THE DAILY GAZETTE: 0 PENNIMAN. REED '& CO., Office, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue. T. .P 1317111.0. JOSIAH xrio, r. REED, EDITON9 AND rItOPRIEI4NS. e .1 r i•Aux =l=l3 Deltire4loyeshieg6 par Tear/ Ctrt littitnitt*Rtte, GENERAL NEWS. Aur „ A grrOgits to oa6sivsjailly Go no recorgze his wit.. "Yams= Dons" is Use name ore Rich , red, onsusnl troupe. O u sg a nsdaunt divorce Case Is to be is England. Ilesus Mail. has Cam:Waned her Toes day afternoon reseptions. EcontijriModiklaconotnicaloind wow weata Cmtionteir armee Mica • TIM flzer. deem% allow bat tifty•two of , - )11jllitiosloplloiltlilt Utile pflikeece. life mondielle father dal, like his Intended. PiaLeulkizuu compleloe pat its Fair = ,IPsykl is m*l-. 4 folot Busby prize BM Clyde built Iran clippers are loading with wheat at Ban Francisco for a race to England.. • . A rants oat West attacked a lectuier because ha got, drunk with the editor of • Hatsraw floe shipped 80,000 live par tridges, at ten cents a piece, to ti . ew York tale season. Tax Queen et Belgium has grown pre. maturely gray with grief . at the little Crown riince's death. hit Oregon town couldn't see the sun Tor two hours the other day, while a flock 'of crows was flying over. 'Ns Crown Prince of ,Prussia is a " , jiple um" icullpatches his uniforms as long u they hold togetJter... .Tlustidcago police destroyed last week two, hoshals—gs,ooo worth—of- ivory "claps, csptiired in gaining houses— „ A. LAD" temperance speaker in Buffalo Lae discovered the primary root ot. al. evil. It Ls allowing children to eat Mae. Lard, A Sex FRANCIECO rewrite has sued the Tndgreplilcal Unica for libel le post e:um hm es a rat Mean bad left the so ciety. WHAT is the tum of fighting the Mor. mons when Balt Lake is seven feet higher than it was tan years ago, and is con statigY ) r. . • Gsw: Blymtrnafill not deafirosta • of being taksif from the Command of the Weatern Department, and •bas never . intimated Abits4 of the 'Find.. _ •_. • traltrisconent reran saw an Indian woman toting a quarter of venison, twin pa , sing or whiaky and a wigwam, . iiiksot!Row Is that Itlr Lu?" - AT the sale sf Rice's library, a copy of Rlkit's Indian Sible;purehassd in 1868 for 41,190, was sold for $1,050. There axe tut two other copies in existence. Viii New York papers say McFarland's trial Is certainly to come on Ina kw IMlrg. - Richard son's friends are confident that there is no chance for his acquittal. BAIGNAII YOMIS M. married at last. Ile took to wifeshis - other day three maid ens and two widows, all from New Eng land, 11l presence of the saints. No cards. lIT ra , still asserted that the - American B 'bops at Rome refuse to anent to the p a:nation of Papal Infallibility, and th i ci t every effort to concilisfo them hes proved fetal. THU big picture which Adolph Yvon, Of :Psi% has been. painting . for A. T. - Stevenct.,ll "completed. It is typical of the United States, and covers twenty by Uthty feat of wives. , • • t. - . . 'Taa Rune rue the Fundlng welch allows the funding of legal tenders into four per ends WY not inserted at the re quest of.M.r.93ontwell, and: its rejection by the Mays and Means Qommittee will be sathfaCtolite him. Carus, who was bung at Bt. Cialrevllle lenoveek r inowed himself to - havelnen agicof.l/Umurdorers of Ulriebr.vhd - ires • murdered and robbed beyond the Hemp. field Tunnel, for whose murder Joseph Eisele, alias John Shaffer, was hung at Bertuon Lowaa'e Erie and Beaver CS nal acbema has had the noise knocked_ ant WA Reny. effnetailly.hrbe ma i r p ec u,d disPontion of bonds to the Binkin,gfund. Howerie, ar the 'Senator proprses to comeback fin =other term; it is merely a question of time, as he will doubtless be able Ina year or two to get a sabsidy of sone of the new bonds. Tee application made by the Governor of?lltenepree to the. President forth-bops to attripan the alleged disorders in that State, hu been refused on the ground that the fourth *Bele of the Constitution pro hibits the all for troops when the Lats. amine convened in trners CO 21 DYBSIO I; ll :77omenic Jinni - onion.= It; is mate tenni that the Tennessee Legislature can be convened, if necessary, and that, tbereferre, there Is no legal ground for the Intlfireno•Yrf the Govenrestat.-; 1 • 'Virg itaateai observe' "that the charter of ineorporatlon, - riled in Comm.u bee, for the Ohio mounter the,Baltimore 4`.Chleago; through' lire' mates Ferry of the terminal o This Indicatesose P an abandosment ofints. the Beaver route.. Hdiravei it may be, -if the raid upon the sinking fund Is to be continued nut year, u Is promned, in behalf of the . .Brie Canal and other projects, itis more than probable that the Bouth-Bidaltsil. rad Arianceire Its duellists of the sub-' M" . A minter? that the President 'Ms decided, as soon as Team and Georgiaare sainted, to issue a general proclamation for unthermal unary Is a mistake. The President has decided nothing of the kind, for he Is debarred by the fourteenth intendment, ;which ~ macre .tipei Cpn , wee IhrpoWeeto remo plitical Milli, by i two-thirdsv e vote off each house. It Is the President's intention, however, ma stated in these dispatchers° wend a sp eciali message to Congress rearm emend* universe) amnesty when all the 15tatel ire reetoM to repreten*on. Iv le Mid biiiiime that ha he San Do mingo treaty Is for rho lof a two. thirds vote, It will be ri dded by joint resolution of the two:Houses, as in the case of Texas, Jr 1849,ieder like circum. stances. Fromthutemper of the House at this time it is evident that that body would ricre app ropriate the money, ergo If the me ratllled,r Intl if le Si seated that House would not 'hesitate to pew joist resolution which - would anatillsitl new precedent o f making th e House Virtually a participan tin the treaty shaking power.. 111 Tatitilbfio Mange in the situation Of th=licublo treety,'. ThiPtesidell re% ority will - Vote for it, but * as t co l ihirde me. 'centred lo ratite.% he Alas ' leidzidoMd 01 bOPe 0g pm,. Mehl &tow peapersermit; Ude ng that time will soften the opposi tion, bat the President is reported to do. 'sire prompt action one wax or the other. The Mri4i ol l l l iCdriteltlizel _except Mr. urn, are unanimous against the treaty, and even If It were confirmed by the Senate would refine to appropriate ant money t 9. (*MA old, u they be lieve tt to be a gigantic humbug. Tune Is not much known. and still less leuelilof the pregame of tise if ettd*g billMeMonfieseit It eil erw belieVed ehet ' the Committee of Ways and Means will recommend the commissions to be one tenth of one per . . ceut., instead of ane mic as pewee!, tsy 3116'8040 j Tberelle a report that only on and Or new stock would be recommended by the House Gonualttee of Ways and Means Irketth. eititulden. fora 20's, 'anti the. Impression stall strength that the new stock will be authorized for no other object. The vestibule -Wlll , not ,be detached, nor .any attempt Mide to bring Moos specie payments by . legislation; certainly not, Is eillieedfon with the Pending bin: The dltternoebetweenzmat of the 5 Wafted goldi the seamed interest on the fornier boos biker. inte 110001111 t. Is now about sir pereert, below the par' of. gold, I mmune she sli per cents. of 1881, bp i , lag tint Sae rate . of gold Uttered . an Ale 5 80401* selling 'above the par of gold. Tele marked lnegall'obably . the rztA ti peizl, often . on of the FeTi - ' bill. . . . . ..., • • . , .ig • .. ~_ _ _• . . „..._..... .. _, ~...,,t , ..,... ... 4., .„ 4 - P-• . . r , - - --4,.. ~. 6), .. . iim.. ~... L --.-.. .., ... ... mi l4 0 ~-. PI ' A -- ,-. ... e J, 4 . I$ I \‘ • , F it., ..) ~.„... . It / ' 1:' -- • 0 MU VOL. LXXXV. . . _ A Pre Ants Trio. I Wash Mateo Cot, Lin, t It is cur orts to watch how closely the calm at' ethellan, Franklin and Porter ban run ether. As early as May,186.1, Lincoln rote to McClellan that , his struggle ain't army corps was "looked upon as rely an effort to pamper one or two pets , il to persecute and degrade their ettpPosed rivals. I have had no word front Sumner, II eintselman or nays: The commanders of than burps, are, of course, the threnldgliest officers with you; bit I aht Constantly told that you hays lo Consultation or communication with them —that yoti consult with nobody but QUl era! For John Porter, and, perhaps, ileaerAl Franklin„. I do hot say these com plaints etc tide or just; but at all event' it ht proper that yon should knosiipt their existence." The answer to this was Um creation of two provisional corps, aid the placing of Porter and Franklin at `their head. . • • . Again: McClellan being ordered, on the 3rd of August, 1669, alter his disak• trona retreat to the Asmes river, to coma Immediately to the aksiltance of iopel and almost daily notified that the whole rebel force tail -ndiancing to overwhelm the.forcts under General rope, delayed his movements on ono pretext or an nether and arrived in Alexandria only in • three weeks afterward, when he anxiously inquired whether it was "safe toward the Valley," and persistently re fused to obey the daily and almost hourly orders from his commanding General, llalleck, to "send troops where the tight lug was." Franklin, shielding himself behind McClellan, refused to advance, although be knew that army was in great peril and expecting 'succor, and diliben Maly disobeyed a direct order to him by Haileck to march forward. Porter lying all day with a battle raging in. his frost, refusing to obey the positive order of his commanding General to attack, and marched to the rear with the beat corps in -tho army, because he loos that hie ccnurades were being beaten, deeming It, as he wrote at the time to McDewell and King, "safe to retire Manassas." Again : McClellan has written a report of his operations at that time which is directly contradicted by the official dis patches sent and received by him, and alleges that he eent his whole army to Pope's support, when in fact: seventy thousand remained behind. Porter de nies that he retreated from Manassas, as he said he intended to do, and is positive ly contradicted by Stuar t Longstreet,- of whom the latter says that Porters" re treat enabled Limb) reinforce Jackson. Franklin writes a "private", letter to Gen eral Grant, then Acting Secretary of War, stating that tiensrals Thomas and Rey nolds would have joined him in testifying before the courts that they would not believe Pope or Roberts under oath, and afterwerd "explains" it by stating that when he said so he expected to be tried himself, and intended by doing this to prejudice the minds of others _against these °dicers, sad so "pave the way for his own defense." It is evideni to any one who reads . the history of that time, that the three were engaged in an attempt to help each other by crushing any one who opposed them, or was likely to attain any influence with out thifir consent, and. Pope happened to be that man. But lee how truth vindl. eaten herself. - Porter's reputation LI a I patriotic soldier was taken allay by the • Judgment of a court, whose Jidgment is I approved by all who knew - he facts. McClellan ! uses his by the dispatches sent by and to him at the lime; land Franklin's already shattered by hi bfficial record, is now wholly dissipated by , the indignant denial by Thomas of the amnion in his letter, which he doubtless would never have written if he had thought Thorn", would see it. Porter, Mcilllellan and Franklin each - rest upon the other. The earth rests upon the ostrich, the ostrich upon the turtle, and the turtle upon noth ing at all. All have gene or bee. dis missed from the army., ItcClellan,'ls constructing a battery for sometedy else to fire off ; Franklin Is selling unloaded Mavis, and Porter is waiting for "some. thing to turn up!' All these oompatione are eminently sate, and while they pro claim each other's praises the listening world responds, "These three brothers be, all in-one cause." The quicksands of Journalism. At the funeral of a New York jour nalist, last Week, Henry Ward Beecher delivered an address which hu sines created considerable comment in ,jout naliette. circles. Ho said t "It fs for me now to say only one single word in regard to the life-work of our depart ed friend, and I am glut to speak to yogi consciences and judgment that he *- formed his life-work welL Although - he achieved no conspictdty, he .was known to his brothers of the profession as an honorable man; a man foil of gentleness sad goodness; a man who spent his life in contributing to the public weal in no Insignificant manner, for the newspaper has become second to no other instrumen• telity for public education and the Influ ence of opinion; and he who contributes to newspapers, conttibutes to the educa tion of ,hts fellow-men. The press is the channel' through which the whole • one munity is reached. Although it seems to us at certain times that the papers deserve the credit, they who are less known to us, deserve oursionsideration lad the mop nition of their services. We do notknow what reel is eacrificed; what tact, jag cunt and integrity are manifested, and what long continued practice therein Is required to make one a reporter ands lit contributor to a pa r. The temptations are not few, and I Judge they are powalul by the number of men who tusk down and die from dissipation in connection • with the newspspers. .It Would almost seem that they are slaughter houses. Not that night went Is necessa rily unwholesome; not that the exertion is excessive; tint it Is dissipation. It Is burning not a single wick, hut double, triple, quadruple wicks; so that men ruck up the whole of their nervous oaten:Land brain, and burn themselves out. They resort to those stimulants, their relatiou with others of their profession are social and genial, and they fall Into festive hab its; on every band there is , the lecsmtive to etiginlnti . tho,ipeculbte oodilmeetahti danger: Then; too, there are manytemp tations to the wielding of power. to Mt gentlemanly behavior, to revenge, to petty spite, t Than. too, favoritism and partial. Linn beset this profession. When, them fore, a faun interim himself through-It with modesty, not indulging hispaasions; when conscience, when feu, when labo riousness and fellhfulness to the last de gree mirk his demeanor; when he has bun. content that, o thers should reap *here ho has sown and labored,• when a man has -so demeaned himself, he is [ '.Worthy of more than's:moment's praise." Tug large bridge which spans the Del aware, river, cogneding Port Jervis with 'Milford, Pa., was blown ever on the 24th. The bridge,lied been consideredunsafe by some, and dating theprevalence of a La rifle gale, which 'swept down the river twin the northwest at that time, the druc• turn iru almost lifted from the alrutmentar and fell Into the river a perfect wreck, and with a crash that wu distinctly heard all over the. village. The bridge wee built eighteen years ago by, the Erie 11allway, Company, In fulfilment of one of the provisions of the charter from the 43tate orPennaylvanta, requiring them te build andiceep in repair each abridge. Tinaollowing statement will now the nwnber'ot immigrants, and their occu. pationey'who arrived In the United States during the qaarter ending December alit: Mechanical trades, 1,824 main, no females. Trades not mechanical, 1,718 males, 109 females. Miscellaneous aeon patiCats,:" 05,675 males, 8,176 females. Occupations not stated, 879 ma1eai 1, 2,549 females. Without occapition 2,894 melee, 2 7,048 females . Agate/16 it 991 1. 43,810 ;males, 192,128 females. ( . trend total; '70,920. —ln Hew 'Yorke city. yesterday, an tnifltdahed house on Forty-61*th street Elva way to the violence of the steno, and fining on a frame - dwelling adjoining, buried the occupants, Benjamin Bonnet. bia wife and four children. The hwtheid, wife and three obildren. Were Liken -ant dead. A fourth child was Ilya, brit with both /ego broken.. FIRST EDITIOX. NIDXIGHT NEW YORK CITY. By Theme!. to the iittZberah Gazette.) Nam% YORK, March 26, 2870. A Preliminary meeting of prominent chicane was Milli lasi evening to make arTengetuents for holding a public 1 1 meetingOT those opposed to voting away tho public money for the support of sectarian schools. 4 , committee of arrangeinents wee appointed and resolved tutohl the next meeting on Wednieday evening next. Rev. - Henry Ward Beecher, Rai. tti. Schenck, Hiram Retchum, William M. Evart., William E. Dodge arid other well known speekeh are expected to deliVer addresses. -- Deputy Collector Koop was brought up to-day on a writ of halices iTrztua, be. tore Judge Blatcliferd; In the United &atm Court. :Judge Blatobford decided that the United States had the power to remove the case 'from UM Bute courts. The sheriff accordingly handed over Koopte the United States Itarahare one. Cody, said he gave ball inllo,ooo. Tho Evening Riot editorially urges the turning of Alaska Into a penal COiOllY. As Horace elreeley was tearing a rail way ear, last evwtag,l at the corner of ■eventeeeth street, a 'hone and light wages kmicked him down and injured his left ankle severely. He is expected to be out in a day er two. District Attorney Morrie today moved for judgment upon the persons convicted of election frauds In Brooklyn. Their counsel moved for a mlUgation of the semitones. Judge. Gilbert postponed ids decision wall next Thursday. A report cos telegraphed .fromßan Francieco that lb. Qualm!, Ihudele Rail rOad Company has purchased the Ban Jose Railroad. The facts are the road was bought by several capltallate, some of whom are identided with the Central Tactile Railroad. The price paid was ;3,750,060, and the llnt payment, 1500,- 000, l■ to he made on the Ist of April. Commissioner Osborn hos declined to reduce the bill of:Welt and May, int porters, charged with smuggling of im mans character. James Rieke, • Chicago grocer, him received a verdict of 112,670 to the Jda rine . Court , sgaitost Mies Tummies Plaftitt, le S euit,lnettteled.on• judg- Mani rendered la the Supreme Court of Chicago in 1867. An order was received to-day at the District Attorney's office from the Seem tart', of the. Trergery directing the re lease of the property of (Jordon, Fellow, t ldcfdellan seized two months by Collector' Rilethey. It is and that the property of John Fay, of Pearl street, is also released. The case of Horace P. Clark, wholesale linos dealer, charged with revenue frauds, wassent to the Grand Jury. A mating of the young Democracy wittbeld to night, it which prominent members of that winger the party made addressee. Resolutions were adopted denouncing their opponents and oailias upon the people of this oily to overthrow those Democrat, who Toted with. the Republicans at Albany. ligiv Toni, March 72.—A - letter from the Darien expedition of March 14th says: °Moors and craws all well except. Commander Selfridge, who is nolVerisig from a. lame leg, wach prevents his accompanying the expedition across the Isthmus. Roads has teen mat three miles in length into the Interior, Meet, log the river which is said to flow into the. Pacific Ocean. The Indian, were frightened at first, but proved friendly and &slated the explorers in every way. All were sanguine of discovering an espy route for the construetion of • ship An iirpinwall dleriateh reports that Capt. Rind, of the American bark Krem lin. weeds:tined until be paid 11.000 for Injuries sustabeed by a small schooner _ with which he collided, alter schooner' s agent had agreed to take 1110. The Anatol= Consul made an active • but unavailing attempt to obtain his release. 4 Another letter from the Darien expo. ciltloresays some of the men were pawl. ad in the eyes and on the More end hands by the sap of the matuanillo tree, but all recovered,.. therefrom The surwycirs have secured a fine nand the topography of the countr, tack to the base oil the mountains, ..and :in sots insianes four hundred feet .Up the mountains. Grad quantities of valuable timber,i ouch as mahogany, logwood, India tubber, dte., *xis!, thelsogsr este - le the finest ever seen. Sri wild tothriaM anti but few - largo snakes hart Centrnl and South Amitlean !few,. CBT 'icier W tolls Prnatkagt. GSJIttIA.I Naw ORN, March .—The followtng near. tairecadved per Moamar Alaska : Onetimela advice' state that the revs• lotion is Otri 111112 d thikaallfit a the 1111001. Hoe eatittarod er abet. Tkey4aa a alight earthquake at Bon Etalvatktrou the ilth lent. • The gunboat Nyack, of the Darien er. peditlos, received damages to we of her masts and had to be sent to Valparaiso for renalm, the Rama tolifsg • her place. A conspiracy against the govertunirit was brOk.en up by the arrest-cif half a dozen persons, who were subsequeatly released on taking an oath of allegiance. Large quantitiee of butter chipped front • New 'York to the Isthmus have been found adulterated with grease. _ The government of Ecuador is to d i. mend eatisfactioe of the United States for a violation of the law of nations, ',in that the gunboat Nyack bas' been mak , ' ing topographical enrveys and maps of Ciallipagas Island. There is no doubt but the Senate of Bogota will confirm the treaty :with the United States for the construction of the Canal. . Civilian advice, state one Orello Ankt nio pnicliimed Dimwit( Ring of Aranea. tag and Petagonia, and defied the Chiller' government. lie Jo .Frenchusen and be, ingratiated himself with the Indiana of these territories. Mill will send troops; to squelch hint bud trouble is anticsipated. se the indiam will adhere to the new ildeentater.:• Tank and'Zit/weld letter' Mates that Tank and hi. few forces are Mgreirtnieery. Desertions are very numerous and his cause i hopehmir The guateets Nysek, Reesertsied Onward Wine pt Callact fhb; 28th. - •The X ittad Kinston a crate isouttitebrd. - . The I.lgblatnrsefColumbia have , passed a bill recognizing the belligerence of thoCabariso A Pennine hitter says Capt. Heine, an American, who Maims to know a Pint* scrim - 1,1:117BM superior le all other routes and by which he can peas from Aspin wall to Panama entirely by ~water, has chartered *Malan sail boat' at Alpine*" to be delivered' In' Pennine and goinilo Caledonia bay. Correspondence says the Republic of Columbia will ratify the treaty. Col. Caldwell,' formerly United Stateildinleter to Bolivia, hesarrived Ned York. mi. envoy of that conatity •. Railroad and telegraph 'fro& Bernthal Apron to Santiago, Chill, are projected. .Learlen Vaned Survey. ttf T.ferrapl. to to. rittabargh Ossetia.) . YORK. Marsh.26...—Tge inventor , veying party of tb•Darlen sawn. Oen. with Vaptalek Selfridge. of the sic, left MTh:mall on the gist of February With dorty natives to out their way througlk, the woods from a point ona hundred and eighty Milegeast of Aspin wall. They were nine days cutting Omar f way to= the,'headwaters' of a 'river which it was known led to the Pacitio ocean. They returned to their .hip over the gams path In 'One day, end were preparing to survey another route in the neighborhood of the mime river. The native Indians were not hostile. Oa the contrary. they evinced extreme inn. Idity. This induced them to retire with" their women sod children and they did not reappear until forced to do, so by hunger, when they tame and gaked . per. adagio° to catch crawfish for food: gundayObservisee tnr islunaaa to 'the rituitarra Gazette.) Cur/anus, March 27.—The following was printed 111 last evening's Leader:.: "We. the undersigned Grand Jitters or the grand Jury of the county of Laramie, for the Much term, ,A. D. 1870, hereby give doe notfoe to each and every person carrying on buainces in' said city of Cheyenne, except drdisi and they aline excepted, that sac and every person 'tereafter found' doi business on Sunday are 'and shill be liable to be Indicted therefOr and prose. 'Wed ISPe9rOrg, to. the sib, le -in au6ll cue made an prcivided . for... Signed by *Mesh Grand Jurors. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1870. FORTY-FIRST CONGIIRSS. (SECOND SESSION.) By Tele graDtt t➢ the 110.3bramtk Usual. ) WASH!NOTOrr, March 20. 1810. HOUSE Oin REPRESENTATIVES. Speeches were made by Mr hay &gaited a protective system and in favor of a large reduction of import duties and internal taxation: by Mr. Strickland In advocacy of proteetion of lamber and copper; by Mr. Bird In favor of advanc. lag the farming Interests as the beet meant, of Insuring the prosperity. of the wholacommunity; by Mr. Hill In favor of prating &gloriosa products, eared. ally pig. Iron; by Misers. Burdett, Wet liar and D onley on behalf of a pro Motive ilyStena. Atihatf put four the Homo adjourned. TtNICNSEE The CottatltoUonal Election—Ratification . Decided Mclority--Coe. Skater• 123212 NAHEIVILTS. March =3.—The election for the ratilicetion of the now Conatitu. 1 Lion and theirs of county officers took 'place to-day to Naahsille. Everything passed off, gnie&ly..anda beavy-vote wan polled-notwithetaViding the heavy rain.' Dispetchee by the Banner indicate the ratification of .the new Constitution by decided Majority, but little opposition being made outside of East Tenaeasse, and the conservatives claim for Tel:Dee m. the Credit of being the first State to adopt universal era:agog without regard to color and incorporating It in the organic law. Allen Nickerson, of Hamilton. and Win. Porter. of Knox. the delegates of the Nashville Colored Convention that sent • committee to - Washington, pabliab a card against Congressional Interference and disclaiming any Imewledge -of crimes against their ram. ! GOYIM/16r renter received to-day a dis patch from General Batter, inviting: him to Washingtonte testify before the Re. conatruction— Committee. teaching the condition of affairs In Tennessee. Me haa been ocalined to his room for several days withinieumenta, but will probably leave for WeattingtOn on Monday. lartirets, March 2E *tor na from West Tennessee are 'meagre, but anal. dent to indicate the ratification of the new Constitution by a very large ma jority. Wright, Democratic candidate for sheriff here, 'ls probably elected by a small majority. M annum, March 2Z.--The Republicans new claim the election of Curry, their candidate . for htheriff, by a anlall me. jority. NEW ORLEANS Appendants by Gov. Ifrantouttt UOCIa . tee new Guy Charter. ' = NSW Onrsairs, March 26.-11overnor Warmaith has awls 'ttee following sp. cointments undid' the now city charter. MeJ. J. H. Oglesby, "Administrator of frinarte; 3no. E. Walter, Administrator of Acoonnlin - Alfred Shays, Administra tor of Commerce; 8. C. Emily, Adminie tutor of Water Trorks and Public Build ingst,Hertuird. flonlle, colored, Adminta• track Atiscastnents; Louis F. Dileasise, obtored Administrator of Polloe; E: -W. Pierce, Administrator of Improvements. J. R. West, the Mayor, and the says% administrators will com pose the Oatiacil; with ths leglatativo power coaferred - upon boards of alder men aed assistant aldermen by the old charter. Tim tagauluttlon of-these Tatt oos departments Is left to the Carmel I, whicb also not power to elect a Secretary, City Attorney, City Surveor, and six Rooorders, one for each d istrict. Four of the adralnistretora were morn weeded by an electoral jury of citisens, and Mr.' OltiOntB was a member of the Jury. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. terrilto easterly maenad rain worm prevailed at New York yesterday.. —Spahr, the murderer of Baldwin, at St. Lins, has been released on 125,000 Call. —The Democrats or Bt. Louis held • their primary meetings on. Saturday night. —Conrad Hollinger, editor and pro prietor of the Newark Voliasion, died yesterday, aged . .—ma number of hogs packed In Chi. cage this season foots up to • 688,140, against 597,951 lain season. —Members of the Newark, N. J., bar have tendered ■ public banquet to Judge Bradley, of the U. S. Supreme OPart.. —Tee Republicans of Leavenworth on Saturday nominated D. D. Anthony for Mayor, and D. W. Wilder as Police Judge. Farham han luau arrested in Lyon, Wass., for shooting Chu. Vaughn, wham ho umparted of criminal Intimacy with his wits. —The Tennessee election passed off quietly: Owing to a general prevalence of split tickets ao result will be known till the official count le made. ' ps . —Prinie. An ur la to vlait California In the latter tof April. He will Men return to Mont sal, and leave In a troop ship with hie brined* for England. The fire which broke out In the Gold Hill mines to Nevada about a year ago are still smonlderlug among the timbers seven hnadred feat below the aortae°. —A tire at Maumee CHI, Ohlo. ButlisY morning, destroyed the Washlogten woolen mills. LOU on ' buildinn machinery and stock 160,000; inelaratisi -014500. . —The 'Legislature of British Columbia Ii discussing confederation. The general tope of the members fevors a form of government similar to that of the casters provinces. - —New York servant girls have been amemed a dollar a Mouth •to Millet a Catholic Cathedral lad NM stradt for an Increase Of warm Many are being time celebrated library of , A; Rice, of Chicago, closed it Diew York Saturday night. Twenty seven thousand Talcums were disposed of dor about 140,000. —Official dispatches from Ram announcing the Twilit of the San Domin- go election, have not yet:reached Wash. fasten but are en routs via Havana and I expeoessi shortly. —The Indianapolis, Indiana, City Council on Situ-MIT Voted in favor of donating two thousand - dollars to secure the eipoaltion of textile fabrics-in that. city,ilMigjerunamr, - - ' —Camp No. I pond Army of the Oen etituttoe has reeetterd to Oak Mintage to interfere to prevent further swindling by chant agent, and advocating minty rro .treats for the wounded veterans instead ef State uylums. A citizens convention was held at :Columbus; 0hi0,,: Saturday aftentiOn. _which 'nominated' full city and township ticket In opposition to the regular Dem. cratlo ticket,- It was participated in by Democrats and. Republicans. —The German Republicans of India napolis are dissatisfied with the monde'-' Done madn'for °entity offices by the Republican convention, and a mem con vention of Gentians will probably be bold this week to form another ticket. f —Ramer Magda General O'Neil - Is organizing for a decent upm Canada at three di Senna points, Amhendburir, Fort Erie and some point on the Si, Lawton°, Yet undecided upon. Large quantities of ands and ammuntUon are said to be stored - near at band. —A young girl named Catharine Shields diet la Jersey City, Thursday. from the effects of abortion produced by Dr. Charles cabal. The infamous doctor Was arrested; ilk *boons Patrick Watson. charged with having outraged the person Of the Unfortunate/gel. n .; 111---13amusl Watson. tried last week at Racine, Wisconsin, for the murder of Mrs- Hanley, was brought in guilty of Murder in the first degree. Watson is a man sixth' "NM of age, and was highly respected before this crime was fsatened upon hire. .11e-was engaged to be lucc ' tied to Ma: Hanley, his victim. The ease lIM craned • much- excitement In Racine. — AS ielbliebOri hae, been granted by the Ciniult Court of St. Zonis to restrain certain atoetholders of the Pacific Rail toed true anb-divldiag their stook, eo as toned illegal votes at the election for four directors today. Tns mart regale ,pd of the - petitioners a bond of a quartet Mallow of dollars to the effect that the injunction would not *ork 'detrimental to . ctlui intimate of orrinpetent voters. SEEM EDITIOI FOUR O'CLOCK, .1. X TIIE. CAPITAL. TennesEeo Reconstractio —Goy ernment Thiildings—G Id Sales and Boqd Turclnises or April —A Correction. fly Tslagrabh to the Pittsburgh Ussetts.) WASIIINOTON, March 26, 1874 ILESUMICI:I ILI' DUTIXB. Deputy Coteunbufioner Douglass lies resumed official duties at the Internal Revenue office. I= A lar r l i e number of visitor., including Benito and Representativoe, had Inter view-a vrtth the President to day. TKNNPXSKH IIf.OOII3TRUCTION The Committee on Reconstruction Still have before them th 6 Tennomee cue. Secretary of State Fletcher was before them, and pr4ented • statement • show ing reasons' why the State should' be again reconstructed. It Is claimed, by those anxious and persistent for such action, that Governor o Sutter was eleqted by fraud, the vote at election being 93,000 more than nine months previous. Certificates of election were given with. out regard to the right of- holders' to exercise the elective franchise. The principal argument for rooonatruction at the present time is that the State Government is unable or unruliest to protect the people from Mae Ku-Rlux and other niarsuders, and' that the action proposed would be justified under the clause of tneConatitutlon that the United States ghall gaarancee to - ovary State a Repubtican form of Government, WAFIIIINGTON, March 27.—The Secrio 'buy of the Treasury, Ina oommunlcatJon to the Htiose, says the work on the OM. ted States Court House and Posta!!les bulb:lint ft New York city, tee 'POW °Moe and Bob-Treasury Building et Boston and Branch Mint at San 'Fran cisco, should be pressed forward to com pletion. Of the new works proposed, bat for which no appropriations have as yet been made, the createst necessity lodate, as far as known at the department, at Hartford. eminecticnt, Grand Rapids. Michigan, Bt. Loots and Jelfenoll ktissourl, Little Rock and (0W(7, , Liu note. • GOLD SALES AND lIOND rIJROIIAI9O. The Secretary of the Treasury Mu di rected the Assiatant Treasurer at New • York to sell 12,000,000 gold and purchase s4ooo,ooCrbondson ACCOLInt of the stoking fend in April, and In addition thereto to purchase two million of bends for the ornate fund, Mating In all the dale of two millions of gold and the purchase of four millions of bonds for the month.' 11XiIIMATION MADE. _ Senator Sumner had an interview with Admiral Porter yesterday P. M.; dur. Mg which a fall examination was made of the dispatches in the possession of the department relative' to • Han Domingo, and ail matters concerning the,tecent observations by naval calmsi id that place. A CORIIV:71014 In the tabular etatement recently pub liehed exhibiting the lime required to cancel the public debrby •aink lug fund; the capital necessary should kayo .bran stated as ranging front toreotplive lions to One hundred without glitch hall• year, not. usiyaiserepcutods CRIC.M3O EMT eaCtUnents ea Indian Reservation.' —rite American Press ABouclatlon Intend , . 'MCI Declared Vacaat—Law Roots fielaed—Blebop Inataiied. EBY Tosocesee Id oe Pitt...burgle:vett.) Citroen°, March 117.—Private advice,. Mm Cheyenne are to the effect that Governor CaMpbell aisappruyea of the startles of any expeditions to explore lands reserved by treaty lbr the nes of Indiana as opposod t) the Indian policy of tha adirdeistritiori and a vio lation of our. obligations. It Is now stated, however. that the' proposed Big Horn expedition doe. not design to en• crouch on Indian lands.. This subject Is exciting a greet deal of interest In the' west, but It I. thought the influence l of Ger. Campbell and Gen. Augur will A sufficient to keep the leaden of the expe. &Bon within proper bounds. The assertion of New York Opposition papers that the Louisville Courser Jour. sof has Joined the American Press Association, Is without foundation. Mr. Haldeman, the proprietor, le i member of the Execrative Oommittee of the West ern Associated PPM, and knows that the American 'mourn has neither merit nor MOODS to keep It in existence long. It will be recollected Mu (WIWI' Fisher, Sheriff of Cook county, cheep. peered veveral months lines and his whereabouts 1s now unknown. The quest on of appointing a bailiff came up In the Recorder's Churt yesterday, when Judge McAllister -decided that the Sherlfre Mince wu now vacant. Under these circiimatanoes Governor Palmer will at once order • new election for Sheriff, the Coroner performing duty till the vacancy is filled. The Collector of this port has seized a quantity of law books Imported from England through the mane, in violation, as he claims, of the revenue laws._ The books were ordered by thoJudgogi of the State Emergent Cmat Ter the use of the law llterery, and they Insist that they bete been briported in accordance with the law. Bight Bin. Thomas Foley, new Bishop of Chicago, wan formally . Installed this morning In the lihurob of the Holy Name. He Mutprevionsly declined shy.putills demonstrittlim and the only ceremonies were those within the church, useuil do such 'occasions. The Bishop preached the sermon and the church was crowded.. milt. The •Polygaisy tinestien-'...intentellaterw ra t pi an ir ra te r t_eceaa of DesnisUes to renew the Pouter irate. Mein fill. My Telegraph to the rlt4lns liseette.) ...SALT Lana, MaM idghlY respectable meeting M. merchants and profewdonal gentltiOn was held last I . night at Melanie' fall to adopt a memorial to the„ . &meta of tootraite4 scaumprolDig.for theenpunningofthoie sectionsof the Cullom bid that punish' by tine anti lidprisonariint` the continuation of ,patriarchnd family , raltdions... Ad dresses were !node claiming the advantages to the Girvernment and the whole country of a liberal policy towards offenders In the past, believing that such action would erred ,porynamy., Federal officer Gordon, an apostate Mormon, wanted the fullest application: of law. The Federal oGoer,was respected for. manliness, otherwise deepled. Robertson Marshall, (hider Howley, John' Walker Hollister, nomfdormons, were appointed a 001XIMIV011 CO dart.. a telegraph memorial to the President and Renate. Intense Morcott in manifested here on thin subject. If the Senate .pass the House bill an It le, the Territory of Utah will be a scene of desolation. . The Democratic Dow in New.Torit. veierraes to the lquaberrti aurora aw Yong, March 28.-The tight be tween Me Democratic factions continues and the young Democracy are =lzabal log their forces for the contest to-morrow evening. Sheriff O'Brien; who leads them, claims the meeting Is not- to request, Tweed to resign the position of Chairman of the Democratic General Committee, but me he wilt be called on t o state. dist inctly whether he has been coquetting'with the . Republicans. If he halt been a traitor to the party, the next step will!" his expulsion and the election of a new Chairman. The Tweedltee ere es confident of success aaithelr oppzi Dente, but It is maid In cue the General Commit tee should elect another Chairuun, they will retire and will -adhere to their 'Chairman. _The whole matter will then come before the Sachems of Tammany, of which Tailed Is Grand Baehern. and whose decision doubtliu twill be in his tutor. 011uir reports Kate 'that earnest efforts aro bolos 104.40mobeal th e breach, BY TILE CABLE.' AcOnittal of Prince Bonaparte— The Papal Inthillibility Dogma —English Parliament —Bevel opments concerning Cuban In : . surrection. . (By h leg r•pli Loth° Pitts rgh linZe ) GREAT URI LoNoos, March 24—Experts fad no protulee of an interesting boat race in the present practice of the two tiniven4- ty erewa. A telegram from Bombay Opcirte terrible conflagration in tilts f 9 n tof COM ptah near Nagpoor, In the piell2lency of Bengal. Oyer two hundred houses and two-thousand flee hundred bales of cotton were dentroyed., laws Immense. Dumas', March 183—The Irish Chnich Convention la'•ln session here. After a warm debate It was decided to invest a portion of their funds in American and other foreign securities. • In the Commons thin evening Mr. Barry, member for Cork county, moved an amendment to the bill for the primer vatiou of paean in Ireland, requiring one warning to seditious journal, Thin was adopted. The amendment limiting the operation of the act to March, 1071, was rejected. &moral amendments were offered to the Irish Land bill, which were gener ally adopted. Tho bill then pinned. 1311112E3 PA lux, March 2d.‘-The Procurour Gen eral made Ma argument ln the court at Tome to-day. lie opened with an ener getic denungiation of the political party to which Victor Noir belonged. Ho made frequent reference to the Morsel/- Mb/re. Nearly all the evidence of the proaiecutlna was set aside by the Pro. curer, who however domande the con demnation of the Prince becanee the ahooting wee not in eelf-lieferose. The Prince was much excited during the delivery of the argument. Lenona and Demange,}counivel for the defense, both denounced the Aforacatise. The Court meets to-morrow, when a verdict may be expected. PARts, March 27.—,Tp0 news of tbe'ac quittal of Prince Brinaparte, produced everywhere immennii-roneation and rut tonashment, and Is the universal topic of conversation. The strike at L 3, Creurot continues. Many arrests have been made ' but as yet Micro Liss been no co/listen between the troops and workmen. Tomas, March V.—Prince Bonaparte has been acquitted in spite of the strong appeal made by the Procureur General for a verdict of guilty with extenuating cirenmstances. The Jury were out only one boor. •Ae boon as the verdict wan announced the counsel for the parlic dada demanded 100,000 franca damages. In consequence of this demand the Prince was not retailed from custody. Elci was exceedingly Indignant because he was not allowed to leave the Court room Immediately. He said he wished to show he was not 'Braid of the menaces made against his life. In their closing arguments the lawyers for the defense laid great etress on the constant violent denunciations of the Prince in the Mandl/Mac and other el r cumatances , calculated to exasperate the accused. It is believed at Rome that the French Government is engaged In diecuaslng with the English Govetnruent the NMl icatsilqimMil of the question of Papal lurid , nista?. The publication of Bishop Stine. 1 mover's protest against the proclamation of the dogma is hourly expected: A manifesto on the subject from Count Baru Is also looted for. = MAnnin, March 27.--Senor Booms, Minister of the Colonies, declared in the Cortes yesterday that the Captain Gener al of Cubs had recalsed Instructlona to order an election to he held for deputies to the C Gee, if the eltuation of the W 'wit and permit. The C ol Mal Department Is In iXasem. don or any - documents showing the character of the VillriOClN conspirator., which culminated In the insurrection In Cube, and developing the fact that one of the most considerable of these plots had for Ps object the eloraUen of Lersundi to the Vice Royalty of tha Wend: CUBA. HAVANA. March 26.—Capt. Gen. Rodas arrived at Puerto Principe on th 23d and was received with great enthusi asm by the people. MARINE NEWS. LONDOX, March 2n.—The steamship Tyrlan, from New York fur Palermo, hoe arrived out. - I= Losoow, March Yd.—Consols for money 93%; account 033. American securities. quiet: '65, 89%; '62, 90%; '67, 89, I ten forties, 86%. Erie, 21%; IllinolsCantral, 116%; tires; Western,lo4%. Stocksuulet. Livartroor., March 26.—Cotton market quiet, with middling uplands at 11%d and Orleans 1134 d, sales 10,000 bales. California white Wriest flo .3d(ps 4d; rod western 85@8s Id and 8s 9d ®Bl 10d for winter. Flour 19s 6d. Corn 28s. Otte 2a 511. Fork 91a 6d. Beef 104 s 6d. bard Ole. Cheese 69,. Bacon 565. LONDON. March 26.—Tallow 45R 9d. Sugar ail 3d. Relined. Petroleum dull at Is B%d. Linseed Oil dull. FRANKFORT, March 29.-Beads closed &mat 95%. ANTiVIMP, March' 26. Petroleum closed at 56%f with a declining tendency. Lonnitroca., March 28. , -Afternoon Cotton closed dull with uplands at 11® 11%d and Orleans 1190)11%d; salmi 10,000 bales, including 1,000 for specula- Mon and exports. Petroleum Is sd. CINCINNATL Sabbath School Denies.Uon—The Bible question—Relliglons Services In • Vile • Den—Fire. thc„ Lleanpb to the ellt.burgh Onsottto CINCINNATI, March 27.--The new edi. aloof the Cincinnati Union Bethel, Front Arent, .wee dedicated this afternoon, FMKr thousand people were In the main idles:me room, one half of whom were lldren of the Bethel Sabbath school. The cost of the building and ground was f MAO. It la Intended to accommodate three thousand 'children, one of the greatest rooms dedicated to Sabbath school porpoises in the world. Sermons were preached io wavered churches to-day on the Bible in our com mon schools, la consideration of the approaching election too members of the school board. Reprettentativea of the Young Men's Christian Association held religious service. this afternoon in Collins Bar• rooks, one of the moat noted among our theatrical rooms. Col. Da Beck's new Saturday paper, 17uarratert Weekly News, made Its and appearance yesterday evening. A fire broke - but at six o'clock this evening In H. Schriader A Co.'it furniture toy cutlery eatibliatunecit,7o and 72 Main alreet. It begun In the fourth story. Damage not carious, save by water. The lose by the latter cannot be refely eatl. mated, but will reach several thousand dollars. Amply covered by ift9UrallOn. An unknown man, wearing dark blue clothes and soft bl ack bat, fell from the Newport ferry at ten o'elenk last night, and has not been seen since. ilaccesenti: Bank Robbery Aft Telegrantt to the lltttborgb Uototto ) • Rearrronn, March Vi.—The sans of the Wolcottvllle (Conn.) Savings Bank was blown °pluton Friday night and robbed or 000 In bank bllla and 125,000 la aeon ritlee. The thieves stole a hand car on the Naugatuck railroad and escaped. —The works' of .Vallon A. Wood, _Mowing and Reaping Machine Company, at Troy, New York, were partially destroyed - by fire on Sunday morning. Lou 440%000; Insurance 1215.000. A temporary building will be erected at once ) which, together with the Cale. !lonia mills, belonging to tbo same Com pany, which are unharmed, will enable them to fill {heir agreements promptly. 7 —Three "realm ego Mrs. Agnes &Ikon ger, a patient In the Jacksonville, Illi nois, Insane Asylum, camped from that Institute, and no tidings of her where abouts were received until Elaturday, when her dead body was found in an old vskant house neer Neelnyville, twenty miles from Jacksonville. 81. E. ANNUAL CO''-FERENCE Corr.hoodoo. , of lho ritt.hurghl:•iette•l JOIINSTOWN, MflfCll '26 18'0 FOUXTIE The Conference . conveued at 8 A. u. and was - opened by the reading of the 85th Psalm and the singing of the hymn, "A eherge to keep I have," and prayer by 13. D. Kinnear. The journal of the former se.sion was read nuts approved. RN: The 'Committee on Temperance presented the following report, which was adopted: ViEfF.IIKAR, Intemperance as n great evil is marching through our lend, destroying the young, the middle aged and the old, of both sexes; and, We find even in the Church those who encourage ;Intemperance by Rolling grain and fruit to distillers, !tinning petitions for licensee and renting property to be used for the manufacture and sale of intoxicating drinks, which are filling our world with walling and wretchedness: therefore Res3hml. That it is the judgment of We Conference that any man who will sell hie grain or fruit to a distiller, sign a petition for license, or rent property .to be used lu making or vending lntoxicat leg drinks, compromises his Chriatiali character, violate. the .plrit of di.cipline and should be admonished by his pastor; and, if he persists in it, should be ex. palled from the Church. Resolved. That as mini-stem we will Du preen on the minds of our people their re sponsibility for the power they wield at the ballotsbox, as well as other actions of their lives, and, in all proper ways, try to secure the election to offices of trust, honor, or profit in-our country, men who are truly temperate, and temperate men only. . . . . . I= Resolved, That the ministers of this Conference be required So read title re • port to their several congregations. Resolved. That the liquor traffic is a wrong which_ should be prohibited b c logal enactment; and that we will, by al; prudent moans, seek lie accomplishment On motion, the action fixing the time for taking th e vote on lay delegation ht 11 A. 0. was reconsidered, and, on me Lion, It wee resolved to take the vote at 9 it• at. It. Cuuninghem wax granted a super annuated rotation at Ilia own request. The hour off) A. ei having arrived, thn vote on lay delegation was taken up, and the yeas and nays called with the following result: Yeas 143, nays 55. M..T. Sloppy and -Nathan U. Walker were elected to Local Deacon. orders. David D. Starr and N., Horn, Local Deacons, were elected to Elders orders. The question. "Where shall the next Conference be held?" was taken up,anti Cambridge, McUotinellsville, Kramer Chapel, Steubenville, Salem, Christ Church, Pittsburgh, were nominated. Kramer Chapel, Steubenville, was se. !acted as the seat of the next Conference , session. • • - • Rev. M. Kerr. of the Presbyterian Church, was Introduced. The hour appointed for the special memorial servioss in connection with the funeral al i viess of itlahop Thomson hav ing arrive the Conference adjourned lie buslueeln and the memorial !services completed tho *melon. I= Conference entered upon memorial services,. conducted by Rev. A. J. Ends ley, in the case of Bishop Tomson. • Bishop Janes was introduced, and drew a touching lifenketch of his colleague In otlioe. Death had hit a shining mark. Bishop Tho3lBoll hod eminent endow• manta. His body was frail, but his mind was ImperiaL Hewes distinguished by broad and comprehensive thought. Aa an educator he had done much to give the Methodist Church the advanced position it now occupies on education. In the Episcopal Cabinet he was always held u a cafe and able counsellor. ezcoi• lent in judgment, far-reaching In Ms thoughts, and rapid In his mental pro. ceases. As a oontroveraiillat Blotto!, Thomson was studiously respectful towards his opponents; and as a writer he bad written no line that dying he would wish to blot. The Bishop closed by reading extracts from a letter received teem Dr. Logan, of Wheeling. The con. gregation then united in singing the hymn beginntng, I Would net live always. Dr. Casa was the au: speaker.. lie and Bishop Thomson had grown up together in Wooster. Ohio, the Bishop, however,' being hie senior by several years. He had heard the first eermon preached In that town by the Bishop, and remembered the text and much of th discourse. The congregation thou sung two verses of the hymn called "The Home of tho Lord." ; v. T. M. nudism thought it was not clime for words, but for team. A. great and a good men had fallen. But death had its bright as well as its dark aide. It Is the hand of a kind Father that takes our friends from um. Dr. L C. Parching. regarded 'Memo Thomson as belonging .to the whole Churoh. His eminent endowments made him the commoo property of Meth odium. These were greet and oonspicu. one. HlnolTice as a Bishop also made him belong to the whole Church. Who can estimate the influence and trace tho tar•reachtng effects of such a grand lite as Bishop Thomson had lived? He lives mew In the students ho has educated, and will livealong thentiell of their hula once forever. his beautiful wordy, thoughts and deeds can never die. And these will weave for hill; a bright crown in tho iimltleaa ages of the future. Dr. W. L. Darns, who had.mached tim meat of Conference that morning, was milled out and delivered an address. bUNDLY EXETICISE3. • Services were conducted in the IC E. Church, Sunday morning. by Bishop Janes, at the close of which the elm of Deacons were ordained. In the afternoon services. were con. ducted at the same place by Rev. West. ley Kennedy. of Philadelphia, and at the does of hie sermon the , ,Eldere were ordained. The several pulpits in the tows were tillecliyesterday by members of the Con. foresee. ' . Nothing definite la yet known relative to the appointments, but we expect to be able to give a Cull listof them to-morrow. Extract from a Saimaa Preached la at. James Church, Pittsburgh, •on the Lord'. Day Evenleg, March 27th, and Partly Addressed to all the Deformed Churches, lY NIT. DR. PAGE, OF ALLEM:GENF CM. "Done° 000DFFIMIIIII ODIO4II Di untie.' temildel et itinittcmle flu Del. le vlrtim perfeetum, in meaner= otetie puttee. dinis Certatt."—V,tilgste LSIOII. The appropriation by the Church of a portion of the year to special exerci s es - of Introversion and devoUen, lilt tenet poaltively enjoined in Holy Scripture, is yet certainly germane to 118 spirit and conducive to Its legitimate and proper uses, and those churchmen who have not the courage to plant their feet firmly_ upon the platform of a sinned regard to We Church's injunctions, and of varier* lion for her .Bi/thorny, may he appealed to in the language of their suffering and loving Saviour. iVhatt could ye not watch with tee one hour." The Apostle same as I well know," Ye observe days and maths and limes md years," but he Is speaking here of Jewish festivals and fasts, with - the Gallatlans, not standing fast in the liberty of "the royal Iwo," still slung to saki part the ground of their justification before God, and sot of those wholesome appointmentswhichthe Christian Church has Instituted, in in. cordance with the spirit, if not the letter of the (soaps!.. How strange that men of strong minds should, giving way -to the most absurd prejudices, confound things as essentially diverse to erect themselves against the observance of the festivals and fasts of "the Christian pier." Surely seek a want of dbeerindmitlon should belong to "the i•eaker " brethren,' The prey r well remembers that once ho spent Good Friday in the Me tropolis of F,ogland, and that then and there, there prevailed a Sabbath stillness in the year 'el, throughout the whole of that Great Emporium; the entire Point. 'anon, whether in the Church establish moot, or out of It, if not directly partici pating in the public services of alb nano juary, at least negatively doing honor to the day net apart by,the authority of the . Hintoric Church for ommatemoratingthe Cross and passion of the world's Redeem er. What an imprecate* spectacle it was, every place of Mathews closed aeon the day of the Lord; Church bella ringing, people hastening to their several places of worship, sennone delivered tlis several churches by eminent preachers appointed by the Primate, and Mum the if,& / NO. 74. preelott4 doctrlua of rodompt:on thro' the blood 'of tho - L'onb proolsimed to • • • in the Chapel l/ord and in ,d 1 the pariAlf churches of the retail.. Oh, what a pow. erful rebuke la then annually adminis tered to the spirit of pride and of vain glory: - What a mighty momentum is imparted to the filleredelllso Of reverence and of righteousness.' And`thus would it be in our own dear country if the great Presbytertau Church, the Lutheran, the Wesleyan., tho Baptists. and all true end earnest Christian people would unite In the earnest Myr-alines of the annual fast of forty days. Some few years since a ntriVoinent was Inaugurated In the City of Now York, headed by Dr. Muhionf berg, and Dr. Adams, (Presbyterian), which ova. the first step lfl the direction of the general obser vance of Lout, churches of retry name being opened, and sermons preached upon Good Midge and Eaete. May this Incipient change in public sentiment flavor be permitted to die out, but may the ecclesiastical authorities of all the reformed churches "blow Om trumpet in Zion," and proclaim the annual fast of Lent. Then people, meeting togotner under the direction of their re Restive ju dicatories, hurnbilug themselves before the Lord, and joining in fervent prayers for the restoration of that .urfiallie unity," which numd hn returned- to before the Releacifer'a prayer' that his disciprue may all ha one, and thns the world be brought to be. Hors (hut he is “the Christ of God," calf poi , lialy receive fin complete accom plishment. Who can doubt that this universal recognition of Clearest annual nisi would redound mirociamay to the furtherance of spiritual edification and Christian amity? Let the Efflotta, and the Wilson% and the Hedger, and the Proselays; and the Sproule, and the Dichenemas, and the Passavanta, and the Stmpsone of the day, profoundly and prayerfully ponder Una. Let them no more fear to tread in the steps of the Eplacepal Church to thla particular than. Cloy are to take their fe.rft from the ver sloe which the!• have an freely aceeptpd from 1t,,, Church Ep!acopal. They are all good men, aml true: they love thelr Wetter and Ole lvork. oh. then let them never rest Until the voriono bodies of Reformed Cbrietianl present "a front of bristling hayoneta against the common enemy." Let them all be strung in the. Lord and ot the power of hi., neighs, and thus be enabled. To rise to the dignity of a manly and officaciena resolution. A mingle trial oY .what f here rec ommend would producto wonders in the ChrTen world which "eyebath not yet seen, nor ear hearkened to " 0 precra rium. Diem.' would be the exulting and the universal shout. 'Such is tho prediction of One who reasons from the promistosof the Church's head, and from the universally recognized principles of man's moral constitution. Additional Markets by Tt.legraph DETROIT, Marsh 26—Wheat market Is drabaud about le higher, • extra white 11,15, No. 1 do 11.15, regular $1,06, ember 11,05. Corn steady at Sane for old and 75@80 for new. Oats selling as fast as they arrive at 50(451c; demand active and the supply is short. Barleyquiet, $1,60 for No. 1. Seeds: clover 15,401115,501 timothy 14,50@i,75 and market firm. Buggso.o, March, S.—Market very , du11,.? care four rowed Canada barley at 70c.for new. Corn continues scarce and wanted. Naw ORIAANH, March 26.—Cotton firm with fair demand. with Bahia middling at receipts 0,914 bales, exports 4,645 balm, 6,000, bales, clock 201,846. ALUANY, March 211.1, Cattle; sales of beeves at fully a .plArter of a cent advance. Sheep Mau _tutted a half cent higher. • SAN FRANCItieo, March 26.—Flour un chaneeth Wheal: rates or tholes at $1,60 61,621,4. Legal Tcatlere 90S. NEW ADVE)3.TISNTS ;i- i r,xIIIIBITION OF ! BIBLICAL TABLEAUX CoUllnuo ' t at TVIZNISILS• HALL THIS EVEN MO. (I', •culue of th,, Testament. mbn T. P. EVANS, • Arceni•rmvr. • • • No. 4h Fifth .Averitto. Plana and sptclfittatims PruilltilW With can 10 all kinds of bulidin Ro.' WATUIES, GOLD GUAM., =MI = =1 A nice sum's iUntO,k , liCtl of the VERY LATEth 131174E3, which ore et II at a gr. at he action hem former Elcase Ore lit a call. • WATTLES & SPE/LEER 101 VII , CU AV E\ US, c,pponlle OA. Arm OM& ELEGANT FURNITURE AND CARPETS 1 , 011 SALT. rittaboren Division Fn. 44, enna of temper. suer, havine retiLed farnirtmd dorm' Snliding. oil Fourth avenue. near Market, and kur log • uo use for their E etas% retunt•W es!. w otter It fors]'! at MOZART HALL. SEVENTH ANIEI.UE. ON Tuesday Morning, Match 49, at 10 a, m =I Organ., Cm red Plarb Coerced Chairs, arblri Ten etn ire Table,. • • Statingne• etands, eotar. tte, not (re• mine. Velvet Rum Types,' Carpet, Ingraln Carpet°, Spittoon Lumber In rtc form" &e.,..te. mb7S VALUABLE COAL AND FABIIING.LANDS PUBLIC SALE. TUFSDAY AFTF.nNonN. Aorll 19lb, at 2 o'clock. I shad o See far We a: the Commercial Sales Rooms, 100 :quint de.d etre< t. the following real elicit, salute In Rubinsonwnthio. on Campbell'• Rua 01 Ina a role of I to danegala Sla t lon, oq the Slttshareb, kluelno at I and Colom .05 Rotlroatl, about o n.iles front thud/onhi , I. About 386 e.• of coal in •so Id body, known at the }lOlO coat ninto 2. A farm of about 06 serer, Intact.. land. will. two story nit dereninn hoe• 7, largo barn zed or 0 a...choice (cult known as the Jon allow Rom Yam. 3. A once Woodned,neer the above, on oo Camutelre Etta contention / o •eree• 4. A- Perm of atm , 13 sertv, with two taorj log intent. bon., a Vat claas bun outarginhar•• ottlil terra lend fruit, known as the Jastph t Ili A P i smo of about 13 see• with brick cot tage house, a goad harn. nod good orraatd,' koowo s• toe Jatro s Soils Farm. 6. A Fenn of about 105 ambe.wlth a two Malty frame haute, rtool barn and good orchai d,lutown as the Mcltlilao balm. momforamble oppor ty lo re/ dam offered to persons wlshinn io fore it either in cool or In fanning lands, 04 the above ploporty la favorably lacono, Is 1 s Foal coalition, 03.11 will probed/ be sold at very law firtin. n • ' - roe more particular clear rlpt ion. or any further wort:nation, rpoly to 11 tisq . No. 143 fourthavenue.• The terms 2111 be made known at time of tale. 'G. rnt.watue. • • ••• nor AUCLCION.F.N.R. . . TATIONLL . BANK . STOCKS co,vm and 15.iy/S At.:CUILUTS B OBLILIt Allnlti NEC: • TUPOUAT. Y.VBNINB, March 2Ork. •at 7: o'clock. VIII be aolia4u•onernd Boor of Contract etal 6.lra Booms, 100 darotrkfteld &kraut: . • le 'bare.% Vim National Baur; Alleabenn Lb shares Third do. uo.. burg hi MO shares Ctenirs , d..;' lllobarea & .11. do. du: snare. Uotennott OH Co. • also. by order of Asalan• a in Ilaaknan Lh • Buok Accounts C A'cro, Bankrupt.. mina A. SicILIVAIN*P., ITAIXATICEVAIVAI AND NIILL paoezvrin POP. ClAT.l4.—elloatod et Ilan -112 Paohand:o riadrearl. Oa:Halos 100 actor, 70' of welch ate cicar.d: alI cruder good fence: 50 acre, of en The IcnerWerel•Ola Oro • a .1. •ry 2to rl eg Melt, week SI 0112 of Mum. la good order. oar igrge nua•orns tg rail op. erg too. Cottage Moms, rosons.Tertagtl7o.e. IPA two 'Ming Oretrird• rani. trlahtag KS 10 Into the roMlue and coal bailnrar.the *hors ercsoute. a Turn openstualsy. Paler low. I^/I. . 00 , 4 ...T . . Apply to B.+ MCLAIN &CO.. ' 164.Poorth aerate. BUTTER... 13 Wriph non Rutter; . . • ' 'lO balr barrel.. Jo .• For .04 by : • , J. , R: ORNIPIE.II, 141 Irt•st Ar ll r. ! 11911711111.1% LIME. • • . 300 bbls rash rie:' • • • itlt/ 01 , relutd: for sibs . J. B. CAN'T? IA). 141 IntoAVelo3. • lOU boxes ' Goshen"( bee's; • um bones Yanney; foraGe by Fl. cm: rau.D..141 NtritAlveuse. jrlE3ll Eli T.'-ilOO bbils Lentil Ville flf•t lo mi raul eaMeri n t. • " uaa.u. 141Tirst, Ave4l... QODA Akitt—loe . casks far sale pEARL ASII.-25 casks foriale J. It. epainat.D. ST ICI ty or 11.1 I