d Sive littsinirnly CITY AND SUBURBAN. Cbsoge or 8.,e. The prom and offices of the Deily and Walk], akILITTE Will be remiered, from BeaOth to the last of March, from their old Mend en FLU avenue to the large, feurederied ofiAZICITZ Buildings," at the earner of Budtblield Wait and Sixth annuls, recently purehaied by the pro. brloters as a permanent home for the GAZZITI. The genteel Board of Edsocation will Meat today at two o'clock 1.. at Judge Sterrett left yesterday for 'Wt. tanning, to hold court for Judge Buf &Wm. • The newer leading from City Hall. Al. legbany, ie undergoing repairs. They were needed. Tile long tallied of Ford re. Pillock Ebel wilt commences to-day before hie Honor Judge Collier. Alazander Tautenbon and John Harper Mire been appointed gardeners-of the Allegheny Park Ooromhodon. Vowstaloa Received.—The Commie. n of J. G. Reekofen ea Notary Pubitc, Nta.been received at the office of Re corder Ranter. Mew Sales titables.Attention Ii called to the advertisement of Mr. Isaac Dry foos, who hu established a sates stable for the Bele of horses In Allegheny. The retell heathen houses of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and elstrsi. nets, are now paying specie in Planks: Who will be the first In Pit.taburgh to break the tee ? .. The City 01110. - A a says that Lydia The_ InPoon'll "tronsea" will play at the ••era next week. He likes the Worret "-aster* better, he says, because they 'to "Blue Nets." The shim of fire lest evenlue about la Iti e o'clock, from box 32, corner of Pride street aid Fifth &vertu°, was occasioned by the burnlou out of a chimney In the neighborhood. 'No damage. Welke to bldppen.—Oar business men will ne'glad to see the announcement mule In to day's papers that tne Alio jaunty Valley Railroad is now prepared to ship freight to Buffalo, and aU points to western New York. Alderman Hewer •ylederday received the information of W. Albrecht egeinat Jamb Kocher fur larceny , . The accused le charged- with taking away from dept.. nent's premises a lot of building stone. The case was compromised by defendant paying the coats. Laura etlits, ',lady of oolor, appeared before Mayor Callow yesterday afternoon and made complaint against Robert thistles An disorderly conduct. Robert It was alleged, met Laura the evening previous and acted is an ungentlemanly Manner toward her. A warrant for Rob. art's arrest has been issued. Peartial.—Willism Dickson made to. formation for surety of the peace before Alderman teicalestere yesterday &gaffed Sarah Ryan, alleging that Sarah threat.. sued to "stove his head in, knock his bralnaout and born his hones down." /be Alderman issued a warrant for the Welt of the sanguinary female. A abort Tara.—Yesterday afternoon the driver of a milk wagon attempted to make a short turn into Short street from Ohio street, Allegheny. The attempt was a (allure. The vehicle was upset and a wheel torn off.. There was no cry ing over 'pin tr.lik, however. as the cans heppened he empty at the time. hens Reales complained to Alderman Taylor yesterday that Rebecca Watley had entered her house, called her little daughter, Bernet Benton, all msnner of vile name, and threatened to tare the juvenile's life. The magistrate caused the arrest of Rebecca on an Information for surety of the peace, She was hold for a hearing. Dmeareed.—Lawlemade a purchase at the store o r John Bchleiter, on Otto street, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon.. They had a dispute about the price anteequently. Throats passed be. careen thehi. Oose retired to Alderman Mchfaster's office bud made information against Elahlalter for surety of the peace. Warrant leaned. Ramer says we are to have a illarlitiiiotl In high circles Me long. The wife of one Mir Pittsburgh moat honored citizens full In love with a banchome young man, who went east to Malt his friends on the same train with the beautiful young wife. The nnaband follows, finds them registered at the hotel u Mr. -- Ond Wife, hence the trouble., An Interesting youth of some ten love ly summers wee detected In the act of robbing a pea nut stand to the Allegheny market yesterday of a lot of oranges. He was Inducted Into the mvsterles of ■ short term In the loca•pp. In the even• tng, owing to • his years and tears, he was, restored to his parents, after the pea nut morchant•hed been Indeinntded. Troubleseme.—Daniel Sullivan, • on. legged soldier, who was admitted to the House In the Twelfth ward a few days since, took too much °benzine" on Sun day, and raised a row. When the atten dants attempted to gelet him, he threw stones at them. Dr. Sing made tutor• =Son before the Mayor yesterday, charging Sullivan with disorderly con. duct, alleging Mat It would be fumes, Bible to keep hint at the Home. A war. rant was homed' fur his arrest. A gentle= uz from the rural districts attempted an otineetrian feat yesterday. He wished to deposit a letter In the Poet office without descending from his horse. The animal crossed the sidewalk peace ably, but refused to ascend the steps. The entertainment was very interesting to the crowd, and well at the same time. It added ten dollars to the city exchequer. Rural gentleman didn't know there was • sidewalk in front of the POlttbflice. Re knows now. John Matter . mods information before Alderman Mullen, yesterday, against Fred sad Christina Ester for surety of the peace. They threatened to kill him, he says. Warrants lamed. At the same time. .13orglana Midi= made information oharin Übrtstana Hafer with ssasult 'and battery. She came Into deponent'e house, it is alleged, and choked. beat and abased Gorwlana and then threw her down stairs. Warrant lamed. The Puttee radde In the Second Ward, Alla when,. I r • The roadway on the tri-partite bridge, at the Point, being In the middle; one hundred feet above low water mark, would have from the shore an wending credo of about one inch in lourteen•feet. Nicholson pavement is well adapted for horse. feet to overcome this steep ascent at all seasons of the year, ell It has now been proved near the suspension bridge. If a corpondbm abould make a move. meat for erecting a bridge, It should, before going fernier, - appropriate a few hundred dollars towards building a large model, representing one branch of the bridge with a span of four hundred and twenty feet and One of four hundred and ten, ell being in due proportion', so that If there teeny deflections from heavy loads passing over it, or from storm winds, they may be measured or estima ted very closely, and much betterrandts will be attained In building a bridge. Pot- r SAW Wu. Coasting Federal street, Allegheny, above the Park, wan used yesterday afternoon as • boasting ground. Thejuvenlies were in their glory. Sleds of all aka and pat terns, and urchins of all ages. were out. The "mirth and fun grew fast and furl. ous," when suddenly a posse of able bodied . nolloemen appeared on the scene. The sport was at an end, and half • datansteds with their owners were taken to the lock-up. A few hours experience In the interior of • cell, together with a paternal admonition from the Mayor, was thought auftleient punishment for the youthful offenders, who wereallowed to return home about ■upper time, minus their sleds. These will make gradient A mmo d. Boys will be boys though, and It is not probable the juvemllse will owe *talc sport. Throwing Pleho It is not lawful to throw a pick at , an other man's head. ~A.ny man who make. his cranium in the loot will ta.heollanse • . at this "port. It Is DOS ramarksble that Robert Miieby did so. nor that babe. earns very irate and caused the anon of MAMA Ruben for exhibiting a playful' Wads or this kind. Alderman Morrow • eoneurred with Robert and held Martin to answer the done of asesult and blttsql thst mu t ts are being the legal de adiddd or re lma lump on s man's a fib! heal w i th* Pick..: The event transpired ~~. • • . THE COURTfi. D. N. District Court—Judge mecandiess. Most DAT. March 7—A special term of the U. B. District Court commenced in - this city this morning, Judge bictatrid. losa.prealding. • The list, of grand and traverse Jurors was called. As a quorum of the former did not answer, the Court deferred the charge until Tuesday morning. The'Dhitrici Attorney Bled =informa tion against four barrels of whiskey owned by Isaac Inman. • The Court had fixed the first two weeks of the term for the hearing bf bank. ruptey cues. The following 'burliness was tranesoted in this branch. The cases of Wm. Clark vat m. Robb and J.H. McLanshan ve. Jno. M. Baird, were continued. Thecueof John H. Bailey, Assignee of the estate of Frank Detzel, krupt• Thomu A. Roweloy and Jo n Kessler, was takes up. lira , out. „ • Wm. Meeker and Chanoey Meeker, of Lawrence ootinty, doing • .usiness as Meeker A Son, were &Old • bankrupt. en creditors' petition. District Court—Judge Hampton. Mossaar, March 7.—The osie-of Hutch. ineon, et. al. Ira. School District of Ind!. ens township, previously reported, was resumed and the teettroonyl concluded. The Court will charge the jury on Toes. day morning. Melted* Bowers va. Martin Donnelly and Michael hicAlunney, action in eject. mint to reoover possession of the undi vided oue third part of a lot of ground on. Beaver avenue, Allegheny, on which la erected a two story frame honse. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR TITESDAT. 6 Krenstatap yet. Greedy. 62 Flanigan - ca. Gibson, et. al. 56 Kerr vs. McClelland, et. at. 57 Kendall me. Bryson. et. at. 64 Rees vs. Marrow. 65 Caldwell & Bro. Ts. M llltgan. 69 Same vs. lame. 73 Hutchinson es. Butrum, Kehew de Co 75 Riddell vs. Duff. Quarter Seselain--aidere trict Attorney Gen. A. L. Pearson. MO*DAY, March 7.—The March term of tali Wart of Quarter tlassions, and General Jail Delivery commenced this morning. Judge Collier presiding, in the absence of Judge Sterrett, who was called to Kittanning on official business. The,list of grand Jurors was then called, and the following named gentle. men answering. the Court designated Hon. John Morrison, of Allegheny, as Foreman; GEAND JURORS W. J. Anderson, George A. Berry, John Black, Rohl. Clugston Harmer De Haven, William Douglass, John Heath, Samuel Hastings, John Herron, Charles Jeremy, It H. Kerr, E. G. Krehan, N. G. Murphy. Wm. Murdoch, Anthony Marvin, :*Jas. Mcgfinnegal, John McKelvey, Samuel Neely, James Patterson, Alex. Patterson, Frank Sellers, • • John Morrison, Foreman. Judge Collier delivered the charge of the Court to the Grand Jury. After giving the usual general inotructione the attention of the Jurors was directed to the following point,; Fire —The law requiring. magistrates to :strum all Informations taken tiy them to the Court at least tor, days before the beglnlng of the term He said that nimpettattut had been notititd time after time of the existence of this law, and had been urged by the proper officers to comply with Its provirdons, with but tittle e ff ect. Many of t h - orn were delin quent in @roadie* in their returns, and eulia would be brought against all those who, by their own negligence, bad laid themeelyee liable to Prosecution - . The law should either be enforced (Sr repealed . and aqa strict enforcement of Its pray'. ions was essentially necessary, the Grand Jury shohld take such action as the importance of matter required. .Seconcily—The attention of the Court had been called to the fact that many parents having cases before the grand Jury, and the friends of pardea Interested reed been In the baba Of talking to grand Jurors la reference to their Oases. Ibis was not only Improper but a direct violation of law and should not be nalera ted. Items also a direct insult Weimer to approach. him in reference to a case which he wan rrquircd to pass upon under oath. If any persona should per. alit In so doing after this notice it would be proper for the juror to report the fame of the case to the Court. At the conclusion of the Judge's re marks the Jury retired to their room and entered upon the discharge of their duties. The Constables from the several wards. boroughs and townships were then called upon to Make their returns. The Register's Court was then opened and a numberot accounts were presented far confirmation. The case of Mrs. Wilson vs. Morris Connor and Ellen Connor for surety of the peace wax heard and the Court or dered Mrs. Connor tom the costs to one case and dismissed the case against Morris Connor without coats. Thektekt was the ease of the Common. wealth Vs. Henry Wilson, abandonment. ft uproars that Mrs. Wilson at the time of her' marriage with defendant was a widow and the mother of two children. thrice her Marriage with defendant about three years since she has had two chil dren. • She alleges that her husband has refused to support her and his children. it appeared from Cho testimony that she was the owner of the house in which they resided and that she drove her tins. band out, refusing to live with him, and when asked by the Court if she was ',tildes to live, with him, positively re famed to do So. The attorney for the prosecution asked that the Court make an order compelling defendant to sup. port Ins children. The decision was held The cue of the eommOnwealh vs. Jo eepti Wink, Jr., act fa, on a re00..n,„ I vivo% T. defendant wow indicted for lltegal liquo - r selling and lot being pre mint at toe term for which be was held, hie recognisance was forfeited and thin action wee brought to recover the mime. The jury found for the plaintiff In the sum of 1303,74. . • The next case taken Up was that of the Commonwealth vs, Ann Bradford, which was also a etifa, on a recognizance. The -defendant Is the mother of Christy Brad- ford, and It appears bad entered Into recognisance In the shut :of IPA for his appearance at &Intl to answer a charge of lucency. Christy It appears was In emir; and while In charge of one of the officers of the court, managed to escape and has not mom been heard of. The action .was brouhgt to recover •th e amount of the recognisance. -The Court charged th•Jdry, that the ball was not responsible after the 'persons had been taken into custody of the officers of the Court. Verdict for defendant. The brat criminal cue taken up was that Of the Commonwealth , vs. John Wenswortn, Indicted- for larceny by bailee. It appears that the defendant was a dealer in, pictured, and it was al leged was entrusted with a picture re. presenting "The Lord's Supper," for the purpose of repairing it, and the Prosecu- Dix, Mrs. Reynolds, alleged that. he never returned the picture. The ciao was tried etc the December term, when the jury found a verdict of guil ty. A motion wu nude by Mr. Powers, attor ney_ for the defendant. for a now trial, which was granted. The jury, after u brief absence, returned a verdict of guilty and rec ommended the prisoner to UM mercy of the Court. The next ease Laken up was that of the Commonwealth vs Joseph Lonok, fur gulity. selling liquor and littnday. Verdict of TRIAL LIST TOR TUESDAY • 181 Com. vs. Nicholas Hoffman of al 310 Com. va. James Johnison. 308 Com. U. Jacob Nowmeyer. 266 Com vv. D.P. Batch et al. 324 Cbm. va. John C. Keuchler. 228 Com. vs. Simon atranas. • 288 Com. vs. Wm. Lynch. 160 Com. vs. Frod. Dfilenbaugh. 61 Com. vs. John Medear.. 22 Com. ve. lames A. McFadden. 278 Com. vs. Henry A. Bnodgrase. 12 Cam. vs. John Jtacheon. '4lB Com. vs. John A. McGraw. 10 Com. va: Francla 11 Coal. vit; J. L. King. Tara. 1.5.152 loi rantutenar. 18 Coin. 7a. Mary Huber.' 14 •• Jack Bonner, et al, 16 John Doris. 16 Mary Ann Rawl. 20 John Beam - 21 Mathis@ Prinz. 23 - DevhiGridlthe. 24 John Lablatre. 25 .• Wm. HMO. 218 Wm. Wingiroth. Common 'Pleas—Judge Stews Morrows., Munn 2.-The, Snit eue taken up Will that of Wllliam Parr vs. R M. Mem, action on book account. Verdict for O&M!' In the stun of $353 10. John .A.td vs. John Bolender, Sr., and John .Brtlarder, Jr., action to recover damages. The partlei own iota adjoining each other, and it ia alleged by the plain. tiff that defendant tilled his lot eo that the Waal' • falling upon it was thrown upon Nandi:hi lot, In Oonloquonoo at which his property was damson. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 97. Cook va: Mills. • 1.12. Hazlett ve. Porter. 14. Park et al vs. Pa. Salt Mauurg Co. 191. Turnpike Road Co. vs. Oakland Railroad Co. 24. Horn ea. Abbott. ,- 58. Steen vs. Hutchinson. 86. Hewitt Ts. Allegheny Insurance Co. 90. National Refining and Storing Co. vs. Haldeman. 125. Chantler vs. Tower. 187. Peeples et ux vs. McCune. 519. Bissell ea. McClure township. Melancholy, Deputy Mayor Nichols had nothing . Alderman Moreland, was resting on his mire. Alderman O'Donnell, waa not engaged n the criminal line. Alderman Taylor sympathised with his fellow magistrates. Alderman Shore, was waiting for some. thing to turn up. Alderman Batter, was expecting business to revive. Aldermen Thomas was out of ids office. . Alderman Floyd was very quiet.. Alderman 'Keeper, was not- pressed with business. ffEiNG Aldirman Donaldson never saw mat en so doll. Alderman Irwin Les quit attending criminal business. Alderman Bowden wee investigating a big case!' Alderman Lindsay don!t love re• porters. Alderman Bailie wee attending to civil matters. MEENiMaiMMI Alderman Eggers didn't want any thing but civil business. Alderman Arent felt slightly die couraged. Alderman Mullen never hu an] thing. e Justice 11111111012 was at Court* Justice Barker waa out electkonloartug. Justice Saulabdrq korry ha had uo awe. • Justice Helsel bed soluethltut the daY before. • Justice Lipp didn't want it published. JustlceAnyder didn't believe in report. hut everything. Justice Kerr was on the °rand Jury. Justice Ferguson requested another call. Pollee bush:mai' was remarkably do yesterday. Reportorial peregrinations among the magtstratea didn't pay. Wanted, Information of two young married men, who until recently resided in the Twelfth ward of this city. Within the past year two young men, residing In the Twerth ward, who were fact Wendy and in easy clreutuatances, having, as they thought, sown their wild oats, resolved to. marry and settle down. The partners thrly selected to accompany them through thevoyage of life wet, both estimable young ladiat, and the journey was commenced with flattering prospects to all. The young men still kept up their fonder Intlmacr, cud through them their wives became Intimate.. The voyage Po happily began hat been brought to a sudden and unhappy ter gainatlOD. One day hod Whek one of the young men informed hie wife that he was going to Wilkinsburgh to buy a borax, and as he would prim:whip not be back before dark, suggested that she go to her mother's and await his return, promising to tell for her as soon as he came hae,e. Mhe consented and bas not seen anything of her hiistdod eihto. She waited until it was quite late. when, so coMpanied by her mother. she went to her realdence, but her husband not being In alto retarded and f Pella the night with nar mother. The next inokuing at en early hour she repaired to her home and found on examination that her husband had been thero and taken all his clothes away. She hastened to the house of her friend, the wife or her husband's fast friend, before referred to, hoping to receive some intelligence of her mincing lord, and was not a little surprised to meet the lady she was in scant of, Just starting to visit her on the same errand. It appears that the other ,gentleman bad disappeared at the same time and in about the same manner that his friend had gone. Neither of them have been heard of since. I= Record from January Lt to March 2d: 61rteen cloudy and variably, fourteen of eunaldne and twentpone white frost and freezing days, of which four were rain and seven snow days. Daily average of the thermometer, 30610 degrees. Average of the river, 6y, feet. Fall of rein, melted elm!, 3% Inches. You have the average of the thermom eter for: 1.568 November 431 10 Nee labor . 1 0novre A.. V 7 10 Yebroor7 71.10 ==l 1:1311 E=l From March 24 to March Mali "Twenty cloudy and variable and eight annahlue, of which four of rain and ten of more or leas snow days. A. dark, cloudy and moderate cold month, with el/morons snow squalls—and good for the farmers. The change of cold weather and the fall ing of ao much snow la favorable for the coming season, although It may be a backriard sprint. March 7th, 1870. 1=1:122 OPERA Hatter—A large audience ma• mimbled at the Opera Mouse last 'evening to see Mr. Frank Mayo as • "Badger" In "The Streets of New York." ',The piece Is well pot upon the stage and the cast was an ex cellent one. In seeing the plena through, a close observer or lover of • the drama be Impressed with the thought that. the character was crested expressly for Mr. Mayo. or be for the character, so true 11 his appreCiation and correct his rendition of it. It will be repeated Again this evening. , ACADEMY or MDEIC.-01Arley Shay's • Quincuplexal - Troupe, commenced an engagement at the Academy of Music last evening, to alarge audience. The ver satility of the programme as well as the excellence of the performance rendered the exhibition highly enj,yable, Mssosnic HALL.—A large audience as sembled at Masonic HMI Met evening to beer Mrs. Wright's lecture on the "School ,Convent and ConfeestotiaL" She la senora talker, and evinces a famlll. arity with her subject, which makes her lecture very Interesting. LAFAYETTE HALL.—Thursday even. log next Wendell Phillips will deliver • lecture under the auspices of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association at Ltdiyette Hall. Subject—" Daniel O'ConnelL" There will be no reserved soots and those desiring to swore EOM should go early, as the house will doubt less be crowded. • Mayor's Returns Through the °outlaw of Mr. McGowan, controller and Mr. Newman the gentle manly: clerk—in 'the office, we have ob. tattled a statement of the returns of the several Mayors of Meetly of Pittsburgh, ■lnce IMB, beginning with the first term of Hon. Henry A. Weaver OD to the pre sent time. • The largest return for any one year was that made by Mayor Bruch for 1889, but taking Into conaideration the amount of territory and the number of police employed, the returns_ -of Mayor McCarthy, for the year 18618 iind , '67 are the largest. • Following are the retnrns: Hon. Henry A. W r 11103. &GAS Hon. George WHeon reti, 3 4 4 4177 1 " 37.31 Hoe. B. C. e.os: ea , es 111 , 11. 1117.113— , 11.7738.52 Lion. June s 7.101 40 MEl!fflalfl= • • 1%7. 1.2,6011.73—Z1,K11.71 HO.. Jane* Blaelmore—srae, 0322 floa. Jared Me 13 ruals.....ldir, r+.337 EO I=M! Who is not fond of oysters? Mrs. Mar garet Neely la not an exception. She In dulges her blvalvict tastes at every op portunity.. That's perfectly correot,,pro, tided the opportunity is a proper one. For Instance, It would be perfectly right for her to enter a grocery store—say that of Mr. Frank Selbert—some evening Just before the supper hour and purchase a couple of half cane of the Molder, and hasten home to prepare them for the evening repast. But. If on the other hand. she took the anoresaid half cant without the formality of paylog for them or even Intimating her intentions to the storekeeper, that would be wrong. Un. der such circumstances Mr. Seibert, who says aho did so, would 1)6.0=1111'bl' In calling Alderman Thomaa' attention to the matter, and If Mrs'. Neely found her. calf In jail awaiting a hearing on a charge of larceny for an doing, none but herself could be censured. 'VW :URGH PA Y G r • ••ki 1 t T IARCH 8 I EDUCATItiAL. Teachers in Councii—Scett Township Teachers' association Recitation., -- node, Discunrues. The last meeting of this association was held in school room No. 5, (better known as Woodville school,) Mtsa L. D. Send. grass, instructress. The forenoeu nes. den was opened by the reading of a por tion. of Scripture by the teseher and prayer by Mr. J. Oliver. The exercises waisted entirely of the regular routine of school recitations, interepereed with vocal music, furnished by the Woodville Glee Club, conducted by Prof. W. Moss. The spirit which seemed to !Nevelt throughout the school gave good evi dence et the teacher's ability to govern. The ease, accuracy and ability which the Pupils seemed to have. acquired In the recitation of their lessons gave evidence that the teacher had not been sparing fn her efforts to prepare herself to discharge with fidelity the arduous, responsible and perplexing dudes which devolve upon her. The Psople are not behind In the spirit of Improvement, In the recent stein ture a oommeudable taste has been exer cised. A' pleasant site ha sheen selected, elevated, commodinue and attraellye. The etrueture itself, a model of torte and beauty, light and airy, precefal bre pro portions, and or aPproe archlterithre, elands as a movilMent f the liberality end public spirit of thejtownaLip. Long before theA_hens of noon the achool.housti was c rowded to Its titmetet capacity. Aged fathers and mothers Mingled with the youth and beauty of the neighborhood, all partiolpitating in one general holiday. There were seventeen teachers present, representing nix towuthipa. ,The fore noon exercise. were clued 'By an elo.