The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 10, 1870, Image 4
IMI El 0 Eittifiugt 4apth, CITY AND SUBURBAN Route Per Sale. . _ • good paytocroota on the Gentrrs. Poitownl calling, owner leaving the City. Apply today at Gessrre Count• larPhoin. peensits meet to-night The Allegheny Firemen yeelerds9 re eetved their new belts. Specie Payments were resumed at a Nifth avenue shoe store yesterday. Several I.lquer Saloons commenced Paying specie In anise yesterday. The school building. of Pittsburgh at present 112 use will soommodatel6,ooo Scholars. Pittsburgh Couactlia—d. Special blest he called far this (Thursday) after noon at two o'clock. Tbea. Ea@ was tined ten dollars and 00•12 for . Interiorlns with pacing fiftilenth amendment. A very Interesting loner, from "Our Own (brrenpoudent,"wilt be round on the Second page of to-dare paper. damage to the Allegheny 'Fire Alarm Telegraph am repaired yeater. day,and the telegraph la m working or. Aar niltirt Conductor. on the street can are be•_ ghmlng,Ao handle coin. A considerable amount *as taken up on the Allegheny and Manchester line yesterday. • -♦ greaten individual wallowing in the mud on Liberty street yesterday was all that wee passing strange or served to snake an Item from that quarter. sliver three, five and ten rent pleats en In great demand, owing to Rovers& of the retalimerchanta buying them, pro. loantca7 to ming specie In change. A meat wagon, while passing over 'Wag street, Allegheny, yesterday force. won, mote to a madden halt by the breaking of the axle. Damage alight. Ten Dellars-James McCann was fined tan dollars by the Mayor for striking Pat Maehan, a fellow boardar with whom a slight _miaunderstanding had occurred. John M. Bann, cloirged Fides' Row. Unger with having stolen two chisels and sums files from his blacksmith shop in Shahs township. Alderman Arent is• sued a warrant for his arrest. Te-day, ktiireh 10th, Is the last day of l i pace to given to make income returns. day he Assessors. am directed to add filly r cent. to all those who &Li to comp y with the la*. A wagon loaded with cinders took fire while pusing alonr - Smithfield street yesterday, and threatened to assume a moving destructive *demerit, but for the energies of some mid water men.. Another Notiry.—The cortunlislon of Max. Bchamberg,• recently appointed a . Notary Public for Allegheny county, bits been received at the office of Thos. H. Banter, Esq., Recorder for Allegheny county. We beard of several owners of houses who are paying ground rent being served with notices yesterday that the land owners would demand gold or Ito equivalentt for their quarterly rent, due next April, "Mater Rivera arrested Thomas Martin at Trlmble'i Varieties last night on a charge of larceny, he having, it Is al• lofted, stolen an overcoat at the Monon gahela House last Thursday and dla• posed of it at a pawnbroker's. Thomas HaHi:Looser made information before Alderman Mullen yesterday charglngJohu Philips, a young man with knocking him down, of course without provocation. The accused was held for • warhearin d. g Both parties reside in the Third Officers Elected—PittbUrgh CoMMALI dary No. 1, Knights Templar, elected the following officers Tuesday evening: E. C., George GUMS, G.; Geo. Neeld, C. C., Little, P., Getter, C. Shldls: S. W.. D. P. Ester,: J. W.. David Watt; T., Chu. A. Colton: R., T. W, Wright. . Mentors Elected—The annual election for )Tractors of the Pennsylvania Rail. road on Monday resulted as follows: J Edgar Thompson, Josiah Bacon, Wide:, Monks. George Black, Pittsburgh: Barn. nel T. Bodine, Joseph B. Myers, Edward 0. Knight. Washington Thatcher, John M. Kennedy and John Rice. Before Alderman Taylor,George Cue. 'tidy made Information cha rging Christ. Hell with assault and battery, alleging That without cause or provocation the defendant had attacked and beaten him. The case having been held for a hearing, was yesterday dlamissed on the non- appearance of the prosecutor. Corporal panishment u a means of dim- Is almost abolished in the Pitts burgh schools, since October last.. In the year previous to that time it was esti mated that the tctal number of floggings adminlatered, aggregated over seventy five thouund. A little investigation, by the authorities proved wholesome. Emmanuel Elwanger has a fast horse, and likewise Ma neighbor, Wm. Part ridge. As to whose was the most swift of foot a dispute sues between the par tial yesterday, whlch• finally resulted In Emanuel bringing suit before Alderman Bolster, of Allegheny, charging. Port. ridge ith assault s and battery. A war rant wu issued. Temperance Lecture.—Dr. s. W. Pow ell, of London, will deliver a lecture before the Allegheny 'Temperance League this (Thursday) evening at. 7!,‘ o'clock, In Dr. J. B. Clark'. chttrou, comer of Sandusky street and Stocktbn avenue. Ells subject will be, "The Ca rear of a Drunkard or; the Life and Character of the Gifted Edgar A. Poe." Owed Wagner, a resident of the Sev enth ward, Allegheny, brought suit to, lOre Alderman Renter, charging Jerry- Smith with assault and battery, the ,two Mites participated In a mutual knock down. A cross suit was entered by de.- tandmit charging Wagner with darly conduct, but further litigation was *NM stayed by each defendant paying his - - Before Alderman Bolster, of All& A. Lelmbach made oath on yet?' terday charging John Schutz with assault and battery, enticing that defendant had choked his little girl, but scarcely was be done making hla charges when • Schutz appeared, alleging that lahnbach bad choked his little boy. The Parke, oonsiderlng themselves now square set tied the matter by sans defendant paying the 00112 . / . ' • field for Trtal.—tlaror Brush had doe of those perplexing oases before him yesterday in which Sarah Ann Wine charged one Fannie Sweeny with adul tery, alleging that the defendant hid lured into her ways and pleasure Sarah Ann*s eon, an the two Would mut am If by magic; and as Fannie declared her Intention of holding fast to the youn g man even site , returning from pun latiment, the cue wax held for Court. ae i s P. lasers was yesterday arrested and brought before Alderman Mclean tern, on the oath of A. J. Young charri ng him with having obtained goods under false pretenses. The plaintiff keeps a store In Port Peary, and &Hegel, that Myers procured of him goods to the amonst of 180, representing that he own. ed property In Connersville, but was yesterday arrested on board a boat abort starting for New Orleans, the untruthfulz nen of his statements having bun dis covered. -He gave ball for appearance at Court. wormy Lecture.—At lefayette.Rall this evening, Wendell Phillips will deliver his celebrated lecture on that distinguished Irish patriot, Daniel o'omi. a subject that affords much COM.- ment, and with Mr. Phillips' giant Intel lect and grand oratorlal powers oar pee. ids may expect to bear one of the beet bating that hal been delivered under the auspices of the Mercantile Library damoolation this season: The advantage 'of this lecture is two fold and the hear .erslf not pleased with the •seidiment, cannot fail to be entertained with the style of delivery and • beauty of hut. 1 gretharacteriaticofthispwit lecturer. re e garved meats. Admis sio n dhy ants. Saloon Flight. Tuesday evening • fight occurred In Chessemait's =loon, Lacock street, Alla. showy. Among the princtpalswere Jas. Cbrnellus and George Bowers. They ware on opposite aides in the conflict and •f course bad unpleasant feelings toward •acb 'other. They resorted, to litigation to equate up. Cornelius condo informs. lion for Snotty 'of the pesos against Bowen =Ore Mayor Callow. Bowers entered a Crow snit before' Alderman Bowden. In both eases the delinelants rite =raided •nd held An I,lasaag• =E= , , • • - • . ' _ .Ik/ " • THIrSCAPPOLD Pltiale of the Petcbtal Tragedy—Exe cution of Van Bordeoberff and Bohner —Last litaternents of the Coutteinned Mem. • The erode scene in the Peightal tragedy. was enacted at Huntingdon, Huntingdon county: between twelve and one o'clock 'yesterday, at which time Gotleib Bohner and Albert Von Bordenberg, who were tried and convicted for the murder, on the 17th day of November, 1869, of John Peightal, Sarah Peightal, his wife, and Scott Gardner, an adopted son, were called, upon, as an atonement to the obanded lasi, tcseurrendor their lives ac the penalty f their crime. The sick log details of the horrible nipple mu er for which they were con demned to te, are doubtless still fresh In the min a of many of our readers. ee they were Oblished in full in those co t !, th r er r e e lr d e e , ri f of P killingoi gh t t e h l e, inmates ..7 mons. It I not our purpose, again inn' them upon . 0 S th u e lleA nh it o t f ea , y,...t ha be t r :m lB6.9 t he , t e h v e s io n I n i t e o n f p °' ll ll ,r ied d k e rssH athne t b' e an° h7n r ee of over 14,000, and then stterorted to cover up their crime ey.tting fire to the house. Theypiled 1 the betiding upon the dead bodies and after setting fire to it left, walked to the nearest railway station, where they took the train for Altoona. A gentleman pas sing too house a short time after the murder bad been committed, discovering smoke issuing from the door and win does, entered and found the dead bodies in the center of the room under a smouldering fire. Tyrk Simpleton at once attached to Von Bor. denbergund Bohner, who had been seen loitering In the community for a day or two previous to the murder, and as It was sacertaloed at the station that they bad purchased tickets for Altoona, the authorities at that Discs were at once telegraphed to and they were arrested. Ellitticient evidences; to fasten the crime on them were found upon their persons, - and they were committed to Jail, tried at the Dieember term of Court, found guilty and the sentence of death pro. nounoed upon them. The Ehwernor signed the death warrant, doing yeater• day, March 17th, as the time for carrying It into efllbet. TEE CONDEMNED. The eoridenined men, Albert Von Bor denburg and Gottfried Von Bohner (or efoore).idnce their conviction and sen tence have been confined in the county jail.. Bohner Is a muscular looking man, witti sandy tiair, whiskers and mustache, and would fail to create a favorable-im pression._ He was about forty , years of age, and claimed that he was never mar ried. He had lived In the county previ ous to the murder for which be suffered death. He had been convicted ot rob bing adore in Huntingdon. for which he. carved two years in the Western Pont tentiary. .Prior to the murder of the Peightals, he bad worked In . Altoona. and It was there be became acquainted with hie companion In crime. During his confinement, until within a few days put. he has been hard to manage, and made several ineffectual attempts to es cape, the tut attempt being on Thursday hat. Bordenberg was in the thirtieth year of his age, and was rather pleasant In ap• pretence. He had dark browneyes, dark hair, and was of medium height. Daring an interview with him yesterday he in furtnedyi?ur correspondent that homes born in" Hanover and that became to title country In 1866. He was a cabinet maker by trade, and Brat worked in _Newark, New Jersey. He was afterwards em ployed in Steinway's piano manufactory In New York. He further stated that In -1t67-8 he_ resided In Pittsburgh, and boarded Air three menthe - at' "Sweitzer Hall." on Penn street. He was employed at deck hand on the steamer. Echo, run ning between' Pittsburgh end Oil City. After leaving Pittsburgh he went to Ty. tone, and subsequently to Hollidays burg, where he worked about a month. He than returned to Tyrone, - tint was shortly afterwards arrested on a charge of, stealing carpenter tools In Holliday/1- 'burg, be was taken back, tried,- convicted and sentenced to the Weetene Penitentiary for one year, the term commencing May 7, 1867, and ex piring In 1868. After his imprisonment he returned to Altoona, and after some time became scquinted with Bohner. He seemed to Mel his position more deeply than his companion, and several times daring the' Conversation repeated the assertion that he had not participated in the murder, and that he was Ignorant of the deed until he was arrested. He acknowledged that they had gone for the purpose of robbery, bat that murder was not intended. It is proper to say, however, that thou statements are not received with Much credence. Both parties bad opportunities for religious in struction. Rev. Mr. Steckel, 01 the Ger man Reformed Church. was in constant attendance, and both *maenad theft trust In the future. Bordenbery partook of the communion on Sunday last. CONFESSIONS AND STATEmEmrs. Since the' arrest of the encased men, both before and after the trial, they have made confessions and etatements, all of which have teen pnblehed except those last written, which were prepared a day or two' prior to the execution. They were written in German and were trans lated by Rev. Mr. Steckel for publica lion. They read as follow:: 'FINAL STATE/ CENT OF OOTICED VAN BON , NEE. The last will of one about to die: Be loved in the Lord! It is - a matter of labor to collect my thought', to may unto you my farewelL I pray all whom I may havo offended not to treasure up auger Against me, but to pardon me mince lam about to recall, and I do now recall all before I depart. - I depart thin life with the much:mamma that I am at peace with God. I therefore take this cup of bitterness with comfort. I ;dace myself immediately before the Judg ment sestet God elf approach the snores of eternity, attire I constantly pray and commune with him silently. This causes. me comfort and happinersi here and hereafter. I speak In this manner to God and not to man; I feel myself of fended in this when men under take to teach me. I have an Germany myself led in prayer meeting, and know to well that a man can by himself be converted. I have Myself. experlenced the 11AMsot:mom, since I have walked the broad way and . lefttbe."narrow way which leadeth unto life." Whether man will pardon me I know not, yet I hope that God will have • ercy on me at the last day of judg ment, Beloved citizens of Huntingdon, by the-Untat you will have seen my lest writing and my last words, I will likely not be anymore, 'for the mewengerof death stands at the door with hi. flaming Sword and demands my Rout. Whether amputfty or not peaty, I am unable to je;therefore I leave It in the bands of 41W .. Ile Is the Righteous Judge, Ms powerful word I will soon bear, and will submit myself to-Rlai righteous punish ment. Beloved friends, that I may so call yem causes mepleasnre; I cannotby word of mouth tell you; you may therefore re. Celeult 'from my pon. The pain which Duffer tlrevente the from telling you; for I take nothing out of this world km the empty pages whereon I make known my teats and complaints. My tears flow whlle I am ;writing; my tact tears real • apart this page. Think of me here as I will think In that happy, happy world. I have no fears of the gray& I rather long for It, because I shall there find'rest from pains and troubles suffer ed and endured. "Whoever fears the grave is still lost In the world." Tne crave - Is my resting place, to which my body' leeks with joy, SitICO there all trouble OSLO and leave me. Whoever speaks in fear of the grave knows not of Its rest. The grave removes all my bur dens and cares from me. - Lot me, there fore, here rest in peace. Great God, for all this I thank Theo. Fromall that:mine and terrors of sin, I shall likewlee here also be freed. Beautiful rrrave ! dark reeled clefts; easy lap , here become fully ; freed faun - enfferlints, troubles, misfortunes.and myp rit. Lord, re l a n t to t t e h r y . f h a a v n o d rii s commit my body. el it In Ilatingdon, I say once Mt 4 you all. in farewell, with the hope, however, to see each other in the region beyond, where pain. mid tears and troublee shalt be no more; where God will wipe away all tears from our eyes; where we shall all bloom In evn i r r iuth„ ,iprieg. I will- be s eech God ir; your behalf; will consecrate to you my last sigh; during my last thoughts nir you, death will translate me Into the bet ter life. 'Let -me here conclude. My hand trembles; tears becloud my eye.. To the truth of this I seal it With my death, and attest it with my own signature.. Vary respectfully, GOTPRIED VON BOTINER. D . osozmnzacris STATEMF.ST. Charley, the time is now getting very abort for on to live. Then we will have to spew before the judgthent seat of , God. We will there receive our reward for the deeds done In the hody,- be they good or evil. You have so often prom. teed and me that you would bring About my release; I therefore now once moropray you in the name of God, to tell the truth. If you cannot or will not save my life, at least save your own poor soul from /verbatim damnation. There Is still some time.- Yon have no right to may that a man dies like a beast, or that when a man dies all is over. I know only too well that something still remaking in • your heart which tell' you unmistakably enough that which you say to be directly contrary to the truth. Tour perverted - nazi • dee" not ad. mit it. Your sins are too frightful to allowyou power to tell the truth. Seithereizt you humble yourself before the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. I can assure you that you will soon regret it. So fares lam concerned you can do as you choose, but me What pleasure this can be to you that pray toll Ibe hung with yen? I bare fortunately not depended much on. you. You have no feeling for your fellow man. It is true I believed very confidently that the th m e e llo t l o e p d u i e r '- nor have I o...i Co n u ce r o t lr w ws o uwe n n ld tinw n g ot i tthhy rioi l d wi e o m nteh n y; taken the life of any man; in Mil con sciousnessyourefict of which this chair: how terribly also I can die. If you battered this woman's head with the ;hovel; how beseechingly ahe begged_ you to Roue her life, you will per ceive who *lll accuse you when we shall appear before the tribunal of God. I cannot consider It Just that you should be believed more than myself, since I told the truth from the first time we came here, which appears not to have been considered before the court. All this I did not know In time, or else) I would have told all myself at the time I was naked whether I had anything to say. I had the confidence that those who had the law in hand, to whom I told there things, would cause tame things to operate In the proceedings, but t h is did not happen - according as It appeared to me afterward. When • man Zannot confide In those who aro in authority what can I do who am • priscmor. I cannot speak English; do not ;know the laws of this country, and have no friend who could do anything in my favor. Neither have I money wherewith to make friends. I could do nothing more for myself than what I did, vie:-to tell the truth, which, as I said before, could not condemn me to death; for in Ger many the law is such that whosoever does not take the life of any many cannot be condemned to death. This also I take for jostles. There Is, therefore, no more left than the confidence which I have in our Father which Is. In Heaven. It will by this time have appeared who the real murderer Is. However, the word guilty has been pronounced upon me, who will have to be executed. 1 re. afire the answer now from every ono that it Igloo late. (To nave nos unjustly condemned! Is this Justice?) This leave In the hands of Him who rules over no, who established the powers that be. Upon the consciences of those who wield this authority may this Mapocudbli ity rest. I will not, nor is it In my power to prononnoe Judgment upon any man. I commit all Into the hammed' the Lord our God. He is the great Judge. He says; "Vengeance Is mine; I will re pay." In HIM I pl*ee nX7 trust; in Him I five and die. It is true only the few profess We name; so it - falls to my lot, like unto Him: every one cried °away with Ilim;" so it le now; no mite takes mercy on me ex cept One, our God. - It Is indeed a matter of no small amount to nut to take leave of Hie world in the best years of my lire, and It may well be a matter of regret for all inch as could have been of asalatance to me. Many who think of me after my death will see my spirit flit before their eyes. It is true that I did what I should not have • done, in this, that I shared the money because I knew nothing of the murder. _Yet this cannot condemn me to death. Men may think of MO what they please; Iknom that I took (he life of no man, and Almighty God is my witness. I now return my sincere thanks to each one who showed nie a kindneesdur log the time of my imprisonment and to every one. ALIIERT BORDENBBRO. TICE EXECITTION At an early hour yestardny . morning the streets of tho town wore thronged with people, and the crowd continued to Increase during the day. Sheriff Neety had for several days been 'besieged by persons for tickets of admission to the execution, but owing to the wantof room to the Jail yard- the number of ticketa had to be limited. Enterprising Indi 'victuals had erected platform•on the hill aide overlooking the jell yard, on which standing room sold at a premium. The spiritual adviser. of the con demned men remained with them the entire night Tuesday, and airline o'clock Wednesday morning held religious set , cleat in the cells. A few minutes after twelve o'clock the Sheriff accompanied by his Deputy, entered ttie eella and an. nounced to the prisoners that their time had arrived. Alter the usual preparation the solemn procession formed and marched to. THE scurrow, The condemned ascended the scaffold at half past twelve with firm steps and took the positions assigned them on the trap. After the preliminaries had been arranged, prayer in German was offered in behalf of the unfortunate men by. Rev. .1. IL Sykes, of the Reformed Church. After the prayer, ono of the clergymen asked Charley if be had anything to say. He replied, "no." Von Bondenberg then read the statement made Tuesday and given above, and appealed to the other to confirm it. truth. The paper was read in German, but the tone was earnest and foaling. Atter concluding, Bohner said-uwe were both in the bonne together, both helped to kill, and we both are going to die together." Von Bordenberg replied: "It is a shame. You ought not to say that at the list moment. It lainhumen." Rey. Steckel then offered a prayer In German. The last farewell was then said, and all des cended from the platform except the Sheriff. Von Bordonbergasld: "Cf Lord, beyond the Skies, forgive my sins and take my poor soul up into Thy Kingdom Amen, Amen." THE DEO, Black cape were then placed over the Leads and the noose adJcutted, about the necks or the condemned, Bohner„after the cap had been drawn over his head, made some remarks In German, bull they could not be heard. The signal wee then given, and In a moment the bodies of Ltie wretched men were suspended between heaven and earth. SAY= DOWN. The drop fell at fifteen minutes of one o'clock. In ten minutes Albert died. and four minutes later the oonculaive twitch. Inge of Bohner's body ceased. At the expiration of twenty•llve ininutos Dm. Neely, Thompson, Mitchell and Bsum baugb, wbo were in attendance, pro. nouucefilife extinct. The bodice, were slowly lowered and placed In plain black coffins whichlad been placed below the scaffold. After an examination the pby. sicians stated that Bordenberg's neck bad been dislocated, but that Bottum bad died from strangulation. CRUSHED TO DEATH. An Embankment Caves in—A Citizen Kilird—Diatreaaing Occurrence—Cor. owes - request. Yesterday about noon a very distrait!- . ing - accident occurred In Allegheny, which resulted In the death of a respected citizen... The victim was Mr. Charles A. Hotchkiss, who resided on Franklin street near Beaver avenue. He bad a lot of earn engaged In grading Off a portion of the lot in the rear of •the Sixth ward school house, corner of Juniata and Chartism streets. The embankment was about ten feet high, and wan composed in( gravelly soli, which crumbled but no difficulty had been experienced -in keeping it squared as the work pro. greased. The men had gone to dinner, when Mr. Hutchldu took up a new pick which be had Just prirohatied, and struck it Into the embankment at his feet; Intending to leave It there for the men. At this minute a large mass of atones and gravel became loosened from the top and rollover upon Mtn before be could turn around. He was Instantly crushed to the earth. A boy passing at the time witnessed the arcidentand•Jm mediately procured help. The Injured man wu taken to his residence about • square off and Dr. J. H. Grout! sum. menet Upon examination It was dis covered that his right aide Wu crushed, his leg and arm broken and his spine hurt. The physician at once pronounced hi. Interim fatal. ffe lived In an nacon. seicrue state about fifteen minutes after being taken into the house, when death came to his relief. • The victim wax between forty-five and fifty years of age and came to Alle gheny a fow years ago from Wellington, Connecticut. and wax In comfortable circumstances. He leaves a wife and two children. The family have no rela tives In this part of the country and It Is designed to take the body back to Wel lington for burial, the friends there having been notified of the sad occur rence, and telegraphing they would be hare to-day.• - on T ly ho o o d nrt deceased althou gh lntheity, o hn had been fnritroni g d n ai . an nn d o w iluon sai n phnulfilddy inquest an ne pt u h e . a te d d m ti as r an an y n thea ye r r re dli ri Cla wson a.T a t c a d d al e . pith er the w lusts an was rendered. Duquesne way Business Property. The 120 loot front on Dtiqueolio way, to be sold at hicilwaine's datculon Dooms next Tuesday evening, Is an unusual 'opportunity to secure valuable bualneas property: It le the premises latelyoo,.., pled by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufao. taring Company, at the corner Birth or Pitt Street. There will be also Ave ad joining lots, each 20 feet front on RIR street, and one lot of 60 feet front. The contemplated extension of Fifth avenue along alley to Duquesne way, and erection of the Tripartite bridge at the" Point, will In a very few years make this among the most saleable locations in our dry, telt already le for many present Madame,. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1870 THE WORE HOUSE. ionic Account et the Standings and Oth. •er Arrangements or the institution. • . On Monday we enjoyed the opportuni ty of a lien to Claremont Sprit:um, or perhaps more intelligibly speaking, the Work Howie, As our readers ale aware, this heretofore much needed institution Is located la Rota township, on the north aide of the Allegheny river. The location la niadonbtedly a healthy one, and for this and many other reasons the selection of the site Is to be com mended. The building when completed will have moat 1 350 ,000—perhips more, but those who may take trouble to visit and tweet it, and make themselves an. outdated with its conduct, will feel that the investment is good for the county. • 'rug narMaireas stand parallel with the river, covering live hundred feet in length, and distant froth the Western Penna. Railroad about two hundred feet The centre or main building la fifty by one hundred feet and three stories 'high, having also in addl. I non d hendaome tower. Tho wings east and west, which stand back about fifty feet from the front of the centre build ing, are two hundred foot in length, fifty•three lad in depth, and (oneatory) thirty.six feet In height to the cornice. Each la • ornamented at the front end corner by ■ handsome tower, built fur the molt part of atone. The Mums, doorways, window cape. cor nice, dm, of the 'whole frOnt,of the buil& ing are of cut atone, aid barring the ehleids of the window■ of the wingv, the establishment ban a pleasant. hospitable look. In the rear of the center building is a short wing, three atones high, with kitchen and laundry on the first floor, male and female hospitals, physicians' room, sewing room, de., on the second, end the chapel and library roomion the third floor. A small building also stands back, containing the engine, boilers, ,tc. Two hundred feet in the rear brilldinge are yet to be erected the work shops, which wilt occupy a structure four hundred feet long and forty feet deep, and be divided Intosection Thin building will be. two stories high, s. while the sections will be separated by brick walla. All the brick and atone wont 'Of the main bundling and wings bare been completed, and the east wing le finished within and occupied, there being now in the - institution about seventy prisoners. Mr. John McDonald, of Allegheny City, is the superintendent of construe. lion, to whom we are Indebted for infer nation regarding the buildings. • • • ' TUE CIIeNTRE lIIIILDISICI. The main entrance to the centre build ing will be reached by a abort flight of broad atone steps, and from thence, the Superintendent's room, or the Milos of the lostltutiou, will be reached at will. Tee chief (Aloes of the house will have accommodations for their families in this building. Within It is tastefully finished with walnut and yellow pine, and all modern conveniences are provi ded. In thorax on the Brat floor is the guard room, froth each aide of which iron doors open into . the two wings, from which all movement. of Pritionere can be seen. On the Remind floor la the library, a very pleas. ant room, lighted from the centre above and having a large circular opening through the floor into the guard room. rurther back on the first floor is the kitchen, neatly arranged, and opening Into It the laundry, Containing three very large washing machines operated by steam. Above these again are male and female hospitals, ho., a handsome chapel and office*. . TUE PRISON WINOS. The last wing Is Intended for the female prisonefa and the west -wing for the male., the former, however, only being completed, la now occupied by the men, none of tho other sex as yet hav ing teen admitted. A very great im provement over any other prison in this hero of the country has been Introduced . We refer to the construction of the cello along the centre instead of the aides of the wings. There are four tiers of cells - standing back to back, thus affording ample light in each from the windows in the aides of the building and a tine board walk or • hell around therm Tble wing has one hundred and twenty separate I cells, four by seven feet and seven feet high, and four congregate cells. At the extreme east end lea large store room, and between It and the range of cells aro bath and wash moms. The beds are attached to the sides of the cella, and can be let down and up as occasion requires. Round each of the upper. tiers la a hand some walk, with Iron railings, and a stairway to them Is located at the west end of the range. In the west wing there will be two hundred and ideal separate cells and right Urge cells. Each cell Ii gentilsted by • duo: THE zuOIUE, SPRING, &c. The engine building, presided over by Mr. W. E. Russell, is a model of neat. nen. It; contains a Set o', holism and I fine engine , built by Mclntoala, Hemp hill A Co. From here an . abundance of heat le furnbthed through the buildings and !deem power is provided for the laundry, tc. The Work House land occupies fifty acres. °noel' the most interesting points to visit there is the spring, located on the hill abOut eight hundred feet back of the' buildings and ono hundred and fourteen feet above the river loyol. The water is clear and pure and In the greatest abun dance. A neat reservoir of masonry has been built and pipes laid, by which am ple force is obtained to 'apply thabollers and the whole of the buildings. Mr. David McKinney has teen engaged as: gardener. • Titta eurEurresniurr. It is but recently that the Board of Managers of the Institution have been able to engage a Superintendent who, from experience and qualifications, would In their opinion fill the position,' The man selected Le Hon. Henry Oordier,' until lately Warden of the Wiaconatu -State Prison, and he is expected to ear.. rive here this week—today In fact. MY, Cordler has been very highly rococo. mended, but his best recommendation is his able management of the prison named, where, It Is said, the Income list year was $25,000 over the expenses. Mr. Peter Neil, Jr., of Sharpaburg, Deputy Superintendent, hes had charge of the Hones since Its °patting and has given sedlefaation. He la - assisted by G3o. W. Gillespie, of this city, and John S. Edgar, of Allegheny, as keepers. the finished and occupied part of the buildings everything is clean and neat, and the prisoner', especially those who have had experience In our other prta ens; are much pleased with their treat.: ment here. Work, sunlight and air; make them strong and healthy, and they do not show the bleached features com mon In our county Jail.. - • PRIDDY DIEM, ,DAP 11WLICR. • In a board shanty some distance In the rear of the east wing the party whom we a rc Freddy ompan Dle ied hl." found the well known. 7 He Is "howl"' In the soap factory and seems to erjoy blinself. An Milker of the house told Freddy that it was said that there wart too much lye in his soap, whereupon the n ine - citable' , Intimated that there was more piece in the assertion. Ile pinked Up a large piece of soft, and in exhibiting it claimed that Warden Scan. drat never bad Inch soap at Me hotel. On.leaving Freddy said that it was a poor crowd that had no tobacco, where. upon -a paw was handed him. Mr. Diehl • then proceeded to his work con tentedly, SERIOUS FALL. The Result of a Dflascep—A Lady Se. %Tray. Injured Almost Frozen to Deatta. Yesterday morning at an early hoar Mrs. John Patterson, of Allegheny, met with an accident which it Is feared will be attended with fatal results.. She re. , aides on the Perrysville plank road, - at the bead of Pedal al Street: a few doors beyond the toll house. She rose very early, In advance of any other member of her family, and started out to got a bucket of water from the spring. In attemptiog to descend a light of str ee t loading from the bowie to the spring, abe missed her footing and fell to the ground below, a distance of twelve or fifteen feet. In coming down sho struck her forehead above the left eye against a step and wax thereby ren dered senseless. In this condition abe lay for some time until some of the family awoke and observed her lying on the.ground. She was Immediately car ried Into the house and Dr. B. B. Smith summoned. It was found that she had suffered a severe contusion on the forehead and apparently bad been other *lee injured. From the exposure to the cold she was almost frozen,. and when picked up seemed as . if dead. Medical attention revived her somewhat, but she remained delirious during the dsy and the physician consider' her recovery doubtful. She a lady of middle age and the mother of • large family. The fact that she culotte, renders the cue much more PrOCariOnr ' ' A gyre Dernedy.—Lovere of beef, tout tan or veal are often vexed to End what they have brought from market to be tough and unsavory. Don't swear about it, go or *end your servants to the inPittsbu a b n ut e of J. F. Bellateln, No. 7$ Diamond, market rgh, or SO Diamond, Allegheny' , where none but the beat that money buy la kept. Rego Yon will find the remedy for all snob vexation. Try it, t . ry ill and thank to for this ad- Titer TIE THE WHETS. I 312! :11 Slates Dlatrlct Co'let—Judge Mc. 1311222 • • .. W SDNENDAY, Mardi 9.L-11:1 the ease of William Smith et al. vs. Wlghtman and Anderson, the Jury found that the fact let forth In the specifications Were not true. C. M . Garrison and Sidney Fuller va. C. 11. Fisher. On motion of Mr. Lucas leave granted to withdraw specifications of obJehtions to Bankrupt's discharge. Alontto Inakeep Oat. va. Jenkins. Nlah and Company. Ou motion of Judge Shannon leave granted to withdraw spec ifications of oNections to bankrupts die. charge. Charles Frisbee mt. W. R. Thomas, case email/um:l and ordered on thoargn went list. • W. A. Crawfordd Co. vs. Wm. Buima; Case continued by cennent to next term. Unitnd States ye.' Harebell S. Clark. On motion of Mr. Butterfield, role to show cause why Judgment should not be opened and defendant let Into a defence, upon him givin g ttecarity for "costa anti Judgment. BILLS OP INDICTMENT. The grand Jury found bilk of indict. moot against tho following named per sona: Michael Diughorty, for emptying packages of distilled Spirit. mithout de facing stamps. Taper BUneinger, distilling without Palms:Mt of PIIKNIIXI . tax, with intent to defraud tho Government. Henry Horniatein, distilling without payinentr. Bar of a ber n specodial Ambtax. • rosio flenderlson, rectifying without paying. Special tax; tilling cask. not properly stamped, and keeping fraudulent book.. • Phineaa P. Berber and Ambroae lien. demon, [implying packages of distilled spirits Without effacing clamps. Max LEWD willing cigars and tobacco without atamtu . . Janson Mottrogan, emptying packages of dintilled' spirit, without effacing Stamps. Joseph — Pease, emptying packagna of tobacco without destroying stsuipa; soh ling 'stamps that had been' once used, and selling :stamped isortlone of packages from which tobacco had been removed. Lucius H. fitriCkland, John Faward and Albert H. Platte, conspiring to de. fraud the government of tax on tobiCco. • • District Court—Judge Hampton. WEDNUDAT, the case of Hutchinson fur himself and for nee of others vs. : School District of Indians township, previounly reported, the jury found for the 'plaintliTa in the sum of 16,712 10, to be distributed between them at the rate of eighty per cent. on the amount of the obligations held by them, subject to the opinion of the Court on a question of law reserved. The case of Bowers vs. Donnelly, pre ylouely reported, was resumed, but had not been - concluded when Court ad. journal. TRIAL LIST FOR THURSDAY. 8 Krenzkatup vs. °ready. 62 Flanigan vs. Gibson e 1 al. 60 Kerr vs. McClelland of al. 6.7 Kendall TS. Bryson et al. 04 Rees vs. Morrow. 65 Caldwell de Bro. 66 Same va. Same. 75 Riddell vs. Duff. 89 Mestresoeys. McCullough & Co Common Pleas—Judge 'Rowe. WEDNESDky,IIreh 0.-ID the (*swot 'Ant vs. Bolinder, previously reported. the Jury found for the plaintiff as against John Bolinder Sr., In the sum of po and for the defendant as -to John Bolander Jr. The case of Cook vs. Mills, see. /a. on a judgment, was then taken up. Verdict for plaintiff m the sum of 14,338,00 paya ble in gold and silver coin of the United States. . • Farmers and Mechanics Turnpike Road Company, ea. The Oakland Paxson ger Railway Company, action on a con tract. Under the contract each party were required to pay one half the ex pence of keeping the road In repair.' Jury out. t Horn vs. Abbott, action on a prommiti sory note. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $227,00. Steen vs. Hutchinson. Action to re cover balance due on a male trade. The plaintiff purchased a mule from defen dant for 1276 which he afterwards return. ed and exchanged for another because the first one did not suit him. The mule he received In exchange, he alleged, wee only veined by defendant at laa, leav ing a balance of 176 in his (plaintiff 's) favor, which roam this stilt was brought to recover. On trot, . TRIAL LIST FOR THURSDAY. 210. Parke et al. vs. PA. Salt Manufac. taring Company. 187. Peeplea ya. McCune. 219; Bissell vs. McClure township. 269. Mo6r vs. Crone. 277. Smith vs. Trich. 287. Hazlett vs. Allegheny Insurance Co. 361. Rankine vs. Swan. 361. Reed Tay Clark. 398. Hallman a Balm vs. Poor dc Reed. ituarter Seftleue—Judiree Sterrett and WEDNESDAY. Mjrch --- ;.—COurt. opened at ten o'clock A, M. judges Sterrett and Collier-on the bench. • The case of the CommenWealth vs. D. P. Hatch and 'David Hatch, Indicted for forcible entry and detainer, Mts. Mary ,A. Brett prosecutrix. The prosecutrix, it appear; rented a house from . the de. fandants on Willow street, In the Seven teenth ward, Pittsburgh, a portion of which was occupied by another family. There was a small amount of rent due, and the Messrs. 'Hatches, thinking the occupant,' of the house were moving out in order to avoid paying the.rsuit, took possession of the house during the pros. ecutrix's absence end detained her household goods. 'The goods were re.' covered by a writ of replevin. Jury out. David Griffith, indicted for fornex ci see, Margerot Cementer , : proaecutrix, was arraigned and entered a plea of guilty. The Court sentenced him to pay a fine er 150 to the Guardians of the Poor of Alio., gheny county, 130 to the.prosecntrix, the further sum of 130 to the Guardians of, the Poor for lying in expenses and the oasts of prosecution. The next ease taken up wax that of the Commonwealth ye. Jacob Newmeyer, In dicted for Incestuous fornication, Theresa ' Neymeyer, his daughter, protestant. The case was tried at the September term of Court and a verdict of guilty rendered, and a new trial granted. When the prosecuting witness was called np to be sworn she said she did not care about swearing any more; she had been sworn several time, before, and if they did not believe .her It- wel no nee to swear any more. The Court informed her that she would have to be sworn and that she must be care ful and tell nothing hut the truth., She at length consented to be sworn, and after answering a few questions re. hued to answer. The District Attorney and Court both endeavored to get her to answer but she persistently declined. She said that she would rather take hetet what ahe had said on the fernier trial. What she said at that time was said In madneas, and she did not want to send him to the penitentiary. The Wart In formed her that she would have to tell all she knew about the matter. • Mr. Etwartzwelder, counsel for th e de. fondant, asked the Court to Instruct the witnessed to the poeltient she occupied, that she was not bound to answer any; questions that eliminated herself, but beyond that she • all that ' She know, otherwise she would be Punished. She then related her disgusting story, entirety too disgusting for publication In these columns. The Commonwealth rested the case on , the testimony of the prosecuting witness. ' Mr. Swartzwelder, in opening the case, 'said to the Quirt that an apology was `necessary for his appearance in tee case. both to the Court and jury, on account of the unnatural, disgusting charge. And was be not firmly convinced that the charge was faiseand without foundation, and that the man was innocent, not even his profeasional oath oranyeonalderation whatever would Induce him to appear In his defense. He then addressed the jury briefly. A number of witnesses were called as to the character of the girl. after which Court adjourned. The caw will be resumed Ibis morning. 'TRIAL. LIST I.oli TIIIIIISISAT 238. Com. vs. Wm. Lynch. 318 . Wm. Whighoth. 824. , John o..liuschlo. 24. • John Inblatre.• . . 35. . Wm. Haley. 210: Jameci 'Johnson. 29. - Patrick Burk% 30. f. John Waldler. 31. .* Patriot Dann. • .1 2 2 n Elisabeth Eisenbele. P. H. Johnston et al. 34. Albert Keller. EIEIME • Jos. V. Kerr, 8 oases. George A. Nelson. .' Samuel Johnston et aL MI Accounts Witt be nettled: All perm= Indebted to J. W. Barker tr. Co., 59 Market meet, on book amount or in any other way. are reepeotfally re. qUelgEd to settle their aoconnta on or be. fore the eleventh day of March baidant, as the busineu of the firm will be wound up finally . on that day. All amounts remaining unsettled after that date will be put In the hands of an attorney for collection. -floods will be sold until that, date at Administrators , Sale at great reduction in Floe% as enteryibtaf must be sold. SCOOOI. AFFAIRS An Interesting Report—Progress of Our Schools—Hew they are Managed—A _Year's Review Same Interesting Figures, The first annual report of Superinten dent Luckey, of the City Schools, has been received. It lea very neatly arrang ed and printed pamphlet of ninety-nix pages, containing a full account of the schools for the year ending June, 1803, together with a mass of atatletical infer- Mallon of an important character, and a resume of the history- of the schools from their organization here. Accurate lithographs of the principal buildings, embellish and add to the attractiveness of the pamphlet. Every topic of interest connected with wheel management and prosperity and progress la touched upon, and many new and valuable suggestions thrown out, some of which have recently been adop ted with decided success: The Superin tendent speaks with pleasure of the Increased public interest taken In the schools during the year. This is evinced In the erection of new school houses, the adoption of now plane looking to the greater efficiency of the system, the pro vision's for the erection of a High - school building, and, more than all, the unusual attendance of citizens as visitors. Of the growth of the schools the report says: "From a few rented rooms on unpleasant al lays in 1835, our school accommodations have grown to thirty-two buildings, meet ly well located, having all the modern con !affiances and capable of accommodating over 15,000 pupils: Our new buildings are erected on npaeloun grounds, properly ornamented with trees and shrubbery. The room. are large with high ceilings end well illuminated. Bcquata of flow ers in semen-adorn them, and many of the school room walls are adorned with beautiful and attractive pictures, making the school room an attractive place of resort. Especially during the past year Progress has been made In this work of beautifying the walls and grounds, and the work le beingi numbed earnestly for ward." In the matter of school discipline a great reforni has been made. In refer ence to corporeal punishment this la especially observable. Under the new rule, requiring teachers to report all each, this very objectionable practice has been almost abolished, and the teachers have been led to devise more rational plaza for controlling, pupils. This rule has had • most healthy effect both on teacher and scholar. Drawing and mimic have been intro. duced as regular etudlea, and the reach nem with which they are pursued by the acholareevincee the practicability of such a dimpling and cultivation of the le Shot- Ical nature of the children. Groat 'pro gress has been made in both these branches, as well as In that of etallethen. Ice, which, however, has not yet been so generally adopted. - The report further contains a complete history of the Central Board of Educa tion, Its organisation, membership, Ac., , and of the Central High School, and all matters of 'lmportance in relation thereto, together with a list of its pupils and a record of its-graduates thus far. Connected with the report is an appen dix from which we glean a few interest ing figures. During the year 204 Leech. ere were employed in the schools, each having on an average 43 pupils in charge. There was an average daily attendance of 7,121) scholars; 12,329 in all entered during the year. The total amount paid teachers was 11121,637 46. The coat per pupil, estimating on the average daily attendance, was #lO 78;, , on the total en rollment. X 9,02. the pupils there were 8,188 families represented. The largest number wereAtnerican, the next German and the third Irish The High School coat e 14,089.73, and the Colored Schools 11,1,0 rk0 0.40 during the year. The school pro rty Ic valued at 1784.707,00. The. Retell:in aohool house, corner of Penn and Fitt street, val ued at 1102,000, in drat o the lint, Moor head, corner of Greenville and Enoch streets, is the lar--- -^' comfort ably neat 1,100 The rep ot interent live conga catty arrai vigorous, the readii Prot.-tool for the fah marter In I=l Thabt "An Act of an Snap for the coy reported It &thee by t t. It providea mon Men officer, wbr to the Her whose ter; except thr hta office t of [Ma of measure ber in aide In the at , keel on each at. iasured the number amber of inches dim. -.a raft the name of the owner and numberthereof. He shall Impact all timber before meas. I urlng, and If any be (blind shakey or decayed make due allowance thereof in the lineal measure, denoting the number of feet thrown oir by the mark XIX on' I each atick at the point Of the defective part, any stick wholly defective to be so marked; shall boreinto any part of any suspected stick to a ny defect L l therein; shall attend •to such measuring and Impacting when j called upon; Abell give certificate for each I raft or lot of Busher measured, r deeignating the number, of raft or lot, I.lengthe, diameters and cubical contents of each stick. Before entering upon his duties he shall be sworn and give bond In 12,000 for the faithful performance of I his duties; shall 4ave anrolut deputies; shall keep! hoOk in which he I shall aritZr all his measureMents separate ! ly, with the. Daum of parlous for . whom the romunireni ants were made, Inch took to be open for inspection at all times. He shall receive for the performance of the duties mentioned the inam of fifty cents for each 1,000 thoiumnd cable feet of lumber measured god Inspected by him; i shall keep &coolant/of all fees received by I him and his deputies, and payover to the treasurer of the county twenty per cent um thereof. He or his deputies shall not 1 be directly or indirectly interested In the buying or selling of timber. under pen ; city of 1100 for each raft or part of a raft bought or sold, onedialf to go to the county and the other half to the informer. Roles are prescribed In the bill for the measurement of timber, and' the Com- 1 mon Pleas court Is direded to appoint a committee of eve practical lumbermen, lor dealers in Umber, who shall prepare the lostnnuents necessary for the meas. i nrement of hewn and round timber sold within the county, and to make rules and regulations as to the manner of using said Instruments. The committee shall make report to said court and deposit the Instruments in the office of the , county commiudoner. The court being itatildied that the Instruments are proper for the purposes and the rules j mit and equitable, the same shall be taken and deemed to be the standards of [ measurement of all Umber sold within tbe 'county. deal Estate Transfers. The following deeds were admitted o record in the offioe of Thee. H. Hunter Recorder for Allegheny county, Wed neaclay, March 9, 1870: Frannie Moreau et al tn B. & W. P Morgan, limit V, ISM)f tract of land In Bonin Fafattc To 111.ra rortsr to Mari tn., Feb I I ~,..,1'.%."° . 1= fats In dbotuotown.Crereent Trt....'. . ....Itio Jams. Taylor to Andrew Ball, Feb. FA Wu:tract or lend Oralboo To William to Christian efraatt. Fes.l9, trfn oac-.l,lrior an acre In Moon I p .430 /non Fa m tfg toaAndrew runowt, Aprlllo,lletn a acre. lo Welt Dent Tp. ...... . ...... . . . Mel James Mc oldlamy to Unmet Merroo, Fen. to/ .19171 11. acres of land lo West Deer Tp.• ~113 MO peen. , glolgg to WZ. McDonald, March' 7. 117 . 0: M aCres and 13 mobs. In UpPar lit. Illa/r1:01; -.... iqttr_4'. (11.1 :sTP 2 _ T Y ° ... r, E2 J ?).:1! hi l."Iirr • --. - • _ .il; iiI.T. lerlie;VVi. Ditn7ivitZ - _ d, pi,....3 .t: lin-a,1,11 enerlea P. aberle to Catharine Ander, P. 0.. 1070; 17017 feat on Low. Wan. Pitt s [ . {,,... clto,l3MlnyrAilAD tSaaxoWatyALanea Aileen.... Gl.= Flat Mu, rannie Maui to John He.. r. 4. 1070. auove W: oal Jo. EL Haute, to Jacob Wilton. Nov. 1, mu; Shin! feet on Laurel avenue, tato Want, Pitt, 01 ieo Jacob Wllt•ett to Joba H. !tauter, 'lamb 4 liDo: Thom lot., .. . . ••• . . ~.. ....... .. ............ 111.250 Thom.: Y et toe, 14 1 Tvey aut.,. W. Itoberla, tkt.... low. 00t44 rev I . Ell: t etb bur0...1.1.10 John S. Wlisoa et al to Was. anD Thow•Turuer, Feb. 10. 1070: 105 ranee la Unto TD. ........ 0191 lame, toe feet on wart CO John n W. Piller, March 17 'VA: 10.000 taVet, AulegbD,T,...eo3 shoo Erly,Sbew Bly,Shoe has not been decided yet which of Ahem throe words is «meet, but It is a decided fact that Mr. !Ropy, 144 Smithfield street, la calling his stock of goods at coat price. By all means go and get a clothes wringer before they are sold. at reduced price.. The entire 'hick will be closed out belbre the first of April, Appleton , . Journal, monthly, Part oomea to wi from the publishers. This part to. if possible, better than the pm ceding. The Illustrations are of the highest order of merit and quite profuse. The platoon alone are cheap, as is the loiter press at the price of the work. For sale by 8. A. Clarke it Co., Wood street. How True it is that people will soon /earn where the beat amnia Is made. Twice already have Pier, Dumas d t Co. found it necessary to enlarge the Oregon Brewery. end are now driven to the lat• moat to !pith. dot:ends for areiym M=E OPERA House.—Mr. Mayo was greet ed with a large audience at the Opera House last evening to witness his third rendition of "The Streets of New York." He assumed five separate and Instinct characters in the "Badger," all requiring a different style, and which his versa. tility of talent enables him to present lei the bent possible manner. In the char acter of the "Match Vender" he Is ex tremely funny. General Grant, Jr. is a youthful prodigy of great promise,. and In the role of "Bob" the boot black, re. calves a lion's share of the applause. The piece will be repeated tonight. MASQUERADE AT THE Rrsx.—No pains are being spared to make the fancy dress carnival and masquerade at the Rink this evening, the "biggest thing on Ice." All who go are promised to be fully repaid in healthy and pleas ant amusement. To say the very least there never wan such ice on any rink as there is today at the Keystone. The action of the atmosphere has tended to give It a gloss and smoothness which bard freezing Invariably roughens .as those who are better acquainted with the na ture of the ice can testify.' Boys take your girls, mothers send your children, and we promise you they will come home with rosy cheeks and much the better of such escarole's. GREAT LONDON PANTORGOL—At the Academy of Music, commencing next Monday evening, the Zinfretta & Carson troupe will perform the greatpantomlme "Jack and the Bean Stalk," which prom ises to be a very brilliant affair.:: This is the first appearance of the troupe In this city, and they come well recommended from other cities where they have played with great credit. The transformationsare new, the costumes superb and pleasure seekers will find no better place ofamusement than to - spend an evening at the Academy next week. No extra charge for reserved seats. AOADEIIII - . OP Afteim:—Charley Shay's Qulncuplexal Troupe performed before& large audience, last evening. The "reg ular Jubilee" gave satisfaction as those present can testify, provoking much laughter. The dog, Little Dot, dis coursed the popular' Captain Jinks with a grace that would have done honor to more than a member of the Pinkie !Medea. - House. and Lob! Mouses and Lola: lionaeo and Lets! Second Ward, Allegneny, at Orphans' Court Sale. - - On Friday, March 11th, at 2 o'clock, will be sold by order of Court, on the premises, the -property of the late George Raynor, consisting of six iota of ground, each 15 by 90 feet, situated on the west aide of the Perrysville road, a short Ms tense above the Federal street toll house, on each of which is erected a frame dwelling hones of five rooms. Also, five vacant lots on the corner of Carroll and Federal atreete,each 20 feet wide. Terms: Ralf cash, alance In one yew' with intermit. Persona in want ef a cheap property will find this a rare op portunity. Do not fail to attend, the sale being positive. 'A. LEOOATE, Auct. Lease of Tavern stand, 1,037 Penn Sit.—A. Leggate, Auctioneer, will sell this, Thursday, afternoon, at 8 o'clock, the seventeen year lease of propertyl,o37 Penn street, Used for several years as a tavern and dwelling. Positive sale. Compositor it anted A first rate, rapid and steady newr paper compositor can obtain a perma nent situation on a morning paper, at highest wages, by addressing "Box A,. Geearra office." IMZI HASLETT—On March Ith. 1410, JNO. HAS LET?. of toe am of rahnestock, Hulett A reawerta. /a the 51st year of his age. The funeral will leave hie late residence: No. 149 Hiller avenue, Allegheny. on TRIIIIADAT, tlilC II 10th, 1070, at 9 o'clock P. Y. The friends of the family are respectfully lurited to attend. MEAN—On Tuesday morning, UarehV, ISTO,. at 1 o'clock. JA WEIS N. BEAN, In the 6 521 year of his age. The (000.11 will take place from his late red donee, No. 32 Colwell street, Tirttualt , ? AMR. ewe. March 10th, at 2 o'clock. Friends of nil, tarot, Ire respectfully invited to attend. iimPeWeduesday, March 9th, EDWARD PAYuON DR20121, see of Frank A. 11. Sarah T. Keeps, aged X years, 2 mo a t hi S azd n Xo days; stems pay at tattled!. a clear, makes reining. t praise ¶coy Zed late Irer. 'ntment timber been yesant imlttee. • tom. Beth . onient t, and years, It bold a duties meet imd unmet from the residence of his parents, No. 93 Monterey street, Allegheny, Tin( •ITia. IfoOs. at 3 o'clock. The friends of the Madly are respetsifullyi”lled to attend. We know not now as we shall know, Macs time , s thin yell le riven, Our little Addle fires not herr, But live. fora, In heaven. STEINER--On Tionday eventher. March 1104 M•IVeAItET STEI3II3. wife of Joseph Mahler, aged MO ;rare. Feuer.] from her lac reeldruce. No. 319 Mc oati area., ram •tranroos, at 1 o'clock P U. the Mende or the family are respectfally Melted to attend. wra N ii ,9 . ° . l 3' .l 4llViu*Tirl. l l.llthketZn Y VJ of her age - The fauentl will take p'ace trom her Isle resi dence on Thirzy.eight street, above Butler, TSUI Arrest:cot/N. the 10th lest., at A O'clock P. as. Triende of the faxellf are belted to at tend. 17 NDERTARE118. - - e ll i A r. jaat a rt V I 2 11 1. t whet at e i gheny._City R. Z 4pittli D e4'&lll3 ROOMY ma °mg.., nip PLIOVR •~yyth foal ant !zonation iloteirool. iitah....r • Ind W►lool Stair at priezAreing fro tl¢pYm %a SUPO i Ito• .I.4o:7l=lthea., wifr. Lima 0.6..1na Map bum dm JOSEPH MEYER & SON, Trzymomurrotvaaris o No. 444 111171? !TUX, Camases ler lriukeraL innralsbed d .00117 . 1 ... 113 and all Tuners' Iraralnlimant airs us? FrrTi: CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PLISLA.WEI WILDING, No. SS SIAS assaus. Swum& Moor, P . ITTSBUSSIL Capital 41.11 Paid VD. DisMOTOBS. I N AAvnat,jpi: ink. Hlll .l 3 . ... • sanry. "4""n WEIS " Wl' Ji l /HB se o t l i AO ftoUrsatibtl gn ma am and Marine 11 1 ' r WINES. LIQUORS, Bu 3. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING The Tin Best Ia the Med Stile& MANUFACTITSItb BY WILLIAM WAGNER 981 .Vorth Seventh Street, PHILADLLPHIA Refereeees—All the leading Deities In delpate. ' J.25:04-rrai MRS. S. C. ROBE, No. 91 Federal St, Allegheny, befog ddortotted Dot to cum over any Winter b1000e..111 Dobbeely' moll, below toot, for the next 30 One. BONNTTS, RATS. 08EC04 . 8. LAOS Eimititurac,,B, /KAT/ZEES, LACE COLL/. • LINEN COLLARS AND CUPTIL PAPER COLLARS AND CU/I7E. • • KID GLOVE,. • CORSZEd, LADI,II , HO6Z, • . UNILDetEN , s HOSE. • CLUE AT LACE /DOINGS, LAMS , TINDICIIII7ItAIt, LaDl6B , APRONs. New style KuBAIR SWITCH= and CIBI.NONS Lula .thrrrs. sa., Ike r01 . ! 1 0 =12;11? a l ari g V=7•lWal _FgLITIIII JOHN lb 000PKR & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, SHINN, LOCONOTIVE t KOLLIJIII lIILL swum= Magic Promptly to Order. 9AQ9IT'B' METAL Made and Kept on Hand. PreighltOrf and ItoonOittoroni of M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN ; Pea•4l7, CordlOW Railroad Sties% rssusysfigi ii' VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BILLOU & ADAMS 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now prepared to turaleb YINEGA/1 at t ► e LONMIT DIAIMET RIM. Atlantic.* to par. I= VIVA WINE VINEGAR. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE At Sewickley. • riaalilX determined upon removing to my rants at the Bait Work. near T•rentum, I offer fur tale the property wherein ew retitle, Attaining he borough of tiewickle y. I The_ gron•da oracle lpscres, finely diversifiedwith termer slopes,level and abrupt panka. pleasant brook p through tb• pint., ad A shed by • hun dred Poe old Sorest trees or a 400 en varieties. There are nearly 200 bearing pear tree. of cheinest selestiena, rerides •Pple. peach, cheers. ic. Also. grape., raspberries. black berries. at. &wherries end other mailer trait. There la • large apt., ler vegetable {Arlen. The ornamental, abrula eve rt tiers, tore. and rare plant. are a attract!, e feature. very aupropel git givingrt tlii he e name •• Tangiewesed •• to the testplus and thk vallty.nnder this aped umutpa.sed It class belch, and beside attic and cemented cellar under th whole —contatus 14 rooms and washroom arid closets house In basement. with numeron• laver closets foe China. stores urt clothing. There la • large sod eee e -falling eta:me-Walled elates. filled with water from eta e roof, and pomp. for hot and Cold water la bath mow, theme° and wash house, waste water la dueharged through pipe. esome distance from the house. Thin la an Ire ase and commodiousnling Moll. a toed barn, earriage abed and ch i c ken yard. The WA,. le bonilded on Al aides tu r npike.. and screws is ease from railroad or Sewickley Is 1111 miles wont obesity, on the m a - odatloa trains leave nntlilaw to be desired In the way of communication , the railroad hn{Clog lse rive. ail. the way anti own, makes the r 1 lellghrul.7 The .lets nrthe Valley Is most desirable, W . 1., besides Its worthy Lem and artisans. here are found the cousdry mats °Camay city ed I tors. prate-owns. law, ere, bankers. and .other hamlet as man and retired merchaute. need school. abound, and ti>re are churl:ma of venous dshominadlons, bawls, toe ablest ministers. Cur prise and terms rail atm) , Drug Store, No, 105 Liberty stem t, Pittsburgn. If not sold bee fore Ahrillgt, Ude property will be tont. • . . WiLLIAILM DIAOKEOWN tricl33:vl pIIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In the City of Allegheny. By virtue of an order of the Orphans. Coon of or Allegheny County, the undersigned, as True. tee, under the wino( Esther Stockton, deceuml, will offer at piddle see, on the premises, on THITRSDAT, the 17 h day of March next. at 10 o'clock A, at.. a lot of ground belonging to the estate of said decedent, &Undo on Stockton weenie and Wenner street, fronting 54 feet on Stockton avenge and preserving the same width along Webster street northerardly 94U feet to Water Street, on which is erected a two story Ith;th Dueillog Containing 15 roonm and attune Stable. This reopen, la so located that 11.0 be sitholivided into lots fronting en the rarkondch for beautjand convenience cannot be surpassed. Than. or Sate — Otte-third of the purchase money cash on COO drmatlon of the sale, the bal. tome in two equal annual env:trots. Centred by fuuditnd mortgage of the purchner.. • For further information enquire of tte Manchester harinligs°B isALk,UAPOSIIkaver avenue, Allegheny, or or W. A. SIPZ, Attorney.•llLaw,' . 1, .. w6, 1 , 11 Diamond cruet, Pittsburgh 20 LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP — Situate nearly adjoining the Bet , °nabs ogirailitgbato •nd &nub gittaberiti, and tannin Aileen minutes Walk of Ciorn.• street ears. . Beagle 500 lots haze lately been sold bore. • good many , of labia kayo been bath Ur a tle th g l y y the b efggl "M s:ratileft e,r o UOM be bad t y 1E:%1;:*77:+V 4 : 42 ..7,5;1" p1Lt00 1,....i 0 • i s. IfoLALN • (loi, fez 104 gaunt avenue. o , :snaaj:t.l6l.litf . ,o:l:l 11:$ =CHANT Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW OOXMPLE TE TASMONARLII EIF,ROHANT TAILOR, Menne ennotantly on band' Mar, Oassigneres and Vesting. AIw,OIXTLJEILLTBII3ILNISHIIIO GOODB Na;. 93 1-2 Snettlalleld Street, - ; rrrrestitioe. rti apeilats. Clothing mule to order to theaSl aunt Itag weir rAmstooDs. .. - LWOWIdId Lew 111.061101 CLOTHS, CutELSTILER.ES, Jut reached try . TIMMILT X/LIMPL. sat , Ihiettant Tailor, Ti ElmltLdeld anat. WALL PAPERS • WALL PAPEUS. SPRING, 1870. PRICES REDUCED. INCIIIIS wide tints at 1 / s a. oer IT—a Mt. Variety Macoa. per roll. tiLAZEP—.II kind, at Per roll. • - ELIA Arer7resell &ad Ataerleap Paper BM' • LP". :::17111ittarg'‘PTAT!!li b any '** W. P. 3LIIIIBRALL'S New: inoleaale and Retail Store, 291 Liberty Street. net • PITTSBITIGH.. _' •• WALL PAPER At Greatly Reduced Priem To mate Without Bogard to Coet, EZG==l HANDSOME PABLOR PAPERS, DINING ROOM PAPERS. _HALL. AND CHAMBER PAPZEA Alio, • lame iranortsmalit ofCIEDCAP PAPS/Mat N 0.10 7. MARKET STREET, i ' Name !urn! Avraroi. JO S. IL HUMES & into. 1 # f r•T:f:#llk# ## # ri l Er#oll VI 1:il pc.DAlL , Toix , iyii)l>vo QIJEENSWMM, Flno Fleerbob. CZEIN4 42(.0 GL4.1914; Silver Plated Goods. DINNER AND . TEA SETS. - Tea Trays and Cutlery. The belt toper lea WHITZ RToRE I WARY and CakendOef 00008 at low prime R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD INTUE err CGAILL, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. ♦ large seaortanat eatterar mad itspee' Jut received. Also Plated and Itrittawle Ware, Vases and Perim, Ware. sow omelet Old Air vale at very low prices at EL RIGBY & COM, Na Ise LIBERTY STEM SLACK COOPERAGE * i., Not Kum Ileaen Half 0 N9llof 'tiff / b ;aPr./. 4 ]. • DICYZY . I Co. AMUSEMENTS nirlirEw WI night but two or tbe poynlar young Train Con, MR. FRANK Malro. THURSDAY EVENING. Hatch H/th. Rua Cif I t's drama In Ova acts anu a pruulue. THE STREWN Or NEW TORE. undger Mr. Prang Naga Ggsnt, Jr.,. ..... an —.Bon the BsOt Bieck, • with Song and Dance. . Trlday Mooning—MlNA/IT OT Mr. FRAME MAYO. . Prank Mayo 'Matinee on Salarday. IgY - LAFATETTE HALL MERC.dIJrTILE EIBRJRV LECTURES WENDELL PHILLIPS I= DANIEL O'CON,NELL, LAFAYETTE HALL, Thursday Evening, March 10, '7O. ADMIS.SION • Noreserved a... Doors oven at 7'46 'Lc , '" tare commences at I . Tletets for sale a the C 1• bray Roams. corner of Venn and Sloth area*. Person. having tickets can eater from /oath renas. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Potitively one week only. commencing MONDAY RVENINO, MARCH 7211. Family Matinee en Wednesday and Satutolay afternoon. March Sib an/ 119th, at /1131 o•tdock. Clear the track. Look out :or the bale. The Ring Hen Hall Show A of America. The orlainst Qnd well known CO RLP.T SHAVe /sensor oil lIIhCUI•LKZAI. T./LA/Pg. Molt pcwlticelv. toe !arrest and hstt. 10 earth; lents/lug FIVE L/DPIINCT TROUPES IN CNN. Dollio Sat 111••• London Btoltique Troupe, Zella Renard's French T. rti tiCki.eWn Troupe. 3.1—• Ira Pitchia Condor.- tomime Troupe. 41b—Mope. • ehton'a Acrobat and tiemnaedo Troupe. 51k—Fraal elu. n's ia2I::T M ik7I;VLT/: 0 11 0 2 . 14710 or xrrisic. Robert Whoa'. Ilutodoe Brass Sand. Md. 70R Holden'. Excelsior Mier. SDI., Need LITTLE, DOT, the tut' at Deg I laelst who 11114 TIMarr21'..'Vor .i r:ekt)::cietat Toe Illuminated Clerteulur HUNKS Cl/MET and all COMICAL DON II RI •be Comje Huriregne out / antes:dine. NS Celebrated Star Perrot/DID. • <emptiest/entire for the pcople, Admla.lon—Pernuette and Dress Chyle, 50 cents. tdlery. 35ctt., Ghanian under Ile • cure, Sante. Doors open at 7 oicloec. Commeuce at K. IL L. lOWA/MR It, cobandia Agent. maw CARPETS. or . : 0. CLOTHS. dc CAR ETS. CED. RED Oil Cloths, Window Shades. DRUGGED& DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the rowest Prices rarer Ofered. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 FIPIII AYENVL -ra:dave NEW CARPETS POSITIVE REDUCTION IN PRICE Are Fe Dow receiving our NEW SPRING STOCK! sgt7llgratl:r.l - 1= A d ogr cd ' - hatish and American Brauer& and Tapestry Carpets, FLOOR OIL OLOTFig, - &0 Which we offer Tlrtran to Twenty.nre cents per yard leas than the town price, of int year. Ws bens the Ingest reeectln that hnbeen wortheral years, Dutchmen. New Stock. the:tention off . II'FAIILIIIII & COLLINS , 71 and 73 Fifth (P/COND 'FLOM): NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices To CORRESPOND TITIII WHOLESALE RATES. McCALLIT At BROS., 53. FIFTH AVENUE /MOPE WOOD .11T,BEET. REDUCTION IN CARP For a Short Time to Prepare;for • SPRING TRADE:- OLIVER . NeCTINTOCIt '& _CO, Haw matted thotr good. down below liatineo aon'a proses. Pon llom of CaPpeta. - • Ott Cloths, - Drurestas. EASTERN PRICES. DELMEer `" 11 ' 11:4 • 1 ' 41 " 71 :: 4 t OLIVER ZCCLINTOCK & CO., 23 Filth Avenue. REMOVALS MI ME 'VAL - Le D. DIIMMET'Ic (Lets Or Liberty street. 4)• • • Has ...misted Mr. DAVID N. YITEDIMmtrif with him In bottoms, sod takes the smoked comma:nom storeroom No. 64 Wood Street, Where the new Arm will motioni the maeufee. tore awl sale at the lowest vedette.) Mibel Pure American., Confectionary. L. D. D triinits Tr co. _ft22m3.l ! RFMOVgL_ ,_ Have:runosed 46m 41 SEMI MATT. tO GRAIt & 'LOGA.N. 89 Fifth Aveauer. untifneprovaments on old stand ass amp!". tea. re • o ANGES : • : TlLegovuTioN OF PARTNER rdzIr.V.P.2I:gr;'I7IVg; nese de !MOWN . .I_ol ...1* tete etly dbeedved gsVarert;=.4lMl fm:lO ß Y , liretrlggeg eellrot the debt. and anebteirthe •I I the. old eras. J. 0 BROWN. Mittel,ln. Is7o • unaii.umnilriniretpliiii• continuo ne of nand • 144 Foantal street, J. C. B ________ • 0 1586L ETION.--The Pirtner. ship heretofore existing barren• , - KILL .1 SHUTTXRLY. •.. -- ; in the Steal Teed by metes' w. Miters besto.. wee Oda . 1 ., 111 . so teases._ - • alew() 4w. . Hlr R S . 1114., sTICELY. ,& l'itt.b.rlol ./Fb. 151 h. 1870. • .: - Ttelti. . State and Intonate. Dog.% tb7l;grolige on LITZ sells i tli• L nt ae4 23d etr..str. YroDassi rose! Innord In • anon of IBM/ 0 to 411,(AN1, o a CUM Mortgage, :Fittsbargh. Feb. 11T1 11 1-o °B .l - 1 1 46, 811.1.4114136 Ltabl:100:1•1114 II ErlE2