THE DAILY GAZETTE: 1T61.11511ZD IST PENNIMAN. REED & CO., Office 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue. r. B. ?Mini. A T ‘s P: ,- )101:riTOH,. `;‘) T.1)17011.9 ND PROPUIF:TI.I:24. JCailkll %MO, ME= I= U 7 mall, per real' Delivered tri carriers, per year FIRST EMIR AILDXIGHT. THE CAPITAL. The Tiutb About the So-called Piegan Slaughter—Board of Trade and the President—Sun botiiingo Tieuty Disetusion— Hudson's Bay Claim& (By Tee[, kph to to. Plltabutgh Gazette.] WiesunirroN, March 28 , 1870. _ TBUTII AT LAST. - The fallowing was received tc-day at army headquarters : Port:A . 2l4; ktontens, llitarch 231--Gen. P. H. Sheridan, commanding Military Divbelan, Chloago: In answer to your tel 'egram 'received on the =I Inst., I report that after having made every effort to get the Judgment of the officers of the com. nand, Lam satisfied the following num bit' approximates nearly to the exact truth aa possible: The number killed at the .Plegan vil lage was one hundred and aeventy.ffiree, of whom one hundred and twtnty were able bodied men, and fifty-three women and children. Ono hundred - ond_forty women end children were afterwards captured and released. I believe every effort wan made by the officers and men to save the non-combatants and that ouch woman and children as warn killed were accidentally The report published in the eastern papers Is-wholly and maliclimaly false. It seems Incredible that the false seer lions of two pinions, neither of whom, Las made any effort to Inform Monett In the matter, should outwelghthe reports Of those ensued in the Itlyht, and who feel that they have nothing to palliate r conceal in their conduct. All that the officers demand of the authorities Is • full Investigation of the campaign, and no leas than this can bi conoeded to them. (Slgoed) Paien, I " L° " 1. U. 8 . A., Mai, 24 Cavalry PAID TUMID IU39PECTS. . The Executive Council of the National Board ot,Trade,. tonalities of Messrs Fridley, of Philadelphia, President, Hill, of Boston, Secretary, and Messrs. Brown' of Portland, Plummer, .of Boston, Tay- Jer. - oi Bt. Paul, Trenholm, of Charlotteon; and Gano, of Cincinnati, VICO Presidents, - netted at the Executive Mansion MI& morning for the purpose of paying their respects • and at the same: time stating to the President the views of the organization repreteuted by hem upon certain subjects of great importance to the national interests of the country. • The members of Connell were admitted to the President's office about neon; and its interview was of long duration. The topics upon which the Prealdent.• atten tion was most earnestly solicited were those relating, :nod. to Interior ports of entry; second, to the creation of a de partment of commerce; third. civil service bill, and - fourth, with reference to American shipping interests. Thee. matters were aiscuesed by different gentlemen present,. while the President listened with much Interest to the views fald beforehim and at the close 'expressed 113 general terms his high appreciation of the ip = . ll.4l/I .. : te L r la i tgl i p e re t ri o nT r d e. . be ident paid their re:Pp:lan to Secretary Boutwel I and Special Commissioner Wells. THt SAN DOMINGO THICATY In the Benito executive session this eflernoen Senator Schurz made a smell Against the ratification of the San rondo . go treaty. tweed on the ground -that we do not need any moro southern territory as necessary to our National intereste, end that the adoption of thia mea cure would lead to further absorption or for ciao, territory, with Inhabitants unfitted for republican institutions. Senator Carpenter controverted to a few remarks' the woad-on assure, d by Senator Schu. z - - Sumter tole gave a description of the couutxy from pe:sorial observations laet summer, and dated feats regarding the initiatory dep. In making the treaty. lie expressed the tem bells“ that In tide there wax no dlshoursty whatever. eresident Baez and cabinet were actuated try pure -ar.d patriotic motive., as they desired to reclaim the country from the disorders which afflicted it, and to enjoy pesos and prosperity under .the flog of dm United Mates. Senator .Nye will speak le -morrow. :Several other Senators have proposed to drogue Im the debate, which It 1 sup vocal will termleato to-morrow with the lexparatien of the time Dud for the ex change of ratification. SUPEJIIIICOMIT In the Supreme Court of the United States to-day, the case of the First Na lona! Bank of Louisville vs. the State .Kontaek y. involving the once:lon • whether a State may- levy a tax on the shares of Um National Bank and onferce eta collection through the book, was decided, as. in the court of appeal. of Kentucky, that the charm of a bank. as property of the shareholders are distinct from capital, and may be taxed and the bank may be compelled to pay the tax. The Chief J ustice dissented. In the esie of the United States vs. Baylon, a defaulter as receiver of public mousy In Ran Claire District, Wisconsin, tor recovery of - an official bond, It was gsmided, ma In court below, that evidence Of robbery was no defense. and jodg , meat for the Csvernuient affirmed. - Tee wart also sitirmed the Judgment of the Circoti Court of lowa, sustaining • the validity of the municipal bonds of Davemport, sod directing previa hat for their payment. _ TIIi 51:70105 BAY COMPANY CLAMS. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day neat a communication to the House, on • closing a letter from the Secretary of State, together with a draft of a bill asking an appropriation of $450,000 iii told in aarlsfaation of possessory rights and claims Of the Dodson Bay Company, and poo,ooci In gold on account of pow • savory rights and claims of the Puget . Sound Agricultural Company. -tlisie enteanta having been agreed on by the - rommiseleneni under the - convention between the United BMWs and Great Britain. RKPLOYSI Owe hundred and twelve men were discharged . from the Washington Nate' y.rd. About half the man emploveu ' ander ordinance bureau will he dl4- charged next Friday. The blackarnith • whop are entirety closed and In other elerartmeres work le clack. ==! Tho &orblsry of the T:emitiry. In a comanialeation the flows, madam, the reoommendation Of the Osdlector or la shit:sore_ for the estabilzhinent of an Assistant Tressureretnp at' BsWtpore. RtronTft CALIMD FOS The National Banks were to-day noti. Bad to forward immediately to the tromp• troller of Carrency , a report of their con dition at the clime of businem on the .2Atk OSVIMI'ION PROOLLIMKD• Medal' proeinatstion Is wade of the Conventicle between the United Widen and illeiginea defining the rights, ins WU wile,' and privileges of Consuls. DAWAOIG lIT tITOIII4 Darla; the storm yesterday morning the east end alba ship house wee blown out. The river rose Wetter than ever known before, except In 1143 and 'dl. -1111POLVINTWO 1 ItSPiCTOR lb. Prendient today nominated Peter 0. lieph Supervising. Inspector. of R 1.04111. bona In the Eighth Deitrici. TENNESSEE. Regatta .( Um Election ( By IN/femora to the rittaborgo Uttrit..) Menrsits4 March 2 . 8 - - A. P. Curry, Republican nendidats le elextod Morin' by one hundred and eamenty thee. majority. The Republicans alto elect _the Tax Collector lad Clerk of the First Circuit Court. Carry. Sheriff' elect, wee • Colonel In the Federal army, and Wright. bla opponent, was a Brigadier General In the Confederate army. The. 'authority or a:islet:Con It Is veld will he contested. ME EMS '.:1,-: , 4, , -.. - . 1 .7i , - - :':" - • - \ c ,:-.,1-1,"i.2[,.,„1..La :, • 4 - - 7 ,- s-A___, ~ _ ,t.. .... 7 4 - A. • ' " t"., J-) . 1 ._ r . .. • . <i:.." ), 4 4., i 41, 4 : • - 1 • - ....- I / ) • b. 4 - . VOL. LXXXV. , N.OO FORTY -FIRST CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION.) The Cause of Delay in Min scion of Texas --Miscella neon !Business. MOUSE: Bills and solutions—Bible in Com mon chools Cuban Question Made( Special Order for April Ml—Tariff Discussion Con- inued. • ===.l WAhItINUTON, March 24, IS7J SENATE. ' .Mr. HOWELL presented resolutions of the lowa Legislature in favorer Cabin bellgerency. Referred to Committee on Foreign Relations,. Mr. URA RE inquired cf Chairman of the Judiciary Committee the reason frr the delay In melding the bill for the ad. mission of Texas. - Mr. TRLIMBULL liaid the Senate was unaware that since the introduction of the Texas bill and the ad inlesir n of Geri. Ames, questions of the highest privilege wore still undlepcsed of. He could not understand the unusual haste In regard to Tomas. When tilo 1,111 IRA 051110 from tae Hewn) an , tfort was made by the Sanalor front MatooteldiSette (Mr. Sum. nee) h(conkillor it without reforonca to the nnninittee at all.l Tao bill it.sulf contained a °mum that it should not of feet auy of tho otiuditioes , or guar arittes union which Texas was originally annexed or admitted as a State. Oae of thew) conditions provided that States that might thereafter be carved out of the territory of Texas shoal,/ ba admitted to the llelort with or without...l4,MT, the ovopie of each Stet° might at the time of their adui Minos denire. Thin per n to admit slaves in Taxan, if t thero ao desired. was ctmtraryto nstltullon of the United 'States. The Judiciary-Committee therefore de sired to amend the bill eo as to report It !n proper shape. Mr. DRAKE' suggested that the vary fact of a difficulty should lead to an early report In order that Texas • might be speedily admitted. . Mr. 'rHURMIN remarked .he was In favor of the early restoration of Teiaa to her rights, but in view of recrnt events be feared such a report ',from the Judi ciary tonolittee would ' only ensure the hostility of the Senator from kilasocirl. He thought the bettor plan would be-to renn in ad adveiao report, than certain Senders would be sure to vote to admit the State. Mr. DRAKE roam to reply, hut Mr. SHERMAN called for the regular ord.r, which wee proceeded with. Mr. MORRILL, Vt.., from ComMittee on Public Buildlege- reported, with an amendtnent in the nature or • eubAllute, the bill for the building of a poet ofllce at Little Rock, Ail:antes& Mr. NYE laltroduced a bill granting lands to aid thimenstructlou of a railroad from the Central Pacillo Railroad, to Nevada, to Colorado river. Referred to Committee on Public Lauda. Mr. REVELS introduced a hill grant lug lands and right of way to ald the ennatruellon of the New Orloam, and North- Eastern Railroad. Referred to Committee on i 3 talc Lauds. • Air. THAYER lutrodured a bill for the pf preemption settlers on Weet Point district, Nebraska. Mr. SEIERMAIs: clfared a resolution discharging. the Judiciary _Committee Lom the further cousideration of the Texan bill. Objected to and 'the bill laid over.. —Mr. DRANK presentod a memorial of one hundred and twenty-nine members of the St. Louis bar in favor or a bill In creasing the selectee of 'Judges of the United State• Courts. bald ou the table Mr ROSS Introiluced a jolut retain ion explanami'y of the fourth article of the treaty of Pehruary 23, it 67, with the gummy, Shawnee and other Indians, declaring the strip of land thereby ceded to the United States open to entry under the preemption laws. Karin red to-Cam mlttee on Indian affairs. P.esolutions 'were offered as Wedge: By Mr. NORTON, calling upon the Secretary of the Interior for Copies of ell reports front the Northern - Pacific Itfil road Company on file lu the Department of the Interior. Adopted. By Mr. SHERMAN: Rcrmeating the Secretary of State to farnish coplea of all papers addreased to the State Department by .1. Randolph Clay, while Minhter to Perth relating to the opening of the rivet Amon m to Inc commerce of all Lationa Adopted. - 'rho Senate at one o'clock went lot, tocutive amnion. Adjourned at half put four HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mlle were Introduced and referred as follows : To prevent the collection of Illegal taws on pmengece, levied by State authority. - Incorporating the Southern Trane•Con tlnontal Railroad Company, and granting lands and right of war thereto. Authorizing the conatriartlon of a bridge across the Stissigaippl at St. Lonls. Providing for the payment of popguns In gold. • Awl, rnsolutlong of the Wlsconslu I.3glalature asking further appropria tions for harbors on Lake Superior. and memorial of Atlmmo:. Legislature for the removal of certain Indiana from the frontier of that Stole. Mr. ABS ollirtd a resolution de rlarlog that the Uhrlotion religion lea part of the common law of the land, and that therefore the use of Ilse Bible In the public cc hoots of the country is eminently whoa and proper, as tending to entasuroge and foster virtue and morality. _ Mr. BROOKS. (N. Y. )—What have we to do with that ? jar..coX moved to table thezresolu. lion. - Tiro House refused to second •the pre v lons question and the resolution went over. I Mr. BECK offered a resolution in• Crusting the Como:Oita° on Ways sod Means to report forthwith a bill levying a tax of at lout ten per cent. op the In. terest of United States bond., to be deducted by disbursing officers. U. then moved the previous question. • The House refused to scobnd It-45 to Ir..—end the resolution went over. - Mr. SOLIENCIL introduced .a ' joint resolution authorlz!ng a supply of arms for Instruction and practice to certain colleges and universitiea. Ps-sed. Mr. MillfGEN armed a ,solution ontocalilrg ?resident for Informatiou • relating to the Sae DoMittge lying names cf perform and notilimelta to whom land', mines, franrhises and privileges of all kinds had been. given by the Dotulnican Government, with the amount paid by the United States Gov ernment preliminary to and concerning the negotladona of such treaty. Adopted. Mr. BANKS. front. Coalmines on For eign Affairs, offered &resolution granting leave to the Committee to preempt print for the consideration by the House majority end minority reports on the Cuban, (location April BM,. to be tie special order for tint day and every min needing day until disposed of. The roe. Mutton rut adopted, the Speaker Meting it would not interfere with the tariff or any other matters having premdence. Mr. made an ineffectual effort to got the Washington and New York Air -Line ltstiresui bill from - the Speaker's desk. Mr. EITOK.E.e, rising to a pt ravel ea planation, corrected the testimony be tied given befell) the Committee on Mil Mary Aftdre in the matter of Mr. Becht., I of Tennessee. He had found in locking over - his papers that the sum paid by Mr. Butler to the Chairman of the State Con. tral Committed tar f ho Stale Jou, na4 was not poi), as he bad tratilled, but 1300, and the other 4WD had boon ;Sad in Ur. Griswold, the editor of the paper. FotiVons were presented me f 4 11. w. : ily. Mr. MORGAN: Eighteenpollt.nns of citizens of 01/10 asking Cob gnra to abolish too National bongs, to lip.e floe hundred mill ions in greenbacks, to nun, them receivable and pat atie f r dues, irourwts and taxes, and to pay tff 000,000 of F. 20 bonds. By Mr. UAlt'fEi.D: Of citizens of Newton Fails, Ohio, against any change In the tariff laws, as suggested by the force Trade Imago°, for the reduction of duty on tea, col fee, dc., and for the read juAment or the duty on manufactures. The House then went ipto tkimplittee of the Whole on the tariff bill and was addreated by Mr. ASPER against high protective dutlea. Mr. COX spoke on the same tilde. Ho characteraad the bill tie the climax of rapacity and audacity. Mr. GILFILLAN followed an an advo. cote of the interests of Puunrylvan's, as of a protective tariff. Mr. STEVENSON argued in favor of admitting coal Dee of duty. Mr. DICKEY inquired whether ha thought the sidudieelou of Nova Svotio coal free of duty would lemon the price of coal in Our.innini? Mr. rll E. thought it wonkilks it would tend to tweak down the present coal monopoly. Ho oleo argued against the high tarittlioty on troll.. Ho pleaded for an locrrased Use list, for cheaper raw material. He upbraided Pennsylvania with that spirit of monopoly' which or ganises strikes among miners to make coal dearrr; which gougoo into the earth until villages .taro Me, and which allows mineral,' be horded or maltreated In mines rather than open additional abets; which advises the oil producers to stop the now in order to raise the price, and which sails a cup of cold water at (iettyaburg. He warned Pennsylvanian, beware. The people would level monopoly and crush her hydra bead. Mr. M ()HOWARD spake in favor of a revenue tank' aaopposod to a protective tariff. The How - 4 then Looks rocas.% the eve. fling ata‘lou to be foe - general debate on the tariff-bill. Reemirg Session — Mr. BUCK LEY favored the sdniisriou free of duty of machinery for epinuing yarn. Mr. WELKER spoke in defence of the present administration, Its financial policy rind Ito economy. ' • Mr. MeEENZER declared himself in fovor of the protection of American industry. but still adverse to a high tariff pie particularly objected to the duty on salt, anger, coffee and tea. Mr. MOORE, of Illinois, claimed that the legislation of Congress -ought not to be for the purpose of building up vast monopolies at the expense of other In: dustries. Us thought that without the Immense protection afforded to Penn. sylvonla iron that the interest could live and prosper. All interests should be considered alike. iszu BY THE CABLE. - try Tei•l i er a•L t • the 1 :". 1111•Cumb li.allv ) l PRANCE. P. nili, March 28.—Cardloal Antonelll's reply t Darn'. dispatch has been more public. It substantially denies the lu terpret Con the Emperor places on the policy ed pretensions or the Pope. '''Tieiligh Court has oondemned Primes Pierre Bonaparte to pay twentr-live 'thou* d francs to the family of Victor ,Noir, and also to pay the expenses of the civil edit. I I GREAT BRITAIN. LONDION, March 28 —Tue Tionts, in re. viewin* the proceedings of the high Court oTours. pronounces Prima., Pierre Renspa to a creature not to b, trusted 1 . with a deadly weapon, but to be kept like a madman under constant watch. Stoll ill ill AMERICA. Loolog, Marc 28—The mail steamer from Ito de Janeiro arrived here yester day. lie allies are still in pi:intuit of Lopez, Nothing new from Paraguay. MARINE NEWS. Bars 4, March 28--The steamship Per. lore b arrived. . QuEstswromx, March 28.—The steam ship Colorado, from New York, arrived to-ds . y.l 1 • PIia.SNLIAL AND F.OIIINEBCIAL. LoNn:oN, March 28--Rvesisq,—Consuta for mo ey, 93N; account, M%. Ronda steadi: 6, PON: 66e, 899 f; 6;..89;: If 40s, 86 '. B:ocas steady:: Ede, 204: lillisna Central, 116: "Great Weataro. W. Losiir , s; March 28.—Tallow declining at 455. Paid March 28—Bourse closed steady at 74r Itz- FltAl4 flat at Lies! steady , ANTI at. 5534, XPORT, March 28-13ondi opened -L!,4;495q. Marcic 211.—Cotton qutot and on avat at 136. 'IMP, March :I. —Petroleum Hat Liv irrrgo Orlean' Broad. V. neat Id; WI Corn 21 Wet Ramo Produ RPOOT.. March 2S —Colton market r; "middling uplands at 11,40; 54(r0115(d, male. 10,000 bales tu ifs= fit tut r. California white fir 11@ibi 4d; red wt titer!, tar Si 101(gfi4 F.otir 194 tht. L's 53. Pork Ohs rld Lsrd NA. Cheers .70n. it tiled Pe:roletim 1. thi. e unchanged. , TH OF GEN. THOMAS PRA ammo°, Maro:i -1,1%,) George H. Thomas, command D3pirtnient of the . Pacific, died ~ of apoplexy. SAN Goner Ing 111 at. 8 r. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. lo steamer Lily of Brooklyn; from arrived at New Yorityester. Eg day: —Teernew Doily water works at Day. ton, Ohio, will be oflialailv tested on Tauraday. —The steamboat Jefferson was burned and sunk at the mouth of Black near, Sunday morning. Insured for ;18,000 In eittaburkh offices. —Michael Morin, while driv:nd a team across the Illinois river, at Morris, late Satan:ay night,'; was threvrn from his wagon and drowned. —Grace M. E.iburctb. al Cll3Olllll/ILI, built at a coat of ;IC-0,000, _was dedicated on Sunday. At .the dedication services 18,000 we' subscribed by the congrega tion. —The War Department rejects the colored youth proposed by Der. Butler fur appointment to the Military Aced °my. on the ground that he is not of the re quired age. ; —Ueerge Hudson, son of John A. Hudson of .Peoria, Illinois, a It dof sev enteen years, was killed on Saturday by the accidental dieeharge of his gun while duck hunting. —At Beaton, Yesterday, Vhemas L. White, Indicted for the murder of Natio A. Hobbs, plead guilty to inatuilanghter and was euutencod to tifteeo years In the State prison. —The steam ship Oily of Cork, from Liverpool, .for Now To*, artivexl Halifax yesterday. She made ths south ern passage 1p sew!? of time City of Bestow, without nutcase. —Tile mills or- the Hampden paper Company at Holyoke, Mass., were burned on Sunday night. I Ise 11260,000; Insured for poopo. 0.3 e hundred and filly hands are thrown out of work. The Company will rebuild at onoe.. —Thomss Hogan,a Philadelphia ped• dler, was decoyed ran a secluded place and rob* and mutdored, la Kent County. &tinware on the !nth lobt. Two eolorsd men named LMer and Youngs have been4rsted on suspicion, and It Is said on thous has omfegsal. • —Daniel K. Horne, an old tn 1 wealthy citizen or tanclnnatl, died on Huntley, aged eighty-two yews. Mr. Horne hair been Identified with the bnalnew Mer est., of that city for tiny years, having settled there when Unc. , nosti had but one brick tinuse—ln 1820 . - He was an intimate ( Mead of - the late Nicholu bongworth. --A battalion of marinet me mod a I large squad of revenue °Moors to the F.fib Ward, Brooklln, today, whale leveret Illicit distilleries warp wised and Ito whisky emptied into the atreate A i trim mob followed tae Invading forces and a polieentan was knocked senseless 'with a stone thrown by an unknown . rug to. '—gt Mono, on Sunday, Bair Robert Laird Oollypr, a 1 the close of his morning sermon, aboolanaed to Isle people that he had under consideration a dell to 'the pastorage of Unity church. Boston . Thereupon Immoral members of the_con• grogatlon rose, and In urgent Word. urged Min, not tn leave. Many In the ptuitrpb ware In tears, and Mr. Oollyer 'was so moved Opt he sprang op and Judd that he wouldlive iladdie BO Mom. —The annual report of the Missouri Paratio Railroad Company shows the gross earnings for the yeas ending Fob. rummy - h, as follows: Papsengers, ii. 397. 4 .5.111: frid_ht. g 1,699,307.06: ex press company, witea 65; mallp, 152, 037 n 7; total, 13,211.631.24. An increase over the previous yearof 1119,939 68. Net earnings are Ilftlittil tat.. The road Jam piny In use 1,111 cars of all deserliwßuss, and 00 y-seven locomotives. i Also forty one locomotive. which are Lying changed 1 from broad to narrow gauge... ' PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1870. SEM Mifflin. FOUR O'CLOCK, Alf. NEW YORK CITY. ETidence in the Oneida-Bombay Investigation—The Democratic Uproar—Tammany Hal l CI o ,e Against the Young Unterrilied —Collector Bailey Beard Froni —Changes in the Tariff Dill— Rumored Coup De Main in Vir ginia—The Legal Tender De cisiou. =1111=132111 =1 =1 The Tribunes Yokohama correspon dent gives full reports of the evidence given before the Naval °mat of Inquiry and the decision of the Court in the cane of Captain Eyre, of whiCh the telegraph ban already announced the substance. The facts of the else remain substan tially ite &et reported. The testimony of the officers of the Bombay shown the the time which elapsed between the or der to atop her engine, when 'the` col Helen bec-suie imminent, and the orde to go ahead and leave the Oneida to her fate, wag only four minutes, and that the Bombay her Self was not supposed to be In danger; indeed she was making witer In only one of her maven compartineirts, as the captalo well know; that the Onehis. after the collision, balled the_stourner ahoy, and that the hvil was hoard and reported to Captain Eire, wheiieverthe• leas refused to atop. Nobody on the Bombay Rooms Lo Its*, heard the Oneida'a guns, but the Court justly remarked that If Capt. Eyre had kept a proper lookout after the accident he could not have failed to eeo Limo dish. There can be no quest:oil that the darn age to the thielda was supposed to be serious. Upon the question whether the. Oneida or Bombay wee to blame fur the collision, the (heart pronounced decided. ly to Capt. Eyre's favor, but the C.14(1 le by no Means clear. A further inquiry has been Instituted by the COMllMllliing officer of the tinged Stated squadron In Asiatic wale:,,. The Japan Ile applauda the deals ion et the Court in the Eyre cane. It thinks the sentence may henna heavy to Capt. Eyre. but it may bo law than It might have Loon bad the °eidetic:l bean given on an inquest over Commander Williams' Loiy. The Japan( la=ctic wishes that the court could hero round It compatible with their atria: FOL.{ oor Justice to acquit Capt. Eyre allogoth. r. Yet under too oircumata.ucos he could hardly have hoped to get oil• as easily as be haw- Ble error In leaving the Osuida way ono or judg moo: rat her thou of ale liberate heartleamess. I= I=l The-meeting of the Tammany Hall . General Committee, announced far to . night and the OX:Octed ellen of which hoe been the out sem tl theme of censer nation for the pant few clays, did net take place. The Hall remalna closed, the en• trancrai being guerdod by a large forC of police. It seems a tneeting of the Council 01 Sachems of the Tammany Society wan held this afternoon. Joe. B. Nichadnon, of the Connell, presiding, and the followlog Sachems prowled: S It blarvan, A. Oakey Hall, Mr. Brannan, - H Cara. Poser B Sweeney, Nathaniel Ja rvia, Jr., Jno. J. 11 adley, Cherie. G. Connell, Isaac lb II sad Joseph Pawling S schema 11.11 Cm.. natty and O. W. Mclean being &besot A preamble and resolutions wore adapted to In. effect that adore the movement far the meeting originated with -John /dor rieley and bin aseociates, and' bad for it caplet to still forth! r foment diaturb micas In the party which they inaugu rated, and since threats ut• parerioat violence were made sealant members of the committal°, eulatitutlimpleynical yin fence and terrorism and mob form fir 'eviler and ordelly action of the Dana.w racy, they decide tin' t h e Hall shall Co bas given up for any sock pnrpme. It was further resolved Heat a Callltlthtec , , conalating of S. II Gamin. R. 11 Hart, M. T. Premien. Nathaniel Jervia, -Jr., and Jan. 11. ZileholliOn, he al p anted to a lop such measures as will encore a pie: rep resentatlon to the Democracy of the city In the general committee and the harulo Mons organic aloe of the party: Great excitement pr walled In redard to the action of the Sachem, among the adherents of Morrissey and O'Brien, who 'assembled in great numberniln front of the ball. So great were the . . apprehen sions of ylolence that Bryant'a minstrels decided to clew their theatre. The course taken by the Sachems bee been twine before adopted, In 18.51 and IMO. • Theyoueg Demean acy Tamura ny Hall wan °lewd on them, and a force of about twelve lionised policemen an Rambled In obodlonoo to a reaolutlon passed to day by the Pollee Commis alenira, who silage that from Informa tion they had received they anticipated violence on the part of the O'Brien- Morrissey faction, belmik themselvea to Irving gait, In the basement of which they Laird = a Leta lug. Nearly all the leaders in the recent movemen, against 1 . 400 , 1 and Sweeney were present, among them Creamer, Norton, Genet, Rhona O'Brien, John Morrisey, Street Clommiesloner McLean. George H. Purser, la D. Klein an, Peter Mitchell, and Juttices Cox, Hogan and Qelnn. Senator Creamer WAS call. ed to the chair. and Aasetnialy• - man Mitchell called far an espre f elon of feeling of members of the General Committee regarding the c ming against them of the doors of Tammany Hall. Spembesansuslet/their opponent/lot beteg In league with Super intendant 4ennedy and the Radicals were made by Dreamer and nlernan, and resolutions puled exprosalve of the condemnation of the neuetiag of the closing of Tammany, and of the &tonal .nitlarn or the young Datum:racy, to be avenged for this ouleaked fir ,detinu. meat. A resolution was propased by Kiernan, and carried, that a delegation headed by the chairman - proceed to the entrance of Tammany Hall iud formailt demand admhs. lan. This was accoidingly 'dons audio a abort time the delegation ro Awned with a reply to the t item that at a meeting of the 0 aid Schomer,- held to-day, a resolution clueing the Hall, on ground ofanticipateloiolenoe and Woat shed, had been unanimously carried, and that in refusing admission the police were acting acoordlng to therm,- lions from headquartere. This announo / • WWI received with loud ex moutons of diseatiaractiop nartleularly by. members of the Dommittee, cdnidetlng oridaerlil O'Brien, John Morrissey, Street Cow.- missloner McLean, and others. An at tempt was made, Mat failed, after some stormy wrangling among the chiefs, to agree upon a plan of operation'. 'Doe pendently and Irresolution, however, seemed to pervade the leaden, and the meetimitilnally broke up without deter mining upon anything further than that members of the Committee should meet at the call of the chair. • Sheriff O'Brien stated privately that out of three hundred cud thirty nee members who compose the general corn mines of Tammany Hall, one hundred and sixty-two were present at the . al ter noon assemblage of young Democracy, sod that felts were entertained by the other alid• thaf by • night this • ntnnber might "Weir tuddelently to ' math a majority. mmenwa crowds had assemahled """ TilioustlY Hall, the mucks being largely to the majority. Tba over. wheiming fame of police co ban-3 proved, however. sulliolcutt to maintain order. The young Damociaey.clahn a victory over Tweed, and aaservibat closing the doors Of Teintnany la a virtual confession of defeat by Milt bpponeuut. 5 , 410 or the leaders say ono hundred araseventy. four or the Gemara! Committee au. ewered to their roll call, and that a large additional number subequently veuartnd, - Tweed is amid to bare returned to biny. Re la vigoronaly dennur by his - silvans:Us. Rumors which were sMoat this afternoon, that the militia had been ordered out by the Sheriff and also by the Mayor, proved unfounded. The StierifTto day - dispensed withthe services alone of We deputies, a Tweed MILL =I The Committees on Way. and Me acts have altered the tariff bill lathe following etnone other loss 'impertaut particulara, viz: The act to take effeot on the Ist of Octolisr; in lieu of tho.dutlet now Im p mod e the Secretary of the Treasury Is to preetcrilm and roquiro that sample. of su gar be taken by inspectors eons to get the true as ezago quantity of each pack< tige,aud that 113iti eamplua ha -aavorally preserved in 1:;1 vas battles and enseked for futuro blentilicalion and reference; ell Brutsolee and lakstey . Bruqtelei car pots, twouty-eight cent:: per square yard, nod in addition therotte thirty-dive per cent. ad valorem; on oil cloths feirillone, stsmped. painted or printed, forty per cont. od valorem; on alt . Monate tures of in.xed matorlak, silk ha lug LIM companout materiel of. chief value, and not otherwise. herein provided for, slaty per teat. ad valorem: on all niannfactures of .11k not he'rein provided for, sixty per cent ad .vtiforern: on flex straw, Ova - dollars per ton; ear Manilla and ether subatituteo for hemp, not heroin otherwise'. provided for, twenty-live dolleu a per . ton: OD jute sod Waal grass, fifteen dollars per ton; oe rode <of wire, rodo oral, half oval and half round, iron leas than 5-Iti of an Inch In diamoter, or square, one and throe quarter gents per pound; In rods and wire rode oval, half oval and half round iron, marathon 5-16 of an inch, ono anti a quarter cents per per paunch; on award blades thirty five per cant. ed valorem; ow sword,, lady live per cent. ted valorevn. IZ3TIMMI/ Undoubted information has beon 're ceived. that 104V13111110 question as to the personal safety of ex. Collector Bailey. Gen. Pleasanton, the present Collector, has received a letter from Bailey 'with out date or postmark, In which the writer capremee his uratifibition at Gen. Pleasanton's appointment, of which he wax apprised by the New York papers. tie also requested the present Collector to retain as many of bls old subordinates as possible, that they were all honest men. and bad rm part In or knowledge of his conduct. The letter was written in his (Buloy'a) own haudwritinth, MOO was dropped In the New York postall It Is believed that Bailey Is - in . Cansca • cont. UN MAIN IN V/110111111. It in stated that trustworthy Inform. lion has boon coutinuntbated to tho Pnoidentto tho afoot that - the Virginia I.4ighilature la preparing to abrogate ito ratification of the Fifteenth Coastltu llonal Amendment by a coup de mini. and that the iip.mbers intend to rush the ruptinl through hods nooses on the sawn day, without notice and without debato. The Prosldent has deolarcd that ho In tends to Innboa proclamation announcing thu adoption of the amendment no 11000 an Texan in admitted, and 'that he will not wait for the itdmisalou of Georgia. I= A list of some twenty buildings dam agod by yesterday's storm Is vabllshed. Four. Reline; A wore carried down the bay in A smell building swept off Gevernora Leland, but were TeSQUIti by a tug boat A young women named Ella Creed wail thrown violently nualnat a stoop. by the wind, and died (rein the effects. I= ,Judes Barnard has denied a motion to dismiss the complaint to the ease of the Ens Railroad vs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. The snit Involves Bye million dollars al leged to have been obtained hum the Company by the defendant through fraud and collusion. ==! The family of .Ind. Llog, residing at Ithlca, have been poisoned. Three have died and the fourth Is at-the point of dem h. A. ?dm litloner,whosediughter INlti one of the vie.lms, Is suspected, as fa also a Mrs. Allen, as the authors of the crima, and are to be arrea:ed. TIIK I.IcIAI. TENDER DECISION. A Washington epode! to the rrieene Intimates that the Supreme Ouurt probably reverse Its roeer t t .,, t , jelial tender decision other . tuts beard involving. thaesetne- - the Court, as now constituted. wands five to tour against time previous action. FIRsIISIKII OPERATI )21.4 The American Womanl4 Educational Awieclatlon, established In Itti3, but Interiupted by the war; hie reeumed operations. An address was delivered at a mooting I - Icy by Henry Ward =I has brau.narartainad that tho City of. thou had 116.5-3ve cabin and tirt3-two Eceraga paaaaugora and eight 3 -bur ”f craw. = Collector • Buller Is reported to have been seen at Albany last Thursday. A case wee argued before tha Supreme Court v-lay to test the power of the Bock l2tchange to expel members for failure tOnulnult disputed claims to ar. bltrallon.• Ik.ralslon Tb v personi eon Inoted of oleo:ton frauds In finx,klyn ere. to Ye eentoqoed gut Thursday. The outried autze nave gone over to 1130 ne4t term. President O'Neill. or the-Fenian sloth• erLool, has deposed Slekerd MeCerstd, Secretary of the Tremn7 and a Senator, and expelled tdm from the order. Mc Cloud will attempt O'Nell.'e Impeach meal. • .A motion to dlacontloue tho molt of 0•11 mown Bolos &salami John O'mtahoity haa bead dented with costa. . C3nrad Felser ha bren sent to the AO bany Penitentiary three ye: re for mailing counterfeit revennestamps: • curTisti AFFRAY. Illurderuye . AssavilOrLathi; Ttvellita Wac. 4 —lle Prfp. liator ai r -Large, Sunday evening ' between eight and nine o'clock an affray occurred - In front of a cliurch In the Tweffth ward, la whloh the murderous knife was brought Into requisition with probably fatal re sults to John Healy, a boy shout four teen yea= of age, who was one of the participants In the affray. A number of boys were congregated in front of the church, In whine services were being hold, among whom were young Healy and John Cornelius, who is &blot fifteen years old. A quarrel arcs° between Healy and Cornelia+, womb terminated In a tight.. They had been fighting but • few minutes, when Healy cried out that be was eht and Cornelius 'itnufeillately ran away. The latent inu'of aurae proem!. wee directed to the Injured bor, audio the excitement the morderons villain„who indicted the wound which probably will reedit In the death of young Healy, was allowed to (soaps. Healy was at once removed to the realdenoe of his oar- nta, on Liberty street, near the Round House of I. Pennsylvania Ittallrosd Company, whore - be received prolm nietliparatten, lion. , Attest aocounts the toy wog ins very critical condition and the physicians had alight hopes of his, re - overy. The knife penetrated the abdominal wall In the region of the stomach. Linforroation was mado l afore lbe Ma; or Hestekday morning by him Bridget ealy, the mother of the Injured boy, chargtoir - Conelloue With felonious as. intuit and battery, and a warrant wea lasneft for fps FATAL ACCIDENT. Minable of a Boat ■ad a DWI and WI Ile I =1 Gilbert Stewart and wife wore drowM t. 4 while attempting to cross the Tough. rbheny river Saturday evening. They bad boo PR p ylsit to Connersville, stopping with Mr. 'William &Tema, a relation, and started for bane Saturday, evening in employ with Byron Malone and Harry Jacob, they embarked in a small IleaW for the purpose of crossing he river. Soon after they started the boat commenced to leek, but thify pro. eded, on their any tbe parties not im aged in rdtilog .balleq. the Water out. The night 'bolos quite daik they lost thtlr way and for over an hour they managed to keen the fralt graft spat. Thie water gunny gained on them so rapid ly that the boat-sunk. Piro of the men succeeded In swimming ashore, but Mr. Stewart and wife were both drown. ed.. Parties were engaged In dragging the river fertile bodies, but up to 'Mt evening the bodies had not been reams. Brad. Mt• Stewed, was a' mat miner, abd wee lbe rather of tbree swat) shit. drem who were depot:UM upon hie 10. tor Mr support. Pcrwoal.—ffr. James Andrews. wbo lit% the contract for the nismon7 of the Is t groat bridge at L. I,oola, city, looking well 'and hearty. We believe W. Milner Roberts, the'assodate chief engineer of 'the Simi Work,- Is also In town. ESALE DRY GOODS UM Interesting . emlnlacencta—[)W and tte- Goode House—lmmense Ica,Ever3thing at Eastern liable L 1 spring St rrseek, IS Is both pleasurable and profitable soma:lmes j look back upon tho past, to coostdor -w ithor and with whom wo have been I. aveline. Tide thonght oc. carrod to a :ow days sieve, as we threaded ou way through the itillllollliB shock of- spa igzoods, which now till to repletion the extensive salesrooms of the old and reliable ,whelesMo dry geode establishment of Arbuthnot, Shourion Cu., 115 Wool strata. Wo have been acquainted personally with all the Illelll - of the firm for more than twenty year., and wb3thor our relations were of a business or social character, they have alwaya him most pleasant and agreeable. Tho hones was established in 11513 , ou the corner of Wood and Diamond street, by Charles Arbuthnot, E q , who has long been known not only in Pittsburgh but many other cities, as a most liberal Christian philanthropist, as wall as au upright, persevering, and- succcestul merchant. By uureffilttiog attention to business, and honest dealing. Mr. Ar buthnot soon commanded an extensive patronage, and built up a large and 11 .nr lehlnittrsile. Tho bustnesa of the house grow into such proportions, that ho found It necessary to call a partner to iffis aid. Vila was not difficult to obtain. • A molt suitable partner was found In the parson of William T. Shanhou ' Esq , who for a number of years had been a most faithful, ho was a moat popular salesman. In the house. Mr. Shannon became associated as a partner iu 1853. He was a most vainablo acquisition to the establishment, for there is no more worthy or unassuming gentleman .to be found anywhere, nor one that under. stands the dry goods business better. At this time the trade of the house had Increased to 'such an extent that it was found necessary to move into more spacious quarters. Accordingly, the firm of Arbuthnot & Shannon purchased the old established dry good,, house of Jas. E. Breading & CO., lib Wood street. In leas than a decade after the Recession of Mr. 1363011013, the Arm received another valuable acquisition in the person of our most excellent' young friend, John O. Stephenson. Esq , who Is also one of Mr. Arbuthnot's honorary graduates. For years the firm of Arbuthnot 8:111111:1011 had watched the career of title young gentleman, and being convinced trout t h e tact, atoll and Round Judgment eviucnd that lie psoessal superior qualifications for the business, he was admitted as a member of the Arm In 1852,when the name and style of it was changed to Arbuthnot, Shannon & Co. For commercial and sock! qualities ho his few floats of hit yoare. It would be difficult- to Ilnd a trium virate of dry goods merchants In ore establishment who comoino such varied gala:tie/Wenn far. the business, and har monize BO perfectly al those someone who compose the firm. of Arbuthnot. Shannon & oe. By unwearied applica tion to business, the moat assiduous at. tuition to their ever increasing patrons, uprightness -and honesty In their mm morals! dealings, they have risen to be One of the leading establish mente I .ur this city, and lu the amount of their aides, we believe, are second to none. In the Mereautlie Agency, if We remember alight, they are registered se having "unlimited credit," and well they may, for they never purchase goofs only von eAell. As they areautietantial In resources, and purchase in such Ina mouse quantities, they can buy ponds on the most advantageous terms. They will sell every article now In. their magnif I bet eatabliehtuent, as cheap as dealers and country merchants con buy them in the imperil market. Arid when they fitly so, there ISM, doubt of It. Two members of the tirm have beep In the list Ter about two weeks, and have purchased, after personal temple ttatiOnmaiit-the largest awl - moat carted stocks of dry goods ever brought to this city. Ho numerous are the boxes around the door that It is almost impossible to get near lt, and on the day of our - visit we suggested that they should ask •the Mayor to v.cile a square on Wood street for a ahorttithe until they got their stock stored Ta attempt a catalogue of the goods would be itumposalble, /Mahe It to nay that they have everything In their lino. and in the largest quantities, and the stock will be eaustantly replenished to meet thealsmandsof Ms trade. , ' . . . . We should add that the godda were purchased at the time when gold was at the lowest ebb tj io , which makes ama ditfarence In the price*, add they will be sold at corresponding low figures The Sil(M11100 are all polite attentive. and ac.mmruodatlng. Unless they were se, they would not be employed In the establishment. .Sverybody knows the plane. Ariluth W.; Shannon it Lb., 115 WC id street. See advertisement on first Page. -a•~ 4 *lngotar eaae. From the h trl Pruebee ITlbooe, ) IL would seem, from the • Frequent oc ourrence of remarkable incidents, that there Is certainly nothing of an 'mond, able Saturn, Judging from the following wonderfully' strange and hardly credit. able story which came to our ears a few days since : • In the spring of whim the gold foyer was at Its highest possible state of excitement in California, there lived in the State of Virginia, on the banks of the york river, a few miles below yortstauto, a gentleman of apart t whose parents dere in moderate circumstances . It was uring the gold excitement be lilt the comforts of a home, his friends, relatives, a loving wife whom be had led to the altar bat a year limas, and an only child —a daughter of two months Land took up his lonely Journey to seek his fortune in the wild, distant West, over and be. yond the Rocky Mountains, where the bright and golden son sinks down to rest amid the blue waves of the grand Pacific. After years of toil, drudgery and re verses of fortune in the mines, he came to this city and engaged 1p br,emeos, lie Peixe-suOcasful, beton amassed an im menseLleirtuno. His beloved wife bad died during a prevailing epidemic while on a visit to some relatives during the yellow fever season at New Orleans, oat the same time did a little girl of another fancily, of the same name and age as hi; little daughter, tie Yilitfid lh Sisiet, gai coul d fe ud no eine to his d ecpaie d wife's sis er; a thought, naturally, she, too, had died. He tt tattled to tho, Golden Soto, and time and the whirling excite- ment of-business soon healed his sorrows, and effaced, apparently, all recollections of his old home on the banks of the placid York. • bhortly after the completion of the Pa cific Railroad them arrived at this city 'gentleman, his wife, end %beautiful; Well eriwcated, and graeeful young lady, Just blebming into ma r tlen-hood, apparently and really shout 18 summers. It was by chance the young lady and aged widower met—and to meet was to love. They were duly married after a short acquaint ance; the. eremony being celebrated with gnat Mat, - and creating no little flatter in the fashionable and wealthy circles of our city.. The fact that both parties bore the slime Qkrlstian ;mum efeltstl no avon. 'Mater hwidiry, tut it WAA one ahnoat quite as common as that of Smith or Brow n. A. few weeks the marriage, as the husband and wife naturally Inquired into each other's past history sad antecedents, mid were gradually becoming better ac• quainted with each other, the denonment dame—they were father and daughter— mu; and wife; he legtinctiye love of the EtTP.Ilt ( cc lleptildi Itaci the daughter for his tether, Imo been superseded by the strong emotional passion of sexual love. Both inner-ant at heart, but foully crimin al in the eyes of man and God. His daughter- was not dead, ea ho supposed, but after the death of his wife, was kindly taken la charge by his stater- In-law, by lied Itterriecl aid gloved to a Wawa (itste, and' Who eta),. with her husband; accompanied his wife's daughter to this coast to meet as strangers, lovers, and subsequently parent and child, as they were, cultivated, paulonale love chanced into 0 isl end parental devotion. Ttiondprfal atraige, Indted, are * the forvitens circumstances which control and guide the footsteps of erring and susceptible mortals. The Free Troder , s4laraet for Wheat, The advocates for an almost exclusive English market, and at the same time the ready sueerera at the "home market." get very little comfort from the great English grain trade organ of a late date—the Mark Lane Isigrees —since a single positive and significant assertion in its views of the situation, on the 7th of last month, is as follows : "Bread goes a begging, while many go a begging for bread; and while some propose emigration es the great source of relief to the country, no holder of corn belie' , a that a diminished con sumption will. increase the demand." There we have it—that is the case of eaters sought be relied upon by the illus. iouists in regard to the exceeding value of the. English market for the farmers of Minnesota; for by this we learn that low 88 the mice of wheat is at present, the ground down laboring population are too poor to buy, and are recommended to ran away from this very glut of foreign im ports; this barren invitation to eat ex tends to those who have no money. Let us hear from the great English organ a little further still : • "The strange phenomenon is: Preyl dence has made the earth teem with plenty, that plenty instrumentally canard by the baud of man, yet the laboring Mon is destitute in the midstof abundance. The Influence of English advicea has every where been felt abroad. In France they have rather cheapened, for wheat; but not serioualy; and it Is the same It Belgium, holland, Hsmbro, Stettin, Co logne and Oltasa. The frost may Yet hold on some time in Northern parts, In Azor as well as in the lake ports and Montreal; but then liberty to ship will and very little encouragement without an Improved range of 5, of which there teems no immediate prospect" That was the condition of the boasted English markets at the last accounts, and when we note that hardly one—thir tieth of onr wheat crop ever gets over there, that we eat up at home all but about 4 percent. of it; that of that grudgingly admitted, the English paper admits the , the people are too poor to buy—and wr have a condition of thinga so.very at tractive that it is scarcely a wonder that these partis ins of .England in thin coon try seek to make its still more enamored of their market for wheat. And this is not all. While the free traders are trying to make our peoph fancy starvation and low pric2s, European fas Lion, bemuse they propose "compel' lion" with those people, 'one' of the re markable features of the ease to look at, Is the fact that tens of thousands of. these same workers are fleeing front their own happy condition to join us; to help eat the bread they are denied a sight of on the other side of the water. Thine are cutalnly points for our pea , pie to consider, in casting about to ee where they aro to obtain retie; but 11 demonstrates that wherever they look, the Mark Lane Exprees seeks to shut the door in the faces Many who propose too earnestly to knock at it over there. Plainly telling us that they'd° not want our little swirls, they at the same time clamor h , toll to us for gold or war bonds, tie: carpets, their railroad iron; their ten thousand knick knacks, such as, perish. tog with the usage, would leave us poor to the end of time.— . Minneapolis Tribune. How We pod for There are people who think it a small matter whether beef costs fifteen or thirty cents per pound. What are fifteen cent. to a lofty soul? But more thoughtful persons find that the large results of the fife of a civilised community are varied by the sine of the fractions which are in cessantly multiplied into each other. If one moire it a personal question, it may be laid down, as one of more than three or four rules. for living, that one must know Just how many cents there are in a dol'ar. Or,to take Mr. Micawber's Version:, Income, twenty pounds; ex. penes, nineteen pounds and eleven pence; result; happiness. Income, twenty pounds: expenses, twenty pounds and one shilling; result, misery. Take yew hills for any wear, and look through them (*teeny. The Items below one dollar are not only the more n unser ous.' but they, m .ke the largest MM. The trifles spent for post.pmndial cigars and like nameless elements cf expenditure do* not get into bills at all; but twenty to forty per cent. of our tontines dribbled out of our purses is fraetional currency. Must of us are engaged In a war al b cents, and eternal vigilance is the peas of liberty. Mankind will never be agreed upon a list of neceashies. Rut, though no general statemeat hi pees ble, It is easv Kt get down the necessities of any people. With the middle class—a class determined by means only—these prima wants' are meat, bread, vegetplales, !hats, coffee, tea; sugar, and a few qthers. To this it must be adied that house and furniture take oni,third of our Ineonft. Clothing, fuel, service, and items take another third, are kept within that limit only by a very vlgi. lent management of the bureau of the interior. The mm who Lai a spendthrift at the head of this office may as well go under at once. In short, not more than one-third of our Incomes con be saved for the table; generally less is left (or this purpose.—Western Xcntaisk Sherman, Sheridan and the Indians General Sherman has mitten the fol lowing letter in reply to that received by him from I,tecitene93t littoral Sheridan, a ally of which appeared in the QSZEIia of toe 2g.h.: LIHADRUARTERfI AIINY U. 5... • 1 WASIIIIPOULY. D. U., March 20, 1870. f General P, fl. Blies-al:In, Commanding .Diois(on of the . Missouri, Chicago, Il linois: OBSEMAT.—Your letter of March 18 Is received. I have shown It to the Secre tary of Wer. It is of course to ho sup, posed th t tome of our people prefer to believe the story of the Piegan =se acre as trumped up by interested parties at Benton, more than one hundred callat off, rather thigi the oMcial report of Colonel Baker, Who was on the spot, and is the responsible party. I prefer to believe that the majority of the killed of Mountain Chief s camp we:e warriors, that tho firing cessul the moment NA. lance was at an end, tit* quarter was given to all who asked fox it, Ind that a lundred women and children were al owed to go free to join the other bands of the same bltr, known to be camped near by, tether than the absurd r( part that' thus were only thirteen warriors killed, and that all the balance were wo men and children, more or less afflicted arab small-pox. The Indians en the reser. vations are exclusively under the uridec Von of the Indian Bureau, bat the bureau officers Ind ofleielly notified you of their insafflity tit restrain those very Piegan lodiana, and kid called on you to puntah them for their repeated and them c miry r.ibts ries aid murders; and yen had as early as last October laid down the p'an for a winter's surprise and attack, which .was at once met to . the Indian Bureau, eliciting no remonstrances; so that there is no 4:Location at all of responsibility save and except only as to whether Colonel Baker wantonly Rod uruelly killed women and ehildpm unrWitlng, and this I can not belleVe. The army cannot swat the tido of emi- Fallon that is flawing toward these radian hada, nor hlt or province to determine the question of boundaries. Wien called upon, we meet, to the extent of our power, nrotect the settlers, and on proper demand we have also to protect the Indian landsagalnat the intrusion of tee settlers. Thus we are placed between ,tw o gra, a most unpleaaant dilemma, from which we cannot Lampe, and we most Sustain the officers on the spot who fulfil their orders. I repeat, therefore, that you mast do the best you can in each instance, and trust to the sound judgment of the country after all the ;truth is revealed. I am trqll) inure, W. T. SttiotAN, General. mwron Lemur's Erie and &Ayer ea; na S l scheme has had the ncese.knocked out of It pretty effectually by the unexpected disposition of bonds in the Sinking fund. Idowerer, as the Senator proposas to come back for another term, It is ttiolelY a question of time, as he will doubtless be able lu t a year or two ne get a subsidy or sown of the new .bonds. lIIM C. ,1 NO. 75. The Cart Cr or a D. mon Thorium D. Carr, who, on the 24th, at St. Cialrsville. 0., tottered death on the gallows, for the murderer laaisa C. Pox, made, before his death, a confiaision which leaves no doubt -of his guilt. Though still young—he was born in 184 C—Ilia life has been full of crimes and atrocities. The story that he himself tells is terrible in the extreme. lie served in the army during the war. ' lie . was in Canthritlge for two weeks to drill, and dm log that time be had five fights, and he Is sure that the residents of that town have not thrgotten - "Corduroy." Afterward he was sect down to Hunts ville, afterward fighting limn in Wards s ppi. Shortly niter this he was sent to Columbue, to guard some prisoners. - He says that, "instead of restraint', thought I would stay in Cincinnati. I broke out of Sycamore 13arracks, and in a few days met Annie Whalen at the - Eighth street Pork. I took her out to Carthage (a small village north of Cincinnati,) where we lived two weeks, when I sent her back to Cincinnati and returned to my command, alter an absence of sixty days. When I reached it, near Deccard Sta. tion, I was put in the guard-honse, court-martialed, and sentenced to be shot for desertion. One afternoon they took me out to dig my grave, which I did, making it four feet two Inches deep, and two feet six Inches wide. Even then I felt as unconcerned as over I did in my life. God pity me I I didn't care, my heart was so calloused and hard. I don't even remember the date of Rut day, because I cared so little about an event that would almost craze some men. Bat that Is neither here nor there. A petition was sent l President Lincoln and I was pardsned; was'rettuned to my regiment with the welcome of the boys, who treated can as well as ever.". Joining afterward the IS:h he deserted at Columbus, and only man aged to secure a return to his own regi meat by informing on a miasmata, who was also a dourter. Ilia regiment was Boon sent, to'N.,rtli Carona., There Le became a plunderer. of the dead, gather tog rings and money and watches from the bodies of those who Lad fallen iu battle. He returned afterward to Columbus, and there became engaged in a brawl In a house of 111 fame; and he says he knocked down one of the inmates and loft her for dead. A. day or two after he threw a bottle at a min In Newark, and says he split his skull wide open. The crime for which he was• executed was the murder- 9k Miss Fox, a young girl only fourteediteats of age, who had refused to marry him. For this he was tried, the evidence was found complete and overwhelming, and he was convicted. The case was afterwards taken to the Supreme Court, but the decision of the Court below was restarmed. When the death warrant was read to him he laughed loudly, and said "lie did not care a d—n if it was to morraw." NEW ADVERTIESMENV% farGRAND ENEUBITION '''''' UY TIIE Pittsburgh Gy mastic Association MEM ACAUMMY CE" MUSIC. MOM EVENING Much llst, 1870 A rare Progran me WIT! ae are ented. Doors Stoen at 7. to col:menet. at N. 7 attts. 50e. To Be had at the Musk and Dock S:o - es. tarNEW OPERA ROUSE. • Glorious, anal triumphant r. turn to Plitab [te norgb . the moo.emcee/ aro Opera Lour ou record of PAREPA ROSA Grand English Opera Company. rARL ROSA. (Diners )- -, Ce Tien A Co. 0..0 B. Segorn `. .111••• San Last apneas ee of She llgra ROSA. w • oat (LytleLt • r.•••or th e age, prior to nerd: pito Arra rpe It June. POSlrivet.i" ONLY SIX NIONIS Corronsbelog kioNDAY • VENING. Atoll 4th Tao Itrooto It Irbletrosiso ( 0 0111111 •N OIRL Ti 0 JATOR , MART., rOloa Math/howl (ntst tint I ItAltrtlAOß oF rtO ORO. It Igsro's it wheels) MYSL OF CAS 11...5, and ye. Web i's Ito—es, Was Moo la go. l 010 t K. - SCHUTZ. Ro r rton+. Cal p•• •CO e, i •rol II 50, aoroo go llor to 1 1.1.11li.; Car It OD,. • M•.• ral• of • •S: it Octets err/amounts on TRIPSDAY s o u se. or. • al. be MM. on or OW. Toe sale for el es seats on tIODAY. pROPOS.II.B FOR - SOLDIERS' ROiURENT. Proposals for the ore: Con of lb. Alledbeaa County Soldiers , Monument (to be erected ma Seminary NII•, Alltgheoy.l wlll be - reeeirld at the Mere of the onderMgood. No. S 4 Grat4 street. (where (beldam,. tprohle 116.1 and Spit- Inn. of Moo. oan be men( ua to APIIIL 74 15, SITU. Th. coo Meet to he awarded to tha 10 •eat and P.m .lads. A. L. I . ICARAION. 'CAAVann of Building Con:wino* CHANDELIERS, ' Brackets, Pendants, ♦rD FIXTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Fcr Gas or Oil. Re a-o mow reeetalas our 10 . 1 - 1 SO STOCK Or VIZ rustics a tbe L embracing -FL:mit SOO mom Ito 10 Lights, ores SOO Illeari eat . •telee v.1:I we are e I Ina S. ha DUULD PIIICILI, Whaleitale aa.l Retail. • • WELDON do KELLY, }gimbals and Gas Niles. Mem. lU NOD STREET, n•ar Fin diem. Krorden. Car Numbing, On and 00 . 5 Pit ting riromr tie attendee te. ml 5 U. s Ear , l= l :ll , l,7::l: 3 4l,l'Veling. 4 . I " • , GOVERNMENT SILL BY •Ul ROW. V UP :Hi Hon. GEO. S. BOUTWELL Secretary of She Treasury, I will oder at public Auction, on MONDAY, the 4th day of Apiil. 111110, at 1511 M., at the Cur- Tom 1101166 aforesaid, that portion rf the MA NiNit BOHM TA I. T. Yr 171 ca:t. .am iheapper *otter Ede Prehlo &tree t, atom teperattd rot, inn FlomplLl Bul ding by said street, Thin properly teat.!?. tweween two tad mlron acres, mod Is located risse 13 it.e lot of Allegheny City, and unsurpassed far inanorsetaring PatTertine, swing to lot proxlmity to the eltli s of Oltta'wrgl S 2 1 Allegheny and its [salt es far suoylng freight in any d reeds* by lit I Pittsburgh, Vint Walla* and Chicago Railroad, and the PlOmburelm and MAY - eland tallromdg while, the Oahe itur bat three or roar h , ndred mardm l fr. • ThRMS- - ne• Ofth fho .halarea Ie• two moll annual paymettlo, the Orel of which .hall M ntsdioo the icy, or font nest, or:th In tont from It o day of rale until paid. Poll dettllohtll be given at the its. and place of aaleb All bids must b.) made . subleet to the approval of the secretary of the Treasury, the Deptrtmeat TYillg the right to reldet any or all bids if deemed to the interest of the Goverment to do so.l THOSE SUFI • U IIVEYOR UY Cll. WM& pITTSBURGH RANK FOR SAVINGS. No. e 7 FOURTH AVIMUM. PI CHARTICHILIU . IN INCA. 21711811" fromoclock, to CM eemnez to" from leV T.o d . rmax to to No vember Ist to May Ist, 6 ." • 'Xk lat " f".° PAW M the rate or per 'a coat, N" 'fresi t. 1*""." .4 if not withdrawn Comm:mom tonal-ara ouy "''n— JoollorY and Jolt. Hook. lly- Laws .-. tos nished at the alnee. B°. Hartman . otosmfleo. A. Berry PrealMenti 8. HJos.„Viee . Prestdeatin Beeretary and IMlasurer. A. Bradley, J. to firabain.A• IS. Hell. Win. Naciek, Jobis M. lollerorth. P. Hobo, o'poitaim. Hbooem.lno.tleott.Robt.o.seammta. Christopher uff. • ' D. W• A. 11.8 all. Solleitmn • SZIE • THE WEEKLY GAZETTE T 8 THE BM /ID =mar Committal "lid Family Newspal cr PUBLISHED IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. . ATe foram laecitaxte, or iasschant, ohoild W . without It. • I=l2 Slagle sabocrtbers Club. of tee.:..... ♦ copy ta forolso.4 frlktallo.ty to spot • ClaD of ten. Poatmoster. •re req..: to set a. masts. Addro.s. PTINHEIVIN, WIRD 4 00., PROEILIZTORn. NEW ADVERMEMENTR. 1870. 1870. SPIMG. 1111111111401% ,, 1. 11. 17131.11Vi1t.N ■. T. BUNKO' ARBUTHOT, Sli CO., No. 115 WOOD STREET,, PITTSBURGH. C) I.Efiil7l_.l DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, EAST N PRICES. We now offer our LARGE NEW STORE, just arriving, comprlslbg &fall Hue, In all departments, Dress Goods, White Goods, Shawls, Skirts, Alpacas, Prints, Ginghams. Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cloths, Cassimeres, Linqns i Towelling, Checks, Ticks, • Bleached & Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, ecc., &c. EVERYTEMIG New and Desirable IN , ISM ALL GOODS. Ribbons, Laces, Trimmings, Corsets, Staples, Nations, &c. ILL STOCK . FAITEMLIA MARKED DOWN To the Pres..nt Low Prices EASTERN MARKETS. MELICTI A.NrES ♦HE INVITED To Call and Examine Our GOODS AND PRICES. SOLE .&GENTA Veit FULLIBM'S DABBED FLANNIIS, GREENVIIII BABBED TIANNILS, Blankets and Yarn,. AnUI'HOT, SHANNON 004- No.IIS,VVOOD -PITMMMGIIIG R. / L . 1113 . I'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers