Ilk I nit littsinittr Gaytte. H OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. • OPP/CM: BUILDIRG 84, MID 88 FIFTH LI TUEADAY, MARCH 8, 1870 BONDs at Frankfort, 93i@9:31 PATHOLIIIIII St AlltWelly.sBo. GOLD closed in New York yesterday at 1121. TEE new naturalization bill to be taken up in Uongress this week. Arianism ; Cuban "Commander•in. Chief," Jordan, is reported to have re. sinned. , The first veu assassinated, the second fled to 'New York, and the third now retires from the leadership, in order, it is hoped, to return to Washington and settle Up his old defalcations to our Treaanry. It-le very pertinently remarked by the Chicago Republican, that "It wu scarcely uecesaary for.the telegraph to announce the complete exoneration of Mr. COTODE in the cadetship buednese. Had hie pre. vioUf Sharacte.rt not been a sufficient Initiates of his innocence, his conduct duriety, the examination has convinced sverybody that his integrity le unwav ering." Tux recent massacre of the Piegan Indians Included one hundred and sixty three of the two hundred and nineteen adult males of the tribe. And it was the wrong tribe alter all I There Is some reason to credit the report that the Cap. tan General of Cuba has, In the name of an outraged humanity, addressed to our Government an indignant remonstrance In the premises. Tai "border•claim" business is to be resurrected at Harrinburg In another torus, alter a pair of Philadelphia lawyers have pronounced upon the constitutionality of the new proponition. The delay is sup. erfluom, for it seems to be alwayercon stitutional to plunder the State Treasury. The new bin is to be supported, ilia said, "by the influence of a power which lieu not as yet met a defeat at this session✓' " Roll on, thou Moon I" _ Arrnoros to the current rumor, that .. border claim" grab of two millions or more from the Treasury, has the kindly regards of an exalted functionary, the Philadelphia Bulletin .confidingly oh. serves : Governor Gary's worst enemy cannot hope to tut; the Chief Magistrate of Penhsylyania Into such a fatal snare. That high official would be the very first to expose and denounce and defeat such a scheme of public robbery, should it ever reach the Executive Chamber. YESTERDAY. the 'Bls ($282,000,000) stood per cent. premium; 5.205 of '62 (P 4,000,000) 98f; d0.'64 ($125,000,. 000) 9 11g97i; do. '65 (P 5 5 ,00 0,000) 9Th ®97i; 10-40 s of '64 ($194,000,000) 93.K4 in In the put year, there has been an average advance on this mass of debt, about $2,000,000,000, of ten per cent.; that Is, In other words, that the promises of the Government to Its creditors are worth two. hundred millions of dollars more than when this administration came into power. Now let Congress pass the itauding-bill and open the way for free banking on the bard bottom, and every dollar: of this bonded debt will be worth its face, and more, too. Tax. Kentucky chivalry have some pe culiarities, in their fashion of backlog theli friends ? Here Is that pose fellow, Holladay, a conspicuous member of Con. geese from that Sate, who, having been hopelessly exposed in one of these dis reputable cadetship negotiations, sought to dodge an expulsion from the House by "resigning" his seat. Evidently, that don't stilt the Kentucky politicians, who perhaps have been growing • more and more Jealous of the young but rising Dun ocrille statesman and repudiator. And now comes Gov. Stevenson officially no. tifying him that his resignation will be accepted; that the honor of Kentucky requires him to stay in his seat and fight It out. Poor Holladay I He Ands so pro cedent is his Country's history to conalds or to instruct him In this emergency, ex cept in the veracious annals of A. Ward, one of whose heroes (a Kentuckian with out doubt,) patriotically dedicated to the service of his country, the laatdollar and' the last drop of blood—of his wile's re- Islam's I Tan ruatio has been advised of the refusal of Kb W. W. lama, en and elect-Tlessurer of State, tot, testify under oath touching hh own ofilcial acts before the Senate Investigating Committee. needs only that the Committee should re: port this refusal to the Senate, and that body may then direct, If it chooses, the arrest of the contumacious witness, hold ing him in custody until be Ls ready to tell whit he knows. But the Committee don't report, Its chairman, Billingfelt, shirking his duty for •obvious reasons. We append the resolution ofiered by Sea ator•Mumma which was under discussion when the Senate adjourned on Friday, and will be again in order today. ♦s It is the Intention of the majority to shield the recusant: Made, we can hope for no good from this resoletion„ a:apt in the record of yeas and nap. It reads as follows: • " • Wimesea, The late Trouttrer, W. W. Irwin, ham declined to. to sworn by the Finance Committee. to Make answers to such matters ma the mid Committee might deem Important end for the In formation of the Senate, and it la, them fore, manifestly i.e...podi a:it to „ moo their inveetlimitore my farther anima the Senate determine. to compel partial to be sworn baron:meld committee; there. fore, Resolved, That the chairman of oath committee is hereby regneeted to report the foots to the Senate for farther action In the premises. DOWN WITH THE TINKERS. The gold premium baying slightly re. acted, this delay of the downward move. ment proves only temporary. The great fact that the Government will pay all Its debts, and that it can do so in cote, from and after any Stud date, no matter bow Immediate that may be, is now too well established to be denied or resisted. The intelligent reader knows well that ills fact has been eliminated, and made patent, out of toolbar very simple group of facts in our •flnanciai his tory for • year or two paw. We have had an ample revenue, not only for cur. - rent expenses but yielding a handsome surplus. • This surplus hashes• faithfully applied to the reduction of the debt. And the debt has been thereby so couple:a ously reduced as to leave no doubt, in say quirk% at home or abroad, of our &bier lute control of the situation u it stand& Hence, every form of this debt rapidly ap preciates in its cub value, and in part stands already at above the par of gold. We should ban looked in vain for these results, bad our revenues been las abundant' Is It wise, thin, to insist, at this premature moment, upon agitating the proposition to abate Went? Seeing what has bon accomplished, lad taw. ~. • . _ . , • • . . . . , . ..., . .. _ • . :15.,.f*.i..-i4.,3'.:-..`,7,7, -..-(7...--,,....,.....,..:,-.,.. -i.,.,...7,,.:i.,.1,;,i-4r,,..,;4-ai..7.11,;iY.7.41..1.A4,,.:-.., ..::%:.:...;::;,,„,:.,..(::5;.,,,,,i.::;:•i,..,-,:,....;.,--,,,..,.,..;,-:.i.;f,;x4y.,5,.w.,:zi,;n;:,—..-f.,j:',*,-.,,--.4.j,;:,;(-,.,,,5-,1,t:.,...t4;.Fk;,;f:,.L,...,,,,,..:(.,;,;-1/2%,;,,,i.,:p.,,,..,,,,,..ipv:-...;,-..:,,,t_,*f7,-;._::h,,,g5c...---::,: .... -- , ..44......-- ...., % --q,... i.-.4.tcm-,Acr-,....4.,,....;:-1-,,,,,-,i,t,.--4,,,,,,,,,r ~..,,,Ak...,...,,,,,t,e,-.,-k.j..,,,,,,,v-.4.v),1,1,...ifv;:..40- ,4,,',5,,,*.r.r,,q,„,,,,,,,,,,,zt.4.7.ia.,>.5.-Pvg›,7,r4,4:4.„ .0„,-. , .,, ,,, .), ,,, ..: hee,T e ,qa, .---. ll '-. - - 4 , ..., , .. ti- , a-tarz, - -'-,".. ,-,-- - . 2. . 24 A'^ --.''''- ' "" -....- . • • ?,4..,+.7,':'`-' irX, , ,1 .; 4::;:a ,. .ii..:-.Y . ..,v. , :',Z , *.,...,....f . :5•,, te.f . , 200:01 4-44. '''''''''''' '''.- ''''''''''',4l, •t''''.l?•,ifr r . -. " - ":' , `''''':•.ti , ll4,iit ~,}..Y. ~ i, ,,, .., - , , • , -q...~.. .., ..- • • 1.,i....,.Ntei,:i;-V74*.:?.Z.,..f.4,,,,--3,•"...:•P%V",' : ``."'-''''' - - . ". .„,.F44 . 9 , .,1 z 1t. 2' 'Z1i 4 , :V%•,';!P .. ," • . _ • • • , , . lag that the same policy, if persevered in, will [Malty and speedily confirm these auspiciouseresults, would It be wise to restrict and cripple oar resources, in teen the smallest particular, in agranco of the solid reestablishment of the national and general financei, and of the buainees o the country upon the actual cash bash, Let it be known in Wall street to.da , fur a certainty, that Congress will, before its adjournment, %alio off fifty or thirty or even twenty millions from the Treasury receipts, end a gold premium would go up fire per Ce .or more before sundown, arresting;bly for months, The more prent wholesome deny which wo now see in the market. On the contrary, let It be tinderedord, equally for a certainty, that the i . existing imposts will be unchanged or the coming year, and that the Secretary will continue as heretofore to employ his surplus of receipts in retir ing outnding debts, to the tune of another h dred millions, or even more under are frit of business, and that ter stil toted,' won d be accepted at par, without a fraztion f discount, on every Exchange on either side of the Atlantic, within the ensuing ninety days. We have shown the world that we can pay, if we will. It would be very un 'wise to - declare, just at this point, that our resources are needlessly large, and that our ability outruns our disposition. Batter to wait yet a year , longer, more than half of which will succeed a general cash resumption, giving the country time to settle itself permanently upon actual relate. Then there wou!d be little or no risk in discussing the propriety of an abatement In the surplus of receipts. For then none could question either our dis poiltlon or ability. The balance of foreign trade during the six months ending Dec. 81, '69, has been so nearly equal as to be- unprece. dented in our commercial history. Esti mating the Imports at their gold value laid &ern on our shore, and the exports at their va;ne free on board, adding to the latter the - freights actually earned by American bottoms in - their curies over the ocean, and the precise balance against this country for the period specified was leuethan two millions—exactly 111,978,- 2a4. It was the announcement of t. ese ores, from the proper bureau at Wash. ington, which sent gold down to 112 f on Friday lot, and-will send it lower yet, the more the facts are considered and the better understood. Fostered by a reasonably fair tariff, American production has so far excluded the fabrics of foreign lands from our mar. kets, that the country has not run Itself tinder by excessive importations. An abundant crop of cotton supplies all our awn mills and offers a surplus, worth nearly or unite . $200,0p0,000, for foreign exportation, only a part of which has yet gone forward. Cotton and petroleuM have furnished the great bulk of our fbreign exchange: these items, with th . ! Mass - of other exportations of. our I Produce, have so freely met our current debts for foreign goods that not a dollar of bonds has been .needed 'for that pur pose during that period. Nay, more! Instead of Sending bonds, we have made a net export of Afteen and a half millions In specie. Our bonds were worth more to keep at home. And we, are at this moment importing specie and keeping our bonds also. Everywhere, financiers and men of business are preparing themselves for the hour of redemption. , They -,aro demand. lag silver from the -Treasury, to begin with, its premium being three to four per cent. under gold. In many *of the large cities, merchants are offering silver change to their . customers. The Canadian Minks, glutted with that metal, have be. gun Ile shipment over the border. One or more of the New York banks will re. come cash payments this week, and It is said. that ail those institutions have pre. paved themselves for the new situation. The States of South Carolina and Maine pay win for their debts. The dty of Portland does the same. We are sorry to note that Pennsylvania favors repudia tion as usual, and that In the general movement towards a coin resumption, she Is likely to bring up the extreme rear. Oar $700,000,000 of paper currency was worth hot $1520,000,000 ten days's°. It is worth over ;600,000,000 today, Thus fu11,580,000,000 had been addetto its purchasing power In that brief period, and a cask resumption generally will add quite as much more. This inflates, pm, 41cally, our currency nearly poopo,ooo, besides unlocking some $200,000,000 more of the long hoarded metal,. Will that look like the financial ,distreas which croakerhue been predicting ?, Why, the people will feel In resuraptionastban. lent so powerful, that, in the twelve months to come, they would better bear a decided increase of taxation in all forms than what they have met during the year pat. - With the resumption which isnow so near at hind, if Congress lets matters alone, the country will find itself not int. punished but actually so much richer as to be tempted to forget all about in ewe What s milatshe it would be to tinker with n financial muhinc yhick binning Itself so smoothly, and so straight to the most desirable end I Fog ILLTIMAL _DATA a . desperate fight his been doing on between Stewart and the kings of the New York dry goods 'market. Stewart started it by "marking down" below Clallin'afigures. Olaflin followed suit; Stewart cat down vain; than Gelid; then Stewart;:den Claffin again; then Stewart once more, and so the war has gone on for a week. Dry goods men tell me they never saw 'the market so excited as it is by this war between the two great homes. Both mites are selling at prices that are ab. Sedately ruinou• Trade was so disturbed yesterday by theft Operations that the agents of the different mills held a meet. lag and decided not to sell to any one ex cept at ,a certain fixed price. Stewart had been selling some lines far below the r gn t t h s' e y i h c o a ug ( h lng t h ea e advyi ly e omf scoruby giving notioe tbat.thay would not sell to any man who attempted to undersell them. Stewart continues his "bear' operations, however, and the excitement is rising to a fever. He has demoralised the market to sub an extent that it may take some weeks to restore steadiness. Several lines of seasonable goods are now going at a redaction of thirty to forty per cent from last week's prices. The fight is characterized by outsiders as "throat , milling." and all the Jobbers are swear. ' lag at 144iwitrt like eat hesh..frons FlanZer• Stewart's pugnacity and capi tal will carry him through, but houses not so Wong as hla will probably go by the board before the storm blows over, . 'Tats' Pittsburgh Ad of yesterday said:l "Liasinuth as W." W. Irwin was elected Mato ricsauree by the votes of Democrats, they are to some extent re sponsible for hie conduct. Dia rethad I to give any information to the committee appointed to latest:4de the Oahu of the • Trossuryi is not satisfactory. Mr. Mackey was put through In the sharpest manner, and *edified his numbness to give information upon every point which he considered pertinent or for the good of the public. ' If Mr. Irwin will answer u Intelligently all the questions prompt. ly answered by Mr. Mackey, the commit tee will doubtless excite him from an. swering those declined by the present Treunrer. This will eve an opportunity to hear from 'we.' Semble and Billy McWinGrath. whostoni. have much valuable in fisht in e o to mng of one and Ilea of W anot bj he ect r. Let ak i the half a hundred Democrats of the Lees. Ware Inds* upon the most searching ex amination, particularly of Mr. Irwin. The people of the State are not plessrd With the hide and go seek conduct of the committee; lliey are ht earnest and ex• poet their representatires to INV! NEW PUBLICATioIes, TIRE. ANDPS AND SHE AMAZON: or, Across the Continent of South Amer ica. By James Orion. M.A., Professor . of Natural History in Vassar College. Publirthed by Harper & Brothers, Now York. For sale by H. Miner. Pitts. burgh. Works of travel, now a days, rarely, contain much that is strictly nets, from the fact that the routes have been trav ersed so frequently. This work, how ever, unfolds the wonderful resources and grandeur that arc to be found In the region of Equatorial America,which lies in the midst of the Western Andes, and over a route of travel but little known; Here we have described the physical aspect, the resources and the inhabitants of this country, from which it is plainly to be seen that ere long this rich country will be open to commercial enterprise.' The expedition was sent out under the aus pices of the Smithsonian Institute, cata- Posed of Prof. Orton and others. The trip proper commenced at Guayaquil, thence to Quito, over the Eastern Cori. dilleid 'fflittici, over the Western • Cor dillera, and through the threat on loot to Napo ; down the Rio Napo by canoe to Pebas, on the _Maranon, and thence, by ,steamer to Para: No one,." says Mr. Fletcher, whose language is the English has journeyed down and described the voyage frOm the ptateatiz of Ecuador to the Atlantic ocean, until'Professor Orton and his party accomplished this feat in 1868. The narrative abounds with graphic sketches of men and things, and the style of the book is fascinating, and, at the same time, Instructive. The ex cellent illustrations serve also to increase the attractions of the work. Titus Love. By Lady DI Beauelerk, author of "A Summer and Winter In Norway" Published by J. B. Lippin. colt & Ob., Philadelphia. ,For a trale by R. S. Davis it Co., Pittsburgh. , This pleasantly told lSye story pre. Dents pictures of Radish society that will repay the reader. The grouping .of the le'idlog characters are arranged In a nattind manner, and the moral tone of the work seems to be of a higher grade than is usually to be found in stories of this character. The author enjoys some reputation u a writer, and those who ham read "Summer and Winter in Nor way," will enjoy this volume. UP BROADWAY. AND MS SAMUEL. A Life Story. By 'Eleanor Kirk, (Nellie Munk) Published by Carleton, New York. This story is of the sensational type, and while it depicts the "social evils" that come society, especially in large cities, at the same time the views of the writer tend to foster the spirit that ap. pears to be growing, to lower the stand ard of morality on the subject of mar riage.. The book Is written in a fascinat ing kyle, and will doubtless be widely read, but we fear that it will encourage a species of "free.loveism" that tends to undermine the foundations of true mar riage. The doctrine of "Woman's Rights" is also freely ventilated. ADA - 13NTIlliES Or LTA Mai WILLIAMS. By William lksitivin, author of "St. ) Leon," etc. Published by Harper and Brothers, New York, Much interest has been awakened in this story from its connection with the Byron scandal. It is a curious book in some respects, and will be read with in terest by many. It completes Harper's complement, comprising Moore's Life of Byron, Onlocioll's Recollections, and Mackey_'s 'edition of liledora Leigh, and Caleb Williams. TUE EARVILT PARADISE. poem. By William Kenzie,- author of "The Life 1, and Death of Jason." Part 8. Pub. ilehed by. Roberts Brothers, Boston. For sale by R. B. Davis, No. le7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. This is the third volume of the "Earth ly Paradise," the most part of the two first volumes being of a classic type of thought. The present volume contains sir rhymed stories,ahaped to include Sep. tember, October and November In the same way as the preceeding volume', included earlier months of the year. The narratives on the death of Paris, Acontins and Cydippe, and the story of -the Chodope—all classic; the Land East of the Bun and West of the Moon—Baron; The Man who never Laughed Again— ' Oriental, and the Loves of Gadrun —pure Norse. Mr. Morris has received almost the universal acclaim of the press, as a poet of wondrous power, and any one who will read his chariaalng creations will award him a high place inthe realm of poets. Re is a confessed to be one of the greatest among living poets. Roberts Brothers have done a good work In re producing these poems. Tax Goinms Caosa, AXD Oman Poaxa. By Irving Van Wart, Jr. Published by Carleton, New York. For sale by J. W. Pitteck, Pittsburgh. The principal poem, The Golden emit'," is a legend of by-gone ages. The miacellaneous poems are short and varied, many of them of a dainty type. Phases of domestic life, and love. are woven together in words of true poetry. The great variety of themes will add to its attractions, rather than be regarded as objectionable. The author, though aim. putatively unknown, may yet win a wor thy place in the literary world. Tag BIBLE IX TUE PUBLIC SCHOOL& Published by Robert Clarke tr, Co.' Cincinnati. For sale by Kay a -Co.. Pittsburgh. Questiola of vital impOrtance are bound up in the diectuunon of Bible reading In the Common Schools, The agitation is Just begun and other issues will follow in the train. The great heart of the nation is beginning to be stirred, and the coniliet. of minds on this subject la in the near (ti tan. This timely publication contains the arguments In the case of Miner et al versus the Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati et al, before the Superior Court of Cincinnati and decided in favor . . of the plaintiffs, with the opinions and decisions of the Court. Permute desiring to have the question fairly presented will do well to get this excellent work. - THE MANTYJAY Dreams. Manual for Learning Spanish. By Thomas Pre*. dergast, author of the Mastery of Len , gasses. Published by D, Appleton 03., New York.. Granting that the mastery of sentences economises time, and Is perhaps the moat 'neonatal way of acquiring a. thorough command of a foreign tongue, the u. gumption that the study of the grammar unaccossary la open to criticism. How ever, the excellencies of the system of leading the learner step by step from the simplest sentences to the most complex. commends the "Manual!' to ever, one desiring to acquire a ready knowledge of the language. • Itno es ♦ Roan n Bit , yD. Appleton & Co., New York, is a reprint from the English edition, and , forms one of the series of novels issued by this firm In psoer covers and at a low price. "Com eth up at a Flower," of the lime library of novels, was written by the author of this work: It Is a tale of love, and pre sents the leading characters in words, and of thrilling interest, and de spite its odd title, it is a clever, well•told story. r.ffintriz," No. Hai of Harper's LI. bray of Select Nose* rectally pub lLshed by Narver Brothers, New York, is worthy of being "select" In contract to the namtorpaseby stuff that. Is mutual, batted by that press. Critics seem to Lucie the same general opinion of the merits of the story—ei being one of tare merit, scholarly and high toned. .It bu more ihnn the dsual amount of original!. ty. "Fitz Boodle's (Jon. Imaions," cheap edition of D. Appleton & Co., Now York, his been sent an No EOM Prnsimmil DAILI GAZETTE: 'IUESDAY MORNING .. MARCH 8, 1870 one need be told of the rare ability of .this inimitable writer. The edition is aupris 'ugly cheap. The verdict of sensible women and the general public is that Harper's Basar has no peer in this country. Previous to its appearance, all the fashion publications lacked characteristics to make them worthy of first class Journalism. All the features of a complete work of this kind are to be found in the /War. It himi a character of its own, and is not depend• ent upon foreign sources. It occupies a field unchallenged. Its fashion Informa tion, embodied in patterns, plaleS and otherwise, are obtained from the beat talent. It contains also high toned liter ary matter, as well as practical informa tion on manners, housekeeping, etc. The supplemental engravings, Colored and plain, are very valuable. A collec tion of filly numbers, bound in superb .covers, furnished by. this house, makes a volume worthy of the centre table, or any whcra dm. The Progreos of ItefoopaUon The le. T. Peet says : f The Supreme Court Of tie United States has decided that contracts =defer dollars before Feb bruary, 1862, were contracts for gold dol lars, and must be paid accordingly. Two of the railroad companies which have' offices In Boston hies already announced that they will pay the interest upon their bonds,, issued before that .time, In gold coin. None of the corporetors which do business in New York, so far as We can learn, have yet acted in the matter; but yesterday at least, two formal demands were made for payment in gold of Interest on old corporation bonds, at ono of our banks, and the tender ofpaymentrefnsed, with a protest. The Philadelphia Telegraph says:— Nearly every railroad and canal company of this State, and several from New Jer 'hey, were represented by their leading officers In a meeting held in this city on Monday. The gentlemen_ assembled en. solved themselves into a sort of a Sup°. rior Supreme Court, and decided that the Interest due on their bonds dated preyi ous to the passage of the Legal Tender act should be paid In currency, and not in gold, as the Supreme Court of the United States decided, and there was no minority report. To soothe the indigna. lion of their creditor' the extra judicial railroad judges issued a supplementary decision, in which they promised that in the event of the inferior tribunal at Washington not reversing its decision In twelve months from yesterday, they world make good the loss sestet:red by their bondholders being paid bscurreetcy when their duewas specie. , One of the parties to thissifiingement had interest maturing yesterday on loans contracted before 1862,, find 'paid paper, with the above promise as a coating of sugar to the bitter pill. This action on the part of our large corporations—of many of which we have reason to be proud—is simply a disgrace to the State or l'ennsylvania. And the shame put upon our citizens is the deeper and more humiliating because the lend in this dila' honorable huffiness was taken by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of Pennsylvanlie who were the first to an nounce that they would disregard the de cision of the United • States Seineme Court, and pay the coin obligations of the State. In paper. Rsilroad isresidentamey be excused; perhaps, for resorting to doubtful expedients to benefit their stack. holders; but. what pallietioct can be offered kir the C.immi.toners of the Sinking Fund t . By west right do they i declare deeithies of the Supreme Court null and void It IF they are the sole ex• pounders of the Acts of Congress, it is high lime that the people ware aware of the important tact. For the prawn, they and our self:Appointed eailway and canal judges are violators of the law of the land, and deserve to be called to a strict account for their Illegal actions. A 'New York dispatch says: The officers of insurance companies generally state that they had paid no attention to the decision, but were receiving and pay ing currency. - The of of trust com• pardes declined to tell whet they were do ings but said the treated each cone just os it come before y them. An officer gave the reason for declining Information. that If they admitted-the payment of gold to one, all the creditors would demand gold, and If They. admitted accepting currency, all debtors would hasten to pay in cur rency, and some of their stockholders might object. The foreign holders of bonds affected by the decision demand gold, and accept currency under protest. The general Indication is that, companies generally will receive currency, as they believe specie payment is too close at hand to quarrel about. Imps. UPI Exports. During the Celt sin 6ortttlii of the fecal . Teat catmint acing.; uly 1, has, the un. tturt• of tottrehantatze Into the faired • Stan • :mot:plea tth ............. Shn And of Specie to a1ta.036 X Ahlog • total of D7.91.,4•7 Dating the sure petted the exports of • oterettatoll te the tea ant of gold. at BY per vat.. the ..... he Weenie:a of tee aver. •00413 te 4 to. alit R. its of specie and trainee vete 5991 c 3 ag • t 641 •Iprolotl eta of 1144,704.610 Dont, the paose posted the re-exports Y( morello= Ohm wort I tO3 yy And Ot r;octe 4.llKaiht !Mt soloing the tot. , • 'motto or the eov o• try for the srst mix ementLe of the Oseol 10.1111.1,e10 to have b•en 8113,Vid.Ont And an apparent bolsaeo of trade sialumt ten United Instil. el 04.1likeel Of theaggr../Lte between lb. U. 11.4 etitee ane ether eatlet(lo4 merelimiam. eras carried In Amen.. •••••i• to tea /Mount ef er-1,756.9(3 Estimating thin fee into .1, Vita per teat. .Ir OS ae the atilee et ripe Pred ' ter tb• tme Mo net. nelp. eel. • tiloyml in Um trade uvicsas This amount .. dd fr tbe appa rent ball. against tbe United • Pitmen bal e... Mawane. &salt at the Vatted an Moles of IA OA 011 • •Ttot toirehoodlte Imported deiloe the raohthe vtntmohelog isle L. U. atottoottot to PIO-fitme A. ..a of specie 11.112 Int Malec as sanregato of Imports of .83.13,003,1 id The tanotte of maretteantae for the vitae •f ad. redhead to the stead/wit of gold 6131. the untrue pfonalum of the Ida menthe. &tenanted to ..... ....11134,143,773 The ore tie and Online elpor.ed da ring the cue time tee • 31.7 MM Maklhg ea eggreaate of {46.121. 671 - The n-ezpotts.o7 epode far the twee peeled trete .A.nd et imesehhatilee i Ct.ltil Mak , a. totat of exports of $1911,1123./11 nominal Solana. •11.1... tb• Stat. of 11.4011.C$ entire azzooot of ta.;.or , • ud Import., merebnodfxs was virrleel American shwa to the a mount. 0f.....036 Or., 2111 Estimating freight on this mamma at blobnoir.. glees • return of $ 12.400,117 Vi deducted floe Oho ni mlosl Dal . once against the um to d Blau.. ja,stia Gal Shotwe areal nulcce nation the United Pt*. for tilt slant imam commeacing rayum, or Cunt MI Porto. Mx menthe evenananclaginly I, MI, the lexpo:ts and re, %porta of Spode and bbl too Onion nt, d $ 1L1X6,710 1. , brine Oho am. perlad Ib. Imports • anzauntod to • 11.131,V11 Olooriog a Warm:sagaLost Ibis Milted nate* of 21,010 1110 , exports of wee's for 100 111 montos conmenelng JOl/ I. 1510 A nto 0 21.20.001 An w d the . exports nt specie and but. Ilan AIM nOl Showleg total export.../ • ze.7.0,163 Dutton the mono pal.' the Import) of epoch. soloaotea to. Or . ►.lance el, eeelett the United litates for the title keeled • 15,123,61.1 Tble IYowe •n Improvement In favor aaaaa latter patio 1, fn the enacts no- Count, of $ LOW ..Ladlts of tie Jury.. F Wyominghas imposed suffrage on the women within her borders, and of course this Imposition will require their presence In thiJury box. Whether the assembled wisdom orthat gallant territory provided that juries shall be part male and part female, has not transpired. Those who have undergone the pangs of Jury duty will recall with a shudder their first HU estions in being looted up by an Inexor able 'sheriff, to dud a verdict, with the man who makeia point of hiding out for several days before agreeing about some trifling point•—wlth the one who sleeps and scores—with the ono who tells the same stories over and over again, and with the one who gets &emirs:id noisy, affectionate and confidential. Borne, of these.hortore are not mitigated in Wyo. ming by the presence of the softer sex who, by giving no reason for their opin. ion but "because," and saying "scissors," to the last, drag and worry the rest of the jury into a. verdict of "not guilty," when the prisoner Is young and toad. some but ought to bang. • the. A. STZtiMAN. of Boston, got into West Point AcademY, and J. P. Bul bar& Into the Naval Academy, appointed by Mr. Coffroth, the Democratic pre. deoentor of Mr. Cessna, and ate said to have been nominated by corrupt means. Tho Hours recolutton under which the Committed hitt artinG dote not allow them to Investigate Coffroth's action unless tbey.iire.niore particularly instructed to do aO. - . Tne"Nesy County liroilnole." ThiTitusville Herald of the 28th ult. makes a fell ° acknowledgment of the soundness of every position taken by this paper on that subject And where Is the man at all conver sant with those localities, who can say that a new county bill would not be voted down in some of the easterii townehips; that it would received ) votes In Meadville in a p.ll of over 1,200 votes; that the west would give no 500 votes? Where is the sane man who has read the three organs of public opinion, the press of Meadville for the past month, who has visited that city and conversed on the subject with her professional or btlalness classes, who will venture to affirm that the new County bill, in a poll of ten thousand in the country, would receive more than a third of that number? And now then look over the whole ground, all the contingencies of a preliminary Canvass of an election, of the fight at Harrisburg, of rise lobby work, of the Venal subsidies, of the bribery, of the chicanery, of the anxiety!, theg, b Ito bar. t gaining the sacrifices, the thou tarn of expense, the wholq vanity of the nnsuit, ending In a defeat , to our minds is inevi table ad it Id bitter' and contam ble, we ask Seriously, if, ,It Is tight stultify ourseiVes any longer, to lend a further countenance to what will de rve the appellation In almost every pole of view, as the "New County Swindle." Is 'it expedient to goon, year alter year, In the. future, as we bays done in the put, hand ing this unclean thihg, defiling ourselves, seeking to lay the foundation of a temple of ,j ustice, God save the mark I upon the rotten foundations of personal, legislative, official and popular corruption. For this is what It amounts to, and all the world knows. it ' Tan PostoMce contest over the Cleve. land, Oblo, postal:lice has been settled by agreeing to appoint John W. Allen to the place. FOR intronTan WgITE °emu! SOAP; Po; Ifgfro 6 P4.l ;Nt: Cohtlte hoop, for Import.' I. hit. Castlio BOON • For mottled Castile rasp, Tor mottled Cutlle Moth, Tor Mottled Cauthe roar, Yoe. Mottled roothe hoop, Soil by the box, alogle bar or be the pound and In small cakes, at theeerl 'extol 0r"... at J ABLE 121 E. nun. re s d cipos • DRUG STORE, • Corner pens and IddIII filmes. (old SR. Clots.) When ton will andcornpl•.• astoritnent of Pure Dress. Chemical., Per and Peseta; bledlcines or all io.. Also. Inalltb .n d !scotch Ales by the cask Or slugs, dots. at the lowest price.. CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS If there Is •07 ese adsionitl. that be more carefully Impressed upon the Wilda of those subject 'to the 611:amt. of the lung. tad pulmonary organi, It is Ombra:am/ant fact that Ztt.4loll should be paid to the nod beginninpe of those alieases. In the start a tow doses of such mCdicines as DE. KEEPER'S PECTORAL SYRUP will be sari to arrest the dhesae, and restore. uot only the healthy Janettene of the lungs, but also of the whole body. 01.11 rem. dire for Mereste of the lunge and cunt! organs, Dr. Keyser , . Preterel Syrup has stood - • • the test of year. of experience, end you cannot find a single person who haffever taken It that •Peak Wahl) or It. vlemes Let any one afflic tad. cri ti a cough only try on hittle, and. mute no It la talan It arnica re •• Dr Kayoar haa as 'office attaii4ell to bin Ore MeMace. Mom, ...biro lii manner ' or chronic dlittaam are ruceesafully treated, mpaelally then of Iba tuna* ' and polmooary orgam, sod be vont Id reepeetraby Invite those who are aut. feel., mold ban Utica to get relief Into otLer eou.m a. to Moe Me method of treatment a trlal Not lung slate, a highly respected sealleanan. connected with the newepaper'press of the city. callid at Idr. Keyser•. utnec and took EU mull- clot. nod was Corea by It.. lb.. halt . bailie nether ee c Unsays. vebe biteouxbed all wle = A lats. wiiskened' tad att.:nutted with long sustains. was seen to bloats Luta renewed beailA arsl visor, was asked when she sat:ths good medicine finer erred. her. The sumer was, MEE= ♦ yallid, puny 410 pale and entre:dated. w room eared by • bottle or two of Dr. Serer• =ME A Lady ea Liberty street / whoa* far /Unwed, W. re... to perfect health by th e eauttotled ute of Wt. ICZY96tib9 LUNU CPR* lied Dr. Erysera Pectoral Syrup. L tentlernau next deer V, Or. Keteer . • More seta he will raceme... 34 Dr. Kt fears Pectoral :syrup lb all came: Ina thee half • !rattle cared DU. GREAT DIEDICINIt WWI= AND MEDICAL ,OFFICt ►UN CHRONIC DISEASES. No. 1 6 7 . T.IBEICTT STREET. Of. See bosiA Delta 1 o . .clock. and DI. 3 to IS and T EMI= I:=!3 THE SEAOHN AXD /TB DA XGER6. The human beer le erten, EOM poml of time. aad abr. as attentive to every ehange In the tonalttee of the atmosphere mks most ttelkste leetranteter, or the yeteloltrer Is • bszentetee tube. Ih. stontach. the eta. the nerve. the loaf, ad la eierek,T ore... are especially Pablo to he &then d by the.. narrate's. and tee teat de f.rece swainl their diedatroue N sequel Is I t keep rho disative riaschacre which fads and near lato• the whole anent. to woodworking oldr. Irk Mead e la weak *ad dnaoeeel a, War the triona re or the hid can be to a healthy dale. aad up. the eat.. of these mono anal fields Pre the regale assigned to Oen he ..and serve. Ity of then law. healilk great moaner, depesde. Watu Ur. ale ie heavily led. .nth vapor, a 11 once lost ills •ertaen of the year. rfVlifiti a n inn hi leter:l ' d b ,ll l* ;4l,l . :. " teleVsleTal •tructers will be cart-taw. If It to vigorous, the eatinr orgaulatlee will ter • nag to resew. th• 061001 N led depreeslng aim of a daole ad enlaced ateco• pear. A pare aod powerful tale is therefor* especi ally tnedod es • sat against the din.. moat menon in the aria, Hostette r '. eiltreah Pitts. Ming the mess wholewoue aad potent .( leis of Lew dal at pre sent known, course lt la particularly &enema at Ole period or the se•r I be Stomach will therrhe a toned and •.reartlieurd, the iis.t itad bowels reaulated. lb. agate. sTnent braced no, ad nate•ti put wh i ch late fine.y• *pad the m eats sa oas Inter Inland and IV tante. (*ran. rut... Alms arras dehLLlt. h aul othecoupl wild art lo t t o tec to ass a il a il the et B r and adornands gid aeraterallons.. Iher body le devalfaaed anaemia eleittsw tee brain, and coacquently no vent...ant MketiOn follows its rendes. woo o .n . craned c pantie. rosi.7l.4Att i p3w,s).74os4 ILT 0 .I,I4TE.ICERIS. Masofact units at SPRING. HAIR atirl Huai /11ATTRZ Irratbar K-irters and Ylliona. rliorth Condoms, Co. Ilea lgoiddloga and 111 VI110:8012 r , IValTor. - 71NOd A it I ttolrolref:d i e ' . or,a,Taaarla rartirniarattrotlon ****** 10 liAlcir ao.clraning and winning, al . erlgg gad Vie? tf0 , 17,7 1 :1 . • an for ea roe t the on`r wiir In which DKungoo can feel &neared that Or colt," ars god lb" good. thorouchly fired from ail duct and Tannin. The prier fro lg Wen greatly mimeo.. Cher ClLDreall cell for Iran deliver all goo:lug. of charge. kOBEILTS, MICIIOLBON k 111011P8011. UpbolsteterA and Proprlgtor. or Steam Carpet Beating Ltabliabien No. 127 WOOD STREET. Raa6o2irar Plftb Avenue. Piklabarah, Pa. CHOICE AND RARE CONFECTIONS, FOR , PRESENTS, AT ME] GEO. 'MAVEN'S, 112 Federal Street, allegheny. I,hlai7ll HEADQUARTERS FOR American Watches WATTLES & SHEAFER'S, 101 YIYTEI AN EN ITE AG Muds madgradm 'of MIIOII.II Wotan., welch we ore enabled to SELL AT THE VERY LOWEST PliklEn. Alto, • Ano manelment of LADIES' GOLD WATOIIIs on hand, from SA6 U 0 and upward., Pleat glee I. a call; mha JOHN T. GRAY, House and • Sign Painter, - 01 1 , AINFAS AND 0.1...&Z.1pEn, Ne.,El4 Ninth Street, 1ati.1 . 72 Mate Mind street.) TtetaburßO. Pa. NOTICE TO; CONTRACTOR& rroPmus will be received until TCrISDAy. Merck 241 k, •Mr the EXECTION or 9 1011711 D. P. 0R66C11 1 1 U1L0iL1711. Plans end 4 , W/rotted% .as be teen at the care of Aldernun 9.11. Morrow. 79 Pence. Avenue. 91 . 9 1 ter , lset ail bids reserved. 50k2987 gXTRAI, FAMILY FLOUR—IMO bele In start, eianatteterte from oelcated ta Kentucky Wt ••leteuton brand, Lotion!le. Ceentettance. mike l i t ne m-seer, that this Float should n.. Omen eranetinY• W.. h... reduced th. prloe to rr pechht.mknthur 117 mho:male arretall. ' • INAlkti PJCX it CO. CUE ESE. BO btu's Chrtre; JUL teoctyta try .1, R. CANFIELD. 141 nit Ayeattl, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, DRY c• co r• WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Fedend Street, ALLEGIIY./: r CITY A large and Complete Blatt o 11011SEREPING DRY GOI Bleached and llnbl'hed . Table Damasks Linen Table Napkins, Hack and Damask Towels, Fancy Waite Quills. Eiira Good Barging In MARSEILLES QUILTS Sheeting Manilas, all widths Pillow Cue Mulls; Shirting Moslion, Irish Munn, Shirt Freak. At Sc., good Light sad Dark Prints, At i ee, Light cad Dark /riot', as ex to bargain. At wo, wc;i3 Honey Comb IWO, At 18 1.1 r., Whits Linen Towels, a great bargain, WILLIAM SEMPLE*, No& 180 and 182 Federal Street, ♦LLIBHINY CITY THE BONDS OF THE CHICAGO, DANVILLE & VINCE RAILROAD COMPANY UPON EXAMINATION Till be. Found to be the Best =EEO 1161PBST YST OYFEBED TO TUB PUB I This will be Borne Ont by THE RUM COUNTRY THE ROAD TRAVERSES, WITII ITS •AGRICUL TURAL AND MINERAL RESOURCES., TILE CASH SUBSCRIBED TO THE CAPITAL STOCK. THE EXCELLENCE OF THE MS MILFS ALREADY BUILT, AND ITS 4QU/PMENT. THE PLANS ILXMIPLETED, - AND THE MOSEY EXPENDED. FOR VfG • OROUR FINISHING OF THE:LINE IN THE BPRING.- THE EXCESSIVE EARNINGS TO ACCRUE FROM TUE COMPLETION OF TILE WHOLE LINE. THE AMPLE SINKING FUND FOR THE CERTAIN REDEMPTION OF THE BONDS. - THE VERY LIBERAL INTEREST RUNNING OVER A TERM OF 40 YEARS. - THE SBICURITY AFFORED BY REGISTRY. THE MORTGAGE COVERING THE ENTIRE ROAD, EQUIPMENT, FRAN CRISES, AND ALL PROPERTY. PRESENT AND FUTURE-INDEED THE SECURITY OP TWICE THE AMOUNT OF BONDS 15.51.; ED. THE LOW :CURRENCY PRICE THEY ARE NOW OFFERED AT. art lists is rerilled in doted: in ,the complete l'amplidel, Which cuss be had of us. • Ire , JR.rOll• these bonds to be rood, as d we know the character and capacity of the Company , / estimates call be implicitly relied upon to ere these Bonds the highest stand ard. 'HY therefore freely and Putty recommend them. W. BAILEY LANG & CO., It-VatiCI,TANTS. No. 54 CLIFF STREET, New York, r the . eae of the Bonds. N1E11717 SPRING GOODS AT lORGANSTEM & CO'S, KAOOIO4 OLYDZI 400,, Nos. 78 and 80 MARKET STREET• N§WMPIVTIB. FULL ASSORTMENT ISTOPICTIYVEI•I6 ULOVILS. LA'lan UN aritAlb". NAPICIkBTOW W lIIT IC GOODS, -010T/OW7, ap. st l=r rit ,n l d.shas sogri ALT' HORNE & CO'S: Second Arrival of New Goods. • NEW SHAM HAT AND BONNET VALIIILL 111iL rasNcn rLowzas Ixtra Quality DoNNZT AND TRUCKING RIBBONS. Is all wltllha NEW STYLE!" IN BASH AND HOW /MINOAN NEW 130W8 tremb &nonmetal of LINES COLLARS AND OUITS, LACY TRIMMED COLLARS, LICE. TOLIMA/I LINEN ME/IS, ILLUSION wAlwra. CHEMIZZETES AND LAPPIEN, TUCKED SICIET/Na, TUCKED NAININIOIL, TUCKED OAILBRIC, ORGANDIE SWIRL Aso{tier Lot • LADIES i ( WITS HLAV=OOLTON HOEULIy At the new prices. . ♦LEXLNDRE EID BUN= la Black and Colors. sad all stmsta 79 MARKET 11771 . kErj .NTATIONAL HA • STOCIIN, BANK OP P1TX151160H,65. TO/MOAT ISMNIN6,IIareh adz, 1000.117 X ewo.k, will be soldea Woad Boor of Mama. dal bales .05-511,' 106 Smithfield Utteu of Pltt,Ouryge: • CT= LA:11.111,1Iggi p l ..bsreS Pe.plts National nitta . : B ORrea Carr bo rgb !iar WES But 5 • hares, Cell be Tann vo, II? • A. XeII,WALNI _!! • ROTHICZA, see Lesziaz.e. Daly, La Ar • sat "Mat • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS POPULAR PRICES WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No 3. 180 and 182 Federal Street, I= DRESS GOODS. 3ess Spring khan, Black and Colored Alpaca Latin, Black and Colored American Poplins Extra goad bargains in Brest Bilks. Al. Tory Low Prieto, CASSIMERES & IiEXIIICKij NEW SPRING HATS AND BONNETS 1 EW BP&LY6 Ribbons and Flowers, xmia. Gloves Embroidered Edgings and tannin. Ilattibarg Ernings and Interliens, Lam Handkerchiefs and Collars, Ladles' Linen Conan and Cuffs. The attentiett of IVholesale and Retail Buyers is respectfully in vited to our LARGE STOCK. being assured they will find prices as low as they can be found any where. WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Faded Stfeet, I= U. CUSTOM /S HOTS.. POST OF PITTSBURG% I URTTOII'S OFFICX, March 3. 1570. ; GOVERNMENT SALE! By authority of the Hen. UFO. P. BOUT- WiLL. Et oretary of the TreastaF, I will Lifer at Petals Auction. on.WZDZIESDA.T, the 18th lost, at /A H., at toe Custom House aformald, that portion of the Menne Hospital Lot which Is separated from the Hospital building by Preble street, running parallel with the Elttsiturgh mat Cleveland Railroad. Thle protum) contain. be tween two and tame surer, and is located close to the lino of Allegheny Clir and it nnsurpassed foe manufaeturleg Purposes owing to Its pro:- lathy to the tires of Pl.talmrgh and Armighday and its famlitlet for moving freight In any c trim tion—the Pittnburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago itillread forming the epee, Ilue, and the Pitts burgh and Cmveland Railway passing ova+ the ground; Preble street forms the .lower boundary while the Ottltrrl•er in but thee, or four hundred yard, ell. Tzars—linw afar. caah. the balance in tom equal qoarterly payments. the Prat of which shall be made on the 10th of June next. with Interest from the day.of tale maid paid. pull deuits will hi given at time and place of All bids to be made subject to to the approval of the • Secretary of the Treasury, the Department re serving the right to reject any or al bids If deemed to the lotetest of the Government to do so. THOMAS STEEL, FZIEZI SURVEYOR OP CUUTOIIif PLANING MILL MEN AND ortlium. TARE NOTICE! The enderslitud bee lettere patent of the Et:Otte Plates fur the Improved IMMIMIMMOS of weethenbo uding, Inside lining and of wales colitis far houres. The wratherviwarding, by this patented improvement. being more portion- Lady intended for vertical ate; wad combining mat durability and beauty or appearance: and It is ro constructed as to entirely avoid the. nee of Joint strip.. and to prevent irate,. from enter ing the Joints. or the gaping or the showing of the !Oats by actlon . of the weather on the Um her. Indio lining acid wainscoting by this new method are so constrreted as to form Perfect puneis as cheaply as br the ordinary flooring Wards alone; tht cab, prwrenttog the showing of the Joints from any cause, and le”lag no ranges Ibr bogs. ' • • Ha basal.° porebased the Patent rliht et what Is commonly kILIMII se the ••Yoaldad Weather boardlog.” Re has disposed the following territorial and .hop light to AID eeeee county. for both pat. ante, th wit . • To O. A. Idundorlf, the tight for the lentrory oath of the t eeeee to sa 4 county. ' PhD wTa Ilt ue of Qws entsbur g o Dorgiass, the that for the ard . To 11eKee Dougla b s& shop right for ghats 111, Ellsteantb ward. PRlshorith. m To 11111. Pattersou It Co.. shop rights for their mill. ninth ward, ?Mamma. To .Ce. McClean, for the borough of Do- K To Paer • Paul, /or hint, Peesnd. Thlr,l and • Vows h wards, eltv of Alleghsay. To Reed :troth , rs, shop right at their nllll. la 11 ward, al) of A.legb•tly• To Dunham, 2100 & Co.. tor the lateonghs of Itharpsburghsod Etna; also the totrarklps Or /Thaler and In dians. Lit pt monsate sca th ed sgeleet. tat leging ate. , ei th er of Mid Monts. ale those 'Daman No.po 'chase will please call, fir address me, at No. TS nmilLneld street, Trlteboratt. Pm. 4. 0. ANDLRION. r 4 tz 8 9, I 4 ka ,1 4 a : 1 1 02 .4 C/2 ot/ g E ig-11 A o a t .4r14 ra co . . x. PITTSBURGH IVBITE LEAD AND COLOR yous, L SCHOONINANEE & ' SON, 1 . 11.01.11.EF1T0R49, Ilanufactarens or WIRTZ LEAD, ItZD LRAM, BLUR LICAD, ZINuEI. • LITUAROZ, PUTTY and all colon DRY AND IN OIL. 017/011 AND FACTORY. 461, 414, 416 aid US, Mena ALLEUHLST. , We call att-htlon to the guarantee patted on our Strictly Pare Whit, Bead, and when we say. a "parer carbonate of lead," we mean "ahead catty Pare.* that Is, free from Aeetate and erste, ►ad therefOra Is whiter awl aoperlor, both ln color and covering properly. • .GUAIL•2ITifID to be a name Carbonate of Lead sad whiter than any la the market, sad will forfeit the bete of tlds package It mumbl ing the lesathealteratkus T. T. T. REGO'S TEABEHRY TOO In tb• most pleasant, cheapest aad best Dee*. Ries extant. • • Warranted area Ism Irdertou teeredlenta. preservem and whitens the Teeth! net and soothes toe Ohms! periled sad perfumes the breath! • Peanuts aceaatulausa et Tartar! Clues sad Patten •rtlestai Teeth! • ealiby"Ariiggigll26:l:ll°l:..`" rropnater, w/Ltloll. Ylidadelphle, for We by - a. C..llll4llTEllN.lNtlsbiggirb. 11. N. ougontausa,, atieskesy. Jala:Tram • DREKA • Isabela asel Mall dealer be . VINOD DATA.TIONTIDISIt. WEDDING, 11111M1113. PANTY AND BUSINESS ' CAR" v . fatAVINO, MONOGRAMS, ARMS. ILLUMINATING kb, ' • Orders by mall receive prompt atlablkmer km 4 Ise samples. WS Mostaon llt.,pkuis, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WILL LEIITE PITTSBNICII oN TUESDAY, Etch 14th, At 2 o'clock Precisely. DR.. EDWARD S. FRINKS Begs It are to offer 1118'61[1er. Moots for The man, ACTS OF KIN DNES i RECkIVZ I) from immerge* friend* and the nrofeaelon In I= sad to e sortie hi) gratitude for tae 12=1:12217.3101 Be Is compelled to say tbatla Conacquanee of an El= that be meet, althoub xelucts•Ur. LEAVE PiTTlsllllMill, rd., 011 71711.5 DAT, march 14thja70.—.,_ I= =1 OEM I=! I=l IS can .ntelt tam at the =I 00n.r Seventh street and Duquesne Way man TITTSIBUSOII OP TO THAT HOW: AND DATE ONLY At which time Inc cuArs itinstemas IN 'raid CITY Ml=l Genuine Preparations. From the Celebrated House of PETER SQUIRE, London Granular Effervescent 01- Carb, Potassa, Bromide Poles. sa, lodide Potluau. Citrate Iron and Quinine. Bromide A sumo. alum, Carb. Lithia,Vichy Salt. Rissingen Salt, Cit. Magnesia, fieldlitz Powders.. &c.—To pro. tect Physicians and the Public from spurious articles of this character, purporting to be .direct Imporions 2 P—all bot tles of the g enuine will in future bear a strap label over the cork, with the address and pre shisila signature of the man ufacturer, P. SQUIRE; and on the side his trade mark, and also address of the Importer and Sole Agent. SI noir JOHNSTON, Cor.Smithaefd St. and 4th Ave. P. S.—A Fresh supply of Squire's Tine Glycerine soap, Pares Vienna Soap, Price's Glycerine - *pap, Astringen- Bed Gum Lozenges, and nut riate of Ammoniate Lozenges. These Lozenges are meeting with great success in England, in cases of Relaxed Sore Throat Bronchitis, etc. Juit received, fellastin CARBOLIC SALVE. The important discovery of the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING. PURIFYING, and BEALL'S° Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research. During the late civil war ft was extensively used in the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a thorough disin fectant, but alsolhe must won derful and speedy DEALING REELED V ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and heating agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and. having been al ready used in numberless cases With most satisfactory and ben. silcial results,we have no hesi• tuition in offering It to the pub. lic as the most milted's, rapid. and effectual remedy for all Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing for Bums, Cuts, Wounds, and every ABIIASION of SHIN or FLESH, and for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Druggists. Prioe2.lsceats. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Ilkop'r, No. 8 College Place, New York. JOE. CPINCLILJAO. MCKAY-ROM LIDIMILL PREMIX. STUB BREWERY, SPENCER, ricHAY 8; CO.; Alaltslers and irewers of dile, PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. rrrrasoaau. FA. Marsl2ollltint .IrAI'SON. 'tanager. 14:111GE EIMIF'IItENTS OF ALL Hada or (teen lake an ...erred daily Putprent._pc velar Mph mad. No. On Diamond !Caren. PlN:burgh, and at the Twin City Stand, Allegheny City. corner of Federal and (Nilo street*. tier long experienee In the boetneee enables as to alwaye bees on hands and elan article. and aka sal Rialto MO. bahnoa, Earl . % . Black Ham and White Perch at eery lo . lVoes. tllee es addl. Weed?? Insure aline rountl e. Wholes Le or reSell. ordain 1 0110. e. DRrCES REDUCED OF RUB. B Itel;trs, Ifam and Steam racking, o Bonen Bettina manufacture. A react- Us, of eay 10 per ant. hoc card rata Anti March US. The trodesupolted at marturacturaa , marlP & PIRILIATS, Anna. for Boat., Beltion Co. BE ADERISTRAT CLOSIN ;03EiLY Is Now in BARK No. 59 MARK Every article has been reduce 15 80 days. Hale sadadvely for 0 CARPETS. 011. CLOTHS. &a.. - - CARPETS., REDUCED. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, DRUGOETS. DitUCIOET SQUAREN, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever (OWL BOVARD ' ROSE CO., 1 f,.6 2 , 1 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices ,o COMILSrozio WITH WHOLESALE RATES.- &CALLUM BROS., . 51 FIFTH AVFANUE . ABOVE WOOD STREET. fat RE W CA RPETI~• AT POSITIVE REDUCTION IN PRICES We are now receiving oar— NEW SPRING STOCK! • ramvragt.:rgsttatteztv- ca "' . English and American Brimeli and Tapestry Carpets 4 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS,• &0.,. Which we offer Fifteen to Twenty•live Cents per yard lees limn the lowest prives of last year. This being the largest rodnetlon that rwe le en made for several years, recoeta our N•leitielgi worth U. attention of inirchasers: iI'FIIILIND .. & COLUItig, 71 and 43 Fifth Avenue. „,., . • macoND'iLooa.) REDUCTION IN CARPETS For a Mort Time to Prepare for SPRING TRADE. OLIVER MeCLINTOCK CO , Rare D%1°. 4 "" b * / "" mi Carpets, Oil Cloths, Orutias, hso. EASTERN PRICES. uate barysly• an be mearcd by tboe• P.l!,°,tg=c7irrtl W"igd"'".4." OLIVER IcCLINTOCY & CO., 98 Fifth Avenim BUSINESS CHANGES. PISSOLUTION OF PARTREFII— SHIP.—The partnership heretofore exist— between tee undersigned. under th e dm. name at HUOWN .1k CO. In Ode day diteolved• lllTgsiTrltgZiat:RO:gig.72:ll4l - et the debta and aasbine g the old non. J. C BROWN. W. J. BROWN H. H. siker. 1- KAUCn lft,llllo H T US n dANDSdI will PA G NTI s NG CI elteAto, stand, 5144 tederli etnst,eithei nric soh: • X RAPP. pIr B OLIUTION.--'l6e Partner. skip be Motor* ex 1111 l g Ottireme . BILL CeHUTTEHLT. l el i v i rdritiNV ' eeTg.. l Z. M . 2 47 4 * rivns. B. B"ILL reubarre. 151V1876."4"iir; Tlse nes! Estate s ma.. od Mamma baste... ern/ berry nee be enntln , d by THIS. H. BILL SON. In their new Mace on the corner of Pena and 334 strste., Property. bnught Med Money Loaned to Loma . of et,COO to 00,11 OU on first due mortgagee. • R R.:BILL Pittsburgh. Feb Ra th, B 1870. BON, mht:•llovrilm FLOUR ii NOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND r CONED:Taiga:S i —We an ti m• relate -41/11TV 11 0 % ° N.814. V.N "' D U VLIDY gala vvraA . Y. yarchased In Gibson, Porta, Gress d ll .1t , IThe " ::%9 l . ' brlrtl V ai :f be managed loyalty la the Delved Mina We lune also atdshed oar lasgronsaa_an la Maeldaerg. Bonne Cloths sad cooling soma. and Ise new prepared to Mralsh the test /lain we ban made for tea years at Mien lastdatr eampeUtton oa Me .sate grades of Cont. M. T. aIINNIGDY a, BRO.. rout nem Kul. Alkalise: Seldetaber 12, 11369. DR. fronl a n ms TO TREAT . V s k ir wee m tedlr ea=rbastatillehatll emeipletelr Ammeanommani i rlre= nal Weather. and ImooteneT. manta/ • aelf.abnae mother mama Nos- whiaa none of the following effects, an blotches= wouneese. ladleartico, eonereapnzantom toda. anatenneene dread of re lom or emonorr. ladoleam. *oft Imo Moll/ proetrastme the weraallyaleem Is rendre marriage anaatfsteelOry, aao thedetOM tosoident. are permemeatly eared. Timm at. Bedell teeth Mom or any othe• N loin 'Ladled emolltatlonal eme "e rtat.= give Na Demor • trtalt he neva falls. Ditn i rgireorrtgrart4 ". canoe W Monello* of the Womb, =„. terenitts. Amenorrhoea. Ildesorrhava, ambers. and bleilllty or aarraaneen Imam ed with the gramon, mem. It WS-engem tot a perMeonwho Wlae I. ,Ma= s l .l 2 ra . Aut duf ... ..enosa clam. ow um sooolre imecter bast so es. = than one la anonnal practice. The Loafer pabilrhes amdkal oesmileß IftPores moo atm atoll expewillon alma tlewereto docalwaneat ma Do bad flve at or by Mr two stamps. la sealed am jr.r mama., oonterlar lartnealloa to Na 11-. and muddle , : them to daternale tke pre- elseLnentre of. thetroomplalina The estataahrot, onaprlslied tea mratz...tua:'earvr a t mom ' ten .dk =na. a o. the on 'try mall or me. latloen nor ,Inztemi. however. a permd NillallY Pommel atteeTtfoe ' 1 " =1.12 " ..2 amonmodatioa tench patient. Ileme 4aazaar conaeetelar d ltatta t zlee that peoneote reowerrineJodlag " ate p~ Oaths. All preannenb Doctor's awe Istonstol4?cmder tib " ma •rieon. Meeks* picoplgets at once Crse. or 't ay Mall Mr two Stamm • No matter Called, matterhat my. /f c , .. Via.t a ro tro raitg.rrakevi•S OR'S ORBIT FAIL SALE OCI 0 X 1.16 , !grass at ER'S, kw.itmop, lot, and wawa be &RCM ~a»2;5. M>'a,...... a . _rte. ~*.