1113 Vtoinigt Oapttt. CITY AND SIIBURBAN. Change of Naos. Rhe Feet and offices of the Daily mid Weekly Gasertais will be rialOved, from ille26th to the led of "March. from their old stand on. Fifth avenue to the largo, vent-atoned ..Gassrre Buildings," the corner corner of Smltntleld street end Sixth avenue, recently purchased by the pro whiter' m a permanent home for the ClkesTra. • Tee Aldermen's offices were devoid o Interest Tosterdai• nit Wean the Park*Pond In Allegheny Ili to be sold to the highest bigger. jam Bradford, of the Sixth ward, was avaigatted to jell by Alderman Butler, on oath of Bennett Lake —yeiterdaYr ebarging him with the larceny of a 'toys. Thomas Dexter (which name implies annething flan) liras arrested yesterday Ibr WI driving on the Allegheny sae pnelon Bridge. Mayor Callow tined gdm live drain and bid him henceforth go sloe!. The Math Census.—Marshal Ditudooh has been officially notified that the ninth census, which late be taken this year, will betaken under the Act of Congress of May 23d, and be is at present engaged in distributing the territory in kis jurisdiction. Judea 6t hens, of Alleeks:l9, tr3m. milted Jsßrown to Jail yesterday, in default S f Siloo ball, en the 010,1% of his wife Aims Brown. charging him with desertion. Having had some slight tam• ily grievances, James sought the smiles of • mars congenial partner. Hence the AZ * Allegheny Alderman and a patron had a dispute k nock afternoon whlch rentited in a knock down. Mayor Cal low hu been appealed to, for a Bettis. runt of the difficulty, the official who belongs tom np town district appearing an defendant in a case of assault and bat tery. Haug—The members of the Bar of Allegh county have tendered Eon. 'Shoran ellon.,recently retired from the Bench, a banquet which taker place ut McGinley's, on Wood street, to-inor• row evening. Is protases to be one of the grandeat affairs of its character ales gotten up in this (SW. Yesterday Rey. J. B. Clerk, D. D., Made Information before Mayor Callow against George Lacey for larceny. Thr accumed is charged with stealing &lot of jewelry, sleeve buttons, &o•, from the reeldence of thep i tossaitor. Lamy Isemployedwe driver r Dr. Sutton. Se wan unused, and otter a hearing held for court. • • t Great Slaghter Among the loe Mina: —Go to he n t Rink. As the season is far advanced, those fond of them:of skating had better take. the opportunity as this may be the lam of the &canon. MAMA . is open at 1.% o'clock. which is the best time for children. The loe Is crowded worry night to overgoiring, and was in excellent condition last' night; brilliantly 111runitutted with gas as well as . the • 'beauty and elite of the city. • .. Ttatika.—l herebrecknowledge the prompt PaYMerit of $2,000 by the North Western Mutual Life Inaurauce Com pen7 of Wisconsin through their agent . khr. AUDI Becker, the tame being the amount of thepolicy of my husband Jacob bfattern. deceased.: - W.-Backer's ogles is No. 214, Fifth avenue, and I can conscientiously recommend hlm to my Mends and the public, as a prompt and reliable agent. CATUARINA. MATTZEIS. Georgia Brenn erenuer and, had h Win te lm of en to the habit of playing cards at the hones of the latter, when, a few evening , s ago, be. coming exalted over the merits of the game, they quarreled and resorted to the muscle to mottle the &Malty. Kelly came off with honors, and lien a.. paired to the office of Alderman and there_ made charges, to hae7gal doubly sure, of both mamma and battery and for keeping a gambling house. Successfal. Geo. Charles Barnes, the snooesefal competitor for the °Moe of Sealer of Allegheny. all will agree, is a good ap. polotment. It may be said of others who sought the appointment, that they were as capable or as much entitled to prefer ment se be, but it cannot be said that any WWII more capable, more intelligent or more worthy. The General will make a capital officer In the civil, as he did in the military 'antes, and will serve the public with like fidelity as he served the party, always energetic, efficient and or. Wins. Katmai Life Insurance Amodatton. Mi. have received a ctrcniar edctreseed to tiisi Baggage Mutant and Brakemen's laistdal Life Insuisace AIMOIIIIIIOII, and to all baggage muters and passenger train brakemen of the United &Use, pilling a scenting of the . Aisociation on Thursday and Friday, May Bh end fias next, et Chicago, Mine% .The objects - of the Association are etrictiy beneficial, requiring a. subscription of fifty mats from each member on the death Of a brother to be paid to thehairs of the ' deceased within twenty days after death. The object is a commendable 0110 sad we think all railroad mem should give It a careltd consideration.. The call requests railroad mums represented yin the As sociation to elect delegates to the coming . Convection. 7 ' '" Supposed Ineenakirilawr, r • yesterday morning about me o'clock e grit occurred at the residence of Mr. — l.sackhartra, leo. 283 Ohio Weer, AIIs. gheny. The gentleman' and his wife were absent at the tim. at the ram (mitred. at Lafayete Hall. llPOn'return. ing to their domicil they found the firs. men - busily engaged In extinguishing the gamrw. When first discovered it was confined to one corner of the front room on the lower floor. The door lead. Ing from 'the street was cimu and rapids • :of pantaloon,' robbed of a pocketbook „ e " oontaatning • considerable mime money. Prom these and other indications. the - . house is sunposed to have been burglar. . . ised and then set mAm The result wee the loss of • valuable library, a large all , . painting , clothing and. carpet, and con , side:able Manage to the house.,The ex. eat amount cannot be stated at ,re c ent. • • There Is no cineto the thieves. The Oneida Pilaster Amen the omoers of the American war ship Oneida. recently lost in Japan. we waters, were two west Penntrynts ' titans, Vent. William Stewart, no of Hon. Andrew. Stewart, of Eatontown, and Passed Midshipman Jao. E. Phelan. son of Mr. John Phelan, Jarringly a member of the State Legialatare ham Grams county. Whether .or not these noble young officering amongshe laved or lou, is of course a stirlen of painful solicitude with their friend, and rats elves. I.'W•hope the tidings Mamas will be mob as to gladden their beans. —Since writing the above, later dls pitches give a list of-Melon. which an. baputly includes the names of 4.l6tit. Commanding Stewart and Ensign Phelan. There en theredbre, no other hope !be their Mende than in the passible inacouracy of the list of .names Sod by the cable. We shall await anxiously further particulars: „ • A Sharper Bestirs. , . - ' For some time put J. Bound. formerly 'a” resident of Braddoor• ?Bids, had ' Nen play i ng upon th e generoalty of the sens con. .I . ".. itiTlirde ,° . °°Tru d wi i f i nan be: m 1 4 ,: t7Y . 0 1: - bane and lot which h e tame. In this way he neatened In . , borrowing from TOO to $OOO. and about •. • week aloe, having quietly disposed of .. . hone and lot arid pocketed ne . Tho . da i sy mew is she Pittsburgh • mosey, he left for New York, lotendloo i S to i sail for Europe 611 soon as hls wile Female College nil take place on Friday . • 4: 4 " 01 him* - moadar ttts Wife packed seenter of next week, which will close • . , ..: •.. , up her goods and alerted lbr New . , . .. , york. Dr. Sehuley and others who 014 the present very pros porous term ottani • -" ' been slat by Round came to the - sterling lestltutlon.. The 'entertainment ~,, ~. •Or and made information before the promisee to be fully ea exciting and en. • , e.;:" ' lifaynrinharlltOlS Round will obtathint . ta to soy of its prerdeanatorm , '— - -, money under Luse protaumr. and sated ton e tee of Its high character. which ; . ...s;„,_ • to pay the expenses of an °Nile r to so.. oi • Vanua d of the dnotiorny --' 421.4b° Ira" : 0 r Round l i gt:allt t l i l t oflitl!de-Colle bi tter g i cx7uNbe had than the feet M '.1.' ',... -- . ctT24h:wix'k.:l:llM:e"nthiall'illTueedi2y436otd.bo"Mlicddteveaerbecinel7l6xnlardwpirlsad'vl:2l7gbil:l"xer New term ° l k e ""Prm s; """cil li mnit°9 n u ear nitinii:thl iy .ngu'ed a ctuTn-P ner stbmiereiducbs t 7 h uguAllho eb ri :% 2lldeswng • illwr. p b p li fi bb oi lmi t tibin ir xi c r i •;il, - ,1 00 41, was mopping. Finding bb wank, 'fbraduiladonof wins nodally received, . ; L..„,..:..,;,,...7,ettookuxhijuhiolv7=oerenteinouy,t..,sll, $ d no. Dy w meatos hiox q mi l a misig and Ir o u ti t , to few th v e scan totA td rDg renut d i e n. wi Tose ent. , - ' ;:';' ::i the Utti fu l tha il PM ' ' et of the e' "K"ed ..elalma ld placed ipind ' I ra n " wh o o h make teP 1 ate immediate e n t e rin g CI, ,L - ''''''.:' ? the,offirera hands, sod. the canners _. , , of 'President Perablag. By delay they have ' ,i,.tf r the trip Nate Yore, hank rent), it !S 'kid, i.t.i , . 0104 0 w . ;Dm to note thew ' ` ' - -' : urake efficient aiderwen When -hat *l d want nf ...• . .1:a .4. - ^ . t Cape.' stidenees of prosy:ally. The College is application and desire a d t. :: f rot bottsg no. aaalated far ...t... . --. Cale Matra their Orik . . in paajmently worthy of all patronage. 1 . - .. _ IM SOUTEUVIDE BOWDTIBIL. AFree Fight—Probable Honklde—Tive mai s e =roandea—pue. of the The uncannily quiet and peaceable cit izens of the Routh Ride were favored with • soMie of rowdyism, such so Is abldom 'Ohioan.' in places of more pretentioho, and which In 1111 . prObliblilty will result lithe death of cme, and perhaps two of the parties cragaged . in it. It appears that Leonagd Brucker and Peter- Bata, prat:elate of a drinking l ith saloon at the corner f Eleventh and Cana street; East ßit sham, known so-Bedford Hall, ga a ball Tuesday eight. which ,Waa at ded by a Jane numberof Urania. Dinehlg and drink ing beer wan the order of the evening, - and matters paesed4ff quietly until be tween two and t o'clock yesterday mottling , when four s or Ave rough, came to the saloon and after taking several ,drink, at the bar, started to go up Plaits tri the bell more. On their way they passed through the dinning room mad armed themselves with knives and such other wesponi as they could And. They were allowed to pass la by the door, keeper, who we. frightened at their manner, and they had been in the room but a few Moments when they raised a disturbance, which soon resolved itself Into a free fight. Knives •lblilles," . potters, chairs, etc., were u sedi freely, again the fight Charles F elts and Jacob Amine were - severely,-' if- not fatally .wounded. The former received seven nets; one in the arm, four in the lock alai two In the abdomen, one of which Strated the abdominal wall, and from 1 ch the bowels protruded. Ambits received a .serious wound In the abdo men, which penetrated the bowels, and was also cut in tee face and in the left gluteal region... One -of 'the . night watchmen of sir. 1 mingham, Hosea Rusted, hearing the ' 1 disturbance, battened to the scene of so lieu; and finding it too much of an on: dertsking Per °newish; proceeded Mull assistance, when some one rafted a win. dow in the seoond story and tired four slots from a pistol at him, ono of which struck him pocket book in his pants pocket and glanced off; and another etrook a citizen who was standing on the opposite side of the 'street, inflicting a alight wound on the forehead. The "roughs" who had raised the disturb ance were linallyoverpowered and elect ed front the bell- room, after which the wounded men, Arabes and Fritz. were removed !other homes in Lower Bt. Clair township:suisr the borough line and pra. Thomas and Biggs summoned. -The wounded - men were both in emit. teal condition last evening, and batlitUe hotels Were entertained Of theft recouty. • IrelliordeY Morning - Jacob Mabee lielnage made information before Justice &dietary charging Patrick Welsh, Johei Bud - Ind other persons unknown with felonious assault and battery. Welsh was arrested and confined in the Birmingham lock.= awaiting a hearing, antitheofflows are after the other par ties. Ills alleged theta& Iran premed itated by Welsh,' Rees and their corn. panions, as they were the parties' who armed themselves with knives, ball in the dining room before entering the ball room. Rusted also made information before Justice Salisbury charging Leonard Brucker - with felonious assault and bat tery, alleging that it wee he whci tired the pistol at him from the 'window. A war. rant was Issued for the arrest of Brucker. We were unable to ascertain definitely the cause of the affray, but it was pre sumed to have originated out of a diell catty between the workman of some of the mills on the South Bide. It is likely to prove a very serious affair, end if the wounded man should die the men who inaleted she wounds will be fortunato if Lbw paws atrial for murder. - TGe Otriiklngtuun Connell" *meeting of the Councils of Eirinhig hato was held Tuesday In the ogles of Judie* Seilibtiry. Present—Mesas. Atterbury, Delyie, Meltwain.. Redman. ,011ver, Schwerin, Veitley, Ward, and Bingen Salisbury lo Mother . The zolnntsi of last meeting were read and approved. , . - idr. Ward; of the, Finance Committee, having examined the accounts of the various borough officers, reported them, , correct. The but of hissers. Stolzaribaeb, Rees a Oii.,lbr gravel delivered for grading. anionnting to 1165,53„ wan presented, and the treasurer authorized to draw a war rant for the same. Mr. Oliver. from the Street Committee. *Shur - Vow Tor -- rne user er the enreit tkiennilealeners. . Grained. Warrants were ordered to be drawn in favor of the borough policemen in pay ment of their list month's wages, amountiog to 1162. Mr. David .Berg. collector of borough taxes, submitted the following report: Amount of deolleno for 130 $17,51010 Irene sea dent% antossaton. In 73 Lo..t talcs SI 73 Teta Wept, silen ts '•nattss.on Ser. ct lll _____ Cub pad TrelMitt . Heat'pis from Dithilt.bOna/ • The folkming are the port. of the variotieLboroggh °Moore: re Ispeadetldwring Om =oath or the Olivet ..... CI nevi°. raosth • 110 Taal - a d approoptlat•4 caw darts/ the ;Dose PA Y OCe dig* 11C03111.06102.1e ..... ILlNlZl•Ztrdlattoi":l:Lit .nl=.6" Iseeelptadarlaa to snook. ...... . .• .• Total Cusalaalosot WelgtuaaataT. • Saluda din the lair: alb s-esstaTidTpsarr or .111M11 Taro T. Palaces es baud Teta.......... pacelpta daring ids swath ' ' 10 aa Tact • - S.h -" Tapas." Cud paid Treaourer. Bassi* Eaa Dorm& Mr. Srlmrsxm moved th&t tie reports -Ass arceptod. (Marled: On motion of Mr. Malwalue. Council -Adjourned to meet again cm next Monday Adjourned. A 'pedal teeming of the Birmingham Council was held yesterday, Wednes day, evening at hail peat seven ONAOCk; Rargees &hulls presiding. ' Members present: Mauro Miller, JOnes, "Larkins end BAIXRI4IIII. The reading of the minutes of the pro ceeding meeting was dispensed viltb. An' ordinance drawn in compliance With en actor Assembly exempting the borough bondofrom county end wool. _ cipal tax wu presented and passed. Tans tieing no farther =Moon Conn. cli adjourned. ' ' Hardwire Store Ehtert6—Aboat 6600 Worth of Goads Stolen. • It neither *sems probable to overtake the spoilers, nor yet to retain them In "durance vile." The band . _ who are committing the depredations doi't seem to discriminate sa to whether they will have their plunder In "cash or trade:" In several instanoes we have noted the facts heretofore of their having helped 'themselves toolothings shirts , drawer"' fancy wicids, - .t0., but Taesdey night they concluded' to have same hardware In the absence of the "root of all evil." as Mr. Jamas Bown, who does business at 1116 'Wood street, Is willing*" testify hie I stossithaving been snteredTueschay Welt ' from toe rear window*. By payfttg off the steps nailed - to • the casing they easily removed the upper cash. safe unlocked and containing only a small tin box tilled with papers appeared to have been carefully scrutinised and the other safe was left untouched, ant can of powder and rams fuse Oft near it would indicate they had It reader con. Maranon, 'and from the manner in which their tools • were left and other valnabie goods within their grasp was not taken, we should judge they had been frightened away: Several flue re. voleus and pocketYknlyes constituted the property taken, amounting in value ee,.. aver four hundred dollars. .11 •la toped that this band may Ise intercepted end brought to speedy justice. . ' . - - -, " " - BM POSFIMER ILLILWAY. The Pittsburgh and Ormsby Sanwa/ Waling at Elentefe math An adjourned meeting of dm friends of the Pittsburgh &Ormsby Passenger rail way,. „Wax • held a Hinkley'. Hall on TWelftet - street" Birmingham, last even. tog. Mr. Atterbury was called to the chair, and Mr. Barr acted sa mummy. The Chairman of the Committe ap• pointed to name corooratora reported • list ambrosia' the names of forty-one of the leadirier Citizens of the South-aide boroughs. The hat was amended so alto authorise the member• of the Legislature from this county to insert their own names. In the act of •inoorpotatlon, and was then adopted. • . • It was suggested by Mr. Atterbory that an additional section be added to the charter now before the Legislature, em- powering the company to run their cm over the tracks of other companies. • On motion of. Mr. Patterson, the Soli. . . . char, Mr. Arighinbaugh was inetnicted to prepare an additional section to the charter, &lying the company the right or way over other tracks. The Solicitor was also notilled.to insert in tho charter a Section limiting the .amount of stook to be taken by a ;Ingle individual or corporation to Dirty 'hares. The question of locating the terminus of the proposed road was discussed at length. The corners of Second avenue and Market street and of Smithfield attest were suggested. . . • On motion of Mr. Oliver, the corner of Grant atreet and Second avenue was fixed upon for the present ass terminus, Pitts- burgh Councils to be consulted as to the father construction of the route.. Mr. Oliver moved that a committee be appointed to carry out the suggeationa of the meeting and attend to the interests of the company before the Legislature. Messrs. Oliver, Loomis, Atterbury, and Aughinbaugh were appointed the corn. Mr. Patterson said It would he well for the Committee to take intooonalderatton the alleged violations by the Birmingham Railway Company of its charter in the matter of carrying freights.. He mid the company had no .right to cmy freight, much less to charge for it. - Mr. Atterbury thought that an aot:hid been passed giving the Birmingham Company the right to carry freight. Mr. Patterson dated that in the, matter of the revenue to the boroughs from the Birmingham 'Railway, he saw by the papers that the revenue to this borough wax Only a little over one hundred dol. lam. It seemed to him that more money had beenmede than had been returned. He understood they had laid two or three miles of track and deducted this from the net earnings. This was a permanent improvement, and ought to be counted as net profits. Ur. Oliver said the Finance Come:dile, of Birsningham Council had made inqui ries concerning the matter, andwere met with the sworn statement of Mr. Kirk wood, the Company's booakeeper. Mr. Adams thought there were other moans which might be used to procure a charter fbr thin new project withoit going into the Birmingham Oompany's business. On motion of Mr. Adams, the meeting adjourned to meet at the same place on Friday evening. THE mums.- United Metes Marie Court—Judge Me o== WZDAVIDAY, March 2.--John ■ native of Ireland, woe duly sworn and admitted a citizen of the totted States. OD motion of J. K. Kerr. Esq.., H. A. Collier, Thq., was duly sworn and ad mitted to practice in this Court. On motion of District Attorney Swope, the Court ordered that a venire/airs for forty-four Petit Jurors to teens, return able on the let Monday of April, 1670, at Pittsburgh.. /it re Johnson Moore, bankrupt; Ar gument exce_ptlows to Register's bill of costa, by W. Leo Woodcock, of Altoona, for exceptions, the Register not On application of lire. O. F. Rlopfer, the Court ordered the asalgnee to ast. apart for her AU 1300 claimed underthe exemption lawn. District bourt--Judae WsaaaaD►t, March 2.—The case of Hutchinson et at. is tietesa District of Indiana township, preTtouily'rep s rted, was resumed and had not Peen 'eon. eluded. TRIAL LIST TOR T/IVERDAr.. 110. Millen, Oil Refining Co. vs: D' worth 6 Benny.. ' IN. Kraling et az. vs. Becker et al. lel. Gallaher vs. Sweeney. 140. Gilmore et al. vs. Bailey it aL 6t. Rees vs. Morrow. 112. Jacoby is. Schoen & Laurent. - 182. Ritchey vs. Shafer. 19?. Young & Co. va. M'Cllntock. 200. Mattel TS. Reed et al. .204. COM. for use, vs. Marshall. Pollllllllla Plolllll—JDdrti !glows ■nd Col WZDZINEIDAT, March 2.—ln the COM. mon Pleas Court room, Judge Collier presiding. - the arse of Stewart va. Clark do Sumner. previously reported, was re. stoned and concluded. The bond of John M. Chaplin. clerk of the Bankof Pitutburgh, with John MoD. Cenisan as surety In the sum of $lO,OOO, was presented in open court and snito ved. - In the quarter Session Court room, .Judge .Stows presiding, the case of the American Iron Mountain Company va. James O'Connor, previously .rs was rammed and concluded, butt a Jury had not agreed upon a verdict when court adjourned. _ The argument list will be taken up Thursday. Jury trials will be rammed Monday, the 7th Inst. !EMI .aa' o C 33 1:33 ;El3 = •wort, Wages ■nd tee Bill° 31 10r HP IA ?dim Susan B. Anthony's lecture last evening at the Academy of bitudo on the subject of "Work, Wages, and the Ballot" was attended by a large number of our most intelligent and influential citizens. That the audience gave It great attention, their silence and strict ob servance of what was said was the best indication, and - EL the words of one who wroteof.r.neas saying the people literally hung on the lips of the speaker, that It is true in this atm there cannot be • shadow of • doubt. Woman', work was considered,- the speaker cialmingfor her sex that though much wore done, little praise or honor was bestowed on the female worker. She • woe of the opinion that by educating girl to labor In a more general way, would tend to Increase the Independence of these:. Woman's ways were thought to be in • all Oases too low, and too many wars working for simply their nudotionance, regarding woman's time, is the speaker said, worth nothing. FOr her sex she said they must bays the ballot, as by their vote they gained Influence. thence work; and by work wages and. Induonce society would have brighter lighte would be a"terrer to lager beer saloons." And, Influenced by the finer halloo of woman, capital onulahment would be abolished. And the ',Widows in which Min Anthony painted the picture led us back to child bood's happy Eden. and made us think of Bring a fu tur e' . of eternal itimmer in the Wray future. with fair damage topay the bills of luxury, and kind motkers4n•law to raise their warning voice and nut their deciding vote easiest rum shops and gambling hells. . Young ladles entering into matrimonial 0311. tracts were entreated to take advantagi of the accepted time and "Strike for the sitars and their drew." By the Flfteent Amendment Dolor would sot disqualify s-voter—by the Sixteenth, the speaker claimed, sex would not. EU Toe Pleasant Valley Pasengee Railway. . drasouswr, March 2 , /BM the Editors of thaFtlfeburg• Garde& Mr. Koontz, who apple. snaky or/rudders that the pasenger rail. Way he manages hut exclusive control of fhe two Principal streets 'of our city, intimates In • mealy published born- Munk:shoo that the resolution' I intro• dnoed into the Common Council at the last regular meeting. 'requesting our Representatives at Reurtaborg to vote for the bill granting the Pleasant Valley Railway Company ,the right to extend their llue to Pittsburgh, was the result of a mtupprehension of the facts. 'Such, however. le not tbo muse. The extension of the 'Pleasant Valley Railway to Pant. burgh, over the proposed route, would benefit • large portion of the city, and move a great public sosoutmodation. No unprejudiced person whe understands 00 Y m ho m ld od a m diff t r ule t t he opinion, mattert contrary 'notwithstanding. The passage of the resolntion referred to by a vote of he Cin dou b gh u r tl y is"mato 5 nays sufficiently ttefiestee the feelings Of . the members of camel'. i n the matter. Respectfully. HAKIM. lialrrrea& Himpermumous DM:gnomes 'Urn, t Pyrinsusms. Micah E. 1670. General order O. 4.—The member's of the 2d onmpany. (Captain Moons's.) ,rot Gray., are hereby notified to wrot tho Aronry on Friday Evening, March 4th, at 734 o'clock. By order of the Ceptals DAILY GAZ 'IE: iflukStAir tiltardN4, MARCH 3, 1870 BOARD OF 031V,ABDIAAS. • Regular Meeting Offielal Reports amscrliaareits Business Putthroagn. Yesterday artery - eon a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Guardians l of I the Poor was held • at their. office Ma Fourth avenue. Present: Mums: Anderson, Douglas, I Hartley, Hays, "Kincaid, McKee, Swag- roar, Shaw . and Torrence, • Dr. Shaw, from the committee appoint ed in the matter of the Twelfth ward hospital, reported progress. The com mittee was continued. A communication from Senater How ard, in relation to the bill allowing. the Board to put out its funds It interest together with a copy of the bill, was re ceived and filed. . • A. resolution was passed allowing the secretary to employ such sialstanta as he may require for the performance of his duties," provided the coat of the same does not exceed $5OO per year. We may state here that Mr. Fortune does not con. template employing an assistant just now, as the winter season is pretty near ly o'er: In two days there has been given out, in temporary relief by the Board, 8221; during February the temporary relief wa51111,068,020 and one- hundred and thirty.one loads f teal. The total num ber of person. si d ed wings hundred and seventeen. The Secretary pt vented February bills amounting, in the aggregate. to 82,50197; 'for which warrants wereauthortzed le be l drawn. The report of W. D. Patterson, Super- I intendent of the City Fenn, showed that on the first of the month there were on hand 168 inmates; received miring the month 20; left the house by discharge, death. ate., 18; leaving In the house this day 170 Inmates, 82 of whem are males and 88 females, being an Ineresso of two persons for the month. The only death wo e that of Margaret Barlett, a oman advanced In years. There were three births. The health of the inmates has been remarkably good. Mi. Beg, physician to the Board, re ported that - 65 vis bed been aid. Dr. Benham repaired its that 114 visits p had been paid by him during the month; 82 per sons were attended, 2 of the rases being obstinate. The foregoing reports were received and approved, after which the Board adjourned. • • Parker Oil News. The Northwestern /independent says: The Noble well Is a new strike on the hill, on the• north aide of Church Bun, which has been pumping for some lime and producing some 011. It is expected to prove a ten er dfteen barrel well atter being fully tested. The Maple Shade is a new strike on land of gagrthe Butly, west of the Risk. which starts off handsomely, throwing onto goodly amount of oil. Third Band thirty-two feet thick. Depth of well 1,073 feet. Sunk, amid, tubed and started to pump in three months. • The Bank well on land of Parker, Thompson and others, west of Parker's Landing, has been pumping for over two weeks. It started by throwing but small amount of Oil, and -continues to tn. , crease gradually. It Is expected to prove good. The Isabel well is a new strike, on ' land of-Parker & Thompeon on Tom's run, north of residence of ar. George Parker. This well is owned by Parker & Thompson, and is already pumping • goodly anemic Moil promising to prove a drst rate well. It was drilled LOIS feet through •thlrd sand 37 feet thick. The Walnut Shad. is new well on the Fox farm, owned by Putertield & M'Comb of Eddenum;Wm. B. Meredith, 111 W. H. Dickey, S. W. Hamilton, and O. , F. P.`reeticona. of Kittanning. The well Is located on the river, and pamping ten I barrels. No. tin a new strike on Mike run some thirty rods fm dm ver, on land of Mike Run O r il o Compan ri y: This well is end John Donaldson, of Bitten. dog,others. _lt starts off producing cowslderable oil and will doubtless prove a good well. The Oak well on Robinson farm on the river, is a new strike. The well is owned by Dr. A W Crawford, and others. It . bas already pumped some oil, and promises to prove a good well. A new well, called the Cucudtber, has been struck on the bill. on the Robb:mon farm. We learn that the tubing fell in the well just after commencing to pump; oansequently It has not been tested. Beat Estate Transfer.. _ . . : The following deeds were admitted of record, in the office of Thos. ILL Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny county. Wednes day, March 2d, 1870: A•mirera to Cleo. Warnor, Ifebrial72l. Bacon la nosier Vna56111...... ....... •••./ 3 sa W. fl. (20w , tot to Jelaa tloodao. Marta 1 iro; 85acres t Sfotth Vassal.. 10wattan....,414.0. 0 . Sat. I . V.l•non to Hoary Jahn. /abreast 'AI Ulot VI by 12 H ea Meek s`Wy. tsbairb 13 Norte. to J. C. bortoatoo. rebrluVl IWC; lot 40 by .90 ft on wade 30., LoWer CoLlt tavlzibbto . 9801 Nevot 1• Sohn Caonbey, Judas,. S. DS% lot 44 by SZ Gen adatlis St . Allosbeny...ll DO W. It. Moon to Ervelt. NOV. 11. Mr, 41 sort of lona sod goal ta gent rtooa tp.a.w.ooo bl tram salts. to boost! Marshall. ltbstiary B. 020; 'bursa la Pine toontlifp. ....... ....113 ‘ CM Satrap , 111 ors to 1111 . 1 b tio'dtborp. Totonass 1020; Ittoralas lot vs fit Y hiagt0n....12.10 0 a. IL !dodo to /oho 11. Pax., Jasuarf 11411; 1 oat. 113 oDatea to DI 1 Data. tnuabtron 14 SW James Morg. to 11.50 r• /fum. Of,. 1. 11.:: 113 acres aaa $0 wawa In nMb taTatto to. V. 030 • CTY•rnaCer 4 o N A. U. Droartob, 100.01., 1 17 ` 1; 110 ; lot 19 b 193 it on 0,71. Bt.. ill WO worn. Al o John Hobo , . to W. 11. Lutobell. NOV. 0 lee: oby KO 0119 W4tlutG 9.90 ilottry Jahn to Y. 11. I.And A Feb. Vg. IEoVII by .119. on Swat allo7. Villtnergb. 91.191 Ad tin leloos4l to 011999 Alen.. Ton. 1, 10S1 lot No- It. gelzentab's plan. Tent\ nor.. Fttubbrott 91 09 . N. Courtin to I.o.olldmandlon. 40. A. 100• 41 by I/7IL. 11 gelnortpet $l,llO Ad.= Il ce alloagb to Job CI S. bttltlttt• JIM • A - 100; 14 tent o.4l9 petvbe 0 1n 71,41,7 5p.111.111 Jane Nasson et al. to Alvit atbler. Job. 9, Ildto 190711 9.01 Fltterntrgb 900 9. 1.. Ut.lf let tO Andahaner. - February 9. 19011.9 No. V, klard Mg'. tabu. 011110rIp .9.501 to Jen. O'Neill. Febrnary 7.1.10 1 1 1 by 10 R. on C 199109 tip to Jobalbto Galls. , et al. to Fred. lkobbtr. boot. 9. 90; tiny ft• on gate, et.. Hostrvo to.. 11cOLIIMi ErW:Z; Olt OPERA large audience M. gambled at the Opera House lut even ing, which was the occasion of a benefit to the copular cconedlan. Mr. Wood Benson. The thrilling drama of "Welt ing for the Verdict" was most admirably presented, as was also the amusing farce of the "Highwayman% Holiday:l_ This evening Mears. Garber and Black, the gentlemanly her and accomehodating. door keeper, will take a benefit and we have every reason to WNW, that It will ba a enbetantial one. AU Account■ Bunt be Settled All persons Indebted to .1. W. Barker Co., 59 Market street, on book 'coma or in any other way, are reaPsetfullY re quested to settle their Much on or be. fore the eleventh day o Instant, as the business of the firm will be wound uon tt day. All accounts rp emainin finally g unsettl ha ed alter that date will be put In The hands -of an attorney for collection. Good. will be sold 'until that date at Administrators' Bale at serest reduction in prime, as everything moat be teld. Newaustrlan New Turkey . F New igs, Arabian Dates, • Now Imperial Pruner, Baker's, Whitman's& German's Premium Chocolates, Cocoa Timms and COOO3l Shells, at 112 Federal street.. Gad. 11616,11121. Geed House and get Is Allegbeny.--A. Leggett., auctioneer, will sell tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, at' four o'clock, the good reeidence No. 279 Franklin street, near Allegheny avenue. The lot 11124 by 130 feet. The house is a good brick of eight rooms. The locality Is good. Persons In want of a house will find tads &favorable opportunity.: Excellent for Coughs and Midi, Cayenne Idoorice.,. Sassafrae, Ginger. Peppermint and Cough Lozenge'', Hoar bound Drops, Lleorioefinm Drops, Colt's Foot Bock, Msrsb Mallows, and Chinese Ginger, at 112 Federal street, Allegheny City. Ciao. ELVEN. 3 • • Wbea you ere thlrsty sok for • glue of that generous liquor which Invigorates the body end 'cheers the mind. All first ekes saloons `sell 'Pier; Minuets A Co. , s Cream Ale. . • Stores In * Allegheny to Let —Two ilne atone, on the eouth-reat corner of tho Allegheny liilamtmd. ble imita for any kind of badness. Apply to A, emple, 189 Federal West. . . Additional Matlists by Telegtaik. tilsw bnanan . 14Mainti 2,, AN WIctiwilik at 2230422%e for mlddling;:eales 48,000 bales. : Bugar,ll3{o for prime. MObuttes dull and lower:. prima „W , . ..Wrilakr. raw WC can* tirm: fair at iewesitr.. prime 17)4417g0 'Burial" March. St.—Cattle; receipts 2.584 bead; market teddy scales and on; changed; salmi 784 bead, mostly fair to prynn finnan', nt 7e7f.fo. Hoge dull at ,Nadarnust, March 2 — Cotton (inn; low muffling at no, good to 'ordinsryst 100, stook. 8,1300 bales. L. T i /MOW. 0. S. NEWS BY :.CABLE By Telegraph to tao rittiOorgb (Witte.) .GnEKr-nin'*ll.. ~ . . LONDON. March, '2,—The story of a steamer's flannel having been seen stand ing up out of the water in Carthigan Bay, off the coast of Ireland, is generally discredited here. Hopes of the safety of the City of Boston are by no means aban doned. The Hiderwriters are m confi dent that they have redaced their rates, which had been advanced fifty per cant. J. Roberta, Sr., ex.billiard champion, challenges the world at a billiard match. to occur within two months, for two or five hundred pounds a side. In the House of Commons today the bill requiring railroad companies to place foot warmers in all their carriages was killed by an amendment, requiring them to supply hot brandy, rugs and over coats. • , • 19RANCE. • PARIS,: Mardi 2.—Advices have been received here to the effect that the French have won a victory goer the na tives in the French Colony Of Senegal, on the west coast of Africa, an the 9th of February. g, Th e French force was only Svc hundr d strong, while that of the enemy Van. Ver two thousand. The Cartheal yesterday parsed off ver quietly. • The Freneh Government has warned its representatives at Rome to use great caution in efforts to protect_ the - insti- tution of Catholic States. The:Magharate struck by Prince Murat, and•who was to prosecute him before the High Court of Justice, has withdrawn his complaint. MADIUD, March it —rtllMOra of an ax. tensive rising of Cantata in northern Spain are contradicted, but It is admitted the agents of the party are very active just now in all the provintiee and have set oa foot movements at various points. which, however, are so far inaignlficant and easily checked. .. . All the private . property of Ex•Qneen Isabella •remaining in Spain has been embargoed by her husband to prevent waste of their children's inheritance. The Countess of Girgente,. daughter of Isabelle, has commenced legal proceed lugs against her husband for squander ing her dowry. ST. P8TER.9131313.0, March 2.—There was a great crowd of people at Burlingame . ' obsequies, Including nearly all the Amer. leans in the city. The entire diplomatic corps, exceiirriltidd- GartiChitioff, Rue elan ' Minister or Foreign Affairs. and Prince Rens*, Ambessactor of the North German Confederation, who were ill, the Czar's aide, and other high functionaries. The remains of Mr. Burlingame had been embalmed preparatory-to them removal to the United States. Yesterday the Rm. poror called upon Mrs. Burlingame. Moirricit, March 2.—Xing Louis ap. proves the protest of Dr. Do'linger against Papal infallibility and urges him to persevere in the defense of the State from the undue influence of the Church, and Orers the obaervance of his birth da wi t h marks of public respect Panta,-February 2.—News from Para guay states that Lopes's army has been still ehntd depleted u n d a e g s a e i r n ti s on th ut ß rbae zilians. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. I LONDON, March 2_.Evening.—Console for money 92.441g,92540 Bonds: 903; for `62a, 894‘ for '654, and 98% for l '674; llinois r e c-roities, 86; Mos, g ; Central, 110%; Great Western, 2834. Penis, March 2.—Bourse firm; Rent= 74 francs 45 centimes. Lomion, March 0 —Tallow 465. Sugar 394, afloat 26 4 . Lin Zed MI firm. Unwed cakes firm at £3l 155 a Potroletun quiet and steady. Petroleum et Antwerp flat at 5935- 1 Fitarorrowr, March 2.—Bonds firm and quiet at 95541695 3 4. March 26.—Hutton closed quiet: sales on spot 136,14(8)138%. Aterwanr, March 2.—Petroleum qatet at ON. Beane, March 2.—Petroietun Gun. liAnsuno, March Z.—Petroleum firm. Liesavoor, March. 2.--Cotton irrega lar; mtddllug uplands 113 4 011 g; Or leans 113;d sale. 10,000 bales. Bread stuff. quiet; California white wheat ge; red western No. 2 7. 6d; winter te 6d. Westarts flour 19e 9d. Cern, No. kJ:nixed, 270427 e 3d. Oata km Id. Barley fa. Pea. 34e Gd. Pork 92s 6d. Beet Mk; 6d. Lard We. Cheese -13 a. Bacon 765. Spirits of 'Petroleum le 7d; relined le opoo utottwo to tte rtustentgl ette.) - Ziaw YORE, March 2, Irv. NITRO or:manors istkosion. A terrific explosion of nitroglycerine occurred today at Ike rleetwood race manta, now being consitnicted in Dior ilescine. John Kulliven; • yorkailD, WOO killed end nine others severely wounded, • Atriong the introdeed in the Legislature is one bills by Senato u r-7 weed for the establishment of an Internatiomil Labor Exchange In NeW York City. with the object of providing labor for all per. eons unable to obtain it for themselves. The Board of Commissioners are, by OJT reepondence with the Governors of the several States, to keep advised of th wants of different localities. Another bill provides that all policies of Insurance comoanles shall be non. for (enable after the nrst payment. • °ANAL coarrnact summit. The Produce Exchange adopted ttso• lotions of congratulation at"..the Assam bly Committee's agreement to report favorably upon the Senate bill &hangdog the contract system on canals. Ammements. —Later London papere contribute the continuation of the proaredings In the Lady hiordaunt divorce case. The evi dence given by Sir Charles Mordauxit ix interesting, as Indicating the general feeling In regard to the character of the Prince of Wales. Sir Charles testified that beibre hie marriage to Lady !dor. daunt be knewof her intimacy with the Prince, and that after the marriage ho warned her against continuing the ma quaintanoe, "I told her," geld he. "that I bad heard In various quarters certain circumstances connected with his lami nae character that caused me towish her to break off with him." Notwithatand lag this wah, Lady 110/daunt continued to twelve the Prince without the knowl edge of her husband, until the time she made the voluntary confesialon, that a criminal intimacy lad been be. tween them. Sir Charles alsoexisting testified to the discovery of a batch of lettere and. a valentine from tne Prince to his wife. The court refused to permit the lettere to be read. —A deputation f Canal Ozenroistion ens, rep resenting o the canal lotereats throughout the Laaninion of Canada, waited on the Governor General at Ottawa on Monday. ills Excellency stated the subject of the enlargement of canal communication throughout the wlfole country wu atpresent under merlons consideration by the Government. The Mayor of Toronto and Mr. Capral set fonh Uconsiderable length the particu lars of die *champ. Official reports show the Dominion imports for the year ndlei June 10, 1080. amounted to 167,402,11 0 , giving a revenue of ;8,208809. In the above free goods were represented to a valnaor 12{081X2. The exports during the lam period were 160,474,781. —At Louisville, Tuseday, the barrel and stave factory of the 'innWine Cement Company, together with the Machinery and a large amount of stook. slaves, ho., was totally destroyed by fire. The p a ng,a bild wss owned by tbe Cement but ing had been lease d tor a Mr. T. J. Morrie. The loan is estimated at twenty thousand dollars, on whlehthem Is I partial insurance. About t h row dred and twenty.five persons are out of employment by the disaster. The fire Is suppowd to have been the work of an Incendiary. • • —Blx bodies were taken from the ruins of the dye.house ST Nei:onset. Mum, three of Mrs. Dennis Collins.. Mrs. Pater Mudd; Mrs. Pater Martin, Mrs. B.llur- Ir. Mrs. Peter Ke7lllod7 and •one un known. The remains of two othe wo. men, names unknown, rt lit the ruins. The women were In the attic picking over cotton, the only entrance to which was a small scuttle. The Ilia froma furnace ort first floor. —Aging of men of Chicago and Zirear York, arrested Tuesday night en 'change of Wog conndence men, were before the Chicago police, mutt Wednesday . morning,. Eighteen thonzand dollars in checks. seven thousand dollars in gen nineilovernment bondsandtWo hundred doll ra in gold were found on their per sons, '•There is a suspicion that some of the property was taken at the recent Hillsboro robbery. ' —Gen . Quesada. of the Cebu army, has been arrested at New York. —Five hundred men resumed work at the ,Brooklyn navy yard yesterday. _The rumor of another Cuban expe •dition having left New York is denied. , —Rev. W. A. Smith, ex. President of Randolph and. Macon College, Vs., bi I dead. —gen gassed& will probably be ten dared a reception by Cubans at New York. —Mr. Seward has declined the banquet tendered by the New York City Common I Council. —Yerger, the Mississippi murderer,' recently surr b ender to the civil author ities, will be alled. ed —The store of Abraham Epatelo, in Aurora, Indiana, was destroyed by firs Tuesday night. - lose g 40,000. —Dr. Bigelow, triad and convicted at Chicago for isarting obscene publications, will be tried on another Kindler indict. • merit. thrr A tee ft n edwateellbinargittfspe'sSin. Ctlledeseit"ntryelAof the city, involving a loss of 130,000 to 1,40,000. I —The dyeing works at Neponset, Mom, were destroyed by fire Wednes- 1 day morning. Six women were burned to death. . =The Diassechasetts spirltuallats asao. , dation assembled at Boston yesterday , and weeders' were taken for more thor ough organization. • —The Adults Express Cornrow:has opened an office at Chicago for trade running over the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago and Pennsylvania Central road. - -A personal encounter took place yes. [ 1 terday morning,' at the Vila' Howse, Madison, Wis., between Senators Sol. Clarke and _Williams, growing out of old political differences. —At the charter election on • Tneeday, at Troy. New York, Un Gilbert; Repub. than, was elected Mayor by twenty-five majority. The Common Co stands eleven Republicans and ten uncil Democrats. —The mill house of the Luzerne Pow- der Company, at Virlikeroltarre. Pa., was ' burned yesterday morning. The store house did. not take fire. The - powder ' made being incombustible, there was no I explosion. —e New York Assembly last night I , passed to third reading the bill to regu. late the sale of liquors, an amendment that the question be submitted to, the people of each town having been print. ' I only rejected. —Surrogate Hutchings, at New York, but decided for the validity of the will I of Charles Fox, bequeathing .300,000 of real estate and personal property to the United States. 'The case wi b ll e' further contested by counsel for next of kin. —Two more of the injured by the rolling mill boiler explosion at Scranton on Monday died yesterday, and or two others cannot Live. The total number injured was_ twenty..five. The building and machinery were damaged to the amount of P:1,000. • —A delegation of the Allegheny City. Pa., Council are on a visit to Chicago for the purpose -of investigating the water works there, with . a view to report upon some plan to supply their city. Another delegation from the Pittsburgh Council, with several public officers, will bothers before the close of the week. - —Judge Nat. Harrison, of West:Vir ginia, (who was served with null & by a detection during a visit in cop. to this city.) escaped trial for the mat-adminis tration of his office by resigning on Tuesday, a short time before the Legis lators was ready to arraign him. --Congressman Henry I. Dawes was welcomed by a large gathering of his oonstimenta at Pittsfield. Miss., on Tues. day evening. He made a brief speech of thanks and gave assurance that all the departments of the government were in perfect accord; and was enthusiastically received. —A party of twenty-five masked men surrounded the sheriff's house at Har risonburg. La., on Sunday night last, and , after causing the eherift and tautly to ', retire, entered the house and killed Col. I , CU& Jonas and his eldest eon. His ' youngest son saved himself by leaping out of the window. • —At New Orleans Tuesday afternoon was generally given up to the Mardi Gros feetlylties. The oMystick Brew of Camas" had a procession. The subject represented was a history of Louisiana from 1539 to 1815, in six tableaux, the Brew ending their festivities with a tableaux and nall at the Verbatim theatre. —The prize fight between Sam Collver, of Baltimore, and Billy Edwards. of New York, took pleura Mystic Island. Conn., Wednesday morning. Atter fifty min utes fighting Collyer was knocked out of time and so-badly punishes that ho wee scarcely conscious. Edwards also re celved savor." punishment, but was "game" to the last. —Gen. O'Neil, President of the Fenian Brotherhood, has issued an order that the annual Congress will be held In CPI- Copts April 11th, and that the calls for a meeting of Congress at - New York, March oth 16th, are revoked; This action is taken in eousihrtence of an outrage on Mr Meehan, wawa condition la reported by his physician as hepsfuL • —Hon. Thee. Wilson, late Chief Jas. I tics of the Supreme Court of Minnesota, publish& a long' letter charging Hon. Wm. Windom, late memberof Outgrew from the First District, with corruption In oflice, in the matter of the vetches° of the lands of the Winnebago.lndian res ervation, and in endeavors m- procure anteldies from Congress for the Northern i Pacific Railroad. t i me - ---- '''..' - ' - . -----r- DIED : _ = HUB IA BAVARIA Bourn ANIEttICA. NEW YORK CITY LABOR. Excupicir . . —4.brrandar Whiteman has bean ar 'renb,nt at New:York on a charge of utter note.‘ aimilpe to. ited States 'Dolattry note,. Lie le allege Un d to have netball:AM huge number of Ignorant amt Poor People In the South and South. L 7 his olethtiOtok 11:4430VARD.itft , i , lleglilBll7 — On Tesed.r. Match Ist 1110. Mmck . .orife of Hobert McKnight, aged 19 years. Teo fens rsl will take piece note the residence of her btieboad. emir and Yrankl'netreet. role rallartho. It r h 33, at Is o'clock. The friends ar the fandly reauestett to attend. IrkILL.RM — DIe4 to reladethele. on nilednee. der. the 114 of Ma,. . at 111 11.. Dr. D,ILNILL •F (MUM, A rmerly of thls city. Notice of Inserai te 111 to at en In morning papers. • • 1J.311)1zily.11:41pi: (`MAJILEI3. Bc PEEBLIA .J DZBTAXIMI AXE/ CIVILLY LBLZs lovab ttip CHllltea R01)1121 Rre constsarly Sok . Filed Isttli r rear wad =Winn .Beeviroad, ogany and Wainnt Coieds, at pilass 'Ming As.. itS iss line• Ed. dies nrenerod orintersnest. uearses and CID sines • frirnisbeel• *lsm minds or Roaming goods, If reviles& CO.' M.* .Iflii Mmes. dsl and sisht. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, larrixmarrAac.ites I= Carriages for gamerals.Warsilskted COTttYs' and all ranoral Turalshmon at re .1 ROBB, No. 91 Federal St., Allegheny, Tieing determined not to owe, over any Winter Goon. will voittareli , sell, below O.L.c for the nest 30 dole. BD !N • ,S.L•iWP RS. • • PO SHUNS. /LATHERS, rahmsm, LACE COLLARS. ' LACE lIANDIERECO/S. • LINEN JEA,.. .CO. 1 c . L , A L R L S A A ND AN D( 6 „, a SID GLOVE/. • .. . CURZET6 . LAD' thr. 110816 78.0/1.2. CUILIMAN•S HOSE. ULUSZY L AVE EDGINGS LADIES , UNDERWAR, LADIES. APRONS Now ;A 0 lO S TA, I.III.NONS. MOHAIR SWITCHES /41111 NETTS: . ao., All perms MI.LIag bnigaln., pleas+ call be,- f o r. o.,,baidag Al N. Z 91) Ei•bAl. tITBISILT. 21:was JOHN M. COOPER & CO.' Bell and Brass Founders, RUBE, lOCOROTIVII k • kOLLING NILE SIMMS Mode Prompity to Order. RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on. Hand. Proprietors mid Itaantaaarers of Coope'smprevcaßalaitee Whee STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN BThEMT. Poimdry.Conilth!kßaltreadStrestio 11;11V 'MARSH. PAL CHI! A, GLASS - • • QUAENSWAIt ' A larie Wild:UM °num pimp= snd alapea pat recatred. Alm riatad and Brittanla Wars, vuez anerartan Ware. no. °Pentad and for sale at very los iriera at • H. BIGBY & 00'8., Fa ISt Lumen mum. alas VIN 1G I THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOII 86 ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. •re sew prepared to tarnish YLNIGAB M the Loin= DELBERT RATIO. Atteatton Is pars -ticalatly called to ottr r BAB. MERCHANT TAILORS I I I :4.3 varArrirll NERCHANT TAlf,oll,: Corner of Pen an Rath Streets. ALL AND WINTER STOCK W 0 0 M.P LETE IPHEBSON & MURMURING, 6UC0L83011.8 TO W. IL 111431311 & Co., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 10 MITA IT„ late It Clair we can just set . .. Wed a large nobly of Fall and Winter Good...which will be sold at reason able prices. Mr. Mil MIALBRINU will still at tend to the Cuttles Departme nt. den:gee Morin • MULILAMBEINIJ. Gum. . INSURANCE COMPANY. ruzuars stramna, E. Nis Wirth Avanuo. Eusu llogoad !leer. rrrrutni. PA. Capitol Alll.rald lap. DIRECTORS. glfeAMfklirglZ:F. l4o ..V . • • urtan, Je.ll. BanAY. j'froVaramith 11..Warliwa, BORIC T 11. RING P. JNO. P. Jaws - Men, JOS. T. JOHNSTON, i ' Capt. B. 1. (111LACZ. B I Insures on Liberal Term No. 98 . 1-1 Smithfield Street, and Marine 11l . _ ass:se • .3131,E, PASHIONABLIS MERCHANT TAILOR. N.A. constantly on lani Othi, Oniiiineraft and ',Citing& A.IneNCZNVISNEVB YURTISHING ODOD& ITIMLBURCIPL. Pi. Bent.• Clothing gado to order LD t➢ Wert *elan NEW FALL GOODS. • 'Dismal uew stock of CLOTRH, GASSIMEREIB. 4Q, Jig, real:yaw/ suciaz aucrna. fedi Narbant Tailor. TS Smithfield elzeef, WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER At Greatly RedllC9ll Prices. • till ak Antir room for new goods• We will UM of Mara stool now In stone, Without Regard to Cost, QM= 1113;DROMEE PAIILOR PAPERB. CHAYHIS pArxim /Liao. 11, lame assortment of CIIZAP PLYESB at N 0.107 ][ABBEY STREET, lIE/Lll PITH ANIITIJA JOS. B. HUMES t BRO. ELEGANT PAPER HANCIIRGS. Enameled Wall Payee ln DIM. Mat. =nen- Moos to od soot and moan. Vertarlon a V64 MEETPANKLa be round elseernere to the country. / mtle lc P. 'Er Allesil:f AT:O3 NEW. WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street. WINES, LIQUORS, &o. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING The Dry But in the United Stake. ILANLITACTMULD BY WILLIAM WAGNER 981 Arorth Seventh Street, 6efereuees-611 the lesdlag Mines la PhIL jakeDarrall SCHMIDT &PRIDAT, 1111POW/US OW WINIS, GIN, AO. WHOIJCIUMI assizas IN PURE RYE WHE3 ',, 40i1 PENN STREET, Nave Removed to NOS. $B4 AND $B6 PENN. aor lairrenlb St.. (formerly Cenal.) LIVERY dc SALE STABLES. ROBERT 11, PATTERSON CO, LICE=3 Seventh dune and Liberty St., PTPTABIritOg, Ph. Will on Every Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE - BORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES WAGONS. P= F trar i Virro ael re . r VZlPVe l . ears their notice of consignment on or 00(024 Thursday of each week in order for advertJetng. id. henSton mad g ood ears will ha g iven all Meet lan Ikansda. • JOIN ILEITEWARE. AneUeseer. JOIE. 11. ETZWAZT O3T. lI.PATTIISOL • OEM IL PATTEUSON & CO., iainairar, sg..tx,ms 4.14 x, COIMnMON ST • COL SEMITE AIM EE II 'JIBES!! 114. PrTTEBORGE. Pa. = REMOVALS 1:1.313131C30NT.A. 1 - 2 . • L. D. DUMMETT, (Latent Liberty street..) Hu essoeleted Mr. EitakD H. lITTZ4IIIMON7 ' , with him la Deanne. and taken the 'teemed commadletaz. storrlooaa • No. 64 Wood Street, • ' *bete the noir Inn ill' Witten the znikeelo acre and sale at =slowest ponlbie pikes Tare. AMeriCan Confectionktry. . • DUIIIII3TT .13 CO. immn 333 CONT 'GRAY & LOGAN 11Fre.nrosared trona Mr. MX= STRUT. so 63 Fifth Avenue, v.tui impravaleas on old Maul us topu44. tad. ft TRH IIiWU Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over - $500,000 . • Al. Policies issued by ad" Combats) are p.m? , u 5.117 Nob-furreillug alter she yaymeat of one A..uSlual Premium. Dividends annually &tiered ant seidied third annual premium, either on the perm stirni Increase of the policy, or In reduction of 11 , .. 1 - 1121.11. •••••• lEENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 167 1-2 Wood street, (2d gloor, ==l= THE IRON CITY MUTUAL 1111 INSURANCE C Of Parmerilvania. Office, 75 Fedual St., Allegheny City DERICCTOBSI - Hon, JA.IOELIs. OILAUA SlatD, 1:14.312:1111AP9t/O• p" i ft 7. ,,•Wj fiCtlfttlA TOO' AUeibenY. SHWA EKHT . irAz „r. O. W. BENRYr t Law per 7lereban4 U. L.PATT D. WOOER. insnranca Capt. 11.011 X. _BAUPI3IIIIItCIpit, - VAIIIII3 rliia=7 • C. a. U. MC BBlY...Tresunre: • M. W. WHITE., MillndAz. ADVD.WI: DANIEL swoon. tiern COAIIMBIONED AGENT k E,FOR_THE CO,: Illarjggititti•rt ". Net. James uollloAshcad. er _ay. Pa. 7.1 i. COUTBI9, MegeetPOrt• _ Geeftre H. JObileett• J. S. ctraycr, Johnstow n. r n. a., Companrstrictly mutual. All profits accruing to policy rudders by distdrod returned annusllY From the end of the Ant year. All poll:Ass non forfclUns. DIA FMB/WITT AGAINST LOSS NT rxßis. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPIIII4 0171014tilia 4811:11ENTEUT BT.oaear innactons. Wagner. Eautkor. Yordscai H. L.WI Tobia David B. Brown, swwwl rant, tel="b. Dot Jacob R iv WC. rg __ George ales. OLIVI:16 O. 818 8 8 e 4.10:1g: VtgPretagt. ManTIN, ARE= North West canar Third Ana Wood wtaamis PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTISSUIRNi 0171.118. No. 16Th WOOD irrassr, UP QQ 3CI BUILDING. TOW Is • Hems Compass, wad MOI, SAINIA les. try Fire sseleslvels. LEONA-ND WALTER. Preildeat O. 0. BOYLIC Vise Prwildent. GISAITJAMTETC: Trlmlne.. D 7110201111: !Amara warm. 0c0m.W 11 .... L. U. O. Basle, Geo. re. It's's/. • Bobort nark,. .r. Lspss Jaa,t , Painter, .1. e. Iflclcer. .1011. 1 : 1 King, Joan Noessist. J... BoPsoss. Bows 8L.5.1. INSURANCE CON.. PiirMinNPlTTSlittllttikr. tdCLANDIta Melee, President.. . IVIL P. 1112.1teR.T. fitairetel. _ CAPT. tilde/kWh hiItELD, deneral Agent. Mos. lel Water stroet, Spann ik Co.'s Warts honse, up stairs, Pittsburytt. Will tut simlue al kinds of VW asd X. Di rect Maks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who me well known to the commenliy. sad who me determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the charm= widen they hue assumed. as Wreath/ the best liretehthrhi.o those who desire to le Insured. DOMC2OIO4: • Alexander . 01m1.55. Jaen e- eeCnnes B. elller, Jr., - Chas... James Sterdaluy, William IL Zr.,% 111.7==. 0 . • Jose Eirkpattlets - Meld M. Load, WM. fd=. s D. Ihmsen. Mae NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Car. Federal St. sad Diamad, B ff i te d a . tho EILCOND NATIONAL. BANN W. W. likliTlN •Proddeat ia • • PA R AB B ETT N IA7FedirIiare twi. • . DEBACTOBS: Jolla A. Myter.rax. Loetbast.l.Tw. NyeW., • • .140.1..1ina. Ittobert L. C. C. Dovish tn:A.l . 3z= liewc i ttervs...r i al ape . . PEOPLES' INEMBANCE COM& PINY. I=l 011106. N. Z. COINVII wow) • nrra rms. /I Hama Osaipaaetatl air Yin sad Muto• Risks rt ?"' - • C. ValLalr, Jam l s l D. Vernr..!NMPT $, trARDEIZi. ALL EG RENY DISIURANCS COMPANY OF PITTS33I.IIIGH. ICI.No. q rnrra ETJULIST.BAXI BLOC. bum. Mabssi. all kinds of Tin and mates rms. JOHN IRWIN. Jn.. Praddeat. T. J. Atri3EINISON, Vlea Midden. C. 0. DONNlll.,t,aaaa eUrY • CAPT. WY. ULAN. esnaraz.aaaall. Xv22oCrOaa: • VorAtz.... c if p F y. Lag tifx", iMps. Wm. ;W6a. TN THE COURT OF QUARTER BENSIONg of Allegbeor county, No. 11 De• megee Bergen., 1889, Mueepaneous Docket. In the natter of the opening of lla Ity of rittstargh. Appeal of BM Notice I hereby given that the ?enigma CommLstioner. anystlated by the Court to take the testimony offered by the parties intertoted In the above eases intralition to the enflames woe therein and report the same, with Macrae, ton thereon as to tech modillestloo of the report of 'loran. If any. and the form of aa order to be made by the Court. will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi. °Dm. lio.s7Dimsoad street. CB, of Pittsburgh, on FRIDAY. the Atil day of March; A. D.llOlO. at 1 o'clock y. 1111., when slld parties interested may at [M7= J. W. OVER. Commlssioaer. NOTICE IS lIEIIEBV -GIVEN that application Wu been mils to Um Conn. of Common Plena of Allegboni corm). at No. 473. Merck Term. 1870. for • Charter o incorporation for Um Keystone Premium .Loitn ASSOC' WIWI =2 Awl that the same will 6a graatett at thi boa he, tette of odd Court, velem e*eepttosa a 'lathe:rate la prime , thee., , felOttlOTif ROBERT POLLOCK. Belleßor ITTERS TESTAMENTARY. All persoma latereatederlll.toke 001100 that teataNtelltAl7 to the [Vote of ASWAN 8. P6Vhin e damaged. have been groetti to the anderalpoad lexecutors. Ail persons Davies endow amain.. the estate will pleas* peanut these without delay. and pelllolllCOolartni tWme lierres Indebted will please make psyinent to tan' usdallegnell Ilasaell• zloty. 0111 All JACOB CtsTODE. . Txeentors, at 66190. 3, 17.• P. 6 .re, W ;t t Te i. 9ll ,.. ", ,b. At i tajney. *I N. 9r3au:stanzsi..,7l • lIFT'FERES OF ADIMINISTBA. TI N ea the estate of XLIZAJWITH J. L. Of Itoblason township. Ailed/ at Palt er. deed. having been 'treated I o th e underside • ed. all persons Indebted to sald erten sent make immediate Protest. and all VISO.. Md.( eletns Agatha thence, will pomp them Drop grip authenticated for settlement to the seder. aped. th ei WILLIAM KILL% Keine eld Valley. A/botany pasty. YA • atnrd YACATION OF A :PUBLIC ROA lA—ldodes la heathy circa that at No , cesabes tier° le., (dolmas Sessions Court. AUtEbVII, COUltl, • nibs vas untitled to show cause why a Issrefog or. babas roaA, is the awe. (=rod Pittsburgh.