MI IS~ZEE. 'OFFICIAL PAPER . Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City And Allegheny County. E t= SC non VIM Al MONDAY. 10i/diet' 21. IWO BOirDil ac Frankfurt, Osy kiiiitomant at Antwetp, 662 L GOLD staged in NOW York on Saar d►l. at 1121. • Tax ?rmident teals mom sangrias of the inccees of his Dominican nasty. :Westart Stnrrtuai hu been dripped ill the Ohio Legislature for the present. - trlitgrqiciineiuus certain that Setugui Amite, ;or Mlubwippi, will be excluded from Wiest. &up:NT of U. B. troops bare been stationed, upon the request of Uire SttiluctiON, at Charlogos, the Capital of West Virginia. 'WE print, this morning; the full text of the "local option" Temperance bill, as It passed the • onsii,of Represents UT's. The Sento IS now considering it. Tan ntlisury ireporti Teo heavy roosiptaand unusually light expenditures than far gas month, 'a Ith the probability or .11 Ttry: . hAluisol!l". reduction of the pittdiO: debt for ,announcsinent on the let piosinao. . . ; Proper Committee of the Federal &Male agrees to report a bill granting a liberal land subsidy, fur the extension of tks EmMait .Pacific railway to the North eraboundary of Mexico. The same Cotise mines will also report in favor of grant ing to the Northern PAC:fie Company the authoiitk to Issue bonds based upon Its lands and franchise. W)11. Siva from time. to t.mo been placed under obligations to our young and Wnergetic friend, Mr. Ammon L. Tnowas, at Waoh•ngton, for valuable deounents. He has our or nest thanks and,wa feel confident that his attention In Wadi cotton Is an inden,of that awarded all the duties of the responsible position holOs at she national MOW: TUTIMONT taken by a Committee of the astute, fu the Disinond•Watt contest, ea:dishes the feet that the Democracy got Into the ballbt-t axes, at Philadelphia, last October, over two knnti.ed franduien Totes for the'r candidate, Diamond, all of whick were cast by twenty•six New York “repeaters,” at the cost of s.lj and ex p9scs, eaeh. But, then, sock things are id' save* in that quarter t - •1n Ohio Senate has paned •WI mating husband rid wife compc.ent wypusma, for.or against each oiker be 01 providing, however, that they shall. be incompetent to testify to my oorithanications made by one to theother dart igl:coventnre, whether called u a wiefert irk& the relatran subs:st' a or _act - ern:4, unless inch commtualcallon via - made in the presence of a third pu sera:Munpeeent Is a witne3a •Is is not to t_ dented, nor should fed blibpiored by the city Pram, that tbi fending of dlnthasction • against the pita: eni poi* of the Pennsylvanis Pa road, In the mass of Its Minima, discrimins tlonsln kliht rates ems. rm.:Lei-or-oar miwitimpot Mut loinit In net Messy gen- Mal and very strong tenongour memataNle antmantifactueng classes. It is-errnestly to be hoped that the misting causes of dlesetisfsetlon may be 'emceed without needless delay. SMALL MILITARY FOR= 244 bwn nest, by the President, Into a dieter:rim:l region of North Carolina, on its Gov ernor's application. A slorlar request,' from Tennessee, has ben led befole the Executive, sad will be granted, even leading ."Conservanves" of 'bat State being forced to admit that Gov. Setter Is wholly unable to 'mime the xeace and that in some pe. - dors of the State thelaw Is totally defied. A 'special mange to Congress, on thergeneral subject, may ba. lookpifor tram the President, andfurther legislation Wray be asked for. Anfix t proirlding for the election, next Annulus, of .two additional Supremo Jgdorn,isilkely to pass the lower House,- at Harrirbam. We trust that 'tee Senate will amend it. to atiltorire one only, Jrt• elialof ate two. We do not address our epic:etc bernocrafie Suators, who, for ckhirlqa TelhOni, Will all support ibis bill Do' the Republican merateri s feel an equal •‘' erinfldence in l'ie' result of next October's election, or are we tir be: lieki that a niajority of the merntraii, is needle', otpolitteal opinions, r:oclourly Misled that an Itonerelvo scroesalty ex. Isto for more thou one additional Judo.. Tissitsittilwi seas is -s Toga, with a tpt its daily mwewal.. We shall Me 4=646 farther than to :that we have above itukiaml the t Wet the new J maul, which Mr. J. .M.Grittn hut' Just established at the itali'as the governor's ap - cial, champion aadlirota, ThirLsgialativo reports are . t snpptyleg a public want. • The !ev ent:4; trims In the editoram and cozies. pondsace, the pith et the latter being caved.wader; his candid andession. in the followizig words : . `VIM hive entorcied kind Celine that I ientryet be the • recipient of hither bon en. ottioh meet beartily)oln yinctt I con only obtain them by • more elitk dont and faltidal akoh n rge of the dale s ably preitnat ponenputelms owe looking about them, wagyiertstr Indian . policy which ,ehall itest — Ahe requirements of the sitnatiOM jaaierlify.the-demtuds of the country. Tfea*ittse Committ• e have in prepare. Siam' bill clailifying tea Indians, gradlAg lit protectoral preivisions, In' the average ' ?stio of their assumed degrees or cis t!74. gion, highest 'clan being thus' left adtlost ,whollYto take core of itself. 'hair ' , general • distr:cts are , to be estsb baited, with imitable superintendence. Ni treaties are iterem.er to be made. • It is . better that we make xi* lire : •trtiodleta, when we do not observe our existing engagements. Wludsoever rangeminto we may substitute therefor,! %Mate flee propered b l .ll or °thumps% tills nci More accomplish . any ifmalrend, imilesa their execution be marked lay • • plater fidelity than heretofore. One of - She most embarrassing elements in this pritleas is to determine whither, at.c:all. sow policy, or a new- and better natiod of sdadaisteriag as old policy; 'which Use siltation IlDit urgently de• sands. Prot& lon, not enforcedvmsans eztererkstion, crery hops of repose siposi the frostier becomes s real scares/ long u chess ass b!esessitsriss tbecsils are recovilzed 'on paper., _Maul is Dolma sr. TA Ike Items of wheat ud cotton., iffe oxperittd, lest year, oak's of offer 108i0,600 An' excess of the preeeillig fsigtei iblpmeets. The Increased oebie of wheat serttobtold -eras $24:0; 517 , 1110 of cotton,- s Vecttott Ocelot sV,Otto,ooo; osportrof therflotter '6ll 'word atonally sixty.forr millions of pounds lean than in '6B, but the Inc:eased value of Hie staple more than made good the differ ence. There are still immense quantities of wheat in or near fret hands, not yet sent Cot ward '.o our "sca-toerd. And of the lest year's cotton crop, now estima ted at .till three inTion bates, at least three filhis of which Is regularly ' , then up by foreign consumers, less than 1,400,000 bales hate jet teen exporled, and a lull 4 . .half million balm swell hipmeata at , New TOr4, w!‘eirt the fir nem of the foreign markets holds the tem at 23 1 e fer - I - M - merits giir le: - V; *Fiskisiiiri bale worth. $ , LlO,' fro o Wand. The re!lder, upein lbw figu_ - es, yleam how ' onifonaige:exehanges rennlng to strong a bl'inee, In ore tor. We are paying our deb 4, and I regairdpg a itolTent poe - ten es* got, mead and as irilk NaTiONot 'gniolN AND i t. OUT Or - CON 13 ESS. 'fly the repress Lama f the Act of 1863 for Ilse eatabßehmeit of a National Banking system, the institutiens so erect: ed. were prohibited ftem4sking a rate of Interest on Inns greater than that author ized by the law of ilm State to whith such bankit were larded. The penalty for the violet:on of tilts regula t ion was spleifingly ditiect - 'lto battle forfeiture of the chr" ter. This penalty has never yet been enforced, but it would be a long, stnrch - of amity to assume that it hat never been Incurred. The Comptroller 0 the' 'Currency now Ands it necessary to 'test the virtues of the dieabling tat': on. We had Oa :es, on Saturday, pug the Fed/rel At'oniey for `Ws d'etrlct his, acccirdlnglv, been Instructed to core. lance proceedings against Certain of; {ending banks. o' course, our own Dia ltict has not alone been selected for Ibis enforcement of the law. It la evident that the • supes I isory authority contem. plates a general ibqulsition, and duo pro. ceedlngs in the preeses, in all a• ethane of the country. It Is presumed that pa -tic Dirt.. banks have been dcsignaied to she Attorney for thin Metric., but, if that be so, we have not Tet lerrned their names. The provisions of the Banking Acts are cle,rr and precise, the penalties are 'bulgy defined and the modes of procedure for their enforcement simple red , plain, but elgorous and effective. The Comp: teller does but his Ines :table duty, in suspected cases, In applying the legal remedy for all Oast: of the lrrge pi:Tileges which these lusiltations enjoy red which, honestly ex ercised, have t:en end may still be of each great advantage to the public. 'Wielding s capil of four hundred mil lions%, d under a system of dolison which, in 0! Its Ulcallins, compre hends every inhabited d'sirict, and touches every mueslis interact In 'he country, It wild not ba surmising if the Influence Of these Mein:one were poweriully telt in tie dent:tuitions of Congress itself.. And that Influence' does corat most tfit , ctlyely to-day. We per helve Past, upon e legislat've matter of such impel' nen as 'he FaiMng bill 'now petoung in the Roue, the iriends of lbo, Nation a l ...,.„ bulks! !It llOarbkl 'I "VP" and'hole Issue with the supporters of :het a 'tally ' necessary ' manna, 'whether the hill . shall, or shall not be percett.' :al to touch 04 tutor stn of time Instlitrions . nifavoribly. The very tubstance of the bill involves this question: leave out Its provisions for 'he compulsory substitutton, by the banks, of hands etalower 11'3 of interest for the sic per cents, now pledged to the. Trea sury as secn.lty for their circulating notes, end, as Senator Sherman justly re- Ustked, - the emasculated hill would then boot little or no consequence or etancy One way or the other. The Tres. easy ' must rely up so 'hese banks • to float at least 4'400,000,000 of the new live or four and a half par cent. b 'ads. But that would makes difference of from four to six millions, or one to one and a gaff rrr nat. in the gunnel ;profits of thew corporation's. The Ben ate has though.,-- and the country concert in their opinion—that their pre sent profits rte so ample that th's small 'abatement cannot possibly work the re sult of twine them out of business They 'would t seance to bust, for toe :torsiness would slit lignite t:o remuner i ative to be eargendercd for that. ! . By the original act of, ',Oh, Cool:pen ex !prissily reservrd the right to el sr, emend. :or even repeal the. charters granted to these instisationa In the urea:sins of ;the Fending bill, we s' 0 the Pat assport. east 'Movement for the raert'on of this 'reserved power. Nor I. that movement 'erithont : the :complettst, jolt t fination, ha 'the' necUldlei ',al ehisi Treasn-y, In the : wiser relley of 'hit Goverrment, or In its 4114 t of any substantial Injustice to the .banking Interest. !The qisiallon ft 'pl'erefoli itscented at .Nifiuhlngton as a ¬ and inevitable, one; It must . I, s met nod . deat,jed, one way or the o'ber, ‘ffore _the -pending Immo be.dtspond of. -Shall the ,zelshete of the people of the - special interests of these corporaleaut control the National tamale don r Aud i , It is" not. a question, fame than any reher,'"ipoie Wb"Ch ' merabste who may have a direct mconiary interest in Its inn, should be gszintsitted to vtite. ,The - Nouse already, by e rale of many issust,etandlng,... prohibits.', members from /Feting upon nun questions, Zed, with very neasonableprr - ancy, Reappli cation to the present case i. 3 been. .do. mended. A member (Merge, of Ortio,) offered a resolution, on: Yl".;day, looking to this enforcement, but Mr.-Idaynn-d obJec'ed be its "reception. Morkan is 'a Democrat and ittairtutrd is a Republican, brit nevokelein /he first was right ZOO the second was ~WTo2ke 'Th e . objecting' was a mistikr —et . palpable blunder. . It metes no Mance to' "us that, the .I:funeral pretends .to bate the banks, on general principles, end that the Ternessee Member cotre a Aintittlf among their irleade .The first don't die. like these institutions any more *hen's good many others 'of l.'s peaty,—and that is not half, so badly as some people, who hear them talk, 'would belies - -and the second is so lointlicions a. hind that, if this be a sample of 'b4 statue:sal:he, his cretion, and . the majo.:ty 'yr e in . 'to agree with k i lns they would speedily:succeed In developing a decideity perilous degree of popalar dislike for the Immo. - Not the Hon" 'in dlsmotlng Of the Funding tdlt s owes it to its own integrity and public opinion, to enforce Its standing rule, and count out the vote .of every member who, has a Mint interest in the banks. A broad distinction separates their case from that of the mere holder of bonds, who, outside of any corporate in. fiance, stands upon his privileges and his 'duties as a citizen, and should not thereby, be hold disqualified to vote upon any question -'of 'public interest. We should be very glad Ma tee ihis 'Morgan reeoluton'americhtdc accordingly, and then ;-adopted. , ' Tken, , the ' ananfty should see theruading bill dleposed'Of on its Solid merit! --andlie. result may da jtendenuch 'own that of the question which the resolution prangs. - Since the banks Itive ttni loadthoodlo cross wasp- pas With . the repreeentatieci of the people, 'lreinal never hare a better time to find ilit 4l slo li :0 4 0 Is Om' streitaitst• ..The waist wish of the worst enemy- of the hanks should bethat they may succeed In 111114. ills' Pending bill. They could not:llan/a clearer victory than that would oventosll7 prove: ...: - • =l3 SMISTCRES OP CREATION: A Popular View of some of the grand concluelone of the Science: In ram once to the Nix- tory of W Matter and of Dfe. By et:ex nder inchelL LL. D, P..oreseor of &city and r - oarly In the i_Tutvendly of MtelOsan. Pub , shed by Harper Az Brothem New 'York. F, " 0 M o by E. iner, I , ,Ateburgh. Rarely have no found n work - of this character combine to many popular ale. menta as tbls. It faithfully demonstrates he ohjrct 'he author has sought to ac compril, namely, t 3 supply a general view of the E.:iv:wee without the labor of Dicing numerous ;trettlieit, by persons of culture, and to supply s com prehensiee ninety to the student of the outlines of seletacesndthemostpromirtent land-marks. It also embodies just . diawe . _ of the relations of icieoce to actipture, and 'bows ther britony and truthfulness. , Too much slues Mmnotbe put upon the latter, a many of the acientllc men of the age have lefc vague and unsatisfactory Impretalona upon the mind of ihe reader. A work of tb's character should Had its way Into every household, private, pub lic, end Sunday 7school. library; Prof. Winchell has performed important serrice to Christianity and society. The . Profer• gar's views of the primordial condition, and the nlUmate destroying of the earth and tbe solar system, will attract atttn lion for Lis bold utterances and theories upon ,Ittestlons in di,ptte. Fits views, howeler, challenge the rigid scrutiny of the crillcaL Few works combine so ex. tensimi a range of information with so great a peptdr• interest. There is a etiarM about the work, too, that will hold the attention of the reader closely, and the Illustrations add to a batter understanding of the text. • • - BETOND THIS SWUM& By Robert Date Owen. Published by .T. B. Lib. pinnott A Co., Pnliadelp/61 t a. For sue by.R. 8. Dais A Co, PA burgh. For months this romance - has been one of the attractive features of Lippincott's i3lrsa eine —al trective in the hgher and butler sense, trcaure of its purity of style: Lovers of high.loned literature are .quite ready to overlook the lack of artistic flub& In the characters . , and unity in construct ing the plot, where the sentiments are so eleva 4 ng, end untainted with characters beneath the 'neat of the pure and uptight. This story of village life In the West, will find hos's of readers who will enjoy the author's de'lneition of men and things so vividly brought out, end seen in everyday western rife. SEARCH roe W/STER SURBEAas in the Rived I, Corsica, Algiers, sect Snma. By Sensual S. t JX, author of "High. Years In mgret etc. With no. moron.% Illustrations. Pabliahcd by D Appleton R r 0.. New York. Books of travel are CO numerous that many are disposed to place all of them in the tame category. 'Pie volume, how ever, possesses 'he tare share of being a record of travel seldom visited by pleas. ore tourists, and therefore has charms that will command attention. These portions of Europe are full of historic lore, and reveal nature in grandeur and subirelty. While Kr. Cox was in quest of health, be enjoyed the rare beauties of these de.ighifutreelons, and had as op. portunity of sindyisig the people and the monuments of the past. We rather like the philosophising of 'he author, which seem to some unpardonable digressions, and especially the spe-kllig you of des .option of men and things abounding throighont the work. :There le s Dalin. Illness and exhuberance of Peling that gushes out here and there which the reader will relish with keen delli.ht. The book Is eine9t.7 printed on tinlcdpaper, and profuse! illastrated ;silk wood cute and plain and tick!) , bound. The hook has ktheerful look at fret sight, and the reader will SRO its page, of a gl ow i n g t ypes - Tug Urtnuto WORD ADD me en tlma'vs. By the amber of "John HaPfrx, Gan,leman,"&a. I Itshed by Her , in tr. trailers, New York. For eels by E. hairier. burgh. It scams hardly accessary to commend anything wrii.en by Was Moloch once. now Mrs. Drill, selmorritinge are so well and favorably kaolin. In this little redress we hare essays, stones and sketches, that prey with them the charm and fascination 'halls always felt by the reader of her works. Characts.'s ore limited with each eitisre precision,lidelity -of teach, and outlizont - with such perfect ness as to 'appear a ierl yal fifth end blood. Bari the reader wi" fini is the "Unkind WORSt" and other eh:wino( ibis volume. Tem • NAIL:HAL ' i a SPEAKER. - DADS' AO le Akira to rid t e student Ina golfing a simple, nate-al, boldness-like style of 'peaking. By Jo:aph Alder.„ D.D. LL.D., Preedent of lien , Yo.k. Sate , Normal Bch , 4. - Wlth a F.efetory Niue by Dr. Merisk 7..isident or the al- . lsgeo(NewJo.uy. Pabliehed by D. Appleton h Co., New. York, - The title pege gives • pretty good idea of the character of tie's took. It elms to correct the 'slit:lel type. of elocution an a l substage" s usturol manger. Dr. Alden enaggsats neiatal buts to acquire a allured . style, namely, form amotsectldes ofwbat goodetraking to, bear good rpetkere, as :quire distinct , erectile-non, devehai the valets by exudes, determine tone by the thought end feeliag to bp Inputted; alanknatonstralned• be &perking, auk* - selections, of interesre and•Ltninntirize thoroughly. The silecthine'tie admira ble, high toned, sho:/ rid webrely • new class of pieces from 'What ars . similar ; Works.. . ' • Dieu-lulls. By E4limbrth Sttrait Pushup, . Author of ..The Oases air ,Post. Imbed by rolds, Oaecod dt Co., Briton. For i Ale by H. B. ,:Dair:s -Few that hive teed that claiming book '7 . 4l,patioji - , ,, hall/hal 'TO Retthls I new-work . It. •is wholly nulike the for. mar', exceptit reveals' her extisordlnary genius .. as A *river, seen all her creations. Even a common place theme le made zadlaht trile.r the magic touch of her pen. —Tito lapin le, Raciest' to the ouch of loony whosesparpath'es ebould bo, awakened, inelefid of theledisplusere. The book deals with-the subject as a true women should, and the feeling, fist amp l men shoold ltaie,for her own sag. Ls story Ist that iiwoiurn fallen la the sight Or the world, bat filial out of her sad coalition end so "hedged :in": by kindly infirencee, finally saved sudre= stoned to society, . • A SMALLER MATOZT - Or EMOLIIIII AND JURA:CAM LIISHATIIHIC. F ebonite of Sch lL ools. . E d ited by William or Smith, LL. D,, and H. T. Inekerawn. Pub. Boned by Sheldon New -iftwk. For mile by Joseph -Horner, Methodist Book Btore,ritterto - gn. Much TRIUMMe history of Eaglish and American Literature' Is ounieressed in . this small volume. Like all the works of Dr. Smolt; the work is done well and with faL-sera Brief as the space It, for the sketch of American Iliereture, it is Prepared with nice dieCriminstlon. The bit* le admirably deeignel 'for the put.. pose Intended, aid, indeed, will be found useful for privetkraidiai and for iefer. truce. hie doubt the book will have a wide sale as It deserree. • Tx' . Eaton's, 'or 'Ll.visiO orronslik OF rA Z UNITPOSTATLINAYr. By Lewis R. Hamaraly,..late Lieutenant or iba Et. B. Manna Corr% Published by J. s' B. Lipp' , oft it La., Pittledelpb ie. For sale by Dolio. No. tin Liberty ' Ernet,F.ltabrrgli. Valuable as ,thts weak . is-now, m ir y day will !mimes its *slits es & 'milieux for obtaining infanta:ion of the heaters of the late war. The immed i ate obret of the work le to klvticiy;zcittiK paocoura of tee officer& ,wiu'e participates' in the. late struggle.- Much valuable • historical „ latter of the'rebelllon tos been loaf eight PITTSBURGH DAILI GAZETTE: MONDAY MORNING, MA ten 21, 1870, of, because of the rest field and the large number of onions engaged in the con fli c t_ The author, at much expense and labor, ha -, fe-r'rhel a ret.ord that fornish ma , e. lei to the jou'raliet and historian, to gyre the saPent 'mints of ffistingoi.hed officers, es occraioo may require. It embodies the records of seven hundred otlit-ei a from the grade of Admiral to that of L'eutenant Commander, including Paymasters, Srrgeous,. Ch'ef Engineers and Maine officers, together lc h e list of ' , le trames of thtee thousand otllcers who parl,c,pat ed KBETNIN' o.es.i. M.irroon WITH FRNIS co. I a titres na ts. Pa - . 3. -By Prof. J. G. Keetle P. 'seq. tof the Clinton ave. .nue .Icsatute, &cook - PabPsbed by Sheldon New York. For Mae by: tio - aph 'Horner; 129 iffin..tlifield arrest, rashurih. Not haying area the preilous parts we axe enalc'e..tojudge co.ey;' . .tentor.:lly or the method of tc's work. From an ex aithiction of therplan'of tWi volume,' It appet: a to be worthy of the excellencies denied by the author in I , s system of teschiUg French. EITUDIZI IN BIBLII.LANDI. By Bay. W. L Gine. Title work, Void Is written in a clear and graphic style contains most recent researches of the best inverter! in regard to the geography 143 d topography of the Holy Land and rile adjacent , countlies„ Ministers and Sabbath school tesr.here will find it to b 3 an excellent help In the study of um : al geography, Published by the Ame_lcan Tract Society, 164, Tremont street; Boator. For rate at the United Presto lariat Book Rooms, 193, Third avenue, Ethlturgis. Tee OLD Y.aRNST CART. By NU. B. F. Swim. This is an activating story fo: children, by whom it mill be dray apprechited. We bmpeck for It as it deservi, an extensive rale. Publieted by We-ren std Blakey- Ice, 164, Tremont street, Boston. For sale at the United Presbytetian Boot; Rooms, 93, Third arelue, Pittsburgh. TBs ler.st Issue of Hal per'slibrary of Select Novels, "Under Foot," by Alton Clyde, author of "Margie Lynne," is a story of merit, both in COnattaCtiOn aid delineation of chrmstar. Eorers of CM; lion will enjoy this Englieh reprint, The full page. Illustrations, twenty.fire in number, are eery tine. It is utd the London edlklon costa almost 18 in gold, and Kerpez's . Is only 90 cents in-paper Hwnrsn'e WErtra,v makes a volume of great beauty, when its littytwo numbers sra bound in sumptuous style. It is a men ument of what capital con do, in provid ing talent of the first order to furnish mat ter and illustrations. Klink Letitia's Pic torial is en Imitation, but a very poor one indeed, both in - matter and illustrations, especially the foliner. The Weekly forma panoram'c view of r his times, both se it re gards thee tilting events constantly taking place, but also -siting great cardinal principles in Church and State. The cre &donator Thomas Nast exhibit zero genius, and show the power of wit and satire is the highest degree. . The editorial tu tides by Cmtis are models of journetsm, able and high•toned. In short, every depart. meat is of the btgbest order. • El=1! An ret to ettabie the . cii.i.rerl of Itrnsyt• ronio to de.:'•, nth.: wiiet' , er the VII.C•Vi saleof alusg ligocra iAo 6o per. Wnansaa, A , L to be effieient, ahoo.ll have he sop. Maud approbation 0, the pt 411% AND Wnar.cis, It later:resented that a cos Joelly of the ley*. 1 vCrers Of certain cannLes,. Wire, boron:hi, .nrrds and townshirs - tire the re - ,ge of a low that than, in such dist.:cia, forh:d the aide o:lta.ozirating I , enors as • t evdrage, and r vitiate such salts to meek's , , mental, ardittic and mechanical prri.cart; Ann wugr.cAk , I:. Is deal. rd to obtain a re, lath indlcallon of ropuisr sentiment In retard to *etch arcs, fir,efore. Etterther 1, Bea, aorted, fc, That the court - , of quat.er ran 'llona of the several coundre of mamonwealta, drop petition of at I*—tt our foctrib of the num ..:er of the leg,' vo:*e a of any dim: act In LI• 1 1 Cornmot vatptltbi . de , erwined by he num bar o vo.os at the It t general' election held pre, :or 3 to the prc.ents tion of aa'd •tilioc, etilny focal the desire of said all tone,. that a vote of . . :be 'eget yo. e dis, r of which the seol peLltioyere ate residents, may be had to door mire 'whether or not the cafe of Into. halter , losto.a shalt be al lowed Ina 'ld district, 03.CdriA for medial, arcrantental, a end m. ctutrtral purp r•prot.oad for In tbletet, ball Order and d!reett ad elezeion to be held at the election la areldietrict ro petitioning nett scaring after the met sntation of said !etit/on, or at such*rectal election al the said court may Order, the time and Flue for which abaft be named In said order, and It &Vet t i the duty o; the inspectors end judges oreleedon In raid district% at theaeu general _election. to '.racelyet.lcket/ eltuer It/ ikon or printed tram the legal earn then or, labelled, on the mile:de, "t tie or "qu0..." end on tre,de 'ear the t,le Gt. soter ntitast Inn • .le el o , oo d to do , 'tont said ticke.... lnc . ac, ;trot .ded for that peril a by cold tore and Jed. *M s t trio rcor ad by-law in rue of other tiekits rittelited at „; aid eic ,4013, and the aald ticket.. tr. - .lied shall be counted, And a re,urn of ac me made to .the cle:k otthe veld t dale al, (Iliad as la reon.red by Jaw, Web eeitiScalea Anil be laid belb.* the judges of Chassid at the 6.r. : kneel of lut court a_ter each else: ton sits be held, and moan be tiled ltith t he record: or raid Eo7. 2. That the odd volition* cull be verlded by the sflidatita of two or ma: eof the I hipper*, and WWI be presontrd to raid, ,r , . at least sixty days before the time of holcung acid eh'ln.ten, sod the ou rt alma Lone 41140 order foat.tho , boldtnzof said 'eleetlon at lektt (bitty :dims before said trtnit. A '.oy off •td older 0101 Air. etched the stir .ff, or othsr.ofdcer edit e duty''' Is to , Itre' the legal nottre for holding stir.. ale... Writ. 'Who ohs , ' r..ve riottre to the !egal To cis of 'raid district of the t .it order or r :. d wt: suthorlr. ing a vete It la the a *.,a Petiont In raid dlatrict. The elat.:d or biker officer, and the clerk of , Id shat be entitled to the name feel for 11" ri g, the said pint. don, and l• -, tt.e;rthe order ot- raid coon, es It is by Law _allowed -tor atwitter S. a. That In reeelitrn, and cow*, fat., ao trehlett Tete ons Or the Totes ewe, the ,Told' Inspeefine judg. tried clerks of said elect lon 'shalt- ten governed by .be laws et the rleatontavrealth reztt. Istlrry general .eleations end all penal. tie* of the • Lard elect:lon lane are hereby extended to; aha'l *holy to, retina, lner 'ohne, Judges 'and efer Its epilog at sod at 'alining 'titan oltal lons bald undor the rrcr:4'ons of tb's act. ' • Sao. 4. Tost wha - nee. by the Votr . rns ()redid &gallon In. ail , diselct votlng athretald, It shall serear Ord ;there le a Inalor.ty of the T0. , 011 lben omt On the sale of MOO against the rate or ligaitire tbenend to that woo the laid or,:; ehrl OAF d0011...e by • pro, lf-Winnte tO •to re+ corded o the'rforono of said • eor -trend thorea. of In ion* dielYiet lb% 'act shall be In cult fosse and etrial , ,' anti It shall be unlaw:el for any person lo• alit intort eating liquors owl •Pi the dhaelot, eicept as heroine. er oroy:ded. r.eri:led, That this ant mead not be , upstrued to forbid mob eats by soy If, ton. dry by Demme granted relbee the tune of the order of n ant coo rt authorix vg.Ahe said TOW) /LI 111/01011id, for the unexpired term for.w bleb the said I' 'muse may hale been granted: pAr, ;Ma la,,her, That no bill or Indictment p:o2eried, or, found, snidest any ps ...on or nersons, for viola. ilon of the lama of this Commonwealth, shall be anoulisdby the press:e of this set,. or Its sdsp.lon by any. dlittlat: of this r.mmoneicelth. inwever, shall spf ao r that ,-.ld •retti as show majority of the votes cast at raid e.. atlon for the rile of Nears. In slid district, then ti',, act shall not ke In fat on In said distal', but toe laws Intone and_appll. cable Rosette isq , leet ale .5f "o dors swill be held to apple end be in fort a therelal 'mtcfpret;deti, jerher; i lliiti through like forms, a vote way' f I tad at the general election, not o.- over thin on vln fume rune, stab the cd , j , resew the laws extsing and r ner the sale of liquors, and, If r. utspray of iroh., be con ..for the Woof 'l.ortort,' . then such laws shall, obtain null' again ravened. And the true Intent and - los:min Of this act Is that the y mama of the sale of Mg JOlll ti WC/ theft Telf 90. ve iosslas , c lVi , ttroogbs; wards and nkted, Tele act shall have the emet to nohow ass 1.-•al law In' fume ,4 ; •D the r II; 'of futOw , oattflif flv,lce In any. dflar.ef fti the 8 c.' Sao & Tine word '4:l hnslot'in mletions two, Use and'for— IA Li) held to include either a city, borough or tow asleep. S.C. 6 . Teat In any district where, pnrersut to the forma indlea.ed in the permeates Fictions of this act, a' majority vote that I 3 aunt the sale of Ilq non, tad vote I 3 , .1314 • aLes.ed by the ofticora of the election ea eeready pre• vided, the retril s isf iuto3lcaent Minors shall Le and 13 hereby forbidden to such elstrict, coder the Pin'li le3 in ;Lend by the 'I-cc .e laws :Ls fence in s dlet..ct at toe time of se election,. and !otos caehnt !'quote, whether 2oreian or domestic, shall not, be sold by wiJe' in : lute. wither' the Inuits theeeof, in lens qUatililibi that tire kallooe,..under the penaltle for any ~elation inflicted by the laws restricting the wholesale sale of liquors; P. o.sdcd, That ba r eitersiof beer, ale or other malt liquor, us. en taking out a !trees° in so atnan, e w Alt existing _ - - laws, may sell the auto In quoutities not le s than one eighth of a barrel.' Sao- 7. That Intotteding llqiiors shall be held to mean ale, parter, strong beer, lager beer, bitters in whole or part. all wine. and every other alcolgolo fluid adapted for use - a beverage; P.weided, That vital:dna may sell wine from fruit of their own growth, at too place of manufactu-e, in quantities not lees than five gallonsos:thoat being reqrqed to take out a l;oerse as a whole - late 'dealer; • . In districts where the 'rote Is against H. MI , " and In tilstrlats where Um) Vote. Is In favor of limes, they they sell the same In the !rime way and insuner now nebeiribed by existing laws. Tee tenetdatiorrt Amendment. .A further supplement relating to elec tions In this Commonwealth. WHEIBIL4 5, An amendment to the_Con. 'Motion of the Uoi' States has been submitted to the Legislatures ofthe sev erarStates for ratification, whlon provides that "the rights of clams of the United States to yoke shall no: be denied or abridged by the Ur , ted Stet's, or by any Sate, on ace mot or race, >lor or pre- Cons condition of oar t :bode." andwhioh amendment iv i been ratified by throe - fourths of the Etat , by the E. visisto ram then at, and Is therefore the "supreine law-ef the land." - Alto Wnsitius. By force of this amend. meot, tne word "white" in the first sec, Sea of article third of the Canstiattion of this Commonwealth Is no longer to be considered as pact of said . Constltution. and for the poly of Kit _rig toll force and effect to said t .mstitntibit of the United States st:thin 'b6 Common -wealth. therefore • 800. 1. Re it rnaffed ty the Senate end of Reitre...ttatives of the Common tuteiln of P.rn•ylvcatia in General dascm. bly niel: .it is lte..eby estac:ed by the alt:he, try of same, That i:om and &Ler the p act the several sorear this c owi nc,„:wealth er - .ess ,fee male ollizeoS, ever thd to m e elte ofo twenty one or color; In the rime manlier, under Yoe' 'wont res , the same regolatioes, sod auble to the same reatr.ctlens. re now pro Med by law far white citir-eve, and %heroines: of any maw rto comply with the pnrtl. , ions of tb's act snail be deemed a - misde meanor is office, and shall subject the offender, n; to coni,:otnn in the court of quarter ser.•lons of the proper county, to ab Icoptitooment not exceediortwelye mon:ha, and to a fine not mote than five hundred dollen% as the .mrt may deter. mine, and such tnessor shall thereby forfeit his office, and shall be ineligible to hold-the LAMS for a I oriod of five years thereaf.er. Sao; 2. That .no sfiloer- of election of any ward, I rough, township, election div;sion, or election district, shall neg lect or re.aee to receive the vote of any citizen of the United Stater, who is eih ere ;tie qual'fied by the rsnetitutlon and laws of this C3MMODWEMIIII. by reason of race or dor, and any officer of elec• tion who may ' , notate the provisions of this section abr.( lie deemed guilty of to'sdeme3nor to office. and, upon convec tion thereof In the sort of quarter ses sions of the mop fr county, shall be sen tenced to undergo ao impel, lament not exceeding one year, pay a floe not ex mooch os the bootie. i dollars, be bumf.' ble of bolding or exercising the office of' so officer of election, or vote for a period of five years theres._er. BEIGUAY YOUNG &SUM bas personal nfallibility and claims tbat loci to be a undamental doctrine of the Mormon &lib. • PURR • LIQUORS. PURR LIQUORS PINIZO3•10. Co'Mtn L'... 1 7 Biter,. Wise. OI•rd ad-. Pert Wren PlitC7.4 USTPL WWI • ,0 . 11 ire 701 d COGNAC Madeira W... C a. et Witte, Caamba ' Idatca7lW.ne. Sherrie Ppr. Pir,te Wine: Ana Ittid .ah and bell's, • Nunes dons% 'roomer'. C bell's, • son's. B Ss 4 , 4'5. 1V...414d tb. wile 1104 In th e loweet pr.cea, ht . the .e- t . ..e. at 1.. D. -.ore .11 hmdt Meifiebt. D. Doi. Coelho Pauli ad SIX:01 Meade, (aid St. Cla(r.) Do to .1 hlinS X lftteXel • ecvn t)-he eta .. ens.r of re...*Stidb.2.l.ll, le!d C ale • at. ett%. for the aselq- pla-• 'a the e... Imported WI fllllOO/11:e Or • I od• be .4 ieopree , thn Rethembe. the p ePe, to, her Peal Yad. math. OW .rets. CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNG!, If there le hay one adatosillos that needs to he, mute carefully hooressed byes the mind. of Mom. subject to the allmenti of Da loess and uelmoharg oceans. It 111 the Importeat fact that attenuon .braid be paid he the erg beilnaluge of those alsessee.. In the Start • few dote. of /Kb utoOlelnes se DR. ITRUP wlll be can to arrest the 411. am, sad restore, hot only the bealthyfunelione or the lungs, but also of the whole body.. Of all.reme. dies for diseases of the langs and cormorant versos. Dr. Keyser's reilosor Syrup bas Stood' Um (AA of years Of extradoses, sod you cosset fad a single p..... be has mos latent& that rminot meat turbly of itieli!Oes: Let soy one alnlarod arlth•Ocarb only tryone Ormk. sad as sire ash utak= it Will. fa MCI. Keyser TM aw Wee, sttaebed 10 ?LS Greet wheri all manner of chronic diseases are seeeenstally treated. acOeolally alone of the lean 004 paleseees7 sarien , Old 00014 sesPectrully lath* Dew who Serbia and bare tolled to fei na/e/ MO 00 . 2 oai.i;it I, to Wye has method or treetnsett a trial. Not lung slate, a Irsulicrnen. 'coalmen:4 with the newsnaPer rrea. et the Ott?. 'called at Dr. .!Ceyeer swans and teak his meal. 'elec. iod ww rnioi ld in 4 Another eat lleatia.. who bad, coughed . alleln. ler. wee cared la la ast4ll•4ll. lady. weakened sad attenuated WAth Wee noeir!lhat. wee meal to bloom late resewedlanslte. ZIT :raw. was asked where she go{ to. *cod _rnedlelne tWd. cored bet. "Om &mesh.: Wasiak Dr. iiereesh. A c►ud, posy tied pale 'sad aetailaSed. woo won eared by a bottle or two or Dr. Dorool'A I= ,A8.37,•8 Merry' ewes; ereim;4l Mee were ru In , ..F.ed, was rettared - to , Pella BOIL , . la tna ,railwastl BM of DR. ILICTSZIPS LllllO CDDS add Dr. K•ntes reaUBBI tfi.l 4 A iteallemao n e xt door to Dr. Kg7sei'•Blo;re ion!. De 11t locomeisal Dr. Miters re*torsl Byrop m 01l C.aoo:l4+li 'Duna bin' bOtalreßiad Dn. 6611561111 Oltltatr manciptz TOYi AIcI INNOICIAV 011 , 1101 "YON "CHRONIC DISRAHLS. No. 167 LIBLBTT FrfliNNO.' Of; nee bouts not6l•lo4tr.l. &omit to 6 and T Plairtufr 96. • MIXING ■LOWLY Dineen tint etrorrean:nOtdh,ltsa nests are swathe outs ones to be 4.es4ed.,„Clutteru9l.7 readapt upthliet a Inn ajitultlotllii a atrole of Ilittntalost s hat unless a.rnettds W,l/. l . , irti/ 4 It Inottrted*Si soda.' 4k, 4in e*, f 0 6 41,1, 1.4; a , tbonsh It dos" . not klll,l,llh t the Istrlrtnitts:ef fellan ferns. It es tura tine the .Petits of Ufa cr. otoylly as any.soute Oman,. If not sheeted by loylgoralloi outalbsbiloa; then I. soolyttamg I at sp ninthly tonahlnn In Magna:tautest pram attife decaP. Limnos. pellors4nleetnalmb 41. Prlendon , ot 'Arita. and a attain tor ansttles. U. whim', eatolit•Mss an* *her ekoP l 4 t. nnutPtly met by tante treatnient.„xha hat In- . rgorant and exhllerant %bateau* admlelstend : to a ease of this kind Is Ifoetetter•ifltensheb Ult.. ten; 'Th. stlaintating principle of et. V.P.r., : DOS count. the dormant Oattlitla filo enmesh i aid the nn,gthaning ~,,,a reiviill , llßX Id'oninte. fh a a _permanent and heyabfil Impuliole they ill.id YOtoei tb O. brought:int o 00: The Mink ainnellte Is n-awahimeds the Wees...f a i gC.""' and esslmllatton are (Latakia...l...the . ...HO or blood, the sensations become mare sudsiest. :ted even wino that ostaalboteo to thy mooilybinoi.t, .., of tho holy uhderdoes sentare Ci...se: By ltdy . mama the Its the nlaTsteal structu a le et Meted nod Its health sed V V` , .... 1 . 4 ".° ofas or dtacues bay the 0.13120ent °my ll• nor the Hitters been mon muted and swans than In ltioto ebsiutewlacd by neer yt deblltty sod ..nose penetration. • Ladles affected Irlth than . ailments dee In this mo.t wholuomeof all tonics and sozreettves the earn, nod 101011 mesas of relief. It is Wenn to reeler. and Pouerls . •US Injure.. suable the unlfortntestlatimy of . .'elnorla of witneyaes. ,, -• , , . : NOTWE3. AN ELECTION FOB PEES"' ID ZNT sad , INX • DNIZOT(I3 9 • of 't INANOTINSTKR SAW NOS-3A.NN Idll bobold " W a"nth', Holum. No. SOO Senor &Teruo. onIiATUNDAY, Muth IL 1110 Mira. B3 b . Lo[llll4ll astet 30.400ek • THOS. IL UNDIES, Cashier/ ALLROUNNY. Nana 19. INTO. : • tolallolt -eItraFFICE MONONGAHELA: 'Beltunc I:o.—Tba PrltOcut and Nana: ri,self 'AIR Camps, y ttov• dt, .larpet a Dpr.pntl or, 0• Z LLAII AND bEVEyIII, - ,VIg tih . e . _jl rg r al h 4e ' lp_Mtairaintlt tb ~Tt " "t " annaava mvilalmrls-a.eall.lolllM—... 3AIIIIII WEtORT, Trams/lit -,golttabiusk. Mika' 7, 1/70. 0,11;267 NNW ADVIEII voie7tsr far WILLIAM R . 180 and 182 Federa Al ie., Mort Lengths of Calico', It 61.4 c., Good Dark Prints. At Be., Fast Colored Calicos. Al 10c., Best Hakes of Calicos. It, fie., yard-wide Poplins, vary cheap, It titidoublo-width Black aid &rand Alpacas. It 17 I.lh, Double yarp Black Alpacas; at kic., Double ITarp Black llpuma —best bargabcz of the MM. It 11 1-Ic., 44 Heavy Mating. -At 121-e., 4-4 Butt Finish Bailin, It 10c., White Linen Towels. At 18 24c., White Damask Towels-4 great bargain. It 7it. a dozen, Linen Table Napkin. it tic., Balmoral nide. Grey Preach Corsets, wry cheap, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, = ISIELEILNATI-.154 THE. NOVELTIES A BELL & MO Are Receivin latal = MIES' GOODVD GLOYBS. AT- ei..o 0, .Extra Quality i Kid Gloves. ' The best In pe. assrlilet at that Dies. AT $1.75, Fult Lisonmtit all Coton ALEXANDRE'3 GIENIJiNE KID -10110VES. JU3T 442.11 D New Spring Gloves, New Sto4ings. Now-E broideries, • HORGANST RN 6:, Co's, 51JCC1, ILS TO DUCRITM, G !DE & CO., - Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. 'ORM -ELT HORNE & CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloves EFFUSIVE AND CHOICE imatuirsi Prices Unknown Since 1861! ♦LLXANDBE'S KID GLOVZI, a fall aaaortmotat at •1.T). . cocrivionizam At OLT,. LONG TOP KIDS, cbolo• Axada., I^3=3 DILOULAR MADE BATTIER 1101 M, PLAIN AND BIBBED COTTON non.. 10 voo,l'lool w• DOMESTIC COTTON HOMMEL . Ertlamor Dousg • , 0 [NTS. murza ertrwr HALT NOM 1111 ma= ' antra. strt EN TINE !CLAYMONT. Alt, rOloneld wortsenta DASHIDA ' : r. NASH AID BOW NUIDONIN , LADIIIO , riurcrr , B,:rws. LARGE ADDITIONS TO BTOCE Jost. tnlrlo[. to Which we laLte tits 11:10itioa of Miriam's Asa EMAUCa.b TV It 79 .w.cnicikar simmer. .• prierfatuacis . _ • WEB LEAD AND DOLOR WORKS, . 1 . ,- - SCIIOONIRKER: 86 • &N . Liknornmercauß., Illanolhearera of WAIT! Lit!), &AD LILAD. , stale LZAD. purr ir and all colon DRY AND IN OIL. • 01110/1 AND FACTORY. : 480, 488, 461, 456 aid 488, Rebecca Una,. • can . Mouton to ihi giarantee pasted Oa s,aa. BUICUY Pam Mato Lead, and whet whew l‘purer carbonate or ',ado , we "lima .Nitmat- ! tqf,tititir.? 'that 1.. Die from Acetate sad Hp-•i diple, arid thereto!! le Akita and supelbli. both; In Olaf aid erfeelag proven,. • , OWAIIAATICI'D to be a norm' Caftensate of mod' and' orldte• Ulla any la the ankatal, sad. sW Obsfelelnopetee=is pew. la the Mu:smelt 1111 PU lit:. ,7eri of 81.11010. /UM idid RCM iIIATTRY 1t1C5.• Feather humors nod Moe* Oboes cuablbool:te Moaldluga and all lalogl:tigekauP,fireeit iad£Atelrolgitd`4 ha. porthodarattetatlon bateau uklag ato cla!tdag sad bemiblag, aherlYYd , r t . VirfolllVleaulug eamet Is the ea') osy which Tom 0511471 Waled that the °okra an faTliaTt ' inre d enaletVirrir An frets a . n h n r. 2 howl greatly reenter , : Oar elm.= tent call for aria deliver all good, gee of charge. . ROBERTS, NICIIOIIIIII t THOIPSOIL tipbolaterars and Ptoprletoga Steam Carpet .134 4 tto g .E% tit MI eh me n No. 127 WOOD STA NAT, mh7dtdd Near!lfth Avenue, Plttabarghira. r; ADIEW.GOLD OPEN' •• LLOWFIXr. A TV? hiOdioias adoortment Jut rev:dyed • '• vo:y Sn t eilaotloa.i :••• TOUR PLATED SETS Or ititzLgy. Idarraated td wear equal In add. TILIMSZIICrtiIVd • . F T •i:o• ♦ll bought wltile the lull,. eleee and erW be sold Seer. • . • : . • manias A mw.l3n • lot FIFTH AYENII6, op9aslt4 T - TNfIEfISON J:t'Bgg rae teca .Ir « t, neWes~1B~~; NEW ADVEIR"iIBEbLE- NTS CP CP r 1 , SEMPLE'S, I Street, \Allegheny City. NEW SPRINt DRESS GOODS. thorn Plaids•-•very cheap . BeaadUat Ity'a flew Ninon. Caney Bcpp Copilot. Plait Black and Colored Poplin. Colored Silk Poplin. New Striped Poplin. USSIMERES JONS. Turkey Red Certain Damasks, Colored Table Barnette, Bleached and Bablced Table Demob Sheeting Incline, Table Napkins, kc. HATS AND BONNETS; Ribbons and Flowers, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Noe. 180 and 182 Federal Street, I= D47"1=0 177.1 2 1.A.P18. ATEST ND BALRITIEN. ORHOUSE g the Latest. PLANINI/ MILL MEN CC AND 011123115. isms NOTICE! The noderstvied bon letters Patent of tbe linited Matra for the Unproved construction of woothm-botralog. Wilde llnlog and of walni coting for, booms. The wtother•boarding, by this patented improvement, being more nartico. tarty intended for vertical Int. and Molehill/Al great durability and beauty of appearance; and It is m county ted ao to entirely avoid He um of Joint strips, ud to prevent water from'entess meths Jolene, r the groping or Ma ohowlog of Me lonau by shop of the weather on the Um ber. Inside lining arid watmooting vr thin new method are so constructed as to form Perfect. Mamie m neMPIT so by the ordinary Soaring Waldvill*flwri the rube preventing the Mowing of the Jol nu from aoj moor, auditor/rig no for bogs. Ile lac also purchased the potent right of what le commonly known a* Ma •Ifotided Weather. boarding.' . . Rs has disposed of the followlag territorls , sad shop right is Alledbms7 COnney, for both pste eats, to wit To O. A. htesdorlr, the ritht for the territo77 south of the menu. ecd eoeurr. .• • . To First Mer,tu warn e of Pittsb wan h Douglam, Um right lbr I I urg. To McKee . Douglas. shop right for their alit. tiliterath 'ward. rlttsboran. To 11111. Patterson t Co.. shop rights for their Moth unitusb• To Awe.. re, ( or the borough of Me- Kaesport. Toltred grain rs, shoo right at their mill. I. Seventh ward. MY of nitelliwur. To Sharp M sb ni rg um m la d tn Z ngll; a l so r o t n he boin ro s v hl Og O Itheter and .• • • All wrongs are wat med • nd Infant's' apert oilker of tatd pataar. and those artsag 1.0 7.trtitam torn oleo. eta. or address me, at 75 amlttotald street. Pittallarrh. Pa. .1. C. ANDILVISUS. • AT Azi .0 • o • g le iA ./ pi n 41 4 1 21 i z go.ttocili at I 'x a Murray & Lanmat's Merida Water The most celebrated and most delightful of all per ,. fumes, for,vs'e on the hand ,. •kerchief, at the toilet and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers: CHOICE AND RARE CONFECTIONS, FOR PRESENTS. AT GLEO.IIEALIVENIN, 119 /lidera' Street, ! Allegheny. atittaa ' R3] CO 17 .EL X.a. GRAY & LOGAN - Vats . remortit from 4? gait STRUM lir 89 Fifth Aveitue. Until improving:its on 014 'Mind are ecouite• L. B. TILTON ' , O. S. O/an IFULTOti , 41ESAU' s. ,01111 PITTSRI, 71111 b /Mom% if oar MOO 111rooll, Loul Elm Num rjbwk. lOW ll.* Tabs wad W.. Mi.. M. Zoe uki 1. 111 .... Al. gad Beer_Paspily... Lem ere Itha:Ariektr:ll.. Plitt:Ur =lllA.l.i; APPlmuss! J wimp: , 14.44, ITICE.The time for re. N criviarfa 'pi petals Ltd the ate' Ste P. °handl Boodles ibis bets esteaded until •PRII. Ist,' at IRIOI2. ell bids ses.t be la it that Ilse. Bids eau be left It 11111 Wood street Os Tel Pelee. items*. ' • sibl7m44 eat Ms. Pashas Ch . eese; 50 txtzeiract...a cheese . ui regy t ali; f r u !' My rna , .1411.11.01.145au CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &o, CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium, AND WE: ZaZ 'Co M CARPETS. Our Stock is the largest tve have ever offered to the Trade. BOVARD, ROSE it CO. 21 FIFTH AVENUE. abladal. CARPETS. .• & COLLINS , WILL ISHINIT ON Thursday, March 17th, 1870, Tana maw . SPRING STOCK. The Geode vet Ibe dlsplayed in each a wanner that =ore on be Hen of the New Pattern. = • AT somata than o.l36ov:ilea far bow.. THE PUBLIC Is INVITED TO CALL Thitore Will lot be Urged to Bay, Feb..e wltt be found tow enoagh to WI the needs. . • 71 and 71 Fifth Avenue. • • mhl3 tat OOND TLOONet_ OLIVERYCLINTOCK & CO: C A LATEST E STYLES T ON EXHIBITION. NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices TO CORRESPOND wrra WHOLESALE RATES. &CALLUM BROS., 151 FIFTH 'AVENU E ABOVE. WOOD STAMET. HARDWARE dz CIITLERT ESTABLMS.IIIII) IEI3I. LOGIN, G EG . Ili CO., DEALIAS IR HARDWARE, 52 Wood Street, (to.r Mors shim° at. Charles PA. Csmitry Merchants are invited Is emir old =motto Oar sleek when In the City. Alma. ter Andersen & Wood's Steel and Northwestern Morse Shoe Nall Conibmay. A fall .toek of Baeblatets, Black smith. acid Carpentarou Tools. Spew ear's Biles, Leather Belling; . Lase Leather. am. alw.re a ha.a. BUSINB3S CHIk.NGBB. EICILVI7ON TICE Is .henby given that the Ina et ; IfeCOWAN . /1 SNYDER, • Allegheny eLy, ens: &none/ . .latnattylllll? . hy entill !evilest; B. R. ReIiDRAN. 4013 E SNYDER. MUM H AWISG. ON THE lath. lust ', .." . "latliOxi bait et Oa Steamboat GEZlN tuct'-ip rasznuitcs zsvq.s, tar lA 2 tarestateltilablLltx tor malt boat Mtda mot Ulm .13,' Joins. Pirreztriaam.llltbMareb.lll7o. intaft•Zl • voTicE or onsoturzem.•. partamilp_heretaton so:rates OSSintosi TROMAS TELFORD. • IL 15ILLE1Taii4J. S.) Notst.t.:asTatforo. Moro . has bean db, namLs Telford oriustroartos frost OE Ma. , ; -.• xsurww. MOORE •W . . . Havtliff_poroloniod the IntirottOrrifolll.l TZLI`OaD IN too 6a or Teltoro. Mows Ca. ono will Root,. the Job rrhalog Roder Ramo 004 pillo of J.LCBJBON, MUCBLIO s pa.. U e ma nab • •W. J.. JALEESO24. ' • • • 'moult , witlW, B. llaylok CO. ; PriTtatrooll. Nivea. 1870.. Tobil:113 I NOTICE TO 11111119P.E. • X.Eir ROVIIE • TO BUFFALO AND TO THE - NORTH Mut ALL.IIOIII2IIT VALLIXIRAII.IOI..WO6.I P utr i ttr 2114, zm a5 . 4 . 4 , 4.1 1: 4 foresees. appis to ' W. W. C. lICHZDIIII, Tresist Agssl.. - Comm rite sad 1111, streets, !Mesas". • 1. LALWREIIICW... .2 1 a General a.. gal 1. ; Malas lama apladated o►o WI tiA 5 unirscros ter Allesltear Gosae7. ad.*.t letsbY eves tn.: mail the aeseisary Item ait MsOaniest 'Zemin litsehtnerl ea. be 17ssylded t I will hi local at the 011111CIS OP THZ X*. TIONAV YOCISDRY . AND- rIPG WGEKEI Verents-thled meet; agar ream, Plttebartta . ascrat. GUMS 'Gas sad Gas Illetss Supeeior; S. miter of Weights aid Ileuvres, cram A . o . ..s .t rouriTH AVE., pitubst,n3h. ATOMS AND Turman, . µ imumas, COAL BOILS, runt, ioacus, raj , 16.0“ P. 41. DIIITY'S. WEI. MI6 Gran... Met. jADIa IMBIBES ~ . "MG, ROBB LID . mum pular cf . °taw Bata Belltog COISP1111•11 anit• • all -NOVI or o a. TM trait applial alalat hleti= " ' J. a HrIitII;LIPIN alai . .` • 6012tAl ior WI. etty. • VI:WEIGH • • • '" • mit.r.F...ts *PiII:WA, • Jiit rt.eeived, ♦ Arry • emits . Itallane Pena PeacliaL, Din.4ol 1541010.1 Plus. huisk Praises. iastrum ittie l aWi r eb7 • Nall SonerLll.oll•334 basil Late }.. .• Wlt& Ls t - No. X; II sad SI llookord—s.9 'oluo pkgs. . mo Coa'• ' . • LANgilochni. . ' Xs. RIX NM /it nos OFFICIAL. P1T114.13.17R6 EL 130 ROPOSALt VW ILL BE BE -1 et tv ist) at tba Water Convalttee arra ea. elal•a• eau be seem a •tll APRIL 4m. ta [amiss Y an/it:MEd fur .rke year. mitla at*iltrtl PlreleCH ae ornate..teat: Helms Or CRT Estaltrann At. ininevnent, o Pittsbarsh. }Web IS. ISIS., §PALED , PROPOSALS WILL tea resolved at this oleo etoUl KARCH SS. les for sopplyirg each of the Hord Vosalss stoners with, elOhn, kelsolsig ISt Bonds In his dlstrltt ln repair daring the rem 1510. Inds most bn made- oat for inch Muriel usV stele. Any farther Informat'on COO Web:A.ld tJ esllinsortllds oldest • ~ mOlll U. J. MOORS. Cit. Inglnetr. NOTICE. • a tlia lattcral Opudag atltioduna, Notice Is hereby given Mg Out aseessateit side by the Viewers tit :thi'etieatest'g ohnmi strelthae beesi flint •la my ones tot eelhiewse; that If sale aoskiiisents we net Ismd *ii thlrly day. fns the date hereof. Iteas Ally therelbunsbastile psoperthre .essessed, with Jokiest, "costs and fete:end the salmi °col lected by legal profess. g. P. SLABLis City Atlases?. • Ito. 106 11116 Ainnat, Firrnstrman. Feb. 73. 1810. 021360 :NOTICE. ' a the Natter of Opening gaup. Met. Moth" ts herebralrea that the unethical Ili made by the Pleven for the °peel./ of Rote etreet • has bees filed In my ollthe for oolheeLloet that If the same be not paid , within thlrt/ dale trete the data hereof. Ilene will be died then• for sealed the propertlee sunned, with feheeeet. costs end fees, ead the wee collected by Z. F. FLAGI.Z. City Atteram No. 106 TU.! AVMs.. Prrrssaase. lob. 23. 1676.' 111311121 • • AN ORDINANCE repealing an Ordlnaba, ter • &ore r oa ollth Koons. emu. 1. Be It orowood wAL enact e d tb• CM/ of littaburgb, In Been and Common Co•noll• namolitee. end IS la hereby ordalaed and a.aekd by tbe antbmtiy or the same, 'bat lin p.ssed al., .b day. of Novassiser, INGO, me too:LW r roestrnetNn of • Public Bever en ellx.k Amman and to 'ante street, be and tba • . same Is !Wester repealed. SIC. A. That any ordlnanee or panolimelnanee emillellny with the remade of this ordinance at the present time. be and the sante Is hereby tat pealed so far ea the mme Mete this ordlnaneo. Ordained and enacted Into a law in ConnellS, this mirth day of Mollo A. D. 1970. JAMES MES MOM:ILLY, • President of Select Connell Attest: Z. S. litonnom. • Clark etf Selent W. A. TOMIMISON. - President of Common Connell. /MAP: H. llckmelea, ta===lll:Z3l ALLEGHZ.NY, • CoirralnL•lol rimer.. I CrrY Or Amiananr, March Wm ISIS. I VOUCH TO CAUPENTEIIB. CULLUM PROFO.S•Lti wilt be received at Ogle elm until a o'clock r. IfirIESDAT. March 34th. , MO. for the cementation or • PLANK SIDILWALI on Ban avenue. from tk• Franklin...A to Willie mime. gpeelgestiont Centre seen at the omctn7 Mae. Eni.. Ong Engineer. Merl/at la rantreed to releat any or all bids. W. M. POREILVS. , Cite Ooetrollee. EMMB LITT EPOtersoto4l OrreCl. t ALLicaIIZAT CM, /lamb 18, 11404 TO SEWER conmascrons.;— re. Bawer CosomLuton of the Olt) petrol an prepared to roxivaiiropoial. (et . a," 00ostrleetloa or aboat 1400 feet 3 feet Erlek Circular Fewer, LOCated on Hester mons. front FrankUs attest to BiTard stmt. : Drawings aid syealleatioas can De even Rad hdl tafornatlon obtained at Ude elks. Bids Inuit be endeised "Sewer lroDerals•! aM• &livered on or before 3 o•elock r. x girth AT. 1670. Yonac or proposals. on which Ames alone bids will be raeived • _will be furnished 4 the Wien. =I pt loe tomrebt cr any tad. 4 4s . .rder of the Commlsilutc.; caesura DAWN Lutiertiu : UT err irsZl9 111110 NOTITE !! . - issia ....i , skrs4 , :m street, who hoestslisdtes eirsolOtionk their tarry Ur, sio ‘ herabusotilsol, tilt eloix !till be requiredso Manidosoriptioisof Oak Amnia for testae) (to prosinat drodi pollooliSO this Cotee witleltitha muse it tbrel7.ds7o lts [bit data 'of this's Inertlsomout;;otkerwhe liar will Wield-1101e to ale peoa4.4es set IMAM the do:moor Set berevrtil . opisssode/11. ' MEM EX EA FROM REGISTRY AO!' Male .Lasas, *74 1 CM. • • • • Ehouid the aiti or ileitinming . P.DtVi be neglected Or omitted, or not pr cometted with ea promptly se may be dea34.l.lll“eiliarit ' oler nta tbe early complettee oythe plans, thee after one month , . notice, by potato advertisement II the °theta payers of the vlil.to the welts Mr reeCestate In matt city sot Iwitsterettv amtni written or printed notice shad 'bars MOW says on the owner et olrstni, or deltitreei air thi property, should they fall. be hay* sea . rented teede, lien and In that ease theY•halltekYntitlt toe line of Ply. Dollars foi !sett month et ..oh aeglest., datteg from the tenelstellon of enltteti• •.nuemeot; aed. 1* sue thi rise ba r tatato for the Albers Of sla mouths, alarm for the sees. masted tines sad oasts shall be tiled gall trifles . - ed as mustalpal claims an now or may be herr after by_law **fleeted: the raid taw lie be bell tato the City Tresiere; the settee tit lietiS 11111aa to realster propenrwas be etre. is ' ta'etabre , e the haettett7 at toy hestleeler w awe/alba, melte anteltzt of weal.. OtIAOM/A CHARLES DAVIS.' CITI; 31NG1111VC/L, EICITI Crorlerootrgoorwt•Oroleo , . • A LL "PPTY CnT • /A.: 3 1 157 9r I NOTICE umstkuir Asivm -ti.eib..6;mdifi.tia for the opeelm of Lkinellt,mr. ilielkeioire WK t. lIY UeE6"LIeC, fironootoo poor Oorr . ror refit *ri oitir wut tro ,r_tanW to Copal sciallnamlon. CII►ZLZ! °Liu. It= Carr . Nauman's Orme .IL2r.taaaar errs'. Pe.. Merril 16;aniq 'NOTICE ' nEattit.amear . Uses the.esaceessint wade by Me allepois tar tae neater. at MAT OS' lora. bacbeen Mat La sidi UOll4 eel':be etas 'barb . !in.uoicipu'tiui; Wima tc ," ca'iai~e Dt~ " s ~.,.~ >-~auan,e..r. =I , floppriums To.TBEAT . :ALI 1 4 7 ,71===a1V Its Mena. ati Z..„,„-•ger,1,0., ...w.ii. -- Zi. b a r ... - salaam titlazir tfff=r th... ....= •%',' l Anz.gii4 4 . antaa • .4 — falotr• whiWah lon Oonory, ladolence, nocturnal and Many oo pr sae SWIM 7e 10. w a; an.lattort7, WI toWletrare 91rtnabentlY !WWI. irMs it ..i ttasetwo my aNgraalttata.. , at Whitt LaNtlapttallailal 0011t_ ph9tl Lciia 9n , anWaCt a WM: near:ter mi. olati. clan inlettlon ta1=1, 6,. +1 4 10 •Mosorthea ar Mr.IT roallOn ar Mutton of the 'jamb, t I AZIttll ga 'l4 't%AEl =al* L P = tgiaf " Wn4" gti gnsmt Mlti ll tge phY VO i t " 4l ota a of Wham* awl ter.abl thoosanda of WON IP, tnaa , I NanWp r. =a 4ll."" '• , " • Doctor Malabo, a atedlonl ihmlii , 1 ,.. /U Iftr.hygerthat glia• IL toll anotttlos of multand• ManisuMuSCan tenon dl Ca% hall tor . two maps, ht tentance cantata. 'to Ma ah 7 . ianttaanntinyc=a,ta ll.] sr War y! et a s ay =4 l ..., v s a S "I A . ....r..1 A1rek ... . fr ,...; ...0010,41 411lloa caa be Was b• a written statrawat of the arta ono be /toward. *A by pail ea am. mat. tananan. aawrrar. I Derftrilal Ma& „ tow la abtal . n t taturrary t hi 1 2%. Jl O. l for theloto•tatodatlon cloaca% ..:"• MI •lataasetealma atm* as an 0101517.1=11reqatttse that ts ta Cr. Winding soadleatad Irma . W all owarlatlOn• aro N t rutat -la tlki DO•lar'S awa lab Oratory, bode/. ulltaltaal %pataalittaa at , t41 °1 4, " 'ea la iIIO iltaMba. . WO. gat who n • wltath• rays.' Ilatul 9AG lo in wM . .9 l nZ l llar4 %moo, • L2l I. I 7"DEMARK. Lamp, PEINNEYSI . .. WHOM VENTS 1 05" AWL ntelsat' fr etb late Cab welete/Telt WWI .4 • Pulenats_psenlas Ash stunt s Ne._ Diamond Barest, - rloburels. and at lee Tskte C4 7 3 ". 4 .. Anualetur CIW. corner or !federal an Olslo streets. Our long saneness* In the . basenessenanles us to al wsv base on nand a Int lasS article. sad can sell 'else Balnson, 7 0 s isj os ../Sleet Bass and W w Pere% all at e, w 0.. fasces • ...14 we unfits's/I alike NN! 2,1 M• 14 ,./4 1 .107411/11 1414