PEETENIMEG;; : AM ERICAN BANK, ... .. No. eci,:rol7ltTEl- AVIELNIIII, , ... - • ~ . . PITTSBOIIOII. CITA CAPITAL • • • • - .2.000 Stockholders Individually , Liable. INANk winitscouvi AND DEPOSIM JOHN ViiOTD -`. Virld.7l.oYlk, • - . rtttident. . Quitter. nos: Y. 14111:117 Jolat M. Mart:sad, IX i..*.lgz: terivr, ca.... A . Leciak w,..13°74! /V 0711,,r _ _ ~.,,,,,yortod, yortod _ lnl3 row folly prrorz Aenseral Baas Ir.grmar SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at .114 Mat Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue - nv. 'JAS. T. BRADY & Co., • . ••• 15, JON= A 00.. Corner Fourth Atenue and Wood St., Bay itnd NAL 11 kladn of GOVEtNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, MUER AND (XICIPONO, ON Wte FAVORABLE TIBER. ter Lateran Allowed ea Depos ii•lioon knowt“ . on EIOTMINIIIId Banda V. 211•11 ML ro Orlion. inzoonto4 . toe-the Purellanne " Rad Mato of &MOCK% SONDE Mid SOLD. -MILES T. 'BRADT & CO, • ItittArto &kens< FINANCE AND TRADE. Ospian or Prrrissosa*Gessrris, SATCMDAY.• Mau% 19,1819. S The peat week wee very quiet in all the departments .of finance. Gold ruled in the average at aboutill, and la not likely to change much until the fanning bill will come before the House again. In Government securities the badness baa never been ro Maly scarcely any thing doing. There is no change In quo- . &attars: nor demand from Europe pend ing the decision of the funding bill, and no speculative movement. In onr home Market everybody expecte a closer Money market and a decline In bonds. In stocks there was a alight reaction, but not audiclant to Induce new short sales- The - future, In allprobability. will wltncee a gradual decline In all values without any violent decimal= -either way, neither Ls there any danger of a patio. The movements of the out aide pubic have been extremely can. ions, and the money market la too easy disturb the regular operators. ~- ..- Money in our local market is better apciated, but not very active. ness dull with a neglect In all Movements in local macadam before April next. Me tr d i = m Go m ld, l a l2 s % r ; e S c i e l i v v e e r d 11 y E ht ß Om% 114%. Five Twenties, 1862, 109 X: do 'MK . 16 8%; do 1866, 109 , 4'; do - do 1861,109; do 1868, 109 tit. Ten Ironies, 10534; Adams Ex mrnmpany 61; Merchants Union Company, .6; American Ex trCompany, SBq: Western 'Union egraph.B.l%; New York Central 192%. Ex Div; Beading, P 6%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne a Chicego, 94%; Ohio A Min- Madge!, 18k; Michigan Southern, 85%; Cleveland or Plttaborgh, VS; Chicago, Book Island & Pacific, 183: Chicago d Meth' Western, 7N: Chicago & North Western Preferred ‘ 62N; Pale 24,%. ••••••^.••--- • --- ILICELLVeII. - - Large. &ma ll . London, per A...—. 5540 15,60 SI 24 /34=0ct5kLer—„......... St 83 rt. fLorLas...».--. 47 - 49 Taleitahh to the rittatearsh illaseUe.l New Yoax, March 19, 1870, The money market was extremely easy. The rates most of the day for call loans were 466 per cent., with mod of the transactions at 5 per cent, but at the ideas the balance was offered at 3@4 per cent. The bank statement, however, was un• favorable, showing a net loss in legal reserve of nearly 0.000,000, and is re gardad se a warning of a closer money - money market. L 31614 070,003,682 ; incresse, ;1„883,079. Specie, ;32,014,749; decrease, 0,334,388. Circulation, ;33,- 699,563 ; decrease, 1186,176. Deposits, 008,816,823; decrease, ;1,194,402. Legal tenders, 02,774,420; decrease, 0,572,581 The newest development in the fraud. Mont check fine is the swindling of Woodhull, Clarlin it Co., female bro ker Arm, by some party of 13,890 gold, , a certified check on Greenwich Bank, purporting to be drawn by Park it Tel lbril for 84.360 52, but really altt rad from .a genuine check for 00. Greenwich Bank may, however, be losens.! Another fraudulent chock of 0,600, also purport ing to be drawn by Park it Telford to order of Woodhull, .t Co., was (*Mined by a New York cmntry Bank, but the certification was subsequently cancelled. Events In the cotton trade are unusu ally important this week: The bears in Liverpool frightened by the increasing srrlosis of American, covered their short" on it large scale. The market cones. quently advanazd, which bad its "Mot hero, :Weak sellers rushed into the market to cover, and the price advanced flar,low middling from 20 0 to 2 20 , and' middllngelrom 213; to 23%, while the harmer for future delivery want from 1934 to 23. Total receipts of port to date 2,303.872 tales, sta'nst:l774,ss4 last year, showing the rapidity with which the crop is marketed. At a meeting of the directory of the Chesapaske tad Ohio Railroad Company, this city, on the Wyk,' proposals were opened and contracts moots for tbsprlzi. lapel portion of the work on the eaten - deo *Gibe road to the Oblo river. Be tween idx fetid seven thousand men will tblleby be`placed at heropo the work, and It is probable ad will be in operation between the Kanawha coat fields and the Ohio river within a year. The Secretary reported 'that the floating debt of t ie Company. nearly a million \ dollars, ' had been paid off, and slates , that the interest in the Blue Ridge tun. nelarorlded for in Virginia bonds, new ?loan, in the hands of Flak rt.' Hatch, was balsigraNdly taken, sad theconditionof the Company's 11nanote was ouch as to Justify a most energetic pro:mention of the Wort. ~' • _ tellarling• firmer it 84e1834. , Geld mat' ket strong and active during the fore noon, on. large purchases l by foreign ' bankerg;"but closed dull though steady. The price opened at 12, advanced to 12X, fell to 12%, and closed at 12%. - Cferv/inErlidee et 0 0 6 per cent. Clear snocweiBo,ooo,ooo. Expartt today 06,228; and for the week 6310,491. Goirettitnents *dull and lower closing barely 11, 611, stea@ iS . 2 t Coupons: BM 14 d 4 o l 4 6 %; d00;% e % 3047/do g V B s % %€x do%;n 5X4 5 3i; curren edee.323Mo2oi% . y Mud faccurities firm; Miagiaris. 91 1 Old Tennessee, 57%; 'sew do., 49X; old Virginias, 7334; new do, 72%; Georgia • re, 84; do. 7's, 93; North Otrolins Ws, 40; • new, M; Louisiana 6's, 75; new, 70%; levee O's, 78 8.0. Mg; Mamma s's, 72; 90%. cis firmer, though coded, - sworn Masotti and express stocks Canton, 01%; Cumberland, 27; Weste rn Unimi Telegraph, 32%; Quicksilver, 10; Martpoee, 734; do. preferred. 18; Adams Express, 61; Walls a Fargo, 20: American Rapers, 38%; United States_ Express, 474; tiew Yoi 11. Central, 92%; Extra Mi . Mend scrip, 90,4; do. Erie, 34X; do. pre. forted, 430; Ilarlem, 141; Reading. 96; idlabigan Central, 119; Like Shore. 85%; Illinois Central, 139; Pittaburgh, 98: Northwestern, 7 i%; do. preferred, 82%; 0% preferßoelp/sland. 1111%; St. Rani, preferred6B%; dO. 7k Fort Wred, 78 ayn %; e, Wabath,4s; do. , ; Te-re Bente, 115;• do, preferred, 65: Chicago rt Alton, 11134; do. preferred, 112; Ohio et litiestsalopii gllgt New Jersey Central. 102%; bo. bisque, 167 X; C. C. a I. 0., 17; 0. C. tr. C., 711. Boston priced; Copper Falls, 6; Frank. nd, 6; Recta, 80; QnlrtnT, 1 7. SnbTreasury balance; gold, 176.029,816: carrel:loF. 14•441,866; general balance, 121,6511;240; canoelled gold Certificate* sent to Wasittodtory 61,566,000. oate...fp ne - ah w w r e o ek dm, ;3 g 1 00 9 d % a dd 459. " Orirdiso;•ldareb 19.—Catile active and wars firmer at 111137,76 , for common cdary to wars prim, lehippiag Morena oimc. ~;', pr;;;;EIGZ GAZETTE, ? . SATURDAY, /bird . 10 . 1070. 1 The markeis in • general wayere very unsettled and irregular and devoid of anything realty new or important: The prospects; however, are favorable for an etrly improvement and ourj merchants generally are making amngementa for and expect a good epring trade, and it Is earneeLly hoped that these expectation, may be lully realized. As yet, however, the demand for moat of the leading arti cle, la fight and entirely local, which is occasioned malnlytiy the uncertainty In regard to values, and, an might be ex pected, the volume of buainers in the aggregate i.e light. APPLE It UTTS.P.—Quoted at 6 .5 , 3 7 60, ASHES—quiet tind unchanged. Com mon Sods Aeb, 4: refined, 4. , 4'4&1,4j. Pearls, 9@935; Po 73g. t APPLES—Mar t rather doll and tin der influence 0 increased receipts, pricee are barely sustained. We con tinue to gonte at I 60@3.50 per bbl. BUTTES—Ther t f i la plenty ofvointuon and medium grad of Butter coming in, while strictly prl e fresh In scarce -and wanted—the Latta may be quoted at asig4o. . BEANS—In good supply and dull, but unchanged, f1,7642)2 per bushel for fal to prime. BROOMS—Store prices: No. 2, 113,75. No. 8, 11-1,50; No. 4, MOO; No. 5, $5,50. Carpet Broome, 116,000 6,50. BUCKWII.Ria FLOOR-2,000 ilos at 2 cents. . BROOM CORN4I3@II cta per ponud. CB EESE—Weatern Reserve; 184 c; Hamburg. 11; Ohio Factory MO; Ohio Goshen, 18e; Newil:ork. Goehen, 19c. BORN MEAL—Is dull and cannot be quoted above 90 to 95, in store. CRANBERRIh—Are quoted all the way trona 12U to /24 per bbl. CARBON OIL —l/ull and drooping; we now quote standard brands at 23 4@ 2.4 cPs. DRIED FRDlT—continues very dull; prices unchauged. Apples, 74S eta; Peaches at 71468%cf0r quarters arid 93. i (4103ic for halves; pared Peaches, 18 ®20, Illac WO kberries, 12®14%, ; pitted Cherries, =I eta. EGOS—In brisk demand end firmer with rates at 27€1:6—arrtvals light du. ring past Mu or three days. FEATHERS—Bak" at WOO, and the usual advance for small lots, hi a retail FLOUR—Motet aoritioues quiet and prices arty unchanged. We continue to quote western dour., in store. at .sgidEe for eprlng. and 15,50@t6,00 for winter. Rye dour, 15,00. GRAlN—There is a fair Meal demand for wheat, and' but llttle adoring; we continue to quote at $410®11.13 for goad to prime Red. Oates continue dull not withstanding the .arrivals during the week have been light, end the market Is by, ho insane gluded; 'we eon nuo to quote 'at 42®43, buying. and 45®47, selling. Oorn Is drill and the supply only moderate, may be quoted at 70(4711, on wharf and track, and 75®78 In store. Rye Is nuchabged, dealers are baying at Be, and 'selling at 33®86. Bele of a small lot at 8234, aad a mar load at 85. Sulu is dull and it regular, and the leading_ buyers con tinue very e•bearlsh." Quotations may be fairly given at Be for spring and BO (or fall, with some few sales to email buyers at 3 to 6 Bentemora. RAY—Is quiet and unchanged. Sales from country wagons at 1160120 per. ton. EVESSES—SaIes at 21i@2u per pound. HOMINY—SaIes at 56,75®6,00 per bbl. LARD OlL—Extra No. 1, city brands, quoted at 11,25(§1,27. J.7 7 AN—Eastern white lime, 11,75; Cleveland, 112,25. MAPLE SYRUP—SaIes at - 11,75 In gallon jugs—yugs included. (JED/NS—tient and unchanged; 020 2,75 Der bbl. - sa to quality. POULTRY—We continue Di quote dressed chickens, at 1.4®15 eta and dressed turkeys, I6li/20. POTATOES—DoII, notwithstanding the arrivals continue light, and,pricee are barely mainsamed; we quote at 46 @KM per bushel. PEANUTS—SaIe of 120 bge prime Tennesse, for another market, at Sc, PROVISIONS—The market is quiet and' dull . bat unchanged. Shoulders, 17.34(41234c for plain, IN®l3,tio for Sugar Cured; Sides, My& Inc Ribbed; and 1610 for Clear. Sugar (.bred Haute, 17}4c; Breakfast Bann, 1710. Lard, in tienxe, 15c; and in kegs, 18r. Mete Pork, 3273‘. Dried Beef, 19@t21 eta: POPATOES—Quiet - and unchanged. sales in store at 50 eta. PEARL- BARLEY—No. 4,6; No. 3. 614% No. 1, 6.4:. Oatmeal, 1111,50 per bbl; 65,56 per half bbl. SEEDS—Clover seed Is nnebingetfat 18W334 Timothy seed Is firm, scarce r and higher; we now quota at 15%®5%. Flaxseed, 12,12®2„15. SALT—Ia quoted at /1,75 by the ear load. I= 09suis cos Prrrestruair. Oizarra, IFL...rum:ter, March. 19. 1170. • I=3 The all business has been very dull and heavy throughout the week which has just closed, and with very light sales, prices, compared with last week, are conelderably lower. One bad feature connected with the business is the fact that refined is declining with crude; and the refiner is but little better off now with crude at 114' than when it was 12% Sad 13. As has bent the case all winter, crude is higher relatively than relined, and this is one of the ugly. features in trade at the present time. The treight question,, however, Is the all-absorbing mime of discussion in oil circles, and this la not to be wondered at, as It to the moat Important paint In the businessots upon tt hinges the future prosperity of the trade. As we have re. peatedly noticed, a movement is now on foot to ship to:Baltimore, by way of the Baltimore dt' Ohio Railroad, as ship manta can be made by this route at a much less cost than In charged by the Penna Central Company. A meetinsof the trade is announced lbr Monday to make the necessary arrangements for carrying this new project Into effect, and it will no doubt be largely attended, as It is a vary -Important movement, and one In which not only every oil dealer, but many others are more or less inter . &welute crude this week, 8,449; last week, 9,924; from January Ist to date 175,420; same time last year. 122,184 Exports refined this week, 8,827; last week 0.676; from January Ist to date, 81,199; sametime last year; 88,827. Estes this week, crude, 8,000 Iddafxeliped, NO* last week, crude, 4,406; renned,Z,ooo. CUSUDR. Continues dull and weak and prices have still further declined. March is. quoted at 115‘; April, 11 bid, and 11X asked; April to September, 12; and buyer all year, 14. -It begins to look now as if the predictions made by some dealers that oil would touch tee cents this spring, would be realized. REFINED. • Is quiet, and compared with yester day, without quotable change. March, 2.515 bid; April, 26 bid; May and' Juno 27!4'; August to December, 29 bid; May to October, 28M; buyer all year, SOS (41 BON. It would naturally he supposed ;bat those extremely low prices would Produce a speculative feeling, but aa yet there Is no Indication of anything of the kind. . manna or OILUDII OIL 17 V V. L B. ; Fisher 8r0.560. on account same; Cos. 'PIM 011 Work, 76 on account A V B. k; 4A B 66111a80, on account W Bartle; Jae ;Wilkins 240 e ;In account; Pull'a , rod Amgen Pet Ccr., Stella 011 .WOrke, 660, - -011 otecounco Goldrich; Spray Oil Works 600, on account 13 Heepler. Total refined 1,916 ,b1:113. tur&&&nr• • or .oic. 'SY A. P. IL -IL J. A. McKee, 300 bbls Tanned ott to W. P. Loran & Bro., Phtbadelphis. Fulton, Marvin & Co. 248 bbls refined to W. P. LOgsn & Bro., Prilhidelnknii. 4 Fulton, Marvin Co., 60 bbls rape...loll to W. 0. Laird, Phil's. Totst 596 bbl.. OIL SHIPPED SUIT TITTQITE/LOS DSPOT. Hutchinson Olt &Refining Co. 480bbIs refined to A. B. McHenry& Co.; Phila.. MARKETS U TELEGRAPH. • New Your., March 19. n opened Weedy and closed quiet; sales 2,800 bales at 2 440 1 hr middling uplands. • FlOur. receipts 3,103 bble; nutrket heavy but Is Unchanged; sales 0,400 bbls at 14,50@4,66 for superfine State and western, 24,70(0 3,50 for extra State, 141,65(45,50 for WWI ern extra, -15,264g6,05 for good choice white wheat extra, 64,8546 for round hoop Ohio, 115,30,303,11 for extra St. Lints, 56,20018,60 for good choice dot, including 2,000 DUO' low grades extra to arrive next week at 54,60. Reel:lour quiet; sales 760 ' 1 bbls at 64,40(4)5,30; Corn meal quiet. Whisky firmer; Wes 400 bbis at 19401 for western free, 980 for patent. Wheat: receipts of 19,040 bash; market dull and e uthay fn favor or buyer', Sales 21.000 at 900 for rejected No. 3 spring; 51,05, No. $ spring; 11,24141,3 T, winter red and Ember western; 51,50, white State, ft,. quiet. Barleyln fair request; sales 21,- 900 bath Canada western st 11Q)1,M, the latter Price for Say Barley Malt dull. Corn—recelpte: 7.468 bath: mane and a shade better for new; sales WAX bush at 91@i980 for new mixed western; 9734 e, new white western:' 51 new west erw yellow; 11,01, new yellow jotter ; 111.02, new yellow oontiterrn, 49sts—re. minty 3,456 brush; market opened active with a speculative demand and le better elating dal; salmi NON; Dull at WM; . . • • • • • •• • nd-atlas[: • Ohio. and State. Rice inactive. Coffee: market Irstetive:' 'Sugar dull; pales 300 hhda (Alba were made at '44' @IOC: .15. boxes Rav:at 10Aa., Molas ses. dull. HOP 9 Quie in t. k Petroleum dull at 14®14 1 , , e for etude, 255'ylele for re. heed. Coal quiet.- Wool list:mut do: cided change: eaten 500100 rstentis at-In ®5430 for domestic fleece, 37sOfic for polled, 5214 c /or combing. Leather steadier. Ltmeed nil doll. Pork quiet; sales 350 bide at te2ti for mess, f19ed,20 for prime, and Mt fur prima mess; also 500 bbls meow, seller April, at Lai. Reef steady; sates 150 bids at $10(4,15 for new plain mess, $t4@18,50 (or new extra toe.% Tierce- beef: aides 20 tiorcea at f23®28 for prime mess, $27®30 for India mess. Beef hams steady;calet 110 - bids at $25®32 for new.. Cult meate weedy: sale,, of 345 pkgs at 1034®10950 for shoulders and 1434 ®15,14c for hams. Athletics qt lett tiles of 135 loxes at 12,t‘0 for Cumbor lard cat cud 141,40 for ions clear. Lard heavy and dm-oiling: sales of 375 tierces at 13!‘®143‘c for ateam and 1434@15c for steam; also 1,250 tierces etsant, atelier April, May and June, at /4e. flutter steady, 14 ®260 for Ohio. Cheese quiet, 14(gtleo. , Freights dull and unchanged. Sheathing copper ideady at 31c. Ingot copper quiet.l9®l9lic for Baltimore and Lake.Supermr. Plg Iron quint, steady; ;320437 for Scotch and #31435 for Amer ican. Bei quiet and drooping; ;82,50 for refined English and American. Sheet dull, I/ ®12.3 gold for Resets. Nails quiet: 4%®434e for cat, 13c for clinch and 5z@.."9,3 foe horeeaham. Lateat.-qlour cloteed. dull and an. changed. ',Wheat dull and heavy at 51,0801,13-Tor No 2 apeng, and ;1,24® 1,147 fur winter red and amber western. Rye nominal. Oats dull at 56c-in store, and it.Se albat for western, and 60®eln for Ohio. Corn quiet and steady at 94® Psi for sound new mixed western. Pork dull at /26 for Meas. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats ha moderato deruand. Bacon nominally' • unchanged. Lard duel at 14@14 tie for good to prime steam. Eggs firm at 103®290. Sr. LOOM, March 19.—Tobaceoi supply not equal to the demand. CottOn &Inlet but ilrm at. 27. c, Hemp dull and tin. changed. Flour very dull; Gales fell superfine at 5222154,100 q,• .extra, 14,20® 6,50; double gilts, $4,73; treble ettra, Wheat: choice tall in demand and higher, other grideuntichanged; No; 2 spring mold at 60Wi2c; No. 2 led fall, f1,0?.4. choice, $1,20. Darn firm at 750) 78,3 for aound mixed and yellow: ilo@t3c, do. w bite. Oats firm but alow; aalownt 52@gle. Ba ley and rye: nothing done. steady; aaieu were made at 22@03c. Clroca:es quiet and oaccanged. 1'rO , R101,! lo good dethand .and firmer: Mork *D1,2.5(326,6% the lat.ei for heavy. Dry Salt Meath: Jobbinge lota, 13 . ?ic for clear tit, and blt/i'c for clear aides: Bacon quiet, at lidi@DO:do for shoal. derv. 14%gablno for clear lib and ligg, 1514 c for wear aides. Laid norr.lnal at 131;©l4o. cattle II mar at 4@6me for common to choice. - Boga allay at 7,f(g.By-4e. C/NCLZINATI,, klatch 19 ~—Flonts i tteady: extra /4,6004,73; family 6.546,60. Wheat dull: red 111,06@)1,09. ()titer grain nom. Wally twociangsd. 8 Cotton quiet uut grin at 21N®221: for middling to fair; no sales. Wnisky thine:, with sales at Plc for wood bound. Proyialons quiet, sit ti rather halos feeling on the part of hold ers. Alma Pork held at 1126,23. Bulk Meats held at CA° for lam, odium 121( 140 for rib, clear rio and clear all-loose. Bacon: shoulders 1034 c; aides 1434®14,a'0 for clear jib, and 15340 for clear all packed. Lx.d held at 13,3i@i40 for steam and kW. le rendered. tiroccrles unchanged: einc•no, Match Ig.—Flour quiet at 23,75014,75 fur spring eptra4. Wheat 843.0 for No I. led 76077 c for No 2, cloalag at 76@7134 , 0; tli afternoon dqll at 76 0 . Corn quiet an limner at 71 3 40 , 72c for No 2, and 6013' for no grade, closing outside. Oats „Oman No 2at 37 ®373sc, closing outside. live easlor at 64.@65c fpr No 2. Barley nominal at 63 gala for No 2. Bighwines firm at. 62340 wood, 93%c Iron bound. Provisions quiet. Welt* pork at 225,50g25,62.x. Lard 133412;13,0. Dry salted shoulders 94e. Live hogs active and 13@250 lower at 66,40@8.00 for common to extra choice. LOCIIIVELLE, March 19.—TIbaccot sales 134 hhda at 14;40%7,60 fOr lugs, and PG} Si for leaf; market iueedY. Cotton Is a shade firmer 21 lie for middling. Flour quiet and steady at V.. Grain steady and unchanged. Frovisions in better deinerid. Mcci Pork re,6o. Bacon, shonidera 114 - ; clear rib lb; clear sideu 1544'n. "Bulk shoulders 10c; clear rib I4ei clear sides 1.34 u. Lard: prime tierce 15c. Rugsr cured hams 183 c. Whiekyoew 57c. CLE,ser...tonD. March 15—Fiour un. Mangled and quiet. Enekwhaat dour dull, and unchanged. Rye anur changed. Wheat doll and Lon:Mary unchanged. Corn: no salmi. .01. a: no demand, - Rye dull and nominal. Carley dull and notnleal. Petroleum ;Wet. le aned, held at 24Xae2Se, crude quiet at 550 per bbl: after the Ist or stay relined will sell only by weight, "Raw Outssauzi, March 19.—Cotton la strong, with middling at 23,,. Receipts 1,538 bales; experts 9,083; sales 450 balsa. Flour unchanged. Corn 11,115(411,07. Oats Bin 515. May lower at $34. Bacon 1131(4)1634m hams 17m lard: keg 36%®17e. Sugar dull: prime 10 3,1®1lyje; molasses dull, reboiled Whis key 92(0)51,024. Coffee unchanged. PIIILADELPNIA, March lb.—Flour In. active; spring wheat extra family 1.50 5,75. Wheat uncluinged with red at f I,t'A 5261.25.• Rye 95fp7e. Corn In good Demand with yellow at 59a691k1 In cart and 920 afloat. Oats unchanged. Pam lama dull: crude lbe and refined 25y:5) '45;4c. Provisions nacho-mod. Whisky doll at lii@d.OL Mtbw.suksk, March 19.—Flour doll and unchanged: otty XX 14,2144,75. Wheat quiet and weak, 56c for No I and 803 c for No 2.. 'Corn dull mud nominal, 64c for new on track. Oats firmer, 45c for No 2. Ilya and barley nominal. Dressed hogs steady, 69,75@t0. BALyncoßu, March 19.—Flour dull and medium grades less firm: sales western superfine at 11,76@5,00. Corn quiet: white at 90(4,910, yellow at 90®93c. Oats at 630. Rye at 95e@i51. Provielons un changed. Whisky steady at 96@,97dfutd stock scares. To'Arm, March 19.—Flour doll. Wheat dull and nominally unchanged; No 1 white Michigan 51,17 N, amber Michi gan $1.85. 'Corn llrmsmd is to 2c better, new 7034 c, no grade 77%. Oita quiet: Nil 1 48c, No 45c. Clovanseed held at $B. May iqcs, March .19.--Cotten quiet and firm at =Me; receipts 448, exrorts an hales. Flour quiet: superfine $5. 03ITI Oats 60®63c. Hay r.wE; 27. Bran 128. Pork $2B. Lard 1503/7r. Balk aboulders lie, aides 15c. DETROIT March S.—Wheat firm with extra at No. 1 regular 1405 and amberil,ol. Oats 4:c. Barley dull at f1,55Q4130 .per cental. Clover Seed 18,30(4,8,40. NASHVILLE, March /9.—Cotton dttll and deenoing; low middling pc; good ordinary 19c: Mock, 5,300 bales. Dry Goods Mariet. New Yonk, March' 19.—The market was moderately active with more steadi ness manifest in prices of cotton goods, luflueneed by a reaction in the price of raw material and gray cloths, yet quota , tione are still a little irregular for printed calico', and plain brown cotton. Heavy sheeting■ of the best makes are firm at lbo for Appleton A, Amoskeag,rBtark A I and Pecltio Extra. Flee shootings are a little depressed, Maas. BB selling at at Newmarket A 1134 e. Linooln 8, e, beautiful Muslin, ta offered as IoW as - Ulm°. Gardner prints, will be offered on Monday at±,4) , , - O, Granite ,, prices at 6' cents, Wementte at 6: cents, Gloucester Regatta Shirting% 103(c; Ar nold's Bve: Waukegan 90. Brown Drills are disp osed- at 1634(gdf10 for leading Makes: • Canton Flannel. are selling at a ooncesaion, Amonkoag A Brown 2234 c; do bleached - 24e:' Ellentdn "6e; do 223 c; do brown 0 2334 c. Brooks' Spool Cotton Oft finish thread steady and in good re guest at Sac. Spring - Balmoral Skirts llode. It $6.30(3021;00 per dozen. as to utility. Bright's Tapestry Carpets ere owe to 1;1,27% @LBO. Hartford 3 ply to 1,60, and medium superfine to IL I =l=2E2 IhnirilLalln MID Pltralltraalt SAM. bean, Mach 19.-1 car ore, Graff B, Co; 1 oar I champ ore, bones at Laughlin; 7 care iron ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; do 'lumber, B Schmidt CO; Ido poles, liVeetem - Vnitna ..Telegrripir CO; 34 bbls, tt sob. Exoellaior F G Co; 130 hf bids h, Johnston& .I.;** 100 bble lime, Crys.. tat Glass Co; 10 bbla lager beer, J Heisler; 3 bble beef, I - do horns, 1 bx shoulders, 1 keg lard, Watt; Lang & Co; 85 pkge itch, 8 bins oat meal, 10 ors farina, E Uszelton; 32 ht bale flab, W . Cooper & Co; 12 do do, J 8 Dilworth. at Co; 4 bbla onions, W J Steel R Bro; 10 aka, 5 bbla dry peaches, Outer Met; & Co; 130 bge stu ff , J While Jr; 10 kgs, 5 bbla pearl, barley, Strick/or &M; 25 bra. cheese, Reimer & Bro; 16 tubs butter, W H Graff& Co; 8 do do, F G Craighead; 10 bbia onions, Meanor at Et; 60 spipe, H 11 0011111 Sr Rake, wheat, Bricker at Co; 2 bbl oil, Dilworth, P & Co; R E Sellers & Co; 2 bra etudes, Fairbanks, M at. Co; 2 Coble eggs, H Rea Jr. Prrreirtricor, -orecibinewn AND sr. Loins astracan, March 19.-50 bble b wines, Stiptora W; 10 Wads tobacco, W D Rinehart; 2 do do, Martin & 790 shoulders, 900 hams, 8 lee beef. W B Hayti at San; 1 car corn, R Knox at Son; 47 Mrs food, H M Henderson; 8 bblir seed, Bdo eggs, W H Graff; 4 bble seed, .3 A. Graff; 2 Dairs barley, H M Scnt; 100. ladle brooms, McElroy & Co; 4 cars staves,. Hastings at D; 2 do do, I Palnter; 1 do do. 1 dodo, M P Adams; 20. los barns, Sellers at Co; 10 half butte tobscoa, Oar- Cio; 5 do do, Hi cads do, PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 24 1870 Atant-6-tes-tt•beel'o6do-lard,-J-H2Par ker; 4 nbda tobacco, H Daluwar; 11 bbds bacon, 6 tos bama, Watt, L & Co; 60 bxs abease, Bruggerman & O; 2 bales tow, P Knuler:•100 bbla floor, T O Jenkins Prot . 1 car wheat, It T• Kennedy Pro.. • sTrlsiuniMY Fora . WAynes awn Cal cloo • Italinoan.k MarCh • "19'=2 cue .h°°/3 "' 'l4 W /3 ; 7l alley & Datzelb 100 bbla 'flour, Culp & Star pard; 1 car barley, "man .t !delay: - .7 ke.a lard, Brflgaer. man A O'Brien; IWA otiga, II Graff At Co; 17 Liza eoarcChtee, kihoenick A co; 11 do do, SAM Shore; 174 bge rye, Dan Wal lee.ei• Y 1 tubs tatter, J A Graff & Co; 30 hKs barley, Wood*ortlf & D; 21 hgs oats, Henderson A Bro; 91 bdio.h°°lB' Myers t Armour; 7 pks twine, 11 Gerwig A Co: 7 Pkgs Putter, II Rea-Jr; I dressed boy. Shomekor A; L; 1 car /Caeca, M P Adams & Bro; 0 ball bble butter, J 11 Canfield; 8 balea broom corn, Jai, ("Mi nor; 2 do do, F M Bufflugton; 2 MAN J B Flucb A Co; 1 car rouglA aides, F Sellers A Co; 100 Mils flour, owner. ALLEO BENI STATION March 19.-1 GU barley, J Bbodea A Co; 3 do metal, Lind say & McCutcbeon; 3 do do.Bpangt Chal fant & Co; 1 car lumbar, S McCune; 1 Car barley, Smith & Co; 5 age cornmeal, R A. -Carson; 2 cars staves, Ralya & It; 100 ;Ada oil, Beytner, Bauman & Co; 10 half bide fish, .1 Robert; 40 eke 6_ blabs flour, S. Lindsay; 10 hide do, 40 eke do 28 do middlings, Geo McConnell; 40 alUi bran, Illppley & Beckert.. ALLERGEN? Vatican' Rartmora, March 10.-50 bbls tar, P Jotted & Co; pkge. L J Illancbard; 8 aka oats, Selbert A Berg; 3 bas c reed, 81 Steel dc Son; 2 cars metal. McKnight & CO; Kdo d0,.1 Moorhead; 37 eke raga, Markle & Co 6 bbla tallow, (1 Haalee; 19 do do, W cue dr Son. Pttresonuit & COENELLBVIpLiI'RAIL• ROAD, March 16.-1 car metal, Dunbar Iron (1:n 165 bdls sheet Iron, W P ATM . strong; 72 do d0..7 Dunlap; 1 ear sand Melling d E. SPECIAL NOTICES wcofistimieTioN. BCRENCIDP PULIDINIIIISYntIe for the cure of Coughs, Paine and .%meumptlon. SICH SI cla 41 PEA W PHD 'IYIKIII for the mare of Dyspopsla and *lithe Debilitated Condi.. Rona of th no. 3 ash. DR. PCIIENCIDP lia RI/RAMIS elf.Lß i. for Dluases of the Liget ot to net as a tienlie. gatle e o . rt Alt hesethree Ilfedlel +es ove Often requlred In ennuis Consumption, though the Pulmonle lona. n r e!,?.. 't.tll elg. d i lra o n o iralr 1;617. reguimang the Stomach and We er, Ikea help the iunle egrup to Wrest and search. lgtough th e dealTtae, by whist means tote IS soon ef fected. Throe Al.,:dieltice are oonaclentleesiyoffered to the Public the only eafe, certale and reliable reMeoy for Waleson.? Voe2IPIPtIPP. nod for an Nose morbid .neltion• ilf Um body whiter lead to that fatal Ottoman. 'Liter Complaint and Dye Peesle are often foreruunem of ponausentlon, and w•wen they manifest thenaselvel they maim The o Pe prompt ottani:on.. Pelmcnie Ser., PI • medicine welsh hes hal a long probation before the public. lusralue haa •bern Vented the thousand cares I% has mace through of more. thee thlrty-Ave year. In all of walch lts repecetion has In creased. and the most oosruste skepticism m a y no longer doubt that It is remedy watch may be used with conlide.e to all cosesswhicla admit ef marl , . "I lf tb e patient Will mereeketislilt Sono* the dl which emmnapelay WO en o f will oertalnly be cond. hia lungs are not aoo much weskit to male • cure posal% to. Sores in to supposed 'Who limureble, when Mends and phi. Omon. have d.pal red, the use of this Medicine h sated t. life a the patient and motored elm Cos perfect b•ahli. • I/ r.Bebantit does bat an that dile.. of Put. :f.lT—`lllllf:Pll.ll"*.i . legleit throltel when sr:t =v e tt ' . " "CAT:laid eats, general dete,it, etch ' Anti e ' deg.te that they are obliged to Ile la bed, end when they tar e gtml, an Dy their physteran they may still be carol. No treeleise% an create new lung• but when Use tannest very sad.y Arai to some en met destroyed. a sure may ma ef fected 011 UN Sclimmlt's tuedjelnea. Aom. it eat .Sc DteceSeg. tee. are tonally met .. Dr. Schen. ns.l photo graphs of number of pervone.who hate bem %meaty a re with running bores end sow all 'maim, tap. Thil limos Ile perlfrloc peppers., which muSt tre Mm to heal ca . is .n Pre langs. In ale Malta:tent Or Ctmsomptlon It Is of me almost thlpOrtattea tO_Stive vigor an • aml•thy lone to tue System Hence IL IS neCessary to itresorthen the app etite of the arse , prove the dliFticrt. Propernon Atm.. la re tetrad toga r epth tech mess ea will make load au y dhreltitda. Zee las Most _ . f oluelo rot the 41.1 of Coasemt tl es palmate an 4eMenat.4 In Or. &beech's AbeaaasC, belcb ere dietelbeted greteltoutly. te.gete. tb• most blenly pUtiltlotts arbelee are to be pre. Twaino t the .11.{eMtve ore... most:), et. en 'Le oriel. to rut, either food or =edict. _ . . . sutetreahte. TlLle...6sllairrteelit is met ill the ...Leer/red Toile._ end fur tills perpuee It wet dee• Nested When the dl gestne Owen an pat to noo4 order, the Axel nee tte proper erect: the enters of tee platen. it Inelporated endure leags be /On to nitrate enetr nmetions lb a uotinal axe healthy wanner. ?ten the heal th ( noway of Pnhoonte turn will ell:te. th e can. rthnon • 2 Consomptlon slwoet always eerie pltrated eel h Ilyspepela awl Liter Complaint. SebeetWs andnese Ptlle era to ended to re- more obstrathlon , from the LIT., land restore It. healthy action. They h all the tracery 'meta Is ascribe.] to calomel o r ""titno memo ad art era] rpaonison n 0 11 0 thrm. n c u r e a the c o of o n e y loa n noetleenesm Celt headache, plies, blame arc. non, and all other %Loewe welch 'rice from • or obstructed condition the Litre. One boo of Litre. hiW oat prove the elaleary of the worlds:, . _ In Comm:apt tbe Fes Weed Toole and Wan• drake Pills en Invaluable maxillary menden Thy) enflame ttcsu •f the retina[ and midst tte Pannone urn In etintlan • cane. They D. en famed nacre! In advanced nand la Consumption. where the lung, are almost en irely destroyed and all aartota• according to the Indrenent of the pnysiciaa tar tested sassed, •ScaLb. The /Ives of petiolate nt. van, for In dying enditloa have been prnerVed for months Si the on of neneeelVe then neat rem edies. Li r. Sehenek.e Almanac Menainn a fall treatirt on the various lona of dlseam. bit mode of lemitmenK •05 ironer al dmictiorie hoe to tode medicine, can be had [cel l s. or lo at by mall by addreentie his Principal' Mace, No. 13, North Sloth stitet. Philadelphia. Pa. ' Prlee the Pulsauble byrop and Seaweed lha• Se each p 1,50 per bottle, or 11,10 a belt dozen. HUierakeYWetlf mite a bah. For drzli rale d&P lip all draidit• air DOCTOR WIIITTIER CON w TiNUM TO TRILAT ALL PRIVATZ DidiAhEd. That on moves tine of came resell. log tam mit-abuse, prattle - Mg unmsdallame. nerrom debility, eruptions, matins' enalitsione, nod heady Impotency permaidatly mud. Paoots afflicted with delicate, Intricate anA long etandlog conatitutional complal..te are politely to call for coma:Mallon, widen goats opining. Muerte.. ine heft °nowhere. has enatitod him to perfect remedial at mum glad. ere penaanenL sad which la tantalum can be coed without hindrance. to ba.tagy. red s id.* prepared Is the establiMment. welch em braces ofice. reception and wattag rooms; also boarding and eleeping ahead:genic for patient. requiring dalizArsonal atteation, and vapor and chemical tam concentrgag tne famed mineral spriugs. •:o matter w have failed, data your canoe. -load what ha TS in Ids pam phlet of ally pyres, mot to any addrem for two I t te n d annual eneelive. Tbousaads of Cll.ll treatedy. at oMge ended Over the mom irkee C f. r Wylie s Pidelborlib. Ps. floor. 9A. K. toe K. Ban dar.s for t rwo. to idel.l.ll. r. Pamphlet gent to any al. dtem evil • rgrDATCHELOR , B HAIUDYE. —Thls splendid Hair Dye Is tbooesi the world. Harmless. reliable Instantaneous, doss not contain iesd, nor any ' whoile poison to Wane.. paralysis or heath. Asotd the 'seated and delodve preparations boaaLlni 11 1 / 1 1.11thoy d ot panel... The genuine W. A. latehylor's iinsr Lys has had 30 years nutsraished rebuts- Ono to uphold its inteerity the only Perfect 11air Dye—Bieck , Brft.•ll. Bold by all Unit , (late. Applied at la Pond !Street. N. Y. tel arJUST OIIT. `TIMERY PECTORAL TROOHILE.`` POE COLDS. CO B UCI N IL I OO . THROAT AND Hone 0 /rood. None .o piell•ant. Po. Coml. Quiet. EGERTON CO' 10 &star House. New York. Use no morn o se e aanible tested nsnsea. ••lirow C 111..0 atlAt.•• 'deal OILS TACK BItOTHEIRS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. '4 3 4ll'i t l . u "' Penseelphis Oblea—LlT WALNUT T. W&WING & RUT% Commladen Merchants and Brokers M Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELLI BLOCK, DLIQUEni WAY .PKILAJALLTHIA.ARDIMBB.-- WARING, - RING} & CO., 109 . WALNUT STREET. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. REILEENT R. . C.TWEDDLE, X/1.11131/ACTOUIOI Or Lubricating alllghlest Burning Oils. Zellpa• Oallread Axis Oil. ;Stands great beat without enangat ran:tattle limpid lowest tempnatares. lipaetal oil for tnmlcal climate. or hot weather. iI EOllOO, iselshie Shop, Will cut w. Me Bier Mil ar2Plaalus illlOll., Adapted for high speed. !pinkie 011, Wool, fteed•Light 011, 011 ,ennees , 110016,Bentaols, inee sad Flolahtntieraollue, 011 R , ilanam Oil. iParallino AMOR VARNISH. to preserro Bright Iron Work arid Machtnery from Ram These product, are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle'Apatent by Superheat.' Steam In Vat. cub. TheLaktlettlee Ma are almost odorless, pert. ly pa =atom, and light col ored. Marto • h re. igh Imperatnre unchanged. and remain limpid daring extreme cld. The ltau roo4olin arc ...quailed , and are to constant um on examined e principal Railoads. kampleeea. be mid at left at 114 WIX/D STRAMT. Worts at Inertial:nine HMI.. SJ &WINT nit &Tr, art. MATT. I Aunlrric valuz AID ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 61 lanOoky It. Illegkeny, Pk. BILL-4.oll2.lataig PQETS T UMW% d•srrtritlnte- su n bbl. No. 9 Itackeral; 30 prlt:Nr..3./4:14.kt".1, A 6 t,;, 1 4 1 . Mt o. do.: . 115•bolld do, do. d o.; 95 bbil 'Nickeled 7i errin x 9.01119 Nom/. Codfish. For-oal• all INIX/121.414 111 /Int Arian. - RIVER NEWS, The river was about stationary last evening with nix feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather cloudy with appearance Ma settled ism —rained yesterday afternoon. • • : The Belle, from Wheolinn, is the only arrival we have to report, and she was *the only boat in port yesterday after: noon. The Arlingtou and PhiL Sheridan are duet de morning. The fo, tater return. ae newt! to-morrow " . noeta, and the letter will load for the Upper Millais elppl, going clear through to St. Peal. • Capt. George Husiett says thero no truth In the report that he has con tracted for fated, and furthermore ha has no Idea at present of doing anythlig of the kind. He has, however ' bought -an Interest In au oil well at Parker's Landing. The St. Charlet; departed for Cinema sad on Saturday with a fair trip. The report that the. Wauanita would turn back from Memphis to New Or leans, is not true, as she was at Cairo on . Thursday. It was reported on Saturday that some of our shipper,' wanted the St. Charles to take nails at 1214 cents per keg, to Cincintiati. Carrying nulls re this figure la played out, (or the present at leapt.' —Captain David DeHaven, Superin. lendent of the Dileatisippi Valley rsaylga lion Company, has been officially In. formed that the bill passed by the Lou isiana Leglelattire, donating 'lOO,OllO to the company and exempting it from taxation for ten years, has been signed by the Governor and la now a law. This will enable the company to begin opera. Dons at once. A. meeting of Directors will be held for this purpose in New Or leant; tin the Slat lnat. Captain DeHaven has left Louisville In order to be present at the meeths t i —The steam r Kanawha sprung a leak eight miles ow Gailligfile and sunk In fifteen Minato'', taping bottom up and smashing her cabin under her. No lives loot. The watchman, 'Charles Kerr, WO in his state room asleep when abe went down. Strange to say, he crept out and 'swam out all right. Bargee safe. She lies in sixteen feet of water. She wan owned by the Kanawha t Ohio Coal Company, and was built at Wheel ing, four years ago. Coat 135,000; anted for 113,000 In Eastern companies. —A St. Louie telegram, under date of ,Friday, says: Navigation Is resumed north as far at Davenport. The weather Is quiet and mild again, and there are geed prospects of high water very soon. The deep snow In MlnneaOta, and along the upper Missouri and its tributaries, will melt rapidly, and ..freshet is feared. The stagnation in the general market here has checked shipments South, and tonnage being In excess, the business offered has unsettled freights. —The Little • steamer Salado recently sunk -in Bomar River, -is supposed to be • total lose. The Salado wan owned by R 0. Taylor and others, of Wheeling, and Dr. L. Robertson, of Cincinnati, one tbird, and was ineured for $3,000 In Wheeling °fame The Salado has been carrying cotton out of Bred River to- New Orleans this winlie, and - fraa com manded by Capt. T. Taylor. —Dispatches from New Orleans raper: that the Hot in the Vlcksbarg trade be. twain the Natchez and Pargoud as Sat urday packetg, end the "R. E. Lee and John Kilgour an Monday packets, from Now Orleans, has been compromised, the Cannon interest withdrawing the Pargoud, and the Leathers' " intereat withdrawing the John leilgour. - —The Cincinnati flazeite says: It Is reported here that Gen. O. Weitzel, at present having charge of the improve ments of the river around the falls, will shortly have charge atilt Improvements I on the Ohio river. including that part I now embraced in the district controled by,Coi. W. H. Roberts, whose headquar ters are at Pittsburgh. —G. H. Hudson • brought suit In the Superior Court of Ciricineetl, on Thum- I day, sealed the o*nera of the steamer I Magnolia, for Injuries unstained by him at the time of the explosion of that steamer's bailers. He was a passenger. Ho claims els,Ciel damage. We believe Mr- H. is • resident of Bedford. Ky. —Capt. Jobb A. Sanford, Supeirvlidng Inspector of St. Louis, hue lodged com plaint with the District Attorney that the steamei Natrona has been running without her proper compliment of li• sensed °Moors, the Captain haying acted as engineer during the trip. —The Mollie Ebort, from Now Orleans., arrived at St. Louis on Thursday, and the Mary Dosage lett there the same day for Pittsburgh. —The (lamella was at Cairo on Friday, and the Molds Rogers 101 l Louisville the same day for Pittsburgh. —lt was expected that navigation from St. Louts nor.ti would be reenmed on Friday or Saturday last. • • —The Nick Wail and Leonidas arrived at New Orleans onThuraday. —The Nellie Rogers is below the falls awaiting come bp. Upper Rivers ttii Pacific and Atlantic Teleitrapts.) OIL CITY. March :W.—River at a stand with twenty inches water In the channel. Weather: raining. Thermometer 44 diA• weak at 7 P. X. x. . BROWNSVILLE, March 20.—River leg slowly wilt seven feet water in the channel. Weather cloudy. Thenhome ter 45 degrees at 7 P. x. A. Grtxxxsuono. March :a—River sta. tMnary with six feet water In the channel. Weather cloudy. Thera:tome, ter 52 degrees at 7 P. X. RIVER PACKETS. =I PITTSBURCII AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The new an& splendid alde.ninei si gir s e JUNIATA, Capt. C. L. llnasceas, will. kill* Tit/ahoy& for Cincinnati EVERT TOCUSDAY at 12 o'clock Promptly. Itetnrit log, will lea,' Cincinnati F.YEKI FIUNDAY at. 12 M. For [might or outage, apply on board or to FLACK & COLLING 033 31E7 JAJIK COLLINS. Aeolis. ' 'FENDIR & IVAN". • No. 3 Wood street, rusengar Alen. PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. Tho new wad solendld sidewbeel !U adge teri:ter. ARLINGTON. DANLICL MOOSE. Nestor, A. g.'linAranii, Clem teases Plttsnargh for Ctnelonail every TUJOIDAY at IN N. promptly. Returning. Payee Clnetnnatl for Pittsoursh,wt 12 W. every !MOLY. Tor froinht. pas:age, or other Infoonsuor., sp. ply on Pool or to • TAPIRS COLLINN. 'GI FLACK A COLLINGWOOD. Agent.. PENDRE A EVANS No. 3 Wood street. , Passenger •gente. UPPER JUSSISEIPPI OR DAVENPORT. DUBUQUE, i onna Ft: L• . 102 U Imo BT. PAUL. Wl r, r HOW Miami'. PLNII.—The splesold ahle-warel reamer, L. V. Hozcores, WW le". on STEW: E151)11, the AU Inat., at 4 o•h'Ock T. M. " • • r trira,=VOLlMMlro r .' it. C. ORAT No. ek Wawa sICO =ZIZIMG2 FitSt FORT :BENTON jd dr iot ill THE U1360U61R1V041. p ez r u r2 , l4 len id .111 . 1r; ..D. VIII leave to, to. stare and loterntedlato port. .op IiATURDAT. Muth U 6 11. For Del ht or outage aoply on board, or to • JAKUP COLLINS, PORTE.. • rat" FLACK • ,UOLLIIrtIWOOD. Aunts. STEAMEIMPS T° . LIVERPOOL ANDAM . QUEENSTOWN. • 7151 E ININIANUIALL STEAMBUIPS, rfimbat.g sixteen ed eat-class weseels, atoottlf them the celebrat CITY Or PARIS . CITY Or ANTWERP, CITY OP BOdTON CITY OP ALTIMORE, OP LONDON. Balling Ewan ,BATURDAY, frout Pier 14 North Meer. New York. Nor. oessageor farther laformetton apply to WILLIAM BlrieHAN, Jr:; ; • 143811f1ISTINLD STREET. Pittsburgh JOS. Ortltcla...U.S. Mat/LT-ROM LIDDILL. PliffiNlX STIIIIII BREWER! SPENCER, WRAY & itsteri and Brewers of alle, • PORTER AND. BROWN STOOL • PITTSBURGH. VA. RODENT WATSON, Y■yker. IS4:1112 ncE To moult D EALER . AND aow emote- WVITIC•AND . .A.M11(11 ANW I TEll2=ll WHEAT. INI/Ohseed la• Parte, green sad ry. counties. ladle.. This lot et Wheat Is the eery beet to be room and cermet bi tWAVe 'd allolLM . 'rtral . pro B4 e l*.. In tteobloe , 7. Holtlag Cloths bad sad are now prepared to timid, the bast Tl oar we bate wads Or ten pear. at shoe. t4i dory 00..PetItiOSI oa theme, =Mies Of sour, KUUXEDY rata suu.i..xxu,sses,b.w. sossosssi U. lose. • _. . . - TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL LANE, wood St., cor. Second AUDI& INTEREST PAID ON DMIATTA. bold, Coupons, Bonds and &mkt BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. suitnLict President. IV. VAN K Vice President, CYRUS - CIA-V.IOE. Au:, Cublar. S SAVINGS BANK Of Allegheny.. Cor. Federal and Laeoek Street& 11. a. assraaa , Presldeut. E. P. TOIING. Cashier. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Stoehboldere lavidually Liable. LITEREBT LLLOWIM ON TIME DEFOBII2 THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. os rix,rsisuitur, FOR THE Safe Keeping of Valuables, under guarantee, and the renting of Este. Ill!ta lire acid Burglir-Preot Vaults. • No. 83 FO UR TIT A VENUE President—WlLLlAM PHILLIPS, Mee President—REMlT LLOYD. WILLIAM PHILLIAb, 8 . 1114/N H. PAINTER, HENRY LLOYD, JOH. P. MORBleoni, WILLIAM REA. OEORGE 'SLACK, WILLIAM M. LYON, DUIITIA O. JAB. I. DENNETT, leac•Y t TEEM—B. P. ON DONNHORST. Open daily from 9 o , clook A. 3c. a 4 Welock CITY - • 112 Fifth Avenue,Pittsburgh, Ps. CAPITAL, $lOOOOO. STOCUOLDEK .lADIYIDIIALLY LIIBLE; ERTEBEST PAID ON DEPOSITS. TORSION =CHAD UN Bought and sold, and whey desired remittal to • Europe. Collect:lone shade an All in- relhelesl helots of the United State- sail Slim DOMINICK 1110sms Presider imams Meese.; Vie. Priso,,.. - W. N. NOnusif. tne. • _D. Mese. /cites . FileCnbe. Thomas Busk.. Tlas :TO ult., Deer Keating. Patrick Rene. Ton race Catopeil. Chu. B. Tam James Phelan, N . 134 101:ks JOIS.'II. ASSAY. Solleitor. S. McCLEAN It CO., BANKERS, Government Securities. No. 78 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBVROIS, Pa pereonel and prompt attention given to every. thing In the Ombra... Collection. ma4e. Car• Unesites Issued, and intent allowed on Time Delimits.. Advances made on Prime Collateral. sad °natant:teat becarlßoa at liberal rates. Darlene In_Yorelan and Domestic Exabangta Gold. Wirer, Bank Notes, le., N. All loud or ether Miserflineenta stooks, Bondi. Mortgagee. Commercial rater, Ae.. negotiated at the weal rates of eommiselon. • tali N. nominee & SONS, B • 57 MARKET STREET PITTZIIIMGH. PA. Collectlwo made on all Le prlneling Point. Of Um Mated Banta and Canadsa. Stoeks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT ♦RD BOLD ON COMMIMION A...lieut. attention To. to the yetrebase .4 tale of • United States Securities. HART, CAIIGHET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, PA., 150001200.11 To HASH*. JAST • 00..) OlailUti • Exchange 4 Coin, Coupons, And particular attention I,ald to tn. manse and ule of COVERNMENT BONDS. - Sight Drafts on London. DOLLAR SAYINGS BARK, • NO. 65 FOURTH AVENUE. CHARTKNIID IN 1630. ADMITS $9.696.81169. OMR daily. from 9 o'eleek e. is to 3 Weise% C. and SATURDAY EVENINNS. from May Ist to November Ist, from to 9 o'clock; and from November lot lo,May Ist, from 6 to 6 o'clock. • I/ntwine received of all sums of not lbw than 0311 DOLLAR, and a vidend of the profits declared twice a year. to June and De umber. Interest bm been declared mml- an nually to June and December, slue the Bank was organised, at the rate of mu per cent. • yen, • Int. rest. If not draws out. Is place.' to the credit of the depositor as prtneimtLana bean the tante intermit from the drat dais of Juno and December, COMP , II011110( twice a year. without tem:Milos the depositor to call. or even to present his pane book At this rata money will deublo In le twelve years. Bookscoetainlng the Charter. Ity-Lawn, Dales and Regulations, furtilubed Mile, on apple. (Jon at the PitsulDlNT—JAMltil FIRROMAN. _TICS rnsetnewrs: George Aliens. A. M. Pollock. IL D., John se. Bmkolen, Robert Robb.. Benj. F. Phhnesteck, John Id• iiheWithergore • James McAuley, - James ehldle. Janus R. 11. Bleeds, •lexassier Spew, Issue M. Pennock. Christian Yeager. across: Wm. J. Anderson. He nry '. Lsicwhis, Calvin Atialna. • • - John C. Biodley, • Peter A. Madeira, -- George Black, . , ' John MsrehalL . 10th line to, Walter P. Marshall, Charles A. Colton, , John M. McFadden, - John Leans, • Dan d IlleVandless. John J. tilllespie, H. nry W. Oliver, Jr. • . WlitLm IL Mayen. • Mushy Phillips Peter EL Hanker, Henry L. ILtigwalt, Wm. I. bohmerts, Richard BM% James L. Kelly. Alex aaaaa Tindle, Will Van Kirk. Tneasmien—OHAß.PAS A. uOLToN. BsCilsrAstr—JAlll.B B. D. 1151/18. PROFESSIONAL ( -4W. De Lime, • • ' - /fTORMEY AND.COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Hu removed to N0..78 GRANT BTRENT. Pins burgh. trill practice In the U. B. Clesstit and District Courts. to to. Butt tintlrem• and all 1131 Curts of Allegheny coun t y. arm male col .. Dons t o moot Of thead.lllXVll[COUltie. Ipf H. 111gCORMICE, Attorney-at-Law, E=SM 0 usiness.nirPrompt attention given le silt:lnds of Ur al jitS A BCMEI,WWI3I BLAKELEY, ATTONIN - 121Y-A,T.. \ LAW. ro. as rrrra innarsar. = NEEPEn, v . . • ALD2:8112.24 41.2 0 T 5 HICSX -0117.1010 Juane 01. PSALM OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. 4:oB=sueatton- Moen to •tanto.l . s! 4 D.A. Honda and M - MO. wadi ... tonal MAIICII• attenarTerGl T. . .' . T. T.' • ' T. TREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTHAVASH. Is the meet ploisist, cheapest and but Deer. fries extant. • Warranted free front Injurious Ingredient.. : it press...tad whiten. the Teeth! • - Invigorate. and soothe. tee tionst Panneosid poetise. the breath{ Privates sewn alaUtin of Tartan 'Cleans and Furies As:Sete Troth! Bold Lae 1.7 If li d " ILL 4 d' utig gfillr 1 Proprietor, A. pt. n 4 . 01. Philadelphia. Per sale by . • . •.- . • • ..; C. TTR Pitlaburch. •'‘ R. E. BIODSZAZIN Allegheny. • JOH T. `GRAY i House and Sign Painter, CitnAltrEat A. 2110 cax,&.gamm, le. 64 Stalk Street; lardy Mies Meld rlireeL)Ptitsburati, Pa.... KEYSTONE POTTERY S. M. lER de CO., mannftetwAers'or Quasnavara r iiriatai Ware, a oa«..dwarasas.asam miu mu l a aaaa awaartias ID :t a : M l r - ' ,r q l A 7l : r -11 . - 1 4 FORT Priii 7-7 - 131141,14.5T1L . LANIITANIC worry:Ks. CARROLL AND SNYDER. Yextri•Actonmits • • ..• DOTIELN-CLFED_TOSGLAJI ItitriO L ViND LINDAN e•TESM HOG , Virolll4. Abu PAN.. SETTLING PANS. SA.LT ! Ass A3ID CON. - DENNEILv STEAM 'PIPES. GASOMETERS AND WON BRUM P. PRLSON DOORS AND COAL SHITTINS.• . • OlSoo and Idiarohottre, corium Second, ' Third, Short and Librityr Strata, VrrTsatrnatt. PA. • • mr Orders peen' to the soove Wren, 'GE be Deomnliettended to. • .. • Inhe•GN HUGH N. BOLEt Cur. Mat Alloy acd Da mesas Bt., Matti Tun rota,. Fenginaßuilderth Faurniera and • • Machinists. • . nu' Atltitllll.7. BOILER. 011115 borne powrr. CASTINIRI, causer - 1 . 10 ad. 'node to order at our RIDS loroll RANGERS, ROUGE TOB A C C O beltaao . add IRON TOBACCO YISMIES., on baud and Slide to order, at the • • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, /tenting an the Allegheny tutor, nee the POW., ' PITTSBUDGH, PA. Sal-All orders mot:tolls filled. Tat' US. RIESICK & MIL • Buncuax-reoor '`"` SAFES AND VAULTS, NO DANZ, NO MOULD ENGINES AND MACHINERY, BREWERY WORK. RNPAD3ING AND PCT- TiPO•IIP MACIDNAIpr, Qtr. 17th mad Pike 1148., Pittsburgh, Pa. son meg O'lUillik BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. IftssfootuntrB of STEAM BOILERS, OIL TANIS, STILL& AG -I'l'B'Bol3B. SALT PAN& GABOMICTRS. SET TLING PAM". elthiON• DIXIIB3, CHIMNEYS, Bn/CHIN FIRE BEDE, te., Cot. of Second Avenue and Liberty Et, PITTSBURGH, PA. Rita to:g ii wtoptiy. Ord i v d n . to the P. rarr , 2ly =A" at CAHMOLL t HEYDE 'B. ' oeM:pl2 '4A.P.11) Y. mm,- xaman D. man • JARED M. BRUSH &SON, YA.NI77ACTIVEZIM 01 Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks, SHEET IltON WOHX, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS. &o. COOK STOVES. 1 CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S FOB BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast u well as any ether Store la the Calm BISSPLIg &CO ; No. 285 Liberty Street. Also, AA load And Annie, MAWR ATOM, HZATING ASOVIDI. *MATZ FROSTS. ,INUITS. 011 in HUGUS & CO" atAIIO7AQ7OHRI OP I<•HHT peasism srrco - vs, • ! BOSTON COOKE/VW BANGS, 'THE FIERY YURNACE,". POS. WAEXING • TOE NEW ANTI.DIIHT COOKIIII4 STOW.. "REtiULATOR,” COLUMBIA COOK tiTOVS, PAWS Ittnelnuatl Patten )' PuRIMBLI. RANO IC CAIIIT IRON MAN WY LIMAN'S 4 1 111NEMIkatAll b r b. fs . VdIrt and dud 2118 and 20S 'Liberty Street, Be2:11fl PITPEIMTROI4. PA. A. BRADLEY dr. CO., AO. 30 WOOD STREET, • kanntlicturon of , the Greatest Vat : l4y°' Cook, Parlor and Heating _Stoves, TO BE TOlitilt. Incur assorcinent 5.1110 e found all the LATENT PATTERNS AND 111PROVEMINTS. and the rep dation of our atom It each that any one In nap t of snood utlcle should purchue none bat those Inane (toured by us. ma they will he found the oost durable as well. ecoumleal. Would partloulat attention to onr hew VOLCANO fur churches. ktoru s. Our sal au ltrce. aut,11.11.1 wlth or lartta4ul. ream t. Ask wau used prar. Ul late a Lai,. valuta . ..W.7 Otnerakil, CluMP er. ,enu Par atalorue haall [nee Last. lOU _LIVINGSTON & CO.. lisaalsetnrers or LIGHT OBEY LIIDN (=IA. Eq...i.xivares. L,.ht work oar gpeelalty. Loom, Joint Butt; Shatter and Out. Dior.. .Lnit Pullers, and other articles or Bolidere Hardware alarm , / on band. USW and Works, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City. Yostogges address, Lock Hoz 30 , 1, Pitts burgh. Pe. Jabbuf r4l7.W.Vnirr. CILIRI4RS BiIISTIIONG • ...Ariz Youghiogheny and . Connellsirille Coal, And Ilanehloturer or COAL, ILACHniAD DEBULPHOSIZED COIL ornoz AND 'YARD, canter Better and Morton street, Liberty :Ind (Rymer street.. Ninth we:AL also Second strmm, Eighth ward, and at foot of Boss street. P. A 0. R. B. Depot, Becond ward. Orden left at either of the ahoy° °Dees, or ad. drem to me through Pittsburgh P. 0., will 11. cella prompt attentlon. . Refer to whom lam eusplylngl 8...47.1 Wan. a Co. Way. Smi th, Onion Iron Mills, B. is. Yow ler • 0o,„ Mitchell, biephenaon A CO.. Remelt & Co., Drag • lieges, Alex. Bradley, Park. Bro. • WOLS r k lPl a bt eu PJ. A . 5°1.1,"y an?'. grarshau I Co.. Allen; McKee a t Uo.,'Unums Dr pot. Hotel, Connellsville IL 8., Permsylissia B. 8.., Allegheny Velem& B. COAL: COAL!! COALIII l ion DIMON, . TEWART & CO., wn a re. Ted tbeir 011 es to NO. 567 LIB TY. STREET, (Lately Olty Moor .111111)9E(.10110EL008. • scor mowed to tarnbe_ Rood TOIIGHIQ. GHENT LUMP; NUT COAL I)IIISTACE, ULU t oritirtgat theLr Ot addrot to UM. MOW.: the ortll. Ire a ' , . VI 9 elei 7_1)31i,•1 JOHN Q. WOREMLN...H• ILIONMAD DAV-13.. WORKMAN k DAVIS BUOCBBBOBB TO Worlana,rt, Moore & Co., Manufacturers and Deatessfa CARRIAGES, BUGGIES , Spring and Buck. Wagons ' , Nos. 41, 44, 46 ud 48 &int , . d! t ri P g• l nFer Zr:Vorlf:ll,ll.f.egfretile Ors Ira:meted to give satlefordoeo la every particu lar. teiVIZIAT'a r"lftreglgiti Cc.2...71 . • Make of bilifLoS rn i ettterfOA P Vtl r""s 4.lek aldikr • N. RIORARD DAM hallow parolwind tha Interest of Ales-. and W. D. Yam. In the lat. Ilzio of WCREMAIN. MOORI the hoax On. will lierestise M contli gel al the old stand DAVITS. . the Oft Ramena molieltsted. 7lw al WONXIIAN • JOHN O. WORX111•14 H. ItICHLED /..i• will.Astianal Baas, rittaborgE6 31121.110 . AROMTBDTS BARR & MOSER, AIZOXICriW•CriIB. PBl7= KOUI7. Annanwriew Bunsimai. Koh Mead fst. cuir Street. Plttatrultk. pa, Special atteaslon even SO ths daurains aad baliMair of COURT UM= est =DUG DUQUESNE' 'WORKS. COLVAAtikati & !.!factu . .ra, pt IRON: NAILS - 'STEEL, AXLES AND SPFUNCS.:; : DimmesNEATig4 r.ornll ADDSIIIT.V.CS ISDN. •BA NI) 4 11 F e.'r AND TAN X IDONk• " • BOILER VLATE.ti AN.LI HICAD,, •.. , toll AM. IKON. D.DAS. DRO.CrEit LANs Y.K. CUTTS. PARS. I,I7LD.PD2Lb. AND Ft AT C 0.41 Somts, so w Wit sit.s &EA SOS TEETS: srictso, i•L(OW AN D LTIVAIIIReTAISL. .STKEt. IND , ± ANL) pattern.. ThtE.S. MAZTLYti, /. 'COA1:1!, BUDDY and WAUON SDSIS.AS *ad It: U'l'li AILS AND SP/Ska. All Eivods First Class and Warranted.. OFFICES As U WOSSeI: 1/ixteentla S eeeee mud AlitagheisT River . and IS Water Sitireet,,Pittablarigh. MILIR BHA &EtaKIN. C..r.11.L1. P4llll - * WM. P.77CAr.r, nxtrani tIEO W. BARR, OHMS. PARKIN. driCtAL.V.L.Strxia--3. X. MILL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, lIIILLER, BARR & PARR 121, OFFICE. No. 110 Liberty Street, • ; PA. :fc14:419 parrs DUO GH • ' STEEL WORKS. EISTAILLISHED 1N11544. ANDERSON & WOODS, iicAtrusAmernAris or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL Of every description. Also. ben _ Refined German Plow and Spring Stml. moms RUGS AND rum". ANZNIML, Pltte trozigh.ra. ' • Minitel DUQUESNE_ FORGE. NIGLIO! MIMI, (Successor to . .TOS. HAIGH C 0.,) His e tagl e l 4 c as g C , o s -e oxdt o en o sive wRb d the p l r e om d pintgy For. g thetetort g y 411 all pr d p P STRAMIMAT BRATTY CANKA PIOTON ROM. LIVIRA,PITMAN J A 418. x ItInTS, RAILROAD AXLltre LOCOMOTIVIS PRAM S td. together with every dyeerlytlon of tiLIAPS WORK. Office and Forgo Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. prrTssuitort • . NOVELTY WORKS. F 0111114.11 A. D. I=s. MOORIECAIL ADAMS & CO. bLiararACTlSailla . OP - ILLTSTONE EITANDARDOPAUDIANN 5 PAN , ANT) PLATFORM. AND COUNT.S3 SCALES. lama: Pioed .Patent . MO Locks Bad Lat.Ch.'s Paint and Coaee Mills, a. SORTER OF 111:6ST AVENUE GLUT 13111. Vitra tbnrscia. P0Z31111.1.4 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. - SINDEILNIMIOII it . CO., PITTSBURGH, PLt ' Manatactorori of every flenriptlon of CAST pt. eFamAN-- gru.b. RAILWAY OPRINOS, ELLDITIC AND PLATFORM ISPIIINOS, AXLMS, !STICH" Mi n to, to. Warehouse, 8S Water and 100 Fleet St& BLACK PLAEI.OICD . STEEL WORKS. PARK, BRO'fBE.II & C 0.,. /16.ilicturcrs of descrlPtiou of ' SB I T I M.IOI.I* :eke and Waratraux, THIRTY.- YIK3T .411111LISLMI) IiTIIEZT3. PITTSBURGH. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, OAP FORT.PIII I FORTI)ItY COMPANY. OFFIOS AND WORKS, . TWELFTH STREET, _ . PiTTSBURGH, PA. rir Engines,Rolling MW Ma. chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts. and Castinp generally. NATIONAL /0011771 DRY AND ,PIPE WORKS. 13ernerCarroll amißmallinan ROARS., {NINTH WARD.) • • ,r.rITSIIIII7II , GII, rs. • WILLIAM SMITH, LROr CAST IRON BOWL PIPE Tint OAR AHD WATER WORKS. • RI PITTA.e all vast InTarlaigy 10 nu, In dry •and tan LS Ret lesigtbs. Also. fall wortmeat of ireaeral Outings for eas & Water Works. I world .Lo call lle attention of BnTMrl¢tend 'e¢u of O n Work. to my make of ItEa'OR7V. ;W. J. ANDEILSON 11. A. 7/tRYVOGLN. MONONGAIIKI it FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON C 0.,. Maxishaturen of MON 110Ubl MONTI% WiSIDOW LINT.LLS amISILIA. tad . castings Or all Descrlpiloui. • ._///rSlrec.l4l attestion DOA to AIICHITECTIT ' RAI. CASTINGS and to Cut.laga for Window Blau Masao.. 6,1,J•nc1, Pttt . botyh. Pa. WATS& ROBINSON, BEA & CO., aszcatsora to Rostersom, Yana•MILLIZ'a• WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND all/HElSlSTA;PErissuestr; tranutarttnatel of Boat grid Matta/um alma It.- ea... Baum Markle., Mal Itatlthaem ()tartar. t ,, attlar L'astlttga of all descriptions; Oil Tanta (VA ' era. Ogg %%161 thtdd rATZß.rptvg. THOMAS, CAUL= & CO, Youth Wald tank and gullies Works, NANnuagy 6T., ALLEGaiiiirorry' rga", ttenoSta 7 tlon l* arr intl P q ta l l44R i = s?riinVork6i?iWitiglllblgc ut a Orate nara,. Weights, Wagon Born so ., ?rder •_,.4, 7 ra OD head gvgievlor pEDIENIX ROLL FOLINBIIIY,. cor. - tizalayaad 94mBTRICTS. BOL LB! AN & BACALEY, I= Chill Rolls, Sand Bo ll s & Pinions. 1.0 tg9*VPll" , **n vairt.llll36B, BELL*. CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS rx•ralza:ctritors. A111V.,114 .16.41 ; 34111T 1 / 4 ACA mein ANC Oli , AND BIAIMOL/41 4011M111115 LIND LTT 4114 ' *- riii..Np i criti r apallpr . Iltb., 11069, gin' s'allt ta . 11•4 at aladipin i k hum the Union Depot, coma? 0! WitalanStaß Rua Ltborte streets. 31.1 WHOM.: iii ieft7.!". ii.v.hf,„l4=: :Ai& 61 ..,-, ...e 1.4 r. atut.Pasitto 1X... slap.. Vk'all's No. 1.. A Y.ll am.; W11.11'.11 N 0.1.. &Wass itrintort.Ao Nol r,ao am Mall rrma—an: 6 lll ragilirl...ii f ig It I Mir/IVO , au= tiVitiV4ll l .l ! :'oBll ° . I :VI'IVok. - 1 , ..1151"4" p..,-,agi04 , 18 , : Mr.7,N*oll:Tit.T" ....OA N0...k. , .. 1.154.1png .Polls..Espntp - 711:1Oppi • sks 4eYo 2 9:5S pm , Wall's N.O ,2...3.00trus , 'QM 4E0,4: 45:50'net ' SV.all'l , No: ...a:o6m - V.I:VVV:R;IO p . P ga ' k ": rlt i llr. 57.1k1W ' ."Itr..e trains nuO.t e close conneetlon a: if ai ''l P e. : PfJll 2 l:l l :Piq•s o kitt leaves Wails Pur.tureV . .......,:,-00 v:00 . El. - I