FINANCIAL, AMER:FP AN • R - - 5 NO. 80 FOUyra i, V id 4 FITTE3II7B6LI IMII=I I= Siockbulders Individually Liable. HA NIL Or 111144A•HAr APr J) 1:E1•Ors11'. JOHN 71.0 y 13 W LAW 11, • President., I OlitlCTOlllf. nun. Jul.: Y. Yuri , •. a . Wm. T.llb•nroc, I Arceo,,it., woace. J . 1516:4 W. Arrutt, . ( g1%1114 . :17 TI is its. I . nowk fully urg••1•••• and PreD'red 'lu • • Hank lap t,ortur•Al ' • ' - P; IL VEIL •• ASPTIPONS, Bought 0.1 PII, B. XIERTZ, lianktr, • Cur. Wood St and sth iivenilis • JAMES T. BEADY Sr. CO., cdscersedrs to S. JONFtI t CO ' lk • Owner Fourth Menne; and Wood st., • S, • Hoy and sell kinds of 110YERN1ENT SECURITUS, HOLD. NILVED AND etirmon, ON NOItT rAVUKLULE-TEUIIn. CV Interest Allowed on Deposits. sr-Money Waned CO Government ronds st .*West market rates. Orders exec ut ad for the Purchase and 141•10 of NTOIiOLM, BONEN and .1 A. MRS T. BRADY & • CO, • • , ':::l . it ' 4 litisiargi 6.iqatt; 1 .. , ~ FINANCE AND TRADE OFITIOR Or PrrysoultanAirro, Moodily, March 28,1870. . t Cold was moro steady to-day, recast (wing (mot tho lowest quotation of Sat urday, 111%, to 11113€)1111,f, but Moro IF; no docidal tendency of the market 3 - ct Tho announcement of thoTreartury ado of only tiro millions gold during April, and the pnrchaso of seine amount In bonds, chocked the downward tendency nod a light rerctiou to a point between 112 3,11C1 113 may follow, but before May next it eau hardly be expectei that the now t:et wilt assume,' atrongur tone. - irloverniment tondo were likewi•o Meitner on the Inipmccol gold quota , ions dint closed quiet. .• Stocks chow remarkable wool:rims In New York Control cud its depondon -0180, but the ruiscellaueBus Codes and Reading were stronger on account of the largo short interest created late ly.,The tendency of Me whole stock market to for lower .inigettous. Money easy at 7 - to 0 par cent. Duct new dull. chrotationa as received no I'M R. APRs add, 111%i Biivcr. Ib9. Eighty abet 113%, Mu Twon.let. 1882, I,tliNi dd /SM. 1 0 8 R; do 1885, 11.8%; do 1865 6ersoL4, 10734, do. 1867. 10e: . 1 0 168 s 11.11%;. Ten Fortloi, 10334; Ail.mis Fa press Company 60%; lilercheuto Unioe .Eaprolis Company, —; American Ra mose Connany, 3S. „Wceern Unieo 31%;. Now York Control, 111!i; dentliog, 17; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne it• Chic 90. 1121,f; Ohio Ftla ittsdppi, ^s% Mohican ;southern, 67141 Cleveland at Pittsburgh. 1191,, , : Chleego Rock Island dr. Pacific, 19%i Cbla - ...91 Ninth Worlorn, 7134; lliaer.,ro Nortb Western Preferred 83, Erie 24%. ILLOKLIOJE. .Leircre. 6 . 11 , t/t. London, per 83,47 85 r,.) par ;Isaac 2 . 14 Kunio, &haler 81 Frankfort, 47 49 . .f.lioalsrg goo:Maras rerctvod by diem, I'. Brady et Co. (Midi 111%: United Btu's Sia - m, 1861, 113%; Five-Twentim, 186.1.100 W dn.'D3C,l,lo.Bl‘; do. 1865, 1991:: Ten Forum, Fivs-Twonties, Jima ary ail. July, 1;15, 107,q- do. do. .1.822, 109; do. do 1948. 1115%; Union- Pacific Railroad, 147 Contrat do, do, 90%; Cy u 254; Superior lnr Teteitnoh t :be CattburAL G... ttt Nsw 'Took. ilarch 28,1870. The money market retains the lain features of istrouto ease. 81010 moder ato amounts of currency are going to cities of adjoining States in preparation for th. April settlemonts, but remittances flare no effect upon this market. Itrokors me frooly supplied at 4(4.5 par cent. Ti,. - following in the pro.ratouh: ortho TI Or.ll - for April: Soli e of gold for April Cm ;one' million sinking fund; April ;skit,' one million • sinking fund scud p..-chases: April 7th, ono million; April 13th, ono million, oinking fund, April 21st. one million; April 27th, ono million, sinking fond. Tho annoanca moot of die obovo had uo perceptible Croat on the different markets. Short Internet iu gold appoara to have boon covered to south °stoat, and Ow !finding rate bas advanced Goan 11 tt at closu on flatuaday to 204 per cont. • A goottemau wet robbed - 1n the gal - lerY of tho gold roam to-day of /4,303 In Governmont bonds, and ir broker's boy has disappearod with ;1,000 Lelouging to hie employer. Starling dull. at • Gold wee a trill firmer; opened at 1134 and nt 117 g. Clearances 948,- Otiverunients ratlitir !liquor hat dull. -On 113;0114; 'al.:A, 10034E1 10110 1 64 a, ItBt.falst9;; new; 107;4(6107%; '674. 10.401 08 1.,1l '634, IOSI‘8'O014: 103.ta'41115,1; Corzoney 112340113. State securities aro. dull. 01341 old Tonuesaeor, BS; new do. fify,;; old 'Virginias, 6734: roar do. 67; old Nor.ll 4G%; lIM7 do. 727;; I. tulaisul hoes" nixes, 7....3.,f; tit:lrout Stop. titles at., Ittoady. I.llilon stork, 42 1 4; Ist mortgage, Sly: Central boccla, Stock otits m .t.Ot gtfitragy dull and stood", the chief intorrst being in Van• deed!: ',Locks, .Itcek liCand and North • Isadore." Pod fhiri" -- price.: Canton- di!-,I; Cum . totriand, 23; Westorn if num, 31; St a rred, 112% ; 9 : a do o o r l t v p 1 0...1. %;t .d , o c. u :: Neils and F.ttgo, 19N: itto , rhtu ex; IJahol Stoma, 47: V. 16113 htati 31;5: Nuw York, Control, 91.1; New Yott, Central scrip. ht;;;;; hfran, de. preferred, 47; Iforlova, 141 ;do preferred, 143: Reading, int': Michigan Contra:, iley; LakoShCre, ' B 7 ):: Illtnol. Central, 14.1; ' Pittsburgh, 931‘; harthwestoru, 9114; do. preferrod, 3330 'tick. Isionel, • New Jersey ck-mtrel, 10234; St. Paul, :-.Lar do. preferred, 7334; abash; 45 ; .d 0 nro . efirreel;73!4; Fort Wayne, 92;4; Terre Haute, 7.1135; do.- prEforreil, (4; Chicago and. Alton ' 11010 do. prole:Trod, Ill; -0010 and 2.llFtinlpp!, Clevoland, Cincinnati and Columbus, 71,5. • Soh-treasury balance: gold. 917.73 0 . - I(gh currency, 111,42.1,607; ganoral balance, #:0.394,319. • I=l } law y a k March 26--A total of 6,70 cattle morn ibal. Suppliant paid dalicien• Oka °slating high; Or...lunar° not .;educed, but tho 8.3 cars at Oue Handcar' atreat te-day, 78 cars at COUxualhihZw. with :a sit Weehawken. or 4:600 cattle all _told, prove Moro thao • butchors mud, st tfiu old rate, and apcosaktor mud btl utzilo before they are elened ou t. Itlinnut gait) doing to ft,tB)o hobrea, alhstoun 520, followed by ATHW York and Ohlo. Still lid • bulls sold at laS. Thin waatern e:Attle • were Hold all 111,• good at 16@t6at, And prim) io cairn at 11;;;(4,17Z,, the avera,to belnghtrong et Ina. TII 4 , best dove or 81 choice Oldo grutlos, ilia' art*, sold-at 16(W.73 to drew+ k 8 and II" lus p=r stet; a drove of 210 Dlisaourl 7eurt void at 12®16., 63 Canada stiller+. 7 cad lit et 15 -(4t7e; 7u Illinois 11 cart grout at 14c, 37Lib3 par cart; 3d Itilnois bulls null fool 63.4 cwt.; at 12%e. Shoop number 20,13) for tho week with 18 care tc-day; Choy-vest high and °wean hold thiatn above the virwe -of buteltors, and fa w are Rolling to-day; . prices aro firm at No fur very paor, 17c. for thin, 8.3 for fair, mud pcy9!,;o 'fur extras. The first clipped State eloutp Arrived to-day. 7u lbs held et * ear 74 Ups State abroo brought 7 , ,,C; dock !X) Ma Indiana 7(a7Nc; a ear 117 . 10. sjoglgan BNe; 01 of tall ab a . 11%c; there Out a sarong pressure to hear down 1111 1 „...0ut [SIM "logs are wrak at it:sj9 a2s.gc; net Laid 13.200, with 50 sera 1.a.-deV; ears of 10 los illiteSs hogs were sold alive -at i 9.81. leer colt. no . VitEr.ey dressed aro arriV • P.WILADI4I. I,4II A. Cot , • ."d!0 head in disulatid ad , o; ..10 extra at itt461 . 41(k,; 01111111 on f;(4,7 ;4e. tt ;,.., 6,000 head et *75,0. 11„ 1 , 1 I.*- 14, 1 1 ' r ,ay, aa!ei: 3,000. 441141 711,1,1•0 12 60 for slop a nd 613®13,60 for corn fed. 0121CAMO, March ibt,--tlettle aetiv o al 46,50W1.1 0 fOr good corra and light rc Oros. • 40540,50 fair to medium. io:tr , ria 'for oot u sierra, $7,25W)7,50 for extra. IV,l'. AI(.IIAithET-). ()FetCY:4ll' Tim /mot,. iSv:ty, r. allf' new ilr iunpt taut. =ME .111, .t,11,:,•14 111 1.4.4111-1 , 311,0 of =METZ Intl as ft giincrill Using, our int , with all the L.fJiuF;,..aimed , ties, and tuyore, ca. .h buyer+ have Ito difficulty in gctuag an r thing [boy want, and that, too, at lowpricsa. tfliore ruins to be an ~iton . nt alkii.nee of elnything like a oitlattvo [soling end I -11 ffirmand for it,moot ea,rytblng two rioted to arm pit ing 'immediate hull I', 03 susollist a disposition to carry Jost na little Stork 14 pr.ssible, be ing apOreludistro of still further storing rge in 101007. A PPLI - N., - Titu - mark tannin tozotit wins et *Et I A . 411E, - ; 1, t at.l t nlaa VOll, .1.1:h .11 Piaro, BB; 'f fir nL. O ealittlhol ruck is vat' yet t' dull. —May bt , titi a nsti at 9 ffigi(§2,9s, tli , ! (tut-into lltoreit 1.,J rthideit eat few salsa i, o liticl4: W U 14 Vl' Pi.olll:—Nosiinai, iAII.BON 011,-.l4iiiel 23(..:,23 , r,0 jt,tiliing lots, :tad , riaati way. :iI.ISIIERRIMi-11.0 - 1,0 ilinhigt ham. Saolaot's 16.11 It at Whin. f , ,...0rn .1.1:10 .1 (loan oath, E •- 1.4 is bolter eir4ity roil 0.1.,14 , r. Now York 11,4110 1 19: - Ohio do. F0010r..., 15;1: Wt•Sall.rtt 11-servo, le. DRIED very glib iho Market Is comp:4,loly glottis'. WO cOllllO no to .iiinto apples at .I . l;(A7lin. - Pooches at tyiigiNe for qusr. tort; loose, ono 11;621141 for . pat ed. Blackberrioa at 12(.1.3e, - and ',But cis:l7l4s st 2364124, BiiliS —Doll, nail, ditloos of in• etoa,oil and pile ei era Bunting downward. Wu now giro 2511. DM the FLOUR—Market steady but Un elfarmail. Wu continno to quota wtsteru Boar, lii storo, iti $7@9.5i5 for spring: titij k(iN for winter, and s7,s"CiAll tor [alley bratrift. Rye Flour st 11.5. GRAIN—Thorn Is no chisige.o Wheat, and tho I,lli , rin;:s Gratin.. hest sl,le@ .1,44 Xi to quality., Onto firmer hot lin °humid; tioulure, • buying 45@140, and :offing at 45(l5iSta saga I oar to t o to Phikolelphia, at -Igo. Rje IS in fair . do 'maul, at St.a.:o3:. In list, and 83 in second —l.lforinge hi this market light cud the stuck 14 pretty Well reduced. torn also, is norm goo, and was 0 light eupply and litulted arrive a. puke. aro looming .up: trot now gusto at 701 ,7 le buying and 75(473 sollteg—ealo 2 CAC load r lava work at 7d. Barley is is riellor better domain! with attics of priuto Li choir° swing, al 5751 0;,, IlAY—Baltsl bay is tick g sold an wharf at 'Plata por I.Mtit Is firmer in at nipaliy with tits advatieu in lard, lad tinebanz ed: Extra Na. 111:,25(W1,L5, awl N 2, ht. LAM N.—Bate:ll white, 91,76; eieve land. PROV ISIONS -Ma:Ket fa t toadfrr but nit into:ably bigher as yet t.p.„,,, , „j0r5..P2: Sugar Corr.] do, 15; laical furl..., Riyitilali; Uttar do, 1.151, Sugar Cured limbs, 171i0017 L ltd. in tin-roes and 15(.4' ill buckets. Dried 11 , sf, 19. POTATOEi—DuII with small salfs, at al 40(glike per 'meted. PEANU TellifeillC) (larded -at 1 , 6100. • PEARL BARLEY—No. 4, 6. No. 3, 11 , '; Ognleal, 910,50 per btaltel, por ball std. SEEL/li—einver So id 11, UTtlk and drooping; wu now quota at 97,75(d,5.09. Timollay Stud is 0., ea and firm-104 be tootad at 95.50@5 ' 75. Fluxtcod mar. Mot bare, nominal at 92,15. SALT—Uuelrulgod-11,8:;01,81 in ear lusd lots, all Ittie Usilill advance in alert, t in quiet a.: •h.t.,:;••:1; l: fait nctt .1" il. 3s .1n 11.)(41':;8. 1,1 , t/ a::d = Orr cg P.17:•1:3RGII z Trs, MONDAY, Mar;.ll 28, 1870. Following sho we the number of cap+ on male, tho point at e.bich they were "hipped, and the namca of the fiLlippQrS: Trautman etalcage 3 care tiro-n.+4l •h Kuhn, . -1 o,in- N191 . 10:1.1:'t rare+ ll“thcbtltl4 Zoiglor, (7131eage.....: 1 c•a. 11117.143w00d FlNck.,tuck, car- M. Varnor, Chioav dc J. Shrimborg, Chicago s. Kraus, S. 7OWeLF4.IIIe, 111==== =I = Keefer Katr. Chicago 1 ear BottleMI& at Kotler, Chleago...:.. 1 car A. Campbell. Indionatolas 3 ear - TratlrtilAll tt lAbotan, F0re5t....... 1 car Woctz, Canton_ 1 car EPS The •ntindlor of cdtle ca sale to-lay, wan again light thin 91,(4:, 11111:0.11311y so, only tidti head, and, netwithntattillug rite •nittnital 574 , 1 small, there nen:ailed to hi, fewer komi•e.attle on bale than last week. As already iodinated, all kluds of stock 00:0 scarce, but No. I butchers stock was ilt,tl,llsl:3 . so, and we clout& whether there was enough of Ups grade on sale to supply This being the cam, the bettor grades of cattle brought big pric , ,s, but the null knit was stmr;lah, and apparentif n, a itisfacidiry, butch ers generally buying from compulsion mere than chotco,Using obliged to keep up Cook trade w hether it pays or not ode's, so Wal. Um coal last nook, and in fact for ia.,veral weeks, comptaliond that the market, notwithstanding prices wire higher, woo a hard ono, that UV'S made hula or no money, and that they Mkt) the batchers kept pushing on be c•uso they wore obliged to do So, hav ing to hoop their ellgrcalOrit supplied, tiviu If they do not make any - thing by it. . The foot is, operators generally art. and the feeling seems to to put!: genital that priced aro too high. 1. in erguiti that the picsevit. prime CaL 11,A loslr be Busts:mod, idiot attic's- Is much !dither rotatively than tsOthiUar. oho and will have to ohriek. It only being tiCS:lOp of 1.1110. It is thintint eLs Marl:els no elm.; and etugglsh, want of cooftlence on the part of overt. tort, and until confidence Las, to 80 , 110. ey.tent at least, been re:demi!, It Is not :ikoly that thorn will 1)3 ony matorial Itoprovemont. Photo were two or thrro anetern buyora In ::ttoridahee today, Lot they did not hue, DAN: uhaLlo to pay [Lin prietA. ra,z4 brz,lecs, [hero vir, toovo...dy ettoti4h to supply the llee! rAdo. N. 1 r.✓x.ra, s.nn'n an are unnal;y boaght of the Omit bnt,horn, cod at 8€4 . 8;‘, and v,o B+4, :;rd l'onie row raucy steers n dd tp to 9 Qatl cv. n 99“ - 11.11:ovine pnylo ? ; he nu ido h;...tom for e vory tine bonne!, do.liuto 6teora nun. he lu ned at7@71.5, dal otos,: steers as to quality autl cenclllne.. o i, , ,wee2tlno VI Elena Gat cattle, at 6t, C 97 05; at I(,aUI Hews GI, fat cattle at 7GB etcetera at 534. • P. 114rtmail 17 head good to prim etecro, st 7.3;0 9 . • Botlicbllda Y,ldglur 3, 3 bead,. aold :37 at 7(99; 1 extra flue bullock, weighing 1,t3d3 to J. F. .133:tbdolon, at 93.; M. YarnPr eolgl 35 load of, good to prima fat Moore, 7300. JIMA, N,Ody GI: Load of good to fancy stoma, at 7e18,!.. Sol Elliannk ip 17 ,^rod to extra Wo:d• orn steer , . at 7 .!(@!. ICT.z dc 'Kotler e old . 23 head. Ch sego stork, at 7(97,%. Harlowood Sr 131arkntocklinoir nod Mlnnool stork. at 11(bn. H. Marks. Ac Bro. nd howl, all frarn Chi cano. a t 6 ;1f5 8 54. EiWiTlek s. Co. soli 8 linad for Coldrc-n, Gnu: tiLurk Co. Ohio. - - • Lai. I.leAlllater 2:1 hand of cominonish Hnimes, LiffoGy Ar Go. 17 hind coir.- 11001011 ntruire. at G11@.7.3J. - • Illolsolamesrr 1.0111 common to falrlah Wonzarsi 'door?. 514g7q: Trail:loot & Lobro di 52 frost Chloord Ihnt! Ohio at 7, - .(49 clu. f. .t J. blialunorg 51 hand, all Irmo Chicuo, and all goad, Fold at Oretnandil 4:.lfalidi 76 hood of fat tat tie, at 7W1,40 - R • - . 00 ant , , The aripply of abort+, although a littlo :13111-that or loot ' , anal:, woo again eaare4 j canal to Ito about CAI Goad. Oldie number the LirgCst proportion ; worn of the bolter grzilos, theta being Lot raw scalawagii, iat might ba expactod, all kiwi,. hiadzht vary full plllOO. tio.'id BO tout pawn! itver.ii,•no aiJd nt ( 1 34.57 , . and lull to 115 itvorages_ at y 34 4 ,;.:;. . ,. It true these are I , IJ but' Kuno of.odr hoof:erg 1:000 ninon); no 'natter Whit'. It and hoiden, of tll9 hotter ratl'aluis. tat& Out supp:p .wax all they could mt or that: viiitlll,.. J. F. rau;loi FO averaging to 9.1 I nto, 111 311111/T.30 OF 61/. lire. old VI (wail ortho bast aver 1g:or. 11l to lit 11,, at Ito h. aza of Ad.tio Ipois;4ld_ . ! no:damn:a at SI nor bond, rota ntty aOid the .Lt roil,. M. G. Itligh!ny nehl 33 cnianioni4l at 113,7 a per Mad . Rhin sold 1110 lit ail or felt to lb :.6,m,y,t3 *1.75 p,t . 1.0111 SV. at 1 1 2. 25 ®' ` .per !Pali 2.".11,1y1 rmtnx huid oitl `5l ht.n.l !ki lh V'T nt, I.; i, r head. ,tt rls , .:y.tin: %cab a fair Inrii thanand, I,leitinp, ,, Raba itr a ru :,(0,141!, grot,, :or fair to t til ty • rt `l.t• nv. ME =I I ' lolll Silt/111e Sr. Jo. at VAil, 111111 11 /11111111 1.111111111 (10111 111101 her party at 9,25. • Sooty whaler-tiod a ettr load to J. li.',glebtlals. EH! lllMl.thKi U 1: IC K. Or PIT, Itri II GAZETTE, MON DAY, Mareh Me he oil market NIItl:1 weak end Anil to- 'sir: std c.triplr,l -with SAti.,ldy re incrt :art her rloc thud. Thore • pirnLy otr3ta . to 1:011ay a: a :•oat t y trod wi.:l utl :ialarday,but thoro :“:1311. to Lo uo myurd at Lk.. AM is Pearly e.,:t40, it pemAlttle to soil on it (loci:aim: uotrkot; tout lot it talro it tun: IIpWIII 0,111 01.10 04);:ty of bit . t. nro, unit bait toa setters. ilvcti now the intp,,Aion pO. vales that nil IS ett . . 1131, them t, noc much rimk tp,:o•,iiog. to" oit. prOto I alter 111 , t. }ear', c`pOra- tors ea-meUtv :Ire very :dune Cilllttr jour.: or short, aed Immolate. taros ore tiasisaae,d to do o it g17111:1:le tic I.::0,11411/1A 111.4. at I !;; 2601 IO Ito al,rcal on this waloe nt 11;.c, anal !Ma/ .414 . .11 y.•.:' II!;;. Buyer all 3astr milni at 14 , 14114!..Z.. I, was it ;Intro Was All °inn' ttl kr A prtl, at 11 , ,. our Nv:a. ;al° I Ood Lnis A pill At. :6 March hlica at 2:0;: May nut! Juno, 1it136; May 1/..rv0.1.0r I:S3j; August to Oahahr, Or ..11,1,-; Is thssaohor at Buy or all c,sr, olhas1: . 1 3014. From tno ahoya aiona it will ho-pctal that prim. at o ,IT MUSHcI ably catuparod. with Friday rut S.c urtisy. itE,alrea DRAM,: OIL 111" A. V. H. ME Booel,s, Oil Works 720, on se...ount, B. S. Duni,ll; Sunbeam Oil Works 2 , 10, on orcount T. Illioliett; A. B. Mills IQ. on W. 1: iitir; Lockhart, A Co. ,in n , i•ount Bunn, Te.s) 1,22 J Ude. tt•tt..... - .l,rs OP OIL MY A. V. It. It. II: W. 225 tllitet rtAinod •to W. . , u,.:71 Bro. Ar. CO.. PIO 1:111Pi 1 . '4140n, Marviu Co. 2111 bl,:s ref. to W. P. 1. , Co., Phila. • - J. A McKoo au° h'o4 rclinnd to W. P. . _...... ttiz.ois 0.1 Work, 512 1,614 roflno,l to Tr.ok Con. a t'n , F,ow & Co. 277 tklit tetlued. ro'Wtirdon, Frow & Co., Phila. Twat 1,655 Mt. =EI NEW `load, &larch .$.-.-.Colton go let, with ion, dbo.l I airs at i.'25/ lop told dliou uphtuaß. rureipni 7,tiB td It. flour whhnut d. sided charge, I ul vas: dein for round low grads; nation 7,r00 tibia at sl,ss 4,85 for super Stale and wro:ora, :I,ilofijyr,:h) for [afro Scato, our extra wrortorn,, ,T5,15f4 - 11,10 for wnlio whoa: 1,71(dA r round hoop 01110, P&3O for extro Louis, and •16,1.ti,s fur good clooloor do, Including holr low „Jail.* extra In: export rangr. Rya Flour golot, with Salt aPO f.1.'25fi,"2.d. Coro Meal Whiolry trots, with sa!oo tn. idols t. croorn revoipa. 17Xlr bush: whoa: gOiat and uochaiip.ol, with 4i1eA14.1,00.1.nts At 9r...3 .:e for iojei tad s( raig,tl,o2. for No i,lrtaid;77 toe wittier roil and author we-term. lite, dull at 90@dian for wcal 0r..-bate:. if 2,d,h) burl. State on private torn,. Bark) 1.111440.1/gP/1 / Pairs of 1.4,1'0/1 I/ Utli Califoi Ill.& at it"" 604 [mall two towed 84,1c1 at rte. kiirloy 131/.4 quit/L, Coif:a If too lord: Shin at Vdc. aro; ro,eip:a of 9,:k4.11,11 , 41; hearCtl Wad c_92, Ircl.(4:11 iviledi of 3 , ,1VU bush at *I 1.t..3 for Low luixod wealoru, 11,024 1,01 for old do In . storo, FI , OS for hew sort:hero and westinn Sl,es for new white wettern. Oetar recespra el 10,567 hush, unchanged, with salts re 17,1:00 bush at it.4e7lye - for western, 610, 62lic for 0510 and Stoic. Stock In wars house: Wheat 2.155.917 hush, cora 400, 461 LUeb, :eon 016,672 i. bush, rye 011,li, 1:aro:fly 1.16755 bush, twit 95,511. Lush, 11,e53 loran. Meer stead,. sh 56n1e. CaiS' liras. hales of erck• o tot phew.: terms. sugar r astor; 16. inols ri 6.1:6:76i , c for Cute., 1034 for Porte Rico; solos 267 Ahas Ha Yana at r.,,,;(.01./.iine, Molasses duII.HON riukt. dull at 1114 C for crude hurl 2610 for re. (Mud. Linstod 0:1 quiet. Turpontioe ~tutor. Pork 0 abode firmer, with Halo? 515 imis at T 26 Ilia:AU for far Y..1111(0,:i 20,51 ror primo dud Sir 2 for prime noose; also 750 1,611. mesa WA:et April, May anti Jur. ct ra1,2.1(126,40. Pouf quiet, sates btla at F 1041.5 for now 1.1010 111001 and Veit417,50 for new extra moos. 'Pierce PrJoll,..tiy, with sabre: 116 at § i 1f561.8 for prima mess and $27g.3.1 for India 7:11394. Orel Hams quiet, with males 135 bids nt ti 28432 for III:W. Cut Meat% 15:1,2 , 217 whit 0405 of 150 paoka4ce. 10!..',61 ' 13;e: for shoulders, and 11 . 104 in for bra's; middles qnlot, with Bales 220 .se, at 121#e for Cumberland Cat, all. for ,hart tat:nark ford hosvy and r Arad/. lowor, with sties 4.30 tlercea at 153,, 'qrflrlslic for steam, and 1.1f,...;®15t(c for kottlo rendered; flit.° 760 tercet: atoms toilcr April, Slav and dare, at 14Se Bolter renere at 11: . i.N.1 for Ohio. Cher,. heay.? It: 14 1514 c. !knights tO Irlvor very brat; whlputonts per strainer of 750) bus wheat at 4N:I. I, ,—Flour closed steady, with a Moderato export and speculative do. want for maditun and tow grades of ex Ira. Wheat dull at #1.117(LV1,12 for No. spring, and $1,23.', for wiator rod and .ether western. Rye nominal hl 00g93e for western, Oats very quiet at 54 , 57;0 for westoria, ill(Sealc for Ouro corn firm and qUiot at 1.1,021,03 fri new mfxod western. POCK quiet son ituchaNed. Cut meats quiet and lime Bacon nonrinal. Lard quiet at I. 1! 4,r for prim a ft:GAIII. Egzo dull at 26E466. CiOntoo, March 2.6.-Exchantto (Inn and unchangen. neur dull and un eb mged. NV nest firmer at Stir for No.], hllll No. 2 at 7.1177 i".. for regular am: smelly frehl: 2 rdesirrix at 761‘ . (9153„.• for rex:ears this afier :mon doh mot no erotled at 75ftn. Porn donor at 74,10 71c for No. 2, 7771.736T0r new, and •671 C.), for nu grade, orating at orinrido this ult.:room market firm at 733i(471.: for No. 2; 730 for now, and 63W60:, for no grade. ode %COX., higher; cloasn4 at 373 c for No. 2. Nen qaiot and a:rouser, closieux at 1373,inkii4; roc N. 2. Barley tier/. iron at 6060606 for No. 2. Illghwlnce is higher at Iri&9434cfor wood case cars a.. 1 Car ealll Lotaul plz;;a. Htronu.or ut 143,750/Jl,y,, c:rtting ut 12,1 . 2.7.@2+; 1,1 [l_l bto,t.tiy fit I Kent plek.l,l 111111 a 14!4.1.. Maki quint, ellaatiz at 9% . (.3.93„'e for dry salt.) 12Nc for rod airlC,; 13 , ,,ic for rlh nialdlt p, oBl . 11 sea firm; atilt fu 1 and common ?H,85, t9,1 . 2;4* 00t1 amatall ahlpplng Intd. it,ooda I,r tho pout 48 bourn-- . • 4:031131s ii ur, ha corn, f+9l2 ha oa•-•+, 727 ba ryo, harlay, 1101 hop , . -Swimming —479.1 bb. hoar,hu 24.818. ha az. 3154 hu 0010 1 1941 by ri : o, 3SO 1-7 U barley, 1701 hogs. ST. 1.01.115, March 23. • Tobacco steady and undiangtal. Colton nominal a; 214 2174 c. Hamm dull land unchanged, Hour dull; fall an patina 33.10, extra tror,g 1.25, choice duriblo extra 34,750 4,110. lu wheat thorois more doing and uuchaugod; No. 2 spring, Inapocted, No. 2 red fall .141,Lr2, No. 1 do. 61,124 41234, choice 41,206:y1,25. Corn rplict and unchangad at 704784 for mixed ; 714 Fac for yofigiv, 81;048ie for white. Oils Cary quint at. 60616670. Ilutoy dull at 31,05 for ctio:co Minnmans. Rya 'Laster -4u 76575 z. Whiskey firm at Mc. Gro ceries quint and unchangad. PrOVINIODN firm bah quid. pork p •an a nun!! way, 'ST liry salt Meat io in soma demand for round lote and 924413!;:pi isfused for shouldsra and Clear 7 In; glOrt) aro Nandi aalroa of koala should -rm at line; hams 12,4.1 rouxii aldos 12 . 4.1 a. Bacou troady, act ill for 81.0ulderp, 15! , e for clear tit., 15,744104 for dooraides. 4 ,hard •nominal; :144:1.1%c•f0r ~team and Walla. Ito dile-K-110Ln moo bids; 'wheat 18-1:1 bush; corn 1000 bunt; oda 1135° lanh; parig; 2340 bush; r'e 3000 bush; bogs 160. . Gincinu-var. March -28.-Ilour firm and in f,,0 domand, with hales of fanfily act 1.5b5 25., Wheat is In good dernsud at #l.t;v'3l,lo, Corn Ilan and In good do.' (nand ati11,464'. the latter rule lot cynics tatin7l. gonadic° at 60Gt50. Ilya Linn ill 8 4360. !today uuchanged. •-a ton Tullicoo Is In light supply, and firm at full Taloa. tK hingay tinti at P3(j) Me, the lattor lotto In Iron bannd °nap:n ano. Moos Pork firni but quiet at eV. Bull{ meals tired but quiet - at 9.1.1 e; 13r, 13%c and 1.1 . 70. Bacon olden In lair demand at 15414 1 4 c, bider° held Ne . aVe ”inor eared . hatne Lard ~„l ee flit Ostia. hottac soareo nod iircour et 314371. Chutes dull and 3.i• boW • or; notes at 1 4 ,;(2 116, - 1 . 1,4 le'llns , f to lie and dull. linseed MI Mill at bin. had nil 1 . 0111 a. 31.25! 1 , 28 - Pelrolatoin rt-tinN. Hagar unchanged and fain. 75 Ilea 174.424, o 4 nlalr demand. 0:0 Oh nited advanced to 614,60. 'timothy *wed firm at 3.1,110; aunPlY light. • CLISVE.I.AND March %.--Ilsrloy •• dull belt! at ti3c4lt Slate and (janado, the outahlo riirchoirox 1'41 01,1 1ml; the toot hot . for alaot ,;l contiiiurs ! nip au!, iacnive,t(*ere :tad,hvidif In (hair yinwS. [liar of Mika or le.. afmtvi-ird while,. COO obis, buyers Prmtuituii DAILY GAZETTE . : TUESDAY MORNIN .Mar, 2;!,c, .14:10 Crud,• is dull and noinnial at $:1 sf; per Parrt.!. Nlarch lira[ N3ll Wit it• la lio.llLr, . 441 ' 02 "" 1 , '... dii!11,4122 amil Fll Grata H.6d,l y. 10 91,2 a. llarn tr;:. dr, .. T.0.U . Z... '' liva and *toady, v. ,th 1/r 712 1014.15 lug, at 7441; .1,4 !oar at. Viqui. Whiskey; raw in light delosnal id t,-1 M I L%; IiEE, March :24.—Flour 1111 Changed. W.h.,1", N). I. Ble. for No. 2 Ott4 /1.11 st; 4 . 1,. for No-2. Coro Reareo mid high, at Now ryo , firio at ii... for Nu. I: PArley DETROIT, M roll ,r}' lirut but illoietCVP; 'Wes or iatro i 1,25; No. I. (hate dull at $1,130 r.r (7!Ovor semi BALT( NI 011 E, M3r....0 P.ak firm it , . i; t1,1:1 nitloa :.Icit ul . 2x:; 19 , 0 RA,. m 10. i..,ttly, M, .H.—Ca , llo 4“.11,.;•1 roe 1111. ti I LC, COIN It .gs 7 , .4i!ytP.ic• NI FM PIT .S, March 2 ;.—Cottqn'eptiot And 11 , 1 , 1 rcevii t'XI.ItS I 9!;;, giVni M. 41V ulgti riga =1 Mi=nt:,. marl.,-: is t Orly ..its, n lit'ln do proihrtl f inctit ttitit from i!:•422!;r, do. C do. 60. rlr,„3lti-, rot. sttlitlo 110 11.41,1 troin if, .84 1t . .., Victory A rani• Lr'oto 11 tot,4‘.. 88,1 do 11 do from S to 81;-, New York ItOlts thaillio twiat rottonitila rt front 4:2; 10 400, Whltoll do Ides do from 42 1 _; 40 45e, brown anti blonit front -10 to 37340, nu-1 Nnw Yoik 0:1118 a lICCILs do rnm, 31 Lir 3.1. shirting . prima nt.w :town to 11:0, w9,tle hrise6 Auld modal prio.B aro riaitt,rl by 0: twat L In F.Nr_byi4vt.o, ttlot 81;c 13 C.lO, IMPORTS BY Cr.intstl, AN) , P1V1NR1411.4.114 ItAll. ROAD, Mltrell C. 4174 I nip, Shsn. 5, rgor, Rah Ito; 3do 1 ore. Jonas A 1: 2 do do, 51,•Ktilsr,Itt..0 Co; 2 do iron nso, slralr, 11 &Co: to Ibis nil, uproar: furniture, (1 II 1),1114 A to,t; Isa 4 'are, Second) Co: 21 Sw. ink, It S Dayis; .10 do 4,lltene, N J I:ration; 5 olds 140141, 14.444410021044000, Watt, 14 at 04; 17 05151 woo, Armin On g.O Co; 20 earics to. ham), S Esva.rt 0 do do, T .131,tc Inaort, 2 10318 wino, Lutz; 2 bids o nu•ni. I do p Iktrloy, 32 jug.. ruoikßscs, J Por.ortiold; 5 51.14 11 nu . , su Gratuatt Nt 1 Intl ,-gr,,2llrktos sastfor. Day &Co: 7 voila n rm.°, t:o.lfroy lion butt,r, 1 hot eg,;, lirugp.',runus 0: 20,111.20 1,01,s S 14,V441; a 9 do do, 0 erm{;liossi; In isdis kc.Co , I outt-r, W Knox; .1/Iska lye Kell It; 10 WAN 0147 0 . 1 1.,,4kid ler, 11 Itn .Ir; 1 cur I Inlet:, Park Dr° A Vo; applus, 1 do onions. II tad 311,5 A S; 5 do {sultana, S It Floyd. Parr.,:tukou, CINesSNATI 5:. Louis 11.01i.20A1,, March o'.-50 Colien, Arbuck:us .0 Co: 5 is sls 'II I. Frtinit,d.s.elt Alla; ttl 101)1,), I. Ito;lowilz.; 13 Lks tubeca , , M W MeMul- Ito; 1 . ..5 btin t‘111•1.y, H,d,dtso:m.r 2 eArB J I's taA•r; 1 du idavt«, I:.ouueld t e,uk 0 tkios, Co; 14 1 klt4 L: onions, 17 do du til76 bli[i..r..W . 1_•44 o tts. H; SI do ,to, J (11niv S 1p3:14 HO.; 9 w‘nr.,l.Nalt.:;:gu bJls brer.dos, 114 r, !len N 0 0: 0 1.51, I LIM o:11ouo, 12 du nppl, 0. 4110 cpgA, V.dgt, M; 10, ernigtma,l; It. Igs oslo, I do J Sllo:ii.u; 1 Iddi onion 4 , 1 ell d appleA, It do cg.. hi W It urkitt 14 tw. in 106 d, J igh r; lUI 81.10 Clark A: Bro. PlTTERtaloll roar W.l.lrlio COl• 0.100 liall.O3AD, Merell 23 —5 CLLTS metal, Nantek .6 Co; odo do, .1 Wouttr, S Co; 6do do, Unton Iron NI ht. , . du li do, Bryan .6 4'l 2,10 :10, 7.113 lXh Urals !lour, 'l' C Jo ikino .6 Oro: 2,01 pea 'Pea eel! .l es•eiLfr.l!•; Di!Z•lil T.,, unoll,l; lea 1333 11 oir, 11 W,,11,0, 6 n.. 0 Lotter, 11.11:o ; Can field A Ka!er, ,1:a ears, W Wu:olt a C..; 12 reams 1, 7cr, k/oo free t tr Clark: =i sks rr go, Frazier, Id 1'..:7 tads 01,011 S, I)3Y CO; 2,10 been:,, Woodworth dr Dr do sager, .1 S cotal .6 CO; 15 1011 , - I •elf•r. 11.11 , ..U•11. 31:gs:4u:ter, 4 oohs d IN 0 A ralsoswg; tun huller, I lAI W IL Grath lett 1A33 II or, tieleoa s k. r 14 s¢.4 bar;ey, (10060. e t /0, deZ ale,vtil balm, k H. - I.A.s.naksr Moron '23.-3.)1•1•'•, 1, • ,1 1 0:01. IlOot, 01 el. rye, 4,7+veva:. 3: a r 52 e.,rs cold. Ktot, FAA, A 14: 16 do do, (sdetn6:l, .It k Ca; 5 enco Dna" 06003, ShOoulterg, B. 7 13:, ioter, ege,R, 16.,.1:1 1,1,:a W,,t lay, WI in.n ,it co, C.V.+1110 . .111, McKnight. At Co; 1 dwntdso, NV 3 1101/0A ,1., 1 da do, 1 601 1 lrx loetrr, (lead SM: 1 car rye, Wm McKim ..6 . 0.; 2 1,61 u e, w, 2 loss bultor; II Frceoe: I,kgs buta , r stnl eggs, A K anturer ;100.1.,C.rkainle , 2 dn ~ C Malone. idarch ,cal t A ILLEOIIkiN r STATION oar barley, M W. II a, 13 IConco 1y II , o; I do W do metal, Lindsay at sic,!: fl bats vide r, J.. O'llanlon; 2 ra .3 lilt thi. 1 nett .t Ca; I do d... ildloy aY I zall; Ido do, a Cu. 2 dodo. 2 ,1•• ore, Spatlg, (3.: I , or pout tom, .1 Taggart; 2 hay, 1014,1: Ewln>:; 5 alas moat, 3 ska llaaoo.t, Jolla Mr- Inn; I Jl,l eggs, 3110 o[llol,ll, K.t• a. Car saw Lear lutiamr, Gurcli H; I car &jut Goa Sa3a-ari.., PlTT43Vjulli COXN r.T.AVILLE RLU I MAI., March 2i —2 nAra mule.l, run Cc; I ear wurA, C Ilmisna A o.r, 1 k corn. Se,t Giha , 4 1.1:14s t o lrr, Alton .10.rkilatrIck CO; I car atone, W I= BENCINNAti rEa STY:AMER AICI.INO TON. Mar,tl 28 —l6 .sky fo.ttliorv, 1' U Cr: I.:tit a 1; 7 kgi au udrl9,l IA 1,54 lard, Marl; 4. Co; Ic.•+,lBcgt. 8 Sara a tadtor, Volgt, M Co; 9 eke fratt,,ra, U A M.srion: IU 1..XE4 loodieSto.4, U liollv; 18 d). tom; 5 I'v; vantlic.4, IA do do, .1 11,rislotsv; , 25 do do, 5 hair do do, Watt, I, ,t It CI; 5 110 xs candka, Woo3worlit A U; 2 tmi Park Bro Co: Brut", B Go: 8 pl;t4p rrantne lloyil, Rl 4. 1 , sdo do, J W Morriaord Bdo do, U 3 Young A Fan; T Ldld b r. 1144, lfnitlonui & W; I 1.,:r oo:tun Rend, a ILI Twoxilo; 211 pkga to Lilco, M R McMullin; 10 hills d pe.othen; Coopor do Co; 2 do do, Jolit.ton C: 10.10 do. J S Dilworth A Co:. 14 to -144.4.4 J II Porkor; I lu.x. U Marshall; 4 Iclls Logo. J 1P locirloy; ! 4 do 41,, 30 Bka ryo, Hog,. F.l; 131 too Linn,,. Dc , 2.01 T; LI 1.1 IN oggv, 011414 kle ; A onlo do do, S D. v-. 1; Itl 1.41444' komp. 1 yOll call kgr; I It .i;ov .4 Co; 111 bunch l'hiliip3 A. V.: 9 pkgo .1 Him, 11 g o ., Jr; 24.10 emc, 2 410 rcuarrie,, J 4.1 M 11.1.0411; 41 pkg.. vuu-14104, hleunor H: 1 144 g, : liquor, Firming, A Bro; 1 bon sucdri43, .1 Conp42ll; 41,1. J • I min Alkh 7 4 , 1 , 1 , 44 . r2 . 4 -44 ',94 In.r.c9c r, Hr121444crm..n A 0; 72 ,'hallo,' 11 h0r2.0. 3 bhp. c ggo, II 111.1.114, 12 Co applcv. W 11 Waif A, Co; 15 do egi44; 1' Putt Sot.; 2,000 foot lumber, ;Moll:he A A; 050 hoop .1 Collittr; 1,101. vp;gey, Ilty A Co. 7,000 foot J NA:Z. Pllrlltllll.ll, BUOY/NS 01.1.0 000 (14 . PACK.: C.Ol. March 24 —025 ltze window .glO9ll, ra,k; 3 001.4 whtfiky, Art Carlisle; 14 pkg. produro, Johly.uni A Colvin; sdo do, 144'.:rcoloo: & H:2:1 14141 u applec..l Prorate:o4 8 pkg.. egg', 2 do hottor, L A klborlrtrtl; aka rags, McCullough, 14 A Co; 10 'deg op p ts, J N.M.; 1.7 bid* whichy, W Wh om; 15 bl.lB oBlotix,. 4 do dry 0pp184. - 11 Itra Jr; 49 MAO, A Nolling; 19 bk . . oati, artor, Motlrucr , .14 ,(Jo; 19) :-148 4.400, Clarke A llo; 2 pkg.: egLe, Watt, hula WoEg), Nli ritt BE14.1:, March 28.-10 bale paper, PIM Pour Co; I tibia rgata, 2. do huttor, McCullough. ft. J -I'n; 4 • br,lx applrai, Kindel oh N. S; whiaky, W Welsh J Co; 2.i litda moit. t co .k A; 14 titi tin, 69 In enrn. W Darlds; 6 bide onloini, 3 aka cal bine, Day di Co; 91161 pot:three, Ido (gas. lirugvirtnati O' it: ti wino tiny, J fi W Pairloy: 17 pkge, W , 11 Graff di Co; 24 Imo cigars, Millar dt Co; 21,60 ogle, 2do apple lot ttor, Voigt, M g & Co; CO tow; motel, J W Portor. a~Frcn =MIM PROPOSAILS , I4 ILL. II RE t mivEl, at tan Watcr Conan Ince I[.r at ,AOltr re ea can 1 , 1 ran 11...m1.11,411 1 . 14 L %drama. t , r Itlttllited far , •ue ycar. irs IMBMICII. Se aerintrno, urLf1.0144.1 S WILL HE 111 E- (IKIVEIYI4 the 011 , 14 OF 7 . 111 C WATY.R Woltha. ea (W'ee of the Mal Let noose, up (ill A eltlf. Ith. 11470. to foroPha sop,. rao ID KM.. -O,EAN Ioh.RMIANTABLY. NUT COAD...L bon urn. rand Lower Vl4 ray. e ytar Crum the 100 e glay of Apr O. ISIO. to he lore. Monte!, hot I,g (hal, s I no•Kerregn an,lo rot, area, a ataa MI ef hot I. ex than of , JUSEiII ` i; i r • NTnom.t Orrler, PrrY Or 1110“, a a.r2l elt 51 1879. I VI C CONTII A Vs• 011. S . .LN N • H. , Alati) Puoro , Als art e well 3 e..e10 V, liar:1.141) 11410, fee the ra.11117. Mel Varlet " %n 141.3.1 134, ' 1 ‘ r . rfru V. .411, ' •! . . A 11 ' :y;t : , I'4l ~treet. VIII IA Stip:Kr. (rum !ill.,llLoa ...rue to NIXON trrltidt% (row Ileaver 1 . 0 ta. Ogle .rr of kali attait. NI AN II I'CAN NTIII T, I' oto Watlilnr tot %g um- to strut ere ride:it:on trdnire at err at WI , tidd - of Pr , it; :Ivy 3 - thrl:ght It _rt. tent dto r0)..0t ally or all 1,1 , , • - W. M. P•WtTir It. • OUT thwandltr. MEM RIVER NEWS, 9ho i.vcr • h:.1; 'teen atesidly dattag the ',as: tweaty four hours and - I wlt etyzildht e.haiag, with ttpi estran,) of a It , 'a. Loth the Allegheny nod Moattrqatatitt rivers are rung at their 110:y1w:1:ere, front which it asitletA that the recout rain, 11:1v0' g• rot. Yesterday the ',bather _ elouSy and raw, with tbiSit/r3 of rein and .loot I,:t!iiltf r,r. atly uit dAy. itlvreut: t and falling. A taiga nninter 0' km boats ta,tro goal eg Ito tr toy a:rt ady and mak:tit; pritowationa to den.trt• ea .60011 50 irr.Rl - tif ‘,O ..r them µlll gr:t air to d.ty. The Phil. 'her stun :cl:vod at 1.1,,,,;„ I ra - h and the Glatt2evr, train New Or. le ths, them far The toil . try Al!,0 ,30 se.v..uty•llvo 1,.."10w IT, , Lsvilio, 0,3 'Citu-Stlity ct.ti,:ttvit itt $lO,llO. . The A rlia:41,111 arm', 0 from I :iti.:iu• unti about I dclcel 3 e;t•ntep r t,i:h a goad trip, :znd will 1 oth.ll xgain to ila:v at 12 Altll , :tault nrl; )tt two c ~Ito iins monde . • isito in 1110 1,11i•I, tine 0411 111 Ike ho lin., LAO II )10 ivy way 6osi rs SrArliel win for hers; o^. L. Tnol.'ar AV: L:1{:1 • . 'Ott 1'1)", - v.l rf,r lit•x>url to d.::• gui I c:e,r tip t!, Fc Fko 1.4 v. , L'mut t , 0111r: 0110 of thti 147...i:c:i".t, sub,l,6util! ovor Imllt fiq - the wonatain trade. 'l'nn hull IV,II .I:srt's Po:Lim:milt rz ivml from the i )00 e .Lty, ,s:11 is no.: 111:;.; Iti the AloA It :ny omm,me •Imp. will Ln.. omilphsatal wiat all . I 4.1.:/ , . Tila WA{ CRP. n la aa. unti.,r,l Ft. WA forthwith, and ahloprra should liar the in min I. • The Jull i N.,. 2 ni ric - N1 front • Zanra. villa, and the Wile dap triad for Wheal. Koann-x• Rob Roy in Ima,ing throng. tho thaw or the LntlronJ bri4lgo at Qiiiney, Inir:WF, on Sand.,y. taornm r : On her 1.3. to Kt okuk, bleach the ie.. liro.lkor, carrying away. her I:irlithlr.l whorl, Pantry 'and lower guard:3. Thu I,lt 1k2,A11111 di.ttuly ,workai, 111111 had not the 1,111. 0.0, at oneo Bent hawser* aulinro one.. secured tho goat, olio woind in a fow ininutin low° lteAl I:t9 end all hops of " ( ring. R 3 aho wou:11 te tv:i II i.;.ted under the brh!gr. w Imeli Would I.Atunsel her to hi k ini 11. (tti I,loly, 111111 pro ably overt' p totengor m 1 I 'Join! would liaslo been loc. tomerßl 1.11,11111/11d11 to•eurrett es soon 141 Rho stru,k, and it requircil moat c5..11 . - Vont. t part of the ollieirts to pi vent Lidill9 111111 gentlemen fro as jumping (Ivor hoard. Tno bolt 10.19 /114. or I t.r w iAt! .injitred nod left In the ortmlng tr 1..u1t. to La rop t;ro,l. Upper = WM 011, CITY, Mttreit 2."; —Rivor nt ntantl, ici I - , 11 10 luehr a wWyr her 0100 Is. Tasrucnn ctor n a:. r. BROWNr.VII.I.I% Mar with 17 ft.t•t R al. r toia:itwi. Wo.tthor oloipty. Thorttiativ.te::l9 at 1 M.:I el 2$ Ricer very elowly. pith ;0,01 17: fe.l wAtor in 11:4 eb,ll WoO.ber 141112... Tilt r morzietar ii lit 6 P. M'oivcksvr,w.s. W. VA.; Nrarch IS— River pith 11 , 14 water 1,1,11:0 chaunvl, N• alh, elotoy. Ou, *it., -111 P. ~Yr UhL CJo 1t as '474;.'N,4t5.11. I'ION. /! . . . L.,. ..-1,1:".• • K.. far I/: as.a na.t ad the,1 , ,u-11. or 11. Mt. :1:11,.1 . 21.'S Ai aF. V•l.l—N. I. ca . a: too aclaa a 11..-allt.l.ur. Ms of the, tr.i.c oftc:lrequ.r.:, I: curing tI.014:: I,l+ .11,1 Nle.o VIPs. sumt Iv. uelp It.. I, .r.1.,:rtru,....1110 3/ mud It.. ..L , Lb 9 1 .. 014,n 11,11, c ur.: I: ...on Cr. ehL . ,. ',4ly and r / - ..n;olr.i.tlnn. and for -II ,11.11 a,tltt ..0 th. - which It .1 : • falai 1. a r.l Cwt.:up:l,l an 4 yr ratio th , es th.. 7 I,4iutn t`, t .trinapt • Th. S . I. a m..l:clrte ha.: L. t viore the It• TAW. ups V} thr, ttlosisand ture, hat e t:.,,5,101 a o•fift , f, than It; th In, Its [urn er. •I 11,1 n•te cat 00 ~ 111,1 if 4...0.4 NialStit MA) tt i•tall e. t . ...bleb a.lint, Ein . . . .. . ... .... . ..1., al,. d, ..h. L. t. 411 tilif - 511,..JD. , i gi, !•.. ..11.. , Ire r,......... as..l rt ....t.. ~.,....1 /. Tiviroc, h , lal. 1-111. r..011...tak ..c.• tot Ny ltt. .11,0, nt p a l. mr.,r) ‘ vuW,:rapt,.. , waLia :le rr, n: dicin , , Ind ha alnrd. 11,41 y a,...r 2:. Mat .rt...,. a pal.,nly I ." . 1. tl.e. ~ ......a:arn.1,,..,aitt.... 1..... aa rt.., • , clvelan..; Lalti.,' t. 1, 1, .......,,, g. ,. .ect; .1. teltr)...v. n 1... /..W.ll ddlixrrt I,t t,...0r am 01r1ar....1 tn 51., In Lrd. and wt... Ito:late L . ,... 4.11 10 . ly.t: N.y.,cl,n, y d,,,... a t,i, L.. 4.1,...1 No ad tr., dn . ds,'mn entatt uo:n. lun,. Intl ”11...3 tb...11111G, z.),VP,..5.1.,t11...../...1 dad to.wale t Ktcdrd....troyed, a ante tufty oa, cr. P....di.) . 111. Y.11e11...k.... 111,13:1.1ni... 1130. 111 : 7 4,10300113 THY' 3.3. S. un-re ere roost; rtee eel. •Fehenelt Ins prod.°. er•elts of is nued,r De...... 01,4 who hare trete ric rl, rut'. r.I srd.ll run ulne torte sod uow All ..It. 115 YtOleg pmpur. ...deb nom: lor•tdo hest ea r l lea 11. the 10n.r.. tru tweet or:A.l4m ts ot (rover mt.,. 10 rive tetlr lb, tout. to 111 e 501 e. Moire 4 to' to Le t..on the. appettto or . Wt. 1 4, tent •orl tn. erowe the eduo• tr.ahot .nt le re 'intrt.l treo.:l., ow: • I: 173,51 04 Ink. 0.1 stark, tons: nu! 41.1 e for the .11, ur Cone om. Live ete •r. .1,1,.nt 'I 43 LI 4 1 . 411t 1 / 1 10. Lira•tt "hi. I. vnre de 474 '114..1 ,77,1514.44.11. in yr, r:1 1,•0c.:y mat - Woo:I artic l es, to he yrr. forrest,Out tie Cdr vett ere ontnro. tour,. be .t ones,. ono r U waleeaDur trout or it....11c1z0 Tl,', • 711111 n went le li,. war. ed Toole, and wt 11.14 yorenar 11.0. den Lj1.115.44 Wars We ti •teQns . ara . put erred or.'ur..the Lou' Votor ,tree; tar evstalc of the palled 1, leornu II an ltl e lonen 111 14 C.llllu Mt/Ulnae In • ri.1410 154 11551157 rottut.,. Then the heallox yontr• 51 ..ulpeonlet error, wtll tot the cern. rtilleon•ry Coeuutupthoi 1r *hired alyrlys tont , pIl, at 1.4 wit 141,1(1.5 And Lieu, t..toplated. "elienoVe liandltdre 1% 1 4 ere In coded to ne me obrtrtatton, from the I.lrer tad teeter° 14 heal nave Idiom They have all the egleartY ableh te aterllood 1.. oslu eel or "bore mail.” mad an erranitd anew tut: In • wart •cle or hay Lela. ..r•1 poison. Theft VIII, eon. the toriid. obvtlente 41 pitta, 41.1155 alter, 17114.11 ether .14,04.3 0111 ult from • 474.1 4.r u1...44e.r.1.-nrottlion th.e.Llour. 4 1 41' tu.s or these Was n 111 prove titn eltatoey of the . to Conitiets ht on the ee.• Weed Tee.l.• sett •I•n• drat.. 11.1 s ere otenitt•t.le nes.l I tri e.e.llcleer. th , T tt:e seer. -f the tt, t tlent and We et ntrt lie vet:ell:l4 • curt. efetel viixt.Cl,l Vt.. I nage en. fOtete.l tlrely nlei .1141 tentetus .I.l'ool all to WtJ ef Lie. cte'...e In Icetet: ft tee,lf Too 'lye , or oot , la a et tut a neit.l. - et bore Not: Iii•• 1111.6 1 , 1" WA` 111 0 of tlcertetek'e thfte greet tem. 1;r.,01At.11,,..11 Alman* o. nut/fns fotl :rratt• Wu' ratio. torlor of .11,a C. lb tondo +on xractat d‘r•cllo.o. MUM to . - • . . m.11r1.1, 1.a.! AI, ../ n nit. by talc Principal 01St.. ?0:, IL. N o ra, pi Itti Philscfriplais, Po. :oth • o 11.• Tok• par Doti!, or P 1.50 a half d.•,.0t. PIII, NS Ci`Plu %box. !oar ralpily II drayiilutc - ...Z•rDOCTOLL TN . 11 Yell 09 - • TIN u%d TU Tia.vr kw, 1'1i.:V.5.114 itomityr, 1403 of cc. 4., nh :ioo3pri , uclop .1.3:111y, I•critiil.lltiy i einptinw, teloldal 111 1 1, , ,101 11.11111411. rar .1. ',fro., ntlllet , nt,th nt 1.11.11. CL - 1:101.1. tl ur, 1,1110 t ill 003 00:01-0030. 333 cie :Loa 00:01-003 0 .te-selirrn. .illinfil.000.•014. n. 1.1 iio ln 0..11 00 14 a 44/ . Llolran., hu that. proNr... l In the leracea onlet. nhaOlnlon tea a /What 11. lot r.qatrlng dahy •vr:nt al. att....llan;vapor I.ataa, On. ,oh.h.n.attng th.; Canw.d mlnerntmatt,, who foo, list.. your ea... b.. aura In Li. pom p:act of Aft r paat atht Want whltelw for two stamp.. In foaled I . i.ohatuda of roue. trratect /annually, at um e and all Orer the con e l'a. • non& V a. W. h. /I p. 11. day. 112 A. to A l'. la. Pampa). rant to &Arad. Oteas for bon 510n414. 11 - 4gruATulice.olll:4 51 kill r. —This the world. Ilartn sleets:lbl Hut Dye Is the best Ai leir, dots not einitoln lead, nor shy of•olle pooioli J to Oro no hsraiyals or di oth. Avoid the 'wools il and di le Ito b tlnh thry don it Wurnt. The K'°t W. A. • sleliebor'i Iltir llp. Ibis had 40 yearn Outs, qlslied repots. fi ols to nribold 4 O ye a rn at t „• pert el l py,l.-Bhgct Itt by 01l Ilteret: N JUST OUT.. 'T LI ZR rtet VOE C 01,115, (91.03 . . ?..!14 111114,AT A N ult ur " " I?itir ri Y:t;TAgit " . .1,811'1%)N 10 lat Nta• York. ma lb a.mtltda tafited nan ,, m Uala,llo .1.70 J 65. r¢ncen..J•c nMx Av..l Teasels, nm ur . F ` , trA% ri m A II . N A T IVirO I Ii 111.11134 , 1:171:01 :91.111111)AY. mks 14 ,, i s NorW Kiver. New Vot Inforwation apply 14 WILLIAM R lat 4 • • a El