The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 11, 1870, Image 4

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tta Itktollittgll ;I, pat;
Skate Per Bate.
.A good rinsing route on the GAZETTE.
iteescat Ser selling, owner leaving the
01 11. Apply today at GAZETTE GOlillie
lug Room.
ikepnty Mayor Nichols sent to Jail on
=day, gon oath of Fred
charclug h im with misconduct.
Serious Areaterd.--George Shragg a
coal miner at Bailey's ooal works lower
St. Clair 'drew. was severely Injured
yesterday, by a fall of slate. His right
armirais broken and his back seriously
Injured. Re realties on the Washington
ram _ •
Mira Plre.—About half-past six
o'clock yesterday morning • slight fire
occurred in Croft & real estate
office, 139 Fourth avenue, but was lbrtu.
nately discovered before it had made
meek headway and was put out. A few
pipers ware destroyed.
A Young Man from the conotrr
duped and relieved of hie pocke
wreaking twenty•flvsi dollars, la 1 . 120
vicinity of the Union Depot yesterday.
The party having poseasion of the money
stan ascertain the youth 'a • address by.
*northing at the Depot, as the lumen;
Says the victim, ~ b elonged to Dad..
Mary L. Belem entered salt yesterday
Wore Alderman Thomas, charging
jebn Gallagher and Jas. Jones, with la.
molt and battery, alleging that they did
Indict on the body of Henry Bosannt
Without cause or provocation, with some
unknown hard substance sundry injur
es, and bruises. A warrant was Limed.
Held for Court.-James Mooney, of
Ormsby borongh, charged before Alder-
Man Hooper with selling liquor on Sun
!lay, had a bearing yesterday, and was
bald to ball for his appearance at Court.'
!Aare were about a dozen. witnesses in
attendance, the majority of whom had
Deem buying whisky on Thursday and
drinking It. Things were lively..
The contract for the new uniform for
the Pittsburgh Z mares was awarded to
- Messrs. Jones • Eros, merchant tailors,
316 Smithfield street, on Tuesday evening.
'Several bids were submitted, but that of
• the Jones Bros. was preferred by the
-• oombany as being the beat offered. The
member* of the successful firm are
young, active, energetic business men,
well and favorably known t and the fact
that they havesecured the ebove contract
. is in a flattering recognition of. their
' new establishment. One of this firm
leaves this evening Is buy one of the
- handsomest assortments of grads ever
brought to this city.
Attempted Robbery
About aloe o'clock last evening an
attempt was made to rob a member of
Mr. Canning's company of his wardrobe
and other articles of value. The gentle-
Man rirerrad to boards at Lawton's 197
First avenue. He hoe* not been In the'
cast during this week, and he entire
wardrobe was packed In his trunk In his
room. Be left the bow about eight
o'clock in ttre evening and returned
between nine attd"ten, when he discover.
ad that the Wank containing Me wardrobe
Was gone and • another trunk In which
wart, his other clottles was moved close
to the door. Oa searching the premises
the trunk was found on a baloony un
opened, The thisf , probably heard Mtn,
and had not time to get away with
the trunk. He succeeded in taking an
overcoat and a pair of pant..
Omuta Hottez.--The people who base
patronized the Opera Hones dining the
present season, and "their name la
legion," are still in ecstasies over. Mr.
Frank Mayo. As Badger in the Streets
of New York, and all other characters of
that cast, he has no superior and perhaps
no equal on the stage. The piece will be
repeated tonight.
Jazz. Alto TAM Beal arA.LI4-03121•
manning on Monday "miming at the
Academy of Maga the Zwifrette and Car
, son troupe will perform that vomiter.
pantomime which ha 5 . . .. ... • .0.• • . • • pie
e a •
. great extent. loves' of lACANAMOU.
will find no bettey placenext week than
.the Academy , - A ballet troupe Is one of
the wed important Appiout.o.oor•rhich
A .t.scizomparir bona.
--- --- Aoaouter or blusto.—The qulneu
piegeitroupe of CharleyStutys continue's
• to -.attract large houses. The music is
• superb. The bill played last evening
• afforded a great variety of amusement.
Tbe dog still playa the piano, and the
_ degree of satisfaction expreased to grand.
A Juattnee on Saturday afternoon.
Washington Manna —An OppeodUon
pursuant to previous notice, the meet
ing of the owners of real estate living
along the line of what is proposed to be
called "Washington avenue," was hold
at the residence of Charles King. The
meeting was largely attended by the
leading and principal owners of real
estate on the old rOad, and was duly'
organized by calling 9. FLBogs to the
'chair and by electing David - Hunter
The presi dent stated the object of the
Meeting to be the opposing the proposed
bill now before the Legislature assessing
property on the line of said road Az,
four and three dollars an sere. The
sense of the meeting was taken on the
following resolution* presented by Mr.
Hughey and adopted unanimously:
neeotred, That the bill for the making
of the propound " Washington avenue"
on the bed of the eld Coal 11111 and
Upper St. Clair Turnpike is crude and,
unsatisfactory In its provisions, onerous
and oppressive in the burdens imposed,
sod at war with the wishes of the ma•
jolty of the owners of Lind lying on said
. Basolved, That we earnestly ask our
Senators and Representatives to °mute.
this sutd also call their attetit Go
tha suspicious haste with ...which Its
managers are trying - to get It through:
the Houma.
- „Resolved. That the: Secretary be_ttE
. quested to forward a Copy of the fore.
going resolutions to each' of otir.Seaatdra
and fiet'iresintaliyea, and also to halo the
1. zulaulasof tbls meeting published in the
Pittsburgh °Loan; Chronicle, Goer
.. .Listercka and Dispatch.
TOO. Lecture. Last Night.
Wendell attracted to Li*,
Mte Hall last evening the mat cultivated
and disesimisunlng, se it wee one of ths
very largest audiences of the season-
The suggestive 'subject, "Daniel O'Otm
.,, tell," and the 'pester. formed an Weals*
tibia combination in gathering theism:a
, pis; and they who attended enjoyed the
finest literary treat on the plant= with
which Pittsburgh ham been favored fbr
risme Mr. Phil li ps spoke for about an
'rimier and a half, and .thrOughout main
tained the rapt end perfect attention. of
Ws hearers, save only when at intervals
- . the quiet was broken by enthusiastic
• He began with en introduction. plifles
ophyslng on political governmenta,Land
the people which 'the two kinds .espe:
d city, Aristocratio end Democratic,
developed. Pianos In rapid review the
oppression of Ireland which for three
- bandied yesra bad crushed It almost
from existence, he depleted In a few
pwges lie abject condition when
appeered an the
d belonged especially to the
Mass who are called atptators—one who
when be saw the wrong et
once - attempted to • 'rigbt it At
the time of hia advent Ireland
aria in her lowest degredation. yet she
only wanted a leader. In him, however,
she required four amernthil elements.
Its must. be a gentleman with ancient
ano-a:ry, a man of undaunted physical
courage, a _profound • lawyer and more
- ,then an an - eloquent advocate. Such
,were 'the elements of O'Connell'ir
_ character with which hr achieved income.
With this outline the speaker efooeol,
ed, by anecdote, Illustration, historical
research, and comparison, to develop his
theme ; nothieg seemed labored ; all
_ • me clear, forcible and thorough, while
'interwoven here and there; throughout.
• were passages of surpassing beauty and
:eloquence. As a noble tribute to the
• Milne and lame of • great man toe
• :storm , wee cf „ the hlehant 4 rder;
viewed in*•
the light of a literary
• - prodhation. *ad masterpiece of ore
-10 insipassed all criticdrm. Noth
-lag was wanting. to make It coM
'•• - plate, and nothing. added Oa _mar
BO perfection. W ords were nude to
. :.; convey the fineet,Mod &hada Ithadeitof
thought, and yet all. stood out clear,
ibrcible, unmistakable in meaning. The
' audience thought with the . orator, and
fora time the orator and hinters teemed
in One. -The most aniehed scholareldp.
• the highest training and , culture, .the
• most cultivated intelleetand marvel
..: lons power oforatory asecned to nteirk
this Meanly roan/ kit led
Of tho
epeeist lieedng—Untiniabed
:dew Rosins.-40.1c Watei - Wocks,
A special meeting of the Select end
Common C,ounctia of the city of Pitts.
burgh waa held yesterday, (Thursday),
March 10th, 1870. at two o'clock P. M.
Members present—Measra. Ahl, Aiken,
Armstrong, Btesoll, Brown, Barged°,
()MEM, Hammitt, Edwards, Friday, Balla.
her, Glenn, Gross, Herron, House, E. P.
Jones, I. Jonas, Kehew, Kirk. Lanfman;
Liddell, Litton, Lloyd, Morrow, Mur
doch. Murray, McEwen, - McMahon,
Phillips. Rafferty, Rees, Rush, Schmidt,
Scully, Seeley, Shipton, Thompson. S.
J. Wainwright, • Z. Wainwright,
Wilson and President McAuley. White,
Oa motion of Mr. Grow, it was reeolved
to take up unfininhed
Mr. tiMpton called up report of the
Water Committee.
Mr. Lloyd presented the reports of the
committees of 186 e and 1889, and moved
that three hundred °opts. of each report
and the report of W. Miner Roberts be
The motion was adopted.
/dr. Burgwin called up an ordi eines re.
lacing to carts and carriages, which bed
been returned from Common Commas
on account of informality, and moved to
amend It by affixing a proper title to it.
The motion was adopted.
Tee ordinance rebates) to reducing
rates of vehicle license on wide tires *as
taken np. In C. C. lt was referred to a
special committee. S. C. cotratirred and
appointed Messrs Rafferty and Edererds
on the committee. . •
An oidineieeauthorizing the erection
of wooden buildings in the Seventeenth
ward, read and adopted in the O. C., was
taken np.
Mr. Smith presented a number of
petitions signed by olticsns If the above
ward, asking for the pawns of the or
dinance Read and received. •
The question recurring on the passage
of theordinanoe, it was passed under a
, suspension of the rules.
Resolution relative to the grading of
Webster avenue: passed in C. C. at a pre
vious meeting was taken up, and ft. C.
Resolution relative to taxes and mode
of assesiments, passed in C. C. at a pre
vious meeting was taken up and 8. C.
concurred, and Messrs. Ceram and Jones
appointed on the Committee.
Remonstrance against opening of,
Kirkpatrick. street. Read and accepted.
Resolution relative to the completion ,
of new City Hall, passed in C. O. at a pre
rinds meeting was concurred in.
Resonation relative to now water
works and the appointment of a board of
examiners, and employing a corps of en.
alarms, passed in C. C. at a previous
meeting, was taken up. .
_ Mr. Aiken moved to lay the resolution
on the table.
Ur. Burgwln called for the yeas . and
Motion decided out of order. .
Mr. Phillips moved to concur.
Mr. Morrow objected.
Mr. Surgwin moved that the resolu
tion be put upon its third raiding. Adop
Mr. Burgwin moved that the resolution
be passed toa third reading and final
Mr. Edwards moved to lay the matter
on the table.
Mr. Burgwin called for the yeas and.
nays, when the motion was defeated,
Metiers. Oaths, Murdoch. Beaty, Thomp
son, Wainwright, S., and Wainwright, 8.,
voting In the affirmative. '
The question recurring on the passage
of the resolution, Mr. Isaac Jame moved
to amend by requiring the Water Corn.
missionere to appoint theleugineer, an/
that the words "not members of Council"
beMrlcken out.
Mr. Burgwin moved to lay the amend
ment on the table. Adopted.
Mr: Burgwin called the previous ques
tion width call was sustained.
The resolution was then passed finally..
Resolution for aesia in lobbys of Conn
ell Chambers, named in Common Coun
cil, was concurred in.
Resolution relative to the Church
Guild, passed In Common Council, was
taken up.
Mr. Burgwin aeoved to concur.
. Mr. Isaac Jones moved-to lay the mo
'lion on the table. - •
Mr. Burgwin called the yea, and nays
with the following result:
dyea—Mtairs. Ahl, Origin, Edwards,.
Friday, Gallaher, Gleno, Jews', Bellew,
Udell, Lloyd, Mcßee° McMahon,
Shipton, Thompson , Wairlight, McAu
Nays—Mesara. Aiken, Armstrong.
sell, Brown, Burgwin,. Duncan, Gres;
Herron, Rouse, lona. Birk, Laufnian,
"-" ate 1211_2rdoch, Mann
se; . , Wainwright.• Ai—.
So the motion Was loaf.
The Question then nctirred on the mo
tion to concur, whinging adopted.
A proposed ict °banging the time of
making the annual city appropriations,
approved In Common Council, wastaken
up and Select Council concurred.
Ordinance opening Clark street, passed
In Common Council, wad taken up and
concurred in.
A proposed act of Assembly repealing
portion of an act of Assembly relating
Coveting* lioensis, approved In Common
Council was taken up and concurred In.
Report of Ocmimittee -on Claims and
Adoonnts, presented and received In
Common (bundle wax taken up and no
tion of Omni:don Council concurred In.
An ordinance authorizing the grading
and paving of 234 street, passed in Com
mon Council, was concurred in.
Ordinance authorizing public seweron
Diamond Meek from Cherry alley-to
Smithfield street, palsied ILI C. C., wax
taken up and action of 0.0. concurred In.
Ordinances for grading, paving, de., of
Fortieth street.
Also for Davidson street, Poplar alley,
Clark street, Cassell street, passed in C.
O. wore concurred in.
Ordinance for appointing oilmen on
Poplar street,' passed in C. C. was con
curried In. -
olrdinanoe relailvo to the construction
of buildloss, ova taken , llP.
Mr. ScUlly moved to refer the ordi.
1111.1100 to the . Committe on Wooden
Building' In conjunction With the build.
Mr. Brown stated .sbatjthi .iirdlnance
had been prepareChyiniebtied of the
building Inspector..
Mr. sculls; stated '
that r.onder that
statemead -Am mittufraw his
_ iebEtreit .MOVed ~ to amend by
duuznactbeballl=lollol3 to read "not
leas than vomits , nor meta than twenty
dvicaerfront." Adopted. -
2dr.yellbahommored to amend by in
serting the Word' "not More than
•twenty-two feet high the brick walla
'gnat's nine inches."
Mr. Rafferty moved to amend 'Vie =
amendment byjsmertlng 28 instead of 22.
Adopted. . •
The Motion as ame n ded • - wai adopted..
Mr. Phillip* inbred to amend the oidi.
mince mo as not to apply to wooden build
togs itt•thethnenteenth ward during the
year MCI. -adopted.
Mr. Gallaher moved to amend by nor
vidlng that no thalldingabould be erected
on any street or alley to • greeter belghth
than . the Width or the street -or alley bn
which the same are erected.
Th• smendmerut was lost. • .
Mr. Reese moved that the whole matter
be referred to a eommittee appointed to
consult with loading builders to prepare
an ordlnanoa.
Mr-ltaffarty mewed lo,lay. the resolu
tion on the table., AdoplAW ,
The queition then racerreatiactithe pi*
sago of theffenntocersanimirnded, and
on motion of Mr. Rafferty It was plated
Resolution relative to the Braddock's
Plead turnpike parsed inl). C. was taken
ap. and S. C. concurred in the action of
Petition for additional police read and
accepted. ht C. concurred..
PI titian to extend water main read and
'Reinlotions relative to the Paid The
Deartment act from C. 0. '
Mr. McAuley nude an explanation of
ids action In the matter, stating that the
only change he had made was to request
the Legislature to change the method of
taxing,inauranos commode', from tax.
eceiOut capital stock to a tax on the gross
Mr. Kirk said the resolution did not
item•tocthieebanits spoken of by the
gentleman, but to a. meeting of certain
gi=el lbo in t t amposed to the
bill rejected try
his Council one year ago. •
Mr. Phillips said that pietism ha was
the gentlemad regret' to. He had met
with other citizens end bad a right to do
so. He had, a right to - oppose. any
MINIM* in this Cloundi be though ob.
jectionabbi and would still go further to
Impale it in meetings of citizens and
goto the Jellfhilatera andel/IMO it there.
Mr. Jones, presented an amendment to
the resolution providing that the tax be
levied on the gross receipts Instead of
the capital stock. The amendment was
Tits resolution as amended was adipted.
A second resolution authorizing a
committee to inquire as to what mem.
bars of Council changed the resolution
relative to the Paid Firs Department act.
Mr. Kirk moved to lay the resolution
on the table. Adopted.
Ordinance opent Main street, passed
in Comenownrti,
Was concurred in.
Reaolutton relative to Braddock , . Plaid
Plank Road. 'Rotarian to • spatial cam-
Ordinal* , OPet4ng Beech ail. /Ad
c l3rdinsnae. ibr aiding and paying
Main Agelaot Mundt concurred.
Tao report of the &rod Ootazultts%
• . ? :.::: :: . ' ,,,1- i ; j.t,;i:i! , . l 's!t:iii i .i'Z'-t.
presented in and ap
proved; • S. C. concurred.
Ordinance authorizing the grading
and paving of Thlrtyaiecond etreet, was
referred back to the Street MatraMee.
Petition of K. Bracken, relative to the
Forty.eighth street *ewer was referred to
street Committee.
Ordinance for opening Cassett street.
Laid over. •
Petition of itifr. Connolly for woolen
building. S. C. concurred.
Mr. Jones, an ordinance for opening
Conrad street.. Referred to the Street
Coin mince.
Ordinance for opening Rebecca street.
Read three times and passed.
The report of the Committee on
Wooden Buildings was read and so.
An ordinance from the above Com
mittee granting privilege to certain Par.-
ties to erect wooden buildings. Read
three times and passed.
Mr Phillips presented a report of the
Committee on *My Property. Read end
Mr. Phillips moved that the Commit
tee on City Property be is:unmated to
haVe the fence around Washington grave
yard repaired.
Mr. Brown, a resolution providing for
a Joint session of Council at the next
r u ed= o m m eetilisr op t t o w elect Water Com.
Mr Gross, a resolution providing that
said Commlwarinere shall report to OA:ln
cas the result of their investigation's.
Mr. Brawn, eh oryntmee providing
for the Mention of a Milk Inspector.
Read three times and pained.
• Also; an ordinance relative to the ap.
pointment of a Salt Inspector. Read and
laid over under the rnles.
. . .
Also, a communicatihr, from John 0.
Mitchell, et al, relative to a warrant.
Referred to Finance Oomndttee with
power to act.
Also a petition of William Smith for
an Iron clad building.. Referred to the
Committee op Wooden Buildings.
Mr. E. P. Jones, an ordinance for open.
Ing Hoinewood street. Rend three times
and passed..
Also ordinances for gradtng and paving
Madison street. Tustin street, changing
the name of Westminster sienna to
Frakstowu avenue.
ti •
Mr. row!, apa on ror the (lithos:ton
or Loog avolltle. Referred to the Survey
Mr. Murdock, a potion for a new road
in the Twenty-tat ward. Referred to
Survey Committee.
The Chairman road a report of the
City Controller transmitting aundry
bine and applications far reductions on
busineme tax. • Report accepted. -
A reaolution for payment of a bill of
John Trimble • for posting notices.
Resolution to pay a bill against Peebles
township. - Adopted.
Mr. Armstrong, • resolution for
wooden buildingii. Referred to the Com
mittee on Wooden Buildings.
On motion, adjourned.
Called to order at ten minutes pest two
o,clock, the following members answer
ing to the 'call of the roll: Messrs.
Arthurs, Albeit., Barker, Beckman,
Black. Booth, Bradley, LYmeron ' Cu
key, Chalmers, Daum, Diamond,
wards, Faxon, Fodder, Forson, D. L.
Fleming, John Fleming, liaszam, flare,.
llona, Miller, Moore, Moorhead, Mor
gan, Negley, OWver IL W., Sr., Pander,
Freston, Seibert, Solt!, Snidle; Shoeb,
Sim., Smith, Sneatben, Snodgrass, Ws],
lace and Preelderit Tontlimsort. •
The minutes of the preceding meeting
were read and'approved.
The President stated Councils bed been
called together in. special session to con.
alder matters in relation to the bill
uthoriring Chuneila to establish a Pald
Ice Department.
Hr. Morgan said that at the last meet
log of Councils, the Common broach had
adopted a resolution for the appointment
of a Committee to lovedigate alleged
charges in the bill as for wardod. with the
approval of Cannella. This action bad
not boatman:red to by Select ikn:mil, and
he thought Common Council should now
take the matter in their own hands. A
bill - bad been substituted for the one
neat on. This bill- ought to be stopped.
It took the wholo control out of the
hands of • Council and gave it ler o few
men. He was mowed to this, and to
get at the matter aimed a series otiose.
lotions as follows;
Wumenual, rota meeting of the &loot
and Common Councils celled for the
purpose. an act of Assembly was promo
ted by the Committee on Fire Engines
and Hose. empowering the Councils of
an. rt
irkrlAPßoi l iff - ment
the contract the adieus througlr
representatives in Connelly, and where/ea;
it a alleged that some. ineMbera. Or this
Canuion Council, lii °ohne:Mon with
others who style - thernsetrbi(l“the !pos.
pie;have prepared and .forwardsid to
the Legislature an act creating a Paid
Firs Department and potting it under
the control Of Commisteners not elected
by Councils, and takitig all atithoritY sot
of the hands of Councils, and by the
provisions of said bill the Commissioner'
named have authority to nominate their
successors end perpeteste and retain
control of said department for all time.
thereby attempting Miaow MI. the will of
the citizens rot expressed by Councils;
therefore. •
Resolved, That the Legislature be and
they are hereby requested not to pass
tho "Long bill, 'as it le called, - creating
a paid lire department for this city, bet
to pees the act forwarded -to them by
Councils with the amendment, taxing
the gross receipts* of Wl' late; Fire mud
Marine Insurance companies doing busi
ness in the city at not more than three
and one halt - mills upon eiehdollar of
gross receipts.
Resolved, That a committee of three
be appointed . by this branch of Cotmcils
foe the purpose of ascertaining If any
members of this body wore inatrationtal
In haring the bill not passed by Councils,
forwarded to the Leglelaturs, and report
the • same , to this body at their next
meeting, that. this Council may take
such action us they may deem proper.
MYST/MOUS COltGr . J.Tr., ,
Mr. Morgan—The reason I offered this
paper Is that I am told there are some
members of Connell interested In the
new MIL lam afraid to my anything
about this matter, as limo+ been told I'll
have my jaws broken if I do. Well I
can ray that If , the men who made that
threat were- on this floor I would go
ahead .all - tbe same; I would say just
what - I pleased. -I won't mention any
names because they are not here, but if
theywore I'd name them out and—
. Mr. Hare—Mr. Presldentl call on the
. gentleman to mention the names of any
members of Council who Made use of
Inch threats. -
. _
Mr. Morgan—lt was not Cbunclimen
who made the threats, but others who are
Interested with them, I won't 'mention
any names now.
There Rai a meeting held a few nighty
ago in a room on Fourth avenue where
the thing was fixed up. Sadie members
of Council were there in conjunction with
two or three other men,,ad the bill was
made up by them. They call themselves
'the people." That reminds me of the
little joke of the throe. little F,nglish
tenon who issued a manifesto, and
styled themestees"the people." (Laugh
ter.] These men are *lna people" of
Pittsburgh. They have Iliad tills thing
up, and all the men have been appointed.
fly the provlelorte of the till they can't
be put our dolma by. Imposehment: • I
hope Cannella will hot let thlti bill' pea,
I hobelhey pre theadzresPletainnit.
and send thereto Harrisburg and if COMP
mon Colwell can't get Select to do any
thing let them take it up alone. Wo are
the direct represents:lessor the people,
as we come from them (rash every year.
Let mil do our duty.
President-11es the gentleman any
motion to Make
Mr. Morgan—Yes, Mr, I move the adop.
tion of this paper, as it is read.
vote was taken, when the motion was
decided affimatteely without debate.
In acoordenta With the last resolution;
the Prodentappolmed, Messrs. Morgan
Mms, a d nd Hare the Committee of In
vestigation. -
On motion she rules ware 'impended
and new miscellaneous hi:Lamm taken
Mr. Moorhead offered a resolution for
ages lamp at the corner of OVerhill street
and 11111 alley.
Mr. Pander, a resolution fora gas lamp
on Wyllo street. Both papers referred
to this Committee.
Mr. Bahiatier, &petition in relation to
Fortyolghth street sewer. Referred to
Street Committee.
C. O. concurred In the action of S. C.
in relation to the Water Committee's,
Mr. Rare attend a petition for the ax.
tension of Rural street. Referred to the
Survey Committee.
• •
- Also, a petition from Martin Connelly
asking' the Privilege to remodel a frame
home lathe Fourth ward. Referral to
the Committee on• Wooden Buildings. • •
Mr. Lyon, a bill from John H. Sawyer
for atone, to the amount of: $3,000. He
moved It. reference to the Finance VOW*
mitts° with power to act.
Several members asked for informa
tion as to what the bill meant..
Mr. Schleiter explained that it was a
purchase made by the Street Committee
some time laid year forstreet purposes.
The bill wee finally , referred to ' the
Street Committee. • I. -.; •
fiTitratt IYPnoVZYaNTa. ' •
khan promoted the report of
the Street Oomodttee, aocomPaaled by e
number of papers, which were disposed
of ea follows: Ordinance for opening of
Beech alley from Pride to Stevenson
street, passed finally: one for opening
Main street from Butler !treat totireens•
burg pike, passed finally; one for grad
ing and paving of Main street, from But
ler street to Greensburg pike, peeped
finally; report of viewers on Hatfield
street, received; a resolution relative to
"road bed" of Braddock's Field Plank
Road, passed; an act empowering the city
to enter upon and take pout:melon of the
"road bed" of any turnpike or plant:-
road within the limits of the city, and
stipulating for the appointment of Com
missioners to appraise the value of the
same and the amount of damage. to be
paid by tax on the property holders
along the line.
The bill was discussed at some length,
when objections being made It was laid
over for the present.
Mr. Arthurs then offered the following:
Resolved, That as soon as the Brad.
dock's Field Plank Road Company shall"
surrender to the city of Pittsburgh tho
free use of the road bed covered, by their
charter, or !shall abandon tile privileges
conferred upon said company by their
said .:barter, then the laid city will as.
mune all resporalbillty of keeping said
road in repair, and will release said cor
poration from all, liability In that behalf.
Read three times and passed.
Mr. D. L. Fleming presented a resolu
tion for the erection of a gas lamp on
Washington street, between Franklin
street and Fifth avenue, Seventh ward.
Referred to GM Committee.
OLD uusinizsg.
Mr. Morgan called up the ordinance to
relation to Homewood avenue, gist ward.
After some examination, It was ascer
tained that the paper was in tho hands
of the Committee.
The following Unglues% stated upon in
Select Connell, Feb. 28, MO, wee re
Ordinance relative to vehicle license.
Itosoed. In Common Council laid over.
lution rblatiVe to new City Hall.
In. Select Council amended by adding
the word "City" before the word "Hall."
Common Council receded and concurred.
On motion adjourned.
Litttrlet Court—Judgo Hampton
THURSDAY, March the came of
Bowers vv. Donnelly, prevlodely re•
ported, the jury fdund for the defendant.
The first - cue taken up wee that o
Krenihemp •s. Greedy's siffninistratrix
Action to recover IMO, borrowed money
Verdict for S2IILO o.
The next cases taken up were those of
R. T. Kerr • ve. T. 11. McClelland et al.
and R. R. B. Kendall vs. Th same de
fendants. • . • •
moth cases were of a similar haracter,
and were trledioirether. In March, 'ad,
defendants organized a company for the
purpose of purchasing oil territory, and
solicited subscriptions. Kerr subscribed
tIIOO and Kendall 000. It was represent
ed that the land moo altusted in Hancock
county, West Virginia, and• when in
quiries were made no such land appear.
ed to be^4ti that county. The action.
were brought to recover the amount ad
vanced, on the ground of alleged fraud
en the part of defendants. On trial.
61 Truttlek vs. Job% et al.
84 Reee vs. Morrow.
65 Caldwell .t Bro. vs. Millie-ger
Pad flame vs came
75 Riddell vs.. Duff.
80 Mestrerst. vs. McCullough & Co.
01 Haigh bOo. for use, U. Steamboat
"Minim Us."
100 Le Ih:13 , vs. Wiley.
110 Gluteus' 011 Refining . Co. vs. Dll
- worth & Benner.
112 Jacobi vs. Schoen, et al.
Court of Quarter Stations—Judge ster
TituRRDAY, March 10.—In the Came Of
the Commonwealth vs. Jacob Newmyer
the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
In the cese of the Commonwealth vi.
D. P. and David Hatch, indicted for for
cibly entry and detainer. the jury re
turned a verdict of guilty.
The first case taken up was that or the
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Wingrothrln•
dieted for selling liquor to a habitual
drunkard after notice not to dose. This
case wee tried at. a proViCrus term of
Court and anew trial granted. The jury
to the present case returned a verdictof
guilty. Motion for anew trial andrar
Rona filed.
The next case MILLI up was that of the
Comnnonwoatit vs. Wm. Lynch, indicted
for keeping a gambling house, Geo.
Bowers, prosecutor. Alas. tkohran.
~ represented. tot _Commonwe al th.
•: • T.X.rt, - 1.-Szciar -24. Bayne. appeared Inc
the . defendant. Thar-defendant was
December, 1869, proprietor of a house at
Nei. 2in the Diamond, ,First ward, All..
gheny, where, tt is alleged, ho kept and
blabiblined -fisui*lur: h Ol l OO . Thu
Jury, alters brie absence, brOught:ln a
verdict of guilty. •
Xn the case of the -Commonwealth vs.
Jacob Wolf, Indicted for false presences,.
a none pros was allowed by the Omitt on
payment of oasts by the defendant.
In the cane of 'Geo. Roe, tridlotad'foi
false pretense,. nolle pros. allowed on
payment of mats by the defendant.
John O. Keuchler was arrainged upon
an indictment of perjury. .Wllliam D.
Moore, Eaq, counsel for the amused,
moved the Court to quash the indictment,
and flied reasons,
James Harlon plead guilty to an In
dictment for larceny, and was 'sentenced
two years and clx months in the peniten
Wm. Prankintiaugh, indicted for the
larceny of an accordeon, the property of
John rilmlcic, was arraigned and plead
guilty. The Court. garehlin four.nionths
In the Workhouse.
Samuel Johnson and Wm. Bell; alias
Wm. Cook. eohwed,Vere arraigned on s
charge of stealing a coat, the property of
Jahn Martin.' On trial.
31 Dora. vs. Patrick Dunn.
T) Jas. V. Kerr, 3 oases,
35 Win. Haley. _
210 " James Johnson. _ •
.29 Petrick Burke.
30 e Jahn Waldlerr:
32 e Ellrabeth Elsenhels.
33 e P. IL Johnston, et al.
34 Albert Keller. " - •
35 James Herten.
41 " George A. Nelson.
37 Samuel Johnston, et al. -
14 Com. la. Jack Bonner, et al. ,
16 e John Doris.
28 Dominic O'Connell.' .
60 Joseph Beckon.'
61 Daniel Hanlon.
52 Rebecca Calle). ,
ba _ Jaiob Capps._
George Graham.
porter Common Picas—Map Vteire i:
THURSDAY, March 'tho 'dase
attitin vs..Hatotlnson.. thti,N4 A bend for
the deponent, cortltyler a betides dui
him nly 1123
'_ , Glaarge_Wore,A. A. *ai m ud Wm.
Moore vi. John °raffia ; Sakai on apron
`suboory note. On tdat. .
817 IWetl vs McClure tp. .
L Read et al. % Btairart
. - 8 Reese vs Mei.
Bnento tit CO. vs Fargium6 h Beek.
6 LNian vs Johnson.
Ltw in Hartman. , - ; •
7 Planklngton ye Ron tp.
8 Rugg Yll ZIMUMICIIII3. ", •
9 Madison In M0011n100k,,,, , ; 71 ' , 1.
19-ZOWnett l.l ßelOij.P 6 l ll ol%. - ', s •
Irßuqdpene Ga.
12 Brady ye Beckham.
"A Neut. 0[114004"
This evening there will oolitic within
the Ilmits of our smoke. beclouded city,
a contest of mind with mind, whirl!), will
clearly prove that there is an Institution
On our midst,. eminently successful In
removing the smoke and fogs 'of Igoe.
ranee from the atmosphere of mind, and
causing it to bask in the noonday splen.
dor of leaning's "been. . • .
The time has gone by wholl the athlete,'
by exhibitions Cr din leas strength,.
won the admiration of the gaping crowd,
and Instead we have the neb:er es hiblUon
of the mental powers in the arena of corn.
bat. Beauty of form and feature may
°herrn for a day. but like the ephemeral
flower, they are transient and :fleeting,
while beauty of mind grows brighter and
brighter as the seasons roil.
An exhibition of the above nature may
be witnessed this evening at the Female,
College. to which plies the lovers of the
intellectual. should repair promptly at
This trotitntion is ins wait flourish
log condition, powering an °Moloney
for training and cultivating the mental
faculties tO the greatest 'possible degree
of symmetry and perfection.
Then pray do not fall to attend the
i,iEssay Contest . . this evening, at . 7
All .11econits mui be Ilfttltd
. .
All. persona indebted to J.' W. Barker
. .
& 89 . 2darket "treot, on bOok =count
or in any other way,. are reapeethnly
quelled to settle their soot:runts on or be
fore the eleventh day of March instant,.
aa 'the brudoese .of the arm will be
wound up finally on that day. All
accounts remaining unsettled atter that
date will ho put in the hands •of an
attorney for collection. .
ilooda will Do mold mall du(' a&
AdirdrdittratOra' Sale a t great
In Prima ma eVerythlng mina, be sold.
Regular alleeting—Petidona—Reporto of
Commktteta—Hesolutlous and Ordinals.
A regular meeting of the Select end
Common Comiella of Allegheny waa
held yesterday (Thursday) evening.
March 10, DIN:
select Council.
Members present! Messrs. Hackett.
Stine, Megraw, PattersonJ. C., Patterson
A,. Peterson, Phillips, Itsiter,
President Mcßrier and J. — R. Oxley,
The minutes of the proceeding meet
ing were read and approyed. .
Mr. A. Patterson presented a petition
for a lattersi mower on Frazier street.
Referred to Street Committee.
A leo petition fur grading Mulberry.
Referred to Street Committee.
Also for gee poet on Sheffield street.
Referred to Gas Committee.
Mr. Reeler, a petition for the grading
of Jalappa street. Referred to Street
Mr. Riddle, Chairman of the Commit
tee on City Property, presented the re
port of the Committee. aceounsuiying
which was a plan for an engine house In
the Eighth ward, and a resolution author-
Islam the construction of the same, and
awarding the contract to Murdoch et
flail at ed,240. ,
The, report was accepted and the rose
lotions adopted.
Mr. Patterson, chairman of the Street
Committee, presented the report of the ,
committee. •
The Committee think a nude sewer
on Deaver avenue absolutely necessary,
and report favorably en the Plattof one
and au ordinance authorising Its con
atrilettelif Om an, ordinance for sewer
on North avenue. Relative to grading
Natio 0 Lane the Committee have in
structed the City Engineer to prepare
plans and report coat. An ordinance
relative to cleaning aidowalks once a
week Was also reported. The Ceinuitttee
have authorized the City Solicitor to
settle with Mr. Maincina, who bee brought
' sett against the city for damages, on the
beet possible s terrne, and Mr. Harkins
agrees to settle if the Cornelius will
allow him a not-cif against his paving
which amounts to Vie. pf 5375, and
a resolution authorizing &Battlement no
the above terms was reported.
The following additional ordinances
and resolutions wore repotted by the
I Au ordinance fora hoard wail, onßells
avenue. Grading end patina Malley.
Grading and paving Whig alleY. • I
Resolution for opening Locilist street.
The report was accepted and the LIZ"'
Infirm adopted.
The ordinanoesdeferred to were then I
' taken up and passed dually under a mm . 1
pension of the rules, except that in rota'
[ion to Pitt alley, which was laid over
. ;
under the rttlea.
The reeolutlon re!stlie to opening
east street was Lid over under the robs.
The ordinance relarlve to cleaning
sidewalk,. was mid over under the rules.
The ordinance relative to a sewer on
Beaver avenue was taken up end passed
finally. •
Mr. Patterson presented the reports of
viewers on HeciftwlC street anti Lane
alley. Approved.
Mi. Rail, Chairman of the Finance
Committee, presented the report (lithe
City Controller, of which-the following
la •
na 70
No. I. Oolarleo
• • s. howleses ao.l Uwe.
tin g
5. "
Wages and L 1.11011146
•• 7. !Survey.
•• route
Law Peofwetl
Total - ecmc 43
The report was received and the (be
troller anthorind to certify warranta for
the psychotic of the leavers' bills.
Mr. Hall presented the report or the
Finance Committee, accontoanytng
which was the following reaolution:
• Resolved, That the TIIMIUTer be and is
heteby authorized to pay- John ISWarl,
Evq.,the sum of 2107.120, being the
ante due htm for eonetmettng the wood
en sewer on Freemont street, and charge
the - smite to the - West Common Sewer
Reap .. fred, That the . Committee on
Finance be and they are hereby author
ized and instructed to revise and "A tot
rsaimmear tivir city_ odloere and re•
port an ordinance axing and astabliehing
the same fer-the year
The report. tika accepted and the first
The second reeohition Vat bad on the
Art ordiname incoming the animist Of
certain °Moors . was taken - up and after
consider.tble disci:Lesion Was defeated by
s. vote of 6 to 6:
. . .
Mr. Megraw prostrated a resolu'ion au
thorising the Controller to nettle with the
Board lifeastirer; Ibr the yeer ending De!
cember. 31, 180, at the rate of twenty
per cent on the growl amount of the col.
Melons. Adopted.
Mr. A. Patterson preeented a resole-
Wm Instructing the nuance Committee
to report an ordinance ,repoallng the or;
&name incrwillns thlisafarles ercdrtain
edictal/1 moved Its reference to the Fi
nance eommlttee.
Mr. Biddle Moved to lay tEo motion on
the table. ,
The motion was lost.
The quash* then recurred on the ref-
erence of the resolution to the Finance
CommutenteAdch motion was adopted.
A resolotion relathe to the Pleasant
Valley Ratting bill. adopted in Common
Connell, wee taken up. -
Mr. Mal moved . toamend by sink
log out the &gnu "for its defeat we will
hold them ruponslble."
Mr. Meson* was opposed to striking
out, the clause. If the members of the
Senate took offense at It, let them do so,
there were plenty of better men who
would MI their places. Ile thought the
defeat of the bill indicated that the mem
bers of the Senate from this county had
but little Influence. When a local bill
of that character was brought op, it was
ounomaryl df. the, .members from the
district front whence it came favored It,
to peas 111,, and the excuse of the members
(rem this °panty that they had voted
for the bill - end that Mr. Wallace or some
other manAlving In the: eastern part of
the Mate. hid defeated It. would not do.
There was some other influence at work,
The motion to strike out carried and
he resolutlon as amended adopted.
Mr. J. 0. Patterson called uo the pro.
• • nesrblll prolidlng for the extension of
ederal etrtrat.
Mr..,Rldatie [Pored to poetpone the
litter mon tient meeting.• Adopted.
On , .
Clawson :Commas.
President Warner In the cher. Mora
han' prose* wore Mama,. Ashworth,
.thiblu,Col4l67.ollinctra,Mainta, Hunker
. 1110tInas, Harabenroatbor, McNeil, HOW.
bottom . ltayueldi, fileak, Taggart , and
Warner, romadeot.
The toinalsis of the Wit mooting were
read and appwried, •- . --.! 1
~ rgyrriorts, as.. 1 .
Mr. Te ri, presented a remoostraeoo
tainting a sewer on .11esvor street
between intsponery avenue and threw.
;talky all O ..114414 over.
Air. II ...itenroether presented a pen
'tin for I opening of Union street hum
North iv . Oa,' iteforredlo throat Cum•
unite.. i i
Mr. , li nit Jnt
waseed a petition for
the erect of is lIIMP peat at the corner
of Males and Boyle street& Referred
to Ualsakinsunittee.
Mr. Slink powented a eommunication
from the, Pork Commissioners listing
that Ike ((Snood report of that Commis.
mien wogid he open for luspootionist a
few dayat itenelyed and tiled.
Mr. Meilen pregentad a annumpleation
from Capiatu Charles A. Miller, !taking
for a Nuttehls armory for bla military or.
ganisstinta We .'
e /Wetted to the Utimml M ttoo
ty y.
. ilul niny tuniented a petition from
Marge M afia Co., asking for the wash.
Maim? of .- first ohm ../Sahludery,"
annom led ' lry an ordinance asking
that sorp kiss. ~ be appointed Fond
Master,' , .
Op motion, the petition was referred to
the CitrOnlinanne Committee. ,
Mr. Bitting!! tireeented a resolution
slaking tbat She rienatoni and Represen
tatives Ig Uarriaburtg from this city be
requestixt ttl Urge UM pausge of the late
oity a •dAilod.. . '
ildr. cod liastlaga o pt f e
the Committiaon Firs
nogilloatind /Wm, reported ' the follow
, lag resolution, Arltb - no„ affirmative re.
sommendation :. .._
Itcsaincd, By the Select and Common
Counolluf the oily, f Allegheny thstthe
Committee On Fire It virtues and Bose be
and Mel are hereby authorised to dls
Yoga Oahe two horses used for Columbia
truck and porobaso two others better
adapted Mr thePegrivaae• ' '__ .
Mr. Ilitstinp ttionght tho-hanins were
altogether uswatb, and -atheists, could he
furnished at the game rust "bids
. wordfl
answer:better. ' .....-1-,•-,.•:-, .. „ •
Mr. !delimit oota Imo no reason whY
thin' were not tgtren more extichse aid
In this manner tamed. '.
Mr. Hanna gave true Me opinion that
oxen warn altogether too slow for the
in . oleo ho would , reconimead thew:
thought spirited animals 'llmre 'whol
!sympathy • with — the - oMearand
urged that drivers who were capable of
managing such only should be em
The resolution was rejected.
Mr. Hanna, of the Market Committee,
reported the following receipts:
Duncan Uallae, Clerk or If•r,itr.
J•nnuy it.. 5 So
retattary so 30
30.1'0.3 10
030. B. IdeNnltv. We13310.31er of the Ass
Dl33lvncl3oalcs. -
.1•300.11 TM .11
re3:o3 , ' ' • 17.
ttoal It'vhointr.,l'eel:.bmaiter of the tlec-
Received and tiled.
Mr. Ashworth presented a resolution
relative to the opening and 'grading of
Federal street from its present terminus.
'in Allegheny city to a point on the Per
rysTill plank road in McClure and Re
serve townships, Allegheny county.
On motion of Mr. McNeil:the Council
adopted and recommended its passage by
the Legislature.
Mr, McNeil presented a resolution-ask
log the removal of a certain awning at
the corner of Anderson street and the
Fort Wayne Railroad. Passed.
The Street Commissioners were author
ized to have deg atones laid on Ohio
ntreet;at the co:swings of Centre avenue,
West street, Middle street, East and
Chestnut streets. Referred ,to Street
Committee. -
Adjourned. •
Ronk Entered by"..Bild Thieves—They
nweep the Money from We Counter
Into a Bonet- - nee Followed and Ar
rested—Monty Recovered TRW Intermit
- •
That Pittsburgh can boast of as brave
• clan of robbers aa belong to the pro•
feeaton, we had another illustration
yesterday, demonstrating the lact that
they- no longer “choose darkness
rather than light,"• for their deeds of' .
wickedness. But at told-day when the
sun .is elalning at its , highest meridian
of glary and dispelling darkness from' '
every nook and corner, three mon drive l
UP Carson street, the Broadway of our
mister corporation, sod at the door of the
Merchants and Manufacturers Bank,
between Seventeenth and Eighteenth I
' streets, two of them, Wm. McCulley and
Prank Moran, alight. and enter the
bank. Mr. Volght, the Cashier, happens
pJust at tt time to beis in the hack room
artaking of hdinner. They
close the door and lock It he
' lore Mr. V. in aware of their move. ,
merits, and still thinking some of h I
acquaintances are having • joke at h I
expense, he calla to them to cease foe
and let him out. But they heed not, and I
the eeeiazr breaks open the door just in
time to are them make their exit- With
the contents of his coaata, $12,000, In •
"sacred basket, they .leap lute the
bnggy, ply the whip and are speeding 1
rapidly away with our genial friend, the
' cashier, fat following in the rear. The I
chase Is a lively ontli Is becomes general.
until the robbers are threatened I
Ito in overtaken, when two of
them whir baskei in hand, Lump
from the buggy and direct their amps to
wards the "hill country." By this time
the entire upper portion of Birmingham
Is loan uproar. The man in the buggy
.L .
(I.ll.3uliy's brother) escapes. The two I
bet eg the money finding the pursuit
too him attempt to conceal themselves
Iby s kiin g into the residence of Mrs.
liar where they are' found and arrest-
I ett tij; Juntas Ileteel and a party of oth.
era: They bad • hearing forthwith, and
the threats of the enraged ClOrens, with
their cries of "bang them, made it any
thing-but pleaaant for the prisoners.
. In default of $20,000 bail, each, they
were committed to jail, and the basket
of money returned to the bank. On their
persona were forlnd two dirk knives and
one eight barreled shooter.. ,
The cashier had but eh hour befdre I
sent to McVay & Co. a deixialt of 1f,11,000,-
' which, had the party succeeded in cap
turing and retaining, would have abund
antly repaid them for their dare devil
deed. But, man le, they are out of pocket
$13,0'2, the amount over and above what
was stolen. As is supposed they used,
their basket for a general depository, an di
had before entering the bank that anon= '
of money on hand, which the one ey
McCulley, who was hat seen davin
leisurely along' Sixth saes; (St. Clair
would do well to return and calm. A
example should be made of a few ch
actors of thus stamp by our courts of j
tire, dealing out to thetn punahmertt to
the bitter end. - ' _
?14 !ft
.I.6di OS
1,613 h.
Production for the Month of February
The Herald says: The month under
review was marked by a further general
decrease in to product of the oldest
producing ilisiriots. The cold and on.
favorable weather that prevailed during
a part of • the Month, and the few good
wells struck united to- oocsaion. the
decrease. Save in one or two locations
the daily average production, as shown
by shipments and. stock ,F,, was 11,927
barrels, against 11,634 els In Janu
ary, or a decrease of abo 717 barrels
• The . following Spires show the pro
duction during February, 1889: Total
shipment of crude for February, of bar
rels of forty-flve gallona.each, 310,1911
add to reduce to barrels of forty-five gal
lons each, 14,427; total shipment of bar
rels of forty-three gallons cacti, 324,618;
stock on hand February lst. 342,390;
otoch on hand March lid, 354474; add in
crease on March bd. 9.081. Tote/ Pro
dnction during February, 333,702.
Average per day for twenty-eight days,
11,917. The average per day in February,
1869, was 9,576.
Yesterday sfternoon a number of la
dies 'interested
.1n mtrafenary work as
sembled in the, Second Presbyterian
Church (Rev. 'Dr. Howard's) to take
some action In reference to the establish
ment of an orphan asylum in Calcutta
India. •
The meeting was addressed by Mbar
Brittain, who has been tolling as a
adesionary In that Bold for some time
past. She explained the object of the
asylum and the great need of such an In-
stitution in that place to aid the mission
ary's work. et the close of her eloquent
appeal, the matter was discussed by the
ladies at some length, after which an
association was formed ; o carry out the
Idea. suggested by Miss Brittain. The
following ladles were chosen as desig-
nated, who are empowered to collect
funds for the accomplishment of the
noble enterprise. •
President—Mrs. Branot.
{lee President—Mrs. H. Hays.
• Secretary—Wm M. Bakewell.,
Treasurer—Miss V. Johnson.
Managers—First Presbyterian Church,
Mrs. Bpring ; Sewed Presbyterian
Church, Mrs. Wm.. Bakewell ; Third
PresbytertanChurch, Mrs; Preston; Cen.
tral Presbyterian Chusch. Mrs. M. Moor
head; Trinity Church,' Miss M. Holmes;
Ht. Andrews Church, Mm. F. Bissell; St.
James Church, Mrs. McKay; St. Peters,
Mrs. Christy; Christchurch, Allegheny,
Mrs. A. Robinson. Dr. Bell's Church,
Allegheny, Miss - ; Dr. Pressly's
Church, Allegheny, Miss Grey; Dr.
Clark's Church, Allegheny, Miss Dean.
Dr. Hodge's Churc h . A ll egheny, Mts.
Hodge; Dr. Wilson • Church, Allegheny;
Mrs. Rawl]; Dr. Sproul's Church, Alla.
ebony, Mrs. Ondry; Christian Church,
Allegheny, Mrs. B. Doe; Contra' Church,
Allegheny,Mlse M. Bryan ; Rev. Mr.
Kerr a Church, Allegheny, Mrs. Park;
Rey. Mr. Dickey's Church, Allegheny,
Min Frazier; Rev. Mr. Milligan's Church,
Allegheny, Miss Alger); Rev. Mr.
Brown's Church, Allegheny, Miss blase;
.Rev. Mr. Laird's Church, Mrs. Way
man; Rev. Mr. Stuckenburg's Church,
Mrs. thinakenburg; -Rev. Mr. Iddllel
land's Church, Mies Ralston; Rev. Mr.
Renne's Church, Mrs. Jas Irwin; Rev.
Mr. MeMillsn's Church, Mrs. McMillan;
Congregational Church, Mrs. F, Woods;
Wesley Chapel. - him Leman; Christ
Church, Mrs. Yankirk; Filth. Avenue
Church,' Mrs, Sand's Idbarty Sheet
Church, Min Hunuirsts; Dr. Dickenon's
Church, Ulu M. H. Smith; Dr.'Young's
Church, Miss McClurg; Shady Side,
Church, Mrs. Chambers;.-East Liberty
Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Wm. Men
wattle; Calvary Church, East Liberty,
klishHowe; rdethodisttlhurch. East Lit
any, Mrs. J..llyard;• Rev. Mr; Leech,
Church, Lawrenceville, - Mrs. Johns;
Rev. Mr. - Andrew's Church, LlLWrellee
vine, Mrs. Andrews; St. Johns Church,
Lawrenceville, Miss Chislett; Manche.
ter Presbyterian Church, Mrs. B. Bake.
well; St. Markel Church. Birmingham,
Miss - Phillips First Presbyterian
Church, Allegheny, Um M. Davis;
Cumberland Presbyterian, Mrs, E. Q.
Alter this organisation the meeting ad
journed until- three o'clock this after
noon, when Alias Brikaln will continue
her address to ladles and • children on
Missionary Work In India
lea attentionot parties wishing to rent
a large and bandaomely famished' hall
with ante and .reeeption room, Is sailed
to such an advertisement on oar first
page. This Hall la in- a 'good location
and Is such aa is rarely offered.
Kindling Weed. Sawed-said split, nice
and dry, delivered by she barrel through
both attys.4C:orders loft et either end of
the Bt. Clair 'or Hand street bridge will
repave prompt altsation.
. ,
Keep Clean.—"Cleanlinsias is akin to 1
Godliness," and those who are desirous
of excelling in the rare virtue should pur-
Plisse brooms from the manufactory of
Mardorf Co., who for thepurpose
of enlarging their oParationa have re•
moved their establishment to Woods
Run. This firm manufactures a broom
of A No. 1 quality, and at prices to soil
the times. Their old friends and cue..
Mine'rs will leave orders a h
t the soe store
of Watt. Lang Co,, 172 and 174 Wood
March Weather brings discornfort to
all, but imperially is it a cause of alarm
to invalid's. A glass of cream ale !livery
beneficial to valetudinarians, and dining
the changeable weather no parson of a
weak constitution eliould faille have a
barrel of Pier, Dermals d.Co.'selei
I{ 41 , 1 111
Grocery Store at Auction.=Tbe stock of
groceries, &c. In- Russel's store, corner
Rebecca street and Allegheny avenue,
will be sold on Saturday (to-morrow)
morning at 10 o'clock.
Nor fashionable hair-dressing, plain or
by curling, and a frizzle, for a luxurious
shave or WI, and for skillful cupping
and leeching, call at Willtamson's els
gant saloon at No. 190 Federal street
Compositor NY anted
A iirst.rate, rapid and steady news•
paper compositor can obtain a norms
nent situation on a morning papal . , at
highest wages, by addreming ' , Box A,
GAIIVITS office." .
The Ladles' Serene °lob, of Now York,
rreently changed their discussions from
Wernstri's suffrage to Hale preparations 'and
Pimple Banishers. They declare that where
oath', had not gm:towel them with isgsuly, It
was their tight—yea, their duty-to Het it
where they could. So they all voted that Mag
nolia Balm ovethama mellowness. Rough Skin,
and Ringmarke, and one to the complexion a
moth dieting. (hotpot.) and moobie•ilk• sp.
peon.: (dallier°os to men. so donbt); and that
Lyon's liathairon made the hair grow
our, and awful pretty. and moreover prevented
it from turning gray. If the proprietors of
these articles did not send the Platers an Invoke
they are ...stamen.
11/LUT—PAITZERON—At 16 Federal wisest,
Plusborgb, ow Marsti 10th, IIITO. by E. T.
11. R.OIIZ, Mt . ..ROBERT L. HAUT sod Miss
MARTHA *. PAT WRILSIIN, of West LeSswort,
111(1.ns county. Ps.
DUTEUINTON—TOWER — On Timmbty eve,
lag, 7ebroull7th, IVIO. by R. r. A. Nobly.
L. TOWER, botb of Tem Aerabebvilb, Pa.
, DOUGLAE—On Thuntasv morning
I . l 2, Vr i o , r i a ,l, ll .. r. o llMbAltET W. DUWILIL B a
nr flier age.
!unmet .
Lora the residerce of her hothead,
Wm. Douglas, 37 Federal street, Yittabergh..
on el.l,yollloar. at AN o'clock. Religious serviced
at II o'clock. /Mends of the family are invited
to attend.
RERL—Oo Thursday afternoon. March 10th.
mi•ntes gaga 111 o'clock, CONRAD BJGEL, In
ate 1130, yeer of his age.
inners] ou SakUnnak wittletno. I . lth lust.,
at 10 Wench, from Ms lath residence. No. 11
Church avenue. Allegneny. The 'frienda of the
femlV ara sae poet fully Invited to attend.
CHARLES es PEEIII,Ep u 1 . 2.
A.'dE ne NUA. City. where theirCUld!
,1300.M.d ate ocnutantly dappl..l alch real and
tudtatloa award, lianodanv tad Walatt
Cians. at deers vaTytng from Ilk 2*(100. tio•
d7ea taag ro r 11 1. . Ai r. Ileng111;
If r t .vdrt,2. ed.toa dpra at all tko=d,
dad alcot.
Carrlogos for ■'aural Fora"shod
0017INE and Yl roateral raral.asens. re-
At Sewickley.
Reeler determined upon reinOvln/ to my farm
at the halt Work. near T•rentont. I offer for
sale the property where I now :nide, a Amnion
the borough orneerictley. The ',neuter:rowan
of steer inures. nerdy diveraincd with gran.
Storms. level and abrupt tratMe. A pleasant
brook puns tbrongh the plan, eherlelby shun •
Thereline aid Wrest trees or a dorm ts warletim.
Tinto are nearly ZOO bearing pear Imes of
choirest selectious, tweidrs apply. p-seh. plum.
hurn, Ac. Mawr grapes, raspberries. id set
berrle•.- onrixt ries and other Mailer Dalt.
There is a
tarp e space tor vegetable garden. The
ornamental shrubs averarers, roves and two
Wants are an altrseitse lower, v.? aPhrollrl -
Welly giving the name •• Tansleweod " .to the
In rarglitte t A. 'a
lint Class brick, and
beeiderattle and cemented cellar under the whole
—contains lb rooms and 'washroom and coal
house In buentan. will numerous lane Closet.
for China, stores midelothlur. There Ins Inge
atid nor (ailing stone
-walled cistern, lined
with water frorn e roof. And pomp. Mr hot
and and water In bath romr, klieurn and weal,-
boom, Waite water dud:lane@ through pipes
mme dimance Mut tbe house. Thsre Is lee
house and eumumilov• cooling room. • good
barn. esertsge abed and chic/Lanyard. The place
Is bounded on al aide, by birdman, and amnia
Is easy from railroad nerve - nide.
newle k lea le 14 miles ru the cite.-
Wayne Itallreau.and po s se ss. many attmettone
tor a rubarban residence. Tne numeral. warm-,
modelle I trains leave wahine to asstd In
the wap of
and the ilroad rivet all the way down. metes the
ride delighrui I Trembling. The twenty of the
Valley is moat desirable. tor. besides Its Worthy
Inman sad artisan., here are found the country
real, of many city editor. prone... law) in.
hauler. and *Mon butens men and retired
merehran. liood schools abound. mid n are
churches of canon denomination.. lining the
pmince aister.
e rind rms rail at..., Drag Store. Ito,
105 I.ltrerty stmt.. eittiburre. It nut min be
fore April Int. Lilts property will be ha et.
11711411A111 DIALCUIOWN.
inelti:vi •
209 --tilt T oa lg tf 11ey 8 !) 1 ..1. C ,. II ! ItePr
ous hi 0
( J A Y
and bonus Ntuberall. al
within Meet, n/lantle• walk of Carson street
cam Nearly DUO lota Imae lately beet sold
here. a 'mad many of _ watch Dave twee NUL
open. Only shoot AOll remain that ante:rend
ror sale Dr the orlglasno. erbletteas now be had
ying • small am.= dawn Detach lat. mad
Malums In Dam two and those Tea.. Priqrs
of Lou now range from ION& to 5400. ala-
Plitg; JS. /MCLAIN & C 0.,.
IIN/ roan& mamma.
rlissoLuTioN.—The Partner
env heretofore extattoe betwn■
Is the 45.115ut0 bseloeu, 5. 00. 4.7 41.-
solved by mama!
.1110..1. 4517TTEHLY.
Tab• 15th. 1570.
The Emil Fatale wed Insurance busbies. 0111
hereafter he continued hy THOO. IL SILL •
YON. to their mew °Mc* oft the comer of ran
AM um mortgages.
Pittsburgh. Feb. SlStit. 1520.
Ben and Brass Founders,
Mode Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
Proprietors and Pionsirsetersrs of
J. R. Cooper's Improvcd Balance Wheel
Faindrh Coe. yak sea mdlisaistrerte,
nrruirtuar. PA.
I 1.11'6,11.11...... J. IL, 134 , 117
Asourri Tozaz. AND
No. 61 landasky. IL, Allegheny, Pi.
9 netirr.tsrm- •-e 'HO
2141 1 '" r „, b i p " v "? 3 ,141rfue n
shed da~
11.3,04,11A•rkA, rit.narab. an 4 at o tbe Twin
Mlltr it rilW hta City. =.llglll
always have on band a Int
elan article, and all KU Ita Mon, Saimaa,
'Hrring. Blank Ban and Waite Parch all at vary
"21 ' dm .l A= :
4460 " p. O. morrvis„
purrs , pirourr.
• JIM received,: my cholas Dalt. Pared
Peaches. Dutch stag es rums. Trench ?roues.
Chuntec, for rata by
.bs Corsa lellssrty ash reloth 'Dusts.
bed. Is store, utsholhourtd ftoIDIK/Setad
1W Neetnekt I,Vtft•t. ••Fermergn etalth's"
Mond, Laulsvir. CuOill.ateell Rate it ne.
VOillarT thSt tra. flour,ohnulia 13.101.0(ed I posdhy.
We tors rsdocelt th e yak* toST Paabl,Vhetl.r
try WIIMICSIIO or Malt:
-. • - ; • MILT.= DICOULY 00.
167, 168, 169 and 170
Aro now prepared to tarnish VINEGAR l a the'
WWLIT IttAILICET SAM. Atteatlon to par-
ticelarly called to oar
Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Assets, Over $500,000.
Ali Policies Issued b/ Wis PomPseY PierlXS ;
lion-lrorfaltling after thi, payment of one
Annual 1 . 5 . C50111.16. • •
Dividends annually declared and applied on
third annual premium, either.On the permanent
Increase of She policy. or I reduction of li/Tell4r
General Ai;ept,
161 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor,
/f/P11.1 . 1•1416 Age wamt.d
Of Pen.nsirlvania.
.Office, lo Fedual St., Allegheny City.
211.111ECT01 162 .
Bev. J. B. CLARK.
Capt. 13.0111.bidON.
W. A. teBICD,_ Manner Alleg
llrilrheny Trust
JACOB BIN_ ,13 Baal Estate Aitsnit.
SIMON DRUM. Mayor of
C. P 7. BENNY. Hatter.
11 1 4ktgnat t glrlien
& slunts' lnsurance Agent.
Copts ROST. 130131M11026 Pruldesst.
. J. 11. CLARlC.D.D..Vleorresildelans
JAagila RUSH. Seeutory.
0, H'.
yd. W.WHITE. Minif.AL Anitsza.
DAMEL 67,!0t1E8. Genii Agee.
commissunizo Aup...!Ts
John M. Donaidann.
W. W. 11.14_11nelcster. ra. ,
IflijCji743Thlegdprr. re'
04* H. Joyns:ra ' olaws,lll6:r..
etrayer, Job... town. Pa.
• Company strictly mutnil. AB profits acdn.:l9
to volley holders by dividend relented stothall)
from the end of the Bost yur. All policies non-
Yotfelting.. . Bin
na rink Aroma,. lama& rarer.
CUMital All i.aPIIIIIN.
r. BWer, IJohn Floyd, 10apt.W.S•SIT.
Dann Wallace, H Hartnus. A. Chenkeere.
Jake HIS. I:. M , Ciarluts. Jas. K.
Mum= &WM in.& Wllkpet,
Capt. B. J. GRACE, Etc
Immo on Liberal Terms
and Marine alei
ClisrOu_Vr. Bauckar. flot.lecal Loom
Tobias w weer. David tS. Crawl.
Maul Omni,. Isaac 1.4,,
/soot. R. ISrgink Cdwarct
Frame W. Rktiara, Cant takil.
ORACLES U. SJIMPIiXR, reaulesil.
COW. C. OA.LE, Ylza Meat:tent.
J.i . h.171=;111.
Conti Wen oorner 22.1 r: vaml Wood ISM'S,.
przacEnrimarcht •
• •
. ,
Olt OONYLION Duna:arra.
nuu s Home Coiliosny, sad issues Mast
lolo_by Vire ose:nOvelr.
L.NO" h.OI N WALTNN. rresiaus.
n g y h mti r ,...
Dzialcions: • •
etri 'falter, 0e0rc r W11n5.... „....
Nabors. estPck. J. Lapp..
asoolorshator. .1. Ci.•lf letter.
Josiah Etas, .7hn WoogrOCY.
J. 11.11Opldnt, A. AZ= m. •
Noon Sproul.
TL AND ES Prostdent.
. . . . _
WM. P. HERBX.RT.. Seeretery..
CAPT. OlRlSlttilt tlencral Agent.
1121ce. tilt Water street.llmet h 00.4 Win.
k° l9 4 llllY:ro W iiaiti. ' l ' lll;oln of lire Ina lffs.
iota Wets. so coma Instlintion, managed try Dl
rotten who are nown to the ocenmunity,
who an welteddetertan by promptness mantrar
silty to tosiumin the ellaracizr which they km
anummed. a”tferlas the hen protection to those
who desire to to Insured.
llevander FlLalek,
Andrew 41.11
David X. Long .
D. Donsen.
Cu. Fedora! SL-and Diamond, Elgin
e n is is tn e. the BZCOND NATIONAL BANN
W. W. WANTLN PreddoM
JOHN BILOWN ‘ it, Vice rresidcat.
JAYES N. bTE. 'BON. Bo:raw.
Jobs A. Ityles,ras. • •
Jas.L.finam. Robert Lea. •
Jaz.. Browll,Jr. Otero tient.
0.11•PW1111Ame Jno.Tbomtao
011101. If Z. 611EIMMIXID I MTH OM
CualMlNtaklsertes uld Maass EMU
Ift- Pirlaw • %Woks L. =mu.
oda* Watt. denim, •
OJob.. E. Parke, • Mutes
H. H. Lore, Jared le= a,
cat . T . ga rl d a r
.wee. r orenacut.
trm ft rte:
07.,N0. =FIX= Iffit.EZT.B•sl SIAM
lamares agabut W /Was at lin And NUM
. JOHN' =WM, art.. Presl4eut.
OT. J. fIuSEINBOISI, Vim Preslikatt. •
. d. I,oliNEML,Veeretary.
. CAPT. WX. DM: Otlicral Atilite •
t aki . I =I:CM. __. ) 1 1 Pri, 1 1. "4"664 t. •
0. Bumf. • nobers H. 1.m11.1
Hary Childs, • Immix &lien,
Mar v l e . H om
an. Cant. J. T.lBLodtals. W. D . T. N.Thi. •
mieimmis ssamisto
Have Removed to
NO& 384 AND 386 rine%
CoM: !Klementlt St.. (formerly Canal.)
Rios. US, 137.1914 1910= Gra 196,
num 9721:91'. 111199199.911.
Copper DIeiJUM Pere Ras Widetpi,
Wan. 'dealers la TOSICIG2I WTEED ssul LI.
WOMB. 1101 , 13. - • , musam
. I' " b ittliVegiVlsb; ' •
No. SI and 3 Mackerel—all atzempt
lbrilt10? MaCkati: •
Banda lierrina;
Coal flak; at
wave. LANs
fts '3lO. IT it W 1 T• Wooapt.
RI - NEW OPERA 11911711 E.!
night. bet oueef One porn- '
ran. FRANK maim.
v KTDAT LVV.Tillifi. Waren Ilth. Md. me n
_thrilling spec lade In Ire net, entitled the
D'Artagnao. an Adreutarer....Mr. Prank Mayo.
Saturday Afternoon. Mayo Matinee,
Itoy. Sheet low Onel. •
North Av(4tie - N. Church,
ALTURDLY prENltili, March 11, IS
le and ening an evening.? noose able
FhILIIn en. week only, co Blending
Wednesday au'. natarday
m .„.►an.' 19tbi. at :113 o'clock.
Clear the track. ?" O. Neaa. Tk 1
hien Bee Hall Stow of A m.r.Tkart, y e saner
•m rlltmal
i well known Ow ABLY. ••
teIIINCUPLIgIaII, Titular)
ees hest o , t?. jawn
let—Wirs Dellis iletillY'e Londe. Bed. mien
Troupe. Zeita Canard's Pi !Went ,rn
iettorean Troupe. 3d—rire TitcliS Cann k an.
landau+ Troupe. nth—Hone. Aehtott'S Aen bat
and Gymnastic Troupe. &tit—Prank. Wino b'a
..amiev?vv.„ , :tlL ei in'aiiDA er music. 7a :.
Robert. Wblte's Mattodee Beau Bad. $4 •
Hd ward Holden's II ecelllor Opera String BenW.
1,1 1. 4
2. 1 T T
t l. , th y t k t
r /
t h
: I
.r t : ta w his
Tn. Illuminated 4.71/1 . 10111. teen.
3.1.1,.• tilt, Comic tiorienne and k antomimo.
$l5 Celebrated Mar Pr 11019.17. .
A complete Juelin for the preple;
Admistion—PAnlitell• Cud Dresa ;Circle, tila
cents.. 3ficte.
Children antler sta
177 open at
°.010 117..L. '6° 41.rg c :516:
• Agent.
NiS IeiGDIS ONLY! • Cermeneleg
DAY, March 141 i. sad
evehlse tarl•g
w.elt, the world roshrhetto
Pantomime Troupe of 16 Persons
In theD treat Laudon PAnteadmir
"Jack and the Bean Stalks'
As orieloally performed with areal Sanwa. IS
Louden. New Yort•and Washlnaba. tent , hei
presented for the first Dee to this e•ttr. wilts
W OwASTS AN. , V.1.E0 BALLET.CE by 'thet
and SATURDAY at SIR 1. Y.
• • •
Admon—ran:melte and Dress Circle. T
Family Circle. 50 gents; Gallery. 95e.
Reserved Seats for sale at Bun Ores trltboat
extra charge.
J. c. WrIICRSOrt
Merchant Tailors, N. 10 BIXTR
time St. (Tab . .) We hate received a largo sat
well selected !Moen of Um tem and moat fashion—
able Cloodeln our line. a great pontos of which.
Sc- our owl:aim:morale:lon.
Feeling contment of our abilla to dlr. p.r.ct
sallalletan. we reapeetfally solicit fr m coo en
Oaexaminatloo of our stock of Tine Cloths,
Vasatmetas,yestangs, do.
mato • No.lo Sixth atreet•
Corner of Penn and Sixth tsholis,
1 4 0 W 00111PLETE
on an Inn
P. ri-ALitiox-ao,
Otte, Cassitneres and .Vertings.
No. 03 I=l Smithfield Street,
yarning& PA. • •
ardest's MothWs made to order ts Ike Mame
• •
• • splandld usw idoet od
sear Xerekaat Tallor. Ti itialthirldstrast,
' Vino French
Silver. Plated Goods
Tea Traye and Cutlery.
The beat Imponea WHITE STONE
WIJIZ .4 COKYOIe 000116
at low pans.
Wi~ii P a n m
A large amaartatent ornew patio u and skapal;
plat reeetrad. Abe, Plated sae ilrittaila Wire,
Vases and Parlan Ware. now eDeateit sad M .
sale at eery low erpea at •
H. RIGBY & CO'S., !
• No. lint Lima/ vntErr. -
Itre. 3 l=4
Jacob kopr,
J. xentaajonst.
- SPRING, 1870.
INIZZIILS edit , Uinta at Tad: rant
I LT—e. great variety et 50e. p erroll.
LA Z ZD--• II lines at AM ore
ELZUA Wr iftlleb we •Ineslean twee }l.l/
tom net •pea above, imter
atm:men: in the mantes, Far WOM B
W. p. M Altai* AT:TM
New Wholesale and Retail Stele,
. 191 Liberty Street.
lOW Prrrsetien.:
At Gzeatly Reduced Prices.
To mats *elf room for new goods. • We wlll salt
LIU QS Arst of March stoat 101( la Oats,
Without Bogard to Cost,
EIiNpOIV I A L A t eIt PArms.
Alp, laxsa amortmentoto B ZAP rArzaa at
I=l. 8121 X C:1017.411.7..a.
Mate et Liberty stmt..)
Hu is.ketatert Mr. D*. 1D Inns: Amon
with Wm 14 bustriesr, and takes tb• sad
toms:HAl*. ntoteroom
' No. 64 Wood Street"
Where the new In Will cantleaa the stammer
tare sad sale at we lowest possible, prkse
Pure American Confectiown7i.
D 1 1 / 1 111.1121" et Ca
_ . • •
GRAY tt- LOGAtii •
Um minted f 47 ISECTIVIST#IIT.
89 Filth
Until Improvasifut. en old_ntna4 are wag.
see Welly _Wee% Dam.=
astragea mama og
c. L. muncursitore.