The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 21, 1870, Image 1

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MML,lsai;s2 lit
* 00,
046ais,i4 and 86 'VIA ' Limnos.
T.'? RC IMMIX; t in%
E•rnu Airsi nonsalau.
Spam, perr0ar.«......—..:«.....—.,-82.114
DaiVasd nnittY.
Ett littAntrgt Gaytt
. CHICAoo now boasts a female broker.
WILD ducts area ding on the Illinois
Fiver. \
A rim suit—wig, gown, and bands:—
,TorirmecnE renders the iinlimi's life a
- &MN= pronounces Revels correct-as
to attitude.
Bruning music balls have domesticated
- bull fighting. .. •
Tmurron flute people for killing dogs
'which bite them. - - •
. Thi Royal Rxchange—"My Kingdom
for a borne."—Fun.
Nutt Yonx clairvoyants thrive on the
p . lyof Boston mystery. ,
A. MUCKY Ohio girl part oiled a would
km burglar with soapsuds.
' 4 " ' Tar health of the London pollee force
— .. .pretty bobby-ish.—Flia.,
---A'WOMAN has asked to lie admitted to
the Chicago Board of Trad .
Bart Fitmuctsco bu ho ne Itself by
giving Ole Ball a golden . el wreath.
4 d
' A Tex as murderer wan his execu
tion delayed because he is in poor health.
A 'FntscO doctor is ungallant enough
to charge Camilla Urso WO for four visits
Num Yon rushes to theatres and
Oenstansai if no such thing as Lent ex-
MADAME TDPAAI7D had added George
Peabody's figure to her collection of lag.
Taut Clerk of the New York Board o
Police Justices gets a salary equal to $2
, A. P. 1111.11 asks why It hi butcher's meat
Ma not fallen ? Doetr it not go down
Irsin7 day?
Aar Indiana farmer laid a gravoiard
ghost the other night by shooting Ms old
white horse.
itistouoiA newspaper, speaking of Rob.
al Toombs, says that his mind “is in full
. ,
Tasjail•birds at Ban Francisco are an
'half - rations and want to change their
boarding place.
Fula Mires plaster ants are need by
Washington, Mattes to scare cats out of
their best rooms.
t• Wunate lays he dined out after his
bruhlog. Leland thought. he badelosed
his month fox good.
A Havana newspapersays some of the
Admetus of that Blate have "brook trout
over foir feet long." - •
tisrauvrans don't stymy' get rich, but
by the time detettless Ice* for t h em they
aregenerally well or. _.
T. Prince Imperial didn't hate the
-small pox after all. He Is not to be pitied
so much as if he had.
Tan DOLLAR! was the wager which in
.dnoed • Clotutteticat woman to at a
.bnahel of roast oysters.
- A Thssouruert, who lost his wife by a
*raged *indent, asks .30,0120 damages.
The company offer $2900. ,
T/C ' Elf have lately disinterred in "eight
Itige IddfAn thieftalh nod four of his sub..:
ledge' near.Lonisville, 'Ky. - _
An on:erprising female traveller In - In-
Giant wenteed a whole railway car to her
welfbycarrying ajar of sourkrout.
PARTY well supplied with whiskey
end other needful artides has just killed ,
a huge:California lion In ' Missouri. carded on ,In the
streets of LoulaYille. The swine do the
3Kulting-and swill C. 1 414-rgig fzo PeCgsine•
— "Ca Wo;iati;a" party' aminnniately!
- wants.: to _make Ehzabeth the capital of
New Jersey. Ann-exation will come
new princess of Naples was' bom
•bii Neapolitan 1011-eeserml 'sacks of It,
Imported by weber' and spread > on • elm
&oar. •
A YOUNG LADT In lowa, minting to
.eommlt suicide in as pleasant a way 1121
giosaible, made a nice cako. to put her
P 04 01 14- - 1.
A East FRANCISCO Othello put out his .
Deedemoura light and hie own, the other
' day, with a revolver instead of a pillow
and ,word.
Two Nei, York Tribune says Captain
- Iyre's crime "is worse than disgramthi
to his nation and race—it Is a calamity to
Lis speciosa" _ .
Naw °massif; plck•pocketa send up a
host of India rubber balloani, and while
the crowd gazes heavenward, go through
their pockets.
J•cc BUISIBT told a Connecticut
caucus the other day that ." if we do our
duty and elect our man I itavo.nci doubt
of the result." ' • • .
Tgaieria Banda applauded the other,
day, what the Preside:ft "Min
Hissir:" • She ill 11 young, pretty, and en 4
firnealngelerk. • _
..HitiOmiqi boil& of allorwegian wed
4nisi whenitheillasfal tirgte
ypit. WO= feet .In length, and asks
rtliow.ts that
poitar Das briten a Phlladelpuart out
!of,W, 0 0 0 ; 11400,000 ofwhlch lie had at
wnee. He now feels thankful for - the
shelter of the poor hoc= - - •
L MninscrrA. paper =amen that
•- • •wr youngledies were recently baptized
riga, In that State, with the titer:
'q -"l'oetrete above zero •
eery i t 1 • ••• • • , •
7 &tiro(' - 14 °' kigiaderi c l im PAPerg
1 e ci . ado pit two, po
= _ r
01) 0 n drunken woman to
d e T i iii; the we e r , : . fight= 4WD
lki i i:E r iviii'ziews, Jostle* of the
Peace,' In Wyoming,"od bor./Inge pond
day woreW Callon gawi, N:N 11144 tWes4c.
hat shawl, arecn,lottr ribboti And grace
• 'mate.
• Own Locust sus then are he'?
of Albiololla One . -tea, 20
thought beyond her mero . personal s,.
pelohuativaud' thw 'othgr, Pr fashionable,
otpd,yet has brain& ; • -
•41. Bait ritancisco pedagoeuelnibein
tOprthinfor monthi Pr what
error asp oat :there: Nampa:at ortmakit
wag pounded' .s !wreak All h•
tonldrt stand.
.7011 , ,e4ctirtend Jno. Spze„ • wboit
Agoituthsensrus &xi hot-seem to have
'abated his Damon, it ag4tq shls to Want,'
.sad is announced to lecture
- 010,1118 '- • • ••,,1
the Philadelphia Ep iaco.
pal Conference , the rooms onthequeetion
'Dna delegation were oilletally,reported,
- .The..trote mood In this CoMmence-fo4
41. 40 iff agalntl, Mgt- majority 1a. 11 704
. - "4143010nhe lager beer &Mars In Nat
- Notriltrisexintin, refused to supply beer M
-amembers of the Legislature who votedle
Amor of remosing the fitabil*Plittl to
ybillerankee. Some legislators got may
',Motile:date promises Elie anintry acme
;ascent on the bill abolahlog- the franking
=re next week, when possibly the
bill will be oat of the way. By
- Npideraroonsent It was made the special
:soder for next Tuesday.
Isatrit carious, bowfscemsalting from
De aiiihrows to the end of tlea nose will
dispel hoituelineas t With only the fore
-lead, mouth and chin risible, and bright
yin loollairibrol4b Apertures, there
wae scarcely a woman present who might
not hare been taken to possess • beautiful
Tam It wouldn't be abed Idea for ladle
to seetitute masks for TOIL .
the the7th of this Mouth, near Phi's.
start:tie, • Pit• a pair of brans were to dims kw cords of threefhot
men oak wood, and they accomplished
The actual wistaktot the wood wag
11,996 wands and the Mesh and wood
rack well:Lunt 1 . 0 00 POund,.. sa
This W
'Waled npselill the weeeeet. portion of
which is allowed, by good j u d ge, to b e
. at least .Hone quarter pitch. '
Una of the ladles on ther We: pry in
%Mr:OWD; Mitts that she felt no serious
• diacconfort from being shutup four daYs,
end would have held out for months
rather than be convinced by such On sr
lumen% aa that made by the Omani ter
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the defence. If ' . tern women who
may hereafter enj , y the privileges of
jurors manifest - an, equal resolution, we
may certainly leak for fewer disagree
ments, and u a cimecquence, a decrease
in the number of is who go unwhlpt
of justice:
IT IS lIIIIT next certain thattho Bing.
ham amendment, ill be etricken out of
the Georgia bill and in tilis the House will
undonbtedifaiticir..- Par thia result the
Georma.rebels ha e Le one to thank btit
themselves. In heir ebullition of joy
they forgot &le n . , and began again their
old game of thre i of personal violence
and attacks on Ivan" character. The
quicker an end is 'put to them the better
for Georgia and the country. -
'rem latut report from the Suez Canal
represented it In active end succeesful
operation, with nineteen feet of water in
the shoalest parts, while the flow from the
Mediterranean Sea into the great lakes
was constantly increasing its depth, so'
that at no distant day the channel in ex.
peeled to bo twenty-seven feet deep
throughout its entire length. This will
enable the largest steamships to pass
through In wifely. Steamships from Eng.
land, loaded with twenty five hundred
tons of coal, have already passed through
the Canal without delay; and so great is
the public confidence in the safety of the
Passage, that nearly, a hundred steam
ships are now under charter in England,
India and China for trade by this route.
lTax announcement has already been
ade in. the GAZETTE that the schooner
James H. Hoyt went aahoro Wednesday,
at Long Branch, during a gale, and is a
total loss. After the wreck, the Captain
and four men clung to the rigging, and
whilst the storm lasted were plainly seen
by people on shore. Assistance was pro.
cured, ands large number of men assem
bled,-but the surf ran too high for'boats
to live in It. A line wail shot acreaa the
wreck, but the men were too mut en.
feebled to pay any attention to it. en,
one after another in full sight from the
crowds on the teach, they fell out of the
rigging and were drowned. Ono caught
by his feet as he fell, and hung semen:dn.
ntes head downward. The bodies were
washed ashore by the waves and taken
chargetof by the people.
Ix Executive Denton It was decided to
make the San Domingo treaty the special
'subject of discussiontu Secret 1418i011 on
Wednesday next. As the ratilicatiOn
quires a twothirda vote, its auccess is
very donbtfal, and the debate•-will be a
very long one. Many well informed
&haters - believe the treaty is gaining
friends, and will be ratified. Thecost to
oily Government is Stetted to one and a
- half millions of dollars in gold, the
money to be applied to the payment of
the debts of the Dominican Government.
It Is asserted that one - hundred thousand
dollars bats already been expended in no.
gotiations by our Government. State
ments are afloat that there is a great job
in this treaty, and that "there is money
in it," as the lobby expresses it. The
best evidence of the falsity of this state
ment Is the fact that every4egular lobby
ist tiers, so far as Is known; is against the
treaty, and will do all he can to defeat it.
Tun President visited the Capitol again
Friday, and remsibed for sometime in the
President's Mom, in the Senate wing,
where he conferred with Senators regard
ing the ratification of the treaty for the
annexatianot San Domingo. The Pre*
ident feell very anxious that this step in
his foreign policy should not be repudia
ted by the Senate, and be feels very much
disappointed at the adverse art of the
Committee on •Foremn Deletions, winch
he hopea to overcome by gibing hie views
and additional facts to individual Sengpra.
Should the Senate adopt a pending reso
lution to consider all trestles in open ses
sionf,ht is maintained by-the opponents
of this San, Domingo treaty that.. some
stertillig teVelationawill be made, which
will .srery speedily secure Its rejection.
Them visits of the President and personal
conferences with Senators at the Capitol
himetbeen heretofore, without precedent.
For heady two boars' the , quest/orf was
dismissed, the Presidentpresebting addl.
tide Liaisons for:rititying the treaty,
and urging its Imptirtance to our Govern.
ment. Nearly, all of the Senators gave
their opinions on the itibjec; and many
announced themselves favorable to-the
scheme. Senator Cameron voted in com
mittee against the ratification, but has
changed bis mind with 'reference to dt.
I No member of the Foreign RehtUons
Committee unfavorable to the project
was invited to participate in the consul-
Er themeeting of the /louse Comte Wee
on Indian Alfalrak'bill providing for the
future treatment of the Indians was • min
aidered at length: ' The will provide
•ier the division: of recauma into _ffirce
clunk, the first to be known as civilized,
and to - receive no annuities or other bone
hiker geode from the United States, and
- the two climb to be composts] of
the half civilized and barbarous tribei,
who will receive aid until sufficiently far
advaiced to be ranked with the first class.
It is also provided that the countrylubab•
ited by the Indians shall be divided into
four districts, each to have a superintend
eintoind siso that as many,serunciee. shall
be established throughout the,districui as
may be necessary to, perry out the provie•
lons of the act.' TIM bill does not con
template or provide ref treaties of any
character the,-committee being pretty
well mailed that treaty-tasking is olio of
the viten Pans Unit cad be puraniq, both.
for the Government d lb& India&
Governor Burbank, of TBaketa,-writerto
the COMMISSIOWIr of Indian:2o'4in that
there is a fair prospect that 'Bed timid,
chief of a warlike bad of Sioux; will
want to negotiate.with the Government,
zDd go on a reservation thbi spring, This'
will make en Isupertt .change in the
tweet of liar.: aWs in the North
west, is be Is the 'Unit rcfstidalkledifor Of
the Sioux, and his 2,500 Indians nr,tter
his beel4es tugueace over!
Many others. '
„. .
'firedtectonic& of the tariff blll,lfaa
only commenced in. the :Hew, and It
promises to be very protracted. The
!Shiest - Mende of the tarld "biII have; sat
y e t 'spoken. In the' =aniline, tariff
netittaosare pouring in (roman quarters,
4 - j antet eualy signed, mostly by esseAsmics
and morkingmen, and not by:women and
childrun, es a majority of the froo-trade l
petitions are signed. • Lest week, In two
days; ninatyalz petitions were presented
to the House realm:tanking against any
change in the tariff. - One of these, pre:
- MIMI by HOD. D. J. Horrelle was
s ti nted by fourteen 42Pdred and fifty
t amtlanlcs and workingmen. Nil-
Uoni etre all numerously signed. Will
be .observed tluit the Democrats are tat ing
an active Interest in favor (1) of the
.tariff, Hr. 'Maw , of. Ohio, etudnian
oilier House Comm ittee on Antler:lune.
has prepared a speech- in favor of the
tariff MU, ler which be will discuss the
calatlons .of .protection to agricutture„i
altowlitg that a protective tariff is as
nessesaszyito She American . farmer as - td
the American mechanic. and artisan.
Thus far.eemy weight the House has In
elicited a decided majority In -favor of
the present tariff bill, and its friends are
confident of Ile- ultimate success.. When
general debate Is closed, there will pnib
ably be two substitutes submitted, one
from the Republican side in Die interest
of revenue reform, and one- from thO
Democratic side in the interest of freo
trade, more or less. ,The Pennsylva
nians are seeking to form some combina
tions with the Itepresentatives from the
South, who are mostly Northern men,
by agreeing to vote for
t ecoustructlon,
bank currency, and other mesaurca, but
the feeling on the subject is to de ans
to be controlled by combinations. The
Pennsylvania delegation poured is broad;
auk into the free-traders. General Cake
ow.-e In a etrongargument. The Hon,
wealth:mien Townsend followed in-the
ablest vanment, General Healers re.
marks• were "prepared. _ He
went *vs: the. whole ground of pram.
Hort, and demonstrated by .-figures the
greet benefit to be derived not' solely by
p e nnayhards, but by the whole country,
tsarostering American industry.... Theta
gnawing feeling forever of Oreteett en
In the House, and If the West be not
blind to reason, there is room to hope th a t
It will not so recklessly throw •liown the
tars that keep out, the pauper labor of
. • • '
Convention of School Book Pub
lishers—Tito Defalcation of Col
lector Bailey—Riot at Jersey
City—Street Assanit—Bridge
Caisson Launched - - Merchant
By Tt temph to the PlttaVorgh Ih:eye.]
N 11.14 YORE, March 19, 1879 .
A. Convention of School Book Pubßah.
era of the United States, after three
days' xensdon, adjourned laat night. A
Board of Trade was organized .with the
following officers for the ensuing year:
Wm. iI. Appliston, President, Smith
Sheldon, 'Vice i l residelit,' Jon. Barnes,
Secretary, C. C. Walworth, Treasurer, all
ot New York; Executive._ Committee,
Rob;, a DATIL of Breton; Chas. Scrib
ner, of New York, A. H. English,. of
Pittaburgh; Arbitration Committee, J.
A. Harper, of New York ; Henry trillion,
of New York, T. M. Bremer, of Berzon,
S. A. Potter, of Philadelphia, 0. J. Wil
son, of Cincennati. The retell prices for
all achool hooka are to Le fixed by the
respective publishers, from which a max
imum discount has been fixed by the
Board; terms of tele. cash In thirty days.
All field agents and commiasion accounts
are to be withdrawn on or before July
let. The action of the Convention wax
harmonious and the regulation, were
unanimously agreed to. . • , I
The investigations made go to show
that tollcctor Billey is a defaulter, and
that his books exhibit a large dell:dewily
In funds belonging to the Government.
It fa believed to exceed 180,000, and the
evidence of fraud Is laid to be over
whelming. He la, paid to have, four
years ago, as collector of the fourth dia.
trial, appropriated public fonds to his
own use, and those peculation. were
covered up by the receipts of the thirty
aecond disttict. Bailey's_ sureties ate
Ottorgtii_Opedytke, Henry FL Davie.;
Ilenrc Clews. and tfeorget. Dangles, all
men of rospoualbility, so the Govern
ment will not suffer the loss of a dollar.
Rumor eays tile defaulter has gone to
Europe or Nassau., _
A riot occurred near Paionia Ferry,
Jersey City, to-night, ' originating in a
charge made by a man named Kinnelly,
foreman or a gang or men employed In
loading trerght 'ter the Mile Railroad,
that he had been robbed-in Taylor's
Hotel, and that the proprietor kept a lot
or theives about him. He was expelled,
and procuring' the assistance of about
thirty men,. soon after. returned and
made a violent attack upon Taylor and
employee. Tailor was beaten insensible
and a man named Itinney.severely
ed.. Daring, the melee several. pistol
shots were did - d
and Kinnelly wan slight
ly wounded. Re and man) , other rioters
were arrested.
• Major Wm.. W. Leland, who caned
George Wilkes on Broadway a few days
ago, was assaulted In Prince street alxiut
eight o'clock this evening by an nn
knoWn desperado, who struck him a
violent blow in the face with braes
knocklera. Leland was but slightly In
jured, gave chase Immediately and tired
four abate from a revolver at the man,"
who is supposed to have been hit but
managed to escape.
caisson taut:mien.
,The caisson-fee the East ItltlYrErldge
wee launched at Grooms°lnt to day In.
tho presence of Ave thousand people. It
weighs four thousand - tons and will be
towed to the Brooklyn aids or the pro
posed bridge In about three weeks- •
George Wakemiui, a Well known news.
paper man, died to-day of pneumonia,
aged twenty-nthe jeer'.
Nsw Yana, March 20, 150.
A rumor was circulated late last even.
lug of the arrest of Collector Bailey, but
it is not yet•authenticatecl, and probably
incorrect. Allegations against Bailey
continue to become public. ,The suer
lion is made that he converted sixty
thousand dolbus to hie own use
nary.. 1847; while collector of the Fourth
distriet, which he collected aff bonds on
several hundred barrels of whisky raid
to have been transported to California,
but , whieb, it is believed, was never
shipped. -
Charges 'are also made that
about:thetame time he melted the recti
fying house of one gerr,held it for twenty
days and relented it upon the payment
of twenty thousand, of which Kerr abb.
sentiently received about thirteen thou.
sand, and that twoyeariago ho received
thirty two thousand dollars from J 01398
et CO., to eottlea case of seizure, of which
the Government got only_ss.6oof also that
there was a defielebcy lir hie accounts,
while Collectorof the Fourth Aletrier; of
forty-three thonsand suit artaiddltitinal
deficiency In tire Thtrty.eectdddlst rlat of
sixty thousand. Report says matey
left a memorandum beWnd him acturow.
lodging himself to be a defeilltere—ldis
pier deptity,: Mr. Chtlda, 'has
arrested Merged with complicity In llie
frauds. and will be examined On illorfdify.
Mr." False and other merchants—bed
taken saps arrest orrelvil
cults for fnallcluus prosegutiori , before It
was discovered-he eras missing. itolicitor
Bonfield, of title Treasury, Lomaking4s
thorough investigation of Bailers arena
and from Information already received it
IS OZ pected the total defalCitioll will reach
gite,eoo or #200,000. The belief is ex
pressed that all suite commenced- by
n{oo, d is tr ict'' erebtle in thrThitty•
second be abandondd by
Geri. Pleasanton; the
Tho ease of H. F. Clark, another of the
limo- dealers accused by Bailey of die.
treading , the GovarnittV.,:wasi examined
yesterday before Commissioner Osborne
and the ehasgeamerksetagetainecL
The Erie Railroad, Company will die.
charge from Its emPloy the gang of thirty
or forty stevedores who participated in
the riot In Army City astrirday evening.
liir.Mylor'e Injuries are critical. Two
rgleaders, one of whom was shot in
tim head. have bean committed for OW:
An uruguecouttrl attempt was made by
incendiaries. last nigitt to tern the wb(lle'
row of ' bolldloge NOWark. aVeinio,
Jersey City.
The Produce Rachango had artegaltea
discusalon yesterday over resolutions
IPP,Lovi UK *PpmPrhitior! 1 1 ,Domoo
by no astleicrwardi tompletion or
the Neiw York and Oswego Midland'
Rallwsy as - a third trunk line to the
Vint, but adiodrueetwitteivit action. Mbe
resolutions will prohsbly be adopted at
the heal_ meeting. _ '
Maytian advicts to March 9th state the
townn of Des Apricots is to be bombarded
trine-piatioltei do not 7h 3 A POOtondttion
ally. The sentence of death of severs/ of
Waleson's °Mesta was comnanted to lm.
..prlsonniftt forilts,_:Pioel entllappthad
leaned an amnesty to all citizens of the
districts of Grande. Anse and robins!'
who immediately' lay down their arms.
• c pith . / jtxIIIOTAY,I4 •
Romani are afloat of 'the - coming rot
repeal of Supervisor Dutcher and that
the pelltlchnui have compassed the sp.
polntment of l ancoessor. &ion.' Jon*
the present Postmaster, whose name It
In mid will go to the &mite this week. •
- FArard Flannery, a boat and-oboe
dealer on Broadseay, ban. txen'intedng
El *month and' lt feared he has
.• . • !
• • 'ISI7XPEND k D.
&rim! cigar tietoriee In the lower part
otitis city. hays suspended opetatleet l / 2
their employee being unable, under the
rakes? the Union, to =opt a roduottou
The Ma ad ay Library Question
(By Select - sob to Os rlttiburn liluetal.ll
March bicz-/The bill to open
public libraries on Sandaewaa refused a
tblni reading In the Senate. •
Pint.&DIMPHIA, Mardi .1 9 .—Judge
Baled this morning , granted a writ, .31, the directors of the Mercantile
Library, requiring them show cause
why an alternative writ of mindirmna
should not Wine. returnable brat Monday
of April, commanding, respondents I.
keep the library room open as a :soarer
Mom Sunday afternoons. •
The Court House Structures Pronounced
Unsate--School Teacher • Acquitted—
Extraordinary Snow Storm.
Illy Telegraph to iao Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CHICAGO, Mimi! 19.—The Committee
appointed by . the Mileage bar to invalid
gate and report al t.o.tbe safety of the old
Court Monet. and wing* mot this morn
ing. Mionel s teana, Chairman of the
said they, bad prepared a re
port, which be read. prefacing it with
some remarks relative to the present
condition of the Court House. He had
examined the bnilling personally And
carefully and was satisfied the old build
ing needed other supporta than those it
now had: that in its present condition It
was unsafe and persons inside of it were
daily and hoiarly in daoger of being
crushed by the falling of some portions
of the structure. Col. Evans then read
the report or Mr. Randall, architect,
which was m; the shape of. replies to
quddions. In reply to the question
whether the doors were likely to. give
way, he says that he had not positively
determined; joists were sprung and
there were several indications that the
doors were not substantial as they should
be. In reply to a question whether the
foundation of „the new 'wings are Rafe,
Mr. Randall answered emphatically no;
they were not aufticiemt to support
beyond the contingency of an accident
to such a superstructure. lie recom
mended the removal of an interior wall
in the west wing, which rests anon joists;
also the removal of what remahas of
-the root. Judge _Broadwell said be
had examined the roof with four
architects, and they came Ito the
unanimous opinion that the roof was
liable to come down at any moment.
One architect said theta blow from' cold
chisel could knock down a column that
would let down the whole east wing. Af
ter hearing more evidence to the same
purport, the committee adjourned with ,
out taking any action.
Mims O. A. Rose, teacher to the Width
achqol. who was arrested for pushing a
lartramed Legg down Matra and seri.
cutely injuring him, was tried today
before Justice Moore. Miss Rose was
honorably,ammitted, it being proven by
a large number of scholars that she was
not present when the boy , was pushed
down the stair., but dist it was done by
other boys, accidentally, while engaged
lh acefiling.
A letter from Sioux City, lowa, dated
March 16, says the moat violent and se
vere snow storm that ever swept over
that region during a period of fifteen
yeses, has been raging for eeventy.two
. .
Crticsao,.klarch_Zl—The Grand Jury
of the Recorder's Court yesterday found
bills of indictment against Auguntue H.
Burley, William H. Garter and John.
McCarthur, memhere of the Board of
Public Works, and Rufus Rose and Cass
Chapman. architects, of the new court
house. The bill charges the above
named with erecting a building dan
gerou to the lives of
-.' the work
men theroce mud 'tunic* nocupanle
theredand the public generally and with
the offense of creattngund establishing •
common rinisance,sontrarg to the peace
and dignity of the State of Illinois. The
testimony taken hy the grand Jury, and
upon which they have lopnd the bill, is
kept secret for •the present. The jury-
Mate that they find the exterior walla and
foundations upon which they rent eecure,.
but that the interior walls are Insecure
and dangerous to lifeind limb.
The_Ouctda Attalr—lndlgoatlon of Amer.
.Icant at the Reliant of the Courtolfar
tl.l of Capt: Eyre—Yetsecntion and
Deportation of titithellatta..
Illy Telegraph to the Plttsbereh Gazette.]
SAN FRANCISCO, March 19.—The eteam•
er China, arrived no day from Hong Kong
February 12th and 'Yokohama February
22d, experienced heavy weather on the
homeward. voyage. Khe spoke the
steamer derma- March lath. All well.
February 18th commtiniChted with the
U. 8. steamer Delawardend took Aboard
Fleet Captain Ree as a passenger for Yo
kohama. The pelawaro'a machinery
waxdhiabled and elle 'was returning to
Hong Kong under self.
At Yokohama the affair of the Oneida
agitated the community the entire
month.. Captain Eyre was allowed. pas.
sago -on ;
the Bombay, notwithstanding
repeated requests and deinands upon the
British author - Wet • for his - arrest sa a
criminal, trial and pnnlshinent. The
sentence of the Court suspends him-for
sir months. • The Americans were in
dignant, not only at this, but at the in
tolerable 'Rawl:eh - Insolence - the Annul
can Minister waaanklected to during the
Captain Roe, enter. or the Skid Of the
United States steamer "Delaware, had
reached Yokohama and ,venuld immedi
ately hold a Naval Court - of 'reentry.
The only bodies found were therm or
Captain Williams and the carpenter. -
The Japanese authorities - were penn
ing-what few native Chridlane camped
deportation. It la said they now demand
that foreign Minister* and Micoionarles
be prohibited from teaching the native*
or in any way promulgating their faith.
The peninsula oriental steamer Lon.
day ran into and Immediately mink the
North German steamer Uarrie.rano. The
crew was eaved.
Nrom Wogs. Nagasaki and Osaka came
terrible aocotuda of christian persecu
tions and deportations. Family ilea are
entirely disregarded.
At Yeddo from four to Ilya thonsaad
houses were deritroped by gre on the 4th
and sth of February: - The American
Coos Nate narrowly funeral: • . ;
There is bad feeding toward foreigners
in all amnions, especially 9014141 a ,, and
they are closely yratchud.
supposea gialclde orAu itairuadOLLegta.
tattle Rotten..
aiitd . riaatejoAo'rittOodittqo.!!4 , o4 - 1"
ST. Loom , March 19—The dead body
of `an hidinOwn man was *Mid "•.tidif
morning a short distance from tho fair
t(tonnal wl l bttrtrptatolabearttcbothbf
which had teen discharged. Two pistol
ball worindi, one In, the !head ..and the
other Irtattelireast.were /mind In the
body. and a Portion of the clothing..hurn,
: The OliSit! luvOlVed la nlyl4ol7i
but It lbeimht by some the , man wir
the murderer Of Merman Tabhesing who
wee of ara Met, andlllst ho
led Viola!
Nothing definite hae yet been learned
regarding the nihrder ofTabbeiing last
night.. He was a vary poseeable .man.
and the auppoaitlon Ia no was mistalten
for some one Sill&
The Lower House of the Legislature
bag passed a billlntking it Segagttentiary
offense for railroad agents to fraudulently
Selt;trteeSte or, Join= tickets cut cow
pons. The Senate passed the concurrent
resolution asking Oungretta to donate all
Government lands In Missouri to poblio
schools. .
Tbe deid bOai Mend near tbe_falr
grounds Ibis morning ku been identified
as that of Wm. Stretger. Ti/ci evidence
before the coroner's Jury ehowedthat its
tudliermart Tubbealtig, who was killed
last night, belonged to the mune lodkeef
Sarngari, and that TubbeBlag was maim;
-Iv Instrumental In having et'
isaget - lbersirent..- 01 9 - .9( tba r °, 1 " : "
found near Stretger ,l wits 1 - 0 PEVA.
Wgspon essrsing s.pecullar shaped
and tbe Mule fonndlo TObegingla•odY
corresponded exactly with those in the
pistol and tbrise Strelger's body. It Of
therefore believed that Streiger was the
murderer of Tubbestrus, and that he
committed suicide. •
(B 7 Telgryp6 to (hit rittsbursh Ossetia.)
. .
Menem.% Dearth 19.—A Jackson .
'special . ,
(Miss.) c earn It has been die
eoseniii that the official copy of, the new
Constitution is not on ilia in the °dice or
the Secretary of State and a:Committee
has been appointed to find It or prepare,
A comndtras appointed,to decide what
officers were neeeesary - for the Leeds.
Cora, reported. to day , that' It was also.
Inte r • ueomax7 to have; thirty•foar.
beal es the Speaker, PrealdentAnd COM;
slide. Claim ' '
Thb Republican"; to ammo, — last
night, resolved tore-elect General Amea
to the United States Serato, IT rejected.
. .
Cotwat's; Minh 19.—A Dill was
inhudneed In the Senate making obtain
ing money orgoonnunder - false pretenses
a psaltentisry offemee. - •
Tie House adopted a resolution re
questing Courses not to Mama= the
utuabarat- Representatives In the Scram
=Washington. -
secaflo IDITIOI
The Case of Colle6tor• Bailey
'ontana Royer' orship —I ..
ports and Expo -The Ta
Bill—Cadet Bus ness Sit h.
Corps Reunion -Cherokee
Von Remorlal—lndian Dep e
dations in Texas—'lii!
Changes. . .
(By Teleorseh to the Ilthybeyeh Gesette,)
WAYGLINOTt. March 19, 1870
ooLmurrod nansr.
The report of the disappearance of Col
lector Batley, of Nati York, has created
'acme exisitement 14: Treasury circles.
'Aoting Commissioner Donglus at once
'telegraphed to Bettor Dutcher 'to
take charge of the o and second dep
uty Parrett was sent to New York last
night. Reports are eiPeoted from these
officers by to-morro. Oconuide.
Toner Delano, who hi/sheet' absent from
Washington for 10E130 time, was tele.
.graphed for and erriv last night. He
Is now engaged with •-metary-Boutwell
concerning the.matter.',. Bailey's district
- will be it mum turned Oyer to Collector
Pleasanton, of the 4th district.
A rumor.waa praraillng thin morning
that Commisioner Delano had realgued,
but nothint of the kind . haa ocourad.
• FoUr of the Senate floittnettlee on Terri.
tortes are in favor oftasking a report
alrainst the nominatioribf Mr. Potts to be
governor of Montana and three in favor
of recommending his confirmation. but
In order to avoid dividing the report the
ti i .
tiommitteo unanimous agreed to post •
'pone the cue indefirti .
Thereport of the Burestv of Statile/Ace
shows that imports for the eleven months
ending Nov. 30, were; 1433,160,949 coin,
against 1359,721.734 In 1068. Domestic ex
ports were' $412,931,404.i=ixed values,
against 1397,611,169 In AM Exports of
foreign commodities wr o esoxis, against
119,262,2711. 1868. • ~..,
The trial of Albert Mich ele, - colored,
iedlcted for the mtirder'il hlsirife and
mother-in•law, was .eopoladed to-day.
The jury, which was m *ad white and
°eland, catered a veriptlinf .
- IN 4C . 11 /1026.
The Federal authorities here conalder
General Canby will havaino difficulty In
preventing a famous nicntlict In Rich
.mood. ' ,rIV,
The committee on Wave and Means
had a long interview With Secretary
lioutwoll today.
WAssiscrronr, *el 20,
The debate on the tastgbill will be re'
mimed In the HOtlate. .atleadar•
,Alligon le expected' to a against the
bill and Roily to reply. Vim effort will
be made to close the' debate be-
On ik
fore the end of the *esker.. '... . .
A statement from Austin, Texas, I.
that a party of Can:meat, Milano re
• try; Soadeaanttaft, ham
ba and Carnanche, on four men, driv
ing them from their Wagons. The
Indians chopped the wagons . up, and ten
the bodies of two 'Millie' killed during
the fight. The white' man all escaped.
A natty of men Immediately started In
'penult and came upon the Indiana In
their camp. A 'light then ensued
which resulted in the defeat of the In
dians. Six of them were killed. One
white man was killed. It le also elated
that every raid the Indiana make on the
frontier more or iota white man are
killed or women and children butchered
or carried away, and a groat many more
whites are killed than Indians. Another
statement says on the Bth instant a party
of Indiana came within three miles of
Fort AfcCarrette, military ;oat, and car-
Vied off Kin Field.
The Society of the Army of the Pot°.
111110 hold a second reunion on the 9th of
April in Philadelphia at'the Academy of
Atusin.. poemwill be recited by Oliver
Wendell Holmes, or other distinguished
r. et, and an oration delivered by Gen.
Martindale.' There will — also be a ban
quet at the Continental Hotel. The
President and several members of the
Cabinet, General Sherman, Admiral Per.
ter and many other distinguished guests
will be present.
1... =
- The principal chief and delegates of ibis
Cherokee nation havesent a memorial to
tile Senate agidruit a, territorial form of
i g i v n e gr rnme . legialati
sbmfatton :feeLurgicttiontiomf
end bilrden of - government taxation
without representation, and In favor of
iihe WWl:gent by. tbe United States of.all
just Obligations lb said nation. •
Several °Mere - of the Adjutant . don
oral,' office, COmmissary, Quartormai
ne's and other depertments of the army,
who have bout. renetred under the let
general order ,frOre duty In ads oily,
have completed lirePlirwtirma for leaving
Wuhlngton, while some of those deals
stated to take thalr plaota_have already
The Navy Department Is anxiously
awaiting • detailed reperin both through
Admiral Rowan, entrumunting ittr, ;tabula
squadron,- and - the .State Department
authorities, of the Invernlotion Into the
Oneida dleonerr
. .
It is believed the Waya and Means
CominMee *lll strike from the internal
revenue bill tbe dense that farmers sell
int theitlirod metro= waghne or stellsin
dike mast MY a • °Pedal. 34, Snleil:titS of
jagnreano DE01111:0 - N . .:: *: -
The Commissioner of IntiirnalßeVlMUO
bu decided that farmers ere required to
make returns of produce Sol* 'within
the year, bat *MOM required to return
Produce ratia Millk thematic!" sold.
I{oo9:l4liitief Committee' have
for the 'Pratt =Deleted then. Invert! ,
tsationin the initlet ettele*and turned
belt' ittention to- the heavy eerie* be - .
eat before them: '
. _
ftlecalar , Photrosienon—ainerican En
trbitetnebst -en -they artahen,ii hwe
Extended Illarkat for Produce Desired.
tiliValiti.faf to the rnt.b4,71.114tu.)
. Iftl32CE4 a.. March ei nn .
ph en oweno occuuTed at the eteletellee•
meat of the dorm yesterday Matting,
- killmbllnt abbe was heard and
early eftfirwarde 1 1 PO dlon f thebottom
or the barter on the Carleton tape sank
hduy, so that where before at low tide
there wee it hewn there are now twenty
ftet of water. Borne of the whereat were
destroyed and lumber curled adrift.
. HALIFAX, &Larch 19.--InlbeAiaembly
yesterday Mr. Kirk Preowned a petition
from fla t ehrityp, merchants and Inhehl.
units of Cape Canso, complaining of the
eneidachmente of American !Liberman,
~,n d .king the governmeht to bring the
lade contained in the petition to the no-
And or.
annierKies,.. and
urging the adoption of mearitireslor pro.
teeing the fisheries by properly armed
Marsh 11 4—On Monday n eg t
Slr 0. T. Gait 'milt move the following
amendment to Mr. Heintingtowe r „,„ Thr .
Goo: That an address bo presented to the
Governor General representing th a t the
increasing productions of the .Dominion
demand a more extensive•market and
more mtrestriated Interchange o f am•
rooditleaielth other 'outfit... and th at i t
imperthmt to obtain from the I mpe de
Government the neosireary ', wen to en.
able the Government of the Domi n i c , to
enter Into direct oommeronstlon for inch
Pannier Ifultrt to the!lPProVal Of Her
The Trial of Prince Bonaparte
for Homieid —Affairs in Cuba
—Funeral °nixes of Count
Nontalembe t Steamer Sa•
maria Within Forty Miles of
Port. -
(Cy Te'egraph to the Pi tuniorgh Ussettc.)
' LONDON, March 19.—The steamship
Rustle arrived at Liverpool this morn
ing. She etree to Liverpool direct and
did not call at Queerunown.
One Booth, an American, hex been
sentenood to imprisonment at London
derry ibr killing a man named Tile In
November last.
The Bishop of Barbadoes died to-day at
his house In weatern
The officers of the Bank of England
have determined. to express the assay of
gold In thousantha hereafter Instead of
In carats, thus bare will be calculated In
one-three thoutan the part Instead of
one-seven hondred d alxty.eight parts . ,
u at present.
Pate, March 10—The High Court for
the trial of Prince 'Pierre Bonaparte for
the homicide of Victor Noir, convened at
Toura yesterday. Prineses Bonaparte and
her children have already arrived there
An 'enormous crowd ooliected around
the railroad depot to see the distinguish
ed visitors, and the city le crowded
with strangers.
M. Clavier la a candidate for the
Academy of Fiume.
PART., March W.—Primo Bonaparte
hm arrived at TOWS in charge of gen
&armee, and accompanied by the chief
Odor of the police. Paschal Grommet,
who sent Victor Noir to Prince Bone.
parte on the morning of the fatal affray,
and Milliere,both on the editorial staff of
La Afarseillaise, are also in Tours m
mama. Rochefort, Grousser and Mli
liars were transported in charge of offi
cers, became undergoing sentence as
prisoner' at La Saint Pelige. Arrange
manta have been made to send telegraph
report. of the program or the trial to the
Panpsror every two hours.,
'renaa and
Unspent on
(mate that
- nrumlaaion-
Ina lately
tt the eon
. flatten
)raver the
the bell-
Bolos, accom.
ler, and a
for Nettvl
-11 proceed
8h of .ttla
obal army,
'nog and
to aid ltt
to Poet.
the r.-
HayArra. Much tn.—Sugar:better few ,
tng in the market and holders demand
an advance. Several plantations bite
finished grinding and the crop has bean
*leered up much earlier than in former
years. This year's yield is estimated at
'fifteen to twenty tier cent. short of last
Roam March 10.—TheTfuneral aervlco
of Count Montelambert organized by
Genera! Demarcate. and In which Illehop
Docentlottp was to take part, was
countermanded by..titt. Pone. as- it.
against the Ecumenical Council. As the
the Incident produced an ill effect, mass
was ordered to be celebrated in honor of
Minatalemberi by an Italian priest of the
Pope's selection. •
Roan, March 20.—1 t is believed that
the absence of the Marquis ofnOnneville
win last three weeks. The disinistion in
the Council on the twenty-one canons of
the Church will not begin. until his re
.--The steam
ship Nevada a
TIM sleet:oath.. _ Ikea arrived
here from New York r .
QuassErroww, Match 20.—A boat from
the steamer Samaria reached this port at
six o'clock ads morning. She left the
steamer forty miles off, with- her shaft
broken. Two toga have gone to bring
her in.
The steamer City of New York arrived
bud eight.
Aisonia,Merch2o.—The angel gazette
publishes a decree requiring the Bishops
end clergy .to take the oath to the mud
tution within two months.
_ .
LO'N'Dcfri ,' March 19 .—Evening--Gorusls
for money 93: amount 933. Atnerlean so
et:widen needy: '62e, 903; We, 89,q; '67e,
8930 Ten•forttes HA Erten 21k; Itlluola
lief:drat 115 q; Atlantic & Groat Weeesin
Faiumportr, March 17 —BMWs firm
mil :rave it 95X: •
fra P nea ß % 0tt71,1. - 9.-13°u*.quIbt- it 73
. .
LIVRTLPOOL March Ifl.—Cotton firm;
sales 10,000 balm; uplands 11)0, New
Orleans 1134 d. California white wheat 9e
3d; red western No. 27e lid; winter la led
Wend. Western Flour 10e. Corn: No.
2 mixed Die Od. Oats, peas and barl.
unchanged. Pork 921. Beef lets 6d.
'Lard quiet at 63s 6d. - Cheese 7es 6d.
Bacon 665. 'Produce unchanged.
Lennox; March • l9.—Linseed cakes
:dull: Sugar !NUS. '•ldnieed 533 3d.
Cued =Metter ff do at le 10d, Turpon.
tine ' llAragi Mirth 19.-oayon . quiet 41110 i
; ,AirwratT;,, March ll—Petrolatum quiet
` . .t , '":.-,'.''ciirciNi‘iTi.
lapwing lassealt thuseral—Death Leap
—A Drapaan Gets a Fortuna. .
(NY Telegraph te she PIM es
burgh Nethed •
CINCLIUNATI, March SM.—The Dinner
of Howard Mittpewe, Nat (irimkL3tikatar
, ,
of the thud Lodge of Ohio, occurred
this afternoon* one o'clock, and was in by all the Masonic bodies
of chlr,covingkin and Newport.
Representative@ ware • present, .from the
Reed f Dayton)Colearou (Troy)elomman
dories, Apollo- Commandar3r, Chicago,
and. Dowilnigcommandery, Terre Haute.
The - examine were conducted In the
audience , zoo* of.the Grand Lodge of
Perfectinii, Mottle/a rite, which wag
densely „filled. Among the .audience
were manyLedlen The corm:coulee were
conducted by, Alexander H, Newcomb,
Grand Allman of -Me Grand Lodge
of Ohlo, Whited— by the Reverend
Richard Gray, of the Eplaoopal Church,
and Macon or gherkin& Lodge gener
ally were ;present.. The pnmeaelort wen
Zgaimposing and - the turn out of
Templar the 'largest la Olneht
nill for ManY Yinra- Two bands , of
'cicada wank ;in the mammon and the
streets along the
,march were
thronged people. The Interment
Wm at Spring Grove - cemetery. -
William Morgan, aged sixty years,
from OrAtand, Clinton county, Ohba, a
patient In Dr. Williams' , opthalmle boa
jumpod from the second story
window on Baturda at midnight, and
.dled elm* imme diately.' The Cllllll
wee delirium, Induced hy aryalpelea. •
It rumored that Andrew Fitstunvle,
• man who has driven • dray for twenty
years, has received Information from'
Ragland of falling hair to one hundred
lhouaand dollars.
Accident at at at Stieft.Ten Men
Td.graPh to the Patabarms GasettC)'•
&MANTON, March 20.—.0n Thursday
night a serious accident occurred at the
Delaware and Hudson Canal Shaft No. I,
known es Harem Shaft, situated near
'aerlTry.mouth. by which ;nen were
crully though notes fatally In.
Jared. From come derangement in
the machinery a oar containing the
tan mon started down the shaft without
a oorintarbalanceng weight. Bogue it
reached the bottom the Makes wereap.
plied, but not quick enough to stop the
ear, al hough Its speed was much lemon
ad in velocity. The stun was three
hundred and sixty feet deep. •
The Mayoralty Difficulty StUi Unsettled
—Correspondence between Governor
VS alter and Gen. Canby—A Serious
DemonstraUon—Eire Anne Used—One
Officer Killed and Another Vtouttaed.
tnT Telemph to the Plttabirges kiatette.)
RICHMOND. March 19.—At daylight
this morning, when Mayor Cahoon's
pollee were being stationed, Mayor Elli
eon's police went around and arreeted
'them all. They stripped them of badges
and disarmed them. Throe of ,Cattoon'e
force, who were not caught, took refuge
in the station haute.. At noon the second
pollee station surrendered to Ellison's
police. ' -
Early this morning the U. S. Marshal
served natio." on Ellieon's chief of police
and the City Cannon that Cahoon would
move before Judge Underwood of the U.
S. Court, Wednesday next, for en in
junction to restrain them from acting.
Cahoon held court this morning, ea also
did Ellison. There was no disturbance.
Cahoon's force, reduced to about thirty
men, is shut up in the station house, and
Ellison's force, numberinq about two
hundred and fifty, . have potemealottof the
Gov. Walker today addressed a bitter
to Gen. Canby. After stating- the fact
that the military force had interfertui-to
prevent the Mayor of the city, elected
and mulltied Rewriting to law, from par
, ',forming the duties of the °aloe; in seem
'ing intention of enabling .6 Mere, ;pre;
tender to that office to-dtriehitge the
'dation, he asserts this action was taken
Without request- of the Legislature or
other civil antnority of the Btatmandasks
by what law or authority Ghia., Canby
does this. Gen. Canby replied that IL
interference wu not to aid either , CU
testant, but only to prevent a breach of
the peace, and hie authority for each .
action was from the President and Same
tary of War. and his duty was to do so
Until order was restored:
-.• • .
The city is quiet to-nignt, with Ellison
in general. possession, except at the third
station house, where Galleon has his
headquarters. About forty men, white
and colored, are with him. A large
crowd of colored men were gathered
and the building all evening. None
of Cahoon's police can appear on the
a t without being captured. There to
no prospect of farther collision between .
the opposing parties. Ellison's .police
force number about two liundred men,
besides an armed force of one hundred
men held in reserve.
At two meetings of citizens to-night it
was resolved to support Ellison.
RICHMOND, March 20.—Alt quiet to.
night. Mayor Ellison's police are in
rearession of the city. Mayor Cahoon's
force of forty men is still In their station
house, around which large crowds of
blacks were gathered all day.
Governor Walker ha sent a reply to
Gen. Canby!. letter, In which he quotes
all the acts of Congress on the subject to
show that Canby had no shadow of au
thority for Interfering In municipal
affairs, unless called on by , the Legisla
ture or State authorities, nor has he any
authority hi the orders Issued. by the
President or Secretary of War. He says
it is clear, from a latter written . by Gen.
Canby to Mayor Cahoon, on the 18th,
that Canby bad determined to protect
Cahoon In exercising the remotions o
whlcb,under the laws of the State,
he did not and could not bold.
. The Governor lays; es chief executive
officer of the State, he will see Its laws
faithfully perforriuxi, and when he finds
Alse.POwer of the Stateinsdequate he Will
;call In the aid of the United States. He
'contends that In a municipal difference
in New York neither General' Canby nor
any military officer would have Inter
fered, nor should it be done in Virginia,
a State that stands on the nuns footing
In the Union with any other.
An appended letter from Mayor
Ellison mates that - Gen. Cauby, on the
night of the 17th, Raid he would get '
Co'coon's friends to advise him to with
draw his men from the atatiesehonae and,
ElAiron anould,Alscherftt..ka sPeelel
TaMPISra ir
phdeer- . The need
day Gen. Canny himself took posse/aim
alfidnight. —Theldenao crowd of blacks
standing Oil day around Calioen'ar,heati
quarters at the third station homer so
.blocked up the ;street. that to-night
Mayor Ellison determined to clear them
away. At eleven " o'clock ha Rent a
force of men there who proceeded to
clear Jefferson street. They were fired
upon by the negroes, and Richard Bosh,
a member of the special force, 'latently
killed, and -Captain William Knox
wounded. The. Ellison lbree then
Bred on the crowd, who, after
resisting the attack, wore driven
off. The negroes carried their dead
and wounded. If there were any, with
them. The police succeeded in clearing
the street, and at this time all is quiet.
Bitalia body war taken to the City Hall.
Correspondence on the Subject of Col.
Hater's Attact--ri bat Gen. Sully Kayo.
t By Polo graph t• the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CHICAGO. March 20:—The following
correspondence *lll be published to.
IGOCTOIV morning: r" •
' Helena, Mt., Mirth 6 , l B7o.—Lteutenant
General P. • IL - Sheridan, Chicago—Gen.
emi : I see by to-night's papers a - tele
srapb dispatch ;from • the Associated
Precut in regard to aker's attack on th a
'Slogans, which - ro sy place me in
Salm light in .regard to -what .I have
.written to the Interior . Department
and what are my .opinions In re
:gard to the - matter.. The way the
tel egraph . made fend,. I .suppose
you have seen %I looks as If I.ostoured
:the actions of Lolone/ Baker and the
;military authorities, and -as - your name
la brought in this same telegraph, I take
the liberty Of sending you my report to
the Commissioner of ' Indian affairs; on
the subject. Please.. excuse mistakes,-
! which tits clerk has. made and I have
:corrected. - I had not time before the
mall started to have anothereopy Made
With monk rcepeca,, - ; ; • .
"(cur, ,obedient servant, „..-
• A. G. illetAtiZ; .
• • Lieut. - colonel Sictlnfantry. -, .
ffsperseteadrory :of 4110211ana, Melons
Mt. 10th of February, I:37o.—Tri the Sim
orable Commissioner of Indian - Affairs;
Washington, I); , I have. delayed.
auddnit .my •- official report to you oar
awning thela* attack of Col, Baker's
command on a camp of Blackfoot; I did
this as I had so many conflicting reports
from various mareeet of dile , affair, and
some •of - them were appoirently so
greatly • extglereted, that I withheld
making -. any.; report / could
get something mors..detinite. So. I
direCted Lieut. W. itllerlee, tr. FL A.
agent for the , Blackfoet, : A , " 'proceed to a
camp of,these Indians ,. whir were on the
Marian river, about thirty • miles from
Benton, or Which camp Big fAke maths
chief: Ifierewithl have tie:Minor to an.
close you a copy., of the results of .his
Malt and Interview with these Indians
' , The' report 'that Lieutenant Reese
sonde le entirely - what 'the Indians saY
of the Affair, and of course It is nottirsi
to auppiree that it Is preJudiced - in their
min favor; Is' the Ibillan aide of the
question, and as .T, am here as their only
repreeentative, I consider
. I f. my dtity to
give them a - hearing.' ' • '
&akar% attack was a complete
surprise. Thepunatiment he gallitheUt
war. Mae o! the mod severe lcaeora that'
the Indians hive received. It is tdbir
hopecithis lesson-will inspire - them With
some respect for the Government; which
heretofore the majority of the =laza did
norseem to • have. ;In , addition to. this
pettiament the trialt_pox, which 'they
had at the timer has since spread fear.
frilly among them. This Mayatrike Such
terror among them and make - theorise
dejected this winter that them quay ba d °
difficulty in making 'irrangementa with
the nations next ;piing that will secure
peace in this secrlfut the - conntry,
at bleat (or a year or . two...
should have Bald, oompatitliery .
'peaking, for _I do • not. -perfect
peace can be . secured till Jpeamante are
taken to stop: the Indians' north - or Alie
line frOm meialing hortee• and' gelling
them ,in 'the British - poessealcms.
ever, in about two fr i onuWerattere Will
- more fully derelopettaeingelsamend we
will ha better'atda Co form an opinion e
whatwlll be their later. *Fondue*.
It le ,INittra .
.itnee It
summery toottitidiee atiortfdt of the
that Manttirai Chief% bend was
not the band ihst The - young
men of this bind have peed: fide . nolo.
Mosul* - the wise t In
committing depres..tronstir thectidgera.
I know that Sen..DeTrotritend, - Imams*.
ding this dlslaiet;arreomrldarea therm ea
well as myself, lint :they...thouigh Moot
guilty, got away across the line.
I refrain from making any comments
on the reported uncalled for cruelty on
the pert of thesoldiera. Both aides have
to be heard before one can Justly make
up hie - mind on the subject. •
Watt much respect, yew%
13. SULLT, fj.
''Saterintendeat ladtwr ::
le leeld at the t Oise of tee Teraaorre,No.
114 Eifel . arresta ritrala•El. an WEDNES
DAY. A.,r11 6th. DUD, at 3 o'clotl r. N., for
the Purpose of ciecu s officers ace tesasactleg
all b P asin...which may e
A. M. a ROWE Treasure , .
EDistraes Score. Secretary. is021:115
or tbe thoebboldtra of tbe NE3Tf...
AN) TEA NorOlt rATI:-.N COMPANY for Atte
election or Directors to Beret the eluting year,
will ho held at theft Oleo, No. SIOOtt WEST
YueltTa T , Clatetaaati, .on I...XLIAE.
anpr il b. 111
A 4t70. between tbe bQ. 1:1.4oors at 1d ta
sotalm'S T. W. YAILDLI.Y. Eterethre.
A Penn Street Residence
Thai large, threestorted BRICK ItISIDIENCL,
No. 100 Pram tranitr, Pittsbareb, will be
sold upon reasonsble terms. The House to son
or the moat sabstantll and well-bola residences
In the ells. R. cantatas 12 120011 a, With Hatt
Rooms, Celonr.stitl ?Masked ' Attie, with . all the
modern Improvement. for Water, Gm, Rest, Ale.
The PURNITIIRR tent be sold Intb the house.
If detlred,andl3lneßate hosteaston csabogh.e.
Poi lerannollon, Inquire of O. R. HUITI,
93 Dismood street, or of the anderalinedo''
100 wool, Imes?.
No. - 70 Wooft Street,'
Solid Cast Handle
Superior Steel Blade, with enemies Ref
er:, The metal compoming this handle Is
cast Araby to the blade, securing the at.
most et ren oh In const,tictlon without eri•
dltional weight.
It lamed. of the requisite hardness, and
will not tarnish or blacken, as la the ease
elated ware.
pureolor and bripieecp,
It Is similar so silver. Handle and
Bin It, ae &bore described, constitute en
article of UNIQUE 11111110 N. /Elegant •p
pearauce and arrest Durabillti .
The /superb heel. and {heat Intel:eiht
title article enables the manafacturent to
recommend It se sepeclally adapted for yell
In all Motel., liteashoeta. Reetatirante,
Petah, Inelltutlons awl Private 1aak113.4
No. 70 Wood St., Fittaburgb,
. h 9nality Guaranteed.
A new boyal by/AMES DK MILLE, wilho;of
•T'e Dalße CI ab Abroid," ad.lCret:st,"
with Um title of “Tba Lady of tie 1..."
ornmented In Number 01%y-three of APPT;Z-
TONE• JOURNAL. Just ready. The opening
4_ap_ter, n.•e ; tbe. vymehr- egril-dm•-ifers&
ed. M. De Mille uulte-sAnmoroos
desert ptlon ' mcm, see aaatn➢y, perhaps, tha any
slier American writer: be It always bright
Vivid. arnmntii, Picturesque and entertalnlng
Thls Inquiet of the JOURNAL lomumploded
nY a large. rplrlted Cartoon. called ••••re Deja.-
the, or the TratO' , —. Nene to the greet Mew
Railroad Depot. .APPLZTONB , JOURNAL sow
begins IU sesond year; and. during Its IlesSyear
it hes presented to lin patrons thirteen beautiful
litre Engravings. tlisatr Cartoons, or large
'rood eurrarlurs, - or •.wry superior rhorseirry
piloted an/be tinted par) and ten'AiiSiTyl!...
menu—nll,of wLlch , being given la addlilaa
tits regular Sheet. itsiebeen so smasscriitstUsS
to the aubsertteri. ?lice Na etude perbaibeT,
four dollars oar nor. Portal. byall desk,.
N €O., Fublights,
BATON ZOl - 1011 AIMXNAX, IA:. 1 -'
, ur
I :iirittreizoxii from filo . 111eerMarY of WA.'
there MW he A - . . ' , - ~ '•
colorrxeme 433.1111 r
"* A
• 25th Day tit pr
ematlintig• 3911 :the: 1419919 k 1.596,19e4
brdzance aid Ordisaaca Storm .hall , ull., •
, .
,8000 l
AIWILNAL. 1.01.113 ANA. •
; •
.41 ltrons• Cumol, 'eluting abut 19 Lou:
191 Cut lots Culao9. wel/tilog, aboat.6oo
. . .
AA Ilea Walloon, welching about 4 tow. ,
500 tom Beeteedlliell;
.350 loos of ,F.r • ;
100, time oY &rap Tree. tirrooglifand cut.)
IA Artillery Carriages sad tbeir. Umber*.
sNrevolllog "arm and 1541 r Limbers.
5 Battery 'Wagons end their Ltrobenh
'OO mete Double Harness (ertllleityL .
.1153 riallite andVeosilles. ,
150.000 poimle Powder. wallas/ Aisle.
300 Cavalry !Saddle..
B 000 ari Blankets 'and grei).
; 700 Wateriel.9rldlet. .* - rT ,
250 Curb Badly. , , „
' 400 Nei. Hip.
Blocks (geed rutile, treble and double)
Ii Llftlog Juke.
' - 4.090 Tree., (For,,wbeil tad Iced tarp..). , -
10.000 lir: Florio
111,000155. Mailtrou.
%COO 114.,Me1e IStmes.
1.890 lbs. Slone Shoe Nells,
8.900 lbw:Stmts. Leather:
4. side. Bridle Leaner. •
0,000 lb.. Wrapputa• Paper.
20 Portable /Grits.
.:198 feet Leather Belling.
• 5t2511 reet Slabber Seltbsig.,
10,000parAlort Hovel. ,
1 , 1.0. A 'elle asiOrtoollsi of arable/I Parlor : it,
011etiameat;as welt Pa BlAsskirlattbs.Oaroliatesel.
Paddlers, Threer's ood Assaoror's WHO of the
lion approved
TO 13111 DiLIVEIt2II AT POST JAHlllatts
•Ala CutLranCaanonoweleAlux aboatllllo
20 tole Riot and IthelL
110 Sonia( Wrought /.10'.1;
• 11 II tenser Cast Iron; stint.
34 duiiraitru ' aen T ,l:l l :ll 24 l3 A g . aixi t 100 . tons..
I . lltens of not and S'aeU. •
.01414 At Wreallat &rapine.
1:11:111 et Cast SeraD Iry
rola NA. .
..1 itreurstrOsikaoti.'welgiin .b..t 900 /b .&
( ,34 Out Irou Claw stap,lF.ltAt.l4.ll , 4 1 /
63 to iol Viet and Abell.
To xa , • •
• pII YAIBZD y ~ 4T.
.1431EF isr f aBl7.
444 luandi ottpbtiaa Elheli.Tat 0 1 51 Ike I
1.0.0( . 19 •• ,
TE8241 OAS ..Teep r. nat. al tpa day at
tad Ut. rmudia. Roes th eßP;Derti /. de
Thttly.eoet vitt Tr altenied Der tbeiteaciester
heavy meeekee„ All other stores. En be re
ettiree to be removed trltblo ten E . tejs mi close
...I'm* dewing :taaskarata of theiattilagala;
be Naha can obtain b 7 COMA*.
Derten or b 7 letter to tba Cala of imasswa.
Arpin al Waal:Mom; D. C... 17 at Ibis
7. W. TODD,
MOO , Ord. Dept, U.S.A., Comeasdlas Paine
Heap ♦racaal, La., a...ZAP"! et Ordedso.
Dept. of Ls.
es ben as II elleapert rOtaierelia andlOdUlP
o canna; meauma liixnexhiat 'holy os
Ingle II SS
Clubs of eve • SS
0116. of tea 1 19
#0.97 le fertdabed erateltoesl7 tt4he got
no of ■ clot. of ten. rcetatettere enlivened
t°•et .Lireau.
WrNOTTC7/151—'.2b-Le4" "i ? or So/
..I "a Wants," , Toused," oßoarding,
45e.., not exceeding FOUR Ll2ilig not
be inserted in - these cohonna ones far
TWR2VIT-PIT7C CENT"; eaeA add/.
I , g l I t..O)LBERT: ..'
coal Add klgibltard•
Fr9l•lia , tl enont,;(,hl9. 3.11
oou.exork. 'Must
Al'esheny• 3-IT
WANTED.—FitIy Coal amid
vore Ml•erlt. ne off!, foe to pay. s o d fu..
paid to the mines. Several Girls are Waltzed for
city and country. Apply at hmploymeut Odle%
No. 1 titmll street. first 'door tram cespenalon
1311.000 to Lana la large or mall arturaiata.
at a talc rate of• interest. •
• Bill, Bond and Boat Basra Avatar.
No. 170 thaltallald
Q a•with all the Fixture, Wows C , arg.attell/hur.
raileis, ito,Litala Ire at 47 WOODS?. 410
T o oLET-4. New. mousy et 4
ram •lal 135 m
of . aroatle at Vleadet
W. a C. Itailrold. 124M.rigiVDPratZ.
STIIILLT. ay. 145 .
• p _easant.
or two wentie, on gxrp.a...uumal Iltralacv
ft NO. 3124114TH ISTUATI rdn""24
ratLET.—n large and hand.
iILELY I.l3lollallaD U.11.1.0•W1a sat.
an Iva. azialercomk complete. an spurt!. ay.
Au& at U. W. I , III.VWY. :WilKal
rLET .—The Large Store
llen ß al o i o rtr. No t . . 9
r 6 itts W bViro; 4 .r ,n /k.'8 ° 7061 .e .
Pa ave..
LE'.—A Brick House of 6
Inego rooms snit outbuilding, with 6 or
Sates, 3 toiler out on the Wattling - too 2166.
Notinlre of W.. H. Tit ANTEN, or No. 97 Okla
street. Allegheny.. 61111:11711•
rO.- LET. —BOOMS Or -
A_ col:melted. fornls FOURTHltiroltised,
board, enquire to t 157 AYMIII/Z.
trO-LET.—The large four-story
Z. BUICK PTOItEIIOIId it, Pio. L 35 eolith& Id
Meet, pret cot occupied as a (Uroltur• storo.
The Oes: Oualnes• location the city. ledule*
on tbsEs[9l63Ll.,,
VOA RENT.—The Three Story
MUCK WARNIIOOiN is Choreal ality.
V y ar y g No. ltfO r Wood atrect, formerly omayled
o_aa. I& C 0.... Broom Factory.
Inquire of tO MIT, LAM) & CO ,
No. Inland 174,W00d1111.
i-LET.—AI. first-class STORE
.. 110011, TO:1 A l l e gheny . , situated at 110.
80 federal street: o he room le wail
IIIRLtcI / 1 1 Z 4 V, L tgt r g::1 ' .. " ,1! '' 'Ai e fe . :l 7 lrt
ten be bed with the store If required. Wilms
moderate: 10
0 LET.—Four New Brick
Io HOUn s t alm
a,n 'Bidwell s near
steno.. Allegoy Pa. tech Loose con
tains V r oms and bat room. gas throughout,
kitchen range. hot and coid water In kitchen gad
batm. Inquire of JAMES 00Diritcy No.
44 Vit o street. Wileherly, vs. Lis
ii9rLET.—One good Store room
.nd DWELLING. 'No. 45 Obi° sweet, a
oers from Diamond sod next door to Venuslls
Savings Book. Gamut' the best leestions In .Usin 1
ply. dent moderate. Also, 7 BOOM In the
reheat' said stor4etom.'. Inostlt• '•
mseCtOu • W. CARSON. 49 Ohio Greet.
rLET.:—A butt of Rooms
omprtem Two Large, weil lighted 'Zest
son 90 d goo, One larae,•mall 114trted
grout Room on Bra 116 or. One large Hall • 114
two ant...rooms on 4th loor. trne.guatilleom:'
ern Boor, No: 99. In Engllah'll.ar4 ballaMas
DiVISVITZ . O S. ..7ro U . ;IretiNong4Z:ifet!
BOOM intim! risk
Dtkpatell be hetet. suitable for Job Priva
te; 01lce.. ltsuutre of 0. BAXR. on the yr.
Also. M a lt.G ROOK of the Dolly'
Aerate, locoed 11.0 of Gent ..D t hrpotea
building. itoolle.T.,lbf.7ricllMPJ:Tra,
fenoom 202 000th avenue. At reheny City.
• • -:-.ev.roun-moolual""-
- The elegant store room fa the NereSliumir-7-
torsi,. Building on Pennstreet. seer /31210 ,
street, wad be ready for occupancy about the 201 '
of Mar ch. and are no. •ofiered for rent to desk.
table tenants. One of the stores la especially
adapted for • first-Clan r..149f.t for ladles and
gentlemen, AGA, Lode!, the upper Story of
same building. Enquire of J. R. /amerce. Union
Nationat.llaak. corner of Yourtlf avenue eat
Maaaaa street, or of PELTS H. /12U.NOT
0-LE'r.—New 2 Story. Brick
Dwelling of I It tns, Halt, Hata, Ac. Rot
an Cold Rater . .ned tins ybrountiontt e a:4001
Market Bt., Allegheny. This house Is new and
etas ply eto every roans-et. Will be rented low.-
yo . Lrr — lltick of a booms. Hall, wet, Rater,
4c.. at 8330 pi r year on Market St..• alb Wulf, •
on. oos nlO•re I rom street ems.
TO- iET-11010. v month, It-lot Rouse. Ra ,
140 Middle Alley, user neatness% Et., led ward, -
lAltrahsnY. '
TO-LET—nom.of 4 noon.. Oman . No. fa
Basal/ton Sc., near Fsdsralst.
Yoe farther information, &Ws to ..
. • • • • W. r.
21 ➢ /Ramon& Allednarnre:
DWEL.L.73 . +TG HOUSE. •
OBS of Las finest Douai lattie ety, Coatalalair an
. MODERN nopsormiraurs,
.Water and U. Omagh...S. Tb *
, kw." will b•
}Oared vary low to a goodteaaat.
" Apply at • .
'O6 71611 Ammo.' I.
"or parlactalari.
ari acres, BCO fret water rmoat; corad be
'coed for other pommel,. Leer_ serleo. our Inns.; •
or cheap ar. Lorain of Whl. 11.8.8. D. •
timbal- Ba nk of Commerce, or C. B. 81102.1"„ a lilr
p AVentl.
•• •
od.' 73 and 75 Loran street. aid mil rook
or. 73 .5 eartlerney's alley. They will M oolof
low for
rob. Inquire of C. SIiMETZ,
Bedford &venal,
ritii; - 'l=d."47 e 'Wa l e Ws%
0.7 City. Contain)na tea room sod Imilrg lo4 notAn. talc/water In Snit and Otoad otor., Nu .
In W
and l'Ar:gl Itts
anti rentllzied. Isc.
SALt.:=CottaigellOuse oil'
Brats Smog; barJr of Vat. Park, °baud...,
Is, the Rooms. Tills Is a besatltal Drowsy
sad w . 1 .11 be sold oesTabt._ P t ir . Tr
• TOR R—Oue or thy, best TIMM Stands 3 ,
stand •tu gas oa
[ P O be sten to spproclated, lobe"mold
as .aa laralsabla property roe lull
Teharot payment .vegirrii.,t,rayzzky
Dealeif garal r rstine. illostasys sad srgtgu_
oars co Voass.4lo3se altaske of Veldt
. ,
Maven Acres of Fine Gerdes Fanv.
With r ii9USE andIIA.NK
. mo tikOtLßu d
111 Will .ell ail liar ts . tuak, auc
eirtrything belonyclvgbithe '
?efts — Onethird' i NIX,
year! w ith Intert _Adtirtea
.a' •
IR Amu; Rttilt CITY:-.1. - tolfo, Usual
t o moat denature: budding lola 4 .1tneta4.... yt%
Attend mate. Allegheny, on.rerryeeme ,
Mae and Obseteacoryeve nue,..olollang. AA
•Obeervalury ground. Thee* Lets2l oi rree
ave. and one-Italy MS) wee, A DMA
ea ta
bete eau. In- tato at my•etore, lie.
YTALLT. The , plan. bat ;We b.& .te
Leh Let Ig a keno lee: reentler nti Poorer.
Mir Otern'Tstri"."'"nrito2ootiatoo3.
rrg...ll , l.4'.'lliiTScieraurgiaFV:ll42
Iflos it ...limos bavo boon aroma abetage•ogne.
lIMIII demorooe to leave the low groan&
Y..alreielea can
gag an onalty , a
fatality le °two!' tne deret in te e t er e ante.
inalfenreelnetee. wale Ocralla Omeof
street: a too4lli arelk leads to the Pedellege. The
f magnum Sr moo iinsad aarroonettogo &rode.
, tVoraticasy: prices loin: Ene - otro of • - i
• GOV. 7,, rurnm.
Ire 1111 Wood .tee.
O i l Pttiboush, woNo. go Woe,
A.T.0., Allea!Lw el ny l . /HI .
D. Il ie. bleM t lMS Ogglely„..,
, 1
... . rlllehtm7ll. Karen ILUIrYO. S •
"on the 11th day 'of March, At 1L'1.11711 , ,
a. "anant In Bankruptcy . era. Milled namget
to N.stnte of WILLIAM it . NOCIFIgn, Of 'Meg
hergh, In the County or Allegheny and 1_11401.111
re...vermin, who 11. been &OM ligmf a we
rm.' on his men petAtlon: that the • .
arm debts and delivery of any prone
tag to such Rankrnet to Mat or for
td the tranifer or any property by Waite
ygyl e
bidden by_ lam; that a Amthig of the Me
of the mid Heeltrnbt, to prove their Deltas/kg
to or more magnum of hid
.111 be held at i Court of 13rmkreptey!en
te lie. 110 PUP .
ra.m...rb**ll,elt. etyl'afiLlat'letqlburel'is
Satilltlftl2.lt4i/r o tteelater.lne , tti ,
.1:I.I.Fof AI'XII., A. tr. Il 10 1 .0.1, 0 0o= 7 1!.
. . . _ . .
earll4‘ll3. • 11,0.11garthal,a•Memeaml.
, TAt,'OB lcusirdr„._
. Twit ink ttiWard, Pllianirtb.
1 lie License - Vaud ',dirtier tius stxml ova.
qu_ ba on tie A 4 What:: he 11•Mat3.
_ .
..—.— - _ _..,„_-
ler/IEI4B THIRD Albp'ner&.ll7. l •
..iw az?. WAX YVYI.IIIOU Jr
o'o u mid be ld al% or Ik.di f CKR 7013 . . 011 . .
' I.
i jay . Was M. , Els, 100 Inal d MVO , . ,
la .11.`Nel Nl..lewd Masi.
...'lta ilk... Tian! Diattesal • Ilit -, ..
38 •kar.“ Peoples National a N ,
obn . - 3• - A4Mag , WAIANt. Arrowse•
~ '
Irrolnilitol a