The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 08, 1870, Image 1
THE DAILY OAKUM: lIIIMIiin IT a PENNIMAN, SEED 100., Vffloe,B4. and 86 AM Avenue. L & TRIVIA& 10ELLE III& N. 7. =ID, % P 1011111701, .11turon5 ruorarreou =I •r~4 per7n+r»........»...»..... Vie!leered by curlers. Der emelt—.. tte gittstnirgij Cla STATE ITEMS. Tim Oointhousii at Reading narrowly escaped destruction by fire bait week. Tee murderers of the Peigbtal family will be hung at Huntingdon to-morrow. lIKADLNO has iecured a good supply of splendid icefrotn four to six inches thick. • '4. AMIN ofcoal gaa three feet Gila has been opened on the land of ltrinkam and Roddy, in Somerset county. INFORMATION Jls wanted of George Lutz, whatAllitappeared from his boarding place, on Church Run, Venange county, oa the L'sth of Jan. last. AT North Koff "revival" meetings Lave bean held in the M. E. Church for sine weeks past. Pifty•one persons have joined the church, and upwards of eighty have professed religion. Tits Danville intelliiinesz states that David Gibson was found dead in Kin. tar's woods. Ho was last seen alive Peb. 15th, in Jerseytown, and is supposed to Lave been frozen to death. Tuts school directors of Cambria borough challenged the school directors of Miheille borough to spell twolye pu• pHs of each district against each other, fir a $l2 unabridged dictionary. The contest was to coined' on Saturday last. A TLIIIILIG months old female child was found on the piens of the house of .1..1. Haws, in Johnstown, last week. While ..arrangetnefits were making to hand it over to the Poor Directors, the mother, a poor Working woman out of employment,. giving her name as Mrs. Shaffer, called at Haws' and told the oft-told tato of betrayal and desertion ;by • young man named Wilson, residing in Pittsburgh. The mother and child way taken to the . . Tint Lewisburg C7tronkis says: Corn In this Section (Union county) has found a new market. It appears that in some Porta of the West, la st autumn, the frost was unusually early 'and severe, killing the germ of the corn before ripening. In consequence of this, the planters are obliged to procure seed from other places, where the corn ripened. As this county was favored In this respect, hundreds of bushels are being shipped to Illinois and other parts of the West. This seems a little like "carrying coals to New Castle," and it is, in- some respects, ing "con;.to Egypt." In Tim United Elates Court, utern District, before Judge Cadwalla r, last week, Wm. Courtney was put on on the cliarge of robbing the mail. - Ile was the mall carrier between Pennington. villa arid Oxford; on December 18th there was placed in his pouch a letter contain ing a cheek for a, -citizen of Lancaster: hew dayi after the check was toned on the person- of defendant, together with about seventy dollars which had been ab. eireeted from another letter subsequently given to the prisoner to be carried to the bank at Oaford. No testimony was offmed on the defence, and his counsel argued that the check on the prisoner was no evidence of the abstraction of it from the mall pouch, no better etidcnce he Um : eight than the finding of oyster shells under the bed of a sick man, whose phy sician bad forbidden him eating oysters, was that the patient had swalipwed the contents. • The ilistrict Attorney con sidered the case so plain a one that he did not make any remarks in conclusion, nor did the Judge deliver a formal charge. After the jury had been in consultation about two hours they came Into court and .rendered a verdict of not guilty. ,• GENERAL NEWS. Itifa4,4iotring In 'renita: Naumann lugs gone to Europe sa agent for Flak. KALLOCII has fut 120,000 into ml eatala In KllllBO9. BXLIX BOTD hu gone home to her mother in Virginia. ODDS are offered that Prince Arthur will be king of Canada. Tango keepsup his voice with coffee Indium while speaking. Samwintheliew York Gold Exchange MITE 001104 down 75 per cent. A Caramels is worth tkirty dollars the way alga hair ranges in price. TxiSpolicea Rhiems, France, are on a strike, but not with their billies. VXMONT bee keepers will not be kept quiet. bet talk of a Conrention. Teorwild•est bullring mania at Naples Las been killed by the Goeerement. A. CONCERT he .id of ''Confederate orphans" in Louisvilleonly paid the ex- Tni lamed diamond plain this country is worn by a fashionable Philadelphia A. IL STEPHENS legetting better, and has the s o coid volume of hamar history in coma. Nne. Soorr iiIDDONS has enjoyed a railroad acciden; and escaped' acott•frco from inktry. Tar...queen at the panellera" In New York is Addia Riley, who hae an income of s'7ooo a year from that game. !Success In selling out a patent right made an ...4d man in St. Joseph so hippy that he took to his bed and died. Ismail, has been scientifically &hens sink IS:petrified lallako, but now discovers that it is only a tough pine root.. FM " ? 711017 BAND Sethi n ic to the square hickory:muscle Was the matter with those violints . of raw pork in Bridgeport- TaratPrYlaar cottages have been tented and $200,000 worth of real estate sold In Newport since January lst. RICHMOND, Virginia, bas "Rosebud Concerts," in-which one hundred chil dren sing for the benefit of the urchins. Tun champlidi corn shelter of Illinois lea woman who has shelled 100 bushels hours. Mm. Stanton should go for , . her., Tun stedent who slashed young Bis. mirk so badly ht that duel hiu been shut np for three weeks in the University prison. A BILL to allow free banking is being prepared, and ita friends say it his strength enough in both Houses to carry it through. • . ONDAR doesn't reign air WaTiaw. A dozen of high officiate there hate been arrested .for complicity in the socialist conspiracy.. '• CHICAGO Is agitating to get a clock that keeps correct time. • Chicago is _a .city which makes good time, and It ought to support no other: AN old gentleman In Montreal correct ed Ids grandson for smoking, using knife for the, purpose, and the boj died, being toolini3 cut: Tug Belmont Iron Hill, Wheeling, cut lad week five thousand , eight hundred and eighty five keg! or sails, sad are bragging about IL . A Pluxcirrox coixxas student hu been sent home for "tampering with the affections of a young lady." Ha only wrote letters to her. BAnrwM, Ina public lecture; bits told the Bostonians bow to be happy, by tom: perste ; and bow to get rich, by unllmltsd.adurtidagi. , Cm-row-xi Jodie Lae decided that a blow front a husband to a wife is sufficient ground for a divorce. How is it when the wife does the blowing? Tax Chicago Times says that the single chaste exhibition given by the blondes; was when they were chased out of town by an official with a warrant. Tan ro.appralsement of real estate In Ohio, under the law, is to tie made be tween March let and Juno lst.- The ap '; praisers will soon be at work:- WITCH doctors still fiourliMalaniig the colored voters of Virginia. One of them 'hash recently poisoned a woman with his doses to qua her of witthcralt. Voywo is going to set out two hundred thousand fruit trees, al. though we thought he had his hands full of the nursery business already. 'Mt - entertainment ofihrid thibfficers _ . _ . - . ... . _ _ • '• . _ ...- ; . . . •,!. 1 - It y 1, • ..-' ,i . ''' / • ••_• • , ''.:"! .• , 'e, -','' • . -'-. _.' • 1i ., . . \.. L ) • , 1•L'• .. tii. 11.• - ' • . ....:- 4 .42 . - -?..,,, ..(.. , ... . .. t .4.. .. ,:. r., -.2..----..%. ' ----• . ~ . • All ~:. • ~ . . . . • EITIM VOL. rixxxv. ME Cl the Monarch at lisitimere was the sight or a irgro murderer Just before lilt death t was read to him. linw Jr. HY has a Inntor. Burglars burnt • r 'lrishwoman in her own house from 'exasperation that they could and no tacire money In her possession. It•wunots are supplanttn_g_parasols as articles of female wear oat West. A. fe. male book agent has now thrashed a hotel keeper who gave her notice to leave. Bonswr BoNnza has given another thousand pound bell to a western churebt apparently he is one of the New York editors who have some regard fur the ring. I.'ira Cincinnati Red Stocking Base Ball Club has elected A:* B Clutmpiot as President for this year, and Harry Wright bai been appointed Captain of the Fast Mae. THE National Academy of Design, ut New York, is to take the more advanced pupils in drawing lrom the Cooper Imti• lute, and also to open an art reading room, SENATOR WILS3N has nearly COM• pitted hie funding bill. The rate of in• Wrest will be the same u Sherman's bill, hue, does not allow one per cent." for negotiation. Tris English papers arc constantly calling attention to the feet that General Butler hasnerer repudiated hitimpudintion doctrines, and that he 11 a Meesachusetts Republican. AT Kansas Qlle n merchant detected a thief who mblie,i his money drawer by the testimony ern little four year old girl, who saw him and recognized him when he cane In again. A avast. Vermont clergyman has &tal. lobed the bass viol front his choir beetsuse it made him think of dancing. A minis. ter dancing to the airy netts of a bus viol would Waren sight. A. BLUNDERING friend emptied his charge of shot into the leg of the Attor. nay-General of England, while out rab bit hunting the other day, and the effect proved more serious than gout. ONE of the young Agora, who is study ing sculpture with Tadoiini, in Rome, is said to display considerable artistic nudity and Is mentioned in society as the "American Marquis of Bute." Stu lionenT Nomon'm house in Lon don was rubbed of an immense amount of diamonds and jewelry on the lath. The burglars entered Luty Nepier's room while the family were at dinner. ' °xenon HOGARTH, OGG of the most noted musical critics in England, is dead. Re was father• to Charles Dickens, and belonged to the celebrated clique of literary notabilities which included Scott, Wilson, Lockhart and Hogg. Mont...scent has affected Louisville in this Wray t "We float with her through the mates of the dance until we feel ourselves not only elevated and electrified, but mud. deftly subdued as willing worshippers at the shrine of beauty and grace." Elgin of the United Stela Senators are natives of Ohio, to wit: Ross, of Kansas; Warner, of Alabama; Horton, at Minnesota; Drake, of Missouri; Tipton, of 'Nebraska; Sherman, of Ohio; Fowler, of Tennessee, stud Llowell, of lows. - Some wretch shipped enough nitro glycerine to blow up a dozen easels on steamer from New York the other day, and as the boa was not marked the oak mu bad it opened with mallet and It didn't 'explode, but it went off. A STRUNG.NINDED 'WOMAN in Indiana chastised her bristsind with Aerosette lamp the other day. Having forgotten to blow it out before Performing that pain ful duty, the oil caught fine as the lamp broke over his head, and not only her husband, but the hourewris horned up... 4 ' , Adrian, Michigan, somewhat distinguished In various parts of the State hut fall as a "walkist" and rand to Weston, is now pursuing her studies In the Philadelphia Medical College. She perforated her quite remarkable feats of walking for the purpose of raising money to this end. 1n'1833 the Trade Minister of France, in a speech delivered to the Chamber of Agriculture, Commerce and Manufac tures, said: "The Government will not, therefore, forget that if manufactures re quire liberty, they also require protection. There is no example of a powerful and wealthy manufacturing industry that has not originated under a proketiee tarif." "Lin mottle tidal:M.ll.Ln" area new futi• ion in England. in which the gentleman of each set all wear the same uniform and the ladies fancy dresses to match. At a recent fashionable ball at Brighton one of them was called the navy quadrille, and Inn all the gentlemen wore the full dress of ths.Royal navy, the ladies being taste folly attired to blue silk arid underskirts which were trimmed with gold lace. Another was called the deputy lieutenants and militia, the uniform of the gentlemen who danced therein being scarlet and I • silver; the tidies were all In the same color. In the third quadrille (that of the Royal engineeri and infantry) scarlet and geld was the uniform, the ladies being at tired in the same °clan The fourth and last was the cavalry quadrille, the unl fonns being blue, with gold lace, trimmed With white. I n each quadrille were ten Couples. TIM effect upon trade mid the interests of the country when gold touches par is beginning to receive the thoughtful con sideration of business circles, and all are surprised at the case with which the downward movement is hastened. Gold had no friends to day in Wall mica, and the requirements of the prcc!'•us metal for the pa:promo( trade have r. nred com ical for many weeks. Wt learn that a number of the leading b.inks have been recently free purchasers of silver coin at the counters of 1-1111cmttrokent, intending next week to pa out silver in small sums Instead of currency stamps as heretofore. On the oilier hand, there are large amounts of gold and silver coin being Cent to bullion dealers, unlocked from the hoarding of years, but now rushed to market to secure the still remaining small premium.' Th steady decline In the gold premium has been followed by a corresponding decline in the premium on silver coin, which rules about three per cent. below gold. This decline has led many dealers to avail themselves of the opportunity to creates sensation and gain popularity by paying out the bright, ringing coin over the counter, and thus gladdening the eyes and hearts of their custemers. • The crime er the Oateda. This vessel, whose ill fate has Just been published, left home on :ilium, years' cruise In May, 1867. She was deatlued to the Asiatic squadron and was in com mand-of Captain Creighton, who was subsequently relieved by Captain Wil liams. Up to the last casualty key voy age bad been prosperous and successfeL After leaving New York ahe stopped drat at the Cape de Verde islands, and then made for Rio de Janiero, where Prince Alfred • bad just arrived in the British &leaden:l. Hate the officers of the Oneida participated in the grand ball which was given in honor of the Prince. From Rio the Onieds sailed for Cape Town, where her officer, again met the Prince and international festivities were again renewed. After a few weeks' de lay the voyage was resumed, and the Oneida pan el 'into the IndiatiOcenn and cruised along the coast of Java and Su matra, touching at Mantilla, and thence steering for Hong Yong. tier next ' course was to - Japan, and for more than a year -she sailed from one Japanese port to another, and then was dispatched on a special mission to Siam. This having been accomplished she returned to Japan, and having made a voyage to Much Wang, on the coast of China whence she returned to Yokohama last November. Up to this time she had cruised about .25,000 imiles with graft success, and with the exception of a fearful typhoon in the Indian Ocean she had seen little of the dangers of the deep. Tier crew enjoyed excellent health, end less than a half dozen deaths occurred . in .nearly three years. After such pleasant ex prdencu of naval life in the Eastern seas, and while on its homward voyage, came the terrific auk° which closes the history of the unfottunate vessel. FIRST EDITIOX. xrDxrazir. HARRISBURG. Pennsylvania. Legislature - SENATE Not in Session. HOUSE: Winding up Oil Companies Macadamizing Saw Mill Run Road—Sale of Goods by Sample —East End Gas Company—Tax ing Colored Citizens and Pro tecting Their Right to Vote. topeelal to the l'llttburtla Gstotte.) • ilannianurto, March 7, 1870. SENATE. . . Not In aftoiloll. HOUSE OF ItEPRENTATIVES. Mr ELLIOTT called up the act au than ing stockholder. In eil companies to wt Id up affairs. Passed seetand read ing a a laid over on ntollon of Mr. !gown. =I By Mr. WHITE{ Providing for reporta front all hoapitala, charitable and other teidltuttone retied - I'o qpnrpriations from the Commonwealth. Ey Mr. HUMPHREYS: ror the lm proyaraont Waahlnaton avenue, known as the Saw MILL Itun road, Alle gheny conoty, *Melt authorizes the madadatutalng of. the road by a tax el from elm to four dollars per acre upon adjolntug property, secured by reflection or toll. By Mr. FLRIR Authorizing the Ott. Rona and Peeples Museum Railway. of Pittabargh to see steam Motu Boundary street through the Fifteenth sod l'wem Both wards. to Eaat 'Liberty, when the cement of a majority of the property owners and citizens along Paid route may b 0 tiled In the Roglater'. ofAcia. Relating to isle of goods by storieekoep• era and their agents, allowing sale by sample in cities and counties in ',bleu the stores are P Ituatod without peddler's Hawse. Urged by Thome, M. !Barnhill, E . Sq.l Thomas J. Keenan, Lad., - anti other*. liv Mr. WALTON: Enabling the Fret Rod Oita Company of Pittoeurgh to Issue mortgage &man. By Mr. MILLER.: Incorporating Miff lin rileam Perry Coninany; Supplement for Plasturgh Safe Depo sit Company, authorizing raid ,orpora. Lion to act in a caraway. Sy Mr• Fur a zilmiument In front of the Capitol buildings in mem• my of Pennsylvania volunteers killed in the war of the rebellion. . . By Mr. BUNN: Requiring easeseora to levy a tar On all In. male citizens of color titer twenty.ona year. of age the same anon white raiz..., and punish log any election oaken who refuse to revolve lej nl entorell v.01e04. Ity Mr. IIIICIN0111.: Por the arectlon of ■ brouza Statue to Tlaaddtu aStatrena at Washington: LiDIES OF TIIE JURY. Grind Jury oi Vrenien Stearn In IT,. MUM —Addre. of the Cltler Justice on tnc Oreasion. 107 Telegraph io ritisho•gii Lartamis, March 7.—Toe Judiciary of Wpm,'lug Holsteins the right of women to Yervtifittirllre. All the ladies drawn as grand )urvuu wore present at eleven o'clock A. N. A motion made to quash the parted wins not sustained. At 11:55 A. N. the first panel of lady grand jurors In the world were sworn. None asked to be excused. A lady 'bailiff was appointed far the grand Jurors. A iiplendid eddies' was delivered by Chief J intim Hawes. lie said: Ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury—it is a novelty to see, as we du today. ladles summoned to serve as jurors. The extension of political rights and franchise to women is a subject that is agitating the whole country. 1 have never taken an active part in the (Mole. also, but have long seen that woman was • victim to the vices, crimes and Immorality of mai', with no power to protect and defend herself from these evils. I have long felt that such powers of protection should be eon. (erred upon women, and It ha. fallen to our lot here to act as the pioneer In this movement and to teat the question. The eyes of the world are today fixed upon this Jury of Albany county. There is net the slightest impropriety in any lady ee -1 copying the position, and I wish loaners you that the fullest protection of the court shall be accorded to you. It would be a mast shameful scandal, that In our temple of. justice, and to our court. of kw, anytbleg ahontd he permitted which ' the meat 'sensitive lady might not hear with propriety and wimps'. And here let mu add that It will be a sorry day for any man who shall no far forget the mom tesies duo and paid by every tine rican gentleman to every American lady, me to even by a word or act endeavor to deter you from the exercise of thine rights, of which the law has invested you. I will conclude with the remark that this is q question fur you to decide kir yonmeryes. Nu man bas any right [elm. terfere. It seems to to proper for women to sit upon grand juries, which wilt give them the 104 posailde opportunt tie* to aid in eoppressing the dens Of infiony which curse the country. I shall be glad of your assistance In the accom plishment pt this object. I do not s nake these remark. from any distrust or gentleman. On the eon- trary. 1 me exceedingly plumed and gratified with the Indications of the in telligence, love of law and good order and gentlemanly deportment which Ives menifeeted. I will now listen to any reason* which any J [norm make for being excuard. _THE WEATHER. State of the Thermometer at Various . relate Yesterday. Cu Immo, foggy; wind southeast. Thar. tnorueter =degrees. CI.NTELAND, cloudy; wind north. Thermometer 32 degrees above. Com:tarsus. cloddy and cool. Lou ;syntax, overman: wind northwest. Thermometer 32 degrees above PutrAngtrnia, cloudy, snowing; wind . northeast. Thermometer 33 de. green above. New„ - liona, cloudy, snowing; wind northeast. Thermometer 32 degrees t. CITY, mind and =Owing. RALI !mond, cloudy - and - snowing. Thermometer 34 degrees above. CINCINNATI, cloudy and cold; wind northeast. Tharmometcr 35 degrees above. 14+. Louts, clear' and cold, from bard last night; wind northwest. abetment. stet 21 degrees above.' &NANA, clear, wind west. Thermom eter 28 degrees. Tothotrrg, cloudy and cold; avowing a little. About three inches of snow-felt hod night. Sr. PAUL, cloudy and cold. Attempted Massenetlen by an Insane Man Near Ittpley,.olno.- (My Teleitnott to tea PIM sbargit Uasett..) liarmtr, March 7.—On yesterday morn ing, Mr. Campbell Howard. living about one and a half mile. from Ripley, while on MS wav to church, was wet on the road by Victor Pahl, with a Henry rifle in Ida bend. Boon after passing, -PAM turned and mhot at him three •or four times. one ball taking effect in the elbow of the tight arm. Upon receipt of the news here the eonstable with one or two other* curled with the intention of cap turing Pahl. They found him entrenched in a log bouce under the -bed with a Henry ride, two revolvem and a big dog. On raising the cover be oommerimod shooting, and the party were forced to retire. in order to alslodse him they began tb fire through the door, when he appeared at the window and tired several ahots, one of them taking effect in the arm of M. F. Courtney. and the other In the hand of-Merlon:- Howard's-mother appearing on t h e ground went In and succeeded in prevailing on him giving himeallup. It was found that he was wounded In two places, one under the left lower rib, and the other in the right aide near the spine. Roth wounds are very seem. It !evident that the man is deranged. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1870. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECOND SESSION.) SENATE: The Treaty with Cher okee Indians The Fund ing Bill Further Considered. 110CSE: Cadetships front the XTlth Pennsylvania District— The Resignation of Mr. Goat 'day—The Georgia Admis.siOn Bill Discussed Without Action. Ity Trlt,rsolt to We rlttsbursh ti•lette,) WASII I tiltTON, March 7, WO. SENATN. A memorial of Nicholas P. Triat, fur compensation for the negotiation Of a treaty with Mexico, wee referred-to the Committee on Foreign Relation.. ' One from the lowa Leg!Mature, favor ing the removal of the National Capital and petitions on ♦nrioeli aubjecta ware presented and referred. Tho Military Conunittee was ordered o report the facto or the Indian maaaacre Buck l e aurveying 'party last aumuter a Nevada. Mr. MiniTON introduced a bill to ad ,nit Texmt to representation ht lbtsgresa. hupo.ea the settle conditions aa in tho . • ease of Virginia. Referred to the Com mittee oh Judiciary. Alto, Joint teaolutlon giving to officers of the army detailed at literary Inalitu• Pons the emus. pay and allowance aa though on active ditty. Referred to Conitoittea on Military. IiARLAP.I. from Committee on Indian attain., reported a bill to provide for carrying into effect the prorisitindif the treaty concluded -between the IJ I. tcd States and Cherokee nation Imli July 10th teal. It provide. for the pur chase from the Cherokee nation of all their lauds lying within the State, of Kansas and known ...the Cherok eb strip, and al., their lands in Indian Territory wait of 00th meridian,' for the sum of trio million dollars, tote placed to their credit ou the books of the Treasury do pertinent, Interest to be paid thereon at tire per reel 'put annum. The lands in KILI:111i1110 purchased are to be surveyed and opened for sale town Oa reettlers at el,. n:, per acre. The lauds purchseed in In. titan Territory are apprnpriated exclusively for homes for the Indiana. The Fatidlng Mil Was takern up. Mr. ItA,l RD spoke in opposition to the retabllahment of foreign agencies for the dietribution of, the debt. Ile at- trlbuteil the .dlfficnlties affecting the country to the .11nanclal higlalatiou of the Republican party, in putting upon the country a 'paper - currency of no. in. trlusic value, and deprecated the con. tinuoua abube of Osinoaatic policy and the impeachment of motives of that party in the Senate, believing the only effect was to &nautili the credit of our ootu• won country. when the Republican party Ithollid hue the power they now held by an accidental majority. He ob jected to the exemption of the new bonds fnim taxation sad to the expenditure of i2,011c,0X10 In eonn,al,lo with their 1.1.141 as being grossly excessive; one-third of the amount would bee liberal outlay. Hr. HOW I- argued that both the prop. oeitions submitted by him In his speech to January Werra noutainal In the bill, namely the displacement of legal tender circulation with national bsith notes and the ran nding of tbs.:toting bond debt. Ile thought it unwise to attempt both at OLICP, believing thou, as now, that the tiltplarannerst ithould Mist he undertaken. lie did not, hoWever, agree with the bin- Wein* Court that the legal tender act was unconstitutional. As to the bill Itself, he thought the funding provision a work of supererogation, as ail the au thority ihat could be conferred on the Secretary of the Treasury by Liongrfais was given by the act of April 12, 1866. lie oleo objected to the propagation of compelling the now banks to take 4 per cent bonds while the pilisting bank. should have 414 par cent. At 4..30 the beasts Wok mem until eventnit. Evening .Se' wriort.—The following San ate bide were palmed : Appointing manaterra for the Nattered Asylum for disabled volunteer*. Authorizing the Secretary of War to take charge of the liettyaburg and An tietam national cemeteries,. Also, the House hill authorising the Secretary of War to place at the dieposal of the Soldiers' Monument Association of Rock island, 11111nole, twelve pieces of condemned ordinance. The bill ePPrePrieLingsz, o o o for there. Ile( of Gen. Chas.' F. Smith, who dls ,while acting as President of the Boar to examine claims growing out of th Mexican War, was also pasted. The funding bill was proCeeded wale. ' • ' Mr. CORM CT advocated his proposi tion fin• the' Issue of a thirty tiro year bond, besuins interest the drat three years at six per cent., the next air years at live percent., the next all years at four and.a half per cent, and the follow ing twenty years at four per cent. Tots would insure a uniform bond.' He also favored the amendments tiimske bonds payable in the United Mates and to change other features of the bill. Mr. COLN made some remarks upon the necessity of the prompt extinguish ment of the national debt, opposing any postponement or Ito 'lold:ipso, Mr. SCOTT said wnen a member of the Rouse the Secretary of the Treasury proposed a bill to regulate our finances, the principal feature. of which. were, drat, that in the dispoesl and lisle of bonds of the Governinent no agent should be appointed and no per centime, commission or compeneatlon allowed, but the work should be done altogether by the officers of the Trawls ryrsecondly, that public competition should- be in vited by advertised propostala for the ox change or sale of tends. Believing • memos, of this kind would still meet the approval of.the Secretary, he, gave notice of -an amendment embodying those propositions. The Senate at 8:50 adjourned. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bills were introduced and referred, in cluding the following ' To provide for recluiniing tiwanip lands in the Mississippi Valley; to facilitate transportation on the Mississippi, river and promote this commereeof the ilorth. Meat. To mind the act aiding the oonstruo tion of Iron Mountain Railroad. For Ow speedy removal of politica dissbilitisa of all citizens of Mississippi To divide Caillornin into two indica' districts. Mr. CLARKE introduced a resolution for the organization of a territorial gov ernment fur. Indian Territory and full recognition of the Cherokees, Choctaws and Chickasaw. as citizens of the United Stales: Marred to the Committas on Territories. Mr. •WASEIBURN, of Wisconsin, of fered a ussolialois authorizing the P ostal Telegraph Committee to inquire into the whole euldect of • telegraphing In the United States and send for persons and papers, but the Rouse refused to second the previous question-41 to 75, and the resolution went over under the roam Mr. SA.WYERoffsred (for Mr. Comae) a resolution Instructing the Committee on Military to inquire why and by whom Clarence A. Steadman, of Boston, was lately appointed a cadet to the Military Academy, and Jas. P. Kurhardt, N. Y., to Naval Academy, and both credited to the Sixteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania, and to allow - any persona involved In improper or corrup t practices in connection therewith a full hearing. Mr. LOOAN mead' the resolution con flicted with the action of the House Mat POOR, RS it affected exmembers.• The House refused to order the main question—yeas 75, nays 84, and the rano. lotion went over. • Mr—JUDD introduced a bill for the relief of ship builders, dm. • Mr. BINGHAM offered a:reselotion for the payment of conceal fees and expenses incurred by Mr. Butler In defending the salt brought against him by Charles W. Wooley for hie action as a memberfol the Rouse In sustaining hie rights and priv ileges, not to exceed II 2,u00. Referred to Judiciary Committee, Mr. YOORHEF.S offered a resolution Inquiring as to the alleged *toted= of thetxtating treaty with the Cherokee net n. - Referred to the Judiciary Com., Mr. WELKER Introduced a bill to locorporate the Washlngtoa h Ohio Ralf Road. Referral.- Mr. ALLISON presented -various rot elution' or the lows Legislature. Re tarred. - CHURCHILL °armada resolution asking the President fur information to the deteradnedlon of the Canadian authorities In regard to fisheries, and whether stops have hood taken for the protection of American Interests: Mr. BOYD offered a resolution allow ing the Coast Survey autkorities to co. 4 , Operate In the ohjatalus of honer te geo logical eurveys and geological taps of States bordering en the Ohio an Minis- Mimi riVera. Referred to Coin ilea on A rtN.T. Mr. rogKilutrod . mull a ill regu lating the form of onset lug and e.olving clauses of acts alfd rrsolir Pert by COli• gress. Referred. Also, 41 resolution femme mg the tknomittee on thti District of 4 Imelda to reppoort. a hill repealing the el artere of Washington and Oserztturra and to Provide a system of goterinne t, bring lug all that relates to the Cupl of the ecuutry under the more direct utrol of Congress and the Executive. dopted. Mr. KERR, front the Jed' y ann mine°, Made &report relative t the Mt. 'Vernon retire. Recommitted. Mr. KNOTT asked leave boiler a rem. lotion for the appointment of a Select Committee on the Tice whisky metro. Objected to. Mr. KELLOGG. of Cormeetiont, asked leave to otter a reaolutioll as to the repeal or reduction of the Immo tax. Objec tion wax made. Mr.S rising ttelylleged gum. lion, presented a topspin oi to' allow Mr. tiolladay to althdFaw 411 •resignalion, the Governor of Kentucky having re fused to receive It. lie Admired the res olution referred to the Judiciary UM- The Speaker had reads letter from Mr. Gollad■y, odatlig he had withdrawn his reelgnation and luViting._the fullest. in vestigatiou ipto any charges against him in reference to the .moot cadetships; also a telegram from GM'. Stevenson to Mr. Golladay, atatiug he owed it to him. self, his constituents and abate to demand loch Inveittigntimi. Mr. RINULIAM called attention to the extraordinary fact that the blovat nor of a State assumed to force pi the 11013.110 of Repreeentativre a tuedther whose seat had been "'scam., by his own act. Mr. TRIM BLE remarked the telegram from Gov. Stevenson did not admit of such Interpretation. There wunb aplrit of dictation in it. 'l- Mr. BECK explained that Gov. Steven - ion acted ou the assumption that Mr. Golladey bad net tendered hie resigna tion to the !louse, but simply sent him a comtmoniestion seising lint to accept Ids resignation, which Gov. - Steveneon for Wiry proper reasons declined to do. Mr. BUTLER (Maws) regarded the question simply ono whether the Execu tive of the State had estiy control, medi ate or Inlindiatb, %Aar the members of the House, and all be could not entertain such theory, he should Voto agaiwit the reference of the resolution. Afser further dissoultaion by Moser Banks, Schenck and others against, an d Moser. !how" Jones (Ky.) and utters in favor of the remonittOn, the House do tided in accordauce with the view ex pressed by the Speaker, that the resolu tion involved no question of privilege, Mr. tiolladay being a stranger to the House and no Muster a member. The House therefore refused to entertain the resolution. . . The following, offered by Mr. DAVIS, New York, wen adopted) 11 hereaa, h 1. of grave importance to the constitution of thin House that it should be determined whether a mem her preseut during the emission may re sign ills swat without the comment of the house, and thereby evade his dudes and reepcnsibllittes, therefore be It Rewlved, That the Judiciary Commit tee be Instructed to inquire, and report what action or rule should be taken or esetabliehed for the determination of that • 'quest:ion. tkcee o'clock resumed the connideretton of the Georgia bill. Mr. I'AINE offered en amendment that nothssig In the bill ehould be can• etrned to prolong or renew the term of office of the Representatives from Georgia. Mr. IiEGE: wlthsltex hie ettbstltute altogether, bellevingetedregialetlon emcees eery.. Mr.-BINGHAM addressed the House In opposition to the 0111.-and offered an amendment that nothing 1 the bill ehould be conetrued to Tacatb any offices now tilled in Georgia, either y election or appointment, nor to extend the official term of any °Meer, florae deprive the ' people of Georgia of the right to elect Haunters and Representatives to 1670. He remarked . that the Amendment suggested the oljectloue which he had to the bill, except the further ollection that there was no occselott for any legislation In Congresm. He would count himself a Ilehonored man, and a breaker of hie oath, if be ever recorded hie vote in favor of the bill without the limitation that he Prc lar. mi llL . TTl.Ett, Massachusetts, asked him whether IA would vote for the bill with the amendment in it? Mr.. BINGHAM. would reserve the pri- Abate of deterininlng the question for hlmeelf. Would the gentleman from Massachusetts vote against the amend ment Mr. BUTLER-1 certainly shall. • Mr. tit:SW:UM—Then it is on, the ground that Judicial officers there ere to be discontinued, tram chief J notice down, and a new set nominated by tiny. But. lock, who would make a good thing of It to putting Ili hie pocket all the proceeds of the likate railroads, -,4,080,000 a year. Hi declared hie oonviction that the pas. sage of this bill would endanger the Fifteenth' amendment, Fourteenth, and for ought he know, the Thirteenth amendment. ' Mr. DAVIS. of New York. wads • speech In advocacy of the bill, In the course of which he defended the char acter of Guy. Bullock. The hill went over until to-morrow. Petitions were presented by Mr. STEVENSON of the badness men of Ohio for the repeal of the tax on sales of cigar makers, relative to the tax and tariff on cigars, and cf citizens of Gross. took, Ohio, for the abolition of the franking privilege. • ' The Speaker announced the appoint ment,- of the following members on the Committee on Indian affairs: Smith, of Oregon, Adams, of Ky.,and Van Wyck. of N. Y. Clalms—Ayer, of Va. Naval Affairs—Platt, of Va. District of Columbia-: Marin:le, of Va. Reeonstruction—Dockery.of N. C., Por ter of Va., and McKee, of Miss. Poet office—Pox, of N. Y., In place of Smith of Oregon, resigned, Trimble, 112 place of • Adams, resigned, and,Van Wyck. of N.Y. Education and Labor—Prince, of Mien. ..ExPenditures on Public Building—Nee -1 wald, of N. Y. Freedmen's Affair._ Booker, Va. Accounts—Mllcies, Va. Pacific It. IL—Atwood, Wl*. Ind Conde, Pa. Public Buildings and Grounds—Co ved', Pa., Morphia, Miss, and Ridgeway. Vs. Agricultural—Oil:eon, Va. Enrolled Bille—Piero, SIM. • lie eat 6 o'clock adjourned. NEW YORK. CITY. Bible in Public Schools—Mr Seward's Beception—Embez zler Decam ped, illy Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.) • , Naw ',Coax, March 7, IVO. TUN SIIIILS IN THY. lICHOOLIi Rev. Dr. Clarke, of the Rowed Street Presbyterian Church, lectured tut even. Ing on the subject of the Bible in the pub lic schools. He made a severe arraign ment of the Roman Catholics, and as. sorted that the cause of this. sectarian movement was that Papacy, which is growing weak in Europe, leeks renewed vigor on our aide. warned the peo ple of the Divine thorium» in seeing God's Word banished from the schools. Mr. Hepworth, of the Church of hies- Dish. preached last eveshig on the urns subject. Previous to the sermon , a peti tion to the Legislature egabist sectarian grants, was circulated in the congregation . for signatures. Mr. Hepworth consider. ed that we were on the verge of & revo lution, whose results would' be more im portant than anything oceurring In American history since tkieHediaration of Independence. • He said that his principle was, the L.3ttem dollar for the publia schools, but not one cent for sectarian . grants. • =MI John A. Phillips, an Englishman ' and for a leng time Deputy Collector inFitet Internal Revenue District, has abscond ad to Europe, end it has been discovered that during the put ten mouths he has aettande4 the Government of mow. RECEPTION OP MA. SEWARD The reoeptios otHOvernor Seward took place in City Hall this afternoon. He made a brier speech oomplimentary to to the city as the metropolis or the west ern continont. • SECOND EDITIO.I. FOUR O'CLOCK, a. &11 THE CAPITAL. Nom illations—Cotton Claini Judg Ment Reversed—Railroad Pro ject—Death of the Veneznelean Minister—Territorial Govern ment for the District. =I liVealitzrrorr, March 7, /870 =U! Tho following nominations were eont In to-day James Pinkham, • United States Marshal, Idaho; William Leliy, Aasesigir of Internal Roeseno, Eighth District, Virginia; John W. Sullivan, Collector of Internal Revenue,. Twenty. third District, Pennsylvania. B United Staten vs. Henry Groustneyer. Appeal from Court of Claims. Gross meyer prior to the rebellion was a cili aen . of Few .Tork, and had claims fqr loans and other indebtedness against one Amdahl, A resident of Georgia, which, after the war commenced, 'through a friend who passed back' and forth, he directed to be invested in' cotton for his nee and benefit by Ilinstain, and it was so done. didreequently the cotton was captured by the army at Savannah, where It was stored, said by the Cie,- ernment and the proceeds paid into the Treasury. The Court of Claims, finding that Uroasmeyer had miller been with in the rebel lines, and was loyal through the war, gave him judgment for the amount or the proceeds, #8,040 96. This Codrt now' maned the Judgment of the Court orCialtus, Justice Davis delivering the opinion, holding that in o4 abject, tarccume b e t the two sections had closed and a Illegal upon the out break q.(3he without the enactment of a lair gress, nos In ug there should be any tuisappWrin among the people eon cernin d expressly declared the fact, yelishave been Unlawful, thsrefbra, 911111rjtirosatneyer in per son to have 'dons the acts claimed to have been done by his agent ' and If the act of the principal would Lays been unlawful that of the agent must be unlawful also, and it follows that there was no authority for the purchase of the cotton for claimant by Einstein, and there being no authority for its purchase of °ours* no title passed to him and he was not owner of the property and has uo rightful claim to the proceeds. The opinion takes the ground there could be no valid agency created after tLe commencement pf the war to 'do any act for or between citizens adhering to dlr. fluent sections, and that the whole trans. action was consequently void. • In the ease of Hannah Riley vs. Wm. R. Wells, the decialon of the Circuit Cburt of lowa, which affirms the title of the State and those holding it, was affirmed. In the case of the Board of Public Schools of St. - Soule vs. Walker, error to the Supreme Court of lowa, the motion for rehearing was denied. The House Committee ou Roads end t aaais today agreed to repot t a bill au thorising the ermetruntion of a railroad from NorGilk via Louisville to Bt. Louis, the . eapital stock belog forty million dol. tar*. DEATH 00 A 11LNIITER. f. J. Paul, Minleter from 'Venezuela, died-suddenly,, of apoplexy. He arrived this morning end arrangements bad Juin been made for an internew with the Secretary of State. ' I= , The Senate Committee on the Dharlot of Columbia ay heard a large dell nation of chin. • In favor of a territorial government fo thief/I/align. SOUTH eiHOLINA We. Whittemore Defend. His sale or Cadetehlps and Asko Re-election. (By Telerrspa to too rinsberne Ossetic) CH Antonio:l, March 7.—Non. B. F. Whittemore tea nubliahed a letter do fending hii sale of cadetships and an nOUricing himself as a candidate for re . eletion. He says recentdevelopments have satisfied him his resignation was a hefty and unnecessary step, and adds: I do not hesitate to nay Republicans and Democrats regard the whole transaction as unparalleled In haste and severity, and furthermore I repeat, what Gen. Logan himself said, the day after my resigna tion, that he had reported a resolution of censure instead of expulsion because he did not tenets my intention was wrong, and he did hope I would be returned to Congress, and he would be the first man to wet. come my return. Such is the change already, which of course brings a balm to wounds Inflicted. The hope expressed by eXery large number of_inembere of the House that I may bireturned to Outgrew Is evidence that while they were pressed Into a seeming acquiescence In this hasty action of a few bubtpurs, they are still openly friendly and they express every oontidenoe to my honesty and In- tegrity In this whole matter. I shall again appeal to my constituents, whose confidence I have never violated. Isbell ask them to give me • their votes and rend me back to my place, made 'vacant by no dishonest action. CINCINNATI. Wangslist Returned—lindiclmentil:Soi. ckle--Attenipt to Poison—loprotectutle Explosion. (By Telegraph to the ritisbargh (Wane.) CINCINNATI, March 7—Rev. E. Payson Hammond, the Evangelist, returned to the city today. . The Grand Jury today found true In dictmenlitagainst Charles Morrison, alias Steinititon, who dangerously stab bed a polian a few days ago; two bills were for au ling with intent to kill, and the third f burglary. . au Ann Vankirk, an aged widow, lady, committed suicide at Carthage today in the canal, no doubt the result of disease. Henry Paden, sexton of Portsmouth, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of attempting to poleou his wife. Milk ho had prepared for her_was given to a oat. which expired In twenty minutes. 'Sarah Jane Mason, recently found guilty of opening letters at Columbus, Ohio, was today sentenced to imprison ment for one year. . An esploelon occurred at. Diehl'm py rotechnic works, Mount Adam., this morning. ,The concussion was severe, but the da ge vras alight and the bull. ness will tbe interrupted. Th EvangelleirAlltance. thyTele,ra to the Mucous oucttr.l Pitmen trivia, March 7.--Notwith• standing e storm, there assembled In Rev. Dr. viroo church, this evening, large gathering at the first meeting of the Philadelphia branch of the Evangel.. Ice! Alliance, Geo. H. Stuart presiding. Addresses were Made by Rev. Dr. Schaff, of New York, and President James fdriCesh, of Princeton College. Hon. William Strong, of the United States Supreme Court, offered resolutions which were seconded by ex Governor Pollock and unanimously adopted, Other dig. Unvisited clergymen of P.vengelloal denominations participated In the exer cises. Amongst the audience were at least one hundred clergyman. Great Interest Is Manifiested in the approach ing meeting of the World's Evangelical ADiance In Now York in September. alurdera by Indiana—What Gen. bbeil-• dan Maya. ate Telegraph U, the rflusharen gazette.) Catoaoo,March7.—ln correspondence between Gernertis Sheridan and Sher man, published hero, Sheridan asserts that in the last eight years eight hand- Tad persons have been murdered by In. distil within the limits of his present command, many being fearfully "tor. lured and mutilated,' and some women berm ravished fifty and sixty times ono cosedvoly. Gen. Sheridan declares that Vincent CoLlyer is undoubtedly in. the interest of the old Indian ring, and Bays that the problem to be decided is, who Who ebeU be killed, whites or Indiana? NEWS BY CABLE. The Irish Land Bill—The In fallibility Dogma—Recent Al leged Conspiracy in Paris a Police Intention—A Most Hor rible Affair in Spain. 16) T6tge.pla to the rtttsbull 1 GU(IY.) GREAT BRITAIN. Lo:g pox, March T.—The raft Matt Ga :elle approves of Uladatone.'s land bill, but thinks the, repression of anarchy In Ireland-le the first duty of the Govern. mont. Diapatchea from Rome report the an. tegoniatii.of Papal infallibility In tho Council, some of whom had threatened to withdraw, have 1101* determined to remain, in view of the growing opposi don lo that dogma. .• Tree French Whole's have se yet pro duced no evidence of the existent's of a plot agidnat the state and the life of the Emperor. The report to new considered a fabricatioh Of the ponds. The fact la encouraging that sailing Tamale which loft New York before the City of Boston are Just arriving. The stagers of the line think the 'donator's engines broke down soon aftetmaailing, and she *wild be obliged to depend on Mill!, with which she was not very wel supplied. r In the House of Commons the attend. soca in the galleries was unexpectedly thin, though It was known the Irish land bill was the 'special order. The tool° seems to loose interest. Mr: Gladstone opened the debate by stating that measures for the protection of life and property in Ireland would follow : - the' land bill, and then moved Its second reading. Mr Bryan, the member from Kilkenny, In moving the *wood reading of the bill to bike place six months - hence, expressed re. gret at the lnadequesey of tire measure, and in this connection mentioned that the lease tenure of thirty -years was in sufficient for the emergency. Distress for rent must, he said, be abolished, and tenants must IQs direct from the owner. Those changes In the bill he considered indispensable. . Mr. White, member from Tipperary, while applauding the motives winch had governed the Ministers and the general outlines of the bill,loccinded the motion of Mr. Bryan. Sir H. IL Bruce, member from Colrain, Insisted on material alterations - 1u the hill. Mr. &wire% member from Ctonwell, hoped everything from the amendments to be made in the Commons. ' M. Hergrde.. member from London derry,lopoke in opposition to the bill and demanded of the Government arepre sentative instead of a concillatoripallay on the Irish question. The debate was monopolized by- the Irish members. M. Fortesque, Chief Secretary for Ire land, defended the .bill as' the almpleat and moat complete remedy yet pre scribed for the ills of Ireland; fpr it would greatly enlarge the pepprietary interest among agricultural ciasles. Mr. Ball, member from the Dublin University, amid the bill perpetuated vicious system, which violated the prin. oleics political economy. The Ides of compenaation was sound, but the raters' too high. Ireland's only want was in- .fitutions an beneficial sa those of Eng and. The House adjourned. A. meeting of the representailiga of the Press Association is summoned to consider what action Is required of pub. tic Journals in consequence of the con tinued mismanagement of the telegraph eervlce_by the poirtal ituthorltles. Strong evidence has been elicited before the Chancellor that the claimant to the. Earldom of Wicklow was 'found- EESM;MM M. Finnan has been restored table Pro fessorship in the tknlege4f Francs. Dam.m, Merck 7.—Great preparation Is being made in the north of rieland for MMEIMMg DIM lawman), March 7.—ln the Constitu ent Cortes, on Saturday, Gen. Prim reaffirmed his opposition to the Duke of Montpienaler, sod declared that the en tire Minlatry, with the exception of Ad. mist Topete, were anti-Montpensieriata. His statement has given the latter gen tleman offense. Ile has tendered hie resignation, but It be. not yet been accepted. The . Unionism are furious against General Prim, and are doing their utmost to encourage Admiral Topote. A ministerial crisis is imminent. • The Gaul-oil gives an account of a hor- I rible and mysterious affair In Spain, which It says It would not believe had not the details been confirmed by a letter from Its own correspondent. The story Is that on February 17, a band of people broke tato a holm at Alcira village, near Valencia, In the morning, by making a hole in the roof. The 0,111.1. of the house was M. Saluda. He ww. In bed with his wife. The murdeseis pulled them out of bed and put gags In their mouths, when they went to the room where slx children were sleeping, wbom they bound with cords, and than in sight of their parents tore out their eyes and tongues, afterwards they cut oft the feet of N. Saluda and hie eldest son, named 'Ancient, hut purposely left the tendon near the heel nnsevered: and then they hung them up heed downward. After this they ransacked the larder, made a good breakfast, Jeering at their victims all the time, and then left the home at daybreak. Two of the yllialna have been arrested. Elia Havarti.. March 7—The second carol. vat. celebration• took place .yesterday. The' concourse of people and, carriages was unprecedented. It is estimated fully tllty thousand people were In pro. cession. Contrary to former years, not the slightest disturbance occurred. 'The Yew de Cuba publishes articles today denunciatory of Masonry in Cuba. The Masons lately arrested for holding meeting* contrary to the Orders of the Captain General are Mill In =!:11 BERLIN, March V.The weights and measures are to bentunmilated immedi- Maly. The coinage is also to be estab lihed on a more coaventent basis. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON. Marsh 7—.Evening.—Omsole for money 92g; 6.20 bonds: 4.125, 90N: 6&, 90q; Vs,- 89; ten-forties, 863 g. Erica, .12; Illinois Ventral, 11.130 Great Western, 29. raernsrour. March 7.—Boznis Arm and active at 9634@9555. • Pains, March 7.—Bonne heavy at 74 francs 67 centimes. _ . T.—Cotton quiet at alt. Livanroor., March 7.—Cotton—Mar het *toady; middling .uplands Or. limns ulna 10,000 Wes. California white Wheat 9a Id; red western No 27a 104; red winter as Sd. Western &air Cem—No 2 mixed 27. Oats 2s 6d. Barley boo. Peas 34s 6d. Provhdona-- Pork flat Ms 6d. Beef 103 a 6d. aatd 63a. Bacon 665. Spirit' of Petroleum Ls 7d. Relined Is 9,tidels 10d. LONDON, March 7.—Relined petroleum quiet. Sperm Oil 90@t91s. Sugar,' 395. Linseed oil firmer at 81s 154@321. Tal low dull at 40*. Calcutta linseed 69a 64. Aiirwitne, March 7.--Petroleum firm 68%f. The steamer. Minnesota arrived out. Lecture by Senator Revels (IlyTelegrehh to the klt'sbuthh °awe.) aLLTIIIOaII, March 7.--Seaster Revels, of Blisalealppl, lectured to-night et Bethel Church to an audience of four or five hundred persons, one-fourth of whom were white. The lecture was chiefly on the Improvement and welfare of the colored race, and was replete with prac. tied, sound advice and admonition. Be earnestly enjoined education and mum my, and at the close of his address said colored people must be true to the coun try, to themselves and to the Republican party. The Senator was frequently ap plauded. • eSteamboat Colihtlon at Memphis. =3 M=iasma, March .7.—Thia 'Ramon the Great Republic. coining in, ran into and capsized the tug Nettie Jones. -Bar ney Denbo, dream, and Lewis, colored; cook, were ,drowned. 'The tlaptaln and two deck hands were saved by a Naiad boat. The tug is probably a total leas. The Republic, was disabled, and In COR SI:Ig up was running on one wheel and could not avoid the colliaion. NO. 57. How to Act In an Event or Burglary. As burglary has become quite common in our midst, we have thought the repro duction of the following rules Might be of some service to those who may receive calls from midnight prowlers ; 1.. Lie very still, and draw the bed clothes over your head. 3. Sit up and listen. 3. Pinch your wife and tell her she ought to be ashamed of herself. 4. Tell her to go down stairs and see what's the matter. 5. Call out the servants to order the robbers off the premises. S. If the burglars still persist in their neferieus purpose, go to the leading and' a.k them if they know what they are about. 7. If they don't desist now, make your wife tell them that in your opinion they are wicked men, and that you have a great mind to be angry. 8. Say you are very dangerous when you are once Moused. 9. Beg them to leave quietly,• and so obviate the necessity of a disturbance in the house. 10. Ask them If they wouldn't like some cold meat and pickles, and &glass of beer and a pipe. 11. Let them have what they like, do what they like, and give them a dollar each besides. When they are gone br'ng out your pistols and send for a policeman. 12. On to bed again, and say that the only reason why you didn't go down stab's at first, punch all their heads, shoot them, and take them prisoners, wan that you eta not want to disturb the neighbors. —The ship Glad Tidings; which arrived at New York on Sunday night from Gliu.gow, had a hard time between gales and fields of floating Ice. She was caught on the sth of February in a ter rible Routh-west gale, and lost her fore sail, main sail, foretop gallant wall, main top mast, stay nail, throe Jibs and a cross jack from the yards. On the .17th,' in *Mud° forty eight degrees ten minutes, she ran into large held. of Joe, with nu merous email bergs. The bergs closed up around her, and smaller masses of ice crushed against her _hull. Further progrosa seemed utterly impossible, and the shin was headed to the south•east. After hours of sailing In this direction else had cleared the ice, and continuing on the lame court° she panted through another held of heavy broken masses, with bergs in it forty feet high. She forced her way slowly through the bergs, which were eo near that her mattingste was carried away. Once throne' this field she experienced no further trouble. —A liquor saloon at Chicano paid out five hundred dollars to silver as change on Saturday. It in announced that two at least of the principal ratiroada In that city will on April Ist make specie change at all their amass. • • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RrOFFICE MONONGAHE • PARDON C. 0.-7 he Froridmt and Mans, ptra of this Company Inn do-land a Dividend ot •E DOLLAR AND 86 , 16NTY-PLVB CENT.) per share, payabla to tha Stockholder.. r their taint presentittros.' at th• Banking lion of N. Ho rr lm... A 'on,. forthwith. Jh it ES M. -W mom, Treannr. llttaborgb, March 7, )810. . loth OAT ar"LAFAVETTE HALL. • MERC.4.II , TILE • LECTURES. WENDELL PHILLIPS , Win deliver bls celebrated Lettere. DANIEL 0 'CSOIiNELL, AT LAFAYETTE HALL, ON Thursday Evening, March 10, '7O. AU hiIdSION 50 relate. No reserved scats. Doors Open at TN. Leo- lure coral:at aces at S. Tickets fee sate at the Ll brair Norms, corner of Penn ant Sixth streets retieae having tickets .can ...... Dem /earth valet FUR SALE. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE At Sewickley. Itarla determined heron removing to my WU e t the sett Ilf , .rks. hese T•rentase, I offer for rale the property where I now reside. woolnleg the bet °ugh ofrrew lean_ y. The grounds soeslsk °rhea . Ite here. hotly dlverstned with grassy elopes,. keel ael /amnia bank, A plena. brook panes th ro ash the plow, ehwled by a ha a det One ell toren trees of a dos:n varieties. There an nearly ADO hearten — Pear trees sr choicest irlectletw, nettles appresle. peach. plow, cherry. .10. AI.o. pbertise, bleth er-nits. St•awberetes nd other smaller fruit. There is a large nice foe Tegstabte wanton. The ornamental throb* •errgytete, rules and met plants are ha &Whet!. feature. •ery ht•ly giving the haute ••Tanglewood " to the piste, wilst the views of the Ohl* river, the tolls so tthe rat Ity.render this spot nnsup eased I n picturesque Sweatt, lite dwelling boon Is a lest elms Orlon,eel beside attle 0.4 eennated eellse ender the whole potalpa 141 room. sad washroom and, coal noose In bum:neat, with rumen:ma large closets for China. stores sad clothina. Them ma large wd never-faihne atone -waliel cistern, filled ith water Peas sia e roof.and pumas for hot and cold water In bath room, kitchen and wash. Mum, waste water la discharaed thermals pipes mane ditto... fr. m the house. la an l e e s house and Comm , dioas cooling roan. •OW horn. carriage abed and chicken yard. The tdaeo is bounded peal sides trs highway.. and mama is easv from rallnlad or turnpike. • BewicaleTts 14 tulles Irma the city, oaths it. Wayne Itallroad,and panesses many attractione for • tabarbaa resideace. The numerous seem. _ . . mmatioa trains leave nothing to he desired Is theway of communleation, and the railroad ITIno tee rives all the way down, malesth e ad elightlaty mores, legs Me moiety of the Valley lamest desirable, Inc. besides Its worthy rimers and artisans, here are Thema t 000000 tty seats of many clty millers, protestor*. lativern, hankers, lad other tombless men end torireof march amis. Good schools sbooed, and Wm are char - Myna of 'anon. dtnomlnaUona, baying taa ablest tolnlsttra. 193 price and trrom •all at my Drag More, No, 193 Llbroy strati, elltabaratt. If not .14 ba tom Anrll lot, tals propen7 1.121 n. 2.11. WILLIAM UItaCTSLEOWN. tochll,l NEW SALES STABLES FOB HORSES JUST ESTABLISHED. thee sabtetiber tma eetabliebed • whentable at W. Pens Hotel. Allenbeay h•teht conetantly eo bend A Is inspOT Or No./ Hams. ALL SALMI UUANANT WEIL Belle (.e11•0 Ineared In ell eases. and I V TNT HORNED) 1.0 NOT TUB• OUT AB ILAPRISENTKILI TUEY WILL IIE TAMEN BAWL AND Tag WANT ILLITINNAL): ISAAC DRYPOOS, 0171011. CRT C! ki•LOWNILMT, Mara Itts. ISTO. 5 SEALED PROPOSALS win be, received at Ilia ones 00014 o'clock r. r. TBUILIMAT, )(arab 1010.1670, for balding asS ENGINE HOUSE • . • Oe the Wet" , Work. ProPal]. algtith Word, se', cording to plane sod eoecillestions lo De wen e' the ogler or Messrs. Balph • Peebles; Architects Federal street: ' • , .. • The Ora Is reserved le Meet •117 or all We. W. Y. PORTILII. OW Controller. =I NOTICE TO SOIPPERIL NEW-ROUTE TO - BUFFALO AND TO THE NORTHI! • The AL p TA p III3 d M T F p A L F L e CT SAILE a CAD I e d PALO. 11UNZLIINo, hid aI r *An d I e WETZ U I . ORK, • Far rates; apply to _ W. W. C. MBIUDITY. Freialit Agent. Cozier Pike sad 11th street*. Flltaberes• J. J. LAWRENCE. ,Otheral Hamlet ***** t. MEM prrrsainton • BANK FOR SAVINGS; NO. ST NODRTH AVNNUIE PITTISIIINOEI ea/Jammu ni hum. OPEN • DAILY howl 9 to f o'clock, had op . NATUICJAY .6317LN1N0, from May Lt to No. vember Lc, from 1 to 9 *Woe; sod from No vember Ist to Mal Lt, 6 to 90OW • Interest paid at the rate or sis per cent.. tree ~ of tax,sall tr not withdrawn moopountis seml.arntalll January sadMo July. Boas a 8Y4.... 11. •hr 1 atodie°. - • 614./Paul of Managers-0.0..8. Burry. President . O. H. Hartman. .I■•:PSzt: Jr. Vie* Presidaardi D. K. IN , Rinter, &enter? noo Trealf. A. prsdiev, Graham, A. 8. IL% 6. I. N 1.1211 C ka John el: Dilworth. Bohm, Go slam. Per.Jostm ith0ne5460.9939,9 , N6,0. Christopher Zvi. • • 64127 Reis street, slltHh . 9c , .aext corner Soo and 'N th aroma. I Steethajd aaltahtt hr saddlery, std.._ @tom 06 Wylie street; ItOre 1614 dwelling, /T . Pena runt; dwelling to shamans's 6.dt:stela Lawreneeralle; .65 Cams alley. *sit, all Crawford We. e. 065: 1011 Wylie .tort, SOB Plantar,. .4lealenn_ll66o; Violin • UMW; Room, In Co.n, Willa street and UO7 • tartan Allegheny; Mare in Market Street, as ronlitt " OUTHEXIM • 5070. wha Dull imams. - • THE iitEELY: GAZETTE , _ Is tea boil and ehroplaa commercial sad lam) maratoper trabtlabral to Western Pa anslivaniar Bo armor. medusas ar merainil 1h0n1 , ..1 b =3 Q! Mule rob.ortbots Clubs of Aro.-- 41 • 0 0 P7 1. Ilan!shed ustttltotudy to t►o getter DOf &club of too. roottruittly are tvgretted to Set u meat•. Adartak ;PENNIMAN, HEED a, CO„ 13== .Siv - NOTIL'ES—. 4 2II-1,64" "Low." "1fw:.:4,,''. , 4k1.inti," .V3i;ardinsh" dn., not exonnomi; POUR LINZ% wfli be inserted rn theSe columns OM!, fur TWENTY-PiVE. CENTS; olds addl. Nonni inset P./ I"k7 ORNTS. • WA.NTS. IVANTD-SITII.T.TION7B7 a young nom from• thy linst. an I'intk or parkrepsr. In (set Is oilltog to do •nyttangt also has Some e xperlocce In the linking husinuo.. Aatress, ' F. A. ht., Jald:cal I:asettoi2lller. WANTED An experienced RED LEAD LAND/MD MIRES., ono thuroodnly se...Waled with Making IPA Lead from the otg. None otht r Med aptiD. Enhnim at GAZILTri WANTED.—Fifty Coal and Ore Milers, no ME, fee to My. and for paid tbe Several (luta are wooed pity mid country. • Apply at aspirin:nen:onel, No. I htiali Hipp, drat door bum them...lon Bridae. WANTED. ItIOUTGAGEs. {3U.000 Co Load 111 largo or small arovantL at a Adr rate id Interest'e •7110.41.1.3 IC. raavir. am. Bond and Baal /tatato broker, • Igo. 179 Sodthael./ street. TO-LET • T O LET.—One good litore room fromIFELLINU. No. d o orh toren, 2 2. L oi l rsDiamond and al t o kirantla daring, bank. On of the hest location In the city. Ant moderate. Alto. I ROOMS In abs ran Si and adore roam. Insult. of marthdAt CARiguta.'46 tiblo atm°. TO LET.—One of the best fur- NIBIIND DWELLINGS Lrl TEE 1:1111 , - •ntirmy nen —wOntst ming 11 Moms. A 11011.0 of 6 rttoms and 1 acre of land at Mt. Albion, lath ward. A Flu. towelling land 'awe Doom rtes, car atstron. 1111, ward. Mouse of rooms on Thirtywight6 Street. near Iron City Park. Houses and Lots fur rode in different itmstlonir at different price. Lots In Bloomfield It, Pale—len years allowed for payment. Iwo years allowed fur first pay ment when:be iftraon wants to build. Farms (..r sale. Inquire of D. B. WILLIAMP, Beal Rotate and larsuranee Agent. 17th ward, Butler- street, near Cid attest • _ marts Ds T 0 LET.—The Large Store Room No. SIB Wylie Avenue, corner of arsi atreet. Pittsburgh. A. M.. BEOWN. 111 1 , 11 - th avenge. FOR RENT .— The Three Story BRICK WARP.IIoLoY. In. Church alley, mar of No. ISO Wood ateeat. formerly occupied by Wm. efundurt de Co. as a dru..m Factory. Inquire of' WAIT. Nli 2-5 No. 11:1 _ 9 1 0-LEt—From April X 3141570, that elegant two story ithiteß hiOUBIL with outbuilding. and garden, altneted On the corner of Mall and Nellefatreten. Sept Liberty. at You.Onb ...Pied by W. P. Bldno, Eon. lanttro et W.' USU. utiustni, • 3-7 No. SA lidera! St., Alleghtuy city, me LET-11008E.—That desiVA able Dwelling Donee No. 30. Hemlock Street. eileginy, nearly wa t ernne T mete. ba th , bet and a with irste --- throughout. Fur term, he..ln, of . N J 3 F N 0.33 lietobek aaa ett . or No. IND need ueky • rLE r.—A Suit of Rooms omhOttog Two Large, welt lighted ftont ma on hind flevr, One ge, Hallghted front Room on alre floor. large • 114 two antwroonte on 4th floor, tine Store HOOOl4 'that floor, No. 108. - 1n Zng.lah'• o, .w bntldl Fourth avenue. For tenor Inquire of A. 11. ENOLleff d CIL. No. NB Fourth armee. .—A M in thWrear T ° Das L iret ET tek beildlh ßOO a. suite hls 'for Job Print ing firhce. Inquire of C. BALD. on - the pre. m Also. the COUNTINO NOON M. the Daffy Erraing Malt. s..conil floor of front Marbles bhifill tog. !squire on the prrooses. or of MCA, J. IltDltN FOSlllit o frZniM 202 'mob avenue, Al mai.) , CIL?. 10 -LET. iCTOILE 11200ME1.—. The- •tegant note room in the Mercantil° .11rary be on Penn street, near Sloth street, Will be ready tor occupancy about the Ist of Ma: eh, and ate boa ollered for rent to deal rabic tenants. One of ihe stores lau.peelally allaPtOli for Karst-clash r•stanrant for ladles anti gentlemen. AIM, to-let.. the; ripper story of gheny hiarkut street , or or FELIX it. BISUNOT, LI T _ o LET.—llrick Rouse of 7 BOOMS, Hall. .org. ear. , , In good teem,. "Art3.T h' — r itl h er, il Y t=e s o s r o u ' ittol,tl; tax, Ilea and Water, both room, 80•. No. 1,67 Federal Et. Ti) LET—ltrlck 110.0 e Room., .No. 140 Middle AVey, nekr Smut:woo Ht., only 010 per onth. 6:: , LPIT—Nw Frown or/1 Rooms and Attie, ter., 91 ot Water, with large t red, lie.ll/6 Mon- Tkr LIST—New Ilrlek of 5 /looms fed Attic, Um and Water, No. IS Ackley (late Carrot') ht. TO LET-6yee. or 6 noon. au Robinson St., n Baudtiskryt., twly $4ll pertnonth. TI) LET—S evrltntA t.t 8 rt., liar, hot 004 'mod water. hall, both. 0,0 0 b rick front mad In- We abutters and I oLltt.d at 'dent style, No. 156 klerket 8... 6th voted. Ala gneny. N T o. ' I ' 6ZI T II - a! ' lf i o ' t k 4. l , 4 lll l lr {Yard. . 1". ""r, TO LET—kratne or 4 erenua, No. 15 Salop too tn., near Federal It. Itiut low. The above property wall be rented low, li to pnt claw. lucent.. and In gory , rep air. At illy W. - ru c. mkt{ St lilenmed. Alleghenyz. FOR - SALE 'UM SALE.—Stock, Fixtures a. a mood will of • deneta., Bakery anh teareellonery. aloha. a good hostages, logy heap. !aqalraat • M•OR SALE.-11 Brick Bousee, 334r;tit.gT3t..,1!";Tc'on•VI boo k IoW (Cr ma:b. Maguire o r C. ItIAt.KETT, 107 Bedford avenue. Oft PALE,--MABE and BOB_ One Mare ala Tears old, well broke to saddle or harms*: good fur family me. Barmy or 21...1.01 manufaitture and al oat aa rood ma nem Inquire atlil9l Label ty street. or 1111lo . th street. • Fe" " -4 SALIE.—S3.3OO will buy TWO 11001X/RAMN 11011Ohf, tour moms :P. Awl lot No. 19 110710 rtreot..Alleakettf. Id avenue. Pens. uay ten Per cent. Id taxer. Ttrom-11.11011 dopy. balance la :openeta. Nagano on the pa miser. xtu FOR BALE.-1 Steam Engine .0: 10 b r 30. In Fond feinting order. wltit wattle Beam and ciente ilicri°iol/1111,11,1!ZiptiVW.TTIVO"e: INCH a.IIIT AND 11/114.13 rumva. "Id It.. Eau be seen at Dee Woek.A( the Youghloaheey Gas Coal (Anagehy, We.* Nine. lath Pa FFosSALE.—Stock and Fix. TONES. LtALBE AND GOOD 14/1.1., of g grgyglug Orogery. dog,' a good twangs.. Tgg optlerslised bane mated I. otherboalow tg reggos for aallloc. U. W. PIIgET, 49 Pod. eta med. ADeshort. If. 'OM SALE.—tbat Desirable save property @Sallied.= aloe comer of 11...t0t st .14 13.41. avenue I . l.oatgh.skl l la °rect..; a Lavine rolldtes eon one Two Story Htlet D•vrillog it Toe Lyt t feu Unlit taws sod TOWS°. &sib l abn.. Tor terror. .tte., towns or L. KIM, No lIIS ttres flold•Airet, or stINEITT WE;SEL, Stith avenue, sear the , • 4.1 VOI JR SALE.—Good two story. 30 -Frae Hoare oral It tame. ball e ree nte r cellar i n 20 fret 10% lavas wt.,. we 71P. feat %natal foot ale , . •I gated lo • Mad netahhoruood, •t. twly twelve .era above the Althera Park. Price 13.080. Pomatal. e Ap r. l Let. roe further tkfonnailon opyy at the p Intlees, No. 201 Pendular saint, Alletaray clty. A 1... • the stook led taterra of• Retell tiroetry. Apply at at No. 236 Pacidavky wee A . FOR BALE. 0:01 861' Or HAIIIILTON'S PATENT /11:Ilia II SAW HANGINGS eonplete. Inbuilt/If YAW. Thew Hanglogs are acerb , new. Price 11122: Addr“a 1110112180 M k WANKS.. No. 386 Meer Aterlllo., —---- 1.91 Allegheny C 1,,. FOB DEMILIMLE EINSLDENCE —No. BSI Fran.. street. Allegheny City: The Int I Hit nu Igig The ret h o ol tdings a R tw m s: Hwy t w r i om. gwltsh b . tAI ; . Waterhas Matti'e Mantel*: med. atom. Saloon. Barter, °I , Ids Hell. Slate Hoer. and has been built on._ l7eer. Inquire of JOHN A. COCIIIIIAN. No. 93011amilton atrert. ny Clgr. Or at 900 Libertyetreet.Pitlebareh. 7,18 OR SALE—Engines and Soil . ElHllforr and Second Hand, of all kh.a. conrinally on band. llidert_from 411 parta of the mouttar promptly JAMES HILL I CO.. Corner Marlon Avenue and r.; F. W. • C,U.V., rs. ptradi , SALE. DWEL ING•.. - "nut th ree store MUCK DWELLININ. asy landed. No. e 6 Nivel. , Atte-, fbenyEtj a coLap toy ton roots and bail* tooth. ... w ,t 1 ern awe weed story: gas In WI the rooms tzetteln klttboo. Beteg alttl tied eseoreerel Grey it alley. It sellllebtell ate reatfisied. ?matt/lon April Lt. JOHN D. /MILEY a 11210;; - 1-11 . . • No. 110 ncarti . • FOll,- SA LE , ,BUILDIA G LOTS lICALLZO RENY CITY.-1 °IL s for sale the moat delightful trolled:I g lots ellatembt le the beeland ard, Allegheny, 04 Perry, vibe neon Roan .0 4 00eetvatory %venue, adlolaleg _Ws ONseldblary ItrOUOtit. These Loin are pen of Ere and one-half (a.%) stns. A plan o f. three !Ads mat be reen at my store, No. si Wttoo NTRIBT... The plan ha+ also 1. en semanit Rock Lot Is a front lot. treaties on Perryortre road or Observatory arrant; ale, 114. feet Mgr 121131 dot.h. The tote ophomda the residence of I Weablemen sod Islam Neel mere. -0.1...47 br 175 Orel.. bloat of the Lots gr. v, • .Flve dwellings have been emoted slresit, r_tr: eons des.roos to learn the men v_SLo_9•22.7 &L.!. etook-y cals.; gas bete One as olnten..74_ - ff.! loadtty Is one of the hotel Ilk• the bet War Mettles , erell:J a rottal, "niArd nerd nerre uanta re aro tt. Brat IT N" L " l oiri,.. mires/ow. 'Eh, tare of etm b• 0 8. 8 0 It t le s es Aventei-Attene • All penons tllsj istrestme ma IS heal So-, .tr a a r t i u lt .,g4 6 llon g I.llte. 111.11)111ATI3 C.itt , Flllt. eLibo A44...tiv,1 llianztl, .• • ass irnigrx WITIA:I4] n II II