In EU iittburgt aalEttt. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City' and Allegheny County. 0771 C IL: 11112ENR IbILDING 81, IRO 86 Fllll AS SATURDAY, MARCH ID. Borms at Frankfort, 951@95i Prratormna at Atitworp, 56it. GOLD closed in New York yesterday at 1121. - AXOThER Philadelphia pollee-bill has passed the Senate. I me wasted 1 BENATODS OR►n►Y and HORAZD and Representatives WErra, Humisrule and Sian voted against the Onufibes Rail way bill. succeessill. effort is likely to be snide, in the Senate, to take op and pass the Texas bill before the Georgia awe shall be disposed of. Tits Senate will not admit Senator Ames of Mississippi, to a seat. He is considered to Lave 'been ineligible, as cot legally a citizen of that Blatant the date of the election. Tii overdue steamer Bamaris, from Liverpool for Hew York, has been heard from, retundnito England with hit- ma ,cldnery broken. down. Her arrival off that tout may be reported to-day. Errs=. by the Legislature or the State Printer, a new county has been erected, without the knowledge of the labile. A bill before us twice refers, In its title and its context, to the county or Porter; vezw railway 'bridge over the Ohio elver Is proposed. , It is to be bidit at Lambert place, near the month oflOgjce Creek. between Ininton and Peteretrarg, and' for iscilltalingn projected soittorrn *from the Wilmington line • West Virginia -and. Kentucky. TnII bri - amacompany ban just been o. Twit _President. Is earnestly dewiness thine's Hondalesn treaty shall obtain the ;approval of 'the Senate.' Altar leendrie -She result of the 'vote in its Coestaittee, against the treaty, he visited the Capitol and conferred separately with sixteen of the Senator,. Ho failed to persuade the "Ceenrnittee to reconsider its action, but hopes for better Success when their report shall come up for discussion. • - Ainiarr once a week we have a • rumor from Wuhington, that the House Coln mittiss on Foreign Adalse will a% once report In r&TOr Or granting belligerent • - rights to the Cain relselh and the ru mor is as rcgalarly contradicted "by an 7 theriiy;" the day alter,. The most piquant falsehood loses Its charm if ones repeated; it is only a froth lie wkkh can be depended upon for a first clue sem .lioa Two of the three leading Catholic powers of Europe—Fierioe and Spain— commit themselves in opposidon M the . dogma of Papal infallibility.. TheMird, Austria, scarcely renders even a lukewarm support to the pretensions of Rome. La for Italy, its llingluis always stoutly op -posed' the assumptions of the Valium The situation of the Church will becalm Insir critical rine, if this issue Mall be forced upon and through the Council. . Ramona from Wasblngtou repromat .• the President as opposed to the 'ninth , seMion of the Funding bill, and also to funding, of greentiasks. The ninth , . section autherizei • free banking spatenii, 'bat it 10,3 requires the withdrawal of igretinbacka from circulatlon;. In !exact Ii!, `'ratio to the sum of free notes issued. ;,'"l:7 . .Viken in connection with his - objection to the funding of the grambackii, we • ' - 'presuute the fact to be that ha dialprfrotres - .gettoral3 , of a policy of aontisctlon, and I not of the tint clause of the seetfOie to litkearise free banking. ix ZIPLT to a delenation of Georgians wlio haplored the influence of the Eaten• Ilya against the Bingham• amendment to the bill admitting that &Mo. the iresl• al at • r I have not had the bill you swish of • yet presented to my consideration by anagram. It pained the Hopsa, - I under attend, by a large Majority, a number of r . Republicans voting for it, and the ...amendment you 'peak of wee presented. • - I leara,'bye Republican member. I feel • : •serealiat the larger number of the Be publican members of the Rouse who voted for It were tot fully aware of the purport of the amendment alluded to by you. as you regard it. The bill now with the klecato, and what' It is pre - vented foamy consideration, I shall give it that attention I always try to: give every subject that concerns the welfare - of my country. I am exceedingly anx , lone to bare Georgia admitted as a State, ~ and do not propose to throw any WIWI .; pessarebbstable In tht way. The President, after a little heiltittaa, add - As fbr equal rights and franchises be tyre the law, that wilt be guaranteed in a few days by a onrstltutional pru. r . "•1110/1, and I feel warranted in sesuring • Jon that It wilt be carried out to the let ' tar of the taw, so tar as the Executive oonoerned. - .• - - - osOngittcsoviso ILALLEI 4 / I D' • . , • la the days of slavery and . slave stew peddle and catchlag, we had any quantity of mythical' . institutions bearing this mum; but now'we are to have a melons Yowling nearly the entire lengthbf tette* Wan& The follqwing L the route of this peat rubterrausa that : ugh. . Pars: "The charter was vented May 14180. - .end provides diet for the di •roon to be • taken by the new line. lualeung at a . pant on the eastern We of Broadway, ;I n tee City Hell Perk, it will pate ta.front of the-old City Halt to Centre Crean ' thence through City Hall slice by tun. pet (of bylloes or west or City Hall pi ne , en open out) to Pearl street, and - l noon to Mulberry etreet (at some point b e twoop -Bayard and Park tomato, - 'through Mulberry street to Bleeekee ...titres% under Bleacher street telatfayette pleas; thence acmes Actor place and . Eighth street to the northern side of Eighth IrotthOneetbj t St ,r3hihonih stru t. to Fourth avenutc thieve by Foutt•antb street to Union Square, and tinder the Square to Seventeenth and Twenty-third _streets (either through the blocks • le. "' Skeen Broadway and Posinh avenue, or' ' through to Madison avenue): thenesto Termitysixth street, and under Mamma • , • . avenue to Eightpitixth street, One Hun . deed and Twentieth street, and along the Mariam river, to effect a connection with • the Harlem bridge at the terminus of Third avenue." • Perl3o.l familiar with the city of New : York can trace it easily. The Company propose to excavate two tunnels, one for. each track. The object of this lethal the cars in, each tunnel or division, by l ame running in one direction la quick ammession, will create a, steady carrent of isnkthus greatly aid in the ventilation of the tune/ •wheresa, were-both tracks in one tunnel, the cars moving in oppo. •:z idts directions makes the creation of such • '• current linpostible. It is to be- will c' lighted, and further ventllated - by frequent •-•-• opcninge, coverrd with gratinge, along - the curbs, In the parks, act. Depots are to be established u nearly as practicable] half mile. RECIPROuItY AND COD-rthISING. Oar Canadian neighbors cannot recon cile themselves to the failure of their application fora renewal of commercial reciprocity with the State's. Since they cannot persuade us by interest,they some times dream of driving through the ne gotiation with a menace. Of late, they are talking a good deal about our fishing privileges, in the league-wide strip of water along their tea coast, which they I vow that they will exclude us from, pres ently. • Well, they have a clear right to do this, if they wish. The jiiriudiction and exclusive sovereign control of the sea, to the distance of one m pine league from its ittore, is undeniably vented in every nation, !by the general maritime law.• No other nation can enjoy privileges in inch waters, except by the express or understood permisalon of the people of the djolning coast: cer tainly not in the face fan express prohibt lion. England did nt to us, by the I treaty of 1818, the fiehing right la these Canadian waters, making it an express concession "forever." That treaty hay ing been subsequently amended, the Pin cession was recalled—for it is an absurdi ty to suppose that the word "forever" used in that relation should have any other force than to - imply Merely a dura tion so long as - the right conferred should not be specifically recalled. This idea of perpetuity is very frequently embodied in treaties and concessions, but no publicist worthy of the name has ever held it to survive &subsequent war between the contending nations, or even a later treaty directly contravening its effect. The Eoglish govern tent subsequently renewed its grant of th fishery.rlglita to our people, who have enjoyed them with I considerable profit to date, not only themselves, but to the Canadians 'dwelling near the coast, who have apple much gain from their constant treatise dons with our fishermen. If the privilege be now withdrawn, we Cannot help ourselves, and our only satisfaction will be in the re dodos' that the colonlstehave shut their doom in the face of an excellent clue of customer& Outside of the marine league, the ocean fielibig-grounds era open to all nation- Oitileis. The wily question upon *kick" conflict of claims may be looked for. will be whether the line limiting this league of distance shall follow all the Meander- Inge of the cent, noisy be drawn airaight foam headland to headland, locking up in many cases deep bays and wide nth arils, which are the but ishing.gnnanda in any waters. The Canadians may, probably will, demand the "height line, and our own government will be equally certain to resist that contraction of the rule of International law. Yet we do not apprehend any serious daiiger of a hostile collielon between the two govern ments, upon a question :Which may be settled in a more amicable way. /and the sooner It shall be so adjusted, the lees the Jlanger yr - irregular and violent pro ceedings by the subjects ot either nation. The question Is one which must be set - tied some day; quietly, it would be better for ear fishermen, and decidedly for the ultimate advantage of our Canadian , neighbors, who, we think, are whe enough to hesitate good while before they shall deliber ately undertake to pre cipitate a damaging breach even of the 'existing relatinns between the two peo. plea. RELIGIOUS LII2ELLIGENCE- Among the aignificant changes of this age, is the progressive steps of the Ortho. dog Friends. Usages of bygone years seem to, have been laid aside for more modern and more farce:dee agencies. In some places where, the spirit of revival hams been manifested in, the &Intent Minutia of a community, theAttakete has participated and shared in the beat tits. The recent - establLekment of Flint. Day , 13elicatis among the- Friends le not generally accepted by the Society. At the Fifth 'Conference of Teachers and Delo. eiteefrom Friends' First-Day Schools in the United States, held in Philadelphia, some weeks ago, reports show theta are Ave thousand children their schools, sad It was also stated that the Friends In England and Ireland bad under instruc tion twelve to thirteen thousand indlvid nale ontilde the pale of their own So ciety. The objection meld 4 made to this kind of systematic bietzectiew is, that it tends to lower the doctrine of the immediate teachings of the 'Moly Spirit. This view Is dented by these pro iressive Friends, and the fact demon strated that In reading the inspired Word the illuminating Influences of the Holy Spirit is abed upon believers. It was asserted that the spread of infidelity in Many parts of the Society was caused by the lack of scriptural instruction, 'espe cially among children. In the &Mee encie,the immediate conversion of; chil dren was prominently kept in 'view. Many thoughts, burning though* fell from these Evangelical Friends that should quicken all denominations into more activity. In speaking of the nices sity and duty of the thorough teaching of young converts in the truths of the Bible, one of the delegates remarked: "The religious man, the believer in these ,presions traths of the Bible, who; with the masks M commend to inform himself upon'all points in connection with the history of the Bible, and the people f the Bible, still alleles himself to naafi I L :want of them, is criminally ignorant The Septlst Monte Mission Soolety,nr, gsrdzed In 1882, iteadlly grow* in power ind unefaliesi. Up to 1869. the yearly inottiged twerritilve thousand dollars. Last year the receipts reached one hundred and forty-feur, ttionand• dei as.. The Society employ two hundred and sevanty•six misatonarien .In ads wi'eki hence the Steal year of the. Ibitud.of Domestic Idled= of the Reformed (Dutch) Church will Close. The Coriespon`dtriii secretary appeals to_ the ministry' and churches hi liquidate the deltas of the Society, to avoid a debt at the clans of the year. The &tucker which Nev. S. H. Tyng, Jr.,13 pastor, recently contributed Omit eight thousand dollars to aid a; hew , Theological School, known as the Moms of the 'Evangelist, organized to , eduhate young min to preach itie Gospel to the neglected la. New York. it is Bald thle ls the largest collection ever taken up la an Episcopal church in this country. The independent iaya Anal Diehl*. son'a brother Is supplying the Methodist church at Guilford, Conn., and is a very popular preacher. The mission established three years ago by BishOp Tuttle at Salt Lake tilty, Utah, organized With two COnuatlnlcanta, and twenty Sire others calling themselves Chrjstians,„is prospering finely. The lateen, reports shoW one hundred and sic have ran baptized, thirty four of Suns beingsdulte. Forty four have been con. drited.•Ninetythreeliave been admittedns regular communicants: A Sundaj . sokool bas been established, which now has one hundred and thirty fire scholinq end also a day schOol, with appUcations 'far beyond the ability to accommodate Dunn with room. Three young men, sons of Minions; Cie studying for the ministry.. Rev. Mr.Toote Is now soliciting aid to suetain ale mission, which 774• Church. man, thinks he ought to get, at !east flity thotnnuid dollars. • President Fairchild, at the recent fun eral of ih# 'o 4r KliPs at 9.4=4 , sktm that Father keep's Ant pastorate was at Blendford, Massachusetts, In 1805. In temperance prevailed at that time to a fearful extent, and the young people cele brated his ordination by a grand bell. Quite an ingathering has taken place in the Presbyterian church, at Jameaburgh, N. J. Sunday week one hundred and thirty.eeveu persons were added to the communion of the church, ono hundred and twenty of them on confession. Rev. J. a. !Stansbury, pastor of the Methodist Enithapal church, at Pitchogne l L. L, baptized on Sunday evening, March 6, eighty nine persons, alt adults.' The Pittsburgh Christian Adoioiais re portl/1, forty - three ILCCOUiOIII to the M. Z. char n It Wilitinsburgi . adjoining the city, e result tif the meetings held by Rev.-W. P. Blackburn, pastor, assisted by Rey. A.. J. Rich, of that place. Rev. John H. Wagner, recently, pastor of Graze Reformed (German) church in this city, has gone to the Church of Rome; and his wife, we learn, to the Lutheran 1 ChurCh. It is stated that nearly all the Presby terian churches in Cincinnati, Ohio, have adopted the system of free pews. The students of the Baptist Theological Seminary and University of Ckicage, practically demonstrate that candidates for the ministry, who have a " mind to work," can easily And work to do. Three students have itinerated around Chicago, and have been instrumental in the con Version of more Winona hundred persona. Bey. Levi Wheelock, formerly a Con gregationalist, was reordained lathe work of the ministry by a Baptist Council, at Woodland, Michigan, several weeks ago. We presume his first ordination was not regarded valid. The conference yea biting about to. close, Dr. W. A. Davidson, palter of the Methodist Bpi's:opal church, at Washing ton, Ps., repotts that eighty eight have united with the church during the special urcice held for some time. The Sunday School is prospering dusty, and. the mis sionary spirit considerably incireased. The Maryland Methodist Protestant Conference convened at Westminster, Wednesday, Oth inst. The *arch aim where the Conference was held was opened for divine service the pre. clone -Sabbath. It is a flee brick struc ture, with lecture room and large lbelfry. At the dedicatory 'services four thousand dollars were Contributed to pay off the Indebtedness, and also one thousand secured to- purchase a bill and 'orgas. There were one hundred sad fifty dela gates present, clerical and Lay. The openlig sonnets was preached by Rev. W. C. Liscomb, of Georgetown, D. C., who was Stert4l73 , of the Convention when the . Methodist Protestant Church war organited is Baltimore, in ISO. Rev. B. B. Southerland, D.D., was re elected President for the third time, and is' no longer eligible for a given time. Reportr represent the Conferenie in a flourishing condition. It coital= some . very able ministers and Bee scholars. Among the visitors were a delegation from the Pittsbirreh Annual Conference of the Methodist (Protestant) Ch arch, who were appointed to reciprocate the welcome eh* of a deputation from the Maryland body, at the last session of the Pittsburgh Distr'et; Composed of the following per was: Rev. Wm. Collier, D. b., Presi dent, Rev. Dr. John Soett, editor Of She Iferkeditf &wrier, Rm. John Cowl and T. H. Colhouer, and William and David Rinehart, tuts, la7mani aairesidentsof this city. Thursday afternoon the dele gation were introduced to the Conference and delivered their fraternal addresses, to which President Southerland and Dr. J. Murray, . responded. These fraternal movements are designed to unite the Nea•Eplecopsl churches, North and South, separated mainly by Slavery, which caused a rupture in 1858,,n0w happily healed by the removal of the evil of slavery. 121/1111ew British Naturalisation Law Thenew Naturalization' Bill recently introduced into Parliament, provides that all British subjects who bare already, or may hereafter, become voluntary natural. ized citizens of any foreign State shall be considered Is 11/110:11. It 1190 allows any subject of her majesty who •may -- have been naturalized before the passage of the act, to regain ble allegiance, by making a declaration of nationality, but he must throw off his allegiance to the foreign State to make it of any effect. It is not stated-whether a Bridal subject's nation. Wily can be regained who denationalizes himself after the passage of the act. The act also provides that alines in the United Xingdom are for the future to be placed on exactly the same footing in re. gard to the posseesion and inheritance of real and personal property. If this in• cludes the power to will real citate on the part of an alien, it has a more liberal scope than the laws of New York affect ing the property of aliens. This clause, bowline., does not qualify au alien for office or franchise. Aliens who have been naturalized are to be permitted to denationalize themselves, provided their native country bare made 'Convention Intl; Great Britain to that effect; and aliens are for the future to be-tried the same as miters! born subjects, and not by a jury de masstat4 lingua, as heretofore. It is obligatory that foreigners desirous of being naturalized must - have• resided for five years in Great Britain, or been in the British service that time, and they Intend when naturalised to continue such resi dence Or service, their certificate of Maur; alisation being liable to be macelled In default of the fulfillment et these condi- Ganz Wives are to follow the tuitional. tty ofrtheir husbands and infant children of their parents._ Of cosine, this wipes out the old doe• trite of once a British subject , always one; and does away with • the Amorally which existed In the 'British nelniallza tion laws. And it was fall time the*. section was Weal* -for there wada'great inconsitlluityhetWeen the pretensions of the 'shoal gates* and the--ability to maintain ;them and , It placed a British subject, Whe hid 'denationalized himself' in the position; in case of war between hie native and adopted land, of 'ballot, in the eye of.lke law,'which ever aids he Tn Philadeitplila Lao' ls "glad to know that the bugs corporations - haling bonds made prior to the passage of the - . Legaltender act in 1066, the principal and intenut id - which arc now maturing, en thinking better of the late decision of the Gilled States Supreme Court, and, like good, ioyal and law abiding citizens; are Monsidering the imacleudon. recently amen to to disregard the judgment of the Court, and to pay only in currency, with the condition to make mach currency payment at file end of a year (should the judgment of the Court not be revealed within the time) equal to coin on the first .day of March, Instant, which was 1161 per cent. One of the companies that' has changed its mind on the subject is the old Lehigtf Goal and Navigation Company. It bad a balance of $165,0000f an old can mature on the Ist instant. It at first concldded to pay as above stated—currency now, to be made equal to coin et the end Of the I year. Bane $4OOO of bonds were set. tied in this wet , . But Tuestday the Board of Manson passed a resolution directing the - Persident of the Company to Pay in cola, et accordanna with the decelon of the Court; so that viely claim on account of the old 1870 loan, principal asd edema; is now paid In gold as pre sented. This is.-respeetful to the Coml. and creditable to the company. It is, too, the conclusion we feel sure that all companies, u well em Mdlviduahi, in debted on all obligations coming within the deaden of the Court, will • have to submit to. We have not heard one Saul- H oo p law yer , one Whose opinion is worth a fig, that has quefaloeted the correctness of the judgment, or who has pretended that it would Al' could be sea - aside; end regret, for the sate of honesty and thy. shy, that any respectable newspaper has permitted its columns to be used In ex. tenuation of an opposition to the 14evita- Ina result" PITTSBURGH DAM GAZETTE.: SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1870 THE OLD• PROFESSOR The old profecaef tttt ht no more. 3.g Hoisted rend the college walk Stories of him we Doge told o•tl. rent I he ere, In <1 . .11112e Wig: VII nee r forget how be Lime to To recttattoe, one March bight. And asked Our tutor to begin : ...Ind tat me heat theie boil tootle.' As we palled out, we heard him say: "I'ray leave me here awhile,. alone, here In my old Disco let me stay Jut as I old In ytars loag Cur tutor smiled. and bowed consent, Row: mune., trete hla high high•barked chair, And down the d aaaa alog maim be went. Les:alai( abs and prig:maw:ethers. •••• ' • • • =I To look on him la his old aloe.. /rub races that with radlanee beamed— Madinat of boyish hope and gem.: And Isom that badlost their yea /h. Although la year. iheyatlll mere young: And fat ea oer wheile lee, and tenth ' „jo .( The (antral make had been snig. "Three are my boy ," be murmur. 4 then, • - My berg a toours long t.. 1.; Though eerie re • gel., O. herr men, bllli no my ye f old them Cast. There', one o n' keen his lesson now. That one o hat la muting fon. And that an •—ah I me — ' I me and 1/rethent even nor. "And Is It t en ro ling ego This chapter In my WM wax told 7 Did all of teem thus CMG PRI Ir. • nd bare !really (WWII ea old 7 ylal Here are my old plus and lop. My hook owe more to my band, - Orem mare hear thee, very bore. And seek heir brute to understand." •''• • • • • They (hood lea there with 011.11 book: And eye. 'ord 171 th • calm content: The gime el mreetniss In k's look Their. need to be vixen edema nerd To r k him anemia, s and to talk When recitations were all e'er— .. We mar him In the college walk And Mlle former alma no mere. JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM. In the olotakirts of Jerusalem, hard by the Gate of Bt. Stephen, where the first martyr, as tradition tells. hs, was stoned to death, stands the citadaL Yon mount up long flights of steps, pining through banuck.rooms where Turkish soldiers lie huddled upon the floor; and at last, you come out upon a flat roof on which my' , tle shrubs grow alongside the parapets, and the Holy City rime round about you. L this clear bright moistare•free air ea aryl:ling leeks so clove and near that you fancy you could drop a stone down upon the roofs that lie far away beyond rile shot, and It Is only as your eye beitomes accustomed to tke &tenon that you take in the pupae= of 03 city on which you look. In a settibcircle rolled . you is I placed Jerusalem, a city standing In sort of amphitheatre, list neon tier of terraces, row upon row of flat.roofid, dome surmounted houses. The church. like Rntsian consents, the pseudo media sal almshouses, the modern stucco and planter suburb beyond the walls are hid den from view, the horizon Is bounded solely by the crest of the hills, along whose sumtalt ran the western walls. At your feet 11 a vast, bare,ispert ammo on which ors *toed the Temple of Solo mon—on which now stands the Moque of Omer. A few Mussutethus sit musk• lag gravely under the shadow of the trees planted here and there clew beneath the Sacred Shrine; a_ cripple, whose legs dangle helplessly after him, Is crawling en his breast to reach the holy edifice. But, unless you wear the turban, there Is no entrance here ter either Christian or Jew, wither a special permission. The groubd 10 tag Sacred, lb the eyes of the Moran, to be desecrated by the foot of the unbeliever. Beyond the plateau of the mosque you look down upon the para. pets of the eastern walls; beyond them, again, is the dirk, shadow covered urge which men cull the Valley of Jehosapbat. Higher up, just above the gloom of the valley, are the tombs of Abselom and Heaskialf—so, et lout. legends say--and the tombs are old enough not to render the legends glaring. ly improbable ; and right In front. above the tombs, towers the Meant of Olives The redeem centuries which have come and gone sibs Christ was wont to ascend the bill at eventide, eau have made but little dlitrence In its outward form and ikape; the OUTS groves must have been LI gray and gnarled then as now ; the paths, eloping down the hill• aides, as steep sad rugged; the sky as bright and cloudless; the heat ss gist lag; end bus looking on the Moved of 03ves, as von do from the Citadel, the whole Bible story comes back to you as, to my feeling, it does nowhere else is the Zion et to-day. Guide-books all tell you that you should first see Jerusalem from the top of the Monht of Olives. I hold that they are wrong. Outside you see too much of the modern superb—you Isms the scene of Jerusalem as it there shows itself, built . In a semi-circle on the slope of a hill— , you should look epos it from wlthth„-net from without, and you should lute tee oonscleetions Joules .the visit • to the olive covered heights. - FIN also, passing without halt or stay by the Pool of Siloam, tho Brook of Kedron, the Tomb of Rachel, -the spot where Elijah was raised rune Hearer in a chariot of fire, I would gladly be carried on straight from the Citadel of Jerusslem to the Church of the Nativity et 'Whither. Ia all southern landsl have knows, men seem to have a fancy for building cities on Um ridges of hog'shar.k-shaped bills. It may he that UlO4 yeti get the fresh air out either side. Bethlehem Mahe of those shies, perched astride the latch of a hill, and for miles and miles away you see its long row of white stone homes glistening in the sunlight among the olthes. But cue reeult ofthlspecullarmus thrmation of length without breadth Is, that whenever you outer the city you have to traverse Hewn long, narrow, winding street. The houses lie so close together that you can touch them on eltker side with your bands as you ride dews the alleys which, half steep Incline, half ter sest galleys sad flight of steps, Is the math street of Bethlehem. The whole of that half-mile of stens the pilgrim to the shrine stumbles over amidst a multitude of men dicants. nem the moment that you pass the first house In Bethlehem to that In which you get clear of Its straggling vine yards, you ere surrounded by a motley throng (Imes, women sad children,bern. footedi /MOTU:mato, ragged and evil. odored. Of all beggars,, your beggar attached to an eceleslasticat foundation is most qaerelous; of all hawkers, your clerical Cheap Jack is invariably the most un scrupulous. Rosaries, crosses, engraved scallop teeny, palm.stick, beads,. are literally forced into your hands. livery MOOS% your elbow le touched, your cost Is keized by some vender of relies, who grudges. the attention you are pay ing .to a rival huckster. The cripples who have nothing to sell show their sores and wounds, the women with babies in their arms hold them out pile ously; all around you there is a Sabra of broken fragments of almscraving wards in all 'unknown tongues; the children crawl, between the 'hones' feet plucking at your stirrups; and, above nil other sounds, there risen walling,. whining cry of "Bakshreah baksheesh!" dying away, in the months of children too young to speak, into a lisp of .Bheesh! sheath! shone; You would hardly escape from' the crowd were it not for your Turkish dragoman, who ever Ad anon tom round, rides his horse right into the melee, and with blowAirarn his stick and curses In which "the word "Nelb"—Anglise cur—is repeated again And spin, drives your. tormenters away. And you come forth. at length into the light with a confasedreddlectlon of wind ing pasnges hung with clusters of silvit limps; of grottoes' In whose dark re. ceases are Merlins by great masters, genre, Jewels and rate ornaments; of monks, priests Andress* gliding noiselessly with tapers in their hands from cave to cave; of groups of- pilgrim peasants kneeling awn the altar steps of tke shrine near the manger, while the other . groups of rival pilgrims stand a little way off wilting Impatiently for their heretic brethren to rise from the ground and give. Place to the faithful ; of Mamas:dal coldtens tramping to and fro; of low chanting echoing through the vaults; of the savor of ficense, of. tkesound of sobs, the clank of sword'. AN ensode occurred to the lows Senate on the Mk inettat: ' , Boon after the Ben. ate we called to- order, th e [ :doorkeeper, annonn.ced, 'Message fro ke Rouse, and Miss Mary E. Spencer, engrossing clerk of that bea , - appeared and modestly said, 'Mr. President.' That of nr• plied, 'Miss Clerk ' , and . Miss Spencer proceeded to read, in a clear and distinct voice, n message from the Home In Tele. [ion to certain We which bed passed ti" body. At the conch:don of the meessee the meters approeed of this first official set performed by a woman In the /owe Senate by a general clapping of hands." Why Not Kilt Mil I wee. a few yews ago, at ♦ix la Chap• elle with some well informed Hatch gen tlemon, and we were talking abbot the fisheries in the North Sea. While speak ing dl the superiority of the produce of the Dutch fisheries over our own, I ro maiked, without being able to explain the asuse of it, that in three excursions I bad , made to Holland I had found the same imPeriority in fresh fish from both fresh water and salt water, in taste and solidity, though these fish ought, nevertheless, to be very nearly alike in the two countries while migrating. They answered that the advantage I had observed wu a real one, and de loaded en a very simple practice which we might may adopt. It is tke custom in Holland to kill the fish aeseen as be is drawn from the water; while we let him die in agony which products the effect of a iickneu on the animal economy, softens; the flesh, and gives to It the principles ;of dissolu tion. This answer seemed to t me a gleam of light. No one would at is sheep or a chicken that had died a natural death or been drowned, and precisely; for the same reason that the Dutch allege In the case of &h. Why should we be less delicate in regard to creatures that swim than . Mose winch walk or fly ? The Dutch kill the fish by making a slight longitudinal incision under the tail, and the operation, which is performed with a very sharp instrument, can be done so quickly that it Is practiced even in the largest fisheries, not excepting those for the herring. At ♦uiermale on the Rhilrs, there Is a very celebrated salmon fishery. They kill the fish there by thrusting a steel needle law their heads. ITERILLNEAN roil TINE !BED IPON 31 , elblag . treigii. 'Fl:• Tollatnparg t". PENN •ND PISTIL I Alsr, njl d ::iget::t OP old It. Clair CU. 1 "Z raVatittACALlS. told at the .sty lowed prlaaa at GO TO eoznet of .71.11.111:1116 E. 11132111‘ 8 aft CO 'OS =OEM !!!!MI!!!!!!=r=l1 • CONSIONIPTION OF THE WEER. If there le asy ets• pilsonitlen that needs to M Or carefully Wormed epee the =lnds of t 0... subject to the atisseet• of the limes aad peltatmery organs, It Is the Impatient fact tint attention Amid be veld to the lint bib:talent of thaw 41.5MM0L fit the start ats diets Of =eh medicine. es Illt. K179X11 4 8 etcroma. oTBBP.ILL. W sere to arrest the discus , . sad senora, not only the' healthy nasetions of the longs, bat el= of It wiling body. Of all. MAW dies for glumo of the longs ■od contingent erg.% Dr. Esyases reatoral Syrup has stood Iba test of years of experteaco. sod you amain lea a slogta pane➢ who has ever taken /I that OW not speak MAO' of Ha 0w... Let any en* &Mated oath a Dough only try ono tittle. sad as sure salt ls tate a 11.111 care thorn. - Dr Keyser has an °Sou atisehen to his Brest Declass More, where all manses dr obroalo diseaoas art aneeeasfully . Waled. espesdally those of Its longs and Polne , tarY Mara , . atld he would lancettally Write Moat who are sut tartan and hay* WINE to get solid Dom other sontei.a, to strolls onothod of treatalest a trial. Nal 'long state, a highly reprinted pat/ssoaa. contented with the aesraDansr . Preaa of the city. °glad at, Dr. loyeas's allies and toot Masted!. yd., and Iru tam "by loss than halt &bottle. another sit Dem., who tad coasted all win ter, mu eared In ken than reel. ♦ 1.47, weakened and attenuated with tang sssec?ttti. elan NM tableaus late renewed beanie ad elver. was leaked whales min got She geed efiedletne that cased bet: The answer was. at. Dr. Inter'. ♦ odtA pony nod pole and emaciated. wig eon eared Irr n%outdo Or two of Dr. Norm'. 12=12=13 a:IA.l7os Liberty street. estioe• brill ems Dr eleesced..erei restored t torten boaltbby the erattlesed mot' 011. ILETSZEII LUX& CIIHI. and or. Erseer's Pectoral Symp. -♦ grrillrma. next Asti to Dr. Ealier's no» IlLra h will'yecommitai Dr. Ig. per•. Prrieril 'nap Lk ..11 caw' km Mau half •Loth. can D. SLT6LI7 GREAT lIIDICILNE !TOLL AND lILIDICAL OTTICL TON CHROKICI UMW/5. N. 167 1.111/71TY BTU= M acs boars aatfilo'clock. and from Ilto • and I {o9 at cleat. Se. 611.111UNG ILOWLIC that progress rapidly too prints are not the oil? one' to ba d. sided. Canter or dry rot does sot blest a Slats go modd.oly aa a ottoa• ' at lightnltur,bot tsk. armated. It destroys It cortalmlyt and lattice manuarebtosiodel,l4ll. altbouth It dam sot kill With ke at felon goer. is aa tare to gap the 'arias, of life arcetuatly agginy saute disesoe. If tot !beckon by Insigeratiad :seawall... Moneta tomatilcg las xpressibly tallith , ' la the spec' acts of perm mere dirty: tar:woos. pillar, emaciattea, premien of ipiriti. cud a dlitssta for eltlettioll, WI it.. erdlitary wreptems, aid that almala be promptly mat by toile trantitent. The bast ba- Mgaraut ud Imblierant that mat be adalalstared in a case of +kis tied is lleatettere Stomach Bit ten. The atimstletleg prisclple of the proms; ties rouses tho dormant inertia of the spina• and the strelgtbanlag sad renelatinis Feet. rtim Ire a istrmauent nod Imaltbfal trepalno to de Mut totem tlim brought lets play. The falling epoctita la ri-asealtened, of Miranee and asolattlittion are quickened. the ottality at blood, the !iterations bemoans more natant. Wad eattrYOrgattallat egutrilmtea b the sourish meat df (hobo oderioat attlattof .By tilt mamm tbe repair of lb. physical structure la at (sated and its health mad vigor restored. tams alas , of Climates bas tat geode's= 01011.11 , of the Bitters been more marked and .typist than vino i elerrtii nt. " d i7dl:::;l:c i ta d dlgt t iih O allaownts nod to thin ans . t holomnaeof an Nal. .ten.sis syd e' Sod area Vo le)am. poem to the uniform teottmouy olf 'Vases Of NOTION; WAN ELECTION FOR PIRES. IDENT, and SIX DIRECT:BS of the ANCIIESTIN 'SAVINGS BAYX. , 0111 be bald et the r asking Bonne, No: 800 Boater avow.. on SATITEDAL Marolh 80. INTO, bemoan the hours of land So•oleck r. B. THOS. B. U PDIEW, Cantor. ALLIIIOII2IfT. Mar.\ IL INTO. 01d4.14 Iaff_PSICE .IPIOBiONGAUELA iren u oler. D c e olg 3 Ve i g. P 4 " 'l " AtiVAZ stRILI.III AND d . ban OYNT4; to Um Stocktoian linst of AnaggiViorVi T,T lgth. B."l" A UZI WRlGlUrwartr. Pittsbutel., Mamkly /NO. "."'6B? Puwisr.l.Ve t Di NCH TO SHIPPERS. NEW-.710174E TO BUFFALO AND . .TO:THE NORTH! TO* ALLICHILNY VAi.L TRAILROAD 00 . v:a. - egivatViTeirggrArrArli rantsti sooty to - , W. W. C. WCIIIDITY;FmI kt,Apit. Conga MO - sod 11th Moods, fltutmoto J. of Likwitzios, mks aft General Itoporticondoit. O. 13.9.1=LN=113, • Stalcr et We!Otis cad lessans, 077/431t N 0.5 iet:URTII Atir.4/tt.l l / 3 131104 tretik•ll CHEAP ETOVEII .AND THO4IIII, F . el!,E!if,ilN . , , DIVEIDII Ealilrr, . , z u. Jan : centred, 'rec2 , chokes Dalt '. Pared Prnaelt, Dutch geode • Irisum. livaelt Res. Ampuir.s merdms, ...„ 111 ,, rritia • wr •by Uhl Qom.. !Abair ..., 61.11.. NOTICE.—The •fort re• ceivire I. route for tee IRA A t ; r. Mardi Urdidistre has ems extesdrA Asti! KM Ist, at *dm. AU tilde writ be to AI trut'llsas. DiN cas Urea trA AA Prod Mort or VA Arnim Finf l risn. 'T'l• Le . " '14'1'4 4 91m: I:1. Waal asaeapkga. ahraeoe Mackerel' att Herring* • Cat Fish; • aa • Y A 11n .. : 1 f u; WATT.-LA` ltli inalE ERE. be boxe. Footle. chem . 10 it::.!.1.4 w• Sn't.r ;la .7 J. 11. vAirnsuo. Rio% Mine MilW ADVERTISEMENTS. 31:07ECW 47r WILLIAM Nos. 180 and 182 Federa it ie., Mort Lengths of Calico, it 6 14c., Good Dark Prints. it Bc., Fart Colored Calicos. It Ioe., Best Bakes of Calicos. it tic., pard•wide Poplins, vary cheap At tic., double•width Black and Colore. ilpaccu. It 17 14c., Double Warp Black Alpacas; at Ito., Doable Warp Black Alpaca' -=.bat bargain' of the 10102, At i 14c, 44 Heavy Goblin Meting. It II 14c., 4-4 Belt Finish Beetle, It lie., White Linen Testa It lli 1-4 r., Whit" Damask Towels•--i great. baegahi. It 7k a damn, Mien Table Napkin it ita., Balmoral Mt'. Grey Reach Corsets, TETI cheap, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos.lBo and 182 Federal Street, =2 THE BONDS OF HICAGO, DANVILLE& VINCEMS RAILROAD COMPANY urom ZIAMIIATIO2I‘, Will be Found to be the Beet IMMO CREIPEIT TIT OTIUBD TO THE POO LIC This will be Borne Out by THE RICH COUNTRT THE ROAD TRAVERSES, WITH ITS AGRICUL• TURAL AND MINERAL RESOURCES THE CASH SUBSCRIBED TO THE CAPITAL STOCK. THE EXCELLENCE OF THE SS mu.r-ia, I READY BUILT, AND ITS EQUIPMENT. THE PLANS COMPLETED. AND THE MONEY EXPENDED, FOR Vl° OROUS FINISHING OF THE LINE IN THE SPRING. THE EXCESSIVE EARNINGS TO I‘ g ACCRUE FROM T E COMPLETION OF THE WHOLE ISE. THE AMPLE SIN G FUND FOR THE CERTAIN R ESIPTION OF THE BONDS.. THE THE VERY . LIBERAL INTEREST RUNNING OVER A TERM OF 40 YEARS. THE SECURITY 'AFFORED BY REGISTRY. THE. MORTGAGE COVERING THE ENTIRE ROAD. EQUIPMEN T. FRAN CHISE& AND ALL PROPERTY,. PRESENT AND' FUTURE-INDEED THE SECURITY OF TWICE THE AMOUNT OP BONDS ISSUED. THE LOW CURRENCY PRICE THEY ARE NOW OFFERED AT. att this is verified in detail in- the complete Pamphlet, Which can be had of us. Ire li.row,these bonds to be good, and we know the ehesracter and capacity of the Company's estimates cast be implicitly retied tipon to give these Bondsthe highest stand. ard. TIPV therefore freely and fully recommend them. W. BAILEY LANG & CO., ME11.C13.11.147 . 8. No, 54 01,IFF STREET, New York, ♦real. for the We et the Boxes. S. IeCLEAN & CO, I.3ankers, No. 75 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sneabi Attest. Ibrii• We oflime Beads AT 75 CENTS, LADIES' GOOD . KID GLOIE AT 81.00. Extra Quality Kid Gloves I= AT Full Assortment ell Celan ALEkANDRIPS G KID GLOVER, JO!? OPZIILD. New Spring Gloves. New Stockings. New Embroideries 11011GANSTERN tt Co's, succrzsnoss TO luptirs, CILYDE & CO., Nos. 78 end 80 ldarket Street akil -am 110167 E & CO'S. 'Hosiery I Gloves I SITU 119 i AND OMOICE ISSOBTIIMI4I prim Unknown Slue 18611 ex= rim nave KID GLOPZe. ftat suottenetast $1.113, • 001:111V/IONSIER.11 =Ds. LONG TOP ICIOS. clutice I.bados. EZ2III ILIGGLAS SLIM 11111T138 ROM ryas LID inassp . cotrow Hos; 10 emits . . , vouraTio coiroz BOIIUT. Cu. or Douai. GZSTP SUTER STOUT mus 0001, orarrs. sorsa nnts Boox. ',us% sylenett assortateata lamest.. 'Mai S AND NOW =Bose. xriusw.riNOT BOWS. LARGE 'ADDinoxo TO STOCK Jail Forwur. to I;lach we Invite the attutlen of Wbolesale sad Ettall ClAttaroprs: TT er,..19 .11/...RKET STREET. Areirmses J.& nnoTnzus. /h674aulaMN NEAV ADVERTISEMENTS OOH , SEMPLE'S, Street, Allegheny City. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, MIR Plaids—very cheap ' Beautifni Styles New Moines. Duey Kopp Poplins. Plain Black and Colored Poplins. Colored Silk Poplins. New Milled POIMIL, CISSERES AND JEANS. Turkey lied Cutlaln Colored Table -Damukr, Bleached and Unblea'd Table Damasks Meths Wins, Table Napkins, ie. JUTS AND BONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, Genuine. Preparations I 72=1 PETER sawn London Granular Effervescent Bi- Carb, Potash', Bromide Potato sa, lodide POtailla. Citrate Iron and Quinine. Bromide Ammo nium, Carb, Vichy Salt. alisingen Salt, Cit. Magnesia, gallants Pow den, ac.--To pro. teet Physicians and the Public from spurious articles of this character, purporting to be "direct Importations's—all bot tles of the genuine will in future bear a amp label over the cork, with the address and roc Amigo signature of the man. sifacturer. P. SQUIRE; and on the side his trade mark, and also address of the Importer and Sole Agent. SIAIOQ JOHNSTON, Cor.Smithlield St. and 4th Ave. P. 11.—A Fresh supply of Squire's Tine .Glycerine Soap, Parr's Vienna soap, Prilc'ets Glycerine Soap, Astringen lied Gum Lozenges, and Slut riate of Ammoniate Lozenges. These Lozenges are meeting with great success in England, in cases of Relaxed lore Throat Eromichith, etc. Just received, 1 telnirrrn. DLLNLNG BULL MEN AND Oral" Ii!, She uoderalgne4 Lae Utters llntent of the united elates for the unproved eonetroetlon of weather -Dowding. Inside lining and of leans ceding for houses. The - or.athee•boardlag. he lob yausted lapnerentent. belnd more rankle. WIT Intended for Vertical ate. end ...Meth/ lomat darahlltty and beauty of eDDreeeneet nod Itl eenetrnebed aa to entirely avoid the on ofjotnt stripe. anal. prove at wattr from eater ies the joint. or lha eggnog or the showing of the tointa by action of the weather on sae tie bee. lucid. Hems and velmeotleg by this mew method Sr. *a tonstrueted as to form pelhet ',genes ee cheaply es by the *Miner? inorteci Mazda Moue; the retry preventing the showing of Inc joist. ttS6l aa7 caeca. and lambic 00 refuges for bogs. He km eso perehmed the natant Might of What monnimily k. 1 0 ,111 as the ••MoSdel Weather. boardlan."' He bas dispose/I of the followliss tersiSorla: sad &bop rota la Alleabeay ecsorf. for both pa 4• eats. to Int Tog. A. Minding. the right for the lortiltd7 south of toe door. in sad eousitir. Te YoQneerso t Dovitsµ the rlght for this Pltos ward of Pittsburgh. To Norm, Douglassshop right for their istll. Sixteenth erard.7ltuborsit. To Hill. PUNY/05A .hpp rights ler theft Kith want, Iflttottorgh• To • ex. Moulin, for' the borough ef Yo. %Traria. a Paul, for filet, (stood. Thad and Tourth word. oar of Allegoeng. To Nerd Irothire. shoo Ste it at their wig. to gsveoh ward. cur A , lrgh. To throlonoreletsit Co.. 110 the borough. of Thsrpsborgh and Sus; alto tlos townships of Sealer and leWans. All prior... are warned splits& lot Intel upou of sod patents, and shoes oblon %operetta's tri please Wt. or *dame us. g o az N. Tg Malts det, Pttishoreh.Ps.. to J. C. ANDLESON. g. P F4 .48 OiMma 4l m Pl.e A 14PIM 0 O 00{Cgl E 8 4 at 02 I-4 W - a .% r 4 Q i 4 d A z CHOICE AND RARE CONFECTIONS, - - FOR PRESENTS. AT GEO. BEAVER'S, na Federal Illreet,:illechray. mama . BUSINESS 'CNANGPEk HAVING. ON , THE 12th Indy. set in' half or lite alsairboaa 111173- BACK to Yr. nutaintut 7.7/351 , 11. my Ur tenor and liana It? for geld Do aaaaaa es of that dots, JAM= 1. JOIMS. rs Trauma it. 11/111 Mara. 1070. mblVrel NOTICE -OF joirtii•tebtp lirewibre esfelnilon.l.43 THultAs TAL WORD. 3 H 313301 T sad T. A.. MOOS& sa Tsitote, Moore • lA, , pu bun db. send, !peon* 'Telford Iraldnowleg_h<3. gm. TILJOILD, HOOKA A CO, - Prllig t lo:7 M r• 11 11 00 " . • 00 . r0:1•00tlag .tosimk 4.,011001.4:12 stead. "°2l. 419°24 003100111001 W. 8. Russ a Ca 0111100,100. MX el. 1810. tabilma nigsOLITTNN.- 4 1 14 ) Partner• akip heretofore existing between SILL Is the Beellistats bisslitess. xis this tier dia. " tvl4 . b " 2"l* - Jleo 7. glitlysessag• Tlttabores. Feb. liih. ISTO. leittztet and In,urave budeers .151 bero.ft.r be a :ottula-d by Taus. B. BILL & BOIL to that.* opice on ib t ol u eoastY . lP . :l 4 llll . tan 311. c oo ` to {6,000 QS _ Int n. ELL a LON.. zujbunlt. oz . Yob, snug mo. Immo NEW ADyERTISILIIIENTS. OFFICE or FISK - & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers GOVERNMENT SECEBITIES, No. 5 Nassau Street, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY lithi, 1670 Tb. romarkoblo moron .kick kas sttooded oar megotlatlon of plo I;oxorks of toe Cl.wrikkL PACIDIO RAILROAD COMPARY and tn. Pima nano Itanmear. COSPANT. and the papal.. fry and Impels vrblalk Meta Lammas. matatata• Ia the markets, bi):b In Mu conotry and Eu rope. 11 Ira tlat tka TIM Morgans wawa of wlsely-laclia4 an 4 honorably-manatee Rai lroads ara nadlly tak.o al. the slant. raltallt. Irate, an 4 adraalageons farm of baraalna*l. yleldlag !mere liberal lawns than .= bereafier N darlrad tram Govern:neat Cana; an 4 araUa hle to take their plain. • • Ramrod that, In the aeleotion sad negottation of npartof Railroad Rom, we are mootiss grantipablie want, and 0004011nd a valuable mor el. to Oho holders of Capital sad to ttoie great Nattoaal tom of tatornal leproteaeft whose latiteliiinerit and substantial charaoloi Cathie them to the not of Capital and the amides.> of illeutore—era sof 04,11111 MelllllloollldaDelli sad satidantloa tba NEST BOBTOACIE BONDS Or THE ESAPHII AND 0111011. B. C TEM careArsilts Axis °Wenn:mom?, eonseetleg the Admit' 'seen. and the tiendh colt karbars of the Chew:wake Ray wlth the Olds river at • peat of reliable nandaDith, and that, wide the entire Railroad testes 01 the great Wen sad headmen. TOMMY= AD DITIONAL LAST AND A TAT TELtlf IL LINZ, se tmperatarely derasaded for the aosormods lea of the has ease and rabidly-growing trans venation between the Allende seaboard and Xeres* on the one head, ad tie greet Dn. dosing rehlons of the Ono sad Insatealtrpt Val. lon an Om TEL utrunreaos OT TIII7 EOAD AB A NEW OUTLET 7110 E THE WEST TO THE MLA nosolftos it Into ono of aattonal 'oOaJO gams. and lusuros to It on eiteilllTO thetoa► trifle fetal the dal of Itf saipletlos; while, to the deoolopment of Ike *stout. serlooltaral and m:naral noomoss of Irkgilll/1 and Woo. Vlrguos. It 000000s40. olooff Ito ows lIES, Ike elenteats of a tam end proltable local tatalaete. • Teti the gnat toenails, Loth genets' ead toed, valets deemed the enopletlea of lee citzsarsiti AND OHIO BAILSOAD to the Ohio Biter, afford the anne.l sumaice of to seems end vales, cad ItSNDEII IT TUN YOST IMPORTANT AND SUBSTANTIAL NAIL BOADT.NTIPTBINC NOW IN eItODBICSS IN COINTNT. . Its ...ferny u as Zest and West souls, and tee prowl. of an Immense end profitable UM* swatting Its emplottoo, este drawls to It tie attention and ...pension of oroostanat Wins and Dtliaoad ma of tbl Clu of oonad Indissont nowt Istegetty whose toesew alot with t. toot .? with that of asthma aitilena and insisted sin of Pietist. sad West Virgtals. INSOIIIII AN XSZBEirrIO. HONOIL.BLI AND StCl7ls7llll.lfAiLitili, =HT. • The Zoe& le eimplstotWal In opertilon from akkutionl Ia Dim selebratota Wage thilphps • neap of Was TUitala,ll2l7 saies4 sad *re rowel& Imt*Oo allasturnrwattnUyeenstreekbak to be completed, to carry tats the pm/oiled ter minus es the Ohio dyer en, or hew, the mouth of the It[ Kandy slver;UO lam above Clads• sad 310 miles belowlnttaborzha Uwe are now ptolcettd or la progress through Ohlo sad Kentucky to Wta polutorhlehwi noel the CHKBAP JAZZ AND OHIO - WITH THE ZNTIIII RAILED hD IiTSTZIIII OF THE WIIT AND 1017111W1i8T. AND WITH THE PACITIC NLILEOAD. Ds volualgO fraochlsossadoooodo , AdTlßPßel 1011 plus the CH'sAritisii AND 011101 RAM. sash Celan= maim the richest sad. provertsi ' ud trootworthy forpOnOkilajef.rne coo Off: AID TREES =ITO A'rIFIWRIt• • Z. VALOR, IS COMPLITID ROAD AID RfORN DORI. ZQUAL TJ TRW IRTI.R3 AZOURIff Of Tin Norroioz. ' Tti &OMR of the Loos hate been orlrOsiid RIM goods! femme to Ist wastro of U . !:losam of Immo, sad tomblao too yellows Aspire. of oonvealones. astft7. sad Protection *List loosor fraud. • rho Roads us In dooomloaltoso of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO Thu wllll4 Issued as COUPON BOADd, Thy. Asyje TO Hnanil. and say be held la Ohl tins • . . The romerie me be &tithed aad aa iee hd the . .114.1 made • rattlers= 11.81eThein Doha. treedereble. way ea:the , boov• it , the telteeT.and the leered mule peyablonly 110 the regteterel owner of his attornel. • The three 'lessee will b Imam* reepeettraly •COIIFOZ HONDO rATAaI.t. TO sa. ••31.11111STEXIID BONDS wrra ootr rows ATTACISID.” ...sourzzim BONDS WITH coil- PONS ASTAOISED,s. saisboold b so deslgno- Ltd by Correspondents lb speolalaillts alms 01 Bonds Seared. They have THIBTT. 7E/111E1 to na Eva ;ga wp lib. UT% trlth hems, at alk pat eras pa amen iron Nevelfter L. 1509. ra. han Lirrfthav Ir•Y•ske IX °Pim ix vas Cttt Ov Icirw Malt. The latireel L pakable la Max aal Eoirtoraint that kg ney take Ma pleeitat that et' klie manta tense et Ilte-Twentles, had salt the gamut. .ape of sir Meads tab. alftalyhold Mattel auk Waters Pei le 1100 k., with latalaat DaTill# la Saashiv sal key, shl tit mak. lag addltloial lavesitekat• to Yan Oda later rt it Elteriat meow at the sear.: - The Lena la vaned: by a starless* *Poe the suttee Llie et Ike& tram Eleknond r the Otto lifter; with the equivocal 114 all ethei prop erty sae appurtenances ototaftted therewith. .♦ IBLNETXO PEND sioo.oou Pia AN NUM Ie ritovanw FuzAztir r utiirlois .Or TEX PONDS, TO TILL 171101. Owl TILE /OTIS TEE COYFI.ETIOE• 01 TEL TYe Leman in forelLooll,ooo, of Win 113.000.009 will b ranted an bold la heel r. Le ridmiltlon of outstaa*g Magni of lb. Tinian Ceaual Sallroad Conway, 00W Leirleit la un C/114•11.422 LIM 01:0. Of the reannlag 1112,060,008, a inglatael, moan will be sell le toanieta Oa road lo eghte, Leer, vented tola Itfigrrinlith•nnelea sow *wallas: Ind ladrodahlf naafi 9a, Wok * ler a law and Wive g ' g 21:e swat Wee laSaatiannad Warm Lau so satellnanad. anarnallgiganded aat me WSW kenallange mamma annagagteg plan nand the lanalLi signieltlen tai hamar-. Les, boll la Lis geonatrr nit Maim., :win b e alone agetreeLled sad olnly abeerl4. FISH & HATCH, Bank.' era. L-W. 2 , w8 tined_ pamipalots enonatatag fel pantomime. otattstleal desallsi maps. it.., etdoli Innen thralsked wpm appUtattolt. far we ttaa and ail Govern ment Bond., and omega" the air; .counts of .Banks, Banker., Coe porattone, and othire, subjeato cheek at sight. and anon/ Interest on dally balancing. 8. M'CLEAN & CO., AGIIIIITS4 1•.: 76 ImAilt Anuses Pittsburgh, pa. vspier _ CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &0. CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium, AND CI 0 ME. 3E. O N . CARPETS. Our Stock is the largest 'Mho,* ever offered to the Trade. BOVARD, ROSE k CO.„ 21 FIFTH AIiTNITH. 1.b11:4111T CARPETS. N'YBLAND rouillis, C=l Thursday, March 17th, • 1870, Ear 311133 SPRING . STOCK. Tbo Goals wII be Oloplayod In ova& maaiwr t►at more tan to man of tloo Now/W.oms to • law woosonto Um. Ov Orhopoloo for 40000. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL Tiiiton Will I< be tried b. /twn low anon% to will, 71 and 73 Fifth Alain& aucceira OLIVER II'OLIETOOL tt r- " A LATEST STYLES ON EXHIBITION. 90 N•lltlCAorre. NEW CARPET& Reduction in Priem TO C03011:15POND lir'Elll WHOLESALE M=s. IcOALLITI BROS., 51. FIFTH A.l4.oiiiUßP mum irs,lrocas anuarr M l =V '!l rM " r ' lr ', Ml EBTALEILZEIRED 1100111," . ' Gligtl4lo., DXJJACIOS lit - HARD PARE, 52 Wood Stieet;- (r.a.aioni f a. SU re. ommtry itoweboustai are Favitiml le II call AAA esseallaii our stoelkwiiinn 11 . - A g a lnteek 'At BlinealAhAn.illlaek• snallUi• sad CArp•itilnr•• Tasiw .p.a. I "r'. rWI I M "e . =AIII BEATER - HIM CUTLERY 'COIPANY an offirlan in their !Winn Aniltruninki. lionnentlis Anti their 101 l manninstares Use - TABLE' HN YES AND ; :FORKS, Ou'lerstßitehe*'.: Bread And Pocket • very incteutve aratininn of RAZORS,- • Anne •110•6•17 fir Anil! . trill by tiA imi • DEANER FALLS alTuatirco., is No. 70 Wood Street. HARDWARE. likiiiesei a Elnies Illreares. Disisteve sae Spew aliminins's laws. Itianiser's Pllee. Ilnilelgarn Mao Thole. Boman Planes, an, as. • t ffsaalllp Teel Canals.. WHITEIEDES & . MAK, mhums TelatiZEAL a.,„ es. DR. Wl TO TIM ALI M so . u r, " e t s r tast=n il.°=o " NF at W a = s s Is till llagq s ..saw .m.gegaw t=6107. . soadr=taga ri=theruriES., o.= tilv, . Mill ' IS SW . . 01 . es 97 Aiis omit • 4. sa4 ag . ktessit og Lames rarts m.w slwa=rz= Ara Ime nsdical .' Mss 1 ThlasossikV. 4 44PogIM es samb ea t "% r m., ,r it - ea* as 1 ot•tyr.assit ler two Maas. la ...l op .. mama sR. 0. ab, I ="48 26 4" Wyman thug to tbs piss seemsy llie tiaa l li ., 'wm : , nl w 24g geosysalWro tra s urW a il4 tit* star " Ile ss i st tar far.d. .«. , ws:soul It=•ath2 1.3 .Ibr 12111 8900111.1 a 4: e trCah u...... eostiaktimaths slam towalstss tbal..lll IZZ a tur ftt ra. ..ri,.. Daster's n lek.aborsu47.o4gaa d v , osal NZ stalwa t rsos. Alro ars Igko a4= tcrus MW.7I lg. %Geri "' otadE r ealk ...... nag. nem • • &air tie witint erreimikoznikaw. WEDDINI3, VOTING.. , ANTI AND - 11D8INE88 • OAIIII3 -E3IOILILVINGI,' 11t011088•113. A8ICIA.41.L11111:14/LTING. q. Orem Tr/ avall receive Moira aifizSles. Mal Loss aisstssi suosissi. 1 ES 0