The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 17, 1870, Image 4

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fig lat"bite gt fiaittts.
TM !remitters irre aware that the
patience of titeir Subscribers in a portion
of Allegheny city has been severely tried
by the Irregular delivery of the asswrlll
ibr some timepast. Tb• matter bail been
as atranged that it Is hoped then will be
no farther mow of complaint. We will
thank our subscribers to notify as of any
faturs delinquency.
retinae day.
Abram Vol yesterday morning was
plowre dollars and. oosts by Mayor
fordlsorderly conduct.
" The heavy new on the mountaine—
ill SOCA places eighteen Inches deep—
delayed the entire trains two bows yea.
1 1 Wheel Kintes. made Information,
tedbreJnettee I%elsel, clanging Joseph
Hedrick withobtalnlnn money under tags
•• • • A warrant wee Issued.
Now Cams the Weather when every
omannede a glass of something refresh
ing. We all now that OO
delirious aa Pi k e r, Demists 4. nothin oo.'scream
Partial desirous of seaming a large.
neat 111111 handsomely famished WI,
sate and reeeptlon rooms complete would
do well to call on 0. W. Savoy, 76 Wood
AA tedirtenal, hopelessly drank, had
the effect of frightening esverat woman
and children at the corner of Seventh
sesame and flatithlielft street, yested ay
The Vprlig Stock et Henry G. Mate;
lterchant Tailor. at corner of Penn
avenue, and. Sixth stmt, is now large
Mu m opr eside
M a o t n the e u c r u tPtionn g p . aine eon-
Yesterday a number or citizens of the
'Third ward, AlleghenY. Presented emcee
Schmidt with a handsome silver star. as
la mark of the apprsclation of his services
sea preserver of the public peso*.
Sohn D. Menden. assistant health
Meer, made complaint before the Mayor
roderdkr. attalast James Reno ter
opening daystroctlng Seventh avenue
MIRK= e rmit. A. summons was
Elmteg February the revenuareadVa
from ammontentsamonnted to $15,746 78,
whleh la subjected to a tax of two per
MM. The rooetpta from bridges were
61548585., and from passenger rallwaye
A Min orvery interesting evening
,prsysr Meetings, coMmenclng at nine
e'tdock, sio now being held r egularly at
the rooms of the 'Young Dion • Obviation
Amodation, 28 Fifth avenue. The at
tends's°e la increasing. • •
Odetal Mestings.—There will bo an
adjourned meeting of the Water. Com
mittee on Friday everting at 7 o'clock.
There will mho be a meeting of the Com
=Mee on City Printing on Monday at
o'clock, at 'the Controllers
=John B. Gouge.—On Monday evening
next John B. Gough will deliver his
ortebrated lecture on "Curiosity," at
LaraYette Hall, ender the auspices of the
Mercantile Library Areciation. This
announcement will, certainly nll the ball
on the occasion.
ilettn Xerarley made oath Defers Al
dermas O'Donnelli charging • Viiillistn
Heritry, of the Second ward, Allegheny.
with assault and battery, alleging that
William did, without, the slightest
provocation or the mere justness- of
muse, await tho deponent In a very
Winans:it manner. A warrant was
-sued. "
'dew Beak.—ht. a meeting of the ear
_ poratore of the Freehold Bank. and Build
lug teenclatlon held yesterday at the
counting room of John L Some d Co.,
- corner of Smithfield and Water Emote,
the following Board of Directors was
elected: Edward Rouse. Jamie S. Craft,
Thomas Steel, Wm. Phillips, •It. W.
y, Thos. W. Davie and Jared M.
Medan Faroe, the Haytleq miseton
airy, whose eloquence and truthfull por
traitors of tho people of .Flayttl have
charmed-sod Interested all that' have
hosed her, Will lecture In Amery Mission
church, Omer of North and Avery
ds, streets,. Allegheny, Thursday evening,
March 17th, at 75‘ o'clock. Admission
tickets, 25 Cents, each: Children incenta
The publii are respectfully Invited to be
iltalletona—jarnei Miller went Into
AldermanlDonaldnon's omee yesterday
afternoon.,aud seeing the Alderman's
.outor." lbeatror" or silk hat sitting on
the desk, picked It up and demolished It
by numb* hts Oat through the crown.
He then Bed bet was pursued by the
Alderman, who milled en officer and had
the despoiler arrested. He was then
takeni before the Mayor who lined Win
110 and oast for him fun.
Save t Peter Smith was
walking out Fifth avenue last evening
he was overtaken by two men, one of
wide& held bin bands W
bahh .WIP. back
while the other re him alwitab
and chain, Valitodlieved
at twenty dollars and
ninety cents.
Bernhard Farrell was discovered to be
one of the parties, and upon oath made
by Smith before Alderman Thomas be
was arrested and gave bail for shearing.
William Goodall and hie wife Jane
here lived peaceably together in their
matdmonial state on Spring alley, with
not a angle wane of trouble to mar their
happinesftutil a few days ago Dome do .
enragedroube arose. William became
so did Jane. He pulled her
hair, this was to much for Jane to bear In
quietude or let go smear hihed. Ac
cordingly she made information before
Alderman O'Donnell, charging her bus
band with apault and battery. A war
rant for his arrest was Issued. .
At Lut.—The Coroner's lury In the
came of Jacob Arnhem, who was killed
owe weeks since In a fight at Be d
Bell, Birmingham, have st last agreed
upon a verdict.
They And that the deceaaed mine to
his death at the hands of
dw Patrick Welsh,
sided and abetted by Eard Eynon,
Albert Long, and John Bees.
As the matter will be folly. fairly and
Investigated in the Court of
Oyer and Termtner, of ttds county. Ire
withold for the present any comments:
Temperance Lectare.—lt is with pleas
ure we learn Dist Rev..l. R. Dann. of
Roston, will lecture on the Duties of the
Church. to Temporaries, the Third
Presbytulan (Rev. F. A. Noble's)
COMIch, on Thursday end Friday even.
lets.: 17th and 18th. The well
known ability of this eminent -divine
will no doubt attract a large audience.
We cortaledy congratulate our citizens
on having the opportunity of hearing
one of the moat eloquent champions ol
the Tenoperence Reform in our country.
These lectures will be free to all.
Wholesale/Wrest—Officer Clippies and
Long made a wholenale arrest at the P.
it 0. Depot yeatorday morning. on a tele
graph dltpntob from Justice Pritchard: of
OonnellsTille. The persons arrested were
William MUM Larry Burn., Michael
Burns. Olsen Murphy, Patrick O'Neil
sad Patrick.redtartort It appears that
these men had purchased some clothes
of a dealer In Conneilmille. who made
inrorma tiog against them for obtaining
goods falsepretonces. An officer
a nd
from Oonnellaville last erronint,
and the men were ell discharged.
Tremble In a Fiawary
William Lang is • character of whom
We have Written before, and never, it
appears, has It been the pleasure of any
one to note any good deed or charitable
ad of William. Yesterday, while at
work in the Fort Pitt Foundry, he be•
came enraged at one Thomas Delenthy,
a workman in the same ertabllehment.
and It is alleged pulled him 'from hie
bench. jump on him,'beat him, and
amok him with • bar of Iron. whole ma t
Delentby's shoulder—on the whole mak..
lug the matter a shameful one. 6 phy
sician is attending the wounded man.
Aninfbrination was made against Lang,
and a warrant linued by Aldermen Me
am from • friend. There aro letters
however. which It la not pleasant to re
, _calve. Such an one was placed under
the door of Mr. Anthony °lindenegheny
denoe In the Third ward. All, on
Thuredaimmugulk. Anthony Wmovered
and perused It. He was sauprlsed to
and himself the , object of attack by the
unknown writer, whca accused him of all
v'menner efainem and frantic& 'The
more he thought about it the more
an be a u thor,last he let to work
. , to Mmover the' and his search
. reunited In en Infbrcnation for libel be
.:..fore-Aidernmit 'lMiater of Allegheny;
' - a&nst Margaret Efeliscifelter, whom he
,',ltgee he hes reason to believe. Is the
totraspondent • who favored him with
jibe epistolary effosimu The - Sir
-r• was arroded, and gave ball for a
1 ii
THE Colima&
United StatesDletrlet Court -allege etc-
Ca meta.
WIMCSAPAY. March le.—On motion of
S. Bucher Swoop., .q., Ell B. Piteous,
Ego., of Torrando, Bradford county, Pa.,
was admitted to practthe 10 this court..
The cue of John W. Wiley, assignee
of Shelled Seibert, a bankrupt, TX. WM.
C. Kilser & Co., reported on trialyester•
day, occupied rho attontion of the court
today, and was not concluded at the dun
of adjournment.
District Cant—Judge Kirkpatrick.
WRDIITHDAY. MAYOR 16.—The cage of
Trani& vs. Jolco, previously reps ted.
waareaurned and had not bean concluded
.when Court adjourned. I
L Raid it Johnson vs. Stewa
4. Burnt* va. rt.
Ferguson a Beek.
5. Logan vs.-Johwion et el.
15. Gorney vs. Ranker I Beath.
10. Bedell Ti. Payne et al.
17. Wilson vs. DicGormlcu. . -
Cablerit vs. McFarland.
le. Corn. fo Ti. Clark.
20. Bans vs. Barker.
21. Thompson vs. Linea.
Cain of Common Pleas—Judges Stowe
and Collier. '
WEDNESDAY, Diarob la.—Themes re.
ported on trial yesterday, ono before
Judge Stowe, and - the others before
Judge Collier, have not yet been- con•
eluded• •
1 Reed Jk Johnson vs. Stewart, do.
13 Boum vs. Backer, et. al.
16 Bedell vs. Payne, et. al.
17 Wilson via. ldeLbratick. •
19 Ik.m. for use vs. Clark.
20 fkme vs. Barker.
21 Thompson vs. lAnce.
22 Bailsy et. al. Ti. Ross .4 Co.
23 Wallace vs.' Acor.
24 Sellers TS. ShOeMaker.
25 King et. al. vs Locedon.
27 Loans 'ol.lsl.adden et. al.
.. .Sessions—a edge Sterrett.
In this Court In the case of the COM
monwealth vs. Conrad Hack. Indicted
for aggravated assault and battery, pre.
vionaly reported, the jury returned a
verdict of guilty. The Oaurt sentenoed
1,101 to pay the costs of prcascution and
• fine of $lOO and to undergo an impris.i
aliment In the county jail for a period of
thirty days. In the case of assault and
battery a verdict of not guilty was re.
turned and defendant for the coals.
The first case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth Va. John Waldler,
ed for larceny by bailee. Verdtot of not
. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Byrne, in
dicted for assault and battery. alumni
Dowling prosecutor. The defendant is
the proprietor of a grocery end the pros
ecutor,• boy, went into the store to make
a purcase when the defendant, it is al
leged, kicked him out. Jury out.
Commonwealth vs. William °racy. itt
dieted_ for assault and battery, Mary
Schubert, proseautrix, was settled on the
payment of costa by the defendant.
Commonwealth vs. Jno. A. Grinder, in
dicted for formes et err; 'sod pros. allowed
to be entered on condition %list defaudant
enter a toad in the penal maul of $5OO. to
be approved by the Overseers of the
Poor of the county, conditioned that the
child should not become a charge on toe
county, an d for payment of costs of prose
Commonwealth vs.. Wm. ThonipsOn
and Jacob Glenn, indicted for larceny.
Andrew Wear, prosecutor.' The defend
ants ware charged with the larceny of
ten geese, to which charge they plead
guilty. Glenn was sentenced to pay a
tine of six cents, costs of prosecution and
undergo en imprisonment of ten day..
Thompson was sentenced to pay cogs,
thee of six cents and undergo an Impris
onment of sixty days. -
Commonwealth vs. Grace Lee, Indicted '
for larceny, Bolandliemmick prosecutor.
The defendant, who is • colored man, '
was charged with the larceny of an
overcoat...; He plead guilty and was sen
tenced to pay a tine of six cents, cost. of
prosecution and undergo an imprison
ment of nix months in the Work House
The next case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth NIL John C. Kenchler,
Indicted for perjury, Frederick Hefner
prosecutor It was alleged that the
defendant swore falsely In a certain
Information before Alderman Lynch,
against the prosecutor, charging him
`with a nameless offence. Jury out.
001.12IMPT or CSIFItT.
- - - -
A Mr. Means of the lirm of Means &
'Coma; landed:doors, was fined 510 for
contempt of Court. It appears that he
wanted to. came into the court room
through the door leading to the bar, and
In consequence of the annoyance and In
terruption to Mainers by persons crowd
ing inside the bar who have no business
there, the officers have been Instil:toted
to allow no person to enter that door but
attorneys, judges, and others whom -du
dese require them inside the bar. Mr.
Keane was not cognsent of this order, It
seems, and when Mr. Smith,the ofecer at
the door, refused to admit tam, he struck
at bun. - The Court in Imposing the fine,
said that It was a matter which could not
be passed without notice, and if the Court
were not satisfied that Mr. Means was
under a misapprehension, the punlah
men% would be vary severe.
Will. McCulley and Frank Moran, In
dicted for the Bingham bank robbery,
were arraigned and plead guilty. They
were called up for teatime. Two wit
nooses were examined as to the commie
'ion of the robbery, and then a number
of witnesses were examined as to the
previous character of the defeudant&
The court then called the prlsioners up
for semtence. Moran was sentenced to
pay the coats of prosecution, • One of
six cents, and to undergo Imprisonment
in the Western Penitentiary for the term
of War years, on the drat count and on
the second count to pay cost of prosecu
tion, a fine of six cents, and to undergo
an Impriemordent of three years in the
Western Penitentiaryafte, to commence to I
run and take effect r the expiration
of the former sentence.
Mr. Coyle, counsel for McCully, stated
that It was lola understanding In entering
a plea of guilty that the lower offence was
merged in the greater, and that If such
was the case, sentence should be
some length In pro-
nou gued the poin t nced in the
at oe cont only. He ar
of his position.
Mr. Powers, counsel for Moran, inter
posed the same objection on behalf of his
client. The court said that the sentence
was • matter with which neither the Die,
teat Attorney nor counsel for defend
ants had anything to do, it belonged ex
clusively to the court. Sentence was
then pronounced upon McCully the same
at upon Moran.
The next case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth vs. Simeon Fernier, In
dicted for larceny, Arthur Goodrow
prosecutor. The prosecutor was watch
man on the steamboat Traveller, which
moored at the Monongahela whatf.
A wee bout a montheinee tde
he fendant called
at the boat about noon and atked for
something to eat. Goodrow''yrave him
annetbizur to eat and when night arrived
shared nig bed ,
with him. About ten
o'clock lie awoke and missed the defen
dant, add on looking +for his money
missed it also. He then went out to look
hifor the defentim e dant, and.
ar when 'he found
Some a ft erwds, defendant
told him that if he wonld not trouble
him he would give him back his money.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty.
The Grand Jtiry yesterday returned
true bills In Um following cases:_
William McCully, Frank Moran and
Thom" MeCollY, Indicted for the Bir
mingham bank robbery. The indictment
contains two counts: let, entering the
building with felonious intent; 2cl,lar
catty. Also solust F. Detsel:C. LuPP
and Win. Arnold, assault and battery;
Joseph Burchfield, assault and battery;
Andrew Sturgecm, assaut and .
Bills were Ignored in the l followin ba g c tt es:
Commonwealth vs. Christ. Sehumaker,
assault and battery with intent to com
mit cape. Commonwealth vs. John Con
nelly, emanation; Commonwealth vs.
Jacob Keifer, larceny by bailee.
COM. VIL itephen and Nicholas Hoffman
A Hui Palls troU a Cut mil 15 ICLLIW
About seven o'clock last. evening an
accident of a very peculiar nature co.
cured on Second avenue near Grant
street, which remitted In. the death of a
man whose name we were unable to aa.
certain. The man, it appears. w.
driving a cart along Third avenue, when
the stick which receives the out bed
become displaood and the cart bed tilted
dumping hint In the street. A negro,
who was puling, at the time, placed the
nun, who Muni Mire been under the in.
AMMO° of liquor, In the cart again and
started to drive tint to the r!..Bulla Head"
Hotel on Seoond sumacs.. lie proceeded
as far as Second avrmue when the cart bed
again tilted and the hooks which re.
ceived it having become detached. the
bed turned over and fell upon the man
killing him instantly. The cart bed was
removed off him, the body taken to the
"Ball's Head" sad a physician sum.
mooed, but the man never breathed alter
the cart bed was taken off his body. lie
probably belongs to Birmingham, as a
Birmingham license plate was found on
the cart, No 94. Notice wee left at the
Coroner's office, but that official could
heedd An inquest will probably
be l his minang. • -
A Sensation and What Came of it—
allantestal and Connubial—W he is
Responsible t —The End not 1 - et..
A few weeks- ago a sensational Item
appeared In some of the city pepern,. In
which a young minister of Birmingham
and a lady member of his congregation
figured in unpleasant relations. As the
story went, the preacher, who is unanar.
clod, boarded at the residence of one of
his pSriahlouers. The Inmatee of the
dwelling were much pleased with the
addition to their family circle, and
showed him every kindnean, • ca
pecially was this the care on the I I
part of the female portion of the house
hold who were asaldlons In attention.
Naturally, the recipient or these favors 1 ,
made hinted' as agreeable as possible.
They were seen together frequently at
festivals, 'notables and otner meetings of;
the church. As might have been, this ,
conduct wee not unobsered by the goes-'
sips, and the manner of the two parties, I ,
drat covertly and then In more
open expresaion, began to is. un- I
I pleasantly easoclated.
Tne matter afforded food for many a'
social gathering, until at laid one morn
leg the clergyman was mining. He had
disappeared leaving a written statement
in watch ho acknowledged, it was assert
ed, criminal intimacy with the lady. '
This' capped the climax ' and the excite
ment went up to fever heat, especially
among the membership of the church,
some of whom were exceedingly fierce
In their 'denunciations of the alleged
criminals: Particularly was this true
with those - who had oppastsi the
young pastor during his adminis.
truth:tall Their righteous indignation
hardly knew bounds, and their intense
love of virtue as extilbitid on tne occasion,
was - only excelled by the calm conlpia
coney Stith which they ensured all, It
was only what had been predicted " The
husband of the lady, however, assevera
ted his confidence in the Integrity of the
preacher and the fidelity of his wife, a
feeling which was shared In by many in
the congregation. The high position of
the parties concerned, made the affair of
apparently more Importance and kept up,
the excitement, until en investigation
was commenced.
Tole was the story In brief. In many
respects it wee not far from a sensation;
but, ea It would now appear, it lacks
one esiential element of success—truth.
A few days
ago the mincing minister
made hie appearance among hie former
parlaioners, and demanded that the In-
vestigation which had been suspended
for want of facts to antnuintlate the
obtrltei be prooeeded with. The written
statement was asked for; but none could
he procured. . Other verbal statements
were traced to their source, and found
to end ln nothing but more idle ru.
mon The whole affair seemed to have
suddenly collapsed. nobody knew any.
thing about lt. The minister's story is
that hearing the first faint rumoig,
ell consulted his friends, se be sup
He wished to have the matter ineas.l
- then, but was matched to withdraw
from the charge quietly and leave the
place, the advisers' stating that such a
°ours° would In all probability, end the
talk. An investigation would only lead
to excitement and make the case a town,
emelt.. Acting upon this advice be left,
but afterwards, upon reaching New York,
learned of the excitement hie daaphoar
once bad created and the construction
puHet upon it.
immediately resolved to return to
Birmingham and defend himself. Act
ing_upon this thought he came back and
put up, as formerly, et the residence or
his late parishioner. Attar meeting and
completely ref ning the charge, he cote
eluded to go further, and has, It lir said,
instituted suit for slander against Rene
of the most industrious circulators of the
gossip. A public refutation of the
gstione Is talked of, and will probably be
publlahed. The ease now • seems des
tined to be disposed °flit a lefal way and
asensation at the name time zploded.
Elopement Eatraordlnary—A w ife De..
ants Her Unabated in Elizabete, - New
Jersey—atm is Caplurea and. is In Cus
' A telegram addressed to Uhler Hamm
was received at the Mayor'. Mere 'eater
day, of a rather mysterious character,
but which finally developed Into a sen
sation. The sutatance or this mysteri.
ous electric communication was simply
a request that baggage, held by four
checks, of which the numbers were
given, be detained at the Union Dip n
and was signed ...Adam Oran."
.'About an hour after the receipt of the
-first dispatch another was received from
the same men. stating that tile wife had
eloped from Elisabeth, New Jersey, with
a Mr. Rose: that she was accompanied
by her child, a little boy three years of
age, gave a description of the woman
and a request that she be arrested and
detained until the husband arrived.
Officers Cupples and Long were dis
patched to the Union Depot to await the
arvivaref the runaways and take the
woman in custody. At three o'clock the
train arrived, and on It came Mrs. Dose,.
her little boy, Mr, Hose, and a lady, who
appears IC have been brought along
traveling companion. There were many
others on the traln'
but those named
only were connected with our story.
Tee °Moors took the entire party In
charge and conducted them to the lock
up. him. Came, when Informed or the
came or her arrest, replied to the fin
that she was perfectly @aliened. She
stated st the Mayors office that she had •
little difficulty with her husband mid he
had spoken harshly to her, and she had
resolved not to give him an opportunity
to repeat it but if he was willing to take
I her back she would go. She was tired
1 of her trip and had gone far enough. Mr.
Hose was informed by His Honor that It
might perhaps be prudent for him to
take his departure„as the husband of
the lady had been telegraphed to and
would probably strive during the night,
and it might not be eggreeable for them
to meet each other. The lady was In
formed that she would have to remain
In custody of an officer until the arrival
of her husband. She was allowed to go 1
to the St. Charles Hotel, where elitt re. I
maned last night, and the arrangement
appeared to be entirely satisfactory.
-Mr. 0. Is about twenty-five years of 1
age, of very Prepossessing appearance
and more than ordinary intelligence.
Rose, the fellow who accompanies her,
is to all Appearances a regular eswelL"
Wears eremely tight pnts. • fault
' lessly fitting coat, • blue nec a k tie, patent
leather boots and parts his hair In the
middle, which la done we presume in
consequence of there bean tan insufficient
, supply of ballast inside.
The party: had purchased ticket'
through to Chle*WO, and left Efiesbethat
10 o'clock r ii. Tuesday. Their baggage,
however, was l only checked to Cleve
land. 1
Fifteen minutia at the Horse market.
The horse market on Seventh street is
Tar from being devoid of interest. Twice
In the week do our friends of the rural dn.
tricta lead there their surplus bone dab,
and our livery men furnish no mean pro-
portion of "the noble animals," to say
nothing of an occasional played out cart
horse that Inure a striking resemblance
so Riser's dorg as to we caudal append
age and 053 of feet. .. -
But yesterday seemed to have even I
more scenes of festivity at that quarter
thin is common. The "nag" of the mo-
went Is brought out, the auctioneer
cracks his whip and swears lustily about
the toundnen of wind, limb and tooth,
the owner 'shoots Isis bands into hle
pockets to the elbows. leans against the 1
wall of that ti me honored mansion I
known as the Horse Market Ex,
change, and solemnly avows were it not
for want of stamps, nothing would - In-
demo him to part with "Sal." The auc
tioneer grows boisterous in his laudation
of the animal creation.
An Individual well soaked with whis
ky is lined on the horse and gallops up
Seventh street at a rate that would have
done honer to the subject of "Winches.
ter twenty miles away," much to the
horror of small boys; one of whom
was knocked down by the passing' '
steed and severely bruised. The other
animals at the eight of this prick up.their
ears, some take fright, one of Which,
attached to a wagon, breaks loose from
his driver and dope only when ha
reaches the foot of the steps leading to
the cellar of the Robinson House. But
the width of the door did not appear to
have been adapted to the admission of
wagon.. An hundred men of every
' conceivable nationality gathered round
at once and held a "powwow" as to the
mode of extricating him. Dia deemed
advisable to cot off the harness—mach
as the Herman owner disliked the die.
enaction. The horse tithe's led through
1 the cellar to a door on Duquesne Way '
where with ropei, planks, much lifting
and. a* wand, a large amount of talking,
the animal le restored, and "PUchord IN
himself again." .
Meeting of Colored Citizens—Public
Juhlilee=-Prograbscue of Exercises.
Th meilingwine Organised by olocting
Alfrdd Mimicluo, chair:dap, and Richard
Han; secretary.
The State Executive Committee, to.
gether with the respective Committee&
of Arrangements of the three cities, as.
*ambled In the Miller street public
echool-house on Wednesday evening,
March 16, at half past seven o'clock.
After transacting carious:items of, busi
ness relative to the aproaching j he ubilee
in honor of the ratif p ication of t Fif
teenth amendment, among which was
a resolution to Insert a full descriptive
Drograto me of the procession, together
with the principal features of attraction,
which will make its triumphal march
through the streets of our reties, in the
leading city papers. The following moo
lotions were presented by S. A. Beale,
and unaulinously passed.
WnEnnate As reprosentativas or the
colored people of Western Pennsylvania,
we would be derelict in the performance
of a sacred duty, did we fall to foment.
her with fitting words of honor and mo
tions expressive of our deep gratitude.
the noble men—those of the old Liberty.
/arty —who stood by us in the dark,
hours of our affliction; who succored our
fleeing fugitives; who defied public ob
loquy and social ostracism; who espoused
our cause when almost every men's
hand wee turned against ue. Therefore
be it
ilesolced, Ist. That wherever and when
ever we can by rots or voice do a
deed fur those early champions of =el.
dour we shall to our utmost ability try
to discharge the sacred obligations we
owe them.
.Resolvel, That Dr. C. G. hussy, Alex
ander Gordon, Matthias fdcGounlitle,
Wm, B. Flack, John II Flack. Assistant
District Attorney, Hon F. B. Penniman,
and others whose names we do not know,
be Invited to act as additional Vice Fred
dents of the Sent Jubilee meeting in
City Hall. That In order to harmonise
with action taken by the people of East.
ern and Southern Pennsylvania as also
to have the celebration of our own com
plete dispenthralment . take place on the
saute day throughout the state, this Joist
meeting In and by authority of our con.
Inhume hereby determined to have the
Jubilee celebration the fourth Tuesday
alter the official promulgation of the
' XVth Amendment.
The following speakers .were by reso
lution Invited and the Secretary of the
Executive Oommittee instructed to send
invitations: Hon. Bingham, ton.
Miles Humphries, H. Butler, Esq ,and
Wm. C. Moreland.
Upon motion of Ray. John Peck, it. was
resolved as the sense of this punt meet.
Mg that speakers be very kindly re ,
quested to cutiline their speeches to
within ten minuted at the Great Jubilee
A tumultuous resolution was passed re , '
questing the Gazarrs and Commercial to
publiab the proceedings of this meeting.
On motion, adJourd to meet In Col
ored Handal church Monday evening
March dist. _ _
Far 'Bose time past we have been pub.
Midair extracts from the “Pittsburgh
Medical Nays," edited by. Dr. L. Oldshue,
132 G ran t street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Noth
ing is more villabsans than stealing a
Mlles reputation, and Dr. Oldahue has
teen personated by some traveling scamp
who in Wuhington and Deaver counties,
Pennsylvania, . bee been repreeenting
himself as of 112 Grant street. Diligent
pollee are after him and we hope to near
of his early arrest.. We state the above
to warlt our readers. Dr. (Mahn, can
only be found at 182 Grant etreetiend
&newt trawl • . •
Oran& ffooes..—The audienoe at the
Opera House last evening was frilly as
large as upon either Monday or Tuesday
evening, and not a small portion of the
number present were ladles: The bur-'
lesque , on "La Somrsambula" was pre
seated Ina more acceptable manner
than it has ever been given in tide city.
To night "Siubsd the Sailor" will be
given. The entertainment will com
mence with a laughable farce entitled.
..Did yen ever sand you Wife to Ilixmlor
Acts» sur or Metro:l.—The Zanfetta
Combination deserved a fuller audience
than they had last evening. 'lbeir 'Pan
tomime rendition of the very flondllF
fairy tale of "Jack and the Bean Stalk"
was really a performance of very unusual
merit. This troupe combines a variety
of artistic talent which does not often
vlett • Pittaburgh. 1124 It favored our
public at any other time it could not
have failed to have drawn full house..
nightly. The peculiar attractions of the
very conspioonaly advertised Company
at another establishment has. had unfor
tunately the effect to deprive this really
meritorious collection, of talent of Its
Proper share In the public patronage.
leo better dancing has been seen on any
of our boards. The pantomime has been
moat faithful and expressive. Tne
properties were =plastid well managed,
and the Dosed° effects sk ilifully contrived.
In the not very full, but well 'elected
audience of last night, every one was
pleased, and the young folks were
charmed. The • beautiful dewing of
Vklaulael. Venturoti and Celina was
entimeisitically applauded.
We xecommend this tempo to the
kindly regards of our discriminating
public. They appear each-evening for
the rest of the week, and at a Matinee
on Saturday afternoon, and every one
ought to witness this charminif little
representation, - which surrounds a
familiar story with all the attraction of
the mimic &Age.
MINSTRE6a.—Tbe universally popular
Morris Minstrel., will commence an en
. gar:anent of six nights and one matinee
at the Academy of. Music, Monday oven.
frig next.
Spat Again.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. .1.
Logan, of theZenth ward. oue of the
moat eftictent d popular monitors of
Alderman Butler's special police force
and ward constable and assessor, Is
about again. Sometime in August hurt
he was confined to his house by the rup.
tura of the main artery in his foot—
where he had been wounded while In
the army. By the skillful manipula•
tions of his physicians this was tied up
and the sore almost healed over, when
about two months afterward It broke out
marlin. Amputation was then found to
be necessary, the physician, however.
giving the patient but.very slight hope of
recovery. He still insisted upon It, and
accordingly Dr. John . Irker, of Alle
gheny. assisted by Drs. T. G. Rhoades
and W. H. Daly,- performed the opera.
don. Dr. Kicker remained with him
after the amputation opus entire night
[ and day, a circumstance to whiCh be
probably Indebted for his life. Death
was thought inevitable at fired, but be
began to rally and improve after several
days,and ie now so far recovered as to
be able to go about. -With a little care
it is thought' be will soon be in good
health, the only inconvenience being the
loss of his foot. The skill and care exer
cised by Dr. Kirker speak in the highest
praise of his ability and sympathy.
A Searcher Alter Health.
Lest winter, a friend of ours, after
coughing himself down to • skeleton,
and was no more in cont,st to his form
er self than the wildest imagination
could picture, when the hope of recov
ery had nearly succumbed to that of
dirtier, and when a woe•begone expres
alon had inwiribed itself on every line•
meat of his once noble face, accidentally
mot with a former acquaintance, now an
M. D.,. who kindly inquired the causes
of his falling health. After being told
all. he sold; "Come with me"—end half
• dozen stores in the city of Philadelphia
were searched, until at last the medicine
they were In
stn search of was found. That
bottle cured t man's cough. He Is
now alive, and in the enjoyment of good
health. The Ed. D.,referred to wss once
a student of Dr. Keyser, of this city, and
is now a respectable practitioner of med
icine. He had seen :he wonderful results
of the prescription in thousands of cues.
like the one alluded to, and, knowing its
Ingredients, with the magnanimity of all
noble natures, pointed out the remedy.
That medicine was Dr. Krreca t e PECTIN.
last. Cotton SYRUP.
Both it and Dr 'EXUMA'S Lttrio Cons
are medicines of Inestimable value in
all diseases of the pulmonary organs.
Bold at the Doctor's great medicine store,
No. 167 Liberty street. Lung examine
tione. and consultations for chronic , dis
eases daily.
liaduzi Parqua
Will, by request, repeat her admirable
lecture, "Bight Years lipost the Borders
of Me Caribean Sea," at Avery College,
corner of Avery and North street, Alle
gheny, commencing at eight o'clock, this
evening. Wo heard this lecture first In
Brown's Chapel, where, as inother towns
hopegles, It excited much applause. We
some members of the lecture com
mittees of this city will embrace this
opportunity to judge of the abilities and
elocution of a talented and meritorious
colored lady. We thing that they would
agree with us that very few, If any, leo•
tares of their winter course were more
entertaining or Instructive th an this one.
Madam Par gus Is engaged for a aeries or
lectures in ISt. Louis. If she was appro.
elated according to her merits she wold
be engaged to retard to this city and u re.
• t her lectures here.
ISt. Patrick's.. Day. •
ProemMon mUt form on Grant street at 10)f
Weirdat a. rlsbt restful on Seventh sat non.
She rroanalon will move at 19 OVOck
SMUTS OF raochilifur.
Right renting cot Savona, &mole. Atotn!eir
mare. op Bragg Brett to WeboteT. veMemmr
to wamington. atom Wnablenttna to vane, op
Wylie to Logan, Mara I,on. to nab avenue,
dawn VIIM to Nltoed. t3ovrtt W" I
W"....*lotte Peon. op Peng to tillth,
etreet along Stith to Suspension Bralito, Over
Bridge to Federal atreet. Al.eltheog. oP
to Ogle.
t ..100p Ohloto Chestant, down Chetlast
is Mai.hdues tO dOwn renol
Irw Cloth wrild, OP Stit h
age.. to wood, down Wood to idifitittt• Be lt;
'these an (Platen 0111 to, deltvete4 be • di.
ttnentaled member - ot the Plttaburge .9sl.
thlaltCOlaata tae B
Raga • ." •
The Great Bridge Over the alisatsilppl
—now it la Bang Built—Down Bea
low the tilahea—rittaburgh and Aliea
Oen, Enterprise—lntereattog Nolo
Regarding the Great Work--The Eons.
dation, Pitt• and auperatructure, etc.
(From our owe Corrropooti.o , 1
bloat el our renders are aware that the
deep, broad and rapid rushing Mhisiesip•
pi river Is beteg. bridged at lit. ion.
The work is watched' with much i L tercet
and anxiety by the engineers u r t en.
tire" country, for It is a grand departure
i f
n r
Theretlieo w
rd l %a r t: !i :, l o a t n
a •s
f o e f wh
w bridge o abtti
outset declared In no hesitating terms
that it .was simply an absurdity to at.,
tempt the eatable of • stritcture that
Would withstand the washilige and eti. ,
centricitice of that timid stream. As the
scheme resolves Itself Into an actuality
and the piers find eternal .resting places 1
from whence they cannot be moved by
any possible adieu of triter, ins or shift.
log sands, the number of those whoee wis
dom and experience spoke out against
the, adventure at its Inception has mate
rially dwiudlid. The magnitude of the
work can hardly be appreciated by those
t i t
who have not been upon the ground.
There Is a certain grande r of propor
tions, boldnees of design an downright
bravery In the conception, and Its meth.
ode of accomplishment, which impress
even theltiost unscientific with admits.
tion • for the engineer who planned the
work and is auccessfully carrying It fir
, ward tocompletion. !Student* of philotio
phy, savants, scholars, men of cohere
and skilled engineers flocked hither from
all parts of the country to take practical
lesson., for, In the process of this bridge
' building, there Is much to be learned.
' The structure is being erected by a Joint
' stock company of capitsibits, who hold
1 an exclusive bridge monopoly for twenty.
1 rive years, and it is estimated that they.
will receive back their investment., in
, net protite, for railroad and other tells,
within less than six years. The work
has advanced with reasonable rapidity
mince the laying of the first atone of the
western abutment on the 25th of Febru.
1 ary,113815. The west abutment suit seat
, pier have been almost fluished. The
weet.pler is down half wilily and will soon 1
, be completed, and, after the completion
of the east abutment, then all will be In
reatilneaa for the superetructurs, which
Will not be long in finding its place In
midair. The bridge esters at Wutilug
ton avenue, • spacious and elegant
thoroughfare which passes' through the
city almost as an exact dividing line—
the city front being three and • (planer
miles above and three and three-u touters
of a mile below it. The location Wu
admirably chosen, insomuch as It
penetrates the heart of' the city,
and equally dividing - the• wharf,
presents little obstacle to steamboats,
for those which ply the upper rivers can
moor above the bridge and those the
lower waters below the bridge,—nelther
.having to pass under arches or . run the
risk of striking piers. The under MAT,
1111 it were of the structure will bedevoted
exclusively to railway purposes. 'Ten
great lines will, Immediately after cont.
Melon. use It foe the moving of trains to
and from 81. Louis, There will be two
tracks with walks for employee. A tun
nel live thousand feet long will be con.
atructed under Washington avenue and
' Eleventh shiest bringing the tracks ont
at what is called the old Chouteati pond,
the flat or low grounds of the city. The
bridge will be built on the arch principle
in order to better provide for the great
spans to. be made. The cartage way
will be thirty-four feet wido, with foot
walks on either *lds each eight feet in
• Tbe bed rock of the Mentaalpfd la • O
hard limestone dipping from the Ws
eourt - ilde to the Itlinola shore. Thi. I
overlaid:with a Ise white sand varying
from fifteen to over ons hundred feet In
depth. Io low water the sand Is about
equally distributad hut In high water Is,
washed out of some plasma, sad, like
now, drifts Into *there to enormous
depths. This "scouring" process goes
on with every rise In the water. Where
the bridge le looted the low water depth
averages eight feat and the width of the
river is 1,6cn0 feet; In extreme high water
about six hundred feet are added to the
width. It le owing to the treacherous
moving of the Nand, and the under cur
rent charged with- gorged ice In winter
that no other resting place than the solid
rock bed-of the river Itself was esteemed
for the piers. colonel James 11. Eada, an
engineer generally and favorabiy known
throughout the_country and one who ix/-
coulee no second plaoe in hli profeentou,
la the chief eugllmier and architect of the
work, ailet±lad by. W. Miloor Robert.,
I " , q, or rlttsburgh, so brat pasuclato.
The selection of the latter gentleinau for
tire resp.msible position we. a .ttrtiun
rnmgaition of his qualifications and
merits as one of America'. most finished
practical engineers.
In Its present • oondltion title great
work le well worths al.& to St. Louis to
see and. examine. The east or deep pier
already recta on the solid rock bed of the
river and raises Its bead to the level of
the giver surface. The other or weft
pier bas reached a point abbot twelve
feet' above the rock and la descending
more than a foot per day: In company
with the Allegheny gentlemen we visited
both piers and descended the shafts to
where the workmen were engaged in
the air chamben beneath the Immense
piles of masonry. We were conveyed to
the piers In a great yawl capable of corn
fartably seating fifty persons. We first
stopped at the west liter, or the one next
and nearest the Si. Louis shore. Here
we found our genial friend Mr. James
Andrews, of Allegheny City, who hu
the entire control of the masonry work
of the bridge, a snail Job that will cost
the Company about two millions of dol
lars. Mr. Andrews has had large expo.
!lanai In masonry and has executed
many heavy contract but this we be
lieve Is the largest W but
has ever been
awarded him. This mingle bridge will
contain over one hundred thousand
cable yards of sOild masonry, or nearly
three times .the quantity which enters
into all our bridge structures put togeth.
er. The magnestin II mestone used under
water isot stout texture and well adapted
for the portioee. It is obtained at Grafton,
Li, forty miles above Bt. Louis on the
Mississippi. The upper part of the ma
sway, or that which will be exposed to
g view when the budge is completed, will
be of pretty granite, brought from New
I England, and of cut sand atone.
Through the kindness of Mr. Andrews,
our party were permitted to vlslt the
enormous diving bells or ate chambers,
in which men were busily engaged to
undermining the caisson In order to let
the vast weight of masonry sink deeper
sod deeper. It was nut without some
little reluctance and misgiving that the
larger portion of the party were Induced
to follow Mr. Andrews, In the dim light
of a wax candle, down through a wooden
tube some nye feetin diameter, to • drip
ping, damp landing - place at oho bottom,
some feet • from the surface.
, Here tennis iron door, which would not
afford Ingress to a very obese man. wan
opened Into an "sir lock"—a small air
tight Iron tube, andabout the shape and
else of a sugar hogshead. Into this we
crept, and after all were in the door was
closed, and the attending engineer, after
giving several cheerful admonitions
about "stooping low," etc. ' which bad
the effect of Moon:lnn the less reckless
of the party, a great cock was opened
overhead, and In cams • gushlngvolume
of air, hissing wickedly, like steam amp
beg from a boiler. This air came from
the steam engines above, which are kept
constantly going to supply the chambers
below with the necessary breathing ma.
teilal. At ten pounds pressure to the
square Inch one of our party give signs
of distress. Ids oyes and ears being pained
and his heart set loose In a fearful palpits.
then. The air was promptly discharged,
and the • entrance door was opened
to permit kit sufferer to recipe.
Ile did so, and others, with TSP.: , tinsel'
nations as to whattbey should encounter
If they underwent the entire programme.
would likewise have gone out, had not
their curiosity got the better of their
fears.. With ono occupant lees.-ths iron
box was gots clowl. and the air-cock
was again opened. As the atmospheric
pressure tscame greater and greater, sev
eral gentlemen narrated peculiar sense.
tlons,but the tough and muscular body
sensation correspondent experienced no
Whatever till the last "blow"
which made the pressure In that little
sealed box 25 its to Me square etch ! Then
he felt as if a blunt crowbar wax driven
at one strong push from one ear to the
other and there left sticking through the
bead. Thb sensation- was but momen
tary Slow, as the temperature was
equalized with that In the chamber to
'which our little chamber wiathe "lock,"
the door leading into it vns of
ed open, but all the powers of forty
horses could not hays pulled open the
door through which we ontered, the
pressure being so great .uPon Its surflece.
Practically we were he sealed
In the great box, beneath the hitsalasippl
river. We enteredthe chamber th.rough •
small manhole, dropping down three feet
to the sandy door, a i r: fifty feat bedew
the water level, WI h the weight of a
mountain hung nded over our
heads, and only supported by compreee
ed Cheerful things came into our
mind, and the possibility , erect entitle con
fidence not being the nerd thing above or
below the earth to tie to, was calmly re.
volved in our brain, while the gentle
quern of many thousand toss of solid
material crushing down on our devoted
beaus, provided the air pumps giveaway,
Was contemplated with as much pleasure
as the circumstances would permit. To
tell the truth, we were all more or lead
'attained" en our entrance into the dark
caverns. But the noise of picki and shov
els of a large force of stalwart men at
work digging sand and hauling and
dumping it luto a central well or puddle
1 of water, together with the oft repeated
assurance of our conductor, Mr. James
Andrews, that there was no danger, we
commenced to fool somewhat comforta
ble and at hoine. Mr. A. suggested a good
hearty 'Stiletto as the beet thing lu the
world, or under It, to keep the wage
up to the sticking point, and he p posed
some little air. Yukon' were pr raptly
formed, lungs inflated, and t blot
came like so many heavy breaths Miming
through the teeth, but " nary " Mule
tree beard. Another and anoth r enact
was made, but the faintest app itch to
whistling, save in the pan Mimic
movement or the lips, bould not be
obaerved. There Wan too m ch air
in solid ehunke ; to get - out plain
whistle. Then some wag e v ested
that • burning candle was a lit le dea
-1 geronn. Slyly half a dozen can le bear
ers endeavored to put out the II ht, but
their efforts' In that direction we a of no
I more avail than the attempt to whistle.
1 The flame, so docile on dry land held its
own beautifully end flickered omph
many In spite of the air current directed
from burly throats against Its istentie,
and If T or Winos, it would mice ca b, the
smoulder g wick would imaiedistely
start up o its own accord. - Other little'
pleasantri marked the advent of the
party in the Subterranean work shops,'
after will all became close observers of
what was going on.
It heath strange to oonimenee a Pier
or alintm nt with the foundation laid au
hundredrest above where It la to rest, on
the bed lt of theoriser, yet thigh; precise
'ly what b been and in being done In the
doustruenton of the piers of this' bridge.
The foundation atones are laid In a atrong
wrought Iron teleran, 82X.G0 feet, left
open at the bottom so that its cutting
l edges wouletrate the sad. As the
, weight of t h e n
masonry to rs
added, it
I settles down deeper and deeper.
I Men aro working . beneath this men
I at all hours of day and night In an atmos
phere of compressed air. At the time of
our visit In the sandy regions below the
fishes of the fdiwilmippl the Pressure over
the ordinary atmosphere was forty-four
pounds to the square inch In the east
while In the west,
.which Is but
half sofer down, the pressure was only
twenty.five. In the oast caisson the
laborers are changed in every two hours,
each set or gang doing aix boars
work out of twenty-four; in the west
caisson they are changed every four
hours, each gang doing eight Mime work
In twenty-four. The caisson of the east
pier having struck the rock, the mailer°
now engaged to the difficult tuk'of titl
ing the air chamber between the bedrock
of the river and the wrought Iron ceiling
under the pier masonry, with concrete' l
composed of hydraulic cement . and I
broken stone, a process which will con
sums several weeks. The sand now left I
huddle will be used In the formation of '
the cement, converting all Into one com
pact mass When this air chamber shall
have been filled, the sir shafts, of which
there are seven in the pier, will be tilled
with stone and cement, and then It le
ready to sustain Its part to the bridge
'The sand which we saw the men dig
In the sir chamber and cut into a puddle
of water in its centre, is pumped op to
the surface and discharged.. A consider
able portion Is need to make mortar and.
oement for the atone work. After the
men have dug down to near the bottom
of the edges of the caisson, they dig a
trench all around, close to theeides, and
than leave the chambers-and weight for
the pier to sink or settle, whim It does,
sometimes with a sudden thump or
thud. If It goes lopelded, men are sent
down to dig deeper the trenches where
it is Irregular. 'At the west pier work
has been going on for three months in
stone laying, and sr large force - of men,
aided by machinery, are constantly at
work putting down layer atter layer of
massive atones, but the shovel brigade
below manage to keep bringing down the
work to a level with the water surface,
no. that the pier masonry le now only
about three feet above water.
After taking lessons in bridge building
to our hearts' content in the air cham
bers we again entered the air lock, and
the escape valve being opened, we soon
realized a change. In the atmosphere.
Coming down to in ordinary pressure
from an extraordinary one is almost as
painful and distressing am the going up
proems. We were soon able to open the
door and in a few momenta all were on
, top of the pier, and most felt pretty
thankful too, when they again saw the
bright sun. There is but little If any
danger In going down these piers. No
lives have tens far been lost from atone
pherlo causes, but - there have been re.
c,rded many instances of •hearing im
paired, nervous prostration and tempo
rary puraions as the legitimate fruits of
visiting or working in the chamber.
These are exceptional cease, however.
The length of the main structuin of the
bridge will be about sixteen hundred
feet consisting of two side !pans of four
hundred and ninety seven feet each and
a central span of five bund ed and fifteen
feet,—buils on the arched ribbed plan, of
steel. The height of theiunder part of
the central sn will be &gout eightpels
feet above low pa water. The Illinois aide,
being much lower than the Missouri
aide, requires the approaches by rail and
wagon road to be on the ascending grade;
the railroad at the rate of fifty fees to the
mile; the wagon road about two hundred
and fifty. The eastern ebtnent will be
bulls on what is technical termed the
plenum pneuntalsc plan, or the Rams neon
which the piers have been so encoessfully
sunk. Since the :sth of October last Mr.
Andrews has under his masonry contract
built one pier ninety feet In height with
a base of sixty by eighty feet, The other
pier hart been built sixty feet In height
(since Janury 15th, 1870) with a base of
tidy-eight by eighty feet. The St. Mule
abutment has also been built several feet
above ordinary rates.
Each pier Is protected from the thine.
cue action of Me, drift, etc., by a very
strong system of plies, outside of which
are. secured immense inclined aprons
two hundred feet long and sixty feet
wide, let down to the sand at an angle of
about forty•live dtgrees. Eio far the ice
floods have been by these spate= pre•
vented from doing any damage to the
piers or the boats and machinery about
them, and are considered strong enough
to withstand tho [mastoid Weever known
on the Mississippi river.
At the piens the Bridge Company keep
two propellors and a large yawl in con
leant service for the Conveyance of the
men and the Materialsused In the eon.
'traction of. the work, and visitors have
access to the piers by these. A beautiful
system for taking up the heavy stones
from the barges and transferring them
In a few moments to their places in the
masonry is exhibited in • novel arrange.
meat of "travelers," framed on large
barges, which were constructed for the
purpose, and which are moved one on
each aide or each pier. On the same
barges are the engines for compressing
and forcing the air into the chain.
ben. beneath the caissons, and
other engines forworking the sand
pumps and "crav e The sand
pumps, of which here are seven,
on each pier, is an ins Sutton of itself in
the construction of such large, deep piers;
they work finely, some days throwing
Out two feet In depth of aunt" equal to
about three hundred cubic yards. More
than twelve thousand cubioyarde of sand
and gravel have been pumped out from
under the east pier alone, since last
November. When finished to the top at
the level of the upper roadway the nut
pier will be snout two hundred feet In
night from the bed rock, half beteg
above and half below an ordinary stage
of water. The piers and abutments ars
built strong,rmongh to sustain the thrust
of the lustilismie arches of the super
structure—which will be the greatest
work of steel and iron that has ever been
doigned in connection with any bridge
on the arch plan. The contract for this
truly magnificent superatructure, which
will cost about $1,600,000, was recently
closed with toff Keystone Bridge Build
ing Company tsburgh; honor we find
here W. Manor Roberts, Esq., • Pitt&
burgher, as oursociate Chief Engineer, Mr.
James ndrowa, an Alleghenian, as sole
stone contractor, and Pittsburgh super , '
structure builders alone. So much of
borne glory in the great enterpnzet
' Capt. Fads devotes his entire attention
to the work sad In . addition to Mr. Rob.
arts, is ably assisted In his labors by CoL
Henry Flad, Mr. Chas. Pfeffer, and oth
ers. The St. Louis and Illinois bridge as
destined to prove one of the greatest
thoroughfares in connection with rail.
roads in the United States, and it must
necessarily conduce vastly to the prop
erty as well as convenience, not, only of
the citizens of St. Louis but So thous/axle
of others, travelers and vlidtillsoliThel
superstructure we may remark in con."
elusion will be put up without the aid of 1
an Inferior structure, the piers to be need
post,for wire ca b which the
will be hoisted bles
and J oined to each
other. When the bridge Is thus hinged,
screwed and Joined together, It is finish
ed and not a stick of Wee work will have
to be taken away.
astaw's GA./WEN.
While in Bt. Louis the Allegheny
itors were driven. to Henry. hhaw's Bo-
Melva Garden—a semi-public, park or
garden of Eden. situated several miles
from tke city. -The garden =mars about
two hundred sores of gently rollint
groundand le laid out in • manner so
picturesque and -beautiful as to forbid
description. It is said to be the finest
piece of the character in this. country.
The garden con al no a large conservatory
ailed with the tartlet and most fragrant
of Sower., vines and trees, a large library
building and an observatory command.
log a full view of the entire domain. The
garden is surrounded by stone walls T he
to those about tho Allegheny Arse.
nal. This enchanting place belongs to
an old Batchelor who has already deeded
it to St. Louis to be held and kepi up
forever after his death as a.breathing
spot for the people. Shaw's tomb occu
pies a pt pert of the grounds,
but the old romine gentl n eman don't look sail he
would occupy it for some years so come.
The taverns, some of the storm and
several places or actulmemerit keep open
doors in tit. ',outs on Sunday, bit other
wise the town is orderly and quiet. Sev
eral of the Alleghenians went to ROY. C.
A. Dickey's church and enjoyed an ex
cellent sermon by that gentleman, who
hu a fine church and first clue congre
.atlon.. lie la pissed with the former
and the latter are vastly pleased with
him. .
Petroleum Item!.
The Titusville Herald rapt
A new well was struck last Monday
upon the McMillan farm near Scrubgrasa,
which Is owned by Win. M. Cunday, and
Is producing ten burets of oil per day.
The new wall being tested upon the
property of the McDonough Oil Company,
near the Foster farm, promisee to become
paying inveetment to its owners. It is
now 1021 feet In depth, and has pens
trated 512 feet Into the third sand, with a
fine show. This tract coiuslata of 3130 h
The new well struck last Friday upon ,
the R.L. Shaw farm, and quoted bare.'
torero as producing 25 barrels per day,
was yesterday pumpin notehe rate of 40 I
barrels per day, and gns of a de. i
crease. It Is owned by F. W. Andrews
of this city.
A Mole oper ator states that the "old 1
Efolnoden fists,' once the scene of oilers-'
do splendor, are again blossoming into
existence SS producing territory, and one
or two new wells are being put down
near the spot where the United States,
Pool, Twins and other infantile speci
mens of flowing wells, once gushed to the
tune of "a thousand barrels per day."
Whether this statement is true or not,
wo do not doubt that the half of the Pit.
hole terrrliory Is as yet =developed,
and the barren hillsides may again gleam
bright beneath the jets of native gas,
while the "old original superintendents"
and grain merchauts, may onoe more see
corn worth 11,00 per kerns' as in the MU! ,
now gone forever.
Two rew..welle a:e bring drilled on the
Storey farm data, owned by the Columbia
Oil Company. This territory has already
produced considerable oil, though not
thoroughly developed, and that these
wells now solos down will prove success.
fulls very probable.
The Right Thing—The Right Place.
idr. Mitten-1 wee led by your favor
able notice of J. T. Bellatine, and by the
testimony of a friend who'bre dealt with
him for more a year, to try for My.
self the quality ofthan
the various. kind of
meat for Which he Is celebrated. My et
parlance is good proof that Bellatine'a,
either at his stand 78 Pittsburgh or n
Allegheny Market, is, as you have geld,
sauce place to get good, and only good
beef, mutton, or veal, cut and nerved
exactly as they should be. Try him and
be convinced. Dierrim AT Hotta.
. TH. •
A tribute In memory of Lily Amelia,
aged fire years. sixth child of Magdalena
and Henry _Williams, of Morning Side:
the wee lmls. she we rale .
Az for a little use was given; -
Ate, a. gel came ape claim. 4 his own,
Anil bore her to a home la hostel.
Io toen'a bower ►'otr,
Where 111.110 rob`d to elsy.
And Is ea of Me bear fruits of love,
Sweet Ltl7 Aloe an avid re;; Z. D
The Florence la the only Sewing Ma.
cid no made with the reverse feed. Call
and examine It, at No. 6 Sixth street.
The Florence Sewing Machine is 'not
equalled by any in the market. No. 6
Sixth street.
" To appreciate It, It must be soen—the
Florence Sowing Machine. No. G Edith
—Last week, at Huntsville, Alabama,
J. A. Dodge d while teaching - an easy
method of ithetio and exhibinan
Indian had soma words with. drunken
man who, after the lecture, which was
Ina chard', unsuited Dodge, and the
latter knocked him doWn.. The people
advised Dodge to leave In order to avoid
further trouble. and accordingly he
maned towards Tennessee with his wife,
child and Indian in an ambulance. He
was followed by the drunken man and
eta others, who tired - several shots
through the ambulance. fortunately
without hurting any of the occupants.
Dodge finally drove them off by opening
a spirited tire from the imbalance. - •
—The reported escape of Dr. Shoepoe
rota the jail at CA:lisle, la unfounded.
TOOMEY—On Monday evening. Mann 1111th.
11110. gIi,IPTIT. 1.. TABLE,. only son of Wm.
T. and Tannin L. Parley, send tin Tn... II
. . .
months sad 0 days.
Taneral on linotansx, liseth 17th. at A
o'clock r. N.. from the residence of hie parents.
No. 303 Western &yen., AMeghenyetty.
•13affer 111110 - ottlldr.n to come unto me. and
. •
forbid them not, tot of nett la the kingdom of
WILLIAMS—On Tuesday, March 14'.1. at NIX
oclock r. I ILL sloth child of Megoldelle
and Hem Wlllmats, aged II yearn.
The funs ral Intxmd from the family reel .
deuce at Moralng*ldO, near Nast Liberty. at a
o'clock r. 5., on TLICSIDAT. the IT k Inst.
Carriage. will Mare Moreland A lthebell's
Ltrerty Btable. ma Merle street, at I o'cloth.
awes nod. rosy ray of be morn.
Which bloomed and nestled on UT beast,
Ts r Lily. fleeting Joy of an boar.
Al.el too soon. we're called Lenart•
Oh! little bands thoe't t raise no more.
To meet my loving, fond caress.
Ales! the sagel dark. In nee*lelf e'er.
Rath snatched thee from alfectlotes breast.
lICHXII-0a Wednesday. Watch 10th 16TO.
DANIEL EICHEE, In the Ill•t 'two( kls age.
The funeral mill take place from the residence
of his son-10-taw. Jos. H• Hobbs, 61110 street.
on 9311 street, on ?Moe's' nOuntso, at 10
o'clock. The Mold. of the Madly are teaptat•
folly Invited to attend. -
W•IIXElle—At y, Allegheny
PA., on Wedaetday. Marsh 16th. wifeS o'clock
r. n., Mrs. /sant • N. WARNILE, of EL X.
Na.ner, In the TEM year of her
heed services at the boa c oh FatnaT, 11th
lost., at /1 o'clock A• N. Carriages Will leave
A'let bony elation on arrival of 101143 r. N.
Lenin and proceed to Allegheny Cemetery.
Phtladelphla, Knock 15M, LYDIA.
N.V. of Wm. B. 1r eh
Doe notice of funeral Nttl be %t:en.
earns , tf ILAN DUSKY tiTHELT AHD ClitlitCE
AVVNI)E. Allegheny City, where V.eic CO WEIS
110011111 are constantly replotted with reel and
Inaltatlon Botawood, idahagany and Waluot
Conine, at aliens varying from $$ to SIMI. Ro•
did ',nevem.' Agin:cement. Beams and Oto•
nave ftrniehed: alto, ell Muds Of Jdoeineint
and alatit.
Goods. If melted. Otded open atoll bann s dot
Vantages /or raliorolo rearalshod
0017 INS and all lanaralftredattment. at re
dacted rates. • so
167, 168, 169 ana 170
bra IOW premartd to tang& VINSOAS at the
LOWY= war= IiATX Attestion Is tar.
tlcalarly esUe4 to out
11, 30 4110 , 441:1
House and Sign Painter, -
011.4.1143141 AMID GMAZIIiIO,
le. 04 11110010 Street.
100.13/ Mate Bland streiri.lilttabannt.
SO bbl , No. S Machenl;
so 1111:151t.3 Lest, if setardl;
SBbaits ' dd. 047.1
.L e MA, d .11,0usa • doo.
• . SO baits • do. do. do.:
SS held Ptelldedlierrififi: • • •
Lose Dams/. Codfish. For eslil •
OM 4. N. OAXNAIAI.III.I/li7l.lyeing.
an owner* •f Mayo. Carts. Woson.,
rA C ßTl:aillpgl ' Ati 4` . — , l : '6"l?oreer
of 60 e•at• he soloed 10 sollatonses anoold
ori 6•11:11Mkr. Marco lOLA. 1610.
A. J.-cOCH KAN. City TresanTer.
rfrrobollou. la. 1610. SOW.
°rims or crrr taitillgilcit AND SZTOL
rlttaburate, MW 0 411310. •
be recurred at this office until 1111.1tt_li Aye.
10. for euPP , 7lrt rub of lb. Rosa Commlm stoners reith ell/ASV, for keeping the elands
In bla dletrlct torepair during Oho yearlol o .
Rep. mt be toads uve fur rub district tepee
stele,. Any further Information eau be Obtelbell
9: a l" "iht lll ni f . ...mou E tr.. cit.. /None...
VPROPOS ALS.— Sealed Propo-•
BAITS will beived at the Water 4.:0111.
mitten Room Until M AR CU 10 A. teethe Fallow
ing' 250,000 bathe, clean sat Coll. to ne
delivered at the Lower Water Works; 110.000
bailie'. er ce..1.0% Co.', to be etiletree at the
Upper Water Works, and Maier pip*,
trope eyelets, Ire plugs, and atop Tbe
above contrect to commence eptil 1. 11120, ami
continue till March 31. tTI. Toe
mem,* the dighl. to rt.]. ct l
ail bide Committee
mAC JOMEPII FRISNOtf, ouperinteclent.
ra . the !lath r of Oirenteg of Itwosd Stmt.
, Wollee Is hereby given that the assent:Meet Met
made by the viewers In the opening of Atwood
street has been Sled In a 1 Mice for collection;
that If said .aidessolente •'e not PW , I within
thirty days Mat the date hereof. Clans will be
died therefor against the properties assayed•
with interest. Colts and fete, and the same e^ , -
hated by legal process.
1..7. SLAGLE.
Clty ittoruti,
No:106111th Avenue.
PITTSSUIRIII. rob. 23. 111711. 1e61:00
In the Natter of Opening Keep Strut.
• Notice Is berths' elven that the sesessment Ile
. by the Viewers for the openirie of Boise
street has been fled la my °Mee for collation;
that If the same be not phi within thirty <tale
from the dete hereof. liens will be Pled there
for against the properties &seemed, with Iv tenet,
costs and fee., and the same eolleeted hf lege
J. T. BLAUI.E. City Attorney.
No.loo rua, Avenue.
r 1,11000011, Feb. Aa. 1810.
AN ORDINANCE to authorize
the airadlervand Peeing Of Whig alley.
e l an! Mi=rarMltatted brae &leer
and • Orem. Coznella •of lee Caw qf itegh.Y.
allot it ler/mho ordained and enactsd bole. cora
thordty of It.. Dame, That the Commlttee on
nterete be, and they are hereby anti:teat:ad and
attracted ae Invite end receive prop male for the
flVl,"Witlr Vell'egeZl2:.
brick on ed.e. end to • Intrect ttttt for with the and beet bidder or elddors at tnelr Metre-
bac. Z. Tint for the punt. of defrat lex the
rest d . espenees or the Bald improsements,
there b e. and Is hen by levied. a special tax. to
be equally assessed mien toe .atrial lots bo u
log sod ; assessed
nem the said Whig alley.
resnectlvely in proportion to the feet front In
them respectively comprised. and Wending and
'Mauve as aforesaid.
Inc. 3. Teat as mint .the eon and expenses
f said Improvements shall ha Pair mmenased ,
It shall be the duty of the Street Comminiloner
to aliens and apportion the same Moue the see
rat lots Meantime and abutting noon geld Whig
alley reepteterell. accordAr to the tole above
hadlcated, and thereupon tr: told 10 mate da
mud and collect the seam accordion to the pro
vlslons of the Act of the (tetanal Amembly of
the Commonwealth of,Psousylvanlit. entitled
••Ao Act denying the manner of collecting the
expenses of Bradlee •and pselng silks streets
any alleys of the City of Altegheny. and for
other nerposes.” paned Abe %lamella de? of
'March, 11159.
Sec. 4. Ter at so meet of any ordinance at MU
coed et with. or be entasited be the Liregang,
be sod the same Is beret.? repealed
. Ordained and contra Into• law, this the 10th
dayof March. A. L. ISTO.
President of Select Coastal.
Attests J. R. OXIXT, •
Clerk of helect i D N ' tl ATwkwig.R.
President of Common COentell.
Attests E. I:Maras:M.
Clark of Common Council. •• Will
N 01IDINANCE to authorize
the Construction of Plank Sidewalk on
i avenue.
a Sac. 1. B•Uordattud and Aided UtitHstsei
e r a,
a Cor a mors ,a,a,a Coti ata ssci a te a ilf aa ttie w 4 lt a y=i aa ken g t,
4.1•41, Toot the, Como:nue on Mr... be, and
they are hereby authorized and dimmed o Invite
ar.d iroposals rcr the eonstraction of
plank Peet-welt on Sell avt non. from irankito
road to Willis h
and t, and to convect_ therefor
Wile: the lowest hest bidder or blades r. at
their discretion
Pic. B. 'that for Um purpose of defraying the
coat and eim ores of the said improve:nests.
then be, and Is hereby lev a epeelellax. to
bo equally asvessed upon the several lota bound
lug and shuttled upon each al le of the mid tit
avenue re:re:v.ore', le proportion to
th e
II them ropectlvely comprised. and bounding
and abottiniraa atbresald.
jeic.,3. That no eoon twee eat and =ear
It 21101"'IrileViL; 0:7 t ril l
riTst nee7 to;
amee• and apportion she tame emong the several
lots betiding and abutting upon mid Ball Ave,
MI aforesaid, resinctirely, aboonang to the rule
above Indicated. and
the proored to make
demand and collect the same, according to the
prov t of Um ()mural fusel
Le t Common w ealth of Poinsylemila. tit l eden
••An Act elative to kivak Walks in the City r I
Sae. 4- That is Much of any ordinance or perm
of ordinance tamer conflict with or be so Diced
by the toreguing. be and the same la beroby re
urdetned and enacted Into a law this the 10th
day of }larch, A. It. 11sp i t. a
c 10FX.
Pr.idert O S I Iret4t Counell.
Attest 3. Citax,
Clerk of Select Connell,
• President of Common CoenCil.
A : R. littwoltrir.
Clerk:if Common Coancil. • nahlk
ANtb ORDINANCE Bain to authorize
e ConstrueOen of • sewer.
enc. 1. 110 if ordained :sad reacted by the 8.10.0
awl Consnow Connell. of I4a City of A WIlho•II.
ad It is Aereby Ordain. awl cncietc4 by author
ity of It. same, That the newer Commission be,
and they are hereby authorised and directed to
invite and receive proposals tor the cousin:o[ton
f • newer located as Follows: ten Mayer &MM.
from Franklin Street. to nenr thy lice of Bayard
street. the acme to be built In accord:mu:with
trabt tri el ' 4(o; P 47111 t by
o Zsr nod
or bidden, at tuetraseretam.
lisc. P. That as soon as the costand expenses
of said newer shall be fully ascertain. d, the game
shall be leylcd, assessed and collect. das prowl •
ded for. be an /Let etAssembly of the kommen•
wealth of Pennsylvania. entitled •.• minPloisisfllt
entitled au ...tot relating to Allegheny Cry,......TY
axgliggea eLite . f i 'c o u c Tr . *eat:, of act
P Sac. 2. That amtich of any ordinance as miry
conflict with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be
and the same is hereby repealed
Ordained and enacted into • law Ohs the 10th
day of March, ISt&
President of afq - cil.iiiine.ll.
AMA: J. B. Oss.lY,
Clerk Of Pelect Council.
President of Common Council
Bonze Dtswonsti.
labla Clerk of Common Connell.
.01711129mrlita . s ornrs
• Li.7.l97axarr CrrT, rcb. 79, 11110.1
Uwaan of 0.01 Imitate, west of Federal
street. who have failed to eomp•y with the Reg
L. are hereby notified that they will be
required to return deaeriptions Cf their PrOPerty
for renieti7 (to present deeds or title papers) to
this office within the fence sr thirty days from
the data of this advertisement; otherwise they
will be held liable to the penalties set forth la
the elauee of set herewith appended.
Mate Laws, 1849, /444 , 4 644.
• • Should the duty of sextstertig'Pr.JaM
u promptly As may be ."ernes num asry to to
care the early completloa of the plus, then after
one month , . notice, by public advertisement la
the Madill papers of the city, to the owner. of
real estate In eald city Rot registered, and a
smitten or printed sotto" ■hall hue been serie4
on the owner or owners, or delivered on OW
Property. should they raft to barn such record
lads. then and to that use they abaft be entdect
to a gas of Five Dollars for "each month of non
neglect, dating from the termlnatlon of sold ad.
vertimmant; and In nese the same be neglested
fin the spasm of ale months. a Iles for the aoea•
awaited Co.. and coats shall be fled mid soften.
ea u munielpal clams are now or MIT be hue
after by leis collected: the mad gnis to be paid
Into the Clty Treaeury; the notice to parties
falling to xv 'later property may be given 110
to embime UlO PCOPSIT SOY particul at Iv
or mottos. grime images of wards. or l Ite oily ►
large. • • • •
CITY MX aiwzza , a OTTICIL k
Astatatiwr Cr/ Xarth 14. 1170.
. that the aaressmellas made by tea Viewers
for the opening of LLNZ /MI=T. In the Ronne
War has been Alert In tae *Kee for ensaelna•
lion, sad can be teen here until March 9104
1870. when It 1011 be _returned le Comelis for
sonlnnatlon. -
Cmr•NotomaWitOrmon t•
ALUM:Many CITY. re., Muth le, 1810.
that the assessment made by the Viewers
for the ,yeah; of SIDGWICE svarxr. 6th
ward, has-been lied In this eines fur *lamina.
on, sad can be men hue until Marsh 2664
11110 ;when It villt-be returned toOmnells for
. 611131,165 BANES,
" CORTROLLia°I prim. i
Mr Or Ait.roasor. Mach VHS. 1770.
SEAMUS PROrOsALS ?RI or opooDod At
' oiSo. moil • oolocl r. X. THURSDAY.
limb 1104,1110: for
To Impel, the Street for the gar.
r.-ht year ranted do Ma Ito and Caa enema
the alas, quality, as.. Irr tallier 1.1. the ogles Or
T :WOW Yraraer, Weed, (lemanisioaer, cal
The right browned to M W eat any PORT all We.
~IL &
lehl2;111 ChM Coatreller.
11;W - REV T OPERA Herrn&
Last 11ght bet Caro, or the tesseld-renearaed
Lydia Thompson . gurtuque Troupe.
will to presented the ctletwated OD easel Dee
lessee entitled
She im.aurmAsce to cowmen. with the.
• g arcs entitled
t of Lydla ihomV.A. •
L F ;d i tt ' T — ahi M On. on estArtDy.
Liferrani ficcietier,
To be held le the LIECTUItIe ROOM of the airs
U. P, CHURCH, on hioth avenue, steers 81•111,
held Street,
Thtvaday, Friday arta Saturday.
Of the gnat Louoat Pantonetsuff
"Jack and the Bean Steak"
London. ly Torten ed - with /rest saw re
Nyrraeatta ew and Washington. . 111 ,b . ._
for tb. ant tl.• Ibis eV.
GtutfrE AN , t ELEGAIUr DAGGS tb.
NIN r. A.
Agimission—Pardeette and Drawl elrele• 2 bd.
Family Mete, bUsents; Gallery. Ilbc.
Reserved Beate for sal, at Box 011eeVeltbesi
extra charge.
A d mug. to blatinte,lloc. and 116 e. • Inlay'
Commencing MONDAY EVENING. Mann SU
Organized December 114 T.
. TWENTY-51S STAR dialer/ I
ILE o Monster Minstrel Comnany.
Vint eppearasee Is 10 re. , or the poyalar
author, masseur and camedlea. .
LON 110PIRIE. ' ;
Wla mlllnllPeer at Ma performimee to Nearest
pion Song WI WM. Wee and Alabama Ttiplclik.
The Great UZENARDU is Nanny Bal.
S: RHINO, oar Eathetld Italiadist end Pausal/ '
Comm> of rrogrammo out 5tv0.d..1%6 td .„. ►
rrlcas as wool.
At Sewickley.
TIMM, determined upon removing tong he
at the halt Works. near T.sautula. I Weir
sale the property where I tow reside,
the berm. gb of neigh:thy. TheggrageMl eenglat
fnear 11.1 acres, finely diverelned with . inden
dope.. -level end abrupt henna. aidessaale
brookpanes thronghthe shed...ley ahem
do d see oil loran torts or a 'dome emigrates. '
Tama are nearly 100 -.aria[ pear toms of
et ekes% selections, teilda apple. Peeendileme
cherry. de. Aleo, grapes, rasigherries,
bestirs. rwawberrles and other smaller trait.
Mitre Is slaw epees log vegetable garde.: The
ornamental CMOS. tTerli.eas, Mee and tare
plants are an attn.:the frantra. etre nitro
lately girl's the num •• Tantleirastri t i- 111
cop, wltdst
hIW and the v i rl 4r:rid gig gi b taliplistrni
i'lCllTentivavi.. am. SIMS sad
beside &UN sad cemented tense under the whole
—cantatas 14 rooms and wasoroore sad wool
hones In basement, with aumerom lane Omani
for China. stores and Meador. The:else large
and naver4sllllls Stane-trallel atria= Sled
irltb water tram al& roof. rid p mtre for be
and geld water In bath roar, kneeen and wash
home. waste water Is discharged threasa Mee.
some distance In se the house. .21stre is an lee
house and carom: diem cradles room, a
barn, miller , shed we ableken yard. Tana%
Is bounded on al sides hi tihrtiwars. mad name
Is earr from redhead or turnpike.
beerletier 11 111 tulles loom the oily, on Mg it.
Olmne Etaliroadtand pilresses Waal attractions
for &Suburban relideneS. The nemerom meow
rerrlatiOn trains ieSTO anthill( to be desired as
the way of
oersonzrAstlar. r o d MS ral Übe .
liager:lWAtl.74trratra• w 1 down.
Valley ts meet desirably. io . r betides Its wOrthlr
Demers enders.... hare sire fonnd the emiatrY
sesta of many city tdltolA proressuse, lawless.
bstalterS.' and :other Ludo , ss Sidd Mired
merchgets. .1/cod school* abased. la.n
chanties of various datontleatlone, Mein the
&Mem ministers.
Poe price and terms rail at my Drug Starr; 2fo,
Itti els fire , t. Pittsburgh. If not sold be
fore April tat. tab property will be to et.
=wars 5111111“101117f.
; i n
In the City of Allegh y.
' 137 Anne of an order of the Orphans ,
T om.
of Allegheny county. the undersigned .
tee, ender the wlll of Nether Welton. deceased,'
edit offer at public eke. on the presence, Oa
TIIIIIISDAT, the 17 h day of Mad, next, at 171
o'clock A. it., 5 lot of ground belonging to W..
0512.10 of gald..decederd, ettnate an Stockton
avenue end Webster street. fronting 51 feet of
Stoekton arena, and preferring the seas Width
along Webeter street notthwardly 940 feet Pi
water linnet, on width Is crested a two steer
111.01 Dwelling coot/dub i /X 10.3.0 and aroma
Stable. 7015 property ll so located tlul Items IS
eet.livided Into ton Gondar on the PalSorblet
for ttesnty end.eonvenienee cannot Oa sorpaseel.
Tnitsts or Elm.x—One-tnird of the Forelegs
: 1 , money cash on confirms:ton of the eale r ta bal•
i ghee In two equal annes , pa . amts. segued by
.., bond ends:tort - gaga of the rarehaser.
, tot farther lefermetten enqatee or
At tt eu e. lfwhetter hae r ve Beek, 1109 Bra ns
BO Diamond •gret. rlttabareh.
ALLY:OII3NT CITY..I offer for sale
the most delfgh , fat balldisg tontsliated 11th.
&coed w nett. •Ilegheny. 011 Penve•ttle Ptak
Howe fad °bee:armorysea nue. Odle/rang It. j
Otwervatory emend, These Lots are part of .„
Iva and one.half (I 4) acres. • plan of thaw
Lots an be se. n at my store. No. 13 WOOD
oTBIDIT. The plea has also b ea made&
Each Lot lea leant tot. (Vallee on Parrlevflol
road or Observatory &Yvette; M./ 10 4
hy 13Ide.p. The lota opeonte the nwldeaee Of
Waal sewn and Walter Silcolletoel.. Bea.. ere
MI be 111 feet. Most of the I ots are eeld.
floe deellinge have beeh crested ahead,. Per- •
sons &wrote to leave the low Dudarr ad
smoky edles can here dud t he ortunity. The I ;
loaltty Is one of the finest two elute add .
but four ednutee• walk from the bead ef Beaver
street: • tward walk leads to the mattes. The
great busty of scenery and arreandlisge are de.
• Teats ear, peon icw. ta , etre of
No •
03 WAdsa r a . y
Pcit ty bargh, or No W a
—Situate nosey adjoining the Rer
owl ha oc ) sl7mlnglima and 'booth Plttabeigl=
within fifteen m100)0. walk of Guru
ear.. liaarlo 590 lota hate lately boon sold
here, a good many of which have lawn 'boll'
0700. Only shoot WOO remain that areolfand
for Isle tyr the original.. which can now be bed
by paying *mall amount dawn on goon Lot. sad
the balance In one, two and three pram Prim •
of Lots now range from ellls to 8400. ollw
' let ' . • 104 ItcL fr AIII
oarth avenue. .
VWR SAL E.—En g Wee and 801 -
LIM Nen and ectond Bud. a all Wads
mutually on but. .
Orders Om an puts of the eesatrl Purst43l
JAY= HILL a Co..
Corner Wanton Alcnnn and r, Y. W. d (Law..
XFAISONAL.--All persons wok.
DM BOUM. Or larreausaitts fat Ural Zs.
7111 tare Spar a
..rtt a reta t at Ur.
t k T aargs. ,, Ills gtvra away ettiTtl
or mill be mislay
_mall Sim tour rortustlaig
Perroaa carrot rut to a' rt, tutted oat or law rtm
Ilrt It eratt.rat. COUTT
I t • L. ) Fab.
Na 91 Federal St., Alleeway,
Aetna determined not to earn , over lay Meter
G00....111 DOCILVerf tell, below men. tor tbe
next 30 days.
liAlb lgrAW6mm,:
LAJ IV 1102114
i l aDiltS i lapZW XAS .
MUUe ° )lttliali BWrZCr .
Cinfitei WETTIN 1115
le.. le.. le
♦U venous misbtag builds.; plew can tor
fore Darehiutig at X. Al is Zi•INAL. 8?74111%.
JOHN M. 000PKI1 & CO.'
Bell and Brass Founders,
uniting, L 000107112 a HUAI MU
Mode Promptly S.
Made and Kept on awl.
Proprietors sae liesakitg""
LM.CoopefslmprovedW elnied
Office, 882 PENN .181SEIT.
r °miry, cor. Ina szta Weed tan die