The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 25, 1870, Image 4

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littAutO Gaytit,
To Let—Romas
Prom the find hf April, two well
OrdAhed rooms suitable for offices,
111301:711d story frontin Gizrrrx building,
earner Birth avenue avid Smithfield
street: Call at 2:arra Counting Bairn,
SS sod $6 Fifth arenas.
liasaaalnarct was yesterday Committedto kill by Alderman 'Donaldson, on oat h
Of Bi F. Fortany, charging him with
The total number of prisoners confined
In the moray Jell I 116; of these 56 are
court omen and 60 vagrants; 6i are
males and 29 fenraltis.
City Connells.—A. regular monthly
Meeting of the Select and Common Coval
ent of the City of Pittsburgh will be hold
Monday, the 2Sth Instant, at two o'clock
P. M.
For lllaminable Clatrftg of the moat
approved style*. and pattern' at moat
reasonable rate!, go - to Urling, Follans
bee & 0o.';, corner Fifth avenue and
Wood street. •
. Tee attention ojriver men is direeted
to the advertisement of Mr. J. T. Stock
, dale, wanting proposals for the shipment
water to Benwood, West Virginia, nf
000 barrel. of petrolsom. • -
Before Alderman O'Donnell: John
Fransholts made oath yesterday, sharg
ing a oartaln man named Shaney with
the lareenoy of two keye - and a :neer
shalom pipe to the value of $4,00; a war
rut wan issaed.
Behre Alderman 'Thomu. Michael
Marray makes oath charging John
Hannigan with aggravated assault and
battery stating that he beat,klcked and
wounded his son. A warrant for his
arrest was isemsaL
Before Alderman Herron, James Rldle
wae charged, on oath of J. A. Carlin,
with malicious mischief, alleging that •
!law "To Let," had been torn down by
Ridle. The we was dismissed at the
r coat of the defendant;
Iltemovel: - -Mr. Frederick Schroade - r,
the well-known and popular merchant
tailor and dealer in yenta' turnliblag
goods, hu removed to kis elegant now
store, No. 11 Wooduireet, where he will
be pleased to receive his Mende and
Felonious Assault.ltichard Willi' me
a colorod man, porter at the St. James
Hotel, made information - before tN
Mayor, charging M. W. }tool)ling with
felonious assault end battery. He alleges
that the aornsed made an attack en him
with a kWh., cutting through his cloth.
lag: A. warrant was issued. -
Accident—An Dr. MeCullum was driv
ing down Cu gross street towards Fifth
avenue, yesterday morning, the shaft
becamedetached from' the buggy, the
horse too fright, the buggy was over
turned • d the Doctor thrown out,
falling wt Me head on the curbstone,
- reeelving a severe gash In the side of his
George Ford, of the Fifth ward, was
°barged yesterday before Alderman Tar.
for with . laroeny by bailee, on oath 'of
DOmento Rub, who alleges that the de
fendant appropriated to his own use fur
niture belonging to the deponent, valued
at seventy dollars. At the hearing the
Me was dismissed.
While some eetablistimenta are paying
out specie In change, Messrs. Urling,
Tollanabeo & Co., merchant tailors and
elothiers cornor of fth avenue and
Wood St reet, l'3
are affording the .dvants-
Kea of gold_ reduction to their customers.
No where else can good, durable sod
fashlonabte clothing be purchased at
enakireasonable prices.
Perry Johnnten, in order to make a
befitting display In the ball room, bor
rowed • watch worth- sixteen dollars
from" hie friend Charles Blakely, brat!
failed to return it and yesterday Blakely'
appeared e n ! .
i bailee
and stat ing the foregoing fact", In b y
gnome of which a warrant was issued.
- Modest Request.—While In the Mlles
of the Street Commissioners yesterday In
search of news. we found en the desk of
one of these °Metals a request from a
citizen that they have Smithfield street
cleaned.' We hope the request will be
complied with, as the_ cobble; stones, If
there are any on the Street, have not
been exposed to view for some time,
and a little air and some light would not
Ware them._
On the Track.—A.lderman Butler, who
ham. been absent for, @evert! dava in
search of Reardon, the' murderer of Mrs.
Tobin, returned yesterday without the
prisoner. He, In company with officer
Scott, however,-founa that Reardon had
been In the vicinity of Crestline, Ohio,
Hague and Offlcer Scott are
now on his trail with a fair prospect of
aaptiuipit him.
aloha Freest:Lititz charges Adam Sager
With assault and battery, alleging that
the defendant visited, the saloon of de
potent on Penn street, and was • taking
Improper llberties with Margaret Myers,
a servant girl In the employ of Fran
shalt, when be was ordered by the son
to quit the premises, at which he took
offence and struck' the boy and Mal
twisted him In sundry mannere, hence
the charge- A warrant was leaned. -
Charles E. Richardson .called at thb
house of James Thackery on Virgin
alliev, yesterday, to receive his week•■
wages for posting bills, bet instead of
receiving wages recelved , a severe cut
across the wrist at the hands of Theca
ary, and wee-then ordered out of the
house. He went promptly, turning up at
the °face of Alderman Butler where he
snorted the above and charged James
with assault and battery. A warrant
Sheeting Alfray.—„Tarnes Smith and
Henry Bomar altos Claggett, colored
men, charged on oath of 'Morose Hamil
ton :with felotootte amanit and battery
were after hearing Yesterday, committed
to Jail for trial. It was alleged that Heat-
Mon and some friends were Flitting in a
a Muss at the corner of Tanneybill street
and Webstnr mantle when the door was
broken open by the accused who, when
*Petted from the bonze Bred a pistol shot
at Hamilton. •
. .
John Heldenfelter and John Murphy
occupy the same house In the Third ward,
Allegheny, and it appears from time to
Clam have had much trouble about keep
ing the doors closed, each accusing the
Mbar of negligence, mall a few days ago
they resorted to lighting to adjust the
matter, which deafly ended with Held
insfelter charging Murphy with assault
and battery before Mayor Callow,
and as
serting the above particulars In the
• warrant was Issued,
"The Muerte/in Orion" is the title of
one of the handsomest sheets ever print.
led In this onnntry; Tho paper, ink and
press work are of the lint order, and the
publication rival, the bent English speci
mens of printing, The sheet is Illustra
ted with forty.nve picture@ (besides the
beautiful beading,) shorting Maws. S. I).
t. H. W. Smith's organ factory, and forty
gun different styles of their organs,
ranging in priee from 1100 to 11.000. The
paper is sent postpaid to any one who
will request' a copy. It contains much
reading of Interest to , the mnelcal public
showing why the American Organ Is the
best instrument now made.—Junday
Time, Dosem.
Mysterious Dlaappearance,•Jno. Knech
"ler, who was acquittedof perjury in the
Quart of Quarter f3esslona, on Friday
lust, but against whom the coats of the
- ease wares/messed, has mYsterlormli
appeeired, leaving his wife and friends in
disrmatisi uncertainty as to his where.
about*. He had hut recently titted.up in
elegant style a new barber shop on the
earner of IlieoonPsivenue and Market
street, and was abundantly able to pay
the costa, which his wife discharged. on
Monday. His disappearance is mysteri
ous enough to admit of the thought that
he said, away with himself while de•
primed inspirits.
7eusiesl.—Among the many instru
ments claiming public favor, none stand
higher than Smith's Americas Reed
- Organs. - They are universally regarded
as the.very best in use, and have attained
• high place in the estimation of the
• next most eminent musical antlioritim of
the country, and receive the heartiest en
dorsement. The workmanahip through
out is thorough, complete and perfect,
and in this respect the organ de vastly
superior to those made with a view to
Cheapness and Conseonent sale, with
which the market is flooded. For vol.
Atm* sonority variety, sweetness and
exprimion. no organ produced in this
country with Smith's .A.merican. Mr.
Jobli -Zweldinger, the well-known and
popular music dealer, No. 186 Smithfield
street, la the agent for MOM imam:tents
ithis city, where they ean be examined
salemeems by those de siring to
Regular Pleetkng—retltlona, Remon—
•tranrr• gad Re•olutlona.
A regular sem4monthly rnestleg of ths
Select. and Common Councils of Alleghe.
ay City, True bald yesterday, Thursday
evening, March 24, IVO.
Members precept: Minna. Callers,
Rani Mickel:Rhine. Long, Megraw, Mond
fiatte'cs,c, J. C., Patter on, A., Peterson,
Phißipe, Re!humeri, PAlter, Riddle, Wet
tach, and the Proeldent.
Reinetnan prseented a petition
from the citizens of the Seventh ward for
water pipe to Troy Hill: Referred to the
Water committee.
Mr. J. C. Patterson A re 4 miiirrence
agait a lateral sewer on B
Referred to the Committee on eta and
Mr. lianknostino A remonstrance
against a lateral soyseron Frazier's alley.
Referred to Committee on Streets and
Mr. J. C. Patterson A pillion for the
opening of Hamilton street. Referred
to the Street committee.
Also, plan of North AVenne Sewer.
Approved. I .
Ur. Hall a petition for grading and
paving Taggart street. Referred to the
Street CoMmittee,
Also akemonatianee agsint the open
ing of Lang alley, and 'taking that Spring
alley, be opened. Referral to the !Street
Committee. •
Also a communication from Mr. J. M.
Balt asking for tho payment of his bill of
$2OO for plane of the Good Will Engine
Homo. Referred to the Committee on
Finance, with power to sot.
Mr. J. C. Pattoreon presented the re.
port of the viewers on the opening of
High street, In the Seventh ward. The
repckt, was confirmed.
Mr. Patterion stated that the viewers
had made a report prior to the one that
bad Jest been confirmed, which allowed
no MIMIC'S, and presented a remon
strant). against the report.
Mr. Canary moved to reconsider the
anion in. confirming the report.
He then moved that the report which
allowed 'no damages be confirmed.
Adopted. -
Mr. Phillips offered a resolution In
structing the Market Committee to have
the sidewalks in, the vicinity of the Dia
mond market ind hay scales cleaned
Mr. Megraw amended by making the
resolution read "twice a week." Adopted.
The resolution as Intended wee
Mr. Patterson, a resolution for a flag
stone crossing on Walnut street. Refer..
red to the Street Committee.
Mr. Mon! presented a resolution re•
questing the members orthe Senate and
Hons. of Representatives from this coma.
ty to have Allegheny city exempt from
the provisions of the bill now pending In
thn Homo which provides for•the ap
pointment of a timber measurer for Al
legheny tiounty.• He stated th e m such i
bill was pending, an that it provided that
twenty per cast. of the fees be paid to
the County Treasurer.
Mr. McSider, Mr. Hall in the chair,
opposed the rezolution. .He . said that
under a strict construction of the law the
county of Allegheny had no right to any
- portion of the fees. The bill had Imen
prepared In the interest of the mills or
Allegheny county. Molt of the timber
was now landed above the city
and, aa a consequence, timber sellers
could employ any party they pleased to
momure It, and there was nu regularity
lo the measurement.
Mr. Canary moved to amend by asking
that the bill be eo amended ste to previd•
thitt the fees for I. timber, received in
side Ott the city limits, be paid to the
Treasurer of Allegheny city. Adopted.
The resolution se amended won
adopted. - •
Mr. Long offered a resolution instruct
ing the Street Commissioner to keep the
sidewalks in good condition,. and to
prevent-persona from throwing aches
the same. Adopted.
Mr. Hall presented iraackutleri against
the passage of the act pro their for the
opening of Federal street. • ccepted.
On motion aijonried.
Common Council
7 Called to order at halt put limn
o'clock, President Warner in the chair.
Present—Messrs. Ashworth, Brown,
Brehm, Cowley, Dalzell, Gilmore, Gilll
land, Hanna, Hunker, Hastings, Herat
enroether, Rowbottom, Roy
molds, Seidl°, Taggart, Thompson
Voegtly and President Warner.
Minute. read and approved.
stack LzArisous XATTEII4.
Mr. llowbottom presented a petition
for pipe sower on Frasier'a alley, Sixth
ward. Also petition asking for the repeal
of ordinance providing for the kgradlog
and paving of a portion of Adams street
between Boone avenue and 1 Prel.lo
street. Both paper!, wore referred to
Committee on titreata.
Mr. Rucker .offered..l resolution In
etructlng Committee on Markets to erect.
1 water closat for the accommodation of
persons trams ding business to the
markets. Referred, to Committoe on
Mr. Taggart a pet top for tho paving
of Buena Viet■ street. Referred to Street
Mr.. Rowbottom • a remonstrance
against the aiseeement for the opening
of Sedgwiek street, SI ith ward. Referrea
to Street Committee. •
Mr. Hanna a petition for construction
of sewer on Ann Street, First ward. Re
ferred to Committee on Streets.
The resolution In relation to the Plena•
ant Valley Railway was taken up as
emended by fielect Council. The amend.
mem struck out the words "end for the
defeat of which pre. will hold them
Mr. Rowbottom moved to recede and
concur. Hp had voted against the nolo.
Intioh before because it contained that
objectionable clause. • •
Mr. illtilingli who offered the resolution,
said he had no objection to the amend
ment now. The resolution had the de.
sired effect atd ho thought it might be
disposed of.
The C. C. then receded and concurred.
Mr. Combey. preeented a resolution for
iron culvert on Madison avenue, at its
,intersection with Ohio street on the
.north side. Referred to Committee on
streets end sewers.
Mr. McNeill called up the ?etiolation
accompanying the last report of the
Committee on Fire Engines and Hose,
which authorized the Committee to dia.
pose of the two homes belonging to the
Columbia Company. The resolution was
defeated and; the gentleman moved to
- reconsider this action.
He stated the reason he Toted against
the resolution was under e mleunder
standing of the facts. He had mince
learned that a better pair of horses could
be procured at no additional coat to the
Mr. Rowbottom thought It more ad.
Tillable mot I• make any "trade." He
thought It would only be an additional
expense In the end, or a poor pair of.
homes. - •
Mr. Maisel! sold the horses were not
fit for the purpose designed. They did
not get enough exercise and ware beeldes
unmanageable. They had to be "geared
up" in the house, and then throe or four
men at the head holding them until the
dnver had mounted to his seat. Then
when the doors were thrown open they
"lit out." Several times they had passed
between the lamp plat end Dr. Hazlett's
establishment, an the opposite side of
the oriel, The horses were entirely an.
manageable. They had already fun off
two or three times. Their last feat was
an attempt to pees between a fence, and a
telegraph pole, which resulted In the
demolition of the fence. The °weer had
not been heard from yet, but was ex
pected to be almost every day, to get Ids
lout refunded.
Mr. Gilmore said he thought the !atilt
wan with the driver. A good driver
could manage them many.
aalit the driver way mud&
ared one of the bent in the city.
Mr. Voegily thought It would be a good
plan to exchange the horsey for some
other pair now In tine by a company with
a Messner. . -
After som e further dieeututiou a Tote
wan take°, wnen Mr. McNeill's motion
to reconelder eras voted down.
Builneas from Select Council watt them
taken up.
The Chairman read the report of the
viewers on opening of Met street. in
which reference was made to • certain
thoroughfare designated by the euphoni
ons and liquidly suggestive 'title of
" Lager street."
Mr. fluting's wished to kne if the
natua of that street .IVall establish
The President maid that recoil' nig the
report of the viewers had nothin to do
wdh Lager street. •
Mr. Hastings—Well. I—tbonght I'd
Just ask. It's rather a queer name for •
Mr. McNeill —Probably the gentle.
man's a little mixed in the question of
lager. (Laughter.)
The action of w. C. was then concurred
A number of other concurrences were
Mahe business from Bailed Council
was a resolution requesting the Legisla
ture to emend , the bill now before that
body providing for the measurint of
timber so se to .exclude Allegheny city
from Ine prialons. •
A *OW4 almnudon Up= a
motion to concur with the action of Se
lect Council In passing the resolution.
Mr. McNeill characterized It cc an
emanation from one who was either In
terested In the lumber trade or very
ignorant of the meaUl.g
of the bill. It
theta] paariad it would deprive the city
of a revenue, and at the mime tans dri•o
away a good portion of the lumber trade.
Men brieging: lumber down the river
wanted it inerected and messared, and
would take the lumber whete t boy eould
got this work don•. Ile didn't see why
Allegheny Civnitould beexempted.
Mr. finatinue thought the affect of the
bill would be simply to drive away the
f r i , ard•lleasurer elected by the city and
have Ids ;Oar., supplied by the Governor.
In ;hat onoo a man who bad political M
ilne:lee would get the ollice, no mattcr
whether be woe capable or not. He
o red tb• resolution
Mr. Etanne could ern no min in the
bill. The cit• had a good timber micas
urer now and he could'ot see why any
change should be made.
• Mr. McNeill, said the gentleman had
a cnronic disposition to follow In the
lead of Select Council. Wheneyer. they
proposed anything ha was In favor of it..
. .
Mr. Hanna thought if the gentleman
would only "take a few select pills"
they would ' , clean him out" and ha
would have..his understanding cleared.
Probably than he would be sole to ex
plain why the resolution wee en radi
cally wrong. He seemed to have some
thing in hie mind about it, which he
kept concealed. (Laughter.)
A vote was then taken on the motion
• COnetir...the yeas and nays being called,
which resulted in 11 nava and 6 yeas. So
the motion was voted down.
Mr. Cowley offered a resolution In
structing the Committee on City Prop
erty to advertise for proposals for paint
ing and whitewashing the market house.
Referred to Committee on City Property.
A Citizen bragged to the Tom o
oat Tattoo—Low lu the VoUtleenth
In our issue of Wednesday we men
tioned the fact that John D. Herr had
arrested Harry Stewart for interfering
with an officer In the discharge of his
duty, Once that time we have Inreall
gated the matter and find that the facts
In the ease warrant us In calling the
arrest a grans outrage. It enema that on
Friday evening several professional
gentlemen who reads in ins outer wards
had met accidentally, and not haring peen
each other for a long time, they took
several gl of wine, the effect of
which eauejfd them to become aronewhat
Intoxicated. Visiting the store In which
Mr. Stewart is salesman, they made
some purchases and Maned home. It
1,11,4 then about 814 o'clock, Mr.S. baring
closed-the store, started togs home ou
ens of the cars of the Citizens Passenger
Railway, but in pluseing along he saw ens
of his friends in his buggy. He was
driving a rather fractious horse, and not
being perfectly sober, Mr. B. Usenet it
beet that he should tee him home. He
got into the buggy, and had proceeded
quietly as far as the corner of Forty.
fourth street, when his friend insisted on
haying ' , see more small glass of ale" be.
fore he went home. To gratify idea. Mr.
S. stopped the buggy, and told his friend
to remain sad he would bring It out to
He entered the saloon, and on re
turning with the ale, he found two gal
lant (r) policemen In the act of getting
hie friend out of the Leggy, when he was
quietly sitting, for the purpose of arraat.
leg him. Mr. S. told them that it waft
not necessary, as he would see -him
safely home. The rot ice male come re•
marks, when Mr. S remarked that It
ereut.l be better for them to let his firmed
alone, as he was tnotenting no one and
wmt quiet, and for them tom:toxic! Co their
legitimate business. in answer to fibs
he was selefd by Mr. Harr, 'fee bef,rc he
Could utter a word a pair of tiler4re err,
placed on his left arm, while tee ga
companion of the officer (another betty
in blue") caught him by the other arm
and drooped Jaen to the etatlon house,
where he wse compelled to enter ball for
his appear:Mee next warning. At tba
hour noted be was promptly on Land,
when he was informed the matter would
be eaqqashed.” lint Ar. 3. promptly
objected to tble mods of pro.
ceeding, and instated on a hearing.'
Finding that the cae• couldn't be
squashed" so easily. Deputy Mayor
Nicht:its fixed Imo: evening at 7 o'clock
fur a hearing. Mr. Stewart was repro.
'anted by R. J. Powers. Esq., and John
I'. McCarthy, Esq., and several gentle.
men were examined who were eye wit
nesses to the trammetleu, and teatitied
aubetantially to the Tams as above stated.
'raking the testimony of Mr. Herr (the
officer) as -true In every particular, It
was one of the greenest outrages ever
perpetrated, as it was shown :eat Mr.
Stewart was arrested without any ran.
whatever and 'dragged nearly two squares
slang the pricemal thoroughfares to the
lock-up. Deputy Mayor Nichole prompt
ly diennasett the cane at once. The end
Is not ,at, as the leformetien made hi.
fore Alderman Thomas yeaterday would
seem to imply. Oriatre Herr end Reed
gore bail for their apt - °Aran, on the
charge of Aggravated eneault and battery
made by Ur. Stewart..
A Da3 • Mile.
Valentine Burzy i the owner et email
wagon which he• irea from place to
place in obedience to the wishes of all
who may patronize him. A certain John
Schenck ageing him peas called him to
transport his trunk to a certain point
manyjsquarea away. Arid when at hi•
Journeys end, lie meets Schenck coffer.
lag from a relapse of had whiekey, who
ordered .him to return said [runt: meet
lag him again, and having a reinforce
ment of benzine within, ordered him to
another point, And thus from place
to place the bilggy is transported In ac
cordance with the desire of John until
the shades otevening fell around and all
arriveat the Point from which they had
started in tbemaorning. 'the moderate
slim of two dollars is demanded by Val
entine. John demands three as his
char e, swearing he had paid him five
doll* The scene now becOmea a livel y .
one, ranker' threats predominate, until
Ben wearied, and aad, turns his steps
towar s the office of Alderman Taylor,
whet he makes oath charging Schenck
with fraud and alleging the foregoing
statement. A warrant was tanned.
The following deeds were admitted . °
record In the office of Thou. U. Hunter
Recorder for Allegheny county, Thum
day, 3ttarch 24tb, 1670:
B. W.. 1. oats to Joao., lob, 11170., n r
6 , 1 (let um eet. hooch rlttio.r[t.•
ll,rtn,er to Mary Ist. Aleznitd,r. F. 0.12.
MO; '24 07 Si feetona Marsal•treet.Al:eoeror,
I ! s 24 °' l o Ll7t ilr l b o; l 46l V:: Jarltet,7kael3.
• •
Wsaltares to Lewls h. Layton. Marna PI Win
I acre and Wparcires In Conies toantla p..110.00n
John Floyd tun. 11. hfcalroy no 31,
10 .res. I reed and ZS parches la Cenral', s
nm. . -
suhlp 12300
. (Wore •co Kam Nov. 26. 1247,
- .
Ta t
ier.golar lot le thco•rtown Sbab
Tat 41.3411 et 7 ,444 I , Bataan, Wanuer. reb..S. s - 70..
I ....ea and 34 bernbea l u obolar townablo..s2l,ou
Josault rattlers. to Jobe 4.7. rare . ). Igamb
1178; by HO feet on I.lnarty atccet. l'ltts• nr¢n
Ada. morrow it at. to 111. , bael 0. Lougmilb.
If by 110 beat on 01. Marrs ave.
. •
nue, nth wnrd, nnut Rh Ste
Sarenol co.db-lf to Jahn Match L. I,
Job.r US fear Juniata ...nod. Allrehenr..,
11,1morl to (Mulct. March 71, ISM
picot of lend In :cubing,. township..... ..
An item appeared in yesterday-%
paper Which was calcuoided to do .InJus
tine to Mr..l. R. Frick and family. rest
dente of the rith ward. It was the sub
stance of en Information made before
Alderman McMaster., wherein Charles
H. Simmons charged the Frick family
with interfering with him in the diIS.
charge of his ditty, and Nutting him
badly while he wee attempting to serve
upon them a landlord!. execution. Mr.
Frick% statement is that he owes no rent,
and was about to produce papers showing
a clear account, when Simmons refused
to linen, and proceeded, without due
process, to heals the furniture of the
house in such a manner as to damage it
considerably. The Frick (sadly, as
boon as they heard of the unit,
gave ball in the Isom of $5OO
before the aldermen for a hearing each
next Saturday. Mr. Frick bee resided
in the commenity over ten years, and has
always borne a character for peace and
resPeetability, which renders the pro
coodirdte very singular.
Domeale Trouble
The domestic peace in the Steitz family
was Interrupted on Wednesday night it
Lawrancerille. Jacob, the head of the.
came home ha . a very happy
mode. The tranquility was not alto.
gather In scoordanoe with isle exalted
Ideas of merriment, and ha literally went
for the dishes, making a sad havock
among them until ho came 16 the knives
and fork,. Those he could not break so
easily, and concluded, with a half dozen
In each hand, he would satiety his carv
ing propensities on his fair wife Hiber.
tine. Bet to perform s feat ao great
more whisky was needed. :which he at
once went to procure. Thence falling In
company with • member of the police
he was detained in custody until yester.:
day. Deputy Mayor Nichols committed
Mtn for thlrty days on a slung' of drunk
ii.l.l.lMstriet Court—Judge MrCardle - 4.
Tnr.uar, March 24.—The cue of *he
rotted cute V!. n lot of liquor.,, 2
banco, owned t T. g. 1.1111 & Co.. raicnu
up yeeterday, wee co:minded. The !,:try
had not vet rendered a verdict
Court adjourned.
A. A. Furst, Esq., of Centro c: -
crtnt en
motion of Diatrlct Attorney Swope, nr..t
John Glean, .F.sq., on motion a It M.
Gibson, Esq., were duly qualified and
04,1410 to practice in this Court.
The Meteor the United States ermine', a
stock of liquors owned by M. Sweeney
was continued to May term.
Patrick Cnnalty, indicted for cerryteg
on the business of a retail daster.without
payment of tar, plead guilty and was
sentenced - to pay a tine of ten dollar. and
the costa of prutecutili.
The eras of the United State; against
John F. Rannett of al. was continued by
direction of the Commissioner of Internal
Court adjourned until Friday morning
Di.trict Coert—Judge Kirkpatrick.
Tat:eerier, March 24.—The case of the
Dollar llievirigi Bank le. ElizAbatli Ate
chelmon, reported yeaterday, wan re-
Named and submitted to the lure.
Mr. Rurgwin, nouns& for plaintiff, sub
mitted the following point% :
First, Thatt he valiti ity of thie mortgage
does not depend upon whether it was
eigned in the presence of The.. L. Robb,
the subs,' bing witmirs, Or wan acknowl
edged before Robb, the Notary; provided
they And that it yrn exec :v-1 In the
_presence of Adorn Anscheiman.. AG
firmed. •
Second. That If palmy believe that the
signature of Adalu Aeschelman la genu
ine, the preentnigion Is that the mortgage
wee executed by the defendant lu his
prmence, and If• mortgage was
valid even though said Adam Amschel.
man may have afterwards persuaded
Dam L. Robb improperly to witness It.
Affirmed. The presumption is, how-
ever, flable to be overcome by er.tiafac
tory evidence, the character of which is
for tbolury.
Third, Tnst the defence set up here la
not In imbalance a charge by the demon
dant, that her own son frauduleatly
forged her signature and thereby pro.
cured $5,000 from the plaintiff. Such a
charge should be clearly made out before
the jury should dad it It,
After reciting tho facts end onaounc
leg the points as above, the Court
charged a. followb:
Gentlemen of the Jury: The solitary
question of tact 'Evolved In this case In
es integrity of t mortgage.
The plaintiff alleges that it is genuine
.the defendant that it to not.
Tate plaintiff sorted that the Alison.
ture of Mra. Elizabeth Aesehairnan,
attached to the mortgage, Is • here; the
dereadanta that it la a fobgery and is
derogation of her legal riz ht..
From all the e•ldence in the case you
will discover the truth or falsity of UM assertions.
proauruption, wo hzvis
read , r indicated In showering the plain.
tide have they been overdone.?
If so,
' cur verdict will he for the de•
fendanl, If not, then the plaintiff Je en
vi led to your findlog.
You will conecloptiounly consider the
ease In t ho light of all the testimony, and
render ouch s verdict an you think just
The, jury,- after a brief absnce, re•
turned te a
verdict far defendant.
The next cane taken up was that of
John DoolLhno vs. the Pittmhorgh
gbeny and Maneheetar Paes•nger
niy t.mpauy, Action on the (Asa to rt
cover .• damages for Injurtee alleeed
11111, been euatetned by ple:bt:trs rob
who wan run over by ■ car of ■a'd
parr, The scdhlent OCCUIrta inO:t
when it r.robsrs phdollfra rot!, t, -
stdd :welch years of lg.,- wan tddiAz
z p'at form of a Sr. worn too dr:ro'r
a or.ogod struck hint with tie
t , ar sod knot rd Cloy off, the or, ;orr-r.l
frver W., tot outline hlr sereral
tee, 11, tn.!.
SS Ptete.dtetlll/111Ber rt.. Keel, et n..
St , STltfle saw. derTnoant..
55. Irvin* for use va. Net;
and 11Pnt.ortng Company,
(.0 Corn. for nee Tn. lieplor.
73.4 Cm': Tn. Birch.
153 Porto Tn. Bumea.
l'eFdtment vn,
for nee Tn. Marshall.
Quartrr Sessions—Judge Collier
Tee VADAT, March 24.—The censor the
Commonwealth Ye. Jack Bonner, John
Bonner. of of indlried for riot, reported
yesterday, was resumed and concluded.
The jury returned a verdict of not gui:tv,
theraefend•nts if, pay the sin-sevenths
of the costs and the prosecutor the re. ,
mamine one-seventh.
Tim hex: cue taken up gas that of
the l'ammonw•alth. vs. Wm. Issnsen.
indicted for selling liquor no Sunday.
Amos Mai:lend nroseco.. , . The Jo r
found a.verdi , t of rot go:::1- end pr.....
otztor t,. poy I lin rocs.
The unit case taken up was that of the
erminnuweslih Tn. Rat• Weatern,
dlrted for 1.11-nit.m. assatil:,and buttery,
Mottle Min \lnn2mi. prnsecutels. The par.
ties; who no ny,,,ph., els pare, It appears
front the testimony met in a Inman On
Third street, A tlegtieny city, where after
drinking for some time a difficulty arose.
between them when Mollie pulled Rates
•Imir and Hate In return stabbed her with
a pen knife, inflicting several severe
though not serious wouudo. The jury
found the defer:talent not guilty oi the
felony nut guilty of unlawfully cutting
and wounding the prosecutor. The de
fondant was senteneed to pay caste of
prosecution and undergo an imprison
moot In thecounty all Drain months.
The cose of the Commonwealth vs.
James Gest, indicted for larceny by
bail., Mary Hartman proaecntrix, was
the next case taken up. The prossentrlx
is the lister of Dan Hartman, who, oho
alleges, prior to being seat to the peni
tentiary. gave to the defendant, Jam.
ilsat - , v a United States bog! for. 5000, to be
given to her. She called upon Gest for
the money, which he refused to pay
over. The jury returned a verdict of not
Ibei Com.
ce Barnard Farrell.
128 Wm. Kopham.
129 Thomas Flaming.
101 Andre* Sturgeon (2 eases),
123 Goorge Muckler. •
112 Abraham A. Taman.
167 John AteGlaren (6 cases).
170 Richard Alker.
171 Derby Holland (6 cases).
Court of Common Pteao—Judge Sterrett
TIICRADAT, March 24.—The case of
Duncan for the nee of Hutchlemon
W. H. Williams, proelously reported,
...named and submitted to the jury,
but a verdict had not been agreed upon
at the time or adjournment.
38 hi eKalo TN. Adams.
1 Reed et human & Co.
36 Page, Zellers dr Duff ye. Walter.
42 Ylenzel vs. Good.
46 Ranklln'l4 Ex'm •e. O'Neal.
17 B. 4 L. Ass. of Pittsburgh vs. Kuhl
men's Adm'rm.
49 Swam it al. TM. Hamilton.
51 HoOrin' and Laren! . Ts. O'Neil.
52 Pitt. and Cannellavlll• On, Coal nod
Coke Lionel:tay vs. Ballity.
53 Same vv. Hartman.
54 Same vs. Henderson.
I OUWVT. flFlrl
William Furlong in festive and face
tious. He established bin claim to too
first title by indulging in extended :1,4-
tiona Wednesdayavening, which
him to favor the residents of Weaie.o
avenue, at an early hour yeaterday
morning with a pleasant Berri - nice. tic
was for the twentieth time, reiterating
Ids desire that an imaginary winged in.
sect should not "ladder" him when a
gentry of the night interrupted ran
Meal performance and "bucidertn'." ZI:112
to the extent or restricting his Ilberti,,
within a mall space in the lock-up. A
few boors thereafter he appeared tof rOTO
Mayor Callow whore his facetionimen
became apparent. He manirent-I a dis
position and talent which at one. stamp
ed him as an humorist of rare ability.
In response to an inquiry; he mid We
name wu "one-eighth of a mile long."
The combined wisdom and analytical
talent of Pollee Headquarters was
brought into requisition in the solution
of this. conundrum. It was of no avail.
The conundrum was too much for them.
They gave It Up. Then William bad his
triumph. With a benign expression he
that looked about him on the representa
tives or law and order, who could arrest
him but not make out bin conundrum.
Completing his survey, and con
centrating hie entire facial ex
pression into one withering glance
of scorn, he solved the puzzle. 'Fur
long's my name. Where's yer (MO'
'rithmatic?" The Mayor untied pen
sively, the rubordinates, like Arabs,
"allently Mole away" from the presence
of the awe-impiring humoriCt "The
eighth. of a mile," when bin Honor had
recovered from the shock of his wit, was
allowed to leave the office after going
through the formality of depositing tea
dollar,, for his festive conduct of the
evening previous.
--- •
Any ladk with sufficient insChattleal
skill to rue a coffee ulll, can nag *Singer
Sewing ;lachins. It runs very light aad
ria•zlezhe (ire3s rely Special 'frit.
u* , to the tviirtn of a IVortny Citizen.
cx.Mayor of
;zentleutriii Sr 40 numbers SS
trlr.r... ' , LI to fr!smis an situ
z Luis night honor-
ad in a pract cal and etibstantiol manner
by the fellers "Duquenne Greys:. who
at. m.o.:a hint for never forgetting those manifest klodness and frtesdahlp
towards them. The prenentation cere
mony drew together neerty two bun
thO•l I,:ralLe• siembora of .the com
pany bed invited *lasts. and, 01 course,
the r•osrlll,Gaious <Erring hell of Mr.
Wllilam I.ln.taheimer on Fifth avenue
Wu se:toted as the place for the meeting
ar,:l the subsequent supried The hall
was handsomely and elatairately decor
ated with festooned and full .11 Irving
flags, national emblerne, , mottoes and
evergreens, presenting truly a galinlay
appearance. All of the van: throng In at
tendance were aware of the object
of the meeting, save one, and
that was Mr. Itiackniore from whom
the object wan carefully 'concealed, and
up till the time ha war called. to recelve
the princely gift. Was kept In proMund
ignorance of zee honor to he con.
furred upon Sim inueroue donor..
11 resurprise, although piamng him In an
awkward pioitiue, enlarged hot only the
pleasure of the nenurP but that of ell
present. Anor the critic royal sapper
was dlseneek,i f and the . moths were
removed, t:at t. ~ ;.tteptrull arca. and •al,;:
"We tx• r ve esrotub.o , horn Li-night fur
the purpose ut boner ti fo low
citizen, and to line Woo ha: already had
many hoeurs thrust 11 m, bit,,, .1n ell of
which how - aver. he list, boron . himeolf
withsuch etcoedoe one:krises be to have
elicited the and enc.:a:lams of
' this entire .eommunPy.
•The present occasion is diffarent, - , end
.the form of the hotter praposed Is differ.
out trent those others aiimied lo—m•
fellow.nnember pt re- cfsnyry Company
"Duello•ne Greta," renum: , erlng with
pardonable pride rind p , rosure the I:,,cs
e 1.71 of their fiat parade, under the tir•vk
erganl . r.itiOn, oleo remember with great) v
increased delight. lonelier to whwir
oar honored gees:, Jame. Blackmorc,
made-that occasion ohs of crest public.
rein)by pro:renting to the Compaby the
handsuma maul' of national eoltire
graces our Armory, and is borne upon rd;
public OCCealOas of parade by the corps.
My calleaguse, the pmeonsil friends 1.1
Mr. Pilackurore, have decided to make
..aems slight return for the great honor
then conferred, antrhave diluted tub in
their behalf to prewent to yan a trir, thane
domestic tokens of their appreciation of
your kindnose, and that of your tosorus
die wife. i hope that you may, long eur
' vive-to remember this occsson; end thay
itn recollection lust be as pleasurable to
you, as I know that it will be to your
many friends Who surround this table to
01 r. Blackmer° :hum responded:
Chairman and ientlenten of the
Dnquenne Oreye: With grateful ems.
?Amp. 1 accept this beautiful present
which you our-so unexpectedly tender
roe. I return my thanks for title
tart trumte of your good wilt and- Clad
I wiabes for roe. neat assured, gen
ti-men, I shall ever cherish title
•• a sled memento of these
ful early reteluesencee su pisaaent
to. my 'memory. My JelirlOOleterli that noble corns of her..., et
whom you are the alleneefOre, some Of
wheitt consecrated their lives to their
cout.try'e service, at hums and abroad,
has or, been a source of pride to rue.
Pittsburgh may well feel proud of her
0 0triune SOLO who here gone , forth to
hattle. Nor noble volunteer soldiers
Cave alereye' been worthy of her h
est regard. The old Pittsburgh illues,
ll.* Duquesne Greta, the Jackson lode.
mien) (tines, the Carrot Muse, the
m•gotriory ;nerds and the Irish
• coun knee bean the pride and glory of
city. Many of them have
a rsc.,rri Ills: ran never be crushed.
em...n. I feel that though I poses the
inv. , aL rho ability to do jostle
1 . .• LL: I agolit freer," you
.a for the - r von hate-cog.
~1 ..0 ci' :.I;.,::dattra end thr ee
h. A:ter this speech
a. ..a A ia,t. an orator of
00 a P.), Cap:. Ti Campbell,
.t Pittock,
•;.ie fr•0..71. eh. Neur.qiy,
P.,il ',lola, 6. Monet, esp.
~el Fuji: nrnl : and othare made re• '.e nomnprote toasts offered.
- • . Wewieru Hand woe present and
,argely to :no snjoyment of .the
everting. We hops to oo present at all
the social gatherings of the gaPaut
I treys, for • pure Dour( is of enjoyment
and relaxation-is afforded therefrom.
Tur Vreb•ln *oc./Aly's Eetartatlauent
Turn, Hall--;7t rlt Ilant
evegtinig et Tut:leen t,y tt:e
Vcrottnr. Stt-tetr wan n de- drei
zure-adr. Force Of our drat clam vocaliste
„nrrt 311 Z:25 1....91eie1111.. Ton ball !Me
fh ,e,l with s Irts anti appreciated emit
dusts, trios, ,te., was selected with good
judgment. •
the °praline' ocr'rture on the piano,
"Ave Maria S . ,clie," was very hff-et,vely
rend•rtd, aha ^t f.,llirved a srand
chorus hy - t r eoehrty, which drew foib
hearty apria4'.lo
The trio hAro Mario ."ere," next la
by hitt, 'haat, sod' Mater, itherwriau
and nerd a, 010., rendered :a rn
1 . :1Z!..Y Pleat.::,. The 7?•••• for au rn
Core ••!!tr.y. Trio Slot' 0,-y Me," fr - Pr.
the operant Verelie Borgia. '
The flu, eh,r. b. 1-ref. W. Guenther
'was rasnur. - mine eneoreh. TM:crewing:
perfoirnanhe I.t 0111. trur.riC wee II:`
rends[ of s cure,: ale.tha
Meahre, Ilenhz and Itacamsnn in ces
ium. le-this due:,rinr• hal an
,opportunity of its•Maylng his rich and
powerful bass voles t, beat adranrage,
and Mr. Sues:neon rezia,ni.d
001 uta
lion as a drat clam coeall.t.
There were a number of Jolla.
and gentlemen who (orris part la the
programme, who displayed superl'h
musical talent, but apace will not permit
a more extended notice.
Taken all together, the musical soiree
was a very delightful affair, and the
members of the Frohainn Society should
feel proud of the success which attended
their efforts:
ISlrtnoay tapper
A very enjoyable entertainment came
oft Wednesday evening at Richter',,
Diamond, Allegheny. Two young gen
Semen, Moan. John ftrObst and Alex.
Sharp, whoes natal anniversaries
curred on the same day, decided to cent.
ammonite theca by a joint celebration.
To carry out the idea, the marines of Mr.
Richter were secured, end about ten
o'clock the elegant dining room of his
establishment was graced by a genial
company of friends, who gathered
around a festal hosed with which no fault
could be found by the veriest epicure..
The rapid disappearanoe of the viands
was the best evidence that the gastra•
nomical profeaser had performed. his
duty well, and that the company fully
if fo'ociated his charts. Following
the pleasant supper exercises, the re,
=tinder of the evening wax epent in
social conversation, which continued
until therafild approach of the "woe ama
hours" indicated to the participants it
Ivan time to separate. ' •
The mine:pale interated in the gather
ing, are both well known and popular
to the community.. Mr. Brobet the min
im. the two, la a young man of sures
for abilities, integrity, and agreeable
manners, and although but a short time
in title city, has gained hosts of friends,
and the respect of all ecqueintances.
Ur. biz r hae Just attained his majority.
fto enterprise, and true merit belongs
si,ceas. lie In secured of a happy and
; •oti to. ., es .11% which will
001:: , t tlo all who
know Olin. 11,i12 j. ung f-utioulan have
tns MC , ulkb. of their Ml
tnels!,,s, for n csutiuusuce of the noreen
which heu.ihris fsr attended them.
Tno Istiowlog earn wily/long for Justices
of Urn peztte. aldermen and notaries
publo-'llnve t son reesivad at the office of
tfuttiotts ki. fl unto?... Itecorder, and are
road./ fur delivery when called for:
./o,sires of (he Peace—Wm. Crawford.
I.4tion township; Mlles 8 Humphries,
Booth l'itutburgh; David Formythe, Mar
shall township; W. A. Shank., Neville
township: 'O. J. Harrington' McClure
township; James McCullough and Thos.
Varner. Baldwin township; Jacob Lar
hill, Moen township; Henry Swift, Wil
kins; township; John NI. Love, Versailles
township; James McConnell, South Fay
ette township: Joseph Warepler, McKee-
port: L. B. Patterson, Miftlin township;
E. G. Krehan, Birmingham: Amon a°l
- Upper St. Clair townehip: William
Rea, Koss township; David Hoffman,
North Favette townahlp; It. E. Stephens,
Elizabeth borough; John W. Patterson,
Lower B'. Clair township; Saute* Carlin,
Monongahela borough; W. W. Shaw,
Indiana township; Wm. Neely, Frank
lin township; William Morrison, .01110
Alderman —Ttabt.;l4. Craig, Fourteenth
ward, Pittsbnrsh; Moses Phillip!, .I`.ll;no
feenth ward. Pittsburgh.
Notary PoLdie- 47 ,. Pilaw Little, Pitts
burgh. •
. C. C. I..lghtesp, Cr the Morgan ilattre.
Would respectfully inform he fri,,nds and
the Truhilo generally that oa after
April 1, he will take charge.of the t3e4Nr
EtorSz, where he will be happy to meet
all hie old triatida and pima.
(C.llet , pOld , rc e
t h,t,orowia, Pa., Mend., 23, P. , 70.
-The Pittsburgh Acnual Colifernee of
the Metholt,t a;u:acopal Cl,ireh iv now'
opening in this place. Ilothiy.
.tithes t o
comineting the letroduetory rifl:eictia
eXeicti en• Two `i—opieth iea•ans are
rend, a hyme end . tHe realtop olnra
n Tonal. Com prelieui.lie, earnest and far.
vrit p7seer.
Pea - oiling it now calling the
in . :. Naerli all the ruenthere oftheCon
fse:n-c answer to their names. Dr.
Ce‘ohing la elected Si,retery, with wper
;Menial' to nriminato his ova r,astaetants.
The Presiding Elders ware - tiers:anted
a Committee to nominate the etandink
camtultiefift. .
The following are the ch imes mmit.
tone-: Stewards, Education, of the
Bible enure, Bethel Cause,
Church Extension, Freedmen's Aid
Sarinty, Temperance.
A ! notion is made to raise a committee
on the Now York Boon. Cl:wee:el. It
eiletta considerable diecuielOin but falls'
to carry.
T. 1.1. WUXl:mann. J. It. Mills and Noble
O. I,lliler are ono:stout neercte
It to just announced that Bishop Thew.-
.tori le no more. Lle breathed his last at !
Wheelieg on yeeterday at lel.: a.. of. The
aunouncement ploadueas a prjsound sen
sation in the Conference. The funeral of
Be.ilnp Teems in is to take place on next
Tti ye:day, at Delaware, Ohlo.. By a vote of
the Confarence,"ecommitteneensieting of
11 , ,e5. , C0n. no:bit and Boyd is appointed
to draft re...Mein - eta relative to the death
i.l Bishop Thinueoia, cud to' nominate a
eeminittee of three to represent the Con.
(coven at timfuriersl. •
Bishop Jenee expressing a desire to be
p - r. sent td the funeral of his beloved col
regue the Ceeference gives a unanimous
if2 , lt.
. I. = "retty, Presiding Elder of
the WEAL Pittaturgh dtatriet, represents
Ms work as In a .prOspereur Condition.
user tire, hundred have boon added to
the Church. Collections good: 'Preach
era have ivorked faithfully.
Kay. A. J. Endeley, Presiding Elder.of
Pitteburgh district, flay! we have
oad a year of pence and prosperity. The
eal tictione will bele advances of last year.
ltev. D. L, Dempsey, of North Pitta
burgh district, 'report.. that hie work hoe
more greatly prospered during the year.
Oyer a thousand have been added to the
church. Several new housea of worahip
have been built. Collections liberal.
ltev..l. Williams, of the Canton din.
tree, nays that his work le in a healthy
condition. 'the spirit of revival has
prevailed. Collections larger than lain
Rev. W. B. Watkins nays that the
Smubenville district Iran flourished in a'
Crest meaner during the year. A num
eer of new 'appolntmente sot off last
veer liars proved successful, other.
wise the district Is le good comic:ion.
Rev. S. F. Minor nays of Cambridge
district, that the past hoe boon a year of
prosperity. Tho spirit of revive! has
Prevailed in must of the charged. Five
hundred or more have been added to
the church. Several new churches are
in process' of cempletiena Collections
good; most of the Preachers' claims paid
in fall.
Rev. 1.. Mrainire reports that , the Mc.
Connelloville district Lisa had a good do
grel of prosperity.
Rev. J. S. Bracken, of the Barnesville
diet :le:, says that all the interest' of the
church have been cerefutly looked after:
Lot test lie fee.a the collections will fall
short of last year.
Bev. 1.. It. Beacom gave a fay.trable re
port of the Slut!, Pittsburgh Metric:, and
It. L. Miller did the name of his die.
a communication nee received from?
Mr. P.. l'nestrn, tend•ri
v a to Confer
ence an exeunt:on Aftoona, which
was-nordlelly scripted. 'foe time Caen
nir taking it le Saturday afternoon. •
Winne In a ittegistretee 11rtire—• Pug ,
en um nasio./ge—A emetic of bier. -
Yesterday e. fief etc in the hie/issint little
office of .A.:derninn 'peeper; on Diamond
alley wan viaitcti ty Mellie Mellenry, a
dent.' bailie[ from the npotleze pre.
Annie of V.rsio elley. nlo::le evplained
tier %lei!. I. ma. i f v. !cr.,' nature. A
firmer r` , 30 , 7 i le, and tiler. , ,l Motile
-I'd-n. - ] 01liern, bad hetrayed the eoufl.
'itme rep.e.eci le Ler by. stealing
1 porlten. .1 ,tv, McHenry weritrobe,
'foe ,Pl^h i_linoce, she desired the
errrit rif the r fr.t.i,r. Til 0 rPOCOM Nits
... , 12ilitled with and -Mollie No.• 2
'l. elicie wee in a short time brought
into the magisterial presence. and like
wire into the presence of bar crooner.
The hearing in - the cape proceeded, -not
in the most peaceable manner fora short
time, 1•11.13 audit/931y. from tee 14'Llenry
a et.•tement isetiod which +roused the Ire
of the other Mollie. She , e . A 4 not long is
rto4 - I,lil, how to ti r re.. her re.llngrt In
(A.. the .:air :now heti ep•tily E,,,Ln male
refire 1.11.1 Wilt , nry mrnirhnd • the
:ea . .
of her chignnn, ware!, was hot
hoe ewe, together with a tuft of heir,
..which - was torn front tie original moll.
liar raiment was in s fair way to be aim.'
ilarly disposed of, bat omelet Interfence
prevented further waillk a demenetra.
dons—for a time.-, The hearing relolled
Admires to the defendant, w o, In default
.:if tell, was required to we onipany the
m I
point, official to: She • erred loth to
..ecopt the Invituticin. She -decidedly re.
-c'ed the escort: Magirtkirlal dignity
4,1 Ennetsbulary effort could not awe her
,i - to euldnieeion. nihe was decidedly rib.
.trepee,ux. She assumed the cif/melee
Mil Oaten:leo. The • first weapon
Me anier-.1 was . a bottle filled
sith Arn,life best. The glass-ware
with - im contorts whiirsd oindic
tice,y thrum. It the air, In the direction
:,f the Alilermerile head. By a skillful
ineneuver the Alderman succeeded In
doniging ti..e missile. Ills books and
papers nidn't fare so well. They fared
errs iii. indeed. The glasevrate distrib
ute! itself In Innumerable smell frig• •
meets *bent the dank. The fluid con
tents spread out In little meandering
strermix over desks, books, papers,
2,,i [folio, while. a quantity added a
new color to the dainty klddermlinater
erblek coven the sanctum Door.
"Tee" followed up her advantage by
concentrating her energies upon the off!.
nee who had been leatrnmental to her
arrest. She attempted to eject him frim
the office. The attempt was a failure
only 'because the wall against which he
was knocked refused to permit hie egress
In that way. "Pug" wan marshaling her
forces for a renewal of the attack, when
bV a strategic -movement she Was se
cured and prevented from carrying on
the Conflict. Finding herself at last con
quered, she submitted I. fate and started
peacably for the mansien on the hill, and
the magisterial sautturo wee quiet once
()prat& • HOUSIL—The patron■ of the
drama were afforded an opportunity at
the Opera Rouse lest evening of forming
n a estimate of Mr. Davenport's abilities
as a comedian, as he appeared in the role
of Benedict, in Shakespear's amusing
comedy of "Much Ado about Nothing."
HU lIVCOISI as a comedian is as decided
an la any other line of character,' and
there are but few •if any anion of the
present day who are hie equals. Lila sup
port lent night was unexceptionable.
This evening Mr. Davenport Olken a Len.
alit, on which occasion "Damon snd Ny
thins," and that best of all comedies
"wild Oats" will be presented. Bach a
bill, with Mr. Davenport as the star,
should fill the house to He utmost caps.
MMovnems. The Morris Brothers
Minstrel Trott pe,d u ring the present week
at the Academy of Music, hays been en,
inently enecessful. They have been
playing toe better ohms of patron* than
calnatrel troupes generally have the
pleasure of appearing before In this city,
end the how. Las been crowded to Its
fullest capacity every e1.....C113Ki Thom i 3
nothing in their entertammeru to otfund
the most fest idlone, end In fact they have
worked a "omelete revelutain in the
"burnt cork" Mosiossa. To all who en
joy a lough - os 'would ecy go cud see
4 111 evening the
IRE lectu re of the cotune under the ass.
picas of the Mercantile I.ibrary .k uncle
lion will. be delivered by John B.gorch.
Subject "Lights sod Sheds, of London
Life." Mr. 0011Zifi welt kllOWll2bility
to make the lecture interesting 'end his
glowlrt; style of delivery NIS Warrant
Dark Troubles
A party of colored folks who live to .
gEher In one of Manchester's humblest
dwellings d 6 not appear to have been
getting along agreeably 9r late. One
France. Johnston appears to be the in.
dlvlduel at which the (Abet cut their
hatred, calling her the vii t of luaus
and making several tEreateAcr the extent
that Francis really found the safety of
her person until yesterday she appeared
before Alderman Butler and charged
Rachelßutton and Vern Diumey with
surety.of the paacef 'Netting forth the
above facts. A warrant was leaned.
Coal Stilpinenta
'The following are the shipments of dos
to ports below within the past few days
Boat.. Baron.
m• lou.cou
Ia lup • iv
CI al Vailnr.
C• 1111'....
V. trl .
. I
Late Iris N. 1110,010
Jann B. Gough
A friend sends us for•repubileation the
following tine 4 acifireased to the OLT . anent
lecturer John B. Gough, front the pen of
Mrs. Levi Wade, which originally ap.
peered in the GAZETTE over nineteen
years ago:
Hal, noble mon: Orate enaxp!on of a noble
We butt to yrelco=e thee, vita trte boart•felt
Greet tk,e att the Mel% of fallen man In wce,
one whose :nighty artn.grapptlnk tnan'adead•
Ilftt toe.
t , n , reroneet demon Meet otontZar with hydra
lift !n[ G, , •1 har.dliwOrk In Ws In age aside.)
With tititit..tei ott.hligite et:3 edit], roe: log
A gitgicul ;hike, to entleh from hit
‘lark hso4
Immortal tali., who'll tort. In Ekaveo, no ouge
One Mat 14111 form f>r th.e t coronet of gold.
eparkllng wllO dee.ll L.l :eve. •r:th havDi.".
Betleel.e.l wab theft betty. teas ttit thua East
nrqi rrmn woe, .
ITI;Is tears of eralltude that Gan* with dtamond
God view the n obfr friend/ ntiO Um/ ht to hrlng
Thee herr.
Who.. gen aeons hauls. end deeds of fore, Ovals
tsem'ry wall endear.
(Sod biers thee to thy work: saetees attend thy
The sun ortemperagoo gild earth with golden
Looking rar an ••Item.'
PRICIIK up* Fifth avenue' yesterday
afternoon, we nOtietad quite • crowd Of
persons congregated on the sidewalk;
opposite the Cathedral, and among the
somber were two roving paper reporters,
wholee attention appeared to be fixed on
the Cathedral wall. On .Icoking - in the
direction in which they were gazing so
Intently, we maw a tuns about half way
between the ground and the top of the
Cathedral, sitting on a small piece of
board, suspended by a rope, which passed
through a pulley at the top of the build
ing, and, useling down to. the ground,
was bola In tn. hands of a fallow-work
man, the man above being engaged in
putting up ripouting. In answer to - the
usual Inquiry of "What do you kola's,"
midi of the reporter. replied, "Don't
know anything, but if that rope breaks
we'll get n bully item." We didn't wilt,-
but placed on in searah of other new..
Sule Tills Day—Sherman Avenue Real
denco.—Tbe dwelling' NO. 31 Sherman
'avenue will be offered at auction at a
o'clock this afternoon. In view of the
tine location, handsome building and
Ii beral terms of •nle, a large attendance
should be present. A. Luotialn.
Henry Paulus, having been burned
out at 124 Ohio avenue, flu removed his
boot and shoe store and factory to the
corner of Fulton and Sheffield etreete,
Fifth ward, Allegheny, where (rota the
"_let instant he will. be glad to wait on his
friends and customereae usual. 6
For fashionable hair-dressing, plain or
by curling, and a frizzle, for a luxurious
shave or bath, and fur 'skillful cupping
and leeching; call at Wllllainson'a ole
gent saloon at No. 190 Federal strbet
The nprlng Stock et Henry G. Hale.,
:Merchant - tailor. at corner of Penn
avenue and' Sixth street, in now large
and complete. Monsieur Bonpaine con
tinues to preside at the cutting. tf
(told Down—Boats and Shoes Down.—
Silver given in change to ell purchasers
of Boots and Shoes. Infant's Fancy Shoes
ten cent.. at Fifth avenue.
W. B. C).Arr k Co.
• Three Hundred Per Cent,
Offered to agent■ to make aud'eell the
Patent Clothes Washer. ♦ddreaa,
A. M. Smyria,
Box 522, rittsbargh,-Pe.
of Yes Starch ler the Elixir eY Life.
stop at the Oregon Brewery. Here you
Yrn I find it, the purest eresm ale, and for
sale by the barrel and half [Aare!.
N• matter ',bit your prejudices may
be in favor of, any particular Sewing Ma
china, we can convert you to the tmprov
ad "Singer" at No. 2U Sixth street (late
St. Clair.) STRAW it MORTON. 2
—Hyman Lowenthal, formerly a rabbi
in the -leWith Church; Quincy, 111., who
woe dismissed in noonequenee of serious
charges against him, one of haying
burned the parsonage for the purpose of
ohli,lning the Insurance en his furniture,
has absconded, leasing behind him rail-
. .
oun unpaid 13111 a. Aix wife la Bald to
base takon with her a lArge lot of Nary
arork. !JP, looming to othor persona.
The I.adtra l Somata ...lint', of New YOrk,
r,•2110 chanted toetr ..Iseassloos front
, w,maa•infr.g.. to Heir - preparations and
I . liipin Bout:Air... They der :are that where
calor.: had not endowed Mr= wllli beady. It
Ira. their rtrht —yea, tie dr daffy—to area It
woe re theyeonld. yo they all noted that Hag-.
non t Unica dr:lnsole an:lowans, gonkh nklu,
nod Itlnomartn, and taro to tne'ootil.zion •
uuon dittingue looroLInn) and nly.rbledlke ay
pearanc.. ldang-rens Io mon, no doebt/I and treat
t.yo I's x.thetron made the hair grow thick,
molt and awls.) teeny. and moreover prevented
IL from tornlou .groy. If the preprint., of
they sniffles did not *end the Caton an levels.
they are not smart. .
Carrion. Zor Van..role Fur:deb...lo
COrFltill and all Fanerslranalstanent ct re
ICE bill- reby glyeu that the firm or DENO
%Aug tl brc. ulottobred by mintbal bonmal
Marc\_ 711k.'2970.
The andera'aned have this day farmed a Ca
Partdetablp tor me panic.e nr coaductialt • sea
eral PRODUCE AND comm.imit.4 BONI
NISS. mid, the bran name et LAINia Me
%ALUM at No. 355 Penn street.
• ' Lat.: et Blusbasa Ling.
Is IH. E . tau, Lesetanirs. P.
51...1 IM MO. an523:111.1
.TtI) Ilu m!self, C•lsellL and JAMBS
1. HINGHAM int the parpone of trans.:lnn a
In 'THIN ErS. undor the name and elite of BING
HAM. CASSEL & Belli thankful for slot
foyers. I could respectfully ask a eontlunts sr or
the same. 'PHOS. 11. 131141111A;st.
Produce Cesumiaeion Merchants,
Flour, Grain, Feed, Hay, Seeds, Salt,
Hydraulic Cement, Anthracite Coal
Not. 161, 366, 36 . 8 and 370 PENN IT.,
Thn partnarslalp berrlefoTe loOtWaan
Tnom TKI.VORD. 8 \ 11.•NEAMIT and J. A.
MOORE. as Telford, Moore Aglo . has ae.tst
olred, Thom. Tellc.rd Ithdrawltic fr.ol rht
Havtna• ;mediated the Interest of TUOISAII
TIEI.FOILID In the fitril Jobelford. Wore & Co-.
lye nth
tl tl'Jt Printing endures,
under name and dyle of J.LCAhI./N, 111/ TILL
CO., g 4 cad 00 Ylnk
Tonserly with W.ll. Haven d'Co.
PITTREMIOII, klatch, 1570. • inhie:7ll
T. & J. T. McCANCE,
No. 196 Liberty Street;
Made - oOrder at Reduced Prices.
.113.8 P MVO OVERCOATS for osle. sob=rlST
J. C. N.,rosnioN. MnalbAnnittite.
Merchant Tailors, .r 10 81.N.T11 STIMIET,
lime St. CIMr.) hare received a tame anti
well selected Stoat of the tam atoll moot fashion
able 000.1.1 n our Sue, • great port ion of which
ate our own impor.tio ,
Feeling contioent of ur yto give inflect
Wham on. we .vpectfraly solicit m Too an
early examination of bur Coca of Fine Cloths,
Carsime , on \'e-tmes, de.
Mull) No. II 10 Slott, street.
'y rpti.ogd new .toc. G 7
•• , •
14 Kg, CO6
4 Or Coke 40,1443
CLOTHS, 04111.9111LERE9t QO M
Junr.m.dby BLE7II.2IIICTICJI.'-
Mirelisat SOWN TilialUdel4lolllll.
167, 168, 169 and 170
•re pew prepared vi turnI.I%7I);ZGAR at th
LOWXST HLTLI. •aitation laps.
ticalarly called to.oor
At Sewickley.
Hering determined upon removing to MT farm
at the halt Works. near ore , I offer for
salt the property whereitem reside. saiointog
the,gh of bewleltlov. The grounds coastal
of near ID issres. finely . .ilverslnc4 will gears,
tepee, level and ahropt Minh. A leamtea
bawl: VsF•sei th rone] the Oa, a hun•
deed Iln• ol l for, trees of a .101.0 Y rkilea•
Teene are nea,•y 200 bearing peer t ere of
sholuria celeritous, heeldcs apple, peach, plunl,
cher,. he. oleo, grape, re,pberrles,• ..leck
berries. st• nee hurtles nod other smaller hint.
1 here Is a large space for regulable garden. The
ornamental fitful , . •rergr-ers, roses and rain
Want. , ar. an Attrec• • l.• f-atur. Yin) aulqoPri
a- eir giving the 11ZIPP •• TILTIO , N , i " in th e
phess, 7.01111 the •.ens of tile 1111 1* river, the
it'll, and the vallty.render this spot unsurpassed
In picturesque beano's/
F ide welling hon. Is a first else. Inlet. and
beside attic and cemented cellar seder the whole
—contains 14 room, and Aarga u and Pont
bo I basement. 'Flat Emmen , . larse cloeets
far Ch i n s, to and clothing. There la a large
awl' sere -f ailing stone-Waned cistern Ailed
with water from slag govt. and pumps ' for hot
and cold water In bathroom. kttcben and wash
holm. waste water Is ntseharged through pipe.
some distance from the house. There-1s an ire
house and ceromodlousooling poor. a good
barn. carriage shall nn4 th icken yard. The Place
is hounded on a I sides b, highway S. and trees.
is tale from railroad er tutAntte.
fiewlektur Is liimiles tram the <RT... the Ft.
Wayne Itallrown. and posit-airs many attractlour '
for a suburban residene•• ran nornerou, serum. •
roodatio trains I,are nnthion to I.• nealrtn In
the ••••• , rommunlSltion, •no th e" railroad'
1..nrg....r 1•4 rive. alt We ••••• 01... an, mates tits
e 1,... deligisful • tn.r....1 lug• The ...dr' , of the
Valley Is me, Zl,lrthir, ler. beenies Its wa.rthy
bra.," and•,
here are found th e cnnatry
reat• of many city 5.111..75. profess.... law /ere
hankers. Inn other nuticrai rn. n and re:lren
mereban!•• linod s'cbuole ab0n,..1, ann 11 , r are
ennrcin.a of cartons denominations, barin g bit
*hi...Ll:Mu:stem •
ro- ppoe and terms. all at n.y Deng Store, Pro,
105 Idd. sty stceet„ Pittsburgh. If not sold
fore April Ist. tale property will be to let.
WILLIAM metmcriciwm.
Sherman Avenue, Allegheny,
tie redly, SLareh 20th, at it o'eleek, will be
o (fond at public 11100. on the premises. the
propel ty Nu. 31 Sherman arenas, between Ohio
strict and Stockton nvenue, lately vary enrich
improved by increassol &se and number of
rooms. The dwelling Is a three story pressA
briek front: with true balcony In front and at
side, vestibule. hall sod thirteem apartments.
Including bith sod 'rash rooms. It Is Stied up
Ina eery comfortable and convenient ntlnner,
elegant and tasteful In appearance, and very in
straitly loentod. Than Is a bay wlndow.ln din
ing-room. range In kitchen. stationary tubs In
wash ro,on, closet in bath room. hot and cold wa
ter. goal dry cellar, gas turoughout, well
lighted and enely papered. The rrent views arm
vary gee. teoluolog Seminary Hill. Mount
.tisshinston, olewreators BEI and the whole
West Vert. (du the esmpletiou of the par k
nure. or Sherman avenge the
toss - of thsloeation will be rhstee increased. •
ePECIAI. NO 1 ICE ores, to dispel any
intrasslon that tip
owner will not sell unless
Ilixt a laney rile , Is realtsed, we senor., that
th•prnerty go If even only 1111.001.1 Is
DLL We mention ark to show that we mean
business. A esrefni essmirintlon of the' , roperty
Is requested. 1h• present occupant will show
dhe Interior toll visitors.
Tot -Ins, 43.000 . calls, the balance In three
equal .nnual payments.
A. LEGA/ATE. Aziett
the most delign , Pr: building tote eltuated In the
Second ward. Allt.xton7. on Pen - Pain. Pilot
hooe and Obayr•ateg avenue. adlolning lb.
Observatory grounds. There. Lot. are tot of
If, add ene-hslf 15S) acre.. A plan a. throe'
Loo. ran b. It•-• at tn, .torr, No. W 4 ,00
aTISPIC Thy pion has aLo e orrlv.l.
Yu h Is • front lot. froollog ea rrrryaell.e
red..r uh•ern.oor,•• , on.•. aloe. 24 f•att wider
hr 131. ,, P• lor 'oto onposltoth.t..ldencrpf
o.r Woe., I,lecttato , ,O. are
24 176 r •:. Must the ote or. or Id.
vg• hreo Prr
..101.,11 a. trove Oho low orchid. and
.noirr mos boor 11•4 oppertn•ltr. The
10 , ,00ty Is one of the dorm In th. two cltlve. ono
Sot four mlunt••• wala !rem the h.ohl Plea•rr
el reel: • peord wit load. to It. prraters. Toa
grrot braitiy or scaotry end aszry•ndlngsare do-
Ton. run prices Ensure of •
. •
. . . .
No 53 Weed scree t, Eltaborgh, or No. 8S At
. Sreusu , illefhaoy etti•
F'Ol sArE.
.A .Penn t • S reet nesidence.
TO at lire,
Cossett st . oriett BRICK F.F.6IDENCE,
No. 110 TLMIT, Fl2.l.ureb. will be
sold tip.e rtoottlah.. term.. 3d. queen Vs one
of tee mast eobetaletlal and well-boll; teethe:lees
, n the clip. it centtlas 12 Itootha, with Bath
P.ortos. Ce lore. sod Finished A ttic, with all the
realera lakrovemente lot Water. Uwe. Heat. te.
Tas FURNITU., will M paid with U.S bout,
IfJosl.4l.socilmniddlateponeszlop 050 04 Cyril.
For toforma:loo, inquire of a 11. Y. 011IT11.
03 131,n1013d street, or of the ouderstghed, •
209 LOTS
e F n;L:i yr7l];l7lnr
Gush. e Birmingham and Swab Pittsburgh. and
witbin fifteen telltales walk of Camp garret
ear:. Nearly 500 lots bare lately been sold
here. a goodlnane of which bare been built
uDon. Only atvoqi . 200 remain that are od, reel
for sale by O,OllEOllls, width eau now be had
by parng a sneal I ent •awn ea'arl. LO r an;
tee balance In one, no and thre a , s. e
of Lots now mute frets, 111115 to 3400. ,
'11.84 , I.IcLAIN Cs.,
I 104 Vourtn avenue.
FOIL SA LE..—F.n Ones and BSI
ERS, sew andrond Hand, of all Made
constantly on hand.
Orders front all p sof Cr. counts, promptly
Corner Harlon ANenueand P., T. R. it C. LW..
Allernens, Pa. -'4
ERSONAL.—AII persons seek-
NOM&S, or Investments to Iles! llto•
E. will save tin, trouble an 4 money bp pt.
ftSTA lr rk ' I . IIZIATt!' To r VrTu i lt , Ty
or will ho tent by moll FALL to g azir requestllte
Persons /all to pet tutted out of the meet
TureenCol3.lll. CMOPT & Yee-
P and :teal Enlte • • gent& No, - 13 ii Yor , tl
No. 19i Market St., near sth Avenue
We new offer to the public a stott of PAPRIS
HAN GIN US cc rpaseed ties Wdet for variety
and beano. of style., etc braelne all the Novelties
CP:SIGNS Cs plain and height Colon, for Halls,
Maine (tWII.. ite. Also. W :013 and If AREILK
FAMILY, with an almost endless varlet) of
BLANKS for Chatobera'Ao. All of welch we
propose to sell as low 4tha lowest le the warksit.
Call and see, at — ' •
• ' motloatS
No. 107_Market St:, near sth Avenue
J 0 ,S. R. HUEMES & BRO.
SPRING. 1870;
40 Itillifra wide that at 70c. Itcr roll.
un,iy—e groat varlsty st 60, per roll.
Ut.AZED—.llitlodtiti 38c lice roil.
ELIttiA,T Preach aid American Paper HAP,
a om
loymment not
In t h e Opeoe
countr.fico toye.
F.t, petler to any ait•
W. P. 125..tkilEi: A T L'S
New Wholesale and Retail Store,
191 Liberty Btreei
- Bell and Brass Founders, -
61 , 10111E, - 10C0,10TIVE r< hOLLING !Mt
Made Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
I'ropriat7 sad Malwactstrets of
J. M.Cooper'shaproved Balance Wheel
Mika, 882 PENN STREET.
foundry, Car.l7th and Railroad Wm%
W .- NEW OPER*. U-0-13PE.
IRWAY EV, XlNG:March -
Er IT or the celeora,4 Americas ACtar , .
To- O ~,13 he w appear .t '
b.,.....cmutunng with Otter. great lala
t•rtea: play of
m 7
. AND rT .
E TI . I
Dittos L. Drr*tport,
To easel tide with the delightful Comedy eic .
M. F.. L. Davempurt.
E. L. Da•en?or. Mall', on Saturday.
slnna.y Er,nlog—THT: 1,1. , 1L1VS MOTTO.
Friday Evening, March 25, pao.
BUMF CT—"L ighte and Shad-
owls of London Lift,,,!F
Ro reserved seals. Tlaets for Waist the LI
brace Rooms, comer of Rene and Sixth streets
Thursday, Friday and SatnOtty beatnik
MAACH X*. 26
TIIREI. NIGHTS of the 7d 'front.
sit re1obl•
Produced Leery Night this week.
HUN lEEE AID DOl4l, i.e., as
Mara, sete, .t 1!{...10Mk.
Of Pennsylvania.
Office, 75 Federal Si, Allegheny City
line. J. Y. CI.A.P.K, D. IS., •
Pant. R.
: 1 ‘..4..PEN u er " ,1 ' 1%.,
11.1tED,_Caellter Alice:leer Tenet Co.
JACOB RUSK, Real Eatete Agent,
hltl DItUM. Mayor of Allegheny,
C. W. ItYNNY. Hatter,
T.Mktigrß e tntcjenierchant, •
H. rIWOO ' F , It. insurance Agent.
Cape. C.ODT. itOSIDISOBI, President.
Kee . . J . B. CLARK, D.D.Vise Preellont,
JACOB Itt.loll, Secretary,
C. R. BUNNY. Preesnrer.
DANIEL. SW(KiEIt, Genn Agent.
Jebel Donaldsen, Allegheny. Pa.
W. W. Mate, Muchaeter, Pa.
Mee. Janice 11011Ingshsed, lieseer, Fa.
F. H. Coursln , McKeesport, Pa.
tie..rge H. Josusus
J. e. etrayer, Johnstown. Pa. •
Couspatty All prants socruleg.
to policy bolder, by dlvid, n 4 returned annually
from the end of the 'rat year. All policies non
forfeiting. 101 l
O ksH
rhuaLalcus BUILDING,
RN. 92 21111.11' Avenue, /.toad Floor.
197.12811R0Z. PA.
Capitol All Paid Up.
N. J. Bizley. :John Floyd. Capt. 2.19910,
Duel F allace,!6. If }1,919.z , .: A. Chamber..
Jake Mil, !S. M'Clurk..u . Y. Batley.
Thum" NINNIL, n 0.15. 9111,..t, I
2.02211. T H. XlNti, Prisident.
J. 20. VI. PreuldNall.
CONG. 11. J. 02..ACZ, .Bent.
Insures on 'Liberal Terms on all PY
and Marine Rha.
•titiIII3(3I , ..SILEL.D. tiorteral Agent.
Or.e. V% \cater [1.11 , 0. Spliag. Co.'. war.. oa
r, or 'I/ Ilttal•orrt.
lola, ',est.:9ll 4104 a of Fire andl Ye-
Tine RA4". A. hoe, Ina:Erotion.aeanaged Di
rector; oto are are:l knoon :to corm liter.
gaol lan:, an do, r . r.tatal praaaptacsa lter.
City Sc tut. caaree.r +Ma: they One
seswec.2. s,..lteren the IX" pro:ea:Wu to thOas
WO.; 40:0 • ao I•Ararc4.
tr , t , ..4f5 . 4 &13 , 11Lea
4,050) 8. Evrara,'
talv.arlaTlST.rxr, *mull Elrkpatitit.
tvgri.`lll;: Ol t rffl4 7 l%V..
Ihmaeo. nor
.1:4 I
Cor. F2.lerll St. and Diarmind, Harkey,
OM, in the lir (;051) NATIONAL BANK
IV. TV. MAltTlN,Prelderit,
SEOW .N,___Tu.,Vloe Pres Mans.
.141e.r.8 K. !MEV KNIBON. Secretary.
. • . • ..
jsoo - A. •tly:er, Jr.. L0CkU81t..1,704. hiyers,
Jas.l...4Jrabasi.:}tobert Les, C. C. Bole,
Joe. ftrown.Jr..atorre Uerct, ;disco° kola;
ThomvsonJ. MeNatigliar
071 - 1Cd.434 d 4:7 CiadrUTZT..dedd RB.' _
4.11..5rtc. Mar.local H. Lea.l4
Tobn..s Wagner. ilaTld H. Brawn,
Ur-. 1 f.:razd,
itftwala al..
Foorte Ittettuntit. tieorge Tales.
CHARLES G. HAlielf...Eli, Fruldeat. DALE, Vice President.
F. C.
PorteCOM:. r 7.tard and Wood Banco
07FiCE, r. Z. 0031i1.4 WOOD • MTN On;
• iivram C=1.137.141*1ay Gtr. and Manse Ma&
John Haat,
John E. Parka,
0. H. Loy,
Ww. V= RIM,
Jam, D. Verna, •
/CR,No. 2 . 1 /17TH lITXZET.RANX 31.0031.
IR.,' Nisi.; :21 Wag of Niro and Maxine
JOHN IRWIN. dz.. Pre:ldeal.
..NN •
T. J ROBKINBUN, Vice rresldent.
,L. I,ll2.retary. •
WIZ. DERN. Ocm.ral Mont.
g.l.9rott, j t:4l, t. L ii. 7 e= e l k
C. e. Eltraey, ltoberc E. Day%
Itarrey Trancle &Hers'
Mules Hey:. MI,. J. T.Pi14.441a1.
Cast. -Wm. . T. H. Yetln.
• •
NOTICE. Whereas, Letters
0 m I.F$. i e :I°tn, he s:rot t a, * e r g le i tee
Port. dead. bare been granted to the
stgned. therefore ali perepee booing Calms
against said •state will present there gropers]
etocentlested fora ettlemeet. led all persons
tptebted t• se ld es tate will plea.e mate lames
elate payment
Z. HAttallig/r. Ex.."
I.tttors or Adminl•tratlon be.trraated
to t e otelemlceed on the estate of .ISILIII C.
UMNIINa glecessed, all toecaps having e.t.a
fmost .std estate Sr. reauctod t. p ..... t alma
ar art Gement. all all porous. Iniobtod Musk.
Immedmte payment.
G. CARYL Admmlatratr.
follmtLa 'oMoot.
TUESDAY ItViINING, Math sl9th. /SW.
WI 'III ay Order or Amass. IA flank.
v.. 111 It ...Id 4.n •tsond Elan of Conrener.
1:1 tale. K-oms. 10411mIthaele , street,lke Book
APCOII.II cf U. C. •lico /tankruOt.
r , 1117 A. Mel LWAUIE.
- ATOI4 - E
MacAine Stona
N0 . r54,....:“..mertl Wen Cc.. 32. 2.llithan7.
Haan Ca band na p; , :annno on , aAnct
.ad t atan .lelavraira, timer?
ay t r A ...! :
. rt , Tr.r..lll ' , ann.', &a. .
0 .•••• ante.
C,;. 3B.a:ELIVIEI/3, -
Stain of. Woigils Ind Nenourts,
No. 5 PC TJETEI AVE., Pittsburgh.
• mblO:vs
Fresh Lake Herder; •
'. •• te
' N 0.1,9 toe I Wal
Mael l er eb el—au I seiplas
. . li o te l oor Mackerel;
- Cod inr e "" ;
aj 0.
• ,:-
WATT. L LANO I co.- . %
_fee No. 179 sad 1141Vme It
MU bbl. No. 2 Mutes':
SO blab do. do •
20 bbl. No. 3 Luse xtseterat
00 halt.. do. do.;
00 Dbis Me do. 4 .;
dium do.
05 bolts do.
S SSW flekeled Herded:
6, 10043 . g o . . e . 2 1, gr i n: Irisierns
it !A.
Capt. jabs L. MOM%
Ra: :cal Shrlver,
harles Arbuckle,
J C arrel Y. Brun.
ISr. W m ' ea r l . .leAkart
•sald ear.
hoexclary. „