TILE b.AILY GAZETTE rreugazi) nr PENNIMAN. REED Office, 84 and 88 Fifth Avenue. 1...8. PEAXIMAN. T. P. HOUSTON, BDITOTIS ANT I'ItOPRIETOISI. = By . east!, per year Delivered trv[l77lCl.2. per par ,Cll al'ittslnirgl o r etaytti, Itoxas at Frr.Rkfc7t. 95GD9rri PHVEOLZVII at d.n w rp , Bea PERSONAL 3fazzniie playaiciens give hint up. BAYARD TAYLOR has the whooping cough., .V.menaNnorr , seriously ill in Montreal. . • Num Yons has live thOneand vagrant children who never attend acheiol. COTTON Speculators hale sunk $300,000 In Columbus, Georgia, this SeWon. Ma. Buntrnoesturintended - to settle in -California atter his mission for China had closed. VIIICILTIA CITY is to have a waltzing snatch for a epurse of $l,OOO and the championship of Nevada. Two Westena girls decided the owner. ship of a lover by a duel with case-knives. One lost a chignon and the beau. ' Tus French theater is "breaking" the newspaper men in :Yew York; but the pieces are not particularly valuable. • 'A Nita- Tons woman was saved front suicide by a - friend who caught her by the heels as she jumped from a window. A 03LO PIECE in a Westerner's pocket wasn't melted the other. day when the lightning struck and consumed him. CANLOTTA - PATTI will go to California In May, and in the fall she intends to make a professional visit to South America. Tstz female jig -dancer at the Boston Adelphi Theatre is Miss Clara Burton, a member of the Thawmut avenue Church. Miia McFaztanD•RSCHAEDSON is now the occupant of a cottage at Woodside, a part of the estate of her late husband. A Savennan negro accidentally shot his hand off while cocking a revolver with the laudible intention of killing a policeman. MANAGER BATEMAN and George Jar. den, the actor; had a little rough sad tumble fight at the Now 'York Hotel a few nights since. - TEE body of a little - Kentucky boy, .frozen to death last week, was guarded two days and pointed out to - the parents, by kis faithful dog. A options difficulty in Louisiana, a few days since, was happily prevented by the death of the aggressor and the wounding of two other men. - A Pnovmeocc man chose for his ' daughter between her three suitors, by -playing "seven up" with them. He "net up" the cards and neither of them got her. THU family cat taking a small bite out of a presented turkey and dying in con vulsions immediately, was what saved au Indiana family from being strychnined to death last week. NM SAT/ PUTNAM, of New York, . daughter of the publisher, haa rebeived from the Medical College of Paris the certificate of Troi &Violate, won this year only by herself. • Tux lest of Washingon's field hands Has died again; this time in St. Louis. Of course he was 105 years old and al! his faculties unimpaired. Ile is still liv ing in several other places. WAKEMAN, the dead New York jour nalist, met-his end bravely, bade his wile goodbye, pressed her hand and is the subject Ma newspaper item as alTuctikt as anything he ever did himself. CASADIANCA, an Italian counterfeiter just arrived at New Orleans, Imitated his namesake who stood on the buining deck. He would not go with the officers till their revolvers cuchred bin bowie kuifo. - Woman enjoy military rights on the coast of Africa, and au English naval officer says a regiment of rflevromen which he saw there, and which contained not a single man, was equal to any corps he ever met. " BOSTON had "Martha" on Friday evening, with Mina Kellogg Ms "Minim" and Miss Phillips, Lotti and SusialM the other three parts. The Critic.] there speak of Miss • llellogges "Marguerite" as "painfully artificial." Mite. EOWLES, of Indiana, haiing gained a divorce and alimony, refined to pay her lawyers, on the ground that she was married when the contract was made. She having since been drowned, . they are suing her estate. `Pans the Coroner's Jury acquitted .'lra Gardner and wife of the murder of Captain Alexander, • the wealthy South erner, at New York, on Monday, Mrs. Burke, the daughter of the deceased, exclaimed, in great excitement; "You may acquit them, but God never will. They murdered My father.". Talc corporation of Leaden have decided to apply the funds raised for a monument for Prince Albert to procuring a memorial window for the west end of Guildhall. The opposite end is already occupied by a memorial window, in honor of the citizens of London, erected by the cotton operatives of Lancashire. 13-4.11111 CL WASTIIII7IINE of Fort Edward, New York, who took part In the Canad. lan Rebellion of 1835, and was trans. ported by the British Government to Van Dieman's Land, reached his home on Friday; after a forced absence of thirty two years. He was entirely destitute, and hair now reached the age of sixty. eight, ' Jaw= Tn.es, the Vermont girl in Boston Library, Is really to be married to the rich Engtiehman who fell in love with her some months ago.• He is not a lord, bat he is very wealthy and-reipect able, as has been utisfactorily &seer tamed, and will soon take -his Yankee bride to preside - over this establishnient, IBletuserhuset 841 , Comberland. • Coxsca. BrI.PARD writes that while 'the Oneida was einklig, 'Lieut. Oeo. K. Adiuns. and Limit Commander William F. Stewart weatheloir, 'forced the debts of the magazine, got-carriages, loaded - and fired a gua three times and were la the act of loadlag a-fourth time when the ship had sunk so far astern that the rifle gun at the bow fell over and killed the , former. Ons of the most beautiful actresses of Paris In Mile. Mideast, of the Opera Comity:a, who his lately forsaken the ranks of the Semi.ktudanes to attempt high art, and thus far with Clattering sac. tees. She has a profile such as the an cients were wont to bestow upon yeo men or Nymphs; a nose straight and dole. ate, beautifully shaped lips and scout brow, the hair growing down upon it. Had abe a softer glance she would be ex tremely beautiful; but her eye is cold and expressionless; and this fact alone will doubtless mar, In a measure, her artistic auroer.—Paris Con tin OTJULDICX brought royal gifts to his bride. The Emperor of - Austria Bent her a diamond ling, end the happy bridegroom gave her live sets of jewelry —the diamonds she were at the wedeln's, a set of diemoads Audi:marls, and a set of to it, topaz, tbe latter being a lock a et belonging with the topaz cut like cameo, ma. king it a gem of great value. The other two seta were plainer than thou men. Uoned, but still very elegant. He also brought some fur In the piece, valued at $2,000, out of which any style of wrapper can ha made, and two camel's hair shawls, one le the bride and the other to Mrs. Dahlgren. A arrulterno Enrolment lady tontist tells of an interview she had. with ]Ries, Florence Nightingale. Darin the con. venustlon she could bat notice the aingu• i v &mei of that' eminent lady's foot. sh a had never heard that MIS, Nlghtin go, wag lame, or malformed, but nen a j a . ly something was the mattes. Her curiosity prompted her to inquire of som e 'mutual friend, who at once explained that Mien. Nightingale, despising t h e modern initrument of torture vended by fullioneble shoemakers, is accustomed to plant her stocking foot firmly on a Piece of leather, draw ttte outline of the Ign it forms, and have her shoe made 'to correspond exactly with it. A mason= in a Detroit court when asked where be lived replied: "Live? . , • r. , , • - , _ . . , '•, . • \ . ~ ~. , . d :) ,ki gt '•-• V , . .i 0 . - . • ..,,,•,•?:. _l,, _ i ~..,;,, .....r / --• , C . ...,NMC ; '.- i .. . ...., 4• x, .., . • t. .+. :i . . , ~..,. ~ _----. , . 1 / 4 --, / Is:- •;.•• . 1 -,?; 't' -. . e_:. , T + • :;'.. =4 , ' ~, - -4-•-• ._ . . •k• , • • tt . • il e -... .*,.. . 42 ', ' ''' a - ".,.. '`'Z' e.•-• 'il - '•• ' , .•":' . IMIF ; •3. ='... ' ‘: . / .- • - q... t••• i 7 . ' - r 'C.••• 14....." I . • ' ,EM=mm•-_ EMEIEM DEZIEZ CCM Live? I live in the regions of eternal bliss. I Own a farm of a thousand acres there. I plonghti nay land with wok, and I reisecabbeges, cabbages, cabbages, beets, beets, beets. You're a cabbage— you're a beet—yOu're an angel—you're a borne—you're a horse—you're a aes— a Ul-41210 IYhoopt" "Is your father living?" "I'm my OITII father. I'm the father of all nations." "Have you any mother?" "Yes, young man. Yes, Youngman; lots of 'em; ten of 'cm.. You look GI though you needed a mother. You Want nursing; you ain't healthy. .My mother shall be your mothers, all of 'em. I' be your father. Child of mor tality, embrace your heavenly father," Ile proved to be an escaped lunette. TAERn Is n report that Madame Emile 011ivier is about to place herself at the head of the reaction in favor of decency and simplicity in the matter of dress in the higher circles of Paris. At her own receptions she is so simply attired that, of necessity, her guests imitate her ex ample. A good story is told of a fashion- able dress-maker, who, on being told the limit which Madame Emile had fixed to the expense of a desired ball dress, coolly exhibited his book of fashions, and observed as he turned over the pages, "I can make /salads one, or one-third this one, or the ripper part of this one; but there is none that I could afford to execute altogether for the sum:mentioned by Madame." Needless to say that the great eotadrier was dismissed with nothing more than a hearty laugh at the absurdity of the scene on the part of the fair young bride,. and that she had recourse to a dressmaker of less pre tension. GENERAL NEWS, T/1068 Wyoming ladies set an in-jury. ous example. Goy. McDetroai.t., late of Winnipeg, has the small-pox.. TIIE New York pneumatic bore has been .photographed. - .N.istivim.x claims to be the dirtiest city in the Union. A PENNITLTANIA town has a ladies' anti-slandering society. Ax American engineer pronounces the Suez Canal a great success. WiscoNsrx claims that Ole Bull will soon marry one of her daughters. 14[1314 *as once excluded from the Senate gallery on account of color. SAN FITANCIMCO now gets its cheese from Buffalo without change of care. - LoNsi Istaxo coroner's juries censure men who get run.oyer on the railroads. TRTI3O to live high on a low salary has caused a Detroit book keeper's defalca tion. os are used • f rwhids by Kansas Di women to pun,hi oa e ng their slan derers. A LOVIIIVILLE court has fined a 316 n for being thrown out of tine house by ins son. in•law. WESTEItE German SUBS a fellow enant because hia ieven children play he trombone. Ix cost an Ohio tobacconist $B2 to sell Poor cents' worth of tobacco °tit .ot a broken package. - A KE-NTLTKIA...I; saved his fence rails by inserting his knife.into a neighbor's heart tneottter day. A Sarawwan darkey told iin colored damsel's fortune so effectually that be toned she hadn'iany. Trig profeaAiohal illlYMeli-OlChicago rejoice that the convention is not going to overthrow their craft. TEE authorities of Louisville hays re warded the mother or triplets by allow ing the family to stanfe. - - Mu! ANINA DICLINSON sent SIM Susan Anthony a alit gown and two hundred dollars as a birthday present. A YLNIII.7 of children at BMW° ace put to bed by the ghost of theirmother livery night. A usefu; spirit, that LOCISTILLE mita was accidentally killed-by pistol ball which a gentleman • • Ihrjugk; his • • • • A VERMONTER who would smoke in the barn is going to try ashes as a ftrtil izer this spnng, and 'mild a uew one. L'iszr sends word to Alide Topp that he believes bar a great genius. Soe is on the Topp round 01 the ladder of fame. A DOLE:: Chinamen transported a 1200—pouari safe slung to a pole from . one California town to another, the other FOCA TEIOVEA.ND PEET Of Arles:an. we at S. Louis cost ;MAO. They didn' get any water, but they' talk or tryirig i again. Tax quantity. of snow that fell on the roofs during the late storm was found by the sliding scale and the figures on the sidewalks. A Dimore man tried to light himself to' bed the other night by igniting his underclothing. Re would have sue. ceeded but for burning to death. Tar. Senate Foreign Relations Com. mittee, by a unanimous vote, agreed to . report against the ratification of the St. Taunus treaty. There is not enough vi tality left in the project to make any headway whatsoever against the unani mons report of the ComMittee. COmrrnom.xx utmonn a re. duction of the tax o fln natiOnalfavors bank dr. =dation of from one per cent. to one. eighth of one per cent.; which, he says, will be ample to defray the expenses of running the Comptroller's office. The aggregate amounrreceiTed from national banks in Washingtbn is about eight mil lions of dollars. The revival In the Cuban recognition fever.wpich took place ten days ago, does not hold out. The more thorough the Investigation into all the facts, the better convloced are a majority of the members of Congress that the course of the admin istration on the Cuban question has been right, and there will be no vote in either House to the contrary. —At an investigation yesterday at the Ht. Louis city hospital, on the betty of Lewis Baum, the Jury found a verdict that be died from congestion of the brain sad other organs, caused by working in the air chamber under the east pier of the bridge at that point. The testimony disclosed the fart that unhealthy organ!. rAtions are quite seriously er. , c!3,t by working In the air chamber, where the pressure is about forty pounds V. the square inch, producing muscular paral. sie, congestion and Other derangements of the ayetom. There are now soca. thirty monad the breipital suffering morn or lees from the etrecte of working In the air chamber, and quite a slumber under treatment it the hospital of the bridge chapany. ii =The Ch• a Ago Journal' con , radieta the statement, upPmed by authority of the Now York *ribuns, that Lion. Sheridan la now dosirouu of being relisvod from the command of the Western Depart ment and be assigned to duty elsewhere, because Col. Baker has not been and will not be promoted, as he requested. Den. Sheridan is not desirous or being taken from that -department.-has never Intl. mated anything of the kind, and ho has not asked the promotion of Col. Baker. —A aptclal froin Manchester, Ohio, Nay* as Sunday Mat, while J. C. Rhine. hart, school teacher, and E. J. Connell, carpenter, were walking on the highway they met a drunken man named James Huff; Who drew a pistol and Pilot Con. mill dead. BM:mins drew a Pistol and allot ficiffthrough the body, but before he fall he returned Rhinehart'a are, mortally wounding him. Rhinehart and Huff died a few minutes after, —Arls3na ad rep a eof earthquake vice. Preecott ort and ßhod vicinity March 11th. the first there llnee the country ‘ was settled by whites. The om dilations were aoatheast and northwest. There was no material damage. The smallpox rages at Tuscan and_vidnity and has probably decimated the friendly Indian population. The Apache. are Plerubviag and murdering defenceless whites In every direction. —Tbe iteerner Dolhin fro delphia for Richmon p d,. burned m t P o h th ila e watar's edge rabidity, at Pattmet, Md. Tye crew barely escaped with their Rees. FIRST I'OlEOl ,17111,V1G11 - . LIARIIISBURG. Pennsylvania Legislature Pleasant Valley Passenger Rail way Supplement Finally Passed and Approved by the Governor -- Appropriation Bill Consider ed in the Senate—Variety of Bills Considered and. Passed Upon in the House. Spootel Dhipateh to the rlttehergh °teethe. HARRISBURG, March 24, IVO SENATE. PLRAIILLRT VALLEY rAz111:110Elt. RAILWAY. Messrs. HOWARD and GRAHAM called up the Ileum supplement for the Federal street and Pleasant Valley Pas. senaer Railway, which pealed finally and was immediately signed by the Gos, erner. PIM INO COMPENSATION. Mr. RUTAX introduced a bill axing the compensation of the high sheriff of Beaver oorinty for Services in conveying prisoner, to Dixinent Hospital and Western Penitentiary. APPEOPRIATZON BILL. Tho Appropriation bill was again called up by Mr. BILLINGFELT, chair man oral* Finance Committee. Mr. HOWARD moved to increase the appropriation to the Western Hospital from tea thousand to twenty thonaand dollars and relnsart two [hollow:id for insurance, struck out by the Committee.- Mr. 13ILLINGFELT opposed the amendment. Disagreed to—yeas 11, nays 15. The-Finance Committee having struck miLthe Northern and Harrisburg Homes for the Friel:adieu, and Jewish ER4pital of Philadelphia, Mr. CONNELL moved the reinsertion of the Northetu Home. Other amendments were then otTered, luclUdirig the Wllkesharre and Harris. burg Roman, and a discussion arose as to the propriety of appropriations to local obnrlllo., Messrs. Billingfett, Rlltll3, Howsvd and Davis opposing them on principle. Pending discussion the Senate ad iourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. RILLII PAASICO. AFI:. McCREARY Introduced a bill eu thnrazing the Erie and Pittsburgh, Rail road Company t o dispose of capital stock Passed. M . KERR: Supplement to the or , cons lidating Pittsourgb wards for edu cat:o al purposes. Passed. POWITONEO. The All authorizing corporations to re duce capital stock was IndeSniteir post poned on motion or Mr. DAVIS. CANAL DILLS PASSED. The bill authorizing turnpike, plank road end canal companies to Inane handl, and secure the same by mortgage and abandon portions of roads and line" for public un. came up. Mr. SELLER, Phila., moved an saletithoOnt prohibiting the abandon ment of North 'Branch Penal. north of Wilketbarre, or Pennsylvania Cans!, on Juniata River east of linatingdon. and authorizing said entopanies to subs:note slack water navigation, and am.lying th e a rt only to canals operated by the Pan . , ylVsnis Railroad or Canal Companies. Adopted. The bill then linseed. The bill author!alog canal comosnlea, build lateral railroads also paitsed...:l' INCOME TAX. The joint rennution urging. Coe:reel to - repoal the income tax wee killed. REPUDIATION DILL DErEATEID. The boil LouWE hnrizlrt the Viode , of legal tender of the tinned i•nate, to poemno' of debit of tine Counonweenb, end pro. vl,llng the etny of execution In certain eaves, wee defeated. 7.!CIFORIt ft.RPORT.S. The hill l. rmeirirg Railroad, Canal, NArigution end Telerapb Companlen to nanke unlrorm recorte to the Andhor General we. piemed: MILITA. EY ANENCY. Th. bill rncicinq Eh 3 Military State Ageacy at Waahington was pattponecl. YI LITA RV TxToiir. The bill conriouicg the publiestion of Batas' History of the Paunsylvania Vol unteers at live dollars par volume passed aecond reading. _en tansits' NONITMENT. The bill authorizig- the Capitole•tin of a monument In front offbuild ings, In memory of Pennsylvania inure who ' fell In the rebellion, passed. THE MHEINO pt-ND. • .. goose bill diverting taxes from tsv •rn IfeApse, theaters, Ito., from the Sink log Fund, passed. • VOTJN LISTS. Tito bill requiring division canvassers to prepare the voting lists usually pre pared by assessors, etc., passed second reading. DSFRATED. The bill prohibiting nkfinent of wager, In anything except caeh, known a* "the Lucerne store bill," was defeated. NOY 7 ", SCOTIA. The Legislature Reciprocity Question. Maro 24.—rh the Legisla ture Jest' night r. pickle Introduced resolntions as toll 11, which were made the spr• , :quer for Friday week: Rew:::rd, lat. That while deprecating the adoption of a policy unsound In itself and at variance with the practice of the parent State, this Houle feel It to. ho their duty to emphaticilly declare that the time selected, when the subject of abolishing or reducing the duty on mr. port. front' thin province le • engaging the attention of the American Congress, is Angularly Inopportune, and calcula ted to defeat the efforts now being made for the admission on better terma of-our coal, fish, agricultural and other pro ducts to American markets. • 2d. That the adoption by the Uomin!on ' Government of a policy of retaliation against the United States, which Is the natural and, PM experience has shown, the only reliable market for the /staple productions of this province, may po.od. Ply lead to the imposition of still higher rates on tho chief exports of the country, to ho groat in inry,of agricultural, nulling, minima., lumbering and shipping inter ests. THE GALLOWS. 'Execution at St. Clslrastne, Ohlo, or a Confessed Perpetrator or Fourteen Murders. T . Ttlegraph to the tltttOttrell Ga.ttted WIIICEI.III , /, W. VA., March 2 1.—Thos. D. Carr, for the murder of Louisa C. Fox, near St. Chilreviile, Ohio, In January was executed In tbeenuntylail at Ht. Clalrsvile this afternoon at !ens o'clock. No one was admitted to the NI MI the sheriff and his saalstente and i,he newel:4par reporters. Carr was cool and collected throughout, bat the reckless. sass which characterized his conduct timing the trial entirely disappeared. By his own confession hell believed to be the greaten manrisughterer ever born In this or any other country. He acknowl edges haring perpetrated fourteen mild blooded murders and made five unsuc. meant attempts to take life before the killing of Miss Pox. His execution was the first that ever occurred In Belmont county, oktzi;"and crested great excite ment. —_ • Upper Riven.. By Pada., aad Jtlaatlc Telegraph-0 Oln (Ayr, March 24 —River falling slowly, with thirty inches water In the channel. • Weather clear and pleasant. Thertnovnoter at 6r.M. • _ • v. BttoWkSvzt.LE, March 24.—RIver 'with about seven feet water In the channel: Weather clear. Thermome• ter 44 at 5 r. x. o. GREENSBORO, March 24.—RIver falling slowly, with about five feet water In the channel. Weather clear. Tbermom etar 411 at 13 P. - L. 61 0HOANTOWN, W. VA., March 24. Meer stationary, with forty inclme water in the - channel. Weather clear. Ther mometer 47 at 6 P. Y. - a. FORTY-FIRST (OHMS. (SECOND SESSION.) HOUSE: Report on the - Cadet ship Business -The Tariff Ril Discussion Continued. ter Telegraph to the l'lttsberati Beret:,.) WAsstrmyroar, March 21, WU. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATI %TA. Mr. LOSAN, from the Military Com mittee, made a report en the millect of cadetships, which Rae read. It state, that 11:0 Committee had taken erlden7e is h great many cases and ascertainod the existence of irrogriaritioa in appOirb ing cadets outside the districts of the nuombors appointing; that in several easel money bad been paid to parties' isegotiatlnii such appolntments,, but ex-' ocpt in the caeca already acted upon none appeared to have been pald to members, end that the facts proven were. not aunt dent to warrant the Committee report. log the caeca to the House." The Cam. mitts, was therefore of the opinion that It might properly report In this general way, and feeling that It had discharged Its duty faithfully, and without prej mile° against or partiality for any member of Congress or oflloer or the Government, it reepectfully asks to be discharged from further consideration of the nubject. The Committee alpo reported a bill making two years' residence on the part of the cadet In the district from which he le appointed reamisite. The Committee also recommended the adoption of resolutions, as follows: First, Declaring that Gen. Schdety, one of the patent °face examiners, was en. gaged in lending himself as a medium for the passage of money for corrnpt purposes, and directing that the evidence In the case be placed In the hands of the Secretary of the Interior, and that he be requested to remove Schoen' from hie position, ae an improper person to have or Sold @riche reeponalble position under the Government. Second, birdie:mg the Speaker to ox clods from all privileges of the floor, committee rooms, cloak room and all galleries of the House, any person who has bean or may hereafter he proved entity of baring been engaged in cor rupting or attempting to corrupt any ...ember of Conerese, by directly or indi• rectly flaring him any valuable rancid. eraklon, with a view of influencing his action in any matter pertaining to his official duties. Third.• That the oiidenco showing that Commander Unalier, of the navy, had placed the, suer of $1,300 !n the bands of M. 0. Lundou, with the view:of prover log the appointment of hie son to the Naval Academy, be tranemltted to the Secretary df the Navy, with the ropier. to convene court martial for the por no. iryi Commander lipsher for conduct unbecoming sa officer. After ilbscuestion the bill, after being amended:o make the term ono year, wan passed. TO the resolution' about Commander l'pah,r Mr. GARFIELD offered an amendment, requesting the convening • ors court martial to ascertain whether -1m had been guilty of unofficer•likecoriduct, which we, rejected-71 agelnat 111. The reebtuttnn was then adopted. That about Gen. Schoeff occseioned diampalnu, during which Messrs,. MAY NARD and KELLY declared it had been a matter of common report for years that cedetablia, had been for ace In this Moine, Mr. Kell: slating that come of hie pradecessers told him it hod been the usage of toe House, and the Invoefign Lion of the Cornmarne had showed the one el them, Mr. Millward, was engage ho pe.ld ling the appointments people. .'deans. Schnook, fi•iiro., Logan, .Mor zaa and othorirrelitiOtati.ci the, idea that iho nalo Of was In accordance with eaLllll2.ll rumor, or 3 custom Of_t.ha Ilona. T: rearilution yraa then adopted, Its .he one about 10,,by momhirra, and h. report Mr. regneated Mr. Logan to itaio Whether the committee had any avi.denrie before :1 all affair:mg I.ll‘ :Mr. Muncen'r) elleramer. Mr. 11,,,e1AN If there had been 1:0 ',tad certainly tie-..e re vrt,d *hr 7.l.itili.V.l.EY, from the Committro a Editcalion end. Labor, reported - bide Lti.tiNlative Aer.emblial of Trtritorl. , eto i.e.. general arta of ice r mration and for edurational purvieee. Mr. PIERCE, from the same Cominit. n, reported a 11111 donating the Marine Itohpit - *I et ' Nitrite/ to the State of Mis ns•mpt for eticcet,nal pusre,see. • The morning.hour expired, and the Lill rent over tilt Tuesday. The !mum then went Into Committee cf the Whole on the Ta.llT MU. Mr. COOK addressed the Committee in favor of a reduction of the tarliTon bur, salt, steel, coal and pig iron. The great agricultural !taproot of theeonntry was not represented hare by paid &rent, anti lobbyiete, bet the time when this interest .would be heard and • felt was coaling. There could no no real pre, ' parity in the country when its greeted nroducing Interest wan depressed and over-burdened. Mr. JOHNSON made appeal on behalf of the farming and wine growing inter ests of Calitiarnie. Mr. McCORMICK argued against a protective tariff and romplained particu larly- of the tintiee !mu, steel, cotton, cloth, - woolen goade, Ate. . Mr. ALLISON eposein favor of a re. duction of taws. lie said these en gaged In the production of Iron in its ruder form were amply protected, but the vast number of attizano working in iron were not protected by the existing tariff. On the contrary, the tariff wan to them a harden, or was a burden to consumers of their products. The agricultural interest Was not pi-Meted directly, beenuse freight s from Chicago to Itsitoti were more than twice the amount of duly livi poned upon the agricultural products of Canada' The mechanics and artisan% or the room. ry were not directly protected, and that class compriaed a much larger number of citinne than ware cOnlprlsed within the productive classes. He denied the argument that protection ultimately cheapened the article protected. " It might be true in many instance., de pending an the degree of protecti or competition In thin country, and on on the autumn of consuinption, but it Was not true in the majority of instance& IL wan certainly not true in respect to Iron. The tarilrhed Increased the rust of Iron to ship builders, and if so It certainly, most have Increased It to other con— sumers. Mr. KELLY remarked that while the cost of foreign iron was tending up, that of American iron wail tending down, and asked Mr. Allison to Whet he attributed that?, • Mr. A LLISON maid he was proving that the tariff Increased the coat et pro. ductlon, and again referred to the de. Pressed condition of chip building, but ho regardea the bill reported by the epeclal committee On that *lonian notion to the people. Itecauno It allowed fifteen dollar, a ton to be paid beck - for Amen- Cain Iron timed In a ship. Why shonld the people of the Uiritrd States be cailed to pay much a Immtity? That bill con fenmedly ahuwed tkat an American ship could not be built or sailed am cheap an foreign :daps could be. and that wan attributable to the tariff. This !aunty, , proposed to be given -to American nhip owner' and builder's, wan to apply not only to venal. employed In the yeast wine trade, where there won no compatl thin. kilo wan not prepared to vote for any such bounty. film point, however, was that thin bill confessed that the duty on iron Increased the met of iron to ship buliderti, and If it did It alno Increased , it to ell other &ima m , Mr. WASHBURN, Win., asked him If believed If, with duty taken- elf iron, It would be on cheap 'five yeara bunco an now? The “News" and the Polygamy Bill. 'ny Telotrrtnb to the PI It ttalr.lk Gazette./ HALT LAE ' E, March e l.—The NM., in regard to the passage of the Cullom bill by the House, says Oho striking out of live motions rids It of several moat tenni 'five features, that wore too strong for Congress to swallow, and adds that many thought the House would never . pasa thin bill in any form, and that Ulu a clear' invasion of the Constitution, and indirect controveralon of its princi ple& It farther says: "We cannot say whit the Senate will dO with it, but this we can say. If It pease& and then shciuld receive the signature of the President and become a law, it will. not meet the wlshem and answer the expectations or its authors. Personally we care not what action may be taken on questions. Persecutions drove us from township to township anitgoon to a territory. It hu made us strong, thrifty, fearless. The most valuable experience we possess to. day we gained through persecution, and do not oread its effects. • •• If men wish to push Mormonism ahead, let them demonic, it. Prey the Cullom bill, and if this false armies, attempt to Light, drive and exterminate, and. then what Bttsaniß. Anthony. and Prof. E. C. results? • • • If It should pass the Hewitt, of the Illinois State University, Senate, be signed by the Chief Executive, are •to have a joint diseusalon on wo- we may then discuss its merita and its man aunts at Peoria next west. Piobobie effect. Mr. ALLISOI , I replied that was a none. Um) of arithmetic. lie did not want the duties taken off Iron. He only warded them reduced, and had not uld the cost of Iron was increased in proportion to tlin duties, but only that it wee increased tp , the consumer by the tarif. He confessed lt,was Impossible to refire the necauary ■mount of revenue without protection, but argued that the tax should be so levied as to take out of the pockets of the•people the least possible earn ova and above that which it placed in the Nat , onsi Treasury. The Housetook a recess, the evening eeeaion to bs for general discussion on the Tariff bill. SOB EDITION. -TO rrit CZOCK,g. TILE CAPITAL. cahliiation ante Cancellation of Public Debt—The Cuban gnes tiOn—lllat tht President Says Abunt Antnesti T The Trouble in Yirginia-13teauiship Sub sidy. :Ey Teetttlyb to tka r 1 , q,nrelt Gazette.; WA. , ..aiNar x, March 21, 1:i70. THE runLic Dr..T-Arrs •cAlcczzaAnori CALElti t d TED. The following table , officially pre. pared at the. Treasury Department. exhibits the time it.would take to can cel the ontlro nubile debt of the United Statces—s2,soo,ooo,ooo—by a sinking .funtl capital varying from twenty-fire to one hundred million a 'year, istercat at six per cent., Dayabioaarulannually: Capital. Time. :111,000,000. ' 23% years, 30,000000 85,000,000 104 40,000,000 18 45,009,000 1014 58,000,000. 1514 85,000,47100 ..... 1434 60,900,000 • lt 85,000,000, 70,000,000. 75,000,000. 89,000,000. 115.000,000.. 1 1 3,e90,000.: tia,voo,ooo.. 100,000,000,, TITS CULIAff taCKIITION, - • It Is understeod thit there will be te'. reports from the Heinle Conan:11(Mo on Foreign Atfairs, On Mr. Banks' resnlii. non. 'the minority will 'present a sub. etitute of the following nature: That If flay person shall, within the limits of United State!, fit out, arm, equip, or be knowingly concerned In flitting Out, arm. leg or equipping any vessel, with the intent that such vessel ehali be employ ed in the service of any Europeau pro. vince or State, for the purpose of sub. Cuing American colonists claiming In. demity, or . shall Irmo or deliver mom. missions, within the territory of the United States, for any ship or vessel with . the Intent' that she MIMI be em ployed As aforesaid, every person so nilaydtny shell beguilty LI misdemeanor, and upon conviction fined a sum not ex ceeding five thousand dollars, and be imprrsoned fora period not exceeding two years nor less than Nix months, and every such strip or vess4l, with all wri ter's's, shell be forfeited; aad be it fur ther enacted tint thnr inavery ease where a chip er vessel shall be titled, out, mined or equipped contrary to thb provisions, of this act it ehall be lawful for the Presi• dent ef the United States, or suc parson empowered for he .purpose, to h employ rho :and or naval forces, or militia of the United Stoles, or any part thereof, for I purpore of taking possession of and de. telning an 7 such ship or vessel. coNSIDEIrEp TUX TREATT. The Senate wan engaged thla afternoon for fonr bourn and a half in considering the Soo I)..aningo 'treaty. Mr. Sumner opened the, debate in opposition to He ratification, occupying the door until the Passion adjourned, hat giving away to Senator, who made brief remarks based anon answers to questions which t Env 11 , 1 propounds.: to him. The Nahnto Tr:'l resume the au hiert to.mormw after the reading , t• the Journal. The ,ne for exchange ra:iticatione will expire on the :DO that. • - J. treire4llslirierrifsel here to.day direct from Sin Domingo. bringing important odic , el dispatches Including the general r,uit of the vote in favor of annexation. The Mtntster of F,•reign Affairs ewe more won not more then a two per cent. voia lit tic ti•Auill van refuted I he isitiend oes nod charges aralnint parties whet wrre prominent In advocating and pcgotiating.the treaty. • 1100 Mt I. ♦ MNESTY. The Preiddent In en inrerview with s,nater llernman. ]Seat Virginia, laced that he hail already preparkl a ape. tuop.s-e to Cowen to which here ,Pental•ntli7rl the panne. and granting of urn rental arnreaty to all lately in the re• hellion: and that be wata in favor of • law' granting amnesty to all and everyone who desired; that all that he would have thorn 'to would be to make a record of t he Annie at the nrarent Court. Senator II 'roman Paid ho was In favor of general arenesty pOth but few er , !eptionP, and to three he would never (ennant no far an he was conciirned. The Preahlent replied that he did not doLire to make any en. eeptiona and would:so rOCIIVIIIIIIipt1; that nothing Iron than unlvernal amnesty would be given. His said furtlrer, that after Georgia and Tarn were narriftted• he would Pond in the menage alluded to. I= The United States Supreme court will hereafter strictly enforce the rule in regard to the filing of business, cud not permit under any circumstances the filing of a brief after a case le celled for argument. . - The case of Thompson and others, claimants, against the Union Pacific Railroad Company of Kansas, Involving the right of Sta , es totes the property and franchisee of the various branches of the Pacific Railroad, Pi now under ergo• went. I= Several .Republicau membere of the Virginia Legialsture, accompanied by Representative Platt, paid their reverts to the Preeldent to-day. A inita In that date were briefly discnued. ,the Pres. !dent expressed no opinion, however, as to the matter of -the controversy, bat acid what Gen. Canby did was , to ;imply prevent riot and bloodshed, and he would have been blameable if he had not taken ouch precautions. 13=12 The Secretary of Slate given notice that he will continue to rarely° all claims against Mexico until the 3lat of May in clusive, fur . reference to the. Commielop. Thera° who tile claims after the 31nt of March moat furniah aflidayita -or other proof. ahowleg adequato reasons for delay. IiMMIDT TO STEANUOIIP The Senate Committee on Postoilicea and Pontroada ham agreed to report:a hill subnitlizing the Pacific Mall Steam. ■hlp Company for mall Perigee between Han Francisco end China to the extant or ono million per annum. Service semi monthly. 6=! Secretary Boutwell anti Coin ut In lon r Delano wore before the Semite Finance Committee to-day !vitals° to extundin g the time for keeping whinny in bond. They agree in recommending the time in the present law of one year be retained. CM= . . Col. Wm. Hoffman, U. S. A., hag been retired at Mx own request from ItMy let next. • 13YIRTONIS. Tho custom receipts last week amount ad to F 3,405.096. ME NEW YORK CITY. Democratic Harmony Disturbed —`'War to the Knife"—Panic in Europe Concerning Anieri can Securities—San Domingo News—President Grant's Com ing Amnesty Hessago—Meeting, in Behalf of Indians—Bnrder at Troy—Embezzler Arrested— Wool Sale, &c., &c. • it 7 TelegFal.h.liktb• Pitl"ar4l2 sue NAV, Yong., March 24, 1870, HAPI NOT RESIONEO. nom Wm. At. Tweed announces he has not resigned_ the Deputy Street Coln. mlselonerehip of New York, and has no such iutentiot. Ile adds: have made sacrllleee end • labored to prevent a di vision In• the Democratic party. The Individuals who have Inaugurated the present troubles' Must be held respon sible, and antler the fionsequences. bide my time. and Irma to the people, whose confidence I babe Co long on. toyed." = - - - The excitement among politician. at ally hall and In different departments over the oriel. at Albany cOntinuee. Tweed's letter denying having resigned the pavilion of Street Comtnienfoner, ere sled conaiderable surprise. Sharp words are sold to - have peened today between Tweed and (lend, and the former de. dared he was on the war Path to the hit. ter end. It'appearn he was removed by Street Commissioner McLean, and that :Roger., the new appointee, holds the office. `The 141,r1t1 of toelay claims the ring hes been smashed, and says Sweeney, Tweed Co., as Si power In the Democratic par ty, are utterly destroyed; that the young Democracy are consolidated anti inepiri• red, as nothing but treadiery and re. pulse could have united and Inspired them, and concludee its article as followe: "War to knife, and knife to hilt." Per contra, others declare the Tam. many ring never no etrong as mince Tune. day'. work in the Aesetutey. A petition for the removal of Sweeny from the City Chiimberlainship lain circulation, hut no further change, lies° been: made since the removal of Tweed. A resolution in before the Assembly de. elating Henry Stuith'm place on the Pd. lice Uonunistesion vacant. Smith is nn dOrsteotl to be the party who made the combination which defeated the charter and oilier city bill. ou Tueaday. A coalition of Democrat. and Republicans at Albany is talked of td make Anew city charter, to beinlroduced n•xt week, giving the Mayor power to appoint and remove alt eubordluates, to appoint a board of public works, not subject In the approval of the Aldermen, and making him responsible directly to the people; the Aldermen to be elected on the gen eral ticket: expentliteree of money who strictly guerdtei, especially In regard to street neventeute, a majority of the prop• erty owner, to have the right to noted the kind of pavement for which they will be Aare...ed. Tit!. charter, which Is a direct blow at the Aldermen and young Democracy, will be fiercely opposed by the latter. The young Democracy held a caucus et Albany this evening and revolved to call a general caucus of all Democratic members of the Leglilarure ■nd bind every man to vote for every bill, on pain ,•f being - branded as a traltOr-to hi, party. Tweet'', trienOß met and talked over mattern. Tweed said he • would here a charter ready :or Now, York next week that 'smile be statieraetory to all honest men of all parties, and would reduce taxation ha new York hundreds of Hum. sands per annum. REMO 1034 10 9 , 4 8. AAI FatICAN SF:CUIIITIZS ADROA.D. Europe for come time Peat Mu been absorbing American Skate and railway ilOCUri LID. Ott an enormous scale, and at seine financial centres on the continent the people generally have beau seined with a mini for everything AUJOrie.:ll. 'an Instance of title we cite the net that a MirOsid mutt of one tin tiles, with a State ender/lament, woo recnittly put upon the Frankfort market, and over etiv•n nultions subscribed in Paris. P. is stated a French hook took a railroad loan of twenty-flue million francs and actually paid out rive minion francs on account. In thin: cal, there seems to have been some nUlrepresentaii lion, and It is elated it repr.sectutive of the French hank who - recently arrived In thus country was very much nurprined to tied the railroad bonds were not on 'the Stock Exchnege list, and elan that the road pan no government nettsidle.. Private telegrams from }Ammo state there Is , a.notribpsalc in London ;and Frankfurt on some Southern State menu-. tittles, and that there has been a decline of three to four Per cent. In Virginia bonds, and two to three per cant. in Liminianan. Thin reaction created en uneasy feeling In outside American sub entities at London, Paris, Frankfort, Amsterdam nod other points, with general declin• In prices. The PILIIAIIit lidtromi Company has de. Glared a quarterly dividend of four per Cent. SAN DOMINCiti NEWS The regular steamer from San Dentin. go, which arrived here yesterday morn !nit, bringe a bearer of dispatches to the authorities at Washington, with further details of the election In the Island. Among the passengers by the steamer i■ Hartmount, who went nut on the•laat trip for the purpose of making a tender to flare of 1150,00 u starling of the loan .uegotiated through him with Lawson et tie., of London. He reports the positive refusal of fleet to accept this money, be- cause of hie obligations to this Hovern merit' pending the treaty of annexation. tile liter:Ws San Domingo correspond ent writ's that the vote in favor cf on. neaatiotr In large, but that the Govern ment hen apparently facilitated ballot. box eluding by Its agent., and that there is a strong . feeling against Satz and annexation in San Domingo city, In spite of the repOrted vote in favor of the scheme. THE ALNESTT • The Tribune 'of thto morning says that the President' bait prepared, and will sand to Congreas as emu as Georgia slid Teens are admitted, a roopoin g o recom mending that unrvereal amnesty be de. dared, and rentoring their civil rights to all engagod In the rebellion who come forward and ask them. "It is a mea• sage," nays the Tribune, "which the country will gladly hall; and the result of which will be far reaching and Puma. Scent. The Senate should - show its dls poaitlon to welcome the memittret by at once admitting the only two States which remain unreconstructed." Or THE INIqA 1.1:3 A. meeting.in sympathy with a place policy toward the Indians will he hold In this city on Friday evening next, at the Prlendal tneeting house. The Cher okee delegate.; now In Washington, are °incited to attend and It 1. expected that the principal chief, Downing, Col. Adair, Col. Vann and others will b. present and explain the" mode of life and faunal and political system of the Cher okee Nation. Theme delegates are very Intelligent inen and two of them can speak English with fluency. ItDER Ai' TROY A man named Manning Sanderheldon wee murdered last night by three rob bers who went to Ms residence, near Troy, for the purpose of robbing. They crushed In the skull of lianderhelden with a bludgeon. His non-in-law, Ed. Alexander, fired • • gun to alarm the neighbors when the robbers at once Sled. The deceased was a prominent and wealthy--citizen and much excitement was caused by the tragedy. ' •RIZEST Or AN EIIBEZZLICR. 1 • Frank W. Roberts has been arrested In.Phlladelphia on'a chargei embezzle ment of 53,000 from Mr. N an , a sta. Honor, of Milwaukee. Be is n English. man cad claims to have been a Lieut. Colonel In the Confederate army. Re. port aays he has aerersl wives In differ ent sections of the country. • WOOL AUCTION BALL • The wool' auction sale way largely at tended, but not much spirit existed, still sellers were. Rationed with the pricer' realized. W,lllCh 113 several instances were below the appraised value, while - In more eases they °quilled and eipeeded the valuation. TEE MISSING borax:Amon. • So far as appears on the surface, the active search for the absoonding Ridley ji practically abandoned, and unless he le betrayed or yoltintartly inirrendlin ----- binnelf, it seems more tban probable :bat be will not be eit.en Rgeln in this city. VARIOUS MATTERS. -• Walter Brown and Harry Biglln are Organizing a four eared boat crew with 'belt:Lennon of challeitgintr bob the St. John and Tyne crown thin summer. • Han.. Mahlon Chance, of Onto, aniltd to-day for Naaane to`a•tnume the d titian of Coneulato there, to which he wan re• coolly nppo!nted. Nothing is yet known of Collector 13;1:ay's whereabouts.. A report tbat he nod been seed In Albany Ia dist:relined by Government ctn.:tors. 'There Ia no doubt his abstratzionz will reach one hundred thousand, end how much more cannot be known until the exazniruition now iu progress in completed. Wolf tt Co., importere of laces, end toilets, Broadway, are charged by revenue Ofileitliß with estonniyo Lion In values for the haat two years, and their stock, valued et $20,000 has been seized. There - Is evidence of the collusion of two Government officials, ono of whom has Informed. Names are withhold. The. Manama, Guutemaleem Vowel I, ,impllcCed In mmeggllng. has been dim charged by Commlmalouer Omborn, hav, lag establimhed him Innocence. A large number of men it in Bald will ba discharged from the Navy Yard In a day or two. The number now employed le At a meeting of those interested In the Midland Railroad, held at the Produce Exchange, it was resolved to recommend the Lealslatare to grant a loan or/U0.4- .000 to the line for improvements, at si.x per cent., payable In twenty years. Counterfeit twenty dollar ball on the Central National Rank are In circulation in. Brooklyn. Thti hardware store of J. W. Bucks's.. Son, and twontostier buil , ileg•adj titl ing, in New Brunswick, N. 4., were par; tially destroyed by ti:r. I,nealls,tato. The annual dinner or Priroxton Col. legs at Dalmanicoi, to-day, was nreauled over by Bon. tV. C. Alexender. Speeches ware ma is by ReV. Dr. McComb, Bs:wi le:A Webb of the Coßrne of New lark, lon. B 01. Brewster; Bev. Theo. Cuyler . nil other,. • Sixty molts fora tondrod dotter. aa , l3 have been reroramf in Paterano, against the Erie Railway 1.7- - nr,r,ny by Shippers of fraicht for over charges. NEWS BY CABLE. Bonaparte•Noir Homicide Trial Exciting Proceedings—Agra rian Outrages in Ireland, E) Telegraph to the rlttaburgh Gazette.) MIMI I'-care, March 21 —Tha strike at La Creuvot is confin,l to a portion of the workmen who aro laboring under polit ical excitement. It is expected It will soon be . wuppreetied. Toone, March:4.—Thu High Court of Justice resumed the trial of Prince t Pierre Bonaparte thin morning. Wit nowt,. for the defence' were examined to I show the previous bad character of Noir and Fouvellle, and good character of the accused. Their teeth:hotly on the first point wan not clot:inning. Other wtheenea were brought up to tes tify to the good conduct of the Prince tte an °Meer. While one of the lawyers for • the prosecution was conducting tile croee.examinetiou of witneenee be used an ex protein!' Wren. Mee to the Prince, who violently inter rupted the proceeding., and turning to the laWyer denounced him null hie pas s• a faCtiOU. FOLIN mile was ter. 'fitly excited, rose and called the Prince • art assassin, • This canned greet confusion amoug the epectatore end In the Court. louveille w.forcittly taken out by two goo