MI Ctrs Vittsintrst i , :, aptii. 011201.A.T. PAPER, Of rWlibirgh, Allegheny City sad Allegheny County. OYFICX: IIIBYTE BUILDING 84, AND 86 111411 SATURDAY, MARCH 5. 1670 Bolank it - Fraukfort, arm. Pwrnonstrm at Antwerp, MIL GOLD closed in New York yesterday at 118}; Ws. admire the womanly courageof the young glri: 450; annoied . and insulted by a Dillimign dogging her steps through our streets thsother day, gave him into the custody of a pUlicemaa The poppy Was duly Pr ld ilieti, and the high spirited girl Lid hex - Oil:index obligations. YEsticiitfit's noon qitotatlon for gold was 1181. The downward movement seems to Marconi Its momentum. If it once toncheollo, it can never rise again above that figure, and the hour of specie resump tion awaits only the pleasure of Congress and thocoustryqind tho precious metal will then pracUcelly have been divested of all, Its-i specsilitive value—and this meanseash payment at any short notice. . . WA hare the fir it number of-a new Butler county paper, which styles itself the Eagla. Is it established to do the work of buszarde, in the style of the fol . low In sorstssuStrom its introductory 01- torial Who does [Mt eCmlre the manly Ind*, pendetiae of Senator Lowry as he hurls his hurnfog invectives ageing/. wrong, from his place in the Senate? Or who doubter Ahtrfedidniterated Integrity of Elevator ntilinstelt or Senator Kerr, of our atm district? It Is simply because these men are honest, that they are . . Tan /minima and . English govern mental. willjtot fail to institute the most _searchilearealfgations Into ihecircnm stances of the Oneida disaeter.. If it shall be found true that Captain Williams was sent to ieta, : agalnst own.protest, by thet settior,ofileer 'on the . station, with only half id proper equipment of bests, that officer, be iiniehont.be may, has a responsibilltY for' the. untimely death of one hundred-and itfte4ta men, which be c tie only share with the captain of the Bombay. The latter knew :that he had cat down and sent some vessel to MO bottout,'but doubtless supposed It to be only some.native craft, and go kern on his course. Thataione exhibits his brutal inbutwantry: 7/f,guilty as charged, Atirni.• rat Rowan tutd Captain Eyre ought each to be cashiered, ebould they r intruwe at that i IF Yrin i shall; in good faith and with out neklimi . delay, execute her engage meats to Mar Minister, and her ditty to civilisation, in thla abolition of Cuban slavery, we trust that our own govern• meet will refrain from any act, of direct or luditec' littertinition, cmbsintas her pulley. We do not credit 'a late in timatloia that the Regent is unwilling to proceiiii.fuitier in this direction. Cm tainly; It ought to I ke clearly understood that only in this way, and tipoi Uils ground, can' the -American Government maintain itipiesent attitude of non action. For the personal liberty of the Cubans, irrespective of race, color or jarevlous condition of servitude,?' muck cordd be justified, which we may not 'dare for the vindication of their merely political righta. As a slaraholding island, Cuba is quits -I°o near our coast remain long under another sovereignty. * As a mere colony of freuneni yolitically dependent upon Spain, haire no call to assail her 'Seance.. QUERY} Blum Governor Geary has conferred upon one yir., Logan , his brother-M -law, the appointment to , it...responsible and luicattve otiliv In this rounty,the Re publican 'people of Allegheny, and of Western. Pennsylvania, desire to subMit to the - Governor the following message, with the hope that he will make a square anima' theteio. Me eat Nut: Wad, or "was , not, said Logan in as military moles of the so called Oentwickey—on officer or solar. in As rebel ormy? —IC the Giorenter cannot, or will not, answer this question, we shall haul to refer It to the people of Westmoreland counqqAtlther report thereon. .. -Or lb. Logue himself shall have a heating to our colt:min, If be • desires, la reply to the entipOryi • • IRVfIiifiI:MLEVIIPAL TO TIOSTIPT We copy,,the Oarrisbur g 7stograph's vezbalurreport of the saying. and datuga before the_ Senate G0:1=11,44 4kTepti gate 'l4` When W: W. :Itwin reftwoCto ;testi on O&M as to hli own °MIA cohdiet : , idn.ilgensfelt—Tbis meeting as w celled with e ylew oftaxamiolua General Irwin.' as taloa the inofitate Treasurers. We. are now ready to proceed with the examination of General Irwin. ' ItI tho ts titwittarose mak Wapiti-towards Mr. ed'lnfire- .I.fay ask yon s-quei tion beton you are sworn. , -You told us the other day you could not go on with the examination until you hadexamined the bookaoitheDepartment. Have you examined the books of the Departmenit mime then .. M.r.lrstin.-I wilt state to you what I • 112.11111lugfolt—My fuvtduty,General, to to oak you whetber you dear° to be sworn or attlnnodl , , , Mr. Irwin - Tryon excuse me for • moment I Will ear you have relieved' ms of - something I was going to 'ask. That-something what I state here to . night 'shelf' not be misrepresented to. morrow In the Harrisburg TelegrapA, or n rl r lOffert hi° !O . Sentiment I think they . wi r ino' justi ce, blrf,prlcitire--/ Ask that question to place' roamed right hers. _ • Mr. you permlt ms .to Rs/ Ilea elate to - Yon my own position since that Ume. I have no clerk., and It will be a great deal of labor snit ow panes to make you out • monthly report of the period of my adminiatnalon of the affairs of thil State Treatury. Illilntire—That .le enough; Mt: - Billingnli will take Ma emdaTla wish to make a ?Matta°. Manta if y.ou permit. I shall not state anythirgc that le improper. There has been a great , deal aid about the vex• al_gueetkut —.bent *Ault scenunt: edr. Wlettr•—ton had better be qual. Med." {Another memberofthelloaimlt. tee aim intimated as ttinctl-J ' ' Mr. Irwin—lt you Will perMlt; I will Mr, Bilititgfelt:--I to quart' you. 1 1 Wrilittle to lbe.ooommlttewi If you will agree to hear his statement flret, Y willo is with tba majorttj... • ' Mr. Irwir—l . ebb to state that the vault mesunt, IMF it is called, was, kept duriug.my trimaurjahlp with the p.a.. miry aesottel; the whole account. being. Iteptby,tbetaidder, Ind no seuseate am coun t by reef either patarmallynr oMclally. - and everything, r wa ve , wag transferral' to my immeasor. and I be. Ileve.icttelpletely Ainihte satishwthm. I. hese a /Met from the Auditor `General; whloh I drare to present to you, if you will f/wWilh , -To Prepares statements* I have" told you, I cannot do. It la too much xpense Lund is net being in possessi e on of& MGM, Mid n ts* ot toeing the present Incumbent of the office. • I hare another piaper thalitieleralALlL gal** meal of WhiCh Ilitalre to Wilda. which I einekislY hope -won. =Wiled with.— That la MI I haveßW t Held- In erer thepapentl. , 01. Irwin- ran triads a "tturvemeut,, which indloutett Akti tr# beta '2O whits OW rpm gooruc. Mr. Lite—You do want to leave, do you? Mr. Irwin—lf • you will road those El ~X ~'" , . IMEN Pipers you will find they are all I have to communicate. • The papers were opened, when the eevaral of the members suggested that core : Mitten retire. This was according done, the commit met repairletheya to I.llsoJoining room. Alter ime returned, and resumed their *eats. • mr.Pillingfelt—General, are you will ing to be sworn or affirmed. and stilmit to such an examination a* thecomuitUce deems proper under' the matter under going iexaminatint? Mr.; Irwlit..l umar respectfully oak you gentlemen, to give me leave—to re- salve What I havaillven. That Is all 1. can give you now, I hope ...you will bo satisfied. • I • - • , Mr. 11111Ingfelt ' You say now. Could you at any lima? Mr. Irwin—l d not know that there 4 - Is anything I do of any benefit to the State or anybod without It la a detailed statement, and t' annot do that without atrios d a mil of ex pe nse. 13 lin gfelt— I would say that it is Motet' for me to put that quesition to yen salihave dons. - r. Irwin—Yes. sin it hi. 'Mr: Blllingfelt—Do I understand yeti to decline to be sworn ? Mr. Irwin—l do mom respectfully de cline ; or to make further statements than what I have. • • so; Mlllegfelt--Could you fix some other time? Mr. Irwin—lrlas to the , statements which I maks—l have raven. fall satis faction—l hope I have. Good. (Taking up his hat -preparatory LO" re. taloa.) Mr: Billingrolt—ietter trYtiiflrit . end seowhat questions we may wish to have prop:innate:l—by us members or the com mittee. • Mr.. Irwin—Not being stationed in the Tteatiury,l do not propose to get up and make a full statement of what tnulapirod during my term. You have had a full statement from Mr. Mackey and Mr. Nichtdaan, and I. hope you will excuse me. 'Good oval:dug. Mr, Billingfelt—lt Is the unanimous desire of the • committee that you be sworn. Mn Iwrtn—l ion not prepared to be awornet present. Oood evening. (And Mr. "Irwin withdrew.), Oa motion,Ahe committee adjourned, withaut fixing a time for another moot ing. The papers presented by Mr. Irwin, to wit, the Auditor Generara certificate, and positive refusal, in writing, to make any further statements, Missal:ugly ban priatrd in this journaLThe lather dom. 'meatwu dated Feb. b, 1810, and was the Identical paper' which; knowbsg . contents, the msjoritY of the Committee decliked to receive at that date. azuptous larrEwcmicE. - The Methodists' of New - York State, numbering pearly two hundred thousand, elected clerical and lay delegates to repro• eentothem in matters outside of the usual eceiallastibal order of the Church ma clattery. mottle Contention suns :days agei e t , n Syracuse, About four hundred der tee were preaent. Among the most prominent questions before them ir* m take clefts to lOcate the new Unl- Tersity at Syractae,-tmbotlying the char ter of the Genwee .College, and concen. eating Imes first east Unirersity. Two hundred thousand dollars were subscribed of the fire hundred' thousand needed, and ahe remainder, it is thotight, will be easily secured- - Rerolutiorisware adopted in Ilford temiarance, against donating States or municipal funds. to churcbei, and ,favoring the attendance of members at primary meetings to secure the mei tuition of good men to omoe. On the list day resolutionewere adopted to secure a better, attendance on class meeting, • more ri gid exereliecifi disc-101 s' against peionefoi reedit - 4 fictitious literature, gaming, theatregoing, 'and social and public danciett,,, , - The Second Sunday School Sniper' n• tendeats' Sociable, for Nee* York, took place it the' Seventh Avenue • lillsalen, edn e Week la Bald the Baptist colleges hare nearly three thousand - students, an in cresOse of ova toindred sines last year. There are eight hundred students fitting for the ministry; of whom two hundred and forty' ans . in 'theological schOols. The Independent says: Rev. J. Hyatt Smith has reslguedcharge of thel ecomp. ton avenue Baptist church, Brooklyn, andintends W .- start a new enterprise on the open.cominunbsn principle. ROT. Robert Laird Collier, the noted Universalist preacher of. Chicago, thinks that to very many serious people rendered opera is a better means of grace thad in orthodox conference meeting. Tbel Adoeiule, of the same city, retorts that he might be admitted as a good judge of opera, but asks, Isn't it a little risky for him to yentuiti as opinion on prayer meetings.' Brune Idea.mity.buformed of the inter• 'eat in the ministrations of Dr. Hall's Chttrch New York, fro" the fact that at the communion sel, son Ounday week the entire floor of the, a'antr.b, both Pews and aisles, were crowd ed with communicants—it was estimated dation or twelve himdred. . The Methodist Episcopal Church mem -berkrip In, 'Penneylva& alone numbers . _ . one,hundeed and twenty-sled tbmissnd, wit a ministry ofseven hundred and thirty • '1.69 Presbytortan Balmer advocates the 1111 g of at least $100,1100.t0 the endow t fund of the Western Thecl.nield fientinary, In order to enable the Institu tkiii to meet, the wants of the Church. It. give cogent Mischa why this increase ahclid be aside; kid: :tiltosisl% the advin tips that will acme by so doing. It is gratifylmg, to, mention that Dr. nuigrase; i3eMetstryeif thePreabitirias Board of DOmestio, ] Babas, announces that' by the liberality of the friends of the .Boao, it hi folly able to inter all Its DtIIHa prortsptly, and will clime the &cal ;gat' with" good workhig balance. The installation of Bey. John M. Forbes, D. IL, as Dean of the Protestant Bplaeopal General Theological Seminary, Thursday.week, at the Church of the Traistlzuragon, was an occasion of deep laareat. Bishop McCoakry, of Michigan, whd presided, presented the keys of the Sectarian , to Dean Forbes, in a neat ad. drags, alter which Eir. W. F. Morgan, ow behalf of the 'rrnstses, cpagratutted the Dean, followed with an address y Dr. Vinton, on the Dart of the Faculty. The Dean then addressed the Faculty and dents, at the close of which he held an infotmal reception at the rectory and re ceived the congratulations of the Slew Mid:otbers The Dlocenn Convention of Pittsburgh Mill meet 1 eter 4 s Chords, Pitts. burgh, ',l . tteeday, Juno 1!t¢,.1870. The fihaheresies; ruPresentod akeettlog forth to the public; thit;the eximids of lases in respect. , to pious celibacy, to the 'great point oflitteiest In hischaracter and Thillify imicetallylionot and emulate. jr ismtimated . th at the acceastonhby letter Mad On preillsion of faith, to the 'several Prubytalas, Churches of Cincin nati, amount to about dye hundred. Per. haps thole by letter'nuniber twenty per cent ,leaving . the .MW; number Oilers). foidon of faith four- hundred. The as ceseleraiare chiefly in-fairthurehes, bar bag bad aboutieventy gun. Moe Presbyterians; neat Cincinnati, bare' also .been "IMMO :1dit1 4 1:8 4 16798 out pouring of the Holy Lanus gesatitles of wool are being bionght down' at Wheeling_ almost daily as the !ficzniA ol 6 l /*Ufa& from Wash iliittun OMIT, :7'or • . shipment East Growers were not wining to take the prices offered fruit after shearing, and an *ow dispoieng of their clips at very con :shierably reduced mites. - The - price paid *ages 'forly•tbred to -nety-stern cents per pound—averaging about forty; five. Many still prefer to hold on rather than accept thou glurea. :f7',!!:.'t7; , ; ;':''.i:•.! . ..: - .', , LETTER FROE PRILARELPIIIA Change •In Social Habits and Com merce —Linet Case pistol.= In Congregations—Theological Seminary - Menai lalll Far?—A.Challenge—liall. road td Pkw Tort. (From tate own Correepouden,o PIIIIJDELPECIA., March Bd, 1870 This staid old city of Penn seems to be undergoing changes every time we visit it. It presents a very different Bp._ pearance now from whet is did more then twenty years ago, when we •first walked its streets. The people are not so distant, stiff or formal in their manners as they were then. In this regard they are assimilating rapidly- the character of Pittalprghers, who are celebrated eyery. where for their sociability and hospitality. Of course I always feel at horns in die hospitable mansion of my most truly and excellent friend, James Graham, Esq., than whom know no more honorable and enterprisingmerchant in this city or elsewhere, and whose family, Is perfee. tion itself in every thing that relates to unfeigned friendship, kindnesi, attention and' good manners. In every member of it, social virtues have their highist velopment. The inevitable marble, bricks, white doors and shutters Ire still here, but the people are changing constantly and for the better in their social habits. This may bo accounted - for, In part, by the infusion of such a large element of Pittsburgh society into the city of Broth erly Love. In the matter of commerce there seems to be a great change also. There is not enterprise oaough among the wealthy and solid men maintain a regular line of steamships tween this city and Europe; The consequbace IS that New York is monopolizing the import and export trade, and many Philadelphia merchants find it necessary to maintain establishments in both cities for the purpose of doing a' profitable business. It is not, by any means, an uncommon thing for mer chants of the latter city to spend one half of each week in New York. In passing along the streets, I - notice that there are many very eligible busi ness houses without occupants. This Is not peculiar of Philadelphia however. It is the same in most of our cities at the present time. Business seems to be reviving. I notice quite • number of our Pittsburgh mer chants here purchasing goods for the spring trade. I would mention their names so far as I have heard or seen them, but this would be unnecessary as they will no doubt duly announce in the columns or the Glazarrs, on their return, their spring purchases, as it will pay them well to do so, by enlarging the circle of their patrons. . A very important church cue _was ar gued tm.ac.; gepreme Court now in session in this place, this week. A writ of gee warrants. was served on the trustees now.in possession of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Broad street, by a I number of gentlemen who claim to have been duly elected to the trusteeship of I that congregation some two or three years since. The defendants moved that the writ be quashed. This motion was argued on Monday and Tuesday of this week, by Judge Lowrie for, and Judge Strong against the quashing of the writ. I The Court has not as yet rendered soy decision, and, so far as 1 cankers, neither party is very sanguine of success. Rent and there one or two may be found who are full of hope, but the majority of either party do not speak with confidence, and they need not, for it is a doubtful matter. "The Supreme Court has the teat guess." This case is interesting' to many readers of the OszarrE, as It has some connecuon With the lemons psalmody question which was decided in the First Reformed Pres by (erten Church,- Pittsburgh, in May, 4868, by the Reformed Presbyterian Church and bears somewhat on the cue now pending in Allegheny county. The defendants, who wish the writ quashed, are those who are opposed to the sentence of sweatier' then passed. They have since 'lmpended relation' to the" Synod. The relators, on the other hand, still ad. here to the Synod, and claim that they are entitled to the church property, which is now valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.' But whether the writ is quashed, or not; It will not determine the rignt to the property. To settle this, snit 'will have to be brought in another Pam. The cue excites great interest here, not only among the parties con cerned, but also in the community gen erally. It • decision should be giien before I leave, I will &delta tbe Gard/ern. unless it tie - told be telegraphed by the associate press. ' There are five churches le this city con nected with the same ecclesiastical de. nomination as the congregations men. tioned above. There are division' in them ill, except two. Their divisions have been caused by the decision in the Psabnody. cue In Pittsburgh In 1868. It wilt take years to decide what the conse quence may be. , There Is likely to be endleee lifigatiomin regard to title to pro perty. Much manor/rill be spent, and much lobe by some party. The Theological Seminary of the Re formed Presbyterian Church closed its senior's here last evening.. The exami nations held during the day were credit able to - the young gentlemen who had been prosecuting their studies during the winter. The specimens of pulpit oratory which they gave in the evening were not so creditable, although some of them were very good. Raving said et; much on eoclesiutical, I may be permitted to say a few words on naval Altair". The "Schuylkill Na vy," an organization of young gentlemen of high social standing and excellent character, who Lave been known to im pose a fine of fifty dollars on antember for landing 'shoat on the Sabbath day, and, who compote the various boat clubs, whose elegant, costly and luxuriant houses adorn the banks of the river above the water works .in Fairmont Park, have ta ken a great interest .in 'the healthy eau else of propelling "craft" by oars. James M. Ferguson Esq., not =known in news paper circles In Pittsburgh,- having been formerly one of the 'proprietors of the United R•cokyterion, has been unanimous ly re-elected Commodore for the present year. This is a highly deserved compli ment- Commodore Ferguson Is a first. rate gentleman. One of the clubs of the "Navy"—the Quaker City—senta friend ly krenge • abort time since to the pman of Annapolis to row a four oared shell race during the coming Bum." men The challenge had been accepted, and the race- will come off between the 15th of June and the 15th of 'July next, Theyieople of New Jersej'ieem deter mined to have a new 'through line of railroad between Philadelphia and New Jersey. At a meeting held at Trenton last evening, a gentleman made use of the following language; "Every Jenseyman is interested in de claring to the world 'that he is no longer under the grasp of the Camden and Am boy-Raliroad Company. Tee time had been when Jerseymen ttaveMng in the West had been asked on every hand . : yon are from the State of Camden and Amboy. You Aire .from the State that taxes everybody that crosses your country, are you I' Let - ns declare now to all the world that they can cross our territory as they please, and we shall feel prouder of our native State." ♦ First•Clas ECALUvad. While It may be Safely assumed that Western railroads, running through thickly settled portions of the rich West ern States, will have largely paying bus. incur, there must necessarily be a great difference in the amount which will have to; be deducted from gross earnings for 'operating expenses and construction re. . pairs.. . 1.1 is of especial importance, there. fore, for investors to know how the Told le built upon which a loan is being nego tiated. We bays beeninterested in noting time of the details concerning the con struction of the Chicago, Danville & Via cranes Railroad, now In oreeration from Chicago to" Homeric% 55 miles, and seen to be extended to' :Danville. The road-bed is solid and of extra width ! and the eplreria, brhiges; ke.,, or a dander for many years to wear. Upon this, white oak ties are laid to the usual num herr of 2,800 to the mile. The rails are of the beat quality and weighing GO pounds to the yard; - and thaw rails are - secured by fish joints..• It is evident that such a railroad will need but little repair for many years to come, and that it can transact its rapidly increasing business without the corresponding outlay which most new roads require as soon as they obtain theJuildne s s which their prof cetera anticipate Upon this lead . this anisttilicted, Vie Company are sewn:al:vs mortgage 7 per cent.. Cold pol i el, 4 ,lbavlvir 40 gears to run, interest inyable.Tu4 sales already have been large, end ilie . Company has been purchasing materiels forth° extension iusd equipment. Among - - PM'SBURGH DAILI GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, - 1870 these purchases are 80,000 oak ties, 0,000 tons of rails. 20 locomotives, 180 freight cars, and other articles in proportion. The road has an assurance of large and, profitable traffic, both tram the local trade' and from, the carrying of coal .and Iron from the points of their production along the line to Chicago, where they are In steady demand. The Bonds are for $lB,OOO to the mile only, and at present price of gold they pay nearly 10 per cent. upon the Investment. A handsome profit may be realized by the exchange, of Governments for these equally secure and more profitable Bonds. - Interesting - infornnition-eoncerning tke road and Its Bonds may be bad of the Agents advertised in another,oolumn., 61. a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee, it was agreed to report to the Housei for action • hill drawn np by Mr. Blether's, the 'Chairman, to enforce the righter colored citizens to Tote under the revisions of the Fifteenth Amendment. t la a very Important measure, and will undoublettly.pasa both Houses without serious troublS, except from the tiemoc _ racy. bIEDITEISRANEAN SPONGES Purgene Spe.rre. Flee , Balblog Spooky.. Flee Vela.. Sheet.. Ithedsnroe Vrl•• Spoeges Per the Tenet. Three mats AO, reeetre4 Oda day. w bleb nukes the I= Jsat~y E. nvitris dr. CO •r 3 DRUG STORE, Comer Pews awl Sixth /green. (old 51. Clair.) Sold by the filing. ;Ingle Doerr, or tingle smug*. Porno. wild:deg to genuine will do well to call and ezemiue our largo and splendid eau:PM:wt. to We have every variety. Sold at the lowwit prices CONSUMPTION OF THE LONEY. If there Is any onaadinoulUon that needs to be more carefully isolittssed upon the minds of those vtibpSl to the aliments of the lungs and pulmonary organ., It le the Important fact that attention ahonid be t4l - 4 te the ant beginnings of those al . In the start a tow dote. of slob medicines at Da. EILTBEII.9 PECTOILif.. SYRUP will be sure to arrest the disease, and restore, sot only the healthy &slalom of the longs: but also of the whole body. ok all rem. ales for diseases of the lunge and contingent argent, Dr. Eerier's Pectoral .Byrop tins stood the toot of years of experience, and yon cannot and a 'lngle person who has ever (Sala It that will not Stank liughly of Its 'trine. Lot any one omitted with • rough only try one bottle. Lid as sorest It is taken It eat Cure theta. Dr. Keyser has an °Doe attacked to Kt Ortat Medicine' Store, 'where all manner of chronic diteates are sneaessililly treated, especially theme of ths lungs and pulmonary organ., sad he wool@ respect:any Invite those who an sot. tering and have failed to get relief from Wier comets, to give his method of treatment • 00101. Not long slate. a highly respected gentleman, connected with the newspaper press of the city. rolled at Dr. Keyser's ogles and took his =coll. rine. and woo cored by len than half a bottle, Anottitr tot who Ind coughed oil .1.1 E=T! A. lady, Weakened and4attesmated with lung counting. aria sees to bl m Into renewed battik a , ,d olgor; was asked "Item ate sot-the good Medicine that cored her. I The answer laaa, at Kryaewie. • . : ► child, puny end Vol. aided emulated. mu won cerall,by a bottle or two of Dr. Erfurt! Pectoral STOOP. A Indy en Liberty Duet. venou tugs were far dlaeased, restored to perfect beaten by the omattnaml nee of DN. KETUKU'aI LUND DUDS sad Dr. Ncreer's Pectoral Byrop. :. • ► sudden:lan next door to Dr. Bey NV. Men Oars be will recommend Dr. Et yser's Pectoral yelep In all castei Des than nalf a bottle cued Oho. .DLL. KEYSER•3 0111C&E MEDICINE STORE AND MEDICAL OFFICE TOR CHRONIC DISEASE?. No. 161 LIBERTY ETREET. UR bovirs mtll 1o• Aa4 Imo 3 io eland 1r to 9 lc night. /annum 56. THE SCA‘f iN AND ITA DANCER*. .LL Tba b anima body la ob tray ...owed of liar. and 11.1. arnottre to every ahaageln the "tont., of the a.... obitrc mi.. most delicate elevardiacier. or th e dal/AA:v. lia baronial. Vie eto.ith, th oc e ans the nerves, the longs sod the excise t• *7r es peel .11r ,•abl. to •Ratted .3•••• • Lad the beet nattc against their dleastrzeel......7 11/ to t cep the Chnestieb altchltaety which feeds end nous ht• the whole e 1..., le Eyed Reeking aro r. If ISe stomach Is weal sad Memos, al so later noonnor the bbe thesebe In bewliby state. pon this itemiser tootle °glut aunts rtr the ' Sricuif Tr; the n ' IV t 1 slit meLelite 4tDende• • WOrn the air Is horsefly Writ matt 0011050 vapors. as it oftgo le at this *aeon or the year. tho digestion sit oti'd beast elsleet of peculiar rare. If It is weak and tantenoll. the whole oh, ems , structure will be yew - rued. Hit is vigorous, the attlre organliotlon wilt be • tong tL realm {haI:II4OVMM and etepreeelhor logeence of s damp ao4 vitiated stns 'genre- A pure and powerful - twine la I beret.* 010.01- . 1, 1 it-eile ft Re • iratagaarti egalnst the einem. most entnaon to the poring, •nd Monetter's SUIZISCh befog the meet wholesome and post at medicine of Ate elan eticr..eut Iwan, a coarse of It le siertioularly adviraele at this atrtoo of the/ var. ILs •tomaels wit! ther• by oe Weed sad e.t.a the6oo; the lir:, gad bows Is reenleded. the hereon* metes tinted re, BUM r egsl a e we n hem , lms Wh a hnr of duce le L o ga . ten b beta kern, rneeramttate. nervous dcbully. beta eche. •hypoeholifri• ate other complinat• Ivo lel are sot to .Him eel toed and unforto -5•0 erelni•atlens. • he bury eeee egtitened entboat exettlest tne brain. and coseettueotle r - uoples•ant resctlon follows Its rafting see eel tvatleg a potato,, NO riCES Olt; COMPANY -soncE.-the manual owned of the eteekbelder• of the Tneiaph Oileerie...my -UI be herd a 'their tilUfltir. No. Y 6 reteenili net: lento) street, an 1103 DAN, March Tu. .11170. u 3 r. • it. lot the purport. of netting oftleme fur the eaeeln year, and the the tranraetton of sneh other taming. ...seat COMO before there. W/L;LIall MUSSi.I3I., Peeretedl. = Mr'ELECTION NOTIC g.—The AlM.et greeting of th• Stet tholgare cf the Ifni litgutue sea nceetne Compaey be bet 4 et tee cellee °reale Comps nee ee o g Eighth aun' • 11102iDelr, fttontell 1171 e between the hours 01-10 eng teeterelt, for the parterre of ...teem's, , g 'Dowel eareet.r the .nstung gee, Wed littenen gto •neh otter to au suer be brought before the meeting.. , WK. P. LANG M , ftord NSW ADVEIRT/SEMENTS. THE BONDS OT THE CHICAGO, DANVILLE-PINCENN RAILROAD , COMPANY vrozezl4lintanolf. Will be Found to'be the Best 1011:1233 CHICIPEET YBT 01111638 TOM FEU This will ti 4 Borne ()tido, THE. RICII.COITNTILY THE ROAD TS.AtERSES;VVITEI ITS AGRICITI: VIRAL AND MINERAL RESOURCES. THE CASH SUBSCRME TOTHE cA.pfte. STOCK. ' THE. EXCELLENCE OF THE 416 MILES ALREADY BUILT, AND MI EQUIPMENT. THE PLANS COMPLETED, AND THE MONEY EXPENDED, FOR VfG OROUSPINISEINO OF THE LINE IN THE SPRING. THE EXCESSIVE EARNINGS TO ACCRUE FROM THE COMPLETION OF turwumr. LINE. THE. AMPLE SINKING FUND FOR THE CERTAIN REDEMPTION-'OF THE BONDS. ' TEE Iptr mused, INTEREST RUNNING OVER A TERM OF 40 TUE BEIBTB4Y 4YFOBED , BY THE MORTGAGE COVERING THE ENTIRE ROAD, EQUIPMENT, FRAN CHISES. AND ALL PROPERTY. PRESENT AND }SUTURE-INDEED THE SECURITY OF ...TWICE :THE AMOUNT OF 'BONDS ITS§I.TED: THE, LOW . ctraurspx, gat= THEY ARE NOW OFFERED-AT.,. dlti this is verified is detail la'stfic ,011,11let P „e . . a inPhif.6 itrhich.canubchad at t. lee lE4'O Ir. their :bond!, tar be doad., , and : ., ..sec, /mid character and capacity arllse Company!a ;ej~timates,' "can_' be fitsplliitly relied ispon:to• giCe these Bondi ftSrlintlielt stand, anti ::1111elherciroro freely and ,figliv.rfo.ofind-lhqn• W::11/11LEY LUG 'a: COl No. E 4 ! CLIFF STREET; New YEA; Aiej:• for.tbe We of the Bonds labiolelll ~'~ = ; f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OF ' FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers GOITHRNIgNT-SECIAITIES., No. .5 Nissan Stred, NEW YORK,-- FEBRUARY 1 itb, 1870. The remark a ble tureen has atten ed oar regotiatiOn of the Loans of the Carr aL Psctr tc @shLamanCOYyasr and the WiarMszt PACIFIC BAILnoAD CONFANY, and the papalar- Ity and Credit which there Loans have maintain• ed to the markets, both In this coanta7 end Eu rope, have stolen that the lint Mortgage fiends of vrisely-losaied and honorsbiPMansibl roads In readily takes es the rent suitable, safe, sulk advantageem form of invermeot, yielding a mare liberal inermeitian east hereafter be derived from Clavernmeat Ponds, and >rano. big to take rhtlr pilot: Assured that. to the selection and negotiation of superior Railroad Loans, we are meeting a treat tmblllwaat, and rendering a velnabla ser vice to the holders of Capital and toll.. greet Rational works of Internal improvement whose Darin sic merit ape nbtteutial character entitle them to tlie rue of Capital sad the conedenee of Inrestore—we now offer with tweeted entlidenee and eatasfaction Me ' FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS _OF THE HUMS AND OHIO B. R. CO. viz catgArtass MID onto rIAILZOAD. cosmectlng the Atlaat'e caw and the mageld• cent Whom of the Cheeapeake Bay with the Ohio Mee at a polat of fellable navigation, nod ' Wu, 'with the entire Railroad , mates. of the greet Wen and Etathwest. FORMS THE AD DITIONAL NAST AND it TATTED - NE LINE. oa Imperatively demanded for the arcometoda- Mon of the Letle Case and raeldlPEomtleS Dm- Donation_ batman the 'Atlantis seaward and Europe on the one hand. and the met pro• during regions of the Ohlo sad Mtealmlppl lays oh the other. • THE IMPORTANCE OP THIS ROAD AS A NEW'. OUTLET irAok THE WEAL' TO THE SEA minuet It leto one of naUottal tout queue*, nod Mauna to It an emanates threese tragle . trim Dm day of Itt omelette.: r mhlir. In the development of the extenalve agrleeltural andicaturial reaanteea of Virginia and Wee' VirraL, lt mammas. along Ile own line. the ciente nu of • lama and grantable local Mutates., Thai the great ate both general and local. which demand the completlos of the CHESAPEAKE AND 01110 RAILROAD to the Milo ;Ivor, afford pao m . 0.! trWodard , Or ita • soca. and Table, cad HENDEE ITTII6.MOET IMPORTANT' AND SUBSTANTIAL NAIL. ROAD iNTIMPRISK NOW IN ?BOOMS IN TEUA COU WIRT. It. cap.+lotU7 sa an East run Want routs, and the promise of an tattnenaa and prentabla trade avral‘lnd eampletton, par. drawn to It the atiention and cooperation of prominent Cast. taints and Railroad men of Oh City of wand lodate...at and lotegrity.rwhosenonsma neia with I, methar with that of eminent anima* and Varian, seen of Virginia and Wert Virginia. /11111311./.6 AN iffiltaf/LTIO, HON °BASLE AND 6UCCIII*III3I MAWAtig- MCAT. • • The Road te templet , d and la operation tram ILlchusard to the celebrated White Belpher . J/Ption of West Tlorisle. 081 riles, wet there restela bat ROOpilleelaor partlellyeeristrwied) to be completed. 1 cowry it to the prepared ter- White we the DOD dew at, tor near. the wrath el the Rig Wards - Heir. 100 mhos stave ()Dein natl. end 800 relics below Pittsburgh. blow are sow projected or la progress through Ohio and Nettecky to this Ye r intor Walk •I'l pm. neeT the CHESAPTANE AND 0/110 WITH THE ENTIRE RAILKOAp VESTRIES Or THE WEST AND suuniwist. AND WITH THE PACIFIC HAILED/AD. , Ito ira/unbla frontal:as and toperlor advantages wig plan h casseArsizz AND 01110 BAH, ROAD CONIFANT among Um Mohan and moot powerfal and trDst.gcritby corporations...at the ..Mg: AND ; VIXEN ZEDLTS A FIEBEN, r VALI:M.IN COMPLETED ROAD AND WORE DONE. IQU At TO TEM NNTIIEN ANOOII OW TIM NONTOAGE.' • . ,_ Tka. data/la of tka Loan hart Woo 2FTWWId Irlth natal ne (man to tat %mat. at Alai...ma of hterators. and ..lathe the varloas trauma Ai Or aaarealeake. Wet'. L and pratactkat against kw ot fraud. . . "":". Thailand. are to aeaaatsattoas of ' 81,000, $5OO and $lOO They lillllxl.rued u C01:707e RONDA TAT ARIA TO BZAISIM. and, W 7 IN held la tbai torn Tee ocrxiksu. aim be &tubed sad canoe - led niede a: eialiii2Mit trisutuale oily is I,l* [Kai. tis Colaaiiii. had The In , ataat aaula ph7allialata7 tha reglatitai onset or tkhi atrritalt Tim this, dishes 1111 ha kaown reapatettraly ..Teti •Vllllrefi • SONDS • PAYABLE TO • • L - - • • • ••••441sTi81LD ATTALCHZD... , • id: •!•IkfiGiirleill) BONDS 'wits- COII- Pi)Nls,•TT•liapp). , . , aiiiihOuld io Pa es ceenkow" . ...ait.ln epealhtai sh 6/ . .. ad Thor ' 4va TapriT *lull! to reartose Jule. with . Oa, 1:41.1 bourn from lovember 1. Mai, Napilit• INTWIT •I , ATANIdi IN -001,D IN SRI ellle or NOW Toni. Thh Interest le Nimble la MAT and NOVlNarit that' tbi ilea!! Or p#ol' eke earth! I !!! i s of a.l( the eonveal oho. of one Welke WhO alre:adyhildeedqatiiimil Weeterf r i Psi iiirohd**4ll' Idieniet payable In 4ci,,raly, and vritp May, deelre,lo hek.' lid Oddiilos4loyeetatinkti; to hat. thelithier ost reettrible al different iiisiNnui of the tear, Eta Loon u iiioted by* mokdeti upon tea entire Liae of lived - ftune 11 - lelmolid to the Ohio Leer. -the equipment and ell Othoi ever end app#TUß•Sieeli sanitised tiitrewlth. • BINNING FUND O r aloD , Doa PLn AN-, NUN Tit PROVIDED Ton TEN usoutrnos •01, TEeI3OSDS, TO Taft EFFECT' ONE espcsi;tar. coi,eirrio4'o7 TIIE .Tlto iintsrlgo4l. toe sio,eoo.ollo, of vtlaolk 11 1 11.000400 ,01 be nein:ie . and title Itt%rie got 14 tedolipl74of oolsiandlos Dalai of ttio Virginia Central Bafirood Coalmen noW merged tithe CllreAl4.4 AND OHIO, . of rna4lnl .13,000,900, • etellelsat shioeat 1,111 bt mid he complete the'toed to ehe (Ate neer, petite, wee meow* the portion coo fa OP•nOROI thormehly equip the "half for •PIOOI aid etellre trade. , • The hreeesteeftee le KO bad starved leiereee; Lee* so 111.111(414011111d, eoear.Mts in,ried• sadeo ee!iebs +sifter te'evioseriele , Yecoistbeitt plate ieionY ijoe favorite sealsittealb*mer.. Liu, both In WS coeutrrend lover, will be Glance 4t4ekly ebeCielted.': Very reepeottolly, ••• • • • FEBIEzdt,'HAT9H; " " • Baxik-etg: r. 15 . — W• USTI, &med. puspbletal rola alga stithei F adetani, "Wel! stioFt aDPihattr! , • :far we , day and -egg Gorier's ineigatontb;'4ltietieceivei t • ft,cg7 Pf,feeisks,'BcpskereE Whers,:natied sheik at,sl9M. andAiliow UM?* an ttailgsbalances. • M'CLEAN AsaiNi& No. 7A,Foarth Monne, EttibelNll. ro. -,- ..,,- j 1 __ U 3i. _ _.~. _...:.._. is %' ,3, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY co co i) WILLIAM SEMI'LE'S, Noe. 180 and 182 Federal Street, MEMMEEMI A largo mid Complete Stock of iffSIKEEPBOv ODY GOODS I Bleached and Babl'hed Table Damasks. Wen Table Napkins, Buck and Damask Towels, Fancy White Qnilts. _ Extra Good Bagels la MARSEILLES QU ILTS littering paellas, all widths. Mow Case Muslin, ikirtiug Mullins, i - Irish tiaras, Shirt Fruits. At Be., Good Light and . Dark Prigls, At tOe, highland Dark Print', an ex tra bargain. At 1130, White Honey Comb Quilt', At 18 We., White Linen Towels, a groat bargain, AT WILLI AX SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 aad 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. ISTMNAT SPRING GOODS, ➢ORGANSTERN & CO'S, Q=l MACkU GLYDE & CO., No& 78 and 80 MARKET STREET• Rim mineorrmas, .MEW COLLAR% and ISANDICERGIIIERS, NEW TRIMMINGS, NEW RIBBONS. FULL ASSORTMENT errocmmos AND atovpm, IL MMES. itv , .ritvisAii. !URN 'A UYDLII.Wr../8. NAPKII+ , I3 And ToWILLI WH ITC GOODS, NOTLON'S, ht. Illeneasau sad dealers luvrfli./ at eastern pile s. mat ALT HORNE & CO'S ~ Second Arrival of New Goods. • • • NILIFRIIISPES HA AND BONSILT FRAMS. YLNE TR ROIL FLOWERS. F. SNORT BUNN/ST AND TRIMMING RIBBONS. In &II Idtbe. NEW, STYLES IN SASH AND BOW DIROONIA ECIZEC72 E=l LIMAN COLLARS AND CUTS. LACE THINNED COLLARS,. LACE TRIMELD LINEN BMWS.. ILLOBION WAISTI, CREMIENTIIM AND LAPPETS, EUCHRE/ EXISTING. 4 . TUCKED. RAIN 5008. • TIICIRD CAMBRIC. ' 'ORGANDIE BWISS. ' AllotUr Lot • • LADlis • MUSTS HIM °arrow Hose At the sew price. • ALEXANDILTS YID eilLiliria In Fleck and Colors, sad orisress. 11 AI 19 JWAIRSJET BTREET fra • CUSTOM POST Or TIrSSISPROM ..• I SVAIIISOR °rm., Mama a, 111110. GOVERNMENT SALE ley authority - of the Hon. GIRO. 4. ROUT WILL, geeretary of the Treasury, I will trier at Peelle !salon, on WEDIORIDLY, the 10th 'att.' it lit Y., at the Custom House eforerafd; that location or the Worth. Hospital Lot which Is eeparited frowthe HosOltalbolidlog Peale - street,'Min . :Otos parellei with ibe Pittsburgh sod Olereland Railroad. Tbls yrOperty Mintaiss be tween two sad tone sores, sod le 'ottani close to the Itneot AllegbenrCity and la anon roasted isansfactatter purposes OlUtig to its prwx• Halt; to tits Mges of rirtaburab mad'Ailegbeity 'sad Its Nett ties for moving freight la any Sleet -1301.-the Pittsburgh, Tort %trepan L and Chleato Iteillead foimlog thenpoertive, and the burgh 'and . C.erriand Hallway ; 17.... bk DTer the ground; rieble stiet forms the lower bossesty tenths the llbloil is bet three or font bandied yards Ott., - • TWastl-One4lth 'the' balsam, en fear equal 'qoartotly paYments. tee than be made on the 10th Orionis bat, With tattiest from the day of tale until paid. Pell details :rut 03 given at time and prime Of isle} All bids to be made subject to to tie approval of the Secretary of Om, Treasury. the Department re serving the right to reject any or ail bids if deemed to the Interest of the Government to do so. THOMAS„ STEEL, SII}WILYOR OT OIiSTOMB. OLD STORE IN A NEW PLA► • Ma undersigned It armband to Drenlsl. In WV , * Orin: o . li.ok on •ires, or Ix , say desirable gnarl tits, _be CAI°, I Prima starkers!. Ne Oodeab. l 2Enoked aad plated ralmon . Holland w sad Bloater Harlan% darelles. • Mae Agent' moot naafi:L . 7old .101 M S, Ina Bu.. ware, rsetared at Greenman, 1 1 . a. Smooth and neat battery.. ennalstlaz ofJaaa •Jar.Creeka eta of all sizes. Large or mad nasal:oles .Polleo. Onset. Tarns, Mato aad Calomel Carpet (Main. An*. b., Dried sad ems ed halts, Tama. =atom Jellies, and every article 16 be round to lint-clus noose. Maple arlielesof alreserles, spunM swam Synask Sa aaro. Flat !par. Plia, eta., , ibr , j.."l" B/1 " 4111311) nicsiYir.Vom area. 29 mo 20, OmM-weft emlier Diamond ilettanwideoT TREGO'S TEIBERRITOOTRWASH.- Thib .... pt. cheapest sad bed Dean. tries extant. W=Mded free ot inJutiols preserves d white. the Teeth! atigorates ano soother the Gasni antes aid pert mat, the • Pre nat. Seca= 13 InUoa of mud ranges 'Annelid Teeth! • I. • sellor alur d r i glidnal 1 I ° ,I, d Ator, I VINALLSON..P/ttderpttli. , C. mArriftw. rtstaiumb. NAIL saroatisass. jutesses7. t‘wa& corner Penn luid.Bixth:Btieets, - : •- st. _ - ;. irrrsnozon.•re..• , s. • The aneSS epaulet* Magus. Collage; to Oi ; - • '4:WEIS' DAT AND :ttlei.3ll:ll9. • eay.a.lmeeatiVl lasts.•l .14..8.CleenInes eon. sizing MU partiewaga addressing lan rrianipale,_ of SMITH & COW LIT sainallien Plttabarga, - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS POPULAR PRICES WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 181 Federal Street, I= DRESS GOODS. New Spring Deland, Blatt and Colored Alpaca Lustful, Black and Colored American Poplins, BM good bargains in Deus Bilks. At Tory Low Prices, SSIMERES & KENIUCKY JEANS NEW SPEE,IE BATS AND BONNETS. NEW SPRING Bibbons and Flowers, 323.142. Gricnresi. Embroidered Edgings and inserting Hamburg Edgings andlitneertings, Lace Handkerchiefs end Collars, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs. The attention of Wholesale and Retail Buyers is respectfully in vited to our LARGE STOCK. being assured they wilt findprims as tow as they can be found any where. WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, mon= Y'11:1133E.14D SALE Valuable Coal Lands BALDWIN TOWNSHIP • On TOLISDAT, the 15th day of March next. at 9 o'clock r. le. at gm Autuou R om. . No. 106 Smith UM strew., 131,Dargh, i ehsll offer forma at putolla tendne er t stem, the followldg dee @embed Beal Zetste, silents fu Baldwtn towustdp. and formerly the property of John 1. Boor ett. as follow.. to-wit: All the to:I :Mug lu and under . itnoso two eontrfuou• tracts of lane.. boa:Wed sod deserl6ll followa. : The Scot wear Meg at a post, theses north 51 deg. fast 611 parrhem north MD dog. 'nest 130 perches a while oat ; south ST des • well 57 precast: 888 mouth 32 the. east /27 perches to the begfmddit. nom al•In g Forty-debt Acres and Your perches. The seeentd, bedlnnlng at • walnut, UMW,. south 37)g deg: east NO perehell: 002 th 50 oer • east SIM perches; thence Mond Redstone road north .4 drc. meet 78 perches; nw"lt 803 der e t 1 .51-10 perches: north 12 deg. wrest 116 5.10 mecum:: and thence south 699 deg. west 17 1-10 perches to the b•gla• log. oonfalulsg Twouty•tune Acres and .11.1551. tern Perches. - - Ankh two tracts Ellsabeth Snowden by dead dated Jan. 10. 1859 connyed to John W, Ben nett. Algo--Allthe cow lying la and under ell that nibs, tract of land begnong at a is thence conk 30 deg. west 61 13.1 101.1pershat north 60k d.k. asi perch.. north 5 deg. east tat 3/0 p••retes; north 18 arches; sorts 411 deg. ea. 91 18-100 peren 01 no th 540 ea. 17 31•100 archce; wash 683, 013119 9al -100 perches: wan V deg. weal 19 an: tient. 799 deg. rat 55 pitches south 403(4.0. past 8 9-10 onthestaonie 31.34 54 73-100 ig erehad nod tooth 34 deg. west 111159100 - erehesgo the beginelung antannt 53 9 .w rlPfifgPAnillql.ool9l9b. no 132. age A. conveyed lo alit Bennett. Acko—Alt tbc time 9413018 r 1310eee of nod. the Int heir( all the coal lying in and under that parcel of land breinnt aat post; thence south 39 dog. west 69 98-100 perelies; north 13 dog. 18 45 11)31 per-bea math '73 deg. east 715 83.100 arch. north 4 deg. 9 stinalas g ast 69 96400 penis.: north 863( dog. and 45 10100 perches to the beginning; canal:l ing 18 awes 2 68.100 area,. -The areal he. ginning at • white oat; thine,north 30 deg • east 17 89 100 arches:natl. 73 des. Wenll3 Week,. soak alder. west 1999 100 perches: soak 73 . deg. e st 9313 100 peaches to tin be gin:last natal:ha °snare. The thlrd begin alai a • Wanton isse;:tglenee north 34 deg. 44-1007genbes: ofnaln NVIN deg- 0.0019 67-100 berate • nor 57 Cleo. 97 minutes twat 14 115-1114 . patties. and north 35 Oe. east • to to ► astatine; consuming one tar 0.0. Bang the gam. no ea Pieces az land eon 0a to aald Ilannelt by Benont Anderson. ad or of John Akdinon, by el .e.d. Jane 83.18511. sodo -All the coal underl•l3g that ut of beginning at • tdesory stomp; there meth des eest 36 perches, main 1014 deg. west AI 55 100 purees, north 0014 des. wen ST 60 100 perches, north le doe. 33 niacin •east 34 perch., north 05 deg. vest St 60.100 pe.ches. north 1734 deg. oust 111 6.10 parches north 85 deg. l east ■ 6114 perch./, mtthlllltder.east 9 10.100 perches to a le Janet same south 85 deg. ems AO heretdm to the bealnolu, containing 111 ..,-.. 04•04 . tem, Also. 11l that piece of land •dialaite the abase bealnole if at an aeb 31tenoe mmot ITS deg- rut 53 10400 perches. south Idolog. vises 65 p oem.., and north 3 deg. east 15 perches to too beep:lll,oz. containing one acre and one bandied mid filly Ito 9000501, meld •ral and. last duerlbed tasel huh./ been con 'Ur,' Weald demist by Jams McCiaerY, hf deed eated Jail:tau 3, 1.59. gem-A9 the coal enderlytog that. tract of land buirotts tat • put Chet co seem a Ales. ;A 974 4 JAVA °S:l h . t0e . 3.T011 ranee, ao h rth 37 de e. west 1111 perches. north east 14711 2 11411 ' 1=1% " : . 4% 6 117;1 '. 417.! th e1l .. 14114108 aerate. so.th1116!• doe, east 4:116• 100 WM:mend •446113344.4• geMOSiON-111/6 p.rehee to th e piece of beglantig. attaining 1935 'scree. And befog the emu which Wm. Pommel and Ellla his note, convoyed to mid Bennett by deed dated Jammu Site. 1860. ALSO-All the eel' eaderlylog that tract of Wnd tteglontne at a phi,thence north 86 deg. est.OU p.rehe south 46 deg. West St. Nitrate. month 13 deg. ease 34- 311-101.1ptrebee and north 46 4 , 4 20 a= ea,t 41,perchee to Om pines of obalnalits. untalatni. 9 am 84 111-100 porches, - and toeing the um, which Jamu 5. etch , an-. 11.07 nte wife by deed anted lie reM. be IN. • 1539. 40044704 to raid %mutt- Al3o=-Abottecoel underlying that tract ofluti 00 1hotot'17.:11141t!,,tg` 41. 0 1°_,"*.X rastero ne renew: thence by e ale line nor th dee. tut 61 0-10 meths.: thence south 8614 des. ten 41113.100 percher: Menem by land .collmYed to Auld Bennett by 7.145 tinowden at aforesaid: south 31 deg. west 11 45.190 unties: thence laesm 13i_des. wes t 9 porenest smith 30 des. wooot 11 110.100 yachts; noeM 7.1 deg. west 43114400 perches: north 46 . ti_deg cut 31 71.100 neediest , md north 13 da . g. ',rest am m.ammmmtee .04 Le/hieing, !margining .166 Weaned 100 erces. A .0-All that cermet piece of land •djoining the bat store.- hesinning at a stone, the ureter of sold Lorog`s land; thence by the same auth 45 deg. tut perchee to middle of the toad; therm. euta 1 14 deg. east 161 M-100 porthole; salelabd deg. ereot 62400 peroti , s to agate lan sad earth T 3 do g bast 16 3-00 perch. to the beginning; Orlilllllitill ihr 6.10 perches. Bald oul and last desorthed piece of land being the saran which Ate:Knee r a.m., and wife by deed, dated April 149, 1356 conveyed to said Bennet• be about men:loud Deed. 'from Elisabeth itourden, Senonl Anderson. Admin ago, ta r . .rasnee ideOlurY. Mr... wit,. Rogerson azdtelie, JOON& )(Ohne]: and •110, and - Alxander Me- . tended and wife. respectively. haring bees Be tabled Rcorders 011100 of .aid Allubeny County on 29159 day of January A.U. INS*. Tee . abore described land mil usl of• fared fur saliva lectlvely us Thole. The Unite will be made Anoom al. the time of sale.' Pa-beater tolormation inquire, of Hill 910113 in. AM.. AM:quay at Law,. NO. 143 fourth avenue. A. IcILWAINE, Anct rirrsimair. rat,. 19. 1810 1.1 E. l 0 m °I a m , w PI 2 0 4 000 ml 11 •a - 0 b 4. r 4 d Pi r i 4 5 1.0 A I" CHOICE. AND RARE CONFECTIONS, • FOR PRESENT'S, AT o.k°' IiE A " I r S, 112 irederal Rena, 4iteglialir. mtLei . . . . . NVY JD AErAILTEIENT. . l ' u* ! A %gr TA eiiiallitlit" • ii. ' Sbe ileitiatt remittal . pr6p-0010 lar.olfloatt. iitx D0tt,.. , 011. 0 tor tn• ad? Mammal. Iron .Ibil MI raw dal. /30.50.mmr.t0.1009;t000..- 14 Wl:elttAlai'Val'orglltirtr 4 .2.. calved will 00 01,0000* ~ DAUM. A.llll[ll, IMAMS 01 MIMI. .. NEW ADVER, 1 PER iii GOLD BON, AT 95, Free of Government Z'►x' ISbIIED BY TB! Burlington, Cedar Rapids INNESOTI RAILROAD CO. First Mortgage and Convertible ADD YNCITECIND BY A LIBERAL SINKING FUND Interest. Payable in Coin at New York or London. Prin cipal Payable in Coin in Fitly. Wean. rrit.iutwrip...w.ss $. EDGAR -TUOMPRON, rruldent Pennelivaals B. H. 00.. °Hes: more, } Preddent Tole4o. retorts mid Vatiaw R. S. Qa Thew Bonds, at present pFted or Bold, yield over O per cent. interest, and as intrrrestmene they are tally so secure no 11. 8, 5-510., vrbleh now eely par_634 per cent. In currency. They are only Issued upon each maims of the • das feet eutle same le completed Lad Is no- ha operation.. Om tWo and • half million. of dollar. base been 'expended on the Road. Rlthb•three Wins ate aboat comnieteal and equipped. and aimed, chow large Catnip: and the remalledut of the line Is rapidly pinltreselon toward completion. The State of lowa, through watch Mb Road ran., IS One of the rielsestagrtanltoral sections. In America. Its large population, intending .eta aarPrlatoff r►pldlp. sad Its latntanse rtald of gra/a pork, viral and other agricultural pro• duets, create s pressing demand tor the eonStrne , ton of this road, tritlett affords the best poultde entrant. tor the bondbohlers, especially as the tine roan through the wralthlest and .o%th/et/I populated meetlon of the State. TUX NO•D ALSO lONS =ROUGH TEI RIM •ND GROWING STATI Or YINNISOTA. Refer ence to tits nap of the 17 rated States veal nlO7/ the; R T Tim • Noe? INTinratiiNG AND GROWING PORTION Or THR WRIT, AND TIMM 011..07 TUJ 01LAT 'lllllOl.O 1.12128 . • . DiEICT ConnunlCATMor WITH NOW toe.. CnICAOO Mtn Om' Loom. being to the latter city 90 miles nearer from Northam:limn old at winces of the BMW of Minnesota Wan by any other road now both or Drodeeted, mad Mao the nearest rent. from Central mld /Mothers Tow. The road Is opened Syr loat trate smPISIt constructed. and thus RECEIVES EARNINGS ON. ITS COMPLETED SECTIONS GREATLY IN raczats or THE AMOUNT NEEDED TO PAY THE INTSBEST UPON ITSIIONDS BE YORE THE RO.*.D 113 YINIIHIED. Tits Marna or Tema FONDS IS Ticuasows otrAzumarn. MT • GRIST EV111.111.5 ♦LIIEADT IN lIIRTZACII OA rB■ LOUTS 07 LIM SOLD, Alf \MI./LA 81: artivi cossur zranrums. Aim au LO? .TO 81.6 ANT 07 las COIITINGZXCII3 :emu az, RAT& ATTU( TUS 011OINING Or SOLOS IN A NIR ♦OD ITNIIST/LID ACOUWIII7. 11nd :ad quantity of lame Bonds ano now. ot- QSI2 Alter a thorough L invertigatlon of the attire enterprise. We recommend tape Fiends an a Imit tes. Investment. afteddlng absolute safety, and paving an unusually Mien' rate of latiellat. All marketable mantitle• rat their full price, tree of commission and expreter charge., received la payment. Pamphlet* as map. furnlabed on ap- Taunton. HENRY 01..Z147S & CO., Bankers, No. 32 Wall St., N. Y. • • Thabellef thatthetievanuseat wlaltandl in. 5-110 s late • per coat. 1•Imims••• It desirable for arrestors to look for lime Eltia asmarnts that pay • good latarts‘ADOOT *then TONNE IS NO 41.IIZSTION, for olikt they eta extbauto It ole Govenuotta boado—Capttalltlat taw prosolautt gel • hlrator tats of latowtst. Ilelters of 6.110 bonds at sanstol; tatty to.aay fat bat ere and se queerer/v per amt. camper lanterest. while the beads we Mt PAT OVER TEN PER. CENT. We base had these bonds werstealy MOM. Mel, and bolas lamUl wtth the wealth and mousses of the counties. at wales Wilms. standluff and seletarst wensienteat of the earths In control of thts • enterprise, we reetnamend Meese bonds; as s ILret.eistos . S. IeCLEAN & CO., Bankers, No. 75 Fourth Ave., -Pittsburgh, Pa. P. 8.-0 a 8.01132% of our largely taarraord bar. nem and for the bettor .eenmmodMlW of oar friends and customers, we bare tars 'a loos lease of lan. front onices at .11. 511:01311T11 AVINITE. lotae new Malan of the inerritaata and kik:Mad...re Bask. wbere we win swerve alter the Lt of March. " 'feline/3mi DREKA •• • • Imparter and retail 4oniar /PINE: Err..I.IViODIMM.It.. WENDING. VISITING. PANTY AND BUSINESS . . tARD . lIONOGBAMB, ABM. ILLOYLHATING. Wen, by mall reoalv.prompt attention. end fa wimples. 1,0311 Magenta PEI ICE I PFoyonst. will be waived antll SATURDAY. Ink last.. at II 0' =1 •clonk lt.; 'f•r tbei /0E 0 Posbesale are to be for she los listens, see ase to be lan wllb the baderstroed at City Hall. blyerderbf lee Peek aka•lN . J. K. OXIJST. ll:eretut; SWINT & BR , ORNAMENTAL CARVRRIB, , No. 61 dandsky IL, Allegheny, ft. • lime usortakelit of =WM Peen sag tl ... A . .T 4 sAwarryttly Mal. TU/129140 THE AMMO CLOSIN TMEL - Tir 18 NOW in BARK Ivco. no IVIALIRIC .ftery arger l kilso acct. redeem 80 d a y.. Mao accasaistay for 0 NEW ADVIIRTISEEKENTF. WILL LEM PITTSBERGII TUESDAY, Hard 14th, At 2 O'Clock Precisely. - „ - , , , DR. EDWARD S. MANES, Up 10•Ve tO Offer Ms 111=2. Ut•lakit r.t2IM WIWI r I=l= from numerous Meads and tba profasalon PITTEIBU/Sall A D rra viciarrr. sad lo es pre.* ad 'rat Hada for the VZEY LIBMIALPATRONAGZCONFILLIID HolsommpftlWM. = INUAGEMINT 11) LICIT= = =I Lux% privesugen, OLL TITZSDAY, Muth lith.lllTO. At A O'CLOCE P. Y. PRECISZLIN All who have not been moolle4 =LEI =I = MEDICAL TILEATXLPIT =I =I Corusilleventb street and Drumm 'RIM I=LIE F1t7.15131/oa. VP TO TUT RODE AND DATE WitTs I^=3=l RE CLOSES BtIELEESS/K TWA CITY. =I PLANING MILL MEN • AND OTEIRS. EMl=ll33 The - undersigned has` letters patent of Lim • United States for the improved conetnsettou et leonine...Dowding, Ineldo lintel sad Cor Waal, noting tear homes. The - weather-bearded. bf this patented Improvement, being more particu larly Weeded far settles' lee. gad menblaing I, great duribility and beauty of Mine...C.:end It is so emistreeted as to entirely avoiding nee ofjolitstelpi. audigo prevent ester from enter- )r Mg {hi joints, or fbe gaping Cr the dooming of the lobate b 7 action , of the weather on Vie tha- Inane Mang and reenseeltg by this NM method are so constructed so to form pleat pooooto at cheaply as by the ordinaiy !gouda( Saudi alone thereby Presenting the sheering Of the idea loom usy toter, andlearlog Pore/UM for bogs. He has slim pureimed the patent right of what locommonly,known to the 'teethed Welber. • boarding." - - • He hoe'dlsposed of the.folloulng tesetorio . sag shop Plight to Slashes/ gooey, for both pat. sunk - to Witt • • TOG. I..Mundorll, the right for the Melton , yeah of the Ile et , It sa d counts. To arQueran 1 MO gilts.. the flea forth. . • word of Pittsburgh. To 1100(00 Mores shop right foretell.- mill blisterulti ward. Plashorob. . To W. Petleteell & CO.. shop three for Meth m . ill. Biztb wed, Pip sheet.. To A.ex McClure. for rho borough of Ils. seaport. K To relhee & Pool. for sleet, Second. Tart Your, h words. site of Allegheny.: To Used Broth no, shoo right at their mill. la Seven. h ward, Pole " r To Dashes's, Co.. t r the bormisho of Pborpsbursh sod Stoat also the teraehips . Sealer and ladwa.. All in tr o t are noised spinet lot then' upon either of mall pauthia• and thee whams to purchase Isla please ee , i,rr ode., me, Si No. TR Preageld tenet, Paten:rob. Pe. le .- J. O. ANDERSON. JOHN T. GRAY, :Henn and gigs Painter, GRAINER. AND 91...A.ZTE317., ' .Nop. 54 Iltutit ea ses, = teL ISILILIIIB ELMER. M T.LIXtit IM WWILL ILL gUll'mutual. AJILVELLL 'I SL MHZ * X4113/1•14011 NMI= mu. Mai corerra. east 21.401 aux% Thipet,.l3ol market mn. an. mums 4 6 ,,. • rrorrx. I.llUrillbarett! Weoll%X.ez VOTIOE TO corrraserous. —sralod Proposals will be realm! . wwill .117111 DAY. March .1404 toe the ZRZCTIOX 01 iLIOMTM, 11. P. oil ORCII ZOILDIIIO. PlaXs ax 4 sptellcaronk cm be nix at Uko or 41dona” E. 5. Moo ow, TX yams. /move. tttobt to o,j ota7l btdo resirnd. sobTuS7. 1 aIICEB ntnuern OF sus- LL Belting, flora andatuan Paellas. o Ho on' Denis . Co , a atutafactais. • rid.o- Uos of In 10 pr Nat. him card raw how , • , Maid. W. Tao trulesapalltd at 0261.111Elllitre pgswp;mm . ~ . _ . DR.. WRIETTZER ._ . _.• ; iu m . ' , &n ate rimn diseissei. HaTO TREAT *La nna Instil Its narati , A4. , 0 ulna dLeasaes, and the Oats otaaratiAn malty eradiated; aparmatanlala at Paw an' alums sat Isapotanas .ftwidana nos • aalla or oast case. ad was ilitaa. mass tbe teaninag Wham. as bloneaos, Nal =lt "' ansisall ln4 ta *rm"'M dasail ot Sb MasTA '' ri l ien 4 laal i =osnatia "" nt = l ns rindes nsaastartaty. and slarstaill ...- runon perannany wad. Maas a ot. ciarmaghttri==delivatin= ... lid a p =tior • Udall he seta sr atterlartessw Ina= nlanits,,Laatorataar Whltars_ anon •ar illlotrallowor We noraltlels. Mon* - tioenorrates. ifax.~. Drama. . - an. mate:UM ar Barrannia. are Md . . , • ed tothe natal- meas. th Inattnatilentan • pasta= who santsat - 11xeitelteatinattly la tig=t a tenni anal at Maass fad wan of orf_ofolg gm awn agopiro Venter 111411 la SO. ma.mW 41 . Naltar " riettia ' cataiadatitlaPaimg ar , try =la Ibt two ramp. la mated u. mi. ~ WAy a rta=tleaVraad 11=1.7MEr=i=the pat. ass anat. osastata. TM .ai ann*„...toondar as auras Y Oaltrid. 2lt la not toirnaleal WI , an- • . Sas ta. a traf tars state:west of the eas. and • am be fartraitled by man at Rs 3ss. In was Innate. hOweter. • maul - • waatioa I. Obsoletely anotsauw, Indio Ix ors dallypersonal attention Is new. hod. Mad' ' Am Its antoausedatlaa M an nuch astieWa *bat. are I ealacated tha Mace that matm =Oa vtw . Wi n . ft" : l alli.. maarY rta last le Wpaltad SG • nointry, manna anedleant siiiii. - 7All preandana are wawa Inn . : . ' DeUeT: ianir n a l rn l otl. dada We penwa d !,ar ra . Mroa patpalets At caw Me. 01 :• . 4 a 4l m readwhthM ia Baur N ..N w IM NM WIWIi/; U tlto4 . ' 945,?.T.N12.1.1r.f.idf OWS GREAT FINAL G SALE T:lfai, Progress at ErS, STIZEMOT, 4 in prfee; als4 snits : S-0s ii!kigio
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