12211 ~' liiiMEE kilfilUiN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH .81M]lNWIT prmastram C&JIH CiIPIT&L • • Stockholders Individually Liable. MAWR UT DISCOVINT AJIDDISPeaIirr. .101111 FLUID U. 71 rnaldeas. C. 04". DIKIVTOII4I &au if. Ararat. sa. .tai Cord, lodrr.P.r.d Mt. sm• fsgif=4 s • In 4.0 s [aeon! lastlnS G-QLD, SILVER , OD COUPONS, Bought at krighest Prices. PH. II; NEIVII, 4 IBer, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue G JAI) VA BRADY 01, Up. tto•cestoto to E..102i11i A 00.. Coma Fourth Avenue and Wood St., 113A1.740T13E1R5, Thy mad yell 111 Wats of GOVERNALF2iT ORM SILVER AND cetreowa, OF INOT YAVOiLLIILt TS.Elad. ila — Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sirrotry. loaned on tionetamant Sands at LowestDM LAC, tales. • s (i Orit.n :..noted for , tbn Purchase Mud solo or litocityr. BoNDa MOLD. 441.iFti T. LARADT CO,, Cl IgittATticitti FINANCE :AND TRADE. 27• Telegraph to theYittosrett num..) NEW TOlt12; March 16, 1870. Wanstreetll4on ,- niore.Compo • sure r ind appetite to Per getting ,: into a :7,stsdedf., , .dtdllsnse owilcAjie •IP übber taints' as to the Tending; biinkhig • and currency Messureabefore Convne e. Thu . , money 'Market continues toirork easily ' * On Call, although among lenders there it s . disposition'. to advance, the: rates Oil GOverrurtekit bonds. 4 A latrl number of hum *ere Made at 6 per • sent., • and cm 'railway and • miscellaneous collateral it Commercial paper drill; prime aceep tattoos 7(4,734; good - 1139, 'and Jangle triamciti7G2 l2 ._ . It has just come JD' light that lets in February and• early in the • Present'reorith, frauds were committed • .on several prominent banks in the fortn • altered. checks. The extent of the rands as tar as known li about $25,000. • h ands at 7%38. Geld quiet without basierial change, ..rlocgrations . being slight In • tho absence eensabt*.nat telegrams from 'Washing Pricer opened at 112, touched 11214, to 111%, and closed et 111%@112. Carrying ratan 9Q6 R er cent. dines v , p. Noo,oce. Bonds walnut% qulen but comfier's ... lively steady. The Erdman' of bonds abroad is neutralised byothe low price of . gold, The market at the opening showed • • InCidarate advance on nearly every oltud - of-bonds, but oilers to the. Treasurer be- Inlarg,-,..r than eipected prices fell Mr 14@.34 „ a . ,: , :oot,r market closed Steady. Coupons . of 1143461)115;, do.! 110,3110q;Go.. , 64, iis%6:l 9 ; 5 1 9. lofesatoas; Ann 6 & , now, 108 1e9%@ .34a168 0934 1 1.,' do. 'B7, .10,306951; ; 10.41ra, /044 @led; currency Os, 113340 - _ • Trio Assistant Treonmer purchased 21,000,000 at 11:0 - 60.0)0@l07 75.106. Bids segregated State securities firm; Miseowris, 01; old erenneasees, 1.9; new do. 4934; old Virginia, 73; new do 69%; old North Car- Minas, 47.34; new do 23. Pacific Railroad seenritiee higher; 'cloning quotations follows : Union Pocono stock, - 4334 to 4334; income binds, -SS to 8514: land grans bonds, 72 to 72% en det mart gage bonus, '8534 tr. 8534, Central `Pe'ittlo bonds, 84 to 9134. • gp l nd u st abeonudt Msis ce evening us shares closing ' quotations, with the tone of the market -"berati;sind prices declined. % tr., , per ' ' cent., the lowest quotations having base • ' made on drat call, atter which there was s Steadier feeling end improvement Cl. 4 . 14,2)%0 percent. • Tim principal dealings .were in Vanderbilt mharm, Loko sibitre. North Wortorr, St. Paul, Rhode Lland ',and Mall. The market thence - confirmed firm, though without Spacial leaturettll close. • There wit n o truth in report that the Lake Shore company have increased their share capital 60,000 shares. The authorized share cap Rai is 500.080 shares of which 850,000 shires have balm brined: The latter amount cannot be increased without a Tote of two thirds of the stockholders.. Mantas, 6034; Cumberland, 2734; West. em Union Telegraph, 82% Quicksilver, 11; .11ariposa, 834; do prof'd, 11:1; Adams Expresc42l}o Wells I Fargo, 15%; Amer . loan. 1834' United States. 48%; Pacific • Mai 1.3234; N. Y. C, Mg; Erie, 261 4 ; prf'd. 44; 11AZIatil,_ 14830 Hudson Scrip, p 53 4 ; O n g. 913341 . Michigan Central; 119; Lake Snore,. 116%; Illinois Central, 1 42 34 t Pittsburgh, 9734; Northwestern, 71,54;. do preferred. 65%; Rock Inland; 115%; Bt. Paul, 69%; do. preferred, 7234; .Wabsah, 4536; Fort Wayne, 0394; • Terre ELM., 2.12 prof., 6334; Chlll/40 and Alton, 116; do preferred, 113%; 0. M., !,T4: Now Jersey Central, 18334; Dn. Duque, 108; C. C. A L C., 1834. Orman or Prrreinnacue ilarerrs, WID2IIIIDA7, March 16, 1870. quotations es reamed by Ph. It. Mertr. Gold, 112; Silver, 110; Eighty ono% 11411. rive Twontlee, 1.861 t, 11034: do 1664, 108%; IBA 119%; do 18 5 6, Console. BS% do 1867, 108%; do 1863, 109%; Ten Poitles. 105% Adams Ex. ese Company 6134 ; Me rchants Union Comr any, 8.. American Pa pua Company, 8836; Western Union T6/eilX&Vh, 3234; Now York Central Brieding, 96%; Pittsburgh, Fort • - Walne " 61 Cilimgo , 9137; Ohio et xis ' idsimPt. 2834; Michigan donthem 8634; % Cleveland a Pittsburgh. 97, Cl:leagb• Bock Island A Paninc, 1834: Chicago ..ash Western, 71; CW.cago A North Proktrod MM; Ede viyi. Irtre. szemet., A 1 . 1 . a 5,b0 16, 00 0 London. 26 'Par% per fran0.•••—••• 21 N ' - • Harlin, !haler ._.:..•......".. SON 22 - Frankton. sinins .. ... . 47 49 :LOlosing quotalloturreWred by l amas T. Brady a Co. Gold: 1123 01 "Crated States Sixes, 1861, 114%; FlvoTwerdles , 1862,11034: do. 1864, 108%; do. 1866, - 1 09 34: - IPenPointe, 186% Pive-Twonties, :Jard. in 7 (And July . , Dia z 105Xl de do. 1861, 10514; do: do. 1868000%r Tinian Preelho Railr oad ll2%; Lak e Supe rio, 8734; Cetral do, r' -- do, 9 . 0%; C. • EMI E PIiTEIBI3R 6II WARLII37I SE wirrynal •; . 1. PlTrtiatlVlXt ClAZlrrrit, wstampaT. Marab US, MM. Trade in ganczal merchandise, our. 'Urines slow, and some What sluggiah, but lopes of an early improvement are still 4titertained. Uncertainty in regard to ~values has a tendency to demoralize bushiest/. as It restricts the demand for almost everything. bilyers being timid • about taking paid .anticipatioriof a • Atilt further.deellne, and the result 1., 'there la eat much doing. If gold would settle down at some point an that oon- Mono oonld be somewhat restored, tilers is not much doubt but what buil. oat. would Improve, but it is not likely that there will be any improvement so long as armorial matters remain in the Present condition. Groceries, particu• lady Sugars, are In a panicky and die. Inched condition; prices are low, but buyers are apprehensive of a still further d r dtne, and are baying very sparingly. Provisions are alto pretty much in the same matador/. There ta so much con; fusion at present, and uncertainty to le gard to the • future, to these as well as cater articles, that the situation is by no [Twang encouraging, but as we have al• ready Intimated it is hoped that the , • ' ;worst la over, and that a reaction and hatter tunes are near at hand. PPLE EtUTTELL—gatinted at 66@1750. joillES—Quiet and unchanged. Com mon Sods Mb, 44 relined, .13,06451, pearl.. 9% 9 36 Pots, 73L. APPLE4—The market is a little slow, en d under the influence of continual Ilberat a rrivals, the market Ii dull with I indications of lower prima We con. thins to quote at 19.,50(d1.3 for falr to good and 1334(84 for choice. BUT strriTinu freely and the , market is well suppdal, though as yet \ prices are sustained. We continue to quote prime to choice roll at 61a35. and W°v rand. at 87(4)38. 151.7. of AiuNS—Very dull, and we ktear off R O OMS I prime at ;2 per bushel. -tore prices: No. ; Kn. MI I I -- 1 t 4,60; S'o. 4, 55.00; No. L, 15,50. Carpe: Broome. 118,0046.50. BUCKWHEAT FL01.133 BRoow court—nail eta Per Pound- CHEESE—,Ts ita •steady demsnd at 176) 7 1 0 0 w fo tor W y; B e llo r l 8) R io for a N l7 ow — O Y .% k Druy; and HN°o for Now Tork Cioshen. CORN hißAL—le dull and cannot be 0 uo ted above fillto 95, in store, , -wRANBERRLES—Are quoted all the f ro m g2O to 124 pbl. " CARBON OlL—Demanar b d continues light, . while prices are unchanged. Standard brands, in a jobbing way, 24. aso l • DRIED FRUIT Triers is no improve moot to note In 1 e demand. notwitn standing the se I s now et hand when there should be -Increased demand. We continuo to quote apples at 7E98 eta. Peaches at '734(48}0 for quarter and ittigllo,s4c for hakes. EGOS—Demand fair, and, notwlth -guiding OM arrivals are literal, prices are maintained; 26@21c. FEATHERS-15aies at 85(490, and the usual adYanoe for small lots, in a retail . PIP*AOO Jot etl Jo. D. Kenn vr.iwyd. , FLOUR—Market quiet and unchang ed.. We ...Ai one to quote western Hours, In store, 5i55(4,5.10 tor spring. and 5 5 5500';. 00 for winter. Eye f10ur,55,00. GROCERIES—There considerable feeling In the grocery market. Pattiza tartly In regard to augers, occsaioned mainly by a sharp competition, which Isaresnited In soma pretty keen cut ting. We understand that relined sugars are now being offered at eastern rates, leas cost of transportation, so that country dealers can do Just as well if not hotter here than they can In the east, and save themselves the annoyance and ex pense of a trip. Pittsburgh Is well atccited with' both raw and refined sugars, and IA we have already noted, prices are extreniely low. Following era the ruling quotations: SUGARS—New Orleans, fair, 1134; good, 12c prime, 1234; choice, 16; Cabs, 11®1.134; Porto 1tic0,1034®1234. Relined: A Coffee, 1334; It, 1334; Extra, C, 13; Crushed and Granulated. 14)4. Monster:lt—New Crop New Orleans Molasses, 766180 m Porto Rico, 65075. BUM PS—Perfection, 90; Silver 70; White Honey, 90; Golden, 65. Comm—Pair to Good Rio, 20(32034; Prime, 22; Choice. 2234. Pacte—Chirolins, 6c; Rangoon, 7c. Tres—Young Hyson 51,00fiel,GC, G. P.. 51,10 to 1,90. I mperial, 51,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to 51,46. Sea Chong, floe to 51,50. Sr/aim—Pearl, 7; Satin Gloss, 1134 e, and - tarn Starch, 120. OONCEPITELAT76D 1,111-45,00 per mu. Fiturre—New Layer Raisins, 35 per box. ' Prunes,. 14e; Currants 15o; Valen cia Relates, 18%0. Serints—Cassis; 65c; -Cleves, 40e; grain Popper, 33; Allspice, sOc; Nutmeige, $1,40. Ban Llui)--19%0; Shot, 52,76 per bag. • Boara.--mltabbit's," 113.tc: "Oakelfs,n 10m Rosin. 4 to 70; "Dobbizen," Ito; Wax, Sc; Chetah Olive, 60. Carmidts—Mould, LIM Star, 22e. Cane Sona—ld per 100. From—No. 1 Marekrel, $3O per bhl; No. 2 do, 519; No. 3 do, 516. lake Herring, 14,29; 'White Fish. 19,00. GRAIN-There is nothing new to be said in regard to wheat. The mills con. dune to quote at 11,1001,13 for good to choice Rod. Oati dull and unchanged; 41:®13e, buying, and 49(3470, selling. et-I.n is also dull, notwithstanding the supply la by no means • large; 705(i11e is *hoist all that car. be obtained on whirf, and dealers are buying at 65®66c, in the country. Shelled will not- oommano 'any more than Ear. - Rye—we are cogni. cant of offers to buy at 600, but tellers are holding at 85e. Barley Is dull with a eoutinwid drooping tendency; wo are re ported a sale of 6 care prime Ohio Spring HAT—Di quiet and unchanged. Sales from country wagons at 5156;020 per ton. attsKs—salas et 234®3c per pound. . HOMlNY—Salestat 36,7515,6,00 per bbl. ,'LABOOTL—Extra No. 1, City br ands, - 51,27@1.30; No. 2;85(487. . LlME—Eastera white limo, $1,75; Cleveland, 52,2 E MAPLE SYRUP—hales at $1,75 in gallon Jugs—jugs included. ' ONlONS—quiet and unchanged; 112® 2,75 Der bill, auto quality. PEA.NIITS—Prime Tennessee quoted at 9 ® loo . • • ' ' POULTRY—We"rontlnue to quote dressed chickens. at .14®15 cts , and dressed turkeys, 18023. PEAS-52a2,25 per bushel. PROVISIONS Market contlnnee I ~,,the ; and unsettled: Shoulders, 12340123.0 it.: Plato, 13%®133ie for Sugar Cured; Skis:, 1534 e for Itinbed, and 16 1 40 for Clear. Sugar Cured Hams, 1734 c; lireakfust Bacon, 1734 d. Lard, in tierces, 15c: and In kegs. ilktic. Mose Pork, M. Dried Beef, 19020 chi. POTATOES—quiet and unchange:h sales in store at 50 eta. PEARL HARLEY—No. 4, 6;.,140. 8. 634: No. 1,6 g. Oatmeal, 510,10 per bbl; 15,50 per half bbl. SEEDS—Timothy seed la scarce and firm with small Isaias, at 14,763.5.00. Clover aped el:Lehr:need at 58®8}s. Flax seed weebangeci at 112,12®2,15, and but tittle offering. • . SALT—Ia quoted at 51,76 by thecae load: _ - Oirtcrc oa Yrrrisursart Ci.s.nrrrE W ED'S KMDA.T. March. 16 1670. sliudzd the other day to the dis• mimics:ion made by the Penns Bail road against Pittsburgh in carrying ell from 011 City - and Parker's Landing to Philadelphia, via Blairsville, sixty cents per bbl len than Is charged from thii point. To show the still further incon sistency of this Company, and its bad faith towards' Pittsburgh, we will now contrast the rates on oil, mat and west, and while on different road's, all under the same administration. • The rate to Chicago, on MI, distance about one bun .tired miles greater than to Philadelphia, one dollar per bbl; from Pittsburgh to Philedelphla, 51,70; to Cincinnati, dia• Canoe some 26 or 80 miles greater, than to Philadelphia, 'Meta; to St. Louis. dis tance more than double that to Pt:Medal. phis, 51,60. It certainly. cosha no more to transport oil west than east, but, as will be seen by the. above, this same I company makes a difference, of from 75 Ito 100 per cent. The question very nat urally comes up here, why this differ ence but it is easier asked than an. sweied, though it le owing doubtless to ' the fact that in the west Boomed" in com petition with the river. Furthermore, we are informed that oil is shipped from Parkiiraburg to St. Louts, - at 51,10, by another tante, distance about double that between Pittsburgh and Philadel phia, and. It is solicited , even at this figure. a. The market . Is.dull and weak, though nominally unchanged. Seller March or April, 11% bid, and 12 at asked.' Sal. lore option until July, nominal at 11%, and boyars option all year, 14;4; ®14%... • 111.7111V.D. Also, vary dull, with a continued downward tendency. March, 263 , 26y.'; April, 23N10127: April toSeptember, 28 , 4; May to December 29( 430; May and June, 27X; buyer all year, 8014; bid ill asked. 1.1147.11 . 115 OF OSTIDA OIL BY A. V. I. a. Spray Oil Works 240, on account 1.. Rapier; Stella 011 Works 160, on account O. S. Goldrick; Maher Bro. 840, on an. ' count E. 11.• Long; Jae: Wilkiros 32A, on account Jam H. Wilkins; Penn. Oil Works 160, on account B. H. Long: Cid. Lana Oil Works 83, on account riaker Bro; A. B. ?dills 80, on account W Bartle. Ta5i„,.,..... ............... , . ............ 1,460 ht.'s. lIIPILILKIWIS or OIL VC A. V. B. B. - Citizens 011 Co. 256 bbLa refined oil to ITack Bro. Phll'a. 'Fawcett. L. dtl3. 246 bag ref. oil to. W. P. Logan et Bra, Philadelphia. J. IL Altar 156 Ws refined to W. P. I Logan ABM., PhiladelPida• • ' refined. ......« -,. ...... --i"- 658 bbis• Total re ._ _ . can; chest cull at 11611 c, gold for Rut- els. Nails ateady at 4sc for cut. h clinch, and 23629 c, horse alma. Pork doll and heavy; sales 300 bbls at $25,75 for meta: 519(520, prime; and $22, Prime meas. Beef quiet; sales 130 bbls at $ l O 015 for new plain mess $145517,50, new extra meas. Tierce Beef dull; sales 150 tierces at $23®.18 for prime mese; 127 ®3O for India muss. Beef hams quiet sales were made of 159 bbls at 524)32 for new. Cut meats heavy with sales= pkgs at 1034010M0 for shoulders, and 1401414 c for hams; middles dull: 150 boxes Cumberland cut at 12354 c. Lard heavy, with sales37o tierces at 13M ®I4Mo fer steam, 1434(20.5a for kettle rendered: also 500 tierces steam, seller April, May and June l 4 c. - Butter quiet at 140260. Ohio cheese"dull at 14 ®l6s(e. Freights I to Liverpool nominally unchanged. Latest-Flour closed dull and 5a lower on medium and common grades. Wheat' dull, heavy and lower; No. 2 spring . . at 11,1e561,15, winter red and amber west ern at $1,24561,27. Rye nominal at 93® 955 Oats dull at 5334 @kW for western in store and 605661 c for Ohlo. Corn dull and heavy at 9056950 for sound new mixed western. Pork dell for mess, I with 815,60 bid and $25,75 uked for March or April. Beef steady, moderate sales and unchanged. • Bacon quiet and steady. Lard steady at a decline; sales 250 tierces prime steam, seller April; and at 1414 c, Eggs steady at 26®27c. Cincaoo, Match 16.-Exchsnge Weak 1-10 off buying. HO premium ills& Flour Quiet. at $3,62M ®4,75 for sPr true. Wheat: No. 1 quiet at 85c: N 0.2 moderately active and yic: higher: aslea at 77 56 77 iO. closing quiet at 77®7714; this afternoon unsettled and lower 76,4441 cash and seller March, and 77340 seller April. Corn firmer and I®2o 'higher, closing at 720 ler No. 2, and 6245640 for no grade. Oats are quiet and .ix;c higher, donne at 36%®1i70 for N 0.2. Bye quiet at 678967340 for No. 1, and 65340 for N 0.2. Barley is dull at 360390 for rejected. Highwines steady at 92346930. S'rovis. lona quiet. Mess pork $484126,1234 cash, 525,50 seller April and closing at • $25,76. Lard dull and closed at 13 3 4 c. Dry salted shoulders 8,15590. • • Rough sides 12a. Short clear middles 130. Sweet pirated barns 14140. Dressed hogs quiet at $lO, and live 15(i9250 higher,with Wet at 1858,6 5 for common to hoice and $8,95 for extra fancy. Receipts during the past 24 hours: 6,789 bbls flour, 19,460 bush wheat, 15,380 bush cora, 1,850 buah oats, 400 hub barley, 1,786 hogs. Ship. minds: 3,600 bbls dour, 7, 360 bush wheat, 11,804 bush corn, 2,856 bush oats, 2,890 bush rye, 463 hogs. ST. Louts, March 16.=-Tobsooo firm at 56000 60 for loge to common leaf, $9Oll for medium dark leaf; $12®16 for good manufacturing. Cotton dull at 206210. Hemp dull and unchanged. Flour very grades dull; spring quote at VP 504 0 ; 1. 11 super $3 Wed 15: extra $4 2545 4 50; double extra $4 6005. 'Whisky dull st 920. Warmers depressed but not quota. bly changed. Louisiana sugar 934®15a. Common to choice Rio Coffee 19022 e. Rebollad molasses 4513600. Pork gull; with small tale. at $26, and a lot of heavy to arrive at 12.6 50: - Dry knit meats very doll at 030 for shoulders, 13340 forMear rib, 1414 c for clear 'Mee. Bacon dull; order lots sold at 110 for shoulders, 16340 for clear sides, 18c for choice angst cured name. Lard 'nominal at 1834013 Na Cattle quiet at s4® s 50 for fair to prime; 86®6 50 for choice. Bogs dulb $7 5D GA. Reeetpts-fliur 2600 titils; wheat .5310 bush, corn 4800 bulb, oats 1500 bosh, barley 800 bush, rye 500 bush. CINCINNATI, March 10.-Flour quiet with a, moderate local el boand;• extra $4,59564,74; family '2505,25. Whestini. changed with a limited demand: • red $1,08131,10. Corticoid to a fair extent sit 74®740 for mixed, pure white sold at 840. Oala dull at 50@645 Rye nu- Unstirred. Barley neglected with spring at 86®950. and fall g1561;05. Cotton firm at 20v;1320340 for middling. Tobacco unchanged with males 93 hhda. Whisky steady at ido in wooden bound; Iran bound 935 Provisions quiet; unchanged whilesespects, with hardly say demacd. holders demanded yesterdaV's rates. Mess pork 820,50; bulk meats: 034, IS, 133{ 13%0163.0 for shoulders, clear rib and clear aides; bacon held al 11,14?..; end 1534 for ahouldera, clear and clear rib sides; sugar cared hams 1634®016340. and dull; lard held at 13%®14, and little offering, nor is there pouch demand; but ter and cheese unehanged. .011 . dull : u r ,.. 3 ed 98c, lard $ 1 . 20 ® 1,25 . • Lomevit.tx, March 16.-Sales of 102 bhda tobacco, at '43‘.13,5340 for trub. 60 7340 for logs, 813100 for low to good leaf. Cotton irregrdar; middling 200. Flour and grain active and unchanged. Pro vision. dull and noininali jobbing rates for mass pork VI; bacon shoo:dent:Se, clear rib 15M0. clear aide. 15!4c; bulk shoulders 193 c, clear rib 1414 c, clear bra L.rd: prime dares at 15c; barna: suiar cured 18c. Whisky lower at 920. Itiurrnons, March M.-Montana and more active, low grades metres. Wheat firm and receipts small; sales ParnueYl - at 111.3561,45. - .Cern firm 'Yellow at 92093 e, white at 925,9 to. GAUL steady at 64(456e. Dye quiet at nse. quiet at $2l. Bacon quiet: rib sides at 11®15,qe, clear rib at 16.416!40, shoul ders at 12012 me, hams st 19®aki. Lard quiet at 1634 ®160. Whisky firm at 97c. PiIILADELPIITA, Match 16-Flour is firmer and more Inqulry, superfine at 54 3764,10. Wheat has imnroved in de mand, but unchanged. Rye declined to 90(6910 in store, 91( 5 020 on boat. Oats steady at 54®555 Petroleum dull; crude 164, refined 260. Provisions unchanged. Whisiry at 51®1,02. Manenas, March 16.-Cotton is active and firm at 21c; receipts 469, exports 1,906 bales. Flour $64®6,50. Corn 95c® gl. Oaui 560580. Hay $25®27. Bran 8526. Lard 1461'15c. P 027. acon-shoulders 120, and rk sides $26 160 so. Bulk shoulders 10340, and sides 14015 c. CLEVELAND. March 16.-Corn firmer; new held at 775579 c. Oats firm at 47c for No. 1 State. Rye quiet at 80®850. Bar• ley quiet. Petroleum dull and heavy; refined in large lets held at 2410525 c; standard 'white in small lots 27(428c: crude dull at $5 60. • Mitwatrazz march 16.-Flour doll and hollallULL ' Wheat dull and weak at 76340 for No 1 and 80340 for No 2. Oats firmer at 39340 for No 2. Corn advanced to 520 for new. Rye and barley nominaL TOLEDO, March le.-Wheat* amber Michigan $1 05; No. 1 red held at 5l 13. and N 0.2 do held at 51 0534. Corn le better; now 75340, no grade 715 Oats quiet; No 1 48c. Clover seed $8 10. ennitoo, March 16.-Cattle active and firm at $5(65,75 for fair to good cows, 56® 6,8734 for fair to medium and $7(47,50 for good shipping steers. PSTULEUBI LJAUI LT MARKETS BY TELECUIAPIL NNW Yong, Match 16.:—Cotton firmer but very quiet. with sales of 3,000, bales at 22W223i,c Tor middling uplands. Flour—receipts 8,433 bids—flour dull and 15%10c lower, with sales of 5,100 bble at 14. 50 Q 4 . 05 for superilne State and weit am', 34,700;5,50 for extra' State, s4,6s€)'' 5,60 for extra western, $5,2550 for white wheat extra, $4,11144,01 for -round hoop Ohlo, 115,50%6,15 for extra St. Lou% 36,2008,50 for pod to choice do. Rye . flour quiet and heavy, with sake of 250 buts at 114,40%5,30. Corn meal quiet. Whisky dull; western 915(498qc; °blade 930, Reeelpta of wheat, 6,195 bush—dull, heavy and one cent lowan - sales 35,000 bush at 11,06 for No S spring. 51,14501,15 for Itio 2 spring delivered, 51,25@1,27 for winter red and amber western, 81,400 1.45 for white Michigan, 61,50@1,55 lor . white State. Rye quiet. Barley dull; antra 8,000 bush Canada West at 51,05. .g e oley malt quiet. Corn: receipts. of 5.400 bush, dull and drooping:l4les 230,- 000 bush western at Vic for white western, 990 for New Jersey. Oats: receipts of 2425 bosh and unchanged; sales 22,000 bush at 6334(P)540 for western In store. 55tio for do afloat; 605441 c for Onlo, and 69(0620 for State: Rice- dull. Coirea quiet. Sugar dull and easier; sales goo Wads Cuba at 9„4o;g9Nc. Mehemet drill. Petroleum quiet at 14W315c, for crude; 26%60270 for reflood. Hope quiet. Wool moody; sales 360,000 pounds at . 47(5455c fa dozne,lo fleece; 424494 a for pulled. Leather—hemlock sole drooping " 29° 1 ' 30}ic for Buenos Ayres and Rio Orande. Coat--doluestlc drooping at SUM per ton. Linseed oil quiet. Sheathing Copper steady and quiet at 30c; ingot dull at 19019340 for Lake Superior. Pig L i ,. quiet and steady at i 333,57 for Scotch. and M 201635 for American; Dar vary - qtdet , at $62,60 for refined English and Amid. PlTTftht tymi iiMLY GMTUiI i TITURSD.A IifORNT Volet. Mahood & Co; 60 41.0 do, W H taro ,t Co; 20 Ins cheese, W Miller & Co; 269 oire wheat, Volat, Ortman & 8; 20 bbts wnlsky, A Olookner; 60 do cement, Relsiet & (13; 2 ears hickory poles, Penn & Salt Co; 60 bbl, ell, F &Wm.& Co: 7 bbls dry apples, 8 Devol; 1 bx, 1 keg nuts, 2 kgs lard, P Duff & Son; 8S aka 'middlings, Campbell & Coulson; 6 cases lead, Baymer, Bauman & Co. I =2 New Tons, March 16.—The sayers rain storm injured the market; today • there were 1300 fresh and 200 State net tle, and all were sold. Prices are tm. charmed; best of 1114' cwt. Ohio grades are selling at 103ic, and poorest Caned's at 9Xc, with only slicers of sheep; buy ers barely clear the peas at former rates of 514 c for poorest up to 83 o for prime 120 lb Canada stock. Seven cars of hogs arrived for staughtersre; dressed aelllug at 12@12y:e. Dry Goods Market. Nam Yomr, March le.—There is an improved Inquiry at the reduced prices of yesterday for Brown ritutetings and Shirttro, hut Prints Show more stead iness, and• popular midair maintain au advance of 3c from the lowest rates. Simpson's Cambric.; are in request at 14c. All other styles are reduced to 10,4 e, and Lowell Detainee to 16c. Hampden Earlatcon Glnghams in rood demand, while Real Earlston sell at 1830. IDIPORTII BY . RAILROAD PITTELNDBOII FOOT WATNN AND Cal. CIAOO ItAILDOAD. March 16,-1. car wheat, I S Liggett & Co; 100 - bids Hour, Dan Wallace; 87 pkga butter, 12 bbls onions, Rea Jr; B okafiour, Carter, DI &CO; 22 ;Aga lord, 8 Mervin; half bbls but ter, Bruggerman G;'6 do do, J A Graff; 6do do, Vangorder &8; dodo, Voigt, & Co; 400 sks pour. Seghtuyer &V; 85 has cheese, Watt, L & Co; 200 bueleots tar, F. Shriver & Co; 16 bbls 'Anil: 100 bone' coal, Seward & hi; 11 pkga produce, Blanchard; 3 bgs coffee, Rinehsrt 13; 4 bales twine, 11 Oorwig & Co; 10 bgs rye, 27 do barley, W J Meek; 82 pkga brooms, rpttlt; rks rspr lough, & Co; 1 car calve, obis flour. Scbornaker & 14 200 do do, owner; 5 do liquor, Schmidt & F; 15 bas crackers. Kramer, B & Co; 2 do do, John Porterfield; 10 bbls whisky, It Woods & Co: odo do, Dlidnger & El; 25 do m pork, F Sellers & Co; 10u do flour, owner. FITTSOOOIIII, eiNoiNNATI AND ET. ltsrucoaP. March 10.-1 car staves. Hastings & D; 5 kgs lard, 3 bids onions, 3 do baton . 1 do eggs, 2 tuba butter, 11. bgs rags 4 his eggs, 1. U Craighead; 7 bile apples, ontons, 20 do cranberries, Volgt. M Co, 1 do chestnuts, M W Rankin. 2 cases tobacco, B.& W Jankinson; 7 Wig harries. J Barattrield; 65 Nils brooms, McElroy u 4, Co; 1 d table, Myer & Sonf2 bp, Kremplo, T & CO; 1 hbl eggs. liequrea A A,; 10 d 0 cl apples. blesnor & 13; 10 Dts bar, J M Miller; 1, kgs butter. J A Grad; 1 aim and board, Lippincott & Co; 22 ods C Acruithal; 2 bbla old bolts, Woods a co; 1 box fah. J Ellis; bod. diem, 2 belle wheel!, 6 1,0 &hafts, M Mo. Whit:may & Co: 30 doe Wyss, 3 do rid dles, J Woodwell & Co; 1 box butte, Login. Oa Co; 1 ear tu reed, Robb &B. CLXVZIAND AND PITTSIIOII OO HAIL. 110 An, March 10.-BcaraOre. Stmenberger Blair &Co; 2 do lake sup ore, Jones & Laughlin; 1 car lumber. bdcQuowan & D; 60 bola master. Chas B Leech; 00 do do, W W Wallace; 100 bbls Isms, Bryce, Walker & bdim a palts, 3 Gallery; 114 its Oata, 62 do rye, WAnain Li Mai rye, Bricker & Co; 50 bile Uranus, ALLeatonwr VALI.= RArratoAD, March 18.-61 cars coal, Kelr, Foster & Heir; 35 do do, Armstrong, Dickson & Co; 18 do do; Coleman, Reim & Co; 12 eke oats, J Boyd; 1 ear metal, Brown & Co; 5 do limes:De, Shoenborger, Blair & Co; 8 bbla wh s ky; John Roth 8 Bon; 1 bx butter, 1. 1 eggs, Jl3 Patterson & Bon; 12 eke eloverseed, 4 pkgs butter, E Heazleton; 1 bbl butter, W 11 Kirkpat rick & Co; 1 car bay, Thos Dun an; 1 bag seed, B Hare & Bon; 1 car hay, Moreland .kMitchell; 55 tibia benzine, Leo Oppen heimer. ALLSOITINIT STATION March 16.—8 cars metal, Graff, Bennett & Co; 7 do do, Pgh Iron & Forgo tao; 1 do do,Lindsay & McCuettoon; 12 hides, 8 Mls tallow, Lappe A Weise; 1 car lumber, J C Patter son; 1 do wheat. 60 aka corn, Kennedy Bro; Ido oats, J B Mcßae dt Co; 40 bales cotton,Kennedy, Childs & Co; 15 bbla baryts, Beymer, Banmen .;IL CO; 100 bbla w lime, Geo Stewart; 1 bbl eggs, W B Moore: lot cabbage, 11 Davis. Prrrantrnan & CoratnLtseiLL3 RAIL ROAD, March 16.-2 cars metal, Dadabar Iron Co; 1 do do, J Moorhead; 1 do grain, Bchnelbaok & Co; 169 bells sheet Iron, W F Armstrong; 5 bble onions, 1 box but: ter, 1 ken lard, Bigger & /A 36 Ws paper, Markle & Ca. IMPORTS AT RIVER PITTSIDIGII, BROWNSVILLE AND GE. NEVA PACEAT CO., March 16.-250 ban w glen, F.O Schmertz; 21 bbls apples, B Allen, 9 do do, 13 sheep, Forsyth; 46 bbla apples, W Patton; 62 do do„ Randolph & S; 12 do do,^l' Martindale; 74 eke corn; J C Bahauff & Co; 1 bbl whisky. A J Ran kin; 03 ais wool, Clark & .Co; 2 bble eggs, W W Woods,-21 do apples, Jacob blinehart; Ido whisky, R Stovel; 7 ski rage. Means & C; 6 bbls apples. Vole, M .2 Co, 369 galls stonewere, W 1) Cooper; 3 bbls apples, 1 do eggs, P Duff &Son; 25 balm buy. 27 bbla whisky, A S Carlisle; 8 horses, 8 Elartlson; 5 bbla apples, 9 ekca produce, W N Ogden; 12 do do, M W Rankin. CINCINNATI I.Y.RJDNIATA,Marab 16.- 15 bales hemp, H Gerwig & Co; 6 do do, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 8 pkgs ages; S Do wd; S do do, s.bble apples, P Duff & Son; 5 pkgs produce, Means h C 011111; 6.000 ft lumber, John Nene; 45 aka potatoes, olgt, Mahood I Co; 50 sits potatoes, J* W Falrley: 20 bgs reed, S do meal, .7 Al len; 120 chairs, .1 Meyer & Son; 072 do do, Facklner & Irivrtn: 42 do do, Lemon & Wise; 24 do do, Woodwell I Son; 01 do do, battler & Bon; 29 eke potatom, Day & Co. Waiskrano emu BELLE, March 16.-19 bbls wine, F Evert & CO; 6 Vklre_pr& duce, Head & Merger; 88 babe hay, Hen derson Bro; 33 aka potatoes, 24 ski meal, John Herbert; 13 sks corn, A S Jones & Son; 10 pkgs cigars, B & W Jenktnson; p 9B bdls pape J , P e r t tts it; BO bales Paper Co;hay 22 pkgs otatoes, J , Wl n eo r ; 41 eke corn, Rom & Ewing; 19 bales hay, Wm McDonald; 62 eke pota toes, Geo Wells; 99 aka corn, W Welsh Co. SPECIAL NOTICES ar-CONISTIPIIMION. DR. ISCMENDE'S PULMODDI SEW? for Die "yerAreaVgrammiild for the core of Dympepsia and ail the Debibtated Condi "trlt."PiChigkVitll.lr ANDRAFE PILLS, for Dime./ of the Liver or to act un Gentle Pat. dative. .• All of these three Medici.. are often required in caring Cougumptlon, though the Pah:nook i< top tVret e d Truft ' rl regulating the Stomach and Liver, through the leutmoule Syrup to digest and march the Mom , thaml, by which lawns • cam Ls soon ef fected. Tire Medicines arm cOnscientiothly offered Id the Public as the only safe, cute. and reltabls remedy for Pulmoaary Comum pile. and for all those morbid conditions of thebody which lead to that fatal disease. Liver Complaint and Dys pepsla are often forerunners of Committal:dice, mid, wawa they manifbat themselves they require the lea too nompt intention. no Pnlmonlc array le n medicine whirl has had a long probation before the smell. Devalue hap been proved by the then.ed cures it has ails through a period of merle th an thirty-five years. In all of which time its reputation has In creased. and at Math Oink nate skeptleism Can nealaithey doubt that It Is rentedy which may be used with confidence In alitates winch admit off cure. • If the patient will perseveringly the di rections which accomPanl ea.. bottle, be will certainly he cured. If his lanes the not boo Mick wasted to Make a Cure papal Even Inc riTrvave°,ll.;:ifertit:%: irdFcbge has saved the ufe of the patient and restored mm to perfect h,alth. dektenek tie. not thy that all momof Pub. mynary cobut to e nsumption sre within the math -of rdlthi,n p mp hatically al miertc that w often Len have them.' arming symptoms. mite as a dulcet cough, creeping chills. eight weats. general debility. evi n to such a deg ree that they *re obithe4 to lie in bed, and whey they the given op by their physician they may still be cured. Ito medwal treatment can create new langs. but when the lot...rover/ thd.ydisethed • find loser. extent sleStroycl. a sure may be cf . retied by Dr. Sibenit • • Medicines. Alto, in Scrofulous Dlsethbs. these medicine* are ronaily epie cut. Dir. , ttibek . has ith,triait i tre7rll r.l:.,ra9.llb ° 2Utt ' 4. l :rrL and D. . Tlat rolowe wien7l7, pl . :diem Ms, which mast be stilt to heat ea .4.; In tee treatment of Consumption mes the almost impolite= to glYe vigor end oemth7 tone to the WWl°, 'Deth it Is necessary to sue:mince tire app tin. etit f e of the p t wient and lut q p at ' re " iht buret gait% the i d omi eaml c y digestible. Tee articles mewl suitable for the diet of. C 0... Ova paucuts are tiesignattd la Dr. Scheock • s AWlllll.t. Which see tiLtudenicd gratuttothly. In general. Ut most highly nutritiuth articles arc to be pre. [erred, Out the digeattee Organs Must be st , ength toed in order to make either food or medicine eerviemble. Thai rument Is met by the Seaweed Tonle, fo r thi t purpose It was der WGWhen d the digestive nrveers arc pot in rood order, the food has Its proper effect; the oysters of the patient to invigorated end tr • lungs be gin to exercise their beak , . In a normal end healthy meaner—Then the healing bowers of Polmorlic Syrup will effect the ear, Ellialeel•ry Consumption le gaunt Ovayx gam. plfreted with lylepepala and Liver Complaint. nabenclOe Mandrake PIUS th end tMr Molre Oheth.l.lolllTlbltng: Lava Resto ne emrx7 aig tIrttWOC. e4omel or tins ..d are warranted not to cont.tu a particle of any tole . mall 001000. The. Plus cure the most obligate costiveness, sick headache. piles. hilcus areg tions, and ell other diseases which 'rise from torpid or otetmoted couditiou of the LIM. O. box of these pills will prora the eineaty of the medicine. Coneumpron the Sr. WecElTonieand Man. drsk• Pills an harainable auxiliary medicines They relieve toe suffering. of thegaticot .d Lt the Pullaoalt 157 rep erecting • thee. They bye been bond begal edv.eed bases of Consumption. where the longs ere almost en tirely destroyed end all symptoms aecorditig the Judgment of the physic:. icated weedy death. The lives of patlente wit. were notably Iflo:tkdaY4Wo'dVfmtlelliTnecitt,lll,/erler .7.ldret! bles. Lir. &hawk , . Almanac contains a MI treatise on the cartons forms of dlseve. his mode of treatineut, and genera: direction. how to usable medicine, can be had emits. or VIA by hall try eddresdng his Principel °film No. IS. Borth Sixth breet. Philisdelphie, Pa. Price o. she Pula.. !Syrup and Seaweed Too. I 4::: b rallsalireor , !l - .... r t. -2 R ,b a fg r zi tr. 5.,.. deindar Ia'DOCTOR WHITTIER CON. TIRIlld TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DP:MASKS. That numerous elms of eases result ing from self.alinse, producins eninanlintsa nerrons debility. Irritability eruptions, mended emission. and Really impotency PeremineetlY cured. Persons afflicted with delicate,_ intricate and long standing conatitntlouni complaLts are politely Incited to call for consultation. which coma toible r. lisperieece. the ben of teachers, has enabled him to Reagent remedies at ones ele. cleat, safe, permanent. and which to moot cases Can he used without lilndrsues to Modems: Med icines prepared in the estaellsbment, which ma mmas aim, reception and welting rooms; also boarding and sleeping apartwente for patient. riTd=dcti " lTatrs l. T.hticot:flgti . eg " elfe= mineral springs. 'cf matter who have railed, state your cue. Read what be MS ILI bis pam phlet of any pages. met to any addreas for two teemed seaPd envelope. Thousands of easel teemed annually. at olnre and all over the cone try Coemiliatfen free, Personally or ley mall. ord., No. 9 wril• street, )near Court Idotusa Pittsburgh. Pa. Hoare 91. W. to YPs days 1111 M. 6na . tO r. v. Pamoblet tent Weal no' dress 11 Iwo 1141•40. IigrBATCHELOIVA —This spiendld Hair Die it the best In the world.- Barn/lea., reliable. Instal:m..smm does not contain :end, nor anYci:olioll 01101 to preouceplrslysis or death. Avoid the vaunted dad dest.lie preparations het. this virtues they not 'assess. The genuine W. A. ostilhelor • fi Rey Dye has had 30 years untarnished feisin• 1101 to uphold its Intensity' ns toe snip ?Woo' Flair Dye—Black o• Brown. told by all Dlnn -1 EWA. AIOIIOI at 10 Bond Stmt. N. Y. fit tarTIUST OUT. .CH 611aY PICTORAL TEOCUZIL” TOII COLDS, coßaßs. BCE! TELBOA.T AND al!2!=1 Roue so .00d. Hone so restont. Nose Cu., uQukt. 01.,BITTON CO • 10 Jul)? Home. Seir York. Ole to loon o mate aarriblo Mama souses; ••Brow Club .11101 o." de.74 CHOICE AND RARE CONFECTIONS, FOR PRESENTS, AT GEO. BE &YEN'S, 02 Federal Sired, 411eghtity t=:l TRADE MARK. ii .• DITIMIDGES k .. 4 inssar.. vniacts• ti Lamp . ii , . ` l l CHIMNEYS. if KEYSTONE POTTERY. S. M. KIER & 00., Manufuturers:of • Chleetunvare, Bristol Ware, JA ilsie and Wanbosse.363LIBISIUMBI ZIS tirkil gram wanton, CHEESE. SO hoses Oembas Cbene; 60 boson Ysetoez cheetat rhSt ""n. AR airrISLEL, 111 SUSS ATOM. .. -.. _~~ i i-~. 1. i t~N..ztiY;;Y i ".. 4 ~,: as ~. rv'ii~ RIV.T.;R h kAS, ` The river continues to recede steadily at thin point with 7 feet 8 inches in the channel' by the Monongahela marks hut evening: Weather cold; mercury did not rise above 28 during the day. The Juniata and St. Charles arrived from Cincinnati and the Belle from Wheeling. The Jtmlata arrived about SO admitsa ahead of the 81. Charles. not withstanding the latter boat left Cincin nati about an hour and a half ahead. The Nellie Rogers and Wild Duuk, from St. Louis, are among the drat boats due. _ - We learn that the St. Louis parties who were swindled by Wilburn, the New Orleans broker, have offered to compromise with the Mollie Ebert, but Capt. Ebert refused - to entertain any thing of the kind. The Sallie was at Cairo on Monday evening and would probably arrive at Lonlertile last night. The Argosy was advertised to 1 vs 0111011113111.1 for Pittabu r igh yesterday The new And elegan Juniata, Cap .C. L. Brennan, le the 'Mar packet for Cincinnati today leafkg promptly 112 o'clock. She has superior accom oda- Moms for mustengers, end peaty of corn for freight. Shippera have heir bills of lading down before 12 Wel , as ()apt, Brennan la determined to lea e as advertised, so as to make close connec tions below. Ponder dc Evans, corner Wood and Water etreetaiere her pitmen ger agents. The Messenger arrived at New - Orleans on Monday, and the Glendale reached St. Louis the same day. The Camelia and Bellevernon ware at Louisville on Monday, —The Galveston Bulletin, of. the 9th, says: The Ida Beene, commanded by Captain Stubblefield, wan, and is lying at Beavers' Banding, near Hall's Bluff. Last Wednesday some parties went on board of the steamer, and an altercation took.plam between them and Captain 8., which ended in the killing of the Captain. We are not in possession of facts enough to warrant us in being more explicit at thin time. --Capt..7. -P. &Warn, of St. Lamle, has contracted with 71ambleton for. the hull of a large sternwheel Steamer, 200 feet long and 45 foot beam, and With Dumont . for the machinery, consisting of two 20 Inch orlindersvrith 7 feet stroke, and five double duo. boilers, 123 inches In Man:toter and 26 feet long. Other par- ties are also consulting ball. to contract. for new boats. —At a meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Little .Kanawha Navigation Company, held on Monday, the 7th inst., Messrs. Myers tr. Kerr, of Steubenville, Ohio, were awarded the contract for the building of locks and darns Nos. 3 and 4 In that county. These gentlemen will Imminence work as soon as the weather will permit. - —We hope the committee having in charge the proposed enlargement of the Louisville Canal will move speedily, as all that can be done for the owning season must, be effected within sixty days. A number of parties are holding back their contracts for Raw steamers, awaiting final action relative to the en largement. —At down river exchange is responsi ble for the following ; • The new steamer Evanavillo la not so feat as anticipated. A few days ago she started out from Evansville, closely followed by the little stern-wheel Hodge, and to prevent the Hodge passing her she bad to tare the bank near Pigeon Creek. —Capt. Henry H. Byrn*, of St. Louis, who purchased the Charleston, has made a thorough examination of the boat, taut may possibly have her thoroughly re paired and put in running order, In stead of wrecking her as Ans intended when he made the-purchase. —The Falls Pilot in ascending the Mlle, early Tuesday morning, in chime of Billy Varble, suddenly sheered on her pilot, and getting out of the channel, lodged on the roof Just above the Big Eddy, where she Is likely to remain natal a rise. —The tug boat Little Giant was sold at lit Louis on Monday to Brown A Jones, to take the place of the Ned cently sunk. Price *7,000. —Capt. Isaac H. Jones. it le said, is .t 0 have charge of the Deztar e tmioently per chteed by {mutemen.. • —The tow boat Mary Alice was bought by a barge company at St. Louis onl!don. day—price, #42,1500. —Tee Government made 5100 by the sale of the Richmond, In stampe placed on the bill of sale. —The Mary Data; e was to have left. Alton yesterday for cargo of Iron on. Upper RiTerl, (By Facade and AtWale Teleataph.) Oxr. CITY, March 16—Ricer .falliun" slowly, with 25 Inches water in the than nd. Weather clear. Thermometer 29 degree!, at 6 F. M. p. BiIOWIaBIiTME. Match le.—River sta tionary with 7 feet water in the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 42 de. grecs at 6 r. o. MOILOANTONVIC W. VA., March 16. River failing, iT t h 4 feet of water In the channel. Weather clear. Thor. mometer 35 at 5 r. x. • w. GII.P.P.PIEBORO. March 18—River falling slowly with anent 6 feet water In the channeL Weather clear. 'Thermometer as degrees at 5 P. x. -** LOMEMLLE, ICY.. March 18.—River 8 feet 8 inches on falls, 8 feet 8 Inches In the channel. Snowing. RIVER PACKETS. IttE2Sl=l PITTSMAIGII AND CINCINNATI PACKET LEG. The new and splendid alle-wheel a dr i a JUNIATA, ceps. 0. L. Bum NAN. will leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati EVERT THURtID►Y at II O'clock nrompUy. log, willleave Cincinnati EV/Lifir BOND► 7 at M. for !WILL of Puff go. , PPS on board or to FLACK t COLLIN*? A WO so la JAMES COLLINS, Agents. PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The new and splendid sidesrheel a gr i g Steamer. 'ARLINGTON. DANIEL moult& Master, A. D. SnarAsri, CUM leases Pittsburgh for Cincinnati every TIISSDAY et IR M. progmtig. Returning, leaves Cluelobed fbr Pittsburgh, at IA M. every FRIDAY. For frolrbt. has,age, or other Information; ay ply on bo.rd or to - JAMES OOLLIND. (et FLAME • OOLLINOWOOD. •pnts. MISSOURI RIVER jrU FORT HE€TON NOTHL 911240011111199 R. • walla Atli 1001311401 ate amen rig Virlfir Cant 8 B. COnLiOn. . w , u. „, l ot Ina above and torrnardista ports ca isA.SUaDAT. Man% 910 h Nor freirie4.7 s p c atra re . Pr on board. ar to . ratiittaPT a roßrio. rahlo 911.ACS. a COLLINUWOOD. Amin. OILS TA - C - li 111110THIE113, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DICALICEB Dff Petroleum and its Products. rlitabirsh OInee—DALZILWIS BivILDINO, rammer Mgr's" Wfwd Ina" Street. IVA&IA% 0010-LIT WALNUT IT snlinrifi • •• WAXING & KING, Candannion llsrananta and Brokaal la Petroleum . and Its Products, DALZELLS BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY rusLADDIXDS- 1 AZlnDisik WABINO, KING & CO., 109 WALNUT STREET, arta • ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. G TWEDDLE, .X•2711 7 / 1 4711711KR or Liihrtutlng &High Test Burning Otis. tomp., 'La Ilmol ird Azle Oil. , Bt-d d. ..r" ta.V.=2.°73l4l''..l'.lfiltl c,, bet Weather. os Lapse, liochloo Skop, r. • _ Witlcut.envr.• Winswel Floating ELUI OM, .trag i gitAllrrol d. .lieedl.l.lghtn. Wll.TeawwWatuliFtltensole, • lag sad WislabtsraiGneellue, OM Harness OIL. PiarsMase ARMOR VARNISH. to preserve Brigid Siva Work and lescalarn from lan. Three product. are loaavasetwed ends. 31.. Toredase , . pa t t=prorbuted Kam Is TeeLu OM are aka *Ter ArrtlatrUlTrrinle ' Pliel tamale limpid ode estrum. cold. • - d=arfealeXeva aad are in eau te. . ad: oreate. NA: st i g i t Maw. ruts saupea4 M TIE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Obits, 76 Federal St., Allegheny City 111BICOBB i Boa. JAY= L. kilinfir. 1 4 11:;L j leill ° )I 4 ft I D . • " rßev. A. K. BE 1..._D.D., ev. B. H. li IT, D.D.. W. A. RIVED, ashler Allegliery 'Trait Co. JACOB MUSH,' Beal Estate Anent, ' BIMON DIIIISH Mayor of AlleitheATe - C. t W. MEN) , Y Hatter, A. 'L . .11.41 91:71=a,,,a.t. D. SWOOBB. nears/tee AA., Cap.. Autry. unison, President. ILev. J. 8.0 .0.13..Viee President. JACOB 31.000 Inseretary. C. 9. BIT.IINT. TVlMSlaxer. K. W. 111.DIC.LL *071200. DANIEL WOOKR , Grail Agent. 00113ITSPIONZ AO! NTS FOR TUB CO,: John 11. Donal svn, Allegio sty, 0.. • W. W. Hai r,K seer, ra. Bev: James Hol Ingsbeid, Better, Ps. F. H. Connie, eieen.rt. r.. Henry, H. Jonnson. Blairsville, r.. J. B. dtrayer. Johnstown. On. Cp.pim .triotly Mutual. All prodta acent.r to roncy holders by dividend returned anint•lll from-the end of uo Ant pur. All pollelea nen forfeiting. DU C alla INSURANCE COMPANY. PESIBLAWS InninDlG, 10. an MIMI aILVWXIII. Heaomd noes. prrresunon. PA. Capital All X" aldlJo. DISPOTOBS. i I T N. J. 11Mley, Jolos Ployd , IClPLY.Estier r . Dr' 'Wallace, IL II Hartrona. A. Onensbert, - " i rsrines th istlt. tnr.L .C . AT= j". IL "141. ZONE M. NINO, Pieaddent. 400. P. JENNIN4S, Tine President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, INsireserT. Cart. N. J, ONACIL Shag Airent. lamas on Liberal Tonna on an Mrs and Mann. Blau. WrICIEWILLNCIE CON. itinfOnFaldeat , r m ittE r igHter.LD, tigers). Agent. .oteee, ater Meet, Beau & Wen,. Wrif Itnre wait n ' tts " ,uant rir• and lita, rine EMU. A. home Inititutlen, managed by DI. rectum .the are well Miaow to the eammunity, mad who am determined try promptness and 111,er- Mity to =Main the character wallah they hats semmea, as Mitring the beat mateetion to thew vie desire tow innwid. nulacrrOnas li i = m r d". ., • " S. J. 91.111 IL am. Alemafer, I • Andrew_ mt nFt.L.Heer, 1 ' David X. , P. D. Lawn. nage • NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Car. Federal IL and Maraud, Wegitay, B radr e. th. izooND NA:maim. Nl3 W. W. 'WAR, Prestdca t. P aN INlAN.lsaerelary. John le.iiimtw.l; • pia prnmeeprr AGULEFIST LOIN .117 71112. PUNALIII INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA. untiol,lga a atirmaarravr Muter W. Hanka. Mordecai E. LW* lobizs war:=. , ' ird rad Bram • Ac tt a I . • r ingt. IMMI, and. rase. C U. ISA B. oat. W. 0 ALE. dun. . U. J. ,I4 Mffler, Lam% • Earth Weft Cr TAM awl Wood Maeda. pE i pPLOY OffiIIMILICCE COM omcz. N. L coma WOOD 171P18 RD. 18=t• MaDany,takiagitro madliAatulthka, AUDICM0111: C" t . ,. m all% 6 - 171 ro j tm U p . E. Lois Jared INE.=. 4. Wm. yaa.ert.. Wm 7.1.au, assn. D. Fr.! .. . 11.umml rf tli P VS, md.c. . ..4.afirclfir=imt: =3 U 0 PikElf 1f INSONUINCE comta_oz.Tatyr i a . . . nom , 4) OX,Na. NT natant an Mali at lin an 4 atarlae alip iONN liarlN. an.. Prealdeat. N Vlatt rnatdeat. .13. t. U rM. 9 :l_,§e,etary. CWT. WM. Dwasi. ealaCtSl Atilt, DIaIIoLTOS.6: oIIn Irwin r a n 5 4. 4 2., 31 # L. tratkneatna . ZTaracat ° lttarv " % y CII "' 11%. Rs' av b"tH ' Eta" 4. Cant. Marla. ifin H. t - :4. 3 413ta It'a • T. Nevin. LEGAJU TA THE MATTER- OF -TOLE application of tie 6IREAT VftSTIAN MUTUAL DIIIV , ING AND LOAN' ASSOCIA TION, of Plttibargi. fora Chastei of looorpC. • r And A Row, to.ol:t thl. SIMI day of 'February. A. IA 1110. Al within yetlllon and lastrunent of loitlng baying bean presented to. permed bud esatolead by the Mars. and the ..I.)ecU, ttele• and coactlons therela let fl.rth tabud appeartniy be lalant sad not InJi It ordered and directed that said 'sutra ritiag be Mel la the caeca of the Pra tte tart of the Court of Common nese, and toot notice of said ap . plinattoa be Inserted in the ?We ber& Daily Morning OVITTS, for et least tine week.. doping ford t►u kn appitualon bee been made to lee rooreof Oantmoalfleuef the County Alleilstay, to great the sald •"Phe Great Wes era Kotula Rale:Una and Loan ♦noetatten pt rlttstarett" a charter of lasorporattes, and that sald charter will be granted It the eau tern of said Conn, preen exceptleas be Lied In proper Was. HY TOR COURT S. A. BARR, Solicitor, 1=1:3=1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that impllcattoa 11. ma boos limit to the Court of CcoaratotTlaaa of Alleaboay minty, at No. 411. Mara Term, 11110, Ibr a Charter o 'lmmigration for tam Be stone Premium Loan Association I!)73 ♦nd that the same will. be granted at the en Inc teem of said Court, stalest exceptions • Sled time to la propel tine. • ' fele:Mica ROBERT POLLOCS, Solicitor. A6BIONEE , 2 NOTICE. to THI DISTRICT COURT 07 STATSI FOR H 6.IYI6TRRN D.OTRIOT OP PBNNtII LVANIA. la the matter of C. 0. AMMO. Rothrent. No. 1336 of Bankruptcy. At Citt.barlk , en thel6th of March. A. D. ASIR. The cadent feed her gives nettle. that snood genet at mottle. of the Creditor. of slid Hauktmo be bell at No. VS federal street. Al 14sta.yACkg: la y r c i p li /Vial. I on the 31.1 day of otilee f JOHN VIAN CV, tit . N. L ile th o e f the Registers In Bankruptcy In odd Dl.trict. for the purpose. named In the SIM 116200 of the Eaakruht•at of Wheel 9.10.67. mhi.:ll/ - BENJAMIN NeLLIN. •stiguee• X.ENTERS TESTAMENTARY.' 4—All permits latereated take hoVee th at ..sem testamentary to the estate et JOSIAH H. BINEY, deeeletat have been Stalled to the uodersigned Executors, All penmen hurled mash &West. ths estate will please ',reseal them without delay, sad parsons kaowing them- Indebted will e 1.. . -. mate -- -- t both. re. Indebted w dime cue Tate. sderslg ee nee esntors thil3lo.l ate . • .1' XIS AINT • JAMB CteVl)llN., Wneentery. at Sharpsberse4 W. A. LT.WII3. Attoreey. at No. 93 tweeteed street. Pletsbnrsty Pa. felded,rit 14ETTERS OF ADDOLNISTRA TI .3t on the estate of Stilt &ECM J.' 1.. of Botdown township. ulleahei eons. ty, Etta. hoeing Wengr“ted to the undersign • ed. all parse. Isdebted to said eatete will woks intinetiteUt Int7seent. and all persons navtag slams against the ems trill meant %heat Prov enly authenticated for Settirialfat to tn. •ngar. •I f ' tan s geld Val en MAUI & lin la. Jahn fiTO YACATION OF. A PUBLIC 'ROA u.—No , loe is hereby Elven that at 70 ID,.eesabernes.t.ma,.Qttareer Sessions Conn, Allegheny rounq, a lane ass gllllllleek CO allow emcee why a no Mien or a ;ladle toad, In the loth ward. City et P/ltebergh , comae. elng Ds High land and rnouleg along the A. T. lG should not be vacated. tek7lttgked OUN C. lie COMBS, Attorney. 11.-rrEits OF ADMINISTRA TION oa tbe estate or . 6/awl WAN . labs of Allesbeny City,. tieemaeo, naettor been vatted to th e tinaerstaneo. all persons Indebted .0 saki estate Will mote hem. Cate paTineot. and ail verso , a bastes elelme ta•in”..be IMO Will present them properly an. tbentleated for settlemenktileb thea 0 tto nder" nal. oA mL3 Tit Ho. 9A Third /taco., I:llhiprih.f (7S:ss;z:ll . .• ..... • TO LIVETIPOOL ANDAM O.UEENSTOWN. furl INDIalf SAIL STEADIIIMPS. Numbering stxteeti liret.tesa vessels, mood them the celebrated' CL TY 81 , AM EU °B=a3, Ctrl or LODON. Saltier ZVEILIi BATUNUA.T. from Tier 4* North River, New fork. For Immo or MUM laformationayprf to WILLThiII BINGHAM, Jr., via inirrrarumn wrazrr. vittowith. DREKA. imports? and retall deal.= FIFE INITALTICADIMELYG WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND 11113114E311 CARD TRAIZAVINO, MONOGRAMS,' LEX& ILLUMINATING' 411 a, • Orders by mall nscelvepronvi attention. kat' amplgi. Loss Chasing nt...Phtla. SWINT& % RNLI ,DM= TUW LID ORNAMENTAL CARVARS, Is. ludiuky It., lllegkey, Pk. 61 , 1 ;Mt IVN • • • FORT PITT BOILER. STILL AND TANK worm s. CARROLL AND SNYDER. xamtmAmositr . or zeiNVYALLIL TAWITYPNKTUAIBIIge — OIL STILLS AND OINKS, GRINNKI - 6, BRKECHING AND ASH PICKS, SETTLING PANS, SALT SANS AND CON- D efinT 4 Clrl. l l, HASONNTENS AND H UM B FB I LTOVI'Doons AND COAL aatrim. • Ogee and Warebonie s corner Second. Third, Snort mak& Liberty Street. PITTIIIitURCIII, PA. • KEPI:Wien sent to Ile above addrearollt be peacoat], attendee to. ish7oUN UGH I. BOLE & CO., Ear. Point Alley sod Dupes= Sim, carziz raw row:. ) Engine Builders, Founders and Maahinlsta. Mansfluture STEAMBOAT ENGINES sad STATIONARY ENGINES, of all stun. Ar 01L.7112 721"1111°11 . 1triaari BOILER, of 15 hone power. CASTINOS, of every Sled, made to order at out roandry, on THIRD STREET, below Ilsrtet. RIBB I'oooll Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS odd IRON TOBACCO MUMS, en butt sad made So order, at Na INDUSTRIAL WORKS, 7routtne on the Altegken7 Rho; ono the /WM, IM=II3EI I:==;MM RIESICIL & nuo 111 SI i DIIEGLAR-171001/ SAFES AND VAULTS NO DAY?, NO AEODLD. 'MOINES' - AI4ID - )11,i I .4. miswitair Wow', sZPAIBINO AND POT VINO.UP NACIILNEBY. Con 17th and Pike 13 O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN to CO., Ifonsfaaturero of ntgBOrLEBS, OrL TANKS, OTILLIN Ark rOSTIALT PAX 5, fIArium)LTICET TUFO I. INIB. MOON A... 0 OWD% flallorrAlfa. ti DIM - Col. of &toad Amu gad Liberty IL, iJos. C.r. ic"12): PITTSBURGH. PA. elroteeddrteewrUbeproto. P. REPHAN. forounk, ' mat r a ° ger at &MOLL SNYDIR , S. eatAmet //MID Y. 111117831..* ....... . 17 D. 31U1 JARED M. BRUM &SON,. - 1(11i177•021:11=11 OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. =BM IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. STOVES. OABTINGS. &o. COOK STOVES.. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIEMEPH. FOB BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bate or Boast as well as any ether Store la the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. • Moo. ott bond and On oak, PARLOR STOVES. EZATINo STOVES. OR COOKINGATE PRONTO. 7XNDEBIR. ARMIES. PR. • OBUF, EMS & CO, auro/ACTIIEW vAntny or wrco - vms, BOSTON COOKING MANGE, "Uhl FIKEVE BMW I 7= TEM NEW ANTI-DURT COORINTR eTovr., 4 •REGULATOR.•• COLUMBIA COON STOVE, VAN'S (Cicinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANCE CAST IRON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S RETLECTCR, BATES, free tram dirt snot EMU GRATE /BONES. PENDERS. to. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, P4TTSBITEGH. PA. I=TEI A. BRADLEY & CO., NO. se WOOD STEENT. Yanufootutors of tho enatert Tarfiltiol Cook, Parlor and. Heating Stoves, M=!=Ml anor=entwill be found all the LATEST PART= Nll AND IMPROVEIINNTS, and the rep 'Hatton of our Staves la sash that any one to wai t of a rood article should parahase none bat those mannlactared by ns. so they will be found the nost durable as well as erunotoleat Would tall portion= attention to our new VOLCANO MN VA. 10t ebuntleil. 1611. MM.: Over 1.) , / sca in Three toontme. totordea to with or .100000 ...slag. All 014, o,e 111e4 Meat pm nouten loom euper.or to any Omer atto tar coon. U er. Pena 50e ntalOrile tail Mee LIU. 10211 1411111NGSTON . CO.. Manafactururs of LIGHT OMIT IRON GA.EEITINGIr El. Lista wort our epettalty. Loom Joint Butte, shuttar am d Om. Hiner., gull Pulleys, ”di other articles of Malden , Ilardwuro always on hand. 011eo and works, neat Outer DepotAilesheny city. Postolltoe iuldress. Lock Box BOA S , Pitt. burgh, Ft. _ - ie, MISS 11. MIISTRONG, nt Youghiogheny and Connelladle Coal, • &ad liannikcturer of . • ' COIL, SLICK AND DESULPIDRIZID COIL 01710 E MID LARD. earner. Batter and Morton street. - Liberty and Clymer streeta. Ninth wardt aUse Second etreet, Zlghth ward. and at thot oX Boas street. P. & C. H. B. 1:41 , 04 Second ward. Md.. left at either or the alum oteces. or ad. dress to sot thronsh Pittsburgh F.'o., will n ative prompt &neaten. • Utter to em u s , w =I supplyingi ice ussey, Wells lee a 'bw - itr gnm uura, 800. a Co., Park. McCurdy & Co" noose, Brat, & W. K. Faber & Co., J. B. Lyon • Co ., James Ms:shell & Co., Marro& Ca., Union Dee pot Hotel, Connelle•Ille IL M., Pennsylvania B. 8.. alleitutny Valley B. It. 00AL1 COALIt COAL!!! _ DICKSON, STEWART & CO., NO. 667 LIBERTY STREET, • -etately CM& roue 11111) OSMOND swore. veza aragEG., tit toren minket vitae. All *rue. at Oar Mies, or add:eased to throiteil the mill, will be =elided to 1 01 a 2':17 JOHN 41. WORILYA.N...Ii• racuLaD DAM WORKRAN (t. DAVIS, Workman, Moore & Co., Manalutstrers and Dealers In CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Spring and Buck Wagons, as. 41, 44, 45 and 48 Bela! Si., ilkthen Repeht nr neatly sad promptly *aerated. Or der. for hew Work mita up it good style sad soursated to stye setts (mottos 10 ererT pantos• ffirNewest striae of work constantly oa band. Suf.6 AAIZETS for the Neer Haven •Weeel Comogny's uses of rANVIth PATENT WHEMA and Itapp`s Pasant traloklihtner lad gatl•Battler for Usto. • U. RICHARD DA1715 b loom d :bi l e leanest of Aler t and W. D. in tto bate be of WchlibinN; MOORE g. CO., the busi ness will bertauter be continued a' the old Maud. tildes the name .1 style of W11111.11.11i HATIB. Orden solicited. ' BM WOBLHAN, H. MORK= DAVIA Lase with citizens. Hanotud Neat, Pittsburgh. P=l9o I= B Ana IkNOSElit, MRS HMI A.IIIOCILTION EITILDDII Sigh 11 sad M. Mali Reset. rlltabarab. pa. &WHOM AND IWaIIIOLUa baatal skieattaa Prix so Um dericatair ato ' ' AirDiatmus Qom: litmus sa4 mad° v o nxiis marrxma . . 11:11=3“11. •, ECU DU-QUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. 1 - 1,03 M & CO.. mawascarrnot IRON. NAILS ST -I FJETAt AXLES AND SPRIPfCS. DIAKEssr. L X AND .111111LX.4 • BOILER MAE p ANDHEA I M M l FtiErL'UTliraa% Ml IRON. WIT AttTIEIETH, ILINO.PL O AND CUI.TIVATO STEEL. • STEEL. WINOS AND MuULDS oat to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL 51:11/TINti, A. B. SEEEL. COACH, BURST sad RADON SPRINGS sad AXLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIELS. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OPTIC= AND WOREs: IlLsteenth Street. end Allegeomy Diver wad 71 Water Street, Pttreterills. ralle KILLER, BRI & PARKIN. 7.111T11211: IT&Walk lIIIVANi".. _ CRESCENT- STEEL WORKS, BARB * PARKIN, OPINE. ➢o. SH Merry Street, PITTBISIIEGII. fel4:del prrnsuusam. STEEL WORKS. ERM=I 11:11T/1111.13HID IN 1141 ANDERSON & WOODS, BEST REFINED OMIT !TEEL every deseription. A 1... beet German Plow and Ipring Leal. CORNER NOW AND 111121 T Aviri - cnt. saletnli DUQUESNE FORGL. WIMAN MIA ttlaeoessor . to JOS. HAIGH it 00.4 Has 11.411%tes co-extendve vitt:kVA leading Top igliggrinz &TS •T rISTuN RODS, LIVENS. NAT,. MB. ILISTS AD Azusa, LOCO OTIVIL rIMIII ve #, B rether with every description otaaAlll 9 0 . asulaprip Corner 'of Dunedin Way and Pint street. • .pluaal • . • prrrsßoitem NOVELTY : WORKS. Wounded A. D. an. IOOOMICAD,ABABIS CO. AJLII,AIRDANT. 5 rAT PLNO &LP anD ()omit= SCALES. Zasa; 31 . 9% . 21.1. Limits sal Laapy CORM .01grrAS tirtar• _•• SHEFFIELD 'erFEL WOllllO3. SINGER, NIMICK & 001, CAST AND GEWILAN STEEL. ISAILWAT BPIetN6S, ELLIETIO &ND PLETTOLINI SPRINGS, 41LES, STEEL TULL, ike., Aka Warehonsa, Silifater and 100 Ent Ste. BIACK DIA.MOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., • SST I MFLIMMR. Office and Warehouse, TEDR.TIRI . R, THIRTY 111.5t6T sad RAILROAD STRIUFTS, TO 111. lOUTD QOAL AND COMO s.du realtrfed th.tr Meet. BIIOOCESORD TO AROHIMIOTI3 =I YANISIACTITAZIIS 07 Prrrammas, ra., =39 I= I = FOUNDERS, PdACECIN.LSTp. . RNAP FORT PFIT FOUNDRY COMPANY 0171013 AND . WORMS. TWELFTH. STREET. PrI7 . SHURGH, PhL tar Engines,'lolling Mill Ma. ehinery, Nail •Macistnes, Be torts. and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOIRIDRI AND PIPE -WORKS. awria•roarrou saw manias= str•sts. ±ffAJCD.I 1.TTX131317X101 1 , PY WILLIAM SMITH, iworrActrußso or OAST IRON BOWL PM TOR GAS AHD WALTXII Y 7 PIDm are all dust !amiably In 'rata. is 4e7 mid sa4 IA Poet lessttul- *L0.11Jt44. 2121 . 4 'at gumless& • Collage' ler 61as & Watei Works, . , I made also can ins attention of Jim tends eats of Gas Worts to m 7 make If mew • R. J. AND110011.......,11. starrreL.F., ' - RONONGAiI FOUNDRY, W. J..ANDUISON k CO, WroviTisfii.e n tlfsll22 3 .l4 ll7s. Outings el all Desertiptina. . . • Rarlioecial attrition paid a A114111111= 1 7.: It/U, CARTOON sad to Cutlass M ino&rf Ohms Holm*: • • • urines Ass, TinnrinPr-110. 250 1111722 lITUST, Plcubuib. Ps. • I ROSENEON, REALM, eneeimort to EOSILIIIIOA, Yuris a Rur+sav, • WIL-S.I3IniGTON 41011,103, FOUNDERS ARD PITTSBURGH, 111.11fictuiem of lioei sad BtstiOniXilliusi Blmt Megines. YBt Machloan, Gearhig, Intl earaLVlTL' ` d'Al,r d Tll°Mirk .. . t . °"'" uellce. no. * la r , owner Fun amts. fonelgiggl r e Dll "IMIT 151=B THOJELAS CA8L131 . 15, CO.; Fourth Wird Family and lueldne ILNDIIIICT ar., ALLEBWir Cr/71. 146 Manufacturers of Matioam and • Poranbla Means Snows, urn ?mark_ ?allays, Shaftion. Orin and naw MID Wort,Mtn mid! Mathias Gunmen. orateßan,•Wamata, end, Bona An. bidit 10 order and hays on baud Ingluso of all dam. t • usylasti prawn" ROLL fOIINDRT, Cor. LTSZETT anti SiI4,IITILSATII. BOLLMAN & 113&CALEY, liaautucturers ag Superior Chill Rolb3, Sand Itolls &Pinion& COTTOt MILLS 110LNES, WILL s CO., *NCI4OR COTTON MN. Kumbalaren .. — cizEC&VT Ilcaproxsadzaem i ~r i ati :-..t ems= II P. al.. &Imlay NOV. arrlco at anc daVArr• torn , of WaSbtost•A :couthrolF. C1:110 kactec Ex... 4:10 aim Wall , No. 6:30 aso as 11 gig:7:C - .7 AL° am Hnek.Aa 510 DEL ra1V0'.4.:.114011 pm Jocnotowm Ar.4:001.. Ac No211:40 pm Palle. in:v.3llop= Wall.. No. 1.. MOD Dm Wall , s N0...:4-0 0 6:01Ipm 'Fast Lino T 11190 • et coanaction at maim. • leaaca PlUalair at ea at •Wailn 6141104 . 66 _ . . Li' ., NIA CIL:VS:NAL h.% OAP. On sod aZier 140. IhEitt. its!' ot . room the Union Depot, sad Whom etreett, as Maill ?ran—Acct.— 1.:110 5.m Tut 1.416 W 5114 No. 1..6 BO hT ~ LSt°lCl m t c li p sm g *mfAtolTkO pm Mt;tipt. 3g Wall's No. 2...111:61)pm Wolin A A! I. ftt BctutosAc No; 1:10 Dm WAIt ratila= c ot beg o fccatalr Baccasy at 9:011 10:01. a. 16. Ite tuna 111:00 p. m. and lardy 51:10 p. M. _ 01notunot 1 /MA teases dant. ther Su - press 'ems dell, except Kandy,. *lt War Dallas daily sleeps Maar. „ rot. further Lolbrgr!l.l.umat. Aii.i. • Tee reansyloaniasloollo Cry Atli not AP Ana< any MO/ toringooglO KM Mr AOATiog MP. Dort .4 Ibatt their mmooo4 sT 10 IMO WM. Arad - Dollars to value. All Baggage e that amount Itt val o ue wi ll be at the rtsa at I stmer. eaten tal i t p az w rerotal vm ki.oor, .1 - --Aral Auporiatendent. AllO , Ml= • ST EBN-Aramgas PENNBTLVANIA 81.11201.1.1 rM = oa the a lti a ILI 7 IO/ fUruX'wlll arrtve at mid depart from tan Tedaral Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: Inrsa DeParin • a N016:4.0►t0 —.... Titng a aa Frat No.l tom • m Freeport tio. 9:1111aut press 10:44/ a m Sturid ‘ rg liol I a MT a: 41"PFreeortfil' P t:: Pro Vrit , eNo I I:teLa LSO m Treeport e No.geogo SprisittVe 140 1 01110 o earlord' a,, B . e? at* IS Ad,. Valets ran daily excepi. , l _ _ a The Clough Train leaven ,Mottio even tm%) at I t4o a. remaing ABegnany Ott) at 9110 a. m. Iletrualng, *arta neat Cl:7 at 1.110 p. ra. and arrive illagasay one. Boa at 11;40 D. in. Tbe trains leaving .11108000.7_91t1 M a lrdn a t X. make direct tOnpentoo at, ker , e line a( Maim tor _ Bpra. Though Ucketa ru‘tu purcomeo_ __at 1.131 1 e.P. No. 1 Bt-Clatr stree n ear tea 8., , .te2. 9 Pittelahrat=ta.a.D:Pot. • • Pat JA.8.88 1114IBTfl. 114,1111 ‘. /Went stree t The Weatarn Peonsileards Bantoseiaade ammo Lay TIA for Baggage. aaMP_OF apparel. and Walt tear retpanuutur to 00 Unwired Dollan Tata. 41.11 baggage Mg. seeding . MU mull= In value willlbe at the risk of the owner. unless taken liy_rpeet ZDWA.B. 11. not% thounal lionerloteadant.a. 11MQ 0.4311, /OAT Byrom sad 434.19,4 08 g atallgaiwa union bazo ot=, a • s c ragrVii:llhg 01. •WhaVl i tt: 9:5H • m cn. rialmn: pm W Tad •Yea4lo3 Jo; I.4.Lig••• 10:111••• 11: 13 'Mamie? D. £O.l " SA6 4:'16 911 I...etsdal• 11:111 pm swami, Oen p .towt•••l 9.l2i, eavit e irs , .• 1 :4;1: a • W 7. Z. JiffrlLllKle s p a. #3lll tat Ag too• • PVITWAY N SBUROII CHUMS°9. .U. %fain. will Nate tem • .1. aartlzids.2lll6. •• Caleags . L a ntilas. I.setae Ex...11114 . 1M to se Y.111M%`414 mp g ... Amman Clemalaad 71. Lieu as Inc Vii•a7M6:ll3;) Img 711:010a vs • Leetsdale Ae..etel as Beets r 111 " ettlaam 1 1 50 ..10.1111 am ••• Will ma L'eX ` 5 111: vm tA tc; rui "d7 sl; l 2lll . **Call= ge Oaks Bur dayts tMerelt. 111113 ma • 7.smetes 111 W tyttly. .lara:rat mt. OW. itagar. OAP kiE 031FEMENI alma VALLEY TIM ONLY DIRECT RODTE TO TEX OIL EILOIOIOS WITHOUT MAHON 0/P CAE& • Ola and atter 11.01.401 Y. Noe. AIL MOM TWO TELSOUGH TRAINS DAILY Mama !Wider) 9111 leave Pittabarat Derma, forum of Elev enth .9 atreets,for Treaklla.ollolW.H 9 l . talc. and alm:Ma In Oa on neatens. • • IMAM TIISERMIBII. mama 19 rinl= Day Y:115 • m Day . plant Ea.:" 6:00m Night Ex.—. T:006 XI lat Holton... a :op • m .6165 a m Ad adroni,,ll:6o a m Ad Hallon... 9:00 • m m 34 ll:00 m 34 Helton... 1:10 p 6M m Holton. all p Mat Am 91300 m *oda Worts. :96 a m arks.. 6:30 p m Freeport AC _ _ tle am Brady. BAD 11:16 p m Brady& B Ao a0:06 (march 1;00 Dm Choreb 10:10 am rapresa DMus Moo only at yrlampal A"n"'''d.r airurafb " a: l oe ' ir 1 , 1 "' "p 1. THOILAII 6.1N0. Ass . t. Mon. Exa,ll.-74.e 'Nw"iiemwz ' IWIDLE EOM. N.1.1.N01 OF ITSIEE.-01 and altar ISOWDA.Ts N ,. 140,W1611, twirls swig Irma . a4l:l3lva as the xoloa Depot, I•lnsbursAub..o .rim .., De t. italra L. Ll gl iiil': 4l.l7;;;-- 9:96 D. VS' m• tut rq„-.------ .43:::: a*:iistit: Di e rrowd , ...' ll „„„„,;;:iU I - Patt tilt:: simthea•tue Aft --T, 125.5 a D . • 3 4 3 Iftp° B „,T a ch el lr, T, ' ' n. d.a. e. . lailia it it 91.1111:. I W ' t or. sin,. ss.wress will Maw !IV", • 111:12r. 11.11.0"" il rive . .. ' • - - 0.041 Tleke.t AEU t. loissabUl. W. W. 13AJI.D, Urn. . 1 .. a. Oblo,. • &on' A..".. 1= lUTt.tiG ll&Or t iNips . CONVILLI.BYI I . I . AD. . . .. Of awn after BIINDAT, Yebrogry Seto, 1810, trains vl.ll arriv e at awl newsman • trepot. Wrier Ot gran.. enC Water streets. ii Derart. AM IS. Kanto nentionaleton , .V;tyuc.Ta%;; TIN t Sr) T: Si. x. taunt from Untto.• 11:16 v. ig. 3.011X1 Weer. Newton Aceonk , 4 4:80 r. x. ntentdock , e Ace:omen:. 6:15 r.V. 7.80 r. it. EX,ght lc. tokteN , sport.lo3o X. WAD A. M. anadav Cburch 'Min to • • • .46. am Ww.14....717 1;00 /0:00 A. x. • atexisum N. !OWEN.% Agent. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. ESTABLISHED 1831. LOGIN, GRIM & CO.. EME=I3 ffARDWARE, . • 62 Wood Street, Four doers above lib Merles Meta.) = Country Merchants are I'm Mel to rail IMO •xamlaa. oar Mee& wk.* Ink She Cl 4• -141, • •tents for Andersen & WeeWe Steel aunt Northwesters Horse Mime Mall Vow* alty„ ♦ hall .tech of Ihtetitatits. Mask. smith. sea Carpenters Toole, SNn• ear.. P 11... Leather Senna& Lase Leather, &e.. always*. haste. jam& ' BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY COMPANY, il 4 Are am offering to their Wotan DepartateM la V comedic. with dote nth menefaciares Rae et • 43 TABLE KNIVES AND FORKS, (*ryell, Butchers,' a Bread And Pocket "Knives. - A eery external,* mermaid or el RAZORS, . h Made esorrisly for their trade by tbs . /mot 3y 17 . 4 lith maextacterere. a BEAM FALLS CIITLEIRY CO, 1,1 No. 70 Wood Street. tg 0:1:tA**4611);),17t; . 11 == HENRY BIER & CO., JO= IL 000PIJII Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTING"' YADT. TEMPT= TO OZDZIL. Italeable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, MOMS, SHUT JDCIK I YURI, ALL GLOBS PATTERN. MOW CCOOTX.I4, BEISSWOIk of every aesuiptin for Steam, Water ud" lILLIIO7•CTURIIata 01 , J. IL 000P1111110011 Improved -klanteArketl It= hap. Agents Pr Dreyfol , Patent Ott ers. the beet in the/larks& entsad Wolin. corner Tittrionkil sad PM AtTWOOD & Coring Liberty saws sad . Tkud Mmaut BUSS FOUNDERS INDIUM ?IPB FITT= and Acasrs toe a. & •Ylll3Oll a ow. PICI•e• AND stellws's*. STONS. v COMMON Afar-him staiwk,Woratti sarumwormar omen , comma. Arias - WBZICFM. ATIFAMIL 01111/4.___. Hold on wad or Vre on M sant 0rre.E...... ^ " sad rasseaar.a Th.'ortlSl Oararsiod. _.~ e _~~ Pr =M:2I EZIS