Mil Vit 11,ittautcgli k.ita,;tlll„ II OFFICIAL PAPER Or Plltabargh; Allegheny City and Allegheny County. OPTIC X: 41ZW1713 - BrALCING Zif, AND 86 FIFTH AV TUEADAY. MARCH 29.,741 Boma at Frankfort, trri PaTitonWum at Antwerp, sn,lf. Gam cloud in Now York on yreter t — day st VW. • 1=111212211211 IT Is now thmight llauttheireo-bankii.g ; section will he struck out of the Fundisg I n . bill in the; nom: Committee, hut we doubt If the House itself shall approve that exclusion, either from the present bill, or from any sabatitute which mat , be prOposed for it: The ScCretary ttw rectaa public Impression in one particulai not all of the National banks, but only a few of them, aro taking an active part in opposition to the bill is it now - abode., THE pending bill, at Ihrilabisrg, incorporate "The Pennsylvania Cora piny" omits, with ono exception, all the objectionsble features of its prede. cessor4hittill chartertng "The National improreiMmt Company." , upon which the GIAZWrT6 commented some tint, since. ' Tho right of eminent domain now conferred by the fourth section shoul,d k brif.rpriusly limited, in its exer. else,ccintrais with parties already • ituresiell Rith that specific privilege. This -right should be of primary, not of a resulting, Creation. Aa AUIIIIRD Story is telegraphed from Washington, to the effect that the conser vative majority in the Virginia Legisla lure conternplates the 'withdrawal of its ratification of the XV th Article. This is a canard as mischievous as it is idle. Them are elemehta of trouble enough In the Southern 'question already, without this suggestion of a step which could have no other effect than Instantly to re open thesciatily4Mtded wounds of. eight years of erfarieldal strife. The_aingges don itself is calculated to influence feel tugs, on either hand, which must make the situation yet more critical for the South than for the loyal Union. And it is an idle one, since. none know better than the leadin om en of Virginia that such a step would be accepted as a challenge by lb, reunited Union sentiment of the North, .—and that the. issue or another conks , so provoked and inaugurked would c.!_ thigni4r - theli sovereignty altogathce fora to come. 1 WORSE AND wooed - IL is ascertained that Captain Eyrc, of the Itombiy, intim collision with the Oneida, lost but four minutes from the stopping of his engines before the crash to the subsequent order to proceed, and leave the drowning American's to their fate I And the hail of Captain WILLI/alit was beard_and daly reported on the other ship, but disregar. ded by the murderous brute in command. If the English government shall fail to make the fullest reparation possible in the premises, by submitting the hits mots wretch, Eyre, to the judgment and penalties which English law must re quire, and which international • duty makestabsolutely imperative, we cannot be wrong in our belief that justice become vengeance—and be ultimstely satisfied in its fullest measure. All .the facts will be before our government be fore the ad Jou rnment of Congress, and we are confident that some . deeisive action will then be had upon this terrible Minix. Tag peculiarities of French law have been strikingly illustrated in the trial and halfway acquittal of Prince Napoleon fur killing his antagonist in an affray. It Is clear that be was not convicted, be cause the testimony was not conclusive against his plea of self defense—a good plea, if made good, all over the world. But the' verdict does not .prebent_bim wholly blameless, for he Is cast in dam. ages and costs for the benefit of the fain ily of the slain man. This is equivalent to a judgment that .he had himself provoked the affray, from -criminal consequences o' which he is technically diacharged; and that a civil 'action penetrates deeper to the remota nauseant' a - quarrel than' can be reiched by a criminal process., ~9,3 the we think that •stibatiatiar jtistice has been, done by the Court, to all par ties, and. that Amerltan 341Sprudence might study this French example with pririt.; It, is , certainly , an improvemen t upon' the - "not 'Proven" finding of a Scotch jury inn doubtful case. ;!. ;~: