lan •tbe lalsbmiaGapttt. an AND SUBURBAN. To Les—Room.. From the drat or April,. two well Ontehed roams suitable . for offices, .weaciflif Story' front In Gazerya building, ruiner Sixth avenue and Smdhlield afelds Can at Gs z urra °minting Room, ft and lifirtfth avenue. Yesterday Mayor Callow eennnaltted two old vagrants to the work house for twenty days each. t.toutfeit, on a Stormy Pllxat, cOwnsta of a good fire, a good friend, and 'a good glass of Pier. Co.'a Cream Ale. Beer Barber, of the Mayor's police, reptiered his resignation yerterday, which wu readily accepted by . Ills Moray the Mayor. Handsome Kelton and•Caadmere Suits at Gold Prices, at the popular establish moot of Urilna, Follansbee k Co., corner of f IR& avenue and Wcod rucet. leanest Lon was made before the Mayor yesterday charging John Mc Otaren and John }Clobber with soiling liquor bn Sunday. Summons wore imbued. - A land slide our the Pan Handle Rail road yesterday near Bursrettatown caused *delay bilths trains. Up to a late hour last night the express train due here at twelve, n o, had not yet arrived. af you want your hair dr‘sed or nissled o f elb a latest fashion, a coin (actable, share, a luxurious bath or a little skillful cupping and leeching, an) or all, go to Williamson'. popular saloon, NU. pu roderai street, Allegheny. Cagan anal Ittady-State Cletniiig at .auch reduced rates as rennet fall to' be sattafaaciry to the purehayer, at the pop War headquarters of Urling, Follanabet a Co., corner . of Fifth avenue and Wood street. McPherson iv soon to retire from the Eutern Exchange and, it la rumored. will sesame charge of a prominent hotel in New Ire*. Ho la a very popular ano Meyer gentleman, .nd knows how to keep a hotel. Hints; 'Plesslun,-The spring term' of The Female College will open- to day. Parties desirous of entering are urged to present themselves as soon as possible. TheAllollegs at present Is quite full, and theprOspects for the commireeesion are quits tlattering. - Chitties C. Krowltt alleged that while returning to his home on Washington Wrest, Retarder evening he was met b 3 Richard Smith, who wi thout the usual provocation did shamefully ,beat said Frowitt with a hat:MA:4lly. A warrant was tamed for the meet of Richard. Escaped Again.—A telegram was re; celved In this city thlavroorning from Mr. Smith, of Philadelphia, stating that Livingston, an secount of whose arms we published yesterday, had escaprif from the , onleers In that city, and that the detective agency would pay r2oo fot his recapture. Alleged Lareery.—Thnin. Barton w Arrested last 0V.11114 by Lieut. Barge, of the Mayor's polio, on a charge of Is cony. Barton pawned a valuable wa:c at elmlOttl'a which was alleged to has been Stolen. Bo allegro !hat la wawa pare him the watch to pawn. .fie wit bare a hearing this morning. • ' Opera Howe Company —ln the "aM to Incorporate the Pittsburgh Opera House Oompany of Pittsburgh," now pending in the Lurialature, Mears William Woman, Thomas Y. Carnegie, R. H. Hartley and Win. H. Smith named as the Incorporators. The capital stock la fixed at siriti,ooo in shares of #IC.. each. -Debt. Johnston and James Benison had a fight In a saloon. on Fifth avenue yesterday morning. Prom words to blows. from blows to the nillee of Alder man Donaldson, where Denison hadlhe pleasure of pay ing rho costa in a suit for assault and battery preferred by Johns ton, and upon which COnditlon It was withdrawn. Dangerously %tl.—We are pained to learn mat Samuel McClean,senior member of the well known banking house ot , S. M cClean & Co., Vourtb avenue, has teen lying dangerously lU fora few week, at his residence near Oakland. The niost eminent physicians have been attending him, but no hope. are entertained of his recovery. Admitted to United "dates Supreme Court.—J. M. tiaraem, Esq., of this city, way admitted to practice tefore the Su promo Uourt of the United States on Friday of laat week, on motion of Hon. Ben...F. Butler. Mr. GIIZZAIXI is the yolidgest attorney- ever admitted to prep titta before toot Court. This le certainly a compliment to Our fellow townsman. An Impestar.—A await urchin make. Willa daily business to get on the Sixth street passenger cars, when, in a piteous bone of voice, ho tells his own personal misfortunes and of his father's nue,leg sore, and thou, as we have been told, hi hastens to the car station and Invests in peanuts and candy with the money given by kind hearted passengers. He shuttle be avoided. . Patrick Denly keeps a beer saloon In the Fifth ward. but refused tonsil to a certain character named Andrew Shafer, at which Shafer became enraged, In• • &dyed In much profanity; ind lastly avowed his intentions of burning to the ground, the entire property of Andy. Oa information of the same being made before Alderman hicSliasters, Shafer was arrested and-gave hail for a bearing, • htle.ged Larceny. Henry 'Koontz Made information before the Mayer yes lards) charging Daniel Mike with ler way. t The parties are butchers, and it Is alleged' by the prossztitor that he bought the stock and fixtures of Mike's shop, and that alter making the purchsae Mike removed two large hooks, valued ai .17. from the meat shop and transferred them to his own promises in Lawrettoe THIS. A warrant wee twitted. IJserlet acaln.—Another "pacifon" occurred In - that delectable locality on the South Side, known u "Limerick," yterday, in which John Donn punched" John Whalen'e bead, and threatened to:o°st the life out of him. Whalen, in consideration of Injuries received,, and in‘auticipation of -those Promised, made information before the Meyer yesterday, ageinet Miran for assault and buttery, and for surety of the peace. 'Doran was arrested and held for a hearing. Groton.—Jenny Mee; a little girl about twelve years of age, residing In White Oak alley, met with a serious I', accident. She was attending school In the Third ward, and during recess she was out playing, when a lot of cattle , • Game 'along, one of which ran toward. her. She became frightened and started to rao up the steps of the school house. when she fell and broke her left leg _below the knee. A physician was stn mooed and the fracture reduced, atter whloh the child wa• - romovod to her residence. Platchlese.—Mr. F. lleuipl , a manu facturer of Inciter or faction matches in the 7th ward; Allegheny, Lung.' ha nme ir into a matchle-a Manually. Officer McCready yesterday Matted his plum of Melanoma and 'mined between 10 and 50 gross of matches emir of which were stampsd and others not. It Is alleged that Mr. It.. has been violating the »Venue law by falling to affix the neo. emery revenue stamps to them. Snit has been brought against him for the recovery of the penalty provided in such OWL . Wire la Allegheny.—Last night about nloeci`clock an alarm of fire was struck from box 53, Chestnut street, Seventh ward, Allegheny. The alarm wag caused by the burning of a small quanti ty of dyed hair In the lota hair dyei lug eatabilahmant In th The budding Is a fliingy w en structure, sad It wig thought would be destroyed, but the active efforts of citizens resulted in the extinguishment of the dames be• fore the arrival of the enginea. The damage was alight. in dyeing the hair the heat became ,too inhume., which caused the gra; 'to tike s . Liidles. The managers who Were elected • from , each church to the two can of Pitts burgh and Allegheny, to form a branch 'to the Womena' Missionary Society of America, are requested to meet to the -lecture room of the Firat Presbyterian 'Church, on Wood street, on Tueeday, ,Matith 112 d, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The missiouary ladies who conduct the '74110011 work to India are from alt Prot estant denominations. The of New York and Philadelphia have rwomenecent ly purchoed a large boom in Calcutta, In which twelve of the missionary ladles Tbo first dm' of this house they dedre to tint , h and furnish for little I .orpmule and widows who come-to them ! for protection. The chioct far which Oda t ranch has beim formed Is to soda in this wort, , THE couHrs. U.S. District Court—. Judge MeCandiebe •. - • MONDAY. March tti.—Tbo C 6150 of J. Kell and Bros., creditors. vs. K. W. phonson and FL W. Duman, debtors, wan taken up, This was an Inane In bank. roomy, on a petition for adjudietation,of defendants se bankrupts. Jury out. The criminal lint Waa then taken up. In the *eve or the United .Statee Teets and Guttman, a toile pros. was entered by order of bandnissioner of In ternal Revenue. The ease of the United Suttee vs. An. bw Ramsey was continued warn the May term, and the defendant held. In 13,000 for -hie appearance at that time.. A number of revenue C3BOl were eon• . „ Hound for teal at Williamsport I mid Erie, and some held over by order of the Internal Revenue Commissiona l District Ceurt--Judge.Kirepstri, MONDAY. March 21..—C.Iourt met at ten o'clock e. x., but In consequence of the absence of parties no baldness Was time acted. TRIAL LIST iron TELIZSDAY.. Ea Megreat& vs. McCullough dc Co. 147 Sununtrrat "Navl vs. Edgerton. 152 Appleby vs. Spencer, McKay dc Co. 175 Faber& Co. vs. Pitts. and Councils yule tiaa, Coel and Coke Co.. 211 Mackrall ve. Marshall, gar. - 213 Ta)lor vs. Patterson t White. 217 Dollar Elevinga Bank vs. Aeachel men. , 221 va..P., A. t M. P. Ry. Co. Court of Common Pleas—Judge Colder. MONDAY, March 24.—The casepf ltan acon, for Ingot Beeson, vs the Allegheny Insurance Company, previously re• ported, was mourned and submitted to the jury, but no verdict had been agreed upon when Court adjourned. 111 the CUM of Bedell vs Ptlyllo, 81 al., motion for a new trial and reasons Bled on part of defendant. • Joseph B. Wilson vs 3ameii McCor mick. Action of Troyer and Conversion for the'reeovery of a chicken. Tho par ties are neighbors, residing in Moo tOwrilhlP, and it appears that the plaiutiff was the owner of a line chicken which was stolen. A chicken was afterwards discovered on the premises of defendant which plaintiff claimed as his, but de. Itendact claimed that he bad raised the chkoken. Jury out. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 35 McKahl ve Adams. .13 Same vs earns. I Reed, et al.; vs Stewart S Co. Id Page, et el , ye Walter. 41 Uhl vs Frethy. 15 Hensel ye Good. 14 Sullivan ve Morgan. 45 Schumacher vs Beals. 46 Rankin vs O'Neal. 47 The B. and L. Association of Pitts burgh vs Coleman'. executors. 49 Buettner ye Hamilton. quarter ttesaterw-4 edge Sterrett', . Dilemma, March 21.—Ta• cote of the Commonwealth is. James surety of the peace, was settled on pay ment of costa by defendant. The first ease taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. .Joseph Itirchtield, indicted for assault and battery, Mre. Carlin proaccutria. It was alleged that the defendant bad whipped and abused the prosecutrix'a 60n. It appears that the with. others, threw snow bulls at the defendant, who in turn caught the toy and whipped him. The jury re turned a verdict of guilty. coo recom mended the defendant to the mercy of court. Gouaruonweslth vs. George Anderson, surety, Susan Jackson pretecutrix. Too I..lourt ordered that eadl party pay our half the costs. Commonwealth vs. George Anew - eon, surety, Martha Alket pro.dthitrii. The Court orderder ed that each party pay one half the costa Commonwealth vs. Patrick O'Neil, surety of the peace. Daniel Sturgeon pro secutor. Toe Court ordered the defend ant to pay the coats of proiecution and enter into his own- recoguizstice in the sum of POO to keep the peace. 0 Mmonwealtb vs. Arhey Montague and John }touch, indicted for burglary, Jacob Metz prssscutor. was the next cane taken up. The defendants were charged with entering the house of the prosecu tor on the night Of March Ist, lei s, and atealiug over two hundred dollars. It appears that the prosecutor' resides In Allegheny city, and on the bight of the burglary he, kJ:Leon:many with his wife, attended a ball, and while there the house was entered and the money taken. rho jury rendered a verdict of guilty Julian Clevedenze, indicted for the lar ceny of • coat and pants, plead guilty and was sentential to pay the or,ta of probecutton, a One of six centaand under -go an imprisonment of six months In the county Work House. The next case taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. Margaret O'Reiley, indicted for larceny by bailee of a gold ling, — valued at fifmeu dollars, the prep• arty of Christiana Litch, the prowentrix. The parties worked at the St. James Hotel, apt in October, the Prosecu trig alleges that the defendant borrowed .ring from her; which she failed to re• turn. Defendant did not deny getting the ring but alleged that she had lost It. Thejtiry returned a verdict of not guilty. In the case orthe Commonwealth vu Thomas Stanley, Indicted for snisult and battery, In which the wife of the accused wes prosecutrix, wasleettleil on istyinent of coals by the defendant. 1711 A LLIST TOR TV DAY Com VS. James)(lent. Isaac 4. McKinley 127 JOLIII 1211 Wm. F.opban. 33 o P. fl. Johnston end Merles 1.50 - ' Fred Dtecenbougli. (13. Com. Ti. Ju. Thoe. Fleming.• " Abraham "R. Tillman I 2 3. Reuben McLeughlin 123. - o Geo. Muckier. LIST FOR WEDNEADAT 139. COM. va. Conrad Franz. tieo. Andereon. " John Bane. Jack Ltniner et al " Thos. Kennedy. NOTICIL—The constables of the 2d, 3d, 4th, sth. 7th, Bth, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 17th and 19th wards of the city of Pitteburgh will appear before the °rand Jury on Ttiesday sod Wednesday, March_ 22d and 23d, on their returns. The con. stables.Of the let, 2d, 3d, 4th and 7th wards of Allegheny, on Wednesday, }larch 234. The constables of the bor. °ruche of Etna, Esst Illnatingbem, Orms by, South Pittaburgh, Tarentum, West Elizabeth and lininn, and the townships of North Versailles, South Vereaille., Robbluson, South - Fayette and Wilkie., nn Thursday and Friday, March 24th sad 25th. Atking Enlarged Power We have made mention of the Intro. dnetion into the State Senate of a bill t "preserve toed order In the °dices of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace In Allegheny county." Is it to be Inferred bat Allegheny °minty Magistrates do not find the law adequate to preser've good order In their "courts? That our 'Toughs" fare absolutely ',irrepressible, and that onr dispensers of justice must therefore Wife their 'Deere enlarged? At all events, the Legisla ture Is considering whether or not to confer upon them the same authority to puntah flit oqpterupt that the quarter eersion Judges now have, with the pro viso, however, that their proceedings shall be certified to said judges for re view, and with still another (not less Important) provialbn, that "no action shall lie against any magistrate for com mitting a person for contempt." The blue suggestion of this "epeeist. logleila tion may provoke a contemt thous opin• ion of our magistrates. If at all noises. sary, such should Le made/eneral cr=o:E! Ovens. Itotirig.—A large and select audience assembled at the Opera House last evening, to hear the joint) celebra• tod actor, Mr. B. L..Daveritiort, In his rendition of "Hamlet." In' point of elo• cotton Mr. Davenport has no superior, and few, If any, equals on the stage, and his conception of the character of the young Dane. as portrayed by the author, la in many point. equal, If not superior, to to that of Booth. flue support hit nigh t was eseellevt. This evening he will an. peer In , t3t. Marc,theßtidler of Fortune." ACADIA'S' OP Music.—The Morrie Brothers last evening made their-Brat appearance at the , Academy. and ware favored with a full house. This troupe is certainly the bestin the misdeal line we have lately witnessed. As comedians, comic Vocalist. mud champion dancers, they are truly the princes of "funny fellows." Change of prognimme each evening. Remember at'Abis Place specie is given in etiangent- the ticket office. Bad for the Menai Sunday was a day of rioting in a cer tain quarter of Etna street, as it would seem by the appearance of one 'Catharine }Silly, a damsel who may at one time have been Ur to behold before her ._ elghbor, Jerry Hotl knocked her d wn, beat and kicked her, Dish* alleged. 'Whether Jerry was experimenting on tide frail victim or not, wo will only venture to goo.. Nut wlehi n g to take any of ber jaw . be broke it, wlth SUM" r:werful stroke knocking several of her tooth down her throat, which was bad for Catharine, but Alden:lntl O'Donnell consoled her by sending for the pugilist. LOVE'S STRkrAGEN The 0:d Adage Verdied- - A beterenined Ceti:dr—And Paternal Mrrlniro,s--- .Thctr Plan and liuw It Succeeded. The roughneers and onittety which le tarter. with the nnanoth runnluktuf true lore's oonrse ben recently Lielnia urpori •need by tt= youthlul couple In North t r uyettt townlohlp, They are of the first Ymnlllee of thin rung retreat—the lady a a hello of the village, lovely to look upon and just eighteen; the youth, a hearty, genial swain, and a general Toronto. They met at the holm of a Mend, and the arrowy god at once made victims of both. Following up hie advantage at many a happy gathering—the slinging school—the corn husking—the May party —the harvest home, at last "two hearts beat as one." 1 . • Thai's a Worry pretty sentiment," as the elder Weller would hay. but net remarkably orlglnal.l The Pates seemed to smile approvingly as they traversed yottng loves blissful Reulahlsfid. The merry peala of the mar. tiage.helle, seemed to ring out In advance with' joyous melody. No shadows orossed thei, way. Their terreatial hap. pluses needed only the paternal Messing and • welcome to make it e -Istle and nuprome. As a matter of form, there fore, but with full confidence, the buoy. ant youth nought the venerated pr.- ence, to receive the wished-for boon. Bat, alits, the truth of the old adage began to make itself apparent. Thevielt waa rortonteue and worked a great change In the lover's dream. Pee 3ful, elated, aernee ho wont in; downcaa.; ' de jected, milled be came out again. The world from summer sunshine had cud denly changed to an autumnal hue. Hie eult wan unexr octediy but not the lose emphatically disregarded. The gentle parents placed their Piet upon the matri tubniel arrangement and expreneed k de termination to stand firm. The youth was distinctly invited to cut .abort his visite to the fetidly. Even the friendly Intercourse between him and the email brother of his adored, wee sternly pro hibited, and the estrangement was made irrevocable and complete. Ile retired from the paternal presence a-sadder, but a more determined man, en the sequel proved. The young lady—the second party In the arrangement—received the decision which eliminated of her hopes in an nu demonatrative way. Now properly, to bee lit nerolue for a romancers pen. she should have continued to yield a quiet, aubmitialre obedience to the will of her Anardiana. A. pensive eulelued endue. should have nettled about her. It was an excellent opportunity for exhibiting a aweet, commendable martyrdom. She should have retuned to have any Inter course with the rejected, but true to her filial affections and her hive; res malned glut up within her own blems . circle, and like a ernehed dower, drooped, and faded, raid died. Such a course would have been eminently pro per, and sweet, in one sense. But the young lady was averse to it. She was bet prepared to walk the world a living martyr, and tile before she had Reen life at alt. She adopted a diderent cour.e altogether. Gifted with a keen wotuen's ingenuity, and-a perseverance peculiar to females ender such clroametauce., she brought all her energy into play for the accomplishment of her pimn. Everything-being in mailineas, oho re telvsdi a ,rivit front a yoking friend in Petriperaitcoville There seemed nothing uong in that: The friend's visit drew to a close, when suddenly It was dlwmv ered that the Fayette lady should In all friendship and courtesy return the visit. The Tem perancesille damsel was se ear nest In her soltellatlons that it was at teat dicided to allow the visit to he nude, especially as the parents argued that it would_ he a change of seems for their clatthtor, and help to mite her forget her ochlldishness. 't OlAtAsan made. anti the rest of tile story Ij...wiry short. The youth had most urgent businet.e. In Temperanceville about the tome time. He went lifers, of course, unknown to stay but htinsiilf and Itle,oliest" friend. A few evenings after his arrival he met his adored. She was decked in bridal array and so was he, anti au were a select Omnpany of friends in attendance. A minaret wee also present by some strange colucidenee, and It -was but the work of a few momenta to defeat the plans of the eteril parrots. and of two pas:into make one. Au Important trans action like that could not be long kept secret. In fact no allow p*. in that direc t loti was made. The victims were as hqp py an •one -big sunflower," but the "pat lents" were not. The Fayette people returned home, but they were not re ceived by the lady'it=parente es cordially as the Prodigal son. The fatted calf was not killed. There was no perceptible diminution in the stock of turkeys and ohlckena and such Like. at the former home of the damsel. Fortunately, the happy husband had. a supply of theta himself, and so they didn't suffer, and In all probability will not. And this is the situation at present, which goes to prove that the course of true love never runs Smooth, but In the end always ,',met out about right. ETANOELICAL ASSOCIATION. Pittiburgh Conference—Fourth Day— The Neat Meeting to be Mad et Erie, Pa.—Ll...ewes Granted—The Sunday Mewl Causo—secret Stwleties and Ministers. Conterenee wet at the usual hour, and after opening religions exercises, regular bu.4nes•t wes reef oaed, Bishop Ember presiding.- The Committee on Finances reported that the salaries of the preachers were generally nald up. - Orr motion it was decided to distribute the Conference colloctionlno rata among the charges which were deficient. The Onnorittee on the Addrees of Rev. Mr. Sherman, in relation to the Orphan's Institute, reoortcd the following: Vienne, We have heard with great pleasure of the merciful dealing of God with the Institution, especially exempli fied In tne gracious conireralon of a num. her of orphans, therefore , Realkiveil, Teat we most heartily well cotue the agent to our fields of labor, and pledge cooperation in aiding him In hie endeavors to have the Institution endow ed. The report was unanimously accepted and appmved. A. number of applicants ware granted Herniates an preacoera on probation. 11 1 On otion it was decided to hold the next a mud meeting of the Conference at Erie Pa., commencing Mnrch 15, 1071. The morning session closed with pray er by the Rev. T. O. Clewell. I=l The find business in order was the position of the parsonage on Starke cir cuit. After due conaidoration the prop. erty was ordered to be sold. Q A. Weller offered a resole. don providing for the sale of thechurch property- at Washingtonvtlie (there being no society there now:) 1200 of the proceeds to be applied to the building of a parsonage at New Springfield. Adop ted. The Committee on Sunday School, and Education reported that as there had been a general lack of Interest in the Sabbhath School department of the Church, that the Presiding Elders should he !nett-noted to hold erabbsth School conventions and the minister; recom mended to converse with euildren about the decrines of lime. Church, and also to e.tablish catechetical cleave whatever convenient. They also favored the estab lishment of a Theological- Institute within the t ounds of the Conference. The report was adopted. H. W. Elempe offered a resolution that the preachers of the Arseciation ba In structed to withhold from connection with any secret order. Laid on the table. Hs then presented petitions from various sources touching the matter. which were referred to a cornmitteo of three, consisting of Revs. T. G. Clowell G. S. Domer and J. D. Hollinger. Rev. W. F. Kneedler, of the Methodist Church, then united with the Aseociation and was voted the same position that he occupied In the Church from which be withdrew. The mention adjourned till Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. New Olt Strilus. - Thy United Mates well is a new strike on land of J. W. Parker, on the bIIL Thls well is owned by Coleman, Freaky and others, commenced pumping a few days ago, but has not yet been Rated, The Rosetta, lea new strike on land of S. W. Parker, on the bill, which coin menced pumping on Monday last and is now producing some oil. Mr. Marshal, from 'the Marshal -farm below Endentou, gives um the following, which can I.e relied upon: The Bennet h. Crawford well, the new alike on Middleton Run. is now pumping ten barrels daily, not forty.ilve se at !Rat represented. NEia==l The Beam well is Producing nine bar rels. The Widel well. la being sunk deeper, the dimsery haying been made that the well washot through the third. ,and.. five five wane here actually commenced drilling on the Marshall farm, two miles below Emienton.,-North. IVesters lode. enl. C,0..t Wow.- oe • chrentou Avenue at Auction,—Co not fill to rind advertise ment announcing male of property al Sherman avenue, Allegheny City, on Friday neat at two o'clock: • • A. LlinaATZ, A1;1001014 PITTSi3URGH TL-tIIY GAZETTE: TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1870 Qi FREIGHT& Petroleum Am:Deletion In Ntessio ie r e,gut queotiou tinder uusimdera= ttou—Funtter luceettgatlum Ordered —ro 'Advertise file Proroeals—Tue •.1lumlbdo" Ito'treed tillt Crltlast.a. t e sterasy, et three o'clock, a meeting Af the Pittsburgh POUVIOUIII ANNOCIfttiOII silts hold at their roots, Nu. 4 Dairen 's There waa quite a large delegation present, when, In tho absence of Pres!. dent Iluteldoimi, Cain. .1. T. I•hordcdalo wee called to the Chair. Mr. A. F. Breaths oilleiated as Secretary. The Provident elated that the meeting had been celled for the purpoae of taking into consideration the feasibility or chi p• Ding oil to Baltimore via Beflair and the Ohlo and Baltimore Railroad. Au Informal discussion then ensued upon the .matter: VROPOSITIoSH %ROM 7Q6 RA klaiOAD (AIM 12E12 Mr. Arthur Kirk stated he had been In Baltimore and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company offered every facility at their command for the ship. tuent of oil. They had agreed to take the oil from Bellwood at a net cost of 51,231,4 oar barrel, with 15 per cent reduction on large quantities. This charge Included one month's storage, at Baltimore, deli very to vesaol, and all port charges. Oil brokers charge one per cent. which would cheapen the rate per barrel sixty three cents. The company would also put up a building nufficient to aCcomedate the trade. 'They mewed anxious to get the freight, mid were willing to make • every ,ffrort. Mr. Logan rued that wan the cede with all the railroads.' The Ponnaylvauia Road wanted the trade too. He thought they wanted It now especially, and would he willing to Make some arrangements. Mr. Kirk moved that a Committee of five be appointed, With Captain J. T. Stockdale as Chairman, to confer with the Baltimore and Ohio flathead Com pany andget their rates for freight and the facilities which they couiffolfer; the Committee also to advertise for proposals from owners of boats for the tmnsplrta lion of the oil to lienwtext from Pitts. hurgh by river. Carried, and Meaark . ltrooktr, Ii irk. Iff v inotou and Bracey app tinted Ins Com• unttee, with Raptalu tttockdalo as Chair man. Mr. Fiehel reported • conversation ho had had With Mr. McCullough when that gentieuntasaid the C. di P. Railroad had nothing to do with the Pennsylvania Central. Ho thought Mr. McCullough might name the rate., and hod learnod from him that It Would cost by rail• to Renwood about about sixty-two and n half cents per tiarrk. lie did not 00000 disposed, however, to light the Ponneyl vania Central Railroad. . - - Mr. Kirk stated that the 01l hed be , akeo from the referenetab over the A❑ . . cheny Valley, Cleveland S Pittsburgh and BAltimore 3. Ohio made to Balti more for $1,35 per barrel. The' discussion closed hero on the freight question. =I Mr. Kirk said be desired to call the attention or tire AENCICilltiOn to the ..lhat Mime" railroad trill, which had recently paseod the Lawslature. Ile had been informed that nine inlltlon dollars had been Secured In that measure to cut off the oil trade entirely .row Pittsburgh. tle thought the Atier tiatlon should know something abate the business. Boy. Geary should bo requested to withhold his signature until the bill had been ex. emitted by them most intereated. Be had- heard that it contained many "snakes," and if It was as represented, It would be a disastrous matter to those who bad puahod it through so hastily. Cho report was that, It cordwood so malty "snakes" that it had to be rushed through to prbsent its defeat. Mr. Logan thought It would - obe a groat wasio of the raw materld" to endeavor to get tiov. Gear• to withhold ble eigon lure to any ' , little" do 'omen; of that kind when It bed liaised. Mr. Kirk 8,111 ho had never Peen tb tall and duffel know exactly •what Adr. King said it bad been published several• days ago In the ti azin - ria and had been endoreed by a great - many Inoide ibtvreated. Mr. Oraet,y moved that Senator Gra ham be requested to forward a copy u the bill to the Association. Carried. Thu meeting then etijoutued Library Ltrtures. John B. Gouih, Esu , lectured last eveulog In Lafryetto Hall, under the 'minim' of the Young Mena' Mercantile Library Association. - Every nook and corner of the house was packed, and In no place could there be found oven con venient standing room. Every part of the Hall was auffocating, but the upper gallery was ebriolutely intolerable. Many delicate ladies had to retreat from it being unable to breathe Its almost solid atmrsphere, Toe end Ject was “CUrlonity,” end Itm power Wt. NUT 'eloped In the immense crowd t wailed on Ile &erection. It le non usury for no to pay th it the lecture • well receivrd. The audience wu C , ruins! with conducomo laughter. • William N. Howard, F,tl , chairman of the Lecture Committer, announced mat Mr. Clough would lecture again on Friday evening, on the o I., , ghts and Shades of London Life." which will be the clotting lecture of - the aerwm. season tickets will be lh.oti on next Friday evening. The cilia-Ins of Pittsburgh and vicinity are under greet Obligatioun to the LeClUte CowmiLLeo and the Itatoolttion for the rich intellectual entertainments which they provided for.them during the lec ture season. Na committee has ever given higher natlaractlon than the one that has had charge of the lectures dur ing the season now drawing to a elope. In eaying this we say a great deal In behalf of the Committee's efllcOnoy. in Dlrmurlitu At an adjourned meeting of the Philo. mathean Society, hold March lint, 1070, the following preamble and resolution,' were adopted : Viingugas, It ban pleased Almighty God, In the All-WiMePrey!cella , ' totage from us our beloved friend and brother, Joseph U. Hamilton; therefore, im It Resolved. That while we, the membosi of the Philouiathean 'Society, bow in humble subinisaion to the will of our heavenly Father, we deeply lament the Inca we have sustained in the death of one ki highly esteemed for those traits of character that make at Mice the scholar and True gentleman. That we tender our heart felt ayruiParhy to the family of the' deceased in tuts.their hour of- alllictlon, and that wo hereby testify to the worth, In tegrlty 'and .manly honor of one en deared to us by ties of friendablp, love and truth. Resolved, That asictolten of affection and reepect to hie memory, our hall be euitably draped. end that we wear the usual badge of mourning for tinny days. Resolved, That these resolottons be en tered npou the records or the Society, published In three et the Pittsburgh daily papers, College Anginal 'and Pres byterian Banner, and that a copy bo presented to the parents of the deceased. J. N. McGonzsioix, W. Mcsf. Bracenunts, C. A. lIATOd. Com. A. E. HIEBRRT, W. IL Knox, J . = Dennis McMullin made Information before the Mayor yesterday, charging IL Simmons, Jitmte Archibald, John Brown, Thomai Donnelly and • Amos Marland with larceny. The facts of the case are as follows: SiMILLICUIR who for. morly filled the position of High musts. Ole, In the Temple of Justice (7) presided over by Chlof Justice Lynch, rented a house from the prcsocutor, In which he resided. Since the retirement of the Worthy Chief Justice shwa mentioned to ~ Claremont,'! husineri has been dull with Simmone, and be failed to pay up his rent ea it fell due. •A. Lindlord'm 'warrant wan Wood and hie household goods dlstrained for the back rent. Thl4 proceeding wan not It would seem Mat:int accordance with Mr. Slmmon's view. of matter and things, and Saturday night at a late hour, he In company with the otherdefendanis It is alleged went to the Premises, broke the door open and re, moved the goods to 410 street. A warrant was leaned, the accused arrested and aLer a hearing Simmons gave bail fur hia appearance et c:court and the others were committed In default of bail. Conductor U!opiplimented A very high hut well dcaerveal comply ment was paid a few days ago. to Mr. William McKee, conductor of the Enon Valley Accommodation train, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rallrold. Quite unexpectedly be wee called Into too baggage oar, when W. A. E..q, of the Chrosicle. Prom:dad him wlth.4 pure gold chain and badge as a token of the respect and esteem in which ho la hold by the local patrons of the coal. an he le ; femiltarly tau k , s a most e 111 lect'bflicer, and era know tad ..11 , ., acuOintatk, was well and douniwily brta•Aet d. Each bratty:man ou too train was laro seated at the aeon, Unto with a pair of gloves as tokens of the regard in will° they are held. IN THE PIT An Elegant Amusement—Escfilng sport fit Allegheny—Rota a Dog and court Can Plot—The Result eta Rattle. That refined sod eleiafing antfibilementi I peculiar to the cockpit, seems to have Ile votaries in Allegheny. Heretofore It well thought Pittsburgh or the Stauth Side enjoyed a monopoly of this elegant and handy pleasure. Circumstances, however, have Arisen this opinion to be erroneous, and out slater City . Conies la fur a chore of the glory attached to the patronage of this Intellectual enter , telethon; Though not as yet powiessed of all the acres ,orioe for the complete' ' enloymor. of the rare sport, the lovers of it cecantrually manage to have au exhibition while they are afiatsined In the hope that a proper unablinbment will be secured In the future. Oue of these fascinating entertainments came oft a few evenings ounce at a saloon oft Lacock street. The eon tostants were a roan and a mastid. • The dog wan a valuable annitnal, it had gone through the war and like a veteran retvered with glory, returned home with its master to enjoy the fruits of peace. On the occasion noted It was Monet front Ito owner's residence and taken to the saloon ineutibued. After business had apparently closed for the night a select core, re of mon assembled at, the hone°, according to previous ar. trinomial. The dog was' placed In the centre of a ring constructed for the pur pose, and at a given signal his opponent, a half starved and tortured coon, . was let loose. Toe battle began and lasted with Varying,success 114 the greater part of as hour. First the corm lost a tuft or hair, and then the dog was dispeseoseed of en ear. Various portion. of the bodies of the contestants wore distributed neatly around the ring. .The blood, which_ fiewedfreely, helped to make the scene more exciting and lent a pleasing saran. Son to the general appearance of the room. Tne tight was a cleanly contented one. but the coon was found to be the weaker vowel and finally tolled over litoluis—that portion of him Which wan Inn to roll. The dog, after his sic. tory, was allowed to depart and neural° hie master, a wreck only of his former no , f. The owner of the animal at once began to make an invastigatiou into the sudden transformation of hie valued quadruped. By diligent Inquiry he ascertained the feet* as Mated, which he In once brought before the proper att. thoritten, and Alderman Bowden re ceived his in/ ulna:ion yesterday against the owner of the saloon for cruelty to animals. Tire accused was Rerouted and gave bail for a hearing. It in stated this in not the only Instance In which the. sport has been iudutged in, although heretofore the pantes have not been in. terfured with. I=l The following deeds wore admltted.o : record in the office of Thos. 11. Hunter, Recorder for Auettneny county, Salur dey, March ID, 1070: Prno. Ashlts to 1%1. oar, Howard. January 10, 10 - 0. 31 of 60 f.,100 et, rry sane.. 111 111140 lain. ........ •t i.l N1...t0 to J , .un Mt cult r • to by 1.0 frttou rem, tawn•llluo ', Sauk 10wq.,1.. • • ,1123 Dennis tt . W. ' t•: . .. ''''''' ' 'r. M.. , Jou... 7,"istn; 21s.c. clan. t rit,• vut wltttlnt Sano, r.bsunno to 1). root, arot I.r. M. to. 'low S. July 12.. •erog end 47 1.e0e5...- 11=4 rstletov 310.114 Marolo 21, th:O. Jss. Courtney to Jong Barreng Jell JO 104: Setter ID townslilo .••• . 444 Inv gar.l: t Burroughs to Joe. sot:duller, J. 411. ISTU;st, ye lot 417:, . • . • Jos. Lip. 1. • Eat • 1l au•11. 61;i:1•1: LS.; lt•i3.! 11•11 . (.0.‘ It. lent 1••• a . U. K. • 0,11 to Wm II +lmre, tfit,l. S. 1.70; I sere •11 , 4 ware. Vi.salmr, 614 .th Wu, 1 . . Lay tat ni. Mc. - )lsieu 1,0 - I It 44 by Perr. s•. I......... .I...ntser re stn tl , lgsrtsrn. Is, 10701 kr., t, II .1 It 4. Boron, sot., Low. r t.:,alr 11, al lul ftuuTuuatu_4. Allrßl,rnr 4 . 1,4 I ' 4 .2i•.,./411 nnt. tl 41 /Ibis., Asa... We; b> 77 I 1 W111.1.1•5t., 510.11 -so 42 .11 Sant•l Th., on .o I ,8112 11.5011 o• . Mar. 11. 1,70: lot 14 S t GI It on Arad, at.. 14 h :hor.l it b". . T........ 1t•k,,, , 1 t., tl.fl • - ni.. 11, - ch li. is,. lA.: Uy I, It •tti Ad... ` - .t. )11:rgh .• .A. ,• , ‘,.k.rk l , ,ti a sat% C lain. I, )1 sash same as *la.'s,. • ..... 14.1 a. ninon lo Marl n tllatattr, June ra, IW lo: I , tor :I 1,. on Mr.', ...ley. A1 , 0 1 .. 11, 4!..- •Llann t•no • al al to August 111,1, Oct :,1 Pei; nit 2t , n, 1,1 on Jantrn at., Allran . . 1311 .1.1.1..1 , W. t, •F.l.•oary :by 111:1 ,n 11%.1,e be .... .an St. e'elt 111,h 5, 1,1, to. 13 by 41 art,s. 5.541.0 a,.bvr Pattashrgh fl •rrlelt 1111.1«. di. SinUfrO• h, March 13 urpArL No. Is Wo). used, oblhb ....ugh tias 1/umestic liareicity aeorga K eh has a peculiar way erpreaxieg bin ,alrectlon for lila family . Ho put his method Into practice Satur day tumid by returning to 1.1:3 home, tilled with whisky and about as amiable . a hungry. bear with a tern heart. llnt wife and three children were woon matte acettualnted with lila feelingo. The Linn...- ledge 4.111.1 .11111111.1111,u with elicit oxintbion from the how 0, all of thana without ritltnent, at ler it IMO worth) mention. 011icerHreu hammed along about that time, and with the rlaistance of a brothor ollctai, canvered Koch to the watelabou.. A.eer he had niept off MN Intoxication Deputy Mayor I.:tabula Itnrinand a lane br tire dullsra and costa upon him, which ho paid and was dla. charged. ' =2l Peter Ort rejoices in. OtO puttee...lon of several game fowls. towards which his neighbors, in Allegheny, display a °Dalt. nue spirit, and some even dared to charge one John W. Wilson with appro priating one of them. Peter and John moot, barj words are nue, umah inter. changing of epithets detrimental to the general truthfulness" of each other's character ensued, John strikes, so does Peter, and the affair ends by Wilson making oath before Alderman Butter. egatnat Ort for surety or the peace, with Opt fut folio - wing, who incitoted a (TON suit on the charge Of assault and -battery. Warrants were Planed and ball given for the appearance of all parties at the hearing to thy. the Printing Conuntitee An !if owned meeting of the Committee on Printing of the City Council, w 4 held at the Controller's Mlles, at hal pact two o'clock yesterday, for tile pu • pone of awarding the contract fur prix tog the annual reports. Messrs. Edward., McMahon. Duff, Mei . Coy, Beckman, Laufccian and Kirk were present. In the absence of Mr. Mattern, chair. man of the committee, Mr. Edwards was called to the chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting • were read end improved. The onutrsct for printing three hue. dred copies of the reports of the litister Committer, of IS6B-9 was awarded to A. A. Anderson dc San, at' 139-25, -- Coronet's Inquest. Coroner Clawson was yesterday called upon to hold an inquest on the body of Isabella Ibyd, who died suddenly about seven o'clock on Monday evening, in a court in the rear of No. sf!...Tbird avenue Dr. Roberts was called to eXaMine the oody, and In hie opinion thewoman died of oonsumption. Toe jury returned a verdict of death from neutral causes. Deceased sees stint forty years of agd, and from the. appearance. of the place where the body: was lying, Itt all probe . 1,1 lity died of starvation, am the room and its contents indicated that Ifs occupant lived lu the most abject poverty. •• Shooting Alfray About half past nine o'clonk last night a difticulty recurred at a Wool], on Smithfield street, and an Mincer was sent for.. Before the officer arrived at the /muse the parties engaged in the tight went out of the house by the back door, and.when In the alley a aumber of bricks were thrown, one of which Mau& gentleman, who died. a pistol into a crowd, the ball from which struck . John Stafford in the hip. The wound, although painful, to not consldeted dangerous, as the ball a no Lanes. Mr. Stafford was removed to his n 31detice. Metal Meetings The Street Committee meets this even log at 7 o'clock. Gas Lighting al 7 o'clock, at the Oav onico. Railroad on Friday at o'clock, at City linglneer's Office. • The Street C3nunitic will meet this (Tuesday) evening at seven *and a half o'clock. The Fieeeee Committee wlll hold • meeting on Wednesday af.ernoon, at two o'clock, at the Controller's Office. Hairy Paulin, having been burned out at 124 Ohlo avenue, has removed his be and shoo store and factory to the corner of Fulton and Sheffield streets, Firth ward, Allegheny, where front the 21st Instant he will be glad to wait on his friends and oustomeram usual. • 6 Tee Spring Stoat of henry G. Harr, Merchant Taller, at corner _of Penn avenue and Staab street, is now largo and complete. Monsieur Bonpalne con• tin no , , to preidle sttbo cutting. tr - _ • Toe PlUrVllCetid MO only Sewing Ma chino made the revered feed. Call and =mina lt, at No. f Sixth at7ett. & hi'CAut. nuittiLAM Kennedy-. Store Itoblied = l4 ,It wge I=l=22=l Last night, between the hours of eight and eleven o'clock, the variety and no. Eon store of Renniely ,r C0. , .38 Fli.b avenue, was entered and bbed Of about twenty•tive revellers. 'The thieves effected an entrance by gaining admittance to the yard attached to the Exchange National Book. They then cut through a window In the rear part of the store, using a (Mittel fur the putts,. The Walt which esparaMe the yard from the street hid theft from view. • 'She 'tore to occupied no a electing apartnient • by two of Jim employee, who had tiSen there about eight o'clock and bound everything eli right. They went avid returned about eleven, when the rnbbery wee discovered. The thieves evidently had been operating for a.dne time, ]edging from the appearance or the store. The rovolvera are ail Abet was taken co far as could be ascertained. This is the third time the store has been robbed. • Hector'■ Farina forms a very agree• able light nutritive food, a superior arti cle for puddings and jellies, and is highly recommended by physicians for invalids rad children. Sold by all grocers. T The Florence Sowing Machine in not equalled Le; any In the market. No. 6 Sixth street. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Puy Best in the United Males, JIARDIRACTIMED Br Dam Aims tried to start a paper but I WILLIAM WAGNER, failed. 9SI Xorth Seventh Street, A RAILROAD is to be built from tellairs to hlarieT PHILADELPHIA. lion. J ut. A. litnonam in at home, References—All the Ileadlaa home la Phila. Cadiz, w ere lie will remain for a few . J•2S:2IKFTVIS days. . • • A. CADIZ store was supplied with Ten- Illation by the explosion of a keg of gun powder. I ' TOE - Springfield; "Lecture Commit tee's" report ler qe, season shows a net profit of (.211 294;„ ? • - Tux millers and feeders of the licriwood mill and nail works, at Bellaire, are on a strike, and the mill Is Idle. Femoral . . played a two nights' engage ment at Piqua last week to a beggarly account of empty benches in Border Hall. MAYOU Love, of Steubenville, has been sued by a woman his policnarrinfed, for one thousand dollars damage. The case is not • strong one. • Tun County Commissioners of Clarke county believe that the last hope of the capture of the lleritler murderers is gone, and so have recalled the reward. Ens. Emma ToWHEEND, the oldest person In Preble county, died at the rest deuce of her non in-law, Ensile Stubbs, at West Elkton, on Friday last, aged 102 years and 4 days. Faxuan MACKEY, a Catholic priest in Marion, is doing a good work among the members of his itick, in the canoe of tem perance. • The Jodi-pendent says "some torty persons joined his temperance or ganization on Sabbath last." Tan Piqua News ' of Monday, chroni cled an account of a man in that city having had his pocket `picked by some light tingered operators at the railroad depot Next day the News found It accessary to explain that by "light fing ered operators at the depok" it did not allude to the young gentleman who, with nimble Hegira, manipulate the telegraphic instruments Mr sending dispatches'alosg the line. The "operators" accepted the apology. \Ys. understand, says the Belmont Chronic:a, that the confession of Thomas 1). Carr, detailing with horrible perspicu ity the butchery el Miss Louisa Fox, and the perpetration of a dt•zen or more crimes, some of which are brutally re. Totting, has been published by three of our fellow townsmen; who will have it here ready tor eale on the day of execu tion, How far this recital of horrible crimes Is to be believed, we do not know, but we very mach question whether Carr intended the public to believe what he nes written. Carr will be hanged on Thursday. Lan A. KELLEY, a negro, who was Sent to the Ohio Penitentiary, last week, lom Franklin county, fur burglary, es. raped from that institution on Tuesday . night. Kelley WMs employed as a servant - in the building, and just at-desk got upon the roof •of the main building and lower , M himself to the ground by a rope. Ile /10011 missed, tend men started m pur suit. lie was traced to his iather's house, neat tivLanna, and chased 'mid Bur Will 1r out erke.k. rtlicers followed. Kelley o wade ei good show for freedom, but six .) feet of water, floating ice, and the officers 'it were too much . fur him; so lie emend •"e ered. 0 To appreciate It, It moat be seen—the Florence Sewing Machine. - No. 0 Sixth etreet. OlUo ITEM. -Ats evidence of, the deproisiion In trade in Now York, it isidated numerous stores dealrable locathuia ou Broad way are for rent,„ and over one hundred thousand men out of employment. The reduction of prices in all eases has been Initiated by the employers, who claim that they are unable to pay the existing rater, and the employe:l have been forced to submit. —One &bun Jammu applied to the U. H. Court far a warrant for the arrest of Pendmanter Jones, or New York city, who, In obedience to department In• otnctlons, mends all letters to Known ewludleni and Ki,. enterprise men to the dead letter taco. —The second trial commenced et Bal timore yeiWordey of John Cline for the murder, In 1865, of Henry B. (Trove. CHEW was convicted on the first trial, but new one was granted on the ground of the incorrectness of the original Indict ment. IMM . . 01T-0n lionday, Mate • itlet, at 5 o'clock, a. sr.. opparalisis, Mr, 11)Litlialte. Uhl . , In the 45th year of lice age. Funeral on Vicuna:mac' lacEntitt: at 10 o'clock. frolu her. late residence,. 00 Boyle iptee., All, gin ny.. The friends of the fatally re respectfully Invited to attend. P ATI iliaooo-1 1 u Monday morning. March I. 1070, Cialln.k. It.. Infant dalahtor Of U,.. _ifs. and Jennie A. Pattersou. gun - rat M. M retook. 10.10 the raid ure of John Patterson, .119 Sandusky ht., Allegheny CI T. 0,111, ,, n Monday morning. Morel; Mitt, ' 4 o'clock. or •O 4 Plcar. riUl3ll CAIN. In the 334 year or hi. age. Thdlnataral will take 'lice from his late rest- Ctn.. Penn between Tyr. ntleth and Twenty.drrt streets, Twt 11th ward, Tills (Toes day, httairtge, at 9 o'clock. The friends of the tandir art ICOprolf Incited to attend. LK/ 91.011—Mer.wife of Mr. John Lath,. lard 61 yours and 0 month,. Funeral will take place from the rishlence of her husband, Perm Memel, uPlimite the Si, tfarr.i.lielnidery gale. Tills ArritllXOutt, the 5112 d at A o'clock. The friends of the family we re , peci rally Melted to attend. kiiirriager ill learn It ht. Young's livery and Vidertiking lash . .., corner of l'enti and Twenty-elghth streets at at I!, o'clock. . BURL A ND—an Paipla7evenlop.Marthlloth, TpS wrirrk AND, to the 215th 3 calor her Cre.AD ELIA PUN- Toe TtinerA Will tike p op) from herTata temperineeTllle Tlll3 AFTLRLNOJX, Marsh 11:11, at 3 o'omei. 'rho (fiends or the ami,y are rospeetfullT Invited to attend. -• • • . biIceLOYIN —.At Sundae, March SOM. JOHN gIotILOSK EY, sr, toted 67 foam. Yugo rat from Ell late residence. Wollus town- ChM, TO DAY at 11 tecixit, A. Y. C•rriaLca WI 'I leave Mr. Andrew JackteWs. Penn strati, at 11 ocleoli. Fe lends or tee haully are respect fa If invited to attead. MEN Babhant at , d a Jr.ssir, youngest daughter of Davind II as ill tehart. BURCH FIELD • on Habhath evening. Mere!, lig B u re t eek, MARY 11. daJghter of Win. N. halo, 'gen 3 . 4 yi Ter f elende of the family are rr epee/ fully Inel leu tu ant at e. d thect. e l Tuferal onerr Wee/re euDAT Aerrert• reorcel. le.u'el ryeeeet.• c„.l toe. Kan 61 , ertv. tlarrseees till leave Mo. claw/ & Mikhail'. at / o•e:ue/. UNDERTMXERS JOSEPH METER & BON, lINIVEMPAILEIIB. No. 444 PLAN Brame Clanlima Am Puraldled. C0PT1273 and all Yeaerall r eralattateut at re abed rater. our JOHN M. COOPER ez• CO.' Bell and Brass Founders, MGM, LOCOMOTIVE k LOLLING 111111 BRASSES Nadi Prompety • is Order. 9ARBIT'S, METAL Made and Kept on Hand. rmyrist.. gold Maantootoren of J.M. Coopefsbnproved Balance W bee STEAM PUMP. 0:11re, 82 PENN MEET. round q, Cor.l7th and nal!raid Finds, nrnusultea. PA VINEGAR, TIIE PITTSBUItOII VINEGAR .WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are Do. prepared to furnish MEGA!' at tne LOWKST MARKET ItATV3. Attention le per. tieldarly called to our EXTRA WINE VINEGAR. WINE'S, LIQUORS, &o. SCHMIDT ec.,FRIDAT, APIPOILVERN 07 • WINKS, BANDIES,. MN, at, INXIOLESAIIJI D521.1.1E101 in PURE RYE WHISKIES, .409 PENN STREET, . Have IteOroyed .to NOS. IS4 AND 16 PENN, Rleienth (flt, arty Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH to CO., sc. I. 1.17. 1119.191. 193 cod 1 . 21.nrr 11.)191 0 1C713.11.2.1i Or Csyper Distilled Yam Bye Whiskey, Ji d,..ra In VI kit.F.IGN WIBEB and LL MMUS. 14.0/n, an. Intan.ani LIVERY & SALE STABLES .NEIII SALES STABLES FOR HORSES JUST ESTABLISHED. • The sobtertbar has established attaleiS:abla at the IVY, Nun Hotel. A lealtsty, ...era be will hare constantly 00 11•111 a large supo!y or No.l Horses. Al.l. SALES (SHAMAN. ADIS. Satls facston Insured lit all tsars. and 1 C TIIE HullSt Hu NUT TURN OUT AS KEPHESENTYD. THEY WILL BE TA KEN BACK AND TIM 110,ST KILFUNVEDI 1 %ALIO DRIFOOI. oral ROBERT 11. PATTERSON & I COI - Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., ryrrszumaz, PAL Rill on Every Saturday Bold - AN AUCTION' SALE OF SORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, Ana rST,lll°,l4M'',.:7',lE,TM.i'rer::;their notice of corminorneut on or tarfura Thursday of C~ good cart wlf 0e 6i~eu W Stock let.. wraith. JOHN 11. STEWART, Auctioneer. minis.)rarranron. ROBT. It. PATTEIIO3OI9 ed. CO., I , 'l At 3r, ,1-5..1,111 'A r. CIO3ENEES.S.'ION STABLES cuit.figlENTll AVENUE it LIBERTY Sc. PITTSBIERG7Z, PA. inoll:b4. WALL PAPERS NEW WALL PAPER FOR SPRING SALES, N0.1G7 Market St., neai sth Avenue We now oder to the public a ,tote of PAPER RAN GIROS ramornamed In the West for variety .d beauty of idyl., em brad o f all the Novelties. la Y1tE.9L3.1. MOSAIC. PERSIAN and tiRECIAN DESIGNS In plain nod bright velum, for Balls, Dlnloa Booms. de. Alm: WOOD and MARBLE DECO ILATIONB, TINTEM and UILT PARLOR PAPERS, almost endless varlely or CIIRAPLIATIN PAPERS. WHITE and BROWN BLANKS for Chambers, de. All .cr which we 'morose to sell. low as the lowest la the market. Call and see, at No. 107 Market St, near sth Avenue JOE. E. HUGHES & BEV. WALL PAPERS. • SPRING. 1870. PRIOES ,REDUOED 40 INCISEd wide tint. at 76e. nee roll. 0 great variety at 101 c• per roll. tn....ZED—Ai Mods at See per roll. MAU AnT Preach and American Paper MAP lags. not epee gra shore, superior to any .ase sortment la the country. Fur sale at W. P. MARSHALL'S New Wholesale and, Retail Store, 191 Liberty Street. ralt4 PITTHEIIIROH. BUSINESS CHANGES. rIMSOLUTION NOTICE.-No- TICE Is hereby gly - tb that the firm of McCOIVAN £ BNTDEN, Al eaheny w.• dlsiolved January 1. MIIO, by mutual content • A. 31 McCOWAN JOHN a.xnae.• mbl9:elX NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. • • .•b. p..rt..r.bli, lt heretofore exts•log be twee • THOMAS TXI.P 11. 8 II NllBl/IT and J. A MtAlltE. me Telford, Moors • Co . hha hh.3l di Arm. Thome. Trlft•rd wlthdra•ins from IA . Arm. TELFORD. 1800118 & CO. Hwang porch/nod the inttre:t or THOMAS TELFORD in me the Jobelfor. Moore • Co.. we will continue the Printing natineru. nadir name 1.1.1 ttylo of JACKSON, /SUOlle. CO.. 84 and 86 Thin .ranee. W. J. JACKSON'. Formerly with W. a. Unveil & Co. FlTTBarilan, Ms ch. 0110. mhlB,ll DIRS. S. C. ROBB, No. 91 Federal St., Allegheny, tieing determined not:totem, over AT Winter noeitiveiv sell, below 0031, for the next 30 Mires 00.NwTS. JUTS. I." VOHS. • M FEATHERS, WANES, * • LACK COLLARS, • , LACE HANDEERC,FS LINEN couu . A.Ri AN e_r u s i " 0111 t'LhVit! AND "iTir is• HONG HILDS EN'S HONE. CLUNILY LACE EDOLNOS. LADIES , lINDERWICAN , LaDIZA , •PHONI. New nyle Ml AI oIR IS WITCBI3 CHi ggrkETT B, • /to,. to, Ile • eel be t*" P.""s" "Tg tririfirkrßTßElLT. ore oarebutei , tt - 9. ex:rTuot • I DIM 1: SO bbl. No. blabberal SO balfs do. do 30 bbls N 0.3 Large sablgabair, SIS do. ; bbis d . M - elbat do., SaN baba bbis rirtvhd trim 9.000 isotod. Coeflt. .11d• tale bY fbm .a. d. 141 Pint • WNDEMION J..*4 BROTHEIia, asMI6 Menu allet, Dui. la Pawn Medicines. law FOR SALE I'O BALI:. A Pen Street liesidenee TLet it.rge; tb rce orle.l BRICK 111VilDiNCE No. 110 flttitttel, trill be sold II pun rtothovalde term,. The House 11 one of the most Wubstaollal sod well- built res.ldenees w the city.• It c..altelni IR Reotul. with Bath Celia, an•l •ttic, "Eh all the =I Tbr FL/ RNIT UltE well br iota with tLe boule If de:lred.and Immediate paste...lon:an be Rleen For I rjrmAt Lon, Inquire ore. B. M. SMITH 93 Dltmond strtel, or of cat ooderslbted.i 11. W. WILLIENIS, Jr., lOU WOOD WIREET; 1:1 7 0111 SIIBURRAN RESIDENCE At Sewickley. ithelog deter - mitred upon remov'ng tont,. Wen at the ball Wdriret net, T •reetuto, 1 offer for tale the proper , y where I hove rerlde. •tiothitg the ol bewleth y. The grounds eonslet of near it/acres. finely diversified solth grams slopes, level and obtupt hunt , A plensant bract Tresses th:eruch the LL. 'Lade! try 01:11• time] One oil lorett Irons of a tios_n varieties• There are nert , :y 200 hearing pear trees of choir:rat selection*, tellies appir, winch, plum. cherry, rte. Also, grapes, raspiretiles, blank beerier, at awbertles and other sirnSlier'Polt• ?bete Is als•ge spree for vegetable garden. ?fie ornamental throbs verge er s, roses and rare plants are an altraelte f more. verrsrProPri stet) giving the Dame •• Tanglewood w to the Plate, whilst the vir re. et he Ohio lice, the Mil. and the vality,render this spot unsurpassed pletaresque to the riererllng house Is a first clam brick, arid beside attic nun cemented cellar tinder the whole —contains 19 rooms and west...eons and coal home In basement, with numerous large elotets rot China, Mom and stone-wailed There Is • largo and never•faliwg stone-wailed cistern. Oiled vrtth water Pont she e roof, aud pfirolm (Or hot and cold water in bathroom. ktteirerrand wash house, waste tenter Is rhschat,ed through Litres thenwdlstance fr o th the houe. lh•re Is an let house sod Comm. dram hour' eg room. • Rd" horn, morlsge abed and chicken yard. Therrien , . Is bounded on a I sides In Whitey th and amid •• • • le ease Mtn railroad or turnpike. newicalay Is 14 tulles Worn the city, on Ow Ti. Wayne Railroad, and pose see many attractions for at üburban residence. The neuter.... encore modatio, trains leave nothing to be re In the way of communication, and the railroad baggier tee rive, all the wry down. make, tile rlds delighful.y retreat tog. The ecelytv of the Valley Is most desirable, (or, betides ita worthy f•rtners and •rtteani. here are found the country neat. of many city tditnre, profcssot a. ranters, blinkers. Sall other beide.. min and reared merchinis. 13..0,1 school, abound, and II re are aeratee of serous denomluations. having the • able.: tel ban re. Po- price and to rnnn • all at no . Drag More, No IVS bib. rib We. l'iltstottra b. If nut solo be fore April Int, loin proppert7 will be to et. WILLIAM DIACKEOWN 209 ' LOTS FOR SALE EREAP —Situ•te nearly adjoining the Ron oushs itirmlnghant and booth Pittsburgh. and within Ilfieen minima walk a Cann garret ears, N•arly 500 lots hale lately been sold here.a goodULU, Of which nave been belt Upon. Only about 200 VCIIIIIII7I that are offend roe sale by te original., *bleb can now be had VI paying . % mall amount dawn onesch Lot. and the balance In one, two and three para. Feints of Lots now range from It ll2l 5 to s4oole. .. ay . MCLAIN it °t /e ' 2l7 104 Yount, avenue. VOA' PALE.—Engines and 80i1.41.7 . 41 . 7 MIS. Now and Briton! Eland, or all kind, connantly on bond. Orders from all nuts of the conntr9 prompt) executcd, J&IIIKS HILL & CO.. Corner Marlon LUIS. and P.. F. W. & C. B. W, DERSONAIL-All perscinc seek- INN lideflUl, or Investments to kdal tate. dill sore thee, trouble and more) by pro enrln e a co py Cl the f . rITTSEIIIte I REAL ESTATE HEGISTEIt. II Ltd men ad ay amen/ or will leo gent by OLK of It Persona Cabot 101 l tomall ) t stilted G ou t of the tare , Oat It coutzl ne. (11IUTT PIIILLIM, Sabers and PAal Endo Agents. Co. 171 Youll.l VALUABLE RANK STOCKS.— %ENS. THIRD D `S. FVENINO. Morelo 334.1. 1370..0. olelvex. will be sold on ere Ind door Wen 4-on, enerelal Nalco no lao. 106 noniontlald Went: • 36 onare• Notional Baal: 31 onares Thiel No :opal Honk) 33 shame Prepl:s National nk: 10021 A.. 3101.11 MSC. Auctioneer. INSURANCE IRON CITY EUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. Hon. JAMES Rey. J. L CLARE, H. H.. Cash. B. IN,BINSON. • Rev. A. E. BELL,D. Her. h. H. NEtatlT, HIS.. • W. A. REED, Cashier Alleghen 'alt CO. JACHB 1.1.35 H, Beal gnats Aaca y t. NIHON Walla!, Mayor or Allegheny, C. W. BENNY, A. h. BBIA., AttorneY - at -, ...!, D. L. VAI rgatcYN. I.¢MINC merchant. U. BWHiialt. Least enc., ,t. Vein. ROUT. KOHIN WON. Prestdeut. Hay.J. ltb.i.H.lC.l.l.D"NlCePresleteu% JACOB Secretary, C. it. QYNNT. Treasurer. H. W. WHITit. IliteCAL AlMteeta. SWetilat. tien'l Agent. COM BUBB/NED Alit 818 FOB Tilt CO,: John M. Donald* , 0. Allegh ny. Pa. Wc•e WHaesir l o 4 i h g es sevad , P Be aver, Pa. P. H. Coorslo, McKeesport., Pa. Ileums, H. Johnson. Blairsville, Fs- J. S. etrayer Johnstown. ra. Company strictly mutual. All Broite acerutni to polley holders try dividend returned anomaly from the end or the first year. All poilcies non. 3.111 • CASH INSURANCE COMPANY: FIIELLAWS lIII7IISIIMICE, me. YI FILM Avenue. Ilenead RN • prrnmsuieun.lrA. Capital a i Paid VP. i l , R. J. Hl ley. Ji:l:Pipit, rapt-K.141W, Halal Wallaoa, n. H Hartman, A. Ohambota. Jake Hill, S. kl. , Clnrkan. J. X. Bann. Tbosnat datith Jno.S. Villleek. HORS T 11. KIN% President. .1140. JW. T '.J UHNn N O GS , , a V cer e e tPAl7es.ident Capt. R. J. (MACK, Paul Aaent. Insures on Literal Terms on all /Ire enlt3 .VirES'I'ESN &SUB ANCE COM. PAITY OV rirrmstrßon. LXXANDER Peeddent. WX. P. HERBERT. Secretory. Oiki likkOlOL :MELD, Ventral /tont. Witte, 9X Witter street, even, Co.`, Want house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. riltruure agninst au kinds of Piro anti life. e Blake. A. home Institution, maimed by Di. rectors who are well known to the community. and who an determined by prompincm end libel' silty to inalotain the character which they tome mouned. ae offering Um best yrotntlon to note wbolleelse to he lasure.4. • 51M.,082: Alex.Acr Hlalew Jean E. Yeenue, /15.1ter. Jr I ~ • Chao. J. Clarke. M. Kl=7. ic:A I James u uy, Alexatuter, Azdrow Act lea, David M. LusS. P. Omen. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Federal It. and Diamond, illegken Ole es, In th. EXCOND If ACTIONAL BM BUILDIN O. . art. Jos. 111-cri, C. &vit. ino.,Jr.looorimtierst. Jacob hon. . o.ll.rWlthams Jno. Tbombaos J. McMullin:l INDEMNITY AGAINST - I-03S DT WM/. FRANKLIN MURANCE CO: OF fRILADELPMA ortlC=.l7Bt &TT 011EBTXCT ST.,near Ms • Dmilorc.M. %Idly. Hawker. lionStrAlli. UMW, ToWu mner. David S. Ilmra, md rat. Nue Lea, Jrb IL tar, lf..lyrard C. Dee Hisrili. (PIVVILICI, 4.:l3 r gir. (DW. C. PALA. 'lke Pesident. " .V . th=lt r arrin °l 7 . -1, • North Welt corner Thlrd and Wood NUesia. lehriml. DEOPLES , narRANCE CORI L. PAHL fI 0 N. Z. CORN'S WOOD JUTE 1515 =I DIMIOII.OIII %V?. reEr Cbar AM:to, 12, 11 ., 7 1 X1fl rk. lam ;k w . jar ,. erwd JOHN WAIT' lee PreiddeaW. W. F. HARDNER. klmseta ry. LEG EN Ir• INSILHANCr 01Y COMPANY OP PITTSBURG IcE, No. SMYTH ST 'MT. 1 U BLOB'. lamas magma all kinds of Piro sag Marla. Ta I &YRIMIS ' y I!.. Vire rxraidenL 4.l. taiI 4 MTML I :=I7.I/rent. ' DISZCTOIi: 1 terl. l 74 '""" Lie Agri, . ttga ll ia74? . Chit"' es ay, ' emu J. T.tB , • daa V.M. Win. Dean. T. H. Nevin. .WEST COMMON • • Muhllna Mom Wor/ti. Portalrirecornor of Wort *comma. *llO TILND , II ATITATIISL el` CO. • limo on hood or memo cm ohart sotto. riernll Log Otap litonciNTlagr for nidorralks, armor , ae. Hood and Tomb Miami. W "nun. st.l. P 1 .114. •••• lable• JOHN T. GRAY, House and Sign Painter, fraitaarmie.A.Nio GaAezErat, Ns, tte Ninth Street, 1.311119 (LAM Bawl AMUSEMENTS OrNEW °PEW\ RUTIN& &clod elskit of the engagement of the cele— brated A taerleao actor. MR. E. L. DAVENPORT. Who was greeted lair t•entna by, • faaltlonable and d.nehted andiener. .1 LtrEl` •Y EVENING. Merril 22.11110, yelll De presented the great romantle drama of Err. MARC; us Tu. tR)LIIIER-Or POILTDR.E. WrittenexpresEiy for Mr. Davenport aim pro umisced Dv the press nd public alien( al Most Intensely latervillng dram. trtittes. St. Mare, a:it:idler or Fortune ....Mr. Dareuport Oraad Famtlr Matinee on Saturday. arsusormy or music. 110=35 Commencing MONCAT •YI.NIRO. ItareOWl. TUE ONLY MORRIS llRue. IlitintrELn. Organized Pere inner 1147. TW gY-JIX STAR ARTIaTd: LIiN. BILLY and:CIIARLEY MOBILIB. With one Winner alim Vet Commas. First appearance In LI star. of the mutant author. MA and comedian. LON hfultßlS. Who will sinew at ach perihrniume in its great apeelaittes• CARLAND and, rowsus. chain. pion Song and Dance Hen and 'Alabama Triplets. The Great BERNARDO as Palmy Pal. ISNLATIIAW land BtLLY STlVtleti, onr Pathetic Isalladlat and Manny l'Oellers. BILLY MURIIIS and hl. MOCKING BIRD. First time or 'NEW 'THAR'S CiLLS. Change of Programme each creating. Prices as .anal. labiate* WHOLEsAIX GROCERS. ace. DIRFER4CO 9 c 44 243 Liberty Street, =I WHOLESALE GIROCEItS, Pittsburgh, Pa EIETI ESTABLIIMED BY A. it T. GORKY, 181% W. DI. ODBILLY, WHOLESALE,VO:iOjMn No. 221 Liberty Street, WilliscrLT Oh?. raillral HOTBIO rIT'IBITECIII. PA N. 13TY.E.LE J. •• BTLILLY. M . STEELE & SON, Commission Altirchan:s FLOM'S, GM-AIN, FEED, Ore* Ho. VS OHIO sTurr, near Eaat Common =6 MEANOII &11AIIPER, /FLOOR, DRAIN AND PRODUCE COMILLiSSiOII Merchants; so. us LIBERTT STRUM llsrnmtlita mollelted W. C. ARMSTRONG, (i 3.01.02 to Totter It Amostmor,s PRODUCE COINEBOOII RERCHART, NO. 26 Market Street.. m 713 L J, BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 395 PENN STREET TITTLE, & PATTON, Wholesale limners, Commission Mercbmite ilealersin Produce. Flour. Eason, Mite's. Fish. iartionami Lard Oil. Won, Halls, 01a..e. Vallou Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures enerally, 119 and 114 131/00170 13TBSICT. Pluabargh, JIIIIX 1. zoosz..szw: z. mats TOHN I. 1101:18E & BROIL, Sue. maxim to JOHN I. HOUSE a CO., WWI. ale Grocers awl Commission litereltweta, Conner or SwlcWleld and Water etreets. eittabarsh. WIiIIPTON &WALLACE.WhoIe dLE OROCEBS AND PRODUO2 DZAII . No. 6 MUTH EITH66T. PlDabank. , 1 -- , ; ,03);(s):/.1410trAs F00;14 SPRIM AND SEEDER STILES! 1870. J. C. leemeasux. C. c. VOIILABBEIN6I. MTHERSON &MUHLANBRING, Merchant Tstlure, No 10 bIXTII REKT, taw et. Clair.) We bare rectivid Sharon mtg. well selected Stock of Melost and most fashion able tiooda to our hoe • great Part.n of whkb ate our own importado 1. rCI Hug cum:Went of ur ability to nitre perfect smtsfact on, we respectfully solicit Iv ott .01 05 early examtnattou of .or stool of Clothe, Cassis:woes. Vettonrs, Se. - Mar UMW M male No. 10 tilsth Meet. DVALICE.OI,M, PASIIIONABLS PiIEROHANT TAILOR • Seeps constantly on Mal Cloths, Cannmerus and vestiosim Also,fiEli MINIUM FITENIEEILNG GOODS. /le. 93 1-2 2mlthOeld Street.. prirestrfaa. PA. m st.l. ifirGeaVe Olotklag made to area Ix Istad 6 uds NEW 141PRING GOOD& A opilindAl sem noa of (moral', 4411.8811/LEEZA /Itch, Jut received toy lIZISi 111111171111 k; Xeraukt LEGAL. • U. R. /a ABIDIAL 01710 E. W. D. of Tenusylran., Prrtsinunot, Marta 19. 11110. : ELI IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the llth day of II arch. A. 040. gamut In Bankruptcy was hlslied th Estate of WILLIAM H. IiIIORSE, of to. burgh. la the County of Allegheny, andllta. el . Tenney.., oho haa been adlusged a, 11.1. rapt on ha own petition: that the parakeet of any deb. and detirery of an PreibmW tont. Wu to such Bankrupt to hi m or for jdo MM. and the transfer of soy pruprAby klmare firto hidden by law; that a Meet Mei:natters of the to wore heir Debts and to choose one or more lowly.. of hls hoiden held at a tnifl. of Bankruptcy. lb be at the eel. of the Ileum., No. 93 Dia mond atter, lo be city or Plltsburuh. before SAMUEL HARPER. Eau., Reutster,on the 9th DAT cf APB/to A. D. 18 1 ft, at 10 o'clock A. O. A. , 11 U. B. Marshal. Ss Item eas.t. QOM IIiTHE DIiTRICT COURT OF TUC DNITED STATIC. FUR THE WM nit N Distiller .7 PIiNNOYLVA la. la the matter of TDODAh C. DUFF. binkrapt u ln banal...retry. To whom 1; may roneetn: Tee nedentened hereby Zees arab e of his appoint. melt me Asalenee of THOM an C. DUlfe, of the ty or e . In the county of Alleshely and elate of re nonyerania. wlthla mad Dleartet. who has heel ete %lodged a Bankrupt epee his WU oetatlon by the LlLstreet Court of Matriet. • JenDe W. !SHARI N. Alsalgeee de. Dated the 7th ill. Yoh.. 1070 frireYei-T LETTERS TEIMAMENTAIRY sport the • butte or JA3IIIB ALEXAII late it Bandeau 1010201 P. All , Shen? Coma deed,tureisg beet eirstrlo.l 10 tea taleSillielliest. all perooollooootet. Are required to maim pey• ..d person. bselllg Cistolll said estate will present them properly Putuentl. ceded for settlement to tneundereqpied, at Ts r, nom. • ra•CIPI VII. V. EVANd. Executor. NOTlCE.—LettersTestamen. TART on we mat* of Julitti 11110 , ~.0./1.1 KEN, deerultd. late of Phitl tow.blp, Sllexhruy eauuty, hstelnebf au Word to the cc. :restuneo. atl. Tungus haring elate. ',JIM'S cold estate will toeseut them. sod wriest 100.4 will mate Immediate paintewl to norz W. HASTINO. Executor, f,l3:onx ex. towoold BS IGN E 8 SALE.-806 4u zeimit cveximu, M ACCUUNTB Ur U.C. arch ,19t11. at IX o'clock, lay order of Auld.. Beak = :1 7 , 4111 ' 4 NV) OWNlVol l iefea r1=1; Accounts of v.• •let o • Beetroot. • hi 7 Asetkrinsr. po),oaf:f:)(o,rAtil De CANE', G • thORNEY AND COUNSEUON AT, UM Has removed to No. TBO TRTE=LT, nib wa in. srUi srsolleo la Um U. I. QM.% asa oiluta twans..ta am Mote w I S m n m a e Osatd oOn aonsnmAoegba y s t sa y, coottes. U. McCOIRMICIIL, * Attorney - at:4..9,w. No. 69 GRANT lITRZZT jirgampt attention eve. to all Ittsig tzsi AUCHUIALD BLAEELUT, STrcalrfordy-evr-iaLW. to. le PLIFTH STRALIN =UZI ==l WM. B. NEE#EII, • aI.DXXXILN AND rx-orruno .11131101 Or rZACS. OFICK, 89 FIFTH AVESIIX. al attention given I. ena2alidalat do , ...tot. Dead,. bands and X ay. and-all legal business atten4=7;4ll; •ntl,prirmtaly. KEYSTONE POTTERY. is. M. KiER & 00., manuracturamot . Queensivare, Bristol Ware, et.. tmk...4 *welkin t0636361131.11,1C iFirALI onus presoUT sIMPAAN in 4 =3