The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 18, 1870, Image 1

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2iNDILAN, EKED & 00,
011ke.84 and 86 , AM Avenue.
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yawns cis Wlta DAILY.
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Klalivened bycaniers. vet tteet...._.._.-Leb
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LANCAngIi pr o p i 0 uniform its
POI I / 4 e.
Tax winter scasinn of the Waynesburg
Cloliewe closed on 'Wednesday.
Vas first peach blossom of the wagon
Ares exhibited at York on Saturday diva
'Tag natters at Westerman:Ml, Sharon,
-are arta strike. They-will not submit to
s.rtranetion of wages.
Mae. BTIBAX Trlran aged elehty•slx,
rand Charles L. Myers, aged 78, died In
aroric county last week.
AA, old. lady went to Waynesburg,
linene county, a few days since, to sell a
'stacking full of cold, and wanted fifty
*mkt premium.
Tnn - building of the new jail at Ebens
thug is proaeeu with, the Legislature
having refused to pea the bill looking to
thu rentrival of the Cambria county seat
SO Johnstown.
'as individual giving his name as Pat.
nick Duane, and representing himself as
ta Dollen Catholic convert to the Prates.
itent faith, has been Imposing upon the .
!people of York county.
RECENTLY a little son or Mr. Gregg. ot
Greenwood Furnace, Mifflin comity,
uMie-playing with a little sister, a babe,
lying in a cradle, struck her with a ham
mer. killing her instantly.
trial of Jemes 11. Blase;, Of York
yeasty, in the 'United State; Cou r t, on r .
dodge of compromlsin,; a Violation of
the revenue law, ae..l o t t oe u ng money,
idtwilitant Anessor in the 16th colter,
Sion dlstric.'" Vesulted in his acquittal.
I .l r-fi" Retro bilcan committee of Bhdr
County have decided that candidates for
Comma and State Senate shell be voted
for dirxdbrOdid that the successful ein
elidate shall choose his own conferees to
Seprisen•the county in the district
Gamuts coders has lost three well.
known citizens. Mr. dm Flenniken,
lead eighty-two, and fix Sheriff David
acedaftyrdz, died lut week, the
loneer at Caradcluels and the latter at
'Waynesburg. Calvin Hoge, an old Mo.
cpngabela river pilot, died at Millsboro
on Sunday, 13th.
. Tax Greene county people feel a deep
intense% In the proposed Pittsburgh, Vir
eo!, and Charleston Railroad,' and are
swatting definite action of the board of
directors, a meeting of citizens called
at Waynesburg being postponed with
this view. They - desire to go to work
intelligibly and understandingly.
Verzir, but week, a man named
Mllleibecime exaspenited at a traveling
patent right man, for gaining the affec
tions of a young woman, of whom. he
(liar) claimed a monopoly, and the
semi% was a shootidg affray, Miller
Soil four times at his rival, but Only Inc.
aided In wounding him slightif„
ON Tuesday, 15th, William Bettor,
nod 24 years, met with a horrible death.
'being ground up in the phosphate mixing
'tub at the bone mill of Miller di Smith,
in Reading. The tub Is of wood, about
. 1119 feet In diameter and two and one half
feet in height, and an upright shaft, cup
plied with a number of iron arms, re
sets,* in the center, mating some twenty
dee revolutions per minute. The body
was terribly mangled, all the bones being
broken, and so tightly wedged that con•
Aderable time Was occupied in extricat
' Tan .Cambria_ iron company night
schools, commenced in the tall of 1868,
taws been very succassful, and compare
favorably with other schools in the
neighborhood. During the past three,
yews four schools have been in opmallon,
one In Johnstown; one in M.illville, one
in Cambria Cite; and one in Conemaugh
. borough. - Besides defraying -all the ex.
pewee of ' the schools, a few years since
the Iron company purchased books, - most
of them selected by Hon. D. J. Morrell,
sad presented one to each of the pupils as
',reward for, attendauca and: good con
duct. . In several of the schools middle
egad men are availing themselves of the
amUllies offorded to obtain an education.
Roseistre widow Is hopelessly act.
Tas sharpest festal's of winter-4
Bar►xnaa Is wading lumber to area .
Joffir-Buoarls mid to meditate s visit
.-8/021011“21. WiLt has had 118 days of
continuous sleighing. _
TEL last humorous lecturer calls him
self Prometheus Pickle.
Courrirrictiorra has bad the rarity of
ice and _snow this winter. „
-Teams is to bean international boating
immanent st , Tilegare neat summer.
LOMA, MaiIIAACIE .111 letting Lacteal,
dialteurotwidch willbe Victor lingo.
Tan ~C lonnecticet 'Reform School Is
sixteen years old, eadims reformed 1,500
Tea treribiteriene are shoat starling
s newspaper at Chicago, to be called the
Wontserect, Maas., basneignl7o felt
ham and 5 feet wide, cant:sham 1855 feet
of lumber.
Tics Pell Mall Oar ere has apologized
to Boucle - milt, and. Rival that libel suit
Oa - 00,000.
. .
Tan New York cholr.angas complain
beams their salaries are to be reduced
after ErMor t
Tatar. are numerous - icebergs off the
ANSlSiesla coast. All arriving vessels
report them.
Tan widow of Gen. Joseph Mower has
inters appointed poshnseter at New Lon
dc"b Cpuu ectic n t .
A Boaroi holy has published a column
'Mena type, to were putt the tint duty of
woman is—beauty; •
Two American ladles. lffnr. Terry and
Mrs. [Storey, are leeching the Romans
how tigiveputies. ' ;
War shoulde theatrical sterols 4500 •
night, peed to be supported by other ac
-Wst asks the Boston Pea.
CaswroaDevima,"ltuldena, Boro.
shear took paste-pot and brush, and pas.
led the bar for Mrs. litmiton'i, lecture.
' Barman. of the leading bnatimi men
of Toledo, Ohio, - .hate been 'wrested on
the charge of selling umUunpol per.
-Ainerlattl writing from London,
i'lll7ll that "John Stuart Kill Is as avante
iLondon.Englifonan raised to the Mona.
:isediti power.'
1 ".; Mras FANNY Joy, a reigning belle In
Elmira, has just marr w ed r. Blaine.
The thing of beauty pr lot to re .
a Joy forever.
Tun New. York Herald hope* that the
- - designer of the forthcoming Issue of prat
ago stamps "haspitched this time upon a
amp that will stick."
A crruu of Washington recently re
futed to buy Meek Twain's book, because
, "the man .who could not weep at the
- knob tot Adam must be an Idiot."
M of the colored pages of the South
erohni• Legislature saved all his earn
jags that he might acquire an education
aelloward's University, Washington.
Berme Yon; of Rochester,New
_sampshire, recently took his bre ad and
lo ser Ir. prison for four days, rather than
pey Ids taxes, but finally caved In and
-bottled up. •
- go CAMAS MOZDAVIST will, IS ill
said, leave England et an early day for
A zt ecs, intending to spend • season
the enjoyment of the sports of our west
ern prairies. • ;
Mae. Tuentratte, Washingtealady;
and Dr. fiouthworth, a son of the author
eke of many stories and Initials, have
written what they call-- na genuine
American play."
t o of the greatest proofs of friendship
that one Woman can bestow upon another,
'aye the. Saturday Boity, le to ere her.
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the pattern of some nbackneyed, unpur•
I n t
chasahle article of as, . --
• ALTIANY has 6 ItiflCClStiy .dressed
young lady—a bl de, of course—who
engages little Bel 1 girls in conversation
on the street, and t e cuts off tbeir blonde
tress. a. She claidia to be a "kleptonta
Tim directors ot the Boston, Hartford
and Brie Railroad were compelled to
obtain the legal opinion ore distinguished
New York lawyer on an important point,
for which the fee of sixty thousand dollars
was paid.
A- LEATENWoaTu; Indians, Sehool•
adstreu flagellated a slenderer last week,
with an iron ramrod, which she had de
liberately armed heraelf with. The as
sailed individual fell on his knees and
begged for mercy.
THE Neve York horse railroad compan
-les say they will not reduce fare so long
as they have to pay the revenue tax of 2i
cents on the dollar. Only two of the
roada, it is said, are making-much more
than their expenses.
A Hoitomrr, N. Y., minister has,
within the past ten months, married a
couple, been instrumental in their con
version, baptised their child, administered
to them the Lord's Sapper and admitted
them to the church. -
A. Melon desiring a situation as
teacher in Nova Scotia, wrote -to the
board: fob 41870. Sir I offer myself to
you for that place to the board which 1
am well quiliflde for my adage is 40P'
(meaning, doubtless, 42 )
An Inebriated man in Lawrence, Kan
era, was found clinging to a fence, look-
ing helplessly at a neighboring row of,
shade trees. ".11alloa," said a friend,'
"what's the matter, Jake!" "Darn it,"
responded Jacob," "that procession's
never gob:" to git past." '
Tm& telegraph has gat into a lawsuit in
California. A dealer telegraphed to San
Francisco, asking if he should buy at
quotalloas.- The answer was "No price
too high." He-bought and afterwards it
was d is covered that the telegram' should
have read, "No; price too high." '
Tax J aneseille, Wisconsin, Goal it says
that there is in that city, at the present
time, a married couple who, before they
came there, bad four daughters of mar
riageable age, ail of whom were married
of the residence of their parents on the:
same evening, the ceremony being, - per.
formed by the father of the brides.
On the four hundredth night of John
S. Clarke's engagement in London, the
oth instant, the Prince of Wales seat for
the Anierican comedian, complimented
him highly on his talents, and expressed
arest regret at his leaving England. ?dr.
Clarke leaves for- America lb a few
days, to Oil an engagement at Booth's
theater. -
Bois Albany girls iho had charge 01
a table at a fair for religious purposes In
that city, played a pretty sharp game to
draw custom. They inserted a "per:
Kind" in the papers, in which "Lizzie"
begged her "dear Georgia" tomeet her et
the table named. Everybody was on the
lookout for the meeting, and bought
something while welting.
1•A aster (mew was scolding his eon for
Saying unt 'ate at night, and said :
"Why, when I was of your age my
father would not allow me to, go out of
the house after dark." "Then you had a •
deuce of father, you hed,"inecreil the I
young pri.lbgete. Thu father vociferated
"I bed a confoondtd sight better one
than you, you young meat"
- Ten unassisted immigration of the past
year is about 10,000 in excess °file year
as indicated by the arrivals at
New York. - Everything promises an
immigrationdaring the present year ex.
reeding anything ever before known In
our history.. This will be exceedingly
desirable, in view of the high prices of
labor prevailing among farmers in our
agricultural districts.
Tax Chicago Poe) claims that, this
year's census will snow Chicago tinals the
third city in the Union, adding; "Another I
decade and -we shell be second: still
another, and we shell be first The pros
verity and lumpiness of this great repeal
tic, with a hundred million population,
andChitsml the grestestof all gnat cities, I
it is almost beyond the capacity of the
finite mind to comprehend.
Tux wreath cif gold recently presented
to Ole Bull, at Ban Francisco, contains
thirty six pearls, one et the point of each
leaf, and a monogram (O. B.) In-dia
monds, with the inscription: "Presented
to Ole Bull, March 4th, 1870," beneath
the coat of arms of California. On the
Inside of the case containing the.wreath
is inscribed "To Ole Bull, from his
California friends, as a slight - token of •
their affictionate regards, San Francisco,
March 4th, 1870: It was •m ade by
Lemma Brothers s 'at a cost of $l,OOO.
A 7110YLNICKT member of the &mita
Conimittee on Indian Affairs hai written a
lateen) Gen:Bhmidan, in which an srfc
"I have for soma time feared: what you
Rae to be quite probable, a general Indian'
war on the Plains,. and •Imve almost
ceased to hope fora casettes of the an
nual murdering and plundering there,'
short of the extermination of the whole
MO of savages.' 'lt is to be •hoped that a
I few more such blows as that dealt by
I Col. Biker, in February last, will Induce
I them to desist from -their hellish work,
land accept,' hi edd faith,tbe Very reason
' able terms of pesos held ont by the Gov-.
garment. It is a little singular that those
who raise arch an outcry when an Indian
la hurt, are silent, having no word of
censure for tbe Indian, or even iyinFathy
for his victims, when
,wirito women are
ravished, and (cants murdered by the
sane." • ,
. _
Its Basuchusetts the. Sunday-library
qneition 'has come up in the Legislature
on a direct issue. The statute's of that
State forbid, or are construed to for
.btd, the opening of public libraries. on
Sunday. 'A. bill wesintioduced repealing
alt-statutes or parte of statutes as were
t supposed to prevent the opening of the
libraries. The New England Reform
Lurie and other associations offered pe.
titions In favor of tbe passage of this bill.
On its debate the whole question was die
' cussed in a digninedund exhaustive man.
'net. Rev. Dr. Putout Jed in support f the , bill, with , a strong speech, arguing
that the Pnblle =orals would ler greatly
benelitted by the opening of the libraries,
ad showingby statistics that but a small
portion of the people of - Boston could
attend church on Sunday Mornings even
if,they were inclined IQ do so..' The bill
tingly pursed by a vote of 97 to 54. - .... I
under consideration by the English - Pay
ligament, on malign to proceed to second
1 reading, permits the.: question whether
(Te l i cf' l lerby 6 t s rir It ' ll' to u td be s of g i ll e tu n c l io o nt. be
The Conservatives oppose the measure,
for the rata that religion.e Instruction Is
sot made coniundsory, while the 'deuced
Mon is Objectthat the bill makes con•
cessions to sectarian opinions. Mr. Geo.
Dixon, member fpr Birmingham, though
in fame of 'free schools, asserted that the
present. bill was fatally detective In not
providing fora Department of Education
in.the °moment '
and in establishing
normal schools. Re contended that
endieu dissension would be created by'
the introduction of religions questions
into the discussions of the load. baulk
Mr. Forster, the introducer of the bill,
argued that religions instruction should
not be given, nor the Bible be used as a
reading book to the Oeverament schools.
Re asserted that the valuable Common .
School system of Ik e United States was
foundering upon hisrock, amply b e .
cause the rule was Inflexible, and not left
to the option of each locality. m r . p er
'ter has greatly overrated the discassions
that have Uvulas times arisen on this
1 subject in the United States, end the an.,
Dully increasing percentae ef children'
receiving 11/1 education. fr om' he public
funds, certainly proves that the Common
School system is not going to wreck and,
ruin. It is certainly a greet iniMake to' I
assert that -religions instruction is cora.'
rabbitry in this country' and the ; Sae
of the Bible as a text book Is regu..
bud by the School Directors, due Mud
being paid to the religious sympathies of
- the pseuds of the sckolarl. ' -, ;
Pennsylvania Legislature
SENATE: Appropriattonßilllie
ported, Reduced Over $500,000
Omnibus Railroad Bill Passed
—Pittsburgh Fire Department.
HOUSE: South Side (of the
Ohio) Railroad—Pleasant Val
ley Supplement—The Omnibus
Scheme Messaged and immedi
ate Consideration Toted.
(lisee'al Dispatch to the Tlttobveb Duette.)
likuntsanno, March 17,1870.
By Mr. LOWRY: .70Int resolutions
against Shertuan's Funding bill.
it y Mr. GRAHAM: Incorporatint the
Germania Savlegs Bank, Pittaburk h.
Mr. DILLI . I.4FELT reported the Am
propriatlon bill, cutting out all charit-
able inatitlatiOne not under the tmuteellate
supervision of the State and reducing
others. 'rho reduction on the House
bill amounts to over bales million.
The new railroad project was called up
and debated all morning and afternoon,
and passed finally—yeas 20, nays 12..
Mr. 110WA.111) bad tho House Pitts.
burgh Fire Department bill passed
dually, • . .
. _
mein nine RAILWAT.
Mr. SHURLOUR intreritieed a bill In
-cm porating -• the South Side Railway .
Company. The oorporatora are J. B.
Hannah, D. L. linbrie, D. tdeß.lnniey,
Jr., M. S. Quay, Thomas A2.Soott and .1
D. Cameron. The road ii to run from
Pittiburgh by the left bank of the Ohlo
to Beaver,
Mr. ADAIRE objected to its conelders.
Mr. HUMPHREYS supported the bl
It was finally laid over. '
Mr. KII.EPS moved the recouslderaUon
of the „Pleasant Valley Railway supple
Mr. MILLA.R. of Allegheny, opposed
the motion, declaring that the Allegheny
delegation we. united in its favor.
The motion was disagreed te.
In the evening the new railroad bill
from the Senate was messaged over:
Mr. STRANG (Mr. Davis being In the
chair) moved roneiderationl Agreed to,
yew; 55, nays 37.
Ttia ayes were Messrs. Adaire, Ames,
Armstrong, Beans, Bowmen. Buffington.
Bunn, Carlin, Chinch, Cloud. OpttliY,
Cooper. Cretin, Dolly, Dorlington, Da
vis, Dail:anger Dill. (of Union,)
Forsythe, (hxlscha; k, Sall. Herr,
Hong, Hnmh, Johnson. (of Craw.
ford) Josephs, Leidig, Long, Longo.
nocker, MeAteetr, McCreary, McKinetrY.
McMahon ' arshall, Maxwell, Milliken,
Mooney. Niles,N Porter, (of Cambria)
Porter, (of York) Robert., Robloon,
Rohrer, tledgawiek. Smith, -Snyder.
Steele, (of Schuylkill) Stephens, Stokes.
Taylor, Tyler, Vankirk, Walton, WHO . ,
Members not voting were Craig. Dill,
(of Adams) Ellis, Hill, Johnson. (of
Philadelphia) Meyer, and Thomas: All .
other. voted no.
The discussion lasted until late.
• The bill was passed to third and laid
-- _
A Lively Conflict of Jurisdiction Be.
tween Municipal Oaken.
(By Telegraph to tag Pittsburgh Elamite.)
RICHMOND, December I7.—For some
time there have been rumors Stmn the
present authorities In Delos by military
appointment intended resisting any
movement to dispossere them till Recces
ems were the people; an they
held the enabling act declaring
th the
offices 'vacant to . be unconeu
tional. Last night the City Council ap
pMnted by Gov. Walker tinder the enab
ling act elected II K. Ellieonldayor and
chose anew chief and captain of police.
Tide morning at daylight the new obi&
of police. Major John Poe , applied at the
lower station house for possession, but
, was refused. At a later hour Mayor
I 'Edison applied by letter to Mayor Ca
boon for Mayer's office, Woke, A c., but
was refused, Cahoon claiming he was in
office •by law and would not - yield until
ejected by preemie from Court. Cahoon,
who had possession of the lower station
I house, proceeded to swear in special '
constables to the number of one - hundred '
and tilly. Including about twenty colored
men. Ellison tuen swore 'ln . two
hundred special officers, and .at :dies
o'clock surrounded the lower. stenos'
.honee, where Cahoon and his of.
Licari were, the plan being to ar rest any
of them who came up. Ellison ham
possession of the city ball and all other
public) buildings, except the station
bowies, which are held-by the oppcidte,
perty. The old police force Is divided
aboutequallyisstween the two : Mayan..
A crowd of thousande of black. en&
many whiter-are now about the lower
station. Cahoon sent, through his corm.
sal, ,Es.:Gov. , Wise, a. letter- to Gov.
W siker, stating his position and asking
eestetanort to maintain Ma authority.
Gov. Walker in reply to Mayor Ca
hoon's appli cation, says Mayer EOM=
being legally elected under the act of the
Legielature he cannot recognise any one
else as Mayor: that Cahoon la Incapable
of holding office under Virginia law, an
',, be now holds a Federal office: that no,
' breach of the peace cab occur without Ca:
1 boon'e act or approval; that he should
resort to. a peamiel ytidleial remedy if
lie wanted; too test the !qtiesthm, and
finally ho should obey the laws and
sustain the constitutional authorities.
-Es Governorr Wise, Judge It.. W.
Finches Mid L H. Chandler era counsel
for Mayor Cabc in, . who, with about'
thirty men, is Mill In , tbe lower: . statter,
house. Thebeisieging force hits env o ff 1
1 gut and water end forbid any provision
1 to be sant them, A crewd of colored
nierftengtirout a 'bake shop trxroohll
1 menced throwing bread Into the be.
Merged, hut were -driven off by sppcigl 1
Officer a. All quiet at six o'clock.
LATE& —Early this_ evening Mayor 1
Ellison, Chief of Pollee cud others wets
arrested by the United Stater 'Marshal
for hiving refuted a revenue ofhoer per.
Mission to see Cahoon In - hie character'
sui United States Commissioner. They'
were balled until to.merrow. A cow. 1
piety of troops hag been brought
into tha city by order of the General
Canby. It II - dated that Judge tin-
Underwood will arrive tomorrow and
Issue an ei lnnation prohibitin Ellie=
and others exercising the dation g
The excitement In the elty all del has
been so great that very little ,business;
Wee done. -Cahoon is still besieged.:: . -.—
, .
State or the Thermometer Yesterday
Morning at Parkins Points.
tiaw York—down wind kt. W.: that.=
Philadelphia—Oloady; wind S. W.:
Sher. 2& •
13altimere-01ear and cold: ther. 28.
Wilmington-011par; wind N. W.: atm
Richmond—Clear; windN.;
Italelgh—Olgar; her. 42 •
Greensboro—Clear; wind N. W.: Miff
bleveland—Mld, olopdy; N. W.; tber
'Columbus—Cloudy and Tay cold.
Detreit—Cloudy: wind N.: ther. 26.
einolunad—Clondy; wind W.; ther.22:
Loulsville—Cloudy; wind W.; that. Is.
Indianapolis-Cloudy; wind 14. W.;
Chicago—Clesr; wind N. W.; the?.
Louts--Clearorind W.; that. 24.
Omaha—Clear; wind W.S ther;
—he storm at Omaha ceed at Uwe"
o'clock Wednesday, havin g continued
'frAthout intermialdon Or loyal hours.
SENATE: Franking Privilege--;
Distribution of Department
Clerkships—New Territory—
To Secure Efficient Seamen-,
Diplomatic and Consular Sys
tem—OeMgla Bill Discussed
IVithout Action. ROUSE: In
terposition in Virginia Af
fairs-11r. Bailer and the Ca
detship Business—Resolution
of Censure Passed—The) Tariff
Cy Telegraph to Om l'ltt r ebargh tlaaette.
WASIIINOTOtr. Digital 17, 1870.
A petition was preiented from a con.
vention of Friends for an appropriation
fur the benefit of Indiana of Ike Northern
Superintendency; OD, for an approprilv
lion of pogo for the benefit of colored
!students in Wilberforce. University,
- -
The bill abolishing the franking !mist.
lege wee made the special order for next
Tuesday. •
The resolution for the consideration In
open aeration . of all treaties for the no
w:amnion of foreign territory was dis
cussed by Memos. Pomeroy, Hamlin and
Sumner in opposition, and referred to
Foreign Committee.
A resolution directing enquiry as to
whet Ccimuilttees of the. Benito eati no
dispensed with. Adepten.
Mr. Carpenter's resolution for more
entied-dietnibuthst of clerkships in de. ,
partmentremong the States and Territo
ries was discussed by Messrs. Sawyer,
Stewart: neon, Carpenter and Thayer,
the letter effering an amendment, which
wan accepted, by Mr. Carpenter, directing
inaulry its to how many disloyal men
and women were In the departments.
The resolution en motion of Mr. W IL.
LlA.bitii,eiss then Owed - at the foot of
the Wender.
Mr. RICE introdoced a bill to organize
the Territory of Oklahaina and consbil•
dating. Indian tribes: under territorial
government. The new Territory is
bounded on the north by Maness, west
by New. Mexico and Texas, south by
Texas and mat by Arkanstui and Mis
Mr. STEWART Introduced s joint rea
lotion authorising the Postmaster Gen
eral to prescribe an earlier time for . the
execution' of contracts by 'invented .bid.
den. • i . . .
Mr. BRAKE, from the Committee on
Naval Affairs, reported with amendment
the bill to promote the securing of effi
cient seamen far the United States navy,
providing for the, appointment by each
Senator and Representative of one nava ,
apprentice annually, odd apprentice to
be promoted to the grade of United
ctates seaman upon attaining the ago of
twenty-one aud pausing the propir ex
Mr. ell AN D.LER, from‘he Committee
on Commerce, reported a bill to amend
the art to regulate the tilt:re - matte and
consular system of the United States. by
providing aam bstitute (or schedule B in
section 3il of said set. It abolishes -Cer
tain consulates and change* the salaries
of a number of others. , ._
At half past one the Giorgio bill was
taken up and speechee' delivered by
Beasts. Spencer and lio, ard in opposi
tion to the Bingham am mil:neut. Mr.
Bswry.sak fawned thusinen ward.
At 3:30 the Senate went into executive
evasion and subsequently id) ouraed.
• •
, . • _
Mr. PRATT asked leave to otter a tee°.
lotion reciting that the Legislature of
Virginia had vacated ail :offices in Vir-
OM* by an act entitled an enabling am,
and has given the power of appointment
to the Governor in some cases and to
Judges In others. and Instructing the
Reconstruction , Committee . to, report
whether the passage and enforcement of
such an net and consequent change In
form of government, taking the election
of umcers from the people and giving it
thendividuals, ot inch violation of
Constitution ofVirginia and of the
fundamental 'conditions on which the
State Walt &Omitted to rspresentation,ka
to demand the interposition of Oongrele,
in order that a republican form of gor
eminent may he secured In Virginia.
Mr. BROOKS of New York. 'objected.
Mr. BANKS offered & rmolution per
fecting tie right In the Government to
MattOnal cemeteries. 'Adopted.
Mr. SARGENT, from the Mining Gem
mittee, reported a bill, to Wend Meant
of July 20,1868, 1114111MIng the right of
way to dlnit and canal owners ar pub.
lie lands, by adding saaeral our Notions,
allowing placer cialoir to bee n red and
patented at the rate of g 2,60 r acre
provided no placer claim shell exceed
NO acres. • -
After an hour's dlsocuulon, the' bill,
passe Mr.d.
PERRIS, from the Mining 001:0-
'Kama, made an adverse report on the
bill relative to the Sotro tunnel.,
Mr. SARGENT, Made at minority re
port and argued in favor of the mistatire
as referred to the cadanittee.
, The morning hour expired and the
Matter went over to Tuesday. •
The Bonze proceeded to consider the
two resolutions reported yesterday from
the Military Committee in the matter of
Mr. Butler, of T•IIZIOSSIND. for the sale of
cadetships, one resolution being for the
condemnation of Butler and the other
for his expulsion.
Mr. LOOKNexplalned hciw it mein
each resolution was signed. by four
berm. The resolution condemning Butler
had received a makulty vote lathe Com
mittee, but when it mine to be signed
there were some members absent. The
resolution of expulsion was really the
minority report. The Committee had
egreed to have the testimony. read and
to leave the question, without argument,
to the decision of the amuse.
.The Wilmot* , WAS read.
Gen. Schoeppe testified to having,
through Gen. Este. procured the sp.
polattdont of A.,D. Taylor. from Buller:
ond.toittelog paid Opn. Este 02,000 for
It, which. he undo rood was to go to
TounesseetO be naestiorelection. puree-
-General Daniel Tyler bistlaid he paid.
money for his eon's appointment, and
that be had berm told ~by Alx,,Crooper.
Riveldsiat Yohnutei vate - meretary,'
tbstauch epPetututente were offered at
,Washington for money, -and by other
friends that the thing . was not cuMour
(et. Goo." P: Bate testified the smolt.
satins with Batter had bean made
through him, and be paid about SLOW to
Butler fcrr It. He could novelty how'
much he (Este) had received. That was
it ' , the exparienee be had in the business.
St mid not made any proposition to par
Butler until after the appointment bid
- been_aigreed nixin; It. was'Upon: bp
(Bite's )own motion. HI had litiggrated
to Butler the propriety of his - permitting
him to give him a oartain sum of money,
and there was perhaps some talk
is to the proposed canvass. Bethought
Butler mentioned the fact that there were
two payers In his district In. Tay bad
condition and required support. Butler
Said to him, in that conversation, "Gene.
ral I do not know: I cannot take thls for
myself." Hs had nova?, befOre the sp.
()ointment, proposed to Butler to pay him
anything for It. He had felt no personal
Interest, in the
ca res w• press on:en
vies, and did not care what Butler done
with the motley: but Butler had diatiAct
ly stated he would not receive It for
hiniself. • .
Wittman , for the defence Wpm" as
gannet Mllligan of Tennessee bad ie.
calved an appointment to- the -Neva
academy for one of hisamulfroin Butter;
had never gi hi athing for it,
except thanks ve . n
Heknew of Butler's
desire to appoint a boy from his own die- ,
trial terfret Puliit, hut Sher:l;4lo(n° boy
Hobert A. Crawford, of Tennessee, Pe
tilled to Butler's efforts to get ••boy In
ids dlotrlck who would pass an examine.,
Bon. - •
Wm. B. Blokes, member of Congress,
seen It stated by the Chairman of tbe
State Constitutional Committee Vhstßut.'
ler had contributed PM to th eme e
Journol, wtdsh , was an orput e
Republican part] in Tanning.. .
A. Eliwyor, of -Tennessee. was in
Butler's room In Washington when the
money was paid by Este: was lying on •
table and Rut* told him it kt 4 trit.
sent from New York to be need in start
lug a paper at Morristown, Tennessee.
'Win. S. Pence, of Tennessee, was In
Butler's-room when Este left money;
Butler did not receive It and expressed
to him the fear that if he had anything
to do with it, it would ho construed that
he had taken lt,for a wrong purpose.
Butler's own statetnent before the Com
mittee wan that he had wade fruitless of
feria to Mad in his tilstrict,a qualified bo
for the., Military, ,acadroy. Be ha
talked ailth Gen. Scholl Id as to the I -
gality ot„ -appointing yu tug Tyler, an
Gem Sehatiold told him. that eviden a
could be:acquired .1n a very short LI e
that such had been the practice of t e
Goveruni tit; that the of jest was to 1111
the sch withamart boys, who would
be an ho or to the country, and that
the appdlntment cf Tyler would be
very gratifying to him. Ho bad there
fore nutdolt. Subsequently Gen. Bate call
ed and insisted on his taking the money,
which be at Ors: declined. Col. Spence,
of Tennessee, who was In his room at the
time, interposed and raid ' , you have got
to take it, bemuse we are going to have
a hard. time in the election, and you
know a few of us have to support our
papers " ,ale (Spence) said he would
take themoney and use lt In the
TennameM.election. Gen. Este took 1100
himself anti left 1900 on his (Butler's)
table. • Of that sum he bad contributed
1600 to establish a paper in the interest of
Gen. Stokes. satisfied a dept of e;630 on
the li'cw Fro, a.lleptiblican paper pub-
Bolted In ' least TeriMassee, and cost
aributed 11100 to the Union Flay, a Re
publican piper at Jonesboro, East Tenn.,
and 120 for printing election ileketa.
He had- never appropriated one cent to
his own wet.
General Schofield was not able torecall
any conversation with Butler on the sub
-lent, though It was possible he had,' and
certainly did not recommend blui to ap
point General Tyler'. son, for)m did not
know until recently General Tyler's son
had ever applied for appointment, or got
one, or indeed that General Tyler had a
The reading of the testimony being
completed, the previous question was
seconded and the vote taken first on the
resolution for expulsion. The vote - was
taken by yeas and nays Unusual still
nest( prevailisl and members answered to
their names In a low tone. Many de
clined to mat at first, but after the roll
was completed 16 members rose one by
one votes with two exceptions recorded
their o In the affirmative. Finally
the vole was ennounced--yess 101, nays
The question-then recurred on the
adoption of the resolution as amended,
which the Speaker stated required by
the Conaitution a two thirds vote.
• Mr: SCHENCK inquired of the
apask sr whether, if the resolution failed,
it would not be In order to move a reso.
lotion of amours.
Mr. MORGAN objected to debate.
The Sputter declined to answer.
Tao vote was then taken on the resolu-
Lionas amended.
Mr. Logan's resolution, being only
Bared sa a sobstitute for the reeointlon
condemnation, wee rejected—yens le%
• fa. Ices than two-teirds voting In
the affirmative. •
Before the vote wan announced Mr.
STILES called for the enforcement of
the role requiring every member present
to TOW.
The SPEAKER inquired whether the
gentleman lied any resolution to offer
with reference to any particular member?
Mr. STILES paled the question by
making rise SPeaker whether all the
Members eresemt had voted?
The SPEAKKR—That is not a matter
within the knowledge of the Chair. 11.3
the gentleman any resolution to offer in
reference to any membets 7 If so, the
Chair will sustain It.
Mr. STILES-Mr. Dswee, of Maas., is
one who hits not voted.
The SPEAKER—The gentleman from
Slema.husette lute voted cm tio question.
Ile voted on the tire: roll call. Tne Chair
the cciettlemact tbas..he_should
be careful mite (seta on a question so,
delicate. Uwe the gentleman any, fur
ther motion to make?
The vote having been announced is re.
jesting the amandod reeolutiou,
• Mr. STOUGHPON. a majority mem.
bar or the Military Committee, offered a
modification of the original -resolution,
se follows:
Brae/sett, The House declares Its con•
damnation of the action of Hon. It. B.
Butler, a Itepresentative from the First
District of Tenneweee, In nominating
Ang. C. Tyler, who was not an actual
resident of his district, an a cadet . st the
Military Academy at West Point. and
receiving money,,from the father of laid
cadet, to be used for political Putpeees
in TOOI3OOOO, as an unauthorized and
dangerous practice, and he. is hereby
censured therefer.
Mr. MORGAN sriggeited an amend
ment, adding the words "and that be be
requested to rotten "
Mr. STOUGHTON dentinal to yield for
the Ilalendlllenl.
The resolution was adopted unani- '
mously—y,eni 157.
The ibtlowieg Is the vote on expnlelon:
Teas-Masers. Adams, Allison, Am
bler, Ames, Archer, Atwood, Ayres Bar
num, Beatty. Beck, Benjamin, Beggs,
Bird, Blair, Buckley, Burchard, Cleve
land, Cobb, (Wis.), Cobtirn,, Conger,'
Crebe, Culletn.. Dawee. Dickinson,'
Donley, Dyer. Duval, Eldridge. Ferry,
Faikeinburg, Garfield, (lett, Griswold,
Haight, •Haidennan Hale, liambel.
ton, Haunt, Hamilton (Fla.), - Harris,
Hey, Hayes, Hill, Holman. Ingersoll,
]etches, Johnson,. Judd, Kellogg, 'Nem
Ketolttun. Knapp, Knott, Login; Logan,.
LYnch. Mayhem, McCormick, Morgan,
Morrill, (Ms,) • Niblack, ' O'Neal. Ortb,
Packer, Paine, -Palmer, Poland. Reeves,
Sawyer, Schofield,' Shanks. Sharrord,
Slocum, Smith, (Ohio ,) Smith, (PL.,)
Stevens.. Stevenson, Stiles,' Stone, aro
der, Strickland, Strong, Swann. Tanner,
Trimble, • Tyuor' Upson, Van Trump,
Voorhees, Ward, (Wis.,) Washburne,
(Mast.) Welker, Welts, Wheeler, WU-
lard, Williams, Wilson. (Minn.) -102.
' Nays—Messrs. Armetrong, Lunar, At
oll, 'Banks, 'Beaman, Bennett, Boles.
ttookerßowe Boyd, Brooks, (Masa.)
Brooks. (N. V .,) Befllugton, Barden,
Cots, Cessna.Caurchlll, Clarke,Cobb,(N.
C4Cook,Oovode, Dickey, Dockery, Haw
ley, E!s, Ferris. Nisher,h'ltch, llawklne,
K ea ton, HOW, Haul Jones, (Md.,) .
Julian, Kelly, Kelsey, Moyaard, Mc-
Carthy, McKee, McKenda, Mercur, Mor
phis Morrill, (Pa.) Myers, Negioy,'
Packard, Pierce, Peters, Phelps, Platt,
Prosser, Roots, Sanford, Sargent, '
Eilhanok, Sheldon,(Ls.) Sheldon, (N.Y.)
Smith, (Tenn.) Starkweather. Stokes,
Stongbtoo, Townsend, Twitchall. Van
m or n, yeti Wyck, Wllkinson, , Wileon,
,'(Ohlo) Winans -6S.
i The House wont Into Committee of Ike
IV hole, Mr. Wheeler in the on the
iterilf bill,. audWas addressed lasupport
,or it by Mr. CAKE, when the committee
Alfa ". remiss until evening. .
Reenday ,Sessiors.—Not over a wore of
, members were present. . Speeches on
is tariff were made by Messrs. Neglay,
ITownsied and Stevenson, the two for
!mar in favor of the tariff smiths letter in
'favor of a rod akin of taxation.
(gylegmb to the Plttsbuntiamatte.)
xjAie, Yong, ,liferch 17,1570.
Wu celebrated with more anthrwisam
than ever before. The
,procesaion num
bored nearly fifty - thousand men;
Imp:Mang and witnessed by a Tai con ,
course oryeopts. Uslebrationa alitOtOOk
oleos In Brooklyn mid various other
cities In the vicinity, Bistro, Baltimore. 1
Providence, PoughlooPide, Buffalo, To.
Tonto, ike. No disturbance" are reported.
The nitro glycerine factory near Hack
ensack Junction, N. J., was d emo u thw
by an exploidon to-day and four men and
a boy killed.
Tile exports from Now York the past
w eek, except specie, were 112,m6.a.u.
The anew Blectade.
rev Tetesmult to me yitteemeomuute.,
BLrrneto, Mach 17.--The storm oott
unties, The Jake Shore -and Great
Wartem trail% are running Mr tiers, but
the Grand Trunk trains are eta hours
behind. The Central Road la blocked be.
fond Rochester. No tralm on the Erie
daps yesteFda7 and the alas ell
- B Eg mancroirt N. Mirth 17. - The
snow is the.heaviest of the mason. Flee
traits .= the Erie Road are hers and
canna proceed westward. Th. eine.
come and Binghamton Read Is impassi
_ b on i to -morrow morn s will be tarted this even
ng. Th e teak.
of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Rest
' ern Read wore , behind time yesterday,
but will be on time this afternoon. The
same is reported of the Burlcuthanna and
Explanation of the City of Boston
Canard—The Bonaparte-Noir
Homicide—The Cession of Cuba
By Te'egrapli to the Pittsburgh tl.ette.
LONDON, March 18.—The Times prints
the City of Boston canard uncorrected
this morning.
The underwriters haye exacted seven
guineas • premium on the over due
steamer Samaria, while the premium on
the City of Mouton has again been re
duced. The question put bj Sir J. Deck
ington in the House of. Common! as to
the rumored overloading of the Moamar
City of Boston, has called from the Board
of Trod! , a report giving extended rules
and regulations for the interior loading
of chips, .to. •
The following card is published: At
dawn yesterday morning a copy of a
private telegram was handed to me by
the Government Superintendent of the '
Stock Exchange telegraph Deice, an
nouncing the arrival of the City of Bos
ton at Queenstown In tow of the City of
Durham. The dispatch had reached
London by way of Manchester, a course
not unusual in cases of a gorge on direct
• Liverpool lines. The news was accepted
here without question. The wildest en
%hunter= was manifested in the Ex
chauges at Liverpool and excited crowds
gathered under the windows of Inman's
tam. kqual excitement and enthual
elm pervaded sit the Exchanges at Lon
[Signed] ALE:CA.2I
Agent Associated Press.
Mr. Motherly, a book auctioneer, to
day sold a copy of Skakspeare's works,
first folio edition, for three hundred and
sixty pounds sterling.
The Post says the -false report of the
arrival of the City of Boston °Agitated at
the Stock Exchange, in this city. There is
universal indignation expressed on ac
count t,f the cruel hoax. • , •
MADAM, March 17.—The oontroversy
among the newspapers relative to the
ceaalon of Cuba to the United States con
tinues. Some argue that, now that the
resurrection la nearly quelled, and the
dignity of Spain properly asserted, 1t
would be better to cede Cuba and thus
avoid internal troubles hereafter. Their
opponents advise these not to crave for
gold, but for Spanish interests, and oth
ers still are opposed to all agitationotthe
question at present.
PARIS, March 17.—The spode lithe
bank of France Inoreued 1,900,100
franca Nellie week.
Henri Rochefort has been taken to
Toon, where he la to appear as witneas
In the Bonaparte-Noir homicide case.
Louis Noir announces in the public
prints to day he had now been admitted
ws a party to the civil suit against Pierre
.. •
Harm:, March l7.—The nteamers
Union, Aleppo and YOrllVinil have an.
Imiroon, March 17.—.Eveniny—Cone
for money 92: account 93. American Ike.
audited. steady: '62a, 91; . '63s, 9014: '67s,
89,4; Ten.fortlea V; Eel's' 22%; Illinois
Otritral 116; Atiantio'd. Great Western 30.
Bullion in the Bank of England has in.
creased £770.000.
L 4
rnairgronr. March 17.—Bonds quiet
at 913.1 1 :16 95 e, .
Pants, h 17.—Bourse firm • at 73
1gi7,3 franca. • .
' LIVERPOOL. March 17.—Cotton firmer;
middling uplands 1 .101134 c; New Or.
leans ]1,4®120; ales 12,000 balsa .Bread.
stuffs' firm. California white wheat Os®
9s ed: red western rm. 2 Bald; red winter
93 10d. Western Flour Be. Corn: No.
2 mixed 27e 9d. Oats 241 sd. Barley'
se. Pees 37S 6d. Provisions; Pork firm
at 92.. Beef lerla Cd. Lard firm stets.
Cheese 70s ild. Bacon bill. Produce un
Loartion, March IL—Linseed cakes
train at .C 9 10a. Tallow declining at 43e
a. Refined petroleum deellning. Sugar
11 rm. Whale oil firm. ' Turpentine 30a
0,1130 s ild. Calcutta Linseed fils 6d.
ANTWESP, March 17.—Petroleum flat
at 6711 ~
tlavan, March 17.—Cotton quiet at 1311
afloat. . _
(By Tetemp! to to. PlMbUrati assets
Sr. Louie, March 17. The Lower
Rouse yesterday passed a bill pthvidiug
that whenever any county, city or town
Leanest:ands for ptiblic improvements, al l
proceeds 'of State and county taxes, ex..
rapt that for school purposes derived
from the Increased Saluation of the tax:.
able property over the assessment last
made prior to the creation of the debt
shall be applied torten years to the pay.
moot of interest and principal of such
debt, these Welt to be collected through
the ordinary State machinery, paid into
the State Tremumry, and the State Trees.
ury is to pay Interest on auch debt. in
the same manner it pays interest on the
State bonds. No county, ally, town, or
township in hereafter permitted to incur
any debt which shall exceed ten per cent.
of the seed value of taxable property
therein. i
The Houle to-day passed the bill abol
ishing State printer after May next and
providing for State printing and binding
by contract to the lowest bidder. The
same bill passed the Senate.
The'Rouse also passed the bill pmvld.
log that the Hannibal and St. Joseph
Railroad Company shall pay outstanding
bonds at par when they become due
instead of turningthen, Into notes to pay
indebtedness of the road. .
COUIDITIUI3, March 17;—Mr. • Bal.,
Democrat. offered In the House. moms
Um...linos a resolution requesting Con
to 'pay the soldiers In the late war
the difference between the greenback
pay they reoelved ant the :price of gold
at that time. The Republicans to-day
amended the resolution so as to make Ii
endorse Mr. Lincoln's administration.
Having been caught' In this trap, a por
tion of the Democrats voted for and a
portion a
in the resolution. The vote
stood yeaa 85, nays
The Corruption to the Board of eloper.
visors—Tae' Court Souse Structures
(117 Teltisso¢ to the ritteergh Gavots )
CHICAGO, March 17.—The Board of
Supervisors adopted a resobition re
questing Mr. Kearney's resignation as
chairman, but postponed it for consideis.
lion, with a request to him to With
draw from the Board. Mr. Kearney hu
given notice that he shall feel compelled
to decline both resolutions. A letter
was reed from a citizen charging that
Hearne,' had rewired several hundred
dollars in consideration of his vote and
influence, and that Supervisor, Gerber
had collected large sums of money ,to be
used as a corruption fund in bribing
superebors. The - communleatioa was
referred to an investigating committee.
A reeolutionwas introduced denounc.
ing the entire court structure, old arid
new, and providing for the appointment
of a committee to remove the present
buildings and erect suitable once In their
place. 'lt was laid on the table. . ; ._.
- -Al - Wasbington's birthday' banquet
in Vienna, (Atudria), Baron Beust, while
he perfectly appnallatedthe difficulties
in the way of Austrian progress, said:
"I trust that the motto of thereat
Republic *cross the ocesnoanity and
freedom,' will always be and remain .
ours—unity and freedom, the that an l'ne
only element of strength; the bitit - u the
great principle of progrdet,u
noteworthy fact that at the banquet the
ambassadors of all tlie chief powers or
Earore united in uompliments to
• .
' • .
'. ' .
i......Q.V.y.e.g,..4,1a - A,.*:4,Qk..",.„ 4 ,...,547.N, ,,,, ~, ,.,../( 4 ,, , ...;:f.,,-*. . ....,', — ..
[By telegraph to the rlttaborth filarkte.)
WAsuinoroN, March 17, 11370
Secretary Boutwell was to day hr faro
the Cob=Mee on Ways and Means In
reference to the funding bill. Ile has
Invited the Committee to the Treasury
Department next Saturday for another
Interview. Reports are that the bill will
be reported back by the Committee comb
time next week, with several Important
amendments. But the orders of Mistime.
are such that It cannot be acted on fur a
time without a auepension of tho rules.
which require 9 a twodhirdii.vole, cud it
be doubtful whether it can get that.
Efforts. still be. made to reduce the
.• • •
intereet. to a uniform rale of four per
cent. and to have hnt one class of bonds;
also to strike out the one half per cont.
commission, or reduce the rate, the im
pression beink "14,000.000, the sum
allowed In the Senate bill for commis-
Mons. In too much.
—The Missouri river is again closed
by ice.
—The fruit In Ohio la reported injured
by the recent cold weather.
—W. W. Cornell. the well known Iron
merchant, died at New York yesterday.
—At Bennington, Vt , the Mt. Anthony
Observatory wee blown down during the
storm of Wednesday.
• -
—Sam Lynch, Die ring leader of the
steamer Dubuque rioters, has . been cap-
aced in Arkansas.
—The safe of J. B. White, gr0...-er,. at
Fort Wayne, Indians, 'wee robbed of
f 2.000 on Wednesday night. •
—St. Patrick's day was duly celebrated
by Irish citizen. of St. Louis, Chicago,
Cincinnati, New York andother cities.
—The • laborers on . tne .governmen
maid at Keokuk have quit work, an
demand an advance of twelve per cent
in their wages.
—Maron Palmer, an employe, fell upon
a heading saw in a stave manufactory at
Fort Wayne, Indiana, on Wednesday.
and had his right hip horribly mangled.
• —An act authorizing a union Mock
yard at St. Louis. with a capital of on.
million dollars, has been passed by the
lower House of the Missouri Legisla
• •
--Students In the Baptist Theological
Seminary, aCChlcsio, are said to no liv
ing on lase than a dollar a day, and are
suffering great privations fur lack of
—At Nashville yesterday. the Irish
population were out in large numbers
celebrfting Bt Patrick's day, whilst the
Hebrews were equally slalom' in cele
brating the pestles' or Purim.
—Brantley and Denote, who were to
have been executed thts week at berths.
villa, Kentucky, for the murder of two
negro women, have been teepited until
the 16th of rune. The GSM) flu been
appealed to the Supreme Court In order
to teat the oonatitutloaakiw or the civil
rights law.
. '—Tbe agent of the Union Pacific Rail
' road In Chicago ban received a dispatch
from Omaha stating_ that • the heaviest
mow storm experience minced the road
was built luta been raging during the
laat three days, but that the road is open
through' tie entire_ length and trains
running regularly. '
—The Rhode Island Democratic State
Convention nominated Lyman Pierce,
of Providence, for Governor, Chas. It
Cutler. of Wiftren, for Lteut. Governor.
Win. J. Miller, of Bristol, for Secretary
of State, Geo. M. Bliss, of Rest Provi
dence, for Attorney General, Phillip
Ryder, of Newport, for General .Tress
—A °private clrcular," addressed to
Nmammt midis, published, *bowing
these dnatitutions to have agreed on R
general movement to prevent the passage
of the Funding Bill by Congress, for the
reason. that they would to compelled to
take only four and a half per cent. inter
est instead of six percent. on the collat
eral bonds which they-deposit at Wash
—A feud between two families In Sum.
neer county. Tennessee, of long standing,
culminated on Wednesday In a fight at
Gallatin. Jame!' Harrison, on one aide,
was killed, and Mears. Exam and Pres
ton, ou the other side, wounded. A negro
bystander was also wounded slightly.
James Branham received several shots
through his °Mums.' The parties were,
arrested and bound over for trial.
—Edward Augustine, Superintendent
Of Registration of the district of St.
Louis, telegraphed, to Seougary . Fish •
'day or two since, asking if three-fourths
of the States have ratified the Fifteenth
amendment. so that colored citizens can
oe registered for the municipal election
in April. Tho Secretary answered yes.
terday that the ratification of the amend.
meat would be proclaimed ea soon aa
Vongtees admits Georgia and Texas.
Mr. Augartin has notified the...registers
not to register colored citizens'. •
New Itrtgtiton Retreat Converted Into
(Correapoodes. PlltAbuteti Usiette.)
Nair BRIGHTON. !Web 17, '7O.
The New Brighton Retreat has ceased
to be. Dr. Kendrick, having grown
and Infirm, is no longer able to continue
in so arduous end responatble a position.
Re has spent the major portion of his life
in oaring foi.the unfortunate, and the
verdict of all who know I. well done.
The buildings are now undergoing the
necessary changes and repairs. These
are not great, as they-isere originally
intended fora female seminar-vend sub
sequently fitted up for an asylum.
The location is admirable, the grounds
'large and well arranged, and thebulld.
logs commotlions and in good condition.
The counselor study for young ladles is
as full as in the beat Institutions of the
country. There will be a normal
pertinent for those properinir to teach.
Young ladles will board An the Matt
Boys and young men are admitted as
day scholars and prepared for Imaineas,
or advanced - college classes. •
The aim is to make this a first clans
Seminary, and we think that parents
who wish to. educate their eons and
daughters could not do- better than to
patronize - • •
The spring term of throe months will
open on workday, the 4th of April, Mir,
under the management and Instruction
of Rev. N. B, Jobneon and lady. assisted
by a full corps of teachers.
Prof. Johnson and lady are highly
recommended by those who know them.
as competent, educators and worthy of
patronage. O.
The Tossb or Abraham.
The North German Corrapericienlatays:
At. a late sitting of the Berlin Aretlfert•
logical Society, Captain von Jaamturd,
the personal Adjutant of the Crown
Prince, gave an interesting account o( a
visit paid by his Royal Highness to the
aepulehre the Patriarchs - at Hebron,
during his late journey to the Hasty and
furnished some valuable information sato
the interior of the mosque and the tomb
bimeath it. According to tradition this is
lu xe plum of ground Abraham bought as a
burying plate for himself and his chit.
dom. This, the oldest monumentin Pal.,
cane, was deeply venerated by the Is. ,
m utes, and afterwards by the Turks and
I Chriathun. The circular wall, about
forty feet in height, beautifully built of
hewn. stone. was, ,without doubt, the'
work of the Jewish Kings, though it was'
afterwards wed by the Hatiometans for
the erection of their mosque. Theßrince
of Wales was the tint Christian that ,
obtained persuisaion to enter the building
'Moe the crusaders lost Hebron. Since ' I
then several travellers, and among olden
the Marquis of Bute, bus stumeeded , ial
gaining admittance. No one, however,
has been allowed to enter the sepuln
Tne Crown Prince was very desirous o
doing no, and offered 100 Napoleons d'o
for the necessary permission. At last the
Turks promised to admit the travellers,
the following night, but it was e m u.
I nately impossible for lila Itry s uiliehnesa
fade .Y journey!;., long. 'fa the
meantime. the Pi I , :ce and - Captain von
Jaamund gnat ice a -long time into the
interior o!. the cave, through an opening
tent,ehes in diameter until their eyes
liiiicame accustomed to'lles flickering of
the limps with which it is lighted,
and they. ap e l .to distincuish
the form of . cavity. It is
about forty square feet in extent.
The floor. which was strewn with written
prayers cut iri'frons above, had evidently
been artificially smoothed. The whole
space was empty, but at the further end
an opening closed by a latticed door,
seemed to lead to the inner cave. No
masonry was visible on the walls, and
there was no sign of the fifteen steps and
the pulpit which, according both to Rah•
binnical and Arabisn accounts, are to be
found in the sepulchre. There an be no
doubithat there is an entrance to the cav
ivy of the tomb from the mosque, as the
Turks promised to lead their visitors into
it, and, besides this, only a few written
prayers lay scattered on thr door, and so
fragments of broken lamps were to be
seen r so that these must have been remo
ved by the hands of meni
A . ddhloi.l Markets by Telegraph
nicir Onr.E.mrs, March 17.—Cotton
firmer; middling P.:%©22%0; receipts
2742, exporta 14,345, sale. 4800 bales.
Flour and mrn unchanged. Oata W.©
63c: Bran and hay unchanged. Pork
17.5 50. Bscon dull at 1146©4841r5. Lard:
tierce 14(4114i4e, keg 17c. Sugar dull:
prime Mole/wee dull: ferment. I
Ing 30@35c, re-boiled 40(450c. Whisky
unchanged. Coffee: prime 17%©1744c,
EIMPALO, March 17.—Cattle: receipts
were 530 bead; market firm at's further
advance of Sic, and buyers are cautious
on account of the snow blockade su.pend:
Ing shipments; sales 107 extra 1,300 to
1,400 lbs Ohio and Kentucky at 8c; 286
good Illinois at 7i4T4:7%.; 136 fair at 6%
©7c. Hogs: receipt. wore 800 head:
market firmer at 83.4600. Sheep in
light :supply but firm and unchanged.
TIMM—Rev. J. B. DONN, of Boston.
will (Antrim on ilia Alit tsa of the Charon to Tetn•
person, In the 3d PRESBYTERIAN GIiURCII.
(Sae. F. A. Noble's,l on TIIIIASDAY and 1111.
DAY EVENINGS. Garth 11th and lath. at TN
o'clock. L. alum free. sablT:v4l
puneosALs WILL - HE BE-
A CLIVCD at the Water Committee 44htm.
where so; elm Cl con he •een. until irRIL 4th,
to furtuse for nue year
mitts JtY34l•lll TRENCH. Br perintamOt:mt.
• ALLIABItar CITY. /tarok 16, 1870. f
T °
The Sewer CootrAtertota of thl city of Ails
prepared to ro..xlvo proposols for tb
!atm: Ma of Own
400 feet 3 feet Brick Circular Fewer
Located on liesver from IimAIM street
is and spaelicaUnas can be seta sn4
d, will be turnlebod as
The Cc tO - mi •aten do not bled thcatselle. to
etpt the lotto et craleyll.l.
sf order or the Commteelo*
Choice Books by Catelope, Oak .Ityle
't • Boot Cite, &c.
o'clock. o 111 be sold by catalogue. enamel. floor .
of (Ammar's , ha es Hoorn.. 1911 Smithfield
trect. tbri valuable and well ml.c'ed private
ibrary •f a Mersey :Mutt mn, M
m a
Melvin ele
gantly b
od volumos of lb. nest editionsof.
rtandard succors In Belles Latire.
Hood'. Wuet.. bvolume.: CM.. Heade . '
yolumem, loulwer, 911 tolemer; Mu
mmt. 16 Tommy, Connor. 3e v 01... .,
v.ely,'43auluu,.s; Dinka. o , 7 volumes;
tinted London N. er., 14 y owes: Laplora Is.
tram 1110.1..1npe tn Oscine, 7 volumes; Oaten..
Egu a otii .01 ”Icgy of Pannryleanta;Eotoalel
wanner.. 16 vornums: Plunlyrnuela
VA et:tensor'. On-:lran state rap:ra 70 vol.
nines, Wy er•• Uo atwidg d Dlctionsri• Rut
-I.l's Llyes of lbo ballot., volrmes• Father
Fob w•s Worts. 8 volW Dean liwlftba . Worimi
volume.; Burton's Anatomy of 11.1...n.Y ,
3 rot., dc. Also, elegantly bound ants of Sun
Engitsh !Issas nes. such.. illockweod. Aflvolst
Eht mince - Edinburg Journal, tAssell's Maga.
a 1.,. London loci-17, tnalsy's Modulus. ht.
Paul's Belgravia, At. - Abo, Onmian
In the nriglsw, such art datum, 9 vol. tionllltr,
%vol. Levitz'', A voia. to. Alto. one elegeant
oalt.tyle hoots.. and ore lintels. peeler 11C.b.
reom..cie. An origin. cob! of Knife Moir. f.°
.rilan Tribes of North America, with maga fimat
portraits, coloterr by band, Is Includtd fn ths
Catalogue% now ready at the auction MHOS for
Mall - Mutton, sad books wilt Da cot %taw all day
Its crap.
ix II • • A. MaILWAINE.
Three Fall-Page Illustrations
• Massa. Part X. By ANTrOxi Tuot.
IV. TWO OLD R EADS. By °sacs Biwa.
-Kenaccf BaltDtpla DAVIS. • '•
VD. FLORIDA. By De. J. P. Ltrral.
.Er. ABOUT, HOGS. By Cot. Dorm . rum
XV. A aIX DATED DI&ET. By ticts:AAANy. •
EINE take elesatire Io anneaseLog bY ape
°tat arrangement. tbejwW
. .
Commence in the Nay - Nl:umbel . ,
T itOL LOPE'S ligli.sloitY,.
r` •• Of ISumblethwaltm. •
iiiir.Tor sale the Book ua Irmo MOM.
TEZBS—Yearly oabsoriptlon, IMOBIO
noottor. 33 cents..
and Ciab.... 4 .% " 41 1 . 3 . 2 7 bate, es rootlat of
. .
. B. LIPPINCON & £O 4 Publishers,
7/6 and 717 Misrlet AStreet.
IeIIANAN 2118.
Behr John A . !
Men lUctimd
lltact Mrs A Marl
ur..mstsuke Cm:
MIMI . Mimi Mall
Alto amb
11. e Ji h
Beau U
?easter . Mary
Muter 'Maid
roster Wm
Gainer A
ow] v._
'Greta Thee •
.:ouzo Wm
Hutt XimAlltm
tigh V
Mary Jolm
• I
Inds/ohs fi
Irwin f".• X
,wri Wm It
arm John
MIS logo
Him D
Bn ,
Mammas to W
Carnahan WO.
C arol Prrd
'Woo Jun
Jones J.ltin
Joos•Mrs I
Jotinst elOste
Kelly Jno
L -
biiii iabi
oars. MD. A 11
csasly lllisaass
Cattric , Wm .
D •
Duusass Rob:
. Dasollroth W
DI ion Prook.
Dillon Matthew
Davis Jolsa - ,•
Ds xl. rs'l4 C
DiskreJske • '
Dalton lillsisAß
Dsifta JszsDaril
• _
Dlward A is J.. U.
STert. .14,2 11141
Evan. 0,1114 Ti
Llnhart Mrs I
Lynch 1 , 1 J
Len, courad
Matthews Tlms
Marta 6- • I
aorrlahtlas Wan
Marshall Sista
Marshall is II
Melt) Damns .
'Mean, Jahn •
cNeal, 1111s111
McGleamy_ Jut,
/Web Even
v tlemsall.7
Yana artisa
lO L 61 .iroFins• Avain% ci rrereuruzen.
orax DAlLy_from oto o'ctoe.), Inter
limber Soto T toino•elook, sod Dos o•
'ember &D. to Ma ]] Ht. 14 6024.0 L.., lateral
rftorwatraiit-cons iII ro e tincia sionl.annallSON
Jll,l9lllond July. Zook, or •
57.1.606, str•
4 = l " or 1 1 1=elet1. A. Baref.
S. Hartman. Jan Dna, Jr..Vtoo Irrononnto.
D. lf.,lllVlLlnloy, Secretary ERG TVLSIMS. , • •
BronDT..l. Graltim ‘ ,A. &Rely =LC.
• Maack. John 6. linlootte. Rano w•
..1•Jo•oun ROollll*.Jno.Sont.,Robt.b.Schno.w
NN7OOL.-5 'ailicks In.' store, lei
_ • We by Ida I AU.
Tviv APPLEII.-170 sacks in
ei•• v., /yr male b 7 , A , Az Dmicir
L the bait mad Oboologt oomoszelai aid 1001? I
aswoosper voliltilted to. Western renoialvaliallk .
No fu•Mar. soseknolo or umbra% shooJd
Oe •
within Sit.
Mee gl •
Cab of are
Cabe dun ..... 110
A en7f le tenanted gratanoradf to tge getter
dg of snag of tea. rostmeaterr are recleaned
to act am synth
"Lad," n Woods," ~ .Fotaid," ..Boardtp,7
dm., not =needing FOUR LENEK Ica
be immerged ix Owe whams, Osseo fts i
TWENTY-FIVE GUMMl .. .meth addF • I
(toned tome FIVE (NWT&
• By istluset V01...rt. t,f htr husbuud ISAAO
a Lauer. tux/ Altar. t Plabbartr
Troutbrol courtly. OM.. . An
UWAXTED. — A. titilL to do
WV Outtoeurork. Mutt wed 1.1/00.• • c
wended. Apply at 31 /PDX SAUEY ItTEELT,
Al'eetuy. -
WANTED.--Fitty Coal and
v • Ore Miners. I:loot:le. fee to pal. and fare
to tbe Woes. tnoreral 4i oil ere wooed for
city ace county,. Apnly •t. lonployment Mor o
No. I blink street. Aron door nuns otspeuto.
_... _ ..--
$30.e00 to Corals lute or melt Moils%
at a [Or rate or Interest.
8111. Bond and Seal E M Ma Broken , • '''
Ho. 179 etoithlold ttroul.
rfoll-•LEE-4 New HOUSE of-4
A. room. •nd wares of ground at Pleating
elation. I miles from elluttai all. on the ...Jr..
W. • ft. Railroad. Indult* at 159 reuxuaL
EITHKET. Attexa•nY• 141
TO -LET . —A pleasant WMOIIT
NAM cm second .toar. suitably l'UratMktil
for two ['llama:3 m a amplag room. 121=11
:0 -LET.--AL large and , band..
GUXELY FURN/nito DELI. evltlt anti .
11 1 reel pride nu s complete. on Fourtb ave.
sac. Enquire et U. W. NEELY. 73 Wood -
otreet. - - S4l
Xtl.lo.—The Large, store
.. N. 06 "Wylle Ave.enu winker .
e street. rittab.rib. A. L. BRAiwri.
tit. Falb .venne.
ix9-LET.—A Brick Rouse of 6
Wilerooms and outbuilding.. 'with' 6 ha
• acres. 3 hales tot on the Wa.hloglion AAA .
Enquire or W. H. Ile x wrEff, or No. hi Ohl etreet. Allegheny. 111.11tW111 . . i.
d —BOOMS —Single f or
conne•tr. foml.h.rl r.r n•hrnlolkorloyitli
br.r.rd. oqulrt at IE4 70U61 s AYtltUl.
. . . .
rl l O-LET.—The large four stork
A. NAHA iSTrillEttollii a. ho. 130 rtattlinelifi
mreet, at prrient m-rupteli se a faro Itere Mon.,
The On; ' ea location in tbs eitY.. Wet' ,
on the pr m 1... L.
FROR Three Stars, . '
B.R . 'X WARF.llo.ltile In Chereti . idA ,
byr of D 4 110 Wood tweet, formerly o
Wm. Mandorf X Co. im a datum Factory.
loottire of WAIT, LANG& 00 ,-
S.ll . No. 112 and 114 Wean.
910-LET.-4 first-class STORM"
a R001410:19. with calor, saleslady.' No,
611rFritemil et rpm. All eX hilliT , ~ he room IS irea
iightedend aultebla for OR? teeter, a. ADD!! SO
Ft et. IiZODEF, next door ANS!. The dwel.leig
een be had with the More If required. Bent
moderato. ha
T 0 LET. --Four New 'Brick
HOUSath eltustwl so Bidwell stn.. war
o avenue. Allegnser. re. Each house eolas
tales r om a and bath room. gas tetunabOets
kitchen ranee. hot and cold water le kltaaatt►u L
bath room Is ware of JAM LS IiODFSLC) hlos
44 US le sm.. Allah.). ra.
rLIET.—One good Atore room
. No. 46 tinlo stleot,s
oars from Enamark4 and next noor ?moan.
&maga Bank. On• of the haat. leoation• In the
city. neat. moderate. Alto. 51 - 401.616 In BM
tear of ••14 *Lora room. Innolra of
ail Ma W. Call6ON. 46 Unto .'.melt.
Suit. of Room
remnprOlog Two Lage, well lighted float
on Sod dew, Ono lame, well lighted
front itooin ou 3rd neor. One laree Hall with
two ante.roorto on 4th door. tine MOM Roos,
drat Odor. tin. 94. ln Eng lOtie
Fourth avenue. For • toi . ma Otinini at A. Lt.
ENO & CO.. No. 1:01 Monti& avenue.
Diu.feb Dubai ~ sui ROOMbI tae fo the x Job rear Prlot
hog 0f14%. lowan, of C. BAK& coo UlO pri”
St. •
Also. the COUNTING . R0 , .11 of the Patty
Retain, Nal. etcoad ton of front Dispatom
bothltug. 11.quIre 1.0 then rolocep. or of •
fr2s:uct 20$11outh are cue. Al eliht,hl
0- L ET. —Bl of ROOMS. —...'
Th• Menent store m In Can .11 , :cantlle
teary Bu il ding on Pe i
Myeet. neve Mt •
street, will be Mull fag pty about the Is 1
of Msdeh, and are neer ocered as tor rent to desi
rable tenants. Onetf the stares I. esperially
adapted fur a first-elle& restaurant for ladled and
gentlemen. Alto. to-let, the never stet) if.:
building. Zuspalre rf J. It. Mecona. Union
National Bank. eerier •f Fourth demote &ad -
Market street, or of rELLX . it. 131113:11A, All.
stoma. -
TO-LET.—Lager Beer Saloon
min Dweilluir. WU avenue, beyond Poem, 3
years nese; No. 0 Pd ar , nue. $240.1 etre on
Diamond s met, star Grant; store. I 21•11.
L 000: t , Liberty street: 327 iliumo
.. $ 360; Lest Liberty 1111 Rem $ llOO 101
121.00; 96 Wylie, more I oom, 5000; 17
Penn store; Moreau Bola, near 3th aye-.
nue. tunable for saddlery. ere 3.99 Crennrd,
93011: ltertita street ninn: nen Iranaitin
street, ball, ti rooms, 4140; Virgin earl. 3220
Itmtua Mountie.
6. CUTE/313T • 0033.
tobll ' 39 bielb
Rae or toe nocet, Louses lathe atty. mataln4i a l
:Wattr.liad Ga. throughout. Thla base Trlttb'
rtnted very low to a good tmalat. . ~.. ' .
Ai.Ply at.
. . - so rifttrATOladh .
. . .
110-Lll..T.—lirick of :9 .roomas,
Scorn, Nall. Att e, Goo awl Wattr:llitta,
V l 6 ° tall 21..1t4311Ta1?
AVey. wear Banamon dt, 9i oronh.AVOSOoarti
.1 11)- 1 EVT '' .. 5 :Zu m e th Of 11 - otols, NO.' IP al411),
• • .
on in, neer Federal l%
TO./..E.T—Nen• Frame of • Boyce, Ha CAC
tatle, Dee and Watt,. laps tare. N. Is4o KO*,
terry St. one square from Erectors.
TIULET—Yrame of 0 nouns cud Ilea, N 0.167
6vrßrldelMt.'uesr curet ' • • • •
__Tty•LET—ii or Brick et 11 ente. nol,
.Ent - nsid Cfrii - Water.**B throshont:
,d In ever? rennet. I' 0..150 Market
• TO-1.0 TArlck of l Booms. 11E1, lute lard,;
Illo."111,9 Market Sr.. 610 Ward. -
The Emu, property Is In god nude, and ‘111 . ,•
be rented to, 'Apply to W. Y. PR Ct.
01018 _St Dlauload. AlleglwaY. •
/jUt !WALL 0600 lag.) farsal• cam,
at 623 PENN MULT. rlttnurffb. I.
FSALIF--New House•
sad good Cellar. on" Mem!
sear Cala - well street. losedra of W. W/LTON.
at the hos e. Torso <sty. g
FOR SA L --That. Desirable
property Mewed ep the Cornet_ of Oral
steett and 11.41utmen. ••rtitebergb, es welt*
ts erected eel:dm:o cnLdins sod one' TWO Mori
InileJt Dwelling Route. Toe Cot l SO feet ton
Great Meet and TO lett on litx‘h swoon. /ay
re r ifitgl: gIrIII4ISPIV K E D Ik . Z o lel.g=1 1"
tray the premises. 04
R SALE.—Good two story
Trams 3thlith GYM: roomy, hall and poor:
ce l.Ol SO feel IU% Inches wit,. medal
bees TAM feet to aka foot atlel ePaeted 10 a
good nelghbothoo.J. the only twelve doers
wove the ' (Deny Perk. Prlee moot
Pose Apr,l For farther Ittfortnatlea
apply oa the *stelae. No. 251 Ithatlethir
All-aheny city. Alto, the Stack sad
*mares of a Iletall Urotery. Apply at at 50.
1436 Sandal k 7
That throe eon BRICK • DWELLI3O,
rahly lecatzd. No. del Inver cveade.•&Hee
gheny City, mat atelne ten rooms sad bate room,
not Sae cold water to drat and ...tad story, was
to all the reams rang. lo klteben. &op=
sled on corner of Orel , / klley. It is wen
mad ventilated. to. seeslon Apell let. •
- JOHN D. BAILEY •1e0:.
. No. 111 north aeon .
ITICE area
YO wee ,
Yeloaly Jaa
Itefiratb Pete.'
Kee*ln KW
Pats Jo t ,.
Palmer .1
Perky ilk* K
Pleron T
• --
'ooll.9AL,E.—Cottage Hauge isis •
I. If ataiStrret, back of Delon Perk. ontain •
tag Me Veen& Thls is a teaatlfal ,
sad eta be sold vet? cheap if
1r01113 . 4 LE—Dee of the best Tavern Benda oa
Petra street. 1 bra stand and Una.* bat... 11
to be sten to be s pert visaed, and to be nifettinl
fur as Invaluable pronely' foe tent
Ts'7" Of P'T"'9" TTaftYitteen6 a .
Dnlers lu Peal listaLe. Mortgogn mandate.
:torso , LEMOI. 061 t• gums sr Pena sac
. St.. Pittsburgh. • . ..• -
Pit we
Way Js•
ROgln Thom
Remo J W
Rauh 3001•37
awse Wm& W
nplei kf.r.
SmUti W •
3m , W110.3
smith 1•003 J •
WU. Chat W '
Stwidoa Thus
Wow% Was RA
Falk. SALE.
Eleven Acres of Fine Gerdea Farm;
Str= M r7lll.
nostril David
ITlkomm Mrs
Irlsomm Na ir
Milliams Yrs .1
altersMallsr L.smslifeaMJ
Weir OA Oman
ssuisitStOM •
TOOlkg Tow
Tema" Jobs
1210113. r. It•
Walla SOME sad BAPS BARN. Afro. isms&
onaLtaiw and as abundant/ of man traitor
a 4 Undo , , 19111 sell aU soy awake, *stele SW
VerythinCIIP,IIMMIU to the awns.
Lianstr atOas-thlrd pub: balsas/ syablif In OIL
years With Iniereit. Address
Ilraddaals , a favi.
12i ALLEUHNI CITY .- 1 01.1 for sa•
i • mot illagttt to: building .eta Mooted la um
Sheered waa. Allegni.y, es plank _
vmast sad Observatory avenue, Ina lona.' she
Observatory {mond, Thole Lots are put a
era sad orie.half ththl atm. • pla* or them
Leta elm b. nen no mr store, Ho. 03WOUb
isTIII.ST. The plus has also 0 ea Worded.
Leh Lot le a Indic let. frostiersta rarfollu ,
road o t rZtrvatoly . li n v c rae s t , gee. )1,14
rea MlXtiti
reanteet. Zoos.. oris •
1 111 1 44" Va Wirt7frel.lo4 , 1 cdoostra eAd_.
nye etrkaTs beets treated ~Irvallitksava
wad d a ta.. -10 Llearsr She low Rees
awktyr rhl tdel ca kheree e 104 aslobhd I:lnis ion
bu o• Oatad One t O lwalkß na Mebeaast wn
Mere Ward Ina loads IA MI roams: ,11111
1 t basil.
411! acanevy awl ca mains
.1010. 1 • 0 7; Prtedillow. VizT,. of D i vii i . . ,J,
Ides Si Word Weer. Itlttabothesdrldo• Sentra
. hoonno. ALlOtro , o7 OW. • Si 6
. .
.ACHES Or LAND. MOM& 57.1.•
STA .d WELL, 'Rams , ' "Tawitto tram plksip:„
b „. m ....thi.ol¢,llrtanisthetbad.
A. xn,,T,Lall TATILAN. ncar tbalaiiol4:2*M!