The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 23, 1870, Image 1

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'DaMimi by carriers. per cis.
-Ctrs RiffsWO etilYtte,
BOril3B at Frankfort, 95®95i
Painimatrie at Antwarp, MIL
' The death of Bishop 'lnconel( ' of the
gg e twbst, Episcopal Church, will produce
at • preftund imprestion throughout the
body of which he was so, eminent a mkt
liter, and also In other 'denominations.
Els death was quite unexpected, and, lA
bred, belt few knew that he was ME'
It Ives of Short .duratlon. Early in March
be presided at the session of the Kentucky
— Conference, at Xsysville, Ky., and
-ieveral days afterwards ha proceeded to
Charlestown, West Vs., and held the
West Virginia Conference. At the close
•,of its session he started for Jersey City,
'to meet the Newark Conference, which
ceuivectes this walked Jersey City,
when he was overtaken by sickfress and
' stopped at Wheeling, and died yesterday
monanig at half-past ten, of typhoid
Manor Trionson was born at Portesa,
Enelsod, in 11110, and came to this
country in his ninth -year. After a full
couree•of medical teal:reit It:Philadelphia
and Cincinnati, be commenced to practice
:imedlcine in his twentieth year. In 1832
be vetured the itinerant ministry of the
7tetkodllit ' Episcopal Church,. end .Was .
'stationed at several important; -poinis in' I
the West andNorthwcaL Six years after '
, •ba entered. the ministry, be-was elected
'President of Nervalk Seminezi.; Abil ;
ireinektiently . to..a' the
Onlycraltr•of Michigan?. • Ile•theto he.
"came editor of the Leda(' ILiii#o74/,
„And; without completing his term in that
- r • officer, accepted the• position of 'President
'of thethilo Weileyan .llniversity, Which
• rapidly rose to be a first elm Institution
(ruder his presidency. At the General
• Ccinferenoo of 1860, he was elec:
-lid -editor of the Ohrhakin
cats and Journal, New York, the
((great official" in Church circles. During
the Amin of four years lie edited the
paper with singular ability, bis editorials
, ledkifting ripe"scholarship," and were of
the most progressive type, on the great
moral questions of the age. In 1684, the
General' • Confirm*: at itesinrsion . in
elevated !dint° the office of
Bishop. , •
Shortly after hii election he went on ea
Episcopal Tour to different points on tie
Pacific . cuast, andalso visited and 'pre. idea over the different Southern -Con
farewell as fir south XIS Texas. Petimps
the next year, he made a grandeplonepal
tour; almost as extensive as the one Bishop
Kihigslei is noviPerforming (tart tho
world," visiting Great Britain, 4 ersuin,y,
Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Den
wark, China, Japan, India, and the Eol.y
Land. During the put three or four
years helms been performing a full share
of Episcopal Visitations in connection
with his colleagues throughout (Abe
Chinch. , e ,.,,-, I
_Mae Bishop was regaidediia onset tkie
best scholars of the age, - and; writer Of
rare power. His stile.waa classical, aid
of the Addle:wash type, pure and Chaste
As a writer, 'lecturer, and untidier, he
wu regarded as at:mantilla model. Eels
the author of several excellent :works,
and doubtless his numUona map, lee:
tares, sermons, addresses and articles to
different pelitidicabs, of lilt - yea" If col
: -lected.woulif make two or three. volute*.
besides the following four published vol
. units: "Biographical and. Incidental
BklOahrs," "Mond and Religions Es
says," "Educational Denys," "Letters!
from Europe:" These' Dobai Itave: had
no extensive :eels, and are exceedingly
•BYSTiOr -THOWION was' skein me
dium 'height, alighi frame, and had an
untimely " intellectual cotiatenance,
--liklciii . whem he was spesidng, was of the
alit ;; enign character. :
Poseessed, of.
~ i giesissavity•cifasanzuiniitenial-tempei,
and social qualities 'of a superior. piste,
.ride domMahy, al might be expicted, 'wu
agOt sought anir,:de preacher hchad •
the genet, effective eloquence oftithisourt
, 17. Wendell swaying .annsud
st tentimand, tugiee troiden words
..lindacholul7 : Hellas perhaps
—the moat accomplished . scholar of tbe
"' Bard' or tlabdia, and llke the late, mit
et lamented De. licEllidock,bia death will
. 0 1siletniedbyis wide circle , of edninttori,',
as fell as belogiglial494,l9l a Prince in
Israel in Church fellowship. - ! -
i •
;_ •IM oiL.Lifriquzair
" Avery signidcant advertlsetnit4' sp
pectalir our akrcrilsiag column to•day,
imitleg 4 ird}visahl:frir the ',shipment tij
. of Atty. thousand barrels cif Mined
rfAtetrolgusit to.,Benwood, where
faAiFn to Baltimore h o t h io
r seeps alter the Baltimore and o
.Thlynevr method of andiag
sea board, Is in sicordance with !•
. ,
?,pmnsuole,.sdefted at a ecent eneetl4g
e; vtibe PeizoleeM . Associatkini emd Itch
-.sad will revolt is large marina to the
. :dippers in the matter of freight. The
I.4reseat action of the oil men Is a token of
the earnestness of their - charges Made to
l! - -:!lbe". effect. that, _Verlag to" the 410. 1
"tariff on "the' Perriurylsazda Railroad,
~ .;.,11K,A5 - per , barrel]-Vtiputents to
!"50elphht• and ' .7pw York ',ire ..I+.
Prc 4 itlee e, that, until . mom&
relooprtable abatement is made, those ei*ir
least be st'ssadcmed o oil smtrts2o far ~ ~a ss
fittsbnigh comdgrinients cones:mid.
i*ndo not koois War the-whole metier
r " a{ej bier laid intelligenilibefOra the
~-1!,- M esrageMent. of the. great oorporation
that his In times pot, sad area up to the
added materially to the
:':-prosperity and Importanie of our city.
ws geel assured. no exhorbibmt freight
,i_tariff would be kept force if the fact
*lily sufficiently well establighed that
our Important local interestr and thoseof
Philadelphia, both great patrons sad
c eastalneei et the baldness of the roid,
Waralaagulaldng or dying ;end from that
remedial cause. It is to the Interest of Ike
Peamlyants Central to afford our oil
ii6L'as well as all other classes of the bna
ball and manufacturing - communities,
neck facilities sad advantages as will
I,bU them to saccessfidly - compete la the
trinaCeloll of trade 'with other Cities sot
4 0 , t h e T oad, nor tavtap. nay !btu* In its
i 'parity but linking their fates with Its
: rivals. UP.° g i mr a l c 4ll ? , *tilcia be.4pUr.'
tidily made by the mangos, and the 6 u ,
trade be icatiPellede threnik tist,fcirce! of
c i rgu i ia t iin eee, to and outneweadeht
feellltlei for feeclung the seshosrd,ih
is ao I gulpalte that, should . Bemj a p r ,
safer ifeconepoly of the petroleum foreign
aipaUrats in the Inteilm; trade wint id
fall beolcinto Be prevent elmunels 'whim
rillarttridisportatiel Is afforded ',Erect
_ .
by way of the Baltimore and Ohio Road
from Pittahorgh to that city. Whether
fro.. exceasire • freight charges, or from
o per causes, It la quite certain that no
ot, er.btateb of load Iniaineaa has been in
a eater condition, leas profitable; or
ignishing condition than petrol.-
an - refining. , Indeed, practically speak
ing, that interest which once promised so
mach to-those immediately engaged in It,
and to the general prosperity of oar city,
hu dwindled down into insignificant
proportions, . and Many 'thousands of ,
dollars Invested in the business have been
unproductive for years past. We sincerely
hopnthat the subject of heavy °freightage
Will receive that attention from the rail:
road authorities which it warrants, and
that such measures will be adopted as
may secure at least a fair portion of the
oil trade to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
It is asserted, on the .most- ' reliable au ,
Moray, that the refiningof petroleum for
foreign purposes is gradually and surely
being transplanted from this country;
where the crude is produced In vast
titles, to Germany. The transportation of
the crude is m a de over the New York and
Erie road from the producing districts and
shipped direct to Germany where it m
profitably, •refined. In that -country the
benilne, which is comparatively worthless
to oar refiners, la an article of valu e
almost equar . , to_ the • refined oil, an
advantage which.renders the refining al
the more profitable., Thua it may not ber
impoasibie that • through the discrimina
lion or Teitiray ottletali, the entire bust
ritirs'of .refining for foreign cionsareptiort,
'maybe transferred toAlre - other side of the
! Is clearly the dutjtOtallllome
& s r* 4stiOcis. to prevent such a result, and to
lend'ainineh aid si possible to the develop
ment of i,trade which clearly belongs to
the, producing country. We. hope, crc
long, that the oil and • railroad interests
will bei more in harmony with each other,
and that the time is not far distant when
oar refiners will be able to successfully
compete against allopporttion.
Burzrnretrr is to have a gymnasium.
Tim mysterious Albion fever has en
tirely subsided.
hin.ron is to have a $20,000 market
house and public hall. •
Manor WOOD of Phrbulelphla is on kis
way home from Rome.
A cnawren has been vented for a
street railroad in Titusville.
- Tan rolling mill at South Bethlehem,
Pa., baa stopped for repairer -
Cutterrair Ricamtn, a Frenchman of
Crawford county, is missing. •
• .A.TrAnrre at murder are becoming nu.
pleasantly feenuent in Shamokin.,
Buterrown, Schuylkill county, rejoices
over "along-felt want supplied," ahem-el.
Tux Lancaster colored folks are. to ju
bilate over the .1 - . Nth Amendment procla
A. Form pound tumor wan taken from
he leg of Mr. John Webster, of Bt. Clair,
sat week. •
Nor a single license to sell liquor has
been grarad in Potter county for, the
lut nineteen years.
Vous Philadelphia boys, aged between
twelve and foarteen years, have beep
caught stealing [rota show cases.
°saint Omni, of Pine Creek,-Jeffer
lOtt county; was killed last week while
Chopping trees, a limb Misspelt hishead.
:• ..&;11zranto of coal operators, miners
and shippers was held in Pottsville last
week to take into consideration the state
Of the trade. . . .
COL. Joint Commts, of Uniontown, Is
nailed la • carlaidatn_ tot the Republican
niwninallon for COngrias in the Twenty-
formerly of Salisbury
township, Lancaster county, was tilled
on the railroad near Allentown, 'Lehigh
county, on last Monday.
CAIIDIDATZS for Republican. nose'.
'nations in A.rmsttung -county- are an,
nouncing themselves.. Four candidates
foi Sheriff are already In the tlehl.
Tux Schnylltill Navy are exhibiting
more activity thla season than they have
for. years! A number of regains! are;pro•
poiaind Sines aftay, bt.lbo.ed Aar.
$3.65 la the avenge prieeof gas per 1,000
cabin feet 111't his State. Pittsburgh gat
•ea 11.13.0 iwthe cheapest. and Lewistown;
Scranton and 'Mauch Chunk at $.1.50 the
cowsza serviwt ..WOMII I 4 . aged 82.
plied hist week to elpble la
which the hail rant" fifty yeari
Ghle Stick gaits so well generally
Twit American Ir onn`Bridge Cenipany,
of Chester, have secured the Contract
neieralleoad bridge near Pottsvillei Pa,
of ninety feet span, and will proonedwith
its construction at onoe. • •- .•
Rtstinse FIBELERjot Colutablai• brake -
Inera Mu Pennsylvania ilea:out, was
,caught tetweenrher bumpersof tca
wo m
at intim, on Monday last, titil bad one
arnistudli injured."
OA Wednesday, lut A. young MID
Pianba leo; tilfelL'Allittier, who came
froliainzerne county en' die 11th
was killed :eV the colliery - of Nilson A -
Trichler, Beer Ran,,by a tall of coaL..
A CITIZEN of. Pottsville found an addi
tion to his chicken oup the other morn
ing in visiting it. It was in the shape of
a ikumb which tome desperado hid unlit
tentionalty left bebled, asisted by a steel
rhnadoiptita . and *eliding nail
-feed tkimpiej hate seepetiden , some' of
iheir - Worionen at their shops9w Reeding
forr ward. of employment Von lib*.
Twelve machinists .were suspended on
A. man in Bradford county. in cleaning
oat an old well a few days lance, found
'keg K.battpr. that had laid there for thirty
'yeah. " It was well preserved, for ftwas
as Yellow is gold and as sweet b theday
'lt was triads. ." 4
• fl3:l;ammtrrr; Jr.'s cottairinlili; in the
Ninth ward, of Philadelphia, hare be&
ht operation for- :some week', since the
Inspernsion,of work. They. are muting -
Was on ticks. and, employ ,ever two
Bcranbin ~Ownocraf ha } e.ePort
that the, hady ,of one of 1110 . Avondalo
ilctlers has never been taktn front the
Mines, and that the etuldruteneari 'hives of
the Wass are - hannted -by the ' aptrite of
-thane who died there; llgids•menu and
strange and unearthly . noisse heard
• Dllllllllllll fa determined to get a direct
railroad connection with our. Pennsylva
nia coal fields, A majority of lts taxpay•
ers, representing a large proportion of the
taxable property of the town, have voted
to urea $25,000 additional bonds on the
town toward the construction of the rail--
weY Item Dunkirk to Warren. The
aliiitdy - bonded for poo,ooo.
The individual subscription to the stock
of-thereld his reached the skim of $5,000.
Tar. new Court House at Tionesta„
Forest geernry,,will be rudy for occupan
cy for .the May term of Court-. She
Bunch:m(ll'ot Mick.- -by 96 feet. two
stories, high. The,se9opd story contain
the audience roar' and • the 'basement the
ofHoes.' is a Virysubirtantial building,
the walla! the lower, story being, paten.'
teenlitchtlthick and theuPper statenteen
lactate in ,tedokmeas-at‘um.,.. grainy
floe,- The WI; .4.623,600.
'The -EWA tend and jail cost 8;060;
•• •
Tax husband of the ex-Queen of Spain
is not such a nonentity as be has been set
dowkfor... On the wrote:A-that his wife Is
ablo queen, he ban laid tlaim In a
Paris court to the entire control of their
jointproperty, Isabella insists that she
lUII a . queen, arid'objecte to reeipi the
amtrul of her Immense wealth. -
Pennsylvania Legislature
Various Local Bills Passed—The
Border Raid Bill Objected Of!
the house Calendar. •
(spie'al Dl•p.tcb the l'ittaborgl.
Ito, March 22, 1870.
' The following hill. pulsed the Senate
today :
An act relative to streets in the city of
.Relative to ocaueitting magistrates in,
the county of Allegheny.
To extend theprevielons of an act antic
lreil . asupplement to an Set entitled I, an
act for the male of goods dhatralued for
rent and to secure seciti' goode•to the
paeans alattraiultig the game for the
better security of rents anti for the purr
poses thereto mentioned,'` approved
hisreh A. D. jps, tit the city iof Pater
burgh, amended by Mr. &IRABAM to
ltichitie the city( of Allegheny..,
' 'Act rebating to vehicle ifeenac.s in
city of Pittsburgh. . .
For the repeal of so much of the fifth
section pf the act relative to the city . of
1 4 1 15 tilq3434"paileted the 13th day of 'Aped,
1&59, as relates to the making of annual
Relating to a certain street in the city
of Pittsburgh.
To refund the Mechanics National
Rank and the First Notional Bank of
Pittsburgh, certain taxes paid under
niieepprehenalon. •
Oeldinhia Oil 4:kilab
pany to acquire end hold additional real
estate and to lease and convey.
To Incorporate the Sharpeburg and
Etna Gas company lu the borough of
Enterpalourg, bounty of Allegheny.
To-Incorporate. the. Shargebure and
Kittanning turnpike road in the county
of Allegheny.
Authorizing the Auditoria of Reserve
township, in the county of Allegheny, to
erect board footwalks along the roads In
acid tow nehiperid to levy a tax to defray
the expenses of the saute. • .
tr.:sumo or NATIoNAL DiinT.
Mr, LOW RV reported from she Om
mittee on Federal Relation., protesting
agal net the peAsiage by Congress oflthe
Sherman funding • •
arrnisrr tetraorromrre.
' Mr. 110 WARD, on leave,read In place
an act to provide for the improvement of
POULL8V6111:161 and other arthinesfin the
city ut Pittsburgh. Passed.
The House considered and passed the
fallowing, bills to day:.
To enlarge the corporate power, of the
Cherry fun and PlUseurgh Petroleum
.Relative to the duties of hispector of
but/dings in the city ofPittaburgh:
To enable the East End Gas Conopanyto
Issue bond. to be secured by . mortgage.
Relating to the election of city and
ward officers In the city of Pittsburgh.
Authorizing the citizens of /Unblock
townshin, Allegheny county, to change
the method of Making Hen repairing
roads and bridgm iu said towr.ebip.
Mr. Ii.EI o o KEIL of from the cal,
endir the. hill. ankhorising - he hyoids-
Altriabf damages sustained. byellhieniar
Pennsylvania during the war of rebellion
and to providmthe memos therefor. This
bill taken front thejltate the revenues
of ensolierland, Perry, Franklin -York,
?Wattled:it other counties, ambUr;lint.tO
I over two milllons of dollars.
Foreign. Affairs Committee and
the Cuban question—Revalue
Natters--San Bouting,o avid St.
Thomas Treaties— Wormed
Sale of Brooklyn Navy Yard—
Railroad Legislation„
ter Tel ** r** Ist* We PlUbborrik Garatte.)
Wasnistrros, March ^a, 11170,
The Ilona° Committee on Foreign:Af
fairs has authorized lie Chairman,. Mr.
Banks; to report the following joint res..
elution in reference to Cuba : .
. That the Preiddent be and he is hereby
authorized and instructed to declare and
maintain ar.etrictly- impartial neutrality
on ,the part , of the-Government of the
United &ate. In the contest now existing
netween the people of Cunt and Mager
ernment of Spain. • • •
gentle n 2nd, - that all senior parts of acts
and all proriaions of the statute aPprot
ed on the 20th of A pril,llllB, entitled “an
act in addition to an ant for the punish
ment ,of certain crimes against the
United States, and to repeal acts thereto
mentioned," shall be construed to apply
equally to each of the parties, In the et-
Lining coati:at • between' the of.
Cuba end the government of Spain.
The Mouse` ecimmittasi on faellle Ralf
roadrit4day agreed to report "feiornili
on the Henan? bill fixing
.the point of
Junction of the Union and , Pacific
roads a little to the northwest of Ogden,
and gives thee° Companies - about nine,
'mittens of land for etatioris, efe, The
Mormon. claftn ownership to this land,
but Ina:till :10 effect - . asserts ir - to the
United States end thultdiepasea of it. • •
• The ciescurilttee also - agreed to,,
'whin atuandttienta, ittrdiasonri, rinses
unit Texas Railway 4:11, - and the decade
;Atkentilfand Parditc
. . • utenrinz tiaTrzier.
The Deputy ()effector, of the ' , frit - lona
Distrlctleporta the seizure .of this abut!.
lery of Leizy,tr Oro.; at Kilo kuir.,l - rovria ,
for violation of the Internal Rayons°
lane. -
A let* was received this eitenling
from Deputy tkunmissioner Donglans,
announcing no definite .rweulte, In the,
frauds In the Bailey case .had yet,. been.
reached, though It la,prohable,-* full
Insight into the fraudulent:tranlactions
can be 4f:tidally codinatinleated :by. to,
11101 TOW, •
The House Navel. Comthittee — hase
agreed :to recommend the +sale.-p! the
Brooklyn ?rimy Yard, placing the pro
ceed' In the. Treasury and...dividing the
materiel among the other yards,-
The Reconstruction Committee Ina
tide mornlnga.nd heard M. Perkins, pf
hid Tennessee Home of Delegates, in re
latloptothe nnedi4on *litral shit
State, bid nostethen , worsdien.
mart Donlon° ThEANY.
The Cosentino) on Foreign:Relations
"Mere to-day more emphatic than here.
tofore in their opposition - to the San Do
mingo and St. Thomas treaties and milli"
urge their refection by.the Senate- The
sense , of -the Committee eras: aim es
drama: expressed against the acquit&
Nen of any other foreign territory.
' 'smart= THE INTITAtION.
Generals , . Grant and Sherman hate
finally accepted invitations - to attend
the annual reunion of the Army of the
ristfle ILDd Atlantic TNeiret.nb,7
. ,virt. March' 22.-11114 f at a
stand, with thirty limbs* or water In the
channel. Weather cloudy. Tnerisionba.
ter SO at 6 P. Y. tti .
Mnowwavmn, March 22,—itlyer on a
stand, with' 'eight feet 'or writer In the
etmenel. Wuithefolear. ,Thermometer
40 At r: • .
-42siocmutor!o...- idittcitt ..22.-rlttssy stg
ea sitimenortm - =we.; .
ttonary, 8K feel water In 'the chimer:
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 44 ate
MCIFIGANTOWIT. W. V&.; March 22.
River falling, with five feet water In the
ehannel...lLVlnatberelondy. Thermonie•
ter 41 'lt 5 7: '
Excessive 'lmports of American
wheat—Telegraph Service in
Great Britain—Enforcement of
Laws in Ireland Constitu
tional Reform in France—Ex
citing Proceedings on the Trial
of Prince Bonaparte.
B/ Telenttpti t the rlttsburiett Qat U.)
LON DON, March S 3. Mr. Gladstone
bas intimated that it is the Intention' f
the Government to liberate the Fenian
Prisoners immediately on the present
disordets In Ireland being repressed.
A company of Amaraliana are taking
measures for the ostablishment of a mail
and passenger liner to Europe•da San
The journals of this city comment
upon the ennewive Itmorts of American
wheat and dour durteg the pant year.
filetletiesphow that the reesipteof wheat
from,the United Mates this year have
aggregated 3.500,000 'quarters more than
for any previous year.
The ivaintengersof the ateatnerNamarle.
who arrived at Queenstown hue evening,.
complain of the connate eta certain (Whin
etitimer, , whiehtherauptiuse to have beset
the Manhattan. It aeon's that this !steam
er named within a abort distance of the
Samaria several days ago, and though,
her-signals of distress were fl a ying,. the
Onion captain refused to ad the disabled
steamer, and utteriv ignored her signals.
In the House of licentious thoNlarqiita
of kiartington, toe Pontmanter ideeeral,
replied to, • queatlon relative to the
telegraphic service. He explained that
hiEl delays were -now chiefly owitined,to
Maud. Tolls were cheap, omssequenily
the wires were crowded. This was es.
peclally true in North "Ireland. In
southern countieli the lines hid been cut
maliciounly. The cub-marine cable con
necting Wexford with linverford. Wont
Widen, had also been cut tea mitre away
from the Inch meat. tinder such cii
cumetaneea delays were -Inevitable, but
he hoped'anon to .b• able to announce
that delays occur only in exceptional
'rho bill for the enforcement of laws in
Urinalsd was taken up and demoted. Mr.
Moore, member, for Mayo, attacked the
Papistry for -the inconsistency of their
conduct toward Ireland. Mr. Newde.
gate; member for North Warwickshire,
defended the bill. Mr. Ball, member for
Dublin University, 'spoke in Revers
term. of the cowardly terrorism In Ire.
land, which was kept, up by Fenian'.
Us advocate.' the arrest of SUS/A
do= strangers, a grant of • sum
mary' • power to inagintrates and strict
surveillance of the press. He approved
of the claims. Indemnifying families of
victims of violence and authorizing the
arrest of fugitive witnesses. The only
fault he had to find was thin bill had pot
preceded the land bill. Mr. Horseman
regretted the bill allowed .a resort to
exmptlonal and odious measures, but
they were indiapeaaaule. Without them
the bill would be shallow temporizing
and inadequate. The disease wan
•ohrunis and required a cure, 'permanent
and radical cure. The Irish press he
said was less culpable than other teach- ,
- ers of the people.
The new Canadian banking law la ap
proved in Bhanical circle.. ..
The wife of O'Donssan Roma com
menced a series of public roadinse ac
Limerick Pon. night. Her elocution is
pronounced very. tine. The enthusiasm
of her audience was •xbuberant.
PA TA,: March 22.-1 n the trial ~f Prince
Bonaparte, now prcgressinist Tout., the
prisoner on being permitted to make his
statement. Mid that no man af• spirit
would have anted 011:10!whse than . be lila
uudtii the etrentuadshcea.: He •deuled
haying armed himself purposely to meet
Rochefort, sa lad been stated. He had
always been to the habit of egirrying a
revolves. Rochefort haa been cited to
appear as a witursa.
The workmen of. La Creuvd are again
on - a atrilte. No disorders are reported.
The Journal Officio/ contains a letter
from the Emperor to Prime Minister
01itvier. Ho saya it would be expedient
in Jim. present. condition of .idfairo
114:1$ ea the reform, which will reetOre
constritalooll government to Prance; in
order to pat en end to that btotudlerate de.
airelor cbangejmessmaing °Milan spirits
.who disturb the public mind by their
belief le the-instability of the preload
regime.. Among the reforms which
he has instituted, - the Emperor places
in the first rank those which touch
thi.•ConaUttiticat , atul .primmetliaa of
the Senate. He urges M. Oillvier to
concert with- his colleagues for the sub.
misalon to him (the Emperor) of a pro.
Ject for a Sonatas antrullurn which will
dx Invariably the fuodameetal provia.
lona growing out of the plebiecitum or
1852,- divide iealelattve , power .1)e-tweets
the two Chambers and restore to the
nation a part of the representath , e Dower
which Ind heretotbre beet delegated. .
Towle. March 22.—The High . Court or
JUMP% Opened ate eeselon thus morning.
The Brat .witneas examined wee M. Md.
Ilcre,'Who came Into Court between two
gene d'armes. He gave his testimony
'slur tirtuntsia, but made no attempt at
display. He said. the letter sent by
Print* Bonaparte to Rochefort was not a
provocation bra an insulL Beleg asked
why he wore arms, he replied ho lived In
a district °abode the city. and-going
home late at night was obliged to carry
arms for sett protection. He Incidental-
ly blamed the • novernment for delay In
the arreetbr the Prince ,RAer thhehtli
litn; whoreopo r he 'oree'reprimentind by
the Pre,Went of the Court. The Prince
rose •eicitedly • and deelirred' that MU-
Here end Granzot had t 3tt, tworn they
would, yet *ham him- nix the lettuces
poiltlrely denied. The Procure= Gene
ral insisted the winners should be rt.
cnoskt to prima% entl the lawyer,' for the
prosecution demanded Gist lie roman'
rosjiglyelb•reniainderable teetinteny.
riterdehtit decided [MO *Meats lialtad
remain and he concluded iris testimony.
tleverat, servants of the amused were
Sailed on tho.etand end eo n * of ',histx,r
ediral friend,' examined. The latter
damaged the deforms. by, displaying too,
much zeal. 'Petit:De Cadging° was next
examined. —Hot was , tnealtlng.hwhis
21:111111.01T ' , towards , their lawyers rm. the
- .
prosecution. M. 1* Eatva , wbo testilled
for the accused, wee at oue_soint called
to question - by , the—Oritirt‘ because he
showed too much warmth.. All the wit
tiesset, for the defense Untitled. 'MeV
noticed a contusion on the Prune's cheek
atter the affray. but a physician who was
called in, a►-.tbe time to examine the
.Princess face was pieced.= the Mandand
swore he saw no signs of contusion.
Re was immix:lately confronted by the
other witnesses, but repeated his state
ment. The audience was much excited
by:the contradiction. The defence at
tempted to prove that the Prince did not
fire until Flon►Lila tied drawn a nlatol,
and also that a plot had been formed
- agalnet the life of the Prince before the
affair of Rue InAntenll, - but - the eel.
dance felled to sustain either allegation.
It la expected . Rochefort will be examin•
Beams, March 22.—A. bill. to prohibit
separate states of the Gera= Cosfedera
lion from Inning bank notes has passed
to a second readlog In the Chambers.
Tim Ministers have tendered their res.
ignitions, bemuse of the King's resist.
anoe - •to' the proposed rediaotion of the
; The Ring. deliberates before
accepting the resignations.
Arabian, ittarell 451.—The' resignation
' qtA4mtrat Ibp,to as .biluistar at Marine ,
qui 'incepted.
The Iberia hu a dispatch from
Malaga which asserts that John Bright
will undertake to secure the restoration
of Gibraltar to Spain. .
_ . . .
- Llventroon, March 22.—The ahlp
Zweok, for Ban Franelsoo, wee damaged
lithe get_tlAg to dock -, and fa
Lakin beep. Damao not aseartalned.
LONDON, March 22.—Conaola for money
93%; on areatint 93 American Amur],
.tica 8 t 0 0 16 31 60y ii '65. 85%: 'B7. 89%;
10.40% 86 3 3(. Bonds at Frankfort fiat at
966495%. Erie, MU: Illinois Central,
115 /0 Orestweatern, 28%. ' s. _
Pint% 22.—Boarse dull at 73f
Htvay, March oo —Cotton declinlat;
ipet I.s7touloat
Large dire — Coll etor Bailey's
Deralicatlon -- AI eged Corrup
tion din ileihe oard—Feninn
~.,-Addiiss—Botui ide Arraigned
---Thillroad Tro hie.
117,Tektfx•IA td. Y. rittaborgb Uazette.)
1 .,
'. . I Nem You , March 23, 1870.
• LAnotriring—i 1280,000.
Abont tifti 'o'clock hie morning a lire
war disgovitted.ln th large rive story
brick huildlpg,Nos. 6 66 and 67 Crosby
street, the 4Allits of the New york Hy
draulic Macttitao Company. The etre".
turn togethuti with a four story briek
ati r
tenement h 6 In the rear of 208 Elm
. s.
street, wee , 'wrapped in flames as well
as g frame tad . se in the rear. A brick
dwelling on the corner of Spring and
Crosby street was much damaged by
water. John Liwreuce'e carriage man.
nractory occupied the uremia's 01 Crosby
street; damaged by water ilflutinglil•
The second ; floor of the factory, building
was occupied by M. Sobattenfei, man
ur,,,auxer of tobacco. Premises No. 74
and 70: Spring street, ware much dam.
aged. Lies fa tt y IrJOOOOO, thus divided:
pi,,,k,,, h c,i der 140,900 on building,
• . • -
ineu red for $17,000: on maahinerylhlho4o,
Insured for 824,000; E. V. Houghicood
$14000; Neer York hydiaulio Company
V5.000, - ho Inatirence; Sekeitenfel
000, insured. 'Various other parties to
small amonntsfmake up 'the aggregate.
Affairs in thi'and Iteventie District are
unchanged.. ,the examination of the
revenue stamp,account, amounting to
one and a half million dollars ethos May
let; '69, has belie' completed, and reveals
t e
a discrepancy six cents. This depart
ment is under arge of Deputy Collector
Dagget. Mr , w, the cashier, has not
been arrested; warrant • optima him
having been Withdrawn. He was em
ployed by thelCollector and is respond..
ble to him for liis aetienn. District At.
torney Pier:spent says the full amount
of Halley'ri detalcations will no. be known
until all the persona illatteaad whose
names are checked uncollected have been
nettled to pay and It le ascertained bow
many have Collector's receipts. No clue
Is yet diacovered as to bin whereabouts,
but hlnte are still thrown out that be can
be arrested at any moment. On the
other hand, many of his friends s
mart be will commit suicide rather
then be captured. -He drew no
large sum of money on the day
he left. The report that be owned an
estate In England Is pronounced untrue,
as is the one tit he 'took 110,000 belong
ing to gauge who have all been paid to
March let. C cka amounting to over
1500 from me ante for the payment of
the storekee cc' salaries In bonded
tobadco ware sea, were found in Bai
ley's desk. is intimated theta if he
meditated ill Batley could in thirty
days, fry to og false deposits, have
&valeta bft . o f three hundred thom
sampiftou ~, hat thin Is not the cane
hen bfrielh , verified. • - !
....- : 77.1 , 1•14 a.
Joe, has reined an address of
the - :Bataan erhood reporting the
organtitleti, dolly strong, declar
e ing oriftlern ettaCklng the Britleh in
i ffi r t that the ornanlZatlun Ia
morel,' to speed the benefits of
a just Fro ca system, that the tenure
bill lu Parliament le not a settlement of
the Irish land rotation butthe beat that
can be hopod for, and if paned will not
enbarraw the Brotherhood In the lent,
and hoping for a day when the 'widener
the bona organization will be prepared
to unfurl their banner an Irish null.
• moue autzezn FRAUDS.
The pantile charge made by. t h e .Sun
of corruption in the Excise Board in the
misappropriation of funds, and even
theft, has given rise to-day to rumors
that.,BOUltilideilMer Man-terra had ob
taind the passage of a reisolutlon voting
himself an extra salary as the custodian
of the funds of Kings and Queens coun
ties; that, a largo amount of money was
voted away to clerks fog or imag
inary services; that the salaries of clerks
have been raised and that of Nanterre's
bookkeeper raised to the extravagant
BUM Of 17,500.
A priAte cable dispatch to Jay Gould,
atatlng the - lAcClallan.Barlow Atlantic
and Great Western Railroad scheme has
been abandoned, is denied by Mr. liar
low, who says there has been no change
In his policy as regards the raid. nor has
he any knowledge, as counsel to Mr.
Burt, of any contemplated change In his
plan of proceeding relative to the Erie
Railroad dispute. . ,
At the March term of the West Chester
county Court, yesterday, Ileac V. W.
Backhout was arraigned , on two sepa
rate Indictments, one charging him with
the murder of his wife and the other
with the robbery of Mr. Randall at
Sleepy Hollow on New Year's day. A
plea of not trollty wag entered.
Early this morning Geo. 8. Brown.
Preddent of the Drachms and Columbia
railroad, took forcible posaeserion or the
Boston. Hartford and Erie railroad, and
the Combs.' and Columbia Railroad
Cornpany ire - now runnins trains over
that raid. There. was no serious out-
Yhe Now York Polio. bill, new charter
and new elopes , tars but Ware air ktlled
in Assembly to-lay otter a warm debate
dientoslng great want, of unanimity tin
the part of the majority.
James McMahon was sentenced to two
yoara In the penitentiary for tlanty
triads, and Cnarlei 11. Welland, post,
clerk, for embeaziemant ors money four yawls In the same Imatltri-
nexacer OF XfilollfrlE D.4.111A018 ,
the breech of promise mule of
Dickinson. against Field* In Brooklyn,
danhagra laid at - 110,000, the Jury ran.
dared a Terdiet for the plaintiff, Marietta
Dloklnaou, allowing 81,000.
017 T
. 07 1 DASICIZR.
Member', edhaeof the /rtah Americas,
Is pronourmedhoropletely out of 'danger.
The ball le nutlet Ca.treated.-
Funeral of Special relleeman
Action by City Couudt.
toy velemooo to-ma Pittsburgh Vaunts.,
RIOIIIIOND, March quiet to
'dity.:-.The floral of limb, ~the, special
pont:email k lied Sunday - night, took
place this morning. In the prce - easion
Were MaYOC/1 1 1 1 e 0111 , 06 . 04 Mundt and
two hundred and fifty policemen. The
Council this morning passed resolutions
In memor y o f .Thisb, in which the triter
toren°. of Gen. Canby, by which Mayor
Cahoon's resistance to the legally elected
Mayor was prolonged under military
protection, was doom:mood. An appro.
prlatica was made lbr Bush's family.
eaavitea motion for an injunction will
be beard io-the C. e. District Court tt ,
morrow, before Judge Underwood.
Mayor Ellison has waned warrants for
the arrest of the parties concerned in
the shooting of Ben Scott.
. Ttie conflict between the Mayors is at
an end as far as force is concerned, and
the case goes Into Court to-morrow.
jacir-,Wrstl, charged with shooting .
Ben. 'Scott, surrendered himself this
afternoon, and was bailed to appear.
the H o ps ofatue leodalature a row.
bitiod cedsurlOg Gan. Canby was report
ed but not acted on. In the Somata a
Republican meMber offend a resolution
Thqueatirrg - the Governor to act:mend
further appointments under the enabling
act, until the constitutionality of tbe law
war deolded. .It Imo defeated. , -
Goo Canby to-day replied to Governor
Walker's last letter. He says, wigie eon
ceding Governor Walker's position Mo
tive to the law, be does not concede that
he (Canby) was not authoriked by his in.
etructions to interpose, nor that his
interposition was not necessary, when it
was exercised.
Thu city to - night is tranquil, and Bill
ion'. police patrol the Street.
SENATE: Civilization of Indians
—Consideration of Treaties in
Open Session—Legal Reserve
Bill Indefinitely Postponed —
Case of General Ames, Sena
tor Elect from Mississippi.
HOUSE: The Utah Polygamy
Bill Considered.
hy Telegraph la tha rittebuirgh liazette.)
WASIIIIIOTO2I. March 22,1870.
Mr. DRAKE introduced a bill extend
ing the provisions of the laws relative to
the selection of swamp lands in Miasouri.
Mr. HARLAN, from the Comudtteeon
Indian Affairs, reported a bill to promote
the civilisation of Indians and prepare
them (or the rights and duties of citizen
ship. It provide. for the appointment of
wo inspectors of Indian affairs, who,
with the Secretary of the Interior and
Comwlaaloner of Indian' Affairs, shall
constitute a board to supervise all ex
penditure. of money for the benelit of
Indians; to visit them, inquire into their
condition and Nee that the provisions of
laws and trestle. relating to them are
faithfully executed; to hear. complaints
and decide disputes in regard to the cow
duct of the agents of the Indian Depert
menti. te suggest such modification of
eZistiug laws and treaties as may tend to
the civilization of the Indiana, and to
exercise a general management of Indian
affairs; the inspectors to have the same
eatery an conimisslonore of Indian affairs.
Mr. SUMNER, from Committee on
Foreign Affairs, reported adversely on
the proposed amendment to the rules
allowing treaties for the annexation of
the entire dominion of any foreign
power to bo discussed in open session.
Mr. SUMNER also reported a bill for
the relief of J. Roan Browne, late Minis
ter to China.
. _ .
Mr. STEWART, from Committee on
Mine• and Mining reported, with
amendment. House bill to amend the
mineral land act of July 26th, 1866.
The Joint resolution directing the Sec
retary of State to pay out of the Japanese
indemnity fund damages to the steamer
Monitor, fired into by the batteries of the
Mikado In was passed.
The resolution Instructing the Judi
ciary Committee to inquire into the pro
priety of providing for the payment, by
law, of the expenses of claimants in
suits for soldiers' bounties was adopted.
Mr. RICE introduced • Joint resolution
extending the time for the completion of
the lint section of the Cairo and Fulton
Mr. JOHNSTON introduced a bill-di
viding Virginia into two judicial districts.
Mr. SHERMAN, from the Finance
Committee, reported Mr. Sumner's bill
to strengthen the legal reserves of banks,
sic., with a recommendation that it be
indefinitely postponed, which was agreed
The Joint resolution providing for the
eonetruction of • Angle trick bridge
scram the hiliainalppl Inatead of a double
track one by the Rock Island Railroad,
Wan peened. • '
The House resolution for the printing
of 15,0011 copies of the report of tie Corn•
mittee on the Decline of American Com
merce was taken op.
Mr. CHANDLER strenuously opposed
the conclusions of the Committee, but
the resolution was adopted.
• The report of theludiciary Committee
on the case of Clem Ames, Senator elect
from Misslsrlopt, was discussed.
Mr. CONKLLN supported the report,
though-in .11 personal kindness to Gen.
Antes, considering he was C013E11.11001.
ally ineligible to take a seat from Mina.
for the essential requisite or yam:Miry
residence was lacking.
Mr. Klux gave hl■ reasons for dlsaent2,
Ind , from the report of the majority
of the Judiciary Committee. Gen. Ames
had chosen hilesissippl as the place
of his residence and declarer to vari
ous persona his intention of beCogn-
loge Ottlitfirl; and was therefore a citizen
under the general provision of the State
Cons Hutton.
M rs. HOWARD and THAYER ar
gu to similar effect and claimed that
Mr,Ames should have the benefit of his
declared intention.
Mr. THURMAN contended it was
nothing but a vague and conditional in.
tentionon the part of Ames to become a
citizen, and while he remained subject to
the order of the Government Logo any.
where on t he lace of the globe he could not
acquire volubtary residence.
libout action the Senate, at 4:40, ad.
jo ed.
The morning hour was ooneume,3 la
diectunion of the bill relative to the
tintro-tuniaid In Nevada, on which ad.
Varlet and favorable report. were prevl•
owls mad% without action. •
Mr. BROOkB - (M.woa.) made , a report
from the Bub-oommittee cm Elections
that Mr. Booker Iran entitled to retain
his seat from the Fourth Vlrethla
trict. Ho would call It up lbr adtioli on
then lat. .
Mr. POLAND gave notice of *saheb-
tute for the resolutlon, declaring Mr.
Bookerwas disquallfied by ac imp
ac. In p- .'
port of the rebellion. .
After - the prountation et some- petl- .
Lions, Including one by Mr. COX reverie g
the diversion trout the fund appropriated
for freedmen of 1150,000 for the Wilber
force University, Ohio, _ . .
The House p ro ceeded to the consider- -
Won of the Utah polygamy M. as the
special order.
Mr. WOOD, of New York, • spoke In
support of the bitL • '
Mr. BOHENCK said no man was more
desirous than himself to put an end to
that Impure, offensive oriminal condition .
of things now existing In Utah, and he
was not sure but some further act of
positive legislation might be needed, bat
. ere wee too much'inthe bill before the
House. Ho wee Inclined to relieve the
advance of the lines of railroads and tel.
egraph• and progress. of the tide
of emigration, carrying with it all the
Infhtetices of Christian civilization, •
would be more effective then • all the.
enactments of Congress to accomplish
the object in :view. It seemed to him, at
. any fete; it would be necessary to prune
the 'bill -of some of the provisions for
tent osths, confiscation and war so u to
make it whet It should be. There . were ,
a number of subjects of general Interest,•
which ho as chairman of. the Committee.
-on Ways and Means represented, and
wide/tam Ronne ought to be consider
ingot° as to send at least eof them to
the Senate, and ho felt it le duty to en
deavor by some motion to got rid of this
bill as the subject of pr nt coueldent- -
non and discussion before the House.
Hi proposed, theretbre, tolmove its post.
ponement. -
Mr. BUTLER, Mass., expressal the
hope that the subject be finally disposed
Of -without farther postponement. If It
were now laid aside, that, fact would • be
taken to Utah as evidence that the Gov
ernor recently sent there by the .Prest
dept would not be sustained in an en
deavor to enforce the laws of the United
States. If Congress was ever 'going to
deal with the question of polygamy In
Utah, they should do so at once. - Hs
thought the sentiment of the people wee
eniteed In favor of this measure more
than any other before the ••House. Ho
therefore suggested the alscusaion should
go On, with short speeches, and the bill
voted On to-day or to-morrow, and Sent
to the Renate.
Mr. WHENCE moved postponement
for three weeks.
Mr. JOHNSON moved to lay it on the
table. , , _
The latter motion was rejected-,..40 to
. . .
Mr. SEMEN= withdrew his motion
for Tnetponement and the dim/salon of
the bill was continued, with the under
standing that a tlaal Tote would be taken
Mr. BLAIR modem argument tn favor'
of the bill, during which he alluded to
the report that Brlcham Young to now
'electing& new location for Mormons in
A. 1110111116
Mr. HOOPER, delegate .from Utah,
explained Young's trip to Arizona as
simply the usual trip he makes to out.
lying settlements. Brigham Young, he
Wd, wilt be home in six or sight weeks.
Mr. DAMS, objected to the. section'
providing for the selection of jurors,
which give all the control of the matter
to the United Slates Marshal, and offered
amendment to that motion which was
adopted, which requires the Marshal. to
summon oho hundred nrors instead of
thirt p y-nine, and out of that number to
select thirty-nine whii are to serve, es
grand and petit jurors.
Mr. COX explained that the vote of
himielf and other members to lay the
WI on the table was not Intended as tin
apology for polygamy,'but because they
believed, or at heat he did, that all met•
sures of persecution always defeated
their object. He maid he preferred to
strangle polygamy by another process.
Mr. POMEROY advocated the bill.
Mr. HOOPEkt, of Utah, protested
against the passage of the bill, which
wee dcsigned' to -violate the dearest
right. of the people of Utah, and was
fraught with evil. Adjourned.
Debate In Parliament, on the ge6nien
or Commercial TreeUr,'
Inv Telegraph Co the'PlUslwinthtiatettea
OITAWA, March '4 —ln the Bonne of
CoMmone bud night, Slr A. T..Galt re.
Burned the debate on the resolutions in
favor of Canada being permitted to triage
commercial . treatieeindependently of
England, and to form one of parties to
the customs union of American States.
After SUMO . prefatory remarks, Mr.
Galt mid he should 'novena amendment
the effect of which 'would be to exclude
froin the resolutions the portion which
related to the csitabliahment of a Zolver ,
dn. Be claimed that the assent of the
Imperial Government - to Canada's nage,
Dating independently would be sadly
obtained, and argued It wend be a great
advantage if matters of Canadian trade
could be settled without having to pass
the ordeal or discussion in the English
Parliament. He deprecated any retalia
tory policy, and warned the people
against stipporting the Government In
any. such policy..
Sir John A. McDonald replied, con
tending the amendment struck at our
British connection and did not indicate
the beet way of obtaining reciorocity.
Be stated Great Britain had given Cana
da power to negotiate direct through the
British Minister at Washington. Ile
moved an amendment in this. Berm,
which, after a lengthy debate, was car
ried by a large majority.
Salons Boller ExploileuLThree Bop'
' inetemly Killed—Others Injured.
By Telegraph to the littglaurge klaaette.)
Porravimat, March .—This morning
the boiler of the - coal breaker of the Wolf
Creek Diamcind Coal Company, near
Millersville, exploded.. The building
was demolished and the bolter carried
over one hundred yards. Three boys,
named WED. Coek, lticlutrd littneasy and
John Kelly, were Instantly killed, and
the following pereona Injured: -
Jacob Matley, badly; Michael Given,
leg broken; Jno. Schaffer, injured about
the cheat; Jim. Coombe, slightly Jacob
Freeler, engineer, badly; - C brlatian
Weaver. boy, baud crushed and head
cut; Alex. Leyback, boy, badly and leg
broken; Thos. • Campbell, boy, badly;
Bernard Mahon, boy, severely scalded;
Jno. Karble ' boy, arm broken.
The causeof the explosion le unknown.
The boiler wee in good condition before
the explosion. Thecoroner's investiga
tion la progressing.
—The,atitamahfp (IV of Brumelb, from
LlierpOol, pit Into Halifax yesterday
abort of coal and sailed lam Arta for
New York.
—At the colliery of W. J. Ai:Maurold,
near idlnenorille, Schuylkill county, on
Monday night, a boiler exploded, killing
and wounding a number of paraonk
--Subscriptions to the" Stanton Fund
now amount to g 150,000. of which $55,000
Is =urinated by Petirmylesidaus, 155,000
by perscsus to Now York, aad moot,
from Boxtou.
—The postoffice at Jaokson station,
twelve mile. from Erie, en the Phlladel•
phis and Erie Railroad; was robbed on
Monday night of ;140 in stamps and
1200 In greenbacks.
The last depovit of I{l,ooo each by the
paginate Jem Mace and Tom'Allen was
made at New York on Moriday. The bat.
tie will take place, It Is thought, May
10th, in or near New Orleans. • •
—There Was a large anti-Bible meeting
at ChicAnnan last composed of
friends of the seculaHration of the public!
schools. An address was made by JadgtO
stanch Emile Balm, of the Yobbs•Preurid;
and others. - .
—The grand jury at Philadelphia yes
terday indicted John Hanlon for the
murder of: Mary Motional°, • child, in
September, 1869. Hanlon la now
prison 'under sentence for five years for
outraging another child.
—The Republican Cotiventlon held at
Napoleon, Ohio. yesterday, nominated
E. R. Peck, of Wood county, for Repre
sentative in COMBER from the 10th Dis
trict, to fill the vacancy caused by , the
death of Hon. T. H. Hoag.
—The points involved in the controver
sy concurring General Ames, United
States Senator • elect from 111IssissIppl,
are: let, can an omoer In the United
States Military service elect his own
residence; and 2d, if so, did Gem Amu"
so elect, •
the Rhode Island Senate yester
day resolutions calling for a.Conyention
to revise .the State Constitution passed
by the castiogYote of the Governor. The
'bill to prohibit the sale of liquor and es
tablish a State constabulary passed by
Tote of 20 to 14. •
• —A. band of tu-Klux attacked a
negro village near Mount Sterling, Ky.,
on Saturday night. A regular light en
sued, resulting
,in two Ku-Klux being
slightly wounded and captured, and the
&Sanaa being pnt to flight. The prison
ers were afterwards released.
—A. young man named Herbert W.
Walker. eon S. W. Walker, of Detroit,
was found dead yesterday In kis bed
room at the Lindell Hotel, at Cintdruiati.
From memoranda left be evidently
committed suicide, and appears to have
led a dissipated life and [draggled In
vain to reform: - . -
•• •
-Llllshop Thompson: died - Tuesday at
Wheeling, West Virginia, of typhoid
pneumonia. Be presided at the West
Vnginia Conference, held at Charleston,
'Kanawha county, bust week, and was en
route-to Jersey City,' to officiate In 'the
Conference to be held there this week
when overtaken .. by sickness.
Qoesada, the Cuban insurrec-
tion chief, says hewill not busy himself
with denying anything the ptsbUts press
may say with regard to.him, as he needs
to devote MI his time to the fulfilment.
in as short a time as possible, of the cubs.
Mon with which the Repub lican Raters'.
ment of Cuba has charged him...
—District Attorney Plerrepont,ofNew
York, has again been advised Dem Osfl
ads that a court there had ordered B. U.
Caldwell, concerned with Blatchford in
the draWback frauds, to be delivered to
the 11. 8. authorities. Mr. P., however,
puts no faith in the news, and does not
expect Caldwell will be surrendered as
long as he has a dollar left kr Omega
lawyers to deem him out of. •
—Cyrus W. Field: has submitted to
Senate Sumner, es chairman of Commit
tee on Foreign Relations, a proposition
fur the settlement of the Alabama Waling,
viz: that the United States shall name
three eminent sons of crowned heeds as
arbitrators, from whom President Grant
.shall select one, and his decision In the
case shall he final and binding. Mr.
Sumner does not favor the Idea.
—Associate Justice Strong, of the
United States Supreme Court, bas been
assigned to the Third District, embrac
ing the States of Pennsylvania. New.
Jersey and Delaware. Associate Justice
Bradley • will be amilmed to the Fifth
District, comprising the States of Georis,
I Florida, Alabama, Mbrissippl, Louisiana
and Texas,' for some time past attached
to the Sixth District, to which Justice
Swayne has been assigned.
—The reputed niece of Oen ,Twiggs,
who sued Gen. B. F. Butler for the
recovery of thejewel-hilted swords cap. -
tared by him at New Orleans, and which
she claims ware a gift to her from her
traitor uncle, appeared at the Treasury
department a few dayseince, and raps,.
tad that the swords be returned to her.
The Secretary declined to. surrender
them, pending the determination of the
cult against General 'Butler.
—A convocation of Free and Ao3epted
Masons in New York was held on Wa
lley evening, the object being In further
ance of the project of building a Masonic.
Temple and Asylum for aged Mavens.
around hu already been purchased at a
out of I In the mums of some
remark, M. W. John W. Blma, P. 8. M.,
warned kis andltmwthat the Connell at
/tome Warn agog lie Inflame to pat
NO. 70
down Masonry as opposed to religinn,
and said that they would show them that
its influence was beneficial. James M.
Austin,: G. S., followed with some rce
marks In advocacy of the object.
Equaner Sovereignty In Virginla
(di Telegraph to the Plttsbirst Guests.)
FoRTREss Mormon,' March 22.—Yes.
terdey morning Deputy Sheriff of Eliza•
both county went out to (Noisy Sadth'a
farm, three miles from Hampton, kaput.
a man who bought it in possession, but
was resisted by colored 'wieder!. To
day Sheriff Titlow, with a posse of Any
men, went to oust the negroes.
found some two hundred mea and wo•
men well armed, and concluded it would
be folly to attack them -and retired
towards Hampton, followed and grad
upon by the squatters. several of shots
passing close to the therlff, but i
rtately escaped unhurt. The utq
called on too Governor for snail
Additional Marione by Tele
LIVXRPOOL, March 22.—Cotton easier,
with middling uplands at 114(4)114d;
Orleans 113.4®1144; sales of 10,000 bales.
Manchester market quiet and firm.
California white wheat . 211; rod rod
ent No. 2 Ts lid, winter l Ss 'lod@Bs lid.
Receipts—wheat, 3 days, 30,000 quarters,
meetly Amerlean. Flour dull at lle 91.
Corn: No. 2 mixed 27e 3d. Oats 2s sd.
Provisions: pork Din 6d; beef 104 a 6.1;
lard 635; cheese 69; bacon -565. Petro.
learn unchanged.
LONDON, March 22.-:-Sugar steady.
Relined petroleum Is bd. Petroleum at
Antwerp flat at 561. •
Nsw Osuraais, March 22.—Cottonlow-.
or; sales:l63s bales middling uplands at
=b 7 ,®2214c; receipt.' =64,, and exports,
2698 bales,,,, Flour dull' at 04,2505;244ii ,
5,75. Oorti dull at 11,05. Oats 61o.'13C1thi
11.25. Hay 530031. Masi' pork 'Pat
28,37. Bacon 111441164 c. Sugar' 'cured
llama 17@ltic. Laub tierce 140; keg 1.7 c.
Sugar: prima 11146b11c. Molls/we: re.
boiled 50(4624,. 'Whisky dull and lower
at 904;91c. UAL% active and Liras .fair
16(3,164c; prime 174(417Ne. , •
CAMBILIDOW, March '24l.—Beef Cattle
receipts 127. The supply was light, but
very few good cattle .being is market.
Butchers were, reluctant to hay, even at.
late quotations. Medium grades were
.(c lower: extra 112,25®13; first quality
1111,50@i2; second quality 'l0(§11; third
quality $9(4,9,50. Sheep and Lambs: re. ,
celpts SAMS; sheep ,in fair demand at a
reduction of last week; sales In lota at
12,50(0,50 each; extra 1i6@8,76.
Friday Evening, March 25, 1870.
. B ÜBJE (.12'—"Lighla and Sha
dow, of Zoryion Life."
No reserved leak. Tickets tar sat. at the LI.
bran Rooms. career of
V eto and liketh streets.
The Llbrary trill be closed on SATURDAT
EVENIPIO. March 011th, at y 0 o'clou,3,Wnd re.
malt eiosed•n 01 afterreneiallntonewhclid
fae. Dee ;mike will be pimillotlre daily papers
of I k e reopening. Until April Ist. hook. maybe
returned at the premnt location: and ail cwrion
haying rooks belengler to the , Asiceintlen are
requested to a Mem. if practicable, by Mat
date, tor the porhote of new clessilleatton,
fly order of toe Director.,
.mh.l2:vell A. IL LANE, Secretary.
NOTICE TO .s i gr ou t
PIII)P0111V3 eel 1 ,
rrrelve : ,tp to thi yet a.y
erAYRIL, at the offihd of the 94dersIgned, No,
4 OALZELL•4II,OI..DINELeoraer of Dageriena
Way and Seventh street, for the intition:alai
rum, °IL, trout ibis city toll...weak 404.4
tale slate end July let.
pATING, &c.
No. 271 Sandusky ST., Alleghon
Stone andSrick
Cart; Stone art& hed and • .51.. tiradtar and
Cellar Dlgalng, All Grants' annoriptlradanadad
as. Offlea boars from IA M. to Si, as. Tostof,
Iloe addrana Allegnally city, F. • sabalmilatha
Eleven Acres of Fine Garden Farm
With mum a.a.nAtiatix.N.'
611011/.61) aaa a abamiamm of►mall !Yalta(
all Mats. Will tall ►u my stack. uttla an'Al
averytalay Ulan:glow to the aama at Pabllo Bala
Nob With. • ••••
Rernaas—One•tlalrd sea: balesesripsyable to six
yeen'edila latereit. Address
ckfaatio MLR&
ann _.. " ar.daoitvg Yield. Is.'
2 /CZ I . l, ..blAivea Lim tbetleserElNti
, LAIN •••• 0 1 11 160111.1X7,11p1i11M <91,1141,11/
- - •
. . .
Ibe anderateved bare Ws day rottmm a
Paetoe•a6tyy for leo parbetteoreenetutuaata Area-.
oral PHODUCIL ..AND. C0M114414.1q, leytn-
NIBS. eader the' arm mate orraiNa Ife-
KALLIP. at leo. ao
Late of Btrottettn A r.alog.,
Late of 11.'1 . rt .
blaacrt Ith, Vele, Pa.
CO//a0.1.I.l.11`• OFFICI6 .
CITY*/ A.t.t..1/ /lamb 914, in p.
r iVOtierg CONTrit
pf rth• follovrt /
Iti w Ledr,feeee
Tttl a ei . .lll4lr..fror mad
e /SON STAXIT. fle* Pear. ...el,
de of Manhattan ~.__ - • . • •
. .
sciolimArraw STREET, frees' Wasblagtas
,e bee to ISbealeld stress. -
!smells sties sea be seen se th eo.olee of Chas.
Davis. L. City iesleesr. ate,e
serve OLe reject .7 or lid.. • • .
Ir. it.
ahmvu . • • air can.n.r.
Juokrt - sAxi.E - t-
A-Penn Street', ResidenCti
That large. three waled 14211311. RthiDENC9,
No. 110 Faith .nritairr, Pltteburib, .9111 , 1 M
.010 ripen rrasonabl; term'. The •Vise Is one
of theta.% substantial um weli•betit reetOrnees
eity. 11 Gus tains 19 Iteetaa..witli Bath
Ce tars. end Finished Attie. with eh the
modem improvements fur Water. ki Y. Heat, 9d.
The F UNN tTU ma will be 4010 wtte tee hoes%
If deaf red. and Immediate rosseesion DeoTra.
For Information. inquire of C. B. U. Merril.
93 Diamond street.. or of the eadersla end,
'll. W. WILLIAWS, Jr.,. • •
whit ioo WOOD errastr.
The subscriber toui established &Bales instil* at
the W. Feria Hotel. Alleabaay.,u.,,he w ill
havaeonstaistly ea bout a ladl e supply or No. 1
Minims Insured la all eases. awl 1W THE HOR I / 1 8
isAaa DE71 , 0011.
N — OTlCE. ,= *lhireas,Letteiti.of
dAbledettattonnnou the .-atate Of WAIL
A. BOSOHKISS. deed, "eta of • nixtb Irate.
Allegbeny. twine been metal( to ake ender.
ettned. all perms t o Bald eitata
itsf• Immediate Simnel% ell • piteous
beet's etalma egelon ~chn 441,00 Will. present
Item properly entbeetteoted fee settlement. - ' •
eddy ir N Y 1 . 7. 1 : 111 " Vele K .
• choice article,. Put up f. 0.
Jut. nutted and for Liam. Llie 6 ""*6
Monist 10E14 A. Ittriff.Vir."l
lAlain Nair lain, W Xlitk MOW.
tba best bad eitiaatt 00.1211/ililai sad MUM
►etltpttMr Wallaby' a Watena reallalTagla•
Po farm.. Ineeksali or merttuat ahosld be
Elta,clo snbscsibors— . ....
Clubs of
copy Cs furoishen grattntonssr tom e
CO O!a♦ Club of ten. Postoomten soe request
ti WI MI &teat.
PKIINIMIAN, Neleu t C 0.,:
rArS l'/CKS—', Th-Let." o .lnr Eb It.'
kbe. , nut exceeding POUR LINZ% rl
bo mg erica in thwit columns ones • far
TY-ZIVIC CENTS; each addi•
tional tuie FINS GANT&
Bo mn — 1 7 ° %1/et ilr he 1z
Irv. Hoy 1.. th's "Ole-. •
?VA NT EL. A situation us
Li • CLERK, Ina Boos oho :shoe 'Roost, by a
Mtn' sn, who be tog orosslnteil with the butt
ons owl hosing largo stequstotoure. eaa
tra4a. Hrst city notraitsO cit.,. Ad
tirrs• II 113 FM arrow,- 3-U
Iry eridert tideert. other Itesbasid ISAAC
CULBERT. , teal d.rser. Address liabbard,
Tranbuil cnuatr, Ohl,. 1.111
Veld tbe t , earllT.ltrla are Wowed for
city and country. • Apply at Ntuplumelce,
No. I ,Stara Street, firer door Hum aaepeaelon
WO,OOO to Loan to largo or small amOttota.
t a fair rate 01 Interest.
tilti, Howl .04 Rod Knott Broltpr,
171, Stc:thneltl Meet
LasT.—At entrance of Lata
ITN. 11A1.1.. .11onotty lelat. lettbll
K BRACY:IAT. ',Herat rtward gives If
$177 Pena etreelo , • an .
m AN USC In was
.a_a /onkel et. oho, et I..o.leit'e Leetore. • Alm'
;,n.bnli.dln. Ite.eehat el adto e the eatoe tlhlticeelee the thaeta
or etto owner by I , as bog It lipkyzat
ometote or THIS oleP
nousr, etontain
iwith sgsa. and .la lots sof
[roust!. sd.)SlTtlog the Pr( stryterass Chavr..h.
Woost Wm. Esquire or It,.litilittei, =II N 9.
dust, street. A.l.esleny
Lou t , '
)-LET.—No. 15 Wood street,
rtm'sd roe FlYrv.ea'at.vell.o.w.l.llelVllll
- .Ic. la nquirt WOODST. 3-111
fural,b-d unturnt.hedtlii
board, euqulre at MI rouivrii AVENUZ ,w .
9 1 0.LE17.—.4. plevisatit FliOarr
11,11,11 on - arcuail Apar, aattabli hurnhmead
for tn., grottemenas a al,Ong ryoto. inquire
at No. •• •
.rpO.. Large Store
Hoorn No. riaV;b: A 7.91: inri4,27,C
ILET.—A latie -iind band
anlso 1 E KALL, with onto
reminlOn:rcenm complete. on Fourth ave
nue. Nonale. of LI. PILVICY, - 78 Wood
ooL • 14,
mO•LET.—I New HOUSE of 4
reams and. 1. acres or ground at Timing
Station. 1 miler from Pitialinrigh. on the P., Jr,
W. .a C. Railroad. Inquira at FILDERAL
STREET, Aileron my.
g ri e o. f l l P Tt
Street. at nretent °erupted MI a (Wafture store.
The lie. halt..,, li/cation In the Daqulze
on tile prunhes. • . •• • • ' if
0 , -LET.-AL.- Brick HOuse of 6
7 , huge rooms an.l.4.2bulldipe, 2.12. 0 or
2 scree. 3 marlotif Om the Wa:hlngton Pike.
Enquire of W.. 11. 111 &NITER, or e 10.1.1 1 -0210
meet, Allekhroy. 3-16:wr2
FOR RENT.—The Three Story
smut ,- Art.Totootpsc In Church alley,
rear No. INC Wood street, formerly 0..6122
by W e,. Mu tutor( A Co. .0 a tirtmnt Factory.
Inquire of, . - WAIT, LA Nli UO.. '
atl' No. 172 and 1742'42 . 682
rllO-11.E7'.—A Kest-class STORE-
R ttooll. 10119. with m liar, situated at No.
60 . teederal street. Allegne ny• Ike rum Is well
llobted. and aidtatdo fUr any ur ine..: Apply to
tt EDD EN. next door sleeve. Thud...2,2a
ten hr had with the lo re requtrcd.- Kent
moderate. 110
0 LET.—Voitr • New Brick.
110154+ F. :h d eate on 111dweti Street. near
r i): -.1 0 men on, knee 1...0r, rat Each bonne um- -
talon r oms anti bath , gas throughout.
kitchen ranee. and cold water 11l kitchen sad •
bath room. Intio Ire of JAM F. 3 001221.43 f, No.
44 lo street. Allatuny, Os. 22
r GETI—One go od Ettore rOom
d It WISLLIN4I. Nu. 45 tthlo . 3
oeis from Otimetud and next. door to Ft &tuna
bawl tux 11.01. Otte Of the Nat ireationa In the
city. bent moderate.: Alm, 2 11. 1 1(21512.0m
rear of •I 4 store' mom. Trout, of • •
maraMho . (UMW, 46 Ohio attest.
T .
o LET,—A Suit of illoolits
oomprlflnfl TWO Larne, we!' lighted !font
Booms on -7101 flour.
OOn !arm me./1 Bested
(runt 013 32a floor. no larKe 11311 %OA
two nou,rooms on datt fluor- One Marro BOOM.
Bra floor, Nu. Oil. In Zogash'e sow ta1211.126.
Fourth svonua. For Leona Inquire , o 1 S. B.
ENCII.InII & CO.. No. WI roortb avonna.
T O LET.—./I..Tartitn dtand fl }Yo.
Thra . 3ornue, 2. mall ,l/wel2lnAp. nal
.11116 2L , frnota, Fine lterfaenat an MI. *Nathan
l'at7d areas', MlL:ltems and anleas'On
Market street, Itaaament No.. 77 and 79 aaArd
avenue, " Oa% &
• •: •• Etta...Ts at
3-22 90•P1fIla mdinll.
LET.—A ROOM in the rear
tiZz e i ggr r in ' q b atV:F . Z. L' ltA b lVir r o j a 9 1 14111:
i Ala, the COUNTING- 'llkld'ilf 'of 'the 'Dr - tity
Evenfun AfalC ui s• corm
the or :7 . 14
4 , 1 4. 0 "..4 ,4
k . "th " g ' "g r Sial..! l .r. Till " 'A
rUSTH i t I
~ &mold EOM eoutit are Arte, Al erne ity city.
The elegant mare room to llte,ifeeemithe
Litirary Eutidlng on Penn street, near Slo th
'•aireet.'whg be ready for occupan about the t
.f. my, eb, and me on ocertd fur rent to desl
- nide tenants.. One uf Mid . witdribil I, tabeelally
adapted for • lint-clue r- amurant forijiWrd
gentirmenii Ado, to-let, tn.. triune- sto of
mune burbling. Enquire cr J. It. blequar.. Won
National Haut.ner of Fourth airr.te and
Market atom, or o f PELL:. It. BILUNEULIeg Allen
/glicoli. •
ITIO.LET.A-Liakt , r neer Paloon
anttl.)wentne.lStte Avenue. nerond nano; 3
y anis tense; No. 0 2.1 at. nue-0240: oaten on
Illaseentl s. eves, nese ()not; store. CI halts!,
lt,oont 'tavern, I.llletty street: 327 rut; nye
11411egaCWO L ll7;_ altErn i'
rr 6 PAteet, store; carton nos.. erne Ste ans.
s3e.' ear able tor esnnn ert etc.: Crn.fards
00; Brietes • street 0 , 14; 200 orss t attp
street, ball, 6 rooms, $ 440; Virgin alley, $440;
gowns Incoarts., • • •
cuTituvitT k
39 111xtb Avionoe.
ri' lo -LET.—LNesir '2 St oiy' Briik
I/writing of a It ,ma. Iron, Bath, &C., Hot
trat k T t . P.Nri " ..s s at; " . ' . " 3 . ol .° llfa h :...!t;
oomolme la or , r7 reatoct. q9ll be tented jp.T.
TO - I.CP-rtletek of /I Dooms. 8011, Hat, WW t er.
at::1111.1330 W.1./ear om 011 MLA iteg.pc., Wald.
"Itri•TITATNI; g7raf ' ll. lob !Image . No.
110 'mak •tar • Eaton:ton 01.. II ware,
211.4.E.r—APrale of 4 0.., cbo Ao ,lo..
Eno Aron Et., °tar Ycdvrol Et. „
• tl
Jor fu Inlortmallon, aP14):l;
„ lex
•::/latiT/ ' 1/Ittooall,.AlltEhEif.
' • '
. ,
>nit naprtortauspirrq,,,
tt. a awl tenpai:,•A
rlfui Areiminn
Ole OF te.
reaud vtry
#PP4 at I
I' hr. !•torli, azul
.1114....ur to •
/44 Pieltroptr thin ottvra. 154146.
I•Z'r...' aglltiigttigglAM:
141 1,9 4 inualw.ipPlae.
`4.ltil,r."49:;ATT trlnra,
~ Le," Rytee. terms
Ink ' 411 " 4744 " , 1)1)1561.
1 F n
ohnoto ode
did Indoor •
119 yA.C.
F °4 8
121eVrTr i et •
or therm r ,
;MEW, rro4
EThOR. 8 4 LE.— 3 Brick - Baines,
Noe. 73 mut 73 Lp= itteeetr 'and end haelt
r:: Lt ,7 . ` Tgar: l' ae.FPßlA4,7l;
• 2.2i.swe
Ult SALE. DWEt tt iNEL
d iL eiltlVl thr t:42 ' 47 ag u a ev
r een t / . .F l itg:
gbeny Cat". teatalnine ten room and bath
not and add 'retell" Brat ittal Bbd, story. 'tut
In all the ream, range In kltetten. Bei:11AZ:
slat °enamor at Wry , . eiley, in.,'
via venttlated. 4 6ci z emlinl t a it e li
gy khan
:No. 110 rrurth arse*.
laioit 1 LE.—Cot tage Er. - 4 -- necon
lists SP et, back et Union Perk. cantata
ios rive Hams. This Is a teantibit proveny
and still tossOidoery cheap if railed for
'FORS LK—llne of the t iare f ra b a t 5 e1. 4
Penn strut, Ibis stand Inn location bn
to be sten to ha •ppnrelals4 and I In " "I d
as an Invaluable poop re.llltrde
• Y or that pose.
Tncins of payment eery easy. 'Apply soon.
Dealers la Peal Reis ent l OTT;ll " sx, "Q
_Fle t .
,ore Loans, 015 as cor ner .rasndsno
ISt- 'Pittsburgh.
mountlliPilWarld4igiei-;1 Mi ritti
ReCOnd ware, Aiken...Y.oh re.7Swille Plant
Peso' and Obseleatery
Those Lose era part of
ranee„ ad)elnlp t the
lee- Mid sme - heir 1 5, f1) iscree. A Plea o f - these
- Lets enbb•sseta at ter store. No. tl a Wools arlitAT. • Tao elain has else oen • n'torded.
Inch Let Is a [rant lot, frontlet se reerysillte
read Or 4 / b serestory erre tte; sine, 14 feet wide
tl. r:Poftli the
'e"l"tefWnatril' ittreln
et fo.,reMS Sr 176fet. Wet he Is dwellings bard been [[true
alr.sdr. Per
'Malty le toe Of the ante, 111 the tie title% int
but four mloutes' welt Ire. the Pout of Brewer
street: • meant walk leads to th e premises. Ti.
/rent bruit, of sewer) and name nod WI. arttn.
TerteS eat); prices In , utre of
. Wocdstree t, PlttsbarEb," DIEM. :
r No. 89 Rift
Ayenae, AU. 44444 lit), g O