S titriusbni Wit 027171131111 PAPER' Of Pittsburgb; /Miaow "City Rad Megbay County. UMPRI IN, OP BO MTN II: WICDIIIaDAY, ■AECH. 2. ifITO Gaza closed la Now York yesterday , „ BMUS= Arcs, of glsoisalppl, wrll be rworn tn. - Ties National losoclation of School Sepainteadenta usanbled at 'Wishing. tan yesterday. A Itsw writ or eitor le to be limed, ilk* !WPM*, ass!, which is to be mow sore owasidered trader the provisions of thwepectel act passed for that porpow6 One one hundred lives bite been lost by the dating of the welds, one of out snalles ihips of war, in the Yellow Bee: The nuns of the sated end lost have not' yet opine to light. 2 r; eon Legislative report announces The postponement, after filimunion. of a bill tdintallitdi a "basun; at Pitninugh, feig the control and mariagentent of western name" This Is, we presume, Me "Mlle* Improvement Company" bill, which ft was our duty to mitten() yes. Isrday. Warranty in another column "A Yankee Supplement" lo the Corporation Ant of July 18th, 1868, which Ins paned the Hoes& and la now pending In the Senate. 'Me kern that Its nrovistents are poserelly satisfactory to all the members treat the oil district. Its tenor haaadeep bawd for the trade, since it seems to legaSse something like . . free pipe system. The supplement is likely to become slaw es an early. day,. unless there should be objectloni whicklas made - known at Clow 11641 Biz millions and a half morsel the public debt paid of In Peke!. sly I Had.the , month • been three days lower, at - the lame rite, the total reduc tion would have bean over seven mli lkse Here We have a couplet of he* welch augur well for tke financlal future! When President (War authorized Mr. Diwes to say, on Saturday, to the people of Neir Himapahlre that the pethlic dues would be, as they had been, honestly col lect/dead faithfully expended; that the Plat ehould ts: the pledge for jhe fatore that the male of public expenditure should steadily move downward Instead of up ward—he spoke by the book, and the people In army State have marked how his words are justified by the record of kis administration. Tan current evasives of the official sbconduot ln.the tastier of the sale r?f esdetedps, have led to the resignations of three members, one Democrat and two Republicans, to escape an imminent ex. pubion from Congress. It is said that a dozen or so more of honorable members are standing uneasily in their ahcies. in the feu of expected revelations. The maddest are among the latter Is said to be that of Mangen, a low fellow from the strongest Danacratio district of Ohio, who, it Is hinted, noV only sold a cadet ship for $BOO to a Republican boy—lint, which be regrets even more if possible, has been found out. This Rungen, and Golladay, the Kentucky Democrat, who has already resigned, were the leading champions of repudiation in the House. The free.triders will mourn for the 10E9 Or their votes. Tun termination of the famous or ink mona lffindsenat divorce case in England, wherein a husband sued for a divorce from his wife, . Lady Yordaunt. on the ground of criminal intimacy between that lady and the Prince of. Walea, in a viedio.by the jury' that- Lady Mordant was insane anti not responsible . foi her words or- acts, is one of those dodoes by whichthe course of Justice is sometimes arrested in cases where the wowed poetics move ih what the world regards u the higher drcles. But, viewed from a moral standpoint, where' does this verdict lave the loyal party In Oh scandalous tranaction; him self a married man, and heir to the throne ' if Breit Brittle Woreethen if thei Mae had been made out and. the divorce graited; , and;to make =tiara etillWerne, this rteMial character of that profligate' -prior is such thst the . popular verdict will be almost universally against him. : , The bpi notioothat"the king canwayko • Wrong" is utterly worn'end; and 'abouldi 74$ =One IL mother, it will be ; a pull over experiment to attempt to let him, upon the throne. A. people who have! Jot cbrestablisited a venerable church. In; oat of the great divisions of the kingdom! will billy submit to be ruled by an adol tomer and a blackguard, giving him tke, piaci of "the drat gentleman In the, realm." The moral tease of the ntltiovi will revolt at it--forbid it. vas asoucliA: ismaocuo The Beitate hr in 'a pickle abOut the; Georgia question: The Home ditto ! 'The cornistsmcy of each hods , Is at stake,! but tsabei` curiously opposite condlticit6 •Ttia question la whether 'Georgia Is just. istonstructed, or attained that perfect Matto* a yea or two ago,. Here'the tiro Reuses never did agree. The Rep Weimotlatires admitted the GkOrght delega4 tkiir toles . lELlst.Ckwzress, Solitari • bad to stay In the lobby.; IPA the Howe objected to any count of the 'electoral Tote, while the "Renat e armed tt to be regularly canvassed:, tie, each body is. on record on each side of the question, and neither of them , can Iciangitt now Witheut its own ye:weds:et; 'Hating It In the hoe. But , the House: Wad eosin ignorance of the rebel purpo-: sea, which had not been developed when abeadraitted the Representatives, while **Senate stubbornly and Inconsistently; shut its eyes to the light In counting the tots of I dEaOrgattited and openly rebel. It is not - strange, therefore, that thellatate Is seriously eisbarrassed now,! to designate which of the two pairs of Benatoes may legally enter from Georgia.; We wish our Blends In both Homes a midi:laminae from the bawllderbglat; strati. TIME TARIFF QUESTION. The freotrade element in Congress to badly demoralised. The entire body of •Dmoceists, with n few eroepnous from p an nsyteuds, is, u heretofore, quid loader that flag—and $ few of the waatein Itapablicans are with them. The chagrin of the forme:may be imagined when they • discovered, the' other. day, that they hid recorded their votes solid against the tariff plank in the Seymour and Biair pletthret of 1888. The proceedings ap. paired to Our Oongressional report of Tmaday night. This little mistake hot des theta up fora few days. Yr. Allison; an lowa member, and a frentisde publican offers a resolution providing foe juror "lobe frothed Was fat rests pt Faux:. end censumna end a," , • • - • :1'47 - '1;.' 1 ?%.,i -. . , et:7';"'K' ststent with the legitimate require. lents of the revenue." Atwitter motion 11l be made to indefinitely postpone the Misting bill. As may be inferred, there is no effective concert _ of action among the freetradere, wad ; are striking !Mout wildly, each lam - for binmelL That sort daf stmteigT will accomplish dothlng. Nl' the other hand, while the protective principle is not to be made a test of Republicacian, the mass of our party will always be found, as heretofore, aretyed in its favor, and the Democrats, fis a party, against it a te opposition keys Puittire ing a schism among`gir riends on this question, bat tbarireigitini — orkiiiiVi," from 'day tit day, shows thalithey 4avo. La , th;s - e tlusive expect:neon, reckoned irithoat th host The tlYgerustud u It Is, but. thrill &stalely not be =Mailed to the injury of AniStilitt liffereatit ' ' ROUIOD THE roRLD, .arance, ments are being made for the issue of tickets for =lntone round the world, either eastward or westward, es the tourist pleases: The price' ; of a ticket for the round trip is to be about 3750 in gold, and it is to be gooff until used, so that travelers may stop Wally of the ret*erous points on the way it long asithey . .pluse. For example: Suppose a Om starts from New Tait to' make the eircuit.,ol , the globe westward. He may at: Chicago, and while there he may matte the tour of the upper lakes, or he Play do any amount of buebsesus he pleases In the city. When it suits him, he goes back to the line of travel and proceeds, say; to Salt Lake. There he may halt if he:choases, shake bends With Brigham Young, sad a:Millie:the Intending in- Standen% and scenery to be found in that Then, when 'ready, he goes back to the main line, and perhaps may not care . to stop again until he reaches San Prencisco. There he may atop off for business or pleasure, or oh. ',serration, or all of these; make es many excursions as he sets - proper;' itad when ready, all he has to do Is to 'lel on board a steamer for Shanghai with his ticket, and make another long swing round the circle. Arriving at Yokohama, (Japan,) he may feel inclined to stop off again, do some business, If helms any to door travel round among Chose strange 'and ' interest• hag people. Next he. goes to China, ;where he may enjoy. similar opportuni ' des. Then he "will sweep round the 'southern coast of dais, stopping, If he 'chalet, at the principal ports. Bpand by he will find himself entering the Red Sea through the Straits of Bab el Mendel; and when he reaches Sues he may once more travel by Tell, If he sees proper, across to Alexandria, or peas through the canal to the Mediterranean. Here be may linger again, if so Inclined, among the ruins or Egypt, or make a pilgrimage to the more sacred soil of Palestine. Next he finds himself In Europe, and may travel how he pleases from Mar seilics to Ham or Liverpcel, and thence take passage home to New York, If that be his home, or to Pittsburgh, should that happen to be his place of rest. Such tours as' this we have sketched will, soon be very common. Men and women will notberegardedasthoroughly 'educated until they have seen :all the world, So fares It is embraced Id' the above sketched circuit around the northern hemisphere. The effect of such move. Silents ,upon the old stagnated peoples of Asia, and indeed upon the whole world, will be very gnat "Shut up the words end opal the' book even to the time of the end. Mazy shall VIII to and fro and knowledge Ebel be Increased," said an &stealth Daniel twentytra hundred years ago; and truly It looks la if ...the - time of end" bad truly come, If many running to and fro and the Incresso of knowledge be tho signs of its advent. Yet the _visible agents by which thls marvelous corerum• mation was brought about were bat com mon things--seisnce, skill and labor. RELIGIOUS AMENDMENT TO THE THE UNITED MT= A National Conveation will assemble In the Arideniy of Music, in this city, to• morrow, at two o'clock, composed of those who desire and advocate the ex. press recognition. of. Pod, and of. . Christ, as th€ Ruler among the natlons,in the Con. siltation of the United States Thaw. sentiment In regiid to what - is held to be a noloonsl -dati ii impressing itself upon the cmukienceo of ea - evenineraui ing number of mesa sad women of almost all religions persuasions Is a fact which cannot be disputed; and certainly their convictions are !entitled 'to 'the moo re spectfuloonsideration. We cannot ignore the fact, nor would we if we could. That the - Gresd Supreme was totally ig nored in originallf 'adopted Is somewhat remarkable, and can only be explained on the hypothesis tbst the venerable ,men who framed it were careful to an extreme bordering upon fa. .iitieLiid to randal t>ie •taircke ;fiihnien Church and State absolutely perfect and entire;' and that tilei retreated the' gov. =mad of lonletkel ISO thinreS, nerdy secular . In its , nature as the charterer • bridge company At thatthas all. Curls. Coo suitioni.werelnore of leis oppressed With and injUred 'by tha; dininn Of the t# with sect; 494 oar ing this our statesmen of thatday swung eir pendulum to the opposite extreme. , Doubtless they acted bemestly and pstri.: Woolly •in - the light they then had, and, even among Chrittion men there were few who at that .14 &tattered. ' /fat as niXtildnd are &Coining more and more emarielpated from the shackles ot socordotal dominatical, such , oruez Olutios need sot to observed, i and tbe notion may without - peril permit' the pendulum to swing back to a point at which nelthor Divine nor human rights ehati be invaded or violated; and thin . convention which Is about to meet is an , that. the American people are dlientsik for That condition of 0/madam freedom; 'that they are beginning to !heti moreond more that to claim absolute in.' . , dependence as a nation is impious, peril.' emend impolitic. True, it is unchained to poiltive terms; but the negation is no •leassalfeasivato the consciences of many good men thane positive declaration that govenunent is only assortier affair would be; and !sail:edit amounts to that. In the Pennsylvants Ikll of Rights,. eery different gecnind Is Aitken on this • • -• • Set Sect. 8. decbtree "That all men have; natural and 'lndefeasible right to wendap Almighty God itOoolrd lug to thetildtatta of their own eons:hen cow that no man can of right be com pelled to attend, erect or support any place of ',recibir,. or malntedn any rota. . {dry against his consent; no human authority can: In any cave whatever, control, or Interfere with, the rights of conscleretet. sod no preference aball bo given by htw to any religions establish ments, or modes of worship." Sect 4. "That no person who : asks/owl. &Pea Ms being of 'God. and a future Oats of swards and Incnitlonesto. shall, oti aro Am; of his ref.gloas sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office, or place of, trust or profit, under this Oommon wealth." ' Here ts s very distinct recognition not only of God, but of man'sacconntability to Ellalnot only of God as . an abstract metaphysical idea, but as the Baler' and Jadge of men both singly and callectire ly7-4 belief in ishom Is t rasde a prerequi site qualitleation for t h e holding of any office of profit •or tract This is based upon the •common law, and comes& itself to the conscience of every man. We esy army man; for although an atheist may have In him the sentiments of truth and honor, It Is nonsense to talk About his emaciates, thing which can; not exist at all except In connection with something higher than the man himself; and to which he is accountable. A recog nition of the Supreme Being Invades no man's conscience. But the more distinctly Christian fea ture of this question is that upon which the controversy will turn. It Is a question which,' decide it as we may, mast necessarily impinge upon somebody's conscience. The proposition WieknoWledgelesus Christ as the Sn preme Ruler of the nation, as "the Sing of Kings," se he is called in the' Sacred Scriptures, is one which will be Tip!. otudy edvocated. Some 'agitation wM result; but en& agitation is wholesome. It- Would be wrong on-the pact of those who, ere fully persuaded In their own minds Und we ought to do it, to ' glair& from et mealy 'declaration of their vieWs andcaneicdons; and if they canpenmade a majority of their countrymen to believe ae thei'dO, it will be done; and when done, no right of conscience or of pri vate judgment will be invaded. The Jew and the Deist Will retain, under the ogle of Ude Christina Constitution, all the rights they ever enjoyed,and will continue to worship the God of their fathers, or to "look through Nature up to Nature's God," just as freely . as ever. But, on the other hand, when Christians, such Menu are about to assemble hero, look at the supreme law of the country as it studs, aad at the same time call to mind the &w -ild declaration of Christ respecting those who deny him, their consciences are troubled, and they feel bound to do what they can to set it right. They may be Mistaken; but they believe - that they are i right; and as honest and earnest men,. as Christians and good citizens, they are en. titled' to a respectful betting. But whether right or wrong, the discussion, if conducted In good spirit sad temper, will do good. The Pelee of Labor—huegestive eta- It= The Department of Agriculture has collected some, interesting statistics In regard to the pay of farm laborers. Thirty 'eats ago the farm hand received 99 per month end board. In 1888, the average had increased to $2O per month, or nearly trebled. Now the average, taking the country through, Is $20,18. That is to say, the prier of farm lobar has declined but slightly during the past three years, although the prices of mai cultural anti nearly all other products have materially declined during that, time, and the laborer can now obtain nearly two bushels of wheat for the labor Which would pay for only one bushel in BM. No - Lore striking comment could lie ituniahed than is here presented upon the great demand for labor all over the country. At the termination of the con test, much solicitude was expressed as to what the million of returning ioldlers _ would do for a livelihood. Many pre dicted that there would be such a dispro portion between the demand and supply for labor, that much misery and suffering would ensue. But notwithstanding this great addition to the labor force of the country resulting from the i ldlsbanding of our armies, notwithstandin g the greatly increased flow of emigratlon, and a great decline in the coat of living, wages have kept up nearly to the prices of 1885-6. What was true of the,,yean immediately 'following-the war of 1819, has been true to a -remarkable degree now. The United States, with its boundless resour ces, absorbs hundreds of thousands of laborers and still calla for more. The liberal wages which these eighties show to be paid in-the agricultural' dis tricts demonstrate that there Is no nous. sity for any one being out of employ ment. New York, Philadelphiii; Cimdu anti, particularly Qhicago and other large cities, are now overrun with unemployed indiviatuds, able-bodied men, laying on their oars, and anxiously watching the advertising columns and calling at the labor agencies for something to do. Let than direct their steps to the rural regions and they will find employment for their hands. Let them locate on Government lands where they con obtain homes for nothing, and soon sit under their own vine and fig tree, instead of hanging about our clues and towns, living from band to month, and leading a miserable exist ence generally. The following is ii statement of the average wages for the different sections of the country as compared with 1866 Drember, Dtember, , me. Eastern WM - . Midale Amt. • Western Mates zs In 27 01 ==l From these figures it appears that farm laborers command nearly twice as much pay in the 'Eastern as in the Southern States. Now the average daily wages of the farm laborer, including beard, is, $ll9 in New York, $lB7 in Connicticut, $l4l in New , Hampshire, $lO4 In Penn sylvania, $1 15 in New Jersey, 60c. in South Carolina, 65c. in Virginia, 000. In Mississippi, 841. to Texas, sl' 02 in Ar kansas, $ll5 is Wisconsin, $l6O in Cal ifornia, $1 05)n Ohio, $1 181 n Minnesota, and $126 in Nebraska. From these fig emit would appear that agricultural la bar commands the highest pay in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Comm tient, New York, Pertrisylvana, Minns• oil. California, and Nebruke.. The 'Meets over the Heider The Philadelphia Prow says: It Is cur rently believe-4 ,now • that the border county rebel-raid bill will pass at Harris burg. common faxignage,lt: said that the Howie is already "bet that it is believed that the Senate can be utlxed.” It this fa the case, it•ls -useless to argue the matter any further—it is out of the hands of the voters and taxpayers. Some millions will have to bo raised under this bill and paid bet of taxes on the in dustry of -tho Stater, and- the -tox,payers are in thoend responsible theoiserves. If they will send cheap men to Harrisburg ' -they most the consequences. - • I - It ll a matter of common repute that the claim* width this bill professes to pay ' are now all out of the hands of the origi nal claimants,-and inthe hinds of brokers or persons who have gathered them to• other in view of,the passage of this act. We Mud that some friend of the Stare will amend the bill so as to make all moneys paid out under It payable only to the original claimants in person. This would be some 'slight' protection to the Commonwealth, and no member could very reasonably vote against it. • Indeed, we suggest such an amendment -to any members who are unduly pledged 'to the support of -this bill,as the best means of escaping from a difficult pigeon: ' It would not bo exactly keeping good faith with Use manipulators of ,the but it would probably bo Withiki the letter of their bargain and—as well betray the -jobbers as the people. Own of the reiolutibus passed et the re cent meeting of the colored citliens of Wilmington, Delaware, is Especially worthy of publication. It la a. sensible and patriotic declaration of an excellent: and noble parpose.: We propene° it thus,' and state, at the same time, our perfect conviction of the sincerity aed geed faith' of those who adopted it. Alter returning thanks to Congress, the Legislature, ,c., : for enfrancidaLug them, the meeting Resolved, That we hereby pledge to .them to pore theAltneas of the trust by the worthiness of our conduct. , That realising the responsibilities resting upon us, we mean to use the ballot for no merely narrow or selfish ends, but for the beet good of the State and the Nation,. thereby aiding to perpetuate a Union which our fathers and their fathers, their brothers and our brothers, together helPid to save. ' nut Cincinnati Bible Cu. comes I*. fore the Supreme Caution a writ of error. The Superior Court of Cincinnati enjoined the Board of Education from enforcing the rule, prohibiting the use of the Bible In the public:schoola. The prohibitory men made application for a new trial which was overruled. They now carry the question to the higher court.. ,Tma little prospect that Pits John Porter had to get a reopening of hia case wu totally demolished by Senator Chandler's speech., The President, on reading it. sad looking mto the matter, remarked that, bad Bberidan.bece in Por ter's place, there would have been a dif fer's': tale to be told now. PrITIONYRGYI DAILY OLTETTEi WEDNESDAY MORNING; MARCH 2; 1870: 'A FOrther Pupplement To an act entitled "An Act relating to corporations for mechanical, manufac turWg, mining and quarrying Pump. l eg,” improved the eighteenth day of • „fray, A.nno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-ttmse. Binaries 1. Be it enacted, That the Provisions of an act relating to corpora tions for. mechanical, manufacturing, mining and quarrying purposes, approv ed tha eighteenth day of July, one thou sand sight hundred and sixty-three, and the supplements thereto, be and the same are hereby extended to the transportation end storage of petroleum in the counties of Venango,Warren, Forrest, Armstrong, Clarion. Butler and Beaver, and that any company organised for such purposes under the provisioa of usid.r ao4 *hall havelheright to transport, atore,laware and ship petroleum, and for that purpose to'ley down, iiiinstiner ''Maintain pipet!, tubing, tanks, office ~a nd such other machinery, devices be -arrange ments as maybenecesearytosstar upon, nee and Ocentry such lands es may be requisite for the purposes of the comps my: and for the rights of entry upon lands, rights of way, and the} use of materials necessary to the construction, mainten. cans and operation ofeaid lines of pipes, iw aforesaid, they shall be entitled to all the. rights and privilege, and be subject all the limitations and restrictions of railroad' companies, ae>oontalned to an act relating to railroad oompardet, appro ved rebruaryminetoenth, one thousand eight hundred-and forty-nine,and the supplements thereto. Provkfit, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorise the construction of any railroad. Szorrog 2. That any company , organi. zed tinder the provisions of this act may at any time change the location of the whole or any part of their pipes, or con struct a branch or breeches from any point or points on the main line, to any other point or place within the counties 'aforesaid. But before doing so a majority of the directors of said company ahaU make, or ounce to be made, a certificate In writing, setting. forth the oroposed change, particularly setting forth the rontec and termini, have the natne wt. knowledge*, before a notary public, and recorded In the same manner as shall be provided la the original articles of the assoalsUon. ritEDITZEILINELIN sronays si - gmni Spotters. Tine Banking Soong.. glee Velvet Sponges. Handsome Y e t' Spong For Jae Toilet.. the Threetalee pi - d received this day,whion mat JA..IIIMO E. lIIIIMS dr. CO •6 • DRUG BUMS, Corner Penn and Btalliglrrefe. (Old ft. Warr.) !bid by the ttrthr et , tingle none, Or tingle nonage. Poir•us istileg to burebare Olt wort to call and exambe, our large and splendid nay. , tanalt. re we bare away satiety. bold at the lowest Inlets. CONSUMPTION OF THII - LUNGS. If there le thy one admonition that needs to be nacre carehtL• lm reined epos the entails of those [abject to the aliments of the tarp and thimonary omens, It Is the importhast hot that attention shoeld be pald to the gret beglart/the of too.. alwasea. In the .tart • few dome of such medicines as DR. EITHER'S PECTORAL SYRUP lOU he sari to threat the disease. and remote. sot only the healthy formUotta of the longs, but shoo( the ' , botched). Of all remi. dim for ellsemes of the lenge and contingent organs, Dr. KeyseVe Pectoral Syrup hes stood the test of Team of •thertence, and you cannot hod • single paean who hes ever With It that will net speak highly of lie 'trines. Lot any one thilleted with smash only teyois Ikttle, sad as sure as 1t is MAIM DWI!! earn them. Dr Keyeerhis in Ogles attacked halals Greet Mthlethe Store, where All manner of. chronic dlthases are secothafallY treeted, thorn of the hangs and.malmonnry organs. and he would rethectfolly Melte Moth who are suf. faring and here failed to get relief from other soo era, to give hM method Ot treatmeet a i:ot long since. • highly reenacted gentleman, col netted with the ...paper press of the city.. called et Dr. Neyser's *Doe and took his meitl• clue, and was cured by let. than half • bottle.. Another gth Oman, who bed coughed all win ter, was mirth to ices than week. ♦ I.4llT,..e.kesed end att:Aaated Intll lams rosette's. was sera Whim= late numeral health •rd vigor, was asked where she got the hoed medicine that cued her. . The aasmr was, at Dr. Lesser% • • chit& pony add pale and emaciated. traa won c.e4 by • bottle or two td Dr. Keynes Pectoradaynp. A lady on Liberty street. who. Mega were far dimmed. met restored to whet biretta by the iontinned um of Do. K1.7116/1. 4 8 LUNE' CUNT, and Dr. . Pectoral Symp. • A xentlemut next 41. e to Dr. Net eeros Itto sass the will recommend Dr. Ireysses Pectoral Byron in all mass; less than half a bottle oared him. - DR. WITEER•3 ORCILT XRDICIRE RTOMZ =I DISEASEB. N 6 167 T 1111RTS 6TRVET. Of. ice eon" optli 1 o'clock, and from 3 tollotld • to 6 at alibt. I = OCCUPATIONAL AILMENTS., Fresh. pate ale la &attaining elixir, Whoever is debarred bT circumstances Iron eareatelated muss 00 :his Invisible, bat bowerfal stimalsot need. • meenclui luring/eat of tone Mad The great objectshould be le.:boom, the beet. Yotru luny Is • putty good et aarantee et merest]: this sm inhuman and Int•lntroi ege, earl tried by this ernerlost Liestesteesillostach Mits. steads boot emocgthe lartgarstbosi eadregalating medicines of the Present der. To the warns of permute engeesd In Indoor ciablounente. espeeletly la an:wded factories when enliven/I tar beat pee. giblet vend Woo the attootohlfe I. siwaysin some degree Delleted. this aelabrities vegetable tombs la ruttier:lr adapted.- The nature of the taste dlents le no Mystery. It mutate of WI •••0104. typo. drlfeelve 'Unable, neatened—or rubel , Bareheaded—with the liaid extracts of maxims roots end barks sad herbs. The obarsaseenwee butts titri.teres. tat Whs.. re thin? The lab* Only • &Ingle root Pt ini• or Dui. Lie present In caeh. Not cue of meet eoutimu the three .aropertles of r etie enamor.. said an arm. Mean. ell thement., art Needed la the En try., nor an these the .nn nt 14 suedleinal to.. OnlatandinlOnN it le aLla • blood deinnuat 004 al tigraittai irlfe c et.wll6. &Who isa been we. env szbaarted of its ogres* by frecuant Sweatt. log produees on the vital ortirrestimer. Isnot. rleas. sun wh the Ms &vitalStmarbere uperedded renottitio times , of sir to nuns. it beeomssdaleterlonaangd &waded la the extreme. boare IP. Mtcnt .po bear up ova tbt for URN day *Mon the debilf ta4ol inluenea of a vitiated &tumbles.. a wertiesolar tonic and alterative le It re tialred.- This grand demblerodam. npplled Ho•t•tue• opters; Tlrrlab /AR lb ntevirUk.onsulliz• log. bee ] P....n..11)10nt 11. nn 11•0.1 Wain moan olnetaal ur ad....rased merl Tiara. NOTICES arTAILNIPII. 011. COMPANY —NOTlOle.—'i ha annual =rattail or tha Stoetholders 01 Ilia Triumph VII Company will bir d a 'Mgr (WPM& No. Se hermith flat Irwm) street. to 11103 OAT. March TM. len% at 3 r.tor the purpose or math, oMeen fur the wr eath. year. aa4 for ths trammetloa of such other bastuare ele mar rove I.ehrra them. WILLIAM MUSS L AM. 'ethea73' " ELECTION OTICE-The Annual Vetting of the. Stookholdors of therni,n Refining and Swink Company will be bell at Me t. elm of eall Company, earner or etightb mv. - Doon•ine -Way. oa 110),DaY, MeatCli MT, between. the boars oriel Bas TS o.cioct, ravine narrate of elemting oa , d or Managers np serve L.r I tuning Tear attest gto Stith Other bllStheta al mar ba btaught.betace the matting. • WWI , . LAS°. &onetime. GEIM tgrifitlTUAL LOAN BUILDING 7 • 18300IATION.-'lm • ti.ta nod meeting - of tbe Stockholders VIII be held at .the aloe of T. BUS, M. D., Grant attest, Plasbutsb. YONDAT, Much Stk. ISTO, sit V:3O r. x. • SSW/ B. W. HILL. Secretary. flieTellf. BLy& emisinrialt. /eh. /SIC. !THE r • DIM!): Ivldes of NV o f f (WPM!. nT. o Laak Lan h thecae! tat stock. eta of the wefts o. the Let .10 mew Its, payable. fOrthertth. DA*ITT, Cashier. Sals3 `'OFF: CE (11} 1110.11ONGAITE - LA 'ourOE OOMPARY.—Ab si.otlou fOr , • tblrbeen (It 3) /Usurers of tbl. Cam= will!.Anda bt the Tal House , YGNDA:T, Tat, 11110, '• JAMES B 1 WRIGHT, Treann.r.• PittsburgA. Rob. Z. 1110. • . Iti . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CHOICE AND RARE I. CONFECTIONS, FOR 'PRESENT. AT GEO. BEALVENIII, U 2 Federal Street, .Slieghetty. 1at1:073 ELGLif ATCHES., HOWARD WATCHES, . WALTHAM WATCHES.. 11. S. WATCHES. In gold and nillrer Vare.. • limy'Rata was ranted 4 . sprclal scrtinszte: The beat WaSabas T11E.W.04.4) tactile ping. call aikair• amine tam a; Watrijani as iirMARBRA rurnm..chipositis *Anna osium. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE OF FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers GOVERMENT SECURITIES, No. , 5 Nassau Street, NEW YORK, PEBRVART 1.8th,1810. Tim remarkabio Success which liss &needed our ameantlon of the Isms OC the Ormuz Pad ric SAILIOADConIegiiT and the Winmair Eagan RAILROAD Goiania', and the Boylan. It, and eredlt rehleh then ;mama have atalatala ed the markets, both la Mis acrautrr sad It- Mo. hale shown ant the )lest Yorigage Bonds of vastly-located and bonorab*managed road, are readlly taken as an, moot suitable, raft, mid advantagesme form of iambi:ant., yielding amens liberti Income this eon hereafter ho derived from fimrnmeat Bonds, and ovals- • DIX to take tack plug. A.. 0 4 tan, la the selootlea sad segottottot of oxpertor Itellexth Laois, we the . sietUng a groat ;walla weed, sod riodeffth s soloed& ma vise to the ►olden of Cojettal soft to OM mat Notional worth of topmast Improvement 'tithe Intrantesoertt ell thartostadidthrocter *WWI thesi to the the of Capitol nod the ethadeooS of thyootors—we sow offer with 'weal oosldothe sea estufootton the FIRST lORTGAOR BONDS \ , Of THE GISIPLIKE AND L L CO. TIM OH RIAPZAILIt AND OHIO RAILROAD, oonasetiog the Attaate emit .4 111. sagWM• ant harbor! of the Cbeuptako Day wttl the Ohio deer at a pedal of ~light. sivigat'on, gad Mos, .110 Dam entire italleoad t►etos Of the groat Wut gad Inailmcst. roams VIZ AD DIT/ONAL MAST AND V MOT TRUNK JINX, to hoperattealy demanded De the accosatotta tioa of Om Isamu* sad roaldly•groarlita taw yortatioa battreta tat Atlaatle seabowd aa4 - ZarOpe oa toe one Use; wee the 10001 pet. Making melons or ths Ohio wild Mashappi YW lota on the eeker. THE IMPORTANCE OF COI ROAD AS A NEW OUTLET PROM THE WEST TO THE STA manila. It lobo one of national conse quence. and Insure. to It an executive *mutt traNe 10.00 Is dal of Ito somgdttlon; while. In the development of the extinsive agricaltural and Wendel 11111001014 of Tleglala and Weil Timed*, It =muses, along Its ma line, the elements of a large and peollable lomat bushier. lbw! the /mat Interests. bath tenecal and Imal. wh!ch demand the oompletlea of eke cluesarzAxic AND OM RAILROAD to the Ohio River, afford the meet summit. of Its menus and value. end RENDRE IT THE MOST IMPORTANT AND SUBSTANTIAL RAIL ROAD ENTERPRISE, NOW IN IROORIII3 TRW COUNTRY. Its reperlormy ea tiniest and West route, and the tatondati of an hanteritae and veritable trade awaiting Its oolaptattoa, lane denten to IL the attentloo tad cooperation of prominent Cool. tallate and Itcliroad men of ttets City of woad ledantent and [down litatuttY. nhete eooaeo• tint with tog. tier intik that of eminent altleens and badness 1m of Visaiala and Want Vleglata. ILNICAGNYIC. HONOILABLZ AND ICCOres7UL ItANAUZ- NiNT. Tim ißad Is completed bad to operatlen from illettootot to the celebrated Frio Stapler Slots*. or West Irtretelo. RSV sash eadthere retniiiibet 100 allae (ootrperttalreooatrocted) to lea completed, to earn It to the brePawd ter• able= ea tM Oblo deco et, er bear. lite looellt of to• Big Beady leer, 100 mbar oboes Cada ootl, sit' aim =ups auotrar.uemk. 0 !•• a» now "faceted er Li warren throng% Oblo end Kentucky to Uels point, w bleb. I I con.: neon the CIIIISAir ARE AND 01110 WITH MIL iNTIRL RAILROAD ATITLIDI 0r TBS. WIRT AND euvrawitsr. AND WITH THR PACIFIC! RAILROAD. It. valuable franralseseathaperloraelventege. will place Lbs CSSAA7IIII ASS Oslo Raft'- s/3Ln comnorr AMASS it. 'leant sad moot powerful sod treetworthy eorporatloos of the ....UT; AND THINE =Cad A PRESINT VALOR, I N CON ' , LIVID ROAD AND WORK DONA. LQIIALT,J THE. ANOUN3 Olf TRH IIIORTGAOZ. tee datalla of tie Loan lave bean arraog•d oittispaelal retentive to the wants of ell classes of, Investor., sod lambi.. the virtual features at 005,1511010. safety. Dad protection against Wee., frail. - Ma Bowls are In dusoseletattnas of • $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO They will be liemed ea COUPON BOND 3. ro BLitt •24171117 bo Mad I. tut fora: TM sespoassues 100 Wombed sad assailed the Bond asarle • PilaarairmasT Blealiertnilan HORD. transferable enly as Cm bosos of Oa Cornmst, Old the !Wilmot =bd. Mob?* 0.01 7t 0 the reglabared cm*. biimitOrasels The those damns 111 Its kaavannomMTldY La. •COUPON 111021 D! PAYABLIC TO , . • ■d. iIiMDIS WITS : COO PONS /MAMMA"— • • 34. "4tanrXlllD BONDS WITH COC. PO= LTTACHLD,•" mid sboed b eo &ilia., tat pT . CorrespOadatta la . ipee4l.B the cicq QS Thy havio TIIIRTYYL,II3 40 rum hori7u• nary 15, 11110; vrlth Isioregi at Ms txr cOOl. per annual iron Xtmlanba . 1.11, ♦UD. Lynam leAT{2l.llll% GOLD IX Tali Om or Iffivr You, The Istarett a aartble fa WAY and froalstlaa that It Insr Tea lbeplase of that of Ilia castle: Imes of Roe•Twestles a sad salt the eonreal• am of oar Melds who already hold Cestral sad Festers Pao Si floats, with Isom & f amigo la Jr '•td ;MY. and who was atm . & adds. lad addltiosilleseetments. to Lie their inti.M eitt receivable at different masons of the near.. TIM Lam le Remelt Py a noting* up= the entire Line el Bind from Rlelmoud to the Ohio Mier. with One equipment sod MI other prig• en 7 read aomstriumees cosiatati4 *smith. ",000 PLB AN- L EINEM, FUND OF 11100. ECM D PROVIDED TON TEE REDEMPTION OT Tax BONER TO TARE Erna: ONE TZAR AFTER TEI COMPLETION OP TEN QM ?►a mortgage L fat 416,000,040, of venial ,000.000 wW be marred and bold In Met. for the iedsotptlAn of ovlstaaloc Bee& of the Wrests Oetterelnalleoa4Colapsa7, eer leurea be the Cut 'Armco Aro MO. Of the reakunleg 013,000,00 C I stftereat solooat lila be add lo ampler. the road ha the Ohio rletT. Partillt 111 Improve tee porUem BOW In oplustlon. and tharounblr ennlP tba "hole ftre Vane and salve - WIG , The imam Ink. 110 . outd mused Interen. • Lin& /amply stoared, sowers/17 lusr•l4. aid so vulva hero limaand proalaital ==l*Gll PUG iunang the Watts eeteritiet la the hter klll.ll/2 both In this coastal dad I= 4 *e. WUI be cute .nn2.NN.7 Sad caddy &LWOW 'Very rerpepthally, • 111118 & HATCH, Bankers 144 e fumed puipblela entails, fun partleulats. •etsU.UCst Golan* 311P41a14. wIIIch win lie hialihed upon spptlestios._ VrW• bug and tali Govern ment ihmde, and receive the ae. counts of 4laiskri Banker', Cor- PorallonO, and others, *abject to 'check al sight. and allow interest on daily balan c es. . M'CLE&IIII & CO.. Again% I(r 7i hulk Prn&origh. via Ker NEW ADVERTISEINMNTS I PER CENT. GOLD BONDS AT 95, Free of Government Tax, ISBUED BY TEE Burlington, Cedar Rapids MINNESOTI RIILIIOII CO. First Mortgage and Convertible ♦ND PRDITATED EL • LIBERAL SINKING FUND Interest Payable in Call at NeW York or London. Prin cipal Payable in Coin in Filly Wean. I= Z. EDGAR TROMPEON, ?nitWent Nano'Tugs B. IL Co., ORAL L. PROST, lEE=2II:II2ZEINI These Bo . de, at pt4ent price of Gold, yield over 111 per eau Interest, end as en Invest nest they at fully ae wears as 11. S. 5-.llo*, which new al, pay OR per cent. In carrels.. They art only Issued upon each section of the road as fast se the same Is coral.ed sted In eno• eeesibl ....Ron. Otte two and e.half mallow of dollars hare been expended on the Road. lighty-three miles an about compteted .4 teinlPPed, and already chow large earalev I al the renalader of the line Ii mealy progressing earned Completion. The State of lows,throush which this Road tans, Is one of the rlebut agilealtund sections in A1e."... Tee Urge POtntlit'on. extending with earprtsing rapidity, and Its Immense yield Of grabs pork, wool ad other metal's:id pro. duets, ernte sprawlag demand for ileconstrao Ron of this road, which affords the best possible atrantee for the bondto7dars. eepedally as the Ilse roes threests the wealtbJest and moot thickly ...Wed section of the State. THE ROAD ALSO 1011 THIOVGQ THS RICH AND CIZOISI4IO STATE o► MINNESOTA. Rafe alma to the 'nap of (ho United Stattawlll I= AND ORORIXO PORTIOX 01 TAM WU?, AND plasm oomworcamow were NSW TOM Cnicano AND IT. Loofa, beteg to toe latter di?. 99alles nearer from Northern lowa sad at poittona of the Stets at lileomota the. b 7 eoa other road now bath' or projected. and also the I= .Tha road la •paced Za local tramq••raaldlra• e•oatract•d, and tbc• 116(7EIVIO ZAIITFINGS ON IT! COMPLETED SECTIONS GREATLY IN EXCESS OP VIZ AMOUNT NEEDED TO PAY THE DiTZBEsT UPON ITs MINDS RE PORE TUE DOA DIS ED. Tar Burza OP TIMM PONDS 111 TIIPIMPOZII 017A/LLIVITID =I of Tag soars Or Tlll SOLD, AS-WALL Al ■T NOW COZZSXT SAVISINON UP VAS NOT TO Ill.K 'ANT or TIM COATINIMICIZi WHICI ♦ ltml , ed ausatlty of then% Bonds arena. of• tared at 96. Alter a thermals PacentlirMlea or the ahem. entandelm, we recommend them Benda as a drat. claw Investment. laltnedlag absolats safely. and Smythe anaaameallyllbmal raiser Intarest. All . asutartaide width.. at Matz tall mica. Alma telastm'ealtre and express charges, rteeleml la payment. ,Pamphlets and maps furnished on ap plication. HENRY CLEWS & CO., Bankers, No. 32 Wall St., N. Y. Thebelltt thatthethoveransask twin had alp 5-20. tato 4X p. can't. leaf makes It tiearable for Investors :o 101 l for lamellars Socoemes that pay a rood Interco, ABOUT W BICR TUE WE IS 110 guEsTioa. for which they can exch./se their Government bond-Oapltallslas taw yomalasa mad got lashes e5l of Uttering. Ealdors al 40 beads at sararket memo toalay got but Os wad a qaartar par cent. sparrosey Salmis% while Um bomb we offer PAT OVER TUB PEE OMIT. ' We bawl had Mow Wads amorally exam. Med. and ' betas liattltar edit the wealth sad resources of the .Cashes, ae will as the ammo alai standing and ellolont otanasesneat Um parties it matail of LB entorpolso, W. roessaammai thew bowie as a frotoalaso lavestWeat. S. MCLEAN k CO., Boulez, No. 75 . Ponrtb Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. - P.;11.;-Osiseeouoi ofour largely Maimed boo "", for the blt4Ww eo4OPuoi of our biota sad eustomarr, • we have Oita a Inns leen of 1.1.1 trout *Meet at No. IT 1 . 0171 TH IWERI7S, LI the oew building of the Ihreltenta gond lefoiortootorors Zails.otbars We will remove Mar the lot of Nardi.— • folesol.Wo ' oth STORE 3 A NEW PLACE, . The stoderolgtod oreparod to MAW to lorrr r• P 91702 PrrOotes. or la say Outrage woottlry too roliowingt , rroat9ilsokoral....l4mr Ovaisto liosokrd nosier:l spoon, Halloo( oat* Blotter Ilarrtmo • AU* along for fIAMILTeIf i JOYCIP Eno Stang Ware, rosoulettored ac Breemsbo theouth and neat ;ohms. toastingof Jugs., Joss. Crests. ilk-. of all aillot. • Largo or mall , quantifies supplied. cotton Tarns. Whlts bud Colored Calvet Malls, Crook, Dried and Canoed grails, Tema. inatoes. J•111.a, sad stens annals 10 Ibund In a trsuelass tonna attplo ortleleoof erooerlu_ soca as Hagan. gyrates, Nags, floor, OIL. eta.. for J-bOtsig Trad ”0r11.4 at la., row. • . 31:1DWARD a 2141. 59. ml 30, 800th... at corner Mamma Cquno.loadagerimoT Jot;trINM..!l•J.• fmniSZ.L. Y, SPENCER, math & CO, allaliaters and Brewers of SM, PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. PITTBIIIIIUH. PV • ROBLUT WATSON. llalasar. ffit4:lo a umiLimetas.--sealea Piro- POSLIAI will be neared by the nadentirned a he Real Lute Often or rIIIMMI bILL POW. oorser =dud Nan streets, ant/Intl. Dka, hoe 4th dal tf L ae, Earths ersollan of four llare Story Brick. Bacilli' !on% on the normal. of PotTtMrd and Butler atrsets,, Deventasnill ward: told. ant MU the mho her thousand for Wand srlek , earoentare for all rodlosnler . s work. Imitated and g plastartzg rat Mutat wuk. •Plan. a ad epoeladsUa. ean 0. nrenist tta *ram of Thomas U. Out * 800. on and altar to Oulast. star e work wlll be Into ithe lowest. UCI 01,14. .. • MUMS ' RRACERN. • PUBLIC NOTICE. • going been appointed °AMR! OAS Satoh INSPZOTOR tor Allegheny. Coulon, sown zo kmby all thatantoare nteeteaty. 011. ono I I Tooting lifooldneen can prooldon, Inolll ton Sound at lb. 07111 Ci Or TEM NA. TIONAL 101311DET LSD Mt WOILIS, rionni.nard anent, soar Plttiloritto. a ters e • • . - Clusadase Abner L. 1. 717LTON U. J.IVGANIII, -FULTON 8. MANN, P.ILACTICAX , F r isint - Ciall'ANlD MAU Firnium Mb Avenue. Mar MA* sta"4. ptps. Hawk rtrillll3l.lll4 PA. OM rlzauss. Maks, Irlenbe MI Qui Wash *bads. Ito& ftpe Ilttbizs, Ale sad Baer Puipao atatawow, ra. logagas. '" %eibtui Moat , Utosaid u=a. PIIUCES REDUCED ibr RUB. ilnMelms, Übe unimajasktas... Sutton' So tat' 00.4 masa A Nth .. tl'.i of ail 1Y - per' alai. Ihno teed num ham Monk usdloropoUra al anattiotims• rum. J. 1 11. 111=00. =Kt Avail 1.l loitos • NEW DR Mawr "ri WILLIAM Nos. 180 inid 182 Federa UK AND MUD DRESS SILKS PLAIN AND FIGURED . SILK POPLINS Now Spring Dolalan, Black tad Colend ilpams Poplliu, Black and Colored Smarten Papas, Balmoral and Gored BMW. Long and Square Shawls. Extra Good Bargains in ASSIDERES, JEANS & TWEED At Se., Light and Dark Calicos, At 10c, Light and Dark Cancer, Al 10c., Balmoral Uinta, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Stniet, I!= syortiavia BILL & (SUCCESSORS TO A CHOICE F i r enADis etaaeL LACE . CU q u ASSIMETLES AN -ELT HORNE & CO'S. Second Arrival of New Goods. NNW SNAFU NAT AND BONNET TRAIIIILIL =ECI=MI ==l BONNET AND TRIIO/1/10 RIBBONS. =! *Vii , STYLI'S IN BASH AND B4)1!! RIBBON& 1:1=21 Prue aosortmest of . MULE COLLARS LED CCM LACE TRIM= COLLARS, LAthf. REINKE) us= sierra ILLUSION WAISTS, OHNILIZZITLI AND LAITZTS., TUCKED BRIETINCI, TUCKED EAUSOOK. TUCKED CAMBRIC, ovum; ore swum Another Lot LADIES GENTS IMO:VT COTTON HOSIERY At the new ovine.. ALILIAISDItn KID GLOVES In Blank and Colors, and all oleos 77 A 79 MARKET STREET tee NEW GOODS FOR TEE SPRING TRADE Just °rued. All the Novelties of the &Um, •s welt as somplete assorlaqtals of Hosiery and Gloves; Embroideries, White Goods, Handkerchiefs. *Totions, &a.; &0.. OFFERED AT LOWEST PRICES. Neelints and Dealers SUPPLIED AT EASTERN PRICK lORGANSTERN & Co's, iucßum, eLYDE Nos. 78 ud 80 Market Street. pLianuts MILL MEN AND OTHIHN, =E1=1:1 The oodershrzed has letters patent of tle ror tad States tee the Implored eoastructroa of IrrJather-borrOleg, toed. sad of trots!• acting fur luatties. IL. weatbenbo.rdlag. bras pawned boyibrobtoat: ban non Dortleb. larly Lyrebird tbr ventral are. God sonbtalalt. great durability aid besot) a amarmea; fad It Is so obartro Ord no to eatJaVy ovoid the sob otlobtlMD.. =I to bravest wailer bras wMri los the join% or OA 1.01.0 or Itko a►owlag the lobs by Goan of trio weather as tie Un bar. Inside Halms and wainscoting by UM am method aro so constractod as to Conn DS3 beanie aa simply ow by tha ordinary Emirs boards alone; thereby pormatias the shawls,' of thslorms from any awass r aad laming no Wage for urge. Ha boa also porMarid um patent ilild of what Is eamazooly Mows u the "Koaldedt wombs: , bowthos." He ha. disposed of the fogeotogtarriterthl led ahoy right la Allegheny oillihrh for boa PIA' To G. mai. 10 i llandorf. the right Writer territory moth arum deep, is Said 000010. 717;:tAUCIATiMbpeetirxt.teee, the .right re' the To CY.. a Geogatot gisteenth wartiaTlttabotti . "8" re"ber Ts BIM Patterson *Go.. shop rights for their hill. Sixth werd,.. Pirtslrgh. To Alex. &Lecture, der the IMMO Of Ye 1 . 0=211. t Peel. for t Ira. &toad. Third and fourth yard. Otte of Allegheal. To Beedlhothtrs. diem sight at their atlll. la Seventh ward. city of AMP. or• To Malaita. Mat Co.. for the borough, of Gliortaborgh sad Lam aiso the tooriuddre adodrtea. All perms ate vaned agsteetltigMg I wo either of ;ad patents, and Mae erUes ul purchase ersu mai 54dreee ne. as W°. Vbcmo hoi si t w t,rattintreh. rite J. O. AIiDLEDOR: _ . ft `iz):11);r):11 'Wan LEAD AND COLOR VOHS, L SCHOONIANER & SON, PrIOPEUZETOTAS. Moo natatory . . of WM= LIM RAID LIAM ALT sz =AD, ZINO% LITHAIEGIE, PUTTY 004 OU (odors DRY AND IN OIL. omen 11,103 PAA7fORT. 448, 441, 4i4, 4i6 end 448, Robe= Itted, ALLZSUUT • 'Ws em att•stton to the guarantee parted Os ei nth:WIT Par WalM Laid. sad wins we say: "roar aaboasSa simm lead,•• we ....b..4 - 417 pare; SUS 11.fraiham aoatata udHr d rave, sad Ullman. Is witttir uQ =pular. WU War asid comb/ ProPlaii• • - bosi. of 1rg. 16 4 1 7 la Os al.. ksi. ud ,waif rise a Oh palms it essulia t Ines eastientam. NEW ADVERMOIMEri.TS. GOODS, PILIGTEII9, SEMPLE'S, Street, Allegheny City. AT $l.OO A PATEL, LACK AND COll KID GLOVES, .4 Great Bargain it 18 14c., White Damuk Towel 1, It 11.60, White Huey Comb guilts, it 37 1-Ic., 64 Table Llaca, it II 14c., Bites Wide Mimi Tomlin) lUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS Pillow Cue Skating and 111rtleg frisk time and Skirt Fronts, Table Famish arid Table hpkins. NEW SPLIEIG BATS AND BONNETS. NEW SPIIINGI Ribbons and Flowers; WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 FeVi . IZ;et, ALLIZOWLNY 13 "ELY €i 0 0 0011013 E, HAUB L BELL.) STOCK Or NiCla7ll.llll3, RTAINS, D LINEN GOODS. NE7aP WILL PER FOR 1870, JAMS HOAG, E'S, 174 Federal St., Allegheny •Ln en Mesa nrlety of nest end besattfal de. Ape, from the cheapest kltelken to tee finest thassosed Gold. Detonate./ Ow Hells. Parlors. se Very Outwit Imitation Velvets for Lars. rtes. Milos Bocoes, le. All pews es Low Mt soma lots at very derided barmixe. WIN DOW szaDra. plait dud Aimed. a lam, va riety elem. near. Stair sad Table Oil OlnW6 M. We earthed? Melte all our friends and Le pub,le dextrally to eall mad examine eeeee Len- M. Rica. for bearilf nenkileas of w..,...7.ea501der1t Merman to show iroOur mul lemur Mead 5A0...1W oar imprfrtunate roquesUi to On[. JAMES HOAG, Jr., No: 174 FEDERAL. STREET, ECM vn Z r 1 -ka g 1 al 1 oi m al g. 'Ariz p AI- 1 t' o *°2C c ls . 41 g 0 z 1 A 4 / ' M urray & Lanmazei Florida Water; The 'most celebrated and . most delightful of all per-, fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers, JOHN T. GRAY House and Man Painter; caxsi►xx - Eau Arm 014/IZEIDIZI. Ne 4 54 Ninth Street, ler= Mats Rua Wart.) Musts 11.-Pa. :1: ADIGNISTRAT CLOSIN XMEIVIr Is Now in BARK NO. 59 IVILAOR-TK Aver dyad."' 61411 ” .( eh r 80 dor. sere acthooksiribr 0 , , NEW ADVERTISEMINTS PUBLIC SALE Valuable Coal Lands BALDWIN TOWNSHIP. On TUISDAY, the 1111" h day of It %rola nest j at o'clock 7• X., at my Amnion R 4013", NO. /06 Eteltbieli Pltuborgh. retell etre. for ado. at public Yeadne or tater, the folidwlde conked Waal Uah. situate ta klatdotn towaahlp, and formerly Ike property of John r. as Nilo.. td917,11 . k . y . t add tisder. Je two pout guous tracts • lemur. soun, .Nowrilstrd as follows. TM.: The hest note o eg at • post , thane north 51 deg. rout 61 perthees norsh 39 deg. west 130 perches to a white oak; south 07 des • west 57 Penne.: sod soutkall tor. st an 117 perches to the bettluulsg. nontsdning 1'01,7-eirbtAnre and Pour. e nlists. Thy svensd, beginning at • walnut. Ibsen south 37y d0g.... 48 pennon north 50 reg. I SVAI parches: thence alone Itchdorse north d.g. west, 78 Deail:n noras 61 1 1. dcg• west I 11.10 perched; north ter. vent MS 510 Perches: and thence nun 40% deg.t. 77 5-10 perches to the gin ner. contain. g Tatenty• 111. Acne antlllloo. Igen Perches. Welch two tracts Illsabetts *nosed. by dead dated Jan.lo. 1553. conveyed to John P. Pen n.*. also—Ail use co* lying in ant under 41 oltor tnet of land ta [nuns,/ • ' ll• " r 7' Insane ao dcg. west 64 0* lOU ptrertnt: north 00Y deg, rass 34 perch: s: north 5 dsg. east 016.10 p reheat n Illteren.hts: north 41;5 deg. ea. 111 11-14 perch • • no tit 3515 us* II 35.100 retell.; youth lliliP;east 10 11- 100 perches; south 7 deg. west 19 Ise. 'est' no•th 795 oleo. vast 55 poen. south 45*, dan• east 80-10 perch.: tut.:: 3J's wt. , 54 . 1 0 500 OVehes; ami tooth 3. doe. 113311 100 , Pe o nna..° the bninui con•a.nlue 53 eery. 133. rage 4. conveyed to said assort.. ALSO—AIi the thi.• f Hoeing pierce of land. !t l eotlO n ufl tt i v l stlre PT's, ling n n d , , • ,, • , • n • L' • At 3% der. west 09 95-110 perch'et; otb 1 3 d e g. mat IS 45 100 per her, seeds 73 sits. east 315 83-1.0 perches: north 4 she. 0 =donna est 68 86-100 north 811 v Otd. r.eat, 45 70.150 up to the btrinnihr, log IV lerell 383 10P rerthe... Toe serer d gmnitig stnwhite oat; there' north 30 dee. 06117 49 100 percher: north 73 des sera 113 Pszehes: • sum 31 deg. weal 17 50 140 percher; south 78 deg. east 9 S 3 100 peones to the be. gin , log: CObtalntag ono ant. 'Ate th era. slug at • linemen tract thence nor.h 34 str. east 44-100 perches: south 517.8 deg. 'tot 10 87-ICO prrche. nor ts 57 dee. 113 171.31.1 tea 'Nett 14 83-100 perches. and north 31 tleg .91. %us bee tattles theh S ethe . half assn. Being the same tee tb pirets Os land cony to said or by Brnord Anderso Jews " mini , ,,, or of John Anderson. by d td, 03 11119. 31.00—a.11 the eon vadenylag that Ines 04 .1 . nod beginning x 1.610101/ steno: there. Santo westl4Br west 18 reran; scan deg. 56 100 perches. north 6014 des. , - west 111 80 1011 vetches. norto Ig do. 33 mlnates an 41,4 perch... nonh 85 dug. west SI 00.1011 meld.* north 77k deg west 111 1110 patches north 85 d-g. CIA 60 10 perch's, south 771( der es. 9 10 100 ue ones to. w.lent less A t tamp, south th s O6 dog , east e es more or e lso. all at . pis ee of land adielniar the ab ...I beginning at an asheorsvoce southl7'4 deg esst 53 16-ICO harem, south ess oeg. west 65 perces. and soros 3 deg. Last 15 p,seisre h u n dred oo brigln, log, cool:ant. said s•ro and one Ind Illy in ;serene. said ant lost described sod hat leo y vcl•4l o "LW Iteoll^t by Jam, 31•180,rr, cr. by deed:ated January 3. 0-15. at • laud mar4;ekobat pr . t thaL b ed •011th ' 06. .73 dry. rlll% l ite ram. rib ' 5ll ' d e t a . Vii371Z1 . 1.1 /1`;3" north 57 57 - 4 7 . w.." l " D i f 9 i lobe"ooth tastienfl.l9lrn&llll:n.gh m 517 10.. t ,se IN 79.1110 berths: 00.1086 S des.last g e . 4lll3• 100 benne. and gooth 7 3 / 5 otr • weetettl 93.100 p l v tact Lo the Dlua o[ Itee'l'lV.4ll'cr aoterson and Visa his w.fe, coaceyed t.. sem, Bennett nr . deed dated Juteary 950. 1800. ALIo - AU the coal anti...twee that rect.of :and beginnine at a nth. throe, north 86 &g.. west perehes welt h 4 51 erg. west Nit Teethe.. sontn 73 dog. rut 3438.106 p rants and MIMI 44 deg 9U mln. cut 4l Demise to the ttate boo , oo m f . odptAtang ,acres 84 154180 Herettss, and being the same which James to. olman goo Mary 011 wife bydeed tutted Norm. per me. 1859, conveyed to aald bennett. A tao-A 1. , he coal underlying that Irv:tented beginning at a post on line of Robert 1 one thence by sold line north 46 dog. cast 620.10 eernant thence by t Did line north 46 deg. mt.; 096.10 wattle, - thence myth 809 des. east 41183.1011 bertha.: [hazel, by lance conreyed to e.t.a lamest by Xl' a a *now 410 as nfotessidt aceth 3s dee.wett 48-100 perches: thence ninth 73 0 def. west 9 ptrobes; south alder. :9141. 7 -100 4 1VichW 0 g111r .oat 31 71.,00peerchea; and nutUtt 73 dee.west 4.loopunbas L 01 ,10 . 941 a.entalning 94 .m 8.1.181100 erchr. Amid -All that certain piece of load acipiledeg the lasi store , beginning at a etone, then orner Shone...id Loewe land; thence by the same north 11Ag, east Old perthe• ta mlddie the road; e smith 7* deg. east 10 16-100 pths. n h 413,2 deg. WCFL 6 51-100 retches to .gala poet •101 North 73 de w weat 103-10 pe.ebes 10 Ute ItGaltltling; OCaltail2/14 N. ptrahes. Said coat hen s last described piece of lano bole the sone whih Atexa neer lett/eery and wife lay deed, dated Aprtl eth , efed Sabi Bennett. • aka above mentioned' Deeds frtm :Elisabeth da m Bement Anderson, Administrator At. , damtellfeoleml. w tn. Rogerson andwite, James titilman and wife. and Alexander Ale. e• y In wife. respecutelf. here Re corded In IteeordeVe OClee of meld A o s*. eny Tuty on 9111th day of Jaeuaryl oe *boss deterib.-d land and mud veld be of. feted roc sale to lectively as a whole. The tonna will he m.de loomn at the then of rale. further mlormallon Ingalre of 11111 Burifwin. sea.. •510711160 at Law. No. 143 fourth arcane. A. McILWAINE, Aut. nrrsnunon. Ycb. 19, 1610. femi,6w CARBOLIC SALVE The important 'discovery of the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING. PIatIFYMG, and HEALING Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research'. During the late civil war it was extensively used in the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a.thorough disin fectant, but also - the most won derful and speedy IIEALING ItEDELY ever known. . It is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and heating agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and, having been al ready used in numberless cases with most satisfactory and ben eficial results.vve have no heel. tation in offering it to the pub lic as the most entails, rapid, and effectual remedy for all Pores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing for Bunts, Cuts. Wounds and every ABRASION of eiraN or MESH, and for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Dnigisus. Pricc2s_lF.3 ga. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Prop's, No. 8 College Place, New York. DR. riONTECUES TO .TREAT ALL Nagtvaiedlree dl ts a =tar In lel. , Mt torsi, a/1 toatd; t iro o?.= Sal W eakaasa and impoinoon MAIMS Idea self-abste or other mous. sad mama orognemi ipm.. tte redlovratir eI:WM, as biota., oun7 ,erealmess. Indigestion, monmptica, aurelon to scenery carardineu. dread or Allard laity UM du l l eurer. indolence, noetareal molealeme. • MG duy an preenrattry tan manal system luta render marriage arasa.....nourry, and Menton =TAU= ' m tnyiTtlVergMt r erierai or long standlng conallastlonalsomplaln• es Menthe Doctor a trial: he suer MM. ....• taartrar . or amen to all Paulo emu DI ta, metlrel. or lbltts, Palling, Intares matlon or Ulecratlon or the Waren, Ocarina. maul; .11.12.111-110611. Stenorrhagla, Lyme. and burl utyar Barnmosu, are trent. ed ' Vtille gresteet O&M.. • _,' it i. se -evldentinsi a Palltlam mho etnnua tdmieltetelarruly to it sin ye( a err else/ Ct. dlesaam and treats ilmamanda of C. 1.. it mr . g.Tr i :t k aglre v g i resn i ez: . klllla Ant tonnintp The Dan: yablutar a =Meal nampldet of Any pausttni 1. - Irce a tell rap aldon of Teensy sod private direaresOnat can bo had fru stones or 14 mall for taro alampa. a sealed to o rraunierma roolanu lnstractloa to tas Us mak etiabitl.g lin. to deggralae tp., Re. elie =are or itar captain:, "Ma eamtrilatmerin, omrprirfax ten • map. gla /a eantral. *ben It Le not convenient to Mo Cry. ttorilocroer optolon um be ob. =M ing a naa zr=dt:Mgrorz. Malan: .='; r47,111i.`.;217111 others tally perusal sitentlon It milted. ' NM Sot the szeononodallon et enetipatlanu tame aft aostrata soimeeted with Um oiled tUt4 ro. wm 'u'd eme w"'"" r l n eVslng th-" Jd ' fitted sang Mahal All . toZe T ilptions 502. prepareat 113 e Dwsors ova laboratory; muter hie personal art• ron. Mentesl rmorplJeta at once Mew or , Zr [co eldsman ,tlO matter sraeLtagnl ed, read warn be says. Moors 0 A.m. to 117,M. 0.1: 1 1\ l it Ya . r,2lrTri ' VI cattNit itY!;T:4? • OLL ntimen. • ••- • 10 b nes Freak BAN Butter , . hslf CAN do. For Bane .7 ICI J. D. CANFIELD. 141 Vint Avense OR'S GREAT FINAL G SALE oc)3Di.m, Progress at ER'S, STREET, d in priee, and must be agt4ll4l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers