FINANCIAL. 111BRICAN BANK, YO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE , rITTSBOIRGII. cum CAPIT&I. • • • • . 520a.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. as Iva OP DISCOUNT AND DEPOOIT. JOHN pr,gma. WU. vizaCro I '.`gtird' '4111Z.. Jam Jame s W. AT flt• E'Ul• Chla. B. to.a. I W.' 11°T" • Ve:Liat ,sov• Jraostod and prepared da a goaarYllant muds.. J . * Ho_.ll Gitir TAD, SILVER AND COUPONS, /fought at Highest Prices. 01. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Menne hmEt - g. T, BR & Co. (Suceestort to 11. JONIJI • CO.. Owner Fourth Moue and Wood tit. .13.A.W.TXXIRS, au) , sad tell all Wad, of HOYERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILYEU AND couroNg, ON MO FAVORABLE. TI IS rar Interest Allowed on Deposits. Xll u a ty rket r► loanates. ed tiorernmeat bowls at *well m Orders executed for tbei Porehnoo and Solo of tiTOICILO, BONDS. musd 6.101.1). AMES T. BRADT & CO. Kift ciaytt F.INANCE AND TRADE. Orrice or Pirrezueera Gazarri WEDNE3DIT, March '2l, . . The market td government securities vary dull, with a disposition to melt on lower quotations from Europe, and the general impression that the funding bill will not pass in a shape to bencht the public credit. There is at present noth log to advance the currency vs..ue of bonds except a higher premium ou gold, and lilacs Ibis can not last very long, Inveatorewill not likely rash In the market to buy. Gold keeps steady at 117.. q, declining occasionally !,;, and advancing again'/.. but all inaliCall , n lll are favorable to a moderate rise without any fluctisettene. 112 may be called the lowest point will wilco, end any sale at 114 or 1161., perhaps, the outside figure It can reach. ,aiGovernment hes no intermit to de press any more, nor would It be de sirable to have any material advance • take place. Until importers have to come on the market as purchasers of exchange or gold, the legitimate de mand for gold will be light. • Stooks were strong in the morning, but closed dull and heavy at the laid board and appeared to favor a general ,decline, but since nearly all the stocks are more or less oliqued, the managers . are able to put up prices at pleasure. . Money easy at 8 to 10 per oont for VtllZlD . Plper. QUOUIIIO63 113 reosived by Fa. R. Mart= 00 /d. 112%; Silver. 110.-Eighty. one's, 114, Five Twenties, 1802, Io9W do 1854, 108%; do 1866, 108%; do 1065, Oonsok, 107%, do 1887, 108%: do 1566. I 108%; Ton Forties, 10574; Auau.s Ex press Company' 61; Merchants Union Banned; Company, 18, ArnoriPnn Ex- Company, 37%; Western Union , egrarraph. 32%; New Tort tlentral. 543%; Reading, 56%; Pittsburgh, Fort .1 Chicago, 0.1; Ohio a Mu 2Ayi hit-ZO.An d outbern,,B7%; sioaeb th o . 4 . Pitkburgh, 100%; Chicago. Roo k wan d rzeific, 21W Chicago A North w ororo . 7 5: 011.01g0 'North Western PreferredB4Z, Fade ILXCH.A.2IOII. 4417 e, London,wor ............. . ......... T 6,60 Paris, par franc-- .......... 51% 26 .., Berlin, theler 1 . 4 'Frankfort. dorke 4774 491 . --Cloning quotation!' received by James T. Brady 6r. 00. Gold: 1/2%; United States 81xes; 1881. 114; Five-Tv:unties, 1802,108%; do. 1864,10534; do. 18e.5 108%; Tan-rortie., 105%; Flve-Twentles,, Jantb ary and July, 1866, 107%; do. do. 1867, I=lo. do. 1568. 108%; 'Union Fell& d, 87%; Central do, do, 9074; CO. Pacific, 112%; Lake Superior —. tir rkeesern totes rittseerei Gasett4.) Now Yong, March 23, 1870. 'The position of • the foreign exchange market, In conaequence of its close con. motion with the price of gold and the foreign trade of the Country, Is at present of much -importance: A. short time since one of our leading bankers steadily lowered.quotatiens for minty days bills, which lareught about a heavy decline In the ihipmenut of American necurttles In. cottop and other produce. This started a ver be arish feeling among bankers in to outside bills, and simmer every one w afraid to buy, because they looked is fotornmui;eh lo T w h e e r le.d rates in , g n es r peci . n t ti llT eti on d co rew t , their own bills with greet freedom, and In addition, It is stated, made a totillon . gold paper and placed the n ban rem. no, in the market at 5 per cent. pe It .now leaks out this firm bought heavily cotton bills at low prices, both tare and In the South, while other bankers were quietly walling for the panic id the Liv erpool cotton market end very low rates for cotton bill!. I Money market very . eery and closed at 3to 5 per cent. on cell; strictly prime businees notes 7 to 8 percent_ Irma stated an eas.ern mill will lose 1800,000 and another 1100,000 by recent dry goods failures. Foreign exchange firm; leading ere ask 108%, less 1.10 for sixtr day bills. The eupply of cotton and other bills Delight. A.strong ef. I fort has been made to force down gold I by report+ of the certain peaugo of the I ronding 0111 by the House,the result bens a fall from 112% to 112%, but sub.' bias the price reached 112%,—large bias Or Treasury gold having ...rengt b. m ed.m whet—closing rate 112%0112%. Lest car: eine rate 3 per cent. Toe clear ance. were V 8,000,000. The goy...comsat gold $1,000,00 at 112 2D-1060611 2 35.100; bide aggregated 16.173.00 U, running as low 112%. , am Government Ikeda barely steely. The and Memus have - Committee on . ay s as the day on appolo next Teen: ire which t ey•will hear representatives of „National tanks on the Funding bill. As 41 matter of ammo no action will be taken on the bill until after that time. Coupons .or 81. 14014%; do. 6.2 e, 10010%; do. s4s, 11%06%; as.. Oa, 8%09; do. new, 7%0 7% do. 67e, 8%,00%; do. VW 8%09%; 16.40 s 514646%. -tatsbiends firm; billaourisi. 92%; old Towareseeta, 59%; new do.. 60%; old VI r• 73%; new do., 71; old North' ' as, 46%;" new do., 23; Louisiana' lb. ~e , lir,. 6.,..;.Vmarket. has been excited , AL " morning call prices end Innate... nt *tea 4Y atye4terdere agorae. were abo After call an ant. 444°144eet of a falling off of wo w in the earnings of the Northwestern Road p.'44ll?ftd. • f olio[ hi 10 1)40 in these stock., r'." whole Market sy coprold. sod. The mar - ket. subsequently strengtti..°_°4,,_l:4 Pener: Untied firm until 3 o'clock, "P.,..7., there Wes a break In North Western . 9 04 ~ 3 % . - to 71%, which weakened the est Ore ae.,:: Alter the w er e Western the prir_ • elP` . flealinge were In lake Shore and Vam:er. hilt shares. • Pittsburgh dined to par,. Terre Haute was strong at 38 for common and 66 for preferred There was increased pressure to sell . all the leading shame sad market closed unsettled and weal - at about the lowest prices of the day._ Canton, 65; Cumberland, 28%; west ern Union Telegraph, 82; Quioltsilver , 6%; fdaripoes,7%; do. pref., 17%; Adams prees,6l; Wells & Fargo. 19%; Ameri can Expnisa,B7%; Milted Stater, Ermines , 47; Pacific Mall, 31%; New Yolk Can. Mal. 92%; do. serip, 90%; Z-le, 251 do. preferred, MN; Harlem, 148>t; Reeding, 16; Michigan Central, 119%; Lake shore. 3734; Illinois Central, 140; Pfttsburgb, 1 „100%; Northwestern. 11%; do. pre forted, 83%; Rock Island 120%; New • Jersey- Central, IGO; St: Paul, 69%; -do. preferred, 7.33; 1.1 - abash, 45; .. do. preferred, 76; Fcr tr. Wayne, 8611 4 ; Terre Haute, 38 • do. pre ferred, 64: Chicago & A . lton, 111%; de. preferred, 111%; Ohio & Illseleeippi, 521.10 C. 0..2 I. C.. 18%; St.lo6y; do. pre ferred, 107; Smith Fermi lee, int. • Borron prices: Recla. 90; Quincy, 17; ;Copper Fells, 6%. - Sub• Treasury balance, gold., 1177,154•170; currency, #5,101,499; "enema! balance, 102,804,41. _ P/TTSBURG la .t orymx OP PISTILLI:MOH WZONS3DAT, March 23, 11170. S The markets, In a general way, ore de void of anything realty new or barisar { ant. The grain trade, although quiet, is somewhat stronger, which, Is owing, vernally at least, to the Impression that la gaining strength that prices have shout touchei bottom, as- c -weil as the fact that the, offerings are light, both country dealers and farmers being dis posed to hold; they take tote view' of it, while prime lb no event can go much lower, the chances aro In favor of an ad trance, though no one expects big prices. The grocery, trade is Improvin,t, the vel um., of bueluess having incretcted con siderably within the pant week, tmt un do: the ingaence of a sharp competition, margins are very much redoes. Com pared with list week, prices hive still further declined, and sugars, "r: Ifees and syrups ere novae cheap bore relatively, as in the east. Provisions trade con- Unuee afore, though the teeling •Is steadier than It has been, but the de mend is light. Butter, eggs, and pm dune generally, la steady with a fair-de mand and • price are pretty well sus tained. APPLE. BUTTER—Quoted at 66 ®7sc, ASHES—Quiet and unchanged. Coin. mon Podia AIM, 4: refined, ey;c4a4%. Pearls, gaSIS: Pots 7 %. APPLES—In good supply and rather quiet but unchanged; 12,60®3,50 per Mil. BUTTER—There Is a continued steady demand for prime and choice, but nom won and medium la very abundant and very dull. Prime to choice 36%38 and even 40. BEANS—DuII but unchanged, at f 485 per bushel. BROOMS-Store prices: No. 2, 83,75. No. 3, 54,501 No. 4. \ 55.001 No. 5, poso. Carpet Broome, 16,0046.60. BROOM CORN 1.3417 eta per pound. CHEESE—La a shade easier, nut , un &Raged. Western Reserve; 1834 c; Ham burg, HO: Ohio Factory 17340; Ohio Goshen. 18c; Now York Goshen, 19c. \ :- CRANBERRIES—Market almost bare. Prime eastern cultivated may be quoti4d at $2415'25 per bbl. CORN MEAL—Is dull and cannot be quoted above 90 to 95, in Moro. CARBON OlL—Dull and drooping; we now quote standard brand:, nt 2334 24 cts. ' DRIED FRUlT—Market continue.% very dull and pretty well glutod. We cow quota apples at 7(4,714e; Peaches at 883.4 for quarters, 934410 for halves, and 18(420 for pared. Blackberries, 12g 13; pitted Cherries, 28&30. LOGS Demand fair, but under In. Hawse of increased arrivals, prices are barely maintained. 27e may be regard ed as the ruling figure, though we did hear of sales having been made at 28. FEATLIERS—SaIes at 85e590, and the usual advance for small lots, In a retell Way. FLOUR—Market is dull and-unchang ed. Receipt. light and demand limited and ourtrely local. We continuo to quote western Hours, In store, at irige s . so. tor spring, and $5,50@q.00 for winter. Rye dour, 15.00. GROCI4I4ISLS —Trade is more active, the extremely low price. causing buy ers to take bold pretty freely, and be gins to look now as if the bottom had been touched. Sugar*, syrups and coffeee are being sold at eastern prices, lose cost of transportation, and we hare no hesitation in saving that country merehauta can do Just as wail here as they can In the east. All the leading houses are well stocked with this claaj of goods, and It is safe to infer foot the, low pricer' and anxiety to sell, that some of them are anxious to Unload, having more stock than they care . About. carry. log. SVOARS—New Orleans, fair, 101, good, 1134: prime, 11%; choice, 121f;Calt 10(4111; Porto Rico. Al% ®l2. Renee-By A. Coffee, 13;4; 11, 13; Extra, C, 12%; °rushed and Granulated, 14%. • MoLassiow—Neve Crop New Orleans Molames, 70(g.500; Porto Rico, 65Ce 7 E 6 Smiure —Perfection, h 5; Silver Drips. 68; White Honey, 75; Golden, 60; Lover ing, 1%. Co 6 rreg—Fair to Good Rio, 19(309%; Prime 21; Choice, 2134. Rici—Carolina, 714 c. Tsar—Young Ilyeon, 51,00Q1,63, G. P., 51,10 to • 1,90. Chong,l4o to 1,80. Oolong„.85 to f 1,45. Sou 9oc to 51,50. ETaitcH—Pearl, 635; Satin Gloss, 111,fe, and Corn Starch. 120. CorMENTAA - ran xirz-5.8, 1 a) per case. FrtUlTs—New Layer Raisins, 54,75 per box; Prunee, 14c; Currants 1414 e; Valen cia Raisins, 18c. Srices—Ceuta, 63c; Cloves, 400; grain Pepper. 33; Allspice, 3110; Nutmegs, 11,49. BAR LEAD-104c; Shot, 52,75 per bag. SoArs—. l ßabbit'e," 1114 c: .-Oakely'a," 10c; Rosin, 4 to 7c; .10Dobithe0.', 15c; Wax, 9c; Chem. Olive, 6e.—Mould, 1.3 c; Star, 22c. Bt Cams Sou.a-511 per IVY •Fisa—No. 1 Mackrel, PO per bob No: 12 01%119; No, 3 do, 516. Lake Herring. 1 54.25; White Fish. P. OO - 1' GRAIN—The offenngs of wheat eon ..4u° tight, and with a fair milling de 5y.,4'.74 the feeling is ratherbetter, though prices not quotably higher, ll,lo@ 1,13 ter fair to prime red. D-alers are not disposed ld handle whet for thr it—not mown that there illothing 1 . even a respectable c0.7`1:103.15n, and this accounts for the small ar:‘../ 5 - Corn Is mer and tending upwards; we can re portpo sales on wharf, at 730375c—C.' 111 quoted at 76(g0, In store. There rather more inquiry for Oat!, both deal ers and consumers having an idea that the bottom bast been touched, though prices are no higher; we co n t selling o quote at 43c, buying and 45®, Rye is unchanged; dealers are buying et at 80c. and selling at 834657. Very little Barley on market; prime State spring is - qUoted at 80®135c., and fall at 90(4,95; No. I Cenada, 11.18 said, can be laid down here at.l I ,65. HAY-1s quiet and unchanged. Baler from country wsgons at 1115(mal per ton. ELOSK— a 2.0311 per lee . 103 S I iales e t at57546,P per bbl. h 11N-Sa 3 LARD OlL—City brands. quoted at 51,25C01,27 for Extra No. 1, and 85@87 for No. '2. LlME—Eastern -whl\ 0- lime, 51,75; Cleveland, 51,25 , MAPLE SYRUP—quoted at 51,504 1,75 In gallon Jugs.--yugs Included. ONIONS—De w mand more prime, active a, t 53 and nriceanetter, w i t Sates Sales of , . Der bbd. POTATOES—DuII and droo p ing; sales In store at 40@r15 cts per bushel. PEANUTS—Prime Tennesse quoted at 8(410c. PROVISIONS—Market steadier, but prices are unchanged. Shoulgore, 12 (g;l2g for plain, and 13@13%, for Sugar Linea; Sidra, 15@15% for EMMA and 16 , @My,' for Clear; Sugar Cured Rams, 17 1 (&17%. Lard, In fiercer, 14y,@.14%. and In buckets,lo 1534E01514. Mess Pork, Ii PEARL BARLEY—No. 4,6; No. 3. 1 63/: No. 1. 6%. Oatmeal, 510,60 per bbl;.'' 5450 per half bbl. • ' SEEDS--Clover. Is quiet and un changed; dealers are buying at 57,75(5 6 , andanlllogat 118,25%.4,60. small sales of TlMotlay seed at. 5.25@8,50. Flaxseed 52,15. SALT—Is quoted at 51,60®1,85. In car load lots, and 5 5 far small lute In store. PEI ROLGII St WI A ktliUT Orrica or Pia-mannon Osam-rc, WEDNEhDAY, Ma rch. 23. 1870. ~ Tho oil market, notwithstanding there is little or nothing doing, hi somewhat firmer, and while there is no material change to prlcia, there le morn inquiry and a stronger feeling. In anticipation of lower freights, reginers are begining to feel the market. and if It wan only definitely settled In regard to cheaper freights, there would doubtless be some buanese, Sc our manufacturer,' are ant. ions to start up their work. again.. Ws hear It stated that oil csa be ebtpped to Baltimore via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and from tnence to Yhiladet phis, thirty/Ise cents per boric/ cheaper than by the preterit mile over the Penn sylvania Central. OBODII. a Crude, already Intimated, i firmer with more inqury, bui without quotable change. March is quoted at 117 bid, wt.!, a rumored solo at 11%. Seiler June to Augnet, each month, 0 at Oil City; buyer all year. 14%. Kerman. Sale 500 each May to December at 29. March, 28E; May to October, 28E bid: June to December, 29 bid; Anguat and lieptember, 29 bid; buyer all year, 30% 'bid, 31 salted. Ri ,:iirTe_or COMDM OIL NT A. Y. B. I 8;;;; . Oil Works 532, on account 0. C. CY. R R.; NIA% Oil Works 480, on account E. H. L on ; W. bieCutcheon 80. of account R... 1. Ric h o :son; Jas. Wilkins 80, on Fox. & dunk; A. B. Mills 80, on ac. count W. MAO. ... . ... ...... -... . ... ............... 1,252 kb's, Totalelials 09 OIL DT A. v. ~,,, z. LOCYbart, Frew it Co. 50 bbls ref. oil to Warden, F. it Oa., Phila. Fawcett, 1.. & S. 450 bbls ref. oil to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. m c ßigey & Era, 410 bbl,' refined oil to W. P. LOgan it Bro., Philadelphia. FUlttin, Dfaryna Co., 60 ads tar to W P. Logan & Bro., PAW& Total. ........... Dry GaAs Maria. 1(W TOSS. March 12.—Tbe weskit is less active, bat pelees are wltbOut any quotable change. Woolen goods are In ample supply and deprewasd. Enotigh cotton fibrin are held withs a rather print more firmness, especially printnd ing cloths, but holders at present ere not dusposed to pay higher rate's. and not. witbbtding the advance oft raw i rate. I ;lel they an will de ditactil; to establish. MARtiETri IIT TELEGRAPH. Z..;stv Yogic, Marcia :in.—Cotton heavy! and lower with sale. 1,200 bales at =! for miudligg uplands. Flour dull, and declining . at j 4,401 4,55 for auperdito Stath western, $4.6005,40 for extra State, $4,05®5,50 for extra western, $5,70Q6,20 for white wheat extra, $4,7640,00 for round hoop Ohlo, 1586.00 for extra St. Louis, and $6,10@8,00 for good choice do. Rye four heavy at 114,2.5(A5,25. Corn . . . sales of western at 11,20. Whim ky lower: sales 400 bbia western at 00% free. Wheat: receipte 17,000 bush; mai ket heavy and a sheds lower; sale. 60,000 bush at 68490 c for rrjected 11@;1,01, No. 3 spring; 11,06,•Ne: 2 and Chicago. taken together: $1,05(411.07. No. 2 Chicago: 11,10®1,12, No. 2 Milwaukee; 11,24@1,26, winter red and s amber ,rest. ern; 11,45(41,60, white State. Rye quiet and In fair request. Corn: new scarce sad a shade firmer at 95@9dc, new mixed weatern; /1, high mixed nearly yet ow; 11,01 for new round yellow, 11(41,02 for new yellow Jersey and Pennsylvania, and II for inferior old mixed western I. store. Oats lower et at 669,167 e for western, and 60g,62c for Milo and State. Rice dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar quint, with Cuba at 9%i:149V, Molasses dull. Petroleum quiet - at 14Iie for crude, and 2634 c for retin4d. Rope firm at 15 for Amerioan. Wool quiet, with sales 180,000 lba at 46 ®s3c for dornesdc fleece, and 41e for pulled. Loather quint Rod unchanged. Coal: domestic quiet at 15(46: I foreign dull. Linseed Oil dull it 89air2„ Turpentine quiet 46@47c. Sheathing Copper steady 31e. Ingot copper fairly active 19lic for Tennneuve, and 19y(,c for Lake Superior. Pig iron quiet and steady i 133437 for Scotch, and 132 ®35 for Amer. lean; bar dull and lower 176 for retitled I English and American; sheet drill at 111 (gil2 gold for Russia. Nulls quiet 4ya I 4 y4o for cut. 6e clinch, and M(gaile nurse shoe. Pork firmer: 900 Mils 126,12% for moss, 119y2025 for prime and 121,75 @T2 for prime mesa; also sales 1,750 bola mesa seller April and May at 126@26.65. I Beef steady, with salmi 300 bble at 110(gi IS for new plain mesa and 114Q417,60 for new extra mese. Tierce Beef steady, with sales 100 to at 124@133 for prime mesa and 1.27@)30 for India meas. Beef Hams quiet, with settee 140 tibia at LB® for new. Cut Meats arm, with sales 403 pkgs at 10t4(6)12c for shoulders Bud 14% @151.,'c for hame. Middies ouiet, wit`i salmi:lll.' boxes at 12‘4%12,44c for Cumber. land cut, 13.4ie for short ribbed, 1.0,(03 far long clear and long% sales of cut llama on private terms. loud firmer, with sales 576 tea at 13;4®14 ,0 for steam and 15015 1 ,4 1 + for kettle rendered; also 250 tea steam seller April at 14%,e. Butter steady at 14g26., for Ohio. Cheese dull 13®16c. Freight. to Liverpool firmer. Shipments: 35,600 bush wheat at 33 per steam. Latest—Flour closed dull and Se lower on common and medium. Wheat dull and alightly In buyers' fever. at 01,06(4 1,07 for N 0.2 Chicago, 11304@1.12 for No. 2 Milwaukee and 111,23Q11,26 for winter AO and amber western. Rye nominal at 95@,98c. Oat. dull and heavy at 53@;57i , eaters and 60461 e for Ohio. Cor Arm at 96095 c for new mixed Pastan Pork quiet at 426028,25 for mane. Sr. Louie, March 23.-Tobaorm um changed. Cotton quiet and lower, and middling. not teamed at over 21c. Hemp dull at 11,30(31,50 for undreamed and 112,2002,30 for dressed. Flour: tales fall euparline at /909,10, extra at 14,2009,90 and choice ai,d fancy family /5,7508 60. Wheat dull; No 2 spring 7508,1 c, No 2 red fall 1101,02, prime 11,05 and do choice $1,15@1. 2 25. Corn; mixed 77078,, prime white S 2 880 and all sacked white, in bulk 700. Oata-aalea at 930451 hulk, I 510530 sacked. Rye steady at76(3,80c. Mete pork firmer at X5:450 26 , 60 . Dry salt meats Cirmar at 9%c ',boulders; 13,p3 clear rib, and 1954 c clear aides. liacou shoaldere 10,9ic, clear rib aide. 191i015c, clear eldia 16!„;(411559c. Counnon to fair Louisiana ',agar 93..;011 5 4c; prime to choice 11%;012Ne. Coffee firmer at 20t 11c for common to choice. Molasses dull at 90060 e. Widoky quiet at 92093 c. Chat ciastort, March 23-Flour un changed and dull. extra at 119,50(34.75, family 1506,20. Wheat unchanged and quiet at 11.0601,09. Corn unchanged at 710790. Oats dull at 99053 c. 10. scarce: sales at 85089 e. Barley 95c0 11,10 and dull; demand rare light. Cot ton dull, middling Tobacco In fair demand; sales 76 hhdis at • 14,80(311,25 Whisky clotted buoyant and sold at 93e (or old process and 910920 for patent praceMs. Meal Pork quiet; held at 11Z6,75, buyers at 1126 tA, Bulk meats firm but to quiet at 9,%09N0 for •hou l dere, 19c for aide. tad 13 14%c for clear rib and clear do. Bacon quiet, shoulders 10>X; olden 15c, and 15%0 for clear rib and clear: augur caret hams 150184. Petroleum at 260eac for re fined. Sugar dull at 10010%c for New Orleans. Coffee 170220 and steady. Ifeef cattle source at 14,50 groan. Hogs scarce at 1808,7 5 - esucatso, ?decals 23.-Flour; awing extra 83,50. Wheat quiet at at Mt; (31t50 for No 1 and 791.1 c for No 2, cloelog at 179%c; this aftern at the market was 4rmer and active 75,t‘075 %, cash and seller April, and 89c bid !Roller Mae. Corn quiet. cleating at 72,;(3,72%c for No I 2 and 630,650 for no grade. Oadi quiet and weaker, claming at 37,tie for No 2. Rye quit , 65,4067%c for No 2. N o winea dull, 94035 c. Provision. firmer land more active, closing at 125.25 for I seen pork, 14(14 ;c for .lard, 9r, for dry I salted ahouldeni, 12c for Twilit aid.% 13c for abort rib middle. loose. Receipt. for Cos past twenty-four bourn: 9,083 bbls flour. 12.970 bush wheat, 0,980 bush corn, 27,787 bus:: oats, 677 bush rye, 4,000 bulb barley. 6,997 tinge. Shipments: 9,8014 Mal. flour, 18,883 hash wheat, '21.490 bush corn, 5,185 bush oa ta, 3.869 bums rye, 1.159 Walt barley, 3,50 hogs. CLLVLLAND, March 21-Flour steady for country brands:. white XX 11750 6,25; red do, 150515; amber do. 5505,6 P epring dn, 19,7505,25. Buckwheat flour doll at $5.5006,50. Rye flour dull at 19,7505. Wheat dull at 11,11 for No 1 red and m 11.05 for No 2 do. Corn : no re cal pta; arket firmer and 2o better, with' sales new at 83e. Oats: no receipts; market fir e with 43c offereor No I Slate. Rye dull and nominal.d f Barley du and .held st 530311 for State and Ca qui t mist Petroleum: firmer feeling but and nominal at 24024390; crude steady at 15,56 per barrel. Lonnivmuu, March 23.-Cotton dail and lower, with middling at 210. Flour: extra family 85. Oral. firm; red wheat 90110, Prime sugar 1 white 11,201 corn 930: oats 03c;mot rye a. s*. acs 750. Bala of tobacco liberal at full Provleons firm, with a limited deman I. Mean pork 127. Bacon: shoul darn 11e, clear rib 15c, clear aides Vic. Bulk nbonldere 100, clear rib 14c, clear aides 14%;e.. Lard: prime llama 15. Hams: sugar cured packet(' 1834 c. Whiskey raw la a little firmer, and held at 920 - 98 c: YIIILADIRLPHIA; . March 2:3.-Flour 39,3709, 5 0 for 'tuner ' and 15g6,25 for extra. Rye 950960. Corn advanced le, with yellow at 921393 c. Oat. dull and unchanged. Petroleum steady, with crude at 19t;',c, and refined 290. Whis ky dull at/101,01. ILLLTIMOny March 23.-Wheat: prime 11 28(1 39. dorm yellow 93094c,whi1e 9209:e. Oats quiet at 55 0 . Rye steady at 11. Mesa park steady at 116 50027. Rib sides 14%0150, clear sides 15%0169, shoulders 11%1312e, hams 1140200. Whiaky quiet at 98099 c. MILWALIKEB, March 23.-Flour toady and unchanged. Wheat Milady, Itic for N. 1.78'.c for No 2. Oats steady, sales of No 2. Corn firm, fific for new. Rye firmer, 700 for No 1 fresh. Barley steady. 70c for fair, delivered. Maurice, March Cotton dul and nominal. 22gc; reoelpta 465 bales, l ex- Ports 167 bales, Flour steady, 84,50. Corn 98c. Oats 600,62 e. Hay 626027. Rtan $2B. Pork 527,60. Lard 14%016,, , ,. Bulk !shoulders 100, aldaa NaslvlbrE, March 23.-Cotton dull; low middling at 190. good to ordinary at Igo; stock, 5,460 balOe. Live Mod( Market New Tong, %Arch 23.—Cottle remain firm at last quotations and sell quickly. Themarrivals were 1,440 • few of very fine, of 10 cwt, and s old, :it 170. Old dry cows went at 120, good Mears sold at 10018%c and the best lot at Ohio Durham', good , ,g 18@l7c; 50 Vignola, 7yl evil 1434G:18%c; 80 head, cwt, thinnieb, 140, to drew b 6 lbs per owtt, 100 DLlssourl, cwt, at 14 @lf*. Sheep retain the late high prima and sell quickly: poor culls at.B%ct fair 80 lb* cheep 7%faBc. and prim:D . 9olM at 8%o; a lot of 190 33 lbs Penns. mold at 9c: a car of 98 lbs./Rate at 8%0, with a car of comae 89 lbs Indiana , at 70. Indica tions point towards • decline. Arrivals to-day MO. Hogs are selling at 12%(21 12%c, and not very firm; \1.5 cars arrived to-day, but none selling alive. Crooke°, Mirch 23 =Hogs to rsmode active at 88,20f98.75 for common f7,5U07,8714. tor extra shipping steers. gairowrggT BAILBOAD. OLZVELASID AIfD PrrisSlOlLod RAIL ROAD, March =.-2 cars b ore, Everson, P & Co;-3 cars es ore, Bryan .t Co; 9 are Iron ors, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 2do c ore, W Clark; I do I s do: Rene. G& D; 3 dodo, Jones & L; 3 de J ore, Grad, B RCdlark Cu; lumber,; G lOO tar bble, A. Mundorf, 1 do do, & Lockbart, F & Co; 100 Mils flour: &shoemaker & L: 176 bge barley. W J Meek; 60 bbls oil, .1 19pPar: 19 g bides, M Delange; 7 sae wool, Springer, II& Co; 61 bble beans 25 do peas. 10 bats cheese. J A Graff; ' 42 bets Dandles, 'Whitmore, W . D & Co; lb bast Is ware, Secomb & Co: 25 do w w. Fahno stock & Co, 10 kits p barley, A Kirkpat. rick .3. Co; 6 bbl., Blast( do p barley, Arbnckles & Co; 6 bbla onions, 9 do ap. pies, Volgt, bi & 00; B bbla appals, i keg 910 bbla. PITTSBURGH DAILY - GAZETTE : THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1870 eogs. Meanor & H; 94 bales key, • Itoete S. E; 4 - bbls d apples, W H Kirkpatrick dt Co; 30 do apples. Woodworth & D; 12 do do, 1 do eggs, H Rea Jr.. FIXTSBUROH FORT WATND AHD CHI CAGO RAILROAD, March 23 —35 tcs lard, W H Howard & Co; 2 pkga butter, P Duff & Son; 17 bbls bone coal, Seward & Emerson: 1 car barley, Spencer & Mc- Kay; 350 ban cheese, owner; 10 aka rage. McCullough, H & Co; 9 do do, Frazier, M t Co; 248 doz shovel handles, Spencer & Bakeweil; 75 bble, 100 sks pour, Shoma ker do Llnuenhelm; 6 pk iA 4 bbla eggs, Voigt, M & Co; 404.11 ;elks barley, Pier, Dan nab. 6 Co; 60 brilX broom han dles, McElroy 6 Co; 6 hale.: upholstery, A Milliken & Co; 5 bble onions, Wood worth & D; 306 bgs barley, Gangivlch & Co; 55 bbls crude oil, Spear & Co; 1 bbl blackberries, 7 pkg. butter, .W H Graff & Co; 2 hhds glue. W Flacons 6 Son; 9 abs rags, Allen Kirkpatrick &. Co; 1 bhl tallow, H Res Jr; 18 aka potatoes, Meanor & Harper; 2 bbls egg., Deemer 6 Detwli ler; 12 but matches, Haworth & C; 1 car staves, M P Ademe & Bro. PITTSBURGH, Urrturs NATI AND ST.. Loins RAILROAD. March 23.-1 oar in teed,-W 11 Nantkor; 100 bbls flour, J H Firma; 25 do do, 60 bgs dr., Lankainp & It; 12 bbla eggs, 4 tuhs butter, NV II Graff; 3 bble do, F G Craighead; 27 bgs fruit, 50 bbls h wines, Shlpton dr. W; 2 bble eggs, 2 kw. butter, Head 6 M; 15 pkge furniture, J W Woodwell: 4 care wheat, R T Kennedy; I car staves. Heating & D; 50 bbls llour, R D Clark: 36 bxs tobacco. .A Schaub; 1 car a iron. Jones & L; 1 car lumber, D Odell; 1,849 bdb. paper, D, Herron. • ALLBEIGENY VALLEY RAILROAD, March 23,—.15 care coal, Kior, Foster & K; 48 do do, Armstrong, I) Co; 18 do do, Coleman R. & Co; 9 dor. brooms, 2 eke seed. E Henzieton, 1 bbl eggs, 1 do but ter, Paul 6S; 2 care rye, 11. Wallace; 2 bbla eggs, W 1-1 Kirkpatrick & Co: 128 skis oats, Scott & G; 2 care metal, J Moor head; 3 rolls leather, Graham & 5; 1 car metal, McKnight & Co; 2do barley, Spen cer & 11.1. A-MX.IIEIFX STATION March 23.-1 car miilfeed, H Steel & Son; 1 riozmdt, Gackenheimer & Bro; 48 ski Goer, W Sanders; 7 care wheat, Kennedy 8r0;,4 do metal, Graff, Bennett & Co; I do do, Spang, C & Co; 1 do cabbage, A Irwin; 130 bits barley, 60 do rve, 9 do oat., J Rhodes & Co; 100 bbls flour, Sbomaker & Langenheitn; 2 care lumber. L Walters 6 Son; 16 bbls apples, John Herbert. PITTSBURGH N CONNYLINVILLI: Ran.- ROAD. March 23 160 ngs wheat, W Mc- Kee 6 Co; 7 bbls applcs, Voikt, 5l 6 Co; 6 begs clover seed, S Ewart 6 Co; 1 bbl tallow, C A Boucher; 4 pkgs flaxseed, L Fahneatock 6 Co; 1 car metal, John Moordead; 1 car sand, Melling & Estop; 1 ha cheese, Head & Metzger. IMPORTS BY ROVER. PITTSDrnn H. RADIO/NH VI LUC AND lic trEva, Pm:I(LT Co-, March 23.—1 bbl eggs, A. Autos; 32 bait* bay, 52 bgs corn, 50 tads onions, 79 lake oats, A H Carlisle; 10 hogs, Horne; 1 bbl apple butter, 51,510 eggs. Johnston A C: 4 bble eggs, '2 do onions, 10 kg, butter, 6 ekes molasses, 2 boo sugar, 11 Reed; 11 bbls flour, 7,1 do apples, Jecob Cron; 8 bole do, J AAirove; 30 sk• nab,. 8 Bayard; 3 aka rags, Atwell A Lee; 3 bbis onions, 11.1 W Rankin: 2 b%s clOverased. J F Beckham; 2 bbls sugar, Watt, L A Co; 1 bbl eggs, Carter, Mcli & Co; 50 has window glass, Alex King; 24 obis apples, Vsngorder A 8; 13 Ake raga, F. Cnristy; 225 his glass, P. Schmertz; 40 bbls.apples, I,i W Kelly; 42 bblas whSAY, A Kirkpatrick A Co. CINCINNATI raw JUNIATA. March •-69 bbis potatoes, Dby A Co; 33 chair., A Milliken & Co. 3 pkgs furniture, Ztrikesd A A; 52 do do, J Bernard; 12 do do, hauler. C A Co: 2 bbls eggs, I Wood worth A Co; b 0515 cornmeal, J B Con way; 52 bbla potatoes, Volgt, M & en 3 his beef tongues, 6 tee at beef. F Heiler. A Co; 13 bbis egga, W H Graff A Co; 3 bbis eggs, 2 do apples, 4 aks raga. Elaff A Son; 1 bbi eggs. J A Graff A Co; lot sundries. Kldle A Saddle; 2 blab, eggs .: Dovol; 20 do apples, 7 pkgs butter,, do egg., Head M.; bide d logs. Dilworth, H A Co; 1,310 kirs. .308 bt,ls, I Dickey A Co. 26 bbl. .11, F. Lace A Co. 6 bales hemp, Vangorder &8; 5 pkga eggs. 3 do butter, 2 do d applea, 1 ak raga, H Rea Jr; 170 chairs. A Milli ken. 0505 WhEr.t.aSca Pie ROMA:. March 23 —l7 Ws duns, 23 do apples, 8 do onions, Volgt, M A Co; 30 obis apples, 2 bbls eggs, 1 tub butter. Woodworth A D. 16 aka potatoes, 1 bbl apple butter, W C Armstrong; 26 aka rye, Joe Scott; 62 sks WALDO,. Bricker A Co; 25 aka pc , stoes, Jobn Arbuckles:l3lbbis do, 17 do Ober, 10 do 60, 1 bx butter, John Herbert; 12 Mile apples, 1 do egget Head at 7Sletzgar: lot lumber, W ll IMper; .20 al.a. cam, Fanner; '2 aka wad, J bier- meal •hall VER PACKETS. CIitCIINNATI SDURGII AND' CINCIN PACKET LINE. • Tha as • and aplcant.l oldt-tttoel JUNIATA. Capt. C. L. Us s[° al, *III tea. Mt/lamb for clnetaaatt EVENT THUR.:IDA] at Id o'rlonk nromptlf. Itotord ton, will 1.100 Lloolanatt AVERT SUNDAY at 13 11. For fretaht or . spoil on board or to FLACK a COLLINU OA) Lf j"" R4liVitilt•nfi:•,- No. 3 Woad Stroll. PITTSBURGH AND. CINUINNAT PACKET LINE The hew and splendid slolewheel .w ar mi t Steamer. ABLINUTt/li. DANIEL 1101./11X. kiss., A. 3. Suhrguo, Clem I Pittsburgh for Cincinnati very TUA.IIIAT at ILL wool:Air. I ayes Clocionotl fur Patsburgh, st 1A hl• ever, F:.11)•1". to: trefr ht. per. Age, or other Isforruatioo, s ply oo bo•rd or to J CuLt.INK. fel IrLSLIII. t COLLISUROOI.. Agents. - #7.4.1 , 1Lit A xvm,s, No. I Wood street, noseuger Agent,. 13310T2113 -KOR EVANSVILLE,. CA HUI A ,eD LUDIC r pioneer Teerboat, WILD DUCK J. W. ArrAwALT. Coto% la•a. ADAM.. Cl•rk. 1•111 Dare co SATO.- II •Y. Mare $4. for the ...or ae4 I,4ml:lu:diet./ 9 V,..rre . ght and pa. ace wooly oo Moore or to en, 37 0 .1.11/I[nT 2 Co., •genta._ =E=:= FAR DAVENPORT,aaring 1101111QUR. - WINN moo NT. L A C R ■ RE o . PlAtl OA apleat C d U l L e• W hee M i t o oIar9IIIC PHIL HItIRIDAX .Coot. I. V. RF Will leave op 7111DA1 , Rath loin., m For freir at er passage *tipsy on marl. Cr to FLACK • CA./LIAO*. ...OW. Agog,* a . 14 C. tiRAY. he. 94 Water Rt. inall MISSOURI RIVER 'VOIR Finn` BENTON r.,...4=0! ANDTRY. MISIOUII.IIOI7rIt. Tile VIVI; " "ZATI Will lei..above tuterwWWW fIATUR.D•Y. Much prV for ' 1 ?NI bard, . tuarwt. mbli FLACK. s COLIAIN9WOOD, Agents. URGE. PREPOSALS VI ILL BE BE- CrIVSU at ;be 'Water Carmalltat Boars to era etaa as eau Dr nes. m y earntal. 411 to farm. Y alitttULlCa torus Takla JOSICPti aoperlatendaat. OrrICS Or CITS EACllldlillt AND SIIISIWVOns Pittsburgh. ltarels IS. MO. I §EALED PUOPOIIALS •IVVILL be received at this anise 05010.5 MR 54, 10 for supplylrg curb of tbe Read Comuslw eloners with &fob Id, for treble, Om *toads I. bla district In rcpalr during Os mar 1510. Rids must be made oat for each district saw rably• Lay further Information WI be obtained Li o calling at ills brlca. .1. LI. J. 110055.00 y inginger. NoTicE. to latter of Opening of Atwo3d stru Nat. is heeler glee. that the ataaeeeneat lilt sande by the 'sewers to the opeulng of Atwood Crest hae-been filed in lay °See for el/11.060E that If said aslltscommts at• oat 77aId. within 1111117 days feces the date hereof. /Rae Will be red therefor against the prohertles seemed. with interest, costa and fees, sod the same col lected by legal prolleee. 7. r. ISLASILE, City Alt ..... . No. il6 1111111•Valltle. rtrreatrasn. Felt. A 7. 161 0 . 1.216 103 NOTteEe a tie litter of Opening loop Wee Notice Is beret., titan that th mule by the Viewers for the epeeist. of You. .treat has been bled he my offoe for eellectto►' that If the smite be not bold within thirty days 'lron the date hereof. liens will be filed thee. for against the properties engeSsed, with Ichereei. costs sod he., end the swim collected by legs Moses, J, F. 11246LX. City Attorney, .Fa. 100 /1/.b.A.lenne. rITIIII7IOII, Yob. SM. 1179. NOTICE TO SUIPPEIttI. NEW" ROUTE TO BUFFALO AND TO THE NORTH! The /LUXOR ENT VALLEY RAILROAD CO. are •p ro roostett to ship Itrelght dimes to SU P TA LO, DUNKIRK. sad ell Wets In WIWI - MIN NSW I WM, • • For taus. scstl to W. W. C. AIREIRDITR, Freight Ape. Clke sad 11th otroots, rlttsba•gb. J. J. LANIIENCS. lhanal ,lhperlituutuas. = RIVER NEWS The Juniata arrived tact evening with an excellent trip, and will leave again to-day at noon. She is a bran new boat, has excellent accommodations for pas= ganger. and plenty of room for freight. Capt. Brennan is highly pleased with his new packet, as she meets lie expeo totions lu every rupee!. The Belle arrived and departed for Wheeling, as usual, The Phll Sheridan, Capt.. Hol ~p~ b, filling up rapidly for the Upper — Bliasia sippi, and will depart tomorrow rii.Jo s. Paasengerii and slfinpora can rdty on the Sheridan leaving as advertlecii. The now steamer Far West had steam up end commenced - receiving freight yesterday. She is announced to depart for the headwatere of the Missouri on Saturday—clear up to Fort Beaten. The Wild Duck, Capt. Auawalt, le an nounced for St. Louis forthwith, and shippers should bear this in mind. Wm.. Flail and Jame' Spouse are the pilots on the Phil Sheridan. - It is reported that Capt. Lew Vender grill who has been engaged in the coal business at New Orleans for some time, contemplates coming back to Pittsburgh to resume steamboatlng again. George Neal, pilot on the Major Ad derson,,and who was at the wheel when she run the Arlington into the bank, some time since, ham been fined 130 by the Inspectors at Cincinnati. Re was reported by Mr. Abrihains, pilot on the Arlington. I The Argosy departed for Bt. Louie last evening with a pond trip. ' The tow boat Blue Lodge, is reported as having grounded part of her tow at Deadman. The Nick Wall was advertised in • New Orleans paper the other day fur St. Louis and Fort Benton. . . . The Glendale, St. Louis to Plttaburgh, was at Cairo on Mohday. The tow boats Bengal Tiger, for Du buque, and the Panther, for Lonlayille, departed yesterday. . —The tow boat V. F. Wilson, while making a landing at Mill creek Bonder night, during the squall, took a tilt againet a loaded coal barge. owned by Gilmore. The barge wt.a badly dam aged, and only *axed frum isinkit,g by preeeryoring efforts on the part of the Crew. —Say. the Cincinnati Gazette, of Tues. dey: Both the Lorena end Bellevecodu departed rather light, es at the time theydeft there were al: New Orleans eteamera at the wharf, and the proba bility wee that they would got bettor rates below than they could get here to- day, —Alai. Gumbert, of Evansville, slot and Instantly killed James Granville McSherry, also of that . city, on board the Quickstep, at Uniontown, By., on Monuay night. Gusnber to 'in custody at Uniontown' fitchharrY leaves a wife and one child in that city. —Tim late accounts from Red River are that the lakas ant bayou. wore fair ling rapidly, aud navigation daily be coming more difficult. There are now but two foot in Potato Band and falling -The Indiana, Fillgonr" and Dexter, ana perhaps one or two other boats, will enter the Loulayllld and New Orleans trade, and run as regular packets be• tweeu these points. —lt is proposed to build, at Memphil, a .staamboat—entirely home ,ruarle—tar the Memphis, Friar'e Point and - bend trade, to take the place of the General A oderion. • • —On Monday of last week, a flatboat loaded with crockery ware wan caught' In a heavy wind below Friar's Point and swamped. No life was lost. —The Bellevernou and .Lorens left CimAnnati for New Orleans on Monday, and the Sallls.wals advertised , to follow on Wednesday. —The towboats Florence, Dictator and McPorter, with barges, aro ice bound at p:eient In the Upper Dili:tele. —The Carrie V. Yountz is reported on the way up- the Arkansan river, with big trip or railroad iron. —The Kate Putnam and Great Repub lic arrived at NevrOrisans during Sun day and Monday. —Tile towboat Little Alps was sold at Louisville on Monday to Memphis par tiee, price $B,OOO. —The Messenger, New Orleans to Pittsburgh, passed Vicksburg on Mon. day. • —The Mollie Ebert was at St. Louis on Monday, undecided ',bleb way to move. —The Camelia arrived at St. Lout on Sunday. _ _ WANT,l of John Oar. agbty or (tarty, of County Galway, Moy cotton. When tut board of, be was running on lb. river between Louisville and New Orleans. St. Louis and New Orleans papers Dleasio espy. Address Slisti•g- Gan...nary, Gazette ofßee Pittsburgh, Ps. SI'ECIA.I. NOTION 12jrCONSIUMPTION. Ult. beIIF.NCE'S PITLMON ['YOE2 for tbe or "t r6VAIVIVII.7:I P, V , ?I : : for th. a l :e ' oll) en yroi t pt , tlgO all the ihnuit.teei Condi 'llnlt."OZ:bliittiClL'S MANOR...XI PILLS, for Moran. of um 61050 or to rot ••• • dotal., IN.- naive. all of then threwart°en required la curing Cinsumotlou. thuu ah the ralmonic 7117 It 7 Pills. reniatlnit the ntereseh sad Llerr, and help the ?gleam& Cyrnp to diges mean.earch thronith bind ses.als, by which a cure Is ton ef fected. Then lliaticlues are coascientossly offered to the rutiite as toe .11 55t, and reliable renseuy for-rulmonary Cousumptlon. ant for all those morbid condition of the body which len to that s ir neesse. Liver Complaint and Ilya. npals sir erten lorerannere of .Consumptlaw sad se en they manifest themsielsee they require the me pnitipt attend., The l'ulmoulc attend .. Is a medicine which lin had along probation before the public. In value boo been prorrd by the %do ..... earn It hat ' l " 2f doubtn most onanate skepticism eau that It Is a remedy which me). 1111 confidence la all cans which admit crowd ',:uksTeftf, of • core. If Me politest will pciweVenuiir follow the C reation, wilifel &mil:trimly risen bottle. be will cc:Tautly be cored, I t Dia Woes ore not [Awl much wooled to note s core LOlel It. twee Is sates cuppocied to be lueurobic. whoa Moues sod phy sicians save deep the e.• of th is Medicine boo coveci life of Ito patient and restore , / to . neffee h. oath. fairo is. ...tent h•nt.... I...Schenck does not say that el. cu. of IN .rerere cosumption are vs DID, the teach re.dtclue, b athe emphatically eater. that ones when patients have Dm most alaro.lng remPton. soon as a violent cough, were.. chins, night -wen., genel debility, evsn 10. ach • degree *tat they obliged to Ile. in Da d. and when they are green op by tnetr phytlclan they May Dill Dared. Yo medtcal Lev/amen, can create new, Irtega bat whys the lance ~very se.hy diseased • end to eome extent destroyed, • alma way Po ri , tented by Dr. V.v.' s medic... - Also.. !Wrenn°. Dwane.. tern medicines SNI cenally e/anent. Dr. Sehencir. CY photo.' graphs of • Dumber of persons 'who have been . nearly covered with running sores and now nil 1 g gg i s d.p. This show. Da purifying properties. whist; Mutt be able Wheal ta•lttell In the /neg.. In the trettmentof Consumption It 3s of the [most Importance to give vigor .tt • uealth, teas to tne restem. bleu. It Is neeteeery Le or renethen the apiretits of the paUent atio int• prove the dl. stran• Proper nourishment I. re ga ined together with lath metes as will maim De. easily digestible. The articles most su itable fee the diet of l'enserntire. tretren to .r. art[.l.. 4 Itt Dr. lithenek's Annan... which Illtrinilled gratuitously. In general, the most d b , u tgatell i glllf:: °Wil l :l:o7hr 'e eta g p t e tt . - teed it order to make eitrep I. or . reeureatt. se aw eed . Th. requirement I. met by the seaweed Tonle, and for WS P. 0.. It W. don- Ignted• When the dlgestree DDrers a ct; [hat e ,. d nraer, the feed h. Its proper tem ethe patient is ...rated and tee l as e s be n to exercise their functions in &normal and enittre manner. Thea the healing powers of pninsontelsyrup will anent INe ell rio• Pulinottl7 Cenantehthlll he alionet always rem grated wDh Dye... and Lleer Complaint. , bench's Yandr.• rills am la ended to ; move obstructions from the Liver !sad restore It. I g g .ithy action. They have all the eineway which Is •serlbed to calomel or v•nius rgass,• and gm ten net to co i nto a particle of any =ha [ eral polson. The. rime:pre the most ebetlente I costlv sick hesti.ho. pit., Milo. ad.- D o p es still other disease s which ere.e from a torpid or obstructed condition of th. Liver:. One tom of ***** pllis will prove the efilowal if the medicine. In Consutept on the Sea Weed Tonle and Man dr.. rills an invalaable analllary medicines They r 011... the eufforlngs of the patient tad ..sist tab Pultnoule Syrup Ds enecUng • cure. They have best foand Ina. In ~vane, Manes o r a...minion, where the lungs are almost en tirely destroyed end 1/11 symptoms according to tdke.arr'f'l::l4len; csigiVl:lehtg touted :=ll it:o:thasil'4l.Ce'tinir 5611ratt Vt'tt=artret-o -1,7• ----- --- - - LLOalal. 100 'a' oak OFFICIAL 11:BebeerVa Arsenic costal. a rell treatise the redeye feriae of einem., his node et e wariet.„ eve rettete2 iltrertione how to amble ee• 00 had oath. or vat 111.1111 try addressier Ids rriselpel NO. North diet!, street, rbiladeloble, re. Pelee of the rollsonfe Syrup sad Seaweed Toe. le ware $l,llO pee bottle, er 117,50 a half damn. M.dreee %a twine sloe. for rah by all . deadly orp?_ I 9.VOIS WiII'PTLEIR CON. Diszke T u N . Tr11?-7g,!T °b"!II?;11! tu nom self-abuse, pretense unmsallaisa, own. debility, irritability ...Pilo., • lan lerabolons. and Smelly impainey p hns sr,..u, Mired. Person sillinteci inn de lica - te, intrienis galgiat ' erfeWltirr ik e l l=i 44" are Val :NraltatZtrpTgetr‘th..e.4l"l.4o,.. 01Vg. mind, sate, permanent. and walca ' sn most cues ems tm used witient Isladrun to bunnees„ Med. !dam prepared la tie establishment. em. Orates °dice, reception ant waiting man also b o wipg and sleeping apartment. far (entente ijauln=lAzoggl . oleatlon, and gzar witana 0115557 W mattar 4 :4 4 ls U ra t" 4 n uts your eam. Bead Inn la says 44 14111Mi k4. pilot of lifty pages, seat to any adunl h s trusted la Sealed tavola... Thomann - - -we manually, at over ,L tr y...CI.III,AD. free, Derionially or 511. - 1 41 Z ,r Znit o Z r ilr l (rc Co rta "ea) n days m. Mr. w. run - pliettste r et - Mon ter Wee .taugq. .1113 ADESIIIN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cot. Second Avenue. PAID ON MOUT& bold, Coupons, Bondi sad Stooks A. EICADLII.V. rusldent. Av. TA X ILIN.K. Vlee Pr.wldrAL. od . dAY CTILUS CLABILI. Jz.. Cashier. HOPLE'S SAVINGS BIM Cor. Federal and Laeock Streets. I=3 I=2 BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. TITEREBT ALLOWED OE TIME DEQT7II THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO: Safe Keephig of Valuables, Under guarantee, and the rotative at hates In Lit Fire lad Burglar-Proof Vaults. No. 83 F 6 ÜB3H AVENUE President—WlLLlAM PMEILLIPIL •lee Preeldont—llEMßY LLOYD. Pr9.IIcTOSIO W 1 11.11.11 1 PHILLIAs, 111 NON H. PAINTS/I, HNNItY I.LOy1). JONI. P. 31011.9.1b01i, Pi 11.1.1.A9 •901199. BLACK., 11.1..1.4.19 1..Y011. CORTI3 G. klUdaL9. .1N 9. 1. 1111PIETT,' 11 ACY d eli 5", ON OONISEIORIIT. 010,9 y Irotu 9 11'clock A. K. • o'clock CITY ;f4ANIE.. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Ps. CAPITAL. *lO4OOO, TOUIHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY' LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& YORHlfilg TACkiLe. llonght ad sold. end ttebee !leered rerz•lled to Europe. Colleetloss mule On all Ito • rate points of the United:lWe ad Can .. DOMINICS T 111161.. Prate, Jails MOC/015, Vice Preen.,... W. N. MOROas, Cahlcr. DURACTOoII. • . 'TDhomßuss. Rourke Patrick Kant. Etat I=3 S. McCLEAN . & CO Government Securities. Persomil amd prompt atteation given le oven. thlog to the lmtaess. Collection. made. Cm- Macaws Issued. and lotrrest allowedco Tian Deponts. •dranotio =ado so Trims Collater• and Goscrnme•t . Becarlttail at Ntorm rat.. Drifters In toren. and Dotneolic Eichune• Gold. envier, Bank Notes, to., he. All locator met rblig.rli•Deerl• heels. Bonds. hornoterl. Commercial Parer, tr., oegoetated at the mar rates of sommiorlon. lan: N. HOLMES & SONS, $_ :.DI7 igrILITCHELOR , II HAIRDYE. —ml. splendid Hair U. • Is UP host In tie world. ilarmles reliable lastantimos• s, ,sces sot contain mad, .or any ' versals polsoa ' to Mossy sess. ho genulae W. a atobelors Mall Dye has had 30 years untaratibsd repels. sun to uphold Its istesetty as we Isol Hate Die -01 . 13 oe Brown. livid op all Dross pplled at 16 Bo6d Street. N. Y. to 7 • piirJUIST otrr. "CH IIMILY riCTOILLL TIOCHIS." FOE COLDS. C01:10111, CTOR ,rend. THBUMT AND ROM_ R Rom ned• None so pleamat. None Can 34 40101. I • 10 1.1,3 1 f i heta f :g Tort. lo mon • • awn amMta• ual as .41rerw Caleb 4.11•06" • CIAL. P 23 Bo ma= AND SOLD Of Allegheny teekkelders laxidually Liable OS PrTI'ISMILTI4.43.Ia rcrizi J.7 . 1e,‘1..., 14.4 el. Hahn., Ti r. on. J• 133. • Yhelr.n. H. A. Irreyvogle, •Tnomu Barnes. M2tMffl BANKERS. - I= No. 75 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. 67 MARKET STREET PITTMIIIIRON, PA • tiolleetiou. snide oa , he PdialPil Wit.. it the United Inst. Caludas. ' Stocks,Bonds and other Securities notrewr AND 6ULD ON otDOLDINION ==l ff=l Unita(' States. Securities. 7W m 1 HAMT, CAUGIIIIZT & co., BANKERS AND. BROKERS, Corner Fourth and W 044 Striae, PTIVIIIIIIIIOII. PA USUCCZBiOn TO NAMIA. HART. . 0..) 1:1= Exchange, Coin, Coupow, Asti psisteslarMOTPa to w. • rush.. sad gale ofal GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. OFFICIAL. AL LEGH cIN CherThototia'S OIIICI. Ctn . 01 Auta hatrA /Old, 11110. 1,1 OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. — h../.1.11/ PROPOtALIO will be ree•leed at tole helth until 3 e•slo..t r. TULNDAT. tiereh ISTO, fee Alm tiesdleh had raving 6f the foilowler elltieete at.g Wtll6i ALERT feu May ells) to Ohio street. Vial A snail r. tree .11A•leee avenue to her- • NIXON STIINET. frost Baser street to east aide of Manhattan. 11A.I.LcrrAl+ S . TILEIET. Waskiagtea erne* tot/Lerida steers. Speelloattons can Nseen at the omen of Chas. Darla. Lon.. City Inlet.,lS The right en d to reloat any or all bid., W. SC TORTES, City Controller. Et= C0NTR0W.11 . 11 , .7 , 1C 1 /.. CITT 1/7 •1.1.1“11/1... Merck 1110. 1110. f 'Martell TO CARPENTERS. 136.1LL1D raorosALs will ba received at thi. oLIM total 3 o'clock T. X. TIMPLIDAT. Yank 114th, 1010. for the conitructlon of a PLamX stotwALK on Bell , from the ?inutile road to Willis street. Speelleatlons earl be seen at the °Mee •r Olar. Darla, Sao., City Teener., The right la rtaarredloreleetanl 00.3 kid , W. M. PORTER, /ALT Controller. ETIMIII - . ALL TAN17g174.1.°.!.72A , 01.74737:7* I NOTICE LEI HEREBY GIVEN that the easeastaent =bell by the Viewer. It. opening of SEDBRICK STRY.ST. St EN!!MtM=I tlon, man be nova here until Week Seib, 11170. when It rrlll be returned to Connell. fol tondramtleu, I=l Emma ViTY Inafegazave tlYnca, .1.1.1501.34 exTT, Mush 14, 1410, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the assessments matte by too Viewers foe the opening of LANE ALLIS, to the !Nomad Weil, bee been Med la tnie ollee for examine Ulm, and no be seen bus smell Mooob Meth 1670, when It will b. rams,' to Council voularmation, Cl= MM OM INGO=II'I 07111 C. I ALl.BealteT ern'. Merell le. 1110. TO SEWER COATUACIVRO.- . The Sewer Coasklealon It the City it All, Om, &re preisred (*rec./7e ►retbiW foe tie eeistene Um of &bent 1400 feet 3 feet Brick Circular Fewer, Loastea on Beaver avenue, ton Franklin Mat r3= Drawings sad syndications san s W stout sad hll inforststioa obtained at this dice. • Tilts mast be eadormel "Bever Proposals' , ad delivered on or before 9 o'clock T. it. Marsh ST, 1100. Penae of proposals, ort whloh forma &loins bide vrlll to received, 3111 100 famished at th , o oldee. Tim Consminion do not bind thinsselvoo to as cent tko lowest or any bid. Nrorder of the Commission. LE= 1=21:1 JOHN T. GRAY, Sousa and Sign Painter, GiliA-1211E11 AND CIMA77I:Eph 54 Math Utr••t,'` wpm/ tt+t• Maud nr...) , lttabariil. T•. INDIA RUBBER . BEAM, HOGE LID SITYLX PACNIIS of then Bolton A.M. C. 0.!. Rthke. • A f • thccp of otheil. ', Kim ithAla thpylled at man lactonthn Pram. J. A lIIILLWL rcata ter ttity at ENGINES, BO FORT PITT BOMB. STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROU. AND SNYDER. KAarusAcrvinume or ruilleßkziNllVVlEfi r DVl:rzUVe ENS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANK% MINN BAN, BIEZHCNING AND AJIII PANI , EINTTLIND iiALT YAND AND VON °IMAM tSTILII POLL, OiIiOILETZBAI AND IRON RILIDO PRISON DOORS AND DOLL MIMS. 01 T •• h arw Worsas ei b y y r t mt•,ad, PITTSIBIIRGEL. PA. arfirturs seat to the soave oildrest .111 Ee tot , trttr ottaa.l.l to. mb7:1111 HUGH N. BOLE & CO., Cor. Punt Alley and Duquesne St, =CI Nngine Buiidera, Fennders and Maa►{nlsla Makialleetve 'STEAMBOAT ENGINE-4 aad STATION ANY ENGINES, of allots.: a e llr L1e1,1 9 V.17 IiZTAIII°II,VItT6332I. I i BOMBE. of lo ham Tow. , CASTINGS, of toots , kind, made erdcr at ow foundry, ina SITEEZT. below MA-1,1.1.. RIGSfUr . Oil Well', SHAFTING. PULL Ere, HANGERS, 1101GiE. add TOBACCO nOnEWS add IVAIN TOBAGO,/ ramas, oa baud sa f . nails to order, IA the INDU Flouting 0 • TRIAL WORKS, I= I= IM=M!!M=MM 2I RMIICY YIAIL .10 BITMILAR-PROOY SAFES' AND . VAULTS NO DAMP, MO MOULD ENGINES AND ILiCIIINEBY ROWLEY WORKIIEPALEINGe ANL, ra'r TINII•DP NIACILIN'ERY. Con 17th and Plke Sta., Pittsburg Pa noli:401 O'HARA BOILER WORKS. f. REPHAN & CO.. Yanthetnrsn of IlititZ"4llll , l% ingbff" DOOM. C EOICHON likE EWE. /41.. Car. of Retold Avon ant Liberty' Et. I= Lk pairing dotty promptly. ()microant to the ool.S:pPl .I,ll{D 1.411111111 IrMICSID D. MUM AREA) M. BROIREI do SON, MAN tI7ACTGAXIL3 07 • Steam Boilers, (til Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CABTINGS. ate. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake Sr It oast well ae any'otker Steve In the Wks. BISPLTI & 00., No. 288 Liberty Street Also, oUpait and for sale, • STOTIM, ' lILATINO STOV GRATE TROAII I, 7ZMDFEW4 COOLING RA GM, le. GAFF, lIIIGUS & CO. 01 NrlltY VARSITY Or tgr - ros, BOSTON cooKrlrG B.SN-OB "THR FIERY FURNACE Tea THE NEW •NTI.DVAT 0013E11141 STOVE. *.IIMOOL ATOIL AoIssatI,•• COLVE ILIA COOK 4TOVIA. VAN'S ICI Pattern) PONTAEI.E A.EGI OAST IRON XA.NTLICB. WILLMAN'S EVLECTLIE,ERATE%. tr....trom dln andEtte4 EATS MiNTIA TENDIES. ac. 204 as& SOS Liberty Street, I=l7ll A. BRADLEY & CO. * NO. SO WOOD ISTREET. Jtsunfaaturats at the Orme. Var... Tot • Cook, Parlor suol Heating I,,tores, TO EIF 7017XD La Oar assortment ortll Cr , Mani all the LA.TICS2 PATTIIINS ANL 411EPROVEMENTS. sod the rep nation of onr Status Is men that any one la vot t of • good article ohonld comatose nose but those saanafoommd by as, as they will he found toot durable aswell as ommoodeal. Would Wl par ous tlettlaa ottenU we oa to oar aim VOLCANO o rub n, for churches. tub. 44,L fords. ever s. , s t:k throe Must... I,catlrn wltat or wltuout u 64L scoa Local .orsltl,sr -01111.0 - 11113er , 00 Lu ony Sr. .cou :nr :LA Cmer 1.101. ley CO.. SJ Mazatactstrars of LIGIIIT QRX.T LEON CI JAL. E 4 S r X CA' !EA Light work oar forotalt too.. J oint Shown:id ere B rg . metrics of Sendoff Hardn. of. on4n•nnr• entre and World, near °near 7.1,A11aghe.7 Duicity. Yostodlee addroas. Look Bon 102. its. . 15Z31.11 COAL' AND COEUEr CMS B. 110ISTRONG, Youghiogheny sed ConnellsyWe Coal, E=CI CeiL, SLICE IND OFFICE AMY YA/LD, coney Butler sad. Norton etreet. Liberty end Clymer streets, Ninth wanl; also Second street, Zighth ward., and at foot of Boss Street. & C. S.. R. DepOS, Second ward. _ Orders left at either of the above Grecs, or ail. ;Oro to me through Pittsburgh P. 0... will naive prompt attention. Bello to whom I axe supplying: 'Basso, WeDs &Co., Wu:. Steltb,Llnion Iron MN, S. S. Yow ler S. Co. hliteheli, stephenson S. Co.. Bissell co., Glretf S. Hugus, Ales Bradley, Park, Sr.. al Co., rant, McCurdy & Co., Reese. Graff & Wm. Si. Faber S. Co. .1. B. Lyon &C.., I SagaYsnhLLl k Co., Allen. , McKee A; Co., Vu on Des W 1110501; Counellsellle resusyleania 7. 8., Alin:YOU Palley B. R. . I=l=l COALII COALM 1 1)ICKSON, STEWART 1k CO, Evrias :enzavite. Wei: ones tc 110. 567 LIBERTY t3IJOBT, gyyt,r2l Otty 'non: MI) tOraIWRI) NI A)013. fIYR r * IA SIT 42 rat:l9li: 10w.% Imprtet Arita. ali pro.* lefilkt their Clue. OS 111hiree4 IA um, through MI =AU. 1•11.1 be AU. OS to r== ti/.I zl ETA :4:11. :I sit e) JOIN Q. ILICIELLIAD DANA WORKMAN & DAVIS, suecnsols TO Workman, Moore & Co., =1 WaMIAGES, BIICIOXESI, . Spring and des. 41, 44, 41 ud 41 Beuti It. , Illegkeiy. den fer ...mated :Elva utlitsottim p la • Illrer7"/".6. • •• 4larYlowest stile. of work coostarrtlyoo kasi 4 Su LIC AMINTS for tko Now Bores W W eip Make raTala limu t a.d BMWs Pao em la 41.4eirsaos.x maser asig Lotl•Bs Brier Ikkfu. 11. 11101.1113 11161119 keel!, pax... U. late/ester /Llex..4 Rua of if /33.E.MAN. MOUES CU.. the IrUi .aa L 4 IVlSClFillestearter be GOOSIOded ag tb• old suet Ute same Ylmale o/ ROILIeLber DATIL 0rd....1.1.1. 4 . .11 ° . " 1113 AVE ' ffe: Late Id. OHM.. Naeloast =II= ti4L'a_VM JAI 4;0 BALK zr. suclarriucwlsl. nitro aotrasr. ARMXIII.7.IOII au= eAv.l.„ nee. yd C 1•13 Btreet. Patents mx.cua ingaue. :Ivan tf., ctr. deateras g a: - Wading a 001 1 / 1 . iwm, .fiL normal DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. RABX & 00.. linsostacturen r at IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS. 19V411715.11XL, LZ AND .111:MILATA. itirSiat , SPAM IRON, BAND, INGLeN PLATES AND li rtrlfilat mon, RAIL, iparov,,,,,T., or lING.PLGW •DIDCUPTIVATONsi STILL. WINGS AND HUULI Scalia patters. STEEL TIRES, STASL StlArTINe, A. B. dTEILL. COACH, ADMIT us WAGON araiNos ud AXLES. (:UT NAILS AND SPINAL • All goods First Class aad Warreated: °Friers AND WoltEd: E i nth Street wad Allegbeny Wirer and IT Water Strout, Pittsburgh. nag ILLS ; BARR & PARKIN. 1= MAP. ail: 51.1. PA RKI N. IfirECLLL PAItXXIt - 15. Y. XlZtt. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR k PARKIN, OHICE. lle. $:1 Liberty Street, RACUIt , p'rr•Busea STEZL WORMS IitTLIILISILL. IN UM. ANDERSON & WOODS, =1 snwr annzirEz. °Ayer sTatiL Of every' deeerUnten. Aleo. beet Behead german Plow aid Spring Mal. oo t or r li, JOat AND MST DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM 111111a1, ointowir t. 1/1161 k Hu facll dee tbe leading Ter k:laUtlengrilr:ll.:l=ertjaßTAVall On LIMO, ConNOCS, PISTON NODS. L PITMAN J• 111. K iT.ALILKOALP :SUL% LOCOMOTITIC FlLtergetker wit, every deseelption of OHA.FII . Ofilu ea I. Forge Corm cinlagusal Way alit Ifiaat gyred. agel,ollo pITTSBIIRGH NOVELTY WoRKe,. Talmudled A. D. 111E2. 11100111M11, ADAMS S. CO suirosAcircrucrai us Exy zarr7 , A vav i off r emrw.A.T. SOALES. • lipma rapd Meat Door Lor-ka sad Lai QM. 0031.1138 orralirVivriereei• 42 ISTIL Hirtabaserb. SHEFFIELD STEEL WO EMS. SINGER, MUCK & CO., TITTSBURGU, PL., MaaaSoctvora of every tiontlotiou of CAST AND OMAN STEEL. RAILWAY srsnme. 11.11HTIO AND TLAT7ORN NratiteN. A.111:6, !ITU!, TINX A... be• WareitinsiN K Water sat 100 Erst Sts. BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL 'WORM. PARE, BROTHER & CO., 11•Aaftotnrars et All dasoctvtlon , of ErrilEETB. OM* an/ Warelonn, TR IRV STK, IRINTY . FILET and RAILROAD STRUTS. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS KNAP FORT PITT 1 01INDRY COMPANY OPTION AND NOUNS TWELFTH STREET, PITTSDURG4, PA ==M! lar Engines, Roiling Mill Ma chinery, Sall Blackflies, Re torts. and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. IDersaor Carrell ..4 Sinallmaa I% I reels, PlTYll3l3l3ll.cilil, WILLIAM SMITH OAST IRON BOWL PIPE 7bIL OAS £AI2) WAT 724 !MAE, 'li rips. ars all wt. tagsrlsbly Isk Ti, la .47 %and sa4 Dot lanittu. Also, fall saw:talent of gonna Castingi fbr ass k Water Works. I ...sell sloe cell the atteetten Sept ristied. est. Of Gee Werke to sty sate of W. 4. AND/,1.161.024 MONONGBRii FOlifiDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & Wflatilicii . of MON IlUtreA I , llolkrd f!DOW UIIITLLS .4 511,1 z, sad Casting' at all Hesaiptio. ,- . str FIAT, VralLitLirt:lWi u • it., sues. OTWICJI Airs FatrinllT-.N•• WALTIZ lITYLET, Flitsban. ROM:NOON, RE A & coy Itieadmars to surmrses. um" 'muss% WASHINGTON WORKS, Foams AND RAILEIIIII3, PITTSBURGH, Nanninotarsra oi Seat sad Stationary Steam Va gins, Last ingthea, Nashirtary, arl i tt k Oastings of all dosoriptloss; OIL Teals sad 11 Zoller sad Shoot Iron Work • ones, G. lE. want' First and Enltidiald straota. ~...ACHZIVASED'S PATENT LIN=I TIONAILIDAILLIN & CO., aril Ward bulky aid Kukla Woks, aim Dinrxr rt.. ALLacoorr F. ItsaiAstmes efllt and farlo lelAr"krt. .alaeti 4d Nv Wage.. Rum Dox4 reWsiTarikal lave es Mg lyttlY Of' all mit'l! pgamix Rom roussny, Oar. LISSATI az/ afiTl rrazEn. •OLLMAN & BACMAY, Misubetsrers et Superior Chill Bons, Sand Rolls k Pinloos. ROLIKES, BELL bi- CO, ANCHOR COTTON MILLS Kam fOoW-of a of PIZATI =LIQII ALA L 10,51 •C.l Ir.wv% p - , ' • . • 7 - . , ENNEITLYA-lirgat i llffl VA CIINTILAL.S.UL )Al 00 sad aIW ILI P. N.. aanuay 0% Ifath, 11189. , Tri. • Irl3 arrive at and dqi from the Unto. l'.,fut; ohms/ . of WalBB4B sad Mbar:7 atrelAaao toliowaf Arrtea. • Selmo“ Mall 2 . sala. „ . IfSO.sho •Iloatharn /act Lima-- 1 . 48 am *Pacific fa... lafia Well, No. 1.: fe SO am Wall , Nu. 1.. SeW BriotonAc Nat SAM arr. Mall T 11111,..... VI WILIPMartCr. L. 8:80 ma minion Ao.. IP: Cinclanall. Ca .9: 8 0 am, Dra,aAa No fII • i teamateara AP 10180 araltinclieti Az. IS. 'lraqi. Ac Not 1:08/a Wall , No. 2.. al, I: flal'g.f.f.'. IT Pr.p tV:177$111::: , w .i F . No. I...SaCipm Pkillt Ser.. 1.1:8 0 I FL% A el nil 1:: ril l 1 1 `: ?ft t... rig II rtiatorAc o 3 1:1111 ma Taal Lbw ...... TAO Way Palm , 100110 pm Wall,No. a . U'o o • .."Iltam MMus make clog. octimictloa It Marl "Iliitoa b L ßn t•b f l it* 'Wee Walla • SLUM •Ti 1.0001 at 11:138 a. st., nlm.litag riltehmarle l0:011 a. ia. /Le talnlas. loam Pittatracatai 17:80;• m. *24 artless at Walla Iltatloa; 4:18 sa. • . I . *Claclanatt Na - preila lean. ,lath. foldal Exprma leave, flail eseept Meaday. All Ott lralas Calla axiom hatulay. tar !Maar laformanon aDoM _M._ " . W. 11. IaTEWIT/a. ie. , Tars rasurylvartlattaitroad Ccromaziy will 0011 rul , au ra TIM forlfactaMo.lNt 140 .. " *4 l l pare limit Chair rmoonfl !tat° OD* V Arad Dollars In •aloe. All ilaganot c :bat anaoant In alale• 1-.lrl be at tam lI2VI, sale.. titan try an.ataal Cari 0. ...tr1ia1. NI)WAND U. W null Otraannt. artpartntanclant.. raltrar fEeNSYLVAN: • 14 T SIN,SOAD. — ten eloi alter Nkly tnnlA rueenter Trans on ule W. 141.13 Veanrelvee itselrooS 4111anetve at enO depart Crow rs logel Street OSOU AllegleSnY (AUT. am SOW .l 4 . '4" D 1 . ; e.a0. x a Yrrzorlux ' l° ' 11s° Yo. l 4 OS y m ;Tr:JO•e_Nol y OffilUarndlo—.4‘7l r,t,;,,V;1:-.1%1'41411: lave* Una. run .1411 y oxen. Oflndef. Th. Church Trafutsuree AlletlV A .lie w r4:TuNg.I LY a * . City at 1:110 ou sad ernes as salogb.f oun Linn at 1.40 fo. The :mins leaving Alloituun i T (71 ;7 tante lima co U.IIOII at rtepo.. ter'. 1.1 n• of Buono foe Ostler ma " .1 ., ,11 . er 00 eh= '74oo attlllft 441, b eluirlre 4 Onspensioni t i ti O rietelsO=7.l4, at tt.D LTi .rot. Al•pcm.Y. I.' Orm Area* reti•flit ',MIMI .1104 Wee,ne' S t r =Z ':•':.'t,'etldrtßt.ttfr-':,7'frStAur., to 01 due vuo >lotlan In •slat. ALIsS• eovolon 0,11 'mount In 7.1 1 1 «Mho nu o hese /td rink ice .40 ner, naolea n ute,"ta r dlr:ll7,l=l l / 4 no:: erne:rut Snyerlatetylanu. eltoons. I § l -0 Zakrorr Lw. And ULM v L_ll 4 lll. rom NOV. 1416, nsi Rut •rlir• at tha burgh el=s, as follow Must 11r.-- S:119 • al f siisn Ri a vairit ....• .11;611 • 4 ,Li. uelv•Ko 11 - • ft Xrla fit :03 Du Boer fellr .1c • :MI • la .• • :.1.1 p ..1.../1:1.3 pc.:. p^. • • 6:13P. t•lt 11701• 3t ( 28 r. r. •1111' • J livrAFs• s , fat .141 OIL Ali G , le or .7 71. issua.4.7 vas:wiz BALiazu' 2PCZ UNLT DIMICT r.ol:Prl TO crux 0 "*"" wilVlZ.V.W.l.).ll,:irrt 41.70 V TntAix a DAILY ( sii 4111 1...... rit.b.s, D 333. sass pp . . *nth sad elks slr.a.lPs Jr..._ APA.OSIONS/ Pao. sad salsolata d tstarinras. &EAU trattniaar.. . 13 .. 1 WirtNi:::. ill ;: i 71.0—.. , Is a1t0.... SIV •at Us 13:1.1:- ,‘ is Vlrgolan...:lol: it! 1 * "gl,-.'13::: m f =NIT; lial Vi"ri k ti, ilL113: t r ,*fl 11, 1440 0, , 1:00 .. CleWss..-Ase aspress srsdas stop Psis rxr . \ ''"'""7.. .11.:4::::=11741,..! er.) Mar_ asps"' ea ear Mist Illips4S/ LAI .MO i I ss ..rlttsbarils L t i telm oz wan 7t •3. , 1 1.1163471 4 . 11134. A.s.t. ws,r r°, , orztvis: x i N PANDLit BOUM • 071•NaZ 07 TINIS. - 02 lad altosz MAD II ar..4tb, tram will t•••• luta isOrt Unloak NIAM, etWagalit:Ar4l... i AVi.:-;;•.E.-,-4.-: set:.' II': if L', ir. ? ' 4117,;,..„, _,-.; t:::::: %We ......e55.14,•....,.:11.... MSS. a. Tll . llt 111•114111.11eA•Tarled, 711:1.1,.1.011_,.., n ' D* 7 . (y_k d" A' nn. Ye. _ : lsl4kl p 2 P . ix : . VII :: i cV r ',.. MI r. IC umprigni it daily. M . IJI:LII P. u. Mall will arrive d • Annaiii 6 , 111111.1 ^ p n., °elute; W. 0./...4D, Impn., Dos:tom 014*,•- awl. 7~ MT fIVfIQH&~ L OO~NULM 4I L L ..ww•wo • fln .ad .11. 1113IDA.T, memory 1170. traleu will Isnye at ant &formals Depot Dormer of Grant • amo. W•lar Hew^ I --- ==23 Kanto sad :nem Untol- tars 7:011 a. Y. 4:04 r. restarrort Acoomdt'a 11:00 a. Y. 1111 r, r. to and from trat'es• 3:10 P.ll. /LSO Sawicz Akccam'd 6:00 r. Y. ••II a. Braddock'', Loootodt.'n. 1:15 r. Y. 1.50 r.. Nistt i.e. tamr.42sport.lo:so r. L. 0:40 A.. tiaadsi Okrlta l 7,l. , :jl, wad cram wan, . 1.00 O. RICHARD B. bOWEItIa. Areal TACK BROTHERP, Petroleum sad fie Prodad Petroleum/ and ita Product. =1 ISAIITJYAOTITHEA OF ii. A. iILII VJOLT. COTTON MILLS Eorrsfs3t3l7l - vcaia Naxos AND ■uaaQLZ* , I ;;;=:Z.ltrg 0X185.10 B.• • 1 •7,1 "-'. In AM1Q11...• Laottlal. t 146 , r Vide • II: t. Alm Ct.ttl• Itatn ••••1 ! • -1, 9114 WiTZ; ^^ l7 Sor.pnca WIT. • ' . ' l ( 7 4r C a7: IIPI n t 6.lrSe E=2 OILS COMMISSION AdIitCHANTS ASD DILLLILIS 1 lisbcagh 00c.e—DLI,BY.LL'S BUILD'S. ontar Iltiquear , Way and ' , WU , .tract. Phlisdelphla ma“-,aar weLlsrur err a.1:1018 ABING K KING, Cociazdnion MerclUaU wad Broken In DALZELL'S BLOOK, DUQUESNE WAY =I SPARING, RING k CO., 109 WALNUT STREE' ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINER' IREUEBT W. C. TRIMBLE. MAIPO7ICTI7,7aItUI Wilmalag ik MO Tort Bugled • 1011100. Illailivad Azle Oil. ~ mad. great heat. wlthoai ohange, _• roma Iladad at lolemt temp. aturek Simmila ail t tropleal climates or hot weather. Losemotive. Logine, Iliwking 110.0 i. NlV: l itgl=lPlasi 11111-01 of . 1.. ~ Adapted for high speed., VP .'" Ilt• ZVI. =U s , 1.'14"1.: bar glad FfalabliaglOallollmo, . 011 -Uarlosas Oil. , ~men.. Album VARNISH, to preserwo slur. 1,..' ,..' Work and Machinery from tint. T product& are manufactured ludas ; Twe . . patent by Satre 'he Mod Roam la V'. coo.e Lubricating Oils are &Imo. odorW twice it pure, hu11..., and ...UT l. cored, rand a high temperas.. .aehaullcdit remain Ibnpld daring extrema cold. Tha .• rola 011. are un.duallede and wain wa.taat cc ataxy piths principal Railroad.. Pampl..i be asamlaod aid orders left at 114 WO, Stßain. Warta at itharp.trarg /01/1.0. " SRABS FOUND E=1:1=1 HENRY BIER & cc, ILIOCVMOIB to 105 X M. uooplß & 00. Bell and Bran Fenniins. CAISTING( lUD: rsoatrrir To °ADM. Iglesias and arte Iron rittisi 4 GAS PIPE LND =BING. :1 MOTTO, 1011 T dlll CIICI vutt ALL GLOMS PATTIIIIK. morwr COCK inn We* of my ibetlpttel t Rua, with sa. Oil. f; ICALIIITTAMIIIIIIJI Or J. K. 00111P111 02:_ Inproged lesigilfiggl Item hn, Agents for Direfew Astons Cl 3 ere, the hest in the Mariett. j egmead Wens. senor Mammal" ATWOOD & anicAirrui, Cora.r hibelly strosi sal Mai An.! =3:a VIA fOUNDHIS AND MOM ?IPA FINIS . wad AGINTS for A. & CANINO. • is lIITZAN emus AND BLOW N/1. 1 - 7. - §Ti;3 To LrimitrooL Rani QUEENSTOWN. Il i c : h at t ri ring atu ist.o 2l :lT6 llll :7 7 7: llll zi etsets: a "3l ;; ,, 0177 , LONVII. laths; ILLTUSIAT. Nenlk htmer, ror 'ems. @inn: latormile. apply to • WILLLUIC 1RM1111.114 Jr.; ,'..7..:;'?`11T111,11[1,11 ItTI!V FT, F,•,lsttvirt