littsbutit Gaitttc. ()ITT AND SUBURBAN. The 'meteors are aware that the pliant* of their rabeerlbera Ina portion otAllegheby city has twen severely tried by the brregolar delivery of the OA nen% ibr Borne time pest. The meter ha. been Oa arranod that It Is hopes, there will be no farther muse of complaint. We will thank our vat:seri bets to notify is Or Bay failure delinquency. • Rev, V. P. 'Maw bu received a call to %the Ualted.Preabyteflan_congregatlon of Otero - Gist was flood -twenty dollars and costs yesterday by Mayor Callow for disorderly conduct. i. N. alcCalleach, Esq.; Cameral Man. war of the P. Fa, go. W. &9. IL W.. left ritiodri for Chica • Tao Pleasant Valley Passenger Rill way matter is again attracting the attic lion °ribs Leesistare. • Thus for issarllp four milllous oI bush els ot out have been shipped to points below on the present rise. . Yesterday Afternoon Mayor Callow committal .to Jail John Utterly far thirty days for whir/slo g him wife. John • resident ante Booond Ward. Bev; Tbos. U. Hansa deliTered a ibel• tare hot enfesdnit In the town of Beaver. It was en able prodaction,.ead was well received bran appreciative audience. frectstalllmg.—Market Constable Wrlg• lei made tnexemstlim Wore the Mayor =aseharglog Thomas Dillon with Um market. A. warrant was 1=! Dieppelstath—At scribbler of an ob. seam utast published somewhere. circa• WAD; nowhere - to any great extent, Undo fault with our notice of the "blondes." °Shoo, fly." Groceries at law Prima—The attention of the trade Is called to J. B. Dilworth d. oo.'sannouncement on the first page of to• day'. paper. Dealers can rely on Ibis iirm'ftinic what they say, and supplying them with the best In the market. Magid lleetingi.—There will be an adjourned meeting of the Water Mtn. mitten on Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Then wilt .1* be • meeting of the Com. mitten on City Printing on Monday at 2 o'clock, at the Controller Mice. Geerge IlltUemer, was charged, on oath of Mary Spiess, before Alderman Taylor. yesterday, or assault and batter alleging thigh, struck her little &nigh. tar on the Wed with some hard substance end serereirWortuded her. A warrant leataw weals the new Million House of the P. F. W. U. Beltway at Now Brighton will be opened. for the ammo modation of travelers. The telegraph ofßee will be transferred to the new einUon, and trains will only have to make one atop In the borough. ehepleligh Anderson did without prov ocation or Just cause, most ahantefully saute Knidab Hamhey on Liberty street yeetarday, for which, and (raring the many threats' of Anderson, Haimhey mane an information before Alderman Tutor. A warrant for his arrest Was tae IPtttabergis Conference of the Evangelical laweciation will comtnenoe Its eighteenth annual Benton this morn leg at nine o'clock In the Evangelical church on High street near Webster. Bishop Esther of Cleveland. Ohio, will preside, and It is expected about fifty Ministers will be In attendantie. Se Are Worsted or a beggar who maks hie rounds over Liberty street. dally, staking for money to tale him home. He lives In Allegheny and judg• trig from the brilliancy of his nose. we should think the amount required to take him over would depend to some cx. tent on bow many bossism' he would pas Pali* disgraceful row occur red at Phtlo Mall at a dance, Monday sight, and this pollee entered the Hall arid arrested Jim Williams, who appear. ad to be .the principal actor In the row. Jamie wee conducted to the lock•up, where he was Provided,with lodgings, and yesterday morning the Mayor tined him gas and costs, which were paid. The New Code.—The Ordinance tom. ic mine. of Allegheny Connell. - -held a meeting Jut night. The new Ci Code as it had pinned, the House wu tinder eonsideration, abd the Clerk Ins Meted to request ow Senators to hare 1 acted wpm in the Senate as soon as poodble, together with the Street Act, and the one relating to the Directors of the Poor. An Obstreperous Tenant.—Hugh GU. ado rents a hciase in Spring alley from E Radcliff; and a few days since Rid oliff went to collect the rent from Hugh. wheratipan - ITh silitimd Hugh kicked him out of the house. Dhe rszutt - was an injormatios Wore Alderman Keeper for assault and battery, In which Hugh, Is defendant, and he was held to answer; Reath Zenaves.—Thls new military . company, the only one In Allegheny City, Is In a flourishing condition. About eerventy.five members are now enrolled, and the fall complement of one hundred will. It is expected, loon be reached. They have an armory In Behrhorat'a Hall ockaanduaky street, and drill regularly. WCharles Miller is commanding mt ah r.' Sprilyf .opeolog.—The aahllo Is in vited to call at McFarland it Collins' Carpet Rooms, Nos. 71 and TS Fifth avenue, second floor, on the 000saion of their opening of Now„Styles of Carpets for the Spring trade, this day, Wed. March 16th. They Intend that this special - display of new goods shall be the emit of the 1181111011 in the Carpet trade. - nalieliona llisthicf.—Bome ; evil din posed persona; on Friday night or Bator. day morning, out the fastening* of the wharf bolt belonging to the Board of Ilsidthiwtdeh was moored at the Point, for the nee of . night pollen. The boat RAM - down the river some twenty miles, when it was caught and tied of. It hie since been brought back, and now Oceopiea id former position. . Polared.—Patrick Hogan yesterday Made hilkirmation before Alderman Floyd, on Diamond street, charging A. Reno with assault and battery. Reno Is pilot on the steamer ' , Little Alps," and the prosectilor was employed on the those, where they got Into a diffloolty, wbia. It Is alleged, Reno struck Hogan on the bead, with an Iron poker. The shammed wss timid for a hearing. IlIcw•. Frlnia—The !Irmo! Telford. Moore & Job printers, has been. dlesolved, Thomas Telford withdrawing. Mr. W. J. Jackson has purchased the Interest of the retiring partner. Mr. Jackson ban been bra number of years in the este,. Bailment -of W. 8. Maven & 00., and Is thoroughly acquainted with the business. The Arm la composed of ratable gentle. men, who will no doubt be liberally pa tronised. Reckless.—Adam Rapier wag In good spirits yesterday. He wu riding on • bores down Federal street, when the Idea utddenly occurred that it would be ex. osilent prune° to display his equestrian abilities and test the speed of his animaL' He tried the plan, and after swishing the shone of a wagon, alarming all peace. ably disposed and t imid pedestrians and =breaking se his own neck, was &r -and sent to the lockupfor cockles" driving. A Farther Heariag.—Jamea Johnson, the alleged forger, who wea arrested In Montana some five weeks ago and brought tont& city, shim when be has been confined In jell, waa h ear i ng, fore the Mayor yesterday for a but at the request of counsel a thither post. ponennot WWI made. It.appeare that an effort is being made to pay off the notes. widish were alleged to have been forged. but which Johnson Insists were genuine. and thereby settle the matter. Carbonic Acid Gas Perms Vlre.—The Milers' Superintendent "of the Union Fire Extinguisher Oompatiy.of PNladsi phis, A. M. Ocean% Dip, will give an ristiltdtion of the Iproved Fire imbiber at the foot m of Smitheeld Extln. street sudsy at S p.ll. In oars of fire this machine Is cilonlys ready, selfacting and reliable. Steam. boat man, manufacturers and ell property creams should me this - exhibition. Mr: OroBl3l/ it at the Mo nongahela Home. 11500 Reward M Gobil—Yews ler & aforledeo the well known spice deems, are offe;lng 5500 reward In gold for an 7 adnltaratlon found In their mold ed coffee. This ooffea la-named °Bawl- Mor," and la pot up In half pound pack. ages, full leftist, and Is the Oldit COUTO* *-4/1 NO economical article ever • Me market, lioneekoepaa e •••• • aak for thlp in airtight Imam , r of the berry. For tAx _ ' ; .‘ She New lerlicol Ilesse.—The contract Mr the erection of the new School Home for the _Fourth ward. Allegheny, has been let to Morn. B. McGraw ,t Co. for 142,017. It will not be completed until July. 1871. Nowa. Barker. Irollock and Brown are the Building Committee of the Board. The new- building le to be erected on a lot on Liberty street, and will be a model structure. John erlleb Is again In trouble. His domestic relations seem to be of an on. pleasant character. His wife Mary repo ciallyapPreclate• thesitoation. Monday afternoon she made information before Mayor Callow, charging him with assault and battery. Yesterday ahe appeared before Alderman Bolster, and made in formation against' him for assault aed battery and surety of the peace. In all these cues warrants have been leaned, bat than fax he has eluded the police. Alleged Larceiy.— Yisterdsy - ex- Mayen . Drum made information before Aldermen Bowden against Andrew Mc- Mae for larceny of a game rooster. Mr. Drum resides on the Perrysville Plank road, near the Obeervatory. For some time past be has been annoyed by &pre. datbons upon his stock of poultry. The thief escaped for some time, but nosily the fowl in question disappeared and the gentleman was Induced to make the Inibrotation asi given belleving_the ac cused to be the dep redator. Warrant leaned. A Plistake.—Oar Mende on the South Side have made a mistake In naming their new village ”Allentown"—there is a town of that name oNgthe Delaware rive; in Pennsylvania, and where there is mare than one postollicto of the same name in a State, confusion of mails and trdscuriaire of letters are sure to result. If the (attune of Lower St. Clair wish to commemorate the name of Mr. Allen: let them call their town Allenville, Allen, berg or Allen City, and thus avoid the ' annoyances otherwise certain to be a perient:ed. As Hugh Atkins' was returning from church in the romantic town of Limerick Sunday morning, he wan met by Wattle Collins, Ed. Wahle and others, who at tacked him, knocked him down and beat hint severely over tha bead with &clinch hammer,, afterwards relieving him .of vs dran. Atkins brought suit yester day before Aldernaasi McMasters charg ing them with asaanit and battery and robbery. At the hearing they were held In ball of one thousand dollars for their appearance at Court. . More or It..—loseph V. Kerr, It would Appear from the ritimber of prosecutions against him by hie wife, hire. Catharine Hoerr, and her dutiful sun, Alex. Riker, has gotten himself into almost inextrica DM difficulties by that little family MIK. unity for which he was tried In the Quar ter Sessions a few days slum. His head wax beaten *Mort to a jelly at the time with a poker by Alex. He was tried on two indictments for aciault and battery, and now Alex. hu made another infor mation before Alderman Neeper in which he alleges that Joseph committed an assault and battery on him, on the night in question, by choking him. Kerr was held for a bearing. • T lie Puri Cimuatislos Last evening a meeting ef the Alle gheny Park Commission was held, all the members being in attendance. Sev eratappliestions for police appointments were received and flied. The bill of FL and A. Murdock, ,f0r175, was presented and approved. . It was decided to make Rome changte in the plan of the eastern section. below Ohio street, and In South Commoti from Unloe avenue to Federal street. These changes are principally in the ornamen tation and laying out 'of the grounds. The City Engineer was also instructed to proceed with the work on the South Common u won as the new plan pro. posed wu approved by the people. Charge or rerjary Before Alderman Taylor, John Wal' diermado information against William Burna,:otrarging him with perjury , . Wel. her keeps a hotel on Penn street at which Burns had boarded for Some months last summer but paid his bill and left the city, summer, his trunk re. maimed at the house of the prosecu- tor. Returning not long since, Burns called on the wife of Waidler for some whiskey. She knowing his habits while under the influence, refused, at which the defendant became enraged and made oath before Alderman Marron, charing them with laroency of part of the contents Of his trunk, which charge not beim:sub. stantlatel, the present suit was brought. A warrant was issued.- •_ anterince sculon The eighteenth session of the Fitts burgh Conference of the Evangelical Association will convene on Thursday at nine A. M., In the Evangelical Church on WO street, between Wylie and Webster streets. Bishop Esher, of Cleveland, Ohio. will preside. About fifty clergy men will bo in attendance. Thin Confer. sore Is mainly . English. Eiders and Deacons will be ordained on Sabbath. The ministers, R. hiott, or the High street Church, (German) and J. D. Hol linger, of the Forbes street 'Mission Church, (English) will be removed, as their time of service has tired. Also, B. ICrinz--Fvoilding El era the Dis trict. The session wilfer on Tomas or Wednesday of next =I Carpet stealing seems to have been re sorted to ass new game by the thieving fraternity with which the two cities are jut now Incumbered. We noted in yes terday's issue several of their operations and this morning' a new one is to be recorded. About six o'clock last evening a rolltitingrain carpet, veined at $lOO, wu taken from an exprus wagon and put down in front of Mr. H. H. Myers' resi dence, 165 Ohio street, Third ward, Alle gheny. The expressman bad hardly gone away when the carpet mysteriously disappeared. Some bold thief, appa rently on the lookout, had carried the roll away almost as soon as it had been pieced there. lie managed to escape de . ecticm and will donbtleas realise a pretty good figure for the carpet, =CM Monde:) , afternoon, Mr. Caspar Wil helm, proprietor of a clothing store, cor ner of Ohio and East streets, Third ii Ward, Allegheny, last myr watch very terlously. The time-It per was valued at PO. •It was placed I a drawer of his desk in the rear pare of the store. A - few hours afterward Mr. Wilhelm bad once Aden to look Into the drawer when he missed the watch. The moat diligent investigation only convinced him that It had been stolen. He had not been out of the store, and no person, es far as he knew bad been near the desk except himself. The watch was not' there how ever. During the afterncent a number of. acquaintance* and imetoixtens called In, but It would be a rather serious charge to accuse any of them with steal ing it. It did get out of the drawer some how, and the question is who took it. The police are endeavoring to gel an an swer but have not met with success as yet, and In all probability will not. EMI :=M The purchase and sale of real estate has now become quite a large business In Ibis city. The dim of meows; Croft a Phillips, Real Estate - Agents and Bro. kern, 128 Fourth street, Is doing quite an =ISt:WV' business In the purchase and sale of real estate. " These gentlemen have the very best facilltimi for accom modating their patrons, and have been very succesfal since they commenced the business. They are now publishing, , each month, "The Pittsburgh Real Estate Register," in which Is described hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of city and country property of every description: Those who desire to pur l:dome a city realdenoo, farm, grist mill, or business stand of say kind, should send to Messrs Croft and Phillips, and met &Copy albeit!. Reel Estate Register. Which is sent free to any one who may desire R. The March number has 'been laid on our table. It will repay. perusal byany ono who has any bushieesto trans. act hi their line. Important to Houbdteepero. The trine for moving and hour clean. fug being at band It L important to housekeepers to know where theft:an got gods wkinh are lndispemeabls to • well or even comfortably farniahed house. Such goods can be !band at the well. known carpet house- of Borard, Roes Q Co., 21 Fifth avenue. Their stock la the lamest they have ever offer ed to the trade. embracing the newest and beet styles produced by the leading American and European mannfeetures. Especially la this tree In roved to the tapestry and body Brussels. Their stylist in these goods cannot be sarpassed by say house In the trade. The styles of two and three-plyahavecbanied greatly siooe last season, and embrace many new and choice patterns, of which the *hors arm bays a large selection. In 011 Cloths, Matting' and Window Shades they show a fall llna. The recent de. onus In Carpets kuuCput thero,eo low that it plat= a good our"; within the roach of all. 'Those needing goods in this lies .annot do better than call on Bayard, Boss it Co., 21rifth ayeass. EMI :; THE COURTS. U. I. District Court—Judge McCandless. TUE. .DAT, March 115.—1 n the MHO of Barnes vs. Ake & Co., Previously re ported; the jury found that the facts set forth in the creditor's petition wire not true. _J,Caln Wiley, aulunee of the estate of D'lNerted Seibert vs. Kaieer steel. Action to recover woods alleged to have been fraudulently trausferred_by S. Seibert, a tanlernpt to the defendant.. On trial. Dlatrlct Attorney HeroFM Sled an infor mation in Bees. vs. The brewery and fodr hundred barrels of whisk 3r owned by Catharine FLIPS!. of Erie: Writ of attach ment and monition awarded, returnaole the Ist Monday of May, 1870. District Coart—J edge Kirkpatrick. TUESDAY, March 15.—The case of Tru• nick vs. Joloe, previously reported, was resumed and had noV .been concluded when Court adjourned. TRIAL LIAT FOR WADNERDAT. 1. Reed &Johnson vs. Stewart. • 4. Bonne & Co. vs. Ferguson it Beck 5. Logan vs. Johnson et al. 13. Gorney vs. Fischer tr. Heath. 10. Bedell vs. Payne et al. 17. Wilson vs. MoCormics. 18. Cablerlts vs. McFarland. 19. Com. for use vs. Clark. M. Sams vs. Barker. 21. Thompson vs. Lance. ciatirt of Common Pless—Judged ntoWe and Collier. • Tesstuv, March the ens of Bawdy U. Beckam dcLong, previously reported, verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $ll5. The Best cue taken op was that of Beeson's holm's. vs. The Allegheny In surance Company, action to recover the amount of a policy issued by the defen dants la favor of the plaintiff on a steam. boat. Oa triaL Wm. P. Logan vs. Wm. Johnson, et el. Action to recover commissions on the sale of oil. The plaintiff le an oil broker and it appears kid a quantity of oil for the defendants on a certain commission which it was alleged was due and on. paid. On trial. William Bonnie vs. Ferguson & Beek, action to recover for work and labor done in the erection of a house. Plaintiff takes a non cult. TRIAL LIST FOR WEDNESDAY 90. Nat. Rerg Q Eitor'g ,Co. vs. Haldeman 13. Uormly vs. Reicher, et at. la. Bade•l vs. Payne, et al. 17. Wilson vs. hicCormick. 19. Com. for use vs. Clark. 20. Rams va. Barker. 21. Tllbmpeon Ta. Luta°. V. Bailey et al. vs. Ross it Co. 23. Wallace as. Aeor. 24. Sellers va. Bhoiroaker 25. Slog, for use, Ti. Looeden. 27. .Logue vs. Madden, et Quarter Saetons—Jude Sterrett. TONSDAY, March 15.—The tint cue taken up was that of the Commonwealth" vs. Patrick Dunn, indicted for Lawny, John Faas prosecutor. It appears that Dann in the owner of some property In the Fifteenth ward, Pittsburgh. which was rented to the prosecutor by Dunn'► agent, and there was a load of coal on the premises,. left by a former tenant, who was in arrears for his rent. This coal, without Dunn's knowledge,, had been Bold by hie agent to Faas. the prosecutor. Dunn, not knowing this fact, went to the house and removed a portion of the opal, for which he wax charged with larceny. Under the evidence It was impossible to make a case of larceny, aa the essential Ingredient of the offence was wanting; there was no felonious I taking of the property, but It was taken under a claim of title and amounted toe trespass only. The Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The next case taken up was that of the Commonwealth ea. Emanuel .Matchey, Indicted for larceny, W. B. Shaffer, pros ecutor. It appears that John Wolf and Match ey, the defendant, had come to the city together on the Pittsburgh and Cleve land Railroad, from the went, and Wolf shipped several boxes and a trunk con taining household goods, which were consigned to himself at Pittsburgh. When they arrived in the city Wolf went to McKeesport, leaving the goods at the depot. A few days after Matchey called at the depot and represented him self to be Wolf, demanded the goods, describing them, paid the freight and took tnem away. A few days 'subse quent to thil Wolf called and presented the bill of lading. An information was made against Matchey. who was arrested in New York and brought back to this city on &requisition. A. portion .of the 'goods were found. it a home on Church alley. lidatohny stated alter he was ar. rested that he bid taken the .mods cause Wolf owed him:mid Ire could not get his money any other way. After the defendant was brought back to this city he gave officer Long a pawnbroker's ticket for the wads, which were recov ered at a pawnbroker!. on St. Clair street, In this city. The Jury found the defend. ant guilty to manner and form as In dicted. The case of the Commonwealth vs. John Hannah, charged with assault and battery on oath of Wm. H. Green, was settled on payment of costa by defendant. Omairtionwealth vs. Joseph Broker, surety of the peat*, C. 4 4,1,0 1 1, Prom" rotor, was settled on payment of costs by prosecutor- Commonwealth vs. Charles Hartman, c :e„-.Alksoasiblt. and battery, Joseph c Baker proaediiin7,-W,en nettled on pay ment of costs by defendant:.... The next case taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. Andrew McPariiird; Indicted for aggravated seasolt and bat tery, Noah Cox prolocutor, the parties worked at a rolling mill in the Twelfth ward, and, It appears, got kilos difficulty I about a bucket, when, it is alleged, the defendant knocked the prosecutor down, and then struck him with a piece of gas pipe. The jury found a verdict of not guilty, and directed that each party pay one half of the amts. Conrad Hack, against whom there were two indictments, one for 'insult and battery and the other for aggravated wanit and battery, was placed on trial. The prosecutrix in these cases was Mrs. Frances Dietrich, who allegros that the defendant attacked her son in the Eighth ward, Allegheny, and threw him over a bank, Inflicting serious injuries on him, and when abeyant to protect her son the defendant seized bold of her and shook her rudely. Jury out.. The next case taken up was that of the Commonwealth yin Patrick Campbell, , Indicted for r litreeny, 'Thomas 'Wanton prosecutor. The prosecutor 'resides In Monongahela borough and he alleges that some throe or four men lts since a clock was stolen from the mantle fn his room, and on the evening of the day on which the clock was taken therdefentlant was arrested in Birmingham with a clock in bin poasesidon. The defendant was arrested and kept over night In the lock up, mad the clock retained. Sometime afterwards Campbell was arrested aid taken to the Hirmingham lock.up again, the • facts published In the GapirFa mentioning the clock. The owner of the clock seeing the notice nailed at the Burgess' ofiloro and Identified the clock as having been stolen from him. Infor mation was then made against Campbell. who -was committed to jail to answer the charge of• larceny. Jury out. TRIAL LIST YOB WS.DIMIDAY. - $O. Com. vs. John Waldier. 324. " John C. Heuchler. 62.' " Thomas Byrne. 57.' Washington Simpler et el. 6if " John A. Grinder.' 6.5. I. Wm. Grocer. 187. • " Michael Sherman, 8 cases. 310.. " James Johnston. 83. " John Lady. " Grace Lee. • " Benjamin W izard. 86. " Wm. Thompson and Jacob Glenn. 87. " Simeon Fernier. 1. " Wm. McCully et al. The homicide case egalnet Nicholas and Stephen Hoffman waned .be taken up until Thursday morning at 9J o'clock, at which hour all witnesses must be in Court. • et PatrleVa Day The arrangements for the celebration of St. Patrick's Pay tomorrow aro almost completed, and the affair promises to be One In every way creditable to all engaged and worthy the et:melon. At • meeting of the various committees, Mr. John A. Strain was chosen Chief Marshal, with Thorou P. Hughes and A. B. Hay den, assistants. The usual 'number of aids has also been appointed. The Great Western, St. Cecelia and Iron City Bands have been engaged. The follow ing Is the route of the procession: ST. PATRICK'S DAT. MAKI. 17, IRK TUI2DCRLTSRATIOR it Prryiscnoix gIAaL Pxocasstos. Is h All Me or n ot of Irelad in expected leitant olat n. E pmriwioa will tam an Grant alraat Si 10S1 &Weak A. x.. ilebiacatitig as E.T.pta am.N. kraeinaloa win move at 19 o'clock IL 307x20/ litOClss:on„ Rub, testing en Seventh 8,7112011.. mottop Wont street to Webster. op Weotter to Wosiiingtoa. 21.00 Waehthgton to Wylie, op wslie to Gogms. down Leg*2 to nab eeeeee deem Finn own. to Wood. down Wood to W*ter (net . aVoTn t t le o riavozrvax=2., , g4 o c t - trq to Meats citridge. Over to Penn. down g:n to trot., up_ Iro: a to Stub , nixtb arennote Wood, ellownWoOd to Latayetta Halt, where an Oration mill todel e by a ells tizindsbed member of the Pittsburgh He, Ar nisu fliCoco ALI% PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1870 LITEELRY. Matters Around "Mune Hul—Payette seciety—eceturv.e. New so cieties and other Berns or interest. The "Fayette Literary Society" ha still biasing In "Plinio Hill," like a very bright star in a very dark sky. it has been the means of firing up and bring ing out a number of young men who Will doubtless one day make a bright mark In the field of oratory. At the meeting on the 4th Irish, some excellent selections were read. Mr. Samuel Dick son read a Dutch letter from the Gagerrx In relation to ground hog day, end he read It in such a way as to create a great deal of merriment among the audience. Miss M. A. Leach read an amusing and well worded essay on "Fact and Fancy," giving the romantic aide of various mat tare and then diving down to the stern reality. The essay was well received. Wm. K. Thompson spoke on "Woman's Righte," and gave the audience to under stand that he tided with the 'Wyoming ites and was decidedly in favorer allow. lug the "fenieninites" the right to march to the polls with a ballot in one hand and the star spangled banner In the other. G. A. Mcßride expatiated on "Humbugs" and J. M. Dickson discours ed on "Switches." Mr. Dickson non; waxed the audience with laughter, while relating a few anecdotes to illustrate his position. A very amusing dialogue en. titled "The Way They Kept a Secret," was performed by MAIMS M. A. Leech, S. Emma Dickson, Maggie Stewart, Mag i ate McCandless, Maggie Stonecipher and Master Milo J, Dickson. The actors wore hardly well enough up in their parts to make the dialogue go off In an easy style, yet it-wee well performed. Master M. J. Dickson talked his part off In an excellent manner and received much applause. The debate on the quer lion "Should parents be compelled to send their children to school?" was ably argued by W. N. Webster and Samuel Dickson. The - reading of the Society paper closed the performance for the evening. An election of officers result ed as follows President, Geo. A. Me. Bride; Vice President, William N. Web- star: Secretary, Miss S. Emma Dickson: Treasurer, J. M. Dickson. Among the Most noticeable performances at the meet ing on the 11th Inst.,.were the declama tions by two little girls, Minnie Reno and Anna Crawford, an may by Mr. S. C. Eaton and the Society Paper by Wm. N. Webster. Mr.- Eaton's subject was "The Harinonial Man," and the essay throughout was oneof the inset we ever listened to. The Society may well con kratulate itself that Mr. Eaton has be come a member. The Paper by. W. N. Webster was rich and spicy, and contain ed some severe dip at the follies of "Platte Hill" and vicinity. The extern. pore sous speaking class was sustained by Will Whitmore, S. Dickson and W. N. Webster, and the debating clan by A. Pierce and J. M. Dickson. Mr. Pierce arguing on the affirmative and Mr. Dick son on the tiegative of the question "Can total abstinence men consistently culti vate and produce barley and rye and sell them to be manufactured into in. toxicating beverags?" A Literary Society Is also in operation at the Halicrown School House, Half. crown Ran. and the Halfcrowu Runners are said to be doing splendidly. At their . last meeting. two little daughters of Mr. S. P. Mevay attracted much attention by speaking declamations In en excellent style. Mr. Levi Gregg also won a great deal of admiration by the manner in which he delivered his oration. Miss Alice Wilson read a beautiful essay and Miss Cornelia Allison and Mr. J.H. Robb delighted the audience by the reading of an excellent paper, it would be Impow obis to enumerate all the good things that the Runners had in store for the audience on that evening. On Tueaday. evening, March let, Rev. F. A. Hutchinson, lectured before the "Fayette Literary • ;Society" in the Meth odist Church, Feyettevllle, on the sub.' Joel of "Prohibition." The lecture wits able, sound and convincing, the speaker taking the ground that the only way to remedy the great evil of intemperance was to strictly prohibt the sale of Intox icating liquors. The speaker was very eloquent a; times, and throughout his lecture, he was listened to with the deep. est attention. 'Rev. J. C. Castle, of Cement-nig wan announced to lecture at the same place on Tuesday evening, March nth on the subject, "The Christer Common Sense." The sleighing was flee and the house was packed from pulpit to vestry, but unfortunately the Ranger was unable to be in attendance and the audience dis persed feeling considerably diesatistiod. Rev. D. A. Pierce of California. Wash ington county, will lecture Tuesday evening, March Yeth: Subject, "Country Living and Country Thinking." STYX. MILITARY. Committee Meeting Lest Night—A New Propwlllou—Tnd gnuharem for Our QM Last nighty the Committee on City Property of the Allegheny Councils held • meeting. The meat Wiper tent crater under 'consideration was • petition from Captain Charles Miller, of the Heath Zutavee, asking for some provision for an armory. The company claim that under the Military act legal izing their , organisation, they am en titled to a suitable armory, to be provided by the municipal authorities. The mat ter wee- diecusead at some length, ant the paper finally referred-to the City Solleitor. with instruction to him to re portdbe liability Of the city in the case In inalciant time to have the matter heitughttip at the nest meeting of Coun cils.- Thu disposition Of - the. CoMmittee teems to be favorable to granting the re quest nf the company, but as there Is no suitable building under the control of the city, an armory wopld have to be rented. The toes' ion in relation to the paying of this rent. There la no appru. prlatiun- provided lby Councils for that purpose, and it Is not understood from whence the money could be raised. There Is now an amendment to the .military act pending before the Legisla ture, which, if it becomes a law, will do away with . this ditliculty. It provides for tho organization of the State into military divisions and the levying of tax of fifty cents upon each person liable to military duty. This fund will boon. der the control of regular pap:Misters, and will be expended in keeping up the militia companies which ma y be crgan. taxi in theativeral districts. Sach mem. ber of a company will be allowed twelve dollars per year, to be paid semi-annual. ly. The tax will apply only to those who are not membera of the militta, and who do not tura out with them for drill. The act haa already passed the Rouse, and it Is thought will meet with no op position in the Senate. Trouble About • Grater) 11111—Contlle elagistartal. Yesterday morning Mrs. Means made Information before Alderman Bowden, of Allegheny, against John Sullivan for false protegee. The prosirmtrix,s widow, keeps a small grocery store on Ohio avenue, Filth ward. Sullivan la ern• ployed at the Outer ilepol of the Pine. burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail road. She alleges he obtained groceries from her to the amotlt4 of IA and promised on numerous messier, to pay her when pald'olY, which she alleges be did not d0.,,A warrant was Issued and the accused brought to the Alderman's office. Ile clime accompanied by another °Metal, one of Allegheny 's Al. uerdl:.T., whom he Introduced: as his counsel Theeoutuieljmwever,imarcely needed that.' He had hardly placed his foot on the threabold of his brother siderman4 Banat= when that generally peaorsibly disposed preserver of the pub. lie peace tecame excited, in fact exceed ingly wrathy, and in an unmistakable manner intimated his dulls that the l'eouneel'i should retire. The "counsel" , appreciated the situa tion. Like Artemua Ward, he "was invited to leave, and, pitying the man, went." Perhaps a certain twitch ing and uneasiness observable about the irate inagistrate'd right pedal, induced him to come to an immediate conclusion. He made up his mind not a minute too soon, but In this cue verily "a tales of an inch wu as good as a mile." It saved the retiring gentleman some phYalcial pale. As egplanetory to the Interesting scenelt should be stated that the "eon n oel" alderman is not recognised hy the fraternity as a particular honor to the office. In fad the reverse, It Is said, is the . estimation In which .he Is held, Hence the virtuous indignation of the magtstrate before whom the case was to be heard. After the .excitement had been calmed down the wined proceeded without "Counsel," and at bat gave toll for court. The Continental Notwithstanding the mud at the street crossings, the people continue to cross over and patronize that popular festatt. nun of Holtzbsimsr, below the partake whore the very beat of eatebles are serv ed up in the eholoent style, and the esti* faction given to those who Patronize It Is general, as our finale's who have , been the subject of hospitable treatment at their well Vied tablas can testify. Mer chants sod others dining down town will Cud it advanlageoussa wall sa refreshing to patronize Mr. Holtsbalmer, and need not return to their homes andlstalliee bearing that haggard appoint:We. COm' mon tothe inmates of Andersonville. Hit tables are lobe found in order at Allman of the day—grosolog with the weight of much goat things. LEEIBLATIVF. - Allegheny City nell)ool Funds. A hill has been reported in the Leg's- Ittnre, from the Committee on Educe. tines, "enlarging the powers of the Board of Controllers of the Allegheny City School District." It provides that the Board shall, within three monthi after the plumage of the act, and annually thereafter, deposit all school funds under their control with such - bank or banking Instltutioh as they shall select for the i highest r t e of Interest. they can obtain on curre t balances of such deposits, and Upon 'wearily satisfactory to the Board, and with the farther condition that the bank or banking institution with which the funds are deposited shall pay all checks, &c., ofthe proper officers of said Board, on demand, out of money so deomdted, and with such other re. atrictions as shall be TirtaallY agreed upon. APTEE THE PAWNBROY:8118 Mr. White, from the General Judiciary Committee, has reported act relating to pawnbrokers.' After a preamble, _ "Wakeman, A clams of men, styling themselves pawn brokers, have opened houses in this Oommonwealth for the purchase and receiving on deposit goons of all kinds, and said pawn brokers not being very 'particular from whom said ;Mechelen are made, or by whom the deposits are - made, thereby giving en couragement to youth to become thieves, and also to the professional thief to ply his vocation with renewed zeal, feeling confident that ha will always find a wil ling purchaser of his ill-gotten gains in the person of the pawn broker; And whereas, Said pawnbrokers seldom ad vance more than a tithe of the value of anything deposited with them; and from the difficulty experienced in tracing stolen goods they can well afford to rim the risk of detection," The act provides that a citizen of the United States years of age, and of good moral character, these facts being verified by his own affidavit and. the ,certificate of twelve reputable rill= rens of the election district in which he resides, may obtain from the -tiourt of Quarter Bouillonsdi the proper county a beanie to engag In the buskins of pawnbroking for- sum to be fixed by the authorities of the district in which the applicant resides. The persons en. 'gaging In the pawnbroking business may receive on deposit ill kinds of goods. which may be redeemed by the person depositing them any time within • six months from the date of deposit, and in no case shall the pawnbroker receive or demand more than at the rate of twenty five per cent., per annum In addition to the legal rate of interest, nor shall he re • calve any goods from minors on deposit Of otherwise. Pownbrokers are required to keep books in which shall be entered w fair description of every article deposited, with the name and residence of- the de positor, the time when and the sum for which the article was deposited, books thus kept to be open at all times for in spection of the Mayors of cities or by any proper person appointed by them, or by any ether person interested. Pawnbrokers !shill cause to be sold at public rude al. unredeemed goods in their potesuudon at least once a year, giving three days notice in two county news- papers previocis to said sale, describing the articles to be sold, and on demand by the proper person or persons return all excess over the amount advanced on all articles sold attar deducting the usual per centage for sale and Interest allowed by this act. A record of each sale shall be kept with description of articles sold, and also the name of the person who de• posited them, and this record kept open for inspection by depositors whose goods have been thus sold. . . . In no case shall geode be dtaposed of at private sale, hot only at public sale by a licensed auctioneer. The penalty prescribed for violation of this act is a tine of ooe hundred dollars and imprisonment In the county jell for three months, one half the floe to go to the prosecator and the remainder to the County Treasury. Any prosecutor shall be a competent witness notwithstanding his Interest in the tine. • We remind our readers that by the authority of Hon. George S. Boutwell, ' Secretary otthe Treasury, Thomas Steel, Req.,' Surveyor of Cuetonia, will offer at public auction, this day at twelve o'clock, noon, It the Custom House, coor. ner of dudtbileld street and Fifth avenue, that portion of the groundi attached to the Marine Hospital, which Is separated from the Hospital building by Preble Street, and running parallel with the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad. The property contains between two and three acres, and is adnitrahlwilarpted for man ufacturing purposes, owing to Its close proximity to the Ohio river, and the cilia. of Pittsburgh mud Allegheny, and that the Pittsburgh, • Fort Wayne ,t• Chiesuo Railway forms its northern boundary, while the Cleveland and Pittsburgh rail road passes through It. la a splendid chance for getting • piece of clomp property and our cap& tenets should not .forget to attend the sale, as such an eligible manufacturing alto is seldom offered at public auction. -All bids made will be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Department reservieg the right to reject any or all nide. The terms of sale are very easy; only one filth nuh has to be paid at the time of sale, the balance in four equal quarterly payments, with Internet from the time of aide. The that Instahnentwid have to to paid on the likb of June next. For farther particulars see another ooltunn. Neal lista Tho following dc record In the offlos • ii. bunter, R•cordor for 4.useiliw county, Tiles day, March 15, 18701 1•11' Pox to Dentin ratos; June I. 119; let 1(0 ft. oo 10, Bean t . co.rur. too, skip tiourse Uocglry to U•orge 011000? August S. DAC ‘Ot 0b ty IT on Greeostsarg Pike, 241.- te• en wan, 11 .burgb Wlllonm Halo) to Margaret teptellit? XL 119: 44 De ones In Clinton On Jonat. 0.1.00 IA William lrwin Horeb 7. Wel ilbors lot 330 l Lam 'Crean et. al 1.• Jawn Lars,. Murat 10. WU: 4,. 21 by 70 Rotolo •Olattoeuth stunt, HI, maagtottu 111 lobo T. TIM to P. Elelionald , Penman 4. 1170: 1 .ere ando pet dna In ita tosrattop....ll.4oo 0 Prattler' to Ciro. M. none. Penner) . 4 lint lot 21 by II) ft en boom .trees, .......... .4 SS OM /Roth,. U. Doha.. to JanlealtolltAt, Ikeenner 13. 191: sores sod mazes Of land In Plum tow nil 100 P.ObOst i. Atlet.ou torsional Osrmlty, Mane H. N. led; lot by 73 ft. A Hay atrett, Pltn. Ct ' OMWEe . r . t . .; . iL . we ll St. ....... lot TOO" Halt. as 1.417 Otreel, welllA • Plttobilegu ..*021.54 Jame lir . toe. W. (inners. Jinn 1. 1270, al awn and 14 pen/sea In WI tins town. anlp $4,130 Imlay J. Homan to Mc yuland Urea" J. ne 17, 160.. II AA:hale North Payette townaulp .44 142 Josegni Llp• Went to W. H. lin Hey ti 1400: 104 20 by 12 R. On liseond street, PlUstougb 62.02) r WAlati. 151. 1.. Itty, July 9, 119: 4 lots on lienney'a plan , it t0T.10 ,.1 9 .... 5 332 ° Yortlo L. ' , bran.. n . A. tialsenfenny, Atireb 4, 1100; let 761 1 UM ft. on Bross/nay 11i N a. Intin ward. Pt ........ • • _•• 4710 Alfren blank to Mary A. 111110ry,99.0 . 10, 1170; 1.121 be 112 ft. en Penn ittabunta..l3l Jane reeler to Pat.l.o Hoene, Kann 1. 1270; lot On be 106 ft. on dant*. etrskt, Thine. alb warn Plttlen•qb ( ' 1/120 W. Legtn I. ulna 1.029, 1199. 1172; TY sere. ends and V. per9ts to bier . I. 70. stn ' toweablp - n0 3000 D. Apes.... to Nult.o7 *.1. 001 ` .a . bar 27, lam; let 9 by pelt. In npo ore town• ship . . . 425$ Pleasant Surprise. - - I f 'Another of those Miy`Decasions In the life of man came ff last evening, at No. 80Roblbson ett ' 012 WhiCbikeisioo Rev. Joseph Haney, Istant Pester of St. Peters Catholic' eh 13, Alleghen, wu Presented with a m ye and neat ly gold watch—the gift of slnumber of sincere friends, as a token of their high apprect ation of his Chtiathim 'character ' and blameless walk an Conversation while among them. The resantatlon speech Was made by Rey. J ohn Scanlon, and. wan briefs . Polino4 ' d ttappy, alluding In .n feeling manner Me sundering of Rustles about to take lass between pu. tor end flock. • Rev. nerrepilled In an appropriate and feel g manner, heartily thanking the done for so kindly rs. membering him on, his departure for a new field of labor./ The watch la horn the establishment o f Reed a CO, Fifth avenue, and bean aitapproPrlate InseriP Roo. - We may add that the Rem gentle. man was the recipient during the even ing. of • well filled ppm, also the gift of hie Mende. Rev. Raney gum to Parker's Landing t° take charge of the parish of that place. _........_____ :ftirialnghast Cunene. The Birmingham Councils hold a ape dal meeting lut evening for the purpose of oonaldering the borough finances for the year ending March Ist, 1870. Members present; Messrs. Atterbury, Redmao,Yogly, Oliver, Ward, Mahwah', Doyle, Behwertnger, and . Burgess Balls. bury lb the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. - Mr. Atterbury of the finance commit. tee submitted the report of expenditures amounting to 04,M0e. The chair than imbmitted a mart of the paying assessment exoneration. The sewer borehl and the bounty bonds were examined, canceled and destroyed. On motion an allowanceof twenty-fin dollars was made to defray contingent expenses of the Council chamber and On motion of Mt. Redman, a warrant was ordered to W drawn for the balance due Bargain Balllsbnry. - - A vote of thanks for the "Moloney in which Burgess Salsbury had presided wee tendered that retiring °Medal. - .:'''''''TZ:i;:'-x4 , ;;;' , •. : ' , ..;' , • -, . 5Z ; , .: 4, ;. 4 . :-- ; ; ;' ,t•- . 1 z ,.-:a;- ' ,.;•;,,;. THE BRIDGEVILLE HOMICIDE Farther Particulars—Tee laquest,—The Verdict—Lea Murderer Wilt at Large. The community in the vicinity of Bridgeville, where the horrible murder w ee perpetrated Monday afternoon, a full account of which we published yes terday morning, are in a high. elate of 'excitement over the affair. The cold blooded villian who committed the min. der has not yet been apprehended. After tiring the fatal shot he walked away from the hones leleurely, and the last accounts had of him was at Mr. Ira Walker's, about four o'clock, an hour after the commission of the deed. THZ HIQUZ3T. Alderman Joseph A. Butler yesterday held an Inquest on the body of the mur dered woman. The first wittiest' examined was Dr. R. L. Walker, who made • past mortar' examination of the body - of deceased. He testified that the pistol ball had en. tared above the left breast, passed through the left lung, heart and kidney and lodged In the muscles of the- spine, and that death resulted from the wound. Maggie Tobin, daughter of deceased, wax sworn. She was the only person present who had witnessed the shooting. Her mother and Reardon had been talk ing together for some time, Reardon was sitting at the end of the table on a bench: The baby was working at the atoned lire. Tobin 'packed ii which caused It to cry Bile then took it up and sat down on the bench on the opposite aide of the table from Reardon to. quiet the child. Reardon then got up walked around to where the women wax sitting, stooped over her, fired the pistol and th en started walk toward the door. The woman then to • of up and followed Reardon, still hold. ng the child in her arms, and when she got near the door Reardon stopped, pushed her batik and closed the door. Mrs. Tobin then fell on the floor and witness went out and screamed murder. Reardon, who was walking tenuity front the house, turned round and pointed the pistol at her, when she ran Into the house. She then watched hIELOVM the window and saw him' go up the hill, which is very steep, toward the Wash ington pike. lievend other witneuea were examined but nothing new wu elicited from them. The Jury found that the deeeued, Miry Tobin, came to her death on the MY day of March, 1870, from the effects of a Wound Inflicted by a pistol bullet fired from the hands of Thomas Reardon. Alderman Butler, learning that the murderer had gone In the direction of StenbenTille, obtained a description of him and telegraphed It to that place. .1112 stated by these who knew Rear don in Ireland, that he murdered his wife there, and fled to this country to escape punishment. He Is said to be a desperate villain, which fact his action In this recent tragedy fully establishes. Rare and Valuable Moire at Half Price Among which are Burritt r a Astronomy with a _large Atlas. Mitchell's Atlu of the World. Horse's Introduction, Sor kin on the New Testament*, Wesley's Sermons. 2 vols.. Collateral Bible S vols. quarto, Lamarck's Concholowy, Secret History rf Great Britain, 2 vole. quarto, Cralg's History of Pittsburgh, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French Dalian, German and onscollaneous works in every de partment of Literature, Science and Art. .Stationery of all kinds. For sale by Colonel. John A Egan. No. 41, Sixth avenue, below Skilthtleld street. One responsible mechanic is wanted In each State to make and sell the Ludy (Patent) Washing Machine. They can be made in any shop or factory where wood is worked. Joiner, Cirponter, Sub, Blind, Door, Cabinet, Carriage, Agricultural Tools, ikc., Am. For papers, address LADY WANHING MACHINE. • Pittsburgh. POEMS. Go td Youngston'e, corner of Smith field street and Diamond alley, to get a delicious oyster stew or lunch at any hour of the day. This is the popular ladles and gentlemen's confecting estab• ilehment. A choice and selected assort ment of the finest sweetmeate, cakes, pastry end articles of that character always on hand for private or public parties, banquets, tkc, Youngston's is the place. Government !Wei et Is a grand mistake to *appose that there is anything to the line of ladles fancy drew goods, trimmings and nasal ties. for the toilet, which cannot be had .at Moorhead's, No. el Market street. Mr. Moorhead makes a speciality of. Mamie his stock always fresh. fashionable an. Of tho latest style. Ladles while not chopping these bright spring days, should call at RI Market street. The luxury of it good smoke can only bx enjoyod by those who know . where to get tho proper quality of tobacco. Old smokers hereabouts, however, are forth. date In not having any difficulty on this point. They know McGraw's, No. 45 Hand street, and that la where they alt nigh. Strangers In the city and all who love the weed should do likewise. Soak., Book. Boots.—Same of the Most popular bo oks of the day at half price at Egan's, 41 Sixth avenue. Standard works to every department. of knowledge always on hand. Fare and valuable publications, which can be had nowhere else. A full 'leek on hand and being sold at'half Floe. Egan's. 41 Sixth salmon,. p.vprietara. 1.11 trio Goode are manufactured from the beat materlrL In appearance and durability the queen■..are gannet be eacelled. The prime are among the mast moderate... MIME Executer , " gale of Stockton' avenue property. Sale to-morrow. Special public attention IS invited to the highly attractive sale to morrow. Thursday morning, at ten o'clock; of that fine lot, 54 by 240, corner of Stockton and Sher, man avenues, Allegheny. A. Leggett); auctioneer. Lot 54X240 on ntockton Avenue.—A. Leggett', auctioneer. invites special at. ton - don to the Exotrator's Bale on Thurs• day, the 17th inst., at 10 o'clock, of that fine bul!ding lot,. corner of Stocton and Sherman avaaues, First ward, Alle gheny. Beg IttlVertilletnent op fourth page. • Quite Astonishing is the' amount• or business the Old - Oregon Brewery la do. log in these days. The cream ale which Messrs. Pier, Donnas & Co. manufacture has more than doubled its business of former times. Furniture at Atietbn. —A. • Lsagata. auctioneer,' Will sell • to. morrow (Thurs day) afternoon. at two o'clock, • lot of household furniture, at the residence, No. SZI Andereonetritet, Allegheny. . The Lidice *mak CIO% Of New York, t'emeetli elelectel their , eiellaletalis . ..from weinsit•rAintrage to Hair preparstlons and PIMPIe /Medi here. They deo , ars .that when satin Dad not endowed them with beauty, It wee their, debt—yea, their duly—to leak It where they maid. no they ali Toted that gee. oohs Balm amerces. sallowness. Rough Skin, sad illegroarks, and saes to the sompiesion a coact disli•sus (horadsn) and a parses (ds.r.rous tomes. to 4 . l SO:end t et i.yon.• Embalm's bind, the lair grow thl k, rat sod swill pretty. and moreover ',wren d It from turning gray. If . the 'pn,p,tetore of f these &Miele. did not seed the .later, as Inv :el, they ars sot annul. =EC= =:01 ,u.nt 3:1': 1 0,1 RE 1¢1,1114 RUSS NOriCSJI mAltuiv.i t IYHAVZR•oillitill6oll-.011 Tegfdaf. Tab envy 16te, is,,. by liar. Z. s.Donoboo,RltN• WZAVIR to MAUD E.'1171100507f. bolt of Tlempf mot, • . DIED* • T.I I IZ E “ ra d o y f OotnineM aea 9.e 16 o Um 3lit4 yew of her age. Ths funeral vent take blue from the rat Welke, of - hersaother. Yn. PonelthY..No: 25 Oral! street, at; o'c'eak to OAT. /deeds of the family are Invited to attthd. liigfiarr 1 1 .°.°41i, Ili I h 1 .1 44: T dad /sante ►vlq. &d ad alxWara, ay snanths add 6 days. /mural on 7311111.11 DAY. Mal% 171 h, at SI WeJock P. at.. from the residence of his parents, N.. 303 Western avenue,. legiteop city. •110fier childr.n to come onto me, and thorn not, for of mob Is the llngdom or H • ksi;p qiylti:tail:lll.ll enELLIE& & PEEIILES UN. D A Eltrax End A4lll,altglt Er4r.LES 6 4.%7 1 1 115A lleg i graTPWrit i gardie aataw2.ll &fa =Haan ly with tam a 1.4 1111411. ItotalrOod. Mwegaup gam a.m., at plc. 11 , 171114 trod 11100. 80. di" " k t I a ' sta.:a '''. "" """ VAC 1/4/11,"''''' rvi • c c.Pcn w. 41! scla atom. JOSEPH METER Si SON, LITMV.INTAIMatte. No. •14 PINN STUNT Ownlogos nu Gu 007/Mix& sll /am) Parsi*mit at :a . FOIL 191111.E.—Valinable Dwela LING HOUlli es TOW Btroet. ow Pen* atm!, bY 15. CUTEIB WET A BNB, ialla 39 IlLitti Amts. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —A dispatch from Si. Paul, Minn., states that that region 'is completely snow bound. No railroads attempted to run trains yesterday. There is over four feet of snow on the level throughout the upper country. —John W. Collins, clerk in the office of the City Treasurer of Boston. con victed of being a defaulter to the Tree- Miry In several thousand dollars, was sentenced to' two yaws and six mouths In the State prison. —The vote In Indianapolis neon the proposition to donate staty-five thousand dollars the Indiana Central Railroad, maulted to favor of the appropriation by a majority . of one thongs/I four hun dred and stxty-five. —There was a crowded attendance at court In Elizabeth, N. J.,on Monasy, the trial of the notorious uint Otto Von Bellow, for swindling, being expected to proceed. The Countwee sick, import ant witnesses were absent, and the case was pat over. —Another heavy snow storm has pre vailed all over the Northwest since Monday, and trains were more or lees blockaded. It Is estimated that In Min mesota the snow Is three feet deep on a level and two feet In Wisconsin, and was still snowing up to 6z. 11. yesterday. —On last Friday, near Ellaville, Ky., Mr. R. G. King was stabbed to the heart and instantly killed by a neighbor, Mr. Chris. Taylor. Both parties were highly esteemed by their neighbors, and the 'occurrence is revelled by all. The dif ficulty 'originated about moving some rails around the garden fence which di. 'sided their lota 1 Mr. King was burled on Sunday with Masonic honors, ho be. leg a member of that society. Mr.• Ta ylor gave himself by to the proper author ities and his examining trial was to have come off on Monday. VINEGAR. THE . PTITSBURtiII VINEGAR WORKS. BILLOU 8c ADDIS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Ara now prepared to Malik VINEGAR ante LOWEST MARY= EATIm. /Montan II par. Unduly called to oar ERR I E MEDAL iECERORART TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER STILES! • 1870. J. C. C. 1.. 110111.1.110811fi1. M'PHERSON &MUHLANBRING, Merchant Sailors, No. 10 PIM fll STREET. lint, St. Clair.) We have recelvcd tau. •314 well melee' cdeltock of the test and most fashion abis floods in our ilea a great portion or which ave our own importailo, /et ling C 0../ ent of ur 1011110 Ova perfect satisfact CO. we respectful it Sr es von. an early examination of one .tote of NO. Clothe, Cassleie•ra. Vie tiara, de. MePLILIteO2I tIIIONLAMBBINd. molt %No. 1001:1a street. HENRY 44, MALE; IMICHANT TAILOR,' A N ORDINANCE authorizing the Wading. Caring .04 Curbisg of Clara t, from Crawford street to stmet. floc. I. Be te Ordained and musets4 by the My hf Piht.hurgh. fn sets asyl Cosmos Commas arsestated, and tt fs hereby ordefeed and mad at by the autherny of the same. Mat the City ingtseer be and h :iambs authonsed sad db. meted to advert!: e for the seeding. Dosing and cur. log Cloak street, from Crawford street to Miller stifle.. and to art the same Is the manner directed by so cone-ming streets, Treg AnguAt aLit, taut; also an AM, ewncern- I Ist. ordt nasce conflicting with the passe e of this ordt tihnee at the preoent Um e,be and tbe same to hem y, y . y . y . ey a y, . e y by revealed to far as the same affects thls oral ' LP " " L-T-FY Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets SPRING bTOCR P. rASWONADLP MERCHANT TAILOR K.eps on baud (Rothe,. Caasinsarea and Fading, ♦WtiOERTLEISENW ItTUNIBHING GOODS• No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTBEIIROH. Miesairldent's (nothing made to order to the tstan . • saiton NEW SPRING GOODS. • wawa new stook of CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, so., Jut 'waved b 7 surality maivisa. Ste, r. 7: LlVlaly:. S A.ll, STiaajE ' il ii ‘4 - Lill: iiiiiiiiS fog HORSE' JUST ESTABLISHED. The subwalber boa establlaTed . Bain Stable at .the Wm. Nam Halal. Alleabeay, where be Will rtge7 " 21. " 1. 17 811 1 1T ZS ?Mani% a! heti. I nausea la all roan. and I r THE ttORBILS DO NOT TUE. OUT AS EXPRIZENTED, THEY WILL ER TAKEN HACK AND THE acrumiir.Di I A&U D 1.1111,0011. 110BiBT fl, PATIERSON & CO„ comma OP Seventh Avelino L and Liberty St, prrrszintan, PL Wai on Every' Saturday Hold AN AUCTION ,SALE - Or lORSES, CARRIAGES,. BUGGIES, WAGONS, a l=nllll:= l ,llVar. l 4 tub totem of oonelsomnt on or befira Tberedal of urk "met In inlet for advertleteg. Le uoa lag good tan Mx. loft JOICII 11. iffEW/LBT, lOUS IL MIR . ”..7031t. PAITZBION. ROOT, IL PATTERSON & . RAT..R. Ann 0313iii3SION sTABLEEP cOli. MEM Ml= h LlBB6ft 114. IPITTSBIIRGIA, PA. • *LASS. CHINA. CITITLIIItY. 100 WOOD SITIEET. 4tIJEERSWARE, Pim, French CHINA AND GLASS., Silver Plated GAOL IMMO Awl TMs MIL Tea Trays and Cutlery. The best Import.• WHITE 61'0111C 1 WARM nal COMMON GOODS st lom prices. R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD RTIWIET. CHINA, GLASS A2iD • QUEENSWARE. A large wortsieut anew patinas Old nem inn received. Alfa I'Died awl Ware, Vases and Parlay War. now, owing and ger . *ale 1$ very low Pricer at H. ECIGBY do COIL, • Ns. 189 LIMIT glltOrr. ~~,(►}a +i~~lK~r~ B ARB &mosEn, riturr noun iussocumosr am:morel, Poo. Pool OOL Clair Stmt. Finale:Wt. Po. BDOalal stiontlas gm to the deltoids/ awl bandit's of COURT HOUWMI sal YIIRLIC 3IIILDILINIS ~: n .w': ~. 1,.0 .-+:,:...y ++r:~n~ «J' v;rvt_ , .a-:r.3-.::.. __i i`Ml.v.:. xti'_~y:.:t: OFFICIAL ntRGH 6.N ORDINANCE authorizing , a ,„ctio, or Wooden Buildings In the Section 1. Be it °rota...strut essaeiese by the City of P1tt.414,,A. in Setsct and Common Cone assewOkft. and it a.reby ordatned and enacted by ie. risoloviry of ins sams.lttat the ordinance omit...tin., the action of Noodea he amd tho satncl. hereby suspended darn. the Tear 107 U. to so ter La It relates to the llth ward. Sim 4. an, oratnance in part of ordi nance conflict.. with the n[ this anll• mance at they resent time, be and the sane Is hereby repealed so ler as the 4itte affects this OF • . . Ordaload and evaded Into • lair In Conneils, day of Marna. A. D. 1870. J Ed 3lc UTLEY, Prnaldent of Select Connell. Attest: X. 8. Monne:ow, • Clerk of &sent Connell. • W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Connell Attest: H. IlclUsena. pert or Co= Council. liable AN OIIDLNANCE for opening Clark streciarom enwrord to Ifilikr ke litb . Inciting I. Is it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Sehret and Common (h as cite assembled, orb ft is herrby ordainedd enacted by the authority of Ow sa same. That t he directs ineer surreyd he ts open tt7 au t Street sad to ant open ront Cranford to Miller Mite. in the 9tb ward, and James Merle, Andras, Sorer and Joseph Mar shall are h•re by appointed In accordance nit tan Act of As/viably, appro.. d J anti si yr 6. 1869. 888. S. That any ordinance or part ot ordi nance contilcling with the Pntehhe or thin oral mince at the present time, he and the name Is hereby repealed so far se the same affects this ot - dinance. Ordained and enacted into law In Coon°LLß Ulla 10‘1 day or March ,•. D. 1810. JAMES MeA EMIT. Prealdenapf Helene Connell. Maine: Z. B. Kalman, Clerk or Select Conell. W. A. TOMLINSON, F. motA, Preal ., dent of Cominola Connell. • Olean of common Connell. • annll N e ORDINANCE authorizingAm Lber r y d iv g e an Pen a avouf . l3/ street. o ligertore I. lie a oedemaed ant sparred by to. ottir af Pilbrbarga, en &Get and Common Coup. PIM orsvoabbaL and if to hereby ordoined 004 enacted by ardAority of ilts von, Tbat the City Engineer be and be Is hereby authorised and di rected to %darer, for propo.a/s for the Ending and paving of A 13,1 therom Liberty manner rena avenue, and to let .ants ta Ibe directed by an ertila erten acne-ruing attest.. passe • Ang.t 310, 1667; also so am ennosern- Ing streets. approved January Eltb. IBIS. Ss. O. East any ordmanee or pan orordiusnee • • • conflicting with the passage uf this unbosom • thehresent time. be and affectse Is tweeby re pealed so far as the same thls ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils Ws /UM day of La rob. A. D. 1870. • mesULF.Y. President of &lest Council. Attest: E. 8. YOnnow, Out of select Connell. W. A. TOMLTNBON. President olCommon council. Attest: H. MCMAreart. Cleft of Common Council. _. mbl4 AN ORDINANCE appointing Hewers to review the 000nIng r fth best street. flow Centre arrous to lied ford street.. . . d . SECTION I. Be ft ordained an enacted by the Oily of Pittsburgh. In Select and Common Vann ettr assembled, and It Is hereby ordained and etv. acted by the authority of the tame, 'that Jame. 'acetate...Thomas Rourke and Robert toiler. are hereby appointed viewer. review Robert att. et from Centre notate to Bedford street, in sectatianeewith Lee of Assembly approved January Ott, IVO*.an . . . Sac. 2. 1 hat any ordinance or part or cent moe: cona.cting with the 'manage or this Ord oe at the present time. be and the same I hereby et pealed so Inn as the Bat. carets th her • • Or4.lned .4 enacted lob • to. Io CoonoU. tkL lOin day of Nor.. A. O. INTO. JAHR, IicAOLV.Y. , ProolOent of ow. Council: Attest: Z. 6. Monnow, Link of Common Council. W. A. TOMLYNION, Pre.ldene of Common Connoi.l. Attest: H. 1104.7., la I==l A NORDINANCE authorizing the constenetlon of • Labile hewer on aced shoe;. IMC. I. 6. ft ordained and enacted ny th. OratennEh. 0. sa.A ..a sewn sells neserehied., pad it te here by ordained and enacted by fAr authority Me sawn That the City Engineer be and he to within lied and tired. d to ad yen nice for prop.- sals rur the COndllnCtiOn of a pa, be sewer or. Diamondstreet, and to rd the coot of toe came A. Miller, Minee ladle and A. 0 , 1 carer are beech/ appoint to aceorda•oe reit. so ct of Aenemb'y approved la nag) Ott. 1864. bitc. A. Teat any ordinance or part of ordl• [lance conflicting with the passage of this ordi nance at the present time. be and the game le hereby repealed so Der sa the sane affects this or dinance. • • • .. ordained and enacted Into • lave In Council this 10th day of Mann. A D. INTO. JAMES YeAULEY. reeeldept or &Rat Connell. Attest: E. el. Ifonaow, Clerk or naleet Council. • W.A. Tin![ANSON. • Prosldent of Common Council ♦tk.t: H. IdolWr.o. aer. Council Ordained and enacted "into n la. In Councils, thin 10th day of March. A. D. WlO. JAMBE hIcAULNY, Attest: IL B. Younow Presid,nt of huicetCouncli. , b,61 t emtur ° " W. A)rsow, Pretlaleilt of Commo omu n Co s nnell •ttestf U. Iltettmmtn. inork ot Common Council AN ORDINANCE authorizing the breathe. Oaring and a urbane of 40th etreet.lrom Sutler et Are enelmnr ilke. biliCTlCor 1. Be 0 ordained and eluded by tat Otty of Pittsburgh, to Sant cud Consume tkasteits aurrabied, nod 0 y . annoy ordained and emulat be e fte authvrfl-df Us rum. That tke City Engi he and he le hereby .Th at aad else ed to for prapos de lot the trading. Varlet and curbing of 10.11 meet. frt m Hotter nee. to the Greene:tam pike. guk.. , to let the lamb In the manner direct, d by an or. of nonce ronoeinlng etrr ele, bass d August al t. 11131; elfilb. l eo. an 0 An:co...mans etreem. approyed Julien 64. ' Sac. 9. That aoy ordinal:wear parlor ordlna - ce col:dieting r ap the postageat this ordinance at the yreeent time, be and the same is hereby re pealed so bar as the same erects this ordinance. Ordatned and enacted Iwo a In Commits tale libtea day of Match, A. D.lOlO. JAMitn ticAULZP. President of Seism Connell. Attest: 9. 8. 90IanoW. Clerk of Select Council. - W. A. TONLITIBON, President of Common Conned. Attest: H. McliAsese, Clerk of Common Council. nthle A: ORDINANCE for Osading nd Paving of Polder all. 7, teem P.m street an 'treat. One. 1. Be ft gardened and macron" te Otte of PritteengripS, fa &Pet and Common Gaonnefle a. maned. and ft to keret'', ordained and enacted IS ...their)/ 4r Mt saran Viet the Cltv En Weer be and he La hsreby euthorimd an . directed to advertiser*. propoaals Par the Grading and Pav ing or PolSer silty, nom Sim street to Logan eared. aid to let the same In the manner directed by' sa ordie•nre egetorreas streets. Wed telt 311 mt. 1957: dw, an net ooze. mend Wee. approved Js entry oth 3904. Sze. S. That may ordinance or par t ofordinanee enedleting • Itb the la sage of this ordimsece at the en ter m be and the same Is hereby re pealed as the sue affects this °real nee. Ordszneo and enacted Into 16 10 ln ConneAnt Mtn lota day at &rat. •• D. 1 fdliCe kicAULSY. President of Select Connell. Attest S. Mennow, • Clerk of kleleet • . W. A. TOISLINSON, Attast: a. 111clitA.r Presi sa, dent of Common Connell., • Clem of Common Connell. aditt v4N ORDINANCE autboriging the Oredleo. Posing and Carbine of I.Mt• ma street., Tom 44th to 1111th streets. NWT... T. 1 6 ar4anvaa.a tha 0610 Plol6h.h. M Bated and Comae* Vern. nailed owl It te hereby ordained and gemarW il ay Ifs smstamt/y or Ma num. That the Cltyitnenneer be end he ereby euthcrlzeil end directed to advertise (orneoposals the the r~tUMW. pair Inc and corking of Davidson mere, ream .14th to 48th street, end to let the same In the manner directed by an ordlnenee eeheernleg streets. passed Anew. 61lat, HUM also to eon censing memo. epurom JIM. 6th, 1684. roc. 9. Tr any ordinance or part or onft. sante coallic tag with the PASJAire of this 011111- :mem at the present tame, bed the same le hereby repealed ao far as the same an affecte tote or. Olnence. • Ordalead sad enacted tato . law tlds the 10th day of Marth. A. L. 1810. AMES MeAIILEY. President of Ikleat Council. Attest t I. B. lioasow. c Clark of Select Connell. W. A. Tobnameow. new.ut.r 000.1011CoastaIL Attsait 11. Nallartzw. . . Clerk of Common Conn AN ORDINANCE authorizing t`g. stress. 1""'" del r ev " Aw , 9l. wzra Tlf.= " retrogl:, eft* ennobled, and U I. Aireby aoe muted uathorllY tke rum. Thal the iirl.rli•Vairto be s;e L geTru3 t h g e nliVnlVlV tom Rill r street to trraenaners lie: ar d to appralea damages and assets be•onts caused tuerel, Wm. A. Herron. Thomas Rourke, and C. olf•to are hereby matmletral• mmoltrenex with lt 1•664 A ct concernlna Street.. ePPrortd Jan. . Bic. S. That any ordinance or part or ordi nance eonnletlni with I hr pa sateof ale ordi. Vanua at th e present time , te and Inn non In barrhy repealed. ao farm the game &Setts tale t Ned Sad inward Into a law thla loth day of Hapett, A. P. 111110. JAII6II kfeAULT.T. Pr ardent of Select Cannel, Attests 6.lloanoW, (neater 6000 Correll. W. A. TOSILINISON Prealdent of Common Connell. Atteatz H. NC/dASTraI. Clain of Common Connell. ...ha LN ORDINANCE authorizing W the °ong. Peeing Vorbleg of Main . from Butler street to the tirren.berg Pike. Shermlit 1. Be ft ordained andenacted by tee briV eLf Bideburyit, _fit • Beton and Om. most tonna teartimeeled, and St le herself ordained and enacted by the authority of tee mem& That the City Begmeer be sad Ls ewe by mithorized and directed to &event. for proposals for the landing. Parley end Curb• leg of Male street. from Butler street to tn. tireensbarg Pike.and to let the same la tee manner directed byan online., concerning street.. passed Augurt 31st, 11181: •Iso an Act concerning etrreta.appr Ted .ll•nuarr Sac. S. That any ordinance or put of ordi, 511211 e conflicting with the permagn of this Ordi nance at the present time, be and the lame Is hdinanc e ereby tepeu'ed so far tie th e same affecU Ws or . d and enacted Into a law la Council. Wm 10th day or March, A. 13..11071/. JAKTII keAttLET t President of Bel•et Connell Attest, L. IL lionauw. ChM of ne.eot ''ounen. W. A. TOWLINHON, President of Common Causal. Attest: U. mcm.yrsit, Wert of common Commit. mbH NOTICE. In lie latter of Opeateg bop Street Notice Is bathe elves that the assesiaient 111 able by the Vlsesese Is the cochlea Of Bea/ street has bees lied to mg ale. for eolleilloat that N the same he sot paid .11010 thirty den from the date hereof: Mee wlB be died there. 'tbesiteleet theproperliessiseseed, tilthisterest„ belts mad Amy sad the some oollWtedkr.' . 1./. ELAckr.s. Cllr attoraey, N 0.10 6 ru,b Amite. friVeltntea, teb. A;1670. Male AMUSEMENTS. rgirNEW OPERA EtailiE. Lai% night but nree of toe worlJ•renewn(J Lydia, Tbompeuc kturtturlite Troupe. WRDWMSIIAN ETENING. las-ch le. 1070, veal be precentor] the entirely new Ann or!. n o el bierieuque of trICNAIIISULAI OS TUB T.o.r.a. /1.411 , AND TDL VILL4OIIII II.ILDAL• Tbe performance recommence with the nevem ng farce entitled • DID YOU 011tillISO MIND YOUR wiFE H• 11. 1711. WW !I ar'ACADEMY OF 1511USIC. SIX NIGHTS ONLY! Commenttog MON DAY, March 1415. and every evening dodos he week. Um world renowned ZANFRIVIVA AND cennoli Pantomime Troupe of 16 Persons In Mel+ pleat London rantonstme "Jaek and the'Beran Stalk," A.. 104.117 Performed with areat mac as 1 London. New Yorkd Washinatcas will be pramsamt for tbs. first an lll ri in ibis ty, .1,1 SEW AND sTARTLING TRA •-. TIONS. bUrititß and CTLY CribrUktitos CRASTR AN.. El.itli ANT LANCE by the WRINIAIrL PAR.SIAN LIALLILT. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE WEDNESDAY rod SATURDAY at r. w. Admissiost—Panmetto and Orem Circle Thal Family Circle. sUreets; 115 s. Rammed Seats tar Sala at Box Mice wit boat extra same. mbrOmf OFFICIAL. ALLEGHENY_ AN OIVDINANCE to authorize the Grading and Paving of Willi allry. Irons hay alley to Oelottrerl. Sloe. I. Ben ordained and reacher One Se fret and Cominow (hooch* ctllhe City qr lifpft.y. aud 1f to hereby ordnown wad tented ty the Sheehy of as ewe, Th. Ow Coresulthe Streets be. and they ere ber.or ntbrins sad dlvected lo lacier and recant prop oats for Om Eroding and plying of Y.ble alley, as ahoy- Slid, w six t sidewalk. and ostlers with belck on enc. and•to c .ntrut thersfar 1.1.0 ma. lowest and best bidder or bid& rs at Oleic disCrt• " sac. 0. 'That far the purpose of defeat le . W. wst and expense. of the said 'mere...mew. • lb re bet and le ben by tenet!, a apeetal t• 0. to be equally aswssed upon tee several lots hated• In aent-tabottang Up.di the saidWbig alley. pectively to proportion lo the fen hick to it , re sp.chrely cemprisid, and boundis g and &bitingaforesaid. as Pie. 3. 'Feat as soon as the cost aed I keens.. of paid hew...v. meats holt be fatly asceentneb, it nal. be tbe duti or the litreet ottalsaloaer tnILISPCSS Shll apportion she tame among the sev eral lots bound.); and emitting upon tad 10bIg alley -espeetnels, to Ilse toll Meow Indicated, and tbercupon ee,.l to odd e dw mead and rollect the same, eceordlog to tbe grew vlsiote of the Act of the- General As. [ably of the Commonwealth of Pentsylesnia. entitled "An hot dens!ng the manner s f collecting the expenses or grading and poring of tilt WWII Walleys of the City of All, abroy. zed for . WA. r puts," paned the We...oh day of March ISMS.rpor bac. 4. Tattoo nitscb of sny ordinance as may conflet whit or be slovens d be the finego too be .11.1 the same Is hereby repealed Ordained and enoesen 10wan..., this Ow tom day of March, A. D. 1010. JAMES IdeltRIEE President of Select Council. Attest: J. It. 011.00, ' Clerk of belles Co 11.1•4 WAILNER. 1 4 resIdent of Common Connell. • Attest j e rk tW Cnmm on Connell. melt AN ORDINANCE to authorize the .o:matron!. of Plank Sidewalk on AN bac. I. Ile O ordafeed and nodal by th e Saga and Common (bawd& of the thy or Allegheny. sad sz I. &deft Loaded by flu eoshertn of lA. sewn, Toot tbe CommOtee atreete be, and the f are hereby authorized apd directed loinvlte Ltd receive otoposats for the cowl ...hoe of ptank bashwelk on Bell ay. nu. from Franklin rood tb - Wlllis see. et, sad to centoht Wenn, Wllt the 'wrest anti beat bidder or Ind", It tb.le dlwrellon Sat% 0. 'lbw fur the purpose of. dehoying the east and xp. toc• of tile said InsPrWeeenn. titre allyid Is hereby let led, a special tax, to be equas waked upon the Several lota round ing and abutting upon earn tile of the said Bill oe e eee re.pectively In pqrportlon to the fet t front In them re. pectively comprised. and baundlog and slotting as'aforesald. t ay. 3. 'lb It es soon as the coil and expense. .‘lal ',tiptoes du ty o he folly eseertatowl. It 01011 he the duty of the City henbane to news and apportion the fame among the several ' lots bonding and abottingepon said hell Av.., se aforesaid. resontively, accorcing to the role above indicated. stud thereupou proceed to make demand and collect the same, according to We 111 . 01/1.10. of the Act of the General As sembly of the Colptoorrwealth of P. uswy ed ••An Act relative to thirds Walks In thy et Alteglieny.•• Sae. 4. That sOmoeb of any onlmence arisen of ordinances...a contlict wills or be sayeltsd by the foregoing, to and the same Is hereby re• pealed. Ordained and ermeted lota a law this the lOW day of )(MITA* A. It 11111. JAMES MCSIIIKE. reroutes of Select Conlin. • Attest: J. E. OXLEY. Clerk of Select Cooed!. MOSBY WARNER. President of Common Coonell. Attest: U. DLLIVORTII. Clerked Common Council. Mill& AN ORDINANCE to authorize the Conetruction of a Main eewer. a r d eCIM He ll o d u a ncinlsd andeeeered hfty Baw qf etw City of hew', and U es hardy ordained au" exacted by author ity of rho saes.. Tnat the NM.. Commission be. iad th ey are hereby authorised and directed to nvite and receive propoaste tor the conetractlow era Bower located as lollowst !tearer arena., front Franklin Weet to near the line of Bayard street, tee same to be built 1113014111111.0 wine Plena to be approved by Peened.. and to con tract therefer with the lowest nod beat bidder or bidd en, at their discretion. Sac. Tat as coon ao, the "fief and expense , ' of said ro we r shall be fully ascer the soma shall be laidail.asaereed and co llected. prove. dad Per, be an Act of assembly of the trommon wealth of Pennsylvatta, entitled "a supplement !rattled Mi . /Let relating to Allegheny City,'" ape 41 • th ectlula el all Kt 'dlggr4% . Sac. 3. That co much Of ant) (d ace as map conflict with, or b e et/palled by the foregoing, be ordainede Is hereby repealed. and enacted Into a law Ma the lilthe day or March, 4.11. 18110. • President of Selee.t Connell. hiteet: J. B. Cesar, Visit of gol.tCoonell - nENllt NV AIM IR, Proeldent of common Connell mbli /1011sn. Drcerorml. Clerk of Common Connell. VITT iNGINIBL.Ins umcm. t ALLILOOLIT CITY, Mara 14, MO. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER =I for We opening of LANE ALLEY. In the Seeenid' War , . Wu been filed In this olloe far °manilla. Mb, sad eln be uen Jere built 11.44 114tb, 1470, when It 4111 be /breed to Cotteelle for 1!=2:13 El= C1L1111144.1141. • 411141•11.•• 11,11411 411.400141C1TT. PA..Sretll4. iS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.Sf that the aasesnuent made by the Vttwen for the rOentneof IitU3SVICIL STREIT, Otb ward, has been Sled to this elks for exams.. Use, and can be acts :here until Rush SOIL INTO, when It will be returned to Cannella fat eouttrinatloth ORMILES DAVIS. CERICEI Cowlnoczaa's Crrr Or ALLsCiasnr. March lath, VITO.; OTICIi TO STONERIAIONS. I,IIiLLWD PROM/ALB w ill be recelved lt t 1. alfee 'snot 4 weloec r. 0. TRUYSDAY„ Muth 171b,11170,10r FLAG STONE CROSSINGS rotsly the Street Comuilasioxer far the ear. ..e rattles !Initial,. to bid aseartala Um slue, quality, /he., b calllug at um ellee 4 f 111. Thomas lita me, !treat Cazialtssioner, City The rlgbt Is resolved to'rrirot any or all bids. W. Y. roSTML. Con railer. I=l PIT4BII,FIRGIL nOPOSAILS.—SeaIed Props.. BALE will be miv otes] at the Water tnan rte. Room until MARCH 111 . b, ter the lag: 950,000 bushek of clean Nut Mar, to Ws delivered at the Lower Water Were.; 110 01/10 bushels or elven but Cow, to be delivered at taw Upper Water Works, and water pipes. intstralie ..... ilre plugs, and stop cock.. 7hw above contract to commence April 1. 1170 MA continue Oil March 31. 11 , 71. Tsa Committee reserve the right tor,lcc all bldg. - who atititrit PULS Clf, copertuteneat. NOTICE. la the Halite of Opening et Itweed Street. • Vette. Is hereby elven :kit the summand Ilat mode by the newt, In the opening of *Mead street his been Sled ha my ones t>tr eollseUehe abet If said ',less - meats a • COt "Mid ' . 14a6.4111 thirty days fn m the dash hexer. Mein werili • Aced ;befell against the brobertlea asseeisad.: wtth leterest, -costs and fake, and the sa nti`etda keted by !seal brassie: ' Trl ' J. 7. !MAGUS. Cliy Attorney. No. 106 71110 Avenue. Frrrtincrin V. Feb. 23. 111713. fe24:010 JOHN M. COOPER & CO. \ Bell and Brass Founders, T . MAINS, LOCOSOTIVE A !ALIA§ 1166 BRASSES Mode Promptly to Order. RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. rroptistors and Mazursetaren J.M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheal STEAM RUMP, ‘° Nice, 882 PENN FLTREET. fooadri• Con 17 th kgo Railroad Streets ' PrlTSTlOrtalf. Pt. COALI COAL!! COAL 11: DICKSON, STRWART & CO., roamed UM one. to N\#.B7 LIBERTY STREET ' , tramp' ,F2ts new un)Bwoon nom trig Wa U rr, tna I h tlikrir r a u ftte: la recar 4 lau tr sAtml lA= Ukri ur . „.1.°., zit us &Kw.. to • muoutu. r. JOHN T. GRAY,. 'To w and Non Painter, 15111A1PIEJA AND GLAZ/33/16, Is. 54 sloth Street, 1a21:13: (Late Euta stmt.) Plttabarab, pa, ...S=J`~%' i _ _ 011.11ILID8 Dkti,lll„ .I==o