THE DAILY GAZETTE: = PENNIMAN, REED & CO., Offi,ce, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue.- L PENNIZAN. T. P. HOUSTON, JO3L&H SING, N. P. REED, IM=M! = MEE By tanl, Dcr Vt. Dellrcred by c.•rlet 1. Per itTIE gatsburgir Giiyttt GENFRIL SEWS Boxy' at Frankfort. t'Si. PETROLF.LM. at AntWt; p, r,c i r. . GOLD elmgrvi in New You ycate!- \\ day at 1120112 i. Elevr,soult day yeateray, A VIELICONT town crews over a baby stow. Drum beat derAiSts—they fnteri net nee teeth. - • 'IV (Mrs out West post bills for remelt. )setuters. 'ldles ALLY BIM) is a new lecturer Imm Iftwa. Mns. Score SIODONS is ettrtpturing the 'Jlempbiais. Tarr base stoves in the horse care at Colutnbus, Ohio. • Ittontoin is . said to be ' sending earl :Victim to Atissohri. Toumters are already diachealog where they shall go next. summer. EDMOND Atone, the Frellell novelist. is t.C , he made a Ceunoillor .1f State. .44UX:Nlt.COCNTT, Mn.. is a little larger than - the entire State of Itiode Ddand. A. 'LADY flour MerClAat aSka - ti., be ad mitted to the Chicago Bard of Trade. ]ln. GuLLADLT'S successor 31.-C. bore Keutneky to to be elected April 25. 110VitItitiTlinTO now math , : for the annexation of Charlestown to 11 'sten. turn:craws coal fields bore boon .lis COTCred in the western put of KAnsan. TRIS New Yorkers are said to lance got ehrtoat their fall ice eapply this Ammons }llea OAMILLA LICACK las been elected 'Professor 01 'ketone in the Chicago I.llgh School. Tie woinerie;parly in New JeThey, Very appropriately want to make Eilmbeth the State-capital. . I Tirn Tern Legislature excludes , all newspaper reporters, end has refused to elect a chaplain. • ' Erna,• tke Captain of the 'Bombay; proves to ho a near relative of Eyre, the Jamaica Gayernor. Tian community - of Shakers, st Alfred, He.. are preparing for removal to the Shenandoah Valley. Awasar many bold theories have been advaniced in regard to the Giant, bat he is a boulder. An Ohio man and his housemaid were scalded badly the other (ley, because his Rife caught them kissing. Twang ragotschti a year is ed Agspios Tioncherento's Alaska Herald costs. Yet some of the citizens steal it. A. Sr. Loris man was launched into eternity through twcnty.fve feet of per ainuar water nips the other day. A. CORILESTONDENT is IlimiC)ll3 SO know whet will harper., "if an irresistible force strikes against an Immovable body." TnsimrataNcz misslozerles are carrying 05 an active campaign .on Cape Cod to convert ell the ashen:eta and Bailors. Pray proposes to that Probseco's romatetn In Clecumsti by a hotel ►ad opera house coiling two millions and s kull. Tan Messneries Imperial's rtramers. With the India, Chita and Japan mails from France, now psss thronzh the 9 nee Canal. CCIICAGO rabbi is; seed for $45 paid hits by one of his flock tor a decree of diroree which the courts di/ a't recognlte. A 'forma Westatton: who fell heir to a large property - a few =oaths sheet has pew:aim:l6ly etarrea himself on $40 , 000 of it Mace. CEICLOO boosts oft weddine, where the blissful prindpals - ...leen:ate thirteen feet In length, and asks, " - How is that for high?" Mims means to have colored clerks In .1.10 Treasury • Dfllglintllt. and the white young ladles are in a flutter of dis tress about it. • A. PKILADELPHIA woman had her bead smashed with a stove cover the other day for asking another woman where her husband was. A Dll,OB of 495 turkeys passed through Baltimore last week. They had come all the way from Ohie on foot, and were bortad to Connecticut. A EOLITH CAMO/iink colored Senator, exelndtd from the first class car ot a rail wad, .revenged himself by a bill ing the charter of the road.. A Coleman named Keep was unable to keep his gold from New York thieves, who supplied its totem in his belt with a email quantity of silver, which is ateind. nation to a Canadian. Tws Milwaukee Temperance Society has formally thanked Governor Fairchild, of Wisconsin, ,"for his example of total abstinence beore its citizens, and par. Ocularly for the influence it should have upon the young men of that State." Tint have trouble In New York.bee cause the proprietors of Irving Hall will not permit the Anti-elavery Society to Meet there, giving as a reason thit `to admit colored people to their hall would Injure lie reputatio u and their patronage." Shame I Nzw-Tonx is at present regaled with - the history of a deputy sheriff sent from —the city with four convicts to Bing Sing, the whole party getting drunk-on the excursion, and the plies, who ensily took chirp of them, putting them all in Jail together. Amour .the beginning of the seven teenth century the warm drinks in fashion for table use were wine and beer, peeper ed In a very captivating style. Tea was introduced about that time, and its use was earnestly resisted by the wine and beer drinkers, lest It should exert as in- I pistons influence on morals I Mn.. &rows writes from Finrida`ehat a country cannot be laid fiat down under - a war, burned over with fire, and all Its plasmt things laid waste, mid cove up again en as to stand even with the end's. tubed civilization of Northern towns, in one, two or three years." In this, at least, Mrs. Stowe has truth on her side. Bartither.a.lThwirx. tho famous Cracow nun, whose unheard-of sufferlags excited so much-Indignation last year, died on the 24th - of Febthary, at the Cracow Hospital. • She was privately burled, apprehensions being entertained by the authorities -that a public) funeral would give rise to riotous demormtrations on the part of the popu lace. Tan latest advertising dodge In New " York is eke publication of a-bookie which the reader is led on, by the interest of a well told story, to its close: This is abrupt, and he turns over the pip to an sppendle, In which be is told of the pe culiar advantages of his investing hie money in a particular life Insurance corn. pony Tax individual that got up tbo Cardiff gloat premises to get up • "humbug" 6001 to which the , glant will be on it "wooden nutmeg.' lie says he di dio tend to get up the "mother" of the giant 'halide of planer of Paris, Iron and bone, and to have it appear that ahe bad killed herself while defending herself as a lug. serpent." AT Munroe, Irclsad, recently, a bride• groom was chokid to death by • piece of pork at the nuptial feast; and the father of the unfortnane girl, so quickly made li widow, took possession of the scarcely ;breathless clay, and refused to deliver it Into the hands of relatives untll the dowry bad been returned. The dispute almost led to bloodshed. Lanus have always been credited with a knack of doing things at the right m 6. went, and u young American girl now visiting Pans is evidently In unwise behind the mejonty of her sex. _ While skating recently at the Bola de Boulogne she managed to nip and fall while the Prime* Imperrat was dashing past. the Imperial Highness graciously' picked up the beauty in distress. , A Itierszranix looking man recently - presented a pistol at a ticket ageitt a. , . • , , . . .A--7".c..-%.--,..i.,-; , ~, - • RT... .ii .. . ••• '• . '', :i ,l- _ V p ... .. •, ' 1 ~, .. • - -V. . ,' zfi ~t,,, - . 1.. , X ~\ ~- • ' Ig--:" --. ' N 14.. 1 ' ,sa '', ". i ' ''''' ' '.. - ; ''s .*".'. ZH ----- , rt.• ~.. ,t , `, 1 74" 4,.. \•,-„, , •,„ .. ~.., . L IL:' qr, L•••- 3 , - .....• 7,t_ .. ..,, . ‘,. 7 7 ,q... \\ -,,.. I • -1---1 VOL. LXXXV. Eliahah, New dereey, and d. mended a ticket to New York. It was given him, and he lumped on a train, hieing the revolver. In the evening his returned and apologised, saying that important businitea callYd kim to New York, and having left his pocketbook at home he ieeaa bound to get a ticket. Ile paid for bte ticket, got hark Lis revolver and list:king the agen', departed. ZoMETIMK big year • company was formed in Wheeling for the {tarpon of building a furnace, nail mill, &c., a few mile,: below Steubenville. A. Bite was purchased on or near Mingo Creek and operations commenced at once to Treat the superior coal for manufacturing POT. poses, known to be two or three hundred tact beneath the outage. The-work has been proucuted vigorously, and Thurs• day eight the "birch diamonds" were reached at the depth cf two hundred and thirty fr, f. Tue President is said to ).13 inclined to give (ton. Poe John I'orter an 'opporte• city to r.-view the mond and teatini 'ay in the Coort:martied that tried Porter , in ether words, permit him to offer additional teatitieny, explaining sway tiamaziess ronent. lint the presenreagainet IL.risr is so strong from Senator Chanc:er, Judge Advocate General LI 'U. and °tilt re, that the Prei,idept, wilideciine to gran! Porter's oseition for 9 weer betting. Dining Mr. J.•hneton's admiatetrati,n Oen. Grant favored a ache. ring, but de. elirtei to make Erritlrn er 07.1191 MULE. mendation to that etfeei. A. MAINE fsrurr, tyliet ermine a railroad track, near Posttest on hie sled. the other day, was suddenly lartted by • :ha appearance of a train, ch enlekly road.' splinters r 4 the at i. ue actos . ;abed tat user, recovering somewhat, stood 'gazing at the rcmair.a of his vehteie and wondering where the pieces of hie horse had gene. Meanwhile the train eped on for come distance, when the engineer, looking out, saw the horse staring at him from the cow catcher. The train was stepped, and it was found that the horse had been picked up by the cow catcher and deposited on the platform in front of the engine, where, too much stunned or frightened to move, he lay comparatively uninjured_ Tan Irish ifspnslie expoies itself to eternal smithereens by using the following larignage "The Pepe gave his 'benediction' to lesureent Poland, and to day that cope. try is lower than ever wader the heel of the MUIC,TiIC. He seat his blessings to Jt ffnson Davis, and the Southern Con tederney is no more. • Tie sweetest' prayers assaulted Heaven for blessings on Maximilian on his departure for Mexico; he returned to his paternal palace a corpse. He sent the blessed Christmas rose to Isabella, and before another Chris.tmu ace was a fugitive cursed by the iiipsnlih people. He excommunicated Italy, and she is free from the Alps to the Adriatic. Let him excommunicate Ireland by bell, hook and candle-light, for Lis benedic tions bring naught but disaster, while - his anathemas as surely herald prosperity anti success to their intended victims." WILAT a pleasure would it not be to poor het pecied attorney emerging from his domicil, where he has not enjoyed the privilege of either the opening or the closing argument for many years, to find, on entering mut, twelve woraecin the jury box, whom the law will compel to listen without saying is word. To able to pelt them individually and collet tiyely with argument, now tiring it, pc!! mell, to the tall old maid In epee:tries:in the back teat; now dashing with le:reboil , gestures and a bellowing rear at the neat little widow, with the plump wale', 'dark eyes, and green ribbon, in trout, thcn do• trending in mellifluous tares upoa the miss in blifa velvet, just from bearding. school, and coequering,.ltith his respect fel argument, the very precise, intellee. - teal lidy who peers at him scornfully, through her eye glees, determined not to exhibit n spark of fedi° Tra um.. Tem Richmond /inquirer Is ale ed at the growth of Repuoitcauitm in th Old Dominion, and sounds a note of wir lag to the faithlul : "We would," it tied es, "be false to the unties et our posit! nII wo failed I. warn t i e people. of thelorati• debit character of the Republican organi zation in this State. The fort that Con• tervative Senators and Representatives in Congress, that seek man an Steams, Crenshaw, Gilmer, St. who actively aided in the last defeat of the Republicans is Virginia. are now consolidating their power with that of their late adverstrits, must lead us to apprehend •a stranger rsry than the one lately conquered." We hail with lively sttlefaction Inter do• inestic symptoms of fear, indicating as they that Republican dissensions in Virginia ars being healed, and that with' the Ounnit of a broad liberal policy, the tarty is steadily making acquisitions 40 its ranks. • To THOSIZ sensitiba people, who are so fastidious that they esnaot ennsent that the President should make a per sonal ell.rt In behalf of one of his own measures, it-May be well to Bay that when Gsorge Washington wanted an ep yointment confirmed or a measure car ried, he went personally to the -floor of the Senate and argued the case with Its members. There in no truth in the pub. fished assertion that the. President's anxiety about San Domingo erten from his unauthorized payment of $150,008 on .account of the purchase. Some yeare since, when Mr. Thaddeus Stevens was the leader of the House and Mr. Seward was Secretary of State, Mr. Seward went to Mr. Stevens and pressed him to-insert In an appropriation bill.aa Item of $250,- 000, which was to be employed foe, the acquialtion Of a portion 'of the Antilles. Of this Mr. Seward expended only clew thousand dollars, the expenses of the trip mode by his son. So President Grant had an undoubted right to use the balance. The payment made by his order was from the unexpended appropriation, and cansequentl strictly legal. A WILITZ In the Boston Trauller tells a..„1„ good stor at Governor Corwin was wont to ref te. Being asked if knew Governor . Ironer, of Pennsylvania, Mr. Corwin said "yes—he was a Pennsylva , Ida Dutchman, a large farmer, wealthy but ifitterate. The first time_l saw him after his election wen when on my way to Washington in 1837 er 'BB. I saw him at Harrisburg, congratulated him on his election, and spoke of his coming insure. mt. 'Well,' said he, in his broken Eng. Bah, 'there is two tinge I'se going to recommends: jthe Bret le, slat when they makes any new canals on the sides of the i rivers, that de tow path be on the side of the river, so that the horses tread it down solid; en when the freshets come in it won't ho washed away. The next is a law to keep nll the Yankee peddlers out I of Cumberland county, where I live, far they come there when we are in the fields to work, and sell all hinds of trueto the women—sell them these nutmeg made out of white pine and bass wood, which made out goad for nothing, for you kno , and everybody know, dat the right 'kind of 1 nutmegs is made out of sassafrax.' " Tax Chines* New Year was celebrated with great pomp in San Francine. The day occurred ea the 80th of January, ac cording to our calendar. The festivities 1 of the New Year, for which there were 1 days of preparation, are numerons, the first day being devoted to the sacrifice to Heaven and Earth; the second to the I warship of the gads and idols belonging' ' to the family; the third to the worship of deceased anecdote; the fourth to prostre. Son before living parents and grand parents; the filth -to the making of New Year's calla. The male per. Oen start from their homes to see their friends. On meeting, they bow to each ether, 'baking hinds and congretu lating each other. In all ileums are tehles spread with deliCacles, fruits of all kinds, candies, hot tea, wines, cigars., cakes, etc., which ar effered to calling friends. It being 8 day, the police ~,t. rernietici , e, in regard Ming crackers, were carried out, do greatly regretted by the Chinamen, and none were tired till late after church hours. It is the ctue tom for all classes to appear in new cloth ing at this season, and many of the men were seen upon the streets In satin robes trimmed with far t and the women with huge chignons decked with lowers, FillSi FOITHR DT HARRISBURG. Pennsylvania Legislature General Appropriation Bill Con-, aidere.d in the Senate—The Resolution Ordering the A 1 . - rest of Treasurer-Elect Irwin Pot pored—Allegheny ount; Timber Inspector—Pittsburgh Fire Department Bill Signed. (D Telcersok to m. Intuit" rzt, ezzeue•) 13AratisRTRo, March 23, 1870. tIENATE. ORNERAL APPROPRIATIONS. Tha n;•rroNialloß (.111 'WWI achatad fil • Mr. BROOKE moved to strike out the revival of the !Mate Military Agency at Washington. Lost. Mr. BII.I.INGFELT moved to strike out clerk to said &Keeley at Washington. A creed to. Mr. FaiTAN moved to insert that said agency skull be boorrebse to the State Agreed to, urned on the nineteenth section ivening. • TRZASCnEII WAIT' IRWIN, The Senate mat In the evening aod • ennsidered the •peel•l order, Mr. For mates resolution to eompel Mr. Irwin, State Treasurer sleet, to appear at the bar of he Senate. Mr. FURMAN made a speect In favor his revel orient. Mr. NAGLE followed, asserting the Senate had no right to arrest Mr. Dogs. He moved ludednite postponement. Disagreed to. • Yens—Messrs. Beck, Connell, Dorman, Findlay, Linderman, Nagle, Osterhout, Robinson, Watt-9. Nieys—Messre. Allen, Billie' felt, Bnric •lew, Davie, ;Ramsey, Howard, Melo. tiro, Mumma, Olmsted, Furman, Buten, Turner, White. Stinson—lC Mr. IN-eielLE then moved postpone. =lent for the present. Agreed to by a viva mire vote, and Senate adjourned at eight °Week, having been In session only half an hour. 1:1=2 The Governor this evening signed lbo Pittsburgh Fire Department bill. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. RI LTA ix:nu:wean. By Mr. WHITE; Incorporating the Federal Ineuraner Company; Allegheny atty. By Mr. AMES: Joint rosolmlon. spy pointing Thomas Nicholson, at a .slaw. of three thousand dollars, as Commis sioner to reexamine all claims for pen sloes from Pennsylvania. Passed. TIMBER IRSPPI.TOR. The bill for the appointment of au in • sip•ctor of umber In Allegheny county was taken op. Mr. WALTON supported it, but on motion of Mr. BROWN it was post pone: tc one week. r...truNses ter. P.•J'A - V , : A reao.otion tai , "tera L. 7 th. Grah•rn-Sionney ri-^t. at COMII/11164, which had 6: in favor of Mooney, till. Mind, . duty dolior• each, .and the .:lerk the lithe, amount. Poefted. PllL!, •itItIUUN Ir.Y7. ' The joint reellutlon M anpurn ECZTeh Shit wee eriienderl by Mr: FIVSG t, April 7th, an.passed. AUTHORIZED TO INVEVT. Mr. ELLIOTT Introduced a bill au thoriziog truatesa to lovsat la Yennayl vaula Railroad bonds. - Paaaed. AUTREII6 The bill iserraalog the cumber of Hu pretna Jorlzra to seven Was aalcndua by ELLIOCTtn AiX., and passed. setuNe EZECTIONR. The bill reatorlng sprlug,eleellans we. discusaed. Adjourned. - BRIEF. 'TELEGRAMS, —A change in the Sec4taryehip of the U. S. Senate le conteruphre.l. —The Governor of teitaohneette hee appointee the 7th of Apr . an% feat day. —The Confxrenco of [M• M. E. Church M Newark, N. J., began Its yea torday. —Tue latest IntoWpm* from the San Calltorria, gold lielde le some- vo bat untlvorabio —George W. Murray has been TIMM need as a candidate for Mayor by the Dayton, Ohio, Republicans. —Trio carriage manufactory or J. C. Hama, at Kocgatuu, N. Y., was burned Mouday night. Less —The members of En. Crispin Society. at Woreetoor, Mau., who hay beau ou crike for several months, have returned to work. —The President, It Is gild, will recom mend a general amnesty as soon as Texas shall be sdruittod to representation In Congress. . . —The Methodist Sunday School Insti tute, now le propane, at Cincinnati, is grist success. Rev. H. Viucsut, of New York city, la present. —Samuel Watson, aged sixty years, bon trial at Racine, Wisconsin, for this murder of Annie Hawley, a woman with whoinhe had been intimatd. —The Democracy of the Tenth Ohio Cosgresaional Ditirlot have nominated Hon. W. D. Hill for the vacancy 000s cloned by the death of Mr. Hoag. —A special dispatch says the steamer City of Bruassis pat Into Halitax because alio had the small pox aboard, so as to avoid being quarantined at New York. —Berman Baker, deck hand on the steamer Edinburgh, at Cincinnati, while leaning over the railing yesterday, fell overboard and has not duce been lain. —At Nashville, voaterday, the drying bodge of Brewett, !parr tt manufac turers of cedar ware, was Co.,urned. lot of valuable cedar lumber was des troyed. —The repair shops of the Milwaukee and Sc. Paul Railroad Company, at =- wankel'. were burned yesterday. .after. noon, including four engines and six box cars. —H. Gauge More, at Ituds,.llle., with Its contents, was burned Wednesday morning. Lou, 113,000; insurance, 110,- 000. Toe Iduonto lodge adjoining was also burned. —The. Committee on the great Cincin nati Industrial Exposition at a meeting yesterday determined on a general cir cular inviting the &ligation of the country to the project. —Scow from five to festin depth Le reported in the woods in Wisconsin. letter from North lidanutique says there has been not haw In one hundred and thirty- days. "rtir,o tone of fish, caught In Sacra menng river, California, strived at Chl gap. by rail on Tuesday; In the 'eeetstara. moot wore also California quails. axte.r egad. pearl g od radishes. --Supers - leer Kearney, after having reelgaiid the Preeldeney el the Chicago Board us Tuesday, wag expelled from the Board yesterday by a vote of 42 to S. He threatens to appeal to the courts. Lafayette Iturne,_of_layrsonse, and James W. Long, of Ptrunsvrick, postnam tern, have bean eentenoed - by the United Eitatips Court, at Jefferson City, Mo., to tea fears' impriaerunent for taking money from letters. —The Leavenworth.. (Klemm) Coal Company has remitted by shaft an Mex. tumult:de bed of coal not excelled In quality by any west of Pittsburgh. There . is great satisfaction among the cities:to and mannfacturing interests thereat. —The ostensive stable of the Louie. Till* city railroad company, at Lo ville, together with several frau d hags occupied as liquor shops board. Ink, houses, wore buried yoaterday after noon. Lou heavy, but fully Insured. —A letter from J. W. Douglass, leeputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washington, decides that persons vehd leg Prize candy boxes are en liable to the same tax as individuals gaged in gift lottery enterprises, namely,, 1110 per annum. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870. PORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECOND sr'SION.) SENATE: The Mississippi Sena tor Case Discussed Without Ac tion. " HOUSE : Message from the President on American Commerce-1 he Polygamy EDI Amended and Passed—DL,ces ' siou on the Tariff at Evening Session. thy Telegraph tots. rlttibarga tiawtte.3 Weesionevoin, March 23, 1870. SENATE. - Tho Pico Preeident presented resoln' lions of the Legielature of Now Mexico, asking authority to raise two regi. ments of revelry to operate an:nice: the Indian.. Referred. Mr. SUMNER presented a memorial of W. S. lionaorena, nuking the Incorpn• ratio.. 01 e e 'rupee) . to trauma: bitsharws in Mexteo in connection with relliottla cud telegrepne. Referred. Mr. TOLE Introduomi a bill estabileli. tog • port of entry at Vallejo, California. Referred. The bill reported yeatorday to promoto the civilization of Indiens waa peened. A motion to reconsider was entered by Mr. s rEsvext. The joint ruolntlon concerning .col. leges for the benefit. of agricultural and meekanical are, providing there shalt oe no distinction therein on recount of race or color, was deounuied. during the morning hour by ?lours. :Bayard, Schurz, Drake and Thurman; without action. The cue of General Ames, Senator elect front Miniculppl, came up In Order. Mr. WILLIAMS Made a legal argu• ment for Ames' adminion. the eleetlon I wan prima facie evideuce of Inbeettance. Mr. CA.nVENTER said the Judiciary Committee bad come to be regarded as a nodose member of the Senate. se be. longing to a condition of things when the Constitution was suoreme, when • political unsunre most be put through, and when the COnatitUtibo must be rite. I regarded. The Judiciary Committee In the nature of things was a nuclear aria- 1 chine, land co far as his (Mr. Carper- .I eerie) counection with it was concerned, he was willing to enter Into a written. stipulation that It be abolished to morrow. Conceding for the put pea of this discussion tba', when ' ever the Constitution stands la the way of what we deem human rights, of what we deem a temporary tot vantage, of whet we deem a party end, that Me to be trampled under font end disregaided, the cane of lien. Ames due not fall within the concesolen. A decent regard tor the things put, for the theory of our binvernmeut and for our solemn oath, should dictate that the Con stitution shall not be trampled under foot, except in oases of great necessity, of zreetoorreepondtng advantage to enne try et party, or to human rights, or to somebody.n li t somebody. H claimed there was no such own:amity n this case and there was -no resew) wh tour why the Senate Inbound deeide.t o question on ntrlotly party principle. Mr. MORTON said the Judiciary Comn mitten, badoot been Molsooneed infoini Lie and he hoped all Pe rueinbele would not considerenat to differ with tho Com a Pattie wasdlereepectful to It. His claim en that prima fame a parson elected to the Sestets east qualified for the tiontlom Such Was ttnejey,4l presumption. He e.nd the J u tindery Committee bad Med. a ores( mistake of puling orlon Oen. k mas tee tord•n of proving ha wan en tr. hebitanit of baliaiulppl, whereas the novice was Upon the other sole to alle , V Cite contrary. The objection to talls having come from the Committee, It wee Incumbent upon them to often mniate eine doubt they had relied. Hllttlerl'lnT , enettral to examine the greunala nun.. which- the el jectnon WWI hated, elaltulur It did not matter Whether Geo Amu went to allensisalppi voluntarily or Moo:- unterily, the only question being whether when there he did conclude to mane that. his home. Mr. 110 4:' r. regretted the uncharitable eharamar of the rtebste. The friend/tel . Gen. Arees were se much attached to the lor.etitUllott a* were the opponents of that gentleman's claims, and to charge the former were eireaalvely desirous of s.ampiing upon that IWitrUtuel3t wan but I,lle rhetoric. After farther discuesion by Munn.. Scot, Creglu and Corbett automaton the dram of .Ames to a seat, and Mr. Duns eopeeing it, the denote adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. fiTARK*EILTHER introduced a hill pormoulog the widow of Grnerol Mower. Referred Mr. SCOP I ELI), from Naval Commit lee, reported • bill for the removal o lareolitlyn Navy Yard. Redommitted. The Committee on Ruin were la etrile:eft to consider the expediency of a rule that the, previous guntion is cot to be seconded on any measure until two hours have been allowed for considers Lion and donate, unless by threeiffmrtha of the members present. The Secretary of the Treasury wait spired fora detailed statement of IYe ex. pondituren of the 3100,000 appropriated in len for colonization of freedmen. The Slitro.tunnel bill was diecussed and tabled—Ms against 4L Mr. KELSEY, from the Committee On appropriations, reported the consular end diplomatic appropriation bill, appro. Milting 21,118734 for the same purposes I as last year. Made special order for next 'Nerd ay. The Speaker presented a special Ina- lags from the President on the subject of Aniarinan commerce, declaring it a na. tional humid:akin that this country Is now compelled to pay from 220,000,000 to 120,000,000, exclusive of plumage money, for [(eight, which should be shared by, American citizens with the people of other nntiona, and urging an early con sideration of the subject. He believed a direct money subsidy was lees liable to chose than an indirect subsidy, and rez commeneed the passage of the two bills reported by the select committee. ' The menage having been read, the Speaker said it would be referred to the Select Committee on the Decline tif A T Cnnamere and ordered printed. - The conideration of the Polygamy bill was resumed, and after discussion by - Messrs. Hooper, (lltah,) Sargent, Ward and Axtell. Mr. SCHENCK moved lie recommittal as containing provisions inimical to every principle of common law, sad a notion under which war might be made, authorizing the President to call ant 40,008 volunteem for a period of two year,. He believed • short, well drawn bill would Mirka the object desired. Mr. WELKER moved to strike oat sections 11. 14, 80, 31 and 82. Mr:CULLOM opposed the neotlo• to recommit, avowing a Mahe. himself to etriko nut the 11th rind anand the 12th section.- RIN;=EM;MI in• • . amendment offered by Mr. FITOH, extending the provisions of the bill to all States and territories where bigatny, polygamy or ooncubinsge base been. or may tar practiced, was felsctod-43 to 114. Mr. Welker'smotlonwu then adopted, and election 11th, making the lawful wife of the aocupd a oompabent witness against him; 14th, praildlng • that the statute of limitation atoll not ear a pro*- , eention; 30th, authorizing the confivca , ;ion of the property of persona convicted: Slat, for the temporary relief of persons redneed to destitution by the er.forcement of this law, and 821, authorizing the em ployment of 4e,000 volunteer., were all stricken out. - • _. The bill then passed-94 to 82 without yeas and nays. Mr. BUTLER, of Mass., introduced a bill authorizing the healdest to secept the resignation of an} , Judge of say U. S. Court. Referred. Mr. KERR, from the Committee on Elections, made a minority report In favor of Hunt, the contestant, and against Fheidcsa, Mono of the Louisiana metes , tett election oases. • The Hanes then took ■ ieoeu, OT01111:1$ messiest tehe for general debate on the tariff. lemming SeArion.—The Herm In Com mitten wee addressed Iy Mr. HOLMAN against a protective system and on the mean of retiring American commerce which he contended could only na done In an effective manner by a general re. linotlon of taxation.. 00111 d not pawl bly be built up In any other way, In competition with nations which had adopted the policy of. tree trade. He was allowed to speak two hours. After some hatter debate the House adjourned. • SECOU DITION. FOUR 0'C0UR...4. TILE CAPITAL. l'essage from the President on American Cerce—lloities to lettormers7 - _ lb, we < rap]. 141 th• Mabirrich• l WASEINCIAN, Shad] 23, 1870. 11643L1N6 OP AlltillOAN COMUNIICI7. Tio 11,11 - ming ti ~tixi natantige of th.l President, sent tQ [Congress today, in relation to ton (Malk, of American com- To the Senate an4l//ouio of Represen• tattoo,: In tho KiOootivo uteasavo of liorotnber 13, 15130, tQ Cougrets, tho lm - . . (.071.MICti of taking:Wrps to royive our deereastog moreltalA, ittorino was urged, ood a special satelite.. promised ot • rotor, doy daring' tiO• ;truant session, vconluantillinz thoZhpecifloitlly 12111D11 to pe..lmp!imb thin r it Now tint, the : , omotittee of the Roust of Roprewerite. itvcs ontrustod wittLtho labor of eacer, reining rho (Mum": of tl2e declake of Amerltmn nornmeree hes completed It. work, .m 4 enbmbled a report to the Legl lailattfw branch of the (43yernment, I deem deli es a fitting time to execute that promiza. The very able ' calm and exhaustive rep,:rt of the Committee palate out the greet wrongs which here emduced the in our commerce. It is a national humiliation that we are . . now compelled to pay from twenty to thirty million dollars annually, exclurive of PiAs'itta money, which we should share with Mbar nation., to foreigners for doing what stimuld be don e by American owned and American man yawls. Thin is a direct drain upon mresoureas of thit country of just Po mirth money, equal to canting it into the sea, so flu aa the nation is concerned. A nation of the vast and ever thrumming Interior resources of the United States, extending snit doe. from to - thena other of the greatbemine of the world, with an incitinriOna, ftitallident and energetic populatiOn't, neat one day l essen its full share of the commerce of these oceans, no matter what Its coat. Delay will only inerewne thin most and en mince the -difficulty of attaining the result. I therefore [tut in en earnest plea for early action in this matter in a way to secure an Mersa. of American commerce. The advanced period of the year, and the foot that necontradis for ship building will probably he entered line until this question is by Congress, and the ;unbar fact' ' that If there sheald be much delay all !argil vessel. contracted for this year will fan of completion be fere winter seta in, and will therefore be carried over for al:Lother year, indoors me to request yoneluirly conidderatlon of thin suojSel. I regard it of such grave Importance, affecting every interest of the country to ea greet en extant, that any method which wilt gain the Gad will secure • rich national banal:Lg. lituliding ships and navigating- them, and mil 'sing capital at borne, this busi ness employs thousands .of work men in their construction and manning; it creMea a home market for products of ilia farm and shop; it Mminishea the balance of trade egainet us precisely to the extent of the freight and passage money, paid to •meritran vessels, and gives us a supremacy upon the Cale of isie.timab66 - value in case of foreign war. Our man at the com mencement of the tato: ;war 'consisted of tea than one huctiree . veriaels of about one hundred and Arty itiouaand blessed a force of' About sight thon.nd men We drew tram the Merchant marine, At kWh had ealt the Government nothing, tont whlch had base the acute.. of no :Weal orealth,__NaAgineili red "vessels. ax-; reeding one million ton., and armful re•. attt 1ti011.01.1 DIGO, to aid In the sup press:oe ot the rebel:lon. This statement dome:Atm:. the value of ta l e merchant marine ea a means of national defence In time of ear. Tee Oommittes on the canes of the reduction :of American tonnage, after racing the cause of Its decline, submlt two bide which, if adopted, they believe reetece to the nation its marine /..war. Their report Moon's, with the greatest minutest., the actual end com ptrativa Antericen tonnage St the time of its greaten: prosperity, the "tenet and compared., decline since, together with the COMM, add exhibits other Ltatletics of material Interest • in reference to the subject. As the report in before Con grusa, I will not recapitulate any of it. autistic., bat refer only to the methods recocemended by the committee to give hack tone our lost oom mere*. An • gen. Oral rule, tt can bs inlooted, I believe, that a direct money Imbitciy is lees liable to abuse than indirect aid given to the eon, enterprise. In title my event:in fa that au bildiee, wh /3 they rney be given to operatic lines of steamers or other vessels, shocild not be exelealvely adopted, but in addition to subsidizeng very desirable line" of ocean traffic, a general assistance should be given In an effective way, and therefore I commend to your favorable consideratien the two Mlle en - Toted by the Cement:ea and re ferred to fa this Message. [Signed.] tr. 8. Ci.e.XT. Executive Mansion, Washington, D.C., March 23, 1870.. 1101=1115 TO 111/01111111/1 The Commissioner of Internal Rsve• nue, In reply to the House resolution, expresste himself In favor of the abotltlon of the eystem a moieties, do , to inform ers, tut thinks Congress should appro priate say $250,000 annually for use by the botaisiesiotter, under therapproval of the Sec2etsry of the Treasury, in the detection and punishment of persona violating the revenue laws. STATE LEGISLin BT Telegraph to the rlttehaegh Gazette.) JACKSON, March V..—The bills intro duced In the Legislators to-day were as follows: To incorporate, the Board of. Public Works, Incorporating the Gran. ads, Yaroo and Vicksburg Railroad, and the Blip Island Railroad and Navigation Company, and providing that all coon• tie* voting appropriatioaa shall . become stockholders; allowing the State to graze no subsidies except lands ; also requiring the Prosidant, before any act leoorporat• leg railroads shall take effect, to execute bends (15,000) with the Secretary of •Stats; that no distinction shall tie made •on - acoonnt of rase or color. Tee bill for -bidding the forming of s new Constitu tion without a vote of the people, after a apirited debate, was tabled. The other proceedings were unimportant. • CM Cot nanna, Hardt 23.—The bill reduc ing fen of the county etheere of Hamil ton eounty almost the &mato to-day. The Soldiers' Orphans' Home bill paned the House—yeas, 99; nays, 1. The bill Ivaco the institution at White Sul phur Spribta, whera the State already owes lend sod buildings, and appropri ate. 1130.900 for the purpose. The State Central Repobiloan Commit tee,te-day resolved to hold the Next State o:invention on Wednesday, Anguat lota. Upper Riven • (By P3c1.03 std AUaalle Talciraoh.) . Snow:mm.l.E, March 25.—River sta tionery, with ebbed seven and ene-half feet. wider • in the cbaneel.• Weather ulcer. Thermometer 36 at sr. 3C. O. OIL CITY, March 23 —River at stand, with thlrty•orie inches water In the channel. Weather aloud?: Ther mometer 41. at 6 P. x. P. Giumisiono, March 23.—River falling .lowly. with about feet water in thaohannel. Weathar clear 'Marmon'. Mar 42 at 6 P. M. V. PdOEOL.ITOWIt, W.Va. March =— River Milan, with fain. fait water In the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 49 at 6 T. U. w. —it le rumored the, President Grant comoreplaten, and will shortly fliaoUter • coup cpetot, by which an satire new Cab. Intl will be selected, prominent in whit& Benjamin F. Butler, either as Seers. taxi of Huta or Treasury.' - It is certain that Secretary Fish will have to retire. The movement Is said to be the result of a combination fora Pr midential mimes • Mon la 1672, and to sank aerials' aspirant• now in Cabinet positions. ♦ prominent congressman and member of Gm House Foreign Committee publicly stated that if the people knew half. the testimony before the Committee in regard to Cuban belligerency they would rise INIFIGNO tad drip nth out. NEWS BY CABLE. Evidence in the Oneida• Bombay Case—Bill for Enforcement of laws in Ireland Passed by . the . Commons—Proposed Re forms in,France Well Recelved —Progress of the Trial of Prince Bonaparte—Affairs in Spain—All Risks on City of Boston Declined. By Telt'graptt to the I.l.tsbareo • GREAT Hal FAIN. LONDON, March 2.l.—Advidea from New Zealand state that hostilities have re-commenced to that country betimen the Maoris and the colonists. • The testimony given by officers of the Peninsular and Oriental steamer Bom bay, before the Court of Investigstion at Yokohama, has been received. It goes to show that no one ou the Bombay wan aware of the condition of the o.leida, while them. as much alarm for that of tae Bombay, and it was deemed necessa ry to make for !Most water, with all speed. In the Hance of Commons, last night, debate was resumed on the bill for the enforcement Corp s laws in Ireland. Mr. Downing, of , denommed the press ciatme.. He thought the bill, with the clan.. retained, was calculated to arouse the bitterest resentment among the Irish people. Mr. Maauenmenitured the enpineneu of the. Government- In Irish e flame. Mosers. Bixby. McMahon, Kavanagh, Sherlock, and other mem bore from ' , lreland participated in the debate. • Lord Claude Hamilton charged the Liberal*, sines' their accession to oflice, with having uniformly promoted the agitation of the Irish gumtion in order to prescribe coercive measimos. Mr. Wheely held that Popery wax the author of all Irish sorrow. Mr. Bryan (Kilkenny) objected to the powers en trusted to the local magistracy II tyre:, rattiest and dangerous.. Mr. Fortosgie, Chief Secretary for Ireland, denied that the Government had abdicated Its I function. In Ireland, or encouraged illualons. as had been charged. Be" was confident that the power now asked would reetore and perpetuate order. He discriminated between rani :seism and agrarianism. The cilunnal results ware the same though the 'acts theumelve. be different. The govern ment acted only under a nenso of the danger of a ends, yet did not venture upottde premature and inadequate pro. setipition. The agitation in Ireland was tusi or nevetetronger t pow, bemuse here has been' ut aseistance from abroad. Ha did n "seen the American people, who bad greater reason for complaint with -.England's export tug to them a multitude of mal. Contexts en restive under all re straints, It was good policy to MO/ate 'a class committing agrarian political violence, to draw moral strength to the government, by weanlpg from the dis affected the aympathilig, of a class pas-. alvety eympathloisig: with assassin.. Wise and liberal Initiation only could achieve this. The process wax aloe and diMeult, hut effective. Mr. Gladstone closed the debate. He apologised . for leaving 'the conduct of the discussion to the Irish Seeistary, though that official per. lisps was the proper parses. He 'was curry to say the lone of the discumien might be clesnitied under three heath: drat, criticism of the bill alma': sewed, criticiam of the Government., and third. criticism of the meld., for introducing the hill. The taste of Ireland, so far so ordinary crime wan concerned. was sat- Isfeatory. Agrarianism, however, was rarapant. He took this Det,sloo to deny the responsibility of much that had been • t ibutsel tu, lam. - Hit .raiutenle toward Ireland had been pitchy misrapreeented• He admitted the injustice of legialating Ifor exceptional cams, but it was wrong longer to with hold a law of reform. A strop; sense of its necessity atone prompted the present measure. Its provision. were strong, and he hoped they would be effectual If so, the aril would soon vanish and mmilsmant might resume test beneficial legislation on which alone it wan eafo to build pen:um:mot hopes far the future. -- _.. Tho'House thou tittltiedand the t - - pseaed, an follows : fur the bill, 4 against, le. IMMO Pests, MarelitS.—The joarnals of this city are warm In their approbation of Nepoleon'e deciaratiOn in favor of adopt ing all reforms which a oonstitutional government reqrtlres. Tan Emperor'. letter to . oillyier warmly anplanded by tne Orleanlste. The Journal des Deleats Rodents it se the restoration of the parliamentary re• gime. Petitions against the proclamation of Papal Infallibility are circulating in Switzerland and Sicily. The opposition organs consider the Emperor's letter to Oiliver an antidote to the coup d dot of Decembee. Torus, March 22.—The Nigh Court of Justice opened this morning. Mummies were examined M .prove that Feliciano said Victor Noir slapped the Prince is the face. The lawyers for the prosecu tion dwelt with street on some grieve contradictions in the testimony. A. number of pOlieeinen testified to remarks made by Feliciano after the arrest. One of the prosecuting iswyers crested a sensation by declaring the original report of the pollee in the case not to be found; only a copy, dated ten days later, Could be produced. One witness swore he heard Nouvielle exclaim that if his pistol had not missed fire he would have shot the Prince. Tels had effect on the epectatorri, who are evidently beginning to lean to the souse of the Prince. Witnesses for the prosecution were then examined. M. Arnould testified that Victor Noir had no intention of Angolans the accused when he went to his house. Henri Rochefort was called as a witness for the prosecution. There was much agitation among the spectator. at the announcement of his name. Rochefort entered theconrt room amom• panted by two gene d'armee and took his place on the witness stand. Ho wax pale but very calm. Ns replied quietly to interrogatories, and after reputing the oonteats of the letter sent him by the accused, which occasioned the visit of Noleand Fonvielle, he retired to the bench reserved for Journalists. Many of the latter shook hands with him as he .teak a seat. The wife of Leith. 'Noir, brother of Victor Non, was called to testify. She was much agitated. She said Victor Noir could not hate slapped the Prince, because the gloves on his hands were found intact. Other 'enemata corrobo rated the statement of Arnould that Noir did not Intend to quarrel with the Prince. M. Morel, reporter for the Monileur, testified that the witnesses who now swear to Feuvielle'eadmiulon that Noir slapped the Prime, did not say so at first. • _ M. Maier* and other witnesses testi fied to the physical weakness of Victor Noir, and the improbability of his strik ing the Prince, as the defense alleged. Daring an Intermission of the Court many friends of • Rochefort gathered areend him, when the gene d'armea inter fered and sorrel:aiding the prisoner kept hie friends tack. MARINE Pt EMI LONDON, MarCh . 23- The steamers City Of London and Weser hays arrived ont. Tie velsole which were recently sent out I. search for the missing steamer City of . Beaten pate returned turitioccam• hal, haying found no tram of her. gorrstonirron, March' 23.—The Bre men steamer Doran, for New York, takes oat MO,OOO pounds in gold. Luzon, March 23.—The Warrior has arrived in the Tagus from Madeira. She brings no tidings of the steamer City of Boston. Thei.Warrior his l cases of small pox on beard.. Lennon, March 22.—The Underwriter■ now donnas aU risks on the steamer City of Stemma. Qinsinoffrovrri, March 23.—The steamer Marathon, from New Tern, arrived Two terday. I= Manam; March 23 —Lathy* 'natls . bona am going on here for the ache Unionism with the Rarlioel party. Gen. Prim has issued Orden to the army offieen and the Madrid garri. eon to obey \no orders in eltremil ilventn antis*, on l , they are signed by him. It Is pia (did to semitittielal quarters that a war - et of aeoidental homicide will be given by the jnry of inquest in 'ins case of Prices Henri De Bourbon. • ,In the Cortes today the treasury bend learn bill passed by a Tote of 129 to 79: Mil Row:. Marelf2.3.—Tne Popo yesterday in the Couststary oonaserated the ap pointment of the 13.1abops of Toronto. Sa vannah, Annandale and St. Anyatine. SOU Tit A KERICA I.TanoN, March :%—A c , mmeretal pauta prevalllog at Buenos Ayres: aereral fallumea had oaaureod, sad It wsoik atippoeed other. would follow. FINANCISL AND COSI9EItCIAL. Lor;Polc, March 21.—Earning—Console for money 93%; account 93%. Arne:Ursa ceeurttles heass; 003:1 6 5 , .. 1 078, 087;1 teu-ibrtlaa, 55%; Arles, 21 3 4: lillnniorentral, 115%; Groat Western, 9. FRANKFORT. March 23.—Bonds 95. P..nts, March 23.—liourae quiet at 1111 francs 10 canzirpss. LIVERI.OOI,' March 21.—Cotton quiet; nslddiin* uplands 11.3 'Ol. Orlaatur 1114 d; salon 10:1100 bales. California won, :shoat 9; 21; red ;vostorn N 0.2 7. Ild: winter, - 51 91. Wontern El Inc 19. 91. Corn: No. 2 InArcri :ad 3.1. Oats •2s 61. Pork :Ito 61 and drat. Beef 104 s 61. loud firto at 63. 61. Cheekt. GUs. flAoon 56. Naval stores Lospos, Mgrah 23. Tallow 46s 3d. Sugar firmer at 318 3.1. Linseed cakes dull. I:maroon rosin re 6d 45s Id. Pe troleum at AlltTierP flea Al VW , HAVRII, March 23.-drvening.—Cottns closed flat at V;334(. on spot and 182 5 t. to -arrive. NEW YORK CITY. The Fraud Epidemic—Political Matters—Stolen Bonds Discov ered—Connterfelters' Den Un earthed—Methodist Conference —Alarming Statement Con cerning the City of Boston. Telegrebh to the Pittsburgh Guano.) New Tong, March Xi, 1870. Tax FRAUD Erinzstio. A resolution wee passed to day by toe Bestd of Excise, requesting their Finance Committee to report what °Mears of the Board of Health have been coespenuted for services performed for the Board of Radio. and amoant and muse of such CemPensetion in each case; also the loathes of Odom efilcers compensated by the Board of Excise and nature of service performed. Collector Bailey's whereabouts have not been found by, detectives. The ex amination of his books and amounts con thanes. Oen. Pleasanton enters on hie deities as Bailey's sumassor next Monday. Samuel L. Stanley, a rectifier, charged • by Batley with bribing a gauger, has been. discharged. There wen no evidence against him. Mayo and Herman, two elietion Can vassers, have been convicted in Brook lyn of fraudulently counting In a Demo cratic - AseeMblymen. Justios Burk :vy and George Brown, two -other min, a. sem, plead polity to refacing to ww.ot Iballots until the pence Inspector' retired from the polling plane. Sentence defer red. The other trials will proceed next week. Isadore Wolff, M. May and Theodore Mariana, silk brokers, hays been arrested charged with smuggling large quantities of silks. velvet.. lace, de. A custom house miller is implicated, but will bo allowed to l•stify far the Govern ment. Wollland MAy were committed in defahlt of - 511000 bati. Mariana was eleased on his own recognisance,. A .resolution introducsd into the Assembly to-day, charging certain Demo cratic members with lisylug been bought to defeat Democratic measures, and that 70it0 was deoosited in Bowling Greeu Savings Bank, and asking a committee Lf investigation,, was diseased adjournment. L= Stmt Comands , ddder 1110 Lem to-day accepted the resignation of Hen. Wm. Tweed, as Dzipisty Commissioner, and Appointed John ♦. Rodgers his summer. This resignation WAS offered last night and was deebtleea le response to a call upon McLean for his removal by the young Democracy es the sequel to the defeat of their New York City Police and other bills to the Assembly yesterday. Tweed hts held the office five or six years. Rome minor removals have been made and more are expected to morrow. The Tammany Sachems Sr. called to meet next Monday. Beason not stated. OTHER SIDR OT ;THE SIORT Capt. Forsyth, of the steamer Man-. hat AM, arrived te-day, reports that on March 12th he passed a brig rigged steamer bound east under full sail. There was nothing in her appear - alee to indicate distress and was too far off to teaks any signals. lie did not know it was the Samariaeand dial not know the Samaria was still out and over due. Capt. Forsyth save the report that be re fused to go to the assistance of the do marls Is untrue. The steamer oould easily have attracted special none* by changing her course, taking in nil, or airing a gnu, mine of which she dia. . ALARMING! STATEIniNT The Paterson Press to-day says: Some of the engineers of the City of Boston, who were visiting In the city before sell ing on the last voyage, said the oendition of her propellor necessitated the running of the machinery eue.third faster, where• by the danger of Lire was increased, and for that reason special precautions had been taken on board In the organisation of a etre brigade, In waileh all tbs.:llllcent and men were enrolled and obliged to do duty. CLUE DIBCOTIZRZD A supposed, clue to the robbery in Bop. teinber last of the National Bank of Norwalk, Cc., of i 1160,000 has been cliaosy end. some of the stolen property was traced to the possession of a Broadway broker, named Wm. A. Kill, who has been =sated and held for *nomination. He claims to have received the Hags In regular comae of business and without any knowledge that they were 'talon. 060IINTERFETTIM lIIMIXTMED. • A den of counterfeiters has been dia. covered at Snake MB, N. J. Plates for counterfeit twenty dollar bills were seized and a man named. A. Elmore ar rested, Si whom was found one hundred and twenty dollars In spurious twenties on . the National Bask of Utica, National. Bank of Now York, and the National Bank of the ()By of New York. He was bald In f 6,000 3ILITHODIST 0021721010(011. The thtrd annual minden of the Newark. Conferenoe of the M. E. Chard( conven ed tontay. Bishop Ames 'presg. Rev. Henry Deem, of Staten Island, in his 95th year, sald to be oldest Afetliodhit minister , In thetinited States, win Pre. sent. I= Mrs. Nllbour has been chomp Prmi. dent of the New York Sorest§ and Mrs. Croly Vice President. Matthew D. Field, brother of Cyrus, died to Southwick, Mass., an Tuesday. One hundred and sixty. Mormon converts left Long Laud on Tuesday for Salt Lake. Twenty-four female operatives in a mautifacturing establishment to Ligon• and street,-which took firs to-day, had a narrow escape - , from death, several haiing clothing.: burned , from their persons. A - boiler in a steel. Lenny at °Mem, LA, exploded on Tuesday. One of the workmen was fatally Injured. The steamer Rama, to hays milled ta. day for Europe, was detained for repairs. A report to some western papers that two hundred pause/era who returned from Omaha, unable to pit through to California by Pacific Railroad, sailed from here this melt In the steamer Menu Chauncey, la officially prononnood un true. —Late information from Paraguay rep resents that country In a dreadful state. Towns are depopulated and the people an literally starving: thousands of thorn living on roots and • whatever fruit they can .fled. Twenty thousand widowed women are -hanging abort Asuncion, vainly endeavoring to procure passage to finance Aires or .alonteviden. Gangs of deserter' are prowling through the country robbing and murdering. Lopes is safe in the mountains; armored by the Indiani;VA the Brazilian hold posses sion of. the whole conntry with that ex "WW2.. = NO. 71. BRIEF I' ELEGIUMS - —The CAPS of Cahoon ogainet Ellfaor; . Wall parti a lly beerd e& ft. oilmen& yve. tertiey, by Judie troaori ood. Ih argument argeeet the Judge inrozaed the opinion tharlthe.lhaahllng acs was lan -00110,41Z10LL1111.. ....., , - —.S.Arein on the COrinectleut and Pao. lumping' ldver ,Rallroad thrown from the trsedr, above Grafton. N. El Yesteritlay. by a brolmn rail. Two care went aver an enibankreent seven feel sigh.. Ten peaseagere were slightly hurt; none killed. - • • • - —Generals Sheridan, Pleasanton, Cu!. tar, Davies, Torhet, sod other cavalry. leaders. are conaummating plena lei organising a cavalry society. All civilry officer and privates are Invited 40 mew: in a convention called for the Bth o[ April and to meat to Philadelphia. " . —Titog dry coda store of J. J. White, rlotbfaz ator• pf I. J. J..duisotr and afectlonery eatabliabmont of B. Matter, at Wttinington, 7EIO t. 11.119111 Wedsepitay morning. Lo-ie 111,;,500700. Itlnuries tt Ivor severely i.ujuirsel by islAng of Umbers. • —A. St.tinrOingo lectef ilays a Danish Itchogoer was searched In ihe hay by so nil:fear from the T.L.11104 Smelt ft igship :tavern, fie ascertain if she w bawled with etTllll for the Derntatean :us ni Minn- Ins, The officer said he was acting under Instructions from Waahlugton. Culhmtna last night, a gams of billiards was placed bet iscon Jneeph Casper; of Norwalk, and Harry (imam. of Springfield, for the championship of Ohio and two hundred dollars. The game was won by Gaspar, the present champion. Score one thousand and two and nine hundred and four. The . colleen of the steamer o.ndy . Johnson, arrived at St. Lords yesterday from 11,:oekok, iepprt that when thoy pamed.Lontelass, Mo., Tuesday s Ire had destroyed the large planet 14 mill and illnidagr yard of 3. Wiley, it Ivory walla and • row of r.ldancea, and w. 'till raging. lews unknown. — . Numerous contracts tor building to blanksllls have bean ■nepend.d on no count of the preposcd Coogreotional 1111.11Iferenee with the cosarnment of the State. Goy. Hooter declares that he to opposed to such interference. In calling upon the Prsaident for military he did us tnerely to be prepared Mr future emergencies. —A. great religions revival I.ln pro cress Joliet, harlots, forty miles mouth of Chicago. Lest night every oilcan, billiard ball and other public places were closed at six o'clock so that all would attend church. The whole eltv seems to be awakened. PAT. Mr. Groves, oG New York City, has charge of the meetings. assisted by various pastors. —The report that the President bed submitted to the Attorney General the letter of Guy. Seater asking for troclin to be placed in Tennessee under his command, is erroneous. If Gar. Senter declares his inability to be master of .the situation and applies for protection. and requests that troops be sent to enforce the laws, then tke_Piesident will tone sotto'. —The business with Yokohama and other Japan ports la becoming quite ac tive over the Peellio' Rellroud. A con signment of one thousand paeksgee of tea for ■ firm in Chicago, and eleven thonaand for a firm in New York, reached the former city yuaterday In thirty days from Yokohama. They wore brought to San Francisco by the Ameri can bark notteraotreas. The entire cargo Is valued at three hundred thousand dol lars. The Prose of %Vete.. For the first time in his life, say's a' . London letter, the Prince of Wake has experienced a foretaste of what he may expect hereafter, unless he greatly mends his ways. • At a volunteer supper in the city, when the toast of hie. health was proposed, there were several cries of '"No, so." As be was not prerient, be was of course spared the humiliation; but he fared worse at the Globe Theater. On onday night last he and the Princess attended the performance at this establiehment. As 'the latter made her. appearance in front of the royal box, the entire audienee arose UM cheered her most enthusiastically. The Prince then made his appearance, when the audience to a man instantly eat down, and a pet feet storm of hisses was his only welcome. The young rascal, however, was very pluchy, for heTtood 'for more than a min uteln lull view, and cooly surveyed the scene through his opera glass. In spite el all his etort•comings, there.was some thing really magnificent in the .manner In which, on the impalas of the moment, he them displayed his contempt fur and defied the aibillant crowd beneath him. NE* A.DVERTISEIVCENTS REmovs L. FREDERICK sCRSOIDEic. Meribant Tiunr.nd Lee e r le Geet!emee's FeralAteg fiegels: igen Clest.e. men and sop• Cloaninf .a_►aod and nada ad order at. Man ake'last amine On au removed freAs ►ls late stand. No. 92 Vonr,l avenue. to No. 51 KID wreceST, corner of 1 . 3.1r0 m051:a71 HAVE THIN DAY •SSOCIA— TEDoIth isU seif, S. IsEL end JAM IC • AlliiiiHASS tor the porpose of trousseau r I . IIOOUCt. AND OOSIMIIMION 11 , f1191011. usider the oats. sod rile of bibits- BLit, cAitiaL (V. Bsta; ttosolan , for pan ra•ory. I wattld eesPeotliff ••• • 7••C••*••• of the..... HOC 11.,tstlibili•M. !ME= BINGHAM, cASSEL as CO., Produce Commiesion2ferchante ►IQD WHOLESALZ DIIALZEI Dr Flour, Grain, Food, Hay, Seeds, Salt, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY._ Hydraulic Cement, Anthracite Coal 864, i 66, 268 ■nd 170 PEAR ST., TITTSIIIIIOII. rA. 1=3:1 SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS 1 TWO waSsfottnfors doolro to Oa 11 Cl...weal a, tonnes of tbo Ifultutl p.OllO So Mete ziogallk slat lostnsn•nio. .1 . Om • 1.0001111 . IfirStirEsCS Of AST 10000 IS NOW gllnt. tits. owning InSO Ird apipulfttd 110.1110 , 1a1. Wilk the 41.1 •r tit! PUT 11171 11 ample Ott leo.l. Tstirr Sad Ira lrf ond Slur MOST MAT'SltAtn, they aro aDII to proance BEST REED INSTRUMENTS. 0150 1 portiOn of tile later Ldp 10.1 e Isnnotiato roperfnnos; tad toe* W tti• unerring portoo:101 of filar system, that o.o . lurre no la. ptrllict sod • NO SECOND-CLASS WORK, THE AMMAN °ROAN lo the pthollar sad sok loelvo schism.. t or Si Moose; ellferthe from a!1 other 14throtatzto I othstraoltha, sod eorlothothi rolunse, Sonori tv, raryty, Sweetness and. Expression. larßut tt is not clamed that the Amax. 10A21 Oughts is sold at the knout prise—as the martufaehrrers have no desire to waste their time upon feeble and character/as metreanents, nor tofurnish supply of dia. /AAA/ad/on. at the low prise of 1.50 each. Nothing worthy can be produced for such a sum. 27.ey mean to make only the best reed organ, and tAcy are sat•Md that a dis criminating public is willing to pay the value of what it gets. airßaoll for 55 lliutratod domiptlva Mit of "1 14711 . ttOf If tn. •aultlw 51.1.14 f. earsorif 1.11•11.1 Toolakaulaao (000soght) Moo too • Principal Musical Authorities, establisklas taa aaarset, or taalr laidrasneala wiyaad aI aasaslos ara zorLktal la alsealar. TWSPITY 711A85 SISiTABLIZ.IIIID • Sar39, 000 Innrcuseats sedt Zsel cassia S. D. & H. W. SMITF.., With BO OM aod BANK nanr• AIIN "'i''' ,- ~, oh -RAW, awl as atadtdastoo of sma ll fraltio::i BOSTON. . at maga. WLI sall all toy stack, uttla ant? WE SA= WI .wrzatioltelooatair to aim was aarabliosa:: „,....•,.., JOHN ZWEIN/NGER, T«.•-c•••Wed cubs balsa** IMlaltill la It I L - , roars wiLli IsWouta /Whom - 116 146111111116 11mt, P ittabonk. , J CILAWLI3 is's. slam'sassar 1 ' \ abs/ y ..~ ~r.r.~~, TILE WEEKLY GAM, Ili Tem szatJam CHEAPEST Commercial and Faintly Nearsp.v, PUBLISHED IN WESTERN PENNSYLVMeII to f.rmer, meclautte„ or merchant. mho al lart Rout E=rll toabaorltors Clubs of Ave....—. Clotta of ten cool - if to.ntsbod grstoltoostyto tL• rC of of • Vlub of ten. r ttonsttero are matt to actin atootts, Address. PENNTIOLIN, ItEI3D & CO 'PROPRIETOR. 0 riaga-- '11;• Let." "For , ~L eaer wit'ants," PpurLi," •• Bear 4.4 Bc., 'Wet ercceedrrig FOU I R be tweeted • kee these whammy once .; TWENTY-FIVE , CNN TN; dash ad ete-ext 6.1121771. WANTS lATANTED—ROAIRPING.- 1 1 ,1 1 7.un mi/5 In • f1n•117 . . withl Or the kradest, of Maw. : , F . k • LE,/,..1..1,17), 1: ', ° u r ous To l3 l l for . It. WA\ '[`FD. ID AN'l'l . •,:a :leatuation t CIA HK to • Hoot xrd eq.+ H 0... I rutivg mu, o.tnisiqp.allat. wl. tli: M. ne.• anJnav!eig law acqU mln a,.. e kii Isl ' nce trade, Kr.' cRT ..,,,...• situ •A e ••• !I 113 Filth arena', 3..:' ~. lirit TEF tl i be il ll l l 1 t7 1 4?Z . G ~.01,1P.M e lse l i . 4-..:`,..`'..V.,:.: lint:. Tr:Aube I c0n , ../..0 , 3... c' I _ I.lj AIVTED.—A :taint to t 1. 7 • it% ' ;1 31 " ;10 trACILY ' III4II Aleelvny. 3, IIIj.INTEI!.-Fitty Coal at vir Ate Ulcers. n.relte re to I td. d the silos..w.c.alkl.rls dr- o ...I lta and • -outttra • Irdly opt O!'. No. 1 t31%,6 attee% drat dournum _darreedl WAATEIA. - 211914TGAGM, ¢3r1,009 to Lono to lift, Or =All Th t a ralr rate or towels; ' SIiOKAE K• PETTY. 11111, Dund and Le9105351e Bolter,. r • So. 179 Orrotrireld rtrrar LOST .1_,4 • _l7l4T.—At eutrauce Lela'. T. Tr. MLLE. ea 310.41., 121.1 A. • u. • lAN FL aI..CKLII.T. revracd Last* hat it. LIT Psu4 '• I _(II4T.—A MANUSCRIPT pr'. I_4 Itet wreathe at eagle/Ws leaure. et.a I. /lee Mr saute reeelve ,he thee of' tee ewe, h, a - le ( It at 11166 ...ea, et Te115,F,11 K. TO-LET 0-1.Y.T.-No. Wood .11c Fixture, t:1,11C. .I:maven, dt.Ltiqule, at 47 WOOD Sr. 3.1 TrrO-LET. —lloo3ld—Ringle coo eke fllsstri•.l nt unftormt.n..l, no : ad..olre at 137 rk.L'IL LI nYL.SI7II.:I r i l° lj,!;lT ir unTe: t .o. r !l e ea r 6 : a ti n „a i n , !f ß arfn' for 11r. •La • , ..rplo, mos. 113qa: OA 31 NINTII ET. O LET.—The .Large Ste! Room So. 95 0..y11e Avant., totter , Fe mai "mot. Pittsburgh. A. K. 9909/ . . 115 girth IFIOOPE contalla j. I‘o N roams. 1.113 gas. is., sad sir lota N 0554. agyAglog we Pt...starerlss ona. Rao. glum!, of ft. GlUsUtt, 235 NI 3 dusky- stravL Alstabegy oh.. laise aitd how Fl;ltStallt lr wive or an nro.patin r. o,.Scomtit te. on F , nrto or toe. Ennntro tf U. W. oILYEY, 73 of otrect. ryo-LET.-4 New 110U%E of rnom• • od 154 acre& orgrouird at Fiume. . tttoo. Wks 1.21 ,1 . 1 .. rah. Oa Ina ls C. Railroad. lopalre al, SOD 11r-DERI STILKET, , ad: LET.—The large four-stor iL PRICK BT01‘311.1.181; :a., 133 • //tr.' t. •t V! caallt 41.11Ap1eA I. • ntraltala atal b tent aa location la 11•• city. 1•4141 on the ;acetates. I FOR RENT .— The Three 'tot IROARIC Leer. in ll* oar or No. Wood street,loommly ciaiort , 7 Wm. tiondoef d Ca. se a aroma factory. Inquire Of WAIT, LA NV ICO , 2-11 • • No: 179 and 114 Wood lit; rllO-1 1 :ET.--ectirst-elitss wont S ROOK, 70019. alth situated at la GO federal .tree, •)Itetnq• b. c•ti ITMid sm ili sre le rna eir.d. do . moderate. A TO LET —Four 'New Brie Itust , l nu Dlnw•A Oren I,nloAvner. All•itorny. Va. , Lull 5.515 04 tatna,ll 'lns mad b. Ph fl,llll us. 15..52501 . . kiya,:k* an 501 anti cold witer kritileifo, •11111 Mt , • I Lqwtsor .1.011!8ulODPAZY 44 ukle real. Alah4o7, Pa. 1101 . • • • .T.—One goodo .S lore r7Ol 13 , 41t3;Lrh0. 21 (Me ••rmee Tim 0 . ..3 D'am .m 3 inel memc dom . elar.egs 33.33 k. ooemt thy emmt 1-emtlmme Is city..mmt m01,10e.. Alto. W 10313134 nor o r bolds era room loqulr of =lmam tr. C AN. 40 .43, s .44 7ID 'butt elf [loon .7trilY a:Le, I. ° l Ikons WK. um Ira floor. Halt •1 • . • . . . tlro sate... Juror on 4th ff., Stun. 'rut EpriatOu w baildla Fourth &Terme. For Whom loqulru of o ENO LI.EI CO.. No. 9 9 Fourth 47•11,,0: 7Tavern stand, 111 A- pa 21,9t1 ¥ta. Uwe Ino *llll secant, ?It. liattdotat on MI. Wtablti toa,T6l d aoetoa Hal, Ito m* as I aSe.s I& atk,t • t, Basataant oa. 77 and 19 721 GI A ZZ 41. Co.. •ttorol's at Low.l 112 9a Iltt TO LET.—A ROOM in the rig D upotat• h wq Imo 019.•. lowlife of 0. d.s.s., tfe DI woes Alvo. lb. r017:71 . 1I04 11(1 , m of (to Dof /mato, Mali. C 0.1.1 do it of fro. b -"thLg'FUZE. feditoOrl 1102 ioutti ave,n•. 41 Ca! • ic o-1. ET. ' 01111 ituomm TO. ••••Ant .tore rind, In ta• rary EC lic,ding on Pei.. et c . ot .ni./ ALI street. wal D. rea•ly .coup . • r shout thn I of bia•en. and are to. otaroil for roe: io nor rable tinant• One tf tn. •1 • l• •• nr it eo i for r &&&&&& re• for it4e, to-let. too .Ir,=, e story '• cams Dunning. Magnin/ • f It. u on, till National Kant. Corner of Pon •••• ne ni Market sm.., or of reux It. itittiNliT, fn•nr• te- :O-LET.—Lager Ueer .R. tad Owe Rae. 6 , n avant, -,,••• c ' , roo t ': ta •r•tease: No. 6 94 ay nag. s]4o; Mat • .; taa• • net. bear Omar: at re. 61 M rose • .000 . I,l4erly ttre•:: TAT I aae *t. •36••; !rapt le . berty Re • (MOO. PI 311.,56110;96 W 74., store. neat. $600: l• rasn.treet, atom Ewa en Mee la it i, able: for 11•120•11 t eta • 69 $390; Pirrtba cite.?, $1 15, 'Lab toa b. ' , treat, halt. I own, ••150; Ir:rata:alai, rile Rooms la ooactl. CUTHEIoIa & lONS. 39,.ix•h Aveous 10-LlF:r.—New 2 Flory uric' • Darellloa of • AS woo. 11a1/. sma. Co 4 !fluor .14 Ciao I hroool, o Market 4 0 ., elloghany. boo.. la now av n allaol•le le even 01-treel.• 1.• Mei. low, To-I,FT —lhiek'ot lio•ula, ba , Wat4 tt fata. at $.150 pa . year 114 , 1 sat 12,.. Wat:. 11111.7 oo• .osar• trues mast ears. TO-1.6 . 2-1014 oar mouth. 12 lak Howe. 2: 140 111441 e 4.147.;aear tlsomsos r.t.. Id wax 7..• =aroma j ot 4 1:43,a, ab•ap. Ilk. 1 SAUD:. at, near reektal rOr farther lettotomloo. optey to . r. 'WC& Al Ittamo-d. Alleottoolt To LET. •-; DYFELLIINTO HO vsn. O. Vino Moen k duo.; lot.bootty. trontatolatfe_i BIODZIIM 011P11017IIMAINTO, Water and Sas throoghout. Tide boos* .1U rooted eery low to • good team,. • &DPI, at' GAZZIT2 cotrwortere ZOOK, fi TIM AvessiW = FOR SAIL FOR DALE..—LARAE rani trltitto a miles of Mubarak.; oontaftil.[C un and Iniorovilatata• .W)II Ds sold tin 15, son or Soiled ion ler forma to .1194 ehators. Isqu're of JU LIO 1111tLIAV., Att ; Kn. Law , corner or Eon -ad blaming Kn. OUME.AN.. 1117 street iLrmia. R SC ata. SALE.—The- Stock gal; TURIII ofa 11111rilitt KA. , ./1 RI it Tao Mull. Is au sad nil d1•101e oat, nod Lass path. total: idlndinittiolltaotiortd io ta tent. Pt it% tarot (*wad 11"1 r..asots one" (Reselling. Andra*. ittA.- .yOR SALE OR TO•LET.-131k .EIIIA BLit AIII.L WWWICKTTio asty, 334 aarts..ll4lo ' vote: inter tont: Roalift ,other parosses. Low POCT 4 AI4.4'y tonal or elleall rept. [Roßtra sf 111C1.0.t.d" ; 110051 Bask of Canaan.. .r U. I. .HILT, L e r :, y — It E 11 1 ...a. Se. 00 Elver aaaaa Alll of COS Manor ro.noul Ann Onin room , era , r Ms awl enema atery. go' •n non= Mile In kitolosn. Mtn 4 . b. r :": 1: 7 :1 . b 1 11 tdr Ores. alley. IL La as* mod. ronsnsslon Aplll Lot. oink P. - 147 o. 115 n JUILti D. BAXLEY 1.. i • volt SALE.—Elegaut 1391Ut J 2 RUUdit. isAraitalre • r.• Jahlst• !MIA Rag, Rau. Re, au( •Jold Raba . . Loa* . by 197. wttotate &lanatter,. Is FS opperwaßy tot LINN 4tllltia, 111 kazoo.. mei _ _ T R *OS.' Ail SALL—now BMA , riO r igir. f ;;‘ , ;ail ~ 1141.40.1. finish, 11111111kto On 4* . :, stragt. rote r,„: slam ahem In al ApriL •;' : I , si , , , J g, ,•',, (*Milk, POE sh.Ll.—Niw T1LLY1.da ,, 9 , 9, 4 , 4 - httuaht .a. 39th Wool., Os anullasa ..... , , ; PM. 113.900, itty terse.. , : x. i f mi .,. w w. L i. : ..i . ; mlk2l • balm., tea • •cia 3J l osewa. , pm DALE. ileven Acres of Fine Garden Fermi -~ 'i'L~i~ EP _ ... r ;;;;1 .$ nat. ro.