minion •BANK, NO. 80 FOURTR •• rrrisinruan. _ oasis VAPIT&L *200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. IfANIL or DINCOUNT ANDDEPONIT. W.K. /WYO. rrcHdent. 1.3.416. r. Z b..., VlCllarthati,Jetm K. • al, - Vr. n ir.''Z - ." — `' Chu, H. Leah . ' ford. annA V 1074, "Ti ts nnw ltv or.antaed and t04 1 4, 1 ,..entral I.l%nitins ( I ET), SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought ofilighest Prices. PH. B. HERTZ, Banker, Gar: Wood St. and sth Avenue JADES T. BRADY & CO., lanoocasors to B. JONES A CO. - " I)erner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., 13A.INEECIaltS, iStm sad salt all kW, of QOVERNMEHT SFMM'IM GOLD. MUIR ►ND COUPON% 1 1 1. , ST'llIfOttABLE.TrINEL. Mr interest Allowed en Deposits. alarituaer. Issued on filerrerasseat Baud, at Liman niarkes rates. Orders executed for Ibe Portholes and Nate of lOTOCKPI,. BONDS mod BOLD. AMP:S T. 13RADT 5000 ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. 7-30 BONDS. CETI N. sozanzs & lONS. ECM TE Vittsintri4 Gaittis. FINANCE AND TRADE. FIZIANGE AND TRADE, (By Trkarat* to tea Pittsburgh aaaitte•l Maw Yeac, March 4, 1870. The gold room today has been the scene of. Intense sicitement, - and the price declined to 112%, to, lowest point touched since August 11, :1 0422; when it sold at 1123. The downward movement begnnyceierday afternoonand sales were made late in the evening as low as 11434. This morning before the formal opening of the room tralmactlOna were between 114% end 113%. The Bret recorded sate wax at 1133 g, after which the price fell to 113 X, again advanced to 111, fell to 11.2% and closed at 1134. The Post sum the market Is depressed by weakness - 1n foreign exchange and by the statement of the foreign trade move ment of the United States, telegraphed from Washington yesterday afoul:mon which makes the bale's of trade against balance this country In; the six months ending Dec. Slat, 11h9, only about $2,000.000. " As the trade statement Is an ofticial one, it is entitled to eonilderatlen, although It bear marks of having been prepared to make - as favorable an ex iilblt as possible. The Commercial con. tends that the statistics are erroneous, and that the adverse balance should be 120,000,000 instead of 112.,000,000, to which should Do added $35,001,000 interest on bonds held In Europe, making 05,000,- 000, or at the rate of. 1110,000,000 per annum. Tho Commerdaladds, however, that this balance, it la to be assumed, has been set or by the export of smart ties. The Erprews says Europe is, and has been for some time plat, buylng largely of American railroad securities, either for cash or in exchange for railroad iron. Scarcely a day passes but some mantis. „Alone are c3ncluded with repreeeetatlvets of European banks fur some of our new railway securities, which are being con gauntly brought* on this market. The cotton crop is very large and Is being marketed with unusual tepidity. Cau tion on the part of lb:mortars boa brought imports sod exporle closer together than fir years put. and the official figures show our foreign trade is very evenly balance ed. three official figures no account is made of the shipments of American isecurUles, and there are many believers In the theory that Europe is In debt to America and not America to Europe. Thus It will be seen the railways are bringing the country to the verge Of specie payment. It as the natural and real cause claim present decline In gold. The decline In gold to-day unsettled trade in mercantile circles, and bad a depressing effect In the produce market. Provisions of all kinds were lower. Flour declined from ten to fifteen cents. Wheat-dull and almost unsaleable,' not withstanding the cable reported an ad. Vance of from one to three pence at • Liverpool. In cotton great depression was telt, and the market difference In the views of buyers and sellers brought business very nearly to a steed still. Prices declined fully half per cent., and there was a disposition to apeculatifon • still lower prices In the future-- The decline of ,cotton of late bas entailed heavy losses on epeculatore holding cot ton in hopes. of • spring rise, and the market In in ,that feverish condition which might renalt In much lower prices if cotton on the spot was thrown on the market freely. The money market was unusually - easy at Ha at on call, and on nearly all business4fals. A prominent bank today made a loan for sixty days at 6 per cent. to a Government bond firm, but this does not relied the leading in regard to the future of the money-market. Loans have been made for sixty days on stocks at 7 per cent. and a commission cd %VW ' per cent. There le an Increasingfear of a closer money market in April, when the country is likely to call upon the city tor currency to make her yearly settlements. • • Business paper is nominal. Sterling heavy, and lower at ki•a6B%. Carrying rates for gold 5 per cent. to flat. Clear, ancsees77,Wo.oso. Governments heavy and lower, but closed steadier. Coupons of 'Bl, I4%(fa 14%: do ',62, 11%@ltae; de a 4, 19%019%1 do 'B5, 10%@)11; tio new, 9%039%; do 'B7. 9 . 4 44 9 %; do '53, 9%fialo; lottrie 7%fiNt; Currency 13410an10%. . State securities weak, with a decline in new North Carolinas, based on the following telegram from Aweigh: !The bill reducing spaded tax on bonds passed both Homes' by a large majority; If Is now a law, and the tent will declare bondsloconstßutional." alleamirte, 93%;1 old Tenneasees, 55%; new. 45%,;_ old Virginias, 68%;* new, 67: old North' Carolinas. 45: now, =%. The stock market to-day was not af fected by the excitement and dealine gold, but with slight exceptions has been strong. The speetal feature Is the North western common, In which dealings have been Immense. Reading, Lake Shorn and Vanderbilt shares were liext in volume of business. The market closed firm it about the highest rate of * the day. The attachment on the Boston; H ar t. Ord and t he rioa is said to hays been invited by of dale of the Com pany, In order to shut out the abseil creditors and hasten matter' In the Leg Widens. • . Thirty prioes.—Ointon, 00%; Mtn _ berland, 30%; Western Union Telegraph, M;-Quicksilver, 11%; Mariposa, 8; do preferred 19%; Aflame Express, 60%; W 6 / 11 &Yugo, 29: Amerkan, 37N: tad States, 50: Pacific Mall, 37%; Ne g. w York Ventral. 95%; Brie, 25; do. prefer red, 42; Harlem, 143%: do preferred, • 145- Hudson Scrip, 93%; Reeding. 97 Lake Shore, 87%; Illinele iCentrid, - 188 a doburgh, 1/7%; Northwestern, 93: Preferred, 98%; Rock • 'Leland, 119%; St. Paul, 02 %; do. preferred, 75%1 Wabash, 4334; do. preferred, 71%; Fort Wayne, 9110 Terre Hattie, 35%; do. preferred, 53: Chicago and Alton, 113; do. preferred, 113%; 0. d M., 30%; New Jersey Central, 1011%; O. C. C., 73%; O. O. di I. 0., 19: St. Joe preferred. 107. Boston prices: Camper Falls, 4; Frank lin, 6 : 1406114 85; Quincy 18. Sub.Traisaury balance: gold, $76,232,. 684 curr ency, $4,597,674; general 'hal.' once, 184,20.911. - omen os Prrussiman Goorrrs, FRIDAY. March 4. MM. Quotations ss mewed „,pb. Mort= Gh.sid, IMO Silver. 111* Eagbty. 0119 W 114,4 i, Eve Twenties, 1,44 UN: do PM, il0X; do 1.885, 110%; - do IM, Consols. 109. do 1884 108,Si; 'do • MA 109%;Tea Forges, 1417,4; Adams mx. prose Company 130,4; Marabouts ,Unkas Sspross Company. --, nmerkun Ex. pre= Company, six; Western -Unit= Telegraph. 84; . New York Ventral Meoding, 97; Pittsburgh. fort Weenie & Chicago, 9134: Oldo & 2 3; ktuddiotn iEctithern, WM: Cleveland & Pittsburgh. RN; Chicago. Rock Island Cr Pacific, 119 X: Chicago & North Western, 72,(: Chicago & North Western Preferred 97%; Erie 25K. sacitarrog. &wed/. Paris, per franc 21% ba Berlin, ;baler 82 86 % Frankfort, florins 48 8 0 eh Ingquedations received by Jailie9 r.. Brady & Co. Gold: 113%; united' Stem Sixes, 1881, 114%; Flyo-Twentlee, 1862,111 X; do, 1864, 110%; do; 1866, 110%: ren-Fortias, l 07%; Fiee-Twentlea, Janu ary and July, 1865, 408%; do. do. 1667, 06) do. do. 1868, 109%; Union Pacific Railroad, 87%; Central do,'do, 80%; Cy. Paden, UO%; Lake Soperitr )FAIR. Err*, Crewe OP PrITSAQaeB C3ULD7II t Fittosx, March. 4, The general merchandise market continue quiet and dull and devoid of auy new or important characteristics, none at leant worthy of special notice. The demandlur all of the leading com modities, la light and mainly local, be. tog restricted entirely to supplying the imatedlate wants of the home trade, while in regard to values, there are no changer with the exception of !Sugar. and I..bffees, which are tending down. ward in sympathy with the continued decline in gold, APPLES—Steady, with • steady de_ mand and regular sales at P(itkti for• good to prime and $3%®4 for chuise. APPLE BUTTElt—wooted at -6.5075 c... BUTTER—Tber• le a steady demand for prime to choco at 83486, and fancy brands at 37®3& BEANS—DuII but unchanged-410 234 per bbL BROOMS—Store tirloeau No. 2 , 5 8 1 78 . Nu. 3, KEA; No. 4, $6,011; No. 5, 0,60. Carpet Brooms, 16,0006,50. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—The tendon is about OTIII; may be quoted nOunnally at 2%03 eta. BROOM. CORN-18®17 eta per pound. CliEhHE—Sales Western Iteeot•e at 17; Hamburg 173 f; Ohio Factory 18; Ohio Gotten 183j019; Red York ()when 193( Gad. _ CARBON ol4—Dull amt drooping; pro quote standard brood. at 25%;45,4, for boor 100 bbl low, and 263.4€011, In ore tall way. CRANBERRIE•i—Prime to choice eastern Cultr:ated. #l7@lB per bbl, 4 :i.:LN MEAL—IS dull and cannot be quoted above 854900 per bushel. DRUM FittllT—txminues Mill with a supply oansidereblY in excess of the demand, while prices are nominally no. changed. Apple; -- 7@B; Peach e s, 511) %for su RR USED s d ems fo r h elves. Et3133- , •ltsther weak In sympathy with. the change In the weather, but prices are unchanged at 2.50213.. FEATHERS—SaIes at 35090, and the usual advance for small lots, In a retail way. FlSH—Salsa Lake Herring at ;Hi per half bbl, and White Fish at 193‘. FLOUR —There la no improvement in tho demand and the market is quiet and dull but _phew; areunchanged. We continue to quote at V.:(4534 for simmer and 15,4@.6 for winter. Rye dour f5(24 GRAlN—There is nothing doing In wheat in this market—little or none offering and not much Inquiry for it. We continue to quote at Ilia0i)1,15, for good to choice. Oats steadier but un changed; 4.19*13, buying, and 4543017, Corn Is in light aupply and firmer, but unchanged: 73©76„ on wharf for Ear and 78080 for Shelled. Rye quiet, and nominally unchanged at 80(418b. Barley —9O for prime State spring, and =4OO for fall. HAY—le quiet and unchanged; prime baled Is still quoted at $1116J20. . Hildfal—bbilid 231 - (413c per pound. HOMlNY—Saleatat ; 6 , 7 4; 16 , 00 _Par bbL 1,1612-- . . Bales of Oleiyeland white lime at_1202.26 per bbl. - L&RD Sellers & , Co. quote extra No. I at 111.38®1,26,end No. Sat 58. MAPLE (SYRUP—fish& at! 81,75 per gal ion. ONIONS—:Quiet and .unchanged; 1215. 2,76 Der bbl, as to quality. PEANUTS—Prime Tennessee quoted at 96410 eta . POTATOES—Tba demand Is rather better though prices are unchanged; we continue to quote at 45c, on trace, and 50e in store. .ftecelpts haves been small for some time past, and the supply Is somewhat reduced. • . PEAS-41,70@1,76 per bushel. PROVLSIONB—hiarkot weak and pri ces lower. We now quote at 12% for plain Shoulders, and 18,4* for Sugar Cured; Ribbed Rides, 15% ®l6,i; Clear 10X; Breakfast Bacon. IS; Sugar ,Cured Hatria,lBigloig. laud, In t rces, 1534(4, lf,N; In buckets, 1634016% Mess Pork, 5W3(04283i. POULTRY—Receipts eo thine very light and market Is almost bare. We continue to quote dressed chickens,. at IBAIS ets., sad dressed turkeys, - SEEDS—Clever seed steed) at MIN." Timothy seed, 11434@5, and Flaxseed, ‘20e@11,15. fiTHAW—Balee of rye etraw at W. eats at pow. 4. HALT—ho quoted at ;475 by the car PITTSULTIIGH IRON MARKET. ODPICZ or Prrreinizert GAzErrn, Fnm. March 4, lan. The metal market bas been rather quiet this week, the sales In the aggre gate being comparatively light, and'as many of toe mills bought pretty liber• ally two weeks ago, and are now pretty wall supplied, tho demand Is only mod erate, while prices are unchanged. There Is no disposition manifested now as thexs was In January Land the early • part of February to force sales.. and all good estabilahed brands, either_ eastern 'or western, are held firmly and ,prlces are well sustained. Common and inferior irons, of course, are vary dull, because they are not wanted, but as already in. [Minted, the demand 'for first' class brands Is fully up to the supply. 50 torn Com'n Gray Fors e.. 434.00 cash 60 Cold Mont Fonre • 85.006 moo 20 GrayNeutralForge. 36.50 4 max 20 No. 1 F0undry.......... 39.00 4 mos 40 Nta 1 , do= 40.004 mos 1 20 No. 1 do 40.604 mos 30 No. 2 do ... ;.. 37.00 4 Woe 10 No. 2 do 8600 cash 60 No. • do $llOO cub 40 No. 2 do 39.00 ( - mos No. 2 do— 33.60 4 mos 100 Chlckles Forge - 86.00 aunt 10 . Neutral Gray Forge.. 8860.: cash 100. No. 2 Foundry 38.00 4 mos 10 . Gray rivaled Short. ,86.00 cash 10 dd do do do 35.00 cash RITUYINOUS 00AL SIIRIER) /MOE LASS SUPERIOR ORR. 50 ZOOS White and mottled Red Short 435.00 4 moe 50 White and Mottled Red Short. 35.00 4 mos 500- Gray Forge Deliver. • I able at Furnace__ 34.25 4 mos 600 Gray Forge... ..... 34.004 moe 350 Open Gray—to arrive 36 50 4 mos 80 No. 2 Foundry 51.004m0e 350 Close Gray Mixture • of Native ore 36.00 6 mos = GAsiners, 011201 01 FRIDAY. March 4, MO. ' The oil nurrtet 'ls unlit' and without and perceptibl change in any respect,. Crude appeared to be a shade firmer, there being a slight improvement In. the demand, but, u yet, More ere no buyers at 1112 advance. Refined liqulet and an. changed. We are in hopes that the clouds that have enshrouded the trade for the pest two months. will soon break and disappear, that there will be good erring and summer • trade, though the Indications, 11 must beponfessed, arenot encouraging. As already intimated, the - market w • rather stronger to-day, under the Influ ence of a lib/hely Improved demand, but prices are anchangert.. Buyers are sffer ing 12 eta for spot or seller this month and sellers asking 12g. Sale 1,200 bbl., April at 12*, 111170trD - 'ado 1 ,000 Maroh at 2734; 600 each April to Anima at W.April to July reported as being °Said it 283 j; and May. to Do. cember as 30. • . 11/DORIPTS QV QIKIDII OIL VI Q. I. Gallagher's Tank 938,' on- account J. - T.' Stookdale: A B MII4 80, on sossum W Bartle: J Gallagher 480, on account .L B it Co: J Wllklne 240, on acmunt PhlVa and Boston Pet , D Jr. CAN 80, on a: wont W El Thompson; Penn 011 Works 400, on atexnult P liuteldriaon; Peerless 011 Works 403, on socatun B 8 DIIIIOVOI Eagle 011 Works 80, on savant BEI Donor, Total ..... .. ......... ...«»17.1:11;» .... 2,771 OIL !Slurps° Nadi PINSI ar ia Mentzer. R. dt Co. 160 Obis relined Waring . ,Sll4a & to oxvigLAND, March 4.—Flour study sod quiet; whtte - X X 56.0n4,60; red XX 15.26@5,60; amber XX 0,00@5,75; spring XX 0,0005.60. Buckwheat &twat Kw @7,00 for good. Petroleum market some. what-unsettled; refined .firmer, at 261 D 28,40 u the asking price for large lot.; crude to higher and hold at ./.5,90 .per barreL Isiassems, February 4:.katost lu ea. baled at 2lq Iteeelpsar.7lffpertige bales: week's reeelisti 6.4118, =Pails 632 baler, at0ck.23,030 balm MARHETS TELEGRAPH Haw Yong, March 4.-Cotton decided. 13 , lower; Balsa 2.000 bales at =3.4e fur middling uplands. Flour-receipts 5380 bile, dull and 5010 c lower, eaten 5400 Obis at 14,6544,80 for euportlns State and viesiern, /4.9005,70 for extra State, 1480 05.80 for extra western, 15,5006.10 for while wheat extra, /500 for R. H. 0., 15,30(40,15 for extra St. Louis, 36,20133 8.50 for good choicedo. Rye flour ginet; males 200 bbls at /4,4005,30. Corn meal dull. Whiskey; more active and lower; ' sales 350 bbleat 89(01. Wheat-receipts 10,840 bark. dull and drooping; vales 24, 0 00 t 25e at It fur rejected No. 3 spring, 30,2701,231 for winter red and amber western, 31.37 for white Michigan, 31,70 for choice white State. Rim quiet; sales 1,000 bush western at 933, an mrside , twine. Barlow-deli and heavy; ealee 2550 Dash Canada Went at 11. Barley malt dull. Corn-receipts of 8,400 bush, scarce and firm: valet, 1,600 hush at 960990 for new mixed western; 31,03 01,04 old yellow southern. Oats dull: receipts 10,725; roles =OOO bush at boa 00 N_c weunirli; 624631405tne. Rice dull. °airmen:et 1,000 Rio 1313018. Sugar le quiet: 200 b bile Cuba Mc; lee boxes 110 • 000 10 34 e, !notaieiea null. Petroleum steady 15NOldo crude; 281.363800 refined. Hops dull 18027 c for American. Linseed MI lower 950970. Turpentine dull 410 4414 e. Pork heavy and lower: 325 bbla 3 'i1 3 . 70 G 20 unw mass: 320,75021 prime, and 322,50024 prime mem; $25.50 new measil seller April 125. Beef steady: 11l bbls 110015 plain men: 114017,50 new extraneous. Tierce 'Beef quiet at 1250 28 for prime mess, and 3270330 for India mess. Beef Hams quiet, with sales 1,000 bide at 323€332 for new. Cut Meats more active, with sales 1,120 pkgs at 1014011130 for shoulders, and active at 140,14 . 140 for hams, Middles dull and lower, with sales 80 boxes for Cumberland cat at 130133;c, and 100 boxes do deliverable . In Chong° at 12330, Dressed Hogs quiet at 10%011Ve for if intern. Lard lower 050 tierces at 131301430 for steam; and 15015,%c for kettle rendered: also 1,250 Cereal Attain, aellar April and May, a; 1414 c. Butter quiet at 14025 e for Onto and 260450 for State. Cheese dull and heavy at 14330153 e. Freight; to Liverpool' firm. Shipments: 15,000 bush wheat per still at 20. Lutist -Flonr!closed dull and 50 lower. Wheat dull, heavy and nominally le lower; sales No. 2 spring at 11,1001,15: winter red and amber western $1,260 1,28. Rye dull and nominal. Oats dull and heavy at_610630 for Ohio; 4550504 c for western. Corn firm at 95099 c for bound new mixed western. Pork uiet; niter mess March or April at 005,8 7 and buyers at 325,75. Beef dull and utichaug. ed. Cut meats In fair request at una changed prices. Bacon dull and 1:10Mitl. al. lard quiet; 140 was bid and 1433 e, asked,for prime steam fee March. Eggs quiet, and unchanged. ,LOvis, March 4. -Tobacco is an. Live and firm. Cotton nominal at 2.2 a, Hemp unchanged. Flour drooping and unsettled, with spring extra and double extra at 1404,35, fall aimed:me at 34,2563 4,50, extra 14,5004,75, double extra 3460 636,25. Wheat: spring lower at 85087 c for No. 2; fall dull and slow. with No. 2 red at 08c011,424 No. 1 do. 11,073301,10. choice 310201,15. Corn inactive, at 750 780 for mixed, 76077 c for yellow, 78(054e for white. Oats unchanged at 4834Qiiic. Barley dull, at JR-glta prime $1.05 for Minnesota, 02501.30 for choice fall. Rye inactive, at 70Q72c. Whisky corm at 95c. Sugar unchanged at 63 , 340 13c. Coffee steady at 200230. Previa. ions nominally lower and unsettled, and not enough done to establish prices. Pork, jobbing, at 127. Dry salt clear sides, Ina small way, 1434 e. 'Bacon:jot. Wog lots of shoulders at 120: clear aides 163101.633 e. Lard nominally lower, at 14c for choice kettle. Recelpte-flour 9,600 bbls, wheat 0,700 bush, corn 8,000 Leash, oats 11,400 _bush, barley 350 bush, rye 6,000 bush, bogs 481. • Cattle Inactive at full prices, with sales at 413050 for medium, 5330,6%c far prime to choice, 7073,0 for extra. Hogs wanted, et 863914 n for tight to extra. Cnicalso, March 4."-Flour quiet and steady at 1405,78 for spring extras. Wheat dull; No 2 declined 1.40114 c: No 1 quiet at 85c; Cale& of No 2at 77 340 7834 c, clasiog at 77,;37730 and un changed this afternoon. Corn scarce and firm st 69.13(46934e for No 2, and 51130 57 for no grade, and unchanged this afternoon. Oats dull and 340• closing at 3734 c for No 2. Rye dull and steady 0.5 66067.10 for No 2. Barley dull and nominal at 65070 c fir No 2, Highwlnes nominal at 8500534. Mew pork lower at 125087050, claming ',toady at 925,75 cash, - and 126,0213026.75 seller April, Lard weak and ito lower, otos lug dtill at 124;c. Meats quiet, cloeing at live for dry salted ehouldera, 1234 c for rough sides, and 1334 4 e for short rib mid. dies loose. Llama quiet and steady at 13 cents, for green. Dressed Hogs steady for light and heagy for shipping lots at 110,25010,75, dividing on 200. Receipts for the MA 24 hours--s,olobbis flour, 81.550 bosh wheat, 15,900 Muth corn, 5,460 bosh oats, 550 bush rye, 6,231 bush barley, 5,486 head hogs. Shipment. -7,200 bbl Soar, 7.083 blots wheat, 13,872 bush corn, ..3,1= bush oath, 2,880 bush rye, 2,430 head bogs. CINCINNATI, March 2.—Flour—fanally 15 @5,25.. Wheat dull at 31,06(10408. Rye Mail and unchanged at 80(483c. Barley Very dolt at - 90(01,10. Whisky closed unsettled and nominal at iRc. Yrovighms unsettled, no demand and prices nom inal; some purchases of • bulk ghoul. den were made at 9t40 wash, -and 10c buyer April, to cover contract& Mese pork could have been bought at r 2.8,75. Bulk Sides at 13.411g14,40, and bacon at 14(315g1ec for shoulder's, clear rib and clear aides. Lard was .offered at 13%( 14X0 for steam • and kettle rendered. Sugar cured hams doll at 17(312a. Butter scarcirat 30(335c. Linseed oil dull at 97 @WA Lard oil nominalist $1,2241,30. Sugar dull and drooping at 9 , 41(3,130, the latter rate for prime. Molasses dull at 75(3200. Coffee unchanged and doll at /84Z4(1. LOUISVILLE. March 4.—Sales 163 hhda tobsooo at $8,76@7,25 for trash to lugs, 58(317,75 for low to good leaf; market firm: Cotton dull with a downward tendency; sales 126 balsa low middlings at 19.40; Mock .6200 -bales, against 1200 balm for the o?rrespondlog period hat year.. Floor - steady and • unchanged. grain quiet: red wheat 51,10, white 111,31. Vorn . 93,s‘ Rye 900. Oats 63c, all sacked. Whisky 95e. • Cnimsoo, March 4 —Lire Hogs active and 'steady St tsgajs for common to extra. Cattle 260 lower; dull: 114,264 - 0,75 for cows and light' steers, 56Q8460 for fair to olodium, and 56,75(37,23 for good to extra snipping steers. • Pnimanstrauria, March 4.—Flour dolls western extra family 5537. Wheat gold: 'Permarylvsmia red 51 25.Ry0 held al 51. Corn; small traainses; new yellow 90(3 Plc. Oats steady and mielinnsted. Whisky firmer at 51531. 03. . . - Mm.wistaurs, :March 4.—Float 130/131- nal. Wheat quiet at 87340 for No. 1, and 863 o for No. 2. Oats unchanged. Corn firmer. at 620 for new. Rye nominal. Dressed hogs firmer at 510@l0 26. Baurtarons, March 4.—Mess pork firm at ;awl 50. Bacon firm: rib sides 1554 (3153 c, clear rib 1101 We, shoulders 1254(12%0. hams 19 200. Lard quiet at 16140. Whisky du _at IR. Nhanyrits, March 4.L-Cotton ditll; low middling 1954(B200; good ordinary 111 c; stock 6,000 bales. Natinvo.r..a. Msrah 4—Cotton dull; low mlddlingol9,4l329c; good ordinary lec; stook 0,000 • III!' E 1 BY RAILROAD. • PlTTwinnlaw, OINOTWOATI Awn ST. Goth -.RAILROAD. March 4.-100 bbls emit, A Kirkpatrick; 46 bales b corn, 72 ball b handles, 11 R McClellan; 8 cars staves, hi P Adams Bros 1 do do, Flostingo A D; 1 do wheat, R '9 Kennedy Bro;12 bids eggs, 1- keg butter, Wood. worth tt D; 49 bales wool, 8 Harbought 95 bga barley, J 197 do do, J Gangwlch; 3 bb's applesg Mader; do do, a b hide,, Maya a Stewart; 2 bblo ap ple., Bholdaker; 10 b bides. 1 bdl o older. 4 dos pelts, J Gabigher: 1 anvil, J England; 5 Obis onions, J S Dilworth; 49 bga oats, bleanor Ms 2 bra cigars, 10 o used, .W M Rankin, 78 boa corn, McHenry A 11; 2 bblo egg., 3 4 do onions. Voter, M &Cm 6 bbl, eggs, W Hi Grog; 22 bge barley, F 13chlelds; 2 pkgs pr Frasier et M; 2 bhda..tobsco cs, 1 box oomph's, Weyman h Bra; 25 Ms hems, 1 coalcbacon, F Seller; 6 bdls steel, 12 plates, Singer N; 10 half butt. tobacco, Carter Mcas 15 bales b corn, I Dickey; 2 bra h ware,, . St MaWldneys 100 bdla maths, 12 do hoes, Park / Dean; 1 car mill Iron, Elarbangh /ob 2 s tobscco. E Goldsmith: 11 ban soap, 8 do lard, 6 kgo do, J MIIL /Son; 5 hhda shoulder., 1 do do, J H Parker; 1 caned goods, Mo. Candles (t J; 2 bales cotton, Eagle Cotton Mm.. CLA 14NLAND AND P/rII9SCTROB RAM isoao, Maroh 4.-8 can potatoes, J B McVntary; a do lake sup ore, Rees, Graff & Dull; 6 tura ore,- Eihoenberger, Blair & 00; I do do, Park Bros & Co; 100 bbla lime, Lang & McKellar; 8 bbla cullett, Knox, Kim, Co; 20 bag cheese, W H Ktrkparlek; 2 bole, varntab, 1 do oil, Lemon & Weise; 60 bdls smiths, W W 1) & Co; lot pipe and pomp% Wallsoe. tl On; 8 Ws potash, I Dickey h Co; 57 eke TY% 153 do oata, 6-do rags, Graham 51; 18 lathy ha e stuff, Bedford Chair Co; II bbla oat thee, - • I do pearl barley, Scbtrarts Q HI 8 do oat meal, 6 kev, bb pearl barley, Sttlotler & Id; 6 - bbla Oa, Lippincott & Sweet;9 kegs washers, Lswla, 0 & -18- bbla apples, 18 eke ontolui r a do flaxseed, Meador .5 Harper; 40 eke potatoes, P Dna& Son; Methane & Aulsr; 5 bbla apples, 5 trza cbecso, 74 01 bbla I,llsh. WRlddle; 11 bbla snits, I' - bb bggs, S Devol; .8' bble - dry apples, 8 StlO:egss,Rea Jr; 7 bbl apples, W H PITTSBUittt n pAILY - GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1870 Grant Co: 3 bbls eggd, 1 b.*, Ihf bbl butter; Head A Al; 20 bf blare w fish, Dil worth, H A. Co; 10 hi bbls trout, 10do do, W flab, W Cootsr; 16 hr bbls w fish, 10 do herring. Ssighniyer It V. P/TT6IIMILON FoIIT WATNN AND Cm -04100 RAILROAD, March 4.-200 bbl.) flour, Watt, L dr (.sr; 8 tubs butter, Jae A Graff A Co; 2 kge do, S Devol; 100 bbl.) flour, owner; 1 box tea, Carter McGrew A Col 1 WA eggs, Deem A 1/; 10 bras radials, Arbuckle. A Co; 11 do butter, Volgt. DI ACO; 7 pkge, tichwarte & 11; 6 bbls high wines; Harmer, 11 A Co; &I do lard, 2 Cars bulk inset; E II Myers A Co; 100 Ws flour, Segbmyer A V; 20 churns, yy Hare, A -Son; 7 mks a seed, 78 do oats. T Hinkle; I keg brandy, J Adler .5 Co: 1 okg butter. 1 do eggs, A Kirkpatrick d Co; 60 bbls hlghwinea, Litter( it M; 60 half ICUs flab, Arbuckle. A Co; 75 do dO, Alien Kirkpatrick A. Ca; 25 8 ma chines, W Summar A Co; 50 ex. ohms.), 8 do butter, .7 II Canfield, 28 dor. brooms S Ewart A Co. I ALLknoxivy VAI.T.Kr • RAILROAD, March 4.-41 bbls tallow, (300 Floglelni 3 cars railroad Iron, oare,.(7 A Csrpentert I do limeAtona, Shoonberger, • Blair & Oa; 10 ski clover seed; A Kirkpatrick A af; 2 cars metal, Rom Grafi& Dull; 35 6 flour, Culp h Shepard; 1 car limo, 1.7 i. Reynolds; 10 Dim seed, 8 pkgs butter rind eggs W Stewart; 10 do do, l C Schln goat; 8 do to, A Gallagher; 10 rolls loather, 8 bbl.) grease,.W Flacons& Eon; Icor hay, Thom Duncan; 8 eke rye, 4do seed, Scott' A Olsal; 115 bbls tor,IL Oppenheimer; 11 eke corn, A Riley; 13 do do, Robb A 11111; 64 cars noel, Kier, Foster *Mar; 60 do do, Armstrong, Dickson dc Co; 18' do clo,- Coleman, Rabin A Co. ALT-a:GRIMY STATION March 4.-1 cas metal, Lintlaay it McCutcheon; 1 car mill Ned, 1 do hay, (leo Stewart; 75 WIN follow spokes .1 Isotner; 68 bgs flax seal, 51 B Suydam; 3 cars cooperage, J M Hemphill; 100 bbis flour, R. Knox A Son; 3 bbl, clover seed, Jos Craig; 12 sks oats, .7 Kober,. 1 car flax seed, Ewer, Hamilton !it CO; 8 oars Ice, A Ackley; 4 do metal, Lewis, Bailey A Dalton; 2do wheat, It I' Rem:rode Aro; 1 do metal, 1 4 .4" — :.7. - ; & burentield; 9do do Spans, 0 A, (18 7 bales broom corn, E a Mathews I car wheat, W McKee Jr On Ado or,, Pgh Iron A Forge CO. PITTBOI7IIOII it O.INNKLI.HVILLE RAM. nos.% March 4.-49 bbl, whisky, W A Keefer; 14 tic tobacco, Ft Jr W Tacksm: 6 do whisky, Minket. A 13;160 his w loans, H C Fry & Co: 78 eke corn. Kell A'S; 49 bbls whisky, Little & 61; 6 bdts bags, 1.1 Wallace; 1 oar metal, T Moorhead; 83 bills paper Markle .1 Co; 1 car sand, Knox. Klm d Co; 1 do metal, Dunbar Iron Co; 1 box•mdse, McElroy, D A Co. RIVER NEWS. The river was about ibtatioaary last eyoning, with 6 feet In the channel. The City of Evansville, we regret to learn, took a shear on her pilot, in the vicinity of "Merriman," - on Thursday morning, and before the engine. oould be reversed with stifiloieat power, struck! the bank with considerable force, doing considerable damage. • It is reported that she took about a foot of water, epritag a good many of her 3ointa, and injured herself In several respects. There was nothing serious in the awl. dent, however, and she soon prooeded on her trip, and as she passed Steuben ville the IMMO evening site must have got along pretty well. The Este PULDS/31, Capt. Evans, will leave for NevrOrleans to day, positively, and shippers are requested to have their Nile of lading down before 1! o'clock. The clerks, Messrs. Harbison and °Mint will be on band to attend to those having business with the boat. The Arlington departed fur. incinnati yesterday afternoon with a g3tid freight list, between four and fire hundred tons. The Glendale, which triSt left for St. Lotus on Thursday evening, run &gran nti at Glass House, mid was still sticking there at lest amounts. It appears that the Sallie wan not the only boat victimized by Wilburn, the sugar broker at New Orleans. The 511- vet Bow, Mollie Ebert and the Miens el ppl wore also treated in the Same man ner and by the same man. The Barer Bow, settled, in preference to entering luto litigation, but the owners of the Mollie goers and Mlealseippi have em ployed counsel and will contest the matter. to Lind out who hem to stand the lose. It does not seem right that theee boots ah•..uld be bald accountable in this matter, he forced to pay fur an article they never recelvod. It is also clear that the agent at New Orleans had no right to sign bills of lading without some eel dertice that the sugar had been received, and it la enapected that the agent and auger broker were both connected with the swindle or fund, as both of them, it le said, hapirdisapprcited. The R.,C. Gray, Capt. Whtttaker, filling up steadily and will be the drat boat out for Nashville, and the eameria true of the Camelia, Capt. R. C. Mason, for Bt. Loute Capt. Yerkee, a lower:river ateamboat- Olen, la hero looking !hr a boat to place in the• Louisville' and. Arkansas titer packet trade. The Juniata, Capt. C, L. Itrennan`a new boat. will leave on her drat trip in the Cincinnati packet trade, next Thurs. day. She Is, in all respects, a drat clan teat, and la admirably .adapted lot the trade for which she was constructed, The Bello arrived and departed for Wheeling. Mr. Andrew Ackley is receiving • large quantity of very.fine Ice from New York state,• with which he intends to supply steamboats. - It eclipsoe any ice we have seen yet. —The St. LOWS Democrat, of Monday ' earn Captain . Hiram .K. Hazlett .la again In town, and will henceforth be engaged In aking the pessary ar rengcmenta for carrying out the contract for government transportation on the Missouri River. Mr. R. H. Woolfolk, one of the owners of the steamer Rich mond, was on 'Change yesterday. We learn that the owners of the Richmond have come to an agreement to sell, and are prepared to sell that steamer at nil• vale sole. Mr. T. M. Rees, of Pitts. burgh, recently at Memphis and en gaged upon the wreck of the Maggie, Hays. arrived In this city on Saturday. He leaves today for Cincinnati. —Mr. Thomas Lttherbnry, of Oman. nett, is building several bargee for the Mieshalpni Valley Trarmportation Com. Nony, to be Used in the Si. Louis aim ew Orleans trads. They posses say. end -Improvements over others yet constructed. Their capacity will be from 1,200 to 1,500 tons. - —The famous steamer Richmond, which has been lying at Coltimbus, - Ky.', for some time peat, in the bends of the United States Marshall, was Reid to a party of prominent. St. Louts boatmen, ou the 3d, for 1100,000. She will tmme. Clistely take her- piss in the St. Louis and Pew Orleani trade. Capt. .1. U; Ind D.' W. Narrates left Cincinnati; Monday, for the wreck of the Rama No. 3, to make an colors to re cover the body of their' brother, Welter Starrett*, sod to assist In the. recovery of the bodies .of other persona, lost on that steamer. - —TnePortinah left Little Bock for SI. LOMB on the 224 of February. The up. per Antenna was ao low that the steamer Ozark was going down slowly, double tripping her freight Oyer the bar below Lewisburg. —The Minns°la, bound Mr Cincinnati, struck an °tetra - Own neer Bailee Point, raising her wheel out of _place, and breaking her plummer-bleek. She we towed back to Memphis by the Gallatin for repairs. . - —The Leonidas, Peninah and tow boat Simpson Horner were at Cairo on Wed nesday. The Leonidas he 14 hbds auger for Pittsburgh. —Capt. John James Sr., purchased t h e Emperor at Cincinnati on Wednesday. Price, $12,000.. Capt. S. T. James , take . commend. —The Great Republic - left New Or leans on Wednesday, and the Sallie and Carrie V. Fluent' passed Vicksburg the same day. --The Miesissipoi had probably 200 head of stock on beard whoa she struck, which were doubtless all lost. —The Mollie Ebert, St. Louis to New Orleans, was at Memphis on Wednes day. —The Messenger was to have left Wu alumni for New Orhaw on Thursday. —The Savanna wee. to have left (Mn otnnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday, oeRBIAGES. - BUGGIES. 19 0 ]OHM Q. WOBSL4H ... H. D AVIB W ORKMAN /c DAVIS, ISUOOINOIIB TO Workman, Moore & Co.. Mani ithataren liad Dealers La . . cmuusialgs - , BUGGIES, Opting an Buck Wagons, 11u.46; 44; 46aadi,48 BaTerlt, den lot w Work ntlea :ra sad ted to en slUsfaclpels eTwzy is good s. Enrtlowm Irig " AilTa k rer " l3 ger N h Vret EgiFits44PitantaegM7gl ar.elafts. . _ RICHARD DAVIS ttarleg purchased the laterenef Al.r; end We.. D. Moore: In.he late arm er AR. *OHRE a co.. the boa hese wll hesutter he the old steed. 17;27114 " Ogeei .21 1 64 1 1. 1. " DI • JOHN Q. WOPUIIa H. RICHARD DAVIN LasZhitc tieelth CHAIM' 11httoes1 Baia, Pittsburg& J RIVER PACKETS. = PITTSBEDGII AND TINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The new And splendid siSlewheel s rn Steas... ARLINGTON'. ItANIEL MOORE. Master, A. S. 1911trARO, UM, tames •pisathorala for Cincinnati e very THIS DAT at promvu os r. Feral a, leaves CinetnnAtt for FlOsburah, at 13 M. every YhIDAy. For frelsht, Ins .Age, or other Information, ass ply on Pod or In JAMES COLLINS, Pet FLACK A COLLINURWIS. Agent,. NASHVILLE. FOR EVANsvlLLE ta dr it ie/ell/UW[4LE AND KASH LLZ.—Tbn due yummier Attlee:nee R. C. OKAY OAP:. ItlYelltal, Will Inv.. for the above and intermediate ports on SATURDAY, March Iltuott 4 P. X. For Cm:kilt or p ..... e. e pplY oti board or to • Milt MR. FLACKA COLLINUWOOD. Agents. sr.- LULUS AND IMMUURI RIVER rOtt EVANS 'IILI. E.a s tr im e CAIRO AND WC. .illtri e dna 'oast eeeeee teem CARELLA Caot. P.O Mellon. WII. leave for the above sodintermediate poste on TUlCtill AY, Shireh OM, at 0 A. M. int hale ht or hue arte ATP' , 00 board, Or to rabf /LAC A CULL LSO WOOD, •ao et. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS ri, MEIIIPMS ANDadr o g MOW ORLYANS Tito :44.; a rrg . o .. porta on TatlO Nut n'Whtor dirAti;l'l l &WAY, o4or to FLACK f ING n t A OOLLr.m. fc2,5 _ Ageate. FINANCIAL. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL-BANK, Wood St., cor. Second Avente. INTERIM PAID ON- DEPORT& Gold, Coupona, Bomb and Stooks DODOUT AND SOLD. 1 . . 1 11,V11;1Te. uY•dAt °TRIPS CIAKKE, JO.. uutteer. S. McCLEA.N---& CO., BANKERS. Government Securities, No. 75 Fourth, /venue, rrrrosonau, rA. Pentooni and prompt attention given to every. twig in the Miasmas. Collection. made.. C.- lamed s -.4 Int . rest allowed on Thae Deptalla. Advent.. node on tae Collateral. and tteematleo .t' liberal rates. Dealers Is Yorelps and Domestic F.:chances aold, Paler, Bank NM.. ar... le. AU load or other Yl.oellauaaa. poet; Bun.. Mortgagm. Comorrelal nelollated at the Moil aaaaa of nostsal.sion.i tall PEOPLE'S' SIVEGS BARK 0 f Allegheny. E'er. Federal and Lama West& n. nAIIiTX&X. Preeldull. L P. TOUR% fabler. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. Ilseklieldera lavidaally LlQia lITERIZT ALLOWED ON TIED DEPOSITS THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF-I'ITTBIIUISGH. MEM Sate Keeping' of Valuables, Under rearentee. end Were uttag aI Maths Is IY Fire and Burglu-Proof Unita. No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. PresIdeut—WILLIAIN runiirs. TM* Praelelleat-11ENST LLOYD. = WILLIAM PIIILLUS,IIITEON PAINS - MR, HINILY LUAU, Jos. Is. Monalsom, WILLIAM BRA. OCOMUM IMAM_ • WILLIAM M. LYON.I:UIITLS O. HUMIX.T. ' JAS. L. BENNETT, kIlc•T Taus—B. V. ON BOXIIIIIOIIST. Open deny frank 9 ceeloet A. a. w 4 o'clock CITY DANS. 12 Fifth Avenue, Pittabargly Pa. CAPITAL, SlOO,OOO, TOCIROLDEBE INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE STPsEnT PAID 0X DSPOsITs. I]'4.4a 4(.cIT II Bosebt nod sold, tO4 wren desital retaftled to rerope. CoMotion. made eet all to, tramp:oil points of the D 01.., stew•ton pee ... Demister Maims, P.Older JANZ. MCCAW.. rim Creel, • W. N. MOIHIAN. Orttror. D. Ibmsen. • He re, McCabe, Tbormi Roane. Her] Keating. • Patrick gere. Tervree Campbell. elm, B. sere, Jnmae Mitten, Chao. ' H. A. he rues. • U. J. Dram, Ibormilarnes. • Jeltkr N. Btopy. JUG. X. tiAprAr. Strlottor. N HOLMES & SONS. BAINTEMEtS, 157 MARKET STREET IPITTROVINIM, th:°;:1111t7= 1 "ZI CV.ItZ t " 4 """" " Stocks,'loads and other Securities Novo= AND Bow ON oommusuoN. Forth:atm Minato* poll to tbo oanamto awl sok of United States Securities. Aina HART, CAIJORICT Sc CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, .Donner Fourth mad Wood Streets, PITTSIIIIIIOII, PA.; 011.1001:1160t TO TIANNA)HART t DiaLtria 114, Exchange, Coin, Coupons, to us puce...* GOVERNMENT BONDS.„ tr, Drafts on Loudon. OILS & KING, Ocandssicra Morabuts sad Broken Is Petroleum and its Prodacte, PALZELLI KOOK DUQUEINE WAY. raurDiLphue. ADDER" - WARING, KING a co., 109 WALNUT Mu= TACK BROTHERS, COMSION AN: C. TS AND DIALDVA Petroleum and Its ogra r fi h ntil.siiiii tj aaW r Thllsdeiphisollia•-131f WALNUT -. ashwto A 111111POIENTil:4: 01 ALL Bina of Week lake tab are &We ej Polprewyptrf ash 0. ise E i r sod Unto strecw. Per wee enemy. I. the business eaeblee in to AorAttave le re int claw arilerao u r a r dw .111 ~ Wilmot, row e 'rrh ge . .ea etewAjr Wiraeue"ertai, aneola w holm !Nor Aw 4 Weals allee =wetly. CHEAP _ ' • STOVE! AND THIWATIE, Q(!AI. D0Z121. - nar, pawn, a., Ale., at P. Cb 111,71,11,. 140 anat stash ECM CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Ao. CARPETS. REDUCED. Oil. Cloths, Window Shades. DRUGGETS. DRUEIGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered BOVARD, ROSE 21 FIFTH. AVENUE. NEW. CARPETS.: Reduction in Prices TO CORRESPOND WITH WHOLESALE RATES. McCALLIIN BROS., 51 FIFTH AVENUE; secrerE WOOD STREET. feSI NEW CA.BPETS AT POSITIVE REDUCTION IN PRICES ,Ve are now receiving our NEW SPRING STOCK!' . rattgetz:rt,t , &Ishii and American Brame!' and Tapestry Carpets, • FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, &C., Which we offer Fifteen to'f' ...ate. Ave cents per "r " Na e. tiegn " it L atii=rt r a=l:ll Wa t t has been made for years, relieve our Neer Stock worth the attendee of purchasers. AI'FIRLIND & - COLLINS 71 and 13 Fifth Avenue. fry, OP COM) }LOUR) REDvcraom IN CARPETS • For a Short Time to Prepare for SPRING TRADE. OLIVES IcCLINTOOL & CO Have • marked thatr noted.. down below last as • 0.4 Stetet. Nat Ilse. of Carpets, • Ott Cloths, Draggy's, arc., AT :EASTERN PRICES. Nara tar stns ran be metered by those anttel• f',2°,fLlZ:i74,lb7 ` 4 " , "•••t... .f OLIVER iIIeCLDITOCK & ret .23 Filth Avenue. BUSINES3 CHANGES. DIfEIOLUTION.—The Partner ehlp heretofore raletlea between PILL • PFIIITTMILY. la the Real nut.. buslaen. was this day dia mutual eosiorat. THOS. It. PILL JPO a. snurtraur. rttuberga. lob. 1010. 1.110. The Reel Estate sad Inseraace busbies* will bereollee be continued by THU& N. &ILL & MON. to their sew office on the comer of Pena and 33d Wiwi/. Proverty nee sold . Ilene laf:m.lin sums of ...CO& to 0.000 en best el , ate mort&sges. 'MOP. R. BILL RION. Fittaboreh. Feb. 11111tb, 1810, tablisolenTras W. LAMENTS. W. a:NICHOLSON. J. J. THOhIPSON. CO-PARTNERSHIP. The wodersigaed been tll. tfty .itered Into • Co•paonne.rtnership far the perpeee of carrytnigon Ma bof UPHOLSTERING Ail/N.197 WOOD STREET. ander the style of HOBBITS, NICHOLSON k THOMPSON. •N W. RORILNTS. W. A. NICHOLSON. J. h. THOMPSON. Plrreawaelif, Feb. 1. 1070. The long experience of Mr. Roberta who rw Mee how the tame of soberta. Heenir es 00.. tbst of Yr. Maoism. Me will Helen. vi one Main/ one & Ow, enables them to ander. steed thormigh7 the went* of the trades end with a new and fresh Hone of 1004 e. embracing weerfthing la the IltaisOotery trade, they seep/ C 4 folly eollcit•ehare of public patronage. fteaS ~ •' ] ~ ~ ~ ESTABLISHED 1831; LOW, GRE ~ t C 0• 41 . • DIALERS LK ~IARDW 62 Wood Street, (r•ur Room Munro Ni. Marla" Hetol.) PYIIIIIIIIRIII, PA. Country Illoreltanto Sr. invited to twit and exanatuo oar Moot when la tin City. Agents for Asolormon i Wooln Moot I and' Nortbweetarn Morse Slum Nall • Contonny. A fall stork of linelitalsta. Mask =Xl}lles, Lather 6oltta Lave Loothor. 45.. always on hand. Pollan Tax ' BEAVER ."'ALLS . 'CUTLERY CO!PANY, aossretlts with their tell masafettereettneof TABLE KNIVES AND FORKS, Carrera, Butchers,' Bread And Pocket linlrea. A very tannin anatusiett of RAZORS, Rada azoresslylbr their Wade by Km beet rat' lab stuantattortra BEATER FALLS Y CO., No. 70 Wo Stieet. fan `OIE. ITR D IDE EMINLIn..PROOS Lamp CHBENEYS. Jets. .DINO, rpm BIWILDEIIB.—NeaIed. Pre— if-thiAgiiadtitbArfingt tiltrAltrrirt a BON, canner WM and Peas, atraaa, a a atrai. DA Me 3th ass ee Namh, fir Una mean of tour.liree Stitt . Brick Dwelllig locus, oe Oa await of raity-thlat and Batter Italia; Bernesetstl ward.' MAC whet hate the Mb% err thoesead for taring Met, taxmena far all ;taire=l 7 :Wf ' . " 4 4 Z g ' "6: 4,44. - 41 1 Mae sad $9 t re can be alas at gm ariai r tn t trltarit i attitelttritratVitit a l poet hidden. . Waal BRAOSZN. OFFICIAL li=ffMl ORDINANCE amending the Or Mance on Merkel... =on I. He U ordained n o d ~mem oy ta e City PrWertiortre,aCominon cifConn• amewshied e and St it hereby ordain.] and dt.dart4 dV the.natharttr of the Cams. That so inmuch of .v01013'105 the ;autumn. en on Markel Pure *57.f New City Clod.) es Pmeldra that "tbo meat of Butcher.' dtails Unit he on'. leeted monthly and all other Stand?, weekly. In advance," ehm B otcher. e Tiroead as follows: "The rent of and dtands ha colleettd quarterly. In advance; Celee and Mar ket Gardeners' Stands monthly. la MM..: sad all other. weekly in a.lince. Ithen the Mute% timdcasera' Mande ere ante:cook d ihe lessees. of mote one In their employmt nt. In Melt own resistor business. the °Warm{ the mai kets shall he at liberty to place elite dealers thereon. for which reenter dolly rat.s alto I be collected." dab. M. That any ordinance! or part of ordi nance contacting with th e passage of thle ordi nance at the present time nd the sam t hereby repealed so fora, the ac m e agents tom or-dinance. - 11rdidoed and enacted Into a lave this the 11Sth 'day of l'eatuary, A. M. 1870. • JAMES McATILEY. Attest; E. B. Ito nnow President of Select Council. , Clerk orrf feet Connell . • W. A. TOMLI . NSON, pmpien tot' Com nun Council Attest: ii. }lnMununn. • Clerk of ammoil Council. rah OTICE. • the latter of Opening Hoop Street Netters Is beech, ilrett t tint the assessment 11, made by the Viewers for the openloi of flood street has been tiled In my onkel fur collection: that If the same be not yollit within thirty days Isom the date hereof, Muss will be tiled there for %safest the urottertfes assessed, with leterest, cents and fees, sod the Imo collected by legal prates.. J. F. ELAGLE. City Attorner, No. ZOO Filth ',roue. hrrootroatt. Feb. 43. MO. NOTICE. a the Batter of Opening of Atwood Street. Notice it hereby given th .1 ad< by the •,etwer• In the °Twilling of Atwood street bm, been flied In my canoe fvr eulleetloe; thee it mid ssecermenta Sr nut nttld within thirty day. fee m the date hereof', Ilene will be Pled therefor ageinet the prquartl with interact. (1.041 end fees, and the ea me Cut. lasted by legal probes.. J. F. 'SLAGLE, city /Mow? t No. 106 elflb Avenue Pirrustruou: ►en. ea. li24ueo A L LEGIISN Y. CITY leworwasloa (11,1 , .. •LLOOOaIi CITY, Feb. 19. 1170. NOTICE • (remora of Heal Estale,, west of Federal .tract, who have fatted to comply wlth the Re" raaxnvaonnzxrn.c fl.rny!rnflflri required to return doseriptioee of their property for regbify. (to present deeds ortille papere) to this °Mice within the erre, tf thirty day. frees I=l will be held liable to the peaaltles set forth In the clause of eet herewith appended. EXTRACT FROM REGISTRY ACT. State . Lowe, 1849, I'U 644. • • • Should the be neglected or omitted, or not be complied with as promptly as may be deenter neeetteary to in- re the early completion of the plans, then after month , . pollee, by politic advertisement In tee on/dal panel" of the OUT. to the ownrrs of real ratite la sold city not realitere 0, and a written or printed notice shall bale been served os Om owner er owners, or delivered on the propertr, should they fall to barn sock reword made, then and In that cue they a►ail be sohloct to a one of /lye Dollars for each month of .one Elect. dating from the termination of said a& .rtimmenti and In ease the same be neglecter r the ewe of air months. a lien for the seen- emulated guessed costa shall tie tiled and wile° - ed as meekly.' delete are newer leety be here after by lei collected; the mid gees to ba teed Into the City Tresauty; the settee to parties Mlle/ to register propene m./ be give. II to embrace the property al soy wruanlar w or metier!. number of wards, or 1 he sty a lama • • • • CHARLES DAVIS. EMI:=3 EZE3 rar: I NOTICE IR HEREBY GIVEN that the easestetent made by the Viewer. for the opening or FULTON BTRENT. Fifth rd, ha been flied in thin °nine for examine. can be 'limn bete until March 141 b, 11110, when it will not returned to Councils for confirmation. . =I I=l FIEEM FOUNDERS, MACHIN'ISTS, SNIP FORT min FOUNDRY -COMPANY. OPTION MID WORKS. TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBUIIGH, PA. re Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nall Machines, Re torts. and Castings generally. W. J. ANDEMI3O24 H. A. SEETVOGLE. 610NONGIIIRLI ROHDE W. J. ANDERSON & CO, lisaufseturers of IRON ROMA FRONTS. WMGOW LINTELB mid BILL.. and • Castings or aU Deacriptiesa. _arffpecjal stkeutioA pold ARCIIITEGTO. ttir i Tr 113 suit b rigs for Window tl Orricg Asti YoulthAT—No. 154/ WATER STREET. Pittsburgh. to. ROIRINGOIN, REA & CO., summers to soantscor. Mon • Ituita.s, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND INAGOINISTA PITTSBURGH, irmitsetnrek of Boat and Matt onai7 Stem Mr ItarVert, Oelargt sad NM. Cit°."T 1.11, corner 711,0 &ad Ilsoltbleld Amt.. a mr ia t: g , 3 , 11Z . A1!D 'IS nasarr THORLIB CAIILIN & CO., Furth Ward Foundry and ■uhite Works, lIANDUMT ST., •LLEGTIBINT CITY. fn.: Ifforturszterans oft‘totlonary Rod Portable 'ltem l er= {tiret W. 4...1;g1 X= ITIVAr h and/Mt= W rises. ram H :11 & pIICE3II.I ROLL FOUNDRY, Cor. LIBISTT and ilinnn BTBELTIL 'BOLLMAN & BACALEY, Xsaufhatarars of Oupertor Chill Rolla, Sand Rolls & Pinion& Jan • PIT rBI3IIRCIH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS, J■ ScHOONNAKER & SON, I.IIOPRIESTVaIteI, Manufacturer. of WRITE LEAD, RED LEAD. BLUE LEAD, TINOS, LITHAROL, PUTTY and AU colors LEY AND IN OIL. OFFICD AND. FACTORY. 160,16!, 464,166 and 468, Ilebecca Blreet, 132=1=8 We nail attration to the guarantee pasted en our atrial). Pure Whit* Lead. and whoa we nay. a "parer carbonate of dud,•• we wean dally pure,' that 1.. free Roil Acetate and Hy drate, and therefore Is whiter and mope dor. both In color sePeoverlng property. ou►BAPTLED to be a parer Verbalist° of Lead and whiter than anj to the market, and' will forfeit the "wire of UM package If eentalsw leg the least adulteration. • • JOE. armazz:.Jas. iltdiAr..acar. Lamm& ?MINA STEM BRBWBRY, SPENCER, &RAY & CO, Alcillaters and Brewers of afle, PORTER RNLI BROWN STOUT, PITTBBUROLI, PA. MOIRE= WATOISOII. Mailman. halm KEYSTONE POTTERY S. 11. KrE.B. & co., I 2:11=113 Queensware, Bristo4 Ware, MSc and wareboum,sca Lumen' 6717JaCT. Se-All oaten oromOtt7 ottoodlott to. ENGINES, BOILERS. aul FORT PITT • • BOILER. STILL Al l lll TANK CARROLL AND SNYDER. 14 AN UTACTU KENS OP OIL ITTILI,S AND OIL CBDEK:DITN AtNE SEITL NEII. AN, ,SALT AND R• AHT CAONNA MNDNO T TANS ADDDE% STEAMT4TEM. GAZOMETEES AND IRON. BRIDUES, EDISON DOOBS AND COAL 8110TEIL °M and 1=1127i tri r tr ITA:r.r. " • , • PITTSBURGH, PA. eqtrthelers teat to the Above addreu will be protabtft attended t 0... • . stbEtte HUGH D1.• • BOLE & 00., Cot. Point Alley and Duquesne B‘, Wien DIU l'iluirA) Engine Builders, Founders and Machiniets . . • and 11.1!nnittll e hone P`kra . leale to enter at ow P VlVli rr iorl;il Ve1 1 11, 5 7 8 1 1 1 11 171'1 below Nara HAND Illtn, lloUrE and TOBACC O ne/lEwn add IRON TOBACCO riteASIA, on band and made to order, at the . INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Irnottlui on the All Aram near the Point, PITTOBUNOH, pia NII-A II onleas prom ptlyAlled. Tem eue RlESlelii. & HBO., ?IBA A DIIRGLAR-PHDOF SAFES AND VAULTS, NO DAMP, MO NOME , EN6IINEB AND lACIEINEBY, BREWERY W O RE, AND NUT iZea, Coi. l7th and Pike Sta., Pitillsnresi Pa. nolelele OMR& BOILER WUEKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. 1=131=2:121 PRAY BOILKILS a OIL TAMED, BRILLS, AG IT ATOM, SALT HAPionZTLES. BET BL 1•410.. [MOWN DOORS. CRILYNXYB. BuICHIN W I L E WEDS, f. 0.. • or. of second Avenue iuid Liberty it., I=l Ripelrlng dol. promptly. Choler, nett to the above address will be promptly attended to. V. RR(•ItA if, formerly Manager at CARROLL VINYL/EMIL . oellitpB3 WH. BARNHILL & CO.. BOILER MAKERS AND. SF EET IRON WORKERS, NOS. SI. SS. S 4 AND se mow err Having metered a Im . ge yard and Fastened II ~ ppoar With the mon approved moctlinery, we are pro dto decerlpidou of SOIL.' El`if In the Feat . t . l ' OXfirtd Inmate.' whtal to any made In the gauntry. Chimney., Breeching. Fire Beds. Steam rip, Locomotive . Dollen, Clondeneere. halt Peer. 'hulks, till Otitis, Aga. tor., Cottitng rasa. Boller tren t Bridges, /ham Yee and sole manutactaren of hantellita Pat ant done on shortest eaten. • Jellmil JAIIID X. BOOM ZDIEUND 0.11002 t rALIIED 111. sancta &SON, XADIII/AOTOREMI OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SUEET IRON WORK, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVE'S. CASTINGS. &o. 000 K STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & Co's TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS. ORAL, Warranted to Cook, lake se-Beast as well as any ether Store in the Wee. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Also.. hand and for sale. FABIANS MAIM 'MATIG 810128. eILATIC TROMPS IPTMDZEIS, COOKING HAWES, a. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO., mearrllPACTOnial OP MIRY Vain= OP SaNCONMS; BOSTON COOKING RANGE, 'TEE FIERY FURNACES," 701 WARIER 8V11.D7p6. • IVEuTTroIz,nIC,IMBITKCIA STOVE. VAIN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE cm‘r Ho:, MANTLE& WELLltiall grimmtn . i& free froa n telln and dust; SOS and SOS Liberty Street, PITTSNORGIff, PC A. BRADLEY k CO., NO. ISO WOOD STRUT. leenelectaters of the etreetiet Vuteerg Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, loon apartment ',Mix Randall the LATZER PAITNItNtS AND IMPROVENZNIII, and the rep amino! oarinane ts nth that any Me la rat lof gold snide should porches. none bat those mum (snored by n. MOT will he Maud tee lost durable as well as eeononneal. • Would tall pennant attention to nor new VOLCANO aft. ie tor churches. one .no stores. (net 1.11 sot to three mootos.. ottmled to with or witnont easing. Adwoo ens used tans pro noun..., torn neer.. tonnotrar sea on ...P -er. :coo roe catname no vrtee List. lean INLIFINGSTON & Alarmlaatorors or LIGHT OBEY LEON OA CA. la. Light wort oar isogon,. • Loofa .rolot. Botta, Shatter sad laws Maass, gash Palters, and amber artt•qes of Balldera• Liud wars al..)t as band. Oak:sand Works, nearOntor De Alleabany CUT. Postolloa sadly.. Lock Hoz pot. 300, PlM balsa, Pa. • BRASS FOUNDERS HENRY BIER & CO., JORN ns. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders. BRAINS IASTINGISI MADE rEOMPTAT TO OEDBEE, lialeable and Ora' Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE. AND TUBING, THILOTTLB, SUETY MID CDECI LUTA ALL GLOBE PATTERN. Co S, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water Led Oil. ataxturacruaatta or .7. a. worse a cols bnproyed Belonu Wteel nem Pump. ..ipente for Jr/resew , Patens Ott ers, the best in the Market. Mee St fed works, tom, Thlrtaratk sad nu reets. A TIWOOD 11c mccerntsT, Corner Liberty otreei sad Third Arum% Pittatnail4 Pa., , BB.* rounns AND 111011 nm firm uC AOANTS Mr A. 1). 011ItI201 0013 lITIAV PT../PT aWm A TAIIVILWAL STONE WON COMMON • Machias Eikme Work& • - 11orUrwosicornesotWartOtanson, Allos . WILSIOK ATIrATAIR di CO. limos han4 or rpm en snort settee Resit V111.8"1/.11, r..;Toziyiplqo FILA*B & MOSES, raurr HOTIOM LIO0(11/711)14 , 11111.1.13Uffik Nos. llond4Bt. (flair Otroet, rltlolmsoh. to. II*octal; notouttoa•gto an to Ohs deottollll mu; lialtdtax Of count HOU= Ltd PUBLIC RAILROADS VENNSTLTAIatat— ereNTRAL FAIL AU—• 00 sad after II r. 11.. Sunda y NOY. 1 IN 111611.7:60a. arlll arrays. se wad depart from the 6 516 . Dryad s serval . o f W5:441456A and Lthsres reresta. at fouoa, Anise. I .M . D.n. Allan 1:50 JantleSentbsner. 0:110 axe 'Fast Lbs..— 1 . 45 IL.J 3:1 , 11er Wall's No. 6 6050:1.:5it, N 0.1.. 6:36 rye BrintonAc No17:50 ,11 am.ll Teala ..-6' lo an rall's 5:50 am lirtneon W5..,16:40 t.:6165.0 116.6610am' i tera'icsAslio • 5 IQ p m 5 11T,r174`ATX,11', . 1 41 - 11 c. 1:30 63:134505t0ws A -.4 pm PaelOc gap% 136.11ets ter.' as rea .502160 pm all's No. 1...15:56pen Exyresa ItDII pon W Oretlea 666.11666Valitridl's No. . F.. 3.63 s're Wan'. 510.1. 5:30= sll's So. a.. s:Ubstt terlutolA cHo 1:11:16mi.lut o'r10:116 pmlWall's o. r•Ttke,e train. makt does connection ett -.•- • -T . for Itattintore. - The Conn, Trvral learns Walla illatlonovery dunday at UrGa oseraa - ritittioorgit al 1.0:No, Marrs ' Mt.:lir:ran at llattO p and scrims •1 Walla stun= at. n:10 yt. m. _ • Glnvinaral rritrrar - - t-at., Ng l Gif learcF vttyxzcert adept Monday. All crave Tor fonttler • lo • wrrq. llgonl. tha rerAttylvaarualt;ead - flour n; mill i ••• mune any r 1::: Oarlir-gz, - lArekend limit th:f- r dred aar: in '• that amount -di: wner, nairrs non: ritordrinn• - el- r r2a: Altnnea. r e a. t ST EIT. PENNETLVANIA. 7.(PA.G.—lla and NOV. ii. tansr t•.; nunnarior on. Vireatern Yvnarytvaa:. Sal-road milltelt, at and der.tra Irian 1. redel - Mdtreet Iredor, Ailegt.e.dY f:aiddri _ Arrivr. I lierrrrt. Ciprora 10:10 Midharpteg nor 11:70 all Iliharyibc, NO. I AN:r D p a. r r a ' ir " 11 . 1 1;111 1;i:1:Mt:I:W. 4 p:4O p m Borland:a Node:MU vl Above Galas ran daily (peep! rrisaday, • Ihe etureh :Vain Itasca Aha.fjj Joncrion giTarZilit l g. ' 111?-r11:13 3.1, 40 , r---n l O •rriv, AlitAido..yrinno or. at 2. al.' ira'are leaving Alieyhenv City at 7:79 a. • er.• make dGeot cdanoraldn at Freeport nlthWal• lAy's Itat of ntaire4 for Puller sad elandratatoryn r 7brooghGet . etti opts be •1 the No. Ifit.C•aa.r alrd-.l,naat Hie i.lespanalonV rie am: lortrah, and at the Aring :tang ri lrOrPirthar. ingere arid- ask:, tutat. aararn l'aylvarl; usTNuaa W Say riot for a Ne an raeri, .n . • canding trio Lin rand . : •c • C ' et! "-' le‘ tyo 'r f 'toll General Hnovria - reng ara.Axiddna. Yar 1 g 6 97 --- c ---- ;: r .72 7 , !'rr...lueti - 01..(1'a,,:z1-,vi.....z„1. , ...A;(1. From NOV. 14tb. IPE, nraln• .... Mare tom awl arelw at tAt I.te.M3 IN:34n ; : , ..... - rt3 . 4.1., PAW m..04:1 two, an Maona: ..., taw. I 1: "'"';•4l3.= 21 :1:4:*: 0 11 , t0241r5r":34 . -xtp. eL a .4•41 1 0 6 17 , 4 .' 1e :6 3,ti1? f ,'l V ° l4 4. ' ttivit , z ,. .2.!..t2ilV,Ml - ,1 . r.,...11. Obleago Ex.. Alla• p m ?Co A Vg . .t ta11.V33 A W•e. A Nrle 154:03 vs!Cl.. al,V1•• 3 , 7:04, , m /Apartrum A 11 .0.41,..1 Arri-n. Ns A i1p..1• ilva•i Fans Ne. In:VEI • ru ILeetAlslc 44..5:43 wt. 1.o.ltrO.le•• 10:111 • "II ktes•r tans •• F:a4 am •• 31,33 tr.l2. mg (Jaci2u ••1•1:AN am J•Xhastar '• .:._ .48 pmi Allan •••• 1 , ... t 5 am Ift,mn •• 5:n1141, , m LtAttetJe • ..12.4.3Dva r.,..t.3.46 Aea.6:l3 Dm Sta`r Palls A:43i. Moor/falls • 4.13 pm I.t.e,tvla.a ••I:J7 law I..n.etni•l• .• nA32.1 • " T:74 P. Walt O•k• II .. Farr 7••• !!ano... zsitv.T.L., _,.!? ,. .... , ,r4,-.:.lrih---.1ri1.. F -4:_,4:11U fr:chnr. N1.WZ,142.84111911.4. fleAl. l'aa. A ,ket &vela. ...a. A:m.4w. antS II A. Do E • o.l'W t , ---, Wpfig - N5 JSIXAGSEM,.: VALIZY Tr_llAl: THE ONLT DIRECT no r•nt• TITZ HP; lifLOlHNSWlThUliTclinvor. (;re A PO. In end after )0.01•1110.17. Nov. MA, 18V. THBOTIGLI TRA.ltili DAILY lescerpt will !cave Dirobarith Depot. cf•rper 9r .r.oro entll.o Hee “, ft., Prank 1 /Int , talc., and all punt..., u tt.e 0111140:1-l. - • =Ann 612T22.06 . 434%11./421 . 1. r .ix Ai/If/AB . jar ii:.... 71202 plant /'4::.....:: IP Id:. altan... 6:40 a m Int HAllon.. 61.3' a m BA Hollon...11:60 a m Ad Hatton.. 1):00 a. -A 8.1 Ha/ton. . 6:00 pal 3d Hatton... /4,19 nto 4th ktultoa . ..ll.loopla 4th Holton. Tan 6ta-, ./ rz:V.l4l'.: tggt.g M..,,,‘pjkl e. T31,,,^; ml Bradra Blc 2,26 p na, atm.,. A Az 111:00 am . C1tnn.......M0U II In ICho rah.__...: 10:10 a DI Haman trains atop '•ut, at ur;Dc.pok: pante, Acooatmodstion inane stop at all amino, J. J. LAWBP:6O2.. rion't lon't. . • Tl.O.:MAtt M. li I NB. A. 14./.. ScinOt. ITTSBURGB, CINCINNATI . WALL% .1.11-MWAY. .PAN HANDL! ROMP. Roffliii TTMOS.-4ht and &tier Kumla r, e. 14M,_ UUCP. Unlna vall. leave Ind AM?* It an. Il , don 17-Tot, Inttabergh.....• Fit:Mr:age TlniC., G.:.. .r .. Si 1A : 14 Y. m. Santana /awe. A:Ahl p. m. a... •i,l l vlP•m• M lel AWC:?7,I3 7;:t7 BtaltooavtlleAceommed. 3:4L: p. 9:11!) sae. Mullooal.l4 tioe'n. No. la,nd p. Le. 3:23 u." fleedny Carona Train.. IN:DU p. 3n. Iketl a. m. A2ll. II AN T. Y. Experm 4.1:14 F. K. MWI will Arriveal d', • Neneral Tlrket Columbea. W. W. cABD. Cueet.. INnalmo, Ohio. • rCON.L '7 3 L - ILS:V NTI /W. • = mut niter SUNDAY, Yebrunry 9014, 11170, trainn.lli am,: ILL r.r.l o era's e a.tocr, ecarkez et Urent Mete, Carrel., +.• Tatom. C=l Mall to avil !ram Urtton- 00 w. liMe 471;7 ;X::;;;ITY1T7'11100 A. et. .11103 r: tr. to. to and Roy Unt . e. 3.15 r. 10.00 Wen Newton Am:m.4 4:30 nu. 4.3.5 a. y. Resddaek.e4oecendt`. 6:11: g. la. 0: 45 1n7r. Nlght.l.e.tollcK , sport 10:30 e. Y. 0: euudig CharetaTnan • - I • 1141 troy Wear Weartnn 10)0 C. %.1400g.x. ItloBAnu )1. nOWERtI. Agent. ' Genuine Preparations. From the Celebrated House of PETER SQUIRE, -London. Granular Efterveicent Gi- Carp', Potassa, Bromide Potaa. sa, lodide-Polassa. Ciliate Iron and Quinine. Bromide Ammo nium, Carb.Lithia, Vichy Salt, hishingen Salt, Cit. Magnesia, Seldlitz Powders, kc.--,,T0 pro tect Physicians and the Public from spurious articles or this character,' purporting to be .direct i mportations"—all bot tles of the genuine will in future bear a strap label over the cork, with the address and lac iimilesignature of the man ufacturer P. SQUIRE; and on the7 - Idde his trade mark, and also address of the Importer and Sole Agent, - SI2IOII JOHNSTON, Cor.Smitbdield St. and 4th Ave: . P. .S.-4. 'Fresh' Supply of Squire's Ttue Glycerine Soap,. Sarg's Vienna - Soap, Price's • Glycerine. Soap, Astringen- Bed Gum 'Lozenges, and Mit ' .riate of Ammoniate Lozenges.' These Lozenges 'are meeting - - ni with great success i "Fngland„. of in , cases - /dela ed Sore Throat PronchitP, etc. Jost t . received. • • CARBOLIC SALVE. The inapsrtant discovery Of the CARBOLIC ACID as ' a CLEANSING. PURIFYING, and' HEALING Agent is one of the mitt remarkable results of modern medical research. During the. late civil war it :- was extensively used in the Hospitals, and was found to be 'not only a thorough disin-%' fectant, but also the most won derful and speedE HEALING REAtErtir ever kn wit.. It is now pre nted In' a scientific combination with other soothing and heating &gentles, in the terra of" a SALVE; and. having been ready used in numberless eaAes . : . , with mostsatisfactoryandbene •ftcial results.we have no hest. tation in offering it to the pub-: lie as'the most cestaitivrapids..: and effectual remedr for alt.'l' Pores and Ulcers. no matter of how long standing • for Darns, Cuts. ' Wounds, and every , ' ' ABRASION of SHIN or FLESH. and for Skin diseases Bold lip; all Druggist& Prlcss2tt , mute.' JOHN . F. HENRY, Solo Profr, Na 8 College Place, New York. PUBLIC NOTICE.; Haring bean .masted Gin ant GAB ge.A 4 nts isarsoron for Allegbeny - County. nonce ngreby greed thit Man the necessary ogre ant . Mechanical Testing Nachinery cso be nrerelnehs • -' will be tease at the OPPICX. or 'nix TOCINDILY . AND PIPE .170b21.14,.i 'Twenty-third street. near Penn. Pittsburgh. E3=l esiand EisiYetcr ME] US:U 11nLim= 111111011 & ErOANN; . : PIjACTICAL.I:T.UdII US cusicAND Ma* FITTViIs. ~..; PUMA Lynam., Itear - MIAb filtreew PP22111.1111X1211. - Laud Ms., acon Hose, oss lemurs , Was. Rath, Tubs and. Wub OLOWAS. Iron Pipe and 'Alb and Besr rIIIIIPIN bud Blume.. lasegs *nimbi. Public and PrltsW,EillAbsts flft,cos wit) Gus. Water aid Moue lisattu* 4/.possrbtos. Jobbing (tramp, suced.el in: [lcrEl ,S arEesrncJ OIt~NGI . • Itemln4 Lim dor an/ovoid of Sweet 314 fill^s, Omit... I. a prime, tweet. for salt by tl3. DFA Coen. It the Folonl ro o or7O`ro iJOHN A. RISFOHAVT, Oeraer Utterly and..lllath rueess. El r=ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers