I CI Eftbut Ga CITY AND - SUBURBAN lubecribers changing their real. epees or please of business will consul their convenience and our own by leaving word foi the carriers at our counting room, corner of Sixth avenue and Smith field street. ME lifeuly all the loading. taverna aro pay leg out apecie In email change. The lobby attendance at the meeting Of counclut •oatordav wee unusually largEC - _ Attention itdireetrd to advertisement of "pocket book", lost, widen appears in the proper colnnin. There was no meeting of - the South Pittsburgh Councils lest night, no quo• rum being present. lacuna returns at this the elevelith hour are pouring Into the U. S. Amateurs office in a hasty manner. t• SUMO' Arnold Is very contented in 6fe new quarters at the penitentiary and ls ranked among the more docile prieon• ere. Pentenal,,—Theruany friends of Maj. A. M. Brown . will be sorry to learn, he Is seriotudy 11l with congestion of the langs. In !Ronny Marra Weather Pier, Din nate d Ox'a cream ale to indispensable to "peace in the ramify" and "happiness at home." • The Invalids of the Mercy Hospltal, were treated to a very fine concert, an evening or two ago, by the BC, Paul's Orchestral Band. Ladies are . invited to the opening or wing millinery to-day in tho rotail de partment at T. H. Warner's, 55 Fourth avenue, corner of Market Street. The Water Commission elected by Contichs yesterday, cannot fall torgive satisfaction in the discharge or Important work to be entrusted into their keeping. Deputy Mayor Nichol. yesterday twined warrants for the **Teat of George Yerger and John,Deltrich for disorderly conduct, Peter y. Smith prosecutor, all residents Of LaWrenorrille. We abierre that telegraph poles and tree boxes In various parts of the city an being need for bill [nicking. The prac ties should be ended by making exam ples of a few of the Indefatigable posters. Yesterday Nicholas Hoffman was before Alderman Allen charged with selling liquor to the minor eon of Henry Cause. Sy, of the Seventeenth ward. • He gave ball for a hearing. Two children out of a family residing on Cherry alley, were yesterday buried, flaying died of scarlet fever. Physicians report that this terrible disease prevaiie in some quarters of the city to an alarm. lug extent. Tnese who desire fashionable, neat 'fitting, wall made and durable clothing. for men and boys, at the lowest cash prices, will call at Urling,'Follanabie oo.'s Emporium, corner of Fifth avenue and Wood Street. ------- •--..- Fanny Kreble made Information before Alderman Butler yeeterday againet Jerry Roberta for adultery with Rachel Kenney. The trio are colored and re. : =, 'aide In the Fi ft h ward, Allegheny. The 1 ' ionised gave bail for a hearing. Utllnt, Follansbee & Co., e3rner of Fifth avenue and Wood street, have io addition to fall lineeof mans and boys clothing, a very elegant stock of gents furnishing goods, which they offer at as reasonable pricsa'as can elseWtous be obialned. Mecovered.—A few nights ago a man IMM . • •:•„; • . ,;, P3llOO, where it - can be had The person who borrowed without leave a volume of tho GAZWITE for 1819, on Sunda* lest, from our Me room, will please return the same at once and no questions will he asked. A failure to comply with this request will result In same trouble to a known party. ea . Yesterday Deputy Mayor 7'l,- tamed a warrant for the arrest Evans on a charge of attenst:;:.g nose of 61N goods to derrant; The Information was ct c Mcilwaine, to whom be Indebted thlrtem reside In the 9K -:,,u We advt.. • r kw Moo' she b•., 116 -doe et the .. Weed." bleasni. John Biggert are in exhibiting their .o• .ay are satiated that they wants or every one. Call by . and examine the Weed. ,ue Biblical Tableaux Vienne, after costave Doris, Illustrative of the opening of the New Testament. as presented by Mr Tamer Society Jest evening, was a grand and particular success, surpassing all the previous. aketchea from the Bible by the accomplished intorpre tern. The attendance was very large and flattering. Coronsr'a I equest.—Yeeterday after noon Coroner Clawson held an inquest upon the boy Daniel Whalen, who wu run over by a train of can at the outer depot, of the Fort Wayne Railway, on Sunday afternoon. A number of wit nesses were examined but no new facts developed nuttier than published yes. Unday. ♦ verdict of accidental death was rendered. -1 1 I, II • Officers Elected.—At the soint-annual election of blechanlce' Lodge, No. 9, L O. 0. F., hold Saturday evening, March 26, the following officerio were elected for the ensuing term : N. G., W. A. Mcßoberts' V. G., W. P. .Caldwell; Secretary, Geo. Booth ; Asaistant Seers). tem G. W. Shalt': Treasurer, Andrew Trltee, John A. Prince; Rep. O. H. A ., J eph Speakman. • Ilimprevements—Plana and • specifics, Bens for the new building about to be erected by the Pittsburgh flee Company ei the corner of Sixth avenue and Cherry eller. were deposited with Mr. Reed, the b tiding inspocter, yesterday. The build ing will be one hundred andllity feet six Inches deep, thirty feet two Riches wide, and twenty-dve feet _seven inches high. The front wit be °Hine cut atone, and Will be two stories higb. MISR& BUT de Ilene, are the architects, and Wilson 41 Bros., the builders. ■ The Fifth A eeeee Starlet question wee finally acted upon by .Counclie yes terday, and the Markertiommlttee duly empowered to purchme the Lyon pro. piny at $65,00n, payable seven years hence, the entire principal bearing Ural mtsrea payable annually.! A company will at once bo organized - to build • market hense. The plan for the pro posed bundles Is similar to the 'Ails. gheny market building, and the met le estimated at from prow t o 12 5.000. A market plum in mach needed in that growing sectionof the city. and we mon szattilate the people on the prospect of its Immediate establishment. •1 J '.Z I= M:== to Jail by "Alderman Rooter of Alle gheny, for goitiog op a dog fight, thereby violating, according to the cam mit the "act of Assembly, approved W, 1889, entitled an act to prevent ty to animals." The commitment farther let forth that the Accused was deprived of liberty, by Ming to pay •ht af ten dollars and four dollars and twautptive cents oasts." The name of litgrosecutor was not mentioned. The Elwanger will enjoy 'a season of repose la Jan, "antil roleased by doe reof law," which will not be long commitment commitment la shown to a lawyer. E Peetaince Omegas and Appointments, The following ebangea and appoint manta In Penuaytvenla postotdoea have been annonnond: ME paghton, Cheater county, George C. Greene, vice R. L. Sheler, resigned. Loyahock, Lycom Ing county, Joseph C. /Mohr, vine J. H. Hohr. deceased. Horn. brook, - Bradford county, David Horton, Vice J. Horton, resigned. Changed, awn and site of Copley, Lehigh county, to Biendon, Northampton county. and appoint J. D. Mertz, vice Rhea ben Dutt. by the changes. Evansville, Mratt i county, Wm. M. Mabel, vice 0. Michael, resigned. Limestoneville, Montour county, C. Hock, vice F. Funk, reelleaed. Moscow, Lucerne county, Robert E. Warden, vie* F. W. Horn. bac kar.rod_ toed. Reestablished—Unlon rnary, w orthumbsricoul county, Thos. 0. =kw, Padourter. I , .1.,1 . ,=, Regular Meellug—PetlUutte, Communi calloun and Rt.thillUDS—lteports of Committer a—Ordinance. A regular monthly mauling of the Be lent and Common Couucim of lb. city o Pittsburgh was held yesterday, Monday March 20, 1&0 at 2 o'clock P. U. .Ntomhors proseat—Messza. AM, Ahl horn, Aiken, Armstrong, Bissell, Burg. win, CortM, Devlin. Duncan, Edward'', Gallakmx,i Glenn, Gross, If artmau, Her, run, Ronne, Jones E. P., Jowls g,thew, lark, Laufmau, Liddell, Lloyd, Morrow', Murdoch, Murray, McEwen, McMahan, Rafferty, Rees, Rub Schmidt, Scully, Seely, Shipton, Thomas son,. Wainwright S. J., Wainwright z., WHAM, President McAuley, and R. 8. Morrow, Clerk. The inlnutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. White, a petitton for grading and paving certain streehpin the Fourteenth ward. Accepted. • Also, an ordinance providing for the grading, paving and curbing of. Gist street. Read three times and passed. Also, the petition of Martin Tomer for privilege to erect an iron clad building en Cie corner of Magee street and Wet. win alley. Referred to the Committee on Wooden Buildings. Also, a petition for the grading and papag of Bt. Petrick' alloy. Referred to The Road Committee. . Mr. Hartman, a petition for a gas lamp on Franklin street. Referred to Gee Committee. Also. claim of Ilartman and Laro for ever paid business-tax. Referred to Fl. fiance Committee. Mr. AM, a resolution providing for a gas lamp on Liberty stroet, between deventeenthimd Twentieth atreets.' lie. (erred to Oita Committee. . Mr. Liddell, a petition or 0:Moon, Mar shall it 00., asking permission to clad s building at Liberty mid Twentieth street'. Referred to the Committee on Wooden Buildings. - Mr. E. P. /Ones, a resolution against the opening or L3CllBi street.l Rererren to Street Committee. _ - - •• -• • _ Mao, a petitiou for opening Brady street. Roterred to Committee on Reads. Mr. Murdock, a petition for a road In rwenty-second ward. Referred to Sur rey lbrumittee. Mr. Seely: a petitiou for opening Dal. las avenue. Referred to the Survey Committee. '. Mr. Edwards: a petition from the Board of Directors of the Pleasant Val ley R. R. W. Co. for privilege to tray, arse with their track certain streets from the Hand street bridge to the corner of Fifth avenue and Smithfield street. Referred to the Railroad Committee . Mr. Scully: a petition for the opening of Halket street anti Boundary street. Referred to Survey Committee. Mr. Borgwin: a co mmunication rola' Ivo to the rental of butcher'a stalls, and a resolution authorizing the Market Com mittee to reconsider the rates of rental established by them for market Malta and report at the next meeting of Om a cite; and that until such report is made the butchers shall occupy thelrold mends at the old rentals. . Mr. McEwen moved to lay the resolu tion on the table: Adopted. Mr. Morrow offered a resolution an thorizing gas 'amiss on Vanbrausi atreet and alliteaberger allay, and on Milton. verger street. Referred to the Gas Committee. ' Mr. Whits preseeteal the report of the Committee on Wooden Building.. ac companying ,which was an ordinance granting Privilege to erect a frame - build. lug to Einxinel O'Brien dr Bros., en Liberty street. Oa motion the rules were suspended, and the ordinance read three times and passed. Acoampanying the report was also au ordinance granting pnvilege to Mr. lkennelly to make certain improvements on a wooden building. Read throe times and passed under a. suspension of the rules. Mr. Gallaher, an ordinance granting privilege to Arbuckle Co. to construct an iron bridge across Cburch alley at a -.1; • Eil Adopted, Mr. Rafferty moved to refer the mat. tar to the Street Committee. Mr. latto loom moved to amend by reterrinn. tt to the Ordinance Committee. Kod the matter was so ra te. re,• :i ...o --, called up an ordinance pre -c rated granting cartel% privi -.,e Pittsburgh and Birmingham Its Railway Company, and M its final passage ar. Hartman moved to amend as fol mws : Provided that the city reserve I the right to grant the like privilege to other railroads to traverse the same streets whenever in the wisdom of the Council It may be deemed proper, and further, that the city reserve the right to vacate a ty or all ofsaid streets. Mr. Aiken odered an amendment to the amendment providing that the 'Pleas. eat Valley Railroad Company, whenever the right. was granted, the privilege to traverse other streets in the city, said ebnpany shall have the right to traverse that portionmf laid track . between Sev enth and Fifth avenuaa. Mr. Burgwin offered as a entatitate the following: Provided, that the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh hereby reserve to - themselves the right to grant at any time to any passenger railway company the privilege of using said track hereby adthorised to be laid for like purposes, upon payment to the Pittsburgh and Birmingham P. R. W. Co. of a proper . . Ronate share of the cost of laying the mime; provided, however, that any cons. ran) to which the right to use said track i.e granted shall run their cars thereon subject 10 and in conformity with such reasonable time table as may be eatab fished by - the Pittsburgh and Birming ham P. R. W. Co. Prodded also that nothing herein core eil l tale - shall interfere with the right of the ci y to vacate any part .of the streets over bids the said track shall be laid. Mr. irk amended as follows: Provi• dad t t the rights and privilege herein granted shall nut be cleetuecl an exclualie grant to said company, but the city re. carves. the right to grant similar pHy lieges over mid street. Mr. House moved to lay the amend. meat on the table. The motion was adopted. , The question recurred on Mr. Bur. gwin's substitute for the 115 0311tialSOLA, which was adopted. Thin ordinance as amended was then read a third time and passed finally. C. C. not-concurred. oarUes I want ot a Be ~ .yr oileonon no Councils then adjourned to meet with Common Connell in joint sowlom to elect a board of Water Examiners. Mr. Shipton, chairman of the Gas Com mittee, presented the following report: GiNTL3SII.3IN: Your Committee On Gal Lighting have had before them a number of petitions for the erection of gas lamps, and would respectfully recommend the erection of lamps at the following points: One In front of Hems for the Destitute, on Duquesne Way; one on Washington street, between Franklin Street and Fifth' At the following point 4 where lamps are asked for, there are no canine,: Corner of.Overhill street and Hopper's alley, and on Twentieth street. The committee report adversely to the petition for lamp on the corner of Wash. legton street and Webster avenue, and change In present position of lamp on corner of Penn avenue and Milk street. -Accepted and riled, and lamps ordered as recommended. Mr. Isaac Jones presented a renton ammo against the opening of Arch street. Referred to the Street Committee. IMPORT 01 , THE VARLET ooxmtprxx. Mr. McEwen, Chairman of the Merkel Committee, promoted the following re. port: G ENTLENISII: The Market Cominittee reepectfolly report to you that In pares sacs of the authority vested In them by resolution of Nov. 29, 1869, they have contracted with Win. ht. Lyoa sad others, executors of Jobs Lyon, deceased, and Jam., B. Murray and John T. Matthews, executor" of Anthony Sheet, deceased. for the purchase of twenty lota In the Fourreestb ward In the city, balm, lot. . Is Miltenberger's plea, membered - 1 to 10 Incinalve and 29 to 32 Inclusive for which they have agreed to pay the mum of aixty-five theuaaad dollar.. In amen years foam the let day of April, 1870, with Interest, to be secured by bonds and mortgagee upon the premises. That they have procurred the passage of an ant of Amicably authorizing the mules of bends forth. purchase money, approved February 26, 1870. They request you to Provide by ordinance for the creation of bonds and mergers. for the purchase money In ecoortanee with the Imre:went made oy old Committee. The report was aocepted. An ordinance providing forth' laming of bonds as sot forth In the report was then taken up. On motion of Mr. Jesse Jane. the ordl• mince was passed finally under •suepen ' don of the rules. Mr. E. P. Jones, ea led epee ordinance providing for the -grading of Casson street. Presented in Common Connell at a previous meeting and laid over Under the - rules. T o ordinanee was passed finally. . Kirk presented an ordinance ex. em all liquid merchandise, bought CITY COUNCILS 1= 17EX= Tiding Ible for r 00CUr lame. Mr.Sirrie, from the Committee on Fire Engines and Hose, presented theit_re port, with the following Act of - As sembly : Be it enacted by the Senate and house of Itspresenistives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In general assembly met, and It is hereby enacted by the I authority of the same, that the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh be; and they are hereby empowered to establish, organize and control s Pold Fire Depart ment In and for the city of Pittsburgh. and to provide fur the expenses thereof. Cice..2. That for the purpose aforesaid, and In addition to other revenues, It shall be lawful for. the said Councils to assess and collect a epecial tax upon all Fire, Marine and Life • Insurance Com panies or agencies doing business within said city, said tax not to exceed in any one year the amount of three and one halt mills on the dollar of the grass reeetpts of said companies, Sec. 3 The said Commits shall have full power to wake all 'neeeseary and proper rule/ and ordinances for the government of said Fire Deparment, not Inconsistent with the oonatltntlon and lawn of the State of Pennsylvania, and to enforce Ike same by proper penalties. Mr. Morgan moved to receive and the the act as read. Carried. The following resolutions - were then read: WHIKREAS, It will require some lime to deltberate and mature a plan to organ• Ise the new Fire DepaiSweat, yourCom mlttee rooonamend the adoption of the following resolutiona I= P Remised, That the Committee on Fire • Engines and Hose be and they are hereby authorized to take possession of all property used by the late Fire . Depart ment of Pittsburgh, except the engines and hones and other property purchased by private citizens, Resolved, That said Committee on Fire Engines and Hose be and they are here. by authorized to order warrants on the City Treasurer In favorer Will. Phillips and James McAuley, Eqpt., for the amounts paid by them for engines, hones and other property of the late Pittsburgh Fire Department, with interest thereon. Resolved, That said Committee on Firs Engines and HOl4l be and they are hereby Instructed to ascertain and re port to Councils what claima. if any, the former lire companies may have on property belonging to or need by them resPeotively. Resolved, That - said Committee on Fire Engines and Hose be and they are hereby authorized to effect and enter into a temporary organization of as many engines and hose ear/it/gee as they may be able to obtain poeseulon of, not ox. needing aix engines and hose carriages, and other property belonging thereto. Mr. Oliver, Jr., moved the adoption of the resolutions as road. SM;=I Mr. Sims moved to suspend the rules and adopt there:stations. Lent. The resolutions were then hid over. The report was accompanied by the following ordinance: Be It ordained, etc., That for the pnr. pose of este:halting a Paid Fire Depart. meet, 27 authorized by the Act of Assem bly entithxl "an act to establish the -Pittoburgh Fire Department," approved March 23. IWO, a tax Is hereby levied for the year 1670 , upon all the Fire Marine and Life Insurance Oompanles and agen cies doing boldness Within the city. of (f'.), three and 01113 half Wile on the dollar of the groan receipts of said com panies for theyear 18 70, to bo estimated by the assessors from the receipts of the quarter ending April 1, 1870. The said tax to be' awned and collected In the tame manner as other city taxes are as- Gamed and collected. Laid over under the rules. Mr. Matters presented the report of the Committee on City Printing, getting forth that the contract for city Job print. ing bad been let to Eaves, t Co.; an additional contract for job printing to A. A.. Anderson at Co., and the printing of the "Municipal Record" to the "Com. mamba Printing Company," at a price of 1780. The chairman ruled the paper out of order, es It had not been "'good by and .1d by . weight, from ganging by the City Gauger. Laid over under the rules. Adjourned. Common Council At ten mit:mum put two o'clock Preni dent Tomlinson relle.l Sq. branch to or6ex, when the following members; an swered to the cell or the roll : Moears. Arthuro, Alboita, Marker, Deckineu, gsymer, slack, Booth, Brad ley, Cameron, flukey, Chalmers, Crs o gee, Daum, Diamond, Dietrich, Dolls Edwards, Faxon, .Fedder. Person, D. I. Fleming, John Fleming, Fulton, (iazzam, I . Hare, • Jahn, Jamison, Jones, Koh. e, Ling, Lyons, Mattern, Moyer, Mitch il, Miller, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, M ley, McCoy, McGann , McKelvy, Mogi y, H. W. Oliver. Jr., H. W. Oliver, r.. Fender, Preston, Schleiter, School r, Seibert, SeSerth, Seitz, Shoeb, SI e, Smith, Saesthen, flood graze, 'Vey r, Wallace, and President Toinliewm. , biluutes road and approved. ' .. PETITIONS, he. Mr. Uazzam presented a resolution for the erection of a gas lamp on Third ave. one. Referred to tins Committee. Mr. Jahn, petition and ordinance. which woro referred to the Ordinance Committee. Tho object of Reis ordinance was not announced. Mr. Hare, petition for Ruston', oroa sing on Liberty street, Referred to Street Committee, with power to act Aieo, petition for grading and paving Catharino alley, Eleventh ward, acme, panted by ordinance. Petition accepted and ordinance passed to second reading. WATER CLOHETH IN THE MAIIICET BUILD INCAS. Mr. D L. Fleming said he presented the following ordinance at the solicits lieu of numbers of those intereeted. That such a nectasity existed was evident to every one: An ordinance authorizing the creation of water closets for the use of tonente end occupanta of the Diamond Market Buildiage, oily of Pittebtirgh : Scorzora 1. Be it ordained rod enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, In Select and Common Councils assembled, and it In hereby ordained and enacted by author. ity of the same, that the Superintendent of Markets be authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the erection of proper Water Closet conveniences, in amen portions of the market buildings as may be agreed upon by the Market Com mittee, for the accommodation of country people attending market, butchers, hucksters and all others transacting bus iness or oriccupyleg places as tenants In said market buildings • lilac. 2 That any ordinance or part of Ordinance congesting with the lineage of this ordinaries at the present time be and the same Is bereby repealed, On motion of Mr. Feeming, It was re ferred to the Market Committee. The same gentleman also presented a resolution for the erection of a gas lamp on Wylie avenue, half way between Washington and Congress streets, Say. enth ward. Referred to Gas. Committee. Mr. Moorhead, petition for opening Granville street, Eleventh ward. Reeler. rod to Street Committee. Mr. Daum, petition front Dickson, Mar shill tt Co. for privilege to erect au iron clad addition to their works, Twelfth ward. Referred to Committee on Wood: ea Buildings. Mr. Wallace, petitions (or two gee lamps in. Twelfth ward. Referred to Gas temmittera Mr. Dull; petition for the repeal of en ordinance for opening Kirkpatrick street. Referred to street Committee. Mr. bleflann, remonstrance against opening of Locuot street, Sixth ward. Itsferred to Street Committee. Mr. Black, minion for grading and paving Pine alley. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Mitchell,, petition from • citizen Of the Twelfth ward to erect four brick buildings without fire walls. Referred to the temsaittee en Wooden Buildings. Mr. Deitrich, pennon for paving of Main street. Referred to the Street Committee. Mr. Kegley, petition from Casper Kegley asking far payment of the amount due bleu (pm of the Indebted ness of Usi lint township, seemed by the city at the time of consolidation. Re-( ferred to the Please° Committee with' power to act. PROM TIM STRICT CORM ITTICK, Mr. Morgan, front the Street Commit tee, presented the following buelnees which was disposed of is noted. An or. Must:ton for the opening of Arch street to an uniform width of fifty feet, a remora stranoe was presented against the patalge of this ordinance. Bath papers were re ferred beck to the Street Committee for consideration; ordinance for opening of Kirkpatrick street: read three times and passed tinder ■uepenaion of rules. Ordi nance for laying of switch track moment ing their furnace with the Allegheny Valley Railroad track, as directed by City Engineer. Passed finally. Ordi nance for construction of.eewer on St. Patrick's alley, Eleventh ward; passed finally. Communication from City Flo ginner H. J. Moore, reporting that he had ae yet bean unable to ascertain the exact amount of grading on Webster avenue, but would have a full end cone piece report ready for tee next regular meeting or Counclistxeceived and filed. Bill or Stewart McKee for 12d for refund log aim/mice aasessmeut on property on W;ylle avenue. Referral to Finance Committee with power to act. Tad /IRE DEPARTIIKAIT. ==! GAZETTE: TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1870 PITTSBURGH any member Of the coismittee except the chairman. That gent emitn was granted leave to get the eig atures of hie col leagues. Mr. Fleming said he wished to eller a resolution which he thought due to thp Printing Committee and Loan concerned. It wee alleged that the awarding of the contract for "Pd.uniclpal Record,". had not been done as the ordinance required. The gentiTman was -proceeding to read the resolution, when , The Preaident ruled the paper out of order, ee it was not the time to receive resolution& THE "LONLI ELL." , Mr. Morgan, fro gs the Spacial Commit tee appointed to ascertain if any member of C. U. had beau instrumental in fram ing and forwarding to the Legislature the "Ding bill" !creating a Paid Fire Department in Pittsburgh, re warted that . Mr. !Seibert, of the Eighteenth ward, tuid boon present at the meeting, happening by accident it, the building where held. The Comtnit• tee excused his participation. Mr. Two . litelon, of the Pow tie ward, wee present also and presided at the tuDsing, but ex he went to the meeting unaware of lie object, and also repeatedly refused to wealth], finally being] prevailed upon to accept the place, ho was excused for hie participation. 1 The report we, read, dared to be printed. I . SURDIVIBION OR HUH( Mr. McKelvy offerer the division of the 'Di burgh into two °tomtit] lug the Mile° of Std 1: street, the polls of I The ordinance was r 1 passed under seaplane THR mrsioie. Tue report of the properly tigued, was received. Mr. Srusigraas off setting forth that L rumors afloat to the e of the ''Muucipal Rex let; that therefore a of three from the Cot Select be appointed vestlgate the matter a la , before them at Ltd The contract In the in Vended, Mr. Fleming—l um; the resolution. . Mr. Morgan I obji has bean let, and we with It now, Mr. Mewing—The Tc the contract until tie 'investigated. Mr. McKelvy—lt's contract hie been let. were Ina:rooted to at done tsa. We cant get Mr. Moorhead—l in lutlou do the table. on this last mittion, w The report was th approved. ill=B S id an ordination for. lwelftli ward, Pittit.. , In di:dile:B. Mak. i Aunt Mqßoo, q Pann 1, ° Re'ziut Product.' • Ad'threo Limo nod f low of tbo rules. .41. RECORD. Irioting Cooonitto sow preseutod and rod a resolution tare were curtain lord that the letting I.rd" was not fairly b " r 'itaa c i i t l r t o o p l o l r r.. i pedal Om wide° ty i. mon anti fw., from ler next meeting. eantinia to beano o the soloptien or ct. The contract an% do anything matter bin boon no use. now. the The Committee t and they have hack of that. ye to lay :Le reeo vote rya. taken loh wai carried. /.0 received and PAID PIKE Di:P Mr. Morgan offered atructlng the Commit!. and HO3O, to report 1 a paid tire departalei prepared for coindile sesaion of Council nu . April. 4th. 1570,—the i . printed. and a copy lair 1 . each member. Mr. Doll, prbsented a revillution In structing the ordinanco Committee to Drapers an ordinatioo providing for the payment of alpettseq of pollee, while to search of criminals from the city. Itead throe times and passed. PLEASANT VALLEY RAILROAD. -- - ' ITIEIM I a resolution, in : on Fire Esigtne. an ordinance for roriho same bo scion in spovial daY ariorno - in, ordinance to he id on the desk of Mr. Lyons; potltlon from Newtons Val ley Passenger Hsilway. Company wain. for right of way from Natal etro to Poatotllco, by way orriavouth avanuo and Susithdold stmt. Position accopscal. - TUN TRAM KIITOWN ROAD. Mr. Arthur., offered', resolution le. structlng the Street or 'Road Comma ginner. to hero the toll gate. on the Frankatown Piankroad removed outside the city liming. the officer■ of the city being authorized to bring action against the company unless the 101 l house, wore renew:se. Mr. Morgan Said thin could not be done. No power could take swsy the rights of ao locorpors•ed company In that way. • Mr. Burton mold the company had the tight to that mad and could collect toll there perpetually unless taut portion of the road wan. purchased. The only method of arranging the molter Would be to settle tacos term. with the company and buy the road. The olty could get poisessionln nit other way. Ile offered • resolution, as au aturoadinent to the original one, providing for the ap polntu,.ut gal a committee of three to ,_ confer with the oftioera of the court...Y, and ascertain upon what erma the road could be purchased. •Th amendment, after some discussion, wait adopted. The Clerk was then instructed to nett. fy Select Council that Common Council was ready to meet In joint emotion for the election of Water Comudeelonere. After the adjournment or the joint Session, C. C. resumed hi/slue.. The following bueVero.,, acted upon lo Select Council at previous meetingii. wax concurred Accepting remonatr•nce against paving of Locust egoist. Ito reale': to Monongabeln Wharf C0.,.i mitten pelliTon to erect a wharf best at the Point. Ittforrog p tub., for eaten Lon of Laing avenue, Twenty-.second ward. Accepting the report of Wooden Building Committee. Referring to Waaideu Building Committee William Smith's petition for privilege to erect an Iron clad building. -- }Warring to Fina nce Committee; with power to act, petition of John Mitchell for payment of jilllti amount or bond of Lawreneevllle emptied by oily at con. aolidatlon. Aoceogest remonstrance against paving Thlrty.second agent. Pausing resolution authorizing payment of John Semple's bill of SIS for posting City notices. listening ,to Survey COM-- mitts(' petition for newkoad Twenty. third ward. Referring to Ordinance Committee ordinance granting Arbuckle & Co. privilege to erect an uncovered Iron bridge over Church - alley. Pawing finally ordinance for opening Tango street. Accepting Controller's' report. Pawing finally ordinance for opening of Homewood avenue. Passing finally or dinances for the opening .of Itsbecca street, grading and paving Tustin 'greet, paving Madison "greet, ohauging name of Westminster avenue to Frankstown avenue. Accepting reports of Rind and Property Committees and granting latter coalmittee power to sec in the mutter of the Washington graveyard. =I The ortlinanco in relation to liebl e i o 'Monsen, pasard by Solent branch, was t■kenno. Afternoonliferablo disomelon the yeas and nays were called on a mo tion to concur, with the following re aunt Yeas—Messrs. Barton, Bwknian, Roy rum, Bradley, roman, John Planning, Jones, Kohne, Lyona,, Moorhead, Mor fan, Moseley, . Nexhoy,lW. ii. Olivor, Sr., &blotter, lichnelder, I Stubert, Smith, Verner and Preeidant 'ninth:MO n-20. Nays—Menem Addison, Albeit z, Bolter, Black, Booth, Cameron, Cl/ahoy, ChM. mars, Croogan, DAUM, Dlninond, Edwards, Faxon, Fodder. D. b. F lam ing, Fulton, (Iszmin, . Dare, Jalm. Long, Mutton:l. Moyer, Mitchell , Miller, Moore, McCoy. McGann, McKelvey. W. H. .0:1- nor, Jr., Pander, Preston, klaireirth, Boltz. Sboob, Sims, Snodgrass and Wallace-37. So the ordinance wall laid over. In all other. Waimea; V. O. concurred. Adjourned.' Joint tfleu!on Councils aseetn bled. In Nut KI1(11.100 for the purpose or electing three Water Commissioners in accordance with an ordinariee recently passed. President McAuley, of the. Select branch. prodded, and after dating the object, announced nominations In order, The following gentlemen were nornins. ted: Messrs. F. Slataper.J. K. Moorhead, John P. Penns Jae. P. Harr , Goo. A. Berry, W. 0. liughart, Wm. R. Brown and Andrew hillier. Before the vote had been announced, on ;notion, Abe three having the highest number of votes were declared elected, The following was the result :.*Blata• 23r, 81; v.ifoorhead, 70; *Barry M il l er, m, : Brown, 23, Flughart, 21; 11; Barr, 18.,, The Johtt Soeeiou then adjourned - Choke Heal Estate Capitalists Interested In the purchase of real estate would commit their Inter sate by examining the advertisement of Thomas Steele, Esq., Surveyor of Cue. toms, in relation to the sale of a portion of the Marino Hospital lot. Tho former bide for this land, comprising between two and threo acres, were rejected by I Secretary MeHulloch and Sao property will be offsred at public auction on Men. day, April 4, 1870, at noon, at the Custom House, Pittsburgh. It la rarely that curb a lino piece of property for 'dolma any paws° Is put upon the market. Al a manufacturing ells It le uneurpeaced In this vicinity. Two railroads and a river sdhrd COLIV6PIGLICOII for shipment; to any point, while its proximity to the cities is an advantage which any manufacturer. will readily appreciate. Tho terms are Very easy. Putt particulars made known on day of-sale. There is no better oppor tunity for the investment of money In the reel estate line. • Henry Paulus, haring been burned out at 124 0610 avenue, has' removed bin boot and Idles, store and btelory to the oorner of Fulton and 8601101 d streets, Fifth ward, Allegheny, wheie from the 21st instant he will be glad to wait on his friends sod customers as usual. d FIRE STATISTICS he Fire illarahat's Report—Allegheny . County's Lames In 111369 from Coatis grattons--Important lifformation and suggestions. • Yeeterday, iu the Common Pleas Conn, Judge Collier presiding, George Murphy, Etq., Fire Marahal for Alle gheny County', presented his annual ropOrt, of which the following is an extended synopsis: .The report commencas with a state ment that the losses have been larger during the year than any previous cor responding period, save 1867, since the dlice of Fire Marshall was created, amounting in the aggregate to 1 632 . 1 7 3 , inaured to the amount of *449,496, dis tributed as follows: Rease• • 'atm Ins.. • ' Orvaa eaed GlAsa Foe • . ... .. . . tome.. tro y "o luauraout .•• vl Gil $ 1 . 4.1'..N X 2 dtOrcs and Dwell. Cotten. MUM. ...... 5141 51E:11 a r t . & douse ftt: e;11°. $ 212 On which insurance has been effected to the atuontit of 1952,526. The lumen of the year en ing March 27, an compared with prowl& s year.. Is ah followt—frone August 24 to' March 29: 1145. MSG. 114)." (boa loilsk..Y4, (24 4741 1...25 0118 NA ISIS SYJ 1= .42 rald..lMlls. X. 16,014 500,10 271,M4 31S aG Nearly onehalf the amount bat was occasioned by-two fires, viz: Forsyth Bros.' relieety.'and the cotton factory of A. H. Childs it Co. At the former there Was a loan of 8205,950, and by the latter 1157,088. These are the most disastroue Urea that have occurred. within thh: county, of which I have any record, since the great fire of April 10, 1845. During the year the number of tbrea and alarms of tire have been 221. Of thane ICI were false, end 40 needless, on Wioned by burning chininiee, etc.; 46 were attended with trlfllux lose, and 117 wore absolute Ores. Of the actual fires 19 wore the work of incendiarism, or supposed to be after a careful and critical examination of the feels, and 2'2 were caused by defective lines, and only 4 from unknown mew. Originating from defective duos, the most disastrous was the burning of the Fifth ward school house, of Allegheny city. I believe it lea duty to the communitY to comment freely upon this lire. Toot It was caused by criminal earl:indices on the part of those persona who made the duo but four inches thick, and drove pieces of wood in, to which they could attach the 'wainscot, - is, to my mind beyond a doubt. 'Argo quantities: of soot bad col lected in the bead of this flue _over the window, which being ignited, communi. noted toe Ore to the pieces of wood driven Into the due, and from thorn communi cated to the wainscot. This would have been the necessary oenecquence even had the wail of the due Seen thicker. • But, In • tine with a wall only four inches thick, an accumulation of snot once on Ore, the heat would have been intense enough to have tired the wainscot. Although there have been incendiary or :supposed incendiary fires since my last report, yet after the closest InVestl• valor: no clue could too found to the parties committing the acts, and no arrests he been made. Of the seven persons under arrad for •arnon mention• ed In my last report,-aix were trial and acquitted. Lam of tho opinion that if our author' the would °flew a reward of lire hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of incendiaries, it would deter many from committing the crime. and the police would hat•o some . object rather than merely performing their duty, in bring lug the guilty ;Barthm to lusting I earn estly recommend that some 'such rand. lug roward tie offered. • . A large number of the tires arise from stovO olpee, ash boxes, heating apparatus csrelissly put up, honey-combed chlus• neys, riathage, de., I would recommend the low governing the Fire Marahal be amended so an to Ms, him power to sup. prises ail nuissmee f this character. I would further recommend granting the Firs Marshal authority tq appoint three depution fcr Pittsburgh, two for Allegheny city, and t n o for the boroughs on the Kauth side, one for McKeesport and one for Elizabeth, giving them the same power. the Marshal, but to report each tire to him ea early as possible. It -la impossible for the Fire Marshal to lie at all area, and frequently while Invent. gating One, others occur. McKeesport, especially. needs • deputy. Las suf fered vary heavily in the last three years. •Nu lows than f 210.000 worth of property hes been destroyed sines May, 180 7. 150.000 of which Was - within the peat Teo Manliest comments at length on the Paid , Fire Department question Warming the benents or the system by its working in Alirghony, and other largo cities, No death". Lave oceurrtel among tb firemen cause.! by aecidont at • fir but norerel wero neverely burned ■t th oil refinery of Forneyibe Brother•. - . 'Several death', have occurred, and fumy persons have • been severely hi pima by the overturning 0(011 lamps, and by attempts made to kindle fires with olr from cans. . Mr, Murphy conclutire Ws lengthy and comorehetnivo report by returning thank. to cation. parties. who 'misted hint In the diachargo of the &Me. per. tabling to his office., THE COUR'lli. lolletl States tilairlet Court— Judge aireaqdle.e. Mow?Ay, March 2S.—Peter Smith, In. dieted for smiling °sake containing for. mented liquor without having stamps thereon. plead guilty and was sentenced to one hour's Imprisonment and to pay a tioe of ono hundred dollars and coats of suit- The case of the United States vs-Julius Adler, Louis Rosenberg and Penrou Fleisher; was rammed and occupied the attention of lb. Court during the re. malodor of the day; • District Liourt—Judge Kirkpatrick. MONDAY. March 28.—The came of Cald well Jr Bros., vs. James Millinger, gar- Mabee of Charles Goehrlug, owner of the steamboat ••John F. Carr," sad same plaintiffs vs. same defendant, garnishee of. GOoßring, imploaded with jetties Richardson, owners of the steamboat "Col. Steele," wore taken up for trial to gather. Those, rere attachmente In- the nature of an execution, to recover money In theltands of .the defendant as gar nishee of Mr. q sabring. The oases ere still on trial. TRIAL LINT POR TUESDAY. 188 Reinsenhauser vs. Keep of al. 189 fitidel vs. Baum. 131 Becton:to Bt. And. Ch. vs. ling. 154 Knitting et ux, vs. Barker et al. 110 Citlacus Ref. Co. vs. Dilworth. 112 Jsooby vs. itSchoon et al. 120 Bartupee dc Co. vs. McDonald. . 178 Brown, aim, vs. H. B. c fleindeer." 180 B. a. nillrey Fox" vs. Milllngar, Clay it Co. • —.— quarter &tautens—Judge Sterrett. MONDAY, March 28.—T. Kennedy was placed 013 trial on an indictmentcharglng Mtn with the embezzlement. of money belonging to Van (lorder and Sheppard, The accused was the driver of an oyster wagou belonging •to the above named firm, and It la alged ha oolleated bills and failed to hand the money over to his employani. Jury out. John Wood, who was sixteen year. of age on the sixteenth day - of lest Novem ber, was arraigned for trial on an Indict. meat containing three counts, au follows; let, aoduction; gad, seduction under promise of marriage: 3rd, forts= ei eel. The prosecuting witness In the cute, Miss Annie Seibert, a young woman of about seventeen summers, testified that the offences - charged in the Indictment were committal 00 or about the 24th of March, 1889. • Tho defense' called a number of witncineonto prove that the preeeentrix was a woman of bad reputation, several of ahem teatined that her character for chastity In the neighborhood of Hite', elation,_ on the Weetern Pennsylvania Italireal, where mho resided, was not good. The case . was not concluded at time time of adjournment. 'LIFT FOR TURODY. 202 Corn. Va. Prank Mora n . 204 J. Smltb. 20.5 Henry Bean, 2 ashes.. 207 Prod. D 01102213. I 171 Darly Holland, CMOS; lA2 I.llclisal Sharman. • " George Muckier. 31 " " Abraham 0. Tilman Cowman Pleas—Judge Collier. Mon DAY. March 2&—The cue of Wen. eel dt Helm vs. Moses Good was taken up. "Maim an *akin In replevin for a buggy. valued at one hundred and tweet. ty.dve dollars. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. Rt. Ranhin's Ex'r. vaL 49. Honorer et al, ve. Hamilton. • P: & U. Olui and Coal Co. vs. Bailey. SE. SAWS vs. Hartman. :H. Hanle va. Henderson. rws. Hoodgraas, use. vs. Snodgrose at aL MI Thompson vs. Mooro et al. 67. Barrett h Bro. vs. Ewart. 68. Couraln vs. Holdings et al. 69. Sommer it Co. vi. Updegraff et trx. 62. Bonnen vs. Bterling. Cala * Down—Rools and shoes Daiwa.— sliver given In change to all purchasers of Roots and Shoot. Infant's Fancy Shoes only ton cents at 28 Fifth avenue. 4 W. B. CLAPP& CO. CHILD STE LLINEI. A Little Lhlld Abducted—Strange Pro reduro—Arrest of a Mae Arcuscd of the Offense—No Trace of the Child. Last Saturday evening a little girl was stolen from the Wane of the Friendless, Washington street, Allegheny, under rather peculiar circumstances. Shortly after school hours she was playing in the yard with a number of oompanions when a man appeared at tho railing which encloses the premises. He had In his hand ■ lot of candy, with which he attacted the attention of the child. In response to his Invitation she came forward to receive the gift. When with in reaching distance, the man suddenly lifted her over the fence and started off Her cries attracted her playmates, but the man was gone before he could he secured. She was about eir yours of ago, and the daughterof Mr. William B. Sterrett, of the Atlas Works of this city. The gentleman has one or . two other children at the Rome Ae soon ae he was' Informed of the occurrence he set to work and by diligent search at last discovered sufficient to lead him' to make Information before Alderman Me. Masters against Robert George Dear, charging Min with child stealing or ab duction. The accused was arrested and brought before the Alderman. Ile to fused to anewer auy questions and main. Mined s sultan dogged Kilauea through out the hearing. Es was committed to jail In 'default of one thousand dollars ball for trial. No Information in regard to the child, and no trace of It has yet been disonvered. It la said the evidence pointing to him as the criminal le very direct. Tho fatoof the child is as yct a mystery. • Large Auction sale of Shoes.—A. Leg gate auctioneer will sell .at. 159 Federal street, Allegheny, this day, Tuesday and to-morrow Wednesday afternoon. at two o'clock, the stock of a city retell shoe atom comprising all, sizes of boots, shoes and gaiters to be Isola for whatever they will bring. A rare chance for heads of families to lay to a supply. • Factory Nutidinga. Engine Am., at Auction.—That large manufactory. on North avenue, near Irwin avenue. Alle. gkony, former ly occupied by C. C. LMInD Mid CO., will bo Sold on Wednesday 30th inst., at three o'clock. Lease of ground thirteen years. A. LEGOVIE. 3 Auctioneer. C. C. Lightcap, of the Morgan Rouse, would reepectfullythronn his friends and the public generally that on and after April 1, he will take charge of the ()RANI" Honog, whore he will be happy to wale all his old friends and patron, 3 The Spring !Week of Henry C. Hale, Merchant Tailor, at corner of Penn avenue and Sixth street, la now large and complete. Monsieur Benpaine coo• Swam to prealde at the cutting.- U If Yoti Want your hair dressed or frizaled after the latest fashion, • a COM fortabl;- shave, a luxurious bath or a little e illful ...upping and leeching, any or all, go to Williamson's popular saloon, No. il9 Federal street, Allegheny. T ,cirer'. Farina forms a very agree able light nutritive food, a auperlor arli chi for i rddinge and Jellloa, and la highly in e reconded by physicians for invalids and ch Wren. Sold by all grocers. • T. • BUSINESS NOTICES. -The 11.4.11ra' Soros*. club, of New York. r.o..ntly chanted their eireusslons fro .oman . 4 auffrage to flair preparation. and Pimple Hanirrliers. They deem,. that *here nature had not endowed them with beauty, It cr4 their rlitht—yea, Ihrir ditty—to seek it where they could. yi, they ail voted that *in stills Rem overcame Maii.lollo, Rough Skin, and itlectriarks , and cave to tat complexion a 03 at &ritual. Mr.lan) and marbie•zike Bp beams, (dangerous [omen. no doubtli and that Lyon's' natbalron made the lir:V.lllde thick, soft Sod artful pretty, and moreover prevented It from turning gray. If the preprietors of these articles did not send the sisters an invoice they are sot snarl. NIESBIT-..1Y NIT WORTE—On the tillth by kiA.. T. F. Busger. .t the restol :bee of the brldee (Atha-, K... U. K.' NESBIT. of Alla °Lamy city. sod Miss ALICE. W NITWORTII. of hello, Eretstroug UNDERTAKERS JONEPIR METER b. SON, ibrii.)Err-rAALF...ruo. No. i 9• VENN BTB2ti I=l Y Um Tumoral* Turnlobed corn 3 333 all Puorrsl •erol•hmeet .t UM .V.4IcSALE ST9.I3LES EW SALES STABLES FOB 11ORSD. JUST ESTABLISH E D. • The gob lora.. has ellobllaraor a Salm Subic ot the Wm. Cella Hotel. Allegheny. 'Mem be 011 l have moronit S A L E S hd large moony or No I Honer. ••1.1.L0 HAMAN r KED. Sally tacit., loomed Jo all mom, and lr THE HollSlth Du NOT TUN o OUT AS HEPRESENTED. THEY' WILL BE TAKEN BACK AND THE ROA EY BEFUNHICUI II4AOTrOO9 HT H, PATTERSON & CO -51011.111P.J1 OP Sevinth Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBITIVSKI, PA. 11 on. Eve Botundaii Hold AN AUCTION BALD RUSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIE WAGONS. rtr t. delLlnt teal! VivOgglVE" TgittYir.7! Oon. W/ /10 0 4 1.10 Me e . all stock ten le JOHN R. STEWART, As:Rosser. SOUR.. zr.r.trnmoir. EUSON & CO.. AND tIONMINSION STABLES en WERTH OEM LIBERTY I? prrrsumiag, ra. rdERCHAII : T - TAILORS & J. T. McCANCE, 1 Ec f .No . 1 6 Liberty Street, LYE R IYBD THEIR NEW ETOEK , - UP OREIGN CLOTHS AND SUITINGS WHICH mu. Bs r Made to Order at Reliaced Prices. Bala HUNG OVIRCUATS for solo. meldarSZ SPRING AND SUMMER STILES! a. a. Wentascox. • c. 1.. anu.kitacure. MTHERSON &MUHLANBRING, liferchait Tailors, No 10 SIXTH MUM?, ed, M. ) we ha reeelre4 • tall• &Da well selected Moot of Joshua& and mow faableu able I,IJVAIL:g4:I6I. great loo;10.., of Innen ' Venn, coo:went of ..n• ability to en. perfect uticract on. We nopectrally fr m you an early examination of our noon of Plan Cloths, Ve.t.lo•B •C. molt NoPHOILISON • 001BLANBILINti. No. JO Sixth'. mood. N EW orRING QOODs. ♦ splendid Lew ' stern er OLOTRB. GASSIMERA.S. AO. .lest - noshed 111CJIII7 set: Neralik t rulm. Ti Hmlateld street W. De CANIP, • — AfTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Nat removed to No. 75 URA NT S TREILT. PIMA .171=t0larte,"faile tali U. 8. efrt l u i Omuta of Alohes7 cooto.s. " otto Mote maim eG . lo mom o ft m sdlocent emmUtem JIMMM H. IL McirA)RNIICH, ornev-at-L No. 68 GRA NT STREW!' • • Apr Prompt al Lestlon storm 10 ell 1.1021 of lei al • 102 it. WM. M. NEEPEB, ILDIRMAN A341/1121-0171E10 0/3T/02 01 89 FIFTH AVENUE. gre," "= l , =LIM Ira ; spood ar . 7"e lricage. eo alatew.l INN Dashol. aUaoldo. to suoalvel, soa OLACK COOPLIIAGF. 0 .DSO Oak Nall Nem NMI atone Nola; • Wow UMW( Rap Illeamer Juniata. for We ISAIAH Ulu KIM Cr VINEGAR TILE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & ADAM 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now preeaxed t fa relah VINEUAR &Ulm LOWEST MARKET RATER. lltentlon Is par. tleelaMy called to oar EXTRA WINE VINEG NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOIIOTII LIST. 1 1 70, Arpm- CATIONS to sell Ilgoor, tllottlo the Clot k's 1.111414 highs ' Martin Joyce:tavern, let ward. • Mania I a wry. raven, Ist ward. . P.C. Welhrund. tavern. rat ward. Nova,. & e 61,111, tavern, tat ward. crank Anderson. tavern. lst ward. 11. d. we. land, , Ist ward. David Moo, . Ist ward. 11. cry Staler, tavern, lit ward. (that. Willa tarn, Ist ward. 11. Fear', other gouda let war., Cass. lima., tavem, rid ward. Fred. !!chute teller, rare' n. ;Id ward • W. Reran wan, tare n 3d ward. B. e 1 e l.lllm 4 , tavern. 31 ward M. wenn., A Br o. tavern, 3d ward. Wry. 41.1dett. tsvere, 3rl wa• d. Irelultart U Intl,, macre. 31 ward. Adam We•g tad. tavern, 3d ward. limplle• Malatesta. tavern. 3•11 ward. 14. loans. aallng hum., 3d ward. Mrs. 011 more. eating house, 31 ward. N. Young, re her r•ode. 3d waool. .Urn. M.eenneat a 'ether gaml, 3.1 wad U. Malley, tams!, 411, ward. Alergan Irryara. anve•o, 4111 word. Fraotar. Kellernasn. tave.n. 4.6 ward. Wm. Hauck. leen. tavern. 4.4 ward. Hoerr •w.e nay, rarern. 41. h ward. P. J. Flanol/an, . 5.1 ward, John 11•171,1, tavern lath wa.d. John Alarm. {acorn, Si,. ward. J•en J O'ttrirn tavern. 5.1.4 ward. Cara. Weluang, tavern, 5.0 war . Tim PIG., a aver, 514 ward. Win. Kn:h, tavern, 1514 ward. A. !Lanark.. ot4. r amods. 6th ward. Renee& Green, eating hoest. bob ward. alter I ioderict, Lare n.' 7.h ward. earalr Inglis, tavern, 7th wa d. Henry little , tavern.ll h ward. 11 try Iliormbatn. racoon. Ulla ward. - Y.d.l. w J. inr Voe Parm er.r. ke tavern Ith wa ward . V.. ) rank link, ;accent OA ward. ames reel, tr ward. Val CH; V Wed. lit, Valera. 0.11 ward. Chas. Hobart, I Crete, 0,1 want. - Jot. Murat. r, key, r0..9. ward. • Ca.. Milli:4m, eat., house thh w.r.l. (Mat. Usnaorl'h. eating house. Ott ward. John man., Gam.. lota ward. Gudul a Wen, tavern; 10.14 ward. Jonn Cron., tarern, ILitn ward. • minivan. • It) Inward. Morns Colllns, called t 0... 16. Ward. P. 11. Maidart:•ly. other [odds. 1016 ward. Meter is.a.teaborn, entrye home, 11;6 ward. Joan Mar Cey..ivern,l4l6 John Metruckll. lavers. 111th w ud. Ueo.llranle•- • raver., 19th ward, ' Ma hew, Caarth:ll. Inc an. lalth ward. heed. triter, eating house. 111th wart. o tlher4.n , *a log nouse. 16tri ward. Edward lion a, Lavern, 14th ward. Patric . < Me C arroll, I 14th • ard. John Mnearthy, tavern 11 . 51.11 d. Weldler, ...... 15 h ward. It W•I lime, tavern. 15th ward. 1111yer, ta v ern 151 b ward. Jae An Cloqueu. tave:n. 15th ward. N. Maher. tavern. 1515 ward. Matthew Noll, tavern, 15.0 Ward. Joe. K. Menarche, tar -en. 15. h ward. :•on. Yuan., o.her hoo•rio 15 John Fraonto's. lare.n, MOw a rd., Geo. W. Mush cr. tavern. 11311rwalor. Morris 5)1 , 1, tavern lath ward. 'hos y leldevo raver, 17th ward. Jacob •ar• ra. 10.1 ward. Jacob Bele.l. tavern. 1416 ward.' Allegbeny. E. Meehlold o tave,n, let ward. IL E. Lynch, Marren. I I ward. Adam Hoyt thron e 211 d ward. Wieder'. Lang, Inn ern. 31 ward. 1 CO. elot•heroi. tavern. 3d Ward. &cranny Braise!, tavern, 3.1 war 1. Joseph Stadele.l 1, taver.o r f ra ward. Anna rveileb, tavern, 4. ward. Jas. Mani homer, raverd, 4th (card. Wan. Hen Mama, Mama. 4th award. l • oao ris ZLmttk, a ea lag boom 6, t 5 tw awdr I. Jba mete, tavern. 4 0 wart. J. C W. its. r tan rn 6 . 6 wa - d. Fred. rrmat. tavern. 4.4 ward. Jab" Bo materiel, lave.. (Ma ward. Wm. Sonar worth, ravers, ern ward Peter raverta (114 wa.d. Valeedne Gentian!. tavern, GM ward. Anthony Cleat, •areng home, eta ward. Jos. Grenada. tavern. 714 ward. herd. Stable, tavern, lilt ward John Herb lew, tar ra. 7.1 ward r Boroughs. Brant Siegel. tavern, Birm!unbar. Wm. Rube . Blimlosbana John N. Schafer. tavern, Dirminehate Richard DM Bleb, . East Biwill-,,ham • Kee It, tavern.toga!irmingham. Cleo Xtndtt tavern. rank., h a m. Thos. T. IticharJe. tavern. least Cirmlngbant. John A. Lippert. taven, Cast Blewoogthato. We,. H. Barri, tavern, gam itlemiegbarm Jobe J. Reef. I • Cast Dirmlaa beim Peer Schlegel. other goods. Kest illreitostiem le Umber b Haim, Lavern, Mum • • Henry Seitz, tavern, R n., luub v T . Julto C. Hate, tavcree.l.otalt Jot. 4. el ens, toiler goods. Mouth 1 . .1t a . stmegle. 1.4 t. lo•N• ta , ern. • 'rho, W. 1,. am, Unto• Iliedtpath, tyre,. West Kllsabeth. Leiria Aorta. aaaaa . West Pitts net. fi l eit a . t (% 7 ; * Pirr?, " ea J c Band roar. tav.. hia•bitb. Jos Hartman, tarn me, Lower S . Clair. Adam Heber, barren, Gowerell.Citalr. gab r liar. tavern, Low. rSt . olalr. St. Clair. ItLeonard, I Lower St Ci.ir. R. It 11, tavern Lower a, Cosi, Cleo W. Retro,. tavern. Marshall. Peter Spellman. tavern, MBA h. Cet.r gamin/. tavern. wilditt. Julius Weber. tavern McClure. Kvaline Ilreebsegh. tavern McClure: Job henna, °the, gond., McClure. Abram Moore, tavern. Nor b Thos I aweoce tavern. North V•vaa Pee. Patrick S teil re4v, tavern. North Veins 1i,,. Jacobtare it, r.q. L t r 6 . 1TY:t 1 :47:, , kg: feet•rei t e.n, Kr•i. .tuba H. Man .Iced Marra, tavern, en,. Diem * 'ft. License Beard will hear the aber• *pollen. ...on the Call DAY OF APRIL, MI U 'cinch A. as. JOsEell BROIRNIC, Clnk ELEG.Anrr FURNITURE AND CARPETS Von SALE Plttaburith D.vislon No, 458. Sawa of Temper . 711,1;11'4:la a tones' lilt .u? for Ma r e.o rlwre, will trtrlZ..s: gant nr. . will NOZANT HALL, SEW NTH AVENUE, ON Tue&day Moraiai, Match 19, at 10 a. In 1T_C0N.415:3 or Orrau, (lassoed Plush Cover4d Chairs, tal b o l :sTsra:cir Z111"- eta VLivu . t. He es, T.:garltirZu.rilltg, Sp"eht'.' WATCHES, GOLD CHAIN., JKWELHI. • rt.AiltD WARE CLOCIC4, A nice sleek lc.: or d alba Vlt I.TECT EITYLtn, whicb we nil at g gr. A at Y re 4 action Irma gunner mice,. rleate give es a gall. • WATTLES A - SWEATER sit PUTS AVENUE, opooslielLts 1121 0 ffia. ATIONAL DANK STOCKS, 1 . 1.CULUIIIII• 011. , and 8008 ACCOUNTM, Ttj a t lat tli alNl i tk Marta Atka. at 7% o'clock, 1.111 bo sold arcond Moor of Comma,- oral !isles iteEtok 10a 8.1.11: "Pirgileur ! I t gig@ CITI "l 41:! * d o.. • fittaborath A 0 thanes B. orca , do. • 10 ::=Z i ri:ototia 011 Co. do • 116 aaaaaa go Opel,. Immure Co. Also. br order ot Artlane• to MaahroatOM, the Book Aoroitala or C A . Co. a Bankrupt.. .01,10 A. MeILWAIN IC, Auctioneer. VALUABLE FARM AND MILL ruuetivrl rußlL.—Siloated at Hat, tan Station. ranhasdo Nalhowl. Conlain.. lUD sCrux. 76 Of 001011 ate meat, d; all under good fence; 50 seri:Aar Coal, The Improvements at• • 3 mort /immix, Nil's, with el rue of awn, In mod order. MITI nos a large toaloat; Din ole era ion. College Hons. 6 roomt,Teumn Home and /mint Barn, e ming Dreamt!. arum wishing to go Imo the milling and coal bmittest.tbe above Dement. a rare ornottonity. !Ilea log. fly eneute elm. Apply to B. MCLAIN .0108 104 rol32l.l.avenge. T. P. EVANS, . Anctirroc.r. No. 42 Fifth Avenue. Platte lad epreleleattuaa prepared with can ter WI Wade of bolldl./.. NMI BUTTER. 13 boxtv troth Roll Butler; 10 by barrel. H. For loale by J. H. RANVIELD, 11/ 10.14 Aron.- • WHITE LIME. 1100 70.rn; 10U Obit Clevel tad; te sale 11 4. B. OANr/I.LID. 101 71ra&A,enee CHEESE. 100 bote4 Clombeo bees.; 100 boxes /artery; for a/le by J. B. CLNYIXI.U. 141 Vint • vow. • nEMENT.-1041 bids Louisville Ilydrsolle emeat. by J.B. CANFULtP. ISt Vint Avenue. SODA ASH.-100 casks for sale by J. B. 11ANFIX1.0. PMAIRC ASII.--,15 casks for ale •.I. e. CAN final. SLACK COOPER A E.—Va ri if or al, stoootooll, on !Load. ror "i t b . , ISAIAH ' , WHIT A CU. Tr ENTITCKT - ROUGH DEEP. .A. 36. —ls bales to arrive •a ages., Ath u a.„. rw.ale67 14 &LAB DIMLY a CU. rum ♦PPLEB.—ISO sacks in eNn far We by /KAIAK DICKEY 41k CO. rll l l7 MITIP01:* giir.Nol`loES--"To-Let." 44 1 , br Ma lt, "Lost,"..Wats," 4, l , butut," "Boarding,' d'e., not esscetling POUR LINK', %as M inserted in these eohonns oneet fa, TWRNTY-FIVR CKNTS?; use! addi, titmal hole FI Vl7 CENTS?. WANTS yWANTED.—A youti g gnian that un Ciar•lvol nod earl of H .... . dereTWOtandr 111K1.3 to O do 'formwork In 3 n TATANTED.-30ISH LAWN v v HERs to 'cola%cocotte.. Wares 111 75 per dal. Alto. 10 CAHN. App!) at 163' red .111 target. J&0 KM). WANED.—Twoor- Three ROOMS .nitahlc for c Ad ,XX Urn °Mc+. ' 11°'""T.i.er. • WANTED — HOARDING:—Ry a youne man In *Catholic (Awl,. willtt. inlmre+ walk or the Academy of 3111,h1C. Ad• alms, FII/INK PLO I . ll.7.burah 0. 3 24 WANTED. A Situation ai ILK I u 3 Hoot aul bhm• /louse. by • SGtt tig an, w 110 , n•ing at.q.e•1nt..,1.11. 1 the Wm nest and havlug lame newt - tin..., can WOO. c1,31. , 1 1t .. , OILY tett rkucva glut It. Ad. diva. II /13 Filth totems, 2•r2 WANTED. -Fifty Coal at 41 Ore 3.lltirs. no r tdo. fon lo •n.trart paid to the mine,. Girl, are i5.,11..1 rot city 3...1 eon pnly F goloyment Ord, No. 1 Sloth street, drat olvol•tm.unottla. Bridge. VKTANI'ED. - MOZITIGIAtIES V 1131).000 in t.r.ao fa Iva. or kraal! at a Air rate or Interert- 1110 MAN K. rerrY. 818, Bond sod Real Estate Broker, No. 179 Sslikkeld stmt. LOST lIOST.—On Friday. March 25, aJ•elvirte, Port rerly aou Monti at. I on the tract of the Coorellienle lialltoad, o PUCK rithag, cantaitilog &blot $3O In money awl a wool! son/ Note on natuiwon Chl• li• for $OO. .•oy flue no • bald 0 Let Kook will he liter ally rewarded of writing to ItAOIO I. LVAN Wastii,ie and Co.. l'a 3-rt T1 0, T.--rPolicy No. 10,339 In .•EN t 4 IS UTIIAI.I.I , P. INnUILANCYCO. o ri.tlidelph,a. on lifn of W. f. LL Not , . 1 5t...0 , Y give that spAlestlott hat bo.n mad, fur s novo Tna :17 VPI:11 avriate. Pitt bwalt. Pa TO-LET. rO.LET.-2 Furnished Haunts st No. 311 exxv .Tlt PcF.T. TO-LT.-1160M s--Fished E ium or U . ➢URN, Eli. wi th Orei.elsts to. rd. I ng.st No. 37 A t.DCl.l,Olti STN, Kr.A Atgo. • few DAY ROA leDElti oxeotomodat.a. I oq,.lrr 4 , n Dor oremlbr.. 3•Z ITO-LET.—No. 75 Wood street, ' mr11.14 141 the Fixture., 1:14.44 1! . touliters, Se. kbe,ulre al 4 71"001) NT.3-111 TO- LET. — Rooms—Siugle or c00ue , t4.41. fart,l6b. 41 or unturol.h4 41, vilb WA:A eutolrel4l. 133 YOUIIIII KNIJ K. iiiii pltquaut FRONT ROOM on see-owl tluar , tollabit funthhed fur two rmutl.w.ezt wt x pmplog mom. Inquire lat ti.g. 31 NINTH nTit0.167.. rpo-Lrr.—A nousE contain -1 tat S rooms, Trlttt.as. dn.. awl all: lota 01 eiljohilni the Pr. ebytedau I hareh, Wools Iton. Koeulre of x. tittISLIN. 430 den thoky stree t. AilexhooT haf. 3 D IIF Brfck House of 6 s And oup the O WA M 101.2 0 or c• ag ianike. Euquirr or W. 0. Tr:ANTI:2, or No 27 l 0010 street. AI ter hers. 018:WrAt TOILET.- LE'l'.—A New HOUSE of 4 roo.• mil e s re,. groupd at Fleming Mlttuv. 7 miles In. rittal.Yrith. MI r.. Ys. W. -4 C. Railroad. .Inqultl. 159 'LUZ RM. STREET, Atlegh. sty. 3.1.9 rI IO .LET.—T h e lane four-story A. PRICK STOltElioUnr, No. LID rrottilitilu area t. at pert ent neetiplinfurniture note Ile: h.: barinius locution In the city. lequln ma the preuil 2 .-nu: 3 9 FOR ItENT.—The Three fitory BRICK WNItEIIthNIC In Church oar of No. INU Wood strati, formerly o.:outdcd Op, Alondorf & Co. as . . droom.ractour. 2.111• , No 7so i 04 SL. L"'" ' . ll T ' Vl' T 0-1 101 19 I, first-class STORE . solth e Ilar.sllu•ted at No. 60 i , edsral street. Alleaherzy. he rause It well lighted aed satiable for any usloe a. Apoly to SS' 61. eIt.I.EN. n• et door ant's, The duel 0". he had with the store requirtd. ni htl moderate. . • 310 TO LET.—rour on New Brick 1i0u:3.•;.t.‘, Iltuatrol ".611twell Slitti mar 01.10 P 1,11111.. A 1 1.40.1111', I's. Each house con tains r and ha , h room. gar t hrt .ll atn , lttL Itltellen rang nma e. but and cold water In Ittgclten and bath room. 'lapin, of JAMENUODYNICY. No. 44 0110 street, Allelleni. Pat' EtT.— due good Store room al II TELL, NO. • Nu. 45 Ohio. irret, 3 diTra front Dism. , n4 and next door to YE muslin Savings Bank. One of the to at locations In the city. dent uroltrate. Also, IS ROOMS la the "it'agar.99ot:d "urlt.P.l./.1t.Z11".14111it, 13(1:LE P.—A Suit of Rooms oznpripln dt Two Large, wet Ifghled fool cr onTst:°44l, L;0,`.. ) ." 112:` r. ° 4:ll`.l l l l "itt jilt (loor. lice Vlore N:ont . hortrot 40,u, No. 84. lo lung lab's non TO LET—A Tavern Maud, No. 143 Ttir.l nernue, notall Da. Iran , . O IRIi n avenue, Vino lloti,lenon on Mt. Washlna . TL. • IL/01, Naomi and offices on tdreel. Lasentent Nor, 17 and 78 Toted ATC6l.les ti AZZ A Co., Attorneys nt Late, .88 11111. avenue. 'PO-CET. Si ORE .11oonts• ._ Tie eircant stare roam 14 tae HeronsMe Ltorary nutniltri l'ecn attest. near Math .tenet, 419 be really rat occupa Lts about the ins of bidet% an 4 are no. 'siert.' fur rent lo gest ruble tet'ants. tine f the store. la especially adapted for • Orst.ell r slaurant for Mabee and gentl. wen., Assn, to-let, Ste oilier story of National building. Enquire c.f.i. Mernne, Union National bank. turnerof Ituneitt a•e,.no Clad Market atrect, or of g 1.1.18 1111UNOT, Alle T O-I .E.T.9lSlory Brick Bowe 6 Itoomr, u rh m me ttle, Wash tiauaedias end Water. allure N . 18 Acal-y sweet. one square from asaat Valley Street Cars. Heat ow. TO I.lCT7ttrelt 11.dta or 6 Poems. No 14t) st.. y. near lisaapaYn .11.1, as 8.. d. "TV443l'! 4 ° =r t y . ltrick Mo t e of 8 ROOM. Hall, ea Water, - de. No. 140 Market Moe,: tillt Ward, only one square from Street em. Rent low. ?Or further lufotma lco , aPt;y. „ion. 111 llbunp+4..Aliegbenr. TO LET. DWELLING HOUSE. One of toe finest houses lathe 44, um Isla Ina all MODERN EMPROVEMENT g, Water and tias throughout Thy hono will be rented Ten low to a £.4, Appl, at IIAMIC !TS COUNTINti 0001. SG PIM Amine. For particulars OR SALE Olt SALE.-2 81101 N CASES Enquire at No. 6166 HITIMICLI) LT. 3-NI • EOR RALE.-LAIIIGE FARM ornhin 3 mile. of l'lttabatab; tootalatog 3 rn and tuturootments. bo sold kno for 0040 or dlrldett Into smaller forma Osten par dners. !ago rr. of 00110 111ELial•.'Attaroey la Law. corner or 1f,..e plareand • greets, or (AMMAN., 1117 lOcolne .beet. it.rrnlet bone. 31 EOlt SALE.—The Stock aud TUES., of • dEIVNU LEACH IN LEM! S. Toe Ilfaehloe Is •naw. 0 nod very 'rfrrd cheaper other, iPokouVegtause • t d ro!tlevtHood _ Vvlfor•` AdreutHve IiACII IN f. Cuutcccl.i.ulllee. 323 "VOR SALE OR TO-I.E'r.--.lle- A: Si tt.I.IILE MILT. oIIUPELITY Aneebeof 01.7. MM Sores, 800 feet water Mom: could be n.ed fur other porno... Low Petee...y teems Mr cheap reel. Enquire of WM. UMW. I.a ould Bank of Commerce, or 0:13. 8/LIMY. 8711110 ovetwo. I II VOW SALE.- DWELLING. - IA: That three story BRICK DWIELLING "tmt.', Ideated. No. ea Rivet avenue. ALM' ay My, Cantata/ as tea rooms sad bate roots. lirrold water In Orst and meow] statT. the moms ramie to alleoes. Bean Mum v ra=ol glel . 011.1. Is rzellllgbted l 7? iVIIN ini t lV.:2Y 41 . No. 1111 nrth avatar. Fe%ti L legit t ity teal. Uss. Rause. Itot sad C ol d . W•mr.. Lot 36 by MIT, mmate 00 11 to stn.. i This Is nue oPPortualty for those therm • • asadseme rest dear, . T. IL SILL SON. roll RAWL—Yew 'BRICK 11UUert. room rood.. 501.11, sa•me on 4 its street. P 044.- then •I yea In dl A pr ll. T. It. SILL. a SUN. FOB SALK.New YUAN IC RULMR, room. album. sem 30tb street. 0.1 ratalltaMs Strert. Brier 09.900. dfasy terms. - 02051 Itorner LI; .trees. NtIIVTDW .7- _ dultal Only !2ut as iitiir.:l , i E . Ljta . G . 110111 SE roll Porte atretM g : t r aila dlaate On m'auo.• • Vant d ,ra l' al 4 ad une-tddf tuna 0001 Jalapa.% AlO.l, to Inert awry, 30 A7040' CA . SU INSURANCE COMPANY. PriaszAWS DIULDING.• go. Si Vlll.ll,4 Lvsivis. Seco:4 /low, /IMBUES FA: Capital All Paid. VD. N. J. 4.412/. ro'LlWoyT,' C.I4I;LEHIHT. VAH l 4 l.l VellaCt. H Martman.l/1. ChliabtHl/4 LY 1131111atini,i.t!!'tgt:i 241.7' 11081Snr H. KlNtf. 1'6210.1t. JNO. JENNINUS. lfice President. T IL J ni t t A , T)NICeir A .T. insurer orildbiral terms on rd Pin and Mame MAIM AM: ,r KEYSTONE POTTERY. S. M. KIER & CO.. )fanufzetnnn Le • . Queensware, Bristol Ware, wk., and Ware - 1.0..363 STALILT urders promm I L Gt. ..4.7 Fresh Late Herring: •• Wham Flab; • No. 11.2 an I 3 Markers' -all sat raga lAttraaor Mackerel: • hound llrrrlast: Cal /lab; at • WATT. LANO CO.M. . a. IVA awl 114 WllOO at. JOU)r nEnrsoN A. WALLACIL AWALLACE.WLoIe• 84 - pit ultencus AND PleuDllalt DRAW* o. 6 MIXTLI STUNIT, pitubAnb. ANIUSEWENTS - . NEW OPERA --ElO-UPE. S.-01,d and last week or Mt Wit lam engage mentor Mr. F. L. IDAVEINEMRTj TIII , ,IIAY FSKNINII, /Jamb litl. 1M74), wilt heples...ad 0,, cola limed tall/x.lla vumedy. tntlt•ed. THY. DUK h Morro. Captain Henri Jr Latauer .. ..... t 1.. DavenpOlt. ID pm:bar-alio:1, A HEW WAY TO LAY OLD DEEMS. Mr. P. 1.. Davenport as Sir a Des Demuth. Will shortly he repeated—HAULMS'. Davenport...Matinee on Saturday, FOR SALE FOR SALE: SUBURBAN RESIDENCE • At Sewickley. Having tint...lathed ate. .`moons to my Cam at the Salt Works. nest Terenteran. I offer far sale the . nroper:y why re 1 use.a lilt. a lioialag O i l e n!V. OL - lib graatr mit level and abrupt baby banes. A pleuut Vass. Iltfueeh pla th •••••• iby ahem. died to, a. tenet .eta of a doe it varieties. There a. sea.) , 0 eing's. pear trees of ehoteest seleettol, ltId;, appli, Verb. b il l cherry, de. Al eo , grapes, rapt , reisa, black. berries, et. awbet, lea and other lii alter flail. There is a lama space Or ~ .,,,able go. den. The ornamental rattan. "rarer era. , cora r draman Masts sine an ara ra c.he Seniors, vary scopropri araly giving the ume • • Tanclew.od " to the place, wll ll l theera of his slyer, the hills and tilt elnilty, cruder this spot Anew passed la pleteresq. beauty. • • rhe dwelling hoe , Is first class blink, and beside attic andcement , .1 rest e r under the whole —comae. 14 roe.. le d was. rtom and coal hour In basenrat, with aurorae. large clorata for China, stores end done,. Torre Is a large and avrer-fall.ag stgag•arangg chic., 49.4 a tilt water r tan bi• e rout. and rust. for hot and rod water in bath mow, Literal, and wash. house. waste water is eh...bused I torah pipes some distant e fr.to the hen.. litre Is au Ira house and comment:ins cooling rcsdc, a good burn. aarrirge aptd mad chicken ynd. ibetan. I. bounded on sides s h y hichwat s, and amese Is cur tram raPront or turnpike. be wieklry is 14 miles ineha the city. On the Wt. Wattle I.llrOla.atot poartesse TOSII y attractions for • so Linehan reeldeura. The nmmerse. areora. modatios trains leave nothiut to be tinkled he the way of communication. and the ratirud bugging lac rive. all the way down, makes the ride delighful y red , al leg. The racists Sr tilt I, l ralley is most desirable, tor, bealdes IN worthy firmer. and ara ham. here are found .14 esaatrg haat. of many city editone , proferam a , lirarram, nkers, and other bueine se m,n and Milted oboe b, ~ e of ~ sepi a ,re gOn!l b raigilgtVa, ) 4. " . ablest tato Isle.. For price steer fall at lay Drag Store. he. 195 Lawny st, gitratourgio. If hot •old he. fore Anti' at: tats property will ho toles. mhi6 WILLIAM DIACICHOWIL • tf:OR SALE.—RVILOIII.6 LOTS IN ALLNUHENY ofee for We molt dellgh•fiii bandit g iota klulatedlo the Second ward. Mir:hour. Tir o e, CM.). Rosa and lltieetvalory avenue, adjoining the Obeervalory Articled.. Taut Lots 111.11 pan of Live and enceihalf (6.igt acres. A Om of these Lola can berein at my aloha, No. ea WOOL ) eiTIOSICT. The plan has Ito hen ' , corned: Each Let la • ir..nt lot. greeting oa PeiTY•vilte road or Observatory airet.• tae . 94 feet wide by 131 Cei p. TOP T ina oppoauta t he tc.ldeare of Weahhigion and Walter McClintock. K. M. /he 44 by 173 Get. - Most of thetit., are sold. Five dwellings have been erected alr.adv. Per: sons distraits to leave tha low emends mad smoky