or the printer In
setting up the lists hero, satin alphabet'.
cal examination will at onoe make
manifest to those familiar with mutation,.
The true vote on the motion In the Senate
on Friday for the previous question west
Yana—Messrs. Beck. Brodhead, - C o
nett, Dinas, Duncan, Findlay, Heessey,
Lowry. Mclntire, Miller, Nagle, Olmsted.
Parma°, Turner, Wallace-15.
Nays. —Messrs. Allen, Blllingfelt,
Bucksaw, Oration, Mumma, Osterhaut,
Warfel; Watt, White. Stinson—to.
Messrs. Brooke, Howard, Rutan and
others refused to vote, for reasons as
signed in the article quoted.
Bill Admitting Texas Passed by
the Senate—Defense of tho
Army Bill by Mr. Logan of the
. Hon The Tariff—Genera
- Debate to be Closed TO;day.
(S, Telegraph to the en:Astro tlitsette.)
WASISINOTOLI, March 20, 1870.
Mr. JOHNSTON presented a memorial
of the heirs of John Minor Batts, de.
coaxed, for compensation Far property
taken by the Government during the
late war. Referred' to Committee on
Mr. CHANDLER, front Committee on
Commerce, reported a bill to, provide
fur the better security of life on board
steam 'Juliet&
Mr.. CONK LING introdueed a bill to
Prevent and punish election frauds. Re.
ferred to Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. SHERMAN, from the COmmittee
on Finance, reported a substitute for the
House joint resolution, deliaratory of
the Intention of the law relating to the
iffcotne tax, which provides that the law
shall continue In force through the entire
year of 1870, and no much of said taxes so
are not paid or payable ducats said year
be collected and paid daring 1871.
See. 2. That after the year 1870 there
shall be levied and collected a tax of
three per Cent. per annum On the several
incomes, dividends and ularies described
in the preceding notion ef the joint
resolution, and in the mods'and manner
horsofore provided by law.!
Mr. WILSON, from the Canimittes on
Military Affairs, reported, without
amendment, the bill to relinquish the
interest of the United State& an certain
lands in the city of Sin Francisco.
On motion of Mr. SHERMAN, the hill
for the appointment of a special Cont•
unit ee offindian Affairs was laid over, by
the canting vote or the 'ire l.reeldent.
Mr. Carpenter's resolution, offered
some weeks since, declaring that the
thirty Spanish gunboats should not leave
New York, was laid over.
Mr..Thurtuan'e resolution calling for
information relative to the -cake of Tot
er was also laid over, thcialth the motion
wan. opposed by Mr. Thurman, and in
spite of his speeal from tee decision of
the Chair, that a motion the nature
of a question of order had lecedence to
the claim of - the Senator to the floor.
The Vice President was sustained by 17
to 12.
The morning hour expifpd and the
Chair annouiesa the Conunatee's report
in the case of Geceral Amest to be the
business in order. I
Mr. Sti ERMAN moved pia suspend the
present and all prior order. for the per.
pose of taking troths reeolittion to die
charge the Judiciary Committee from the
further consideration of the Texna bill.
A diacussion 'ensued, during which
Mr. TRUMBULL cheracterized the mo
tion as a gross act of diseoudeey toward
the Judiciary Committee,' for which
there was neither Justification .nor ne.
Mr. t SHERMAN slid he Dell not inten
ded be cut any reproach upon the com
mittee, as their labors had, been meet_
onerous, and the coMmittee was
universally recoguized as among . the
ableat: of the committees l of;kingrees;
but•tue political and national necessities
of the cane in ore sucli that be would not
be deterred from dutyby a mere question
or etiquette. The majority of the Senate
felt the Texas bill should tie acted upon
at once, In order that the !proclamation
of the adoption of the 15th Amendment
might beimade, and that greet question
forever settled.
Mr. TRUMBULL In riply old the
Senator not only undertook, codetermine
•in what manner the Judiciary Corot
minen should transact Its !business, but..
assumed to speak fur the majority of the,
Senate. Had the Senator unvassed the
Senate r No vote had ts'een taken to
Indiane the feeling or the .najority upati
the question, add he (Mr s Trumbull)
could not tell,though the Senator might'
how the vote would stand au the peeli •
lug, motion. That Senator:foul explains
his object to be to secure lhe prociante.-
don of the Fifteenth amectilmant, but If
he and those who voted !with him bad
stood by him, (Mr. Trumbuti,) the pro
clamation would have lairon maddilays
ago. He did not see. however, how the
action of Texas on that amendment
could be more effective than Georgia, lie
Hs would gladly welcome the Senator.
from both Stated
Mr. SHERMAN replied that in resent. ,
ins the mottos, the chairmen Of the,
Judiciary Committee was endeavoring
to dictate to the Senate its order
of huslnsea. Ho answered the
Senator that he - bid canvassed
the Senate through the you and
nays taken this morning, dtsich allowed
that the majority were anxious to take up'
the bill. While early action upon the
Georgia bill and General Amu' case was
dutiable, the 1011110104 of Texas afford
ed the most rapid mums of SeCOMplinhing
the same end, to wift the ofticiai
announcement of the adoption of the
Fifteenth Amendment. It was Impose.
ble to reach a vote on the subject
immediately, unsay Senator. who looked
around hint might us half a dozen
prepared speeches yet to tie delivered.
Both propositlonsof Shelman'a motion
were Cully carried, the part to pontoons
present and prior orders by 18 yeas, nave
111, end the second, to discharge the
Judiciary Committee frodt the consider.
anon of the bill, by yes. Sli nays lb.
The hill was then taken sup and read.
Oa motion of Mr. SHERMAN, the last
Proviso, that the art shall not affect' In
any manner the conditions upon which
the State of Texas. wan jannexed and
admitted as a State, was stricken out.
The bill then passed without division
by a party vote—yea. 47, nays 11.
At two o'cloOk the Senate went into
executive session. The doors reopened
at 4:16. • I .
. Mi. PAINE, from the i Elamlon Com.
Initteet rePorted adversely on the claim
of Seger as Neprosentatlve at large from
Virginia, gtv n
i s
g notlee he would call It
up hereafter for action. I
dr. CF.SS A made a !report In the
contented el lon case from the Fifth
Congreselon I District Cf IPenneylvanle,
with a raga tlon that Jahn • Reading,
aping member ' Is not entitled to the
goat, and the contestant, Crab N. Taylor,
Mr. RANDALL presented a minority
report with opposite conelusloms.
Mr. CESSNA gave notice he would
call bp the matter for action nest Tuea
Mr. SCHENCK gave notice he would
move to close general debate ou the
tariff bill to-morrow, add thee might
move to postpone the oonsideration of
the bill by clauses till 'nedt Tuesday.
Mr. LOGAN, rising tots personal ex.
planation, said he had rkune feels and
figura, he wished to present In -justifica
tion to the Hews and himself. tie then
sent to the Clerk's deck 'and bad read
the letter already published from Gen.
Sherman to Senator Wilson, In arm.
elm of the bill to reOTROIZe the army,
and of Mr. Logan's speech lii suppers
of it.
Mr. LOGAN saddens of the remarka
ble feature, was, first, that It should be
written at all; seeond, that such language
used in it should have emanated from a
General of ate army. -He had nothing
to say &Was Genera Sherman, who
was a gallant officer, and from whose
reputation he bad never attempted to
detract In the slightest degree. But self
rtspect demanded of him, when ho was
assailed, and the House was metalled
through him,
When he was charged with
falsehood In . his statement, to reply to
those charges and to show his original-
statements perfectly correct. He bad
spoken of the staff of armies and he 'poke
of that now.
Mr. SLOCUM( wanted the Houma and
country to understand whet were called
staff officers In the United States Were
not called staff aMoera abroad, end that
although a staff here might number six
hundred officers, there were five times
as many men pertaining the same
duties In European armies. -It was
therefore Unfair to make the House. be
lieve the army of the United States was
ruing more men to perform staff duties
than European armies, for that was
not so.
Mi. LOGAN mailed, it the gentleman
from New York would not be le, excited,
be Would hear an explanation of that.
Ho did not want the gentleman to aay he
was trying' to deceive the Home.
Mr. SLOCUM wild he Old not think be
(Mr. Logan) wu trying to do co, tut he
. •
thought it likely Members of the Howie
might be lad antra)" by hie reruarke.
Mr. L'KIAN preferred to pursue his
course in the matter anti let the gentle.
men (Mr. Slocum) purees hie. - If that
gentleman would be quiet, he would
show that what be had said wan Arne to
the letter. lie then proceeded to quote
from military. author - Sloe in contradic
tion of the assertion of Gen. Sherman
as to the bill complained of by
him, and which he had denlg ated
"the odious army bill." Mr. Logs said
he had taken it to the Secretary o War
and said he wanted him and G noral
Sherman to sit (Sown with him nd go
over the bid together. That was done.
General Belknap read over the ill sec
tion by section to general Sherm n and
General Sharma', made but two Objec
tion to It, and the Secretary of War hot
ore, and that one he wrote out, and he
(ttr. Logan) put: it In the bill as an
amendment. general Sherman's object
Cons wore to the muster out of general
oflicent, and 'anther objection which
be (Mr. Logan) would not men
tion. These were facts, and he naked
whet kind of Latta that man had in
making a personal attack on him through
the newspapers. • He quoted egainnt Gen.
Sherman an extriet from his report tut he
Secretary of War. recommending the
'assembling of. a - - court of dielntereatud
general °Moors, to which !mould be
committed the Wool. Matter of the re
duction and reorganintionef the army,
with treeefera of officers to fill vactinclee,
the very thing provided kir in the first
dud section of the bill. An to the
proponed reduction of the pay of general
officern, the President might have told
Gen. Sherman ble salary should not he
reduced, but that' was not his (Mr. Lot
gan'e) opinion, nor the opinion of the
House. It might be Gee. Sharman, with
smaller pay, could not give dinners and
receptions, but he (Mr. Logan) did not
careianytbing about that. In defense of
the tax payers, of crippled soldiers and
aoldiere , widows, he protested against
the usurpation of power in the hands
of a few men. He proteated against
the attempt of men in high positions
to dictate the legislation of Congrem.
The legislative department - Of the Goy.
erument must be free and unfettered.
He would say to these' men in high post.
Lions, they were not taw maker, but law
obeyer.. They 'Must not dictate the
amount of taxation to be paid for their
boned:. Whenever legislation become
so stilled and crippled that a man who
stood up for the people in it manly, twe
ett and proper spirit, was to be at
tacked in the columns of pattern by
high officials, demanding Couplets shall
not do certain things, then he would say
farewell to the liberties of the country.
He wanted to know whether this attack
meant that the country was to be turned
over to a few arlstocratn, an in Europe;
whether titles were to ba borne here;
whether canto 11,141 to be establiebbd;
whether an order of nobility wee to grow
up here. The people were bonnet -and
brave anti true, and it we. the boys who
carried mmeketirwho made - Generals,
and It was they- ai.o who made Braid
dente. They stottd here to defend the
liberties of the people, and whether aa
called by Generals. by. Marshals, by
Governors, by Kings, Prince" or poten
bites, by newspapers or ariatocrate, he
would mill be found making war against
dictation and • dictators, agamet aristoc
racy, and in favor of republicaniem.
[Clapping of hands in the galleries.]
On motiou of Mr. SCHENCK, it was
ordered that • all general debate on the
tarltr bill close tomorrow, , an hour and a
half after the House goes , into Commit
tee. . .
The House - then went Into Geminate°
or the whole, M. Washburn° was In
the chair, on the tariff bill and was
addressed by Kr. M UT.SH AL, from
Committee on Ways and Means, against.
protective I tattle and in (avocet friss trade.
—There was a general breaking up of
the lee In North clew, yesterday.
- —The steamer reliona, front Liverpool,
arrived a; New York yesterday.
—The story shoat the coup de etain• In
Virginia is most emphatically denied.
—Jame. Ester committed suicide by
taking morphine, at Greensburg, Ind.
—The Oberlin University, destroyed
by lire - recently, will be rebuilt at Dayton,
—prince Bon!aparte and family have
Been ordered to leave Franca, by the
—John Clare, on trial at Baltimore for
the murder of Henry B. Grevea, in 1015,
has been acquitted.
—Boo. Walter Mitchell, several thole
Preeldential elector for Maryland, died
on Moudey. aged silty-neven.
—Rumor hie it that lien. Ames, Sena
tor *lees from Miohnlppl, will wort marry
Blanche, daughter of Lien. B. F. Butler.
—Another Berman agent le about to
Chicago to locate . colony alto 1
California, Oregon or Stuisington Terri
--Storey , did not •ppear against the
' when their Cane was calisd
t Chicago yesterday, and a continuance
as allowed.
inutinr wax attempted at the work
house or 'Clucinnati, on Monday, under
the leadership of Roh McNeeity, a notor
ious character. .
—Jobu UkLer, or Deerfield, Ohio, was
drowned In the Miami on Monday night
while gathering drift, his wire witness.
log the occurrence.
—lLeneated incendiary attempts at Al
lentown, Pa., hays OC Mak/OW much ex
citement there. The guilty party bee
not been.diacovered.
--.Public opinion holds the constructor
responsible for the killing of the Ion•
vit• family in Brooklyn on Sunday, by
ho falling of their habitation., • ,
—At a trial of the Holly Water works
, t Dayton, yesterday.. streams ware
oreod through Imo and a quarter: inch
ozzle to a height of over one hiludroil
—Gov. Palmer, of Illinois, hay socepted
the Invitation to deliver the oration at
the next annual meeting of the Avmy of
the to be held In Cleveland
next autumn.
—On Saturday Bei. A. P. Graves
preached to twelve hundred convicts to
the Joliet, Ills, penitentiary. !denyfare
said to have been melted to tears and n•
solved to reform.
- —4. N. Allen, tbsetrical manager of
Cincionati, la in prison at Nashville,
having been arrested while paining
through Tenseuea,. at the Instance of
hlsJor,Ounkle, on a charge of perjury.
—Tho boiler connected with Rice's
paper mill at Newton lower lathy Mew,
exploded yeatordsy morning, detuolleh
log the building. The people had not
commenced work and - none were hurt.
—Some of the newly sleeted oouaty
officers In Tennessee did not tate the
candidate's oath. as prescribed In the
franchise law. It is understood Oov.
Banter will. decline to conmiselon all
who neglootod to take. the oath.
—Goo. Sheridan has . called a meeting
or the odium and soldiers of the Army
of the Cumberland, In Chicago, for the
purpose of taking such action as may
seem proper to- testify their respect for
the memory of Gen. Geo. H. Thohrisa.
—At Akron, Ohio, yesterday after
noon. the upper floors of the new brick
shop of A. Rice dt Co.', mud and culti
vator manufactory, fell through to the
ground. Miraculously none of the
workmen were seriously Injuied. Loss
—The Ways and Means Committee
have agreed to strike out of the funding
bill the section allowing the Secretary to
fund the legal tandem Into four per cents.
They will still further amend .so as to
strip It of all features looking to a con.
traction of the currency, and will render
It more acceptable to the National Banks.
—A San Francisco dispatch says that
for the past few weeks General Thomas
enjoyed unusually good health. On
Monday, about half put one o'clock,
while at his office headquarters attending
to bushiest, he. Wax suddenly attacked
w ith epoplexy which resulted in his
death at 8 o'clock r. ie. Generals Ord
and Whipple are absent In Arizona. The
command of the Department temporarily
faits on Colonel Hough, Assistant Adju
tant General.
—The storm of Sunday caused much the vicinity of Elmira, N. Y.
At a point near .Chemung, on th e Erie
Railroad, a portion of the road was un
dermined by water, and the track die
placed. The °sprees train leaving New
York on Monday ran off the track there,
and the baggage, mall and smoking ears
wore somewhat damaged, but no pas.
Rename were Injured beyond a few
bruise.. The train was detained alocut
four hours. • Tho break. has been re.
paired, and trains are.runnlng regularly.
The destruetion to farm houses and other
property at different polite in the tote.
nor le reported unparalleled.
Death of Gen Thomas Announced
to the Arr4—llis Remains to
be Taken to Troy. N. Y.—The
Funding Bill and the Banks
Han Domingo Treaty— Unfound
ed Cabinet Rumor.
(Cy Tolegranti to the tittaborzn narette.)
WANIIINOTOOI, March Cl, 1870,
TllO OXATI) 01 , nOO. 'llion/M.
'rho mows of the death of Geo. Thomas
occasions intone, sadness in army circles
hero. A general order announcing lito
death to the many we, healed title after
noon. The President addressed a tole.
gram of condole:lea to Mrs. Thomas at
San Francisco. It is stutters:mei the
remain will be taken to Troy, N. Y., for
interment, and escorted from San
Francisco by the officers of his staff.
The order gives an account of his life
and services and nun : The Getierat has
known General Thomas intimately since
they eat as boys on the same bench, and
the quality in him which he holds up fur
the admiration and example of the young
is his complete and satire devotion to
duly. Though seat to Florida, to Mexi
co, Texas and Arizona, when duty
there watt absolute banishment, he
Went cheerfully and never asked
a personal favor, exemption or leave of
absence. in battle ho .never wavered.
Firm and of full faith in his cause. he
knew it would prevail, and he never
sought advancement of rank or honor at
the expanse of any one. Whatever he
earned of these wore his own and no one
(Disputed his fame. The very Impereon-
Minn of honesty, integrity and honor, its
will stand to the United States as the beau
ideal of soldier and gentleman. Though .
he leaves no child to bear his name; the
old Army of the Cumbuland, numbered
by tensor thousanda,mlied him 'father,"
and will weep for hint tears of manly
grief. Ills wife, who cheered him with
her message. of love la the darken hours
of war, will mom n him now in matinees,
chastened by the sympathy of the whole
The last sad rites due him as a man
and soldier will ho paid at Troy. N. Y.,
on the arrival of his remains, sod the
friends of his family ended his comrades,
who can he presont are Invited to share
in the obsequies. At all military posts
and stations flags will Ito placed at half
mast and • fifteen guns tired on the day
after the receipt of this order, and the
usual badges of mourning be worn thirty
By command of (Unocal Sherman.
(Signed.) E. D. TOW:MIMI:I,
. Adjutant General.
There aro anent fifty officers and ex•
officers in this city who nerved ander
Hen. Thomas, end a meeting will be held
tomorrow to take ' , tillable action In
regard to his death. Prominent among
those expected to take part In the cere
monies are Gene. Cox, Garfield; Warren,
Schutz, Slocum, Beatty, Howard, Hea
ley, extburn end Scuff, and Coismark
and Stone of his staff.
Tile NAN nom.lo4,o.ritiCA.Tr.. -
The San Domingo treaty was discussed
In Senate executive union this allot ,
noon. Mr. Nye advocated its ratification
on the ground of commercial necessity.
its argued the time would came when
all the Wands adjacent to the United
States would be under the protection o(
the 17nited States, and that they occupy
to this country a !wanton similar to ann.
tinele to an army.
Mr. Patterson followed In a speech
comparatively brief, taking • strong
grounds against rafitication. He main.
tattled. it was contrary at this time to the.
Interests of the country to acquire any
tropical territory whatever, the senti
mente of the people generally being
against ouch a proceeding.
Mr. Csaserly bas the floor and will
argue against the treaty when again
taken up. The time for the exchange of
ratifications expired to-day, but the
friends or the treaty say they have no
doubt an-extension could be procured
from San Domingo if tiewired. The
Senate to-day took no action whatever
on the treaty.
Mr. Coleman, of Troy, and Mr. Hall,
of-Buxton, addressed the Committee on
Ways and Means to-day in opposition to
the Funding bill. their reinarke being
principally toward what is known
so the 'compulsory section, which
require. National. Banks to ex..
change present securities for new
one.. They argued this would not
only be virtual repudiation, but break
up the banking system, by compelling
nearly all bank. to withdraw from it,
and that hank. could not do busltteu on
the basis of the new bonds with profit to
stockholders males. some ooriceismon
would be made in the way of exemption
front taxatianou circulation and deposits.
coriFf Miran.
The &toilet° day confirmed the follow
ing nominationi: Allen Rutherford, 3d
Auditor of the Treasury; James W.
Mason, of Arkansas, Minister Resident
and Consul General to 1.1 bens; John Hay,
of Illinois, Secretary of Legation at
Madrid; Pater .1. Ralph, Supervising In.
specter of Steamboats, tith District; Semi.
Guthrie, Supervising Ituspector of Steam
boats, fat District. . 01.1 STEAMBOATS.
The bill to provide for the bettor
security of life on board steam vessels
and for other purposes, reported I rota the
Senate Committee on Commerce, differs
only In unimportant points from the
draft of the bill recommended by the
'Treasury Department, of which a full
abstract was given recently.
1:1111 , 000MCD.
There is no foundation fur the ro.
newed rumors to-night of changes in
the Cabinet. - The reasons given by those
who ere prominent In circulating them
show they originated in interested mu-
Oven The President has not thrown
runt any intimation whatever 012TO:doh
to base soy each rot:arta. -
The following nominations were Sept to
the Senate today: John W. Allen, Post
master at Cleveland, -Ohio; Melville
Martin, Postmaster at Delavan, Wis.
tierkote Accident on the Elio Head—
Three Paueager. Family llJured
Talevapb to Um ratta ilazctte.l
nines, N. Y., March 20.—An acci
dent occurred early this morning to train
No. 3 on th Erne Railroad, some two
miles emit o Wellsburg. A broken Fall
threw the a eking car and two pitmen.
ter coaches from the track. The engine,
tender, baggage (sir and the two forward
coaches, which were sleeping oars,
passed attar safely. The cars which ran
off went ( down an embankment
and were badly wrecked. The smoking
on was oommied by emigrants boned for .
Rochester several of whom were serious
ly Injured. Three.persons in other one
were also in ured and a number bruised.
The injure were brought to the Ameri
can Hotel, t Is city, where they are re.
calving then ecessary attention. i
Among t • injured are Mn,. Saltine'
Studies of inghamton, seclusion oil the
spiel, fruit red ribs. serious but hopeful;
Mr. and M Shelf*, were on their way
from New 'ork to San Francisco. Mrs.
Jones, of 4 Eighth aveunt, New York,
fatally ILO u ed; abs had • child in her
arms mg n months old,. also fatally
' Injured by Mg violently hurled against
the side of the car. Mrs. Miller, one of
the emigrants in the smoking car,
sustained fatal internal injuries. Teresa
Frank, another emigrant, arm broken.
P. Frank Is injured about the Mud.
Catherine.Drest, Injured seriously about
the head. Eight others sustained injur
ies more or leas serious. The broken
rail was caused by the frost..
Four Coat Miners Killed
I lir Telegraeth to toe Plttoburah Gaulle.)
A terrible accident occurred at the
coal mine. or Richard Heckeper, near
this place, this morning. While four
men were descending a shaft to com
mence "cork, the rope broke; presipita
tlng them to the bottom, over sixty feet.
All were instently killed.
•?, ' •
-;.4! AS*/
1 ,
rectal I)lbpstett to tit* rltt•burith Gortlt.e.)
LONDON, March 29.—A grand banquet
was given last evening at the residence or
Mr. Motley In honor of the Queen of
Netheriandn. Among the guests were
Charles Dickons, Wilkie Collins, Thos.
Hughes, Robert Browning, Mrs. Carolina .
Norton, Jainea Anthony ' , retitle, George
Grote and many other celebrities. m.
The Cubs cable fleet is nearly ready to
'sail. It is the moat perfectiy appolntidi
expedition of the kind semi dispatched.
In time Howie of Lords last evening the
bill fat tho protection of life and property
in Ireland, already passed Lk. Commons,
was read'a first time., Cther business
cod inport!mnt
In the Conanons the Mai - joie of Harl
ington, Postmaster Genorai, in reply to
the question of Mr. o,lllvey, said owing
to the recent reduction In Trans-Atlantic
poatsge tho steamers hert4fore carry.
lug American malls Iliad POW refused
them. •Connequently contiacts have been
made with the German and 'other Aries.
The diacrintout with the present system
had been Officially brought ba the notice
of the America Postmaster . timers!.
The lidu.e then wentsinto Committee
on the Irish Land bi11...A motion to
adjourn the debate for a week woe
negatived. Mr. Needham; moved the
continuation of the Ulster ; custom for
compenaating outgoing tenants. Mr.
Gladetone opposed the amendment. Al
ter a tedious and scattering; debate, the
amendment was rejected.'
son moved to extend the Ulster custom
throughout the Kingdom.; Mr. Glad•
stone ;Deposed this also,' ex did the
Attorney General, and at :wu rejected;
Subsequently an amendment legalizing
the custom in Ulster Itself:Wu lost, and
the Reuse adjourned. I •
In the Rouse of Lords {hie eyonlog
Lord DulTerin moved theateond reading
of the bill for the preeeryation of peace
la Ireland. Ile made a speslett justifylog
the wledom and necessity of the maestri..
The Due of Richmond Odatained the
bill. Lord erantnore deplored the
releaao of Fenian . conyicts as a
eninieterial mistake. LordlLurgan, ho
neyed growing respect for lUw in Ireland
would make the act a dead!letter. Earl
Kimberly dwelt with great satisfaction
on the unanimity of herdi' In eupport
of the bill and predicted the hap
piest results. The Marquis of S
labury thought the bill might
reach Ribboniam but not Fenton.
ism. lie approved the!; provision
lative to the press. A strtngent policy
wan Imperative. The IriSti must be
made to fear the law beforicithey can love
it. Earl Granville said the! bill will be
considered In Committee On Thureday
next, when ha hoped the !Mouse would
consent to a sesponsion of; Abe rules and
allow be pasadge. I
In the Commons Mr. prway, under
Foreign kiscretary, raid notblng had been
done to procute a rovlidert f tho Cow
rnercial treaty with France. Lord
Miltotratilied for correspondence relative
to the design orGeneral Hartley to Invade
the British territory on the Pe
citio coast 111 1859. Mr. Gladstone
said the Government weiei anxious to
pass the Irish railway bill,bot he feared
they would be obliged to carry Is over to
the next r aesnion. Mr. Childers, First
Lard of Admiralty, defended the navy
from criticisms made on its !strength and
the distribution of fleets. Lt. motion for
an investigation. into the' uses of the
removal of Dr. Madden frPm his posi
tion as magistrate was introduced and
give rise toe heated debate, Which' lasted
until adjournment.
A corretittondent of the Time., sounds
alarm at the quantity of Ainerican rail
road bends coming over, . •
The Pall Mall Ge.:efle, accepting asseinl
official the New York Tnbunes defense
of Secretsiy Fish for suppressing. Lord
Clarendon'e comments on the Alabama
cialme co&sepondencs, aye neither hero
nor In :America can the excuse ho
thought ttatit.factory.
The new iron clad Captain • hits been
ordered en a cruise In company with the
At Portsmouth yesterday a target of
armor plate Iron, one foot thick and
rolled at cherry red heat, was tested with
chilled shot from smoothbore guns tired
wltha charge of twenty-four pounds of
powder .at a distance of thirty feet. The
shot penetrated seven and one-fifth
Inches into the plate.
Mr. Morris's colt Macgregor, by Maca
roni out of Necklack, is'now th ei favorite
in betting for the Derby.
HAVANA, March V.—Captain General
De Roden, on his arrival at Puerto
Principe, issued a proclamation, In tho
course of which he addressed the insur
gents as follows : .1 know most of you
have been drawn Into rebellion by force
or fraud. Who are your chiefs? Where
is your promised liberty? You wore
told that Spain could not spare
soldiers for Cuba, and that those soldiers
thirsted for blood. Who now divide
their daily rations with the women and
children you have left behind? Such
falsehood can only be temporarily effec.
live. The Eastern Department and
tho Cinco Villas declare returning
peace, and while terror deprives
you of your repose the Weetern De
partment enjoys security and tranquility
and the publiciwelfire credit and truo
liberty. Increase of the troops le no
longer needed In those districts. We will
come to the mountains of the Central De
pertinent, and a war of which at present
you hive no Idea will begin. I call on
none of you for help, for I need none.
The clews:my of my predecessors was
Interpreted as weakness, and I do not
Incline to imitate them: but at the same
time, althotigh you are rebel. tc-day,
do not' Reek your lives and advise
you to submit In timeto save yourselves,
for as soon as our operations have com
menced In this eastern department they
will be prosecuted with energy, let the
end be what It may. All those who
surrender their arms to any legitimate
authority will be received and their lives
are hereby guaranteed, but from the
benefits of this offer your ?rtncipal
leader and the officers of the so called
Cuban Government are excludetL
One of the drat acts of the thiptato
Oil:lend wee to pardon a man sentenced
to death.
PARIS, March 29.—The conspiracy affair
is assuming more importance. An order
Luta been issued for the arrest of twenty
Parsons, including Joseph hieselni. Felix
Platte, Lewin Blanc and others not now
in the country.
The Journals to day again announce
that the Emperor has requested Prince
Pierre Bonaparte to leave the country.
It is reported that MI will go to America.
Pante, March 20—Daring the lecture
of Dr. Tordien, yesterday, the. 'indents
hissed sad insulted the profenaor on
account of the depoaltion made by him
at Tours, la favor -of Prince Bonaparte.
The Doctor was obliged to quit the hall.
While retiring he declared he should
resign the chair, and the announcement
was received with bravos.
M. Mhol4lh political prisoner al Cop
onne, has bean set (roe and ',expected In
Europe at an early day. Ledrn• Rollin
has arrived In Paris.
. . . .
The polio made a domiciliary visit to
the realdeocs of bones Noir, and Barbi
mix and bea. liogo,' editors of the
Rappel, he o been prosecuted for articles
on the trla at Tours.
MADRID, March 29.—The Count of
Java, who fled from Spain a year ago,
atter baring killed Senor Manage in a
duel, h■s received Indulgence from the
penalties Incurred and is expected back
soon. It is generally supposed that this
was done to pave the way for Indulgence
In the case of Duke Moutpeneler, who
recently killed Don Henry. de Bourbon
In a duel. The Doke Montpenaler, how
ever, him remained in Madrid slues the
MADRID, March 29.--In the Cortes
Senor Rivet° read the draft of a law for
raising a levy of 40,000 fresh troops. Its
Introduction Greeted a lively sensation.
The projected law for the preservation
of public order Is strongly opposed be
cause it giver the tiovernment ezcep•
tional powers.
Qolterierrows, March 29.—The Primp
re has arrived.
QUessorrown, March 2e.—The steamer
City of Washington arrived to -night.
BneaT. March 20.—The steamer yule
de Paris sailed yesterday for New York.
Lornorc March 29—Evening.-031220*
9330 account., 93%. American asouritlea
dna, '62, 90M; 86 34; '67, 69X; 10.
• 2. 4.
NO. 70.
SG'; Erien, 2.1 N: I. C.; 1153 i; A.. 1
0. W. 35%.
FRAN EFORT,. Mardi :Z.—Bonds Sat at
95@.95%'. •
PARIS, March 29.—Bouree flat at 73r We.
LIVERPOOL, March 20.—Cutton quiet:
tuiddliug uplands 110' 11l id; Orleans
/1,,g@1134d; sales, 10,000 hales. Califor
nia white wheat Os 3d@9if 9d, red weatorn
:In 2 Saralla Id, winter 8a 10d@Bs lid.
Flour steady at 20s. Corn 3d. Oats
2. bd. Receipts of wheat for three days,
40,1100 quarters, all American. Pork Ms
641. Boor 101 a 6d. Lard buoyant at 00..
Obeeee 70s. Bacon 50s. Spirits petroleum .
Is sd, refined Is 819 d.
Lon DON March 29.—Tallow dull at 455.
Calcutta linseed oil firmer at 32@321 fxl.
• ANTWERP, March - 29.—Petroljum flop
and unchanged.
Ilavug, March 59.—eoCton quiet, a.
1:1 , 114,1 on spot.
Ma:Qui...wren, March 29.—Tho mark,
A-Nrwgur, March 97.—Petroleum de
dining at 543.6 f.
NEW YORK, March 22,1i370
Collector of Internal Revenue Please.
antork took the oath of office to-day. Thu
letter received by blue from Bailey says
his determination to leave New York
was made but a half au hour before he
started, and be bad no time to put things
in order. He confirm. the results of tho
investigation eo far so they have gone.
He says • none of his subordinates bre;
Deputy Oallector Child. knew anything
of the matter and he got no personal
benefit from teeing money, assertion it
was used to ferret out fraud. Since the
discontinuance of certain of Raley'.
sults against firmer merchants. Deputy
Collector Roop bad been released from
jail and the charges of trespaea preferred
against blot withdrawn.
The ixeltement over the Tammany
quarrel continues Intense, notwithstand
ing the return of most of the pcilltielana
to Albany. SherilT O'Brien avows his
opposition to the Sweeney charter, rein
trodecad in the Assembly In nearly the
original shape last night, and says the
young Democracy Will vote it down,
while they got up anew ono In the Inter
mit. of the people. Albany dlapatchee,
however, say the charter is &trete pats.
Flags were at half mast on many hotels
today in respect to the memory of Gen.,
khnhgrant :Ship Foundered.
hi Telegraph t , the rlttaburgh tlasette.)
Boer" March emigrant ship
is eupposed to have foundered In the
bay In the gale on Saturday night, quan
tities of wrecked - laud', Including bed
sacks, pilldsve, &c., having been washed
ashore on Cspo,Cod.
—ln all the prlnelpal cltled of the
United Statoe yesterday gaga were &s
-played at half meat In l'amaideration of
the death of General Thomas. The grief
la deep and general.
HALL, licain 1:11116 , 1.T.—'311.4.1113 GYM:
embiaelna Crllethanica, Gymnastics. Motto and
MlttLo'y Grills and Tab'eaos:. T.ckets, 500
P.Gormanct comma." at is to Si r. r. WYL
Wholesale Dealers in
131 Wood Street,
We hav'e in our SPRING goo ds
bought for Cash, and at GREAT Ea
are cordially invited to examine our
Stock, which is very large, embracing
all the Late Styles in
CAPS in every variety, and a gen
eral stook of all kinds of STP.AW
GOODS for Men, Bays and Children.
We are daily receiving FRESH
GOODS from the Manufacturers,
which the great deoline in gold
makes our goods as cheap as before
the War.
IffeCORD k. CO
Thin gßeztescoia.
(edits' Bony British Colts Btorkisgi
teats' &au MOO Cotton steskings
Ladies' Furl British Cotton Stockings
AT )13 010.11,
Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street.
No. 115 Wood Street,
I 8 THE BEST an (Bann
Commercial and Family Newspal er
WO !armee, ;mechanic. or miereloio4 sho Lid be
Stogie subscribers
Clubs of Ere
Claim of ten ......
A copy Is fUralt.ticd cntultonslF to the •r if
Pot •Club or ten. Pufiumaters nre
0 acl aS mentA. Aoldrecs,
tirNOTICTES—"Th-Lel," :r,
.-Leer," Wmste," "Pound," nlitoardivi7,"
fac„ nor ibbeeerfing .POUR LINT 1.71r -"*
be inerried in Mese columns once
TWENTY-1 , 11711 CENTS; faak o"ft.
lose Fly;' Ch NT.'.
wAINI nd Tro.--A youn g man tlt It c
Hort.. Ltd TWO Ulitl.l ifo rt:‘• et' s .
Valgialk:kalW or n 5
REM to work... • x , tv ttloos.
$1.7 0 per AI o, 1011 Alt
Merles's/ artel. • .1 AS
v. ANTED.—Toro or Three
ROOMS suitable for Outer kel pttip.
Addrees Sex L. (04 000.. a
UTANTED.—Fifty Coal ar a
Ore Idlners. no omc, fee to pay. ant , are
I Paid to the mines. Nererallitrll ar0...V.411u/
aud couttry. Apply at Omni...puma OM,.
So. I Plato street, OM door Isom ..usspeu.'ou
11.10.000 to Loaa la large or small acrinal.ta,
at raiz rate Of Latereat.
11101[AS It. I'ETTY,
MN. Baud and Neal gatatarltrokur.
• No. 179 SMlLbleid GU. 7
LUSTLOST.—On Friday. March -23,
beltoree• Port Perry ar StrgOo•PoO , nn U. ,
tack of tie Comte Pa.lrnsrl, a P...1...Zrt?
NOUN, .113130010 g aertat 0110 In , ro tod
proud son Note on nantuvon ebl•oro tot On ,
nay 000 nation said •o.ltet Moen will Itwor -
ally rimartl•gl by welting ter DANINI. .11VeN 4 ,
Irwin/nation, Westotoreand Co.. Po
dill0 -LET.-1 tint-class ST g itE
HOll, No. 43 Milo
use 31
. W on of the Diaro rid; also WIMP over
said store roam. Will b. rooted separate or lo
ge/les, if ilislred. eine of the beat haslet" , :co.
sodas. Is Lie Nev. Neat nvidera.e. legal, of
341 443 Otto ateri 1.
rcO.LET.--2 Furniiihed Booms
at No. 314. PENN allthAr.
or lINFORNiaiIY.D. with IDst.ultat D. 1.1- No. 37 •NLICKSON STIVe Y. f,A.leeteaf•
Also, a few DAY BOARDERS attenuated:l
Inquire ea the grenade.
F OR RENT.—The Three !harp
SNICK WANNIIOI:S4 In Church sinl,
rur of No. IMO Wood street, form, ly
by Wm. Xondurf t Co. os • Orooto Futor7.
Inquirr of W oTT, N 9 .11
11 No. /Viand 174 WOOO i; l.
I 0 LICT.—One good Store roont ,
OSIELLINti, No. 93 Ohio lent!, 3
re from Diamond sad nest door to Ntaethln
haviega lank. Use of the bt et ...colons to the
CI: Sent moderate. Alert, el Itoome la tut;
rear or .51,1 store room. loge tr I of
marldrtul W. CAltdltrt. 46 Ohlo s' rt et.
O LET.--A Suit of Booing
comprising Two Large, nre.l
and door. One lrr. w I A: /In
front lisouton.Ord floor. Ono hove Hall eltb
two ante-mot. on 4111 tour. Ono ntore
drat loot, li O.BJIn B.9gllth's law bull:hog.
Fourth arenas. 7or te. Inquire of A. H.
ENCILI3III CO.. 90 rellnli
bET.—A 'Tavern Stand, No.
Third aveninq entail liwedinen
Firth seen.. Fief: Residence on Mt. WBl.l, Inn
ton. Third neene.e Mcii, lioenan and offices on
Martel. street, 7.anerneni Nos. 77 and 77 Third
avenue, (IAZZAM h Co.,
T"-L'ET.--91 glory ilrick Bowe
8 RAY.ana. A ttle,Weth llouer. Um and W • , er.
Vt:::lta - t r g . alry Are, l eVC: t rrrit ?e n t e lo g "."
TO- ,ET—Br•clt honer 0 . 1 ooonm . No l4O
Mid , Ja a... 7. near serape. r mat, 21 we 0.
" I' l 0-41Tirlerra th .11 -
H su,
~.._, ry_ rlet Ifanre af tl Motet,
. oh w,"......v.r.;.,
one square from strtet ears.
I,ent lw.
Par further Information, eflOy to
• aba 21 Diam on d . A lleg h eny.. C
One of too finest hottees lotto!, city, co otolniox
IMO RN nermonumuners,
Water and Gas tbroagbout. We boom will ha
rented eery low to • good ➢ant.
Apply at
. .
SD ?Intl Avenue.
x - Aq mire at Igo. 55 S ITN /MD BT. 5-51
FOR S4LE.-3 Brick Houses,
Noe. 73 and 73 Logan street. and one ow*
of 75 on Carpenter* alley. They will Pe !Obi
low for ea**. !mantra ot C. SM.:RENT. 187
Ledford Klemm 1.31-wlen
That three story BUICK DWELLING,
desirably located. No. del Rivera venue. All, '1
ebeny City. contalnine ten rooms and headroom.
not ant cold *liter In Ent and second story. E. 1.
In all the rooms rause In kitchen. Ilelng situ
wed on owner of Grey's alley. It Is woUlbillted
and ventilated. roeseanon Aorll let.
JOhN D. BAILEY A 10110)..
I-8 N 0.115 "Numb averioe.
FUa SALE.—Elegont
HOUSK. emtandag 0 ronnaonodern gnat,
wag oaa. Range. Hot and Oold Water. lan 30
by 1517. situ oty on 441 e area. TOO lea moo
oPPortzdat) for 'Mom gearing' a bandy...
11010 e, T. B. BHA. A. RUN. '
•OR SA/X.—New BRICK HOUOK. 7 room>
modern !Man. elatate on**. street. Com 5
Eon glven Lt of Apra,
T. &BILL 809.
TOE BALE.—Nen . MANE HOUelt, 6 rooms,
eltonte near 39th street. 011 nmallmin otreat,
rake 1010100. Xesy terms.
lob= Corner Penn awl 33.1etreet.
..a: IN ALLF-OHENY CITY.-1 offer for sale
the most delightful bulb:bogie. situated Ili the
Second ward - , Allegheny, Co rem - poi Pisok
Gout aad Obeematory locate attiotillete the
Observatory 'round.. These L ola are part of
Ore sad one - ball' WO acres. ',plan of these
Lots mn he seta at niy store, No. tiff WOOD
STREET. The •plan ltan also ti re recorded.
Each Lot Is a feat lot , fronting on Perrysville
bad or Observatory y. avenue: also, 514 feet wide
111711derg. Tile lets opposite the reiltlenee of
Washington and Wolter McClintock. Es.. are
54 by 175 feet. tut of the I Ott urn add.
Vim dwellings hare en erected air, My. Per
son. desirous to leave the low.emends.nd
rooky clues can here lad an oPP.M a
ooltrs be
locality Is one of the driest to the two Mitre and
but lone minute. , walk from the head of nPavnt
Street: e heard walk leads to the prelttlat s. The
(Teat besaly MIMI, mad Mr, endings, re des
Senna cur: Mlces Ettnelre or
GEO. V. 0111111.
No 53 Wood street, Plitabetsgb, orNo. b 0 give
Ateithe t Allezhtny citT. 3-1
Brackets, Pendants,
. For Gas or OiL
ive are now reoehL e to SPRINOISTOCR OP
PIXTIIII.IIS of the et and linen Design.,
Iron 1 to 14 Lights, embracing ovr 1011 Differ.
ant Styles. which we an • Ping at IifiDOUILD
PRICE,, Wholesale end 10141. .
Plumbers omegas ritters,'
147 . WOOD STREET, near Fillh:lTiane.
sar Orders' for Plashing, One end PLC= rii
tion Promptly etwinded tn. m
I JOHN A‘.. %REM:.
a Beetroot , under the . Act of Cotter.; of Duren
Eld, 1807, having spoiled for a discharge from
all.kla debts, and other claims prorsbla coder
said Act, by order or the Court notice Is hereby
given to all creditors who bare proved .their
debit. and other persons totem...WA. to appear
on the DIM day or APRIL. 11110. et 10
A. 4., been, A lIUKT, HARPER. Estry
Regime In Bankruptcy, at Ms omen. To. Eta
Diamon dDio st
reet,re Pittsburgh. to *bow m. 0., It
y hhy a discharge should mot be
granted to the said bankrupt.
W S. C. IdctiANDLICSS. Clerk.
At Miftsborgb. tit Stith du or March. A. D.
1117 0.
oOder.lll•bn hereby roes range. too
aotttttttt ord. of Court. a sualicl (federal Meet
gst the Creditors of 111UUli
Bankfont. oa beld b ee r •of JODY. N.
Ii•RVIAIICK, Reto a t
No. Its Federal street, Is 1000111 o( Athisbeitri
o• taw Slat
Or Jt. MO. at
M.. for tbe partoms named
aectioa of the Bank r•ot Act or Much 5..31161.
JOHN •11. BAILEY, AsMonee.
oihlo Attircney-at-Lair, 88 Groat bit.
7 IP
—Letters or zdtalvlstratloo Carlos "1
JI S .I . trigt:ett e ll i ti a :l • 4l ,`, Matta.
Aroobeny coolly, Pa , Mora. all Orson Oro
!lamb) oat' nod to make 1.31.01 Ito 11472.4.1. Sad
%boo* baying claims will pre , cot them, prop.tir
oatlootleated, tor rottletornt.
WM. V. tVAIfE._
THROUGH IN roniri DAY& y.
. .
• We are Jackie storlpt of a smell ;evoke
eer) choke Japan Tea. pot op In heedsome
lacquered tea p.rand coddle. t glee Ity the p>und,
an lost via Salt Francis.: for sale by
m ace-. Corner Liberty - mud Ninthatteipa.
(ones t i f t Ata. t c. r 3 Z11.20 . 114
IYINCE;—The assessinentitor
liradlag. at d Xseadauclalury 'LAWMEN
crave. (recall:align street to Clprtsogstrn.are
sow ready for exulalttloa sat Stan be.. at
tklo eattl WEDNESDAY, Apr 119.190 -.••
sob,/ • H. J. 3104)NN, CRT Loiterer. • ;
*1 110
1 •
Attorney. at law.
o rarth areuw.